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OpenTelemetry For
Presented by Kevin Brockhoff
Apache 2.0 Licensed
● What is observability?
● How does OpenTelemetry relate to
● What concepts do I need to use
● How do I record data using
● Where can I send my data?
● Are you responsible for writing software?
● Are you responsible for operating
● Have you used distributed tracing
● Have you used OpenCensus?
● Have you used OpenTracing?
Who am I?
● Kevin Brockhoff - Senior
Consultant, Daugherty Business
○ Solving difficult cloud adoption
challenges for Daugherty's
Fortune 500 clients
○ OpenTelemetry committer since
early stages of the project
○ Github:
○ Linkedin:
Observability Basics
Why observability?
● Microservices create complex interactions.
● Failures don't exactly repeat.
● Debugging multi-tenancy is painful.
● Monitoring no longer can help us.
Cynefin Framework
What is observability?
● We need to answer questions about our systems.
What characteristics did the queries that timed out at 500ms share in
common? Service versions? Browser plugins?
● Instrumentation produces data.
● Querying data answers our questions.
Telemetry aids observability
● Telemetry data isn't observability itself.
● Instrumentation code is how we get telemetry.
● Telemetry data can include traces, logs, and/or metrics.
All different views into the same underlying truth.
Metrics, logs, and traces, oh my!
● Metrics
○ Aggregated summary statistics.
● Logs
○ Detailed debugging information emitted by processes.
● Distributed Tracing
○ Provides insights into the full lifecycles, aka traces of requests to a system, allowing you
to pinpoint failures and performance issues.
Structured data can be transmuted into any of these!
Metrics Concepts
● Gauges
○ Instantaneous point-in-time value (e.g.
CPU utilization)
● Cumulative counters
○ Cumulative sums of data since process
start (e.g. request counts)
● Cumulative histogram
○ Grouped counters for a range of buckets
(e.g. 0-10ms, 11-20ms)
● Rates
○ The derivative of a counter, typically. (e.g.
requests per second)
Tracing Concepts
● Span
○ Represents a single unit of work in a
● Trace
○ Defined implicitly by its spans. A trace
can be thought of as a directed acyclic
graph of spans where the edges
between spans are defined as
parent/child relationships.
● Distributed Context
○ Contains the tracing identifiers, tags, and
options that are propagated from parent
to child spans.
Add more context to traces with Span Events
● Span Events are context-aware logging.
● An event contains timestamped information added to a span. You can
think of this as a structured log, or a way to annotate your spans with
specific details about what happened along the way.
○ Contains:
■ the name of the event
■ one or more attributes
■ a timestamp
But how do I implement these?
● You need an instrumentation framework!
● and a place to send the data!
● and a way to visualize the data!
OpenTelemetry Project
Sandbox Project
OpenCensus + OpenTracing = OpenTelemetry
● OpenCensus:
○ Provides APIs and instrumentation that allow you to collect application metrics and
distributed tracing.
● OpenTracing:
○ Provides APIs and instrumentation for distributed tracing
● OpenTelemetry:
○ An effort to combine distributed tracing, metrics and logging into a single set of system
components and language-specific libraries.
OpenTelemetry Project
● Specification
○ API (for application developers)
○ SDK Implementations
○ Transport Protocol (Protobuf)
● Collector (middleware)
● SDK’s (various stages of maturity)
○ C++
○ C# (Auto-instrument/Manual)
○ Erlang
○ Go
○ JavaScript (Browser/Node)
○ Java (Auto-instrument/Manual)
■ Android compatibility
○ Python (Auto-instrument/Manual)
○ Ruby
○ Rust
○ Swift
OTel API - packages, methods, & when to call
● Tracer
○ A Tracer is responsible for tracking the currently active span.
● Meter
○ A Meter is responsible for accumulating a collection of statistics.
● BaggageManager
○ A BaggageManager is responsible for propagating key-value pairs across systems.
You can have more than one. Why?
Ensures uniqueness of name prefixes.
