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24 Networking Questions and Solutions For 2015
© Copyright 2015 J. Kelly Hoey
Where this started….
© Copyright 2015 J. Kelly Hoey
In December I was delivered the keynote address at the Morris County Chamber of
Commerce, Women In Business lunch (my Linkedin post "Networks: It's All In The
Way That You Use It" outlines my remarks to the Chamber members in
attendance). Suspecting there may be more questions that I'd have time to answer
during the Q&A portion of the event, I offered to answer any and all questions
submitted in writing.
From my experience, no one willingly shows up to hear a presentation or workshop
on the topic of networking by "chance" or "just because" - typically they have a
question or networking challenge and they are looking for actionable solutions.
Below I've reproduced the networking questions I received, together with my
answers (exactly in the format distributed to members of the Chamber) knowing
others may be stalled in their New Year networking resolutions by similar, familiar
Question 1
© Copyright 2015 J. Kelly Hoey
Q: How often do you recommend attending this type of networking event (i.e. Women
In Business Committee lunch)?
A: From what I observed at my first Morris County Chamber of Commerce, Women in
Business lunch, my recommendation would be to attend these events frequently. Here’s
what I liked:
! The unstructured networking opportunity prior to the event
! The structured networking at the tables (particularly the 1:1 meetings)
! A member organization culture of collaboration and genuine interest in other members’
! An organization facilitating the ability to make the “ask”
! An organization promoting and using the services of its members
Frequent attendance won’t move your networking forward however, if you don’t take
advantage of these organizational attributes. Schedule your 1:1 meeting! Follow-up with your
prior 1:1 meetings. Connect with the other guests at your table on Linkedin and send follow-
up emails to them based on your luncheon table conversation. Then reach out to the
contacts you’d like to get to know better to connect with them at the next event in February.
Question 2
© Copyright 2015 J. Kelly Hoey
Q: What are your top 3 ways to use Linkedin for networking? What is the best way to
maximize networking on Linkedin?
A: My Answer: This is not a paid endorsement: I love Linkedin for business networking! My
top 3 Linkedin tips for networking (which I mentioned at the lunch) are:
! Get a professional headshot.
! Aim to post an update 2-3 times a week with an article or an event of professional interest. I
typically find posting during the weekday in the morning produces the most engagement with
my network.
! Using the summary section of your profile in a dynamic way (that is, create content which
requires updating every 2 or so weeks). When you update your profile a notification is sent to
all your contact and the revised portion of your profile is highlighted. Why not draw your
connections back to your profile on a regular basis by pointing them to the information you
really want them to see?
Additional Linkedin Tips
© Copyright 2015 J. Kelly Hoey
A few other LinkedIn networking tips (because 3 is not enough):
! Always personalize invitations to connect when you’re reaching out to someone you’ve just
met. A customized message (“Nice to meet you at the December 5 Women in Business
luncheon”) is more likely to result in a connection than the auto-connect “I’d like to add you
to my professional network” message which LinkedIn provides.
! Use the Slideshare feature to post content regarding your services, business or expertise.
! Create a company page for your business.
! Reach out when one of your contacts updates their profile, has a professional anniversary
or updates their profile with a promotion or other career milestone.
Question 3
© Copyright 2015 J. Kelly Hoey
Q: What are the top 3 companies helping small business maximize social media?
A: Before you engage anyone to help you maximize social media, determine the primary why
of your engagement. Is it general marketing? Is it new client outreach/discovery? Is it
customer relations? Is it for PR or media?
The more you can articulate the why of your use (aka the ROI you’re expecting) the better
you’ll be in guiding the company you retain to assist or guide you with social media.
A few resources I’d suggest small business owners look into:
• CloudPeeps (vetted social media and community managers for business).
• American Express OPEN Forum (lots of good advice for and by entrepreneurs on the OPEN
• Mind My Business (an app which notifies small businesses about happenings which could
affect the bottomline).
Question 4
© Copyright 2015 J. Kelly Hoey
Q: What is the best course of action to engage local media?
A: Engaging or pitching the media is both an art and a science – and a huge challenge. Journalists,
just like you and me, are operating an environment of deadlines, multiple communication platforms
and extreme information overload. Engaging the media within this environment requires
preparation, focus and persistence.
A few questions to ask yourself before reaching out engage the media:
! What is your goal? If it is entirely self-serving, then good luck! If however your approach is on
helping the journalist then you’ll have a better shot at getting their attention. Supply background
information. Share unique insights. Make connections to knowledgeable people.
! Are you thinking like a journalist? Does your ask pass the “tell me something I don’t already know”
or “tell me something I do know in a new way” test? Unless you have a fresh take, a reporter is not
interested in simply telling another story on the same topic they wrote about last week.
! Did stop to think that you’re pitching a person? You may have a honed in a publication you want to
get a story in but remember you’re reaching out to a living, breathing human being and focus in on
the people who are most likely to be interested in your expertise / story line.
