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          A META-THEORY

              VOLUME TWO:

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          A META-THEORY

              VOLUME TWO:

                   MURRAY HUNTER

                Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
                          New York
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                   Published by Nova Science Publishers, Inc. † New York

 Preface                                                                  vii 
 Chapter 1   The Sources of Opportunity                                    1 
 Chapter 2   Resources: The Bedrock of Opportunity Exploitation           89 
             Skills, Personal Competencies and Enterprise Capabilities   119 
 Chapter 3
 Chapter 4
 Chapter 5

 Chapter 6
             Networks: Technical Know who Is what Makes a Business
             The Competitive Environment:
             A Framework for Observing Industry Evolution
             Strategy: The Means of Opportunity Exploitation

 Chapter 7   The Opportunity Framework                                   325 
 Summary                                                                 355 
 Index                                                                   357 

      The first volume of this book dealt with the nature of opportunity, time and space, the

 vision platform, and making connections. In the first volume, chapter one introduced the
 concept of opportunity. Opportunity was described as both an environmental and individual
 phenomenon where aspirations and imagination were just as important as changing social,
 economic, technological, and regulatory structures and conditions. It was explained how four

 basic types of opportunities exist. Imitation based opportunities occur with little innovation
 and value creation. Allocative opportunities occur because of mismatches in supply and
 demand. Discovery based opportunities occur from shifting consumer preferences, regulation,
 and economic conditions. Construction based opportunities don’t exist until someone
 constructs and develops them through the process of effectuation. Opportunity was seen as a
 dynamic and ever shifting, where successful firms are those that match their strategy with
 opportunity. Opportunities begin through images which are connected with other images
 forming concepts which are developed, evaluated, and elaborated into ideas. The chapter
 concluded with a discussion about emotional sensitivity and the role it plays in seeing
 opportunities, the idea evaluation process, and chance and fate.
      Chapter two examined opportunity from the socio-economic, economic history,
 economic geography, political economy, and biographical perspectives. Chapter two argued

 that opportunity and our consequential actions occur within the realm of time and space. Due
 to our evolutionary accumulation of knowledge, technology advancement, and social
 evolution being time and spatially based, opportunity to a large degree is a product of time
 and space. For ideas to become valid opportunities, all the elements that enable opportunity
 gestation and its subsequent exploitation must be in place. The trajectories that
 entrepreneur/inventors take are also a product of time and space as opportunity and strategy
 are socially bounded. This chapter was divided into three parts. Part one examined the phases

 of national development through the stages of a traditional economy, under-developed
 economy, developing economy, developed economy, and post industrial economy. Each
 particular stage of national development lends itself to certain types and scope of
 opportunities. The second part of the chapter looked at the biographies of a number of
 inventor/entrepreneurs during the industrial revolution to the turn of the twentieth century.
 Looking directly at biographical contexts allowed us to look at the flow of events in time and
 space in terms of innovation, invention, promotion, and effect on society at the time and into
 the future. This approach provided a window into how inventor/entrepreneurs gained insight
 and were able to develop their inventions into commercial reality. One can also get some
viii                                    Murray Hunter

 feeling about the motives they had, challenges they faced and see how their development of
 business models was crucial to the success of their ventures. Part three took us into the
 twentieth century beginning in the post World War II era. A look was taken at some of the
 important entrepreneurial events during each decade until today. Certain entrepreneurs and
 their ventures were examined in the light of the social and economic conditions evident
 through those times.
      Chapter three examined the ways we look at the world through a number of different
 paradigms and metaphors. The chapter was an attempt to explain how we perceive and what
 influences our thinking. This chapter was also broken into three parts. The first part looked at
 how we perceive through examining the sociological factors influencing us. These include

 demographic factors like family and peers, domicile outlook, the need to survive, work and
 life experiences, education, skills and abilities, age, and gender. The section finished with a
 look at generational differences and culture. Part two explained how our cognitive system

 works, emphasizing its limitations and how this is compensated for. Part three took us into the
 psychological domain where a number of mechanisms influence how we perceive, think, and
 make decisions. These include our emotions, emotional attachment, our ego, identity, and
 self, the unconscious, defence mechanisms, group views of reality, transference, symbolic and
 ritualistic delusion, groupthink, motivational bias, tiredness and complacency, cognitive traps,

 personality traits, entrepreneurial typologies, power and conflict, genetic inheritance, and mid
 life crisis and transition. Imagination, passion, enjoyment, energy, personal discipline, and
 what constitutes a motivational trigger are examined as processes that facilitate a person see
 and react to opportunity. Finally the chapter hypothesized that opportunity is as much a
 product of ourselves as it is of the environment around us.
      Chapter four was concerned with creativity, a concept that is not totally agreed upon as
 some people see creativity as a process, while others view creativity as a product. Creativity
 is totally interlaced with opportunity, strategy, and entrepreneurship where both its process
 and product are fundamental to the whole phenomenon. Creativity is necessary in idea
 creation, its evaluation, opportunity construction and effectuation, developing the sources of
 opportunity, the gathering and combining of resources, networking, and the crafting of

 strategy to achieve a vision and solve problems along the way. Although we know most of the
 cognitive processes related to creativity and can identify most of the characteristics associated
 with it, we still need to explore creativity through metaphors, various styles, and applications.
 The second half of the chapter looked at a few different approaches to applying creativity and
 concluded with a discussion about the barriers to creativity and how they can be overcome.
      In this volume, chapter one introduces the sources of opportunities. As opportunities can
 be considered gaps in the market where there is potential to do something and create value,

 these gaps must have a causal source. There are six basic major sources of opportunity
 consisting of market voids, technology infusion, structural changes, resource monopolies,
 regulation and non-innovative sources. Any opportunity is likely to be based on one or more
 of these sources, carrying multiple characteristics, but they are in fact very hard to really see
 and understand. Once the correct sources of opportunity have been identified, resources,
 capabilities, networks, can be configured to develop strategies to exploit them.
      Chapter two considers the issue of resources in relation to opportunity exploitation.
 Resources comprise of anything that is of use to an entrepreneur, either within a tangible or
 intangible form. A business model can be considered a higher level resource, as it reflects
 how an entrepreneur combines resources to create value from those at his or her disposal. The
Preface                                            ix

 chapter briefly discusses how needed resources for a new value chain can be identified and
 allocated within the venture to build the resource base. The resources base is from where
 enterprise capabilities and ultimately strategies are built upon. Difference types of resources
 are needed during different stages of a firm’s evolution. Eventually the entrepreneur will be
 able to build specialized resources that cannot easily be copied by competitors and can form
 the basis of some form of competitive advantage. The chapter concludes with a brief
 discussion about how resources can be utilized as barriers to entry and outlines the resource
 cycle of a firm.
      Chapter three considers skills, personal competencies, and enterprise capabilities. The
 beginning of the chapter looks at personal talents and abilities and how they can be developed

 into skills. Various types of skills exist along a continuum spanning between those that are
 domain specific and the broader cognitive and interpersonal skills. Sets of skills can be
 developed into personal competencies which enable a person to become an expert in a

 particular field and within an entrepreneurial start-up, form the basis of enterprise capabilities.
 Enterprise capabilities are distinctive enterprise competencies directly related to various
 aspects of the business. They include management capabilities, entrepreneurial capabilities,
 organizational culture, learning capabilities, innovative capabilities, and dynamic capabilities
 which assist the firm change according to the trajectory of opportunities within the

 environment. Enterprise capabilities form the basis of strategy that the firm employs to
 exploit opportunities.
      Chapter four examines networks which are an entrepreneur’s connection both within his
 or her organization and to the outside environment. Networks can be formal or informal and
 enable the entrepreneur to acquire resources and finance, gather market intelligence, develop
 new products, develop bridges where they lack capabilities, gain access to new markets, and
 enable the sounding out of ideas and access to emotional support. There are many formal
 network mechanisms including licensing agreements, sub-contracting, strategic alliances,
 agency and distribution agreements, and routine mechanisms like sales calls. Informal
 mechanisms can include social connections, family and peers. Networks are an important
 source of learning and have diverse influences upon decision making. The remainder of the

 chapter looks at network based strategies such as strategic alliances, relationship marketing,
 and looks briefly at network based opportunities, and network building strategies.
      Chapter five outlines the composition of the competitive environment, the actual field
 where opportunities manifest and are exploited. The competitive environment incorporates
 customer and supplier influences, substitute and complementary good influences, barriers to
 entry, and the competitive field itself. This is continually influenced by the state of the
 economy, social trends, technology, and government intervention. Consequently the

 competitive environment is dynamic and continually changing with its own lifecycle, which
 influences the nature of competition. Firms are able to segment the competitive field or with
 radical new technology, new processes, and/or business models, create new competitive
 fields. The opportunity-strategy nexus is based on the sources of opportunity, the nature of the
 firm’s resources and capabilities, which form the basis of strategy creation. The chapter
 concludes with a brief discussion about the steps involved in environmental analysis.
      Chapter six concerns strategy, where strategy is seen as a process of finding out what
 works within the competitive field through effectuation and trial and error. Strategy is seen as
 an intuitive rather than an analytical process. Developing strategy requires prior knowledge
 and experience about ‘what works’, constrained by the firm’s resources and capabilities.
x                                      Murray Hunter

 There are a number of basic strategies, and those listed in this chapter are not exhaustive. A
 firm will usually adopt and modify a particular type of strategy for specific purposes. Basic
 strategic typologies may be modified or merged to form new types of strategies particularly
 suited to the firm’s situation. The chapter concludes with a discussion on the components of
 strategy, developing barriers to entry to prevent other firms imitating a firm’s strategic
      The final chapter synthesizes all the elements; time and space, the vision platform,
 making connections, resources, skills, competencies and capabilities, networks, the
 competitive environment, and strategy into what can be called the opportunity framework.
 Each element is influenced by and influenced the other elements, forming an entropic pattern,

 where all the elements are required to create a true opportunity. The essence of the meta-
 theory is that when any entrepreneur visualizes any potential opportunity. All the elements
 must exist for there to be any real opportunity. Likewise when the entrepreneur attempts to

 exploit the opportunity, strategy must be built around these interrelationships.

Chapter 1


      An opportunity is a gap in the market where there is the potential to do something
 different and create value (Wickham 2004). This represents a potential to serve customers

 better than they are already being served through a product or service that offers consumers
 more utility in terms of satisfying human needs than existing products or services. An
 opportunity must solve a problem, fulfil a need or want, create a fad or trend for any
 exploitation of it to have a chance of succeeding. New opportunities continually emerge but
 don’t necessarily present themselves openly. They must be seen, discovered, identified, or
 constructed which is the task of entrepreneurs and managers of firms. Not every idea is
 worthy enough to take action upon. The potential return on the investment of time and effort
 must be large enough to offset the opportunity cost of exploiting another idea or doing
 something else (Kirzner 1973).
      All opportunities have a basis or rationale of being. If the opportunity is to be considered
 entrepreneurial, it must originate from a source of innovation, as entrepreneurial market
 activity is novel by definition (Frederick & Kuratko 2010). An innovation can be seen as the

 source that enables the successful exploitation of ideas into new products, services, processes
 or business models. Innovation is critical to enable a firm to grow and remain profitable.
 Innovation combines knowledge and the needs and wants of consumers that are the base of
 opportunities. Innovation is not just about the improvement of technology but covers all
 aspects of a business and the way it organizes itself and operates. Innovation is an ingredient
 needed to construct most opportunities that seek to exploit changes within the environment.
 Innovation combines knowledge, resources, capabilities and competencies with social

 networks to create new means of creating value.
      Innovation can create new sources of competitive advantage for a firm when it enables
 incremental changes in the market. Revolutionary innovation can create new industries with
 new breakthroughs in technology and methods of organization. However there must be a
 reason for innovation and not just something done for the sake of doing it like what occurred
 with the launch of New Coke, replacing the well accepted Classic Coke during the 1980s.
 Likewise technology alone does not automatically yield innovation, imagination,
 development and marketing skills are needed. Innovation must provide the basis or source of
 opportunity that is intended to exploit a gap within the marketplace.
2                                       Murray Hunter

      However not all sources of opportunity need be innovative and most ventures usually
 start with non-innovative ideas. In fact very few enterprises have neither, the time, resources,
 technology or expertise to research and develop new business ideas and innovations (Johnson
 & Tilley 1999).
      A business begins with an idea that has been deemed an opportunity through some form
 of analysis and a person is motivated enough to act upon it. The majority of ideas are derived
 from the following categories;

     1. An old type of business that can be given a new twist or professionalism, i.e.,
        McDonalds or herbal products,

     2. A standard product or service that can be customised, i.e., recording birthdays on
        customer records so that congratulatory messages can be individually sent to
        customers by a company,

     3. New technology that can be adapted to manufacture old products, i.e., desktop
        publishing, compact disks, faxes and email, etc.
     4. Imported products that can be replaced with domestic products, i.e., the basis of
        many domestic automobile industries,
     5. The changing of business models, i.e., sourcing products from a third party rather
        than manufacturing them,
     6. Developing the same business identity in another geographical location, i.e., The
        opening up of Coca Cola, KFC and Pizza Hut franchises in other states and
        countries, and
     7. Replicating another business and competing against the original business, i.e., the
        opening up of a bakery, milk bar, convenience store near another one.
       Although entrepreneurship has been associated with opportunity, there has been very
 little written about the sources of opportunity. Attention has been focused upon the sources of
 innovation, rather than the sources of opportunity, which can be innovative or non-innovative.
 Joseph Schumpeter (1934), the famous Austrian economist was one of the first to recognise

 the role of entrepreneurship in economic development and identified five sources of
 (innovative) opportunity;

     1. The introduction of a new product, either novel or an improvement upon what is
        available in the market,
     2. The introduction of a new method of production, way of handling things, not
        necessarily as a result of new technology,

     3. The opening up of a new market that has not previously been entered,
     4. The conquest of a new source of supply of raw materials or intermediate goods, and
     5. The development of a new way of organizating within an industry.

     Schumpeter saw the economy developing across an evolutionary path where it is in a
 continued state of dynamic disequilibrium (Schumpeter 1942). Entrepreneurs would find new
 materials, new processes and ways of organizing that would replace the existing products,
 methods of production and organization of the business, in a processes of creative
 destruction. This is in contrast to invention, which may bring a revolutionary change to an
The Sources of Opportunity                                     3

 industry. The effects of evolutionary and revolutionary change to industry are shown in Table
      Through the forces of change derived from dynamic disequilibrium new firms will be
 formed by entrepreneurs commercializing new products or services, to create new demand
 and wealth. Consequently the cycle leads to the formation, growth and decline of firms that
 are replaced by new ones (Kirchhoff 1994). Firms therefore must either adapt through
 innovation or die. Creative destruction continually changes the economic structure from
 within, replacing it with a new one. This can be evidenced by the decline in the average
 lifespan of companies on the S&P 500 from 35 years in 1975 to less than 20 years today
 (Byers et. al. 2010).

