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Securing TodoMVC 
Using the 
Web Cryptography API 
Kevin Hakanson 
12 September 2014
Kevin Hakanson 
Project which offers the same Todo application 
implemented using MV* concepts in most of the popular 
JavaScript MV* frameworks of today.
Today's Session "todos" 
● Review some cryptography concepts 
● Look at the Web Cryptography API 
● Combine these to secure TodoMVC
Supporting Materials 
(if you want to follow along) 
Presentation and Source Code 
TodoMVC Uses localStorage 
Chrome keeps localStorage in an SQLite file: 
OS X: ~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Local Storage 
Windows: %HOMEPATH%AppDataLocalGoogleChromeUser DataDefaultLocal Storage 
$ sqlite3 http_todomvc.com_0.localstorage 
sqlite> select * from ItemTable; 
04c9ac2544aa","title":"secure using Web 
Cryptography API","completed":false}]
OWASP Top 10 2013 
● A1-Injection 
● A2-Broken Authentication and Session Management 
● A3-Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) 
● A4-Insecure Direct Object References 
● A5-Security Misconfiguration 
● A6-Sensitive Data Exposure 
● A7-Missing Function Level Action Control 
● A8-Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) 
● A9-Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities 
● A10-Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards
A6-Sensitive Data Exposure 
Covers sensitive data protection from the 
moment sensitive data is provided by the user, 
sent to and stored within the application, and 
then sent back to the browser again.
A6-Sensitive Data Exposure 
Am I Vulnerable To 'Sensitive Data Exposure'? 
1. Is any of this data stored in clear text long term, 
including backups of this data? 
2. … 
3. … 
4. … 
5. …
Acceptance Criteria 
● Enter password before accessing "todos" 
● Data encrypted "at rest" in localStorage
W3C Web Cryptography API 
This specification describes a JavaScript API 
for performing basic cryptographic operations in 
web applications, such as hashing, signature 
generation and verification, and encryption and 
WebCryptoAPI Use Cases 
● Multi-factor Authentication 
● Protected Document Exchange 
● Cloud Storage 
● Document Signing 
● Data Integrity Protection 
● Secure Messaging 
● Javascript Object Signing and Encryption 
SubtleCrypto Interface 
● Provides a set of methods for dealing with 
low-level cryptographic primitives and 
● Named SubtleCrypto to reflect the fact that 
many of these algorithms have subtle usage 
requirements in order to provide the required 
algorithmic security guarantees.
Web Cryptography Working Group 
Key Dates 
○ April 2012: Group Formation 
○ March 2014: Last Call Working Draft 
○ ????: Expected Candidate Recommendation 
○ ????: Expected Proposed Recommendation 
○ 2015: Expected Recommendation
(Browser Support)
Chromium Dashboard 
Web Crypto API 
Implementation Status 
Enabled by default in desktop Chrome 37 (launch bug) 
Available in Chrome for Android release 37. 
Consensus & Standardization 
● Firefox: In development 
● Internet Explorer: In development 
● Opera: Shipped in release 24 
● Opera for Android: Shipped in release 24 
● Safari: In development 
● Web Developers: Mixed signals 
IE Platform Status 
Web Crypto API 
Note: IE11 implementation based on spec before 
change from CryptoOperation to Promise based API
A promise represents the eventual result of an 
asynchronous operation. The primary way of 
interacting with a promise is through its then 
method, which registers callbacks to receive 
either a promise's eventual value or the reason 
why the promise cannot be fulfilled.
Chromium Dashboard 
Promises (ES6) 
Implementation Status 
Enabled by default in desktop Chrome 32 (launch bug) 
Available in Chrome for Android release 32. 
Consensus & Standardization 
● Firefox: Shipped 
● Internet Explorer: Public support 
● Opera: Shipped in release 19 
● Opera for Android: Shipped in release 19 
● Safari: In development 
● Web Developers: Mixed signals
Microsoft Research JavaScript 
Cryptography Library 
● The algorithms are exposed via the W3C 
WebCrypto interface, and are tested against 
the Internet Explorer 11 implementation of 
that interface. 
● This library is under active development. 
Future updates to this library may change 
the programming interfaces. 
Date Published: 17 June 2014
Javascript Cryptography Considered 
Harmful (circa 2010) 
● Opinion on browser Javascript cryptography 
○ "no reliable way for any piece of Javascript code to 
verify its execution environment" 
○ "can't outsource random number generation in a 
○ "practically no value to doing crypto in Javascript 
once you add SSL to the mix" 
○ "store the key on that server [and] documents there" 
● Didn't consider the "offline" user experience
Host-Proof Hosting 
● In A Blink 
○ Sketch: Locked inside data cloud, key at browser. 
● Solution 
○ Host sensitive data in encrypted form, so that clients 
can only access and manipulate it by providing a 
pass-phrase which is never transmitted to the 
○ All encryption and decryption takes place inside the 
browser itself. (July 2005)
Host-Proof Hosting "Requirements" 
● Secure transport mechanism (HTTPS). 
● Trust provider that hosts web application and 
serves HTML and JavaScript resources. 
● Defend against and accept risk of script 
injection (XSS) threat. 
○ However, unauthorized access by hackers only 
attacks users who access the application while 
infected, and not the entire persisted data store.
My "Requirement" 
● Avoid proving "Schneier's Law" 
○ Anyone can invent a security system that he himself 
cannot break.
Glossary of Key Information Security Terms 
The discipline that embodies principles, means, 
and methods for providing information security, 
including confidentiality, data integrity, non-repudiation, 
and authenticity. 
SOURCE: SP 800-21
Pseudorandom number generator 
An algorithm that produces a sequence of bits 
that are uniquely determined from an initial 
value called a seed. The output of the PRNG 
“appears” to be random. 
A cryptographic PRNG has the additional 
property that the output is unpredictable, given 
that the seed is not known. 
If you provide an integer-based TypedArray, 
the function is going fill the array with 
cryptographically random numbers. 
var buf = new Uint8Array(32); 
Cryptographic Hash Function 
A function that maps a bit string of arbitrary 
length to a fixed length bit string. 
Approved hash functions satisfy the following 
● One-way 
● Collision resistant 
SOURCE: SP 800-21
Message Digest 
The result of applying a hash function to a 
message. Also known as a “hash value” or 
“hash output”. 