Question 5
© Copyright 2015 J. Kelly Hoey
Q: What is the best way to leverage volunteer leadership roles for building your
A: Be really purposeful in taking on volunteer roles! Not all volunteer opportunities are alike
and as much depends on the organization as it does on your anticipated outcome. I was the
vice-chair of a rather prestigious not-for-profit board for 3+ years. My 2 terms on the board did
not lead to me becoming board chair or to landing other board positions, however I did learn
a tremendous amount about board governance and made some great personal connections.
Think about what your goal / expected outcome is for taking on the leadership role (more
contacts, deeper niche connections, profile) and then research the volunteer opportunities
which can help you achieve that. Volunteering to hand out nametags at a Chamber event is a
great way to meet a lot of Chamber members as you are literally putting a face to a
name(tag). Helping to organize events strengths your relationship with the other event
organizers (as well as providing a way to network with speakers).
Question 6
© Copyright 2015 J. Kelly Hoey
Q: What specifically and different can one do to open doors to new client(s)?
A: I’m going to approach this question as a network and relationship builder not a sales
person. Sales and cold calling is a unique and valuable skill set, and not one I can claim any
proficiency in. My guess is that you have an idea on who your ideal new client(s) is and you
may even have a target person or company in mind. This is where using your network comes
Personal connections are the best mechanism for introductions to new clients.
Research who knows or is connected to that person or company (Linkedin is a great resource
for this). Once you’ve aligned your target client to your existing connection, give some
thought to how that existing connection can make the introduction for you. “I see you know so
and so, can you introduce us?” is not sufficient! Every introduction requires consideration and
reputational capital. Will your product or service be valuable to the prospective client? Will it
save them money or increase their sales? Think about how what you have to offer which will
get your existing contact excited to be the connector to your future client before you ask for
that introduction.
Question 7
© Copyright 2015 J. Kelly Hoey
Q: What are your thoughts on “Pay It Forward”.
A: This is the networking mantra which is drilled into our heads by every list of “things you
need to know to be an effective networker” etc. For me, paying it forward is about
consideration and responsiveness. It is realizing when to make the ask and when to say no to
an ask. It is about giving thought to the other person: their communication style and
preferences, as well as priorities and interests.
A big “pay it forward” for me is mentoring. I got where I am professionally because of the
guidance and help from others. If someone isn’t prepared to pay it forward by recognizing no-
one goes it alone and reaching back to lift others up, they are not welcome in my inner
Question 8
© Copyright 2015 J. Kelly Hoey
Q: How long until you see results of networking at the same organization? When do you say
(a) more effort or (b) stop?
A: Great question(s). We’d all like to have instant, fabulous results from our first (or second)
networking interaction but these things take time so acknowledge that. On the flip side, often we
spend too much time with a group out of habit or routine without questioning our continued
involvement. A change in the composition of a network or personal networking goals may be an
indication it is time to reconsider. And maybe, just maybe it is not the network but how you’re
engaging with it that needs to change.
The results I achieved from my membership in 85 Broads was very different that those of other
members as I not only attended events (sitting with new people or seeking out new introductions
each time), I also volunteered in the New York Chapter and discovered ways to be helpful to the
global organization. I maximized every tool available to members on the 85 Broads’ website. When
friends saw my networking outcomes from 85 Broads I warned them not to expect the same
outcome (as I knew that being passive networkers they would produce equal networking outcomes).
Assess your own motivations and actions before ditching a networking opportunity you’ve invested
time in.
Question 9
© Copyright 2015 J. Kelly Hoey
Q: What if your targets are not part of an organization you belong to?
A: Appears from your question that you have the direct networking mindset vs the indirect
It's not just the first degree connections which count. Consider who in your network can
introduce you to your targets. Are you openly sharing with people in the organization specific
examples of people or companies you’d like to meet?
Often it’s not who you know but who the person you know, knows. And one other thought:
joining an organization is not just about meeting targets. Organizations are full of rich insights
and experiences. Having a challenging time in your new role? Likely there is someone in the
organization who has faced a similar challenge and can guide you. Need to hone your sales
pitch? Likely someone in the organization is an expert on this and can provide you with
Question 10
© Copyright 2015 J. Kelly Hoey
Q: Any good “ice breaker examples” to introduce yourself to a new person?
A: Here are my tips:
! Think “how do I invite a conversation” vs what’s my one-line all purpose event introduction.
! Keep it simple and friendly. Looking back at the open networking portion of Friday’s event
asking a simple opener such as “great turnout for today’s lunch, what attracted you to
particular event” would easily get the conversation started.
! Be a good listener. Observe and survey the social dynamic before jumping in. Often we
achieve the best networking by saying nothing.
Question 11
© Copyright 2015 J. Kelly Hoey
Q: How do you make a WOW impression?
A: Unless you’re Miley Cyrus, what’s your need for WOW?
