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SKC Lifesciences 
KBC Harrow Exchange,2 Gayton Road, Harrow, Middlesex, HA1 2XU,London, UK. 
Expectation of life at the dawn of the 21st century is higher than ever because of the reduced incidence of infectious diseases - but it 
could be higher still and quality of life could also be better. Unfortunately, in place of the infections to which our ancestors 
succumbed, chronic illnesses - including heart disease, diabetes and cancer have now become established as the major killers. Few 
people realize that this epidemic of chronic disease is largely preventable through diet and lifestyle changes. 
Although good nutrition is the foundation of good health, many people do not reach their recommended target intakes for vitamins 
and minerals. This is mainly due to lack of exercise and poor food choice. Year by year, surveys show that food intakes are going 
down but average body weight is increasing. The explanation is lack of exercise. People reduce their food consumption to avoid 
becoming overweight, but this also reduces the intake of vitamins and minerals, as well as reducing calories. Lack of nutrient-rich 
fruit and vegetables and wholegrain cereals in the diet adds to the problem. 
Poor health is often associated with low intakes of essential nutrients - the cells of the immune and nervous systems are particularly 
susceptible. The body's ability to maintain normal healthy functioning of cells depends on homeostasis, its self healing capacity. An 
important element in homeostasis is the supply of nutrients, and each cell requires more than 40 of these, as well as protective 
substances, called phytochemicals, from plants. 
Another important contributor to homeostasis is the elimination of toxic end-products of metabolism from a cell. Elimination 
requires a healthy circulation and good liver and kidney function, all of which rely on adequate intakes of vitamins, minerals and 
phytochemicals. Inadequate nutrition or inadequate elimination results in cells becoming stressed, so they begin to function 
abnormally. If this situation persists, normal homeostatic control breaks down, and eventually disease results. 
Since many chronic illnesses derive from years of poor food choice, health is likely to be restored more quickly if supplements are 
taken at the same time as the changeover to a good diet is made. For example, the inflammation associated with asthma, eczema, 
psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis is likely to respond much more quickly to supplementation with vitamins C and E and omega-3 
EFAs than to dietary improvement alone - even though achieving improvement through diet is the long-term ideal. You may also 
find your symptoms disappear more quickly if you take a combination of supplements. This is because all cells require all nutrients at 
the same time. 
Natural medicines are mild in effect and have greater therapeutic potential when taken in combination - herbs can be taken along 
with vitamins and minerals to help speed the healing process. Scientific research backs up the historical use of the herbs described in 
this book; they are rich sources of numerous phytochemicals, and, like nutrients, they have healing effects on all the body's cell, as 
well as on specific organs. 
It is now widely acknowledged that lifestyle changes paying close attention to the diet, exercise and weight, as well as limiting 
alcohol intake and stopping smoking have a vital role to pay in the business of staying well. These kinds of changes can not only help 
to prevent or relieve common complaints, including backache and constipation, but can also reduce the risk of serious ailments such 
as heart disease and cancer. Vitamins, minerals and other nutritional supplements can reinforce and enhance the benefits of these 
self-care measures, which are also essential to ensure not just the absence of illness but the capacity to lead a full, vital, productive life. 
We have been innovating and producing fine quality nutritional supplements. Our ongoing mission is to provide consumers with 
top-quality, innovative, science-based nutritional supplements to enhance their total health and well-being. We are committed to 
exclusively distributing our products in the natural products industry where knowledgeable retailers worldwide can guide 
consumers through the vast array of choices. 
SKC Lifesciences 
Gold Standard Nutrition Supplements and Vitamins with Botanical Extracts 
SKC Lifesciences
wA vitamin is an organic compound 
required as a nutrient in tiny amounts 
by an organism. The term vitamin was 
derived from "vitamine," a combination 
word from vital and amine, because it 
was suggested that the organic 
micronutrient food factors which 
prevented beriberi and perhaps other 
similar dietary-deficiency diseases, 
might be chemical amines. This proved 
incorrect for the micronutrient class, 
and the word was shortened. Today, a 
chemical compound is called a vitamin 
when it cannot be synthesized in 
sufficient quantities by an organism, 
and must be obtained from the diet. 
Thus, the term is conditional both on the 
circumstances and the particular 
organism. For example, ascorbic acid 
(vitamin C) is a vitamin for humans, but 
not for most other animals, and biotin 
and vitamin D are required in the 
human diet only in certain 
circumstances. The term vitamin does 
not include other essential nutrients 
such as dietary minerals, essential fatty 
acids, or essential amino acids, nor does 
it encompass the large number of other 
nutrients that promote health but are 
otherwise required less often. 
wVitamins are classified by their 
biological and chemical activity, not 
their structure. Thus, each "vitamin" 
refers to a number of vitamer 
compounds that all show the biological 
activity associated with a particular 
vitamin. Such a set of chemicals are 
grouped under an alphabetized vitamin 
"generic descriptor" title, such as 
"vitamin A", which includes the 
compounds retinal, retinol, and four 
known carotenoids. Vitamers by 
definition are convertible to the active 
form of the vitamin in the body, and are 
sometimes inter-convertible to one 
another, as well. 
wVitamins have diverse biochemical 
functions. Some have hormone-like 
functions as regulators of mineral 
metabolism (e.g. vitamin D), or 
regulators of cell and tissue growth 
and differentiation (e.g. some forms of 
vitamin A). Others function as 
antioxidants (e.g. vitamin E and 
sometimes vitamin C). The largest 
number of vitamins (e.g. B complex 
vitamins) function as precursors for 
enzyme cofactors, that help enzymes 
in their work as catalysts in 
metabolism. In this role, vitamins may 
be tightly bound to enzymes as part of 
prosthetic groups: for example, biotin 
is part of enzymes involved in making 
fatty acids. Alternately, vitamins may 
also be less tightly bound to enzyme 
catalysts as coenzymes, detachable 
molecules which function to carry 
chemical groups or electrons between 
molecules. For example, folic acid 
carries various forms of carbon group 
methyl, formyl and methylene - in the 
cell. Although these roles in assisting 
enzyme-substrate reactions are 
vitamins' best-known function, the 
other vitamin functions are equally 
wUntil the 1900s, vitamins were 
obtained solely through food intake, 
and changes in diet (which, for 
example, could occur during a 
particular growing season) can alter 
the types and amounts of vitamins 
ingested. Vitamins have been 
produced as commodity chemicals and 
made widely available as inexpensive 
pills for several decades, allowing 
supplementation of the dietary intake. 