Trace Context HTTP Headers
traceparent: 00-0af7651916cd43dd8448eb211c80319c-00f067aa0ba902b7-01
tracestate: rojo=00f067aa0ba902b7,congo=t61rcWkgMzE
version trace-id (128 bit) parent-id (64 bit) trace-flags (8 bit)
vendor-specific key/value pairs
Baggage: userId=sergey,serverNode=DF:28,isProduction=false
Draft Baggage header specification
Instrumenting Applications
Configuring Dependencies - Java
implementation 'io.opentelemetry:opentelemetry-api:0.8.0'
implementation 'io.opentelemetry:opentelemetry-extensions-{extension}:0.8.0'
implementation 'io.opentelemetry:opentelemetry-sdk:0.8.0'
// OR implementation 'io.opentelemetry:opentelemetry-sdk-{tracing|metrics|baggage}:0.8.0'
implementation 'io.opentelemetry:opentelemetry-exporters-{exporter}:0.8.0'
implementation 'io.opentelemetry:opentelemetry-sdk-extensions-{extension}:0.8.0'
Android compatibility stays in sync with gRPC Java project.
Currently this is Android 24 (Java 8).
Configuring Dependencies - Javascript
npm install 
Dependencies: Node 14.x, Typescript 3.9.x
Configuring Dependencies - Python
pip install opentelemetry-api
pip install opentelemetry-sdk
pip install opentelemetry-instrumentation-{instrumentation}
pip install opentelemetry-exporter-{exporter}
pip install -e ./opentelemetry-api
pip install -e ./opentelemetry-sdk
pip install -e ./ext/opentelemetry-instrumentation-{instrumentation}
Python 3.5 or higher
Resource SDK Concepts
● Resource is an immutable representation of the entity producing
○ Populated on executable startup.
○ Created by either SDK or Collector.
○ Different Resource objects can be merged.
○ Read from environment variable OTEL_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES is the default.
○ One copy of Resource passed to exporters with each batch..
Resource Examples
Kubernetes Pod Google Cloud Function https://us-central1-dist-
v-vars-print env-vars-print
faas.version semver:1.0.0
cloud.provider gcp opentelemetry
cloud.region us-central1 us-central1-a otel/opentelemetry-
container.image.tag 0.8.0 erp-dev monitoring otel-collector otel-collector-2983fd34 otel-collector-
6484db5844-c6f9m ec2e3fdaffa294348bdf35515
Semantic conventions
Baggage API Concepts
● Provides context and information to trace, metrics and logs telemetry
○ Set of name/value pairs
○ Contains info such as user, session, A/B testing parameters
○ Usually modeled as an immutable Context with each attribute add creating a new Context
○ Can be cleared if sending to untrusted process
● May be propagated across process boundaries
○ Using the header otcorrelations until W3C Baggage specification reaches
recommendation status
● BaggageManager creates new Baggage objects based on current context
Baggage Example - Java Servlet
public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain)
throws IOException, ServletException {
HttpServletRequest req = (HttpServletRequest) request;
BaggageManager manager = OpenTelemetry.getBaggageManager();
Baggage baggage = manager.baggageBuilder().setParent(manager.getCurrentBaggage())
.put("", req.getUserPrincipal().getName(),
.put("app.abflag", req.getHeader("X-ABTest-Flag"), EntryMetadata.create(EntryTtl.NO_PROPAGATION))
try (Scope scope = manager.withContext(baggage)) {
chain.doFilter(request, response);
Tracing API Concepts
● TracerProvider is the entry point of the API. It provides access to Tracers.
○ Stateful object holding configuration with a global provider and possibly additional ones.
● Tracer is the class responsible for creating Spans.
○ Named and optionally versioned with each instrumentation library using values
guaranteed to be globally-unique.
○ Delegates getting active Span and marking a given Span as active to the Context.
● Span is the API to trace an operation.
○ Immutable SpanContext represents the serialized and propagated portion of a Span.
