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Dec 2010
  Volume 4, Issue 12                     Inspiring Teachers
                                Driving educational change through excellence in teaching

                                Editor’s Comments
                                This month we have a true           create interactions outside       regularly. These have been
                                story of how a teacher can          class with students.              captured in some of the
                                make a difference …with a           A few useful links that you       polls on the site. But please
Pic above: Workshop             note from the author. The           should not miss and the           do drop a line to info@...
for MEd Students at
Institute of Advanced           story is really touching.           regular schedule at the           We will be seeing you again
Studies in Education,           Some classroom tips and             Academy complete this             in 2011 and with lots of
Osmania University,
2009                            some extracted observations         issue.                            plans and actions for the
                                from Stanford’s Tomorrow’s          Our website is undergoing         new year.

Articles this month:            Professor (sent by Dr Sridhar       the annual make over, we          Read, enjoy, forward, and

Beyond Classroom –              Chitta). These are findings         will be interested in             do ask your friends to sign
  Editor ……..….2
                                from a study.                       knowing what will make            up.
The difference a teacher        There is an article on how to       teachers come to the site
  can make – Jaye
  Lewis ………..3

Dysfucntional Illusions
                                November & December at Teacher’s Academy
Sridhar Chitta ….5
                           1.     Sessions for Effective Teaching             Do you want to be a part of excitement
                                  Skills for NMREC                                   @ Teacher’s Academy?
                           2. AMSSOI - One day workshop on                               Short term project for faculty
                                  Innovative Teaching - Dec 10th,                         from professional colleges
                                                                             We need innovative and competent teachers of
                           3. 4th batch of Teacher Training
                                                                             engineering and management colleges for a short
                                  Program at Enhance Edu, IIIT-
                                                                             term project of one month. The mandate is to
                                  H - Nov 1st to Dec 5th, 2010
                                                                             create sample lessons plans and actual videos of
                           4. Adam's High School - Long term
                                                                             these innovative methods. Selected candidates will
                                  school development project -
                                                                             have to work at Hyderabad for the period. They
                                  two more training sessions
                                                                             will be paid an honorarium. Excited and
                           5. Workshop at Aditya Engg
                                                                             interested faculty may send their profiles
                                  College – Nov 17th to Nov 19th,
                                                                             including their methods of teaching and why they
                                                                             want to be in this project to info@inspiring-
Inspiring Teachers                                                  Page 2 of 5

                       Beyond the classroom                                       Uma Garimella
                       Many times, the light            with a big smile. It wasn’t   should take place at least 2-
                       teachers try to light in the     just the student who          3 times in a semester/term.
                       minds of students is like a      learnt, states the
                       candle – it gets blown out in                                  The risk of such interactions
                                                        professor. Through this
                       the breezy yawns in the                                        is that you might develop a
                                                        discussion, he could see
                       classrooms. If it manages to                                   personal bias, which may
                                                        that his comments were
                       survive there, it gets                                         not go down well with the
                                                        not helpful, and also that
                       extinguished in the winds of                                   rest of the students.
                                                        his teaching needed to
                       campus activity. And we get      address some more issues. But I have seen teachers
                       disappointed that we are
                                                                                      who maintain their
                       not able to light a flame!       Now the question is how
                                                                                      professional reserve while
                                                        many students actually
                       But sometimes, inspiration                                     being helpful. They lay
                                                        come and meet you in
                       occurs unexpectedly,                                           down ground rules in class -
                                                        your staff room? Just
                       without a lesson plan or                                       what is negotiable and what
                                                        telling them that you’re
                       design on part of the teacher available doesn’t help.          is not.
                       – outside the class; maybe    Some students are too            Another suggestion is that
        Tip!           in your staff room, or when      scared to approach you,       you discuss the solution to
                       students visit your house, or    while others barge into
Your private help or                                                                  an exam paper before you
discussions outside    during a bus journey             your room for the smallest start grading their papers –
the class should be    together. A professor relates
about classes or                                        reason.                    I typically do it in the
problems but keep      how a student came to his
                                                                                      immediate next class after
your exam and          office with her assignment       I have personally found it
assignment                                                                            the exam. This opens up
                       in which she got a C grade.      useful to make a schedule
discussions within                                                                    some valid deviations
boundaries defined     She wanted to know what          and see them. I ask 6-8
                                                                                      students have made from
by you.                was wrong with her               students (specific roll
                                                                                      my ‘solution’.
                       assignment, though the           numbers) to come and
                       professor had written            meet me (one on one),         (Contd. On Page 5)
                       detailed comments. As he         and I take the opportunity
                       sat her down and started         to discuss their
                       finding out how she wrote        performance, attendance
                       it, and looked at her notes,     and other issues. In one
                       she understood that her          such meeting, a student
                       main points weren’t              told me he didn’t
                       conveyed in the paragraphs       understand English, and I
                       that she read. Suddenly, it      had to call him for a few

