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May 2010
Volume 4, Issue 5

                       Driving educational change through excellence in teaching

                       Editor’s Comments
                       I don’t have to tell you that    teachers and for those       some infotainment
                       the newspaper has a new          who are already              (information plus
                       look. But I need to tell you     teachers. I am pleased       entertainment) in
                       that the newsletter is finally   to share a few               our humour section this time.
                       shaping up with increased        opportunities and            Don’t miss.
                       contributions from readers.      websites with you. A         And now you have every
Pic above:             This month, we have an           real life story again to     reason to give feedback. Go to
Group at
Universal School       article from an experienced      inspire and motivate         our site under About
Tardeo, Mumbai         and inspiring teacher. She       that even one person         Us Clients Say, please
                       shares her thoughts and          can make a                   submit a simple quote.
Articles this          advice both for aspiring         difference. And there is
Main article: For
 the ‘are and ‘to
 be’ teachers          Teachers of India
 from Indira
 Narayan.                Inviting teachers to participate          3. Providing access to resources,
Inspiration:Unsung       in This is a               information and new experiments in
                         portal for teachers to help hone                education from all over the world in
   Humour                their professional capabilities                 all Indian languages
Interesting links
                     1. Creating a forum for teachers to         !! Newsletter Name Contest !!
                         freely interact with each other        Please suggest a creative name for this
                         across languages                       newsletter along with a logo/symbol. It should
                     2. Facilitating the sharing of             be related to teaching, learning, teacher or
                         insights and best practices of         student. Entries should reach by e-mail, before
                         teachers across the country            15th May 2010 to
                                                                If your suggestion is used by Teacher’s
                                                                Academy, you will get a SurPRIZE. And it’s true,
                                                                check on page 3.
Newsletter Title                                                    Page 2 of 6

                          Unsung Hero
                          This article is dedicated to    shifted to a light post on a   one was that of gender
                          one of the many unsung          nearby road. His class had discrimination. The girls were
                          heroes bringing about a         no roof and was hence          not allowed to study. After
                          change. His name                exposed to the harsh           much persuasion from Vipul,
                          is Vipul Thaker, a simple       elements of the weather.       the parents were convinced
                          man with simple dreams.         The classes went on            and the girls walked in for the
                          Without going into his          nevertheless. Every            very first time. Within a
                          background, let me start        evening at around 09.00        month their strength doubled.
                          from one of his birthdays. It   pm the class would             This school wasn’t Vipul’s full
                          was on that day when he         commence. Within one           time profession. He had a day
                          decided he wanted to do         year, he had 20 children       job. He did receive some
                          something different. He         who worked in the day          voluntary donations from
                          decided to educate a            time and regularly             NRIs.
                        By Arnav Anjaria – III yr, Integrated Masters in Political Science, UoH,

                                                          attended his evening             After a point he decided to
                          Rabari (a tribe in Gujarat)
                                                          classes. Looking at the          join them in a municipal
                          child. A makeshift
                                                          progress of this informal        school, continuing his classes
                          classroom was created on
                                                          school, the parents who          in the evenings to ensure
                          the terrace of
                          his two bedroom house. As       belonged to the                  children did not miss out if

                          days passed by, Vipul went      Rabari community came            they didn’t go to school.

                          on to explore the talent in     to his aid. They                 Vipul had a dream to nurture
Vipul had a dream to                                      gifted Vipul with an empty       – he wanted every child to get
nurture – he wanted       the slum surrounding his
every child to get        housing society. A few more     hut to which the classes         education on par with what
education on par with
what their more           students joined his class and now moved. Of all the              their more privileged peers
privileged peers got.     subsequently his classroom problems that Vipul faced,            got.

                          In the last few years, some of his students have shown their skills at the state level in the
                          field of dramatic and graphic arts. Today he can proudly say that these children have
                          something to look forward to. They have a future too.