Span Fields
● Name - Concisely identifies the work
● SpanContext - Immutable unique id
○ TraceId (16-bytes) globally-unique
○ SpanId (8-bytes) unique-within-trace
○ TraceFlags - Currently only sampled
○ TraceState - Vendor-specific info
● ParentSpan - Span which spawned this
● SpanKind - Relationship to other spans
● StartTimestamp - Unix nanos
● EndTimestamp - Unix nanos
● Attributes collection
○ Key-value pairs describing the
operational context
○ OTel semantic conventions define
common keys
● Links collection
○ Associated non-parent spans
● Events collection
○ Significant data points during span
● Status - Success or failure details
Span Names
Span Name Guidance
get Too general
get_account/42 Too specific
get_account Good, and account_id=42 would make a nice Span attribute
get_account/{accountId} Also good (using the “HTTP route”)
Span Attribute Examples
HTTP Server RDBMS Client
http.method PUT
http.scheme https
e 443 /blog/posts/774356
http.client_ip 2001:506:71f0:16e::1
http.user_agent Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel
Mac OS X 10_15_4)
AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML,
like Gecko)
db.system mysql
lSize=50; 51306
net.peer.port 3306
db.statement SELECT * FROM orders WHERE
order_id = :oid
Tracing SDK Concepts
● Sampler controls the number of traces collected and sent to the backend.
○ Sampling decision values [ DROP | RECORD_ONLY | RECORD_AND_SAMPLE ]
○ SDK built-in samplers [ AlwaysOn | AlwaysOff | TraceIdRatioBased ]
○ Use AlwaysOn if doing tail-based sampling
● SpanProcessor enables hooks for span start and end method invocations.
○ SDK built-in processors [ ExportFormatConverter | Batching ]
○ Only invoked when IsRecording is true
● SpanExporter defines interface for protocol-specific exporters
Tracing Code - Java
Tracer tracer = OpenTelemetry.getTracer("instrumentation-library-name","semver:1.0.0");
Span span = tracer.spanBuilder("my span").startSpan();
span.setAttribute("http.method", "GET");
span.setAttribute("http.url", url.toString());
try (Scope scope = tracer.withSpan(span)) {
// your use case
Attributes eventAttributes = Attributes.of(
"key", AttributeValue.stringAttributeValue("value"),
"result", AttributeValue.longAttributeValue(0L));
span.addEvent("End Computation", eventAttributes);
} catch (Throwable t) {
Status status = Status.INTERNAL.withDescription(t.getMessage());
} finally {
span.end(); // closing the scope does not end the span, this has to be done manually
Tracing Code - Typescript (Web)
import { SimpleSpanProcessor } from '@opentelemetry/tracing';
import { WebTracerProvider } from '@opentelemetry/web';
import { CollectorTraceExporter } from '@opentelemetry/exporter-collector';
const collectorOptions = {
url: '<opentelemetry-collector-url>', // url is optional and can be omitted - default is
headers: {}, //an optional object containing custom headers to be sent with each request
const provider = new WebTracerProvider();
const exporter = new CollectorTraceExporter(collectorOptions);
provider.addSpanProcessor(new SimpleSpanProcessor(exporter));
Tracing Code - Python
from opentelemetry import trace
from opentelemetry.exporter.otlp.trace_exporter import OTLPSpanExporter
from opentelemetry.sdk.trace import TracerProvider
from opentelemetry.sdk.trace.export import BatchExportSpanProcessor
otlp_exporter = OTLPSpanExporter(endpoint="localhost:55680")
tracer = trace.get_tracer(__name__)
with tracer.start_as_current_span("foo"):
with tracer.start_as_current_span("bar"):
with tracer.start_as_current_span("baz"):
print("Hello world from OpenTelemetry Python!")
Metrics API Concepts
● MeterProvider is the entry point of the API. It provides access to Meters.
○ Stateful object holding configuration with a global provider and possibly additional ones.
● Meter is class responsible for creating and managing Instruments.
○ Named and optionally versioned with each instrumentation library using values
guaranteed to be globally-unique.
○ Provides means of capturing a batch of measurements in atomic way.
● Instrument is a device for capturing raw measurements.
○ Identified by a LabelSet (set of key-value pairs)
○ Bound instruments have pre-associated set of labels
○ SDK provides means for aggregating measurements captured by an instrument before
Metric Instrument Types
Name Instrument Kind Function(argument) Default Aggregation
Counter Synchronous additive
Add(increment) Sum
UpDownCounter Synchronous additive Add(increment) Sum
ValueRecorder Synchronous Record(value) MinMaxSumCount / DDSketch
SumObserver Asynchronous additive
Observe(sum) Sum
UpDownSumObserver Asynchronous additive Observe(sum) Sum
ValueObserver Asynchronous Observe(value) MinMaxSumCount / DDSketch
Metrics SDK Concepts
● Aggregator aggregates one or more measurements in a useful way.