Vitamins SKC Lifesciences
Probiotics & Prebiotics 
The gut contains billions of bacteria. 
These play a vital role in the normal 
functioning of the 
digestive system, the lowering of 
blood cholesterol levels, the 
promotion of the immune response, 
protection from colon cancer, and the 
synthesis of certain vitamins. They 
also prevent colonisation of the gut by 
harmful bacteria that may cause food 
Stress, antibiotics, certain drugs and 
female hormones can cause a 
proliferation of disease causing 
bacteria at the expense of numbers of 
the bacteria that keep us healthy. 
However, the balance of microbes in 
intestines may be improved by taking 
probiotics probably the most widely 
available functional foods. 
Probiotics come in the form of 
bioyoghurts, milkbased drinks, fruit 
juices with added 'friendly' bacteria. 
The most commonly used , friendly 
bacteria are the lactobacilli 
(acidophilus) and bifido-bacteria 
(bifidus) families. To be effective they 
may have to be eaten daily, or the 
improved colonisation of the gut may 
not be sustained. 
Prebiotics - also used to improve 
intestinal, health - are carbohydrates 
that pass unchanged through 
the digestive system and enter the 
large bowel, where they act as 
nutrients for `friendly' bacteria, ' 
including those that may have been 
taken in probiotics. 
The `friendly' bacteria are then able to 
compete more successfully against the 
harmful micro-organisms,-resulting in 
a healthier gut function. 
Although oxidation reactions are 
crucial for life, they can also be 
damaging; hence, plants and animals 
maintain complex systems of multiple 
types of antioxidants, such as 
glutathione, vitamin C, and vitamin E 
as well as enzymes such as catalase, 
superoxide dismutase and various 
peroxidases. Low levels of 
antioxidants, or inhibition of the 
antioxidant enzymes, cause oxidative 
stress and may damage or kill cells. 
As oxidative stress might be an 
important part of many human 
diseases, the use of antioxidants in 
pharmacology is intensively studied, 
particularly as treatments for stroke 
and neurodegenerative diseases. 
However, it is unknown whether 
oxidative stress is the cause or the 
consequence of disease. 
Antioxidants are widely used as 
ingredients in dietary supplements in 
the hope of maintaining health and 
preventing diseases such as cancer 
and coronary heart disease. Although 
initial studies suggested that 
antioxidant supplements might 
promote health, later large clinical 
trials did not detect any benefit and 
suggested instead that excess 
supplementation may be harmful. In 
addition to these uses of natural 
antioxidants in medicine, these 
compounds have many industrial 
uses, such as preservatives in food 
and cosmetics and preventing the 
degradation of rubber and gasoline. 
An antioxidant is a molecule capable 
of slowing or preventing the oxidation 
of other molecules. Oxidation is a 
chemical reaction that transfers 
electrons from a substance to an 
oxidizing agent. Oxidation reactions 
can produce free radicals, which start 
chain reactions that damage cells. 
Antioxidants terminate these chain 
reactions by removing free radical 
intermediates, and inhibit other 
oxidation reactions by being oxidized 
themselves. As a result, antioxidants 
are often reducing agents such as 
thiols, ascorbic acid or polyphenols. SKC Lifesciences
wMinerals are present in the body 
in small amounts: in total they 
add up to only 4% of body 
wThese inorganic substances are 
essential for a wide range of vital 
processes, from basic bone 
formation to the normal 
functioning of the heart and 
digestive system. 
wA number of minerals have been 
linked to the prevention of 
cancer, osteoporosis and other 
chronic illnesses. 
wHumans must replenish their 
mineral supplies through food or 
with supplements. 
wOf more than 60 different 
minerals in the body, only 22 are 
considered essential. 
wOf these, seven - including 
calcium, chloride, magnesium, 
phosphorus, potassium, sodium 
and sulphur - are usually called 
macrominerals, or major 
wThe other 15 minerals are called 
trace minerals, or microminerals, 
because the amount needed each 
day for good health is tiny 
(usually measured in 
micrograms, or millionths of a 
SKC Lifesciences
Amino Acids SKC Lifesciences
Can You Battle Joint Pain Naturally and 
If you don't bounce out of bed like you 
use to or the staircase is not the only 
thing creaking when you ascend the 
stairs, you may be quick to dismiss it as 
part of the aging process. But if those 
creaking joints are accompanied by sharp 
and/or radiating pain in your knees, 
ankles, back, shoulders or any place 
where two or more bones connect, the 
condition may require more attention. 
While aging is the common reason for 
joint pain, it is not the only reason. Joint 
pain is the result of stiff or worn cartilage 
connecting two or more bones together. 
The stiffness coupled with inflammation 
triggers joint pain. Dr. Kristine Clark, a 
world renown doctor and Fellow at the 
American Academy of Sports Medicine 
states, "The deterioration of cartilage in 
joints may explain the loss of flexibility 
and increased stiffness that many people 
experience in their weight-bearing joints, 
such as knees and hips. Chronic joint 
symptoms are the leading cause of 
disability in people 18 and over. And, the 
over-50 crowd is expected to double by 
What causes joints to become stiff and 
Stiff, inflamed, achy joints are a symptom 
in several conditions including injury, 
fibromyalgia, bursitis, rheumatoid 
arthritis, osteoarthritis, lupus and 
tendinitis. These conditions are not only 
painful to live with but cause a 
significant decrease in one's quality of life 
and daily activities. You may find it 
difficult to take part in your favorite 
activities such as gardening, golf, or 
simply enjoying a walk in the park. You 
do have options and there are 
alternatives for you to consider. 
