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August 2011
Volume 5, Issue 8                    Inspiring Teachers
                            Driving educational change through excellence in teaching

                            News and more….
                            The festive season is here          we are bidding for bigger      This month we will launch
                            again after the dry months of       projects. In this issue,       some new programs and
                            summer. At Teacher’s                Dr Divya shares her            initiatives…watch out. And
                            Academy too, the campaign           experiences of the long        while we are on the topic of
This month:                 for the third edition of            term academic initiatives      news, you can read the news
Academic Initiatives        Inspiring Teacher Awards has        at NMREC in a multi-part       coverage of June-July
Dr Divya Nalla.….2
                            begun. This year the event will article. An appeal by              months on the site under
Faculty of the Month-       be on 8th Oct at Hyderabad.         Fiona Vaz, a book review       blog.
Dr Vasu Varma ….3           See box for details. Our            ‘Three cups of Tea’ and        Send in your feedback and

Picture caption ….4         Academy is now registered as        some humour complete           articles.
                            a private limited company and this issue.                          Uma Garimella
Interesting links …4
                            July-August 2011                                      Inspiring Teacher Awards
Updates on site...4
                        •    Sessions at CVR College of                   This is a unique platform for appreciating your
Three Cups of Tea-
Book Review …..5             Engineering, KG Reddy college of             school and college teachers. This year we
                             Engineering and Prakasam                     provide a broad framework for your
Two inspiring stories
and an appeal-               Engineering College, Kandukur                nominations by defining four areas
Fiona Vaz……..6          •    Launched Interview/Industry                  1. Clarity and expertise in subject, organization
                             orientation of OS concepts – a 12            and presentation in class, motivation and
                             session program for BTech IV students interaction in class (exam success)
                             at NMREC                                     2. Interpersonal rapport with you as a student,
                        •    Two parallel workshops on    7th   August    concern and counseling outside class (support
                             at ACE Engineering Academy,                  in your personal challenges, believing in you)
                             Hyderabad as below                           3. Intellectual stimulation and motivation to go
                                 o   BEST – Building Essential            beyond syllabus (projects, applications,
                                     Skills for Teaching for              innovation)
                                     beginners                            4. Good nature and behavior towards a large
                                 o   ITEL – Innovative Teaching           section of students (role model)
                                     for Effective Learning for           A new form is online with these details on our
                                     experienced teachers                 site
Inspiring Teachers                                                  Page 2 of 6
                             Case Study: Academic Initiatives at an Engineering College – Part I
                             More and more Engineering Colleges year after year and more and more unskilled engineers
                             produced by the nation! We are happy being a nation producing huge technical manpower for the
                             world but at the same time being criticized for not being quality conscious in this activity.
                             Students who secure distinctions in their qualifying exams enter engineering colleges and expect to
                             become ENGINEERS of tomorrow. They finally become engineers – but are they really equipped
                             with the required knowledge? Only a few. Who is responsible for this: the college or the students or
                             Nowadays, reading of textbooks by students has become a rarity. They depend on ‘model question
                             paper solutions’ to prepare for the exams. And they pass with flying colors.

The technical depth and
human dynamics in this
whole exercise get
compounded with
shortage of time and the
compliance with
university schedules and
norms. It is like juggling
and balancing many
conflicting requirements.
I will share with you the
initiatives and
experiences in all these
areas in the second part
of this article.