● Accumulator receives metric events from the API, computes one
Accumulation per active Instrument and Label Set pair.
● Processor receives Accumulations from the Accumulator, transforms into
● Exporter receives ExportRecordSet, transforms into some protocol and
sends it somewhere.
Metrics Code - Java
Meter meter = OpenTelemetry.getMeter("instrumentation-library-name","semver:1.0.0");
// Build counter e.g. LongCounter
LongCounter counter = meter.longCounterBuilder("processed_jobs").setDescription("Processed jobs").setUnit("1").build();
// It is recommended that the API user keep a reference to a Bound Counter for the entire time or
// call unbind when no-longer needed.
BoundLongCounter someWorkCounter = counter.bind(Labels.of("Key", "SomeWork"));
// Record data
// Alternatively, the user can use the unbounded counter and explicitly
// specify the labels set at call-time:
counter.add(123, Labels.of("Key", "SomeWork"));
// Build observer e.g. LongObserver
LongObserver observer = meter.observerLongBuilder("cpu_usage").setDescription("CPU Usage").setUnit("ms").build();
new LongObserver.Callback<LongObserver.ResultLongObserver>() {
public void update(ResultLongObserver result) {
// long getCpuUsage()
result.observe(getCpuUsage(), Labels.of("Key", "SomeWork"));
Metrics Code - Javascript (Node)
const { MeterProvider } = require('@opentelemetry/metrics');
const { CollectorMetricExporter } = require('@opentelemetry/exporter-collector');
const collectorOptions = {
serviceName: 'basic-service',
url: '<opentelemetry-collector-url>', // url is optional and can be omitted - default is
const exporter = new CollectorMetricExporter(collectorOptions);
// Register the exporter
const meter = new MeterProvider({
interval: 60000,
// Now, start recording data
const counter = meter.createCounter('metric_name');
counter.add(10, { 'key': 'value' });
Metrics Code - Python
from opentelemetry import metrics
from opentelemetry.sdk.metrics import Counter, MeterProvider
from opentelemetry.sdk.metrics.export import ConsoleMetricsExporter
from opentelemetry.sdk.metrics.export.controller import PushController
meter = metrics.get_meter(__name__, True)
controller = PushController(meter, ConsoleMetricsExporter(), 5)
requests_counter = meter.create_metric(
description="number of requests",
requests_counter.add(25, staging_labels)
Logging Concepts
● No API, use existing libraries
● Log events enhanced with key-value pairs from SpanContext and
Baggage by either SDK or Collector processor.
Exporting Data
Exporter Wiring
● Export to console logging or in-memory
○ Best solution for unit tests
● Export directly to observability frontend
○ Simple architecture but side processing in the application
● Export to otel-collector running as agent/sidecar which forwards to main
○ Static configuration because exporter always pointed to localhost
● Export to otel-collector running as an aggregator
○ All telemetry processing done in isolation from user-facing functionality
Thank you!

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OpenTelemetry For Developers

  • 1. OpenTelemetry For Developers Presented by Kevin Brockhoff Apache 2.0 Licensed
  • 2. Our Agenda ● What is observability? ● How does OpenTelemetry relate to observability? ● What concepts do I need to use OpenTelemetry? ● How do I record data using OpenTelemetry? ● Where can I send my data?
  • 3. Level Setting ● Are you responsible for writing software? ● Are you responsible for operating software? ● Have you used distributed tracing before? ● Have you used OpenCensus? ● Have you used OpenTracing?
  • 4. Who am I? ● Kevin Brockhoff - Senior Consultant, Daugherty Business Solutions ○ Solving difficult cloud adoption challenges for Daugherty's Fortune 500 clients ○ OpenTelemetry committer since early stages of the project ○ Github: ○ Linkedin: n-brockhoff-a557877/
  • 6. 6 Why observability? ● Microservices create complex interactions. ● Failures don't exactly repeat. ● Debugging multi-tenancy is painful. ● Monitoring no longer can help us. Cynefin Framework Complex
  • 7. 7 What is observability? ● We need to answer questions about our systems. What characteristics did the queries that timed out at 500ms share in common? Service versions? Browser plugins? ● Instrumentation produces data. ● Querying data answers our questions.