SOURCE: SP 800-107
OpenSSL Command Line 
$ echo -n "The quick brown fox jumps over the 
lazy dog" | openssl dgst -sha256 
QUnit Test 
QUnit.test( 'SHA-256', function ( assert ) { 
var testVector = { 
data: 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog', 
sha256Hash : 'd7a8fbb307d7809469ca9abcb0082e4f8d5651e46d3cdb762d02d0bf37c9e592' 
var encoder = new TextEncoder(); 
var dataBuf = encoder.encode( ); 
assert.promise( crypto.subtle.digest( { name: 'sha-256' }, dataBuf ) 
.then( function (result) { 
var hash = $.Uint8Util.toHexString( new Uint8Array( result ) ); 
assert.equal( hash, testVector.sha256Hash ); 
QUnit Extension 
QUnit.extend( QUnit.assert, { 
promise: function ( promise ) { 
var assert = this; 
promise.catch( function ( err ) { 
assert.ok( false, err.message ); 
}).then( function ( ) { 
ex: DOMException 
code: 9 
message: "WebCrypto is only supported over secure origins. See" 
name: "NotSupportedError" 
__proto__: DOMException 
For example these are considered secure origins: 
● chrome-extension://xxx 
● https://xxx 
● wss://xxx 
● file://xxx 
● http://localhost/ 
Whereas these are considered insecure: 
● http://foobar 
● ws://foobar
Encoding API 
Script API to allow encoding/decoding of strings from 
binary data. 
Firefox 19 
Intent to Ship in Chrome 38 
Issue 243354: Implement Text Encoding API 
toHexString( buf : Uint8Array ) : string 
fromHexString ( s : string ) : Uint8Array 
(still looking for a better way)
Wrapper around: 
● crypto (WebCrypto spec) 
● msCrypto (IE11) 
● msrCrypto (Microsoft Research) 
● webkitSubtle (Webkit Nightly) 
Implemented as jQuery Utility Plugin
Hash-based Message Authentication 
Code (HMAC) 
A message authentication code that uses a 
cryptographic key in conjunction with a hash 
Cryptographic Key 
A parameter used in conjunction with a cryptographic 
algorithm that determines 
● the transformation of plaintext data into ciphertext data, 
● the transformation of ciphertext data into plaintext data, 
● a digital signature computed from data, 
● ... 
Symmetric Key 
A cryptographic key that is used to perform 
both the cryptographic operation and its 
inverse, for example to encrypt and decrypt, or 
create a message authentication code and to 
verify the code. 
SOURCE: SP 800-63; CNSSI-4009
Digital Signature 
The result of a cryptographic transformation of 
data which, when properly implemented, 
provides the services of: 
1. origin authentication, 
2. data integrity, and 
3. signer non-repudiation. 
OpenSSL Command Line 
$ echo -n "The quick brown fox jumps 
over the lazy dog" | openssl dgst - 
sha256 -hmac "key" 
QUnit.test( 'HMAC using SHA-256', function ( assert ) { 
var testVector = { 
data: 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog', 
key: 'key', 
hash : 'f7bc83f430538424b13298e6aa6fb143ef4d59a14946175997479dbc2d1a3cd8' 
var hmacSha256 = { name: 'hmac', hash: { name: 'sha-256' } }; 
var encoder = new TextEncoder(); 
var dataBuf = encoder.encode( ); 
var keyBuf = encoder.encode( testVector.key ); 
QUnit.test( 'HMAC using SHA-256', function ( assert ) { 
var testVector = { 
data: 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog', 
key: 'key', 
hash : 'f7bc83f430538424b13298e6aa6fb143ef4d59a14946175997479dbc2d1a3cd8' 
var hmacSha256 = { name: 'hmac', hash: { name: 'sha-256' } }; 
var encoder = new TextEncoder(); 
var dataBuf = encoder.encode( ); 
var keyBuf = encoder.encode( testVector.key ); 
assert.promise( crypto.subtle.importKey( 'raw', keyBuf, hmacSha256, 
true, ['sign', 'verify'] ) 
.then( function ( keyResult ) { 
QUnit.test( 'HMAC using SHA-256', function ( assert ) { 
var testVector = { 
data: 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog', 
key: 'key', 
hash : 'f7bc83f430538424b13298e6aa6fb143ef4d59a14946175997479dbc2d1a3cd8' 
var hmacSha256 = { name: 'hmac', hash: { name: 'sha-256' } }; 
var encoder = new TextEncoder(); 
var dataBuf = encoder.encode( ); 
var keyBuf = encoder.encode( testVector.key ); 
assert.promise( crypto.subtle.importKey( 'raw', keyBuf, hmacSha256, 
true, ['sign', 'verify'] ) 
.then( function ( keyResult ) { 
return crypto.subtle.sign( hmacSha256, keyResult, dataBuf ) 
.then( function ( signResult ) { 
var hash = $.Uint8Util.toHexString( new Uint8Array( signResult ) ); 
assert.equal( hash, testVector.hash ); 
KJH-256 Hash 
QUnit.test( 'KJH-256', function ( assert ) { 
var testVector = { 
data: 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog', 
var encoder = new TextEncoder(); 
var dataBuf = encoder.encode( ); 
assert.promise( crypto.subtle.digest( { name: 'kjh-256' }, dataBuf ) 
.then( function ( result ) { 
var hash = $.Uint8Util.toHexString( new Uint8Array( result ) ); 
assert.equal( hash, 'kjh' ); 
Error Results 
IE 11 
Chrome 37 
Algorithm: Unrecognized name 
Firefox 35 
An invalid or illegal string was specified 
Opera 24 
Algorithm: Unrecognized name 
MSR Crypto 1.2 
unsupported algorithm 
Webkit Nightly 
NotSupportedError: DOM Exception 9
QUnit.test( 'HMAC using KJH-256', function ( assert ) { 
var testVector = { 
data: 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog', 
key: 'key' 
var encoder = new TextEncoder(); 
var dataBuf = encoder.encode( ); 
var keyBuf = encoder.encode( testVector.key ); 
var hmacKjh256 = { name: 'hmac', hash: { name: 'kjh-256' } }; 
assert.promise( crypto.subtle.importKey( 'raw', keyBuf, hmacKjh256, 
true, ['sign', 'verify'] ) 
.then( function ( keyResult ) { 
return crypto.subtle.sign( hmacKjh256, keyResult, dataBuf ) 
.then( function ( signResult ) { 
var hash = $.Uint8Util.toHexString( new Uint8Array( signResult ) ); 
assert.equal( hash, 'kjh' ); 
Error Results 
IE 11 
failed, expected argument to be truthy, was: false 
Chrome 37 
HmacImportParams: hash: Algorithm: Unrecognized name 
Firefox 35 
An invalid or illegal string was specified 
Opera 24 
HmacImportParams: hash: Algorithm: Unrecognized name 
MSR Crypto 1.2 
Error: unsupported hash alorithm (sha-224, sha-256, sha-384, sha-512) 
Webkit Nightly 
NotSupportedError: DOM Exception 9
Cipher, Plaintext and Ciphertext 
Cipher - Series of transformations that 
converts plaintext to ciphertext using the 
Cipher Key. 
