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July | August 2012
   Noise a source of stress for farmed fish

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The International magazine for the aquaculture feed industry

                                                        a source of stress for farmed fish
                                                        By Rogelio Sierra Flores1 2, Andrew Davie1, Tim Atack2 and Herve Migaud1, Institute of
                                                                        Aquaculture, University of Stirling, UK and Ardtoe Marine Laboratory, UK

     t	 is	 widely	 recognised	 that	 fish	 welfare	     involves	a	series	of	complex	terms	but	essen-            or	 tissues	 and	 specialised	 cells	 distributed	
     and	stress	are	inextricably	linked.	When	           tially	sound	is	energy	traveling	as	a	mechanical	        throughout	the	animal	body,	giving	the	fish	the	
     welfare	 is	 compromised	 and	 fish	 are	           wave	caused	by	changes	in	the	medium	pres-               ability	to	sense	and	discriminate	sounds	based	
     under	 stressful	 conditions	 there	 are	 a	        sure.	 Detection	 of	 those	 variations	 is	 known	      on	their	direction,	distance	and	source.	
wide	range	of	negative	effects	that	have	been	           as	the	audible	sound	and	its	loudness	depends	                Fish	 auditory	 thresholds	 are	 believed	 to	
reported.	These	 include	 a	 reduction	 in	 feed	        on	 the	 specific	 sensitivity	 to	 the	 frequencies.	   be	 primarily	 in	 the	 range	 of	 20	 to	 3,000	 Hz.	
intake,	 growth,	 food	 conversion	 efficiency	          The	colloquial	term	‘sound	volume’	often	con-            However	 sensitivity	 does	 clearly	 vary	 with	
and	flesh	quality;	an	increase	in	disease	sus-           founds	the	definitions	of	sound	pressure	and	            species	(Figure	1)	and	stage	of	development.	
ceptibility	 and	 aggression;	 disruption	 of	 the	      sound	intensity:	sound	intensity	is	the	rate	of	         Reports	have	indicated	that	some	fish	species	
reproductive	axis	and	ultimately,	in	extreme	            flow	of	energy	through	an	area	(W/m²),	while	            could	even	detect	very	low	frequencies	in	the	
cases	mortality.	                                        sound	pressure	is	the	‘strength’	of	the	sound	           infrasound	range	(<20	Hz)	as	well	as	possibly	
                                                         wave	 (Pa).	 Sound	 pressure	 levels	 (SPL)	 are	        in	 the	 ultrasound	 range	 (>20	 kHz)	 although	
    Research	 has	 focused	 on	 numerous	 differ-        the	logarithmic	expression	in	the	relative	scale	        this	 may	 depend	 on	 sound	 levels	 fish	 are	
ent	potential	stressors	including	environmental	         decibel	(dB)	of	the	root	mean	square	(RMS)	              exposed	to.	Whether	fish	perception	of	these	
factors	 such	 as	 light,	 temperature	 and	 water	      compared	 to	 a	 reference	 value.	 Thus,	 to	           sound	frequencies	is	functional	hearing	or	an	
quality	as	well	as	physical	stressors	like	crowd-        quantify	 anthropogenic	 sounds	 in	 the	 culture	       artefact	 of	 past	 auditory	 requirements	 needs	
ing,	handling	and	transportation.	However,	the	          environment,	we	use	the	SPL	of	a	given	noise	            further	clarification.	
potential	 for	 sound	 to	 act	 as	 a	 stressor	 has	    over	the	background	reference.
been	largely	overlooked	in	aquaculture.					                                                                      ‘Grunts’ and ‘clicks’
                                                         Sound perception                                    Fish	 do	 not	 only	 passively	 perceive	
The importance of sound                                      Aquatic	animals	are	provided	with	a	wide	   sounds	generated	in	their	environment,	they	
     Sound	 plays	 an	 important	 role	 in	 the	 life	   range	 of	 sensory	 organs	 and	 systems	 to	   can	also	be	vocally	active	as	shown	in	many	
of	 terrestrial	 and	 aquatic	 animals	 as	 a	 means	    perceive	 and	 filter	 relevant	 environmental	 species.	 The	 swim	 bladder	 has	 an	 audi-
of	communication	as	well	as	its	role	in	echo-                                                            tory	accessory	function	reflecting	sound	and	
                                                         signals.	 The	 capability	 of	 fish	 to	 cast	 and	
location,	predator	avoidance,	or	even	just	the	          recognise	 sound	 is	 well	 documented	 for	    amplifying	 their	 communications.	 Some	 fish	
perception	 of	 changes	 in	 the	 environment.	      	                                                   also	use	this	‘sound	box’	to	generate	vocali-
                                                         some	 species,	 showing	 significant	 variability	
As	 such	 it	 deserves	 greater	 attention	 than	        among	them.	                                    sations	 for	 a	 variety	 of	 potential	 reasons	
it	 has	 received	 so	 far	 as	 a	 parameter	 to	 be	                                                    including	 maintenance	 of	 contact,	 warning	
                                                             In	 general,	 sound	 perception	 in	 fish	 is	
monitored/managed	in	culture	settings.	                  localised	 to	 three	 interconnected	 systems:	 of	 predators,	 aggression	 or	 mate	 choice.	
