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ISSN 2585-2620
Sincerely yours,
Amanatidou Konstantia
State School Advisor of
Teachers of English
TEUM is a local association
of Greek State School
Teachers of English lan-
guage housed in the town of
Serres. The association was
established in 2000 as a
nonprofit association of
Teachers of English.
Today its members amount
of αριθμός Teachers in Pri-
mary and Secondary State
Schools. The association
has developed a wide range
of activities, which aim in
upgrading the English
Teacher’s role in the field of
the ELT.
This is the first issue of the
bulletin named OPEN
SPACES and hopefully it will
reach you at the beginning
of the new school year,
when many of us will be
wondering how to survive
one more demanding school
year. For that I welcome this
issue of OPEN SPACES
magazine which publishes
articles relevant to teaching
English in schools aiming to
upgrade the quality stand-
ards of teaching English
language in public schools
despite the late restrictions
imposed by the central au-
thorities. Aiming to broaden
our pedagogical horizons, all
articles reflect the high inter-
est of educators in promot-
ing the essential 21st centu-
ry skills such as communica-
tion, collaboration, creativity,
multilingualism multicultural-
ism and critical thinking.
To conclude, I congratulate
you and hope you enjoy this
issue and keep in mind that
education battles may be
hard to win, but teachers are
well-equipped fighters hold-
ing the keys to unlock a
world of change.
With those thoughts in mind,
I invite you to share your
practices, research and
meaningful learning experi-
ences by sending your arti-
cles to be published in one
of the future issues. Wish
you all the best.
Με αισθήματα ιδιαίτερης
χαράς και συγκίνησης χαι-
ρετίζω την ηλεκτρονική
έκδοση του πρώτου περιο-
δικού της Μακεδονικής
Ένωσης Καθηγητών Αγγλι-
κής Δημόσιας Α/θμιας και
Β/θμιας Εκπαίδευσης Σερ-
ρών. Το περιοδικό αντανα-
κλά την ενεργό και έντονη
εμπλοκή των καθηγητών
αγγλικής στην εκπαίδευση
με προτάσεις, δράσεις και
Η Ένωση Καθηγητών Αγ-
γλικής με ιδιαίτερα δημιουρ-
γική και παραγωγή παρου-
σία διοργανώνει πλήθος
εκπαιδευτικών παρεμβάσε-
ων, συνέδρια, ημερίδες, εκδη-
λώσεις, διαγωνισμούς. Πα-
ράλληλα, η Ένωση καταθέτει
υπομνήματα με τεκμηριωμέ-
να επιστημονικά επιχειρήμα-
τα σχετικά με τη βελτίωση
των συνθηκών μάθησης της
αγγλικής γλώσσας στο δημό-
σιο σχολείο. Η στήριξη της
Ένωσης τόσο στο έργο των
εκπαιδευτικών και στην ανά-
δειξή του όσο και στην προώ-
θηση προτάσεων με επίκε-
ντρο τον μαθητή στα πλαίσια
της σύγχρονης εκπαίδευσης
είναι δεδομένη.
Η άριστη συνεργασία των
μελών του Διοικητικού Συμ-
βουλίου της Ένωσης δίνει
ώθηση στην πραγματοποίη-
ση αξιόλογου έργου το
οποίο έχει απήχηση στο
σύνολο των εκπαιδευτικών.
Εύχομαι στην Πρόεδρο κ.
Γκένιου Θεοδώρα και στα
μέλη του Δ.Σ της Ένωσης
καλή δύναμη στο πολύ-
πλευρο έργο τους με τη
βεβαιότητα ότι θα ακολου-
θήσουν και άλλες σημαντι-
κές πρωτοβουλίες.
Ελευθερία Πάνου
Πρόεδρος Ε.Λ.Μ.Ε Σερρών
Καθηγήτρια Αγγλικής
22/01/2017Issue 1 /2015-2016
Open Spaces
Let us become the
change that we wish to
see in the world of educa-
Theodora Gkeniou
TEUM Chair
Open Spaces Editor
Dear TEUM members
and friends,
I would like to welcome
you to the first issue of
our biannual bulletin, the
final outcome of a fruitful
collaboration among pas-
sionate educators, a
dream that has come true
after months of planning
and hard work.
As the title suggests, this
is an Open Space for all
of us, English language
teachers, to express and
share ideas, to present
classroom practices, Eu-
ropean projects and inno-
vative methods with a
view to promoting the
continuous improvement
of the quality of our
teaching, while creating
an impact at our students’
Our Union has been a
beehive, a space of crea-
tivity for more than 15
years and it continues to
flourish and thrive, assist-
ing teachers to develop
both personally and pro-
fessionally. We are there-
fore oriented towards cre-
ating synergies with local
and international teach-
ers’ associations, such as
braries, cultural centers
and the Faculties of Eng-
lish Language and Litera-
ture, to name but a few.
We thus urge you to be-
come an active part of
our ever evolving commu-
nity and empower our
Union. We are expecting
your contribution to our
future activities and your
articles for the upcoming
bulletin issues.
TEUM plays a significant
scientific and social role
in the local educational
community, organising a
great number of events
and seminars and sup-
porting its members at
the difficult but challeng-
ing task of teaching a
foreign language and
I wish “Open Spaces”
good luck on its maiden
“voyage” and the next
issues to come and I ask
from our members to
embrace and support
this new project.
Finally, I would like to
congratulate our present
President Ms Dora
Gkeniou for the initiative,
the organization and the
editing of our brand new e-
Suzana Drampa
TEUM Vice Chair
22/01/2017Issue 1 /2015-2016
Open Spaces
Περιεχόμενα Τεύχους
7 “400 χρόνια William Shakespeare :
το έργο του, διαχρονική αξία στην παγκόσμια πνευματική σκηνή ”
10 Comics
11 “This is not a library! It’s a …MAGIC CARPET!”
12 “Heroes and Villains”
13 “Peace Day”
13 Best Practices Presentation - THE JOURNEY TO PEACE
14 Best Practices Presentation - A RAISIN IN THE SUN”
14 The Influence of Shakepeare’s Plays
15 Implementing web-assisted project-based learning: An example”
16 Creative Thinking for Creative Learners
17 Christmas customs and traditions
18 Autumn customs in Britain and America”
19 Εκδήλωση για τον εορτασμό των 400 χρόνων του William Shakespeare - Προβολή Σαιξπηρικών
20 Multilingualism, Integration and Web 2.0:
A Pestalozzi seminar organized by the Council of Europe
21 Οι μαύρες τρύπες του Shakespeare και το θέατρο στην εκπαίδευση»
23 Learnenglish+: Put a plus in language learning
διλλήματα του ανθρώπου.
Η διημερίδα ολοκληρώθηκε
σε τρία μέρη: θεωρητικές
εισηγήσεις, παρουσιάσεις
εκπαιδευτικών πρακτικών
και βιωματικά εργαστήρια.
Παράλληλα προβλήθηκαν
Στις 15/16 Απριλίου 2016
ΚΗΣ ΣΕΡΡΩΝ πραγματο-
ποιήθηκε διημερίδα – αφιέ-
ρωμα στον μεγάλο Άγγλο
δραματουργό Ουίλιαμ Σαίξ-
πηρ που διοργάνωσε η
Μακεδονική Ένωση Κα-
θηγητών Αγγλικής Δημό-
σιας Α/θμιας και Β/θμιας
Εκπ/σης Ν.Σερρών
(TEUM) με τίτλο
“400 χρόνια William
Shakespeare :
το έργο του, διαχρονική
αξία στην παγκόσμια
πνευματική σκηνή ”
Η διημερίδα είχε ως κεντρικό
θεματικό άξονα το μεγαλειώ-
δες διαχρονικό έργο του, με
αφορμή τον παγκόσμιο εορ-
τασμό «Shakespeare 400
years” και την προσφορά
του στην παγκόσμια πολιτι-
στική σκηνή.
Ο William Shakespeare
έζησε το 16 αι. μ.Χ. και πέ-
θανε το 1616, αφήνοντας
πίσω του μια τεράστια πα-
ρακαταθήκη από ποιήματα
και θεατρικά έργα με αριστο-
τεχνικό λόγο και πυκνά νοή-
ματα, τα οποία παραμένουν
επίκαιρα, θίγοντας καίρια
κοινωνικά ζητήματα όπως η
φιλία, ο έρωτας, η κοινωνική
θέση της γυναίκας, το αν-
θρώπινο και το θείο δίκαιο, η
θλίψη και η απληστία της
εξουσίας, αλλά και αγγίζο-
ντας τα βαθύτερα συναισθή-
ματα της ανθρώπινης φύ-
Ο σκοπός της εκδήλωσης
ήταν να δώσουμε την ευκαι-
ρία στο ευρύ κοινό να γνωρί-
σει το έργο του, να μοιρα-
στούμε τις έγκυρες θέσεις
ακαδημαϊκών καθηγητών,
αλλά και να δώσουμε στους
εκπαιδευτικούς υλικό και
ιδέες για να τις μεταφέρουν
μέσα στην τάξη, ως ερέθι-
σμα για να αγαπήσουν οι
μαθητές τη λογοτεχνία και το
θέατρο και ως τροφή για
σκέψη πάνω σε διαχρονικά
“400 χρόνια William Shakespeare :
το έργο του, διαχρονική αξία στην παγκόσμια πνευματική σκηνή ”
by Suzana Drampa
σε συνεργασία με τη
ΔΚΒΣ τρία κινηματογρα-
φικά αριστουργήματα
βασισμένα σε θεατρικά
έργα του Σαίξπηρ : Ο «
ΑΜΛΕΤ» του Τζεφιρέλι, ο
ναθαν Μίλερ και ο « ΜΑΚ-
ΜΠΕΘ» του Ρομάν Πολάν-
Ευχαριστούμε θερμά τους
ομιλητές που τίμησαν την
Ένωσή μας και την πόλη
των Σερρών με την παρου-
σία και τη συμμετοχή τους
και για τις ενδιαφέρουσες
εισηγήσεις τους:
 τον κ. Καψάλη Διονύ-
σιο, διευθυντή του Μορφω-
τικού Ιδρύματος της Εθνι-
κής Τράπεζας, συγγραφέα,
ποιητή, μεταφραστή και
 την κ. Βασιλική Μαρκί-
δου, καθηγήτρια Αγγλικής
Λογοτεχνίας και Πολιτι-
σμού του ΕΚΠΑ
 τις κ.κ. Κατερίνα Κίτση
και Δέσποινα Καλαϊτζίδου,
καθηγήτριες Αγγλικής Λο-
γοτεχνίας του ΑΠΘ για το
εκπληκτικό βιωματικό ερ-
 τις συναδέλφους
καθηγήτριες Αγγλικών
κ.κ. Δώρα Μαυροπούλου
και Δέσποινα Δαραβίγκα
για τις πρωτότυπες ιδέες
 τον κ. Παναγιώτη
Τσάτσο και την κ. Δαλ-
παναγιώτη Δήμητρα για
τις ενδιαφέρουσες προ-
σεγγίσεις και
τον εκπρόσωπο του εκ-
δοτικού οίκου της Ex-
press Publishing κ. Αχιλ-
λέα Κανάνη.
22/01/2017Issue 1 /2015-2016
Open Spaces
Σημεία ιδιαίτε-
ρου ενδιαφέρο-
 Διημερίδα με
θέμα το έργο
του William
 Συνεργασία με
τη ΔΚΒ Σερ-
ρών και τις κα-
μπάνιες του
Σταύρος Νιάρ-
 Ανάδειξη του
έργου των εκ-
στις ημερίδες
Καλών Πρακτι-
κών Αγγλικής
Διημερίδα – αφιέρωμα στον
μεγάλο Άγγλο δραματουργό
Ουίλιαμ Σαίξπηρ
Welcome to the world of
On Saturday, March the
14th 2015, the art of comics
was presented in the Public
Library in Serres. The State
Teachers of English Union
in Serres invited Mr. Niko-
laos Dalampiras, teacher of
English and artist, to reveal
and unfold the secrets of
the art of comics.
From 11 to 13:30, children
aged 10-13 had the chance
to acquaint themselves with
this magical world! The first
part of the presentation was
theoretical. Mr. Dalampiras
referred to the most famous
comics creators from
Greece and abroad, he
showed various printed
comics and asked kids
We all learned that comics
tell a story through images.
A story with a beginning, a
middle and an end. A story
in which the gaps are filled
with the seeds of our imagi-
nation; where nothing is
obvious or self-understood.
Moving on to practical
parts, children were given 8
different activities, written in
English. The tasks they had
to fulfill were not complicat-
ed in order for them not to
be discouraged and not to
waste time. They drew fac-
es with different feelings,
they filled in the gaps left on
purpose, they created their
own short comics stories!
Finally they took the first
steps drawing one point
perspective pictures. All
exercises aimed at awaken-
ing their interest and teach-
ing them the first basic prin-
ciples of the specific art.
Children painted, played,
drew, wrote dialogues and
learned a lot! The whole
“Comics” by Christina Savvopoulou
procedure was interactive
and the participants got
We all experienced the
fantastic world of comics
along with our leader and
our companions! It was a
creative and special day!
Thank you Mr. Dalampiras!
We all learned
that comics
tell a story
images. A
story with a
beginning, a
middle and an
Page 10 Open Spaces
Children aged 10-13
had the chance to
acquaint them-
selves with this
magical world!
The State Teachers of Eng-
lish Union in Serres joined
the summer campaign of
the Public Library on Mon-
day 31st
August 2015 with
a workshop dedicated to
the multiculturalism and
multilingualism of Europe.