Which treatment option is best for 
There have been many recent studies, 
such as the GAIT study, which have 
examined a variety of natural joint care 
supplements. The clinical findings have 
shown there are several substances that 
alleviate inflammation and pain in 
arthritis sufferers. Glucosamine and 
Chondroitin, work best when taken 
together. They have been shown to 
alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, and 
stop the progression of arthritis. Other 
ingredients such as MSM 
(Methylsulfonylmethane) and Boswellia 
Serrata also have proven benefit in 
maintaining healthy joints. Rutin, 
trypsin, and bromelain have been 
clinically proven to be as effective a pain 
reliever as the prescription NSAID - 
How do you pick a great joint 
Joint supplements are becoming a viable 
option for those suffering from joint 
pain. There are vast differences between 
joint support products. It is a scientific 
fact that not all joint supplements can 
achieve the same level of results or 
produce the same level of positive 
outcome that you are looking for. The 
quality, efficacy, and potency of 
products within the industry vary from 
poor to outstanding. How can one make 
the most informed decision? The choices 
on the market are overwhelming, 
having evaluated over 250 joint 
supplements we looked at the most 
current scientific research and 
established a list of criteria that makes a 
joint product outstanding. We chose 
essential ingredients need to decrease 
joint pain, promote joint, cartilage and 
tissue regeneration, ability to prevent 
recurring damage, promote joint 
mobility and flexibility, and developed 
our range of Joint Support supplements. 
Bone and 
Joint Health 
Bone and Joint Health 
SKC Lifesciences
Eye Health 
Are the eyes “windows to the 
soul,” as the ancient proverb has it? 
Maybe. But they're also portals 
through which one can glimpse 
signs of health problems -- not only 
eye disorders like cataracts and 
glaucoma, but also systemic 
illnesses like diabetes mellitus and 
cardiovascular disease. Sometimes 
the signs of these diseases are 
visible in, on, or around the eyes 
long before symptoms appear. 
The eyes truly are unique real 
estate; they're the only place in the 
body where you can see a bare 
nerve, a bare artery, and a bare 
vein without doing any cutting. 
And the disease processes we see 
occurring in the eye are probably 
occurring in the rest of the body. 
The list of systemic diseases that 
can have ocular manifestations is a 
long one; in addition to diabetes 
and cardiovascular disease, it 
includes aneurysms, HIV, cancer, 
and rare hereditary diseases. The 
list is one reason eye experts 
recommend periodic eye exams. 
Everyone should have a comprehensive eye exam by age 40, people who have a family history of 
eye problems should be seen earlier, and anyone who is having eye trouble should see a doctor 
right away. But people shouldn't wait until they experience symptoms to see a doctor, because 
many eye problems are silent, meaning they cause no symptoms. To keep the eye health under 
control, proper assistance with food and natural supplements, minerals and vitamins are quite 
The body must contend with 
constant attacks by microscopic 
organisms. In order to defend 
against this onslaught, it deploys a 
wide range of defenses that 
together are called the immune 
People with diseases that cause 
immune deficiency, fall victim to 
infectious microorganisms that a 
healthy person could ward off 
easily. However, even healthy 
people get sick from time to time, 
victims of infections that manage 
to sneak by the defenses. And 
some apparently healthy people 
get sick quite often. 
If you fall into this latter category, 
you may wish to find treatments 
that can strengthen your immune 
system. To explain how to 
improve resistance to illness, we 
need to delve a bit deeper into the 
nature of immunity. 
The Immune System 
The immune system consists 
primarily of various types of 
white blood cells and the 
chemicals that they manufacture 
(such as antibodies). In certain 
conditions, such as AIDS, many of 
these white blood cells are 
damaged or dead. In such cases, 
the term immune deficiency is 
clearly appropriate. The 
circumstance is analogous to an 
army that lacks, say, guns. 
However, careful examination of most people who get frequent colds (or bladder infections or herpes attacks, for example) 
fails to turn up any visible deficits in the immune system. They have all the immune cells and antibodies they need in roughly 
the right amounts and all the various parts appear to work just fine. So why do such people get sick so often? 
One can hypothesize that in some people the immune system fails to function properly for a relatively subtle, invisible reason, 
much as a well-equipped army might lose its fighting form due to apathy or disunity. However, keep in mind that even 
people who develop frequent colds manage to fight off thousands of other infections every day. (If they didn't, they would be 
For this reason, an alternate hypothesis comes to mind: that over-susceptibility to a particular type of infection may be caused 
by something more specific than general immune weakness. As an example, chronically inflamed mucous membranes might 
lead to frequent colds, since an inflamed mucous membrane may be more porous to cold viruses. Similarly, a woman's 
bladder wall might allow particularly easy attachment of bacteria, leading to frequent bladder infections. 
The bottom line is, functioning of the immune system, like most systems in the body, is dependent on proper nutrition. It has 
been long known that severe malnutrition leads to immunodeficiency. Overnutrition is also associated with diseases such as 
diabetes and obesity, which are known to affect immune function. More moderate malnutrition, as well as certain specific 
trace mineral and nutrient deficiencies, can also compromise the immune response. SKC Lifesciences
Energy & Endurance 
The circulatory system is an organ 
system that passes nutrients (such as 
amino acids and electrolytes), gases, 
hormones, blood cells, etc. to and from 
cells in the body to help fight diseases 
and help stabilize body temperature 
and pH to maintain homeostasis. 
This system may be seen strictly as a 
blood distribution network, but some 
consider the circulatory system as 
composed of the cardiovascular system, 
which distributes blood, and the 
lymphatic system, which distributes 
lymph. While humans, as well as other 
vertebrates, have a closed 
cardiovascular system (meaning that 
the blood never leaves the network of 
arteries, veins and capillaries), some 
invertebrate groups have an open 
cardiovascular system. 
Two types of fluids move through the 
circulatory system: blood and lymph. 
The blood, heart, and blood vessels 
form the cardiovascular system. The 
lymph, lymph nodes, and lymph 
vessels form the lymphatic system. The 
cardiovascular system and the 
lymphatic system collectively make up 
the circulatory system. 
The main components of the human 
cardiovascular system are the heart and 
the blood vessels. It includes: the 
pulmonary circulation, a "loop" 
through the lungs where blood is 
oxygenated; and the systemic 
circulation, a "loop" through the rest of 
the body to provide oxygenated blood. 
An average adult contains five to six 
quarts (roughly 4.7 to 5.7 liters) of 
blood, which consists of plasma, red 
blood cells, white blood cells, and 
platelets. Also, the digestive system 
works with the circulatory system to 
provide the nutrients the system needs 
to keep the heart pumping. 