                       was clear to her, and she left   sessions in Telugu on the
                                                        subject. This interaction
Page 3 of 5                                             Inspiring Teachers

The difference a teacher can make                                 Jaye Lewis

Steve, a twelve-year-old boy other things, as the day           class!"                             schoolbooks. Grim faced and
with alcoholic parents, was      wore on. His heart was not     She just stared at Steve, as the    determined, he headed for the
about to be lost forever, by     in school, but in the          class spun around for a good        woods.
the U.S. education system.       woods, where he often          look. Steve dropped his eyes        The following Monday he
Remarkably, he could read,       escaped alone, trying to       and carefully examined his          arrived at school on time, and
yet, in spite of his reading     shut out the sights, sounds    fingertips.                         he waited for Miss White to
skills, Steve was failing. He    and smells of his alcoholic    After that, it was war!! Steve      enter the classroom. She
had been failing since first     home. No one checked on        still wouldn't do his               walked in, all sparkle and
grade, as he was passed on       him to see if he was safe.     homework. Even as the               smiles! God, she was beautiful!
from grade to grade. Steve       No one knew he was gone,       punishments became more             (Contd on Page 5)
was a big boy, looking more because no one was sober            severe, he remained stubborn.       On email: It is a true
like a teenager than a           enough to care. Oddly,         "Just try it! ONE WEEK!" He         story, every word. It
                                                                                                    amazes me every time I
twelve year old, yet, Steve      Steve never missed a day       was unmoved.                        think of it. My
went unnoticed... until Miss of school.                         "You're smart enough! You'll        husband just recently
                                                                                                    had a massive heart
White.                           One day, Miss White's          see a change!" Nothing fazed        attack, and we almost
Miss White was a smiling,        impatient voice broke into     him.                                lost him. Praise God
                                                                                                    for the miracles of
young, beautiful redhead,        his daydreams.                 "Give yourself a chance! Don't      modern medicine. The
and Steve was in love! For       "Steve!!" Startled, he         give up on your life!" Nothing.     reason I'm sharing this
                                                                                                    is because I've heard
the first time in his young      turned to look at her.         "Steve! Please! I care about        time and time again,
life, he couldn't take his       "Pay attention!"               you!"                               from complete
                                                                                                    strangers, since
eyes off his teacher; yet, still Steve locked his gaze on       Wow! Suddenly, Steve got it!!       his heart attack: "He's
he failed. He never did his      Miss White with                Someone cared about him?            such a wonderful man,"
                                                                                                    or "He's such a good
homework, and he was             adolescent adoration, as       Someone, totally unattainable       man." I like to think
always in trouble with Miss      she began to go over the       and perfect, CARED ABOUT            that the intercession
                                                                                                    of that good woman is
White. His heart would           test results for the seventh   HIM??!!"                            one of the things
break under her sharp            grade.                         Steve went home from school,        that has made my
                                                                                                    husband, the man he is
words, and when he was           "You all did pretty well,"     thoughtful, that afternoon.         today. He has overcome
punished for failing to turn     she told the class, "except    Walking into the house, he          much, and he is a good
in his homework, he felt         for one boy, and it breaks     took one look around. Both
just miserable! Still, he did    my heart to tell you this,     parents were passed out, in         Thank you for your
                                                                                                    request. It has
not study.                       but..." She hesitated,         various stages of undress, and      particular meaning
In the middle of the first       pinning Steve to his seat      the stench was overpowering!        right now. Of course
                                                                                                    you may use it!
semester of school, the          with a sharp stare, her eyes He, quickly, gathered up his
entire seventh grade was         searching his face.            camping gear, a jar of peanut       With gratitude,
                                                                                                    Jaye Lewis
tested for basic skills. Steve   "...The smartest boy in the    butter, a loaf of bread, a bottle
hurried through his tests,       seventh grade is failing my    of water, and this time...his
and continued to dream of
Inspiring Teachers                                                   Page 4 of 5
                                       Dysfunctional illusions                                               Sridhar Chitta
                                       Illusion 1: Hard courses      This is not to say that     that these conventional
                                       weed out weak students.       students have no            methods are not as
                                       When students fail it is      responsibility for their    effective as some other far
                                       primarily due to inability,   own work. Rather, we        less frequently used
                                       weak preparation, or lack     have grossly                methods. The comparison,
                                       of effort.                    underemphasized the         still from physics, is that
                                       Realistic view: When          faculty members’            alternative methods teach
                                       students fail it is often due responsibilities.           on average twice as much
                                       to inappropriate              Illusion 2: Traditional     as traditional lectures.
                                       pedagogy. Substantial         methods of instruction      from Chapter 10, Dysfunctional
   Faculty Development
                                                                                                 Illusions of Rigor: Lessons from
   program at Sir MVIT,                improvements were             offer effective ways of
                                                                                                 the Scholarship of Teaching and
      Bangalore in 2009                produced (see above) even teaching content to             Learning, by Craig E. Nelson,
                                       in classes traditionally      undergraduates. Modes       Indiana University, in the book,
                                       regarded as necessarily       that pamper students        To Improve the Academy:
                                                                                                 Resources for Faculty,
                                       difficult, among them         teach less.
                                                                                                 Instructional, and Organizational
                                       calculus, physics,            Realistic View:             Development, Volume 28, (Eds)
                                       chemistry, and economics. Evidence is equally clear       Linda B. Nilson and Judith E.