Focus on the clientele / customer base you’re building a relationship with. What instills them
with confidence and trust - as well as comfort that you’re someone they want to get to know
(and give their business to)? Understanding your target audience and what is valuable to
them is a WOW.
The WOW for me comes in the form of the follow-up: when someone sends a note with an
article or piece of information which they believe would be valuable to me based on
something they heard in our conversation. The chocolate shoe from the Women In Business
Committee was a WOW – someone took time to notice that I love shoes and selected a
speaker gift on the basis of my personal taste.
Thoughtfulness is a WOW.
Question 12
© Copyright 2015 J. Kelly Hoey
Q: What’s the best way to get networked to other women startup leaders, women in
technology and to sit on boards of tech startups?
A: Here’s how I did it:
! attending tech startup events especially those events targeted at women founders
(meetups, hackathons, conferences and panel discussions)
! investing in startups (Pipeline Fellowship program caused me to become an active investor
at the early stage)
! mentoring startups with no expectation of a return (through accelerators or other startup
Some suggestions on where to start networking (beyond Pipeline Fellowship): 37 Angels,
Astia, Princeton Tech Meetup, Women 2.0, Philly Women In Tech Summit, Third Wave
Fashion, Open Source Fashion.
Question 13
© Copyright 2015 J. Kelly Hoey
Q: What is the best social media platform for networking?
A: Depends – on what your networking goal is. Here’s how I use the Big 4 social platforms for
! Linkedin is for my professional contacts. The information I post in updates or on my
Linkedin blog all relate to my professional ambitions and/or would be of information of interest
or valuable to my contacts.
! Facebook is for my friends and family (increasingly work-related contacts who I want to get
to know better on a social level).
! Twitter is my cocktail party! It is where I can dip into and out of conversations with a mix of
networking connections (close friends, media, professional contacts, targets).
! Google+ is for SEO and search. What search engine does the world use when looking for
information? Google! I keep an active profile on Google+ so that I can control what is found
about me when people search online.
Question 14
© Copyright 2015 J. Kelly Hoey
Q: Any advice on starting a “personal” board of directors and how best to keep them
with you?
A: Two words of advice: focus and consideration.
Consider what advice or guidance you need to advance professionally and who has the skills/
contacts/experience to give you that advice. Once you have made a list of those people, think
about who has the time/willingness/mindset to help you and scratch off the list anyone who
lacks time/willingness/right mindset.
Seek out specific advice from the people on your list. I’m highlighting the word specific as too
broad of an ask, is to big of an ask (and likely will be met with silence or a no). If you know
what guidance you need, know who as the experience to guide you, you can make a specific
ask (“I’m dealing with a challenging employee situation involving X, Y or Z. I suspect you may
have dealt with similar issues during your years as CEO. Can I seek your guidance?”).
Remember to thank the person for sharing their insights and experience – and keep them
informed on outcomes (did you follow their advice and if not, why not).
Question 15
© Copyright 2015 J. Kelly Hoey
Q: What advice do you have for networking newbies? What’s the first few things they
should focus on?
A: Good for you for getting out there and networking! Getting started and having self-
awareness are two of the biggest networking hurdles to overcome.
As a networking newbie, my advice is to be the good guest, as you want to be invited into
networks. Cultivate this mindset of consideration for every networking encounter (whether it is
with an organization such as the Morris County Chamber or with a particular individual).
Acknowledge and thank people for sharing their time and insights. Hone your listening skills
as your top networking skill (you’ll pick up information faster on how/where you can add value
to a new contact or group with your ears better than with your mouth).
Don’t get deterred! Persistence in networking produces results.
Question 16
© Copyright 2015 J. Kelly Hoey
Q: What is the best medium of identifying partners with similar visions?
A: By first understanding and having clarity on your vision and business values so you have
articulate and recruit others with similar visions. With that in hand, attend events and when
talking to people about what they do, listen with an ear to those values. Think about having
several interactions with them (introduced at a Chamber event, sitting with them at the next
Chamber event, scheduling a 1:1) before deepening the relationship, as you’re putting your
trust in and opening your relationships to this new partner.
Question 17
© Copyright 2015 J. Kelly Hoey
Q: How can technology enable business expansion on a scalable yet cost effective
A: I had a very interesting conversation around this topic with Ophira Edut, one half of the
dynamic entrepreneurial duo who are known as the AstroTwins. Technology has enabled
them to scale and build their business in a way astrologers could never before. My
conversation with Ophira can be found on iTunes.
Question 18
© Copyright 2015 J. Kelly Hoey
Q: How do you manage many requests for one to ones?
A: I struggle with this very time demand/management challenge!
Currently I am using a tool called “Calendly” to schedule random meeting requests for advice
and guidance. Calendly permits me to customize the when, how often and how long for
meetings and puts the requests directly into my calendar.
I keep a bi-weekly 90 minute window for scheduling these types of meetings (15 minutes /
phone call only). Handling meeting requests this way is helping me stay present during those
meetings as well as being highly efficient and effective.