See Also: Inverse Cipher 
The Advanced Encryption Standard specifies a 
U.S. government approved cryptographic 
algorithm that can be used to protect electronic 
The AES algorithm is a symmetric block cipher 
that can encrypt (encipher) and decrypt 
(decipher) information. 
(CC BY 3.0)
Initialization Vector (IV) 
A vector used in defining the starting point of an 
encryption process within a cryptographic 
OpenSSL Command Line 
$ echo -n "Message" | openssl enc - 
aes256 -K 
B208327E0E536608FF83256C96 -iv 
6C4C31BDAB7BAFD35B23691EC521E28D | xxd 
QUnit.test( 'AES-CBC', function ( assert ) { 
var testVector = { 
plaintext: 'Message', 
iv: '6C4C31BDAB7BAFD35B23691EC521E28D', 
key: '0CD1D07EB67E19EF56EA0F3A9A8F8A7C957A2CB208327E0E536608FF83256C96', 
ciphertext: '23e5ebe72d99cf302c99183c05cf050a' 
var encoder = new TextEncoder(); 
var decoder = new TextDecoder(); 
var buf = encoder.encode( testVector.plaintext ); 
var keyBuf = $.Uint8Util.fromHexString( testVector.key ); 
var ivBuf = $.Uint8Util.fromHexString( testVector.iv ); 
var aesCbc = { name: 'AES-CBC', iv: ivBuf }; 
// import key, encrypt, decrypt and compare 
assert.promise( crypto.subtle.importKey( 'raw', keyBuf, { name: 'AES-CBC' }, 
true, ['encrypt', 'decrypt'] ) 
.then( function ( encryptionKey ) { 
assert.promise( crypto.subtle.importKey( 'raw', keyBuf, { name: 'AES-CBC' }, 
true, ['encrypt', 'decrypt'] ) 
.then( function ( encryptionKey ) { 
return crypto.subtle.encrypt( aesCbc, encryptionKey, buf ) 
.then( function ( encryptResult ) { 
var encryptBuf = new Uint8Array( encryptResult ); 
var ciphertext = $.Uint8Util.toHexString( encryptBuf ); 
assert.equal( ciphertext, testVector.ciphertext ); 
assert.promise( crypto.subtle.importKey( 'raw', keyBuf, { name: 'AES-CBC' }, 
true, ['encrypt', 'decrypt'] ) 
.then( function ( encryptionKey ) { 
return crypto.subtle.encrypt( aesCbc, encryptionKey, buf ) 
.then( function ( encryptResult ) { 
var encryptBuf = new Uint8Array( encryptResult ); 
var ciphertext = $.Uint8Util.toHexString( encryptBuf ); 
assert.equal( ciphertext, testVector.ciphertext ); 
return crypto.subtle.decrypt( aesCbc, encryptionKey, encryptBuf ) 
.then( function ( decryptResult ) { 
var plaintext = decoder.decode( new Uint8Array( decryptResult ) ); 
assert.equal( plaintext, testVector.plaintext ); 
chained vs. nested promises
function importKey () { 
return crypto.subtle.importKey( 'raw', keyBuf, { name: 'AES-CBC' }, 
true, ['encrypt', 'decrypt'] ) 
function encrypt ( importedKey ) { 
encryptionKey = importedKey; 
return crypto.subtle.encrypt( aesCbc, encryptionKey, buf ); 
function decrypt ( encryptResult ) { 
var encryptBuf = new Uint8Array( encryptResult ); 
var ciphertext = $.Uint8Util.toHexString( encryptBuf ); 
assert.equal( ciphertext, testVector.ciphertext ); 
return crypto.subtle.decrypt( aesCbc, encryptionKey, encryptBuf ); 
function compare ( decryptResult ) { 
var plaintext = decoder.decode( new Uint8Array( decryptResult ) ); 
assert.equal( plaintext, testVector.plaintext ); 
assert.promise( importKey() 
.then( encrypt ) 
.then( decrypt ) 
.then( compare ); 
Password-Based Key Derivation 
Functions (PBKDF) 
● The randomness of cryptographic keys is 
essential for the security of cryptographic 
SOURCE: SP 800-132
Password-Based Key Derivation 
Functions (PBKDF) 
● The randomness of cryptographic keys is 
essential for the security of cryptographic 
● Most user-chosen passwords have low 
entropy and weak randomness properties. 
○ shall not be used directly as cryptographic keys 
SOURCE: SP 800-132
Password-Based Key Derivation 
Functions (PBKDF) 
● The randomness of cryptographic keys is 
essential for the security of cryptographic 
● Most user-chosen passwords have low 
entropy and weak randomness properties. 
○ shall not be used directly as cryptographic keys 
● KDFs are deterministic algorithms that are 
used to derive cryptographic keying material 
from a secret value, such as a password. 
SOURCE: SP 800-132
A non-secret value that is used in a 
cryptographic process, usually to ensure that 
the results of computations for one instance 
cannot be reused by an Attacker. 
SOURCE: SP 800-63; CNSSI-4009
PBKDF Specification 
P Password 
S Salt 
C Iteration count 
kLen Length of MK in bits; at most (232-1) x hLen 
PRF HMAC with an approved hash function 
hlen Digest size of the hash function 
mk Master key
QUnit.test( 'PBKDF2', function ( assert ) { 
var testVector = { 
password : 'password', 
salt: 'cf7488cd1e48e84990f51b3f121e161318ba2098aa6c993ded1012c955d5a3e8', 
iterations: 100, 
key: 'c12b2e03a08f3f0d23f3c4429c248c275a728814053a093835e803bc8e695b4e' 
var alg = { 
name: 'PBKDF2', 
hash: 'SHA-1', 
salt: $.Uint8Util.fromHexString( testVector.salt ), 
iterations: testVector.iterations 
// import key, derive bits and compare 
var passwordBuf = decoder.decode( testVector.password ); 
assert.promise( crypto.subtle.importKey('raw', passwordBuf, 'PBKDF2', 
false, ['deriveKey']) 
.then(function ( keyResult ) { 
var passwordBuf = decoder.decode( testVector.password ); 
assert.promise( crypto.subtle.importKey('raw', passwordBuf, 'PBKDF2', 
false, ['deriveKey']) 
.then(function ( keyResult ) { 
return crypto.subtle.deriveBits( alg, keyResult, 256 ) 
.then(function ( deriveResult ) { 
var deriveBuf = new Uint8Array( deriveResult ); 
var key = $.Uint8Util.toHexString( deriveBuf ); 
assert.equal( key, testVector.key ); 
Data Flow and Storage (expected) 
● Salt = initial random 
● IV = initial random 
● Ciphertext = AES( todos, Key, IV )
Data Flow and Storage (actual) 
● PBKDF2 only implemented in Firefox 33 
● Substitute HMAC to generate 256 bit key 
○ (do not try this at home)
Set and Confirm Password 
On first use, password must be established.
