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ISSN 2585-2620
community what
you have accom-
plished. My article
on Language
Learning Strate-
gies, one of the
areas directly re-
lated to L2 teach-
ing and learning in
Greece, intends to
do exactly this. I
welcome the third
issue of the e-
bulletin, wishing
the team of editors
every success in
their endeavours.
I feel exceptionally
pleased to have the
opportunity to greet
colleagues and former
students of TEUM in
Serres, the town I was
born and brought up
in. I do congratulate
you all for your enthu-
siasm and dedication
to the circulation of
this e-bulletin where
teachers of English as
a FL in your area are
given space to share
and discuss a lot of
innovative ideas, les-
sons, tasks, and
teaching techniques.
Despite advances in
technology and in al-
ternative ways of
learning and pro-
cessing information,
do not forget that your
role as language
teachers remains pri-
mary: learners need
constant guidance,
reassurance, and sup-
port by a knowledgea-
ble person – you – un-
til they become self-
regulated and autono-
teachers the oppor-
tunity to match experi-
ence with innovation,
share model lessons,
exchange concerns,
reach out to col-
leagues, and promote
collaboration. Ideas,
projects, field work,
and research in the
domains of education
and pedagogy are
flourishing in Greece,
so do not hesitate to
make them known and
show the international
Issue 3 /June—December 2017
Open Spaces
Angeliki Psaltou-
Aristotle Univer-
sity of Thessalo-
by Julia Aivazoglou, who
provides a detailed descrip-
tion of the stages, activities,
workshops and course of
action followed by herself
and her students in the
framework of a European
Last but not least, Ms Mara-
velaki and Ms Chadzivasili-
adou give us an insight into
media education and how
they produced short, award-
ed, films with their teenage
students, featuring local
history. Do take a moment to
read it and, who knows, you
may be the next to involve
your pupils into the magical
cinema adventure!
The third issue of Open
Spaces has just taken off
and we are proud to include
a wealth of original topics
which generate rich dialogue
among language educators.
Ms Aggeliki Psaltou-Joycey
has honoured us by contrib-
uting on the theme of lan-
guage learning strategies
and the framework of in-
struction in the Greek con-
text, as well as the need for
raising teacher awareness
on the issue.
Ms Anna – Theodora Veliki
has furthered the discussion
on strategy learning and
teaching, relating it to learn-
er independence, assess-
ment tools and categoriza-
tion, as presented in the 2nd
International Conference on
Situating Strategy Use, held
from 28 to 30 of September
2017 in Komotini.
Dyslexia and language
learning is demystified in the
interview with Panayiotis
Constantinides, an expert
and evaluator of learning
disabilities, who sheds light
on common questions such
as the hereditary factor, the
importance of early diagno-
sis and intervention, differ-
entiated instruction and its
Drama techniques in the
EFL classroom have been
experientially introduced
during the Christmas event
organized by TEUM and led
by Luke Prodromou and his
colleagues Ms Aspa Geor-
gopoulou and Ms Vicky
Sarandidou, as reported by
Christina Savvopoulou.
Are you typical or skeptical,
sympathetic or empathetic?
Semantics and common
misconceptions in the Greek
and English language are
untangled by David Harding
in his article about false
English teachers’ profes-
sional development within
online learning communities
on the eTwinning platform is
presented by the English as
a Second Language fea-
tured eTwinning Group mod-
erator, Ms Theodora
On the next pages of our 3rd
issue, you will find creative
projects and practical, appli-
cable ideas, by browsing Ms
Drampa’s report on
“Adventures in the UK from
A to Z”: Setting off on a virtu-
al cultural tour in the UK, a
workshop led by TEUM
members as part of the Pub-
lic Library of Serres 2017
Summer Campaing.
A health education project in
cooperation with an Eras-
mus + project is described
Issue 3 /June—December 2017
Open Spaces
TEUM Chair
Open Spaces
Περιεχόμενα Τεύχους
5 Language Learning Strategies in the Greek Context
Angeliki Psaltou-Joycey
8 2nd International Conference on Situating Strategy Use
Anna-Theodora Veliki
9 Δυσλεξία και εκμάθηση ξένων γλωσσών: από τη θεωρία στην πράξη
Μια συνέντευξη με τον Παναγιώτη Κωνσταντινίδη
12 Anyone for drama?
Savvopoulou Christina
14 False Friends
David Harding
15 The ESL eTwinning Featured Group is loading for active English lan-
guage teachers across Europe
Theodora Gkeniou
16 Adventures in the UK from A to Z
Suzana Drampa
18 A health education project in cooperation with an Erasmus + project
Julia Aivazoglou
20 Ο οπτκοακουστικός γραμματισμός στο Γυμνάσιο—
Ένα Ταξίδι στο Χρόνο
Χατζηβασιλειάδου Δέσποινα, Μαραβελάκη Φρύνη
22 Σε αυτό το τεύχος έγραψαν...
24 Σημείωμα Χρήσης Έργων Τρίτων
2.1 Research
Over the past 25 years, a
considerable number of
conference papers, re-
search articles, MA disser-
tations, and PhD theses
have been produced con-
cerning various aspects of
the strategy concept. Most
of them have focused on
individual learner differ-
ences and the extent to
which they may influence
frequency of strategy use,
thus providing strategic
profiles of L2 learners in
Another stream of research
has examined frequency of
strategy use for the devel-
opment of L2 language
skills, e.g., reading com-
prehension, at primary,
secondary, and tertiary
As the domain of lan-
guage teaching has be-
come more learner-
focused and interactive,
learners are advised to
self-regulate their learn-
ing process and become
less dependent on the
teacher. Self-regulation
may be evidenced in the
use of language learning
strategies (LLS) which
can be defined as the
efforts learners make to
acquire knowledge by
selecting and organising
incoming information so
that it can be integrated
and stored in long-term
memory to be retrieved
and used successfully
when the need arises.
Strategies may be actual-
ized as internal mental
processes, behaviours,
physical actions, or emo-
tions deployed by learn-
ers to self-regulate and
enhance their language
learning (Psaltou-Joycey,
2010). They operate on a
continuum from deliber-
ate and conscious to au-
tomatic through instruc-
tion and practice.
2. Language learning
strategies in Greece
Strategy selection and
use depends on various
personal and contextual
factors (Psaltou-Joycey,
2010). Strategies should
best be studied and im-
plemented in the specific
sociocultural and educa-
tional context in which
learners are called to use
them. How has the field,
therefore, developed in
Language Learning Strategies in the Greek Context
Angeliki Psaltou-Joycey
03/2018Issue 3 /June—December 2017Aggeliki
Prof. Emerita
University of Thessaloniki
Language Learning Strate-
gies in the Greek Context
Several studies of the
latter group have applied
direct strategy instruction
(SI) in their classes with
very encouraging results
for their learners’ pro-
gress after the interven-
tion. However, although
experts have recognised
the significance of SI for
the development of self-
regulated language
learning (Chamot, 2009;
Gunning & Oxford,
2014), explicit classroom
SI in Greece is rather
limited. Its implementa-
tion depends on curricula
requirements, promoted
practices by textbooks,
and teacher involvement
in the SI process.
2.2 Curricula, text-
books, and the EFL
To this extent, the curric-
ula currently in force in
primary and secondary
EFL education have in-
cluded the component of
LLS in their framework.
Similarly, the English
authorised textbooks
have incorporated strate-
gy use and assessment
for the language skills
they focus on. However,
does simple exposure to
strategy taxonomies and
strategy items suffice for
learners to become
aware of their usefulness
in facilitating language
recursive, and longitudi-
nal process” (Macaro,
2001: 266).
3. Conclusion
A lot of research and
publications on LLS have
taken place in Greece.
The next step is to in-
volve teachers in the
promotion of strategic
teaching by offering well-
planned SI programmes,
providing constant feed-
back, encouraging ex-
pose is a useful tool to
complement the main
textbooks by offering
extra activities which are
frequently linked to the
grade textbooks by
providing page numbers
to similar activities in
Teachers willing to incor-
porate SI in their lessons
must bear in mind that
they should do so contin-
uously as part of their
teaching procedure be-
cause SI is “a gradual,
change of ideas among
colleagues and ensuring
support by administra-
Language Learning Strategies in the Greek Context
learning task.
2.3 Teacher training in
Two recent studies in
Greece, (Vrettou, Psal-
tou-Joycey & Gavriilidou,
2016; Psaltou-Joycey, in
preparation) have con-
cluded that teachers rec-
ognize the importance of
LLS and seem to pro-
mote them in the class-
room but usually they do
so in an implicit way
which blurs their being
identified by the learners.
Therefore, teachers need
support and training in
explicit SI. Access to
supplementary materials
which will direct them
with step-by-step instruc-
tions on how to do so
more satisfactorily is one
way to create strategic
teachers, who know how
to deliver lessons with
the strategy component
attached to them. A
Teacher’s Guide
(Psaltou-Joycey, 2015)
produced for that pur-
For most learners this is
not enough. Therefore,
what is needed is teach-
ers who have developed
strategy awareness in
order to identify strate-
gies in activities, make
decisions about which
strategies to teach, and
practise them explicitly
with their learners, hop-
ing that their learners will
eventually be able to
select on their own the
most appropriate strate-
gies for the completion of
a particular language
experts have
recognized the
significance of
SI for the
development of
learning, explicit
classroom SI in
Greece is rather
Page 8 Open Spaces
Λεζάντα που περι-
γράφει την εικόνα ή
το γραφικό.
Chamot, A. U. (2009). The CALLA handbook: Implementing the Cognitive Academic Language Learning
Approach, Second Edition. White Plains, NY: Pearson Education/Longman.
Gunning, P. and Oxford, R.L. (2014). Children’s learning strategy use and the effects of SI on success in
learning ESL in Canada. System 43, 82–100.
Macaro, E. (2001). Learning Strategies in Second and Foreign Language Classrooms. London: Continu-
Psaltou-Joycey, (2010). Language Learning Strategies in the Foreign Language Classroom. Thessaloniki:
University Studio Press.
Psaltou-Joycey, A. (ed.) (2015) Foreign Language Learning SI: A Teacher’s Guide. Kavala: Saita Publica-
tions. http://www.saitabooks_eu/2015/ebook.162.html
Psaltou-Joycey, A. (in preparation). Language learning strategies and the good language teacher. In C.
Griffiths, Z. Tajeddin & A. Brown (Eds), Lessons from the Good Language Teacher. Cambridge: Cam-
bridge University Press.
Vrettou, A., Psaltou-Joycey, A. & Gavriilidou, Z. (2016). Researching the promotion of strategic learning by
EFL teachers. Research Papers in Language Teaching and Learning, 7(1), 75-87.
Page 9Issue 3 /June—December 2017
The 2nd International
Conference on Situating
Strategy Use, held from
28 to 30 of September
2017 in Komotini, was
organized by the Depart-
ment of Philology of the
Democritus University of
Thrace. The conference
brought together about
100 educators from 26
countries across the
globe to share their ex-
periences, to learn from
each other and debate
about the role of lan-
guage learning strategies
in foreign and second
language learning.
1. Structure - Aim -
The conference was
structured around key-
note addresses, sympo-
siums and parallel ses-
sions aiming to stimulate
the ingoing research and
further probe into less
investigated issues con-
cerning language learn-
ing strategies, while cof-
fee breaks, light meals
and a conference dinner
offered opportunities for
social interaction.
tunity to meet via tele-
conference top experts
such as Joan Rubin, a
pioneer in strategy re-
search, who first collect-
ed the strategies used by
the “good language
learner” in 1975, and
Anna Chamot, whose
model for and work on
strategy instruction have
been widely used by re-
searchers since 1990
(Anna Chamot sadly
Professor of Applied Lin-
guistics at the University
of Oxford, UK, a special-
ist in language learning
strategies, and Peter Gu,
Associate Professor in
Victoria University of
Wellington, New Zea-
land, who highlighted the
importance for language
learners “to learn how to
learn” a foreign language
in the age of globaliza-
What was more, the par-
ticipants had the oppor-
passed away a month
Sincere congratulations
to the organizing commit-
tee of this inspiring event
and the wonderful group
of volunteer students
who were there to warm-
ly welcome and assist in
any situation.
The conference website:
2nd International Conference on Situating Strategy Use
Anna -Theodora Veliki
2. Keynote speakers
The opening keynote
address was delivered
by Angeliki Psaltou-
Joycey, Professor Emeri-
ta of the Department of
English Language and
Literature of the Aristotle
University of Thessaloni-
ki, who is among the first
researchers in the field of
language learning strate-
gies in our country.
Other keynote speakers
were Rebecca Oxford,
Professor Emerita of the
University of Alabama at
Birmingham, USA,
known for her categori-
zation of strategies and
the strategy inventory
(SILL) that have been
widely used in research
since 1990.
Andrew Cohen, Profes-
sor Emeritus of the Uni-
versity of Minnesota,
USA, who developed a
program for styles and
strategy-based instruc-
tion (SSBI), Ernesto
Well-known scholars
from the international
literature discussed the
definition of strategies
and their linkage to Dy-
manic Systems theory,
the use of language
learning strategies and
strategy instruction in
various contexts, issues
about teachers’ prepara-
tion to teach strategies
and new strategy as-
sessment tools.