SKC Lifesciences
When many people are faced by a 
stressful situation at work, they 
respond with complete commitment, 
by working intensely hard at 
resolving it. To do this, they may 
work all hours, cancel vacations and 
cut back on sleep, all to make more 
time to tackle the problem. If this is 
short-lived, then negative effects will 
be minimal and success will often be 
spectacular. However, if this level of 
hard work is sustained for a long 
time without relief, people 
increasingly risk ill-health and 
We rest and sleep because we need 
to. Rest is what we do to let stress 
subside. Rest at the end of a day, and 
at the end of a week, helps us to calm 
down. On average, people need 
around eight hours sleep a night 
(although this can vary between 
three hours and eleven hours, 
depending on the person and his or 
her age). 
If we are regularly short of sleep, 
then our concentration and our 
effectiveness suffer and our energy 
levels decline. We have all seen and 
experienced this. 
This diminishes our effectiveness in 
our job, and can therefore increase 
stress: As our concentration wanders, 
we start to make mistakes. As our 
energy declines, we become less 
proactive in what we do, reducing 
our control over events. This means 
that a situation that is already 
difficult and stressful can become 
worse, needing even more sacrifice to 
bring it back under control. Make 
sure you get enough sleep. If you 
have become used to being tired all 
the time, you will be amazed by how 
sharp and energetic you will feel 
once you start sleeping normally. 
To ensure this we may require some 
assistance externally by way of 
herbo-mineral supplements and 
vitamins. With this the sleep 
management becomes easier and 
return of the essential energy levels 
are restored. 
Maternal & 
Infant health 
Maternal & Infant Health 
Pregnancy and childbirth have an 
enormous impact on the physical, 
mental, emotional, and 
socioeconomic health of women 
and their families. Research and 
supports programs to improve 
women's health before, during, 
and after pregnancy, and to reduce 
both short and long-term 
complications herbo-mineral 
supplements and vitamins 
programs are required. Our goal is 
to help ensure that all women 
have a safe and healthy 
While maternal death is the most 
extreme pregnancy-related 
problem, many more women are 
affected by pregnancy-related 
complications, such as 
— depression; 
— complications of obesity; 
— severe medical problems 
requiring blood transfusions and 
longer hospital stays; 
— gestational diabetes and other 
chronic medical conditions; and 
— preterm birth. 
Pregnancy-related health 
consequences are influenced by 
women's health conditions as well 
as other factors such as race, 
ethnicity, age, and income. CDC 
collaborates with private and 
public partners to reduce the high 
rates of poor outcomes 
experienced by some racial and 
ethnic groups and to improve the 
pregnancy and delivery 
experience for all women. 
SKC Lifesciences
A multivitamin is a preparation 
intended to supplement a human 
diet with vitamins, dietary 
minerals and other nutritional 
elements. Such preparations are 
available in the form of tablets, 
capsules, pastilles, powders, 
liquids and injectable 
formulations. Other than injectable 
formulations, which are only 
available and administered under 
medical supervision, 
multivitamins are recognized by 
the Codex Alimentarius 
Commission (the United Nations' 
authority on food standards) as a 
category of food. Multivitamin 
supplements are commonly 
provided in combination with 
minerals. A multivitamin/mineral 
supplement is defined in the 
United States as a supplement 
containing 3 or more vitamins and 
minerals that does not include 
herbs, hormones, or drugs, where 
each vitamin and mineral is 
included at a dose below the 
tolerable upper level, as 
determined by the Food and Drug 
Board, and does not present a risk 
of adverse health effects. 
The terms multivitamin and 
multimineral are often used 
interchangeably. There is no 
scientific definition for either. 
Linguistically, the terms are 
compounded words of which 
meaning can be derived in that 
Many multivitamins are 
formulated and/or labeled to 
differentiate consumer sectors e.g. 
prenatal, children, mature or 50+, 
men's, women's, diabetic, stress or 
megavitamin. Consumer 
multivitamin formulas are 
available as tablets, capsules, bulk 
powder, or liquid. Once and twice 
per day multivitamin formulas 
dominate common usage, 
although some formulas are 
designed for consumption 37 
times per day or even allow hourly 
SKC Lifesciences
• Complete essential amino acid profile 
• Superior biological protein value 
• Highly efficient ion-exchanged, micro-filtered, 
and hydrolyzed whey concentrates 
• Low-heat, non-chemical whey extraction 
• With free-form L-Glutamine 
• Free-form branched chain amino acids 
• Free of lactose and starch 
• Low in fat 
• Easy to mix 
• Smooth, natural flavor with no artificial 
sweeteners or flavors. 
Whey is the protein of choice because of its: 
l Efficient utilization in the body due to its 
high biological value (BV) 
l Natural source of branched chain amino 
l Potent source of lactalbumin 
l Unique source of immunoglobulins 
Birla NourishProtein Powder is a highly 
efficient, scientifically advanced protein 
enhancement product. It is formulated with 
a blend of three, uniquely processed whey 
protein concentrates. Each process: ion-exchange, 
micro-filtration, and 
hydrolyzation adds to Protein Powder's 
amino acid availability, absorption, and 
protein utilization. Available in the 
following natural flavors: 
Chocolate Cocoa Bean, Honey Nut, Mixed 
Berry, and Vanilla Bean. 
Birla NourishProtein Powder also includes 
two beneficial ingredients, free-form L-Glutamine 
and free-form Branched Chain 
Amino Acids (BCAA's). L-Glutamine plays 
a significant role in supporting muscle 
mass. BCAA's help promote protein 
synthesis which assists in decreasing the 
breakdown of muscle under stressful 
conditions. Both L-Glutamine and BCAA's 
are used by muscle tissue as a source of 
In addition, Birla NourishProtein Powder is 
free of starch and lactose and is low in fat. 
Plus, its delicious flavor blends easily and 
tastes great in water, milk, or your favorite 
juice. It can even be added to sauces, soups, 
cereals, muffins, pancakes, and other bake 
mixes. It is an excellent way to add extra 
high-quality protein to your daily caloric 
Plant sterols 
A group of plant chemicals 
with a structure similar to 
cholesterol is plant sterols. 
They are not absorbed by 
the gut, but have been 
found to reduce the 
absorption of cholesterol 
both from foods;, and from 
the bile that the liver 
discharges into the 
Plant sterols can lower 
blood cholesterol levels 
and thereby reduce the risk 
of heart disease. For this 
reason they are added to 
some margarines and sold 
as functional foods; a 
certain amount of the 
margarine must be eaten 
each day for the desired 
effect to be achieved. 
Bone Health 
Calcium, magnesium and 
vitamin D are believed to 
be the most important 
nutrients for bone health. 