Dr Divya Nalla,
(NMREC) Nalla Malla
Reddy Engineering            They even lost the habit of preparing notes by referring a few books. Assignments are done by few
College, Hyderabad           students and copied by most. Classes are attended only to fulfill the mandatory attendance
                             requirement. Whatever pain the teacher takes in teaching the subject is not refreshed or referred to
                             after reaching home. All this is resulting in engineers with just a degree but no knowledge or skills.
                             Teachers need to know how to impart their teaching in an engaging and interesting way and also
                             how to make their teaching more application oriented. They also need to employ mechanisms to
                             check if students are really learning what they are teaching.
                             Keeping in view the current situation, engineering colleges must incorporate regular faculty training
                             initiatives. But these will fall short of expectations and will not even be deployable if students are
                             also not simultaneously motivated to learn. Hence many academic reforms have to be made to make
                             the students not just pass in the exams but LEARN the subject.
Page 3 of 6                                      Inspiring Teachers

Faculty of the month – Dr Vasudeva Varma, IIIT-Hyderabad
                                    India Pvt. Ltd and Chief        a portable and personalized
                                    Architect at MediaCognition     device which facilitates
                                    Inc. (Cupertino, CA). Earlier   smart learning.
                                    he was the director of          It is a cost effective device
                                    Engineering and research at     with content and tools that
                                    InfoDream Corporation,          can be employed by all age-
                                    Santa Clara, CA. He also        groups.
  Vasudeva Varma is an associate
                                    worked for Citicorp and         Using tools developed by
  professor at IIIT Hyderabad,
                                    Muze Inc. in New York as a      their research lab, the device
  India since 2002. His primary
                                    senior consultant.              can be pre-loaded with
  research and teaching interests                                                                     .
                                                                    content across all subjects,
  are Information Retrieval,                                                                                      Humour
                                    He published a book on          all standards, all syllabi, and
  Extraction and Access, Cloud
                                    Software Architecture           also out of syllabus.                 Student: I don't think I
  Computing, Software                                                                                     deserved zero on this test!
                                    (Pearson Education) and         With a media player filled            Teacher: I agree, but that's
  Engineering and Reuse in
                                    over seventy technical          with video & audio lectures           the lowest mark I could give
  Software Architecture.                                                                                  you!
                                    papers in journals and          delivered by people who
  He heads Search and
                                    conferences. In 2004, he        CAN, it helps to learn and
  Information Extraction Lab
                                    obtained young scientist        revise at the student’s own           Teacher: How can you make
  (SIEL) and Software                                                                                     so many mistakes in just one
                                    award and grant from            pace.
  Engineering Lab (SERL). He is                                                                           day?
                                    Department of Science and       It doesn’t require a                  Student: I get up early!
  currently the chair of Post
                                    Technology, Government of       computer or internet and is
  Graduate Programs. He has co-
                                    India, for his proposal on   lightweight but sturdy.
  founded SETU Software                                                                                    History Teacher: Can you
                                    personalized search engines. It can be used even by adults            tell me something important
  Systems Pvt Ltd, incubated at                                                                           that didn't exist 100 years
                                    In 2007, he was given        who want to write any
  IIIT Hyderabad’s Center for                                                                             ago?
                                    Research Faculty Award by       Competitive Exam like                 Student: Me!
  Innovation and
                                    AOL Labs.                       TOEFL, GRE, GMAT, IELTS
  Entrepreneurship and which
                                    He was visiting professor at    or want to learn things like
  released a new product
                                    UPV, Valencia, Spain            Cooking, Photography,
  myDrona that won a special
                                    (Summer 2007), UBO,             Musical Instruments, Dance
  jury mention at recent ITsAP
                                    Bretagne, France (Summer        Tutorials, Languages and so
  product awards.
                                    2009) and Language              on.
  He obtained his Ph.D. from the
                                    Technologies Institute,
  Department of Computer and
                                    CMU, Pittsburgh, USA
  Information Sciences,
                                    (Summer 2010)
  University of Hyderabad in
                                    Incidentally, the product
  1996. Prior to joining IIIT
                                    MyDrona is related to
  Hyderabad, he was the
                                    education and training. It is
  president of MediaCognition
Inspiring Teachers                                           Page 4 of 6
                                  Updates on website
                                    ♦   Most of the archives of newsletter (2007, 2008 and some 2009) have been
                                        uploaded on the blog
                                    ♦   Newspaper clippings are added at
                                    ♦   The announcement for workshops is at
                                    ♦   A guest column has been started. Read articles at
  Picture Caption Contest 

Dolly Sandhu "Audio-              Interesting Links
Visual learning"
                            1. Students and teachers can benefit from these brain teasers
Neelu Vig "Audio-
intensive Learning......"