Password Entry Field 
<header id="header"> 
<h1><span>secure</span> todos</h1> 
<input id="new-todo" 
placeholder="What needs to be done?" 
<input id="todo-password" 
placeholder="Enter Password" 
Render Password Entry Field 
render: function () { 
var todos, placeholder; 
if (this.todos) { 
// todos list rendering... 
} else { 
if (!cryptoStorage.initialized) { 
placeholder = (this.$'confirm') ? 
'Confirm Password' : 'Set Password'); 
this.$password.attr('placeholder', placeholder); 
Enter and Validate Password 
On subsequent uses, password must be 
entered to unlock todos. 
An invalid password will shake the password 
input field and outline in red.
CSS3 Shake Animation 
#todo-password.invalid { 
margin-left: 50px; 
padding: 3px 3px 3px 7px; 
border: 3px solid; 
width: 493px; 
border-radius: 6px; 
border-color: red; 
outline-color: red; 
animation: shake .5s linear; 
@keyframes shake { 
8%, 41% { transform: translateX(-10px); } 
25%, 58% { transform: translateX(10px); } 
75% { transform: translateX(-5px); } 
92% { transform: translateX(5px); } 
0%, 100% { transform: translateX(0); } 
validatePassword: function (password, confirmPassword) { 
var that = this; 
if (confirmPassword && confirmPassword != password) { 
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { 
reject(new Error('passwords do not match')); 
return cryptoStorage.authenticate(password).then(function () { 
}).then(function (result) { 
that.todos = result; 
Convert store to return a Promise 
store: function (data) { 
if (data) { 
return cryptoStorage.setItem(data); 
} else { 
return cryptoStorage.getItem(); 
Data Flow and Storage (API)
Random IV and Salt 
if ( !this.initialized ) { 
this.salt = new Uint8Array( 32 ); 
$.WebCryptoAPI.getRandomValues( this.salt ); 
this.hexSalt = $.Uint8Util.toHexString( this.salt ); 
this.iv = new Uint8Array( 16 ); 
$.WebCryptoAPI.getRandomValues( this.iv ); 
this.hexIV = $.Uint8Util.toHexString( this.iv ); 
this.initialized = true; 
Generate Key from Password 
return $.WebCryptoAPI.subtle.importKey('raw', this.salt, hmacSha256, 
true, ['sign', 'verify']) 
.then(function (keyResult) { 
Generate Key from Password 
return $.WebCryptoAPI.subtle.importKey('raw', this.salt, hmacSha256, 
true, ['sign', 'verify']) 
.then(function (keyResult) { 
return $.WebCryptoAPI.subtle.sign(hmacSha256, keyResult, buf) 
.then(function (signResult) { 
Generate Key from Password 
return $.WebCryptoAPI.subtle.importKey('raw', this.salt, hmacSha256, 
true, ['sign', 'verify']) 
.then(function (keyResult) { 
return $.WebCryptoAPI.subtle.sign(hmacSha256, keyResult, buf) 
.then(function (signResult) { 
var keyBuf = new Uint8Array(signResult); 
// importKey for later AES encryption 
return $.WebCryptoAPI.subtle.importKey('raw', keyBuf, {name: 'AES-CBC'}, 
true, ['encrypt', 'decrypt']) 
.then(function (result) { 
Generate Key from Password 
return $.WebCryptoAPI.subtle.importKey('raw', this.salt, hmacSha256, 
true, ['sign', 'verify']) 
.then(function (keyResult) { 
return $.WebCryptoAPI.subtle.sign(hmacSha256, keyResult, buf) 
.then(function (signResult) { 
var keyBuf = new Uint8Array(signResult); 
// importKey for later AES encryption 
return $.WebCryptoAPI.subtle.importKey('raw', keyBuf, {name: 'AES-CBC'}, 
true, ['encrypt', 'decrypt']) 
.then(function (result) { 
that.encryptionKey = result; 
if (!that.hasTodos) { 
return that.setItem([]); 
Encrypt and Store 
var encoder = new TextEncoder(); 
var todosBuf = encoder.encode(JSON.stringify(value)); 
var aesCbc = {name: 'AES-CBC', iv: this.iv }; 
var data = { 
salt: this.hexSalt, 
iv: this.hexIV, 
ciphertext: null 
return $.WebCryptoAPI.subtle.encrypt(aesCbc, this.encryptionKey, 
.then(function (result) { 
data.ciphertext = $.Uint8Util.toHexString(new Uint8Array(result)); 
localStorage.setItem(NAMESPACE, JSON.stringify(data)); 
var todosBuf = $.Uint8Util.fromHexString(data.ciphertext); 
var aesCbc = {name: 'AES-CBC', iv: this.iv }; 
$.WebCryptoAPI.subtle.decrypt(aesCbc, this.encryptionKey, todosBuf) 
.then(function (result) { 
var decoder = new TextDecoder(); 
var plaintext = decoder.decode(new Uint8Array(result)); 
try { 
data.todos = JSON.parse(plaintext); 
} catch (err) { 
}, function (err) { 
Encrypted in localStorage 
sqlite> select * from ItemTable; 
(and hopefully answers)

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Securing TodoMVC Using the Web Cryptography API

  • 1. Securing TodoMVC Using the Web Cryptography API Kevin Hakanson 12 September 2014
  • 2. Kevin Hakanson @hakanson +KevinHakanson hakanson
  • 3. Project which offers the same Todo application implemented using MV* concepts in most of the popular JavaScript MV* frameworks of today.
  • 4.