      A good example of continuous change is the music industry. The first commercially
 available recorded music medium was the vinyl record which lasted into the early 1980s,
 when the cassette tape emerged. The cassette tape disappeared when the compact disk

 appeared the mid 1980s, completely overshadowing other recorded music mediums due to
 better sound quality. The compact disk industry peaked around the mid to late 1990s when the
 internet emerged as a means to obtain recorded music. Apple launched the iPod in 2001 and
 iTunes eventually became accepted as a major means of obtaining music within the music
 entertainment business. In a world of change entrepreneurs need to reinvent their existence

 and continue to seek new opportunities which include the development of new products, the
 use of new materials in production, the development of new processes of production, the
 creation of new ways of organizing and entry into new markets to prevent themselves
 becoming irrelevant (Knopper 2009).
      Igor Ansoff, regarded by many as the father of strategic planning applied Schumpeter’s
 sources of opportunity to determining growth vectors and strategies for the firm. Ansoff
 (1965) divided the product-market field into a grid representing four distinctive growth
 options available to a firm. Corresponding growth strategies based on appropriate sources of
 opportunity could be developed to meet the growth objective of a firm.
      Each sector of the field represents a potential growth vector. Pursuing growth through
 existing products in existing markets requires market penetration strategies. Pursuing growth

 through existing products in new markets requires market development strategies. Pursuing
 growth through new products in existing markets requires product development strategies and
 pursuing growth through new products in new markets requires diversification strategies (see
 Figure 1.1.).

        Table 1.1. The effects of evolutionary and revolutionary change to industry

  Evolutionary Innovation                          Revolutionary Innovation
  Incremental changes to the                       Major changes to the product/market/industry.
  product/market/industry.                         Usually inter-industry changes.
  Maintain the competitive position within the     Creates new industries and may destroy old
  industry.                                        ones.
  Part of rivalry strategies within an industry.   Results in large scale industry transitions,
                                                   creating new positions and balances.
  Short-run economic changes, maybe                Long run economic changes of the industry.
  providing temporary advantage.
4                                          Murray Hunter

                                        Existing                     New

                                   Existing products to        Existing products to 
                                    existing markets               new markets 

                 Existing             Market                     Market 
                                    Penetration                Development 

                                     New products to          New products to new 

                                     existing markets              markets 

                  New                Product                   Diversification 

 Figure 1.1. The product-market field matrix.

      Each sector implies corresponding sources of opportunities that consequent strategies
 would be based upon. For example, the present technology processed by a firm for its existing
 products can be utilized for developing similar new products. The firm will couple the source
 of opportunity with its objectives to develop a product-market and growth vector scenario.
 Through the corresponding strategies the firm may develop a situation where its competencies
 match the scenario and the objective-product/market-opportunity-strategy-competencies are
 in synergy. This heightens the firm’s ability to compete in the market with competitive
 advantage over its rivals (Ansoff 1968, P. 99). Competitive advantage is a driver of change as

 firms must respond to the development of new forms of competitive advantage by rivals
 through new innovations to maintain their position in the market. However sources of
 competitive advantage should not be mistaken for sources of opportunity.
      Alternatively, a new technology through in-house R&D can be used to develop
 breakthrough new products for the firm, which may make its competitors products obsolete.
 These breakthroughs or disruptive innovations can create entirely new markets through the
 introduction of a new kind of product or service that established market leaders have trouble

 coping with. This can be seen with the disruption to the airline industry through the
 establishment of low cost airlines and the need of many post offices around the world to
 diversify their business operations.
      The basis of strategy depends upon finding opportunities in the product-market field and
 synergising competencies to achieve its objectives through deliberate actions. According to
 Ansoff (1968, P. 100) inherently profitable opportunities are found through threading the
 product/market scope, growth vector, competitive advantage and competencies together in
 response to the external environment. Ansoff saw the importance of synergy as a key
 ingredient to make a product/market entry successful.
The Sources of Opportunity                                    5

      Porter (1980) examined innovation in regards to industry evolution and saw that three
 types of innovation can lead to opportunities for growth. Product innovation is a major source
 of industry change through technological innovations. Product innovation can widen markets
 and drive industry growth. Product innovations can come from outside the industry like
 digital calculators and watches and completely change the marketplace where incumbents
 within the industry have little flexibility (Porter 1980, P. 178). Marketing innovations involve
 novel uses of advertising, new marketing themes and new channels to reach new consumers
 and reduce price sensitivity through greater product differentiation. Innovation in marketing
 and distribution can affect industry mobility and cost levels, thus changing the balance of
 competitive advantage within the industry. Finally process innovation can change industry

 structure through changes in manufacturing methods. Innovation can make a manufacturing
 process more of less capital intensive, thus changing the economies of scale of the process.
 For example publishing technologies have reduced in cost allowing smaller firms or

 individuals to enter the industry. Polaroid cameras dramatically lost market share when digital
 camera technology emerged.
      Porter (1980, pp. 180-184) also mentioned a number of changes that would create new
 sources of opportunities. Structural changes in adjacent industries could have potential
 consequences for the direction of industry evolution. Hypermarkets and chain variety stores

 have changed the nature of retailing, thus lessening potential opportunities for individual
 stand-alone retail formats but increasing opportunities for global distribution. Government
 regulation change about what products can be sold and how products can be sold has great
 affect upon the types of products in the market and companies that produce and sell them.
 Government policy in various areas will affect the nature and structure of the products
 companies offer and the nature of competition and the industry, i.e., medical insurance
 automobile insurance, medical services, types of agricultural products and medicines that
 can be sold, entertainment and gambling laws, trade practices and regulation, etc.
      The barriers of entry and exit and capital set up costs involved within an industry have
 great bearing upon opportunities within that industry. Entry costs as a deterrent are relative to
 the size and growth of an industry. Incumbents that have great infrastructure advantages,

 maybe sufficient to keep other companies out of the industry. However according to Porter
 (1980, P. 183) sometimes these high entry costs can be circumvented by developing new
 brands and business models as US firms did when they entered the low cost wine market.
      Peter Drucker’s (1985) seminal book Innovation and Entrepreneurship stated clearly that
 innovation is the specific function of entrepreneurship, whether it is in an existing business, in
 a public service institution, or within a new venture. Innovation is the means by which the
 entrepreneur develops new resources or improves the efficiency of existing resources by

 which more wealth is achieved (Drucker 1998). Drucker continues on to state that although
 there may be innovations that spring from pure genius, but most innovations are the result of
 conscious, purposeful, search for innovation opportunities, which are found only in a selected
 number of situations. Drucker identified seven sources of innovation, which account for the
 vast majority of all innovation opportunities;

     •   Unexpected occurrences,
     •   Incongruities,
     •   Process needs,
6                                                  Murray Hunter

        •     Industry and market changes,
        •     Demographic changes,
        •     Changes in perception, and
        •     New knowledge.

      Drucker’s seven sources of innovation largely went unnoticed until a about decade ago,
 when writers within the discipline of entrepreneurship realized their importance in explaining
 the nature of opportunity and the practice of entrepreneurship.
      Both Schumpeter’s and Drucker’s sources of innovation are very similar except where
 Drucker identified unexpected occurrences as a source of opportunity. Although the

 unexpected success or failure shows a person’s or group’s limited vision or blindness
 (Drucker 1985, P. 41), the unexpected should not directly be considered as a source of
 innovative opportunity. The unexpected is a sign of other factors in operation. What may look

 like chance isn’t, as there are a number of underlying factors in the background, which can
 either accelerate the process by which an industry develops (Porter 1990, P. 112). For
 example, the Coca Cola Company by chance had the opportunity to rapidly expand
 distribution around the world due to US involvement in World War II. In 1980 PZ Cussons
 Australia launched the ultra dishwashing detergent Morning Fresh1. The product had poor

 consumer off-take until a transport strike in 1982. After a few days only bottles of Morning
 Fresh remained in the dishwashing section of supermarkets and consumers had to purchase
 the brand if they wanted any dishwashing liquid. Once consumers had the forced opportunity
 to try the product sales continued to rise until it became the No. 1. dishwashing detergent on
 the Australian market. Chance events are outside the control of firms. These can include
 discontinuities that may cause demand surges, factors that nullify the advantages of natural
 leaders, breakthroughs in basic technologies, external political developments, or major shifts
 in foreign based demand which create unforeseen opportunities from a number of different
 sources of opportunity that can reshape the industry structure.
      Chance is what happens when unrelated events churn around the planet. Luck occurs
 when a highly alert person snatches meaning from chance. Luck doesn’t just happen, its

 arranged, by one’s own doing. Lucky people or firms are those that co-opt chance and exploit
 it. Bad luck occurs when one is blind to events.
      Edward de Bono (1993) gave a list of attributes that can in combination be seen as
 sources of opportunity. If employed correctly these characteristics will place the firm with
 distinct advantage in the marketplace, and thus may be seen as sources of opportunity. De
 Bono talks about developing value monopolies, as against physical monopolies, where
 competitors cannot complete. This is achieved through creating product/service value through

 some form or mix of;

        •     Physical uniqueness, i.e., a hotel or restaurant location,
        •     Technological uniqueness, i.e., a patent on a valuable technology behind a product
              like Polaroid Cameras, where Polaroid won a court case over Kodak for infringement
              over patents in 1986.
        •     Name recognition, i.e., James Bond, Disney, Calvin Klein, Caltex, Toyota, Soy,
     An ultra dishwashing liquid is a concentrated one.
The Sources of Opportunity                                   7

     •   Dominance, i.e., Boeing, Toyota, IBM, Nokia.
     •   Cost of Entry, i.e., Disneyland, Boeing, Airbus, Toyota, etc.
     •   Brand Image, i.e., McDonalds, Nokia, Wal-Mart, London School of Economics, and
     •   Segmentation, i.e., McDonalds, Nokia, Wal-Mart.

     Together these attributes can create a market positioning that is extremely difficult to
 compete against, thus ensuring leadership for the firm that can develop these characteristics
 and therefore in an integrated way be seen as a source of opportunity.

      Business development is concerned about the art of seeing and exploiting opportunity for

 the creation of value, which may contribute to the firm’s profitability, growth and/or survival.
 This process goes through four basic phases;

     1. The discovery, identification or construction of ideas about opportunities through the
        creative process,

     2. The screening of these ideas to determine whether an opportunity exists that has
        potential to be exploited,
     3. The crafting of a useful strategy that is able to exploit the identified opportunity, and
     4. The implementation of the strategy in a way that adds value to the firm.

      There is an abundance of management theory about the identification and exploitation of
 opportunities from various points of view. Andrews (1965), Ansoff (1965) and Porter (1980,
 1985, 1990) take the point of view that opportunity identification and strategy development is
 rational and analytical through convergent thinking process. Ohmae (1982), Mintzberg (1994)
 and Stacy (1993) see opportunity identification and strategy development as more intuitive
 and a creative process through divergent thinking. Others like Wilson (1994, 1998), Raimond

 (1996), Liedtka (1998a, 1998b) and Heracleous (1998) see opportunity identification and
 strategy development as a mixture of art and science. What seems to be important is a firm’s
 ability to recognise what information is important in opportunity recognition and subsequent
 innovative processes, its prior and related knowledge and experience (Cohen & Levinthal
 1990), and its alertness, self efficacy, creativity, social networks and the type of opportunity
 itself (Ardichvili et. al. 2003). Previous entrepreneurial experience may assist in developing
 an ‘opportunity intellect’ that aids the identification of opportunities and provides a

 framework that allows informed and experienced based decisions about how to exploit an
 identified opportunity (Kaish & Gilad 1991).
      The process of opportunity identification would appear to be an emergent rather than a
 deductive process, requiring divergent rather than convergent thinking. Innovation is
 generated through social interaction where data cannot be analyzed in logical ways. For
 example quantitative market research may be very limited in the information it can provide a
 person who foresees the possibility of opening a sandwich bar next to a commuter train
 station or a courthouse. Understanding consumer behaviour, their wants and needs will be
 more important in making any decision to exploit the perceived opportunity. Therefore seeing
8                                       Murray Hunter

 opportunity is more related to the ability to imagine and associated emotions. New ideas are
 constructed, not analyzed. The future cannot be forecast, it can only be explored (Schumacher
 1974, P. 200).
      In order to see the potential sources of opportunity one must be able to take a strategic
 view of the firm and the environment. A strategic view is one that can pick up subtle changes
 in the environment through a degree of sensitivity and alertness and be able to extrapolate any
 linkages and connections discovered into idea scenarios that can be evaluated. An individual
 will tend to be more sensitive and alert in domains that he or she already has knowledge and
      To see opportunity there must be motivation or intent. Hamel and Prahalad (1989)

 conceptualized the concept of strategic intent where there is an intuitive vision of the future
 direction of the firm. This helps to provide focus on the domain and selective parts of the
 environment that are considered important to the firm’s future. Therefore as well as being a

 motivator, strategic intent concerns itself with the immediate domain and the firm’s perceived
 capabilities and prior learning linked through prior knowledge. Strategic intent also gives a
 sense of destiny and direction (Hamel & Prahalad 1994, pp. 129-130).
      The discovery of useful sources of opportunity in the construct of opportunities is tied to
 observation of environment changes over time. Changes in the environment usually occur in

 an evolutionary manner which the average person will not be aware and think about.
 Connectiveness of the past and present to the future must be incubated by the individuals who
 make up the firm over reflection and time.
      Alternatively sources of opportunity may be driven by new technologies, either as an
 incremental step or breakthrough. New technologies incorporated into products, services or
 improve production processes can potentially add value to a firm. With novel breakthrough
 technologies a firm may be able to create a new market segment, i.e., P&Gs development of
 Pert/Rejoice 2 in 1 shampoo, or even a new industry, i.e., the advent of cellular phones
 created a new industry separate to existing landline phone networks.
      The firm will operate according to a ‘self hypothesis’ which is influenced by learning and
 prior knowledge. A ‘self hypothesis’ is a shared mental model of the environment and the

 firm’s place within it. The firm’s ‘self hypothesis’ is where the firm perceives its own
 strengths and weaknesses, those of its competitors, the potential reactions of competitors to an
 aggressive stance taken by the firm, weak spots and barriers within the field and areas where
 the firm should not enter or is safe to enter. The ‘self hypothesis’ is the firm’s view of the
 world, generating a perception of its own self efficacy. The ‘self hypothesis’ can be a barrier
 to seeing opportunities if one is not aware of the assumptions behind it.
      Most influence of prior knowledge is manifested through the firm’s ‘self hypothesis’.