                                       Useful Links                                              Miller                           
Free training & development resource center
Fun & Games                                
Kash Club                                  
Teacher Plus – Honoring The Guru           

                                     Beyond The Classroom
                                     (Contd. From Page 2)              embarrassment and              Maintain a schedule that
                                                                       heart-burn after marks         is comfortable to you and
                                     Many times this is a
                                                                       are handed out.                the students. Be practical
                                     perspective you have missed
                                                                                                      and don’t get frustrated
                                     or you have worded the            Remember, to become a
                                                                                                      by setbacks.
                                     question ambiguously. Then        good teacher, you should
                                     I either invalidate the           be open to interactions
                                     question or consider new          outside classrooms. But
                                     answer options during my          don’t get drowned in a
                                     grading. This saves lot of        flood of students.
Page 5 of 5                                     Inspiring Teachers
 Teacher’s Academy              The difference a teacher can make                           cont’d from page 3

                                He yearned for her smile to turn on him. It did not.
                                Miss White, immediately, gave a quiz on the weekend homework. Steve hurried

         PHONE:                 through the test, and was the first to hand in his paper. With a look of surprise, Miss
       97011 41118
                                White took his paper. Obviously puzzled, she began to look it over. Steve walked back
                                to his desk, his heart pounding within his chest. As he sat down, he couldn't resist
         E-MAIL:     another look at the lovely woman.
                                Miss White's face was in total shock! She glanced up at Steve, then down, then up.
                                Suddenly, her face broke into a radiant smile. The smartest boy in the seventh grade
                                had just passed his first test!
                                From that moment nothing was the same for Steve. Life at home remained the same,
                                but life still changed. He discovered that not only could he learn, but he was good at
                                it! He discovered that he could understand and retain knowledge, and that he could
                                translate the things he learned into his own life. Steve began to excel! And he
                                continued this course throughout his school life.
                                After high-school Steve enlisted in the Navy, and he had a successful military career.
                                During that time, he met the love of his life, he raised a family, and he graduated from
                                college Magna Cum Laude. During his Naval career, he inspired many young people,
        See us at:              who without him, might not have believed in themselves. Steve began a second career        after the Navy, and he continues to inspire others, as an adjunct professor in a nearby
                                Miss White left a great legacy. She saved one boy who has changed many lives. I
                                know, because I am the love of his life.
                                You see, it's simple, really. A change took place within the heart of one boy, all
                                because of one teacher, who cared.