Children aged 10-13 flew
over Europe using the Eng-
lish Language as a magic
carpet and their imagination
and creativity as steering
wheels. With the wealth of
the knowledge the books of
a Library offer, maps, vide-
os, music, pictures in our
“luggage” and the English
Language as a passport
children got acquainted with
many cultures and lan-
guages, capital cities and
landmarks, the customs
and habits of the people
living in our beautiful conti-
As an ice-breaking activity
students pretended to fly
over Europe and collect
clouds-cards with words in
English, French, German,
Italian and Spanish. They
formed groups to sit at the
table where books written
by writers of the same
origin lay. e.g. Charles
Dickens and Roald Dahl on
the English table. A discus-
sion concerning the chil-
dren’s previous experiences
and knowledge about Eu-
rope in general and these 5
countries in particular fol-
lowed, with the valuable
help of the English teachers
and volunteers motivated
by watching short videos.
It was time for a music
break. They listened to mu-
sic or songs and watched
videos of bands or dances
trying to identify which
country they come from.
“This is not a library! It’s a …MAGIC CARPET!” by Drampa Suzana
lapbooks presenting land-
marks, landforms, tradi-
tional food, famous peo-
ple, books and writers,
music, sports and ath-
letes, symbols and cus-
Finally, they completed
the European Magic Car-
pet Map collage with the
countries, the flags, the
capitals and landmarks of
all the countries they visit-
ed on the journey.
The enthusiasm with
which they exchanged
what they had learned and
the high points they scored
at the final fun quiz we had
prepared for them was the
best reward and feedback
for teachers and volunteers.
It was a long journey but
the children arrived back
home with their luggage full
of experiences and
knowledge. Thank you chil-
dren for a marvelous 2-hour
The children cut and drew
the 5 countries and their
flags, stuck them on a blank
Europe map, wrote the cap-
itals and put the most fa-
mous landmark next to it.
Our “European Magic Car-
pet Map collage” had start-
ed taking shape.
They opened little suitcases
containing pictures and key
words from various coun-
tries in Europe, choosing
the ones where the same
language as their initial
country is spoken or neigh-
bouring countries to it. With
this material they created
It was a long
journey but the
children arrived
back home
with their
luggage full of
Page 11Issue 1 /2015-2016
A workshop dedicat-
ed to the multicultur-
alism and multilin-
gualism of Europe.
Every summer, the Central Public
Library of Serres organizes a summer
campaign, and last year the theme
was ‘Whatever you are thinking, think
of the opposite!’. The subject of oppo-
sites inspired the members of TEUM,
who decided to participate in the cam-
paign, and organized two workshops
for children aged 9-12. The theme of
the workshops was ‘Heroes and Vil-
lains’, as there can be no greater way
to spend a summer afternoon than
chasing villains, and learning more
about our favourite heroes!
The first workshop was held on Mon-
day,23 June and it was more of a
scavenger hunt than a workshop.
Centered around the idea of play,
learners were invited to join TEUM
members in a hunt against the evil
Eraser, who wants to destroy all Eng-
lish words. In order to find him, stu-
dents had to complete tasks and final-
ly, engage in a final face-off with the
Eraser, creating their own comic de-
picting the battle on
The steps of the quest were as fol-
Firstly, the participants got in groups
randomly, according to the super
hero they picked out of a mystery
box. They also learned about the
rules of the game, whereby they had
to get clues and complete missions in
order to get the next clue. Time was
of the essence
Mission 1- The odd one out. Stu-
dents searched in a box and found
the words related to their hero. The
words varied from adjectives to ob-
jects. Time was limited so they had to
act quickly.
Mission 2 – Wordsearch. In this
step, students got a wordsearch
worksheet and they had to find the
hidden words.
Mission 3- Solve the riddles. Learn-
ers were given riddles and collaborat-
ed to find the solution.
Mission 4- Clue hunting. Students
were directed to the library to find a
book, retrieve an envelope with a
mission and head to the computers.
Mission 5 – The final face-off .The
last step was for learners to make
their own comic strip, using resources
It was an exciting experience for both
learners and teachers alike, and was
followed by an equally successful
workshop on Monday, 30 June.
“Heroes and Villains” by Marianthi Tsepeli
around the idea
of play, learners
were invited to
join TEUM
members in a
hunt against
the evil Eraser,
who wants to
destroy all
English words.
Page 12 Open Spaces
Parallel to the presentation
of the school projects, TE-
UM organized a workshop
for the students, in order to
raise awareness and cele-
brate Peace.Mrs. Efi Tzouri
and Mrs Marianthi Tsepeli
were in charge of the event,
which aimed to approach
the subject of peace and
war through a multimodal
and multisensory way.
First, students did a brain-
storming on the concept of
peace and its symbols, and
were later shown a presen-
tation of the most popular
peace signs and symbols,
and how they were used in
civil rights movements and
everyday life. Subsequent-
ly, the participants saw a
video of the Guernica by
Pablo Picasso in 3d, and
discussed the atrocious-
ness of war and the de-
struction it brings. Some
useful vocabulary and ex-
pressions were given in the
form of a worksheet, so that
students would be able to
speak their mind more easi-
ly. Next, Mrs Tzouri and
Mrs Tsepeli talked in brief
about the civil rights move-
ment of the 1960s to famil-
iarize students with the idea
of segregation and racism
and thus introduce the ‘I
have a Dream’ speech by
Dr. Martin Luther King, which
participants saw next. They
were provided with a script,
and tried to pinpoint the basic
principles of this seminal
speech. After that, to lighten
up the atmosphere, partici-
pants learned the songs
‘Over the Rainbow’ and
‘What a wonderful world’ in
order to get inspired on what
effects peace has on peo-
ple’s lives. Finally, they put
their thoughts on paper,
drawing and writing peace
messages. The messages
were put on boards and thus
formed a patchwork of peace
messages written by stu-
“Guernica” showed the
cruelty of war through
Pablo Picasso’s eyes.
The pupils expressed
their feelings through art.
Moving on they played a
board game called
“Peace is a Journey”
which taught them a lot
about brotherhood and
Through literature, pupils
learnt about Mahatma
Gandhi’s life, a man who
played a crucial role in
World Peace. Other im-
portant personalities
such as Mother Teresa
were presented. They
also had the chance to
read several poems
about peace both in
Greek and in English,
thus expanding their
vocabulary. This activity
not only touched their
hearts but also inspired
them to write their own
poems (acrostic poems,
shape poems και limer-
Music had its special role
in the project since there
are a lot of English
songs about peace. The
pupils really enjoyed
them and at the same
Two classes from 2 differ-
ent primary schools carried
out the project during the
school year 2013-2014. The
approach followed was the
cross-curricular one.
Since our project was
based on the 100th anniver-
sary from the Liberation of
Serres (1913-2013) and
from World War I (1914-
2014) we started with the
investigation of the causes
and results of such un-
pleasant events and the
encroachment of human
rights. A video about
time they were taught useful
Finally, the pupils discussed
about the “Christmas Truce”
and the importance of recon-
ciliation and respect to free-
dom. Indeed, the pupils of the
5th grade prepared a short
play concerning this event of
World War I. The title of the
play was “Give peace a
chance” and presented Christ-
mas 1914 as a historical mo-
ment of humanism when
peace was given a chance by
the two big rivals. On the oth-
er hand, the pupils of the 6th
grade prepared a brief film
“Keep peace at your home”
where they tried to show the
importance of example given
by adults and of keeping
peace first in our own hearts
and home.
It was a wonderful journey!
“Peace Day”by Marianthi Tsepeli
Best Practices Presentation - THE JOURNEY TO PEACE
By Elpida-Maria Tsakirdai
“When I started
talking to my
pupils about our
project “Peace” at
the beginning of
the school year, I
had no idea how
wonderful our
journey would
Ms Tsakirdai
Page 13Issue 1 /2015-2016
In this brief workshop, stu-
dents became familiar with
the civil rights movement
which most of them had not
previously heard, ap-
proached the subject of war
and peace through art –
painting and song-, and
expressed their creative
side by drawing and con-
structing the peace patch-
work. The feedback was
very positive, as evidenced
by the fact that TEUM
events at the Central Public
Library of Serres have been
very successful.
During the schoolyear
2015-2016 a project
with the title ‘’A Raisin in
the Sun was carried out
in Junior high school of
The coordinator of the
project was Katerina
Paligianni .The students
of A class participated in
this project
I introduced the poem ,A
dream deferred, we ana-
lysed it and they drew
each line of the poem.
Then my students found
information about the
poet, Langston Hughes.
They drew their dreams,
their hope ,they made
posters about themselves.
They saw the film 'A raisin
in the sun' which is based
on the poem 'A dream
deferred''.Students found
information about Afro
American history,Martin
Luther KingJr.They made
posters about Human
Rights and Childrens
We discussed the themes
of the film and from this
point I worked with ΟΑΣΙΣ
{ Κέντρο πρόληψης εξαρτη-
σιογόνων ουσιών και ψυχι-
κής υγείας} .We focused on
self-esteem, self-confidence,
dreaming positive feelings.
The most important for me
was that my students' par-
ents accepted to participate
in this project,They attented
6 sessions coordinated by a
psychologist of the OASIS
The main objectives are for
my students to enjoy work-
ing with Shakespeare's
plays and find out all the
wealth which is generously
given behind the lines...
They started with selecting
information about Shake-
speare's biography, Eliza-
bethan Era, Globe Theatre.
They continued with Words
and Phrases coined by
The material used in-
cludes:the Readers of Ex-
press Publishing,HAMLET,
First the students listened
and read the texts and then
they watched the films.
During the school year
2012-2013 a project
was carried out in Junior
High School of
Lefkonas. The title of the
project was ‘’ The influ-
ence of Shakespeare’s
plays’’. The coordinator
of the project was
Paligianni Katerina and
the students of B class
participated in it
Before I start writing
about the project I would
like to start with my pri-
mary concern which is to
inspire my students to
think deeply and find out
the hidden meanings
and truth in everything
they read and listen. I
would love to see them
become people of quali-
ty in character and mind
We used the internet in order to
have access to the modern eng-
lish texts of MACBETH and RO-
MEO AND JULIET since the
specific readers present only the
summary of the plot.
Students were given relevant
vocabulary to describe people's
character s and moral values.
Divided into groups they were
asked to describe the characters
of each play , to write the sum-
mary , the themes and the moral
values , to think of a different
ending and give a different title.
There was a discussion about
which scene imrpessed them,
the reason of their choice ,and
the moral values of the play
“Best Practices Presentation - A RAISIN IN THE SUN” by Katerina Paligianni
Page 14 Open Spaces
he specific readers
give a significant
In order to present
the whole project we
chose to perform
one scene from
each play.
(I frequently ask
Shakespeare to
forgive my interfer-
ence in his dia-
My students were in
the 2nd grade of
junior high school.
Project Based Learning
(PBL) is a comprehensive
instructional approach to
teaching and learning
which is centred on the
learner. It is designed to
engage students in the
investigation of authentic
problems: students re-
search a topic in depth and
through the construction of
a meaningful product they
present what they have
learnt (Blumenfeld et al.,
1991; Grant, 2002). PBL
could be an effective
means of teaching EFL and
it may enhance the four
skills as the focus is not
syntax, accuracy or compe-
tency in grammar usage
but communication in a
purposeful real-world set-
ting (Poonpon, 2011).
The web-assisted project
School and social life (SSL)
was an innovative course
introduced in the Greek
secondary education in
2011 (Νέο Σχολείο, 2011α).
Its goal was to introduce
students and teachers to
PBL instruction and aimed
at the development of 21st
century skills: creativity,
critical thinking, problem
solving, decision making,
learning how to learn, com-
munication, collaboration,
information and communi-
cation technology literacy
(ICT) (Saavedra and Opfer,
2012). An additional aim of
SSL was the development
of self awareness and the
acceptance of oneself in
order for all students to feel
good about themselves,
create friendly relationships
and manage conflicts (Νέο
Σχολείο, 2011β).
In this project, the students
of the first grade chose a
topic out of the topics pro-
posed by teachers who
were going to implement
the School and Social Life
(SSL) course. Sixteen stu-
dents chose the topic I
communicate, I feel, I
am .... myself. It was a self
knowledge task which as-
pired to lead students to a
greater understanding of
themselves and to self
improvement (Dodge,
2002). After groups were
formed, the students chose
among the four subtopics
proposed by the teacher
which were Communica-
tion, Feelings and Emo-
tions, Stress Management
and Self Esteem. The final
products, a power point
presentation for each
group, included the an-
swers to the driving ques-
tions of the tasks together
with text, pictures and
sound. All products were
published on the Internet,
on the Class Blog. A
WebQuest was used as a
scaffold in order to struc-
ture the project's tasks, as
the framework of PBL in-
struction, is a framework
very much alike to the one
of the WebQuest (Grant,
2002). The WebQuest is
"an inquiry-oriented activity
in which some or all of the
information that learners
interact with, comes from
resources on the Inter-
net" (Dodge, 1997, para.
2). As a web-based teach-
ing and learning model, the
WebQuest represents ide-
ally cooperative and en-
gaged learning, learner-
centredness, project-based
approaches and scaffolded
instruction (Halat, 2008;
March, 2003).
This example of PBL in-
struction in English pre-
sented challenges not usu-
ally encountered in regular
EFL teaching settings.
Developing materials was
demanding and managing
students was frustrating.