     It	must	be	acknowledged	that	air	and	water	                                                         Atlantic	cod	(Gadus morhua)	is	a	particularly	
                                                         the	 auditory,	 the	 equilibrium	 and	 the	 lateral	
are	two	completely	different	acoustic	environ-           line.	They	involve	a	series	of	complex	organs	  vocal	species	which	produces	sounds	during	
ments.	 With	 water	 being	 a	                                                                                           aggression,	 chasing,	 escaping	
thousand	 times	 denser	 than	                                                                                           but	mainly	during	courtship.	
air,	 a	 greater	 energy	 input	                                                                                             Cod	 vocalisations	 are	
is	 required	 to	 initiate	 sound	                                                                                       named	 ‘grunts’	 and	 ‘clicks’	
propagation	 which	 results	                                                                                             based	 on	 the	 human	 percep-
in	 sound	 underwater	 hav-                                                                                              tion	of	the	sound.	The	‘grunts’	
ing	 a	 greater	 velocity	 with	                                                                                         are	 produced	 by	 repeatedly	
less	 attenuation.	 In	 practical	                                                                                       contracting	 the	 drum	 muscle	
terms	this	means	that	great-                                                                                             sending	vibrations	to	the	swim	
er	energy	is	required	to	cast	                                                                                           bladder.	One	grunt	is	a	repeti-
a	noise	underwater	although	                                                                                             tion	 of	 single	 pulses	 of	 60	 to	
water	 is	 less	 restrictive	 to	 a	                                                                                     200	 ms	 in	 frequencies	 ranging	
spreading	 sound	 wave,	 and	            Figure 1: Hearing thresholds comparison of humans, dogs, bats                   from	30	to	250	Hz	(Figure	2).	
thus	 aquatic	 fields	 can	 be	          and fish. Hearing thresholds for five selected fish species (Atlantic               It	 is	 believed	 that	 during	
very	noisy	environments.	                cod, Atlantic salmon, Common carp, Tunids, and goldfish)                        courtship	 females	 will	 assess	
     The	 concept	 of	 sound	            Adapted from Popper et al., 2008                                                the	 fitness	 of	 the	 males	 based	

                                                        28 | InternAtIonAl AquAFeed | July-August 2012
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   on	 their	 grunting.	 As	 such,	 male	 grunting	              In	captivity	sound	sources	are	more	spe- tank	 walls	 all	 create	 obvious	 perceptible	
project	included	four	tilapia	farms	in	China.	These	 identify	the	key	problems	and	causes	related	to	 in	April,	2011.	Over	40	farmers,	processors,	tech-
   vigour	has	been	related	to	the	volume	of	the	 cific,	 being	 related	 to	 the	 general	 operation	 noise	 (Figure	 3).	 Some	 basic	 activities	
farms	 represented	 both	 small-	 and	 commercial- water	management.	
   drum	 muscle	 mass	 as	 well	 as	 the	 individual’s	 of	an	aquaculture	facility	including	equipment	 nicians	 and	 government	showed	 attended	sound	
                                                                                                                   like	 hand	 feeding	 officers	 a	 low	 the	
   specific	immune	condition.	During	mating	the	 and	 general	 project	 is	 an	activities.	 Literature	 workshop.	 Participants	 found	 the	 workshop	 above	
scale	 production	 facilities	 utilising	 two	 different	     The	 second	 husbandry	 assessment	 of	 the	         level	 increase	 of	 8-11	 dB	 re	 µPa	 very	
production	systems	(pond	and	cages).	Aside	from	 regional	environmental	impacts	of	fish	farm	clusters,	 informative	and	helpful.	This	enhanced	the	produc-
   female	will	settle	on	the	ground,	while	males	 suggests	that	general	activity	and	farm	noise	 background	noise.	
identifying	similarities	and	differences	among	criteria	 which	will	be	jointly	conducted	by	SFP	and	Hainan	 ers’	awareness	of	increasing	demands	for	certified	
   ‘perform’	 a	 courtship	 characterised	 by	 both	 will	 generate	 low	 frequency	 vibrations	 i.e.	                 However,	 the	 analysis	 showed	 that	 other	
and	 requirements	 used	 by	 the	 three	 standards,	 Research	Academy	of	Environmental	Sciences,	the	 sustainable	 seafood	 from	 reach	 worrying	 thus	
   vocalisations	and	a	swimming	pattern	around	 <1kHz	 which	 is	 within	 the	 auditory	 sensi- daily	 activities	 can	 overseas	 markets,	 levels.	
this	project	also	identified	outstanding	issues	in	the	 leading	environmental	research	institute	in	Hainan.	 further	 facilitating	 the	 engagement	 of	 Chinese	
   the	female.	                                              tivity	 of	 fish.	 Thus,	
farms,	which	most	producers	were	able	to	address	 The	study	will	examine	the	potential	for	regional	 stakeholders	 into	 a	 supply-chain	 dialogue	 around	
        In	 enclosed	 aquaculture	 systems	 it	 is	 very	 prior	to	quantifying	
as	a	result	of	the	trial	audit.	To	date,	all	four	farms	 scale	improvement	by	looking	at	carrying	capacity	 sustainability.	
   likely	 that	 mating	 performance/mate	 choice	 how	 sound	 could	
are	now	certified	under	one	or	more	of	the	com- and	the	potential	for	zoning	in	a	specific	area.