                              About Teacher’s Academy…
                              Started 3 years ago,           Please do leave your           If anyone is passionate
                              already with 1600 teacher      feedback on workshops on       about changing the
                              members on-line, 28            the site at About Us           education scenario to
                              colleges and 15 schools        Clients say                    work with me can send
                              touched by the training.                                      resume and talk to me.
                                                             Share articles, useful
                              Long term projects are         links, teaching resources      --Thanks
                              being taken up for schools     and tips for effective         Uma Garimella
                              and colleges. Continuous       teaching, with a growing       Founder
                              support and multiple           community of our teacher
                              initiatives are included for   mailing list.
                              holistic and sustainable

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Inspiring Teachers May 2010

Inspiring Teachers Dec 2010

  • 1. Dec 2010 Volume 4, Issue 12 Inspiring Teachers Driving educational change through excellence in teaching Editor’s Comments This month we have a true create interactions outside regularly. These have been story of how a teacher can class with students. captured in some of the make a difference …with a A few useful links that you polls on the site. But please Pic above: Workshop note from the author. The should not miss and the do drop a line to info@... for MEd Students at Institute of Advanced story is really touching. regular schedule at the We will be seeing you again Studies in Education, Some classroom tips and Academy complete this in 2011 and with lots of Osmania University, 2009 some extracted observations issue. plans and actions for the from Stanford’s Tomorrow’s Our website is undergoing new year. Articles this month: Professor (sent by Dr Sridhar the annual make over, we Read, enjoy, forward, and Beyond Classroom – Chitta). These are findings will be interested in do ask your friends to sign Editor ……..….2 from a study. knowing what will make up. The difference a teacher There is an article on how to teachers come to the site can make – Jaye Lewis ………..3 Dysfucntional Illusions November & December at Teacher’s Academy Sridhar Chitta ….5 1. Sessions for Effective Teaching Do you want to be a part of excitement Skills for NMREC @ Teacher’s Academy? 2. AMSSOI - One day workshop on Short term project for faculty Innovative Teaching - Dec 10th, from professional colleges 2010 We need innovative and competent teachers of 3. 4th batch of Teacher Training engineering and management colleges for a short Program at Enhance Edu, IIIT- term project of one month. The mandate is to H - Nov 1st to Dec 5th, 2010 create sample lessons plans and actual videos of 4. Adam's High School - Long term these innovative methods. Selected candidates will school development project - have to work at Hyderabad for the period. They two more training sessions will be paid an honorarium. Excited and 5. Workshop at Aditya Engg interested faculty may send their profiles College – Nov 17th to Nov 19th, including their methods of teaching and why they 2010 want to be in this project to info@inspiring-
  • 2. Inspiring Teachers Page 2 of 5 Beyond the classroom Uma Garimella Many times, the light with a big smile. It wasn’t should take place at least 2- teachers try to light in the just the student who 3 times in a semester/term. minds of students is like a learnt, states the candle – it gets blown out in The risk of such interactions professor. Through this the breezy yawns in the is that you might develop a discussion, he could see classrooms. If it manages to personal bias, which may that his comments were survive there, it gets not go down well with the not helpful, and also that extinguished in the winds of rest of the students. his teaching needed to campus activity. And we get address some more issues. But I have seen teachers disappointed that we are who maintain their not able to light a flame! Now the question is how professional reserve while many students actually But sometimes, inspiration being helpful. They lay come and meet you in occurs unexpectedly, down ground rules in class - your staff room? Just without a lesson plan or what is negotiable and what telling them that you’re design on part of the teacher available doesn’t help. is not. – outside the class; maybe Some students are too Another suggestion is that Tip! in your staff