Page 10 Open Spaces
2nd International
Conference on
Situating Strategy
Anna-Theodora Veliki
Teacher of English in
Primary Education, MA
What's different in the
brain of a person with
Mainly the Broca’s area,
located in our left hemi-
What causes dyslexia?
Are some people more
likely to have dyslexia?
Researches have shown
that a 70-80% has he-
reditary roots.
How important is pho-
nological awareness
and how can one culti-
vate it?
It is crucial mostly at a
very young age. There
are specific exercises
designed to boost pho-
nological awareness.
How important is early
The sooner the better.
An early diagnosis re-
sults in better interven-
tion and the opportunity
to have more time to in-
tervene and support.
In what ways do stu-
dents with dyslexia
read differently? Can
they overcome dyslex-
ia by reading more?
What aids (visual, tech-
nological, auditory,etc)
help dyslexic students
at school and home?
The use of “realia” is def-
initely helpful. Multisen-
sory techniques are
equally essential, the use
of colors and definitely
ICT, which is something
students with dyslexia
love to work with.
Δυσλεξία και εκμάθηση ξένων γλωσσών: από τη θεωρία στην πράξη
the practices applied in
school, such as Re-
source Rooms.
What information
should be shared with
the classroom about a
dyslexic classmate
without demeaning
them or making them
feel inadequate?
The rest of class should
be aware of the case. My
experience is that the
rest of class shows a
surprising understanding
and willingness to assist.
Definitely, the teacher
does not inform class in
front of everyone. They
can do this in private.
Still, it has to be done in
order to avoid misunder-
standings, when for in-
stance students with dys-
lexia are given different
instructions, more de-
tailed guidance or in
terms of segmentation
practices, less home-
Is differentiated in-
struction in the class-
room enough for a dys-
lexic student? Is tutor-
ing outside of school
needed and does it
make a difference?
Differentiated instruction
has been a step forward,
still depending on the
case it may not be ade-
quate at times. In coun-
tries like Scotland, where
Inclusive Education has
developed a lot, tutoring
outside school is a seri-
ous part of support, plus
An early
results in
and the
opportunity to
have more
time to
intervene and
Page 11Issue 3 /June—December 2017
Καθηγτής Αγγλικής Γλώσσας,
ΜΑ Ειδική Αγωγή – Δυσλεξία
University of Glasgow
Δυσλεξίας και Μαθησιακών
Μια συνέντευξη με τον Παναγιώτη Κωνσταντινίδη
The Broca’s area,
located in our left
What does it mean
when dyslexics are de-
scribed as visual think-
I must remind here that
each individual with dys-
lexia has “differnent dif-
ferences”. It is true that
in many cases students
with dyslexia are visual
thinkers and can function
more efficiently when
they are provided with
visual prompts (see mind
mapping for instance),
Still, each one must be
handled as a different
and unique case, where
practices for him or her
solely will be applied ac-
Why can't dyslexic
learners be considered
a homogenous group?
I am afraid I replied earli-
er, Simply because each
case is unique.
Is it possible for a
teacher who has not
had official training in
learning difficulties to
help a dyslexic student
in a significant way?
What are some tools an
educator could imple-
I am not sure this can
happen and have an effi-
cient impact. Educators
need to learn more on
dyslexia and LD, other-
wise they won’t be able
to cope adequately.
There has been a num-
ber of practices they can
implement and see im-
provement, but this can-
not happen if they just
search Google.
diagnosed with dyslexia
or LD to be exposed…
Sometimes a solution is
implemented, where the
student gives both oral
and written exams and
the highest score is kept.
Definitely, formats like
multiple choice or match-
ing are less stressful for
a student with LD and
cause less stress. Addi-
tionally, time limits are
really stressful for them.
Regarding technology,
exams based on ICT are
definitely preferable for
In public school exams
(term tests, end-of-the-
year exams, panhel-
lenic exams) dyslexic
students are given the
opportunity of an oral
examination. Do you
think that this is an ef-
fective way of testing?
If not, what would be a
more effective and less
stressful exam form?
To what extent can
technology help?
Well, many people may
think it is much easier for
a student to be examined
orally, still believe me, it
is not easy for a person
A recent study by Ital-
ian scientists has sug-
gested that the cause
of dyslexia lies on the
functioning of the eyes.
What is your opinion of
this study?
I ‘ve heard this before,
there have been scien-
tists in Greece who claim
the same. Well, let me
be a bit sceptical about
it. To put it another way,
why most dyslexia evalu-
ation tools test other fac-
tor like memory, motor
skills or aural efficiency?
Δυσλεξία και εκμάθηση ξένων γλωσσών: από τη θεωρία στην πράξη
need to learn
more on
dyslexia and
LD, otherwise
they won’t be
able to cope
Page 12 Open Spaces
Μια συνέντευξη με τον Παναγιώτη Κωνσταντινίδη
How suitable are
school books for dys-
lexic students?
I am not very familiar
with Greek school books.
From the little I have
seen, I can’t claim they
are dyslexic friendly,
mostly in higher classes.
Should dyslexic stu-
dents write dictation or
not? if yes, how should
teachers ask them to
do it?
I think they should, pro-
vided we do not overload
ss with tons of words,
Also, practices like seg-
mentation and scaffold-
ing should be followed
here as well. You do not
give long compound
words for dictation, when
the student has not been
taught yet the root of the
Can we say that some
languages are more
‘friendly’ to dyslexic
people than others?
Positive. More transpar-
ent languages are
“easier to digest, while
more opaque languages
are more difficult. A re-
cent study run by UCL
just proves this, where
English and French are
the first to cause difficulty
among LD students, Ital-
ian being the easiest.
Can dyslexia be
Nope! Dyslexia is not
migraine. It is a differ-
ence. You can’t cure it,
you will live with it. How-
ever, you can live with it
in harmony, provided you
are given the appropriate
Δυσλεξία και εκμάθηση ξένων γλωσσών: από τη θεωρία στην πράξη
Dyslexia is not
It is a difference.
You can’t cure
it, you will live
with it. However,
you can live with
it in harmony,
provided you
are given the
Page 13Issue 3 /June—December 2017
Λεζάντα που περι-
γράφει την εικόνα ή
το γραφικό.
Μια συνέντευξη με τον Παναγιώτη Κωνσταντινίδη
How important is Drama
in our language class-
room and how crucial is
the role it plays in the
teaching process?
Only an expert in the
field could tell and who’s
more qualified and
knowledgeable than Dr
Luke Prodromou?
On Sunday the 10th of
December in Philippos
Xenia Hotel, Dr Luke
Prodromou along with
his colleagues Ms Aspa
Georgopoulou and Ms
Vicky Sarandidou, in-
vited by TEUM, present-
ed their Christmas work-
shop and their show in
two parts: the first part,
i.e. the Drama workshop,
gave ideas on practical
techniques and tips for
using and incorporating
Drama in language les-
sons for learners of all
ages. These techniques
will not only help to make
students more extrovert,
fluent and self-confident
but will also build rapport
while learning in more
creative and effective
ways. Quick one-off ac-
tivities as well as more
extended exercises,
tasks and performances
were tried out by partici-
Drama activities in the
ELT classroom aim at
making language learn-
ing enjoyable and memo-
rable while building trust
between students and
teachers, prerequisites
for any effective learning
to take place.
memorable evening was
a show comprising of six
sketches inspired by
great English – and Irish
– writers such as Charles
Dickens, Oscar Wilde
and Jane Austen. The
show specially paid trib-
ute to Austen due to the
fact that in 2017 we cele-
brated 200 years since
her death. The themes of
the sketches were wom-
en in love and the de-
lights and disappoint-
ments of marriage. Dr
Prodromou, Ms Geor-
HOW? Well, through
warm-up activities;
through activities that
enhance fluency, pro-
nunciation, grammar and
vocabulary; through
short or long performanc-
es; through memoriza-
tion and repetition. Stu-
dents with learning diffi-
culties or behavioural
problems can benefit by
developing their speak-
ing and presentation
The second part of this
gopoulou and Ms Saran-
didou along with guests
from the Serres English
Teachers’ Association
presented a 60-minute
show entitled ‘Testing
times: celebrating Jane
Austen’ comprising of
the six sketches below:
1. What have teacher
trainers ever done for
2. The first private Eng-
lish lesson
3. Mr Collins fails the test
ANYONE FOR DRAMA? by Christina Savvopoulou
Page 14 Open Spaces
‘Testing times:
celebrating Jane
Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπι-
στήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης,
τμήμα Αγγλικής Γλώσ-
σας και Φιλολογίας.
ΜΑ in Translation
ANYONE FOR DRAMA? by Christina Savvopoulou
4. Elizabeth passes the
5. Mr Gradgrind fails
Louisa’s test
6. Lady Bracknell sets Mr
Worthing a test
Once again, we would
like to thank Luke, Aspa
and Vicky for coming to
Serres and putting up
such a great show! Let’s
hope we will all have a
happy new year and
many more events like
this to come in 2018!
Drama activities in
the ELT classroom
aim at making
language learning
enjoyable and
memorable while
building trust
between students
and teachers,
prerequisites for
any effective
learning to take
Page 15Issue 3 /June—December 2017
Ιdeas on practical
techniques and tips
for using and incor-
porating Drama in
language lessons
for learners of all
Luke Prodromou
Ph.D (Nottingham University),
English as a Lingua Franca: a
Corpus-based analysis, MA in
Shakespeare Studies, Birming-
ham University; Diploma in
Teaching English as a Second
Language (Leeds University)
If I were given a euro
every time an English-
speaking Greek friend
said to me: “David, you
are so typical!” I would
be a rich man. At first, I
was confused by this
phrase; what was typical
about me? Was my be-
haviour typical of an
Englishman? However,
as I became more famil-
iar with the Greek lan-
guage, I realised that my
friends probably meant
that I was overly formal
or very punctual. The
problem arose, of
course, because the
Greek word «τυπικός»
sounds like typical, one
of many false friends in
the English language
which can deceive Greek
A false friend can be de-
fined as a foreign word
which sounds similar to
one in our native lan-
guage, but has a differ-
ent meaning. The Eng-
lish language has thou-
sands of words which
are derived from Greek
and often have the same
meaning. A Greek stu-
dent can easily guess
the meaning of many
English words related to
medical science, such as
cardiology. However, it is
important to note differ-
ences in pronunciation;
for example, pneumonia
and psychology are pro-
nounced very differently
from «πνευμονία» and
«ντοκιμαντέρ» and
«λούνα παρκ», are
wrongly assumed to be
All English language
teachers need to make
their students aware of
these false friends, as
even high-level learners
of the language can get
confused. The English
language has been im-
measurably enriched by
Greek “loan” words but,
as a result, Greek learn-
ers of English can often
A further problem is
caused by the English
words which have en-
tered the Greek lan-
guage. As an examiner, I
have often heard Greek
students say that they
enjoy playing “basket” or
“volley”. Also, “camping”
and “parking” are used to
describe places
(campsite and car park
respectively). To make
matters even more com-
plicated, other foreign
words in the Greek lan-
guage, such as
be misled.
False Friends by David Harding
typical has a much nar-
rower meaning. Also,
sympathetic does not
mean «συμπαθητικός»,
although both these ad-
jectives describe positive
characteristics of a per-
son. In contrast, empathy
has a completely differ-
ent meaning from
«εμπάθεια» and pathetic
certainly does not mean
«παθητικός». Although
these words have a
Greek root, they entered
the English language via
German and Latin re-
spectively, and this ac-
counts for the change in
Even though there are
many English words
which have the same
meaning as the Greek
word they are derived
from, we have to watch
out for false friends. For
example, skeptical
means doubtful or cau-
tious, rather than
thoughtful or pensive
(«σκεπτικός»). Another
classic false friend is typ-
ical, which was men-
tioned earlier; «τυπικός»
can be translated into
many English words, but
does not mean
In contrast,
empathy has a
meaning from
«εμπάθεια» and
pathetic certainly
does not mean
Page 16 Open Spaces
A false friend can be defined
as a foreign word which
sounds similar to one in our
native language, but has a
different meaning.
David Harding
English language
teacher in Greece and
the UK since 2004
Lancaster University
University of Birming-
English serves as the medium
of communication among peo-
ples speaking different lan-
guages globally and particular-
ly in Europe. It has become a
lingua franca, the international
language. It is also the lan-
guage of internet, of advertis-
ing, of tourism, of business, of
science worldwide, assuming
an increasingly vital role.
What is more, interdisciplinary
learning entails making con-
nections among various school
subjects and leads to deeper
understanding across
curricular areas. English
is often the catalyst,
bringing together subjects
such as history, literature
and first language learn-
ing enriched by the use of
ICT, as well as science
and math, providing en-
joyable and challenging
learning experiences, in
particular within the con-
text of eTwinning pro-
There is definitely hetero-
geneity in the goals set
and the approach-
es assumed by
English language
curricula in the Eu-
ropean countries.