Despite the difficulties, I
believe that the project
helped students become
acquainted with 21st cen-
tury skills and improve
their English language
skills as well. They collab-
orated, used English for
communication most of
the time, used the internet
to find and create infor-
mation, posted pictures
and products on the class
blog to demonstrate the
new knowledge gained
from the course. The sub-
ject matter they have
learned is something that
they will apply in the fu-
ture to manage real life
Blumenfeld, P. C., Solo-
way, E., Marx, R. W.,
Krajcik, J. S., Guzdial, M.
and Palincsar, A. (1991).
'Motivating project-based
learning: sustaining the
doing, supporting the
learning'. Educational
Psychologist, 26/3-4: 369-
Dodge, B. (1997). Some
thoughts about
webquests. At, <http://
Dodge, B. (2002).
Webquest taskonomy: a
taxonomy of tasks. At,
< http://
Grant, M. (2002). 'Getting
a grip on project-based
learning: Theory, cases
and recommendations'.
Meridian, A middle
School Computer Tech-
nologies Journal, 5/1.
Halat, E. (2008). 'A good
teaching technique:
Webquests'. The clearing
House, 81/3: 109-111.
March, T. (2003). What
webquests (really) are.
“Implementing web-assisted project-based learning: An example” by Fryni Maravelaki
Page 15Issue 1 /2015-2016
At, <http://
Νέο Σχολείο (2011α).
Πρόγραμμα Σπουδών
Σχολική και κοινωνική
ζωή. Αθήνα: Παιδαγωγι-
κό Ινστιτούτο. Υπουργείο
Παιδείας και Δια Βίου
Νέο Σχολείο (2011β).
Σχολική και κοινωνική
ζωή. Οδηγός εκπαιδευτι-
κού. Δευτεροβάθμια εκ-
παίδευση. Αθήνα: Παι-
δαγωγικό Ινστιτούτο.
Υπουργείο Παιδείας και
Δια Βίου Μάθησης.
How has the digital
word transformed the
world we live in, and
how can educational
practices combine tradi-
tional teaching with
modern media so as to
encourage creative
thinking? This question
was at the core of the
workshop ‘Creative
Thinking for Creative
Learners’, organized by
TEUM Serres on Sunday
December 2015,
on the premises of the
Primary Schools
of Serres. A great num-
ber of educators from
various disciplines at-
tended the event and
were eager to listen to
our guest speakers.
Our key note speaker,
who very graciously ac-
cepted our invitation,
was Mrs. Tatiani Rapat-
zikou, Assistant Profes-
sor of American Litera-
ture at the Aristotle Uni-
versity of Thessaloniki,
along with a team of
doctoral and postgradu-
ate students, Mrs. De-
spoina Feleki, Mr. Vasili-
os Delioglanis and Mrs.
Evgenia Kleidona.
The workshop was di-
vided in two parts, a
theoretical and a practi-
cal one. The theoretical
part was introduced by
our key note speaker,
Mrs. Rapatzikou, whose
presentation ‘Creativity
and Education through a
Comparative Media Edu-
cation’ outlined the chal-
lenges the modern edu-
cator is faced with. Digi-
tal Media have altered
ings of the same text,
how to use the principle
of remediation to trans-
form and enrich tradi-
tional media.
Judging from the partici-
pants’ reactions and
their feedback, it was a
very inspiring seminar,
which provided interest-
ing ideas to encourage
creativity in the class-
Once again, we would
like to thank the speak-
ers, Mrs. Rapatzikou,
Mrs Feleki, Mr
and Veroia.
For the practical part,
participants were di-
vided into two groups,
and explored the ideas
outlined through group
activities. The idea be-
hind the workshop was
how to use digital me-
dia in a creative way,
without abandoning or
substituting traditional
media. Attendees
gained insight into how
a text can be made
multimodal, how to
create multiple read-
Delioglanis and Mrs Klei-
dona for accepting our
invitation. In addition,
we would like to thank
our hosts, Messrs Di-
mitrios Hatziagorakis
and George Marapas,
the headteachers of the
8th and 25th Primary
Schools of Serres,
where the event took
place. Finally, we would
like to thank all col-
leagues who graced us
with their presence.
“Creative Thinking for Creative Learners” by Marianthi Tsepeli
transformation of the
notion of text and the
creative process should
reflect these
The following
elaborated on
the ideas pre-
sented by Mrs.
Rapatzikou. Mrs.
Feleki, Mr.
Delioglanis and
Mrs. Kleidona
illustrated the
ideas intro-
duced, based on papers,
creative writing work-
shops and projects they
have organized in
schools in Thessaloniki
the way we view the
world. The idea of the
‘text’ nowadays en-
compasses not only
the printed word, but
sound, speech, pic-
tures, space; it can be
annotated, shared
online, links can be
embedded into it. It
has become a
‘hypertext’, a multi-
modal and multidimen-
sional entity. As a con-
sequence, the educa-
tional process should
keep pace with this
How has the
digital word
transformed the
world we live in,
and how can
teaching with
modern media so
as to encourage
Page 16 Open Spaces
‘Creative Thinking
for Creative
on the premises
of the 8th
Primary Schools
Dr. Tatiani Rapat-
zikou, Assistant Pro-
fessor of American
Literature at AUTH
The State English
Teachers' Union of
Serres participated in
the Christmas actions of
the Public Library by
organising a workshop
about Christmas tra-
ditions and customs
in Britain and Ameri-
ca. On the 20th of De-
cember 2014, children
aged 8-12 had the op-
portunity to come in
contact with these cus-
toms through handi-
craft, stories, recipes,
quizzes, games, cross-
words, carols and much
more, working in small
By making their own
advent calendar, they
started counting the
days in anticipation of
They also made their
own Christmas cards
with paper, glitter and
colourful markers writ-
ing wishes in English.
Next they created
Christmas crackers with
cardboard tubes
wrapped in a brightly
decorated twist of paper
putting a prize, a riddle
and hand-made paper
hats inside. The children
were informed about the
use of crackers put on
plates and pulled at the
Christmas dinner table.
Reading Christmas sto-
ries was another enjoy-
able activity for our little
friends. Lying on the
"hill" of the Library they
were driven to the im-
aginary world of tradi-
tional British stories
about Christmas.
“Christmas customs and traditions” by Tsakirdai Elpida-Maria
loves. They baked the
gingerbread men and
then they decorated
Before leaving this 3-
hour workshop, all chil-
dren sang the Christmas
carols and then were
given their creations in a
bag to take home and
remember this event. It
was a wonderful experi-
ence for everyone!
Moving on to the next
step, children did vari-
ous activities such as
crosswords, games and
quizzes, through which
they practiced the Eng-
lish language having fun
at the same time.
Finally, our little friends
"played" with the gin-
gerbread man. After
learning about his story
and how he "came to
life", they had the
chance to create the
traditional Christmas
cookies that every child
Lying on the
"hill" of the
Library they
were driven
to the
world of
British stories
Page 17Issue 1 /2015-2016
A workshop
about Christmas
“Autumn customs in Britain and America” by Christina Savvopoulou
‘Pin the tail on the donkey’
and ‘Who took the candy
from the treat or trick bag’.
Next, they got to know the
British celebration ‘Bonfire
night’ and they made two
real guy figures!
The third custom was the
American Thanksgiving.
They made a beautiful
handicraft, a turkey, whose
colorful feathers contained
the traditional food and reci-
pes of the feast as well as
their ideas and
‘confessions’ of what they
are thankful for.
And….last but not least,
they created an advent cal-
endar for Christmas. Each
one of them went back
home with their own hand-
made calendar!
With paper, glue, scissors,
pencils and markers, the
children came in contact
with historical and cultural
information and vocabulary.
They played, sang,
watched, worked in groups,
created, learned, and most
of all…THEY HAD FUN!!!
On November the 14th
2015, the State English
Teachers Union of Serres
organized a two-hour work-
shop in the Public Library.
Children aged 9-12 had the
chance to experience some
famous English and Ameri-
can seasonal celebrations
through games, handicraft,
videos, quizzes and various
The first celebration they
got to know was Halloween.
They watched videos and
played two games in turn:
They made a
handicraft, a
contained the
food and
recipes of the
feast as well
as their ideas
of what they
are thankful
Page 18 Open Spaces
«Εκδήλωση για τον εορτασμό των 400 χρόνων του William Shakespeare -
Προβολή Σαιξπηρικών έργων” by Katerina Paligianni
Τα έργα που προβλήθηκαν
Τα συγκεκριμένα έργα επι-
λέχθηκαν από την εργο-
γραφία του Shakespeare με
βάση την διαχρονικότητά
τους, τα θέματά τους ,τις
αξίες τους, τα μηνύματά
τους καθώς και την εμβά-
θυνση στoυς ανθρώπινους
Των προβολών προηγήθη-
κε παρουσίαση για την κα-
λύτερη κατανόηση και εμβά-
θυνση των αξιών και μηνυ-
μάτων των έργων
Στo πλαίσιo της διημερίδας
που διοργάνωσε η Ένωση
των καθηγητών Αγγλικής
Γλώσσας (ΤEUM) για τον
εορτασμό των 400 χρόνων
από το θάνατο του Shake-
speare με θέμα
“Shakespeare, το έργο του,
διαχρονική αξία στην πα-
γκόσμια πνευματική σκη-
νή” ,έγιναν προβολές τριών
έργων του μεγάλου δραμα-
τουργού στο αμφιθέατρο
“Καφταντζής” της Δημόσιας
Κεντρικής Βιβλιοθήκης Σερ-
Τα έργα
από την
με βάση την
τητά τους, τα
τους ,τις αξίες
τους, τα
μηνύματά τους
καθώς και την
Page 19Issue 1 /2015-2016
Τα έργα που προβλή-
θηκαν ήταν HAM-
Το Συμβούλιο της Ευρώ-
πης (Council of Europe)
είναι ένας διακυβερνητι-
κός οργανισμός με σκο-
πό την δημοκρατική στα-
θερότητα, τη διαφύλαξη
των ανθρωπίνων δικαιω-
μάτων και την αναζήτη-
ση λύσεων σε προβλή-
ματα της Ευρωπαϊκής
κοινωνίας. Iδρύθηκε το
1949 και αριθμεί 44 κρά-
τη μέλη. H Ελλάδα προ-
σχώρησε ως το 11ο κρά-
τος-μέλος, και μετέχει
ενεργά στις εργασίες του
Οργανισμού, στις συνό-
δους της Επιτροπής
Υπουργών και της Κοι-
νοβουλευτικής Συνελεύ-
Μεταξύ των στόχων του
Συμβουλίου της Ευρώ-
πης είναι:
η εδραίωση της δημο-
κρατικής σταθερότητας
στην Ευρώπη
η διαφύλαξη και προα-
γωγή των ανθρωπίνων
δικαιωμάτων, της πλου-
ραλιστικής δημοκρατίας
και των αρχών του δικαί-
η αναζήτηση λύσεων σε
προβλήματα της ευρω-
παϊκής κοινωνίας: ξενο-
φοβία, έλλειψη ανεκτικό-
τητας, προστασία του
περιβάλλοντος κλπ.
Το πρόγραμμα Pestaloz-
zi του Συμβουλίου της
Ευρώπης είναι πρόγραμ-
μα εκπαίδευσης και κα-
τάρτισης που απευθύνε-
ται σε εκπαιδευτικούς και
επαγγελματίες της εκπαί-
δευσης. Δίνει την ευκαι-
ρία σε εκπαιδευτικούς
από όλη την Ευρώπη με
κοινά ενδιαφέροντα, να
έρθουν σε επαφή και να
συνεργαστούν σε εκπαι-
δευτικά προγράμματα,
γεγονός το οποίο συνεισφέρει
στην ενίσχυση των προσωπι-
κών και επαγγελματικών σχέ-
σεων καθώς και στην συνει-
δητοποίηση του κεντρικού
ρόλου που παίζει η εκπαίδευ-
ση στην προώθηση της αξιο-
πρέπειας, του σεβασμού, των
ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων και
της δημοκρατίας.
Το σεμινάριο Multilingualism,
Integration and Web 2.0
(Πολυγλωσσία, Ένταξη και
Web 2.0) διαπραγματεύτηκε
τρεις έννοιες που μπορεί να
φαίνονται ξένες μεταξύ τους,
όμως η διαβίωση σε πολυπο-
λιτισμικές και πολύγλωσσες
κοινωνίες χρήζει αναγκαία την
εφαρμογή δράσεων και προ-
γραμμάτων που να προω-
θούν και να ευνοούν την
ένταξη των αλλοδαπών μαθη-
τών στα σχολεία με τη βοήθει-
α των ΤΠΕ.
Οι κυρίως στόχοι του σεμινα-
ρίου ήταν οι εξής:
Ανάπτυξη διδακτικών προ-
σεγγίσεων που αφορούν τη
γλωσσική εκπαίδευση και την
ένταξη των αλλοδαπών μαθη-
τών στα σχολεία μέσω των
νέων τεχνολογιών, με στόχο
τη διασφάλιση της ποιότητας
και της ισότητας στα ευρωπαϊ-
κά εκπαιδευτικά συστήματα.
Διαπολιτισμική εκπαίδευση,
ένταξη και κοινωνική συνοχή,
εκπαίδευση στις νέες τεχνολο-
γίες και στα δικαιώματα ανηλί-
κων και ενηλίκων όσον αφορά
τη χρήση των ΤΠΕ και την
ασφάλεια στο διαδίκτυο.
Ανταλλαγή πληροφοριών,
ιδεών, εμπειριών, μεθοδολογί-
ας και εκπαιδευτικού υλικού.