   could	 be	 impaired	 if	 the	 males	 ‘singing	 and	 act	 as	 a	 stressor,	                                       SFP	is	currently	working	with	local	institutes	of	
mercial	aquaculture	standards. somehow	 restrained	 it	 was	 felt	 impor- data	 becomes	 available	 aquaculture	and	environmental	sciences	to	identify	
   dancing’	 performance	 is	                                 As	 more	 first-hand	
   by	the	physical	conditions.	While	every	effort	 (along	 with	more	 pre-
     SFP	 is	 widely	 acknowledged	 for	 its	 expertise	     tant	 to	 a	 more	 in-depth	 understanding	 of	 and	 evaluate	 both	 qualitatively	 and	 quantitatively	
by	has	 been	 directed	 to	 optimising	 broodstock	 existing	 policies	 and	 management	 measures),	 the	 the	 environmental	 impacts	 of	 tilapia	 farming	 in	
     stakeholders	 in	 Chinese	 tilapia,	 including	 key	    cisely	catalogue	the	
US	and	European	buyers	and	retailers,	as	well	as	 AIP	will	establish	a	working	group	that	convenes	 Hainan.	This	includes	an	ecological	study	as	well	as	
   holding	 tanks	 to	 ensure	 enough	 space	 and	 sound-scape	 in	 a	
producers	 and	 processors	 in	 China,	 aquaculture	 the	key	buyers,	suppliers	and	producers	along	the	 socio-political	analysis	to	advise	local	governments	
   low	turbulences	 to	allow	 paired	mating,	 little	 typical	 land-based	
institutes,	 industry	 associations,	 and	 local	 Chinese	 Chinese	tilapia	supply-chain	to	share	the	scientific	 and	industrial	associations	about	how	to	efficiently	
   thought	has	been	put	into	the	acoustic	condi- aquaculture	facility.	
governments.	Given	the	high	level	of	trust	that	SFP	 findings.	The	AIP	will	then	form	a	multi-stakeholder	 address	 the	 environmental	 issues	 associated	 with	
   tions	experienced	by	fish	in	culture.                         A	 sound	 map-
enjoys	with	the	tilapia	supply	chain	it	was	appropri- policy	roundtable	to	further	discuss	the	problems	 tilapia	farming	in	Hainan.	The	preliminary	results	will	
                                                             ping	        exercise	
ate	that	a	tilapia	Aquaculture	Improvement	Project	 and	solutions.	The	AIP	participants	will	eventually	 be	shared	with	key	stakeholders	at	the	Aquaculture	
   Negative effects of sound                                 was	 performed	
                                                                                           Figure 2. Waveform and spectrogram of four different
(AIP)	was	officially	launched	in	2011. anthropogenic	 agree	on	the	actions	and	timetables	necessary	to	 Policy	Roundtable	this	fall	in	China.	
        The	 negative	 effects	 of	                          in	 the	 facilities	 of	
                                                                                           cod grunts recorded in SFP	 facilities of Ardtoe Marine
                                                                                                                     the is	 also	 developing	 partnerships	 with	
   sound	 are	 well	 documented	 in	 the	 natural	 achieve	 the	 sustainability	 objectives	 defined	 by	
     SFP	has	now	initiated	two	research	projects	            Ardtoe	 Marine	               Laboratory, Scotland during Spring 2010.
to	environment	 where	 a	 wide	farming	 on	 the	 the	group.	SFP	will	play	a	leading	role	in	engaging	 Chinese	universities	and	large	feed	manufacturers	
     assess	 the	 impact	 of	 tilapia	 range	 of	 species	 Laboratory	             in	
external	environment.	The	first	project,	started	 stakeholders,	providing	scientific	advice	and	facilitat- to	 improve	 feed	 sourcing	 for	 tilapia	 farming	 in	
   have	been	shown	to	alter	their	natural	com- Scotland	 which	
in	April	2011,	involves	monitoring	water	qual- ing	communication.
   munication	 and	 behaviour	 with	 there	 even	 revealed	 a	 surprisingly	 quiet	 background	 China.	 This	 work	 is	 to	 be	 undertaken	 through	
                                                                                                                   Accidental	and/or	intentional	knocks	against	a	
ity	 on	 selected	 farms	 in	 Hainan	 province,	 and	in	 sound	 level	 in	 the	 rearing	 tanks	 as	 com- research	 projects	 on	 improving	 feeding	 efficien-
   being	 evidence	 of	 panic	 and	 confusion	                                                                     tank	wall,	which	can	cause	strong	behavioural	
was	 undertaken	different	 Hainan	 Institute	 of	 Up-to-date progress
   response	 to	 by	 the	 anthropogenic	 sound	 pared	 to	 what	 would	 be	 expected	 in	 cy	reactions	 in	 the	 fish	 stocks,	 generates	 low	
                                                                                                                    and	 developing	 alternative	 feeds	 with	 fewer	
   stimuli.	 In	 the	 natural	 marine	 environment	 shallow	 coastal	 waters.	 That	 said,	 sound	 impacts	on	wild	fisheries.