In some cases
there is focus in the
teaching of gram-
mar and lexis, in
testing and assess-
ment whereas oth-
ers mostly cater for
learner diversity
and whole-person
development, inte-
grating elements of
literature, poetry
point for educators in the field of
English language teaching. We
expect all of you to come on
Find us on the etwinning platform
and the social media
Facebook: https://
In this respect the ESL
group has a lot to offer
by initiating the intercul-
tural dialogue among
English language teach-
ers across Europe and
becoming a “think tank”
where passion and en-
thusiasm is transfused
and good practices are
appreciated and adopt-
All in all, it is my dream
to turn this group into a
“cell” of creativity and
innovation and a meeting
The ESL eTwinning Featured Group is loading for active English
language teachers across Europe by Theodora Gkeniou
late English language
teachers by bringing them
together on the eTwin-
ning platform and assist-
ing them in interacting
and sharing their beliefs,
values and practices.
Professional development
based on hands-on expe-
rience and sharing of
good practices are the
primary goals of the
group. Engaging in dia-
logue, establishing syner-
gies and “learning by os-
mosis”, that is allowing
new ideas and concepts to flow gradually
and be absorbed unconsciously by the
group members, will serve this goal.
Expert talks on a variety of topics, rang-
ing from the use of technology to inspir-
ing and motivating the young and the
young at heart, “TeachMeets” where the
group members assume the leading role,
online conferences and virtual round ta-
bles to present and communicate our
work and e-publications to publish mate-
rials for future reference are only some of
the upcoming group events, to which you
are wholeheartedly invited.
and theatre. It goes without
saying that in any case, when
it comes to language learning,
an authentic context is need-
ed, a communicative purpose
and strong motivation for
learners to energize and suc-
ceed in becoming fluent users
of the language.
English thus opens a window
to the world becoming one of
the most important school sub-
jects across cultural and na-
tional boundaries. The English
as a Second Language group
is here to support and stimu-
Page 17Issue 3 /June—December 2017
Theodora Gkeniou
ESL Group Moderator
On 29th August 2017,
TEUM participated in the
activities of the Summer
“From point to point”
organized by the Chil-
dren’s Section of the
Public Library of Serres,
with a workshop for stu-
dents aged 9-12 called
“Adventures in the UK
from A to Z”. The stu-
dents took the role of
young explorers, who set
off on a cultural adven-
ture touring around the
UK, with the aim to find
words from A to Z on 5
thematic topics, namely
TIRL (Towns-Islands-
Rivers-Lakes), FAMOUS
ing in five different
groups for two hours, the
students managed to
create 5 cultural maps of
the UK, shared their
work and had fun partici-
pating in a quiz of
The objectives of the
activity were: the acquisi-
tion of organizational,
collaborative and presen-
tational skills, the exten-
sive use of English lan-
guage and the acquaint-
ance with the country,
the people and the cus-
toms of the UK.
unteer-teacher in each
group to monitor and
help. Each team had
helpful materials like
maps, photos, books,
dictionaries, internet ac-
cess, scissors, crayons
and an empty map of the
UK to fill.
2. The Task or … Ad-
The students searched,
read, discussed, surfed
on the Internet and ex-
1. Team building and
Language Input
In the first part of the
workshop the children
shared the knowledge
they already had about
the UK (location in Eu-
rope, capital, parts, big
cities, food, customs,
sports, famous people
etc.). They were further
motivated by watching
relative videos, pictures
and maps. Five teams
were formed with a vol-
changed knowledge in
order to find information
on their topic, at least 26
points beginning from A
to Z. For example, on the
topic of CUSTOMS AND
FOOD : Apple Pie, Ba-
con and eggs, Cup-
cakes, Doughnuts, Egg-
nog, Fish and chips…
and so on
The students
took the role
of young
who set off on
a cultural
around the UK
Page 18 Open Spaces
One of the collages-
maps on the 5 differ-
ent topics
“Adventures in the UK from A to Z”
Setting off on a virtual cultural tour in the UK by Suzana Drampa
Suzana Drampa
Teacher of
English, member
of TEUM Board
4. Feedback and Evalu-
The students had the
chance to use the ac-
quired knowledge joining
in a quiz, with questions
specially designed by the
teachers to give a sense
of satisfaction to the par-
ticipants. The Adventure
in the UK from A to Z
was over!
“Adventures in the UK from A to Z”
Setting off on a virtual cultural tour in the UK by Suzana Drampa
Page 19Issue 3 /June—December 2017
3. The products
The 5 groups created 5
collages-maps on the 5
different topics and pre-
sented them to the other
groups from point to
point, that is from A to Z
Austen Jane, Beckham,
Charlie Chaplin, Dickens,
Ed Sheeran, Fleming…
1.Citizens of the world
with rights and obliga-
tions. Otherness and
A project elaborated by
second grade students
who also participated in
a European network .
Students set the rules of
their cooperation using
the `brainstorming``
method and writing their
ideas on posters.
1.1 Two principles
A basic principle that all
students agreed to im-
plement was:
`Never breach the right
to free expression `
A second, more flexible
principle was that:
`All members of the pro-
ject should share the
responsibilities but each
one could also have the
chance to contribute
more to thematic sec-
tions of his/her interest
and inspiration`
1.2 Thematic sections
The project team worked
on seven thematic sec-
tions with the titles:
1.Human rights: The
right to equity and citi-
2.The right to work.
3.Diversity-types of
4.Cultural and national
diversity among the
countries of the world.
5.Xenophobia and rac-
6.Active citizens of Eu-
students’ group.
On the day dedicated to
people with special
needs they performed
workshop games in an
attempt to sensitize all
their classmates and
teachers to the issue of
hearing and sight disabil-
Sub-teams of students
were assigned to choose
a foreign country (one
from each continent) and
after collecting feedback
about the country`s his-
torical, religious back-
To exploit their artistic
skills, some students
created poems in e-form,
two students wrote the
lyrics of a song concern-
ing the human rights and
several others compiled
mottos and drew paint-
ings relevant to the topic.
As regards the human
right to work, after surf-
ing the net, a documen-
tary based on the exploi-
tation of child labour in
Eastern Europe (mainly
Ucraine) was watched
and commented by all
ground, traditions, official
language and special
food, they held ``a coun-
try presentation`` in the
class . Not only did they
try to guess which coun-
try each sub-team pre-
sented but also compare
all the cultural and na-
tional features of the
A health education project in cooperation with an
Erasmus + project by Julia Aivazoglou
7.Active communication
among democratic citi-
1.3 The procedure fol-
lowed and the output
The conversation of hu-
man rights was dissemi-
nated to the project team
and students focused on
the right to equity and
nationality. They also
searched for the Greek
law for citizenship in or-
der to inform the foreign
students of the school
about it.
searched the
Greek law for
citizenship in
order to
inform the
students of
the school
about it
Page 20 Open Spaces
Julia Aivazoglou
Junior High school of
Skotoussa, Serres.
Department of the English
language and literature of
the Aristotle University in
A questionnaire based
on xenophobia and rac-
ism was distributed to all
the students of the
school and the produced
outcome of it depicts our
school profile at the be-
ginning of this project.
Complementarily, a fairy
tale with the title ``A mi-
grant or not! So what? ``
was created by two stu-
dents who got inspired
by a task of role playing.
In fact the project team
was separated in three
groups. One group simu-
lated the refugees; a
second group simulated
the humanitarian Greek
people and the third sim-
ulated the conservative-
``hostile`` Greeks. All of
them expressed their
views and feelings about
the situation they lived
from their own angle.
A questionnaire about
the team’s knowledge as
European citizens was
answered by each team
member and the e-
results reflect the rates of
their knowledge or igno-
fice of school activities in
A workshop on women`s
rights was conducted in
our school on the occa-
sion of the thematic
week accomplishment,
with the help of the office
of school activities and
the center for the support
of women`s rights in
2. Workshop seminars
A workshop on human
rights and bullying was
carried out in Lithotopos-
Serres which the
Skotoussa team of stu-
dents attended with
teams of other schools
from Serres and Thessa-
loniki. The organizer and
person in charge of this
event was Mrs Efthimi-
adou director of the of-
A health education project in cooperation with an
Erasmus + project, Julia Aivazoglou
communications and be-
havior problems at
Using the method of
guide drama and case-
study students tried to
experience these prob-
lems and their potential
solution in both serious
and sarcastic ways.
A final questionnaire
aimed to prove whether
students (only the pro-
ject’s teams) altered their
attitude towards anything
or anybody new, strange
or different.
A workshop activity: a
debate in a democratic
school environment
Two students proposed a
different destination for a
school trip. A debate be-
tween them followed and
after the audience`s
questions the voting took
place using voting pad-
A workshop activity:
discussion about teens
Using the
method of
guide drama
and case-study
students tried
to experience
these problems
and their
solution in both
serious and
sarcastic ways
Page 21Issue 3 /June—December 2017
Human rights:
The right to equi-
ty and citizen-
Για τρία συνεχόμενα
σχολικά έτη, από το
2013 έως το 2016, διδά-
χτηκε στο Γυμνάσιο Ηρά-
κλειας Σερρών στη Β΄
Τάξη το μάθημα
γραμματισμός» στο πλαί-
σιο των βιωματικών δρά-
σεων που καταργήθηκαν
τελικά το σχολικό έτος
2016-17. Κατά τα σχολι-
κά έτη 2014-15 και 2015-
17 δημιουργήθηκαν από
μαθητές του Γυμνασίου
δύο μαθητικές ταινίες
μικρού μήκους: «Το βου-
βαλίσιο γάλα» και «Ο
Εισβολέας». Οι ταινίες
έχουν αναρτηθεί στο δια-
δύκτιο, στο κανάλι του
Γυμνασίου Ηράκλειας
στο YouTube:
Επίσης όλα τα φύλλα
εργασίας που χρησιμο-
ποιήθηκαν καθώς και
χρήσιμο υλικό για το μά-
θημα συγκεντρώθηκαν
στην ιστοσελίδα που
σχεδιάσαμε για τον σκο-
πό αυτό:
ΥΠΕΠΘ, Φεστιβάλ Κιν/
φου Θεσ/νίκης. και
Πούλιος, Ι. (2017). Κινη-
ματογραφική αγωγή: Δη-
μιουργώντας στην τάξη
μια ταινία μικρού μήκους.
Σέρρες: Διεύθυνση Πρω-
τοβάθμιας Εκπαίδευσης.
Έτσι οι μαθητές γνώρι-
σαν έννοιες απαραίτητες
όπως το σενάριο, το στό-
ρυμπορντ, τα είδη των
πλάνων, η σκηνή. Σειρά
είχε η επινόηση της ιστο-
ρίας. Πηγή έμπνευσης
για τους μαθητές αποτέ-
Καταρχήν οι μαθητές
έπρεπε να εξοικειωθούν
με βασικές έννοιες της
κινηματογραφικής γλώσ-
σας. Για τον σκοπό αυ-
τόν χρησιμοποιήθηκαν
δύο πηγές:
Κιούκας, Α. (Επ. )
(2003). Η κινηματογραφι-
κή αφήγηση. Πάμε σινε-
μά; Εκπαιδευτικό πρό-
γραμμα γνωριμίας με την
τέχνη του κινηματογρά-
φου. Για την δευτεροβάθ-
μια εκπαίδευση. Αθήνα:
Υπουργείο Πολιτισμού,
λεσαν τα πολλά παλιά
και εγκαταλελειμμένα
σπίτια στην Ηράκλεια.
Επιθυμία τους ήταν να
δημιουργήσουν μία ταινί-
α μυστηρίου. Αποφασί-
σαμε να επικεντρωθούμε
στην ιστορία των σπιτιών
αυτών, τα οποία χτίστη-
καν με εντολή του Ελευ-
θέριου Βενιζέλου το 1930
και παραδόθηκαν στους
κατοίκους των οποίων τα
σπίτια είχαν καταστραφεί
νωρίτερα από Βούλγα-
Ο οπτκοακουστικός γραμματισμός στο Γυμνάσιο—Ένα Ταξίδι
στο Χρόνο, Χατζηβασιλειάδου Δέσποινα, Μαραβελάκη Φρύνη
Κατά το σχολικό έτος
2016-2017 13 μαθητές
της Β΄ τάξης του Γυμνα-
σίου εκδήλωσαν την επι-
θυμία να οργανώσουν
μία κινηματογραφική ο-
μάδα στο σχολείο, να
παρακολουθήσουν μα-
θήματα οπτικοακουστι-
κής εκπαίδευσης παρό-
μοια με εκείνα των βιω-
ματικών δράσεων και να
δημιουργήσουν τη δική
τους μαθητική ταινία.
έμπνευσης για
τους μαθητές
αποτέλεσαν τα
πολλά παλιά
και εγκαταλε-
σπίτια στην
Page 22 Open Spaces
πολλά οφέλη στους μα-
θητές που συμμετείχαν:
Ενίσχυση του πνεύματος
συνεργασίας, εξοικείωση
με την κινηματογραφική
γλώσσα, ανάπτυξη πρω-
τοβουλιών από τους μα-
θητές, βιωματική προ-
σέγγιση της γνώσης και
συγκεκριμένα της ιστορί-
ας της περιοχής τους και
βέβαια διασκεδαστικό
τρόπο μάθησης.