  • 5. Today's Session "todos" ● Review some cryptography concepts ● Look at the Web Cryptography API ● Combine these to secure TodoMVC
  • 6. Supporting Materials (if you want to follow along) Presentation and Source Code Demo
  • 8. TodoMVC Uses localStorage Chrome keeps localStorage in an SQLite file: OS X: ~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Local Storage Windows: %HOMEPATH%AppDataLocalGoogleChromeUser DataDefaultLocal Storage $ sqlite3 http_todomvc.com_0.localstorage sqlite> select * from ItemTable; todos-jquery|[{"id":"c8f7b7e1-88bf-451b-8aff- 04c9ac2544aa","title":"secure using Web Cryptography API","completed":false}]
  • 9. OWASP Top 10 2013 ● A1-Injection ● A2-Broken Authentication and Session Management ● A3-Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) ● A4-Insecure Direct Object References ● A5-Security Misconfiguration ● A6-Sensitive Data Exposure ● A7-Missing Function Level Action Control ● A8-Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) ● A9-Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities ● A10-Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards
  • 10. A6-Sensitive Data Exposure Covers sensitive data protection from the moment sensitive data is provided by the user, sent to and stored within the application, and then sent back to the browser again.
  • 11. A6-Sensitive Data Exposure Am I Vulnerable To 'Sensitive Data Exposure'? 1. Is any of this data stored in clear text long term, including backups of this data? 2. … 3. … 4. … 5. …
  • 12. Acceptance Criteria ● Enter password before accessing "todos" ● Data encrypted "at rest" in localStorage
  • 13. How?
  • 14. W3C Web Cryptography API This specification describes a JavaScript API for performing basic cryptographic operations in web applications, such as hashing, signature generation and verification, and encryption and decryption.
  • 15. WebCryptoAPI Use Cases ● Multi-factor Authentication ● Protected Document Exchange ● Cloud Storage ● Document Signing ● Data Integrity Protection ● Secure Messaging ● Javascript Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE)
  • 16. SubtleCrypto Interface ● Provides a set of methods for dealing with low-level cryptographic primitives and algorithms. ● Named SubtleCrypto to reflect the fact that many of these algorithms have subtle usage requirements in order to provide the required algorithmic security guarantees.
  • 17. Web Cryptography Working Group Key Dates ○ April 2012: Group Formation ○ March 2014: Last Call Working Draft ○ ????: Expected Candidate Recommendation ○ ????: Expected Proposed Recommendation ○ 2015: Expected Recommendation
  • 19. Chromium Dashboard Web Crypto API Implementation Status Enabled by default in desktop Chrome 37 (launch bug) Available in Chrome for Android release 37. Consensus & Standardization ● Firefox: In development ● Internet Explorer: In development ● Opera: Shipped in release 24 ● Opera for Android: Shipped in release 24 ● Safari: In development ● Web Developers: Mixed signals
  • 21. IE Platform Status Web Crypto API Note: IE11 implementation based on spec before change from CryptoOperation to Promise based API
  • 22. Promises/A+ A promise represents the eventual result of an asynchronous operation. The primary way of interacting with a promise is through its then method, which registers callbacks to receive either a promise's eventual value or the reason why the promise cannot be fulfilled.
  • 23. Chromium Dashboard Promises (ES6) Implementation Status Enabled by default in desktop Chrome 32 (launch bug) Available in Chrome for Android release 32. Consensus & Standardization ● Firefox: Shipped ● Internet Explorer: Public support ● Opera: Shipped in release 19 ● Opera for Android: Shipped in release 19 ● Safari: In development ● Web Developers: Mixed signals
  • 24. Microsoft Research JavaScript Cryptography Library ● The algorithms are exposed via the W3C WebCrypto interface, and are tested against the Internet Explorer 11 implementation of that interface. ● This library is under active development. Future updates to this library may change the programming interfaces. Date Published: 17 June 2014
  • 26. Javascript Cryptography Considered Harmful (circa 2010) ● Opinion on browser Javascript cryptography ○ "no reliable way for any piece of Javascript code to verify its execution environment" ○ "can't outsource random number generation in a cryptosystem" ○ "practically no value to doing crypto in Javascript once you add SSL to the mix" ○ "store the key on that server [and] documents there" ● Didn't consider the "offline" user experience
  • 27. Host-Proof Hosting ● In A Blink ○ Sketch: Locked inside data cloud, key at browser. ● Solution ○ Host sensitive data in encrypted form, so that clients can only access and manipulate it by providing a pass-phrase which is never transmitted to the server. ○ All encryption and decryption takes place inside the browser itself. (July 2005)
  • 28. Host-Proof Hosting "Requirements" ● Secure transport mechanism (HTTPS). ● Trust provider that hosts web application and serves HTML and JavaScript resources. ● Defend against and accept risk of script injection (XSS) threat. ○ However, unauthorized access by hackers only attacks users who access the application while infected, and not the entire persisted data store.
  • 29. My "Requirement" ● Avoid proving "Schneier's Law" ○ Anyone can invent a security system that he himself cannot break.