Knowing there is a time limit, ensures you stay focused and get to the point!
Question 19
© Copyright 2015 J. Kelly Hoey
Q: What are the best ways to hone presentation/public speaking skills? How do you go
from hating it to being so skilled?
A: I was given no choice but to step up to the podium in 2004 when I landed my Professional
Development role at White & Case.
My best advice is to just do it and just keep doing it!
Say yes to every opportunity to speak publicly – be it introducing a speaker, thanking guests
for attending an event, sitting on a panel, taking the microphone and asking a question at an
event – and stay cognizant as to how and when you’re comfortable speaking. You may have
a knack for being the MC or panel moderator in front of a large audience or perhaps you’ll
discover that facilitating a workshop is more your public-speaking style.
Question 20
© Copyright 2015 J. Kelly Hoey
Q: What advice can you give a young professional who is looking to advance her
career in philanthropy?
A: Make sure you’re networking beyond people in roles and with organizations which mirror
your current position.
If you’re in a not-for-profit, make sure you’re networking with NGOs, foundations (private and
corporate), as well as the groups that provide support for these audiences (Women
Advancing MicroFinance is an example of a niche networking group for professionals in
Share your insights on topics in your field with your network (refer to some of my Linkedin tips
for guidance).
Seek out informational interviews with people who have roles you aspire to have in the future.
Question 21
© Copyright 2015 J. Kelly Hoey
Q: How can I discover where my target market hangs out? How can I ensure I’m
spending my networking time with the right people?
A: Research! A little time online should reveal more than you need on how/where/when your
target market hangs out.
Our information overload is caused by lots of people, brands and organizations putting lots of
information out there. And that’s good news if you’re trying to discover how to engage with a
new audience.
As for ensuring you’re spending time with the right people, that comes from understanding
how decisions are made in your target market, how your target market networks and engages
and where your target market networks.
All this boils down to research on your target network, observing your target network in
action, networking with your target marketing then assessing your interactions, making any
refinements or changes in your networking tactics based on your assessment then jumping
back in!
Question 22
© Copyright 2015 J. Kelly Hoey
Q: I’m new to networking, how much is too much? What should I focus on first? How should
I follow-up with people I’ve just met and people I already know?
A: Great question(s). I was asked a number of years ago to lead a workshop for attorneys at a
national law firm based in Kansas City. The firm is very community focused and the associates at
the firm had taken this to heart, a little too much. They were spending a lot of time helping in the
community (pro bono legal services and more), leaving little time for client work. It was get out there
and network gone amuck. Take a moment to understand what you’re trying to achieve by
networking, right here and right now. Your networking goals will change over time, so focus on what
matters to right now and target your networking as a way to advance that goal. A networking goal
may be a new job, or deepening friendships in a new community or serving the community.
I’m so glad you asked about the follow-up as it is one of the most important elements of successful
networking. A note (email, handwritten or Linkedin connection request) which is a personalized “nice
to meet you at [insert specifics here]” note is a highly effective and kind way to follow-up. Send a
handwritten note when you’re really looking to make a strong impression (let’s all admit it, we love
get snail mail as we so rarely do any more). With people I already know, I truly rely on social media
platforms to stay in contact.
Question 23
© Copyright 2015 J. Kelly Hoey
Q: What’s your guidance for networking within a profession (when you’re a service
A: You want to be the warmly welcomed back guest not viewed as the intruder, so cultivate a
networking mindset of adding value. Think about ways you can you help the organization your
targeted professionals belong to (sharing key insights, sponsoring an event, joining the
organization and being an active member) and always keep building trusted relationships with
these professionals as your primary goal – professionals do repeat business with people they
know, like and trust!
Question 24
© Copyright 2015 J. Kelly Hoey
Q: What’s your advice on networking to get to the next level professionally?
A: Network to understand what you need to do to advance in your profession. Do you need to
have certain skills or hold roles in professional organizations? Seek the advice of mentors
and advisors in your profession for this guidance. Then follow the advice you receive! Be
open to feedback on your performance and opportunities.
Research whether your career advancement will be internal to your company or external to it,
then work your network accordingly. If there are recruiters for the roles you’ll be seeking to
advance into in the future, then start building relationships with those recruiters. In my law
firm management role, I used to take every recruiter’s phone call as beyond the immediate
opportunity, those calls provided me with valuable market insight into my profession (salary,
skill set, responsibilities, and staffing).