Η μαθητική ταινία που
δημιουργήθηκε μπορεί
να αξιοποιηθεί σαν υπο-
φωτογράφοι, ηθοποιοί,
κλακέτα κτλ. Ήμασταν
έτοιμοι για την έναρξη
των γυρισμάτων.
Η κινηματογραφική ομά-
δα βρισκόταν μία φορά
την εβδομάδα μετά το
σχολικό πρόγραμμα και
γυρνούσε όσο πιο πολλά
πλάνα μπορούσε. Οι
συνολικές ώρες γυρισμά-
των υπολογίστηκαν στις
20 ώρες περίπου για μία
ταινία 7 λεπτών. Ήταν
όμως σίγουρα με διαδι-
κασία που πρόσφερε
στηρικτικό υλικό στο μά-
θημα της ιστορίας μα και
θα πάρει μέρος σε μία
σειρά μαθητικών διαγω-
νισμών ταινιών μικρού
μήκους, όπως είναι το
«cinema…διάβασες;» και
το «camera zizanio».
Ο τίτλος της ταινίας είναι
«Ταξίδι στον χρόνο». Στο
διαδίκτυο μπορεί κανείς
να παρακολουθήσει τόσο
την ταινία όσο και πλάνα
από τα γυρίσματα.
Ο οπτκοακουστικός γραμματισμός στο Γυμνάσιο—Ένα Ταξίδι
στο Χρόνο, Χατζηβασιλειάδου Δέσποινα, Μαραβελάκη Φρύνη
ουργήθηκε το στόρυ-
μπορντ: Κάθε σκηνή χω-
ρίστηκε σε πλάνα, διευ-
κρινίστηκαν τα είδη των
πλάνων και σχεδιάστηκε
ένα σκίτσο για κάθε πλά-
νο, όπως το φαντάζο-
νταν οι μαθητές.
Ακολούθησε έρευνα για
την εύρεση τοποθεσιών
κατάλληλων για τα γυρί-
σματα. Τα Βενιζελικά
σπίτια έχουν το ίδιο αρχι-
τεκτονικό στυλ και μοιά-
ζουν. Έπρεπε να βρε-
θούν δύο Βενιζελικά σπί-
τια: Το ένα εγκαταλελειμ-
μένο και σε κακή κατά-
σταση και το άλλο καλο-
διατηρημένο, που να
μοιάζει σαν καινούριο.
Το πρώτο σπίτι θα χρη-
σίμευε στις σκηνές από
το παρόν και το δεύτερο
στις σκηνές από το πα-
Ακολούθησε ο καταμερι-
σμός των εργασιών. Κά-
θε μαθητής ανέλαβε μία
εργασία: Σκηνοθέτες,
οπερατέρ, φροντιστές,
Η ιστορία της ταινίας επι-
κεντρώνεται σε μία παρέ-
α παιδιών που με τρόπο
υπερφυσικό μεταφέρο-
νται στο 1930, όπου συ-
ναντούν ένα κορίτσι της
εποχής. Με τον τρόπο
αυτόν παρουσιάζεται η
ιστορία των Βενιζελικών
σπιτιών της Ηράκλειας.
Σειρά είχε η συγγραφή
του σεναρίου. Στη φάση
αυτή έπρεπε η ιστορία
να χωριστεί σε σκηνές
και να γραφτούν οι διά-
λογοι. Στη συνέχεια δημι-
Η ιστορία της
σε μία παρέα
παιδιών που με
στο 1930, όπου
συναντούν ένα
κορίτσι της
Page 23Issue 3 /June—December 2017
Angeliki Psaltou-Joycey (BA, Dipl. TEFL, MA, PhD) is Professor Emerita of Applied
Linguistics, School of English, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Her research
interests and publications focus on Language Learning Strategies and other indi-
vidual differences in SLA, Greek as an S/FL, Interlanguage Studies, and Mul-
tiligualism. She has authored Language Learning Strategies in the Foreign Lan-
guage Classroom (2010) and co-authored The Temporal System of Modern Greek:
Studies from the Perspective of Greek as a Foreign Language [in Greek] (2011);
co-edited Cross-Curricular Approaches to Language Education (2014), and Lan-
guage Learning Strategies: Theoretical Issues and Applied Perspectives (2017);
and edited Language Learning Strategy Instruction: A Teacher’s Guide (2015).
During1998-2014 she was the elected president of the Greek Applied Linguistics
Association (GALA), the national affiliate of AILA. She is also a member of the editorial
boards of national and international academic journals.
Angeliki Psaltou-Joycey
David Harding
Σε αυτό το τεύχος έγραψαν...David Harding has been an English language
teacher in Greece and the UK since 2004. He studied at Lancaster University
and the University of Birmingham. He lives in Serres and is an online tutor.
Page 24 Open Spaces
Ms Julia Aivazoglou is a state school teacher at the Junior High school of
Skotoussa, Serres. She is a graduate of the Department of the English language
and literature of the Aristotle University in Thessaloniki. She has been coordinat-
ing cross-curricular projects organising bilingual workshops in a continuous at-
tempt to raise students’ interest in creativity and versatility.
Panayiotis Constantinides is an English teacher, certified oral examiner and
licensed Dyslexia evaluator. He holds a Certificate in English Methodology from
the British Council, a Diploma in IT from the Open University, U.K. and a Mas-
ter in Inclusive Education (Research, Policy and Practice, Support for Learning)
from the University of Glasgow. Furthermore, he has been teaching English for
over 25 years and assessing students with Learning Difficulties since 2012. Fi-
nally, since 2000 he has been working for the European Public Investment
Program of the University of the Aegean, Department of Product and
System Design and since 2006 he has been an oral examiner of lev-
els B2-C2.
Julia Aivazoglou
Panayiotis Constantinides
Σε αυτό το τεύχος έγραψαν...
Page 25Issue 3 /June—December 2017
My name is Suzana Drampa. I was born in 1968 in Serres. I live in
Serres and I have 3 children. I am a graduate of the Department of
English Language and Literature of AUThessaloniki (1990) and I
Σουζάνα Δράμπα
Σε αυτό το τεύχος έγραψαν...
Φρύνη Μαραβελάκη
Η Χατζηβασιλειάδου Δέσποινα είναι καθηγήτρια Γερμανικής γλώσ-
σας στο Γυμνάσιο ηράκλειας. Έχει μεταπτυχιακό στη Διαπολιτισμική
Εκπαίδευση. Έχει εργαστεί ως μεταφράστρια / διερμηνέας στη Γερ-
μανική και στην Αγγλική γλώσσα. Είναι επίσης αξιολογήτρια προφο-
ρικού λόγου για το Κρατικό Πιστοποιητικό Γλωσσομάθειας στα Γερ-
μανικά. Προάγει συστηματικά την οπτικοακουστική εκπαίδευση
(Media/Film Education) στο σχολείο και οι ταινίες μικρού μήκους
που δημιούργησε με τους μαθητές της απέσπασαν το 1ο Βραβείο,
«Σινεμάθεια», και το 3ο Βραβείο, «Βουβαλίσιο Γάλα» σε πανελλήνι-
ους διαγωνισμούς.
Δέσποινα Χατζηβασιλειάδου
Η Μαραβελάκη Φρύνη είναι εκπαιδευτικός Δευτεροβάθμιας εκπαί-
δευσης στο Γυμνάσιο Ηράκλειας. Σπούδασε Αγγλική Γλώσσα και
Φιλολογία στο Α.Π.Θ. και Ισπανική Γλώσσα και Πολιτισμό στο
Ε.Α.Π. Έχει αποκτήσει Μεταπτυχιακό Δίπλωμα Ειδίκευσης Καθηγη-
τών Αγγλικής από το Ε.Α.Π. (MEd in TESOL). Ασχολείται ενεργά με
τη χρήση της εκπαιδευτικής τεχνολογίας για τη Διδασκαλία της Αγλι-
κής Γλώσσας και την παραγωγή ψηφιακού υλικού, τον οπτικοακου-
Χριστίνα Σαββοπούλου
H Χριστίνα Σαββοπούλου γεννήθηκε και εργάζεται στις Σέρρες.
Είναι απόφοιτος του Αριστοτέλειου Πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλονίκης
στο τμήμα Αγγλικής Γλώσσας και Φιλολογίας. Ολοκλήρωσε τις με-
ταπτυχιακές τις σπουδές στο Πόρτσμουθ της Μεγάλης Βρετάνιας το
2002 στον τομέα της Μετάφρασης. Από το 2004 ως το 2015 εργά-
στηκε στη δευτεροβάθμια εκπαίδευση ενώ από το 2015 και έκτοτε
διδάσκει στην Α'βαθμια Εκπαίδευση Σερρών.
Η Άννα-Θεοδώρα Βελίκη είναι εκπαιδευτικός Αγγλικής Γλώσσας στην
Πρωτοβάθμια Εκπαίδευση. Αποφοίτησε από το τμήμα Αγγλικής Γλώσσας
και Φιλολογίας του Αριστοτελείου Πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλονίκης και έχει
αποκτήσει Μεταπτυχιακό Δίπλωμα Ειδίκευσης στην Τεχνολογία και Γλωσ-
σική Εκπαίδευση από το ΑΠΘ. Ενδιαφέρεται για την στρατηγική χρήση
της εκπαιδευτικής τεχνολογίας στην καθημερινή διδακτική πρακτική και
την παραγωγή ψηφιακού υλικού. Έχει διδάξει στο παρελθόν την Αγγλική
Γλώσσα σε όλες της βαθμίδες της δημόσιας εκπαίδευσης.
Άννα-Θεοδώρα Βελίκη
 Language Learning Strategies in the Greek Context
 2nd International Conference on Situating Strategy Use
 False Friends
 Adventures in the UK from A to Z
Σημείωμα Χρήσης Έργων Τρίτων
Στο τεύχος αυτό γίνεται χρήση των ακόλουθων έργων:
Εικόνες / Φωτογραφίες
Page 26 Τίτλος ενημερωτικού δελτίου
 Δυσλεξία και εκμάθηση ξένων γλωσσών: από τη θεωρία στην πράξη
Φωτογραφίες: Μαραβελάκη Φρύνη
Φωτογραφίες: Μαραβελάκη Φρύνη
 A health education project in cooperation with an Erasmus + project
 Ο οπτκοακουστικός γραμματισμός στο Γυμνάσιο—Ένα Ταξίδι στο Χρόνο
Φωτογραφίες: Χατζηβασιλειάδου Δέσποινα, Μαραβελάκη Φρύνη
Σημείωμα Χρήσης Έργων Τρίτων
Στο τεύχος αυτό γίνεται χρήση των ακόλουθων έργων:
Εικόνες / Φωτογραφίες
Page 27Issue 3 /June—December 2017
ISSN: 2585-2620
ΕΚΔΟΤΗΣ: το Δ.Σ. της Ένωσης
ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΗ: Κων. Καραμανλή 13-2ος όροφος -
Σέρρες-TK 62125
ISSN 2585-2620
Την Κυριακή 19/11/2017 η Μακεδονική Ένωση Καθηγητών Αγγλικής Δημόσιας
Α/θμιας και Β/θμιας Εκπ/σης ν. Σερρών διοργάνωσε ημερίδα με θέμα
«Δυσλεξία και Εκμάθηση Ξένων Γλωσσών».
Kεντρικοί ομιλητές, η κ. Θωμαή Αλεξίου, Επίκουρη Καθηγήτρια στο Τμήμα Θε-
ωρητικής και Εφαρμοσμένης Γλωσσολογίας του Τμήματος Αγγλικής Γλώσσας,
του Αριστοτελείου Πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλονίκης, η κ. Φωτεινή Μακράκη, Προϊ-
σταμένη ΚΕ.Δ.Δ.Υ Σερρών και ο κ. Παναγιώτης Κωνσταντινίδης, Καθηγητή Αγ-
γλικής Γλώσσας με ΜΑ στην Ειδική Αγωγή, οι οποίοι προσέγγισαν το θέμα των
μαθησιακών δυσκολιών και της εκμάθησης των ξένων γλωσσών με εμπεριστα-
τωμένες παρουσιάσεις.
Η συμβολή της Διεύθυνσης Δευτεροβάθμιας Εκπαίδευσης Σερρών και των Δο-
μών της, του Συμβουλευτικού Σταθμού Νέων και του Κέντρου Διαφοροδιάγνω-
σης, Διάγνωσης και Αντιμετώπισης, διαμέσου των υπευθύνων κ. Φωφώς Κα-
ραμανίδου και κ. Φωτεινής Μακράκη, ήταν καταλυτική στην επιτυχημένη
έκβαση της εν λόγω ημερίδας. Ευχαριστούμε ιδιαίτερα τον Προϊστάμενο της
ΔΔΕ Σερρών, κ. Τενεκετζή, για το ενδιαφέρον που επέδειξε για το θέμα και την
συνολική στήριξη με την οποία αγκάλιασε το όλο εγχείρημα. Ευχαριστούμε τον
πρόεδρο της ΚΕΔΗΣ κ. Βασίλη Τερζή και τον κ. Πασχάλη Στεφάνου και τον
Σύλλογο Εκπαιδευτικών Πρωτοβάθμιας Εκπαίδευσης "Εμμ. Παππάς" για την
οργανωτική υποστήριξη. Ευχαριστούμε τους/τις εκπαιδευτικούς και τους γονείς
που προσήλθαν και μας τίμησαν με την παρουσία τους.