                        He negotiated with the private school principals, head masters & teachers and finally led to
                        the introduction of a scholarship scheme. And so today out of forty students, around twenty
                        five of them have been admitted to a school with better amenities for the students. Vipul
                        considers the renowned Gujarati educationist Gijubhai Badheka as his source of inspiration.
                        he important thing, dear readers, is that this man and many more like him are actually
                        striving to provide an identity to these children. They are providing a platform through which
                        these children can express their ideas and needs.
Page 3 of 6                                                   Newsletter Title

For the ‘are’ and the ‘to be’ teachers

Teaching is a serious             To a mind with such kind         On the flip side of this
profession. I feel that this is   of exposure as a screen,         students can totally lose
one of the few professions        demands on the teacher           interest in learning where
that touches society              are quite high in that, that     the teaching skills are
directly. It is a service         she must be able to get her      wanting.
oriented calling. Teachers-       matter across this stile.
                                                                   I have said that a teacher
as the word goes- ‘touch          This is where the challenge
                                                                   must wear many hats, be
lives’.                           lies. To tap this ready- to–
                                                                   a multifaceted person.
                                  absorb quick silver mind, a
Teachers shape the future
                                  teacher must wear many           Apart from meeting the
of children and thereby the                                                                      Caption describing picture
                                  hats.                            challenges a teacher has
future of our country.                                                                                  or graphic.
                                                                   to play many roles. She is,
Though the buzz about             Yes, the mind of a student
                                                                   as said by someone, a
teaching, especially in           is ready to grasp, ready to
                                                                   communicator, a
schools, is that it is a fairly   learn, willing to do and                                              Dr Divya Nalla receiving
                                                                   classroom Manager, a
easy task and anyone or           eager to participate. But                                             the SurPRIZE for
                                                                   disciplinarian, an
everyone can take it up, it is    there is a condition                                                  sending the first correct
                                                                   evaluator a friend/
not as simple as it looks.        attached to this. The
                                                                   counselor, a decision                answers to contests we
This is a profession that         teacher should also be well
                                                                   maker and also a                     ran in the newsletter.
demands tolerance,                prepared, eager to teach,
                                                                   surrogate parent.                    Please recall from Jan
commitment, involvement,          happy to be with the class,
interest, patience,               and involve the class in her                                          and Feb issues.
punctuality, dedication,          teaching.
skill, knowledge.

  By Indira Narayan – Head Mistress (Academic), St Ann’s HS, Secunderabad

In a nutshell it is a             Children have an uncanny       Interesting! Each day will
profession with many              knack of assessing things      see new combinations in
challenges. The first of these    around them. They love a       these roles. Never a dull
are the students. Handling        teacher who sets examples      moment in a teacher’s life!
students is an art more so        by being an example            Simple as they may seem
the children of today’s           herself and play up on the     these roles require skill
world. These children are         teacher who they know is       and practice…..something
packages of awareness,            not sound in her subject       which theoretical learning
exposure, pampering and           matter or in keeping the       does not impart. These
what have you. They seem to       class under control.           roles need instincts and
know all even before you tell                                    blessings from within.
                                  They are prepared to go
them; play the latest hit                                        There must be that
                                  an extra mile for one who
song and you will see them                                       something special in the
                                  helps them think out of
(irrespective of their age) lip                                  teacher’s persona which
                                  the box and motivates
synch word to word. A child                                      naturally and instinctively
                                  them to apply their skills
in the Primary Section will                                      to makes him/ her a good
                                  outside the text and the
surprise you with its                                            teacher. Love for teaching
knowledge of the film stars                                      and the taught must be
and latest movies and will                                       the driving force. If these
eagerly shake a leg at the                                       conditions are met, then
latest numbers.                                                  learning can be fun,
                                                                 teaching can be satisfying
                                                                 and output can be
Newsletter Title                                                  Page 4 of 6