Προώθηση της διεθνούς συ-
νεργασίας με την υλοποίηση
μελλοντικών προγραμμάτων
μεταξύ των συμμετεχόντων
και δημιουργία δικτύου επικοι-
νωνίας μέσω των ΤΠΕ.
Το σεμινάριο πραγματοποιήθηκε
στην Ισπανία, στη γενέτειρα του
Θερβάντες, Alcala de Henares,
πόλη μνημείο παγκόσμιας πολιτι-
στικής κληρονομιάς της Unesco.
Οι δράσεις πραγματοποιήθηκαν
στο Ινστιτούτο Θερβάντες. Περισ-
σότερες πληροφορίες σχετικά με
τις δράσεις και τη μεθοδολογία
του σεμιναρίου στους εξής συνδέ-
σμους: https://
“Multilingualism, Integration and Web 2.0:
A Pestalozzi seminar organized by the Council of Europe” by Fryni Maravelaki
Page 20 Open Spaces
«O Shakespeare μας ελκύει
σαν μια μαύρη τρύπα καθώς
μπορούμε ακόμη να δανειζόμα-
στε ιστορίες, χαρακτήρες,
διαλόγους ή θέματα από τα
έργα του για να εξερευνήσουμε
γενικές έννοιες που εμπίπτουν
στα προγράμματα Αγωγής
Υγείας στην τάξη, όπως η
διαφορετικότητα, η αγάπη, η
μοναξιά, τα στερεότυπα των
ρόλων, το περιβάλλον κ.λ.π.
Tο θεωρητικό πλαίσιο στηρίζε-
ται στη βασική αρχή ότι η μά-
θηση είναι μια διαδραστική και
βιωματική πορεία που ενισχύε-
ται με τα παιχνίδια ρόλων και
τους αυτοσχεδιασμούς,
θα δούμε λοιπόν μέσα από
παραδείγματα πώς η ιδέα αυτή
μπορεί να εφαρμοστεί στην
πράξη. Οι καθηγητές/τριες θα
μετατραπούν σε μαθητές/τριες
και θα βιώσουν τη διαδικασία
της μάθησης από μια διαφορε-
τική οπτική γωνία. Σκοπός
είναι η εμπειρία αυτή να αποτε-
λέσει έναυσμα και να δώσει
ιδέες για το πως η προσέγγιση
διαφόρων θεμάτων μέσα στην
τάξη με αφετηρία τις ‘μαύρες
τρύπες’ του Shakespeare
μπορεί να γίνει δημιουργικό-
τερη και αποτελεσματικότερη.»
Το πέρασμα από το παραδοσι-
ακό σαιξπηρικό κείμενο σε
επίκαιρα και διαχρονικά θέμα-
τα με εφαρμογή στην εκπαι-
δευτική πράξη ήταν το θέμα
του εργαστηρίου που διεξήγα-
γε η κ. Κατερίνα Κίτση σε
συνεργασία με την κ. Δέσποι-
να Καλαϊτζίδου το Σάββατο
16 Απριλίου 2016, κλείνοντας
με τον καλύτερο τρόπο τη
διημερίδα – αφιέρωμα στον
W. Shakespeare. Με έναυσμα
το παρακάτω απόσπασμα από
την Καταιγίδα (The Tempest,
Act 3-Scene 2) οι συμμετέχο-
ντες στο εργαστήριο εμπνεύ-
στηκαν μετά από συζήτηση
και θεατρικό παιχνίδι και πα-
And then, darkness is no
more‘cause the light is
in me
By Marianthi, Evgenia,
Katerina, Christina,
Be not afeard of dark-
The woods is full of
shadows and whispers
Frightening but not evil
at all
Sometimes the rustling
of tree leaves is just a
Of air, and sometimes
darkness bears light and
The stars illuminate the
sky that will make my
secret wishes unfold.
Be not afeard, big cities are full of
crowded places, sounds and encoun-
That open endless possibilities
Sometimes roaring traffic, deep
darkness and dazzling lights
And sometimes places you wander
through, scenes and thrills you expe-
Will make me want to embrace the
unknown and keep wandering in big
Κ. Τζώγα
Μ. Πέσιου
Ν. Χατζηγιαννίδης
Π. Πατραμάνη
Μ. Παπαγεωργίου
«Οι μαύρες τρύπες του Shakespeare και το θέατρο στην εκπαίδευση»
by Theodora Gkeniou
Ready to drop upon me, that
when I waked
I cried to dream again.
The Tempest, Act 3, scene 2
ρήγαγαν τα δικά τους υπέροχα
κείμενα, μετουσιώνοντας τις
σκέψεις και τα συναισθήματα
τους σε λέξεις.
Be not afeard. The isle is full
of noises,
Sounds, and sweet airs that
give delight and hurt not.
Sometimes a thousand
twangling instruments
Will hum about mine ears, and
sometime voices
That, if I then had waked after
long sleep,
Will make me sleep again. And
then, in dreaming,
The clouds methought would
open and show riches
Page 21Issue 1 /2015-2016
-Μη φοβάσαι. Η μοναξιά είναι γεμάτη ήχους
-Κάποιες φορές παράφωνους
-Κάποιες φορές μελωδικούς
-Θα με κάνουν να φτάσω στην τρέλα
-Και μετά σιωπή!
Δέσποινα Καλαϊτζίδου
Βασιλική Μαρκίδου
Ευγενία Κλείδωνα
Αλίνα Κάστρου
Ελπίδα Τσακίρδαη
Μη φοβάσαι! Το σπίτι είναι γεμάτο
Από πράγματα. Μερικές φορές το φύσημα του ανέμου
Και μερικές φορές το τρίξιμο της πόρτας με κάνει να
Νιώθω μόνος και ευάλωτος.
Η πόρτα ανοίγει, το φως ανάβει και οι γονείς επιστρέ-
φουν. Ασφάλεια.
Ειρήνη Κρυωνά, Σοφία Πάρτσιου, Χρυσοβαλάντης
Γερασίμου, Δήμητρα Λύκου
Be not afeard, the lake is full of fairies,
Sometimes I feel they are waving
And sometimes their sight scares me
And as times goes by
It takes my fears away
By Aikaterini Mazneikou, Maria Zigrika, Christina Kou-
tidou, Julia Aivazoglou, Maria Mentizi
Page 22 Open Spaces
This year our team, con-
sisting of three schools,
one from Greece
(Theodora Gkeniou), one
form France (Claudine
Coatanea) and one from
Poland (Lucy Nocon)
worked collaboratively
to produce our very own
MOOC about language
learning. Here are the
main characteristics of
our project:
Content: We no longer
rely on a single course
book. The content of our
MOOC (videos, interac-
tive maps, presenta-
tions) is created by teen-
age students for stu-
Form: the traditional
classroom is usually lim-
ited by the physical sur-
roundings and learning
takes place here and
now. In our etwinning
project time and space
for learning are expand-
ed since the participants
work on the Twinspace
platform, create and up-
load their materials, dis-
cuss on forums and col-
laborate on Google
and grammar at an inter-
mediate level (B1+/B2)
by creatively putting ide-
as to work in 6 different
thematic areas.
They managed to think
creatively, work as inter-
national teams, solve
problems, become inde-
pendent and self di-
rected in their learning.
Evaluation: from top
down, teacher led as-
sessment, we move on
to bottom up reflective
processes whereby stu-
dents self and peer eval-
uate and acquire meta-
cognitive skills.
Subsequently the follow-
ing learning outcomes
were improved:
The students were able
to recognize, relate, dis-
cuss and compose lexis
“Learnenglish+: Put a plus in language learning” By Theodora
sideration the students
common interests and
Skills: we do not solely
address linguistic skills.
We also develop 21st
century skills by provid-
ing space for collabora-
tion, by promoting learn-
er independence and
fostering creativity.
Student role: our stu-
dents are neither passive
nor isolated. They are
active decision makers,
transformed from con-
sumers to creators of
knowledge in a multicul-
tural environment.
Teacher role: the teach-
ers involved are not
preachers. They are
leaders and mentors
Process: the process of
learning is not prede-
fined or imposed by the
curriculum and the
teacher, it is democrati-
cally decided with the
students through online
and offline discussions,
negotiating and voting.
Furthermore the groups
are arranged in a flexible
manner taking into con-
The students were
able to appreciate
the value of
and collaboration
enhancing their
digital skills.
Would you like to
stay tuned?
Follow us on
twitter and share
your thoughts on
Page 23Issue 1 /2015-2016
Ms Theodora Gkeniou is a state school teacher in junior and upper
secondary education. She holds a Master of Applied Linguistics
from Essex University and a Master in Education from the HOU.
She has worked as a teacher trainer for the Greek Ministry of Edu-
cation and the European Schoolnet delivering online and onsite
workshops in European project management and educational tech-
nology. She is currently the chair of the TEUM board. She believes
in lifelong learning and continuous professional development.
Η κ. Φρύνη Μαραβελάκη είναι εκπαιδευτικός Δευτεροβάθμιας εκ-
παίδευσης στο Γυμνάσιο. Σπούδασε Αγγλική Γλώσσα και Φιλολογία
στο Α.Π.Θ. και Ισπανική Γλώσσα και Πολιτισμό στο Ε.Α.Π. Έχει απο-
κτήσει Μεταπτυχιακό Δίπλωμα Ειδίκευσης Καθηγητών Αγγλικής από
το Ε.Α.Π. (MEd in TESOL). Ασχολείται ενεργά με τη χρήση της εκ-
παιδευτικής τεχνολογίας για τη Διδασκαλία της Αγλικής Γλώσσας και
την παραγωγή ψηφιακού υλικού, τον οπτικοακουστικό γραμματισμό,
τα ευρωπαϊκά προγράμματα, τη βιβλιοθηκονομία και την Ισπανική
και Αγγλική λογοτεχνία. Υπήρξε αξιολογήτρια προφορικού λόγου στο
ΚΠγ για την Αγγλική και Ισπανική γλώσσα.
Γκένιου Θεοδώρα
Μαραβελάκη Σοφρωνία
Δράμπα Σουζάνα
My name is Suzana Drampa. I was born in 1968 in Serres. I live in
Serres and I have 3 children. I am a graduate of the Department of
English Language and Literature of AUThessaloniki (1990) and I
have been teaching English for 28 years in various levels of Private
and State Education, the last 25 in Primary Education. I have been a
member of the board of the local Union of Teachers of English in
Serres (TEUM) since its foundation in 2000, President from 2011 to
2016, and Vice-President at the moment.
Page 24 Open Spaces
Katerina Paligianni is a teacher of English at the Junior High School
of Lefkonas , Serres. She gratuated from the Aristotle University of
Thessaloniki in 1987. She has been teaching English in state
schools since 1994. Her main concern is to motivate students to
acquire broad knowledge and improve their critical thinking. She
assigns and coordinates projects related to literature and culture.
Παληγιάννη Κατερίνα
Σε αυτό το τεύχος έγραψαν...
Ms Elpida-Maria Tsakirdai was born in Serres, Greece.
She studied in the School of English Language and Litera-
ture of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She has got
an MA degree in Translation, at the University of Ports-
mouth and speaks 3 languages. She has been a teacher
of English in Primary Schools for 14 years. She is an ac-
tive member of TEUM .
Τσακίρδαη Ελπίδα
Σαββοπούλου Χριστίνα
H Χριστίνα Σαββοπούλου ,γεννήθηκε και εργάζεται στις
Σέρρες. Είναι απόφοιτος του Αριστοτέλειου Πανεπιστημί-
ου Θεσσαλονίκης στο τμήμα Αγγλικής Γλώσσας και Φιλο-
λογίας. Ολοκλήρωσε τις μεταπτυχιακές τις σπουδές στο
Πόρτσμουθ της Μεγάλης Βρετάνιας το 2002 στον τομέα
της Μετάφρασης. Από το 2004 ως το 2015 εργάστηκε
στη δευτεροβάθμια εκπαίδευση ενώ απο το 2015 και
έκτοτε διδάσκει στην Α'βαθμια Εκπαίδευση Σερρών. Είναι
μέλος της Ένωσης καθηγητών αγγλικής νομού Σερρών
εδώ και 4 χρόνια.
Page 25Issue 1 /2015-2016
Τσεπελή Μαριάνθη
Marianthi Tsepeli has been a teacher of English in pri-
vate schools, primary and secondary education since her
graduation from the Aristotle University on Thessaloniki,
Department of English Language and Literature in 2001.
In 2008, she obtained her MA in European Culture and
Literature. Following two tenures as Treasurer, she is cur-
rently the Secretary of TEUM Serres.
ISSN 2585-2620
Για την πραγματοποίηση της διημερίδας — αφιέρωμα στον W. Shakespeare, ευχαριστού-
με τους Διευθυντές Α/θμιας και Β/θμιας Εκπ/σης Ν. Σερρών για τη στήριξη και την Περιφε-
ρειακή Ενότητα Σερρών, την ΕΛΜΕ Σερρών, το Σύλλογο Εκπ/κών Π.Ε. Ν.Σερρών
«Εμμανουήλ Παππάς» για τη συνεργασία.
Ευχαριστούμε τη Δημόσια Κεντρική Βιβλιοθήκη για τη φιλοξενία στον χώρο του
σύγχρονου αμφιθεάτρου «Γεώργιος Καφταντζής» και την άψογη συνεργασία και
προσωπικά τον νέο πρόεδρο του Εφορευτικού Συμβουλίου κ. Ιωάννη Καλόμοιρο
και τη Διεύθυνση της ΔΚΒΣ.