  • 8. 8 Telemetry aids observability ● Telemetry data isn't observability itself. ● Instrumentation code is how we get telemetry. ● Telemetry data can include traces, logs, and/or metrics. All different views into the same underlying truth.
  • 9. 9 Metrics, logs, and traces, oh my! ● Metrics ○ Aggregated summary statistics. ● Logs ○ Detailed debugging information emitted by processes. ● Distributed Tracing ○ Provides insights into the full lifecycles, aka traces of requests to a system, allowing you to pinpoint failures and performance issues. Structured data can be transmuted into any of these!
  • 10. 10 Metrics Concepts ● Gauges ○ Instantaneous point-in-time value (e.g. CPU utilization) ● Cumulative counters ○ Cumulative sums of data since process start (e.g. request counts) ● Cumulative histogram ○ Grouped counters for a range of buckets (e.g. 0-10ms, 11-20ms) ● Rates ○ The derivative of a counter, typically. (e.g. requests per second)
  • 11. 11 Tracing Concepts ● Span ○ Represents a single unit of work in a system. ● Trace ○ Defined implicitly by its spans. A trace can be thought of as a directed acyclic graph of spans where the edges between spans are defined as parent/child relationships. ● Distributed Context ○ Contains the tracing identifiers, tags, and options that are propagated from parent to child spans.
  • 12. 12 Add more context to traces with Span Events ● Span Events are context-aware logging. ● An event contains timestamped information added to a span. You can think of this as a structured log, or a way to annotate your spans with specific details about what happened along the way. ○ Contains: ■ the name of the event ■ one or more attributes ■ a timestamp
  • 13. 13 But how do I implement these? ● You need an instrumentation framework! ● and a place to send the data! ● and a way to visualize the data!
  • 15. OpenCensus + OpenTracing = OpenTelemetry ● OpenCensus: ○ Provides APIs and instrumentation that allow you to collect application metrics and distributed tracing. ● OpenTracing: ○ Provides APIs and instrumentation for distributed tracing ● OpenTelemetry: ○ An effort to combine distributed tracing, metrics and logging into a single set of system components and language-specific libraries.
  • 16. 16 OpenTelemetry Project ● Specification ○ API (for application developers) ○ SDK Implementations ○ Transport Protocol (Protobuf) ● Collector (middleware) ● SDK’s (various stages of maturity) ○ C++ ○ C# (Auto-instrument/Manual) ○ Erlang ○ Go ○ JavaScript (Browser/Node) ○ Java (Auto-instrument/Manual) ■ Android compatibility ○ PHP ○ Python (Auto-instrument/Manual) ○ Ruby ○ Rust ○ Swift
  • 17. 17 OTel API - packages, methods, & when to call ● Tracer ○ A Tracer is responsible for tracking the currently active span. ● Meter ○ A Meter is responsible for accumulating a collection of statistics. ● BaggageManager ○ A BaggageManager is responsible for propagating key-value pairs across systems. You can have more than one. Why? Ensures uniqueness of name prefixes.
  • 18. 18 Trace Context HTTP Headers traceparent: 00-0af7651916cd43dd8448eb211c80319c-00f067aa0ba902b7-01 tracestate: rojo=00f067aa0ba902b7,congo=t61rcWkgMzE version trace-id (128 bit) parent-id (64 bit) trace-flags (8 bit) vendor-specific key/value pairs Baggage: userId=sergey,serverNode=DF:28,isProduction=false Draft Baggage header specification
  • 20. 20 Configuring Dependencies - Java <dependency> <groupId>io.opentelemetry</groupId> <artifactId>opentelemetry-api</artifactId> <version>0.8.0</version> </dependency> ... implementation 'io.opentelemetry:opentelemetry-api:0.8.0' implementation 'io.opentelemetry:opentelemetry-extensions-{extension}:0.8.0' implementation 'io.opentelemetry:opentelemetry-sdk:0.8.0' // OR implementation 'io.opentelemetry:opentelemetry-sdk-{tracing|metrics|baggage}:0.8.0' implementation 'io.opentelemetry:opentelemetry-exporters-{exporter}:0.8.0' implementation 'io.opentelemetry:opentelemetry-sdk-extensions-{extension}:0.8.0' Android compatibility stays in sync with gRPC Java project. Currently this is Android 24 (Java 8).