  • 31. Glossary Glossary of Key Information Security Terms SOURCE: NISTIR 7298
  • 32. Cryptography The discipline that embodies principles, means, and methods for providing information security, including confidentiality, data integrity, non-repudiation, and authenticity. SOURCE: SP 800-21
  • 33. Pseudorandom number generator (PRNG) An algorithm that produces a sequence of bits that are uniquely determined from an initial value called a seed. The output of the PRNG “appears” to be random. A cryptographic PRNG has the additional property that the output is unpredictable, given that the seed is not known. SOURCE: CNSSI-4009
  • 34. crypto.getRandomValues() If you provide an integer-based TypedArray, the function is going fill the array with cryptographically random numbers. var buf = new Uint8Array(32); window.crypto.getRandomValues(buf);
  • 35. Cryptographic Hash Function A function that maps a bit string of arbitrary length to a fixed length bit string. Approved hash functions satisfy the following properties: ● One-way ● Collision resistant SOURCE: SP 800-21
  • 36. Message Digest The result of applying a hash function to a message. Also known as a “hash value” or “hash output”. SOURCE: SP 800-107
  • 37. OpenSSL Command Line $ echo -n "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" | openssl dgst -sha256 (stdin)= d7a8fbb307d7809469ca9abcb0082e4f8d5651e46d3cdb76 2d02d0bf37c9e592
  • 38. QUnit Test QUnit.test( 'SHA-256', function ( assert ) { var testVector = { data: 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog', sha256Hash : 'd7a8fbb307d7809469ca9abcb0082e4f8d5651e46d3cdb762d02d0bf37c9e592' }; var encoder = new TextEncoder(); var dataBuf = encoder.encode( ); assert.promise( crypto.subtle.digest( { name: 'sha-256' }, dataBuf ) .then( function (result) { var hash = $.Uint8Util.toHexString( new Uint8Array( result ) ); assert.equal( hash, testVector.sha256Hash ); })); });
  • 39. QUnit Extension QUnit.extend( QUnit.assert, { promise: function ( promise ) { var assert = this; QUnit.stop(); promise.catch( function ( err ) { assert.ok( false, err.message ); }).then( function ( ) { QUnit.start(); }); } });
  • 40. ex: DOMException code: 9 message: "WebCrypto is only supported over secure origins. See" name: "NotSupportedError" __proto__: DOMException For example these are considered secure origins: ● chrome-extension://xxx ● https://xxx ● wss://xxx ● file://xxx ● http://localhost/ ● Whereas these are considered insecure: ● http://foobar ● ws://foobar
  • 41. TextEncoder Encoding API Script API to allow encoding/decoding of strings from binary data. Firefox 19 Intent to Ship in Chrome 38 Issue 243354: Implement Text Encoding API Polyfill
  • 42. $.Uint8Util toHexString( buf : Uint8Array ) : string fromHexString ( s : string ) : Uint8Array (still looking for a better way)
  • 43. $.WebCryptoAPI Wrapper around: ● crypto (WebCrypto spec) ● msCrypto (IE11) ● msrCrypto (Microsoft Research) ● webkitSubtle (Webkit Nightly) Implemented as jQuery Utility Plugin
  • 44. Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) A message authentication code that uses a cryptographic key in conjunction with a hash function. SOURCE: FIPS 201; CNSSI-4009
  • 45. Cryptographic Key A parameter used in conjunction with a cryptographic algorithm that determines ● the transformation of plaintext data into ciphertext data, ● the transformation of ciphertext data into plaintext data, ● a digital signature computed from data, ● ... SOURCE: FIPS 140-2
  • 46. Symmetric Key A cryptographic key that is used to perform both the cryptographic operation and its inverse, for example to encrypt and decrypt, or create a message authentication code and to verify the code. SOURCE: SP 800-63; CNSSI-4009
  • 47. Digital Signature The result of a cryptographic transformation of data which, when properly implemented, provides the services of: 1. origin authentication, 2. data integrity, and 3. signer non-repudiation. SOURCE: FIPS 140-2
  • 48. OpenSSL Command Line $ echo -n "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" | openssl dgst - sha256 -hmac "key" (stdin)= f7bc83f430538424b13298e6aa6fb143ef4d59 a14946175997479dbc2d1a3cd8
  • 49. QUnit.test( 'HMAC using SHA-256', function ( assert ) { var testVector = { data: 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog', key: 'key', hash : 'f7bc83f430538424b13298e6aa6fb143ef4d59a14946175997479dbc2d1a3cd8' }; var hmacSha256 = { name: 'hmac', hash: { name: 'sha-256' } }; var encoder = new TextEncoder(); var dataBuf = encoder.encode( ); var keyBuf = encoder.encode( testVector.key ); });
  • 50. QUnit.test( 'HMAC using SHA-256', function ( assert ) { var testVector = { data: 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog', key: 'key', hash : 'f7bc83f430538424b13298e6aa6fb143ef4d59a14946175997479dbc2d1a3cd8' }; var hmacSha256 = { name: 'hmac', hash: { name: 'sha-256' } }; var encoder = new TextEncoder(); var dataBuf = encoder.encode( ); var keyBuf = encoder.encode( testVector.key ); assert.promise( crypto.subtle.importKey( 'raw', keyBuf, hmacSha256, true, ['sign', 'verify'] ) .then( function ( keyResult ) { })); });
  • 51. QUnit.test( 'HMAC using SHA-256', function ( assert ) { var testVector = { data: 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog', key: 'key', hash : 'f7bc83f430538424b13298e6aa6fb143ef4d59a14946175997479dbc2d1a3cd8' }; var hmacSha256 = { name: 'hmac', hash: { name: 'sha-256' } }; var encoder = new TextEncoder(); var dataBuf = encoder.encode( ); var keyBuf = encoder.encode( testVector.key ); assert.promise( crypto.subtle.importKey( 'raw', keyBuf, hmacSha256, true, ['sign', 'verify'] ) .then( function ( keyResult ) { return crypto.subtle.sign( hmacSha256, keyResult, dataBuf ) .then( function ( signResult ) { var hash = $.Uint8Util.toHexString( new Uint8Array( signResult ) ); assert.equal( hash, testVector.hash ); }) })); });
  • 52. KJH-256 Hash QUnit.test( 'KJH-256', function ( assert ) { var testVector = { data: 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog', }; var encoder = new TextEncoder(); var dataBuf = encoder.encode( ); assert.promise( crypto.subtle.digest( { name: 'kjh-256' }, dataBuf ) .then( function ( result ) { var hash = $.Uint8Util.toHexString( new Uint8Array( result ) ); assert.equal( hash, 'kjh' ); })); });
  • 53. Error Results IE 11 NotSupportedError Chrome 37 Algorithm: Unrecognized name Firefox 35 An invalid or illegal string was specified Opera 24 Algorithm: Unrecognized name MSR Crypto 1.2 unsupported algorithm Webkit Nightly NotSupportedError: DOM Exception 9
  • 54. QUnit.test( 'HMAC using KJH-256', function ( assert ) { var testVector = { data: 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog', key: 'key' }; var encoder = new TextEncoder(); var dataBuf = encoder.encode( ); var keyBuf = encoder.encode( testVector.key ); var hmacKjh256 = { name: 'hmac', hash: { name: 'kjh-256' } }; assert.promise( crypto.subtle.importKey( 'raw', keyBuf, hmacKjh256, true, ['sign', 'verify'] ) .then( function ( keyResult ) { return crypto.subtle.sign( hmacKjh256, keyResult, dataBuf ) .then( function ( signResult ) { var hash = $.Uint8Util.toHexString( new Uint8Array( signResult ) ); assert.equal( hash, 'kjh' ); }) })); });
  • 55. Error Results IE 11 failed, expected argument to be truthy, was: false Chrome 37 HmacImportParams: hash: Algorithm: Unrecognized name Firefox 35 An invalid or illegal string was specified Opera 24 HmacImportParams: hash: Algorithm: Unrecognized name MSR Crypto 1.2 Error: unsupported hash alorithm (sha-224, sha-256, sha-384, sha-512) Webkit Nightly NotSupportedError: DOM Exception 9
  • 56.