Ευχαριστούμε τον χορηγό Επικοινωνίας μας ΤV ΕΠΙΛΟΓΕΣ, την Express Publishing
και τους Σερραίους ιδιώτες-επιχειρηματίες που αγκάλιασαν τη διημερίδα και πρό-
σφεραν στην βέλτιστη διοργάνωσή της: το Αρτοζαχαροπλαστείο ΕΥΑ ΜΑΡΙ, το café
- παγωτά ΑΡΤΕΜΙΣ, το COFFEE BOX, το ουζάδικο ΤΟ ΜΠΑΚΑΛΙΚΟ και το εστιατόρι-
Ένα μεγάλο ευχαριστώ στα μέλη του Συλλόγου μας που
διέθεσαν εθελοντικά τον χρόνο τους, συμβάλλοντας στην
επιτυχία των όλων των δράσεων μας.

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Teum bulletin 1st issue

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  • 3. Sincerely yours, Amanatidou Konstantia State School Advisor of Teachers of English TEUM is a local association of Greek State School Teachers of English lan- guage housed in the town of Serres. The association was established in 2000 as a nonprofit association of Teachers of English. Today its members amount of αριθμός Teachers in Pri- mary and Secondary State Schools. The association has developed a wide range of activities, which aim in upgrading the English Teacher’s role in the field of the ELT. This is the first issue of the bulletin named OPEN SPACES and hopefully it will reach you at the beginning of the new school year, when many of us will be wondering how to survive one more demanding school year. For that I welcome this issue of OPEN SPACES magazine which publishes articles relevant to teaching English in schools aiming to upgrade the quality stand- ards of teaching English language in public schools despite the late restrictions imposed by the central au- thorities. Aiming to broaden our pedagogical horizons, all articles reflect the high inter- est of educators in promot- ing the essential 21st centu- ry skills such as communica- tion, collaboration, creativity, multilingualism multicultural- ism and critical thinking. To conclude, I congratulate you and hope you enjoy this issue and keep in mind that education battles may be hard to win, but teachers are well-equipped fighters hold- ing the keys to unlock a world of change. With those thoughts in mind, I invite you to share your practices, research and meaningful learning experi- ences by sending your arti- cles to be published in one of the future issues. Wish you all the best. Με αισθήματα ιδιαίτερης χαράς και συγκίνησης χαι- ρετίζω την ηλεκτρονική έκδοση του πρώτου περιο- δικού της Μακεδονικής Ένωσης Καθηγητών Αγγλι- κής Δημόσιας Α/θμιας και Β/θμιας Εκπαίδευσης Σερ- ρών. Το περιοδικό αντανα- κλά την ενεργό και έντονη εμπλοκή των καθηγητών αγγλικής στην εκπαίδευση με προτάσεις, δράσεις και προβληματισμούς. Η Ένωση Καθηγητών Αγ- γλικής με ιδιαίτερα δημιουρ- γική και παραγωγή παρου- σία διοργανώνει πλήθος εκπαιδευτικών παρεμβάσε- ων, συνέδρια, ημερίδες, εκδη- λώσεις, διαγωνισμούς. Πα- ράλληλα, η Ένωση καταθέτει υπομνήματα με τεκμηριωμέ- να επιστημονικά επιχειρήμα- τα σχετικά με τη βελτίωση των συνθηκών μάθησης της αγγλικής γλώσσας στο δημό- σιο σχολείο. Η στήριξη της Ένωσης τόσο στο έργο των εκπαιδευτικών και στην ανά- δειξή του όσο και στην προώ- θηση προτάσεων με επίκε- ντρο τον μαθητή στα πλαίσια της σύγχρονης εκπαίδευσης είναι δεδομένη. Η άριστη συνεργασία των μελών του Διοικητικού Συμ- βουλίου της Ένωσης δίνει ώθηση στην πραγματοποίη- ση αξιόλογου έργου το οποίο έχει απήχηση στο σύνολο των εκπαιδευτικών. Εύχομαι στην Πρόεδρο κ. Γκένιου Θεοδώρα και στα μέλη του Δ.Σ της Ένωσης καλή δύναμη στο πολύ- πλευρο έργο τους με τη βεβαιότητα ότι θα ακολου- θήσουν και άλλες σημαντι- κές πρωτοβουλίες. Ελευθερία Πάνου Πρόεδρος Ε.Λ.Μ.Ε Σερρών Καθηγήτρια Αγγλικής 22/01/2017Issue 1 /2015-2016 Open Spaces
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  • 5. Let us become the change that we wish to see in the world of educa- tion! Theodora Gkeniou TEUM Chair Open Spaces Editor Dear TEUM members and friends, I would like to welcome you to the first issue of our biannual bulletin, the final outcome of a fruitful collaboration among pas- sionate educators, a dream that has come true after months of planning and hard work. As the title suggests, this is an Open Space for all of us, English language teachers, to express and share ideas, to present classroom practices, Eu- ropean projects and inno- vative methods with a view to promoting the continuous improvement of the quality of our teaching, while creating an impact at our students’ learning. Our Union has been a beehive, a space of crea- tivity for more than 15 years and it continues to flourish and thrive, assist- ing teachers to develop both personally and pro- fessionally. We are there- fore oriented towards cre- ating synergies with local and international teach- ers’ associations, such as IATEFL and TESOL, li- braries, cultural centers and the Faculties of Eng- lish Language and Litera- ture, to name but a few. We thus urge you to be- come an active part of our ever evolving commu- nity and empower our Union. We are expecting your contribution to our future activities and your articles for the upcoming bulletin issues. TEUM plays a significant scientific and social role in the local educational community, organising a great number of events and seminars and sup- porting its members at the difficult but challeng- ing task of teaching a foreign language and culture. I wish “Open Spaces” good luck on its maiden “voyage” and the next issues to come and I ask from our members to embrace and support this new project. Finally, I would like to congratulate our present President Ms Dora Gkeniou for the initiative, the organization and the editing of our brand new e- bulletin. Suzana Drampa TEUM Vice Chair 22/01/2017Issue 1 /2015-2016 Open Spaces
  • 6. Περιεχόμενα Τεύχους 7 “400 χρόνια William Shakespeare : το έργο του, διαχρονική αξία στην παγκόσμια πνευματική σκηνή ” 10 Comics 11 “This is not a library! It’s a …MAGIC CARPET!” 12 “Heroes and Villains” 13 “Peace Day” 13 Best Practices Presentation - THE JOURNEY TO PEACE 14 Best Practices Presentation - A RAISIN IN THE SUN” 14 The Influence of Shakepeare’s Plays 15 Implementing web-assisted project-based learning: An example” 16 Creative Thinking for Creative Learners 17 Christmas customs and traditions 18 Autumn customs in Britain and America” 19 Εκδήλωση για τον εορτασμό των 400 χρόνων του William Shakespeare - Προβολή Σαιξπηρικών έργων” 20 Multilingualism, Integration and Web 2.0: A Pestalozzi seminar organized by the Council of Europe 21 Οι μαύρες τρύπες του Shakespeare και το θέατρο στην εκπαίδευση» 23 Learnenglish+: Put a plus in language learning
  • 7. διλλήματα του ανθρώπου. Η διημερίδα ολοκληρώθηκε σε τρία μέρη: θεωρητικές εισηγήσεις, παρουσιάσεις εκπαιδευτικών πρακτικών και βιωματικά εργαστήρια. Παράλληλα προβλήθηκαν Στις 15/16 Απριλίου 2016 στο ΑΜΦΙΘΕΑΤΡΟ «ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ ΚΑΦΤΑ- ΝΤΖΗΣ» της ΔΗΜΟΣΙΑΣ ΚΕΝΤΡΙΚΗΣ ΒΙΒΛΙΟΘΗ- ΚΗΣ ΣΕΡΡΩΝ πραγματο- ποιήθηκε διημερίδα – αφιέ- ρωμα στον μεγάλο Άγγλο δραματουργό Ουίλιαμ Σαίξ- πηρ που διοργάνωσε η Μακεδονική Ένωση Κα- θηγητών Αγγλικής Δημό- σιας Α/θμιας και Β/θμιας Εκπ/σης Ν.Σερρών (TEUM) με τίτλο “400 χρόνια William Shakespeare : το έργο του, διαχρονική αξία στην παγκόσμια πνευματική σκηνή ” Η διημερίδα είχε ως κεντρικό θεματικό άξονα το μεγαλειώ- δες διαχρονικό έργο του, με αφορμή τον παγκόσμιο εορ- τασμό «Shakespeare 400 years” και την προσφορά του στην παγκόσμια πολιτι- στική σκηνή. Ο William Shakespeare έζησε το 16 αι. μ.Χ. και πέ- θανε το 1616, αφήνοντας πίσω του μια τεράστια πα- ρακαταθήκη από ποιήματα και θεατρικά έργα με αριστο- τεχνικό λόγο και πυκνά νοή- ματα, τα οποία παραμένουν επίκαιρα, θίγοντας καίρια κοινωνικά ζητήματα όπως η φιλία, ο έρωτας, η κοινωνική θέση της γυναίκας, το αν- θρώπινο και το θείο δίκαιο, η θλίψη και η απληστία της εξουσίας, αλλά και αγγίζο- ντας τα βαθύτερα συναισθή- ματα της ανθρώπινης φύ- σης. Ο σκοπός της εκδήλωσης ήταν να δώσουμε την ευκαι- ρία στο ευρύ κοινό να γνωρί- σει το έργο του, να μοιρα- στούμε τις έγκυρες θέσεις ακαδημαϊκών καθηγητών, αλλά και να δώσουμε στους εκπαιδευτικούς υλικό και ιδέες για να τις μεταφέρουν μέσα στην τάξη, ως ερέθι- σμα για να αγαπήσουν οι μαθητές τη λογοτεχνία και το θέατρο και ως τροφή για σκέψη πάνω σε διαχρονικά “400 χρόνια William Shakespeare : το έργο του, διαχρονική αξία στην παγκόσμια πνευματική σκηνή ” by Suzana Drampa σε συνεργασία με τη ΔΚΒΣ τρία κινηματογρα- φικά αριστουργήματα βασισμένα σε θεατρικά έργα του Σαίξπηρ : Ο « ΑΜΛΕΤ» του Τζεφιρέλι, ο «ΒΑΣΙΛΙΑΣ ΛΗΡ» του Τζό- ναθαν Μίλερ και ο « ΜΑΚ- ΜΠΕΘ» του Ρομάν Πολάν- σκι. Ευχαριστούμε θερμά τους ομιλητές που τίμησαν την Ένωσή μας και την πόλη των Σερρών με την παρου- σία και τη συμμετοχή τους και για τις ενδιαφέρουσες εισηγήσεις τους:  τον κ. Καψάλη Διονύ- σιο, διευθυντή του Μορφω- τικού Ιδρύματος της Εθνι- κής Τράπεζας, συγγραφέα, ποιητή, μεταφραστή και δοκιμιογράφο  την κ. Βασιλική Μαρκί- δου, καθηγήτρια Αγγλικής Λογοτεχνίας και Πολιτι- σμού του ΕΚΠΑ  τις κ.κ. Κατερίνα Κίτση και Δέσποινα Καλαϊτζίδου, καθηγήτριες Αγγλικής Λο- γοτεχνίας του ΑΠΘ για το εκπληκτικό βιωματικό ερ- γαστήριο  τις συναδέλφους καθηγήτριες Αγγλικών κ.κ. Δώρα Μαυροπούλου και Δέσποινα Δαραβίγκα για τις πρωτότυπες ιδέες  τον κ. Παναγιώτη Τσάτσο και την κ. Δαλ- παναγιώτη Δήμητρα για τις ενδιαφέρουσες προ- σεγγίσεις και τον εκπρόσωπο του εκ- δοτικού οίκου της Ex- press Publishing κ. Αχιλ- λέα Κανάνη. ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΙΚΗ ΕΝΩΣΗ ΚΑΘΗΓΗΤΩΝ ΑΓΓΛΙΚΗΣ ΔΗΜΟΣΙΑΣ Α/ΘΜΙΑΣ ΚΑΙ Β/ ΒΑΘΜΙΑΣ ΕΚΠ/ΣΗΣ Ν.ΣΕΡΡΩΝ (Μ.Ε.Κ.Α.Δ.Ε.Σ.Δ.) 22/01/2017Issue 1 /2015-2016 Open Spaces Σημεία ιδιαίτε- ρου ενδιαφέρο- ντος:  Διημερίδα με θέμα το έργο του William Shakespeare  Συνεργασία με τη ΔΚΒ Σερ- ρών και τις κα- μπάνιες του Ιδρύματος Σταύρος Νιάρ- χος.  Ανάδειξη του έργου των εκ- παιδευτικών στις ημερίδες Καλών Πρακτι- κών Αγγλικής Γλώσσας Διημερίδα – αφιέρωμα στον μεγάλο Άγγλο δραματουργό Ουίλιαμ Σαίξπηρ
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  • 10. Welcome to the world of comics! On Saturday, March the 14th 2015, the art of comics was presented in the Public Library in Serres. The State Teachers of English Union in Serres invited Mr. Niko- laos Dalampiras, teacher of English and artist, to reveal and unfold the secrets of the art of comics. From 11 to 13:30, children aged 10-13 had the chance to acquaint themselves with this magical world! The first part of the presentation was theoretical. Mr. Dalampiras referred to the most famous comics creators from Greece and abroad, he showed various printed comics and asked kids questions. We all learned that comics tell a story through images. A story with a beginning, a middle and an end. A story in which the gaps are filled with the seeds of our imagi- nation; where nothing is obvious or self-understood. Moving on to practical parts, children were given 8 different activities, written in English. The tasks they had to fulfill were not complicat- ed in order for them not to be discouraged and not to waste time. They drew fac- es with different feelings, they filled in the gaps left on purpose, they created their own short comics stories! Finally they took the first steps drawing one point perspective pictures. All exercises aimed at awaken- ing their interest and teach- ing them the first basic prin- ciples of the specific art. Children painted, played, drew, wrote dialogues and learned a lot! The whole “Comics” by Christina Savvopoulou procedure was interactive and the participants got enthusiastic! We all experienced the fantastic world of comics along with our leader and our companions! It was a creative and special day! Thank you Mr. Dalampiras! We all learned that comics tell a story through images. A story with a beginning, a middle and an end Page 10 Open Spaces Children aged 10-13 had the chance to acquaint them- selves with this magical world!