Lalitha Karthik "When
your ears do the talking;
your brain does no

Atul Negi " Go ahead
and give the dictation, I   2. Please support this young man with a mission
am all ears!"
Sushma Sapphire "all        3. Online vs. face-to-face teaching – some findings
ears and no talk makes
Sushma a dull girl!!"

Venkat "Hear just with      4. Dr Uma Garimella’s interview on FM-Rainbow, AIR, Hyderabad (2009)
your ears, because you
can not write without
Pencil and Paper"           5. Excellent site for teaching science and maths

Arun Shetty "No, it’s not
elephantiasis..."           6. Some thought provoking articles on technical education in India by Prof

Uma Garimella                  Dheeraj Sanghi, IIT-Kanpur
News in 3050:     
Scientists solve the
mystery of huge ears:       7. A global community of professors, with the ability to organize their individual
education and coaching
                               experiences and expertise into a greater effort wherever there is a recognized
system of the 19th to
21st century to blame.         need and workable problem set
Page 5 of 6                                          Inspiring Teachers

Making a difference- one school at a time                                   Book Review

Three Cups of Tea” is a        Here, he discovers that the build schools in rural
New York Times bestseller      village had no school and    Pakistan and Afghanistan. He
first published in 2006. The   children were learning in    believed that educating the
book's title comes from a      open air – exposed to the    girls would reform the
Balti proverb: "The first      cruel weather. As a          villages, because boys go
time you share tea with a      gesture of compassion and away in search of greener
Balti, you are a stranger.     gratitude for saving his     pastures. CAI has built over
The second time you take       life, he promises to build a 78 schools in the most remote
tea, you are an honoured       school for them.             areas of the countries.
guest. The third time you      Back home in the US, after The first fifty pages were
share a cup of tea, you        a frustrating time           difficult to read – the
become family." Baltis are     (sleeping in his car and     language and territory where
                                                                                                  By Greg Mortenson and
Muslims of                     living out of a storage      it is set were so difficult to
                                                                                                    David Oliver Relin
Ladakhi/Tibetan origin         locker while working as a    understand – I almost gave
from Baltistan, Pakistan.      nurse in America) trying     up. But when I crossed this
The book describes             to raise money,              hurdle, I fell in love with the
Mortenson's transition from    Mortenson was                book and the characters.
a mountain-climber to a        introduced by chance to      Credit goes to co-author and
humanitarian committed to      Jean Hoerni, a Silicon       award winning journalist
reducing poverty and           Valley pioneer who           Relin who recounts
educating girls in Pakistan    donated the money Greg       Mortenson's efforts in
and Afghanistan. In 1993,      needed for his school,       fascinating detail, presenting
after more than 70 days on     insisting that he show him gripping portraits of the
the mountain, on one of his    the picture after            village elders, con men,
expeditions to scale K2, his   completing the project.      philanthropists, mujahideen,
group’s ascent is              Almost half the book is      Taliban officials, ambitious
interrupted by the rescue      devoted to the Herculean     schoolgirls and upright
mission of a fellow climber.   task of building the first   Muslims. Reading the book, I
(Un)fortunately he gets lost   school and showing its       felt if one man can do so
on the way down, and is        picture to Jean, now         much what am I doing to
                                                            make a difference? A must-
                                                                                              Greg Mortenson is the co-
almost given up for dead. By terminally ill with cancer.
                                                                                              founder and executive
a chance encounter, he gets Greg, by now is so bitten       read for anyone who is
                                                                                              director of the non-profit
a second life and              by the bug of social reform interested in social change
                                                                                              Central Asia Institute as
convalesces in Korphe, a       through education, went      and responsibility.
                                                                                              well as the founder of the
small and unremarkable         on to co-found the Central      educational charity Pennies
village, and is cared for by   Asia Institute with Jean,    ---Editor                         for Peace.
the chief of Korphe, Haji Ali. who endowed the CAI to
Two inspiring stories and an appeal – Fiona Vaz
                                 Do you remember how you          of his most difficult kids        that he is doing from next
  Teacher’s Academy              helped me when I wanted to       began to blossom, even            year on I find it hard to ask
                                 set up a library for my          academically because of the       you to help him- what if I
                                 kids? Do you remember            drama sessions. He                need your help next year?
         Hyderabad               how you emptied your             conducted a drama class for       What if you write me off as
                                 shelves and gave me all your     my kids- praised them             someone who is always
                                 books? And how you               generously and bolstered          asking?
          PHONE:                 arranged workshops for my        their self confidence. I          But after speaking to
        97011 41118              kids and offered some of         witnessed his magic.              someone who decided to
                                 them scholarships? And           At the end of the fellowship,     change his life’s decisions