 Prior knowledge contains learning about what can and cannot be done within the market by
 the firm. One important role prior knowledge plays is in technical and tacit knowledge about
 products, business models, technology, consumers, and competitors, etc. Through incubation
 prior knowledge assists the cognitive system make linkages and connections which identify
 new sources of opportunity for the firm. The huge majority of ideas already exist in one form
 or another within the existing or another domain, another geographical location or in another
 time. We remember different ideas from past experience or observation of the environment.
 Past knowledge may assist in creating unique insights into the consequences of change
 occurring within the environment.
The Sources of Opportunity                                                                  9

      Alertness and sensitivity are qualities needed to see and pick up subtle changes in the
 environment. Our focus also plays a role in assisting to narrow down our attention to what is
 relevant to potential new opportunities. Finally it is important to know what to look for in
 finding new opportunities. Our opportunity intellect is a specialised knowledge which guides
 us through the discovery, evaluation and scenario building process of a potential opportunity.
 It is a strong entrepreneurial intuitive ability. The components influencing the strategic view
 are shown in Figure 1.2.
      Therefore new sources of opportunity can be pushed out by a firm as a new product or
 service into the marketplace or be pulled by unsatisfied customer needs. Some innovations go
 on to be successful as the product or service is what customers are looking for, while others

 miss fulfilling any latent customer need and fail. In the case of failure mistakes can be felt
 very quickly with a product, service, or even business failure, which may prove very


                                           Field Opportunities

                                                          O      Domain Opportunities 
             Motivation &                                        Strategic View                                  Time 

          Self Hypothesis                            Prior                         Alertness &                  Opportunity 
                                                   Knowledge                        Sensitivity                  Intellect 

              Self efficacy.                       Prior knowledge                 The ability to see          An understanding 
          Perception of skills,                   within the domain               change within the           about what to look 
              capabilities,                           and field of                 environment that             for in regards to 
            competencies &                            operations.                   the majority of                 potential 

               resources.                            Experience.                  others cannot see.             opportunities.           
           Views of ability to                      Expertise and                 The ability to focus       An ability to visualize 
             influence the                         various types of              in on these changes            future scenarios 
           environment, etc.                           knowhow                     and see potential           based on what is 
          A predictive value of                                                    connections and                    seen.                   
               the future.                                                            scenarios.             An intuitive ability to 
                                                                                                             weigh up a potential 

 Figure 1.2. The components of the strategic view.
10                                      Murray Hunter

                          THE SOURCES OF OPPORTUNITY
      Peter Drucker (1985, P. 34) remarked that we cannot develop a full and complete theory
 of the sources of opportunity, yet we can understand where opportunities may come from.
 The overwhelming majority of successful innovations exploit social, economic and regulatory
 change or new and improved technologies. New to the world breakthrough inventions may
 provoke change as did the aeroplane to commercial aviation, the telephone to communication
 and the television to entertainment, etc. New technologies often make great changes to the
 way we live our lives as we are beginning to see through new advances in biotechnology and

      Innovation requires a systematic and disciplined way of work based upon what the
 innovator sees and learns from the environment, particularly in his or her own domain. All
 sources of opportunity must be based on purchasing power which is the ultimate driver of

 innovation. For example, very few people in Malaysia could afford to purchase a new Proton
 Saga car when it was launched in 1984, if it was not for the innovative leasing packages
 attached to purchases of the vehicles. Finance packages made the Proton Saga car available to
 many new potential car buyers through its easy access to lower middle income groups. This
 was the innovative part of the proton business model that enabled the company to gain over a

 70% market share in Malaysia during the late 1980s and throughout the 1990s. Finance
 changed the Malaysian car market from a supply driven to a demand driven market. These
 forms of social innovation often have much more impact than technical innovation.
      For the purposes of this meta-theory, the author has divided the sources of opportunity
 into six main categories, market void, technology infusion, structural changes, resource
 monopoly, regulation and non-innovative. Each main category has a number of sub-
 categories (see Figure 1.3.). Further, each source of opportunity will have a different impact
 upon the environment. It may;

      •   Increase efficiency with small intensely focused productivity improvements by
          improving what already exists through minimal investment. These types of sources

          of opportunity can be seen in many quality programs that manufacturing and service
          industries engage upon.
      •   Make evolutionary changes incremental to the market place focused on improving
          existing products and services like bank ATMs, Dell Computer’s mass customization
          of home computers as per customer preferences and Toyota’s development of
          specialized distribution channels for the Scion brand targeted at Gen Y, etc., and/or
      •   Make revolutionary changes through radical new additions to the market place that

          change the way people think about and do things, which may lead to changes in
          existing structure of the industry and/or marketplace, like the invention of the motor
          vehicle at the beginning of the 20th century and Henry Ford’s development of the
          mass production line around 1914 which brought the product from something only
          the elite could afford to something affordable to the middle classes of the United
          States (Dent 1994).
                                                                      Sources of Opportunity               
                                                                      (Opportunity Anchors) 

                 Market Void            Technology           Structural changes            Resource                  Regulation               Non‐Innovative 
                                         Infusion                                          Monopoly   

                       Incongruities          Invention              Changes in                Physical Resource            Effect on                Personal 
                                                                      Industry                                              Product                 Service & 

                                              Incremental                                      Capability Resource
                       Demographic                                                                                        Effect on Process
                                             Improvement               New 
                         Changes                                                                                                                    Duplication
                                                                                                 Legal Resource


                        Perceptual                                   Adaptation,                                                                     Extension
                                                                                                Brand Resource
                         Changes                                    combination & 
                                             New Processes
                                                                                                Scarcity Power

                                             New Materials
                                                                                                 Cost/value Shift
                                        Strategies for each source of opportunity 

Figure 1.3. The potential sources of opportunity (Opportunity anchors) for a firm.
12                                    Murray Victor Hunter

      The result of utilizing a source of opportunity will be;

      1. The development of new products which may exploit established technology, simply
         an improvement of what is already available or may offer a new radical way of doing
      2. New services,
      3. New production technologies,
      4. New operating practices,
      5. New ways of delivering the product to the customer,
      6. New means of informing the customer about the product, or

      7. New ways of managing relationships between entities.

      Sources of opportunities are also viewed from different perspectives depending upon who

 is looking at the environment. Individuals with limited ideas, capital, experience, expertise
 and networks may look for an opportunity that returns them a wage rather than a profit. An
 entrepreneur with good domain knowledge and experience within an industry may have his or
 her own theory of ‘how things can be done better’ believing they have a personal theory of
 success and be very focused upon specific types of opportunities. A corporation will take a

 strategic view and analyse potential opportunity space looking at how to minimize or
 eliminate risks and uncertainty before moving into any form of action. Therefore each
 individual will look at different levels of return and profitability and approach the
 environment with different levels of capital, resources, skills and capabilities and networks.
                                       MARKET VOID
     Market void opportunities are those potential opportunities that may exist due to an
 unnoticed gap or un-serviced portion of the market. They include incongruities, demographic,
 and perceptual changes, discussed below.


      Peter Drucker in his book Innovation & Entrepreneurship identifies incongruities as a
 source of innovation. He defines an incongruity ‘as a discrepancy, a dissonance, between
 what is and what ‘ought’ to be’ (Drucker 1985, P. 57). An incongruity is a symptom of an

 opportunity to innovate. Consumers are aware of them, but not in an overtly conscious way
 that leads to the expression of their unmet needs. It may be a latent need, a yearning for some
 improvement or a want that there was something that could solve their problem. However
 these incongruities may only be visible to people with experience of the industry, being very
 difficult to detect by those outside the industry. Alternatively they may be visible to people
 who have that need. If incongruities are detected and exploited, they can be very powerful
 sources of opportunities that can lead to substantial growth for a firm.
The Sources of Opportunity                      13

      Incongruities express change whether caused by changing industry structures, changes in
 perception, changes in demographics, changes in regulations, or changes in technologies.
 Therefore there are several different types of incongruities.
      The first type of incongruity is between what an industry is today and what it should be
 because of the economic realities of the time. For example, tariffs put on to protect many
 automobile industries in the 1950s and 1960s led to the production of basic, inefficiently
 produced and overly priced cars in many markets. With rapid improvements in the production
 of Japanese cars with lower prices, good fuel economy and many standard extras, an
 incongruity grew between what is available and what Japanese cars could offer the consumer.
 This type of incongruity showed how difficult it is to sustain a protected industry producing

 inferior goods to those available in other markets.
      The second form of incongruity is between a present reality and what could be. This
 source of opportunity occurs where improvements in a business process could bring new

 potentials to the business or industry. Drucker (1985, pp. 62-63) cited the transformation of
 the international ocean freight industry that transported loose cargo within their ships up to
 the 1950’s with roll-on, roll-off container shipping that came in the 1960’s. People wrongly
 perceived that ocean freight would be replaced by air freight, except for bulk commodities
 and were looking at speeding up ships rather than changing processes as the solution.

      There are incongruities between perceived and actual customer values and expectations.
 This congruity can often occur because of own sets of assumptions about consumers or
 arrogance in believing we know what consumers want. For example, many pet food
 companies believed that only low cost pet food would sell in developing markets because
 consumers would not pay premium prices for the product. However premium pet food sells
 well in many developing countries because some consumers care deeply for their pets and
 want the best for them. Likewise, cosmetics are one of the first luxury goods, before other
 types of luxuries that people begin to buy when income gets above a certain threshold in
 developing markets because of women’s improving sense of self identity. Modelling and
 acting schools appeal to peoples’ aspirations, an incongruity between what where they are and
 where they want to be. Companies that can see these types of incongruities before others have

 a strong source of opportunity to fuel rapid growth.
      There are sometimes incongruities with a process that consumers have to undertake,
 where one action in the process is out of step with all the others. Most consumers or users are
 aware of this it, but it takes someone to pick up this problem and find a solution to it. For
 example, dishwashing machines need a precise dosage of a caustic detergent to clean dishes
 and glassware properly. These products are usually powders which have to be scooped from a
 box and placed in a small compartment inside the door of the dishwashing machine. A

 household cleaning product manufacturer adopted the concept of using a tablet rather than a
 powder to provide a precise dose to the dishwashing process with great success, making the
 whole machine dishwashing process much cleaner and streamlined1.

     Ironically this same idea was tried earlier for laundry but failed miserably.
14                                     Murray Hunter

 Demographic Changes

      Demographics represent differences in population distribution, age structure, ethnic and
 racial composition, employment levels, education status, and income distribution, etc. The
 proportion and number of women in the population, ratio of blue to white collar workers,
 unemployed to self employed, births, deaths, and immigration influences both the types and
 magnitude of opportunities available in a society. What people want, need, and purchase in
 aggregate can be correlated to specific demographic groups.
      Age distribution within a specific population is an important determinant of consumption
 patterns because different age groups buy things for different reasons throughout their life.

 For example, teenagers may buy shoes for the brand image and style, but later in life buy
 shoes for comfort and durability. Peoples needs change over their lives and therefore as
 demographics change, so do opportunities.

      Consequently demographics are patterns that exist in the external field of the firm where
 new opportunities can be seen as demographics shift, if studied carefully. Demographics are
 far from static and continually evolve, change, and underlie emerging trends in an
 industry/market. A firm must continue to study shifting demographics to maintain its
 relevance to the community of consumers it serves.

      Demographic change has two affects. Firstly, a change in any major demographic
 distribution shifts demand away from where it exists presently towards new market and
 industry sectors that may or may not exist. This in turn triggers a shift in resources towards
 these new market and industry sectors, thus changing its structure and nature of economic
 activities within it. Demographics therefore has a strong impact on demand, and viewing
 changing demand through defined demographic definitions and vice versa, helps us identify
 potential opportunities.
      For example, nations with a high proportion of children are likely to devote a high
 proportion of resources to their care, which will provide opportunities in related
 market/industry sectors. In contrast if most of the population is of working age, this will add
 greatly to economic growth and domestic consumption, providing opportunities in relevant

 market/industries. If a large proportion of the population consists of the elderly then large
 resources will have to be allocated to their care, which will open opportunities in relevant
 market/industry sectors. Age distribution is an influential demographic, which affects the
 level and type of savings, investment, productivity, and consumption in an economy (Bloom
 & Canning 2001). So as the age distribution changes resources will be reallocated towards
 producing goods and services that emerging dominant age groups require. The different types
 of products and services a person requires throughout their life are depicted in Figure 1.4.

      Other demographics also influence demand and the types of opportunities that will
 prevail within any economy. Different demographics combine their effect in complex ways
 and change markets. The surge of young people in many countries within South-East Asia is
 increasing the affluence of their respective countries through the increases in productivity
 they bring once entering the workforce, increasing demand for consumer goods, housing,
 motor vehicles and education, etc. The increasing urbanized workforce quickly dilutes
 established traditional and replaces them with new modes of behaviour. Demand for
 traditional goods and services declines in favour of branded goods. With rural-urban drift the
 cost of firms servicing rural areas is increasing as markets are declining. Urban markets are
 becomes cheaper to service as population intensifies in concentrated areas. The position of
The Sources of Opportunity                                             15

 women within the workforce is also intensifying, leading to a new class of single professional
 women with wealth and spending power. Consequently women are having children later in
 life or forgoing childbirth to concentrate on their careers (McElroy 2001). People’s values are
 shifting leading to more demand for consumer goods and branded products, rather than the
 lower quality generic products they bought in the past. Wars and natural disasters also alter
 demographics, demand patterns, and shape opportunities. Immigration can create an
 abundance of opportunities through the multiplier effect within an economy (Straubhaar &
 Zimmermann 1993). Very rarely does a population remain static and different parts of the
 world will go through different demographic changes, as can be seen through the selected
 demographics of some countries in Table 1.2. below.

      Changing demographics leads to changes in demand for goods and services. Urbanization
 brings new demand patterns from the same population that once lived in rural areas. The first
 generation of offspring will be completely urbanized, tending to adopt new urban

 cosmopolitan values, rather than traditional values. With urban values come tastes for the
 latest electronic gadgets, brands, and goods not long before seen as luxuries to the country. In
 countries where young populations are declining, local university enrolments will decline,
 requiring the recruitment of foreign students or investments in lifelong education programs to
 take up the slack in university enrolments. Aged population will require more care and

 medical services, leading to a larger need to retirement and special care homes. Changing
 demographics lead to behavioural changes which lead to new opportunities.