Aquaculture.	 Dozens	 of	 water	 quality	 param-              SFP	has	worked	closely	with	local	tilapia	associa-   frequency	sounds	with	volumes	ranging	from	
eters	such	as	chemical	oxygen	demand	(COD),	 tions	 to	 assess	 different	 tilapia	 standards	 that	 are	
   these	 sound	 sources	 are	 diverse	 and	 include	 disturbances	were	evident.	Common	hus- 21-39	 dB	 depending	 on	 the	 vigour/cause	 of	
nitrogen	 and	 phosphorus	 content,	 and	 heavy	 available	 in	 activities	 like	workshop	 introducing	 More InforMatIon: Such	 SPL	 are	 clearly	 per-
   offshore	engineering,	pile	driving,	seismic	sur- bandry	 the	 market.	 A	 hand	 feeding,	 walk- the	 perturbation.	
metals	 were	 analysed	 for	 five	 farms	 over	 two	 three	international	standards	for	tilapia	farming,	i.e.	 Sustainable Fisheries Partnership
   veying,	 busy	 shipping	 areas	 as	 well	 as	 naval	 ing,	 hand	 netting,	 talking,	 water	 inflow,	 ceived	by	the	fish	and	could	possibly	trigger	a	
croppings	 (10	 months).	 The	 study	 helped	 20/02/2012 bubbles,	 and	 knocks	 in	 Haikou	 Website:
_OffshoreMaric_Quarter_SplitAd_OMC_Quarter BAP,	 GlobalGAP,	 and	 ASC,	 was	 held	against	 the	 stress	reaction.	
   activity.	                                                aeration	 07:53 Page 1

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                                                                                           July-August 2012 | InternAtIonAl AquAFeed | 29
                                                                                        July-August 2012 | InternAtIonAl AquAFeed | 27

Fish reaction                                          ly	 correlated	 to	 peak	 cortisol	 concentrations.	        of	 elevated	 cortisol	 to	 the	 oocytes	 reducing	
   Stress	reactions	in	fish	in	response	to	sound	      Tested	sound	levels	were	comparable	to	those	               their	 viability.	 Another	 possibility	 is	 that	 the	
perturbations	 can	 be	 behavioural,	 acoustic	        encountered	 during	 the	 site	 sound	 mapping,	            courtship	ritual	could	have	been	disrupted	by	
and/or	 physiological.	 Behavioural	 responses	        which	suggests	that	a	perturbation	as	simple	as	            the	randomised	sound	exposure	masking	the	
are	the	apparent	avoidance	or	freezing	reac-           knocking	 a	 tank	 wall	 can	 be	 strong	 enough	 to	       grunts	and	interrupting	the	mating	behaviour	
tion.	Acoustic	responses	are	more	difficult	to	        trigger	a	significant	increase	of	cortisol.	                explaining	 the	 reduction	 in	 fertilisation	 rate.	
                                                                                                                   Regardless	 of	 the	 causative	 mechanism,	 the	
                                                                                                                   fact	 that	 fertilisation	 success	 and	 egg	 quality	
                                                                                                                   were	 so	 clearly	 affected	 in	 sound	 stressed	
                                                                                                                   broodstock	should	be	taken	as	a	clear	indica-
                                                                                                                   tion	the	acoustic	conditions	in	culture	deserve	
                                                                                                                   more	attention.

                                                                                                                   Implications for other species
                                                                                                                        While	evidence	suggests	that	Atlantic	cod	
                                                                                                                   is	 one	 of	 the	 more	 acoustically	 sensitive	 fish	
                                                                                                                   we	 firmly	 believe	 that	 there	 are	 implications	
                                                                                                                   for	this	work	in	most	other	cultured	species.	
                                                                                                                   Future	 work	 should	 focus	 on	 the	 long-term	
   Figure 3: Noise disturbances monitored in an aquaculture on-growing tank.                                       effects	 of	 noise	 as	 a	 stressor	 including	 tem-
   Waveform and spectrogram representations: A) Background sound level; B) Hand                                    porary	auditory	thresholds	adaptation	as	cop-
   feeding commercial dry pellets of 4.5 mm two times five pellets at the time; C)
                                                                                                                   ing	 strategies.	 Acclimatisation	 to	 noise	 might	
   Knocks against the tank wall. Three sets of three knocks caused with the bare
   fingers.                                                                                                        be	 possible,	 although	 negative	 physiological	
                                                                                                                   responses	 could	 be	 present	 even	 without	 a	
                                                                                                                   clear	behavioural	response.	
characterise,	 however	 evidence	 suggests	 that	          Recovery	 from	 the	 sound	 perturbation	                    In	 terms	 of	 the	 culture	 facilities	 we	 use,	
fish	 may	 attempt	 to	 alter	 their	 vocalisation	    was	 also	 rapid	 indicating	 it	 to	 be	 an	 acute	        clearly	 more	 attention	 has	 to	 be	 paid	 in	
form	 and	 structure	 (length,	 frequencies	 and	      stress	 response	 that	 fish	 should	 be	 able	 to	         reducing	the	noise	caused	around	land-based	
amplitude)	to	increase	transmission	probabil-          cope	and	adapt	to.	This	would	in	turn	suggest	              aquaculture	facilities	and,	by	doing	so,	making	
ity	as	has	been	reported	in	other	vertebrates.	        a	minor	impact	in	the	long-term	performance	                aquaculture	 production	 more	 reliable	 and	
    Finally,	 the	 physiological	 responses	 are	      of	 the	 fish	 stocks	 although,	 in	 fish	 farm	 facili-   predictable	 possibly	 helping	 to	 reduce	 the	
varied	as	a	stress	activation	of	the	sympathetic	      ties,	those	acute	sudden	noises	are	common	                 commonly	reported	variability	in	fish	perform-
nervous	system	(SNS)	and	the	hypothalamic-             and	frequent.	Thus,	the	second	phase	of	the	                ances	in	most	aquaculture	facilities.	