Speaker / Strategist Kelly Hoey is a connection-maker
and expert community builder, known for her networking
expertise in building valuable professional networks,
understanding the dynamics of engaged communities
and the “how” of raising visibility, online and off. She is
also known for her boots-on-the ground leadership in
supporting and investing in women in tech. Kelly is
working on her first book (yes, on the subject of
networking). To retain Kelly for a presentation, workshop
or strategic advisory project, refer to her website:
© Copyright 2015 J. Kelly Hoey

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Resolve To Connect Better: 24 Networking Questions and Solutions For 2015

  • 1. Resolve To Connect Better 24 Networking Questions and Solutions For 2015 © Copyright 2015 J. Kelly Hoey
  • 2. Where this started…. © Copyright 2015 J. Kelly Hoey In December I was delivered the keynote address at the Morris County Chamber of Commerce, Women In Business lunch (my Linkedin post "Networks: It's All In The Way That You Use It" outlines my remarks to the Chamber members in attendance). Suspecting there may be more questions that I'd have time to answer during the Q&A portion of the event, I offered to answer any and all questions submitted in writing. From my experience, no one willingly shows up to hear a presentation or workshop on the topic of networking by "chance" or "just because" - typically they have a question or networking challenge and they are looking for actionable solutions. Below I've reproduced the networking questions I received, together with my answers (exactly in the format distributed to members of the Chamber) knowing others may be stalled in their New Year networking resolutions by similar, familiar challenges.
  • 3. Question 1 © Copyright 2015 J. Kelly Hoey Q: How often do you recommend attending this type of networking event (i.e. Women In Business Committee lunch)? A: From what I observed at my first Morris County Chamber of Commerce, Women in Business lunch, my recommendation would be to attend these events frequently. Here’s what I liked: ! The unstructured networking opportunity prior to the event ! The structured networking at the tables (particularly the 1:1 meetings) ! A member organization culture of collaboration and genuine interest in other members’ ventures ! An organization facilitating the ability to make the “ask” ! An organization promoting and using the services of its members Frequent attendance won’t move your networking forward however, if you don’t take advantage of these organizational attributes. Schedule your 1:1 meeting! Follow-up with your prior 1:1 meetings. Connect with the other guests at your table on Linkedin and send follow- up emails to them based on your luncheon table conversation. Then reach out to the contacts you’d like to get to know better to connect with them at the next event in February.
  • 4. Question 2 © Copyright 2015 J. Kelly Hoey Q: What are your top 3 ways to use Linkedin for networking? What is the best way to maximize networking on Linkedin? A: My Answer: This is not a paid endorsement: I love Linkedin for business networking! My top 3 Linkedin tips for networking (which I mentioned at the lunch) are: ! Get a professional headshot. ! Aim to post an update 2-3 times a week with an article or an event of professional interest. I typically find posting during the weekday in the morning produces the most engagement with my network. ! Using the summary section of your profile in a dynamic way (that is, create content which requires updating every 2 or so weeks). When you update your profile a notification is sent to all your contact and the revised portion of your profile is highlighted. Why not draw your connections back to your profile on a regular basis by pointing them to the information you really want them to see?
  • 5. Additional Linkedin Tips © Copyright 2015 J. Kelly Hoey A few other LinkedIn networking tips (because 3 is not enough): ! Always personalize invitations to connect when you’re reaching out to someone you’ve just met. A customized message (“Nice to meet you at the December 5 Women in Business luncheon”) is more likely to result in a connection than the auto-connect “I’d like to add you to my professional network” message which LinkedIn provides. ! Use the Slideshare feature to post content regarding your services, business or expertise. ! Create a company page for your business. ! Reach out when one of your contacts updates their profile, has a professional anniversary or updates their profile with a promotion or other career milestone.
  • 6. Question 3 © Copyright 2015 J. Kelly Hoey Q: What are the top 3 companies helping small business maximize social media? A: Before you engage anyone to help you maximize social media, determine the primary why of your engagement. Is it general marketing? Is it new client outreach/discovery? Is it customer relations? Is it for PR or media? The more you can articulate the why of your use (aka the ROI you’re expecting) the better you’ll be in guiding the company you retain to assist or guide you with social media. A few resources I’d suggest small business owners look into: • CloudPeeps (vetted social media and community managers for business). • American Express OPEN Forum (lots of good advice for and by entrepreneurs on the OPEN blog) • Mind My Business (an app which notifies small businesses about happenings which could affect the bottomline).
  • 7. Question 4 © Copyright 2015 J. Kelly Hoey Q: What is the best course of action to engage local media? A: Engaging or pitching the media is both an art and a science – and a huge challenge. Journalists, just like you and me, are operating an environment of deadlines, multiple communication platforms and extreme information overload. Engaging the media within this environment requires preparation, focus and persistence. A few questions to ask yourself before reaching out engage the media: ! What is your goal? If it is entirely self-serving, then good luck! If however your approach is on helping the journalist then you’ll have a better shot at getting their attention. Supply background information. Share unique insights. Make connections to knowledgeable people. ! Are you thinking like a journalist? Does your ask pass the “tell me something I don’t already know” or “tell me something I do know in a new way” test? Unless you have a fresh take, a reporter is not interested in simply telling another story on the same topic they wrote about last week. ! Did stop to think that you’re pitching a person? You may have a honed in a publication you want to get a story in but remember you’re reaching out to a living, breathing human being and focus in on the people who are most likely to be interested in your expertise / story line.