                                               Retirement                               Age 
                                                         Services     Entertainment     
                           Working life                 Retirement       Clothing          
                                                          Homes         Computer 
                                         Hobbies                       equipment       

               Lifelong                                                     etc 
                                         Travel &                     (various forms 
                                          Leisure                       and types 
                                                                       through age 
                                      Accommodation                                             Working 
       Dependency                     Car & Transport                                          Adulthood 

               Schooling                                                                        Teens 

              Baby products                                                                     Infant 

 Figure 1.4. Timeline showing the different types of products and services a person requires during their
16                                                  Murray Hunter

                          Table 1.2. Selected demographics of Some Countries2

      Country       Population        0-14    15-     65+    Pop.       %             %          %        Net
                                      %       64      %      Growth     Unemployed    Poverty    Urban    Mig.
                                              %              %                                            /1000
      Argentina     41,343,201        25.5    63.6    10.9   1.036      8.7           13.9       92       0
      Australia     21,515,754        18.4    67.8    13.7   1.171      5.6           N/A        89       6.13
      Austria       8,214,160         14.3    67.7    18.1   0.042      4.8           6          67       1.83
      Bangladesh    158,065,841       34.1    61.8    4.1    1.274      2.5           36.3       27       -1.97
      Belgium       10,423,493        16      66.2    17.8   0.082      7.9           15.2       97       1.22

      Bolivia       9,947,418         35.1    60.4    4.5    1.72       8.5           60         66       -1.01
      Brazil        201,103,330       26.5    66.9    6.6    1.166      8.1           26         86       -0.09
      Canada        33,759,742        15.9    68.6    15.5   0.804      8.3           10.8       80       5.63

      China         1,330,141, 295    17.9    73.4    8.6    0.494      4.3           2.8        43       -0.34
      Denmark       5.515.575         17.9    65.5    16.6   0.267      4.3           12.1       80       2.47
      Egypt         80,471,869        32.8    62.8    4.4    1.997      9.4           20         43       -0.21
      France        64,057,792        19.6    64.9    16.5   0.525      9.1            6.2       77       1.47
      Germany       82,282,988        13.5    66.1    20.4   -0.061     7.5           11         74       2.14
      Hong Kong
      Japan         126,804,433       13.3    64.1    22.6   -0.242     5.1            N/A       66       N/A
      Kenya         40,046,566        42.3    55.1    2.7    2.588      4-            50         22       0
      Madagascar    21,281,844        43.3    53.7    3      2.993      N/A           50         29       N/A
      Malaysia      26,160,256        31      63.9    5.1    1.704      3.7            5.1       70       N/A
      Netherlands   16,783,092        17.2    67.7    15.2   0.39       4.9           10.5       82       2.83

      Nigeria       152,217,341       41.2    55.7    3.1    1.966      4.9           70         48       -0.1
      Philippines   99,900,177        34.9    60.9    4.2    1.931      7.5           32.9       65       -1.31
      Russia        139,390,205       15      71.7    13.3   -0.465     8.4           15.8       73       0.28
      Saudi         29,207,277        38      59.5    2.5    1.75       11.7          N/A        82       -8.26
      Sierra        5,245,695         41.8    54.6    3.6    2.216      N/A           70,2       38       -4.66

      Singapore     4,701,069         14.1    76.9    9      0.863      3             N/A        100      4.79
      South         48,109,107        28.5    65.9    5.5    -0.051     24            50         61       -3.13
      South         48,636,058        16.1    72.7    11.1   0.258      3.7           15         81       0
      Tanzania      41,892,895        42.5    54.6    2.9    2.032      N/A           36         25       -0.81
      Thailand      66,404,688        20.3    70.7    9      0.601      1.5            9.6       33       N/A
      Turkey        77,804,122        26.9    66.9    6.2    1.272      14.1          17.11      69       0.53

     CIA The World Factbook,, (accessed 26th July 2010)
The Sources of Opportunity                                           17

   Country      Population     0-14     15-    65+      Pop.     %             %         %         Net
                               %        64     %        Growth   Unemployed    Poverty   Urban     Mig.
                                        %               %                                          /1000
   Uganda       33,398,682     50       49.7   2.1      3.563    N/A           35        13        -0.02
   Ukraine      45,415,596     13.7     70.7   15.5     -0.619   8.8           35        68        -0.1
   United       61,284,806     16.5     67.1   16.4     0.282    7.6           14        90        2.15
   United       310,232,863    20,1     66.9   13       0.97     9.3           12        82        4.25
   Uzbekistan   27,865,738     27.3     68     4.7      0.938    1.1           26        37        -2.84
   Venezuela    27,223,228     30       64.7   5.3      1.515    7.9           37.9      93        0

   Vietnam      89,571,130     25.6     68.8   5.5      1.096    6.5           12.3      28        -0.37
   Yemen        23,495,361     43.5     53.9   2.6      2.713    35            45.2      31        N/A
   Zambia       12,056,923     44.8     52.9   2.3      1.617    50            86        35        -2.61

      Shifts in demographics do not occur instantaneously, they slowly drift towards new
 patterns, in a similar waythat the age structure of the population evolves. For example, the
 aging of the baby boomer generation is a gradual process, where demand for products and
 services that the aged require increases on a year to year basis. Therefore new opportunities

 based on changing defined demographics occur gradually and grow according to the size and
 distribution of the demographic (see Figure 1.5.).

                     Opportunity too 
                    small for incumbent 
                      firms to exploit 

                                    Fertile area for                          Opportunity 
                                    start‐up firms 

                                                      Increasing shift in demographic 


 Figure 1.5. The growing magnitude of an opportunity as demographics change.

     When potential opportunities based on demographics begin to emerge they are often
 ignored by firms within the industry, which either just don’t see the changes occurring or
 refuse to acknowledge that change is occurring. Many established firms that actually spot the
 changes early also fail to act because the new emerging opportunities represent very small
 market segments initially. Small market segments suit small start-up firms who can grow with
 a new emerging market rather than incumbent firms whose infrastructure is organized around
 existing market segments. Once an incumbent firm sees that the new emerging market
18                                             Murray Hunter

 segment is growing rapidly, it is often too late for them to dominate the new segment because
 start-up firms have become the new incumbents in the newer segments.
      Changing demographics together with advances in technology can shift the boundaries of
 an industry. This is especially so if incongruities develop, which cannot be met by existing
 products3. For example the colour television market once consisted of portable, table models,
 and consoles, etc. However LED and plasma technologies have created new television market
 segments, along with home movie systems and colour televisions incorporated into cellular
 phones. These new market segments merge into other industries.
      Changing demographics create new market/industry segments where opportunities are to
 be discovered. To find new opportunities, one must look at the market through currently

 defined demographics or create new demographic definitions, see how they are changing, and
 work out what it means. Creativity is the key here in finding new ways to segment the
 market/industry, and in identifying new classes of potential new buyers (Porter 1985, P. 248).

 This may involve the discovery of new segments which don’t yet exist in the market and go
 beyond conventional and accepted industry classification schemes. For example the
 automobile market was defined by the U.S. automobile industry by income segmentation.
 This missed the potential of segmenting cars according to lifestyle where many new potential
 opportunities for creative segments could have been identified and were identified by others

 in the 1980s. These were the safety segment – Volvo, SAAB and Mercedes Benz, city
 commuting segment– many Honda, Toyota, and Suzuki models, and the off road 4WD and
 SUV models. It can then be appraised how these new potential segment appeals to different
 demographics and what designs, functions, benefits and channels they would require (this
 may result in eliminating features that the identified group does not consider important in
 their purchase decisions). This may create a new product bundle that can exploit a newly
 discovered opportunity like the development of discount, no frills hotels that have the
 important amenities that the buyer group requires, without services that are not considered

 Perceptual Changes

      Opportunities are created when a sizable proportion of a population change perception. A
 change in perception does not alter the facts, but the understanding and identity of a
 population alters to the point where meanings change. Changing perception is about changing
 attitudes, which lead to changing habits. For example some countries in the South-East Asian
 region have been developing economically very rapidly over the last few decades. Sizable

 population has groups have transformed from living a quiet rural life to a hectic urban

   New technologies can on their own create incongruities where consumers decide that the new functions and/or
      benefits of the new technology, reflected in the product become a desire, want, or need.
   Various models for budget hotels exist. The US first saw budget hotels in the 1970s. Motel concepts often follow
      budget concepts. Japan saw the introduction of capsule hotels in 1979 where the basics are provided within a
      small capsule the size of a bed. More recently another no frills or limited service concept Tune Hotels was
      launched by Air Asia in 2007 for the Malaysian market with basic and clean amenities that can be booked
      online in advance at various rates according to season and demand. These hotels don’t have conference rooms,
      swimming pools or other amenities one would expect in other hotels, but they are conveniently located near
      airports, railway stations and shopping centres. New outlets are being currently opened around the Asian
      region, UK, and Australia.
The Sources of Opportunity                                        19

 lifestyle, in the quest for economic prosperity, by taking up employment opportunities in the
 large cities. This demographic change has occurred relatively quickly in South-east Asia,
 changing drastically self perception and the nature of markets. A once rural orientated person
 is now a prosperous urban consumer. Although the change can be seen as economic and
 geographic, the major importance of this change is attitudinal.
      Perceptual changes occur because of transformative drifts in attitudes originating from
 transitions in lifestyle, working life, education, domicile outlook, and evolving aspirations
 driven by increasing affluence. Transformative drifts in attitudes are also by influenced
 experience and new knowledge, global convergence within society, and exposure to new
 consumer technologies that create new desires. This must be a societal rather than individual

 phenomenon. Figure 1.6. shows some of the factors that influence perceptual changes in
      Paramount to any perceptual change is a person’s domicile outlook, explained in chapter

 three of volume one of this book. Domicile outlook to a great degree frames a person’s self
 identity. If one was born into the black working class of the United Sates in the 1950s or the
 rural aboriginal population of Australia in the in the last decades of the 20th century, one may
 feel that this is their station in life that is fixed and adopt a self identity compatible with that
 belief. As a consequence aspirations will be confined to that station in life where one will

 accept where they are now and not aspire to other potential lifestyles. However growing
 education and employment opportunities and contact with urban culture and global-centric
 ideas can bring very quick change to perceptions and attitudes, resulting in very different
 demand patterns.

                                                                         New knowledge 
                                                                       about health, fitness, 
                                                                            food, etc. 
            Changing           confidence about         Knowledge
            Domicile           social status, etc.                                      Experience 

                         Changing traditions

                                                         Perceptual                                        The 
                     Aspirations                          Changes                                     Environment 
                       Where am I 
                       Where do I                                                      Attitudes 
                       want to be? 

                                                                                       Peers and Role 
       Changing                                                                           Models 
                                      Global                  technology 

 Figure 1.6. Some of the factors that influence perceptual changes in society.
20                                     Murray Hunter

      In China during the 1970s, the “Flying Pigeon” bicycle was called by Deng Xiaoping a
 symbol of prosperity, as the whole country moved by bicycles. However over the last decade
 the bicycle has been almost totally replaced by cars in urban centres. The bicycle is seen as a
 working class relic, where they now have very little place in daily life. They are reserved for
 old ladies and men. Car ownership in China has risen from one million in 1999, to over 4.5
 million today, and is expected to be over 6 million by 2015. The bicycle today is seen as the
 past, something old and Chinese now aspire to owning a car and very proud of it once they
 get it.

      Table 1.3. Purchases by major US Food Companies of Ethical/Organic Companies

   Purchasing Company          Purchased Company                       Takeover date
   Kraft                       Boca Foods                              February 2000

                               Back to Nature                          September 2003
   Pepsi                       Naked Juice                             November 2006
   General Mills               Cascadian Farm                          December 1999
                               Larabar                                 June 2008
   Dean                        Horizon                                 May 1999
                               Alta Dena                               July 1998


   Cadbury Schweppes
   Coca Cola

                               White/Wave Silk
                               Alexia Foods
                               Green & Black’s
                               Honest tea
                               Morning Star Farms/Natural Touch
                                                                       May 2002
                                                                       July 2000
                                                                       July 2007
                                                                       May 2005
                                                                       October 2005
                                                                       February 2008
                                                                       November 1999
                               Kashi                                   June 2000
                               Bear Naked                              November 2007
   M&M Mars                    Seeds of Change                         1997
   Hershey Foods               Dagoba                                  October 2006
   Hain Celestial              Westbrae                                October 1997

                               Little Bear
                               DeBole’s                                April 1998
                               Garden of Eaten
                               Arrowhead Mills
                               Nile Spice                              December 1998
                               Breadshop                               April 1999

                               Health Valley
                               Earth’s Best                            September 1999
                               Celestial Seasonings                    March 2000
                               Imagine Rice/Dream Soy                  December 2002
                               Walnut Acres
                               Spectrum Organics                       June 2003
                               SunSpire                                August 2005
                               MaraNatha                               March 2006
The Sources of Opportunity                                       21

                                        The benefits of exercise and 
                                        working out in a gym 
           Perceptions                  Women wanting a safe and 
                                        secure environment 
                                                                               Result in creation 
                                                  Pick up women’s                of Fernwood 
                                                changing perceptions           Women’s Health 
                                                                                 Club Concept 

                  Women feeling intimidated in                             Not working 
                 conventional gyms in the weight                              out in 

                                                         Current situation    gyms 

 Figure 1.7. shows the earlier and changing perceptions of women.