  • 11. The State Teachers of Eng- lish Union in Serres joined the summer campaign of the Public Library on Mon- day 31st August 2015 with a workshop dedicated to the multiculturalism and multilingualism of Europe. Children aged 10-13 flew over Europe using the Eng- lish Language as a magic carpet and their imagination and creativity as steering wheels. With the wealth of the knowledge the books of a Library offer, maps, vide- os, music, pictures in our “luggage” and the English Language as a passport children got acquainted with many cultures and lan- guages, capital cities and landmarks, the customs and habits of the people living in our beautiful conti- nent. As an ice-breaking activity students pretended to fly over Europe and collect clouds-cards with words in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish. They formed groups to sit at the table where books written by writers of the same origin lay. e.g. Charles Dickens and Roald Dahl on the English table. A discus- sion concerning the chil- dren’s previous experiences and knowledge about Eu- rope in general and these 5 countries in particular fol- lowed, with the valuable help of the English teachers and volunteers motivated by watching short videos. It was time for a music break. They listened to mu- sic or songs and watched videos of bands or dances trying to identify which country they come from. “This is not a library! It’s a …MAGIC CARPET!” by Drampa Suzana lapbooks presenting land- marks, landforms, tradi- tional food, famous peo- ple, books and writers, music, sports and ath- letes, symbols and cus- toms. Finally, they completed the European Magic Car- pet Map collage with the countries, the flags, the capitals and landmarks of all the countries they visit- ed on the journey. The enthusiasm with which they exchanged what they had learned and the high points they scored at the final fun quiz we had prepared for them was the best reward and feedback for teachers and volunteers. It was a long journey but the children arrived back home with their luggage full of experiences and knowledge. Thank you chil- dren for a marvelous 2-hour flight! The children cut and drew the 5 countries and their flags, stuck them on a blank Europe map, wrote the cap- itals and put the most fa- mous landmark next to it. Our “European Magic Car- pet Map collage” had start- ed taking shape. They opened little suitcases containing pictures and key words from various coun- tries in Europe, choosing the ones where the same language as their initial country is spoken or neigh- bouring countries to it. With this material they created It was a long journey but the children arrived back home with their luggage full of experiences and knowledge. Page 11Issue 1 /2015-2016 A workshop dedicat- ed to the multicultur- alism and multilin- gualism of Europe.
  • 12. Every summer, the Central Public Library of Serres organizes a summer campaign, and last year the theme was ‘Whatever you are thinking, think of the opposite!’. The subject of oppo- sites inspired the members of TEUM, who decided to participate in the cam- paign, and organized two workshops for children aged 9-12. The theme of the workshops was ‘Heroes and Vil- lains’, as there can be no greater way to spend a summer afternoon than chasing villains, and learning more about our favourite heroes! The first workshop was held on Mon- day,23 June and it was more of a scavenger hunt than a workshop. Centered around the idea of play, learners were invited to join TEUM members in a hunt against the evil Eraser, who wants to destroy all Eng- lish words. In order to find him, stu- dents had to complete tasks and final- ly, engage in a final face-off with the Eraser, creating their own comic de- picting the battle on The steps of the quest were as fol- lows. Firstly, the participants got in groups randomly, according to the super hero they picked out of a mystery box. They also learned about the rules of the game, whereby they had to get clues and complete missions in order to get the next clue. Time was of the essence Mission 1- The odd one out. Stu- dents searched in a box and found the words related to their hero. The words varied from adjectives to ob- jects. Time was limited so they had to act quickly. Mission 2 – Wordsearch. In this step, students got a wordsearch worksheet and they had to find the hidden words. Mission 3- Solve the riddles. Learn- ers were given riddles and collaborat- ed to find the solution. Mission 4- Clue hunting. Students were directed to the library to find a book, retrieve an envelope with a mission and head to the computers. Mission 5 – The final face-off .The last step was for learners to make their own comic strip, using resources in It was an exciting experience for both learners and teachers alike, and was followed by an equally successful workshop on Monday, 30 June. “Heroes and Villains” by Marianthi Tsepeli Centered around the idea of play, learners were invited to join TEUM members in a hunt against the evil Eraser, who wants to destroy all English words. Page 12 Open Spaces
  • 13. Parallel to the presentation of the school projects, TE- UM organized a workshop for the students, in order to raise awareness and cele- brate Peace.Mrs. Efi Tzouri and Mrs Marianthi Tsepeli were in charge of the event, which aimed to approach the subject of peace and war through a multimodal and multisensory way. First, students did a brain- storming on the concept of peace and its symbols, and were later shown a presen- tation of the most popular peace signs and symbols, and how they were used in civil rights movements and everyday life. Subsequent- ly, the participants saw a video of the Guernica by Pablo Picasso in 3d, and discussed the atrocious- ness of war and the de- struction it brings. Some useful vocabulary and ex- pressions were given in the form of a worksheet, so that students would be able to speak their mind more easi- ly. Next, Mrs Tzouri and Mrs Tsepeli talked in brief about the civil rights move- ment of the 1960s to famil- iarize students with the idea of segregation and racism and thus introduce the ‘I have a Dream’ speech by Dr. Martin Luther King, which participants saw next. They were provided with a script, and tried to pinpoint the basic principles of this seminal speech. After that, to lighten up the atmosphere, partici- pants learned the songs ‘Over the Rainbow’ and ‘What a wonderful world’ in order to get inspired on what effects peace has on peo- ple’s lives. Finally, they put their thoughts on paper, drawing and writing peace messages. The messages were put on boards and thus formed a patchwork of peace messages written by stu- “Guernica” showed the cruelty of war through Pablo Picasso’s eyes. The pupils expressed their feelings through art. Moving on they played a board game called “Peace is a Journey” which taught them a lot about brotherhood and love. Through literature, pupils learnt about Mahatma Gandhi’s life, a man who played a crucial role in World Peace. Other im- portant personalities such as Mother Teresa were presented. They also had the chance to read several poems about peace both in Greek and in English, thus expanding their vocabulary. This activity not only touched their hearts but also inspired them to write their own poems (acrostic poems, shape poems και limer- icks). Music had its special role in the project since there are a lot of English songs about peace. The pupils really enjoyed them and at the same Two classes from 2 differ- ent primary schools carried out the project during the school year 2013-2014. The approach followed was the cross-curricular one. Since our project was based on the 100th anniver- sary from the Liberation of Serres (1913-2013) and from World War I (1914- 2014) we started with the investigation of the causes and results of such un- pleasant events and the encroachment of human rights. A video about time they were taught useful vocabulary. Finally, the pupils discussed about the “Christmas Truce” and the importance of recon- ciliation and respect to free- dom. Indeed, the pupils of the 5th grade prepared a short play concerning this event of World War I. The title of the play was “Give peace a chance” and presented Christ- mas 1914 as a historical mo- ment of humanism when peace was given a chance by the two big rivals. On the oth- er hand, the pupils of the 6th grade prepared a brief film “Keep peace at your home” where they tried to show the importance of example given by adults and of keeping peace first in our own hearts and home. It was a wonderful journey! “Peace Day”by Marianthi Tsepeli Best Practices Presentation - THE JOURNEY TO PEACE By Elpida-Maria Tsakirdai “When I started talking to my pupils about our project “Peace” at the beginning of the school year, I had no idea how wonderful our journey would be.” Ms Tsakirdai reported Page 13Issue 1 /2015-2016 In this brief workshop, stu- dents became familiar with the civil rights movement which most of them had not previously heard, ap- proached the subject of war and peace through art – painting and song-, and expressed their creative side by drawing and con- structing the peace patch- work. The feedback was very positive, as evidenced by the fact that TEUM events at the Central Public Library of Serres have been very successful.
  • 14. During the schoolyear 2015-2016 a project with the title ‘’A Raisin in the Sun was carried out in Junior high school of Lefkonas. The coordinator of the project was Katerina Paligianni .The students of A class participated in this project I introduced the poem ,A dream deferred, we ana- lysed it and they drew each line of the poem. Then my students found information about the poet, Langston Hughes. They drew their dreams, their hope ,they made posters about themselves. They saw the film 'A raisin in the sun' which is based on the poem 'A dream deferred''.Students found information about Afro American history,Martin Luther KingJr.They made posters about Human Rights and Childrens rights. We discussed the themes of the film and from this point I worked with ΟΑΣΙΣ { Κέντρο πρόληψης εξαρτη- σιογόνων ουσιών και ψυχι- κής υγείας} .We focused on self-esteem, self-confidence, dreaming positive feelings. The most important for me was that my students' par- ents accepted to participate in this project,They attented 6 sessions coordinated by a psychologist of the OASIS The main objectives are for my students to enjoy work- ing with Shakespeare's plays and find out all the wealth which is generously given behind the lines... They started with selecting information about Shake- speare's biography, Eliza- bethan Era, Globe Theatre. They continued with Words and Phrases coined by Shakespeare. The material used in- cludes:the Readers of Ex- press Publishing,HAMLET, THE MERCHANT OF VEN- ICE, MACBETH,ROMEO AND JULIET First the students listened and read the texts and then they watched the films. During the school year 2012-2013 a project was carried out in Junior High School of Lefkonas. The title of the project was ‘’ The influ- ence of Shakespeare’s plays’’. The coordinator of the project was Paligianni Katerina and the students of B class participated in it Before I start writing about the project I would like to start with my pri- mary concern which is to inspire my students to think deeply and find out the hidden meanings and truth in everything they read and listen. I would love to see them become people of quali- ty in character and mind We used the internet in order to have access to the modern eng- lish texts of MACBETH and RO- MEO AND JULIET since the specific readers present only the summary of the plot. Students were given relevant vocabulary to describe people's character s and moral values. Divided into groups they were asked to describe the characters of each play , to write the sum- mary , the themes and the moral values , to think of a different ending and give a different title. There was a discussion about which scene imrpessed them, the reason of their choice ,and the moral values of the play “Best Practices Presentation - A RAISIN IN THE SUN” by Katerina Paligianni THE INFLUENCE OF SHAKESREARE’S PLAYS by Katerina Paligianni Page 14 Open Spaces he specific readers give a significant help. In order to present the whole project we chose to perform one scene from each play. (I frequently ask Shakespeare to forgive my interfer- ence in his dia- logues!!) My students were in the 2nd grade of junior high school.
  • 15. Introduction Project Based Learning (PBL) is a comprehensive instructional approach to teaching and learning which is centred on the learner. It is designed to engage students in the investigation of authentic problems: students re- search a topic in depth and through the construction of a meaningful product they present what they have learnt (Blumenfeld et al., 1991; Grant, 2002). PBL could be an effective means of teaching EFL and it may enhance the four skills as the focus is not syntax, accuracy or compe- tency in grammar usage but communication in a purposeful real-world set- ting (Poonpon, 2011). The web-assisted project School and social life (SSL) was an innovative course introduced in the Greek secondary education in 2011 (Νέο Σχολείο, 2011α). Its goal was to introduce students and teachers to PBL instruction and aimed at the development of 21st century skills: creativity, critical thinking, problem solving, decision making, learning how to learn, com- munication, collaboration, information and communi- cation technology literacy (ICT) (Saavedra and Opfer, 2012). An additional aim of SSL was the development of self awareness and the acceptance of oneself in order for all students to feel good about themselves, create friendly relationships and manage conflicts (Νέο Σχολείο, 2011β). In this project, the students of the first grade chose a topic out of the topics pro- posed by teachers who were going to implement the School and Social Life (SSL) course. Sixteen stu- dents chose the topic I communicate, I feel, I am .... myself. It was a self knowledge task which as- pired to lead students to a greater understanding of themselves and to self improvement (Dodge, 2002). After groups were formed, the students chose among the four subtopics proposed by the teacher which were Communica- tion, Feelings and Emo- tions, Stress Management and Self Esteem. The final products, a power point presentation for each group, included the an- swers to the driving ques- tions of the tasks together with text, pictures and sound. All products were published on the Internet, on the Class Blog. A WebQuest was used as a scaffold in order to struc- ture the project's tasks, as the framework of PBL in- struction, is a framework very much alike to the one of the WebQuest (Grant, 2002). The WebQuest is "an inquiry-oriented activity in which some or all of the information that learners interact with, comes from resources on the Inter- net" (Dodge, 1997, para. 2). As a web-based teach- ing and learning model, the WebQuest represents ide- ally cooperative and en- gaged learning, learner- centredness, project-based approaches and scaffolded instruction (Halat, 2008; March, 2003). Conclusion This example of PBL in- struction in English pre- sented challenges not usu- ally encountered in regular EFL teaching settings. Developing materials was demanding and managing students was frustrating. Despite the difficulties, I believe that the project helped students become acquainted with 21st cen- tury skills and improve their English language skills as well. They collab- orated, used English for communication most of the time, used the internet to find and create infor- mation, posted pictures and products on the class blog to demonstrate the new knowledge gained from the course. The sub- ject matter they have learned is something that they will apply in the fu- ture to manage real life situations. References Blumenfeld, P. C., Solo- way, E., Marx, R. W., Krajcik, J. S., Guzdial, M. and Palincsar, A. (1991). 'Motivating project-based learning: sustaining the doing, supporting the learning'. Educational Psychologist, 26/3-4: 369- 398. Dodge, B. (1997). Some thoughts about webquests. At, <http:// about_webquests.html>. Dodge, B. (2002). Webquest taskonomy: a taxonomy of tasks. At, < http:// taskonomy.html>. Grant, M. (2002). 'Getting a grip on project-based learning: Theory, cases and recommendations'. Meridian, A middle School Computer Tech- nologies Journal, 5/1. Halat, E. (2008). 'A good teaching technique: Webquests'. The clearing House, 81/3: 109-111. March, T. (2003). What webquests (really) are. “Implementing web-assisted project-based learning: An example” by Fryni Maravelaki Page 15Issue 1 /2015-2016 At, <http:// what-webquests-are/>. Νέο Σχολείο (2011α). Πρόγραμμα Σπουδών Σχολική και κοινωνική ζωή. Αθήνα: Παιδαγωγι- κό Ινστιτούτο. Υπουργείο Παιδείας και Δια Βίου Μάθησης. Νέο Σχολείο (2011β). Σχολική και κοινωνική ζωή. Οδηγός εκπαιδευτι- κού. Δευτεροβάθμια εκ- παίδευση. Αθήνα: Παι- δαγωγικό Ινστιτούτο. Υπουργείο Παιδείας και Δια Βίου Μάθησης.