                                 how you came to see them         he had to decide what to do       out of compassion for 200
          E-MAIL:                and made partnerships            next. 80 fellows chose 80         parents and children,
                                 available, spoke to them and     different things. Some went       someone who did not shut
                                 conducted workshops for          on to study further, some         the door on 100 additional
                                 them?                            went back to the corporate,       faces and someone who
                                 I hope you do. I hope you        and some worked in public         chose not to hang up despite
                                 remember seeing my face          schools. But one decided to       the clouds in his head- I
                                 how it radiated with             stay back with the kids in        realized I could not be so
                                 happiness when I received        Wadgaon Sheri. He declined        selfish.
                                 the books. I hope you            not one but two job offers-       You could send him books
                                 remember how I told you          one of which was not only         (but he won’t be able to pay
                                 that one of the reasons why      lucrative but also                for transport nor will
                                 I feel like going on is          prestigious. I was filled with    he be able to come to pick
                                 because you make it              goose bumps when he told          them up), anything that he
                                 possible for me with your        me that he planned to stay        might need or just some
                                 encouragement. And how I         back because the parents          money. He plans to have an
                                 was filled with so much          of his kids want him to           end of year musical for his
                                 pride when I told my kids        continue imparting excellent      kids which will cost him
                                 that we have 3000 books in       education to their kids. He       about 1 lakh (No we are not
                                 the library and that they will   decided to give his kids an       afraid to dream big- our
          See us at:             never fall short of books and    excellent education-              kids see what is possible for         I actually doubted that          UtkarShiksha is what he           them through our eyes.) I        when the kids read an            calls it.                         want you to know that it is
                                 average of 171 books in one      He charges them a fee, 200        not an organization that
                                 year.                            a month and runs the class        does charity but it is a
                                 I hope I thanked you             from his home. He had             business venture. I also
                                 enough. I hope I did justice     space for only 100 kids but       assure you that the
                                 to your generosity. I hope       did not know how to refuse        education he is imparting is
                                 I lived up to your               the additional 100, and so        worth more than the 200
                                 expectations and fulfilled       he welcomed them all. He          rupees that the kids are
Aditya’s email address           the promise I made to my         wants to rent a place but         paying him. Please speak to
 adityaprasad.sadangi2009@       kids. I want to now tell you     says he has no money. He          him or write to him to know                about Aditya.                    cannot hire teachers and          how you can help him or
                                 Aditya Prasad Sadangi is a       hence teaches 12 hours a          just to say that you are
Mobile 09096554057               friend and was a Fellow          day. It is tough he says, but     proud of him.
And to know more about his       with Teach For India             he is convinced that this is      And if you are still reading,
musical you could check this     (2009) and taught in a           what he wants to do.              let me just thank you for
http://www.ncamusical.wedsite.   school in Pune. He not only      I spoke to him today. I have      putting your faith
com/                             taught his kids the              a dream too and have no           in me. For giving me and
Please circulate this appeal     curriculum, he trained them      courage and no clarity.           my appeal your time. I also
widely. Post it on your blogs,   in drama. His kids put up a      I spoke to him to see if he       want to tell you that I
your social network pages or     show at the end of 2 years,      could help me. He is down         am not entirely capable of
internet groups that you are     which was considered             with viral fever but didn’t       helping Aditya on my own
part of. Do what you did to      excellent. Everyone who          ask me to call him back           and it will mean a lot
help me. My inbox was flooded    watched the musical              some other day. He spoke          to me if you help me help
when I wanted to help 50         concurred that he and his        amidst the cough and              him. And because I believe
children and because             team had raised the bar for      sniffles.                         that Aditya, you and I
of you we reached 6 schools!     every fellow, every teacher      I need you to help Aditya         want only the best for our
Let’s recreate the magic.        and every student.               out. In whatever way you          children, we are in this
                                 Throughout the year he           can.                              together.
Fiona Vaz                        documented how drama             It is difficult to keep asking,   And I find strength in our
                                 aided some of his most           and because I see myself          togetherness.
Love, Gratitude and              struggling kids. How some        doing almost the same thing