  • 57. Cipher, Plaintext and Ciphertext Cipher - Series of transformations that converts plaintext to ciphertext using the Cipher Key. See Also: Inverse Cipher SOURCE: FIPS 197
  • 58. AES The Advanced Encryption Standard specifies a U.S. government approved cryptographic algorithm that can be used to protect electronic data. The AES algorithm is a symmetric block cipher that can encrypt (encipher) and decrypt (decipher) information. SOURCE: FIPS 197
  • 59. (CC BY 3.0)
  • 60. Initialization Vector (IV) A vector used in defining the starting point of an encryption process within a cryptographic algorithm. SOURCE: FIPS 140-2
  • 61. OpenSSL Command Line $ echo -n "Message" | openssl enc - aes256 -K 0CD1D07EB67E19EF56EA0F3A9A8F8A7C957A2C B208327E0E536608FF83256C96 -iv 6C4C31BDAB7BAFD35B23691EC521E28D | xxd -p 23e5ebe72d99cf302c99183c05cf050a
  • 62. QUnit.test( 'AES-CBC', function ( assert ) { var testVector = { plaintext: 'Message', iv: '6C4C31BDAB7BAFD35B23691EC521E28D', key: '0CD1D07EB67E19EF56EA0F3A9A8F8A7C957A2CB208327E0E536608FF83256C96', ciphertext: '23e5ebe72d99cf302c99183c05cf050a' }; var encoder = new TextEncoder(); var decoder = new TextDecoder(); var buf = encoder.encode( testVector.plaintext ); var keyBuf = $.Uint8Util.fromHexString( testVector.key ); var ivBuf = $.Uint8Util.fromHexString( testVector.iv ); var aesCbc = { name: 'AES-CBC', iv: ivBuf }; // import key, encrypt, decrypt and compare });
  • 63. assert.promise( crypto.subtle.importKey( 'raw', keyBuf, { name: 'AES-CBC' }, true, ['encrypt', 'decrypt'] ) .then( function ( encryptionKey ) { }));
  • 64. assert.promise( crypto.subtle.importKey( 'raw', keyBuf, { name: 'AES-CBC' }, true, ['encrypt', 'decrypt'] ) .then( function ( encryptionKey ) { return crypto.subtle.encrypt( aesCbc, encryptionKey, buf ) .then( function ( encryptResult ) { var encryptBuf = new Uint8Array( encryptResult ); var ciphertext = $.Uint8Util.toHexString( encryptBuf ); assert.equal( ciphertext, testVector.ciphertext ); }); }));
  • 65. assert.promise( crypto.subtle.importKey( 'raw', keyBuf, { name: 'AES-CBC' }, true, ['encrypt', 'decrypt'] ) .then( function ( encryptionKey ) { return crypto.subtle.encrypt( aesCbc, encryptionKey, buf ) .then( function ( encryptResult ) { var encryptBuf = new Uint8Array( encryptResult ); var ciphertext = $.Uint8Util.toHexString( encryptBuf ); assert.equal( ciphertext, testVector.ciphertext ); return crypto.subtle.decrypt( aesCbc, encryptionKey, encryptBuf ) .then( function ( decryptResult ) { var plaintext = decoder.decode( new Uint8Array( decryptResult ) ); assert.equal( plaintext, testVector.plaintext ); }); }); }));
  • 66. redux chained vs. nested promises
  • 67. function importKey () { return crypto.subtle.importKey( 'raw', keyBuf, { name: 'AES-CBC' }, true, ['encrypt', 'decrypt'] ) } function encrypt ( importedKey ) { encryptionKey = importedKey; return crypto.subtle.encrypt( aesCbc, encryptionKey, buf ); } function decrypt ( encryptResult ) { var encryptBuf = new Uint8Array( encryptResult ); var ciphertext = $.Uint8Util.toHexString( encryptBuf ); assert.equal( ciphertext, testVector.ciphertext ); return crypto.subtle.decrypt( aesCbc, encryptionKey, encryptBuf ); }
  • 68. function compare ( decryptResult ) { var plaintext = decoder.decode( new Uint8Array( decryptResult ) ); assert.equal( plaintext, testVector.plaintext ); } assert.promise( importKey() .then( encrypt ) .then( decrypt ) .then( compare ); );
  • 69.
  • 70. Password-Based Key Derivation Functions (PBKDF) ● The randomness of cryptographic keys is essential for the security of cryptographic applications. SOURCE: SP 800-132
  • 71. Password-Based Key Derivation Functions (PBKDF) ● The randomness of cryptographic keys is essential for the security of cryptographic applications. ● Most user-chosen passwords have low entropy and weak randomness properties. ○ shall not be used directly as cryptographic keys SOURCE: SP 800-132
  • 72. Password-Based Key Derivation Functions (PBKDF) ● The randomness of cryptographic keys is essential for the security of cryptographic applications. ● Most user-chosen passwords have low entropy and weak randomness properties. ○ shall not be used directly as cryptographic keys ● KDFs are deterministic algorithms that are used to derive cryptographic keying material from a secret value, such as a password. SOURCE: SP 800-132
  • 73. Salt A non-secret value that is used in a cryptographic process, usually to ensure that the results of computations for one instance cannot be reused by an Attacker. SOURCE: SP 800-63; CNSSI-4009
  • 74. PBKDF Specification Input: P Password S Salt C Iteration count kLen Length of MK in bits; at most (232-1) x hLen Parameter: PRF HMAC with an approved hash function hlen Digest size of the hash function Output: mk Master key
  • 75. QUnit.test( 'PBKDF2', function ( assert ) { var testVector = { password : 'password', salt: 'cf7488cd1e48e84990f51b3f121e161318ba2098aa6c993ded1012c955d5a3e8', iterations: 100, key: 'c12b2e03a08f3f0d23f3c4429c248c275a728814053a093835e803bc8e695b4e' }; var alg = { name: 'PBKDF2', hash: 'SHA-1', salt: $.Uint8Util.fromHexString( testVector.salt ), iterations: testVector.iterations }; // import key, derive bits and compare });
  • 76. var passwordBuf = decoder.decode( testVector.password ); assert.promise( crypto.subtle.importKey('raw', passwordBuf, 'PBKDF2', false, ['deriveKey']) .then(function ( keyResult ) { }));
  • 77. var passwordBuf = decoder.decode( testVector.password ); assert.promise( crypto.subtle.importKey('raw', passwordBuf, 'PBKDF2', false, ['deriveKey']) .then(function ( keyResult ) { return crypto.subtle.deriveBits( alg, keyResult, 256 ) .then(function ( deriveResult ) { var deriveBuf = new Uint8Array( deriveResult ); var key = $.Uint8Util.toHexString( deriveBuf ); assert.equal( key, testVector.key ); }); }));
  • 78.