                                For the ‘are’ and the ‘to be’ teachers (Continued)
                               After this somewhat           society in this way; it is     vacations ….part of the
                               didactic write up let me      indeed a happy thought         Package! When my
                               mention the joys of this      that teachers always           students come back after
                               profession. It is a joy to    remain young at heart, as      some time and tell me that
Indira Narayan receiving       know that we teachers         young as the students they     they are doing well in life I
Inspiring Teacher Award        have sent into the larger     handle!, it is heartening to   consider those moments
On Sept 5th ‘09                world good citizens,          know that though the           as the Perks of this
                               educated in the right         subject/s taught may be        profession. Money cannot
                               sense of the word: it is a    the same year after year       be a substitute for this joy.
                               joy to know that we as        the set of children are not!
                               individuals have made a       Think of the Dasssera,
                               substantial contribution to   Christmas and summer
  “The need of the hour is
   for good dedicated and
      committed teachers.
  People who enjoy being
                               Interesting Links
    with the young, people
                                   Please refer to the following links regarding the Right to Education Act.
  who enjoy being young.           1. A critique of the recently passed Right to Education Act
    Are you one of them?”
           --Indira Narayan        2. An article published in Mumbai Mirror
                                   3. Another in Indian Express

                                Humour – by e-mail
                              This two-letter word in        wake UP?                        We lock UP the house and
                              English has more               At a meeting, why does a        fix UP the old car. At
                              meanings than any other        topic come UP? Why do           other times this little word
                              two-letter word, and that      we speak UP, and why are        has really special
                              word is 'UP.'                  the officers UP for             meaning.
  This two-letter word in
  English has more            It is listed in the            election.                       People stir UP trouble,
  meanings than any           dictionary as an [adv],        Why is it UP to the             line UP for tickets,
  other two-letter word
                              [prep], [adj], [n] or [v].     secretary to write UP a         work UP an appetite, and
                              It's easy to                   report?                         think UP excuses...
                              understand UP, meaning         We call UP our friends,         To be dressed is one thing,
                              toward the sky or at the       brighten UP a room,             but to be dressed UP is
                              top of the list, but when      polish UP the silver,           special!
                              we awaken in the               warm UP the leftovers           ---Continued on next page
                              morning, why do we             and clean UP the kitchen.
Page 5 of 6                                                Newsletter Title

Sent by KV Jayakumar, Executive Director, Centre for Water Resources Development and
Management, Kozhikode
                              If you are UP to it, you      soaks it UP. When it does
We open UP a store in the
                              might try building UP a       not rain for a while, things
morning but we close
                              list of the many              dry UP.
it UP at night.
                              ways UP is used.              One could go on & on, but
We seem to be pretty
                              It will take UP a lot of      I'll wrap this UP for now
mixed UP about the
                              your time, but if you don't   because my time is UP!
word UP !
                              give UP, you may              Now I think I'll shut UP.
To be knowledgeable
                              wind UP with a hundred        Whew!!!                        Our regular contributor –
about the proper uses                                                                           Sridhar Chitta.
                              or more.
of UP, look UP the
                              When it threatens to rain,
word UP in the dictionary
                              we say it is clouding UP.
In a desk-sized dictionary,
                              When the sun comes out
it takes UP almost 1/4 of
                              we say it is clearing UP.
the page and can
                              When it rains, the earth
add UP to about thirty

                                                                                           Professors and Deans
                                                                                           at KLU, Vijayawada
                                                                                           during a three day
Wanted dedicated and passionate teachers
Teacher’s Academy             Kaliyuva Mane[A                environmental awareness      Srirampura, Manandavadi R
                              Kannada word which             programs and preparing       oad, Mysore -570008, Phone :
                              means "Home for                them for SSLC                09341369901 www.divyadeep
                              Learning"] is an               examination. This school, www.divya-
        Hyderabad             alternative school started     is looking for teachers
                              by Divya Deepa charitable      (paid) as well as
                              trust, with an aim to          volunteers who will reside
                              transform the lives of         on the campus. If you are
       97011 41118
                              underprivileged children       interested contact:
                              by providing value based       M.R. Ananth Kumar, Kaliy
         E-MAIL:              education including yoga,      uva Mane-Alternative   arts, crafts, music, drama,    School,Divya Deepa
                                                             Trust, Kenchalagudu,
                              Should kids be bribed to study?