For decades white flour has 
been fortified with calcium, 
and margarines fortified 
with vitamin D. Functional 
foods containing nutrients 
to aid bone health have 
also now become available. 
They include fortified 
orange juice, cereal bars 
and chocolate drinks. 
High intakes of 
isoflavones, the most active 
phytoestrogens in the 
human diet, may reduce 
the risk of coronary heart 
disease and some cancers, 
including breast, prostate 
and bowel cancer. They 
may also help to reduce 
menopausal symptoms 
and the risk of 
osteoporosis. Functional 
foods containing soya 
protein or the pure 
isoflavones are being 
Enhanced foods such as 
bioyoghurts and cereals 
with added nutrients are 
growing in popularity. 
Some can boost vitamin 
and mineral levels; 
others show promise in 
preventing or treating 
ailments, but more 
research is needed to 
prove their worth. The 
big advantage of these 
'functional' or 'fortified' 
foods lies in the amounts 
of 'macronutrients', such 
as calcium and omega-3 
fatty acids, that they 
contain much more than 
Functional foods are 
foods meant to offer a 
specific health benefit 
over and above the level 
of nutrients found in 
their ' conventional 
Fortified foods have had 
extra vitamins and/or 
minerals added so that 
one portion of the food 
will provide a substantial 
percentage of the 
recommended daily 
intake of that nutrient. 
Examples of functional 
foods include 
bioyoghurts containing' 
specially selected 
bacteria, and spreads 
with cholesterol-lowering 
Folic acid 
A low folic acid intake 
has been linked to 
increased blood levels of 
homocysteine, and 
possibly to 
incidence of cancer of the 
colon and Alzheimer's 
Homocysteine is a 
product of protein 
metabolism found in the 
SKC Lifesciences

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Nutraceutical presentation

  • 1. Brought to you by SKC Lifesciences KBC Harrow Exchange,2 Gayton Road, Harrow, Middlesex, HA1 2XU,London, UK. Expectation of life at the dawn of the 21st century is higher than ever because of the reduced incidence of infectious diseases - but it could be higher still and quality of life could also be better. Unfortunately, in place of the infections to which our ancestors succumbed, chronic illnesses - including heart disease, diabetes and cancer have now become established as the major killers. Few people realize that this epidemic of chronic disease is largely preventable through diet and lifestyle changes. Although good nutrition is the foundation of good health, many people do not reach their recommended target intakes for vitamins and minerals. This is mainly due to lack of exercise and poor food choice. Year by year, surveys show that food intakes are going down but average body weight is increasing. The explanation is lack of exercise. People reduce their food consumption to avoid becoming overweight, but this also reduces the intake of vitamins and minerals, as well as reducing calories. Lack of nutrient-rich fruit and vegetables and wholegrain cereals in the diet adds to the problem. Poor health is often associated with low intakes of essential nutrients - the cells of the immune and nervous systems are particularly susceptible. The body's ability to maintain normal healthy functioning of cells depends on homeostasis, its self healing capacity. An important element in homeostasis is the supply of nutrients, and each cell requires more than 40 of these, as well as protective substances, called phytochemicals, from plants. Another important contributor to homeostasis is the elimination of toxic end-products of metabolism from a cell. Elimination requires a healthy circulation and good liver and kidney function, all of which rely on adequate intakes of vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals. Inadequate nutrition or inadequate elimination results in cells becoming stressed, so they begin to function abnormally. If this situation persists, normal homeostatic control breaks down, and eventually disease results. Since many chronic illnesses derive from years of poor food choice, health is likely to be restored more quickly if supplements are taken at the same time as the changeover to a good diet is made. For example, the inflammation associated with asthma, eczema, psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis is likely to respond much more quickly to supplementation with vitamins C and E and omega-3 EFAs than to dietary improvement alone - even though achieving improvement through diet is the long-term ideal. You may also find your symptoms disappear more quickly if you take a combination of supplements. This is because all cells require all nutrients at the same time. Natural medicines are mild in effect and have greater therapeutic potential when taken in combination - herbs can be taken along with vitamins and minerals to help speed the healing process. Scientific research backs up the historical use of the herbs described in this book; they are rich sources of numerous phytochemicals, and, like nutrients, they have healing effects on all the body's cell, as well as on specific organs. It is now widely acknowledged that lifestyle changes paying close attention to the diet, exercise and weight, as well as limiting alcohol intake and stopping smoking have a vital role to pay in the business of staying well. These kinds of changes can not only help to prevent or relieve common complaints, including backache and constipation, but can also reduce the risk of serious ailments such as heart disease and cancer. Vitamins, minerals and other nutritional supplements can reinforce and enhance the benefits of these self-care measures, which are also essential to ensure not just the absence of illness but the capacity to lead a full, vital, productive life. We have been innovating and producing fine quality nutritional supplements. Our ongoing mission is to provide consumers with top-quality, innovative, science-based nutritional supplements to enhance their total health and well-being. We are committed to exclusively distributing our products in the natural products industry where knowledgeable retailers worldwide can guide consumers through the vast array of choices. SKC Lifesciences Gold Standard Nutrition Supplements and Vitamins with Botanical Extracts SKC Lifesciences
  • 2. wA vitamin is an organic compound required as a nutrient in tiny amounts by an organism. The term vitamin was derived from "vitamine," a combination word from vital and amine, because it was suggested that the organic micronutrient food factors which prevented beriberi and perhaps other similar dietary-deficiency diseases, might be chemical amines. This proved incorrect for the micronutrient class, and the word was shortened. Today, a chemical compound is called a vitamin when it cannot be synthesized in sufficient quantities by an organism, and must be obtained from the diet. Thus, the term is conditional both on the circumstances and the particular organism. For example, ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is a vitamin for humans, but not for most other animals, and biotin and vitamin D are required in the human diet only in certain circumstances. The term vitamin does not include other essential nutrients such as dietary minerals, essential fatty acids, or essential amino acids, nor does it encompass the large number of other nutrients that promote health but are otherwise required less often. wVitamins are classified by their biological and chemical activity, not their structure. Thus, each "vitamin" refers to a number of vitamer compounds that all show the biological activity associated with a particular vitamin. Such a set of chemicals are grouped under an alphabetized vitamin "generic descriptor" title, such as "vitamin A", which includes the compounds retinal, retinol, and four known carotenoids. Vitamers by definition are convertible to the active form of the vitamin in the body, and are sometimes