Ημερίδα με θέμα «Δυσλεξία και Εκμάθηση Ξένων Γλωσσών».

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Open spaces 3 rd issue

  • 2.
  • 3. community what you have accom- plished. My article on Language Learning Strate- gies, one of the areas directly re- lated to L2 teach- ing and learning in Greece, intends to do exactly this. I welcome the third issue of the e- bulletin, wishing the team of editors every success in their endeavours. I feel exceptionally pleased to have the opportunity to greet colleagues and former students of TEUM in Serres, the town I was born and brought up in. I do congratulate you all for your enthu- siasm and dedication to the circulation of this e-bulletin where teachers of English as a FL in your area are given space to share and discuss a lot of innovative ideas, les- sons, tasks, and teaching techniques. Despite advances in technology and in al- ternative ways of learning and pro- cessing information, do not forget that your role as language teachers remains pri- mary: learners need constant guidance, reassurance, and sup- port by a knowledgea- ble person – you – un- til they become self- regulated and autono- mous. OPEN SPACES gives teachers the oppor- tunity to match experi- ence with innovation, share model lessons, exchange concerns, reach out to col- leagues, and promote collaboration. Ideas, projects, field work, and research in the domains of education and pedagogy are flourishing in Greece, so do not hesitate to make them known and show the international Issue 3 /June—December 2017 Open Spaces Angeliki Psaltou- Joycey Professor Emerita Aristotle Univer- sity of Thessalo- niki
  • 4.
  • 5. by Julia Aivazoglou, who provides a detailed descrip- tion of the stages, activities, workshops and course of action followed by herself and her students in the framework of a European project. Last but not least, Ms Mara- velaki and Ms Chadzivasili- adou give us an insight into media education and how they produced short, award- ed, films with their teenage students, featuring local history. Do take a moment to read it and, who knows, you may be the next to involve your pupils into the magical cinema adventure! The third issue of Open Spaces has just taken off and we are proud to include a wealth of original topics which generate rich dialogue among language educators. Ms Aggeliki Psaltou-Joycey has honoured us by contrib- uting on the theme of lan- guage learning strategies and the framework of in- struction in the Greek con- text, as well as the need for raising teacher awareness on the issue. Ms Anna – Theodora Veliki has furthered the discussion on strategy learning and teaching, relating it to learn- er independence, assess- ment tools and categoriza- tion, as presented in the 2nd International Conference on Situating Strategy Use, held from 28 to 30 of September 2017 in Komotini. Dyslexia and language learning is demystified in the interview with Panayiotis Constantinides, an expert and evaluator of learning disabilities, who sheds light on common questions such as the hereditary factor, the importance of early diagno- sis and intervention, differ- entiated instruction and its effectiveness. Drama techniques in the EFL classroom have been experientially introduced during the Christmas event organized by TEUM and led by Luke Prodromou and his colleagues Ms Aspa Geor- gopoulou and Ms Vicky Sarandidou, as reported by Christina Savvopoulou. Are you typical or skeptical, sympathetic or empathetic? Semantics and common misconceptions in the Greek and English language are untangled by David Harding in his article about false friends. English teachers’ profes- sional development within online learning communities on the eTwinning platform is presented by the English as a Second Language fea- tured eTwinning Group mod- erator, Ms Theodora Gkeniou. On the next pages of our 3rd issue, you will find creative projects and practical, appli- cable ideas, by browsing Ms Drampa’s report on “Adventures in the UK from A to Z”: Setting off on a virtu- al cultural tour in the UK, a workshop led by TEUM members as part of the Pub- lic Library of Serres 2017 Summer Campaing. A health education project in cooperation with an Eras- mus + project is described Issue 3 /June—December 2017 Open Spaces Theodora Gkeniou TEUM Chair Open Spaces Editor
  • 6. Περιεχόμενα Τεύχους 5 Language Learning Strategies in the Greek Context Angeliki Psaltou-Joycey 8 2nd International Conference on Situating Strategy Use Anna-Theodora Veliki 9 Δυσλεξία και εκμάθηση ξένων γλωσσών: από τη θεωρία στην πράξη Μια συνέντευξη με τον Παναγιώτη Κωνσταντινίδη 12 Anyone for drama? Savvopoulou Christina 14 False Friends David Harding 15 The ESL eTwinning Featured Group is loading for active English lan- guage teachers across Europe Theodora Gkeniou 16 Adventures in the UK from A to Z Suzana Drampa 18 A health education project in cooperation with an Erasmus + project Julia Aivazoglou 20 Ο οπτκοακουστικός γραμματισμός στο Γυμνάσιο— Ένα Ταξίδι στο Χρόνο Χατζηβασιλειάδου Δέσποινα, Μαραβελάκη Φρύνη 22 Σε αυτό το τεύχος έγραψαν... 24 Σημείωμα Χρήσης Έργων Τρίτων
  • 7. 2.1 Research Over the past 25 years, a considerable number of conference papers, re- search articles, MA disser- tations, and PhD theses have been produced con- cerning various aspects of the strategy concept. Most of them have focused on individual learner differ- ences and the extent to which they may influence frequency of strategy use, thus providing strategic profiles of L2 learners in Greece. Another stream of research has examined frequency of strategy use for the devel- opment of L2 language skills, e.g., reading com- prehension, at primary, secondary, and tertiary levels. Introduction As the domain of lan- guage teaching has be- come more learner- focused and interactive, learners are advised to self-regulate their learn- ing process and become less dependent on the teacher. Self-regulation may be evidenced in the use of language learning strategies (LLS) which can be defined as the efforts learners make to acquire knowledge by selecting and organising incoming information so that it can be integrated and stored in long-term memory to be retrieved and used successfully when the need arises. Strategies may be actual- ized as internal mental processes, behaviours, physical actions, or emo- tions deployed by learn- ers to self-regulate and enhance their language learning (Psaltou-Joycey, 2010). They operate on a continuum from deliber- ate and conscious to au- tomatic through instruc- tion and practice. 2. Language learning strategies in Greece Strategy selection and use depends on various personal and contextual factors (Psaltou-Joycey, 2010). Strategies should best be studied and im- plemented in the specific sociocultural and educa- tional context in which learners are called to use them. How has the field, therefore, developed in Greece? Language Learning Strategies in the Greek Context Angeliki Psaltou-Joycey 03/2018Issue 3 /June—December 2017Aggeliki Psaltou-Joycey Prof. Emerita Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Greece Language Learning Strate- gies in the Greek Context apsajoy@enl.auth. gr
  • 8. Several studies of the latter group have applied direct strategy instruction (SI) in their classes with very encouraging results for their learners’ pro- gress after the interven- tion. However, although experts have recognised the significance of SI for the development of self- regulated language learning (Chamot, 2009; Gunning & Oxford, 2014), explicit classroom SI in Greece is rather limited. Its implementa- tion depends on curricula requirements, promoted practices by textbooks, and teacher involvement in the SI process. 2.2 Curricula, text- books, and the EFL teacher To this extent, the curric- ula currently in force in primary and secondary EFL education have in- cluded the component of LLS in their framework. Similarly, the English authorised textbooks have incorporated strate- gy use and assessment for the language skills they focus on. However, does simple exposure to strategy taxonomies and strategy items suffice for learners to become aware of their usefulness in facilitating language learning? recursive, and longitudi- nal process” (Macaro, 2001: 266). 3. Conclusion A lot of research and publications on LLS have taken place in Greece. The next step is to in- volve teachers in the promotion of strategic teaching by offering well- planned SI programmes, providing constant feed- back, encouraging ex- pose is a useful tool to complement the main textbooks by offering extra activities which are frequently linked to the grade textbooks by providing page numbers to similar activities in them. Teachers willing to incor- porate SI in their lessons must bear in mind that they should do so contin- uously as part of their teaching procedure be- cause SI is “a gradual, change of ideas among colleagues and ensuring support by administra- tors. Language Learning Strategies in the Greek Context learning task. 2.3 Teacher training in SI Two recent studies in Greece, (Vrettou, Psal- tou-Joycey & Gavriilidou, 2016; Psaltou-Joycey, in preparation) have con- cluded that teachers rec- ognize the importance of LLS and seem to pro- mote them in the class- room but usually they do so in an implicit way which blurs their being identified by the learners. Therefore, teachers need support and training in explicit SI. Access to supplementary materials which will direct them with step-by-step instruc- tions on how to do so more satisfactorily is one way to create strategic teachers, who know how to deliver lessons with the strategy component attached to them. A Teacher’s Guide (Psaltou-Joycey, 2015) produced for that pur- For most learners this is not enough. Therefore, what is needed is teach- ers who have developed strategy awareness in order to identify strate- gies in activities, make decisions about which strategies to teach, and practise them explicitly with their learners, hop- ing that their learners will eventually be able to select on their own the most appropriate strate- gies for the completion of a particular language Αlthough experts have recognized the significance of SI for the development of self-regulated language learning, explicit classroom SI in Greece is rather limited Page 8 Open Spaces Λεζάντα που περι- γράφει την εικόνα ή το γραφικό.
  • 9. References Chamot, A. U. (2009). The CALLA handbook: Implementing the Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach, Second Edition. White Plains, NY: Pearson Education/Longman. Gunning, P. and Oxford, R.L. (2014). Children’s learning strategy use and the effects of SI on success in learning ESL in Canada. System 43, 82–100. Macaro, E. (2001). Learning Strategies in Second and Foreign Language Classrooms. London: Continu- um. Psaltou-Joycey, (2010). Language Learning Strategies in the Foreign Language Classroom. Thessaloniki: University Studio Press. Psaltou-Joycey, A. (ed.) (2015) Foreign Language Learning SI: A Teacher’s Guide. Kavala: Saita Publica- tions. http://www.saitabooks_eu/2015/ebook.162.html Psaltou-Joycey, A. (in preparation). Language learning strategies and the good language teacher. In C. Griffiths, Z. Tajeddin & A. Brown (Eds), Lessons from the Good Language Teacher. Cambridge: Cam- bridge University Press. Vrettou, A., Psaltou-Joycey, A. & Gavriilidou, Z. (2016). Researching the promotion of strategic learning by EFL teachers. Research Papers in Language Teaching and Learning, 7(1), 75-87. Page 9Issue 3 /June—December 2017
  • 10. Introduction The 2nd International Conference on Situating Strategy Use, held from 28 to 30 of September 2017 in Komotini, was organized by the Depart- ment of Philology of the Democritus University of Thrace. The conference brought together about 100 educators from 26 countries across the globe to share their ex- periences, to learn from each other and debate about the role of lan- guage learning strategies in foreign and second language learning. 1. Structure - Aim - Topics The conference was structured around key- note addresses, sympo- siums and parallel ses- sions aiming to stimulate the ingoing research and further probe into less investigated issues con- cerning language learn- ing strategies, while cof- fee breaks, light meals and a conference dinner offered opportunities for social interaction. tunity to meet via tele- conference top experts such as Joan Rubin, a pioneer in strategy re- search, who first collect- ed the strategies used by the “good language learner” in 1975, and Anna Chamot, whose model for and work on strategy instruction have been widely used by re- searchers since 1990 (Anna Chamot sadly Professor of Applied Lin- guistics at the University of Oxford, UK, a special- ist in language learning strategies, and Peter Gu, Associate Professor in Victoria University of Wellington, New Zea- land, who highlighted the importance for language learners “to learn how to learn” a foreign language in the age of globaliza- tion. What was more, the par- ticipants had the oppor- passed away a month later). Sincere congratulations to the organizing commit- tee of this inspiring event and the wonderful group of volunteer students who were there to warm- ly welcome and assist in any situation. The conference website: http:// synmor- ssu2017/ 2nd International Conference on Situating Strategy Use Anna -Theodora Veliki 2. Keynote speakers The opening keynote address was delivered by Angeliki Psaltou- Joycey, Professor Emeri- ta of the Department of English Language and Literature of the Aristotle University of Thessaloni- ki, who is among the first researchers in the field of language learning strate- gies in our country. Other keynote speakers were Rebecca Oxford, Professor Emerita of the University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA, known for her categori- zation of strategies and the strategy inventory (SILL) that have been widely used in research since 1990. Andrew Cohen, Profes- sor Emeritus of the Uni- versity of Minnesota, USA, who developed a program for styles and strategy-based instruc- tion (SSBI), Ernesto Macaro, Well-known scholars from the international literature discussed the definition of strategies and their linkage to Dy- manic Systems theory, the use of language learning strategies and strategy instruction in various contexts, issues about teachers’ prepara- tion to teach strategies and new strategy as- sessment tools. Page 10 Open Spaces 2nd International Conference on Situating Strategy Use Anna-Theodora Veliki Teacher of English in Primary Education, MA annatheo-
  • 11. What's different in the brain of a person with dyslexia? Mainly the Broca’s area, located in our left hemi- sphere. What causes dyslexia? Are some people more likely to have dyslexia? Researches have shown that a 70-80% has he- reditary roots. How important is pho- nological awareness and how can one culti- vate it? It is crucial mostly at a very young age. There are specific exercises designed to boost pho- nological awareness. How important is early intervention? The sooner the better. An early diagnosis re- sults in better interven- tion and the opportunity to have more time to in- tervene and support. In what ways do stu- dents with dyslexia read differently? Can they overcome dyslex- ia by reading more? What aids (visual, tech- nological, auditory,etc) help dyslexic students at school and home? The use of “realia” is def- initely helpful. Multisen- sory techniques are equally essential, the use of colors and definitely ICT, which is something students with dyslexia love to work with. Δυσλεξία και εκμάθηση ξένων γλωσσών: από τη θεωρία στην πράξη the practices applied in school, such as Re- source Rooms. What information should be shared with the classroom about a dyslexic classmate without demeaning them or making them feel inadequate? The rest of class should be aware of the case. My experience is that the rest of class shows a surprising understanding and willingness to assist. Definitely, the teacher does not inform class in front of everyone. They can do this in private. Still, it has to be done in order to avoid misunder- standings, when for in- stance students with dys- lexia are given different instructions, more de- tailed guidance or in terms of segmentation practices, less home- work. Is differentiated in- struction in the class- room enough for a dys- lexic student? Is tutor- ing outside of school needed and does it make a difference? Differentiated instruction has been a step forward, still depending on the case it may not be ade- quate at times. In coun- tries like Scotland, where Inclusive Education has developed a lot, tutoring outside school is a seri- ous part of support, plus An early diagnosis results in better intervention and the opportunity to have more time to intervene and support Page 11Issue 3 /June—December 2017 Panagiotis Constantinides Καθηγτής Αγγλικής Γλώσσας, ΜΑ Ειδική Αγωγή – Δυσλεξία University of Glasgow Αδειούχος αξιολογητής Δυσλεξίας και Μαθησιακών Δυσκολιών Μια συνέντευξη με τον Παναγιώτη Κωνσταντινίδη The Broca’s area, located in our left hemisphere.