                              What motivates children in underprivileged schools to study? When adults seem to be
                              working for money, why hold children to higher morals? A thought provoking article about
                              an experiment,8599,1978589-1,00.html

                              About Teacher’s Academy…

                              Started three years ago,       Please do leave your          If anyone is passionate
                              already 1300 teacher           feedback on workshops on      about changing the
                              members on-line, 25            the site About Us             education scenario
                              colleges and 10 schools        Clients say                   through and to work with
                              touched by the training.                                     me can send resume and
        See us at:                                           Share articles, useful        talk to me.    Long term projects are         links, teaching resources
                              being taken up for schools     and tips for effective        --Thanks
                              and colleges. Continuous       teaching with a growing       Uma Garimella
                              support and multiple           community of our teacher
                              initiatives will be included   mailing list.
                              for holistic and
                              sustainable change.

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Inspiring Teachers May 2010

  • 1. Newsletter May 2010 Volume 4, Issue 5 Driving educational change through excellence in teaching Editor’s Comments I don’t have to tell you that teachers and for those some infotainment the newspaper has a new who are already (information plus look. But I need to tell you teachers. I am pleased entertainment) in that the newsletter is finally to share a few our humour section this time. shaping up with increased opportunities and Don’t miss. contributions from readers. websites with you. A And now you have every Pic above: This month, we have an real life story again to reason to give feedback. Go to Group at Universal School article from an experienced inspire and motivate our site under About Tardeo, Mumbai and inspiring teacher. She that even one person Us Clients Say, please shares her thoughts and can make a submit a simple quote. Articles this advice both for aspiring difference. And there is month: Main article: For the ‘are and ‘to be’ teachers Teachers of India from Indira Narayan. Inviting teachers to participate 3. Providing access to resources, Inspiration:Unsung in This is a information and new experiments in hero portal for teachers to help hone education from all over the world in Humour their professional capabilities all Indian languages Announcements Interesting links by: 1. Creating a forum for teachers to !! Newsletter Name Contest !! freely interact with each other Please suggest a creative name for this across languages newsletter along with a logo/symbol. It should 2. Facilitating the sharing of be related to teaching, learning, teacher or insights and best practices of student. Entries should reach by e-mail, before teachers across the country 15th May 2010 to If your suggestion is used by Teacher’s Academy, you will get a SurPRIZE. And it’s true, check on page 3.
  • 2. Newsletter Title Page 2 of 6 Unsung Hero This article is dedicated to shifted to a light post on a one was that of gender one of the many unsung nearby road. His class had discrimination. The girls were heroes bringing about a no roof and was hence not allowed to study. After change. His name exposed to the harsh much persuasion from Vipul, is Vipul Thaker, a simple elements of the weather. the parents were convinced man with simple dreams. The classes went on and the girls walked in for the Without going into his nevertheless. Every very first time. Within a background, let me start evening at around 09.00 month their strength doubled. from one of his birthdays. It pm the class would This school wasn’t Vipul’s full was on that day when he commence. Within one time profession. He had a day decided he wanted to do year, he had 20 children job. He did receive some something different. He who worked in the day voluntary donations from decided to educate a time and regularly NRIs. By Arnav Anjaria – III yr, Integrated Masters in Political Science, UoH, attended his evening After a point he decided to Rabari (a tribe in Gujarat) classes. Looking at the join them in a municipal child. A makeshift progress of this informal school, continuing his classes classroom was created on school, the parents who in the evenings to ensure the terrace of his two bedroom house. As belonged to the children did not miss out if days passed by, Vipul went