inter-convertible to one another, as well. wVitamins have diverse biochemical functions. Some have hormone-like functions as regulators of mineral metabolism (e.g. vitamin D), or regulators of cell and tissue growth and differentiation (e.g. some forms of vitamin A). Others function as antioxidants (e.g. vitamin E and sometimes vitamin C). The largest number of vitamins (e.g. B complex vitamins) function as precursors for enzyme cofactors, that help enzymes in their work as catalysts in metabolism. In this role, vitamins may be tightly bound to enzymes as part of prosthetic groups: for example, biotin is part of enzymes involved in making fatty acids. Alternately, vitamins may also be less tightly bound to enzyme catalysts as coenzymes, detachable molecules which function to carry chemical groups or electrons between molecules. For example, folic acid carries various forms of carbon group methyl, formyl and methylene - in the cell. Although these roles in assisting enzyme-substrate reactions are vitamins' best-known function, the other vitamin functions are equally important. wUntil the 1900s, vitamins were obtained solely through food intake, and changes in diet (which, for example, could occur during a particular growing season) can alter the types and amounts of vitamins ingested. Vitamins have been produced as commodity chemicals and made widely available as inexpensive pills for several decades, allowing supplementation of the dietary intake. Vitamins Vitamins SKC Lifesciences
  • 3. Probiotics Probiotics & Prebiotics The gut contains billions of bacteria. These play a vital role in the normal functioning of the digestive system, the lowering of blood cholesterol levels, the promotion of the immune response, protection from colon cancer, and the synthesis of certain vitamins. They also prevent colonisation of the gut by harmful bacteria that may cause food poisoning. Stress, antibiotics, certain drugs and female hormones can cause a proliferation of disease causing bacteria at the expense of numbers of the bacteria that keep us healthy. However, the balance of microbes in intestines may be improved by taking probiotics probably the most widely available functional foods. Probiotics come in the form of bioyoghurts, milkbased drinks, fruit juices with added 'friendly' bacteria. The most commonly used , friendly bacteria are the lactobacilli (acidophilus) and bifido-bacteria (bifidus) families. To be effective they may have to be eaten daily, or the improved colonisation of the gut may not be sustained. Prebiotics - also used to improve intestinal, health - are carbohydrates that pass unchanged through the digestive system and enter the large bowel, where they act as nutrients for `friendly' bacteria, ' including those that may have been taken in probiotics. The `friendly' bacteria are then able to compete more successfully against the harmful micro-organisms,-resulting in a healthier gut function. Antioxidants Although oxidation reactions are crucial for life, they can also be damaging; hence, plants and animals maintain complex systems of multiple types of antioxidants, such as glutathione, vitamin C, and vitamin E as well as enzymes such as catalase, superoxide dismutase and various peroxidases. Low levels of antioxidants, or inhibition of the antioxidant enzymes, cause oxidative stress and may damage or kill cells. As oxidative stress might be an important part of many human diseases, the use of antioxidants in pharmacology is intensively studied, particularly as treatments for stroke and neurodegenerative diseases. However, it is unknown whether oxidative stress is the cause or the consequence of disease. Antioxidants are widely used as ingredients in dietary supplements in the hope of maintaining health and preventing diseases such as cancer and coronary heart disease. Although initial studies suggested that antioxidant supplements might promote health, later large clinical trials did not detect any benefit and suggested instead that excess supplementation may be harmful. In addition to these uses of natural antioxidants in medicine, these compounds have many industrial uses, such as preservatives in food and cosmetics and preventing the degradation of rubber and gasoline. Carotenoids Antioxidants An antioxidant is a molecule capable of slowing or preventing the oxidation of other molecules. Oxidation is a chemical reaction that transfers electrons from a substance to an oxidizing agent. Oxidation reactions can produce free radicals, which start chain reactions that damage cells. Antioxidants terminate these chain reactions by removing free radical intermediates, and inhibit other oxidation reactions by being oxidized themselves. As a result, antioxidants are often reducing agents such as thiols, ascorbic acid or polyphenols. SKC Lifesciences
  • 4. Minerals wMinerals are present in the body in small amounts: in total they add up to only 4% of body weight. wThese inorganic substances are essential for a wide range of vital processes, from basic bone formation to the normal functioning of the heart and digestive system. wA number of minerals have been linked to the prevention of cancer, osteoporosis and other chronic illnesses. wHumans must replenish their mineral supplies through food or with supplements. wOf more than 60 different minerals in the body, only 22 are considered essential. wOf these, seven - including calcium, chloride, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and sulphur - are usually called macrominerals, or major minerals. wThe other 15 minerals are called trace minerals, or microminerals, because the amount needed each day for good health is tiny (usually measured in micrograms, or millionths of a gram). Minerals SKC Lifesciences
  • 5. Amino Acids SKC Lifesciences
  • 6. Can You Battle Joint Pain Naturally and Effectively? If you don't bounce out of bed like you use to or the staircase is not the only thing creaking when you ascend the stairs, you may be quick to dismiss it as part of the aging process. But if those creaking joints are accompanied by sharp and/or radiating pain in your knees, ankles, back, shoulders or any place where two or more bones connect, the condition may require more attention. While aging is the common reason for joint pain, it is not the only reason. Joint pain is the result of stiff or worn cartilage connecting two or more bones together. The stiffness coupled with inflammation triggers joint pain. Dr. Kristine Clark, a world renown doctor and Fellow at the American Academy of Sports Medicine states, "The deterioration of cartilage in joints may explain the loss of flexibility and increased stiffness that many people experience in their weight-bearing joints, such as knees and hips. Chronic joint symptoms are the leading cause of disability in people 18 and over. And, the over-50 crowd is expected to double by 2020." What causes joints to become stiff and inflamed? Stiff, inflamed, achy joints are a symptom in several conditions including injury, fibromyalgia, bursitis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, lupus and tendinitis. These conditions are not only painful to live with but cause a significant decrease in one's quality of life and daily activities. You may find it difficult to take part in your favorite activities such as gardening, golf, or simply enjoying a walk in the park. You do have options and there are alternatives for you to consider. Which treatment option is best for you? There have been many recent studies, such as the GAIT study, which have examined a variety of natural joint care supplements. The clinical findings have shown there are several substances that alleviate inflammation and pain in arthritis sufferers. Glucosamine and Chondroitin, work best when taken together. They have been shown to alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, and stop the progression of arthritis. Other ingredients such as MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) and