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Newsletter August 2011

  • 1. August 2011 Volume 5, Issue 8 Inspiring Teachers Driving educational change through excellence in teaching News and more…. The festive season is here we are bidding for bigger This month we will launch again after the dry months of projects. In this issue, some new programs and summer. At Teacher’s Dr Divya shares her initiatives…watch out. And Academy too, the campaign experiences of the long while we are on the topic of This month: for the third edition of term academic initiatives news, you can read the news Academic Initiatives Inspiring Teacher Awards has at NMREC in a multi-part coverage of June-July Dr Divya Nalla.….2 begun. This year the event will article. An appeal by months on the site under Faculty of the Month- be on 8th Oct at Hyderabad. Fiona Vaz, a book review blog. Dr Vasu Varma ….3 See box for details. Our ‘Three cups of Tea’ and Send in your feedback and Picture caption ….4 Academy is now registered as some humour complete articles. a private limited company and this issue. Uma Garimella Interesting links …4 July-August 2011 Inspiring Teacher Awards Updates on site...4 • Sessions at CVR College of This is a unique platform for appreciating your Three Cups of Tea- Book Review …..5 Engineering, KG Reddy college of school and college teachers. This year we Engineering and Prakasam provide a broad framework for your Two inspiring stories and an appeal- Engineering College, Kandukur nominations by defining four areas Fiona Vaz……..6 • Launched Interview/Industry 1. Clarity and expertise in subject, organization orientation of OS concepts – a 12 and presentation in class, motivation and session program for BTech IV students interaction in class (exam success) at NMREC 2. Interpersonal rapport with you as a student, • Two parallel workshops on 7th August concern and counseling outside class (support at ACE Engineering Academy, in your personal challenges, believing in you) Hyderabad as below 3. Intellectual stimulation and motivation to go o BEST – Building Essential beyond syllabus (projects, applications, Skills for Teaching for innovation) beginners 4. Good nature and behavior towards a large o ITEL – Innovative Teaching section of students (role model) for Effective Learning for A new form is online with these details on our experienced teachers site
  • 2. Inspiring Teachers Page 2 of 6 Case Study: Academic Initiatives at an Engineering College – Part I More and more Engineering Colleges year after year and more and more unskilled engineers produced by the nation! We are happy being a nation producing huge technical manpower for the world but at the same time being criticized for not being quality conscious in this activity. Students who secure distinctions in their qualifying exams enter engineering colleges and expect to become ENGINEERS of tomorrow. They finally become engineers – but are they really equipped with the required knowledge? Only a few. Who is responsible for this: the college or the students or both? Nowadays, reading of textbooks by students has become a rarity. They depend on ‘model question paper solutions’ to prepare for the exams. And they pass with flying colors. The technical depth and human dynamics in this whole exercise get compounded with shortage of time and the compliance with university schedules and norms. It is like juggling and balancing many conflicting requirements. I will share with you the initiatives and experiences in all these areas in the second part of this article. Dr Divya Nalla, (NMREC) Nalla Malla Reddy Engineering They even lost the habit of preparing notes by referring a few books. Assignments are done by few College, Hyderabad students and copied by most. Classes are attended only to fulfill the mandatory attendance requirement. Whatever pain the teacher takes in teaching the subject is not refreshed or referred to after reaching home. All this is resulting in engineers with just a degree but no knowledge or skills. Teachers need to know how to impart their teaching in an engaging and interesting way and also how to make their teaching more application oriented. They also need to employ mechanisms to check if students are really learning what they are teaching. Keeping in view the current situation, engineering colleges must incorporate regular faculty training initiatives. But these will fall short of expectations and will not even be deployable if students are also not simultaneously motivated to learn. Hence many academic reforms have to be made to make the students not just pass in the exams but LEARN the subject.