  • 12. What does it mean when dyslexics are de- scribed as visual think- ers? I must remind here that each individual with dys- lexia has “differnent dif- ferences”. It is true that in many cases students with dyslexia are visual thinkers and can function more efficiently when they are provided with visual prompts (see mind mapping for instance), Still, each one must be handled as a different and unique case, where practices for him or her solely will be applied ac- cordingly. Why can't dyslexic learners be considered a homogenous group? I am afraid I replied earli- er, Simply because each case is unique. Is it possible for a teacher who has not had official training in learning difficulties to help a dyslexic student in a significant way? What are some tools an educator could imple- ment? I am not sure this can happen and have an effi- cient impact. Educators need to learn more on dyslexia and LD, other- wise they won’t be able to cope adequately. There has been a num- ber of practices they can implement and see im- provement, but this can- not happen if they just search Google. diagnosed with dyslexia or LD to be exposed… Sometimes a solution is implemented, where the student gives both oral and written exams and the highest score is kept. Definitely, formats like multiple choice or match- ing are less stressful for a student with LD and cause less stress. Addi- tionally, time limits are really stressful for them. Regarding technology, exams based on ICT are definitely preferable for them. In public school exams (term tests, end-of-the- year exams, panhel- lenic exams) dyslexic students are given the opportunity of an oral examination. Do you think that this is an ef- fective way of testing? If not, what would be a more effective and less stressful exam form? To what extent can technology help? Well, many people may think it is much easier for a student to be examined orally, still believe me, it is not easy for a person A recent study by Ital- ian scientists has sug- gested that the cause of dyslexia lies on the functioning of the eyes. What is your opinion of this study? I ‘ve heard this before, there have been scien- tists in Greece who claim the same. Well, let me be a bit sceptical about it. To put it another way, why most dyslexia evalu- ation tools test other fac- tor like memory, motor skills or aural efficiency? Δυσλεξία και εκμάθηση ξένων γλωσσών: από τη θεωρία στην πράξη Educators need to learn more on dyslexia and LD, otherwise they won’t be able to cope adequately Page 12 Open Spaces Μια συνέντευξη με τον Παναγιώτη Κωνσταντινίδη
  • 13. How suitable are school books for dys- lexic students? I am not very familiar with Greek school books. From the little I have seen, I can’t claim they are dyslexic friendly, mostly in higher classes. Should dyslexic stu- dents write dictation or not? if yes, how should teachers ask them to do it? I think they should, pro- vided we do not overload ss with tons of words, Also, practices like seg- mentation and scaffold- ing should be followed here as well. You do not give long compound words for dictation, when the student has not been taught yet the root of the word. Can we say that some languages are more ‘friendly’ to dyslexic people than others? Positive. More transpar- ent languages are “easier to digest, while more opaque languages are more difficult. A re- cent study run by UCL just proves this, where English and French are the first to cause difficulty among LD students, Ital- ian being the easiest. Can dyslexia be ‘cured”? Nope! Dyslexia is not migraine. It is a differ- ence. You can’t cure it, you will live with it. How- ever, you can live with it in harmony, provided you are given the appropriate support. Δυσλεξία και εκμάθηση ξένων γλωσσών: από τη θεωρία στην πράξη Dyslexia is not migraine. It is a difference. You can’t cure it, you will live with it. However, you can live with it in harmony, provided you are given the appropriate support Page 13Issue 3 /June—December 2017 Λεζάντα που περι- γράφει την εικόνα ή το γραφικό. Μια συνέντευξη με τον Παναγιώτη Κωνσταντινίδη
  • 14. How important is Drama in our language class- room and how crucial is the role it plays in the teaching process? Only an expert in the field could tell and who’s more qualified and knowledgeable than Dr Luke Prodromou? On Sunday the 10th of December in Philippos Xenia Hotel, Dr Luke Prodromou along with his colleagues Ms Aspa Georgopoulou and Ms Vicky Sarandidou, in- vited by TEUM, present- ed their Christmas work- shop and their show in two parts: the first part, i.e. the Drama workshop, gave ideas on practical techniques and tips for using and incorporating Drama in language les- sons for learners of all ages. These techniques will not only help to make students more extrovert, fluent and self-confident but will also build rapport while learning in more creative and effective ways. Quick one-off ac- tivities as well as more extended exercises, tasks and performances were tried out by partici- pants. Drama activities in the ELT classroom aim at making language learn- ing enjoyable and memo- rable while building trust between students and teachers, prerequisites for any effective learning to take place. memorable evening was a show comprising of six sketches inspired by great English – and Irish – writers such as Charles Dickens, Oscar Wilde and Jane Austen. The show specially paid trib- ute to Austen due to the fact that in 2017 we cele- brated 200 years since her death. The themes of the sketches were wom- en in love and the de- lights and disappoint- ments of marriage. Dr Prodromou, Ms Geor- HOW? Well, through warm-up activities; through activities that enhance fluency, pro- nunciation, grammar and vocabulary; through short or long performanc- es; through memoriza- tion and repetition. Stu- dents with learning diffi- culties or behavioural problems can benefit by developing their speak- ing and presentation skills. The second part of this gopoulou and Ms Saran- didou along with guests from the Serres English Teachers’ Association presented a 60-minute show entitled ‘Testing times: celebrating Jane Austen’ comprising of the six sketches below: 1. What have teacher trainers ever done for us? 2. The first private Eng- lish lesson 3. Mr Collins fails the test ANYONE FOR DRAMA? by Christina Savvopoulou Page 14 Open Spaces ‘Testing times: celebrating Jane Austen’ Σαββοπούλου Χριστίνα Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπι- στήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης, τμήμα Αγγλικής Γλώσ- σας και Φιλολογίας. ΜΑ in Translation Studies
  • 15. ANYONE FOR DRAMA? by Christina Savvopoulou 4. Elizabeth passes the test 5. Mr Gradgrind fails Louisa’s test 6. Lady Bracknell sets Mr Worthing a test Once again, we would like to thank Luke, Aspa and Vicky for coming to Serres and putting up such a great show! Let’s hope we will all have a happy new year and many more events like this to come in 2018! Drama activities in the ELT classroom aim at making language learning enjoyable and memorable while building trust between students and teachers, prerequisites for any effective learning to take place Page 15Issue 3 /June—December 2017 Ιdeas on practical techniques and tips for using and incor- porating Drama in language lessons for learners of all ages. Luke Prodromou Ph.D (Nottingham University), English as a Lingua Franca: a Corpus-based analysis, MA in Shakespeare Studies, Birming- ham University; Diploma in Teaching English as a Second Language (Leeds University)
  • 16. If I were given a euro every time an English- speaking Greek friend said to me: “David, you are so typical!” I would be a rich man. At first, I was confused by this phrase; what was typical about me? Was my be- haviour typical of an Englishman? However, as I became more famil- iar with the Greek lan- guage, I realised that my friends probably meant that I was overly formal or very punctual. The problem arose, of course, because the Greek word «τυπικός» sounds like typical, one of many false friends in the English language which can deceive Greek learners. A false friend can be de- fined as a foreign word which sounds similar to one in our native lan- guage, but has a differ- ent meaning. The Eng- lish language has thou- sands of words which are derived from Greek and often have the same meaning. A Greek stu- dent can easily guess the meaning of many English words related to medical science, such as cardiology. However, it is important to note differ- ences in pronunciation; for example, pneumonia and psychology are pro- nounced very differently from «πνευμονία» and «ψυχολογία». «ντοκιμαντέρ» and «λούνα παρκ», are wrongly assumed to be English. All English language teachers need to make their students aware of these false friends, as even high-level learners of the language can get confused. The English language has been im- measurably enriched by Greek “loan” words but, as a result, Greek learn- ers of English can often A further problem is caused by the English words which have en- tered the Greek lan- guage. As an examiner, I have often heard Greek students say that they enjoy playing “basket” or “volley”. Also, “camping” and “parking” are used to describe places (campsite and car park respectively). To make matters even more com- plicated, other foreign words in the Greek lan- guage, such as be misled. False Friends by David Harding typical has a much nar- rower meaning. Also, sympathetic does not mean «συμπαθητικός», although both these ad- jectives describe positive characteristics of a per- son. In contrast, empathy has a completely differ- ent meaning from «εμπάθεια» and pathetic certainly does not mean «παθητικός». Although these words have a Greek root, they entered the English language via German and Latin re- spectively, and this ac- counts for the change in meaning. Even though there are many English words which have the same meaning as the Greek word they are derived from, we have to watch out for false friends. For example, skeptical means doubtful or cau- tious, rather than thoughtful or pensive («σκεπτικός»). Another classic false friend is typ- ical, which was men- tioned earlier; «τυπικός» can be translated into many English words, but Sympathetic does not mean «συμπαθητικός». In contrast, empathy has a completely different meaning from «εμπάθεια» and pathetic certainly does not mean «παθητικός» Page 16 Open Spaces A false friend can be defined as a foreign word which sounds similar to one in our native language, but has a different meaning. David Harding English language teacher in Greece and the UK since 2004 Lancaster University University of Birming- ham
  • 17. English serves as the medium of communication among peo- ples speaking different lan- guages globally and particular- ly in Europe. It has become a lingua franca, the international language. It is also the lan- guage of internet, of advertis- ing, of tourism, of business, of science worldwide, assuming an increasingly vital role. What is more, interdisciplinary learning entails making con- nections among various school subjects and leads to deeper understanding across curricular areas. English is often the catalyst, bringing together subjects such as history, literature and first language learn- ing enriched by the use of ICT, as well as science and math, providing en- joyable and challenging learning experiences, in particular within the con- text of eTwinning pro- jects. There is definitely hetero- geneity in the goals set and the approach- es assumed by English language curricula in the Eu- ropean countries. In some cases there is focus in the teaching of gram- mar and lexis, in testing and assess- ment whereas oth- ers mostly cater for learner diversity and whole-person development, inte- grating elements of literature, poetry point for educators in the field of English language teaching. We expect all of you to come on board! Find us on the etwinning platform and the social media Facebook: https:// ESLetwgroup Twitter: eTwinningESL In this respect the ESL group has a lot to offer by initiating the intercul- tural dialogue among English language teach- ers across Europe and becoming a “think tank” where passion and en- thusiasm is transfused and good practices are appreciated and adopt- ed. All in all, it is my dream to turn this group into a “cell” of creativity and innovation and a meeting The ESL eTwinning Featured Group is loading for active English language teachers across Europe by Theodora Gkeniou late English language teachers by bringing them together on the eTwin- ning platform and assist- ing them in interacting and sharing their beliefs, values and practices. Professional development based on hands-on expe- rience and sharing of good practices are the primary goals of the group. Engaging in dia- logue, establishing syner- gies and “learning by os- mosis”, that is allowing new ideas and concepts to flow gradually and be absorbed unconsciously by the group members, will serve this goal. Expert talks on a variety of topics, rang- ing from the use of technology to inspir- ing and motivating the young and the young at heart, “TeachMeets” where the group members assume the leading role, online conferences and virtual round ta- bles to present and communicate our work and e-publications to publish mate- rials for future reference are only some of the upcoming group events, to which you are wholeheartedly invited. and theatre. It goes without saying that in any case, when it comes to language learning, an authentic context is need- ed, a communicative purpose and strong motivation for learners to energize and suc- ceed in becoming fluent users of the language. English thus opens a window to the world becoming one of the most important school sub- jects across cultural and na- tional boundaries. The English as a Second Language group is here to support and stimu- Page 17Issue 3 /June—December 2017 Theodora Gkeniou ESL Group Moderator eTwinning Ambassador
  • 18. On 29th August 2017, TEUM participated in the activities of the Summer Campaign “From point to point” organized by the Chil- dren’s Section of the Public Library of Serres, with a workshop for stu- dents aged 9-12 called “Adventures in the UK from A to Z”. The stu- dents took the role of young explorers, who set off on a cultural adven- ture touring around the UK, with the aim to find words from A to Z on 5 thematic topics, namely BRITISH LANDMARKS, TIRL (Towns-Islands- Rivers-Lakes), FAMOUS BRITONS, CUSTOMS AND FOOD & SPORTS AND WEATHER. Work- ing in five different groups for two hours, the students managed to create 5 cultural maps of the UK, shared their work and had fun partici- pating in a quiz of knowledge. The objectives of the activity were: the acquisi- tion of organizational, collaborative and presen- tational skills, the exten- sive use of English lan- guage and the acquaint- ance with the country, the people and the cus- toms of the UK. unteer-teacher in each group to monitor and help. Each team had helpful materials like maps, photos, books, dictionaries, internet ac- cess, scissors, crayons and an empty map of the UK to fill. 2. The Task or … Ad- venture? The students searched, read, discussed, surfed on the Internet and ex- 1. Team building and Language Input In the first part of the workshop the children shared the knowledge they already had about the UK (location in Eu- rope, capital, parts, big cities, food, customs, sports, famous people etc.). They were further motivated by watching relative videos, pictures and maps. Five teams were formed with a vol- changed knowledge in order to find information on their topic, at least 26 points beginning from A to Z. For example, on the topic of CUSTOMS AND FOOD : Apple Pie, Ba- con and eggs, Cup- cakes, Doughnuts, Egg- nog, Fish and chips… and so on The students took the role of young explorers, who set off on a cultural adventure touring around the UK Page 18 Open Spaces One of the collages- maps on the 5 differ- ent topics “Adventures in the UK from A to Z” Setting off on a virtual cultural tour in the UK by Suzana Drampa Suzana Drampa Teacher of English, member of TEUM Board
  • 19. 4. Feedback and Evalu- ation The students had the chance to use the ac- quired knowledge joining in a quiz, with questions specially designed by the teachers to give a sense of satisfaction to the par- ticipants. The Adventure in the UK from A to Z was over! “Adventures in the UK from A to Z” Setting off on a virtual cultural tour in the UK by Suzana Drampa BRITISH LANDMARKS, TIRL, FAMOUS BRITONS, CUSTOMS AND FOOD & SPORTS AND WEATHER Page 19Issue 3 /June—December 2017 3. The products The 5 groups created 5 collages-maps on the 5 different topics and pre- sented them to the other groups from point to point, that is from A to Z e.g. FAMOUS BRITONS: Austen Jane, Beckham, Charlie Chaplin, Dickens, Ed Sheeran, Fleming… etc.