  • 16. How has the digital word transformed the world we live in, and how can educational practices combine tradi- tional teaching with modern media so as to encourage creative thinking? This question was at the core of the workshop ‘Creative Thinking for Creative Learners’, organized by TEUM Serres on Sunday 13th December 2015, on the premises of the 8th /25th Primary Schools of Serres. A great num- ber of educators from various disciplines at- tended the event and were eager to listen to our guest speakers. Our key note speaker, who very graciously ac- cepted our invitation, was Mrs. Tatiani Rapat- zikou, Assistant Profes- sor of American Litera- ture at the Aristotle Uni- versity of Thessaloniki, along with a team of doctoral and postgradu- ate students, Mrs. De- spoina Feleki, Mr. Vasili- os Delioglanis and Mrs. Evgenia Kleidona. The workshop was di- vided in two parts, a theoretical and a practi- cal one. The theoretical part was introduced by our key note speaker, Mrs. Rapatzikou, whose presentation ‘Creativity and Education through a Comparative Media Edu- cation’ outlined the chal- lenges the modern edu- cator is faced with. Digi- tal Media have altered ings of the same text, how to use the principle of remediation to trans- form and enrich tradi- tional media. Judging from the partici- pants’ reactions and their feedback, it was a very inspiring seminar, which provided interest- ing ideas to encourage creativity in the class- room. Once again, we would like to thank the speak- ers, Mrs. Rapatzikou, Mrs Feleki, Mr and Veroia. For the practical part, participants were di- vided into two groups, and explored the ideas outlined through group activities. The idea be- hind the workshop was how to use digital me- dia in a creative way, without abandoning or substituting traditional media. Attendees gained insight into how a text can be made multimodal, how to create multiple read- Delioglanis and Mrs Klei- dona for accepting our invitation. In addition, we would like to thank our hosts, Messrs Di- mitrios Hatziagorakis and George Marapas, the headteachers of the 8th and 25th Primary Schools of Serres, where the event took place. Finally, we would like to thank all col- leagues who graced us with their presence. “Creative Thinking for Creative Learners” by Marianthi Tsepeli transformation of the notion of text and the creative process should reflect these changes. The following presentations elaborated on the ideas pre- sented by Mrs. Rapatzikou. Mrs. Feleki, Mr. Delioglanis and Mrs. Kleidona illustrated the ideas intro- duced, based on papers, creative writing work- shops and projects they have organized in schools in Thessaloniki the way we view the world. The idea of the ‘text’ nowadays en- compasses not only the printed word, but sound, speech, pic- tures, space; it can be annotated, shared online, links can be embedded into it. It has become a ‘hypertext’, a multi- modal and multidimen- sional entity. As a con- sequence, the educa- tional process should keep pace with this How has the digital word transformed the world we live in, and how can educational practices combine traditional teaching with modern media so as to encourage creative thinking? Page 16 Open Spaces ‘Creative Thinking for Creative Learners’ on the premises of the 8th /25th Primary Schools Dr. Tatiani Rapat- zikou, Assistant Pro- fessor of American Literature at AUTH
  • 17. The State English Teachers' Union of Serres participated in the Christmas actions of the Public Library by organising a workshop about Christmas tra- ditions and customs in Britain and Ameri- ca. On the 20th of De- cember 2014, children aged 8-12 had the op- portunity to come in contact with these cus- toms through handi- craft, stories, recipes, quizzes, games, cross- words, carols and much more, working in small groups. By making their own advent calendar, they started counting the days in anticipation of Christmas. They also made their own Christmas cards with paper, glitter and colourful markers writ- ing wishes in English. Next they created Christmas crackers with cardboard tubes wrapped in a brightly decorated twist of paper putting a prize, a riddle and hand-made paper hats inside. The children were informed about the use of crackers put on plates and pulled at the Christmas dinner table. Reading Christmas sto- ries was another enjoy- able activity for our little friends. Lying on the "hill" of the Library they were driven to the im- aginary world of tradi- tional British stories about Christmas. “Christmas customs and traditions” by Tsakirdai Elpida-Maria loves. They baked the gingerbread men and then they decorated them. Before leaving this 3- hour workshop, all chil- dren sang the Christmas carols and then were given their creations in a bag to take home and remember this event. It was a wonderful experi- ence for everyone! Moving on to the next step, children did vari- ous activities such as crosswords, games and quizzes, through which they practiced the Eng- lish language having fun at the same time. Finally, our little friends "played" with the gin- gerbread man. After learning about his story and how he "came to life", they had the chance to create the traditional Christmas cookies that every child Lying on the "hill" of the Library they were driven to the imaginary world of traditional British stories about Christmas. Page 17Issue 1 /2015-2016 A workshop about Christmas traditions
  • 18. “Autumn customs in Britain and America” by Christina Savvopoulou ‘Pin the tail on the donkey’ and ‘Who took the candy from the treat or trick bag’. Next, they got to know the British celebration ‘Bonfire night’ and they made two real guy figures! The third custom was the American Thanksgiving. They made a beautiful handicraft, a turkey, whose colorful feathers contained the traditional food and reci- pes of the feast as well as their ideas and ‘confessions’ of what they are thankful for. And….last but not least, they created an advent cal- endar for Christmas. Each one of them went back home with their own hand- made calendar! With paper, glue, scissors, pencils and markers, the children came in contact with historical and cultural information and vocabulary. They played, sang, watched, worked in groups, created, learned, and most of all…THEY HAD FUN!!! On November the 14th 2015, the State English Teachers Union of Serres organized a two-hour work- shop in the Public Library. Children aged 9-12 had the chance to experience some famous English and Ameri- can seasonal celebrations through games, handicraft, videos, quizzes and various activities. The first celebration they got to know was Halloween. They watched videos and played two games in turn: They made a beautiful handicraft, a turkey, whose colorful feathers contained the traditional food and recipes of the feast as well as their ideas and ‘confessions’ of what they are thankful for. Page 18 Open Spaces
  • 19. «Εκδήλωση για τον εορτασμό των 400 χρόνων του William Shakespeare - Προβολή Σαιξπηρικών έργων” by Katerina Paligianni Τα έργα που προβλήθηκαν ήταν HAMLET,KING LEAR,MACBETH. Τα συγκεκριμένα έργα επι- λέχθηκαν από την εργο- γραφία του Shakespeare με βάση την διαχρονικότητά τους, τα θέματά τους ,τις αξίες τους, τα μηνύματά τους καθώς και την εμβά- θυνση στoυς ανθρώπινους χαρακτήρες. Των προβολών προηγήθη- κε παρουσίαση για την κα- λύτερη κατανόηση και εμβά- θυνση των αξιών και μηνυ- μάτων των έργων Στo πλαίσιo της διημερίδας που διοργάνωσε η Ένωση των καθηγητών Αγγλικής Γλώσσας (ΤEUM) για τον εορτασμό των 400 χρόνων από το θάνατο του Shake- speare με θέμα “Shakespeare, το έργο του, διαχρονική αξία στην πα- γκόσμια πνευματική σκη- νή” ,έγιναν προβολές τριών έργων του μεγάλου δραμα- τουργού στο αμφιθέατρο “Καφταντζής” της Δημόσιας Κεντρικής Βιβλιοθήκης Σερ- ρών. Τα έργα επιλέχθηκαν από την εργογραφία του Shakespeare με βάση την διαχρονικό- τητά τους, τα θέματά τους ,τις αξίες τους, τα μηνύματά τους καθώς και την εμβάθυνση στoυς ανθρώπινους χαρακτήρες. Page 19Issue 1 /2015-2016 Τα έργα που προβλή- θηκαν ήταν HAM- LET,KING LEAR,MACBETH.
  • 20. Το Συμβούλιο της Ευρώ- πης (Council of Europe) είναι ένας διακυβερνητι- κός οργανισμός με σκο- πό την δημοκρατική στα- θερότητα, τη διαφύλαξη των ανθρωπίνων δικαιω- μάτων και την αναζήτη- ση λύσεων σε προβλή- ματα της Ευρωπαϊκής κοινωνίας. Iδρύθηκε το 1949 και αριθμεί 44 κρά- τη μέλη. H Ελλάδα προ- σχώρησε ως το 11ο κρά- τος-μέλος, και μετέχει ενεργά στις εργασίες του Οργανισμού, στις συνό- δους της Επιτροπής Υπουργών και της Κοι- νοβουλευτικής Συνελεύ- σεως. Μεταξύ των στόχων του Συμβουλίου της Ευρώ- πης είναι: η εδραίωση της δημο- κρατικής σταθερότητας στην Ευρώπη η διαφύλαξη και προα- γωγή των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων, της πλου- ραλιστικής δημοκρατίας και των αρχών του δικαί- ου η αναζήτηση λύσεων σε προβλήματα της ευρω- παϊκής κοινωνίας: ξενο- φοβία, έλλειψη ανεκτικό- τητας, προστασία του περιβάλλοντος κλπ. Το πρόγραμμα Pestaloz- zi του Συμβουλίου της Ευρώπης είναι πρόγραμ- μα εκπαίδευσης και κα- τάρτισης που απευθύνε- ται σε εκπαιδευτικούς και επαγγελματίες της εκπαί- δευσης. Δίνει την ευκαι- ρία σε εκπαιδευτικούς από όλη την Ευρώπη με κοινά ενδιαφέροντα, να έρθουν σε επαφή και να συνεργαστούν σε εκπαι- δευτικά προγράμματα, γεγονός το οποίο συνεισφέρει στην ενίσχυση των προσωπι- κών και επαγγελματικών σχέ- σεων καθώς και στην συνει- δητοποίηση του κεντρικού ρόλου που παίζει η εκπαίδευ- ση στην προώθηση της αξιο- πρέπειας, του σεβασμού, των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων και της δημοκρατίας. Το σεμινάριο Multilingualism, Integration and Web 2.0 (Πολυγλωσσία, Ένταξη και Web 2.0) διαπραγματεύτηκε τρεις έννοιες που μπορεί να φαίνονται ξένες μεταξύ τους, όμως η διαβίωση σε πολυπο- λιτισμικές και πολύγλωσσες κοινωνίες χρήζει αναγκαία την εφαρμογή δράσεων και προ- γραμμάτων που να προω- θούν και να ευνοούν την ένταξη των αλλοδαπών μαθη- τών στα σχολεία με τη βοήθει- α των ΤΠΕ. Οι κυρίως στόχοι του σεμινα- ρίου ήταν οι εξής: Ανάπτυξη διδακτικών προ- σεγγίσεων που αφορούν τη γλωσσική εκπαίδευση και την ένταξη των αλλοδαπών μαθη- τών στα σχολεία μέσω των νέων τεχνολογιών, με στόχο τη διασφάλιση της ποιότητας και της ισότητας στα ευρωπαϊ- κά εκπαιδευτικά συστήματα. Διαπολιτισμική εκπαίδευση, ένταξη και κοινωνική συνοχή, εκπαίδευση στις νέες τεχνολο- γίες και στα δικαιώματα ανηλί- κων και ενηλίκων όσον αφορά τη χρήση των ΤΠΕ και την ασφάλεια στο διαδίκτυο. Ανταλλαγή πληροφοριών, ιδεών, εμπειριών, μεθοδολογί- ας και εκπαιδευτικού υλικού. Προώθηση της διεθνούς συ- νεργασίας με την υλοποίηση μελλοντικών προγραμμάτων μεταξύ των συμμετεχόντων και δημιουργία δικτύου επικοι- νωνίας μέσω των ΤΠΕ. Το σεμινάριο πραγματοποιήθηκε στην Ισπανία, στη γενέτειρα του Θερβάντες, Alcala de Henares, πόλη μνημείο παγκόσμιας πολιτι- στικής κληρονομιάς της Unesco. Οι δράσεις πραγματοποιήθηκαν στο Ινστιτούτο Θερβάντες. Περισ- σότερες πληροφορίες σχετικά με τις δράσεις και τη μεθοδολογία του σεμιναρίου στους εξής συνδέ- σμους: https:// pestalozzi-multilingualism- integration-and-web-20 https:// milocusamoe- multilinguismo-integracion-y-web- 2-0-hacia-la-calidad-y-la-equidad- en-la-educacion-europea-del-siglo -xxi/ “Multilingualism, Integration and Web 2.0: A Pestalozzi seminar organized by the Council of Europe” by Fryni Maravelaki Page 20 Open Spaces