  • 8. Question 5 © Copyright 2015 J. Kelly Hoey Q: What is the best way to leverage volunteer leadership roles for building your networks? A: Be really purposeful in taking on volunteer roles! Not all volunteer opportunities are alike and as much depends on the organization as it does on your anticipated outcome. I was the vice-chair of a rather prestigious not-for-profit board for 3+ years. My 2 terms on the board did not lead to me becoming board chair or to landing other board positions, however I did learn a tremendous amount about board governance and made some great personal connections. Think about what your goal / expected outcome is for taking on the leadership role (more contacts, deeper niche connections, profile) and then research the volunteer opportunities which can help you achieve that. Volunteering to hand out nametags at a Chamber event is a great way to meet a lot of Chamber members as you are literally putting a face to a name(tag). Helping to organize events strengths your relationship with the other event organizers (as well as providing a way to network with speakers).
  • 9. Question 6 © Copyright 2015 J. Kelly Hoey Q: What specifically and different can one do to open doors to new client(s)? A: I’m going to approach this question as a network and relationship builder not a sales person. Sales and cold calling is a unique and valuable skill set, and not one I can claim any proficiency in. My guess is that you have an idea on who your ideal new client(s) is and you may even have a target person or company in mind. This is where using your network comes in. Personal connections are the best mechanism for introductions to new clients. Research who knows or is connected to that person or company (Linkedin is a great resource for this). Once you’ve aligned your target client to your existing connection, give some thought to how that existing connection can make the introduction for you. “I see you know so and so, can you introduce us?” is not sufficient! Every introduction requires consideration and reputational capital. Will your product or service be valuable to the prospective client? Will it save them money or increase their sales? Think about how what you have to offer which will get your existing contact excited to be the connector to your future client before you ask for that introduction.
  • 10. Question 7 © Copyright 2015 J. Kelly Hoey Q: What are your thoughts on “Pay It Forward”. A: This is the networking mantra which is drilled into our heads by every list of “things you need to know to be an effective networker” etc. For me, paying it forward is about consideration and responsiveness. It is realizing when to make the ask and when to say no to an ask. It is about giving thought to the other person: their communication style and preferences, as well as priorities and interests. A big “pay it forward” for me is mentoring. I got where I am professionally because of the guidance and help from others. If someone isn’t prepared to pay it forward by recognizing no- one goes it alone and reaching back to lift others up, they are not welcome in my inner network.
  • 11. Question 8 © Copyright 2015 J. Kelly Hoey Q: How long until you see results of networking at the same organization? When do you say (a) more effort or (b) stop? A: Great question(s). We’d all like to have instant, fabulous results from our first (or second) networking interaction but these things take time so acknowledge that. On the flip side, often we spend too much time with a group out of habit or routine without questioning our continued involvement. A change in the composition of a network or personal networking goals may be an indication it is time to reconsider. And maybe, just maybe it is not the network but how you’re engaging with it that needs to change. The results I achieved from my membership in 85 Broads was very different that those of other members as I not only attended events (sitting with new people or seeking out new introductions each time), I also volunteered in the New York Chapter and discovered ways to be helpful to the global organization. I maximized every tool available to members on the 85 Broads’ website. When friends saw my networking outcomes from 85 Broads I warned them not to expect the same outcome (as I knew that being passive networkers they would produce equal networking outcomes). Assess your own motivations and actions before ditching a networking opportunity you’ve invested time in.
  • 12. Question 9 © Copyright 2015 J. Kelly Hoey Q: What if your targets are not part of an organization you belong to? A: Appears from your question that you have the direct networking mindset vs the indirect one! It's not just the first degree connections which count. Consider who in your network can introduce you to your targets. Are you openly sharing with people in the organization specific examples of people or companies you’d like to meet? Often it’s not who you know but who the person you know, knows. And one other thought: joining an organization is not just about meeting targets. Organizations are full of rich insights and experiences. Having a challenging time in your new role? Likely there is someone in the organization who has faced a similar challenge and can guide you. Need to hone your sales pitch? Likely someone in the organization is an expert on this and can provide you with feedback.
  • 13. Question 10 © Copyright 2015 J. Kelly Hoey Q: Any good “ice breaker examples” to introduce yourself to a new person? A: Here are my tips: ! Think “how do I invite a conversation” vs what’s my one-line all purpose event introduction. ! Keep it simple and friendly. Looking back at the open networking portion of Friday’s event asking a simple opener such as “great turnout for today’s lunch, what attracted you to particular event” would easily get the conversation started. ! Be a good listener. Observe and survey the social dynamic before jumping in. Often we achieve the best networking by saying nothing.