  • 21. 21 Configuring Dependencies - Javascript npm install @opentelemetry/api @opentelemetry/core @opentelemetry/node @opentelemetry/tracing @opentelemetry/metrics @opentelemetry/plugin-{plugin} @opentelemetry/exporter-{exporter} @opentelemetry/resource-detector-{cloud} --save-prod Dependencies: Node 14.x, Typescript 3.9.x
  • 22. 22 Configuring Dependencies - Python pip install opentelemetry-api pip install opentelemetry-sdk pip install opentelemetry-instrumentation-{instrumentation} pip install opentelemetry-exporter-{exporter} pip install -e ./opentelemetry-api pip install -e ./opentelemetry-sdk pip install -e ./ext/opentelemetry-instrumentation-{instrumentation} Python 3.5 or higher
  • 23. 23 Resource SDK Concepts ● Resource is an immutable representation of the entity producing telemetry. ○ Populated on executable startup. ○ Created by either SDK or Collector. ○ Different Resource objects can be merged. ○ Read from environment variable OTEL_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES is the default. ○ One copy of Resource passed to exporters with each batch..
  • 24. Resource Examples Kubernetes Pod Google Cloud Function https://us-central1-dist- system- v-vars-print env-vars-print faas.version semver:1.0.0 cloud.provider gcp opentelemetry cloud.region us-central1 us-central1-a otel/opentelemetry- collector-contrib container.image.tag 0.8.0 erp-dev monitoring otel-collector otel-collector-2983fd34 otel-collector- 6484db5844-c6f9m ec2e3fdaffa294348bdf35515 6b94cda Semantic conventions
  • 25. 25 Baggage API Concepts ● Provides context and information to trace, metrics and logs telemetry ○ Set of name/value pairs ○ Contains info such as user, session, A/B testing parameters ○ Usually modeled as an immutable Context with each attribute add creating a new Context ○ Can be cleared if sending to untrusted process ● May be propagated across process boundaries ○ Using the header otcorrelations until W3C Baggage specification reaches recommendation status ● BaggageManager creates new Baggage objects based on current context
  • 26. Baggage Example - Java Servlet public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException { HttpServletRequest req = (HttpServletRequest) request; BaggageManager manager = OpenTelemetry.getBaggageManager(); Baggage baggage = manager.baggageBuilder().setParent(manager.getCurrentBaggage()) .put("", req.getUserPrincipal().getName(), EntryMetadata.create(EntryTtl.UNLIMITED_PROPAGATION)) .put("app.abflag", req.getHeader("X-ABTest-Flag"), EntryMetadata.create(EntryTtl.NO_PROPAGATION)) .build(); try (Scope scope = manager.withContext(baggage)) { chain.doFilter(request, response); } }
  • 27. 27 Tracing API Concepts ● TracerProvider is the entry point of the API. It provides access to Tracers. ○ Stateful object holding configuration with a global provider and possibly additional ones. ● Tracer is the class responsible for creating Spans. ○ Named and optionally versioned with each instrumentation library using values guaranteed to be globally-unique. ○ Delegates getting active Span and marking a given Span as active to the Context. ● Span is the API to trace an operation. ○ Immutable SpanContext represents the serialized and propagated portion of a Span.