  • 20. 1.Citizens of the world with rights and obliga- tions. Otherness and multiculture A project elaborated by second grade students who also participated in a European network . Students set the rules of their cooperation using the `brainstorming`` method and writing their ideas on posters. 1.1 Two principles A basic principle that all students agreed to im- plement was: `Never breach the right to free expression ` A second, more flexible principle was that: `All members of the pro- ject should share the responsibilities but each one could also have the chance to contribute more to thematic sec- tions of his/her interest and inspiration` 1.2 Thematic sections The project team worked on seven thematic sec- tions with the titles: 1.Human rights: The right to equity and citi- zenship. 2.The right to work. 3.Diversity-types of handicap. 4.Cultural and national diversity among the countries of the world. 5.Xenophobia and rac- ism. 6.Active citizens of Eu- rope. students’ group. On the day dedicated to people with special needs they performed workshop games in an attempt to sensitize all their classmates and teachers to the issue of hearing and sight disabil- ities. Sub-teams of students were assigned to choose a foreign country (one from each continent) and after collecting feedback about the country`s his- torical, religious back- To exploit their artistic skills, some students created poems in e-form, two students wrote the lyrics of a song concern- ing the human rights and several others compiled mottos and drew paint- ings relevant to the topic. As regards the human right to work, after surf- ing the net, a documen- tary based on the exploi- tation of child labour in Eastern Europe (mainly Ucraine) was watched and commented by all ground, traditions, official language and special food, they held ``a coun- try presentation`` in the class . Not only did they try to guess which coun- try each sub-team pre- sented but also compare all the cultural and na- tional features of the countries. A health education project in cooperation with an Erasmus + project by Julia Aivazoglou 7.Active communication among democratic citi- zens. 1.3 The procedure fol- lowed and the output The conversation of hu- man rights was dissemi- nated to the project team and students focused on the right to equity and nationality. They also searched for the Greek law for citizenship in or- der to inform the foreign students of the school about it. Students searched the Greek law for citizenship in order to inform the foreign students of the school about it Page 20 Open Spaces Julia Aivazoglou Junior High school of Skotoussa, Serres. Department of the English language and literature of the Aristotle University in Thessaloniki.
  • 21. A questionnaire based on xenophobia and rac- ism was distributed to all the students of the school and the produced outcome of it depicts our school profile at the be- ginning of this project. Complementarily, a fairy tale with the title ``A mi- grant or not! So what? `` was created by two stu- dents who got inspired by a task of role playing. In fact the project team was separated in three groups. One group simu- lated the refugees; a second group simulated the humanitarian Greek people and the third sim- ulated the conservative- ``hostile`` Greeks. All of them expressed their views and feelings about the situation they lived from their own angle. A questionnaire about the team’s knowledge as European citizens was answered by each team member and the e- results reflect the rates of their knowledge or igno- rance. fice of school activities in Serres. A workshop on women`s rights was conducted in our school on the occa- sion of the thematic week accomplishment, with the help of the office of school activities and the center for the support of women`s rights in Serres. 2. Workshop seminars A workshop on human rights and bullying was carried out in Lithotopos- Serres which the Skotoussa team of stu- dents attended with teams of other schools from Serres and Thessa- loniki. The organizer and person in charge of this event was Mrs Efthimi- adou director of the of- A health education project in cooperation with an Erasmus + project, Julia Aivazoglou communications and be- havior problems at school. Using the method of guide drama and case- study students tried to experience these prob- lems and their potential solution in both serious and sarcastic ways. A final questionnaire aimed to prove whether students (only the pro- ject’s teams) altered their attitude towards anything or anybody new, strange or different. A workshop activity: a debate in a democratic school environment Two students proposed a different destination for a school trip. A debate be- tween them followed and after the audience`s questions the voting took place using voting pad- dles. A workshop activity: discussion about teens Using the method of guide drama and case-study students tried to experience these problems and their potential solution in both serious and sarcastic ways Page 21Issue 3 /June—December 2017 Γυμνάσιο Σκοτούσσας Human rights: The right to equi- ty and citizen- ship.
  • 22. Για τρία συνεχόμενα σχολικά έτη, από το 2013 έως το 2016, διδά- χτηκε στο Γυμνάσιο Ηρά- κλειας Σερρών στη Β΄ Τάξη το μάθημα «Οπτικοακουστικός γραμματισμός» στο πλαί- σιο των βιωματικών δρά- σεων που καταργήθηκαν τελικά το σχολικό έτος 2016-17. Κατά τα σχολι- κά έτη 2014-15 και 2015- 17 δημιουργήθηκαν από μαθητές του Γυμνασίου δύο μαθητικές ταινίες μικρού μήκους: «Το βου- βαλίσιο γάλα» και «Ο Εισβολέας». Οι ταινίες έχουν αναρτηθεί στο δια- δύκτιο, στο κανάλι του Γυμνασίου Ηράκλειας στο YouTube: https:// channel/ UCAJ7TMKJLvRzkKVAa itrnQA? view_as=subscriber Επίσης όλα τα φύλλα εργασίας που χρησιμο- ποιήθηκαν καθώς και χρήσιμο υλικό για το μά- θημα συγκεντρώθηκαν στην ιστοσελίδα που σχεδιάσαμε για τον σκο- πό αυτό: http://pame- ΥΠΕΠΘ, Φεστιβάλ Κιν/ φου Θεσ/νίκης. και Πούλιος, Ι. (2017). Κινη- ματογραφική αγωγή: Δη- μιουργώντας στην τάξη μια ταινία μικρού μήκους. Σέρρες: Διεύθυνση Πρω- τοβάθμιας Εκπαίδευσης. Έτσι οι μαθητές γνώρι- σαν έννοιες απαραίτητες όπως το σενάριο, το στό- ρυμπορντ, τα είδη των πλάνων, η σκηνή. Σειρά είχε η επινόηση της ιστο- ρίας. Πηγή έμπνευσης για τους μαθητές αποτέ- Καταρχήν οι μαθητές έπρεπε να εξοικειωθούν με βασικές έννοιες της κινηματογραφικής γλώσ- σας. Για τον σκοπό αυ- τόν χρησιμοποιήθηκαν δύο πηγές: Κιούκας, Α. (Επ. ) (2003). Η κινηματογραφι- κή αφήγηση. Πάμε σινε- μά; Εκπαιδευτικό πρό- γραμμα γνωριμίας με την τέχνη του κινηματογρά- φου. Για την δευτεροβάθ- μια εκπαίδευση. Αθήνα: Υπουργείο Πολιτισμού, λεσαν τα πολλά παλιά και εγκαταλελειμμένα σπίτια στην Ηράκλεια. Επιθυμία τους ήταν να δημιουργήσουν μία ταινί- α μυστηρίου. Αποφασί- σαμε να επικεντρωθούμε στην ιστορία των σπιτιών αυτών, τα οποία χτίστη- καν με εντολή του Ελευ- θέριου Βενιζέλου το 1930 και παραδόθηκαν στους κατοίκους των οποίων τα σπίτια είχαν καταστραφεί νωρίτερα από Βούλγα- ρους. Ο οπτκοακουστικός γραμματισμός στο Γυμνάσιο—Ένα Ταξίδι στο Χρόνο, Χατζηβασιλειάδου Δέσποινα, Μαραβελάκη Φρύνη Κατά το σχολικό έτος 2016-2017 13 μαθητές της Β΄ τάξης του Γυμνα- σίου εκδήλωσαν την επι- θυμία να οργανώσουν μία κινηματογραφική ο- μάδα στο σχολείο, να παρακολουθήσουν μα- θήματα οπτικοακουστι- κής εκπαίδευσης παρό- μοια με εκείνα των βιω- ματικών δράσεων και να δημιουργήσουν τη δική τους μαθητική ταινία. Πηγή έμπνευσης για τους μαθητές αποτέλεσαν τα πολλά παλιά και εγκαταλε- -λειμμένα Βενιζελικά σπίτια στην Ηράκλεια Page 22 Open Spaces
  • 23. πολλά οφέλη στους μα- θητές που συμμετείχαν: Ενίσχυση του πνεύματος συνεργασίας, εξοικείωση με την κινηματογραφική γλώσσα, ανάπτυξη πρω- τοβουλιών από τους μα- θητές, βιωματική προ- σέγγιση της γνώσης και συγκεκριμένα της ιστορί- ας της περιοχής τους και βέβαια διασκεδαστικό τρόπο μάθησης. Η μαθητική ταινία που δημιουργήθηκε μπορεί να αξιοποιηθεί σαν υπο- φωτογράφοι, ηθοποιοί, κλακέτα κτλ. Ήμασταν έτοιμοι για την έναρξη των γυρισμάτων. Η κινηματογραφική ομά- δα βρισκόταν μία φορά την εβδομάδα μετά το σχολικό πρόγραμμα και γυρνούσε όσο πιο πολλά πλάνα μπορούσε. Οι συνολικές ώρες γυρισμά- των υπολογίστηκαν στις 20 ώρες περίπου για μία ταινία 7 λεπτών. Ήταν όμως σίγουρα με διαδι- κασία που πρόσφερε στηρικτικό υλικό στο μά- θημα της ιστορίας μα και θα πάρει μέρος σε μία σειρά μαθητικών διαγω- νισμών ταινιών μικρού μήκους, όπως είναι το «cinema…διάβασες;» και το «camera zizanio». Ο τίτλος της ταινίας είναι «Ταξίδι στον χρόνο». Στο διαδίκτυο μπορεί κανείς να παρακολουθήσει τόσο την ταινία όσο και πλάνα από τα γυρίσματα. Ο οπτκοακουστικός γραμματισμός στο Γυμνάσιο—Ένα Ταξίδι στο Χρόνο, Χατζηβασιλειάδου Δέσποινα, Μαραβελάκη Φρύνη ουργήθηκε το στόρυ- μπορντ: Κάθε σκηνή χω- ρίστηκε σε πλάνα, διευ- κρινίστηκαν τα είδη των πλάνων και σχεδιάστηκε ένα σκίτσο για κάθε πλά- νο, όπως το φαντάζο- νταν οι μαθητές. Ακολούθησε έρευνα για την εύρεση τοποθεσιών κατάλληλων για τα γυρί- σματα. Τα Βενιζελικά σπίτια έχουν το ίδιο αρχι- τεκτονικό στυλ και μοιά- ζουν. Έπρεπε να βρε- θούν δύο Βενιζελικά σπί- τια: Το ένα εγκαταλελειμ- μένο και σε κακή κατά- σταση και το άλλο καλο- διατηρημένο, που να μοιάζει σαν καινούριο. Το πρώτο σπίτι θα χρη- σίμευε στις σκηνές από το παρόν και το δεύτερο στις σκηνές από το πα- ρελθόν. Ακολούθησε ο καταμερι- σμός των εργασιών. Κά- θε μαθητής ανέλαβε μία εργασία: Σκηνοθέτες, οπερατέρ, φροντιστές, ενδυματολόγος, Η ιστορία της ταινίας επι- κεντρώνεται σε μία παρέ- α παιδιών που με τρόπο υπερφυσικό μεταφέρο- νται στο 1930, όπου συ- ναντούν ένα κορίτσι της εποχής. Με τον τρόπο αυτόν παρουσιάζεται η ιστορία των Βενιζελικών σπιτιών της Ηράκλειας. Σειρά είχε η συγγραφή του σεναρίου. Στη φάση αυτή έπρεπε η ιστορία να χωριστεί σε σκηνές και να γραφτούν οι διά- λογοι. Στη συνέχεια δημι- Η ιστορία της ταινίας επικεντρώνεται σε μία παρέα παιδιών που με τρόπο υπερφυσικό μεταφέρονται στο 1930, όπου συναντούν ένα κορίτσι της εποχής Page 23Issue 3 /June—December 2017 Γυμνάσιο Ηράκλειας Σερρών