pituitary-interrenal	 (HPI)	 axis	 can	 impact	 on	    work	 considered	 how	 short	 ‘acute’	 sound	                    Instituting	 some	 routine	 simple	 and	
many	 processes	 however	 evidence	 of	 sound	         stressors	applied	over	a	long	time	frame	can	               cheap	 sound	 measurements	 on	 a	 farm	
stimulating	these	processes	is	lacking	to	date.	       impact	on	fish	performances.	                               could	 mitigate	 many	 unnecessary	 distur-
Buscaino	 et	 al.	 (2009)	 demonstrated	 in	 sea	                                                                  bances	 that	 might	 be	 acting	 as	 stressors	
bass	and	sea	bream	that	sound	perturbations	           Sound stressors over time:                                  affecting	the	welfare	and	thus	performance	
above	a	threshold	can	result	in	an	increase	in	        a significant impact                                        of	the	fish.	The	results	of	doing	so	may	well	
blood	 glucose	 levels	 and	 haematocrit	 which	           We	 discovered	 that	 cod	 broodstock	                  be	seen	in	the	bottom	line.			                      ■
confirms	 the	 involvement	 of	 the	 HPI	 axis	 in	    exposed	 to	 six	 hours	 of	 daily	 randomised	
this	species.	                                         noise	at	a	SPL	of	34	dB	re	µPa	(comparable	                 Acknowledgments
                                                       to	 a	 loud	 knock	 on	 a	 tank	 wall)	 significantly	
                                                                                                                   This	project	was	co-funded	by	the	Mexican	
Acute stress response                                  impacted	 on	 the	 their	 spawning	 perform-                Council	for	Science	and	Technology	(CONACYT)	
    Our	 studies	 have	 shown	 that	 noise	 does	      ance.	 Egg	 production	 in	 terms	 of	 volume	 of	          and	EU	FP7	project	232305	“PROSPAWN”.
elicit	an	acute	stress	response	in	Atlantic	cod	       eggs	 and	 egg	 size	 was	 comparable	 between	
(Gadus morhua)	 juveniles.	 Fish	 exposed	 to	         broodstocks	 that	 were	 both	 exposed,	 and	
sound	 in	 the	 100-1000Hz	 range	 for	 10	 min-       not	 exposed,	 to	 sound	 though	 in	 the	 sound	           References
utes,	using	suspended	underwater	loudspeak-            exposed	 population	 fertilisation	 rates	 were	
                                                                                                                   Buscaino,	G.,	F.	Filiciotto,	et	al.	(2010).	"Impact	of	
ers,	 showed	 a	 significant	 increase	 of	 plasma	    reduced	by	almost	half.	                                    an	acoustic	stimulus	on	the	motility	and	blood	
cortisol	 concentrations	 within	 10	 minutes	 of	         Work	is	currently	underway	to	investigate	              parameters	of	European	sea	bass	(Dicentrarchus	
exposure.	                                             why	sound	perturbations	result	in	such	a	sig-               labrax	L.)	and	gilthead	sea	bream	(Sparus aurata	
    Furthermore,	 the	 response	 was	 dose	            nificant	 reduction	 in	 fertilisation	 success	 with	      L.)."	Marine	Environmental	Research	69(3):	136-
dependent	as	sound	pressure	levels	were	direct-        one	 possibility	 being	 the	 maternal	 transfer	           142.