room, or when scared to approach you, you discuss the solution to students visit your house, or while others barge into Your private help or an exam paper before you discussions outside during a bus journey your room for the smallest start grading their papers – the class should be together. A professor relates about classes or reason. I typically do it in the problems but keep how a student came to his immediate next class after your exam and office with her assignment I have personally found it assignment the exam. This opens up in which she got a C grade. useful to make a schedule discussions within some valid deviations boundaries defined She wanted to know what and see them. I ask 6-8 students have made from by you. was wrong with her students (specific roll my ‘solution’. assignment, though the numbers) to come and professor had written meet me (one on one), (Contd. On Page 5) detailed comments. As he and I take the opportunity sat her down and started to discuss their finding out how she wrote performance, attendance it, and looked at her notes, and other issues. In one she understood that her such meeting, a student main points weren’t told me he didn’t conveyed in the paragraphs understand English, and I that she read. Suddenly, it had to call him for a few was clear to her, and she left sessions in Telugu on the subject. This interaction
  • 3. Page 3 of 5 Inspiring Teachers The difference a teacher can make Jaye Lewis Steve, a twelve-year-old boy other things, as the day class!" schoolbooks. Grim faced and with alcoholic parents, was wore on. His heart was not She just stared at Steve, as the determined, he headed for the about to be lost forever, by in school, but in the class spun around for a good woods. the U.S. education system. woods, where he often look. Steve dropped his eyes The following Monday he Remarkably, he could read, escaped alone, trying to and carefully examined his arrived at school on time, and yet, in spite of his reading shut out the sights, sounds fingertips. he waited for Miss White to skills, Steve was failing. He and smells of his alcoholic After that, it was war!! Steve enter the classroom. She had been failing since first home. No one checked on still wouldn't do his walked in, all sparkle and grade, as he was passed on him to see if he was safe. homework. Even as the smiles! God, she was beautiful! from grade to grade. Steve No one knew he was gone, punishments became more (Contd on Page 5) was a big boy, looking more because no one was sober severe, he remained stubborn. On email: It is a true like a teenager than a enough to care. Oddly, "Just try it! ONE WEEK!" He story, every word. It amazes me every time I twelve year old, yet, Steve Steve never missed a day was unmoved. think of it. My went unnoticed... until Miss of school. "You're smart enough! You'll husband just recently had a massive heart White. One day, Miss White's see a change!" Nothing fazed attack, and we almost Miss White was a smiling, impatient voice broke into him. lost him. Praise God for the miracles of young, beautiful redhead, his daydreams. "Give yourself a chance! Don't modern medicine. The and Steve was in love! For "Steve!!" Startled, he give up on your life!" Nothing. reason I'm sharing this is because I've heard the first time in his young turned to look at her. "Steve! Please! I care about time and time again, life, he couldn't take his "Pay attention!" you!" from complete strangers, since eyes off his teacher; yet, still Steve locked his gaze on Wow! Suddenly, Steve got it!! his heart attack: "He's he failed. He never did his Miss White with Someone cared about him? such a wonderful man," or "He's such a good homework, and he was adolescent adoration, as Someone, totally unattainable man." I like to think always in trouble with Miss she began to go over the and perfect, CARED ABOUT that the intercession of that good woman is White. His heart would test results for the seventh HIM??!!" one of the things break under her sharp grade. Steve went home from school, that has made my husband, the man he is words, and when he was "You all did pretty well," thoughtful, that afternoon. today. He has overcome punished for failing to turn she told the class, "except Walking into the house, he much, and he is a good man. in his homework, he felt for one boy, and it breaks took one look around. Both just miserable! Still, he did my heart to tell you this, parents were passed out, in Thank you for your request. It has not study. but..." She hesitated, various stages of undress, and particular meaning In the middle of the first pinning Steve to his seat the stench was overpowering! right now. Of course you may use it! semester of school, the with a sharp stare, her eyes He, quickly, gathered up his entire seventh grade was searching his face. camping gear, a jar of peanut With gratitude, Jaye Lewis tested for basic skills. Steve "...The smartest boy in the butter, a loaf of bread, a bottle hurried through his tests, seventh grade is failing my of water, and this time...his and continued to dream of