  • 24. Angeliki Psaltou-Joycey (BA, Dipl. TEFL, MA, PhD) is Professor Emerita of Applied Linguistics, School of English, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Her research interests and publications focus on Language Learning Strategies and other indi- vidual differences in SLA, Greek as an S/FL, Interlanguage Studies, and Mul- tiligualism. She has authored Language Learning Strategies in the Foreign Lan- guage Classroom (2010) and co-authored The Temporal System of Modern Greek: Studies from the Perspective of Greek as a Foreign Language [in Greek] (2011); co-edited Cross-Curricular Approaches to Language Education (2014), and Lan- guage Learning Strategies: Theoretical Issues and Applied Perspectives (2017); and edited Language Learning Strategy Instruction: A Teacher’s Guide (2015). During1998-2014 she was the elected president of the Greek Applied Linguistics Association (GALA), the national affiliate of AILA. She is also a member of the editorial boards of national and international academic journals. Angeliki Psaltou-Joycey David Harding Σε αυτό το τεύχος έγραψαν...David Harding has been an English language teacher in Greece and the UK since 2004. He studied at Lancaster University and the University of Birmingham. He lives in Serres and is an online tutor. Page 24 Open Spaces Ms Julia Aivazoglou is a state school teacher at the Junior High school of Skotoussa, Serres. She is a graduate of the Department of the English language and literature of the Aristotle University in Thessaloniki. She has been coordinat- ing cross-curricular projects organising bilingual workshops in a continuous at- tempt to raise students’ interest in creativity and versatility. Panayiotis Constantinides is an English teacher, certified oral examiner and licensed Dyslexia evaluator. He holds a Certificate in English Methodology from the British Council, a Diploma in IT from the Open University, U.K. and a Mas- ter in Inclusive Education (Research, Policy and Practice, Support for Learning) from the University of Glasgow. Furthermore, he has been teaching English for over 25 years and assessing students with Learning Difficulties since 2012. Fi- nally, since 2000 he has been working for the European Public Investment Program of the University of the Aegean, Department of Product and System Design and since 2006 he has been an oral examiner of lev- els B2-C2. Julia Aivazoglou Panayiotis Constantinides Σε αυτό το τεύχος έγραψαν...
  • 25. Page 25Issue 3 /June—December 2017 My name is Suzana Drampa. I was born in 1968 in Serres. I live in Serres and I have 3 children. I am a graduate of the Department of English Language and Literature of AUThessaloniki (1990) and I Σουζάνα Δράμπα Σε αυτό το τεύχος έγραψαν... Φρύνη Μαραβελάκη Η Χατζηβασιλειάδου Δέσποινα είναι καθηγήτρια Γερμανικής γλώσ- σας στο Γυμνάσιο ηράκλειας. Έχει μεταπτυχιακό στη Διαπολιτισμική Εκπαίδευση. Έχει εργαστεί ως μεταφράστρια / διερμηνέας στη Γερ- μανική και στην Αγγλική γλώσσα. Είναι επίσης αξιολογήτρια προφο- ρικού λόγου για το Κρατικό Πιστοποιητικό Γλωσσομάθειας στα Γερ- μανικά. Προάγει συστηματικά την οπτικοακουστική εκπαίδευση (Media/Film Education) στο σχολείο και οι ταινίες μικρού μήκους που δημιούργησε με τους μαθητές της απέσπασαν το 1ο Βραβείο, «Σινεμάθεια», και το 3ο Βραβείο, «Βουβαλίσιο Γάλα» σε πανελλήνι- ους διαγωνισμούς. Δέσποινα Χατζηβασιλειάδου Η Μαραβελάκη Φρύνη είναι εκπαιδευτικός Δευτεροβάθμιας εκπαί- δευσης στο Γυμνάσιο Ηράκλειας. Σπούδασε Αγγλική Γλώσσα και Φιλολογία στο Α.Π.Θ. και Ισπανική Γλώσσα και Πολιτισμό στο Ε.Α.Π. Έχει αποκτήσει Μεταπτυχιακό Δίπλωμα Ειδίκευσης Καθηγη- τών Αγγλικής από το Ε.Α.Π. (MEd in TESOL). Ασχολείται ενεργά με τη χρήση της εκπαιδευτικής τεχνολογίας για τη Διδασκαλία της Αγλι- κής Γλώσσας και την παραγωγή ψηφιακού υλικού, τον οπτικοακου- Χριστίνα Σαββοπούλου H Χριστίνα Σαββοπούλου γεννήθηκε και εργάζεται στις Σέρρες. Είναι απόφοιτος του Αριστοτέλειου Πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλονίκης στο τμήμα Αγγλικής Γλώσσας και Φιλολογίας. Ολοκλήρωσε τις με- ταπτυχιακές τις σπουδές στο Πόρτσμουθ της Μεγάλης Βρετάνιας το 2002 στον τομέα της Μετάφρασης. Από το 2004 ως το 2015 εργά- στηκε στη δευτεροβάθμια εκπαίδευση ενώ από το 2015 και έκτοτε διδάσκει στην Α'βαθμια Εκπαίδευση Σερρών. Η Άννα-Θεοδώρα Βελίκη είναι εκπαιδευτικός Αγγλικής Γλώσσας στην Πρωτοβάθμια Εκπαίδευση. Αποφοίτησε από το τμήμα Αγγλικής Γλώσσας και Φιλολογίας του Αριστοτελείου Πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλονίκης και έχει αποκτήσει Μεταπτυχιακό Δίπλωμα Ειδίκευσης στην Τεχνολογία και Γλωσ- σική Εκπαίδευση από το ΑΠΘ. Ενδιαφέρεται για την στρατηγική χρήση της εκπαιδευτικής τεχνολογίας στην καθημερινή διδακτική πρακτική και την παραγωγή ψηφιακού υλικού. Έχει διδάξει στο παρελθόν την Αγγλική Γλώσσα σε όλες της βαθμίδες της δημόσιας εκπαίδευσης. Άννα-Θεοδώρα Βελίκη
  • 26.  Language Learning Strategies in the Greek Context  2nd International Conference on Situating Strategy Use diethnous-epistemonikou.html?print=1 management-strategies  False Friends  Adventures in the UK from A to Z suitcase-image40192602 attractio-many-attractions-crown-shape-image43543850 Σημείωμα Χρήσης Έργων Τρίτων Στο τεύχος αυτό γίνεται χρήση των ακόλουθων έργων: Εικόνες / Φωτογραφίες Page 26 Τίτλος ενημερωτικού δελτίου  Δυσλεξία και εκμάθηση ξένων γλωσσών: από τη θεωρία στην πράξη Φωτογραφίες: Μαραβελάκη Φρύνη  ANYONE FOR DRAMA? resources/ Φωτογραφίες: Μαραβελάκη Φρύνη
  • 27.  A health education project in cooperation with an Erasmus + project -13-11-2017-7389339.php  Ο οπτκοακουστικός γραμματισμός στο Γυμνάσιο—Ένα Ταξίδι στο Χρόνο Φωτογραφίες: Χατζηβασιλειάδου Δέσποινα, Μαραβελάκη Φρύνη Σημείωμα Χρήσης Έργων Τρίτων Στο τεύχος αυτό γίνεται χρήση των ακόλουθων έργων: Εικόνες / Φωτογραφίες Page 27Issue 3 /June—December 2017 OPEN SPACES ISSN: 2585-2620 ΠΕΡΙΟΔΙΚΗ ΕΚΔΟΣΗ ΤΗΣ ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΙΚΗ ΕΝΩΣΗ ΚΑΘΗΓΗΤΩΝ ΑΓΓΛΙΚΗΣ ΔΗΜΟΣΙΑΣ Α/ΘΜΙΑΣ ΚΑΙ Β/ΘΜΙΑΣ ΕΚΠ/ΣΗΣ Ν.ΣΕΡΡΩΝ ΕΚΔΟΤΗΣ: το Δ.Σ. της Ένωσης ΥΠΕΥΘΥΝΟΣ ΕΚΔΟΣΗΣ: Θεοδώρα Γκένιου ΤΕΧΝΙΚΗ ΕΠΙΜΕΛΕΙΑ ΕΚΔΟΣΗΣ: Σωφρονία Μαραβε- λάκη ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΗ: Κων. Καραμανλή 13-2ος όροφος - Σέρρες-TK 62125 ΕΠΙΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΑ:
  • 28. ISSN 2585-2620 Connect|Communicate|Collaborate 2016-2017 Την Κυριακή 19/11/2017 η Μακεδονική Ένωση Καθηγητών Αγγλικής Δημόσιας Α/θμιας και Β/θμιας Εκπ/σης ν. Σερρών διοργάνωσε ημερίδα με θέμα «Δυσλεξία και Εκμάθηση Ξένων Γλωσσών». Kεντρικοί ομιλητές, η κ. Θωμαή Αλεξίου, Επίκουρη Καθηγήτρια στο Τμήμα Θε- ωρητικής και Εφαρμοσμένης Γλωσσολογίας του Τμήματος Αγγλικής Γλώσσας, του Αριστοτελείου Πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλονίκης, η κ. Φωτεινή Μακράκη, Προϊ- σταμένη ΚΕ.Δ.Δ.Υ Σερρών και ο κ. Παναγιώτης Κωνσταντινίδης, Καθηγητή Αγ- γλικής Γλώσσας με ΜΑ στην Ειδική Αγωγή, οι οποίοι προσέγγισαν το θέμα των μαθησιακών δυσκολιών και της εκμάθησης των ξένων γλωσσών με εμπεριστα- τωμένες παρουσιάσεις. Η συμβολή της Διεύθυνσης Δευτεροβάθμιας Εκπαίδευσης Σερρών και των Δο- μών της, του Συμβουλευτικού Σταθμού Νέων και του Κέντρου Διαφοροδιάγνω- σης, Διάγνωσης και Αντιμετώπισης, διαμέσου των υπευθύνων κ. Φωφώς Κα- ραμανίδου και κ. Φωτεινής Μακράκη, ήταν καταλυτική στην επιτυχημένη έκβαση της εν λόγω ημερίδας. Ευχαριστούμε ιδιαίτερα τον Προϊστάμενο της ΔΔΕ Σερρών, κ. Τενεκετζή, για το ενδιαφέρον που επέδειξε για το θέμα και την συνολική στήριξη με την οποία αγκάλιασε το όλο εγχείρημα. Ευχαριστούμε τον πρόεδρο της ΚΕΔΗΣ κ. Βασίλη Τερζή και τον κ. Πασχάλη Στεφάνου και τον Σύλλογο Εκπαιδευτικών Πρωτοβάθμιας Εκπαίδευσης "Εμμ. Παππάς" για την οργανωτική υποστήριξη. Ευχαριστούμε τους/τις εκπαιδευτικούς και τους γονείς που προσήλθαν και μας τίμησαν με την παρουσία τους. Ημερίδα με θέμα «Δυσλεξία και Εκμάθηση Ξένων Γλωσσών».