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Linkedin Answers: A
ii   Global Focus Group
         f there is one reason why you should be on LinkedIn,
         it is for its ‘Q&A’ feature. The name of this service is
         actually ‘Answers’ — a forum to exchange expertise,
     knowledge and contacts with other users. For the sake of
     simplicity, we can call this feature Q&A; this is how most
     users refer to it anyway. This is where you can tap the
     'inherent wisdom of the LinkedIn community.’
        With the diversity and depth of users LinkedIn has come
     to represent, this feature is a potent force in itself for mem-
     bers to use to their advantage. Call it a global focus group
     giving you access to some of the best minds in the busi-
     ness. The advice, insights and references coming your way
     in the process for free here may not be available from con-
     sultants charging hundreds of dollars an hour.
        It works because people come to LinkedIn Q&A seeking
     help, and in the process lend a thought themselves too —
     this mutual give and take keeps the Q&A eco-system going.

      USE LINKEDIN FOR              Q&A,
                      ITS                    EVEN IF YOU

      This may sound a bit odd, but you can be on LinkedIn with a
      network size approaching zero and still benefit greatly —
      through its Q&A. You can access and participate in everything
      being discussed on this forum and enjoy its advantages,
      without a need for having a network of your own.

  If you don’t want to take anyone’s word for it, try asking
active LinkedIn members and they will vote for this feature
being the site’s killer application.
  There are more than a few ways to leverage this service
to get ahead at work.

If you had all the answers you would be God, right? But
since you are not, nor is anyone else (unless proven other-
wise), one might as well ask some questions in life. Dial
LinkedIn — you may be able to get some enlightenment
   What kind of questions work here? A high percentage are
related to one's work, as may be obvious. But members

      Structure the question well: Be very lucid in what
      you are asking; vague or ambiguous questions don't
      work. No one can read your mind. Be brief. And the
      first line of your question has to be written well; users
      usually read these and decide if they want to read on
      and possibly answer. Your question will be jostling with
      hundreds a week for attention.

      Ask suitable questions to avoid being flagged:
      Choose your questions carefully. They may be flagged
      by other users if seen as inappropriate, an advertisement
      or a duplicate of another question asked by you. If
      enough users flag it, customer service may hide the
      question if they feel the flagging was justified. And
      impose restrictions if you make a habit of asking such

      Limitation: You are allowed to post ten questions a
      month on any topic of your choosing.

      A question is open for only seven days: After this, it
      is closed to further answers. You may re-post it, but it
      will count as an additional question being asked during
      the month.

also use this forum to raise questions pertaining to social
issues, global concerns, education, charitable causes, per-
sonal tax and legal matters and even entertainment.
  Post any questions, and sit back as not just your own
network but the larger LinkedIn community responds to
the same; there is an option to restrict your question to
some or all of your first degree contacts if you are happy
with the more limited response you may get.

  Not all questions get good responses; the following are some
  that did and were rated highly by the respondents:

        Will the books industry go the music industry way as
        books go digital?
        Do-It-Yourself activism for Peace and Environment:
        What simple things can individuals and organizations
        do to make a big difference?
        Airlines: Getting it right, and wrong, for the business
        traveller. Do you have suggestions and experiences to
        Should there be seats reserved on company boards
        for women?
        How has LinkedIn been useful to you as a
        professional? (This question provided valuable insights
        for this book)

   Learning to Motivate
         I was struggling with motivating my team for
   multiple low priority projects and I posted a query on
   how to manage this on Linkedin under the Project
   Management head. Thanks to the responses I got from
   people, especially the ones on specifying daily tasks for
   the team and the concept of explicit and implicit moti-

   vation, it was easier for me to manage the team and
   the projects.

                        — SHWETA KAPOOR, LEARNING CONSULTANT
                                        SAPIENT, SOUTH KOREA

Teaching civilian management to a

military leader
       My management style was forged while in the
military and there are certain parts of that style of lead-
ership that can be antagonistic in a civilian environ-
ment (do it or die trying is not very popular). Adjusting
my approach to a non-military leadership style left a
few holes in personal experience. Through questions
posed to contacts at LinkedIn and through links to
resource sites I did not otherwise know existed, I am
seeing areas that I can make significant gains in getting
the best performance possible from team members

and coaching them to take charge of their careers and
be the best they can be as members of the team.