  • 3. Page 3 of 6 Inspiring Teachers Faculty of the month – Dr Vasudeva Varma, IIIT-Hyderabad India Pvt. Ltd and Chief a portable and personalized Architect at MediaCognition device which facilitates Inc. (Cupertino, CA). Earlier smart learning. he was the director of It is a cost effective device Engineering and research at with content and tools that InfoDream Corporation, can be employed by all age- Santa Clara, CA. He also groups. Vasudeva Varma is an associate worked for Citicorp and Using tools developed by professor at IIIT Hyderabad, Muze Inc. in New York as a their research lab, the device India since 2002. His primary senior consultant. can be pre-loaded with research and teaching interests . content across all subjects, are Information Retrieval, Humour He published a book on all standards, all syllabi, and Extraction and Access, Cloud Software Architecture also out of syllabus. Student: I don't think I Computing, Software deserved zero on this test! (Pearson Education) and With a media player filled Teacher: I agree, but that's Engineering and Reuse in over seventy technical with video & audio lectures the lowest mark I could give Software Architecture. you! papers in journals and delivered by people who He heads Search and conferences. In 2004, he CAN, it helps to learn and Information Extraction Lab obtained young scientist revise at the student’s own Teacher: How can you make (SIEL) and Software so many mistakes in just one award and grant from pace. Engineering Lab (SERL). He is day? Department of Science and It doesn’t require a Student: I get up early! currently the chair of Post Technology, Government of computer or internet and is Graduate Programs. He has co- India, for his proposal on lightweight but sturdy. founded SETU Software History Teacher: Can you personalized search engines. It can be used even by adults tell me something important Systems Pvt Ltd, incubated at that didn't exist 100 years In 2007, he was given who want to write any IIIT Hyderabad’s Center for ago? Research Faculty Award by Competitive Exam like Student: Me! Innovation and AOL Labs. TOEFL, GRE, GMAT, IELTS Entrepreneurship and which He was visiting professor at or want to learn things like released a new product UPV, Valencia, Spain Cooking, Photography, myDrona that won a special (Summer 2007), UBO, Musical Instruments, Dance jury mention at recent ITsAP Bretagne, France (Summer Tutorials, Languages and so product awards. 2009) and Language on. He obtained his Ph.D. from the Technologies Institute, Department of Computer and CMU, Pittsburgh, USA Information Sciences, (Summer 2010) University of Hyderabad in Incidentally, the product 1996. Prior to joining IIIT MyDrona is related to Hyderabad, he was the education and training. It is president of MediaCognition
  • 4. Inspiring Teachers Page 4 of 6 Updates on website ♦ Most of the archives of newsletter (2007, 2008 and some 2009) have been uploaded on the blog ♦ Newspaper clippings are added at ♦ The announcement for workshops is at ♦ A guest column has been started. Read articles at Picture Caption Contest Dolly Sandhu "Audio- Interesting Links Visual learning" 1. Students and teachers can benefit from these brain teasers Neelu Vig "Audio- intensive Learning......" Lalitha Karthik "When your ears do the talking; your brain does no hearing!!" Atul Negi " Go ahead and give the dictation, I 2. Please support this young man with a mission am all ears!" Sushma Sapphire "all 3. Online vs. face-to-face teaching – some findings ears and no talk makes Sushma a dull girl!!" Venkat "Hear just with 4. Dr Uma Garimella’s interview on FM-Rainbow, AIR, Hyderabad (2009) your ears, because you can not write without Pencil and Paper" 5. Excellent site for teaching science and maths Arun Shetty "No, it’s not elephantiasis..." 6. Some thought provoking articles on technical education in India by Prof Uma Garimella Dheeraj Sanghi, IIT-Kanpur News in 3050: Scientists solve the mystery of huge ears: 7. A global community of professors, with the ability to organize their individual education and coaching experiences and expertise into a greater effort wherever there is a recognized system of the 19th to 21st century to blame. need and workable problem set