  • 14. Question 11 © Copyright 2015 J. Kelly Hoey Q: How do you make a WOW impression? A: Unless you’re Miley Cyrus, what’s your need for WOW? Focus on the clientele / customer base you’re building a relationship with. What instills them with confidence and trust - as well as comfort that you’re someone they want to get to know (and give their business to)? Understanding your target audience and what is valuable to them is a WOW. The WOW for me comes in the form of the follow-up: when someone sends a note with an article or piece of information which they believe would be valuable to me based on something they heard in our conversation. The chocolate shoe from the Women In Business Committee was a WOW – someone took time to notice that I love shoes and selected a speaker gift on the basis of my personal taste. Thoughtfulness is a WOW.
  • 15. Question 12 © Copyright 2015 J. Kelly Hoey Q: What’s the best way to get networked to other women startup leaders, women in technology and to sit on boards of tech startups? A: Here’s how I did it: ! attending tech startup events especially those events targeted at women founders (meetups, hackathons, conferences and panel discussions) ! investing in startups (Pipeline Fellowship program caused me to become an active investor at the early stage) ! mentoring startups with no expectation of a return (through accelerators or other startup programs) Some suggestions on where to start networking (beyond Pipeline Fellowship): 37 Angels, Astia, Princeton Tech Meetup, Women 2.0, Philly Women In Tech Summit, Third Wave Fashion, Open Source Fashion.
  • 16. Question 13 © Copyright 2015 J. Kelly Hoey Q: What is the best social media platform for networking? A: Depends – on what your networking goal is. Here’s how I use the Big 4 social platforms for networking: ! Linkedin is for my professional contacts. The information I post in updates or on my Linkedin blog all relate to my professional ambitions and/or would be of information of interest or valuable to my contacts. ! Facebook is for my friends and family (increasingly work-related contacts who I want to get to know better on a social level). ! Twitter is my cocktail party! It is where I can dip into and out of conversations with a mix of networking connections (close friends, media, professional contacts, targets). ! Google+ is for SEO and search. What search engine does the world use when looking for information? Google! I keep an active profile on Google+ so that I can control what is found about me when people search online.
  • 17. Question 14 © Copyright 2015 J. Kelly Hoey Q: Any advice on starting a “personal” board of directors and how best to keep them with you? A: Two words of advice: focus and consideration. Consider what advice or guidance you need to advance professionally and who has the skills/ contacts/experience to give you that advice. Once you have made a list of those people, think about who has the time/willingness/mindset to help you and scratch off the list anyone who lacks time/willingness/right mindset. Seek out specific advice from the people on your list. I’m highlighting the word specific as too broad of an ask, is to big of an ask (and likely will be met with silence or a no). If you know what guidance you need, know who as the experience to guide you, you can make a specific ask (“I’m dealing with a challenging employee situation involving X, Y or Z. I suspect you may have dealt with similar issues during your years as CEO. Can I seek your guidance?”). Remember to thank the person for sharing their insights and experience – and keep them informed on outcomes (did you follow their advice and if not, why not).
  • 18. Question 15 © Copyright 2015 J. Kelly Hoey Q: What advice do you have for networking newbies? What’s the first few things they should focus on? A: Good for you for getting out there and networking! Getting started and having self- awareness are two of the biggest networking hurdles to overcome. As a networking newbie, my advice is to be the good guest, as you want to be invited into networks. Cultivate this mindset of consideration for every networking encounter (whether it is with an organization such as the Morris County Chamber or with a particular individual). Acknowledge and thank people for sharing their time and insights. Hone your listening skills as your top networking skill (you’ll pick up information faster on how/where you can add value to a new contact or group with your ears better than with your mouth). Don’t get deterred! Persistence in networking produces results.
  • 19. Question 16 © Copyright 2015 J. Kelly Hoey Q: What is the best medium of identifying partners with similar visions? A: By first understanding and having clarity on your vision and business values so you have articulate and recruit others with similar visions. With that in hand, attend events and when talking to people about what they do, listen with an ear to those values. Think about having several interactions with them (introduced at a Chamber event, sitting with them at the next Chamber event, scheduling a 1:1) before deepening the relationship, as you’re putting your trust in and opening your relationships to this new partner.
  • 20. Question 17 © Copyright 2015 J. Kelly Hoey Q: How can technology enable business expansion on a scalable yet cost effective basis? A: I had a very interesting conversation around this topic with Ophira Edut, one half of the dynamic entrepreneurial duo who are known as the AstroTwins. Technology has enabled them to scale and build their business in a way astrologers could never before. My conversation with Ophira can be found on iTunes.
  • 21. Question 18 © Copyright 2015 J. Kelly Hoey Q: How do you manage many requests for one to ones? A: I struggle with this very time demand/management challenge! Currently I am using a tool called “Calendly” to schedule random meeting requests for advice and guidance. Calendly permits me to customize the when, how often and how long for meetings and puts the requests directly into my calendar. I keep a bi-weekly 90 minute window for scheduling these types of meetings (15 minutes / phone call only). Handling meeting requests this way is helping me stay present during those meetings as well as being highly efficient and effective. Knowing there is a time limit, ensures you stay focused and get to the point!