                                                      30 | InternAtIonAl AquAFeed | July-August 2012
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Noise a source of stress for farmed fish

  • 1. July | August 2012 Noise a source of stress for farmed fish International Aquafeed is published five times a year by Perendale Publishers Ltd of the United Kingdom. All data is published in good faith, based on information received, and while every care is taken to prevent inaccuracies, the publishers accept no liability for any errors or omissions or for the consequences of action taken on the basis of information published. ©Copyright 2012 Perendale Publishers Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior permission of the copyright owner. Printed by Perendale Publishers Ltd. ISSN: 1464-0058 The International magazine for the aquaculture feed industry
  • 2. FEATURE Noise a source of stress for farmed fish By Rogelio Sierra Flores1 2, Andrew Davie1, Tim Atack2 and Herve Migaud1, Institute of Aquaculture, University of Stirling, UK and Ardtoe Marine Laboratory, UK I t is widely recognised that fish welfare involves a series of complex terms but essen- or tissues and specialised cells distributed and stress are inextricably linked. When tially sound is energy traveling as a mechanical throughout the animal body, giving the fish the welfare is compromised and fish are wave caused by changes in the medium pres- ability to sense and discriminate sounds based under stressful conditions there are a sure. Detection of those variations is known on their direction, distance and source. wide range of negative effects that have been as the audible sound and its loudness depends Fish auditory thresholds are believed to reported. These include a reduction in feed on the specific sensitivity to the frequencies. be primarily in the range of 20 to 3,000 Hz. intake, growth, food conversion efficiency The colloquial term ‘sound volume’ often con- However sensitivity does clearly vary with and flesh quality; an increase in disease sus- founds the definitions of sound pressure and species (Figure 1) and stage of development. ceptibility and aggression; disruption of the sound intensity: sound intensity is the rate of Reports have indicated that some fish species reproductive axis and ultimately, in extreme flow of energy through an area (W/m²), while could even detect very low frequencies in the cases mortality. sound pressure is the ‘strength’ of the sound infrasound range (<20 Hz) as well as possibly wave (Pa). Sound pressure levels (SPL) are in the ultrasound range (>20 kHz) although Research has focused on numerous differ- the logarithmic expression in the relative scale this may depend on sound levels fish are ent potential stressors including environmental decibel (dB) of the root mean square (RMS) exposed to. Whether fish perception of these factors such as light, temperature and water compared to a reference value. Thus, to sound frequencies is functional hearing or an quality as well as physical stressors like crowd- quantify anthropogenic sounds in the culture artefact of past auditory requirements needs ing, handling and transportation. However, the environment, we use the SPL of a given noise further clarification. potential for sound to act as a stressor has over the background reference. been largely overlooked in aquaculture. ‘Grunts’ and ‘clicks’ Sound perception Fish do not only passively perceive The importance of sound Aquatic animals are provided with a wide sounds generated in their environment, they Sound plays an important role in the life range of sensory organs and systems to can also be vocally active as shown in many of terrestrial and aquatic animals as a means perceive and filter relevant environmental species. The swim bladder has an audi- of communication as well as its role in echo- tory accessory function reflecting sound and signals. The capability of fish to cast and location, predator avoidance, or even just the recognise sound is well documented for amplifying their communications. Some fish perception of changes in the environment. also use this ‘sound box’ to generate vocali- some species, showing significant variability As such it deserves greater attention than among them. sations for a variety of potential reasons it has received so far as a parameter to be including maintenance of contact, warning In general, sound perception in fish is monitored/managed in culture settings. localised to three interconnected systems: of predators, aggression or mate choice. It must be acknowledged that air and water Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) is a particularly the auditory, the equilibrium and the lateral are two completely different acoustic environ- line. They involve a series of complex organs vocal species which produces sounds during ments. With water being a aggression, chasing, escaping thousand times denser than but mainly during courtship. air, a greater energy input Cod vocalisations are is required to initiate sound named ‘grunts’ and ‘clicks’ propagation which results based on the human percep- in sound underwater hav- tion of the sound. The ‘grunts’ ing a greater velocity with are produced by repeatedly less attenuation. In practical contracting the drum muscle terms this means that great- sending vibrations to the swim er energy is required to cast bladder. One grunt is a repeti- a noise underwater although tion of single pulses of 60 to water is less restrictive to a 200 ms in frequencies ranging spreading sound wave, and Figure 1: Hearing thresholds comparison of humans, dogs, bats from 30 to 250 Hz (Figure 2). thus aquatic fields can be and fish. Hearing thresholds for five selected fish species (Atlantic It is believed that during very noisy environments. cod, Atlantic salmon, Common carp, Tunids, and goldfish) courtship females will assess The concept of sound Adapted from Popper et al., 2008 the fitness of the males based 28 | InternAtIonAl AquAFeed | July-August 2012
  • 3. WHO CARES... …If profits in the aquaculture industry are as appetising as a salmon dinner? As feed prices soar and formulation moves towards sustainability, aquaculture producers must think differently to stay on the menu. In all phases of the fish’s life, proper nutrition will improve health. With decades of dedicated research, the “Alltech Aqua Advantage” programme responds to the challenges of today’s aquaculture producers through nutritional innovation, addressing issues such as growth and performance, feed efficiency, flesh quality and immunity. So, when asked who cares about your profitability? Remember DOES! Silver sponsor of Visit us at stand #4 | | @Alltech