  • 4. Inspiring Teachers Page 4 of 5 Dysfunctional illusions Sridhar Chitta Illusion 1: Hard courses This is not to say that that these conventional weed out weak students. students have no methods are not as When students fail it is responsibility for their effective as some other far primarily due to inability, own work. Rather, we less frequently used weak preparation, or lack have grossly methods. The comparison, of effort. underemphasized the still from physics, is that Realistic view: When faculty members’ alternative methods teach students fail it is often due responsibilities. on average twice as much to inappropriate Illusion 2: Traditional as traditional lectures. pedagogy. Substantial methods of instruction from Chapter 10, Dysfunctional Faculty Development Illusions of Rigor: Lessons from program at Sir MVIT, improvements were offer effective ways of the Scholarship of Teaching and Bangalore in 2009 produced (see above) even teaching content to Learning, by Craig E. Nelson, in classes traditionally undergraduates. Modes Indiana University, in the book, regarded as necessarily that pamper students To Improve the Academy: Resources for Faculty, difficult, among them teach less. Instructional, and Organizational calculus, physics, Realistic View: Development, Volume 28, (Eds) chemistry, and economics. Evidence is equally clear Linda B. Nilson and Judith E. Useful Links Miller Free training & development resource center Fun & Games Kash Club Teacher Plus – Honoring The Guru CDIO Schoolscape Beyond The Classroom (Contd. From Page 2) embarrassment and Maintain a schedule that heart-burn after marks is comfortable to you and Many times this is a are handed out. the students. Be practical perspective you have missed and don’t get frustrated or you have worded the Remember, to become a by setbacks. question ambiguously. Then good teacher, you should I either invalidate the be open to interactions question or consider new outside classrooms. But answer options during my don’t get drowned in a grading. This saves lot of flood of students.
  • 5. Page 5 of 5 Inspiring Teachers Teacher’s Academy The difference a teacher can make cont’d from page 3 He yearned for her smile to turn on him. It did not. Hyderabad Miss White, immediately, gave a quiz on the weekend homework. Steve hurried PHONE: through the test, and was the first to hand in his paper. With a look of surprise, Miss 97011 41118 White took his paper. Obviously puzzled, she began to look it over. Steve walked back to his desk, his heart pounding within his chest. As he sat down, he couldn't resist E-MAIL: another look at the lovely woman. Miss White's face was in total shock! She glanced up at Steve, then down, then up. Suddenly, her face broke into a radiant smile. The smartest boy in the seventh grade had just passed his first test! From that moment nothing was the same for Steve. Life at home remained the same, but life still changed. He discovered that not only could he learn, but he was good at it! He discovered that he could understand and retain knowledge, and that he could translate the things he learned into his own life. Steve began to excel! And he continued this course throughout his school life. After high-school Steve enlisted in the Navy, and he had a successful military career. During that time, he met the love of his life, he raised a family, and he graduated from college Magna Cum Laude. During his Naval career, he inspired many young people, See us at: who without him, might not have believed in themselves. Steve began a second career after the Navy, and he continues to inspire others, as an adjunct professor in a nearby college. Miss White left a great legacy. She saved one boy who has changed many lives. I know, because I am the love of his life. You see, it's simple, really. A change took place within the heart of one boy, all because of one teacher, who cared. About Teacher’s Academy… Started 3 years ago, Please do leave your If anyone is passionate already with 1600 teacher feedback on workshops on about changing the members on-line, 28 the site at About Us education scenario to colleges and 15 schools Clients say work with me can send touched by the training. resume and talk to me. Share articles, useful Long term projects are links, teaching resources --Thanks being taken up for schools and tips for effective Uma Garimella and colleges. Continuous teaching, with a growing Founder support and multiple community of our teacher initiatives are included for mailing list. holistic and sustainable change.