  • 28. 28 Span Fields ● Name - Concisely identifies the work ● SpanContext - Immutable unique id ○ TraceId (16-bytes) globally-unique ○ SpanId (8-bytes) unique-within-trace ○ TraceFlags - Currently only sampled ○ TraceState - Vendor-specific info ● ParentSpan - Span which spawned this span ● SpanKind - Relationship to other spans ○ [ CLIENT | SERVER | PRODUCER | CONSUMER | INTERNAL ] ● StartTimestamp - Unix nanos ● EndTimestamp - Unix nanos ● Attributes collection ○ Key-value pairs describing the operational context ○ OTel semantic conventions define common keys ● Links collection ○ Associated non-parent spans ● Events collection ○ Significant data points during span ● Status - Success or failure details
  • 29. 29 Span Names Span Name Guidance get Too general get_account/42 Too specific get_account Good, and account_id=42 would make a nice Span attribute get_account/{accountId} Also good (using the “HTTP route”)
  • 30. Span Attribute Examples HTTP Server RDBMS Client http.method PUT http.scheme https http.server_nam e 443 /blog/posts/774356 http.client_ip 2001:506:71f0:16e::1 http.user_agent Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/81.0.4044.138 Safari/537.36 db.system mysql db.connection_ string;Datab ase=ShopDb;Uid=billing_user;Tab leCache=true;UseCompression=Tru e;MinimumPoolSize=10;MaximumPoo lSize=50; 51306 net.peer.ip net.peer.port 3306 db.statement SELECT * FROM orders WHERE order_id = :oid
  • 31. 31 Tracing SDK Concepts ● Sampler controls the number of traces collected and sent to the backend. ○ Sampling decision values [ DROP | RECORD_ONLY | RECORD_AND_SAMPLE ] ○ SDK built-in samplers [ AlwaysOn | AlwaysOff | TraceIdRatioBased ] ○ Use AlwaysOn if doing tail-based sampling ● SpanProcessor enables hooks for span start and end method invocations. ○ SDK built-in processors [ ExportFormatConverter | Batching ] ○ Only invoked when IsRecording is true ● SpanExporter defines interface for protocol-specific exporters
  • 32. Tracing Code - Java Tracer tracer = OpenTelemetry.getTracer("instrumentation-library-name","semver:1.0.0"); Span span = tracer.spanBuilder("my span").startSpan(); span.setAttribute("http.method", "GET"); span.setAttribute("http.url", url.toString()); try (Scope scope = tracer.withSpan(span)) { // your use case Attributes eventAttributes = Attributes.of( "key", AttributeValue.stringAttributeValue("value"), "result", AttributeValue.longAttributeValue(0L)); span.addEvent("End Computation", eventAttributes); } catch (Throwable t) { Status status = Status.INTERNAL.withDescription(t.getMessage()); span.setStatus(status); } finally { span.end(); // closing the scope does not end the span, this has to be done manually }
  • 33. Tracing Code - Typescript (Web) import { SimpleSpanProcessor } from '@opentelemetry/tracing'; import { WebTracerProvider } from '@opentelemetry/web'; import { CollectorTraceExporter } from '@opentelemetry/exporter-collector'; const collectorOptions = { url: '<opentelemetry-collector-url>', // url is optional and can be omitted - default is http://localhost:55681/v1/trace headers: {}, //an optional object containing custom headers to be sent with each request }; const provider = new WebTracerProvider(); const exporter = new CollectorTraceExporter(collectorOptions); provider.addSpanProcessor(new SimpleSpanProcessor(exporter)); provider.register();
  • 34. Tracing Code - Python # from opentelemetry import trace from opentelemetry.exporter.otlp.trace_exporter import OTLPSpanExporter from opentelemetry.sdk.trace import TracerProvider from opentelemetry.sdk.trace.export import BatchExportSpanProcessor trace.set_tracer_provider(TracerProvider()) otlp_exporter = OTLPSpanExporter(endpoint="localhost:55680") trace.get_tracer_provider().add_span_processor( BatchExportSpanProcessor(otlp_exporter) ) tracer = trace.get_tracer(__name__) with tracer.start_as_current_span("foo"): with tracer.start_as_current_span("bar"): with tracer.start_as_current_span("baz"): print("Hello world from OpenTelemetry Python!")
  • 35. 35 Metrics API Concepts ● MeterProvider is the entry point of the API. It provides access to Meters. ○ Stateful object holding configuration with a global provider and possibly additional ones. ● Meter is class responsible for creating and managing Instruments. ○ Named and optionally versioned with each instrumentation library using values guaranteed to be globally-unique. ○ Provides means of capturing a batch of measurements in atomic way. ● Instrument is a device for capturing raw measurements. ○ Identified by a LabelSet (set of key-value pairs) ○ Bound instruments have pre-associated set of labels ○ SDK provides means for aggregating measurements captured by an instrument before export.