      Australia has long been considered a sporting culture where Australian Rules Football

 (AFL) and the National Rugby League (NRL) are believed to be almost sacrosanct in the
 Australian way of life. However in a recent study undertaken by Live Performance Australia,
 it was found that Australians now spend more money on art and cultural performances than
 the football codes, horse racing and film and video production combined (ABC/AAP 2010).
      New information and knowledge can change perceptions to varying degrees. Smoking
 once had glamour about it and was the thing to do socially to show sophistication. However
 information emerging about the damaging health aspects of smoking changed peoples’
 perceptions about the habit to the point where smoking is now prohibited on air flights, public
 buildings, and inside private cars, etc. Further knowledge emerging about the effects of
 inhaling second hand smoke has led to bans of smoking in any public place in some countries.
 Increasing beliefs about the importance of healthy eating and pesticide residuals in

 conventional foods has led to double digit growth in the purchase and consumption of organic
 foods. Likewise consumer concerns about exploitation is also bringing double digit growth to
 the ethical products industry, where major companies have bought over many companies
 specializing in ethical and organic products to cater for changing perceptions. Table 1.3.
 shows purchases by major US companies of ethical/organic companies over the last decade.
      The growth of nutraceuticals, health and ethical products, the fair-trade and Buy local
 movements have all resulted from changing perceptions of consumers based on new

 knowledge and resulting attitudes.
      In addition to demand influencing technology development, technology also has a role in
 influencing demand (van den Ende & Dolfsma 2005). The appearance of new technology that
 solves specific problems can lead to changes in perceptions that would not be possible
 without the emergence of the new technology. For example, the oral contraceptives allowed
 women to change their perceptions about their own empowerment, control of the choices they
 make, and lifestyle they lead. Once the technology existed, perceptions changed when free of
 the constraints that existed before the technology was available. There are arguments both
 ways as to whether demand drives technology development or technology development
 pushes new demand (Nemet 2009).
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Opportunity, Strategy & Entrepreneurship: A Meta-Theory, Volume 2
Opportunity, Strategy & Entrepreneurship: A Meta-Theory, Volume 2
Opportunity, Strategy & Entrepreneurship: A Meta-Theory, Volume 2
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Opportunity, Strategy & Entrepreneurship: A Meta-Theory, Volume 2
Opportunity, Strategy & Entrepreneurship: A Meta-Theory, Volume 2
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Opportunity, Strategy & Entrepreneurship: A Meta-Theory, Volume 2