Rabari community came they didn’t go to school. on to explore the talent in to his aid. They Vipul had a dream to nurture Vipul had a dream to gifted Vipul with an empty – he wanted every child to get nurture – he wanted the slum surrounding his every child to get housing society. A few more hut to which the classes education on par with what education on par with what their more students joined his class and now moved. Of all the their more privileged peers privileged peers got. subsequently his classroom problems that Vipul faced, got. In the last few years, some of his students have shown their skills at the state level in the field of dramatic and graphic arts. Today he can proudly say that these children have something to look forward to. They have a future too. He negotiated with the private school principals, head masters & teachers and finally led to the introduction of a scholarship scheme. And so today out of forty students, around twenty five of them have been admitted to a school with better amenities for the students. Vipul considers the renowned Gujarati educationist Gijubhai Badheka as his source of inspiration. he important thing, dear readers, is that this man and many more like him are actually striving to provide an identity to these children. They are providing a platform through which these children can express their ideas and needs.
  • 3. Page 3 of 6 Newsletter Title For the ‘are’ and the ‘to be’ teachers Teaching is a serious To a mind with such kind On the flip side of this profession. I feel that this is of exposure as a screen, students can totally lose one of the few professions demands on the teacher interest in learning where that touches society are quite high in that, that the teaching skills are directly. It is a service she must be able to get her wanting. oriented calling. Teachers- matter across this stile. I have said that a teacher as the word goes- ‘touch This is where the challenge must wear many hats, be lives’. lies. To tap this ready- to– a multifaceted person. absorb quick silver mind, a Teachers shape the future teacher must wear many Apart from meeting the of children and thereby the Caption describing picture hats. challenges a teacher has future of our country. or graphic. to play many roles. She is, Though the buzz about Yes, the mind of a student as said by someone, a teaching, especially in is ready to grasp, ready to communicator, a schools, is that it is a fairly learn, willing to do and Dr Divya Nalla receiving classroom Manager, a easy task and anyone or eager to participate. But the SurPRIZE for disciplinarian, an everyone can take it up, it is there is a condition sending the first correct evaluator a friend/ not as simple as it looks. attached to this. The counselor, a decision answers to contests we This is a profession that teacher should also be well maker and also a ran in the newsletter. demands tolerance, prepared, eager to teach, surrogate parent. Please recall from Jan commitment, involvement, happy to be with the class, interest, patience, and involve the class in her and Feb issues. punctuality, dedication, teaching. skill, knowledge. By Indira Narayan – Head Mistress (Academic), St Ann’s HS, Secunderabad In a nutshell it is a Children have an uncanny Interesting! Each day will profession with many knack of assessing things see new combinations in challenges. The first of these around them. They love a these roles. Never a dull are the students. Handling teacher who sets examples moment in a teacher’s life! students is an art more so by being an example Simple as they may seem the children of today’s herself and play up on the these roles require skill world. These children are teacher who they know is and practice…..something packages of awareness, not sound in her subject which theoretical learning exposure, pampering and matter or in keeping the does not impart. These what have you. They seem to class under control. roles need instincts and know all even before you tell blessings from within. They are prepared to go them; play the latest hit There must be that an extra mile for one who song and you will see them something special in the helps them think out of (irrespective of their age) lip teacher’s persona which the box and motivates synch word to word. A child naturally and instinctively them to apply their skills in the Primary Section will to makes him/ her a good outside the text and the surprise you with its teacher. Love for teaching classroom. knowledge of the film stars and the taught must be and latest movies and will the driving force. If these eagerly shake a leg at the conditions are met, then latest numbers. learning can be fun, teaching can be satisfying and output can be maximum.