                          DEPLOYMENT, MGA US, LLC, USA

      Say ‘Thank You’: Drop a thank you note whenever
      someone makes the effort to respond to your question.
      If you intend using LinkedIn regularly, people will start
      recognizing you — you do not want them to identify you
      with the wrong practices. Do you ever forget to thank
      people in the real world? So why would you do that on
      Rate the answers: When a question is closed, you are
      expected to rate answers received. You can mark one as
      Best, any number as Good and simply nothing for the
      rest. Make sure you give credit where it has been
      earned. If someone has made a good effort, reward them
      with your rating — it helps them gain expertise points,
      discussed later.


Why limit yourself to just your own questions? LinkedIn is
full of questions and answers, current and archived, that are

a delight to read — even if they do not directly pertain to
what you do. You may often come across questions you
were only thinking of passively, and the answers could be
valuable to you. Reading Q&As on LinkedIn is like reading
BusinessWeek, Harvard Business Review, Business 2.0,
Forbes and all many business magazines put together.

 It’s not easy keeping tabs on the questions and answers on
 LinkedIn — they just keep coming in all the time. And you
 may not want to miss out the good ones. The best way to
 deal with this is to subscribe to these on a RSS reader where
 they will come in like on a ticker tape. Read the useful ones,
 archive them if need be, and delete the rest. You also have
 the option to mail permalinks of any questions to yourself or
 anyone you wish for future reference — save them in a
 separate folder in your email client for future reference.
 These will always work for reading any time in the future.

 The Q&A section on LinkedIn is divided into the broad
 categories given below, with further sub-categories under
 each: (Users have felt the list is not exhaustive enough to
 cover all kinds of questions one asks here — these often land
 up in the closest matching one or under ‘Using LinkedIn.’)

     Administration                  Law and Legal
     Business Operations             Management
     Career and Education            Marketing and Sales
     Finance and Accounting          Personal Finance
     Financial Markets               Product Management
     Government and                  Startups and Small
     Non-Profit                      Businesses
     Hiring and Human                Technology
     Resources                       Using LinkedIn


          I visit the Q&A section almost every day. Only the other
  day, I was about to start calculating sample sizes that would be
  representative for several sets of data in my statistical
  research. This would usually take some time to go back to my
  books and/or research online to refresh my knowledge on the
  subject. I just decided to check the Q&A section only to have
  a nice surprise waiting for me: somebody had asked a very
  similar question and received answers! Just one instance how
  this feature saved me a lot of time.

    I regularly post answers to questions about publishing and
  self-publishing, book marketing and promotion, marketing
  services on the internet, e-commerce, e-books, building small
  business websites, search engines optimization, websites
  promotion, translations and teaching languages, immigration
  and visas, real estate etc. These are all areas I command some
  expertise in, often a result of research I may have done on
  some of these industries in the past.

    It is also a great feeling to receive a ‘Thank You’ or a
  ‘Good/Best Answer’ rating to some of the answers.


Whenever you answer a question, there is a possibility it
may get rated as ‘Good’ or ‘Best’ by the person who asked
the question. Everytime it is rated ‘Best’, you gain a point
of expertise. The more points you gain, the higher you
appear in the list of experts — useful in people finding you
and sending some business or opportunities your way.


Beyond a point it may be difficult to judge who you would
want to connect with and who you would rather not. The
profile can help decide, but you may sometimes want to

judge a person by more than just this. In the real world, we
often form opinions about people based on our interac-
tion with them; LinkedIn Q&A can simulate that experi-
ence to a great extent.
  The kind of questions people ask here, or the answers
they give, says a lot about them. It is a great way to meet
interesting and intelligent people. They are also the ones
who are active on LinkedIn and will be more open and
willing to connect with you if you have impressed them.
  And this is how the network grows not just in quantity,
but also in quality. The key here is to be an active partici-
pant on Q&A — you have to give others a basis to judge
you too.


          I think the Q&A feature is unique. While many such
  forums have been available on the internet for years, this
  one fosters one-on-one interaction between a questioner
  and a respondent. I have made some of my best new con-
  tacts through these Q&As. Since I can add a private com-
  ment to the questioner, I often get a dialogue started. And
  whenever I ask a question, I make sure I send a thank-you
  note, often with an additional comment or a clarifying ques-
  tion. If they choose to engage further, we have a conversa-
  tion. If not, I respect their choice. Once we have connected
  in this way, it is natural for one of us to suggest we link our
  networks. I have had many enriching conversations over

  email and telephone with LinkedIn members I resonate with.
  I have also had newer clients finding me this way.