  • 2. BUSINESS ISSUES, COMPETITION AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP Additional books in this series can be found on Nova’s website under the Series tab. y Additional E-books in this series can be found on Nova’s website under the E-book tab. nl O fs oo Pr
  • 4. Copyright © 2012 by Nova Science Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means: electronic, electrostatic, magnetic, tape, mechanical photocopying, recording or otherwise without the written permission of the Publisher. For permission to use material from this book please contact us: Telephone 631-231-7269; Fax 631-231-8175 Web Site: y NOTICE TO THE READER The Publisher has taken reasonable care in the preparation of this book, but makes no expressed or implied warranty of any kind and assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions. No liability is assumed for incidental or consequential damages in connection with or arising out of nl information contained in this book. The Publisher shall not be liable for any special, consequential, or exemplary damages resulting, in whole or in part, from the readers’ use of, or reliance upon, this material. Any parts of this book based on government reports are so indicated and copyright is claimed for those parts to the extent applicable to compilations of such works. O Independent verification should be sought for any data, advice or recommendations contained in this book. In addition, no responsibility is assumed by the publisher for any injury and/or damage to persons or property arising from any methods, products, instructions, ideas or otherwise contained in this publication. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered herein. It is sold with the clear understanding that the Publisher is not fs engaged in rendering legal or any other professional services. If legal or any other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent person should be sought. FROM A DECLARATION OF PARTICIPANTS JOINTLY ADOPTED BY A COMMITTEE OF THE AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION AND A COMMITTEE OF PUBLISHERS. oo Additional color graphics may be available in the e-book version of this book. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data ISSN: 2161-8186 Pr ISBN: 978-1-61470-824-7 Published by Nova Science Publishers, Inc. † New York
  • 5. CONTENTS y nl Preface vii  Chapter 1 The Sources of Opportunity 1  Chapter 2 Resources: The Bedrock of Opportunity Exploitation 89  Skills, Personal Competencies and Enterprise Capabilities 119  Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 O Networks: Technical Know who Is what Makes a Business The Competitive Environment: A Framework for Observing Industry Evolution Strategy: The Means of Opportunity Exploitation 185  215  243  fs Chapter 7 The Opportunity Framework 325  Summary 355  Index 357  oo Pr
  • 6. Pr oo fs O nl y
  • 7. PREFACE y The first volume of this book dealt with the nature of opportunity, time and space, the nl vision platform, and making connections. In the first volume, chapter one introduced the concept of opportunity. Opportunity was described as both an environmental and individual phenomenon where aspirations and imagination were just as important as changing social, economic, technological, and regulatory structures and conditions. It was explained how four O basic types of opportunities exist. Imitation based opportunities occur with little innovation and value creation. Allocative opportunities occur because of mismatches in supply and demand. Discovery based opportunities occur from shifting consumer preferences, regulation, and economic conditions. Construction based opportunities don’t exist until someone constructs and develops them through the process of effectuation. Opportunity was seen as a dynamic and ever shifting, where successful firms are those that match their strategy with opportunity. Opportunities begin through images which are connected with other images fs forming concepts which are developed, evaluated, and elaborated into ideas. The chapter concluded with a discussion about emotional sensitivity and the role it plays in seeing opportunities, the idea evaluation process, and chance and fate. Chapter two examined opportunity from the socio-economic, economic history, economic geography, political economy, and biographical perspectives. Chapter two argued oo that opportunity and our consequential actions occur within the realm of time and space. Due to our evolutionary accumulation of knowledge, technology advancement, and social evolution being time and spatially based, opportunity to a large degree is a product of time and space. For ideas to become valid opportunities, all the elements that enable opportunity gestation and its subsequent exploitation must be in place. The trajectories that entrepreneur/inventors take are also a product of time and space as opportunity and strategy are socially bounded. This chapter was divided into three parts. Part one examined the phases Pr of national development through the stages of a traditional economy, under-developed economy, developing economy, developed economy, and post industrial economy. Each particular stage of national development lends itself to certain types and scope of opportunities. The second part of the chapter looked at the biographies of a number of inventor/entrepreneurs during the industrial revolution to the turn of the twentieth century. Looking directly at biographical contexts allowed us to look at the flow of events in time and space in terms of innovation, invention, promotion, and effect on society at the time and into the future. This approach provided a window into how inventor/entrepreneurs gained insight and were able to develop their inventions into commercial reality. One can also get some
  • 8. viii Murray Hunter feeling about the motives they had, challenges they faced and see how their development of business models was crucial to the success of their ventures. Part three took us into the twentieth century beginning in the post World War II era. A look was taken at some of the important entrepreneurial events during each decade until today. Certain entrepreneurs and their ventures were examined in the light of the social and economic conditions evident through those times. Chapter three examined the ways we look at the world through a number of different paradigms and metaphors. The chapter was an attempt to explain how we perceive and what influences our thinking. This chapter was also broken into three parts. The first part looked at how we perceive through examining the sociological factors influencing us. These include y demographic factors like family and peers, domicile outlook, the need to survive, work and life experiences, education, skills and abilities, age, and gender. The section finished with a look at generational differences and culture. Part two explained how our cognitive system nl works, emphasizing its limitations and how this is compensated for. Part three took us into the psychological domain where a number of mechanisms influence how we perceive, think, and make decisions. These include our emotions, emotional attachment, our ego, identity, and self, the unconscious, defence mechanisms, group views of reality, transference, symbolic and ritualistic delusion, groupthink, motivational bias, tiredness and complacency, cognitive traps, O personality traits, entrepreneurial typologies, power and conflict, genetic inheritance, and mid life crisis and transition. Imagination, passion, enjoyment, energy, personal discipline, and what constitutes a motivational trigger are examined as processes that facilitate a person see and react to opportunity. Finally the chapter hypothesized that opportunity is as much a product of ourselves as it is of the environment around us. Chapter four was concerned with creativity, a concept that is not totally agreed upon as some people see creativity as a process, while others view creativity as a product. Creativity fs is totally interlaced with opportunity, strategy, and entrepreneurship where both its process and product are fundamental to the whole phenomenon. Creativity is necessary in idea creation, its evaluation, opportunity construction and effectuation, developing the sources of opportunity, the gathering and combining of resources, networking, and the crafting of oo strategy to achieve a vision and solve problems along the way. Although we know most of the cognitive processes related to creativity and can identify most of the characteristics associated with it, we still need to explore creativity through metaphors, various styles, and applications. The second half of the chapter looked at a few different approaches to applying creativity and concluded with a discussion about the barriers to creativity and how they can be overcome. In this volume, chapter one introduces the sources of opportunities. As opportunities can be considered gaps in the market where there is potential to do something and create value, Pr these gaps must have a causal source. There are six basic major sources of opportunity consisting of market voids, technology infusion, structural changes, resource monopolies, regulation and non-innovative sources. Any opportunity is likely to be based on one or more of these sources, carrying multiple characteristics, but they are in fact very hard to really see and understand. Once the correct sources of opportunity have been identified, resources, capabilities, networks, can be configured to develop strategies to exploit them. Chapter two considers the issue of resources in relation to opportunity exploitation. Resources comprise of anything that is of use to an entrepreneur, either within a tangible or intangible form. A business model can be considered a higher level resource, as it reflects how an entrepreneur combines resources to create value from those at his or her disposal. The
  • 9. Preface ix chapter briefly discusses how needed resources for a new value chain can be identified and allocated within the venture to build the resource base. The resources base is from where enterprise capabilities and ultimately strategies are built upon. Difference types of resources are needed during different stages of a firm’s evolution. Eventually the entrepreneur will be able to build specialized resources that cannot easily be copied by competitors and can form the basis of some form of competitive advantage. The chapter concludes with a brief discussion about how resources can be utilized as barriers to entry and outlines the resource cycle of a firm. Chapter three considers skills, personal competencies, and enterprise capabilities. The beginning of the chapter looks at personal talents and abilities and how they can be developed y into skills. Various types of skills exist along a continuum spanning between those that are domain specific and the broader cognitive and interpersonal skills. Sets of skills can be developed into personal competencies which enable a person to become an expert in a nl particular field and within an entrepreneurial start-up, form the basis of enterprise capabilities. Enterprise capabilities are distinctive enterprise competencies directly related to various aspects of the business. They include management capabilities, entrepreneurial capabilities, organizational culture, learning capabilities, innovative capabilities, and dynamic capabilities which assist the firm change according to the trajectory of opportunities within the O environment. Enterprise capabilities form the basis of strategy that the firm employs to exploit opportunities. Chapter four examines networks which are an entrepreneur’s connection both within his or her organization and to the outside environment. Networks can be formal or informal and enable the entrepreneur to acquire resources and finance, gather market intelligence, develop new products, develop bridges where they lack capabilities, gain access to new markets, and enable the sounding out of ideas and access to emotional support. There are many formal fs network mechanisms including licensing agreements, sub-contracting, strategic alliances, agency and distribution agreements, and routine mechanisms like sales calls. Informal mechanisms can include social connections, family and peers. Networks are an important source of learning and have diverse influences upon decision making. The remainder of the oo chapter looks at network based strategies such as strategic alliances, relationship marketing, and looks briefly at network based opportunities, and network building strategies. Chapter five outlines the composition of the competitive environment, the actual field where opportunities manifest and are exploited. The competitive environment incorporates customer and supplier influences, substitute and complementary good influences, barriers to entry, and the competitive field itself. This is continually influenced by the state of the economy, social trends, technology, and government intervention. Consequently the Pr competitive environment is dynamic and continually changing with its own lifecycle, which influences the nature of competition. Firms are able to segment the competitive field or with radical new technology, new processes, and/or business models, create new competitive fields. The opportunity-strategy nexus is based on the sources of opportunity, the nature of the firm’s resources and capabilities, which form the basis of strategy creation. The chapter concludes with a brief discussion about the steps involved in environmental analysis. Chapter six concerns strategy, where strategy is seen as a process of finding out what works within the competitive field through effectuation and trial and error. Strategy is seen as an intuitive rather than an analytical process. Developing strategy requires prior knowledge and experience about ‘what works’, constrained by the firm’s resources and capabilities.
  • 10. x Murray Hunter There are a number of basic strategies, and those listed in this chapter are not exhaustive. A firm will usually adopt and modify a particular type of strategy for specific purposes. Basic strategic typologies may be modified or merged to form new types of strategies particularly suited to the firm’s situation. The chapter concludes with a discussion on the components of strategy, developing barriers to entry to prevent other firms imitating a firm’s strategic position. The final chapter synthesizes all the elements; time and space, the vision platform, making connections, resources, skills, competencies and capabilities, networks, the competitive environment, and strategy into what can be called the opportunity framework. Each element is influenced by and influenced the other elements, forming an entropic pattern, y where all the elements are required to create a true opportunity. The essence of the meta- theory is that when any entrepreneur visualizes any potential opportunity. All the elements must exist for there to be any real opportunity. Likewise when the entrepreneur attempts to nl exploit the opportunity, strategy must be built around these interrelationships. O fs oo Pr
  • 11. Chapter 1 y THE SOURCES OF OPPORTUNITY nl INTRODUCTION An opportunity is a gap in the market where there is the potential to do something different and create value (Wickham 2004). This represents a potential to serve customers O better than they are already being served through a product or service that offers consumers more utility in terms of satisfying human needs than existing products or services. An opportunity must solve a problem, fulfil a need or want, create a fad or trend for any exploitation of it to have a chance of succeeding. New opportunities continually emerge but don’t necessarily present themselves openly. They must be seen, discovered, identified, or constructed which is the task of entrepreneurs and managers of firms. Not every idea is worthy enough to take action upon. The potential return on the investment of time and effort fs must be large enough to offset the opportunity cost of exploiting another idea or doing something else (Kirzner 1973). All opportunities have a basis or rationale of being. If the opportunity is to be considered entrepreneurial, it must originate from a source of innovation, as entrepreneurial market activity is novel by definition (Frederick & Kuratko 2010). An innovation can be seen as the oo source that enables the successful exploitation of ideas into new products, services, processes or business models. Innovation is critical to enable a firm to grow and remain profitable. Innovation combines knowledge and the needs and wants of consumers that are the base of opportunities. Innovation is not just about the improvement of technology but covers all aspects of a business and the way it organizes itself and operates. Innovation is an ingredient needed to construct most opportunities that seek to exploit changes within the environment. Innovation combines knowledge, resources, capabilities and competencies with social Pr networks to create new means of creating value. Innovation can create new sources of competitive advantage for a firm when it enables incremental changes in the market. Revolutionary innovation can create new industries with new breakthroughs in technology and methods of organization. However there must be a reason for innovation and not just something done for the sake of doing it like what occurred with the launch of New Coke, replacing the well accepted Classic Coke during the 1980s. Likewise technology alone does not automatically yield innovation, imagination, development and marketing skills are needed. Innovation must provide the basis or source of opportunity that is intended to exploit a gap within the marketplace.
  • 12. 2 Murray Hunter However not all sources of opportunity need be innovative and most ventures usually start with non-innovative ideas. In fact very few enterprises have neither, the time, resources, technology or expertise to research and develop new business ideas and innovations (Johnson & Tilley 1999). A business begins with an idea that has been deemed an opportunity through some form of analysis and a person is motivated enough to act upon it. The majority of ideas are derived from the following categories; 1. An old type of business that can be given a new twist or professionalism, i.e., McDonalds or herbal products, y 2. A standard product or service that can be customised, i.e., recording birthdays on customer records so that congratulatory messages can be individually sent to customers by a company, nl 3. New technology that can be adapted to manufacture old products, i.e., desktop publishing, compact disks, faxes and email, etc. 4. Imported products that can be replaced with domestic products, i.e., the basis of many domestic automobile industries, 5. The changing of business models, i.e., sourcing products from a third party rather than manufacturing them, O 6. Developing the same business identity in another geographical location, i.e., The opening up of Coca Cola, KFC and Pizza Hut franchises in other states and countries, and 7. Replicating another business and competing against the original business, i.e., the opening up of a bakery, milk bar, convenience store near another one. fs Although entrepreneurship has been associated with opportunity, there has been very little written about the sources of opportunity. Attention has been focused upon the sources of innovation, rather than the sources of opportunity, which can be innovative or non-innovative. Joseph Schumpeter (1934), the famous Austrian economist was one of the first to recognise oo the role of entrepreneurship in economic development and identified five sources of (innovative) opportunity; 1. The introduction of a new product, either novel or an improvement upon what is available in the market, 2. The introduction of a new method of production, way of handling things, not necessarily as a result of new technology, Pr 3. The opening up of a new market that has not previously been entered, 4. The conquest of a new source of supply of raw materials or intermediate goods, and 5. The development of a new way of organizating within an industry. Schumpeter saw the economy developing across an evolutionary path where it is in a continued state of dynamic disequilibrium (Schumpeter 1942). Entrepreneurs would find new materials, new processes and ways of organizing that would replace the existing products, methods of production and organization of the business, in a processes of creative destruction. This is in contrast to invention, which may bring a revolutionary change to an
  • 13. The Sources of Opportunity 3 industry. The effects of evolutionary and revolutionary change to industry are shown in Table 1.1. Through the forces of change derived from dynamic disequilibrium new firms will be formed by entrepreneurs commercializing new products or services, to create new demand and wealth. Consequently the cycle leads to the formation, growth and decline of firms that are replaced by new ones (Kirchhoff 1994). Firms therefore must either adapt through innovation or die. Creative destruction continually changes the economic structure from within, replacing it with a new one. This can be evidenced by the decline in the average lifespan of companies on the S&P 500 from 35 years in 1975 to less than 20 years today (Byers et. al. 2010). y A good example of continuous change is the music industry. The first commercially available recorded music medium was the vinyl record which lasted into the early 1980s, when the cassette tape emerged. The cassette tape disappeared when the compact disk nl appeared the mid 1980s, completely overshadowing other recorded music mediums due to better sound quality. The compact disk industry peaked around the mid to late 1990s when the internet emerged as a means to obtain recorded music. Apple launched the iPod in 2001 and iTunes eventually became accepted as a major means of obtaining music within the music entertainment business. In a world of change entrepreneurs need to reinvent their existence O and continue to seek new opportunities which include the development of new products, the use of new materials in production, the development of new processes of production, the creation of new ways of organizing and entry into new markets to prevent themselves becoming irrelevant (Knopper 2009). Igor Ansoff, regarded by many as the father of strategic planning applied Schumpeter’s sources of opportunity to determining growth vectors and strategies for the firm. Ansoff (1965) divided the product-market field into a grid representing four distinctive growth fs options available to a firm. Corresponding growth strategies based on appropriate sources of opportunity could be developed to meet the growth objective of a firm. Each sector of the field represents a potential growth vector. Pursuing growth through existing products in existing markets requires market penetration strategies. Pursuing growth oo through existing products in new markets requires market development strategies. Pursuing growth through new products in existing markets requires product development strategies and pursuing growth through new products in new markets requires diversification strategies (see Figure 1.1.). Table 1.1. The effects of evolutionary and revolutionary change to industry Pr Evolutionary Innovation Revolutionary Innovation Incremental changes to the Major changes to the product/market/industry. product/market/industry. Usually inter-industry changes. Maintain the competitive position within the Creates new industries and may destroy old industry. ones. Part of rivalry strategies within an industry. Results in large scale industry transitions, creating new positions and balances. Short-run economic changes, maybe Long run economic changes of the industry. providing temporary advantage.