Boswellia Serrata also have proven benefit in maintaining healthy joints. Rutin, trypsin, and bromelain have been clinically proven to be as effective a pain reliever as the prescription NSAID - diclofenac. How do you pick a great joint supplement? Joint supplements are becoming a viable option for those suffering from joint pain. There are vast differences between joint support products. It is a scientific fact that not all joint supplements can achieve the same level of results or produce the same level of positive outcome that you are looking for. The quality, efficacy, and potency of products within the industry vary from poor to outstanding. How can one make the most informed decision? The choices on the market are overwhelming, having evaluated over 250 joint supplements we looked at the most current scientific research and established a list of criteria that makes a joint product outstanding. We chose essential ingredients need to decrease joint pain, promote joint, cartilage and tissue regeneration, ability to prevent recurring damage, promote joint mobility and flexibility, and developed our range of Joint Support supplements. Bone and Joint Health Bone and Joint Health SKC Lifesciences
  • 7. Eye Health Are the eyes “windows to the soul,” as the ancient proverb has it? Maybe. But they're also portals through which one can glimpse signs of health problems -- not only eye disorders like cataracts and glaucoma, but also systemic illnesses like diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease. Sometimes the signs of these diseases are visible in, on, or around the eyes long before symptoms appear. The eyes truly are unique real estate; they're the only place in the body where you can see a bare nerve, a bare artery, and a bare vein without doing any cutting. And the disease processes we see occurring in the eye are probably occurring in the rest of the body. The list of systemic diseases that can have ocular manifestations is a long one; in addition to diabetes and cardiovascular disease, it includes aneurysms, HIV, cancer, and rare hereditary diseases. The list is one reason eye experts recommend periodic eye exams. Everyone should have a comprehensive eye exam by age 40, people who have a family history of eye problems should be seen earlier, and anyone who is having eye trouble should see a doctor right away. But people shouldn't wait until they experience symptoms to see a doctor, because many eye problems are silent, meaning they cause no symptoms. To keep the eye health under control, proper assistance with food and natural supplements, minerals and vitamins are quite essential. Immune support The body must contend with constant attacks by microscopic organisms. In order to defend against this onslaught, it deploys a wide range of defenses that together are called the immune system. People with diseases that cause immune deficiency, fall victim to infectious microorganisms that a healthy person could ward off easily. However, even healthy people get sick from time to time, victims of infections that manage to sneak by the defenses. And some apparently healthy people get sick quite often. If you fall into this latter category, you may wish to find treatments that can strengthen your immune system. To explain how to improve resistance to illness, we need to delve a bit deeper into the nature of immunity. The Immune System The immune system consists primarily of various types of white blood cells and the chemicals that they manufacture (such as antibodies). In certain conditions, such as AIDS, many of these white blood cells are damaged or dead. In such cases, the term immune deficiency is clearly appropriate. The circumstance is analogous to an army that lacks, say, guns. However, careful examination of most people who get frequent colds (or bladder infections or herpes attacks, for example) fails to turn up any visible deficits in the immune system. They have all the immune cells and antibodies they need in roughly the right amounts and all the various parts appear to work just fine. So why do such people get sick so often? One can hypothesize that in some people the immune system fails to function properly for a relatively subtle, invisible reason, much as a well-equipped army might lose its fighting form due to apathy or disunity. However, keep in mind that even people who develop frequent colds manage to fight off thousands of other infections every day. (If they didn't, they would be dead.) For this reason, an alternate hypothesis comes to mind: that over-susceptibility to a particular type of infection may be caused by something more specific than general immune weakness. As an example, chronically inflamed mucous membranes might lead to frequent colds, since an inflamed mucous membrane may be more porous to cold viruses. Similarly, a woman's bladder wall might allow particularly easy attachment of bacteria, leading to frequent bladder infections. The bottom line is, functioning of the immune system, like most systems in the body, is dependent on proper nutrition. It has been long known that severe malnutrition leads to immunodeficiency. Overnutrition is also associated with diseases such as diabetes and obesity, which are known to affect immune function. More moderate malnutrition, as well as certain specific trace mineral and nutrient deficiencies, can also compromise the immune response. SKC Lifesciences
  • 8. Energy & Endurance Weight Management Cardiovascular Health The circulatory system is an organ system that passes nutrients (such as amino acids and electrolytes), gases, hormones, blood cells, etc. to and from cells in the body to help fight diseases and help stabilize body temperature and pH to maintain homeostasis. This system may be seen strictly as a blood distribution network, but some consider the circulatory system as composed of the cardiovascular system, which distributes blood, and the lymphatic system, which distributes lymph. While humans, as well as other vertebrates, have a closed cardiovascular system (meaning that the blood never leaves the network of arteries, veins and capillaries), some invertebrate groups have an open cardiovascular system. Two types of fluids move through the circulatory system: blood and lymph. The blood, heart, and blood vessels form the cardiovascular system. The lymph, lymph nodes, and lymph vessels form the lymphatic system. The cardiovascular system and the lymphatic system collectively make up the circulatory system. The main components of the human cardiovascular system are the heart and the blood vessels. It includes: the pulmonary circulation, a "loop" through the lungs where blood is oxygenated; and the systemic circulation, a "loop" through the rest of the body to provide oxygenated blood. An average adult contains five to six quarts (roughly 4.7 to 5.7 liters) of blood, which consists of plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Also, the digestive system works with the circulatory system to provide the nutrients the system needs to keep the heart pumping. SKC Lifesciences