  • 4. FEATURE EXPERT T●PIC on their grunting. As such, male grunting In captivity sound sources are more spe- tank walls all create obvious perceptible project included four tilapia farms in China. These identify the key problems and causes related to in April, 2011. Over 40 farmers, processors, tech- vigour has been related to the volume of the cific, being related to the general operation noise (Figure 3). Some basic activities farms represented both small- and commercial- water management. drum muscle mass as well as the individual’s of an aquaculture facility including equipment nicians and government showed attended sound like hand feeding officers a low the specific immune condition. During mating the and general project is an activities. Literature workshop. Participants found the workshop above scale production facilities utilising two different The second husbandry assessment of the level increase of 8-11 dB re µPa very production systems (pond and cages). Aside from regional environmental impacts of fish farm clusters, informative and helpful. This enhanced the produc- female will settle on the ground, while males suggests that general activity and farm noise background noise. identifying similarities and differences among criteria which will be jointly conducted by SFP and Hainan ers’ awareness of increasing demands for certified ‘perform’ a courtship characterised by both will generate low frequency vibrations i.e. However, the analysis showed that other and requirements used by the three standards, Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, the sustainable seafood from reach worrying thus vocalisations and a swimming pattern around <1kHz which is within the auditory sensi- daily activities can overseas markets, levels. this project also identified outstanding issues in the leading environmental research institute in Hainan. further facilitating the engagement of Chinese the female. tivity of fish. Thus, farms, which most producers were able to address The study will examine the potential for regional stakeholders into a supply-chain dialogue around In enclosed aquaculture systems it is very prior to quantifying as a result of the trial audit. To date, all four farms scale improvement by looking at carrying capacity sustainability. likely that mating performance/mate choice how sound could are now certified under one or more of the com- and the potential for zoning in a specific area. could be impaired if the males ‘singing and act as a stressor, SFP is currently working with local institutes of mercial aquaculture standards. somehow restrained it was felt impor- data becomes available aquaculture and environmental sciences to identify dancing’ performance is As more first-hand by the physical conditions. While every effort (along with more pre- SFP is widely acknowledged for its expertise tant to a more in-depth understanding of and evaluate both qualitatively and quantitatively by has been directed to optimising broodstock existing policies and management measures), the the environmental impacts of tilapia farming in stakeholders in Chinese tilapia, including key cisely catalogue the US and European buyers and retailers, as well as AIP will establish a working group that convenes Hainan. This includes an ecological study as well as holding tanks to ensure enough space and sound-scape in a producers and processors in China, aquaculture the key buyers, suppliers and producers along the socio-political analysis to advise local governments low turbulences to allow paired mating, little typical land-based institutes, industry associations, and local Chinese Chinese tilapia supply-chain to share the scientific and industrial associations about how to efficiently thought has been put into the acoustic condi- aquaculture facility. governments. Given the high level of trust that SFP findings. The AIP will then form a multi-stakeholder address the environmental issues associated with tions experienced by fish in culture. A sound map- enjoys with the tilapia supply chain it was appropri- policy roundtable to further discuss the problems tilapia farming in Hainan. The preliminary results will ping exercise ate that a tilapia Aquaculture Improvement Project and solutions. The AIP participants will eventually be shared with key stakeholders at the Aquaculture Negative effects of sound was performed Figure 2. Waveform and spectrogram of four different (AIP) was officially launched in 2011. anthropogenic agree on the actions and timetables necessary to Policy Roundtable this fall in China. The negative effects of in the facilities of cod grunts recorded in SFP facilities of Ardtoe Marine the is also developing partnerships with sound are well documented in the natural achieve the sustainability objectives defined by SFP has now initiated two research projects Ardtoe Marine Laboratory, Scotland during Spring 2010. to environment where a wide farming on the the group. SFP will play a leading role in engaging Chinese universities and large feed manufacturers assess the impact of tilapia range of species Laboratory in external environment. The first project, started stakeholders, providing scientific advice and facilitat- to improve feed sourcing for tilapia farming in have been shown to alter their natural com- Scotland which in April 2011, involves monitoring water qual- ing communication. munication and behaviour with there even revealed a surprisingly quiet background China. This work is to be undertaken through Accidental and/or intentional knocks against a ity on selected farms in Hainan province, and in sound level in the rearing tanks as com- research projects on improving feeding efficien- being evidence of panic and confusion tank wall, which can cause strong behavioural was undertaken different Hainan Institute of Up-to-date progress response to by the anthropogenic sound pared to what would be expected in cy reactions in the fish stocks, generates low and developing alternative feeds with fewer stimuli. In the natural marine environment shallow coastal waters. That said, sound impacts on wild fisheries. Aquaculture. Dozens of water quality param- SFP has worked closely with local tilapia associa- frequency sounds with volumes ranging from eters such as chemical oxygen demand (COD), tions to assess different tilapia standards that are these sound sources are diverse and include disturbances were evident. Common hus- 21-39 dB depending on the vigour/cause of nitrogen and phosphorus content, and heavy available in activities like workshop introducing More InforMatIon: Such SPL are clearly per- offshore engineering, pile driving, seismic sur- bandry the market. A hand feeding, walk- the perturbation. metals were analysed for five farms over two three international standards for tilapia farming, i.e. Sustainable Fisheries Partnership veying, busy shipping areas as well as naval ing, hand netting, talking, water inflow, ceived by the fish and could possibly trigger a croppings (10 months). The study helped 20/02/2012 bubbles, and knocks in Haikou Website: _OffshoreMaric_Quarter_SplitAd_OMC_Quarter BAP, GlobalGAP, and ASC, was held against the stress reaction. activity. aeration 07:53 Page 1 A must attend OFFSHORE event for all MARICULTURE CONFERENCE2012 fish farmers! 17-19 October With fish farming output expected to reach close to 120 million tons by 2020, the HILTON HOTEL Offshore Mariculture Conference – IZMIR • TURKEY two day conference plus visit to an offshore SUPPORTED BY fish farm – will explore the progress and prospects for offshore aquaculture in Turkish Ministry of Food Central Union of Turkish European and international waters. Agriculture and Livestock Aquaculture Producers For details on how to submit an abstract and for the full list of topics to be covered, MEDIA SUPPORTERS: together with information on the conference, including details of sponsorship packages, please call the Events Team on A MERCATOR MEDIA EVENT +44 (0) 1329 825335 email or visit July-August 2012 | InternAtIonAl AquAFeed | 29 July-August 2012 | InternAtIonAl AquAFeed | 27