  • 14. 4 Murray Hunter Markets Existing New Existing products to  Existing products to  existing markets  new markets  Existing  Market  Market  Penetration  Development  Products  y New products to  New products to new  nl existing markets  markets  New Product  Diversification  Development  O Figure 1.1. The product-market field matrix. Each sector implies corresponding sources of opportunities that consequent strategies would be based upon. For example, the present technology processed by a firm for its existing products can be utilized for developing similar new products. The firm will couple the source fs of opportunity with its objectives to develop a product-market and growth vector scenario. Through the corresponding strategies the firm may develop a situation where its competencies match the scenario and the objective-product/market-opportunity-strategy-competencies are in synergy. This heightens the firm’s ability to compete in the market with competitive advantage over its rivals (Ansoff 1968, P. 99). Competitive advantage is a driver of change as oo firms must respond to the development of new forms of competitive advantage by rivals through new innovations to maintain their position in the market. However sources of competitive advantage should not be mistaken for sources of opportunity. Alternatively, a new technology through in-house R&D can be used to develop breakthrough new products for the firm, which may make its competitors products obsolete. These breakthroughs or disruptive innovations can create entirely new markets through the introduction of a new kind of product or service that established market leaders have trouble Pr coping with. This can be seen with the disruption to the airline industry through the establishment of low cost airlines and the need of many post offices around the world to diversify their business operations. The basis of strategy depends upon finding opportunities in the product-market field and synergising competencies to achieve its objectives through deliberate actions. According to Ansoff (1968, P. 100) inherently profitable opportunities are found through threading the product/market scope, growth vector, competitive advantage and competencies together in response to the external environment. Ansoff saw the importance of synergy as a key ingredient to make a product/market entry successful.
  • 15. The Sources of Opportunity 5 Porter (1980) examined innovation in regards to industry evolution and saw that three types of innovation can lead to opportunities for growth. Product innovation is a major source of industry change through technological innovations. Product innovation can widen markets and drive industry growth. Product innovations can come from outside the industry like digital calculators and watches and completely change the marketplace where incumbents within the industry have little flexibility (Porter 1980, P. 178). Marketing innovations involve novel uses of advertising, new marketing themes and new channels to reach new consumers and reduce price sensitivity through greater product differentiation. Innovation in marketing and distribution can affect industry mobility and cost levels, thus changing the balance of competitive advantage within the industry. Finally process innovation can change industry y structure through changes in manufacturing methods. Innovation can make a manufacturing process more of less capital intensive, thus changing the economies of scale of the process. For example publishing technologies have reduced in cost allowing smaller firms or nl individuals to enter the industry. Polaroid cameras dramatically lost market share when digital camera technology emerged. Porter (1980, pp. 180-184) also mentioned a number of changes that would create new sources of opportunities. Structural changes in adjacent industries could have potential consequences for the direction of industry evolution. Hypermarkets and chain variety stores O have changed the nature of retailing, thus lessening potential opportunities for individual stand-alone retail formats but increasing opportunities for global distribution. Government regulation change about what products can be sold and how products can be sold has great affect upon the types of products in the market and companies that produce and sell them. Government policy in various areas will affect the nature and structure of the products companies offer and the nature of competition and the industry, i.e., medical insurance fs automobile insurance, medical services, types of agricultural products and medicines that can be sold, entertainment and gambling laws, trade practices and regulation, etc. The barriers of entry and exit and capital set up costs involved within an industry have great bearing upon opportunities within that industry. Entry costs as a deterrent are relative to the size and growth of an industry. Incumbents that have great infrastructure advantages, oo maybe sufficient to keep other companies out of the industry. However according to Porter (1980, P. 183) sometimes these high entry costs can be circumvented by developing new brands and business models as US firms did when they entered the low cost wine market. Peter Drucker’s (1985) seminal book Innovation and Entrepreneurship stated clearly that innovation is the specific function of entrepreneurship, whether it is in an existing business, in a public service institution, or within a new venture. Innovation is the means by which the entrepreneur develops new resources or improves the efficiency of existing resources by Pr which more wealth is achieved (Drucker 1998). Drucker continues on to state that although there may be innovations that spring from pure genius, but most innovations are the result of conscious, purposeful, search for innovation opportunities, which are found only in a selected number of situations. Drucker identified seven sources of innovation, which account for the vast majority of all innovation opportunities; • Unexpected occurrences, • Incongruities, • Process needs,
  • 16. 6 Murray Hunter • Industry and market changes, • Demographic changes, • Changes in perception, and • New knowledge. Drucker’s seven sources of innovation largely went unnoticed until a about decade ago, when writers within the discipline of entrepreneurship realized their importance in explaining the nature of opportunity and the practice of entrepreneurship. Both Schumpeter’s and Drucker’s sources of innovation are very similar except where Drucker identified unexpected occurrences as a source of opportunity. Although the y unexpected success or failure shows a person’s or group’s limited vision or blindness (Drucker 1985, P. 41), the unexpected should not directly be considered as a source of innovative opportunity. The unexpected is a sign of other factors in operation. What may look nl like chance isn’t, as there are a number of underlying factors in the background, which can either accelerate the process by which an industry develops (Porter 1990, P. 112). For example, the Coca Cola Company by chance had the opportunity to rapidly expand distribution around the world due to US involvement in World War II. In 1980 PZ Cussons Australia launched the ultra dishwashing detergent Morning Fresh1. The product had poor O consumer off-take until a transport strike in 1982. After a few days only bottles of Morning Fresh remained in the dishwashing section of supermarkets and consumers had to purchase the brand if they wanted any dishwashing liquid. Once consumers had the forced opportunity to try the product sales continued to rise until it became the No. 1. dishwashing detergent on the Australian market. Chance events are outside the control of firms. These can include discontinuities that may cause demand surges, factors that nullify the advantages of natural fs leaders, breakthroughs in basic technologies, external political developments, or major shifts in foreign based demand which create unforeseen opportunities from a number of different sources of opportunity that can reshape the industry structure. Chance is what happens when unrelated events churn around the planet. Luck occurs when a highly alert person snatches meaning from chance. Luck doesn’t just happen, its oo arranged, by one’s own doing. Lucky people or firms are those that co-opt chance and exploit it. Bad luck occurs when one is blind to events. Edward de Bono (1993) gave a list of attributes that can in combination be seen as sources of opportunity. If employed correctly these characteristics will place the firm with distinct advantage in the marketplace, and thus may be seen as sources of opportunity. De Bono talks about developing value monopolies, as against physical monopolies, where competitors cannot complete. This is achieved through creating product/service value through Pr some form or mix of; • Physical uniqueness, i.e., a hotel or restaurant location, • Technological uniqueness, i.e., a patent on a valuable technology behind a product like Polaroid Cameras, where Polaroid won a court case over Kodak for infringement over patents in 1986. • Name recognition, i.e., James Bond, Disney, Calvin Klein, Caltex, Toyota, Soy, Microsoft. 1 An ultra dishwashing liquid is a concentrated one.
  • 17. The Sources of Opportunity 7 • Dominance, i.e., Boeing, Toyota, IBM, Nokia. • Cost of Entry, i.e., Disneyland, Boeing, Airbus, Toyota, etc. • Brand Image, i.e., McDonalds, Nokia, Wal-Mart, London School of Economics, and • Segmentation, i.e., McDonalds, Nokia, Wal-Mart. Together these attributes can create a market positioning that is extremely difficult to compete against, thus ensuring leadership for the firm that can develop these characteristics and therefore in an integrated way be seen as a source of opportunity. y THE PHASES OF OPPORTUNITY DEVELOPMENT Business development is concerned about the art of seeing and exploiting opportunity for nl the creation of value, which may contribute to the firm’s profitability, growth and/or survival. This process goes through four basic phases; 1. The discovery, identification or construction of ideas about opportunities through the creative process, O 2. The screening of these ideas to determine whether an opportunity exists that has potential to be exploited, 3. The crafting of a useful strategy that is able to exploit the identified opportunity, and 4. The implementation of the strategy in a way that adds value to the firm. There is an abundance of management theory about the identification and exploitation of fs opportunities from various points of view. Andrews (1965), Ansoff (1965) and Porter (1980, 1985, 1990) take the point of view that opportunity identification and strategy development is rational and analytical through convergent thinking process. Ohmae (1982), Mintzberg (1994) and Stacy (1993) see opportunity identification and strategy development as more intuitive and a creative process through divergent thinking. Others like Wilson (1994, 1998), Raimond oo (1996), Liedtka (1998a, 1998b) and Heracleous (1998) see opportunity identification and strategy development as a mixture of art and science. What seems to be important is a firm’s ability to recognise what information is important in opportunity recognition and subsequent innovative processes, its prior and related knowledge and experience (Cohen & Levinthal 1990), and its alertness, self efficacy, creativity, social networks and the type of opportunity itself (Ardichvili et. al. 2003). Previous entrepreneurial experience may assist in developing an ‘opportunity intellect’ that aids the identification of opportunities and provides a Pr framework that allows informed and experienced based decisions about how to exploit an identified opportunity (Kaish & Gilad 1991). The process of opportunity identification would appear to be an emergent rather than a deductive process, requiring divergent rather than convergent thinking. Innovation is generated through social interaction where data cannot be analyzed in logical ways. For example quantitative market research may be very limited in the information it can provide a person who foresees the possibility of opening a sandwich bar next to a commuter train station or a courthouse. Understanding consumer behaviour, their wants and needs will be more important in making any decision to exploit the perceived opportunity. Therefore seeing
  • 18. 8 Murray Hunter opportunity is more related to the ability to imagine and associated emotions. New ideas are constructed, not analyzed. The future cannot be forecast, it can only be explored (Schumacher 1974, P. 200). In order to see the potential sources of opportunity one must be able to take a strategic view of the firm and the environment. A strategic view is one that can pick up subtle changes in the environment through a degree of sensitivity and alertness and be able to extrapolate any linkages and connections discovered into idea scenarios that can be evaluated. An individual will tend to be more sensitive and alert in domains that he or she already has knowledge and experience. To see opportunity there must be motivation or intent. Hamel and Prahalad (1989) y conceptualized the concept of strategic intent where there is an intuitive vision of the future direction of the firm. This helps to provide focus on the domain and selective parts of the environment that are considered important to the firm’s future. Therefore as well as being a nl motivator, strategic intent concerns itself with the immediate domain and the firm’s perceived capabilities and prior learning linked through prior knowledge. Strategic intent also gives a sense of destiny and direction (Hamel & Prahalad 1994, pp. 129-130). The discovery of useful sources of opportunity in the construct of opportunities is tied to observation of environment changes over time. Changes in the environment usually occur in O an evolutionary manner which the average person will not be aware and think about. Connectiveness of the past and present to the future must be incubated by the individuals who make up the firm over reflection and time. Alternatively sources of opportunity may be driven by new technologies, either as an incremental step or breakthrough. New technologies incorporated into products, services or improve production processes can potentially add value to a firm. With novel breakthrough technologies a firm may be able to create a new market segment, i.e., P&Gs development of fs Pert/Rejoice 2 in 1 shampoo, or even a new industry, i.e., the advent of cellular phones created a new industry separate to existing landline phone networks. The firm will operate according to a ‘self hypothesis’ which is influenced by learning and prior knowledge. A ‘self hypothesis’ is a shared mental model of the environment and the oo firm’s place within it. The firm’s ‘self hypothesis’ is where the firm perceives its own strengths and weaknesses, those of its competitors, the potential reactions of competitors to an aggressive stance taken by the firm, weak spots and barriers within the field and areas where the firm should not enter or is safe to enter. The ‘self hypothesis’ is the firm’s view of the world, generating a perception of its own self efficacy. The ‘self hypothesis’ can be a barrier to seeing opportunities if one is not aware of the assumptions behind it. Most influence of prior knowledge is manifested through the firm’s ‘self hypothesis’. Pr Prior knowledge contains learning about what can and cannot be done within the market by the firm. One important role prior knowledge plays is in technical and tacit knowledge about products, business models, technology, consumers, and competitors, etc. Through incubation prior knowledge assists the cognitive system make linkages and connections which identify new sources of opportunity for the firm. The huge majority of ideas already exist in one form or another within the existing or another domain, another geographical location or in another time. We remember different ideas from past experience or observation of the environment. Past knowledge may assist in creating unique insights into the consequences of change occurring within the environment.
  • 19. The Sources of Opportunity 9 Alertness and sensitivity are qualities needed to see and pick up subtle changes in the environment. Our focus also plays a role in assisting to narrow down our attention to what is relevant to potential new opportunities. Finally it is important to know what to look for in finding new opportunities. Our opportunity intellect is a specialised knowledge which guides us through the discovery, evaluation and scenario building process of a potential opportunity. It is a strong entrepreneurial intuitive ability. The components influencing the strategic view are shown in Figure 1.2. Therefore new sources of opportunity can be pushed out by a firm as a new product or service into the marketplace or be pulled by unsatisfied customer needs. Some innovations go on to be successful as the product or service is what customers are looking for, while others y miss fulfilling any latent customer need and fail. In the case of failure mistakes can be felt very quickly with a product, service, or even business failure, which may prove very expensive. nl   Field Opportunities O Domain Opportunities  fs Motivation &  Strategic View Time  Intent  oo Self Hypothesis  Prior  Alertness &  Opportunity  Knowledge  Sensitivity  Intellect  Self efficacy.             Prior knowledge  The ability to see  An understanding  Perception of skills,  within the domain  change within the  about what to look  capabilities,  and field of  environment that  for in regards to  competencies &  operations.  the majority of  potential  Pr resources.               Experience.   others cannot see.       opportunities.            Views of ability to  Expertise and  The ability to focus  An ability to visualize  influence the  various types of  in on these changes  future scenarios  environment, etc.         knowhow  and see potential  based on what is  A predictive value of  connections and  seen.                    the future. scenarios.  An intuitive ability to  weigh up a potential  opportunity  Figure 1.2. The components of the strategic view.
  • 20. 10 Murray Hunter THE SOURCES OF OPPORTUNITY Peter Drucker (1985, P. 34) remarked that we cannot develop a full and complete theory of the sources of opportunity, yet we can understand where opportunities may come from. The overwhelming majority of successful innovations exploit social, economic and regulatory change or new and improved technologies. New to the world breakthrough inventions may provoke change as did the aeroplane to commercial aviation, the telephone to communication and the television to entertainment, etc. New technologies often make great changes to the way we live our lives as we are beginning to see through new advances in biotechnology and genomics. y Innovation requires a systematic and disciplined way of work based upon what the innovator sees and learns from the environment, particularly in his or her own domain. All sources of opportunity must be based on purchasing power which is the ultimate driver of nl innovation. For example, very few people in Malaysia could afford to purchase a new Proton Saga car when it was launched in 1984, if it was not for the innovative leasing packages attached to purchases of the vehicles. Finance packages made the Proton Saga car available to many new potential car buyers through its easy access to lower middle income groups. This was the innovative part of the proton business model that enabled the company to gain over a O 70% market share in Malaysia during the late 1980s and throughout the 1990s. Finance changed the Malaysian car market from a supply driven to a demand driven market. These forms of social innovation often have much more impact than technical innovation. For the purposes of this meta-theory, the author has divided the sources of opportunity into six main categories, market void, technology infusion, structural changes, resource monopoly, regulation and non-innovative. Each main category has a number of sub- fs categories (see Figure 1.3.). Further, each source of opportunity will have a different impact upon the environment. It may; • Increase efficiency with small intensely focused productivity improvements by improving what already exists through minimal investment. These types of sources oo of opportunity can be seen in many quality programs that manufacturing and service industries engage upon. • Make evolutionary changes incremental to the market place focused on improving existing products and services like bank ATMs, Dell Computer’s mass customization of home computers as per customer preferences and Toyota’s development of specialized distribution channels for the Scion brand targeted at Gen Y, etc., and/or • Make revolutionary changes through radical new additions to the market place that Pr change the way people think about and do things, which may lead to changes in existing structure of the industry and/or marketplace, like the invention of the motor vehicle at the beginning of the 20th century and Henry Ford’s development of the mass production line around 1914 which brought the product from something only the elite could afford to something affordable to the middle classes of the United States (Dent 1994).
  • 21. y nl Sources of Opportunity                (Opportunity Anchors)  O Market Void  Technology  Structural changes Resource  Regulation  Non‐Innovative  Infusion Monopoly    Incongruities Invention Changes in  Physical Resource Effect on  Personal  Industry  Product  Service &  Consulting  Incremental  Capability Resource Demographic  Effect on Process Improvement  New  Changes  Duplication Processes  Legal Resource Adaptation fs Perceptual  Adaptation,  Extension Brand Resource Changes  combination &  integration New Processes Copy/        Scarcity Power Imitation New Materials Cost/value Shift o Strategies for each source of opportunity  Figure 1.3. The potential sources of opportunity (Opportunity anchors) for a firm. ro
  • 22. 12 Murray Victor Hunter The result of utilizing a source of opportunity will be; 1. The development of new products which may exploit established technology, simply an improvement of what is already available or may offer a new radical way of doing something. 2. New services, 3. New production technologies, 4. New operating practices, 5. New ways of delivering the product to the customer, 6. New means of informing the customer about the product, or y 7. New ways of managing relationships between entities. Sources of opportunities are also viewed from different perspectives depending upon who nl is looking at the environment. Individuals with limited ideas, capital, experience, expertise and networks may look for an opportunity that returns them a wage rather than a profit. An entrepreneur with good domain knowledge and experience within an industry may have his or her own theory of ‘how things can be done better’ believing they have a personal theory of success and be very focused upon specific types of opportunities. A corporation will take a O strategic view and analyse potential opportunity space looking at how to minimize or eliminate risks and uncertainty before moving into any form of action. Therefore each individual will look at different levels of return and profitability and approach the environment with different levels of capital, resources, skills and capabilities and networks. fs MARKET VOID Market void opportunities are those potential opportunities that may exist due to an unnoticed gap or un-serviced portion of the market. They include incongruities, demographic, and perceptual changes, discussed below. oo Incongruities Peter Drucker in his book Innovation & Entrepreneurship identifies incongruities as a source of innovation. He defines an incongruity ‘as a discrepancy, a dissonance, between what is and what ‘ought’ to be’ (Drucker 1985, P. 57). An incongruity is a symptom of an Pr opportunity to innovate. Consumers are aware of them, but not in an overtly conscious way that leads to the expression of their unmet needs. It may be a latent need, a yearning for some improvement or a want that there was something that could solve their problem. However these incongruities may only be visible to people with experience of the industry, being very difficult to detect by those outside the industry. Alternatively they may be visible to people who have that need. If incongruities are detected and exploited, they can be very powerful sources of opportunities that can lead to substantial growth for a firm.