  • 22. Question 19 © Copyright 2015 J. Kelly Hoey Q: What are the best ways to hone presentation/public speaking skills? How do you go from hating it to being so skilled? A: I was given no choice but to step up to the podium in 2004 when I landed my Professional Development role at White & Case. My best advice is to just do it and just keep doing it! Say yes to every opportunity to speak publicly – be it introducing a speaker, thanking guests for attending an event, sitting on a panel, taking the microphone and asking a question at an event – and stay cognizant as to how and when you’re comfortable speaking. You may have a knack for being the MC or panel moderator in front of a large audience or perhaps you’ll discover that facilitating a workshop is more your public-speaking style.
  • 23. Question 20 © Copyright 2015 J. Kelly Hoey Q: What advice can you give a young professional who is looking to advance her career in philanthropy? A: Make sure you’re networking beyond people in roles and with organizations which mirror your current position. If you’re in a not-for-profit, make sure you’re networking with NGOs, foundations (private and corporate), as well as the groups that provide support for these audiences (Women Advancing MicroFinance is an example of a niche networking group for professionals in microfinance). Share your insights on topics in your field with your network (refer to some of my Linkedin tips for guidance). Seek out informational interviews with people who have roles you aspire to have in the future.
  • 24. Question 21 © Copyright 2015 J. Kelly Hoey Q: How can I discover where my target market hangs out? How can I ensure I’m spending my networking time with the right people? A: Research! A little time online should reveal more than you need on how/where/when your target market hangs out. Our information overload is caused by lots of people, brands and organizations putting lots of information out there. And that’s good news if you’re trying to discover how to engage with a new audience. As for ensuring you’re spending time with the right people, that comes from understanding how decisions are made in your target market, how your target market networks and engages and where your target market networks. All this boils down to research on your target network, observing your target network in action, networking with your target marketing then assessing your interactions, making any refinements or changes in your networking tactics based on your assessment then jumping back in!
  • 25. Question 22 © Copyright 2015 J. Kelly Hoey Q: I’m new to networking, how much is too much? What should I focus on first? How should I follow-up with people I’ve just met and people I already know? A: Great question(s). I was asked a number of years ago to lead a workshop for attorneys at a national law firm based in Kansas City. The firm is very community focused and the associates at the firm had taken this to heart, a little too much. They were spending a lot of time helping in the community (pro bono legal services and more), leaving little time for client work. It was get out there and network gone amuck. Take a moment to understand what you’re trying to achieve by networking, right here and right now. Your networking goals will change over time, so focus on what matters to right now and target your networking as a way to advance that goal. A networking goal may be a new job, or deepening friendships in a new community or serving the community. I’m so glad you asked about the follow-up as it is one of the most important elements of successful networking. A note (email, handwritten or Linkedin connection request) which is a personalized “nice to meet you at [insert specifics here]” note is a highly effective and kind way to follow-up. Send a handwritten note when you’re really looking to make a strong impression (let’s all admit it, we love get snail mail as we so rarely do any more). With people I already know, I truly rely on social media platforms to stay in contact.
  • 26. Question 23 © Copyright 2015 J. Kelly Hoey Q: What’s your guidance for networking within a profession (when you’re a service provider)? A: You want to be the warmly welcomed back guest not viewed as the intruder, so cultivate a networking mindset of adding value. Think about ways you can you help the organization your targeted professionals belong to (sharing key insights, sponsoring an event, joining the organization and being an active member) and always keep building trusted relationships with these professionals as your primary goal – professionals do repeat business with people they know, like and trust!
  • 27. Question 24 © Copyright 2015 J. Kelly Hoey Q: What’s your advice on networking to get to the next level professionally? A: Network to understand what you need to do to advance in your profession. Do you need to have certain skills or hold roles in professional organizations? Seek the advice of mentors and advisors in your profession for this guidance. Then follow the advice you receive! Be open to feedback on your performance and opportunities. Research whether your career advancement will be internal to your company or external to it, then work your network accordingly. If there are recruiters for the roles you’ll be seeking to advance into in the future, then start building relationships with those recruiters. In my law firm management role, I used to take every recruiter’s phone call as beyond the immediate opportunity, those calls provided me with valuable market insight into my profession (salary, skill set, responsibilities, and staffing).
  • 28. Speaker / Strategist Kelly Hoey is a connection-maker and expert community builder, known for her networking expertise in building valuable professional networks, understanding the dynamics of engaged communities and the “how” of raising visibility, online and off. She is also known for her boots-on-the ground leadership in supporting and investing in women in tech. Kelly is working on her first book (yes, on the subject of networking). To retain Kelly for a presentation, workshop or strategic advisory project, refer to her website: © Copyright 2015 J. Kelly Hoey