  • 5. FEATURE Fish reaction ly correlated to peak cortisol concentrations. of elevated cortisol to the oocytes reducing Stress reactions in fish in response to sound Tested sound levels were comparable to those their viability. Another possibility is that the perturbations can be behavioural, acoustic encountered during the site sound mapping, courtship ritual could have been disrupted by and/or physiological. Behavioural responses which suggests that a perturbation as simple as the randomised sound exposure masking the are the apparent avoidance or freezing reac- knocking a tank wall can be strong enough to grunts and interrupting the mating behaviour tion. Acoustic responses are more difficult to trigger a significant increase of cortisol. explaining the reduction in fertilisation rate. Regardless of the causative mechanism, the fact that fertilisation success and egg quality were so clearly affected in sound stressed broodstock should be taken as a clear indica- tion the acoustic conditions in culture deserve more attention. Implications for other species While evidence suggests that Atlantic cod is one of the more acoustically sensitive fish we firmly believe that there are implications for this work in most other cultured species. Future work should focus on the long-term Figure 3: Noise disturbances monitored in an aquaculture on-growing tank. effects of noise as a stressor including tem- Waveform and spectrogram representations: A) Background sound level; B) Hand porary auditory thresholds adaptation as cop- feeding commercial dry pellets of 4.5 mm two times five pellets at the time; C) ing strategies. Acclimatisation to noise might Knocks against the tank wall. Three sets of three knocks caused with the bare fingers. be possible, although negative physiological responses could be present even without a clear behavioural response. characterise, however evidence suggests that Recovery from the sound perturbation In terms of the culture facilities we use, fish may attempt to alter their vocalisation was also rapid indicating it to be an acute clearly more attention has to be paid in form and structure (length, frequencies and stress response that fish should be able to reducing the noise caused around land-based amplitude) to increase transmission probabil- cope and adapt to. This would in turn suggest aquaculture facilities and, by doing so, making ity as has been reported in other vertebrates. a minor impact in the long-term performance aquaculture production more reliable and Finally, the physiological responses are of the fish stocks although, in fish farm facili- predictable possibly helping to reduce the varied as a stress activation of the sympathetic ties, those acute sudden noises are common commonly reported variability in fish perform- nervous system (SNS) and the hypothalamic- and frequent. Thus, the second phase of the ances in most aquaculture facilities. pituitary-interrenal (HPI) axis can impact on work considered how short ‘acute’ sound Instituting some routine simple and many processes however evidence of sound stressors applied over a long time frame can cheap sound measurements on a farm stimulating these processes is lacking to date. impact on fish performances. could mitigate many unnecessary distur- Buscaino et al. (2009) demonstrated in sea bances that might be acting as stressors bass and sea bream that sound perturbations Sound stressors over time: affecting the welfare and thus performance above a threshold can result in an increase in a significant impact of the fish. The results of doing so may well blood glucose levels and haematocrit which We discovered that cod broodstock be seen in the bottom line. ■ confirms the involvement of the HPI axis in exposed to six hours of daily randomised this species. noise at a SPL of 34 dB re µPa (comparable Acknowledgments to a loud knock on a tank wall) significantly This project was co-funded by the Mexican Acute stress response impacted on the their spawning perform- Council for Science and Technology (CONACYT) Our studies have shown that noise does ance. Egg production in terms of volume of and EU FP7 project 232305 “PROSPAWN”. elicit an acute stress response in Atlantic cod eggs and egg size was comparable between (Gadus morhua) juveniles. Fish exposed to broodstocks that were both exposed, and sound in the 100-1000Hz range for 10 min- not exposed, to sound though in the sound References utes, using suspended underwater loudspeak- exposed population fertilisation rates were Buscaino, G., F. Filiciotto, et al. (2010). "Impact of ers, showed a significant increase of plasma reduced by almost half. an acoustic stimulus on the motility and blood cortisol concentrations within 10 minutes of Work is currently underway to investigate parameters of European sea bass (Dicentrarchus exposure. why sound perturbations result in such a sig- labrax L.) and gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata Furthermore, the response was dose nificant reduction in fertilisation success with L.)." Marine Environmental Research 69(3): 136- dependent as sound pressure levels were direct- one possibility being the maternal transfer 142. 30 | InternAtIonAl AquAFeed | July-August 2012
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  • 7. This digital re-print is part of the July | August 2012 edition of International LINKS Aquafeed magazine. Content from the magazine is available to view free-of-charge, both as a full online magazine on our website, and as an archive of individual features on the docstoc website. Please click here to view our other publications on VO L U M E 1 5 I S S U E 4 2 0 1 2 • See the full issue Tough environment produces world’s best Barramundi EXPERT TOPIC - Tilapia • Visit the International Aquafeed website – a collection of articles creating a worldwide perspective Noise – a source of stress for farmed fish • Contact the International Aquafeed Team Enzymes – Unlocking the hidden potential of plant proteins using solid state fermentation technology Enzymes to improve water and soil quality in • Subscribe to International Aquafeed aquaculture ponds THE INTERNATIONAL MAGAZINE FOR THE AQUACULTURE FEED INDUSTRY IAF12.04.indd 1 19/07/2012 17:15 To purchase a paper copy of the magazine, or to subscribe to the paper edition please contact our Circulation and Subscriptions Manager on the link above. INFORMATION FOR ADVERTISERS - CLICK HERE