  • 23. The Sources of Opportunity 13 Incongruities express change whether caused by changing industry structures, changes in perception, changes in demographics, changes in regulations, or changes in technologies. Therefore there are several different types of incongruities. The first type of incongruity is between what an industry is today and what it should be because of the economic realities of the time. For example, tariffs put on to protect many automobile industries in the 1950s and 1960s led to the production of basic, inefficiently produced and overly priced cars in many markets. With rapid improvements in the production of Japanese cars with lower prices, good fuel economy and many standard extras, an incongruity grew between what is available and what Japanese cars could offer the consumer. This type of incongruity showed how difficult it is to sustain a protected industry producing y inferior goods to those available in other markets. The second form of incongruity is between a present reality and what could be. This source of opportunity occurs where improvements in a business process could bring new nl potentials to the business or industry. Drucker (1985, pp. 62-63) cited the transformation of the international ocean freight industry that transported loose cargo within their ships up to the 1950’s with roll-on, roll-off container shipping that came in the 1960’s. People wrongly perceived that ocean freight would be replaced by air freight, except for bulk commodities and were looking at speeding up ships rather than changing processes as the solution. O There are incongruities between perceived and actual customer values and expectations. This congruity can often occur because of own sets of assumptions about consumers or arrogance in believing we know what consumers want. For example, many pet food companies believed that only low cost pet food would sell in developing markets because consumers would not pay premium prices for the product. However premium pet food sells well in many developing countries because some consumers care deeply for their pets and want the best for them. Likewise, cosmetics are one of the first luxury goods, before other fs types of luxuries that people begin to buy when income gets above a certain threshold in developing markets because of women’s improving sense of self identity. Modelling and acting schools appeal to peoples’ aspirations, an incongruity between what where they are and where they want to be. Companies that can see these types of incongruities before others have oo a strong source of opportunity to fuel rapid growth. There are sometimes incongruities with a process that consumers have to undertake, where one action in the process is out of step with all the others. Most consumers or users are aware of this it, but it takes someone to pick up this problem and find a solution to it. For example, dishwashing machines need a precise dosage of a caustic detergent to clean dishes and glassware properly. These products are usually powders which have to be scooped from a box and placed in a small compartment inside the door of the dishwashing machine. A Pr household cleaning product manufacturer adopted the concept of using a tablet rather than a powder to provide a precise dose to the dishwashing process with great success, making the whole machine dishwashing process much cleaner and streamlined1. 1 Ironically this same idea was tried earlier for laundry but failed miserably.
  • 24. 14 Murray Hunter Demographic Changes Demographics represent differences in population distribution, age structure, ethnic and racial composition, employment levels, education status, and income distribution, etc. The proportion and number of women in the population, ratio of blue to white collar workers, unemployed to self employed, births, deaths, and immigration influences both the types and magnitude of opportunities available in a society. What people want, need, and purchase in aggregate can be correlated to specific demographic groups. Age distribution within a specific population is an important determinant of consumption patterns because different age groups buy things for different reasons throughout their life. y For example, teenagers may buy shoes for the brand image and style, but later in life buy shoes for comfort and durability. Peoples needs change over their lives and therefore as demographics change, so do opportunities. nl Consequently demographics are patterns that exist in the external field of the firm where new opportunities can be seen as demographics shift, if studied carefully. Demographics are far from static and continually evolve, change, and underlie emerging trends in an industry/market. A firm must continue to study shifting demographics to maintain its relevance to the community of consumers it serves. O Demographic change has two affects. Firstly, a change in any major demographic distribution shifts demand away from where it exists presently towards new market and industry sectors that may or may not exist. This in turn triggers a shift in resources towards these new market and industry sectors, thus changing its structure and nature of economic activities within it. Demographics therefore has a strong impact on demand, and viewing changing demand through defined demographic definitions and vice versa, helps us identify potential opportunities. fs For example, nations with a high proportion of children are likely to devote a high proportion of resources to their care, which will provide opportunities in related market/industry sectors. In contrast if most of the population is of working age, this will add greatly to economic growth and domestic consumption, providing opportunities in relevant oo market/industries. If a large proportion of the population consists of the elderly then large resources will have to be allocated to their care, which will open opportunities in relevant market/industry sectors. Age distribution is an influential demographic, which affects the level and type of savings, investment, productivity, and consumption in an economy (Bloom & Canning 2001). So as the age distribution changes resources will be reallocated towards producing goods and services that emerging dominant age groups require. The different types of products and services a person requires throughout their life are depicted in Figure 1.4. Pr Other demographics also influence demand and the types of opportunities that will prevail within any economy. Different demographics combine their effect in complex ways and change markets. The surge of young people in many countries within South-East Asia is increasing the affluence of their respective countries through the increases in productivity they bring once entering the workforce, increasing demand for consumer goods, housing, motor vehicles and education, etc. The increasing urbanized workforce quickly dilutes established traditional and replaces them with new modes of behaviour. Demand for traditional goods and services declines in favour of branded goods. With rural-urban drift the cost of firms servicing rural areas is increasing as markets are declining. Urban markets are becomes cheaper to service as population intensifies in concentrated areas. The position of
  • 25. The Sources of Opportunity 15 women within the workforce is also intensifying, leading to a new class of single professional women with wealth and spending power. Consequently women are having children later in life or forgoing childbirth to concentrate on their careers (McElroy 2001). People’s values are shifting leading to more demand for consumer goods and branded products, rather than the lower quality generic products they bought in the past. Wars and natural disasters also alter demographics, demand patterns, and shape opportunities. Immigration can create an abundance of opportunities through the multiplier effect within an economy (Straubhaar & Zimmermann 1993). Very rarely does a population remain static and different parts of the world will go through different demographic changes, as can be seen through the selected demographics of some countries in Table 1.2. below. y Changing demographics leads to changes in demand for goods and services. Urbanization brings new demand patterns from the same population that once lived in rural areas. The first generation of offspring will be completely urbanized, tending to adopt new urban nl cosmopolitan values, rather than traditional values. With urban values come tastes for the latest electronic gadgets, brands, and goods not long before seen as luxuries to the country. In countries where young populations are declining, local university enrolments will decline, requiring the recruitment of foreign students or investments in lifelong education programs to take up the slack in university enrolments. Aged population will require more care and   O medical services, leading to a larger need to retirement and special care homes. Changing demographics lead to behavioural changes which lead to new opportunities. Retirement Age  fs Medical  Services  Entertainment      Working life  Retirement  Clothing           Elderly  Homes  Computer  Hobbies equipment        oo Lifelong  etc  Fashion Education  Travel &  (various forms  Leisure and types  through age  Childcare spectrum)  Accommodation Working  Dependency  Car & Transport Adulthood  University  Pr Sports  Schooling  Teens  Toys Kindergartens  Baby products  Infant  Figure 1.4. Timeline showing the different types of products and services a person requires during their life.
  • 26. 16 Murray Hunter Table 1.2. Selected demographics of Some Countries2 Country Population 0-14 15- 65+ Pop. % % % Net % 64 % Growth Unemployed Poverty Urban Mig. % % /1000 Argentina 41,343,201 25.5 63.6 10.9 1.036 8.7 13.9 92 0 Australia 21,515,754 18.4 67.8 13.7 1.171 5.6 N/A 89 6.13 Austria 8,214,160 14.3 67.7 18.1 0.042 4.8 6 67 1.83 Bangladesh 158,065,841 34.1 61.8 4.1 1.274 2.5 36.3 27 -1.97 Belgium 10,423,493 16 66.2 17.8 0.082 7.9 15.2 97 1.22 y Bolivia 9,947,418 35.1 60.4 4.5 1.72 8.5 60 66 -1.01 Brazil 201,103,330 26.5 66.9 6.6 1.166 8.1 26 86 -0.09 Canada 33,759,742 15.9 68.6 15.5 0.804 8.3 10.8 80 5.63 nl China 1,330,141, 295 17.9 73.4 8.6 0.494 4.3 2.8 43 -0.34 Denmark 5.515.575 17.9 65.5 16.6 0.267 4.3 12.1 80 2.47 Egypt 80,471,869 32.8 62.8 4.4 1.997 9.4 20 43 -0.21 France 64,057,792 19.6 64.9 16.5 0.525 9.1 6.2 77 1.47 Germany 82,282,988 13.5 66.1 20.4 -0.061 7.5 11 74 2.14 Greece Hong Kong India Indonesia Iran Italy 10,749,943 7,089,705 1,173,108,018 242,968,342 67,037,517 58,090,681 14.2 11.9 30.1 27.7 21.3 13.4 O 66.4 74.8 64.4 66.2 73.2 66.2 19.4 13.3 5.3 6.1 5.4 20.3 0.106 0.476 1.376 1.097 0.94 -0.075 9.5 5.3 10.7 7.7 11.8 7.7 20 N/A 25 17.8 18 N/A 61 100 29 52 68 68 2.33 4.22 -0.05 -1.23 -2.17 2.07 fs Japan 126,804,433 13.3 64.1 22.6 -0.242 5.1 N/A 66 N/A Kenya 40,046,566 42.3 55.1 2.7 2.588 4- 50 22 0 Madagascar 21,281,844 43.3 53.7 3 2.993 N/A 50 29 N/A Malaysia 26,160,256 31 63.9 5.1 1.704 3.7 5.1 70 N/A Netherlands 16,783,092 17.2 67.7 15.2 0.39 4.9 10.5 82 2.83 oo Nigeria 152,217,341 41.2 55.7 3.1 1.966 4.9 70 48 -0.1 Philippines 99,900,177 34.9 60.9 4.2 1.931 7.5 32.9 65 -1.31 Russia 139,390,205 15 71.7 13.3 -0.465 8.4 15.8 73 0.28 Saudi 29,207,277 38 59.5 2.5 1.75 11.7 N/A 82 -8.26 Arabia Sierra 5,245,695 41.8 54.6 3.6 2.216 N/A 70,2 38 -4.66 Leone Pr Singapore 4,701,069 14.1 76.9 9 0.863 3 N/A 100 4.79 South 48,109,107 28.5 65.9 5.5 -0.051 24 50 61 -3.13 Africa South 48,636,058 16.1 72.7 11.1 0.258 3.7 15 81 0 Korea Tanzania 41,892,895 42.5 54.6 2.9 2.032 N/A 36 25 -0.81 Thailand 66,404,688 20.3 70.7 9 0.601 1.5 9.6 33 N/A Turkey 77,804,122 26.9 66.9 6.2 1.272 14.1 17.11 69 0.53 2 CIA The World Factbook,, (accessed 26th July 2010)
  • 27. The Sources of Opportunity 17 Country Population 0-14 15- 65+ Pop. % % % Net % 64 % Growth Unemployed Poverty Urban Mig. % % /1000 Uganda 33,398,682 50 49.7 2.1 3.563 N/A 35 13 -0.02 Ukraine 45,415,596 13.7 70.7 15.5 -0.619 8.8 35 68 -0.1 United 61,284,806 16.5 67.1 16.4 0.282 7.6 14 90 2.15 Kingdom United 310,232,863 20,1 66.9 13 0.97 9.3 12 82 4.25 States Uzbekistan 27,865,738 27.3 68 4.7 0.938 1.1 26 37 -2.84 Venezuela 27,223,228 30 64.7 5.3 1.515 7.9 37.9 93 0 y Vietnam 89,571,130 25.6 68.8 5.5 1.096 6.5 12.3 28 -0.37 Yemen 23,495,361 43.5 53.9 2.6 2.713 35 45.2 31 N/A Zambia 12,056,923 44.8 52.9 2.3 1.617 50 86 35 -2.61 nl Shifts in demographics do not occur instantaneously, they slowly drift towards new patterns, in a similar waythat the age structure of the population evolves. For example, the aging of the baby boomer generation is a gradual process, where demand for products and services that the aged require increases on a year to year basis. Therefore new opportunities O based on changing defined demographics occur gradually and grow according to the size and distribution of the demographic (see Figure 1.5.). Magnitude  fs Opportunity too  small for incumbent  firms to exploit  Fertile area for  Opportunity  start‐up firms  oo Increasing shift in demographic  Time  Pr Figure 1.5. The growing magnitude of an opportunity as demographics change. When potential opportunities based on demographics begin to emerge they are often ignored by firms within the industry, which either just don’t see the changes occurring or refuse to acknowledge that change is occurring. Many established firms that actually spot the changes early also fail to act because the new emerging opportunities represent very small market segments initially. Small market segments suit small start-up firms who can grow with a new emerging market rather than incumbent firms whose infrastructure is organized around existing market segments. Once an incumbent firm sees that the new emerging market
  • 28. 18 Murray Hunter segment is growing rapidly, it is often too late for them to dominate the new segment because start-up firms have become the new incumbents in the newer segments. Changing demographics together with advances in technology can shift the boundaries of an industry. This is especially so if incongruities develop, which cannot be met by existing products3. For example the colour television market once consisted of portable, table models, and consoles, etc. However LED and plasma technologies have created new television market segments, along with home movie systems and colour televisions incorporated into cellular phones. These new market segments merge into other industries. Changing demographics create new market/industry segments where opportunities are to be discovered. To find new opportunities, one must look at the market through currently y defined demographics or create new demographic definitions, see how they are changing, and work out what it means. Creativity is the key here in finding new ways to segment the market/industry, and in identifying new classes of potential new buyers (Porter 1985, P. 248). nl This may involve the discovery of new segments which don’t yet exist in the market and go beyond conventional and accepted industry classification schemes. For example the automobile market was defined by the U.S. automobile industry by income segmentation. This missed the potential of segmenting cars according to lifestyle where many new potential opportunities for creative segments could have been identified and were identified by others O in the 1980s. These were the safety segment – Volvo, SAAB and Mercedes Benz, city commuting segment– many Honda, Toyota, and Suzuki models, and the off road 4WD and SUV models. It can then be appraised how these new potential segment appeals to different demographics and what designs, functions, benefits and channels they would require (this may result in eliminating features that the identified group does not consider important in their purchase decisions). This may create a new product bundle that can exploit a newly discovered opportunity like the development of discount, no frills hotels that have the fs important amenities that the buyer group requires, without services that are not considered important4. oo Perceptual Changes Opportunities are created when a sizable proportion of a population change perception. A change in perception does not alter the facts, but the understanding and identity of a population alters to the point where meanings change. Changing perception is about changing attitudes, which lead to changing habits. For example some countries in the South-East Asian region have been developing economically very rapidly over the last few decades. Sizable Pr population has groups have transformed from living a quiet rural life to a hectic urban 3 New technologies can on their own create incongruities where consumers decide that the new functions and/or benefits of the new technology, reflected in the product become a desire, want, or need. 4 Various models for budget hotels exist. The US first saw budget hotels in the 1970s. Motel concepts often follow budget concepts. Japan saw the introduction of capsule hotels in 1979 where the basics are provided within a small capsule the size of a bed. More recently another no frills or limited service concept Tune Hotels was launched by Air Asia in 2007 for the Malaysian market with basic and clean amenities that can be booked online in advance at various rates according to season and demand. These hotels don’t have conference rooms, swimming pools or other amenities one would expect in other hotels, but they are conveniently located near airports, railway stations and shopping centres. New outlets are being currently opened around the Asian region, UK, and Australia.
  • 29. The Sources of Opportunity 19 lifestyle, in the quest for economic prosperity, by taking up employment opportunities in the large cities. This demographic change has occurred relatively quickly in South-east Asia, changing drastically self perception and the nature of markets. A once rural orientated person is now a prosperous urban consumer. Although the change can be seen as economic and geographic, the major importance of this change is attitudinal. Perceptual changes occur because of transformative drifts in attitudes originating from transitions in lifestyle, working life, education, domicile outlook, and evolving aspirations driven by increasing affluence. Transformative drifts in attitudes are also by influenced experience and new knowledge, global convergence within society, and exposure to new consumer technologies that create new desires. This must be a societal rather than individual y phenomenon. Figure 1.6. shows some of the factors that influence perceptual changes in society. Paramount to any perceptual change is a person’s domicile outlook, explained in chapter nl three of volume one of this book. Domicile outlook to a great degree frames a person’s self identity. If one was born into the black working class of the United Sates in the 1950s or the rural aboriginal population of Australia in the in the last decades of the 20th century, one may feel that this is their station in life that is fixed and adopt a self identity compatible with that belief. As a consequence aspirations will be confined to that station in life where one will O accept where they are now and not aspire to other potential lifestyles. However growing education and employment opportunities and contact with urban culture and global-centric ideas can bring very quick change to perceptions and attitudes, resulting in very different demand patterns. New knowledge  about health, fitness,  fs food, etc.  Urbanization,  New  growing  Changing  confidence about  Knowledge Domicile  social status, etc.  Experience  Outlook  oo Changing traditions Perceptual  The  Aspirations      Changes  Environment  Where am I  now?               Where do I  Attitudes  want to be?  Pr Peers and Role  New  Changing  Models  Global  technology  Affluence  Convergence Figure 1.6. Some of the factors that influence perceptual changes in society.
  • 30. 20 Murray Hunter In China during the 1970s, the “Flying Pigeon” bicycle was called by Deng Xiaoping a symbol of prosperity, as the whole country moved by bicycles. However over the last decade the bicycle has been almost totally replaced by cars in urban centres. The bicycle is seen as a working class relic, where they now have very little place in daily life. They are reserved for old ladies and men. Car ownership in China has risen from one million in 1999, to over 4.5 million today, and is expected to be over 6 million by 2015. The bicycle today is seen as the past, something old and Chinese now aspire to owning a car and very proud of it once they get it. Table 1.3. Purchases by major US Food Companies of Ethical/Organic Companies y Purchasing Company Purchased Company Takeover date Kraft Boca Foods February 2000 nl Back to Nature September 2003 Pepsi Naked Juice November 2006 General Mills Cascadian Farm December 1999 Larabar June 2008 Dean Horizon May 1999 Alta Dena July 1998 ConAgra Cadbury Schweppes Coca Cola Kellogg O White/Wave Silk Lightlife Alexia Foods Green & Black’s Odwalla Honest tea Morning Star Farms/Natural Touch May 2002 July 2000 July 2007 May 2005 October 2005 February 2008 November 1999 fs Kashi June 2000 Bear Naked November 2007 M&M Mars Seeds of Change 1997 Hershey Foods Dagoba October 2006 Hain Celestial Westbrae October 1997 Westsoy oo Bearitos Little Bear DeBole’s April 1998 Garden of Eaten Arrowhead Mills Nile Spice December 1998 Breadshop April 1999 Casbah Pr Health Valley Earth’s Best September 1999 Celestial Seasonings March 2000 Imagine Rice/Dream Soy December 2002 Walnut Acres Spectrum Organics June 2003 SunSpire August 2005 MaraNatha March 2006
  • 31. The Sources of Opportunity 21 The benefits of exercise and  working out in a gym  Changing  Perceptions  Women wanting a safe and  secure environment  Result in creation  Pick up women’s  of Fernwood  changing perceptions  Women’s Health  Club Concept  y Women feeling intimidated in  Not working  conventional gyms in the weight  out in  conventional  nl areas.  Current situation gyms  Figure 1.7. shows the earlier and changing perceptions of women. Australia has long been considered a sporting culture where Australian Rules Football O (AFL) and the National Rugby League (NRL) are believed to be almost sacrosanct in the Australian way of life. However in a recent study undertaken by Live Performance Australia, it was found that Australians now spend more money on art and cultural performances than the football codes, horse racing and film and video production combined (ABC/AAP 2010). New information and knowledge can change perceptions to varying degrees. Smoking once had glamour about it and was the thing to do socially to show sophistication. However fs information emerging about the damaging health aspects of smoking changed peoples’ perceptions about the habit to the point where smoking is now prohibited on air flights, public buildings, and inside private cars, etc. Further knowledge emerging about the effects of inhaling second hand smoke has led to bans of smoking in any public place in some countries. Increasing beliefs about the importance of healthy eating and pesticide residuals in oo conventional foods has led to double digit growth in the purchase and consumption of organic foods. Likewise consumer concerns about exploitation is also bringing double digit growth to the ethical products industry, where major companies have bought over many companies specializing in ethical and organic products to cater for changing perceptions. Table 1.3. shows purchases by major US companies of ethical/organic companies over the last decade. The growth of nutraceuticals, health and ethical products, the fair-trade and Buy local movements have all resulted from changing perceptions of consumers based on new Pr knowledge and resulting attitudes. In addition to demand influencing technology development, technology also has a role in influencing demand (van den Ende & Dolfsma 2005). The appearance of new technology that solves specific problems can lead to changes in perceptions that would not be possible without the emergence of the new technology. For example, the oral contraceptives allowed women to change their perceptions about their own empowerment, control of the choices they make, and lifestyle they lead. Once the technology existed, perceptions changed when free of the constraints that existed before the technology was available. There are arguments both ways as to whether demand drives technology development or technology development pushes new demand (Nemet 2009).