  • 4. Newsletter Title Page 4 of 6 For the ‘are’ and the ‘to be’ teachers (Continued) After this somewhat society in this way; it is vacations ….part of the didactic write up let me indeed a happy thought Package! When my mention the joys of this that teachers always students come back after profession. It is a joy to remain young at heart, as some time and tell me that Indira Narayan receiving know that we teachers young as the students they they are doing well in life I Inspiring Teacher Award have sent into the larger handle!, it is heartening to consider those moments On Sept 5th ‘09 world good citizens, know that though the as the Perks of this educated in the right subject/s taught may be profession. Money cannot sense of the word: it is a the same year after year be a substitute for this joy. joy to know that we as the set of children are not! individuals have made a Think of the Dasssera, substantial contribution to Christmas and summer “The need of the hour is for good dedicated and committed teachers. People who enjoy being Interesting Links with the young, people Please refer to the following links regarding the Right to Education Act. who enjoy being young. 1. A critique of the recently passed Right to Education Act Are you one of them?” --Indira Narayan 2. An article published in Mumbai Mirror 01/Lunch-with-the-shoeless-boy-in-class.html 3. Another in Indian Express Humour – by e-mail This two-letter word in wake UP? We lock UP the house and English has more At a meeting, why does a fix UP the old car. At meanings than any other topic come UP? Why do other times this little word two-letter word, and that we speak UP, and why are has really special word is 'UP.' the officers UP for meaning. This two-letter word in English has more It is listed in the election. People stir UP trouble, meanings than any dictionary as an [adv], Why is it UP to the line UP for tickets, other two-letter word [prep], [adj], [n] or [v]. secretary to write UP a work UP an appetite, and It's easy to report? think UP excuses... understand UP, meaning We call UP our friends, To be dressed is one thing, toward the sky or at the brighten UP a room, but to be dressed UP is top of the list, but when polish UP the silver, special! we awaken in the warm UP the leftovers ---Continued on next page morning, why do we and clean UP the kitchen.
  • 5. Page 5 of 6 Newsletter Title Sent by KV Jayakumar, Executive Director, Centre for Water Resources Development and Management, Kozhikode If you are UP to it, you soaks it UP. When it does We open UP a store in the might try building UP a not rain for a while, things morning but we close list of the many dry UP. it UP at night. ways UP is used. One could go on & on, but We seem to be pretty It will take UP a lot of I'll wrap this UP for now mixed UP about the your time, but if you don't because my time is UP! word UP ! give UP, you may Now I think I'll shut UP. To be knowledgeable wind UP with a hundred Whew!!! Our regular contributor – about the proper uses Sridhar Chitta. or more. of UP, look UP the When it threatens to rain, word UP in the dictionary we say it is clouding UP. In a desk-sized dictionary, When the sun comes out it takes UP almost 1/4 of we say it is clearing UP. the page and can When it rains, the earth add UP to about thirty definitions Professors and Deans at KLU, Vijayawada during a three day workshop
  • 6. Wanted dedicated and passionate teachers Teacher’s Academy Kaliyuva Mane[A environmental awareness Srirampura, Manandavadi R Kannada word which programs and preparing oad, Mysore -570008, Phone : means "Home for them for SSLC 09341369901 www.divyadeep Learning"] is an examination. This school, www.divya- Hyderabad alternative school started is looking for teachers by Divya Deepa charitable (paid) as well as trust, with an aim to volunteers who will reside PHONE: transform the lives of on the campus. If you are 97011 41118 underprivileged children interested contact: by providing value based M.R. Ananth Kumar, Kaliy E-MAIL: education including yoga, uva Mane-Alternative arts, crafts, music, drama, School,Divya Deepa Charitable Trust, Kenchalagudu, Should kids be bribed to study? What motivates children in underprivileged schools to study? When adults seem to be working for money, why hold children to higher morals? A thought provoking article about an experiment,8599,1978589-1,00.html About Teacher’s Academy… Started three years ago, Please do leave your If anyone is passionate already 1300 teacher feedback on workshops on about changing the members on-line, 25 the site About Us education scenario colleges and 10 schools Clients say through and to work with touched by the training. me can send resume and See us at: Share articles, useful talk to me. Long term projects are links, teaching resources being taken up for schools and tips for effective --Thanks and colleges. Continuous teaching with a growing Uma Garimella support and multiple community of our teacher initiatives will be included mailing list. for holistic and sustainable change.