  • 79. Data Flow and Storage (expected) ● Salt = initial random ● IV = initial random ● Ciphertext = AES( todos, Key, IV )
  • 80. Data Flow and Storage (actual) ● PBKDF2 only implemented in Firefox 33 ● Substitute HMAC to generate 256 bit key ○ (do not try this at home)
  • 81. Set and Confirm Password On first use, password must be established.
  • 82. Password Entry Field <header id="header"> <h1><span>secure</span> todos</h1> <input id="new-todo" placeholder="What needs to be done?" class="hidden"> <input id="todo-password" type="password" placeholder="Enter Password" autofocus class="edit"> </header>
  • 83. Render Password Entry Field render: function () { var todos, placeholder; if (this.todos) { this.$password.addClass('hidden'); // todos list rendering... } else { if (!cryptoStorage.initialized) { placeholder = (this.$'confirm') ? 'Confirm Password' : 'Set Password'); this.$password.attr('placeholder', placeholder); } this.$password.removeClass('hidden').focus(); } }
  • 84. Enter and Validate Password On subsequent uses, password must be entered to unlock todos. An invalid password will shake the password input field and outline in red.
  • 85. CSS3 Shake Animation #todo-password.invalid { margin-left: 50px; padding: 3px 3px 3px 7px; border: 3px solid; width: 493px; border-radius: 6px; border-color: red; outline-color: red; animation: shake .5s linear; } @keyframes shake { 8%, 41% { transform: translateX(-10px); } 25%, 58% { transform: translateX(10px); } 75% { transform: translateX(-5px); } 92% { transform: translateX(5px); } 0%, 100% { transform: translateX(0); } }
  • 86. Demo
  • 87. validatePassword: function (password, confirmPassword) { var that = this; if (confirmPassword && confirmPassword != password) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { reject(new Error('passwords do not match')); }); } return cryptoStorage.authenticate(password).then(function () { return; }).then(function (result) { that.todos = result; }) }
  • 88. Convert store to return a Promise store: function (data) { if (data) { return cryptoStorage.setItem(data); } else { return cryptoStorage.getItem(); } }
  • 89. Data Flow and Storage (API)
  • 90. Random IV and Salt if ( !this.initialized ) { this.salt = new Uint8Array( 32 ); $.WebCryptoAPI.getRandomValues( this.salt ); this.hexSalt = $.Uint8Util.toHexString( this.salt ); this.iv = new Uint8Array( 16 ); $.WebCryptoAPI.getRandomValues( this.iv ); this.hexIV = $.Uint8Util.toHexString( this.iv ); this.initialized = true; }
  • 91. Generate Key from Password return $.WebCryptoAPI.subtle.importKey('raw', this.salt, hmacSha256, true, ['sign', 'verify']) .then(function (keyResult) { });
  • 92. Generate Key from Password return $.WebCryptoAPI.subtle.importKey('raw', this.salt, hmacSha256, true, ['sign', 'verify']) .then(function (keyResult) { return $.WebCryptoAPI.subtle.sign(hmacSha256, keyResult, buf) .then(function (signResult) { }); });
  • 93. Generate Key from Password return $.WebCryptoAPI.subtle.importKey('raw', this.salt, hmacSha256, true, ['sign', 'verify']) .then(function (keyResult) { return $.WebCryptoAPI.subtle.sign(hmacSha256, keyResult, buf) .then(function (signResult) { var keyBuf = new Uint8Array(signResult); // importKey for later AES encryption return $.WebCryptoAPI.subtle.importKey('raw', keyBuf, {name: 'AES-CBC'}, true, ['encrypt', 'decrypt']) .then(function (result) { }); }); });
  • 94. Generate Key from Password return $.WebCryptoAPI.subtle.importKey('raw', this.salt, hmacSha256, true, ['sign', 'verify']) .then(function (keyResult) { return $.WebCryptoAPI.subtle.sign(hmacSha256, keyResult, buf) .then(function (signResult) { var keyBuf = new Uint8Array(signResult); // importKey for later AES encryption return $.WebCryptoAPI.subtle.importKey('raw', keyBuf, {name: 'AES-CBC'}, true, ['encrypt', 'decrypt']) .then(function (result) { that.encryptionKey = result; if (!that.hasTodos) { return that.setItem([]); } }); }); });
  • 95. Encrypt and Store var encoder = new TextEncoder(); var todosBuf = encoder.encode(JSON.stringify(value)); var aesCbc = {name: 'AES-CBC', iv: this.iv }; var data = { salt: this.hexSalt, iv: this.hexIV, ciphertext: null }; return $.WebCryptoAPI.subtle.encrypt(aesCbc, this.encryptionKey, todosBuf) .then(function (result) { data.ciphertext = $.Uint8Util.toHexString(new Uint8Array(result)); localStorage.setItem(NAMESPACE, JSON.stringify(data)); });
  • 96. Decrypt var todosBuf = $.Uint8Util.fromHexString(data.ciphertext); var aesCbc = {name: 'AES-CBC', iv: this.iv }; $.WebCryptoAPI.subtle.decrypt(aesCbc, this.encryptionKey, todosBuf) .then(function (result) { var decoder = new TextDecoder(); var plaintext = decoder.decode(new Uint8Array(result)); try { data.todos = JSON.parse(plaintext); resolve(data.todos); } catch (err) { reject(err); } }, function (err) { reject(err); });
  • 97. Encrypted in localStorage sqlite> select * from ItemTable; todos-jquery-webcryptoapi|{"salt":" 455ad2b6be02de86226c8c10fe32ebfc439b197f6b0a7918 94dab6f6920e22ff","iv":" 29b0b0092148e5fa849931c821627ea7","ciphertext":" b1770f7729edde3736eb4c26df6f4a56a236e01c525e157c f24ce76b35f8c622845a97f561c2c13942677db765e0638e f2ed90f191d5d57dcfc22fc7cd4c712716fc0e6e8748fb95 0430cb11a7e5c66ca4c55df4d88551d5b88666cd7fa4330c 85f20e88e30da752adf24ad71913bfb9"}
  • 98.