  • 9. Sleep Support When many people are faced by a stressful situation at work, they respond with complete commitment, by working intensely hard at resolving it. To do this, they may work all hours, cancel vacations and cut back on sleep, all to make more time to tackle the problem. If this is short-lived, then negative effects will be minimal and success will often be spectacular. However, if this level of hard work is sustained for a long time without relief, people increasingly risk ill-health and burnout. We rest and sleep because we need to. Rest is what we do to let stress subside. Rest at the end of a day, and at the end of a week, helps us to calm down. On average, people need around eight hours sleep a night (although this can vary between three hours and eleven hours, depending on the person and his or her age). If we are regularly short of sleep, then our concentration and our effectiveness suffer and our energy levels decline. We have all seen and experienced this. This diminishes our effectiveness in our job, and can therefore increase stress: As our concentration wanders, we start to make mistakes. As our energy declines, we become less proactive in what we do, reducing our control over events. This means that a situation that is already difficult and stressful can become worse, needing even more sacrifice to bring it back under control. Make sure you get enough sleep. If you have become used to being tired all the time, you will be amazed by how sharp and energetic you will feel once you start sleeping normally. To ensure this we may require some assistance externally by way of herbo-mineral supplements and vitamins. With this the sleep management becomes easier and return of the essential energy levels are restored. Maternal & Infant health Maternal & Infant Health Pregnancy and childbirth have an enormous impact on the physical, mental, emotional, and socioeconomic health of women and their families. Research and supports programs to improve women's health before, during, and after pregnancy, and to reduce both short and long-term complications herbo-mineral supplements and vitamins programs are required. Our goal is to help ensure that all women have a safe and healthy pregnancy. While maternal death is the most extreme pregnancy-related problem, many more women are affected by pregnancy-related complications, such as — depression; — complications of obesity; — severe medical problems requiring blood transfusions and longer hospital stays; — gestational diabetes and other chronic medical conditions; and — preterm birth. Pregnancy-related health consequences are influenced by women's health conditions as well as other factors such as race, ethnicity, age, and income. CDC collaborates with private and public partners to reduce the high rates of poor outcomes experienced by some racial and ethnic groups and to improve the pregnancy and delivery experience for all women. SKC Lifesciences
  • 10. Multiples A multivitamin is a preparation intended to supplement a human diet with vitamins, dietary minerals and other nutritional elements. Such preparations are available in the form of tablets, capsules, pastilles, powders, liquids and injectable formulations. Other than injectable formulations, which are only available and administered under medical supervision, multivitamins are recognized by the Codex Alimentarius Commission (the United Nations' authority on food standards) as a category of food. Multivitamin supplements are commonly provided in combination with minerals. A multivitamin/mineral supplement is defined in the United States as a supplement containing 3 or more vitamins and minerals that does not include herbs, hormones, or drugs, where each vitamin and mineral is included at a dose below the tolerable upper level, as determined by the Food and Drug Board, and does not present a risk of adverse health effects. The terms multivitamin and multimineral are often used interchangeably. There is no scientific definition for either. Linguistically, the terms are compounded words of which meaning can be derived in that capacity. Many multivitamins are formulated and/or labeled to differentiate consumer sectors e.g. prenatal, children, mature or 50+, men's, women's, diabetic, stress or megavitamin. Consumer multivitamin formulas are available as tablets, capsules, bulk powder, or liquid. Once and twice per day multivitamin formulas dominate common usage, although some formulas are designed for consumption 37 times per day or even allow hourly use. Multiples SKC Lifesciences
  • 11. Proteins • Complete essential amino acid profile • Superior biological protein value • Highly efficient ion-exchanged, micro-filtered, and hydrolyzed whey concentrates • Low-heat, non-chemical whey extraction process • With free-form L-Glutamine • Free-form branched chain amino acids (BCAA’s) • Free of lactose and starch • Low in fat • Easy to mix • Smooth, natural flavor with no artificial sweeteners or flavors. Whey is the protein of choice because of its: l Efficient utilization in the body due to its high biological value (BV) l Natural source of branched chain amino acids l Potent source of lactalbumin l Unique source of immunoglobulins Birla NourishProtein Powder is a highly efficient, scientifically advanced protein enhancement product. It is formulated with a blend of three, uniquely processed whey protein concentrates. Each process: ion-exchange, micro-filtration, and hydrolyzation adds to Protein Powder's amino acid availability, absorption, and protein utilization. Available in the following natural flavors: Chocolate Cocoa Bean, Honey Nut, Mixed Berry, and Vanilla Bean. Birla NourishProtein Powder also includes two beneficial ingredients, free-form L-Glutamine and free-form Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA's). L-Glutamine plays a significant role in supporting muscle mass. BCAA's help promote protein synthesis which assists in decreasing the breakdown of muscle under stressful conditions. Both L-Glutamine and BCAA's are used by muscle tissue as a source of energy. In addition, Birla NourishProtein Powder is free of starch and lactose and is low in fat. Plus, its delicious flavor blends easily and tastes great in water, milk, or your favorite juice. It can even be added to sauces, soups, cereals, muffins, pancakes, and other bake mixes. It is an excellent way to add extra high-quality protein to your daily caloric intake. Foods Plant sterols A group of plant chemicals with a structure similar to cholesterol is plant sterols. They are not absorbed by the gut, but have been found to reduce the absorption of cholesterol both from foods;, and from the bile that the liver discharges into the intestine. Plant sterols can lower blood cholesterol levels and thereby reduce the risk of heart disease. For this reason they are added to some margarines and sold as functional foods; a certain amount of the margarine must be eaten each day for the desired effect to be achieved. Bone Health Calcium, magnesium and vitamin D are believed to be the most important nutrients for bone health. For decades white flour has been fortified with calcium, and margarines fortified with vitamin D. Functional foods containing nutrients to aid bone health have also now become available. They include fortified orange juice, cereal bars and chocolate drinks. Phytoestrogens High intakes of isoflavones, the most active phytoestrogens in the human diet, may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and some cancers, including breast, prostate and bowel cancer. They may also help to reduce menopausal symptoms and the risk of osteoporosis. Functional foods containing soya protein or the pure isoflavones are being developed. Enhanced foods such as bioyoghurts and cereals with added nutrients are growing in popularity. Some can boost vitamin and mineral levels; others show promise in preventing or treating ailments, but more research is needed to prove their worth. The big advantage of these 'functional' or 'fortified' foods lies in the amounts of 'macronutrients', such as calcium and omega-3 fatty acids, that they contain much more than tablets. Functional foods are foods meant to offer a specific health benefit over and above the level of nutrients found in their ' conventional counterparts.` Fortified foods have had extra vitamins and/or minerals added so that one portion of the food will provide a substantial percentage of the recommended daily intake of that nutrient. Examples of functional foods include bioyoghurts containing' specially selected bacteria, and spreads with cholesterol-lowering agents. Folic acid A low folic acid intake has been linked to increased blood levels of homocysteine, and possibly to incidence of cancer of the colon and Alzheimer's disease. Homocysteine is a product of protein metabolism found in the SKC Lifesciences