  • 5. Page 5 of 6 Inspiring Teachers Making a difference- one school at a time Book Review Three Cups of Tea” is a Here, he discovers that the build schools in rural New York Times bestseller village had no school and Pakistan and Afghanistan. He first published in 2006. The children were learning in believed that educating the book's title comes from a open air – exposed to the girls would reform the Balti proverb: "The first cruel weather. As a villages, because boys go time you share tea with a gesture of compassion and away in search of greener Balti, you are a stranger. gratitude for saving his pastures. CAI has built over The second time you take life, he promises to build a 78 schools in the most remote tea, you are an honoured school for them. areas of the countries. guest. The third time you Back home in the US, after The first fifty pages were share a cup of tea, you a frustrating time difficult to read – the become family." Baltis are (sleeping in his car and language and territory where By Greg Mortenson and Muslims of living out of a storage it is set were so difficult to David Oliver Relin Ladakhi/Tibetan origin locker while working as a understand – I almost gave from Baltistan, Pakistan. nurse in America) trying up. But when I crossed this The book describes to raise money, hurdle, I fell in love with the Mortenson's transition from Mortenson was book and the characters. a mountain-climber to a introduced by chance to Credit goes to co-author and humanitarian committed to Jean Hoerni, a Silicon award winning journalist reducing poverty and Valley pioneer who Relin who recounts educating girls in Pakistan donated the money Greg Mortenson's efforts in and Afghanistan. In 1993, needed for his school, fascinating detail, presenting after more than 70 days on insisting that he show him gripping portraits of the the mountain, on one of his the picture after village elders, con men, expeditions to scale K2, his completing the project. philanthropists, mujahideen, group’s ascent is Almost half the book is Taliban officials, ambitious interrupted by the rescue devoted to the Herculean schoolgirls and upright mission of a fellow climber. task of building the first Muslims. Reading the book, I (Un)fortunately he gets lost school and showing its felt if one man can do so on the way down, and is picture to Jean, now much what am I doing to make a difference? A must- Greg Mortenson is the co- almost given up for dead. By terminally ill with cancer. founder and executive a chance encounter, he gets Greg, by now is so bitten read for anyone who is director of the non-profit a second life and by the bug of social reform interested in social change Central Asia Institute as convalesces in Korphe, a through education, went and responsibility. well as the founder of the small and unremarkable on to co-found the Central educational charity Pennies village, and is cared for by Asia Institute with Jean, ---Editor for Peace. the chief of Korphe, Haji Ali. who endowed the CAI to
  • 6. Two inspiring stories and an appeal – Fiona Vaz Do you remember how you of his most difficult kids that he is doing from next Teacher’s Academy helped me when I wanted to began to blossom, even year on I find it hard to ask set up a library for my academically because of the you to help him- what if I kids? Do you remember drama sessions. He need your help next year? Hyderabad how you emptied your conducted a drama class for What if you write me off as shelves and gave me all your my kids- praised them someone who is always books? And how you generously and bolstered asking? PHONE: arranged workshops for my their self confidence. I But after speaking to 97011 41118 kids and offered some of witnessed his magic. someone who decided to them scholarships? And At the end of the fellowship, change his life’s decisions how you came to see them he had to decide what to do out of compassion for 200 E-MAIL: and made partnerships next. 80 fellows chose 80 parents and children, available, spoke to them and different things. Some went someone who did not shut conducted workshops for on to study further, some the door on 100 additional them? went back to the corporate, faces and someone who I hope you do. I hope you and some worked in public chose not to hang up despite remember seeing my face schools. But one decided to the clouds in his head- I how it radiated with stay back with the kids in realized I could not be so happiness when I received Wadgaon Sheri. He declined selfish. the books. I hope you not one but two job offers- You could send him books remember how I told you one of which was not only (but he won’t be able to pay that one of the reasons why lucrative but also for transport nor will I feel like going on is prestigious. I was filled with he be able to come to pick because you make it goose bumps when he told them up), anything that he possible for me with your me that he planned to stay might need or just some encouragement. And how I back because the parents money. He plans to have an was filled with so much of his kids want him to end of year musical for his pride when I told my kids continue imparting excellent kids which will cost him that we have 3000 books in education to their kids. He about 1 lakh (No we are not the library and that they will decided to give his kids an afraid to dream big- our See us at: never fall short of books and excellent education- kids see what is possible for I actually doubted that UtkarShiksha is what he them through our eyes.) I when the kids read an calls it. want you to know that it is average of 171 books in one He charges them a fee, 200 not an organization that year. a month and runs the class does charity but it is a I hope I thanked you from his home. He had business venture. I also enough. I hope I did justice space for only 100 kids but assure you that the to your generosity. I hope did not know how to refuse education he is imparting is I lived up to your the additional 100, and so worth more than the 200 expectations and fulfilled he welcomed them all. He rupees that the kids are Aditya’s email address the promise I made to my wants to rent a place but paying him. Please speak to adityaprasad.sadangi2009@ kids. I want to now tell you says he has no money. He him or write to him to know about Aditya. cannot hire teachers and how you can help him or Aditya Prasad Sadangi is a hence teaches 12 hours a just to say that you are Mobile 09096554057 friend and was a Fellow day. It is tough he says, but proud of him. And to know more about his with Teach For India he is convinced that this is And if you are still reading, musical you could check this (2009) and taught in a what he wants to do. let me just thank you for http://www.ncamusical.wedsite. school in Pune. He not only I spoke to him today. I have putting your faith com/ taught his kids the a dream too and have no in me. For giving me and Please circulate this appeal curriculum, he trained them courage and no clarity. my appeal your time. I also widely. Post it on your blogs, in drama. His kids put up a I spoke to him to see if he want to tell you that I your social network pages or show at the end of 2 years, could help me. He is down am not entirely capable of internet groups that you are which was considered with viral fever but didn’t helping Aditya on my own part of. Do what you did to excellent. Everyone who ask me to call him back and it will mean a lot help me. My inbox was flooded watched the musical some other day. He spoke to me if you help me help when I wanted to help 50 concurred that he and his amidst the cough and him. And because I believe children and because team had raised the bar for sniffles. that Aditya, you and I of you we reached 6 schools! every fellow, every teacher I need you to help Aditya want only the best for our Let’s recreate the magic. and every student. out. In whatever way you children, we are in this Throughout the year he can. together. Fiona Vaz documented how drama It is difficult to keep asking, And I find strength in our aided some of his most and because I see myself togetherness. Love, Gratitude and struggling kids. How some doing almost the same thing