  • 36. 36 Metric Instrument Types Name Instrument Kind Function(argument) Default Aggregation Counter Synchronous additive monotonic Add(increment) Sum UpDownCounter Synchronous additive Add(increment) Sum ValueRecorder Synchronous Record(value) MinMaxSumCount / DDSketch SumObserver Asynchronous additive monotonic Observe(sum) Sum UpDownSumObserver Asynchronous additive Observe(sum) Sum ValueObserver Asynchronous Observe(value) MinMaxSumCount / DDSketch
  • 37. 37 Metrics SDK Concepts ● Aggregator aggregates one or more measurements in a useful way. ● Accumulator receives metric events from the API, computes one Accumulation per active Instrument and Label Set pair. ● Processor receives Accumulations from the Accumulator, transforms into ExportRecordSet. ● Exporter receives ExportRecordSet, transforms into some protocol and sends it somewhere.
  • 38. Metrics Code - Java Meter meter = OpenTelemetry.getMeter("instrumentation-library-name","semver:1.0.0"); // Build counter e.g. LongCounter LongCounter counter = meter.longCounterBuilder("processed_jobs").setDescription("Processed jobs").setUnit("1").build(); // It is recommended that the API user keep a reference to a Bound Counter for the entire time or // call unbind when no-longer needed. BoundLongCounter someWorkCounter = counter.bind(Labels.of("Key", "SomeWork")); // Record data someWorkCounter.add(123); // Alternatively, the user can use the unbounded counter and explicitly // specify the labels set at call-time: counter.add(123, Labels.of("Key", "SomeWork")); // Build observer e.g. LongObserver LongObserver observer = meter.observerLongBuilder("cpu_usage").setDescription("CPU Usage").setUnit("ms").build(); observer.setCallback( new LongObserver.Callback<LongObserver.ResultLongObserver>() { @Override public void update(ResultLongObserver result) { // long getCpuUsage() result.observe(getCpuUsage(), Labels.of("Key", "SomeWork")); } });
  • 39. Metrics Code - Javascript (Node) const { MeterProvider } = require('@opentelemetry/metrics'); const { CollectorMetricExporter } = require('@opentelemetry/exporter-collector'); const collectorOptions = { serviceName: 'basic-service', url: '<opentelemetry-collector-url>', // url is optional and can be omitted - default is http://localhost:55681/v1/metrics }; const exporter = new CollectorMetricExporter(collectorOptions); // Register the exporter const meter = new MeterProvider({ exporter, interval: 60000, }).getMeter('example-meter'); // Now, start recording data const counter = meter.createCounter('metric_name'); counter.add(10, { 'key': 'value' });
  • 40. Metrics Code - Python from opentelemetry import metrics from opentelemetry.sdk.metrics import Counter, MeterProvider from opentelemetry.sdk.metrics.export import ConsoleMetricsExporter from opentelemetry.sdk.metrics.export.controller import PushController metrics.set_meter_provider(MeterProvider()) meter = metrics.get_meter(__name__, True) controller = PushController(meter, ConsoleMetricsExporter(), 5) requests_counter = meter.create_metric( name="requests", description="number of requests", unit="1", value_type=int, metric_type=Counter, label_keys=("environment",), ) requests_counter.add(25, staging_labels)
  • 41. 41 Logging Concepts ● No API, use existing libraries ● Log events enhanced with key-value pairs from SpanContext and Baggage by either SDK or Collector processor.
  • 43. 43 Exporter Wiring ● Export to console logging or in-memory ○ Best solution for unit tests ● Export directly to observability frontend ○ Simple architecture but side processing in the application ● Export to otel-collector running as agent/sidecar which forwards to main otel-collector ○ Static configuration because exporter always pointed to localhost ● Export to otel-collector running as an aggregator ○ All telemetry processing done in isolation from user-facing functionality

Editor's Notes

  1. Copyright 2020, The OpenTelemetry Authors Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.