  • 21. «O Shakespeare μας ελκύει σαν μια μαύρη τρύπα καθώς μπορούμε ακόμη να δανειζόμα- στε ιστορίες, χαρακτήρες, διαλόγους ή θέματα από τα έργα του για να εξερευνήσουμε γενικές έννοιες που εμπίπτουν στα προγράμματα Αγωγής Υγείας στην τάξη, όπως η διαφορετικότητα, η αγάπη, η μοναξιά, τα στερεότυπα των ρόλων, το περιβάλλον κ.λ.π. Tο θεωρητικό πλαίσιο στηρίζε- ται στη βασική αρχή ότι η μά- θηση είναι μια διαδραστική και βιωματική πορεία που ενισχύε- ται με τα παιχνίδια ρόλων και τους αυτοσχεδιασμούς, θα δούμε λοιπόν μέσα από παραδείγματα πώς η ιδέα αυτή μπορεί να εφαρμοστεί στην πράξη. Οι καθηγητές/τριες θα μετατραπούν σε μαθητές/τριες και θα βιώσουν τη διαδικασία της μάθησης από μια διαφορε- τική οπτική γωνία. Σκοπός είναι η εμπειρία αυτή να αποτε- λέσει έναυσμα και να δώσει ιδέες για το πως η προσέγγιση διαφόρων θεμάτων μέσα στην τάξη με αφετηρία τις ‘μαύρες τρύπες’ του Shakespeare μπορεί να γίνει δημιουργικό- τερη και αποτελεσματικότερη.» Το πέρασμα από το παραδοσι- ακό σαιξπηρικό κείμενο σε επίκαιρα και διαχρονικά θέμα- τα με εφαρμογή στην εκπαι- δευτική πράξη ήταν το θέμα του εργαστηρίου που διεξήγα- γε η κ. Κατερίνα Κίτση σε συνεργασία με την κ. Δέσποι- να Καλαϊτζίδου το Σάββατο 16 Απριλίου 2016, κλείνοντας με τον καλύτερο τρόπο τη διημερίδα – αφιέρωμα στον W. Shakespeare. Με έναυσμα το παρακάτω απόσπασμα από την Καταιγίδα (The Tempest, Act 3-Scene 2) οι συμμετέχο- ντες στο εργαστήριο εμπνεύ- στηκαν μετά από συζήτηση και θεατρικό παιχνίδι και πα- And then, darkness is no more‘cause the light is in me By Marianthi, Evgenia, Katerina, Christina, Dora Be not afeard of dark- ness The woods is full of shadows and whispers Frightening but not evil at all Sometimes the rustling of tree leaves is just a breath Of air, and sometimes darkness bears light and The stars illuminate the sky that will make my secret wishes unfold. Be not afeard, big cities are full of crowded places, sounds and encoun- ters That open endless possibilities Sometimes roaring traffic, deep darkness and dazzling lights And sometimes places you wander through, scenes and thrills you expe- rience Will make me want to embrace the unknown and keep wandering in big cities Again Κ. Τζώγα Μ. Πέσιου Ν. Χατζηγιαννίδης Π. Πατραμάνη Μ. Παπαγεωργίου «Οι μαύρες τρύπες του Shakespeare και το θέατρο στην εκπαίδευση» by Theodora Gkeniou Ready to drop upon me, that when I waked I cried to dream again. The Tempest, Act 3, scene 2 ρήγαγαν τα δικά τους υπέροχα κείμενα, μετουσιώνοντας τις σκέψεις και τα συναισθήματα τους σε λέξεις. Be not afeard. The isle is full of noises, Sounds, and sweet airs that give delight and hurt not. Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices That, if I then had waked after long sleep, Will make me sleep again. And then, in dreaming, The clouds methought would open and show riches Page 21Issue 1 /2015-2016
  • 22. -Μη φοβάσαι. Η μοναξιά είναι γεμάτη ήχους -Κάποιες φορές παράφωνους -Κάποιες φορές μελωδικούς -Θα με κάνουν να φτάσω στην τρέλα -Και μετά σιωπή! Δέσποινα Καλαϊτζίδου Βασιλική Μαρκίδου Ευγενία Κλείδωνα Αλίνα Κάστρου Ελπίδα Τσακίρδαη Μη φοβάσαι! Το σπίτι είναι γεμάτο Από πράγματα. Μερικές φορές το φύσημα του ανέμου Και μερικές φορές το τρίξιμο της πόρτας με κάνει να Νιώθω μόνος και ευάλωτος. Η πόρτα ανοίγει, το φως ανάβει και οι γονείς επιστρέ- φουν. Ασφάλεια. Ειρήνη Κρυωνά, Σοφία Πάρτσιου, Χρυσοβαλάντης Γερασίμου, Δήμητρα Λύκου FAIRIES IN THE LAKE Be not afeard, the lake is full of fairies, Sometimes I feel they are waving And sometimes their sight scares me And as times goes by It takes my fears away By Aikaterini Mazneikou, Maria Zigrika, Christina Kou- tidou, Julia Aivazoglou, Maria Mentizi Page 22 Open Spaces
  • 23. This year our team, con- sisting of three schools, one from Greece (Theodora Gkeniou), one form France (Claudine Coatanea) and one from Poland (Lucy Nocon) worked collaboratively to produce our very own MOOC about language learning. Here are the main characteristics of our project: Content: We no longer rely on a single course book. The content of our MOOC (videos, interac- tive maps, presenta- tions) is created by teen- age students for stu- dents. Form: the traditional classroom is usually lim- ited by the physical sur- roundings and learning takes place here and now. In our etwinning project time and space for learning are expand- ed since the participants work on the Twinspace platform, create and up- load their materials, dis- cuss on forums and col- laborate on Google forms. and grammar at an inter- mediate level (B1+/B2) by creatively putting ide- as to work in 6 different thematic areas. They managed to think creatively, work as inter- national teams, solve problems, become inde- pendent and self di- rected in their learning. Evaluation: from top down, teacher led as- sessment, we move on to bottom up reflective processes whereby stu- dents self and peer eval- uate and acquire meta- cognitive skills. Subsequently the follow- ing learning outcomes were improved: The students were able to recognize, relate, dis- cuss and compose lexis “Learnenglish+: Put a plus in language learning” By Theodora Gkeniou sideration the students common interests and desires. Skills: we do not solely address linguistic skills. We also develop 21st century skills by provid- ing space for collabora- tion, by promoting learn- er independence and fostering creativity. Student role: our stu- dents are neither passive nor isolated. They are active decision makers, transformed from con- sumers to creators of knowledge in a multicul- tural environment. Teacher role: the teach- ers involved are not preachers. They are leaders and mentors Process: the process of learning is not prede- fined or imposed by the curriculum and the teacher, it is democrati- cally decided with the students through online and offline discussions, negotiating and voting. Furthermore the groups are arranged in a flexible manner taking into con- The students were able to appreciate the value of intercultural communication and collaboration enhancing their digital skills. Would you like to stay tuned? Follow us on twitter and share your thoughts on #learnenglishMO OC Page 23Issue 1 /2015-2016
  • 24. Ms Theodora Gkeniou is a state school teacher in junior and upper secondary education. She holds a Master of Applied Linguistics from Essex University and a Master in Education from the HOU. She has worked as a teacher trainer for the Greek Ministry of Edu- cation and the European Schoolnet delivering online and onsite workshops in European project management and educational tech- nology. She is currently the chair of the TEUM board. She believes in lifelong learning and continuous professional development. Η κ. Φρύνη Μαραβελάκη είναι εκπαιδευτικός Δευτεροβάθμιας εκ- παίδευσης στο Γυμνάσιο. Σπούδασε Αγγλική Γλώσσα και Φιλολογία στο Α.Π.Θ. και Ισπανική Γλώσσα και Πολιτισμό στο Ε.Α.Π. Έχει απο- κτήσει Μεταπτυχιακό Δίπλωμα Ειδίκευσης Καθηγητών Αγγλικής από το Ε.Α.Π. (MEd in TESOL). Ασχολείται ενεργά με τη χρήση της εκ- παιδευτικής τεχνολογίας για τη Διδασκαλία της Αγλικής Γλώσσας και την παραγωγή ψηφιακού υλικού, τον οπτικοακουστικό γραμματισμό, τα ευρωπαϊκά προγράμματα, τη βιβλιοθηκονομία και την Ισπανική και Αγγλική λογοτεχνία. Υπήρξε αξιολογήτρια προφορικού λόγου στο ΚΠγ για την Αγγλική και Ισπανική γλώσσα. Γκένιου Θεοδώρα Μαραβελάκη Σοφρωνία Δράμπα Σουζάνα My name is Suzana Drampa. I was born in 1968 in Serres. I live in Serres and I have 3 children. I am a graduate of the Department of English Language and Literature of AUThessaloniki (1990) and I have been teaching English for 28 years in various levels of Private and State Education, the last 25 in Primary Education. I have been a member of the board of the local Union of Teachers of English in Serres (TEUM) since its foundation in 2000, President from 2011 to 2016, and Vice-President at the moment. Page 24 Open Spaces Katerina Paligianni is a teacher of English at the Junior High School of Lefkonas , Serres. She gratuated from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in 1987. She has been teaching English in state schools since 1994. Her main concern is to motivate students to acquire broad knowledge and improve their critical thinking. She assigns and coordinates projects related to literature and culture. Παληγιάννη Κατερίνα Σε αυτό το τεύχος έγραψαν...
  • 25. Ms Elpida-Maria Tsakirdai was born in Serres, Greece. She studied in the School of English Language and Litera- ture of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She has got an MA degree in Translation, at the University of Ports- mouth and speaks 3 languages. She has been a teacher of English in Primary Schools for 14 years. She is an ac- tive member of TEUM . Τσακίρδαη Ελπίδα Σαββοπούλου Χριστίνα H Χριστίνα Σαββοπούλου ,γεννήθηκε και εργάζεται στις Σέρρες. Είναι απόφοιτος του Αριστοτέλειου Πανεπιστημί- ου Θεσσαλονίκης στο τμήμα Αγγλικής Γλώσσας και Φιλο- λογίας. Ολοκλήρωσε τις μεταπτυχιακές τις σπουδές στο Πόρτσμουθ της Μεγάλης Βρετάνιας το 2002 στον τομέα της Μετάφρασης. Από το 2004 ως το 2015 εργάστηκε στη δευτεροβάθμια εκπαίδευση ενώ απο το 2015 και έκτοτε διδάσκει στην Α'βαθμια Εκπαίδευση Σερρών. Είναι μέλος της Ένωσης καθηγητών αγγλικής νομού Σερρών εδώ και 4 χρόνια. Page 25Issue 1 /2015-2016 Τσεπελή Μαριάνθη Marianthi Tsepeli has been a teacher of English in pri- vate schools, primary and secondary education since her graduation from the Aristotle University on Thessaloniki, Department of English Language and Literature in 2001. In 2008, she obtained her MA in European Culture and Literature. Following two tenures as Treasurer, she is cur- rently the Secretary of TEUM Serres.
  • 26. ISSN 2585-2620 Για την πραγματοποίηση της διημερίδας — αφιέρωμα στον W. Shakespeare, ευχαριστού- με τους Διευθυντές Α/θμιας και Β/θμιας Εκπ/σης Ν. Σερρών για τη στήριξη και την Περιφε- ρειακή Ενότητα Σερρών, την ΕΛΜΕ Σερρών, το Σύλλογο Εκπ/κών Π.Ε. Ν.Σερρών «Εμμανουήλ Παππάς» για τη συνεργασία. Ευχαριστούμε τη Δημόσια Κεντρική Βιβλιοθήκη για τη φιλοξενία στον χώρο του σύγχρονου αμφιθεάτρου «Γεώργιος Καφταντζής» και την άψογη συνεργασία και προσωπικά τον νέο πρόεδρο του Εφορευτικού Συμβουλίου κ. Ιωάννη Καλόμοιρο και τη Διεύθυνση της ΔΚΒΣ. Ευχαριστούμε τον χορηγό Επικοινωνίας μας ΤV ΕΠΙΛΟΓΕΣ, την Express Publishing και τους Σερραίους ιδιώτες-επιχειρηματίες που αγκάλιασαν τη διημερίδα και πρό- σφεραν στην βέλτιστη διοργάνωσή της: το Αρτοζαχαροπλαστείο ΕΥΑ ΜΑΡΙ, το café - παγωτά ΑΡΤΕΜΙΣ, το COFFEE BOX, το ουζάδικο ΤΟ ΜΠΑΚΑΛΙΚΟ και το εστιατόρι- ο ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ ΓΕΥΣΕΙΣ. Ένα μεγάλο ευχαριστώ στα μέλη του Συλλόγου μας που διέθεσαν εθελοντικά τον χρόνο τους, συμβάλλοντας στην επιτυχία των όλων των δράσεων μας. Connect|Communicate|Collaborate 2015-2016