                                    MARSHALL HOUSE, USA

   Developing a diverse network
         The vast majority of my connections have come
   as a result of the Linkedin Q&As. I also reply to all
   those who answer my questions, and often get a dia-
   logue going resulting in us connecting. While this is not
   the primary objective of being on this section, it often

results this way indirectly. I intentionally have a very
diverse network; I enjoy getting the perspective of
many people in various fields and geographical loca-

tions. It keeps one from becoming too narrowly



Planning something new? Need to run an opinion poll?
Need feedback on a product or service? Run a qualitative
survey on LinkedIn — ask a question designed in a manner
to give you the desired feedback. The methodology may
not meet the strict criteria of a professional market research
agency, but it can surely generate some useful insights.
  You can throw it open to the complete LinkedIn uni-
verse, limit it to a geographical region or to just some or
all of your contacts depending on who you want respond-
ing to the same.

   Getting more than just answers
           I recently started working on a consulting project
   for an insurance company. My first step was to survey
   some friends about how they made certain decisions
   about purchasing a particular type of insurance. I also
   posted my question on LinkedIn Answers. Not only did
   I get great feedback from across the country, but one
   individual, Mike, wrote to say that he thought he was
   working on a technology project related to this issue
   for a UK insurer. We started emailing back and forth
   sharing information and concluded there were no con-
   flicts. His technology solution is now being included in
   my final proposal to the insurer. Mike and I also began
   sharing information about how we manage remote
   tech teams (his in Eastern Europe, mine in India) and

   we found we had similar issues and could brainstorm
   about solutions.


What if you want to go beyond just asking questions and
getting answers want to get into a discussion or a debate
on certain topics? You can do this too on LinkedIn Q&A.
  If the topic is provocative enough, there will be enough
interest for a back and forth to start on its own. Another
way can be to initiate a dialogue with the respondents:
reply to each individually with something added from
your side, asking for a further viewpoint from the respon-
dent. Invite others to join in too. You could post the
responses to your blog and get more people involved.

Thanks to the sheer number and diversity of professionals
on LinkedIn, you can be sure of at least someone being
clued into events and developments at different places
globally. And by reading Q&As or posing some right ques-
tions yourself, you may be able to get a whiff of trends
early on. Often before others can.


          I use LinkedIn for two reasons: by asking questions, I
  get more angles to my work related issues from people
  thinking along with me. And by reading the responses to
  other people’s questions I get ‘a feel’ of what the thinking is

  out there. That I (virtually) run into some interesting people
  is a nice bonus.

                                       — RIK DE JONG, HUNGARY

Even as some LinkedIn users would be too busy to
respond to questions on the site, it is a good feeling to see
many making that extra effort to help others. And just
because they are doing so does not mean they are not
busy or important; they may well be stars in their respec-
tive fields. Without being overbearing or too intrusive,

hitch on to such people and seek out some mentoring to
get ahead in your work.
  And when the time comes for someone wanting you to
be his or her mentor, don’t hesitate to give back to the

 WHY YOU                                 LINKEDIN
                   CAN RELY ON
 It’s impressive how LinkedIn has built in checks to ensure the
 quality of interaction is maintained. Since all users are real
 people with real identities, only the foolhardy would risk their
 reputation, and account, by indulging in time-wasting or
 inappropriate conduct. Being busy professionals, they can also
 be expected to be responding to questions in a serious
 manner. And how many with a fake identity or alias would
 really bother answering questions? One will be able to see
 through them anyway. So go ahead, trust the answers you get
 — but still throw in a dash of caution and do double check
 just to be sure.

How much do you think all the advice on Q&As is worth?
While you work on your calculators and spreadsheets to
figure it out, here’s a hint: it’s invaluable. Count your stars,
and money saved, for all of this is coming to you free.

FOCUSSED                                        GOOGLE

The next time you are looking for some information, espe-
cially business related, try a search on LinkedIn Answers.
You might not only get what you are looking for, but also
further links and leads to people directly relevant to your
query. It might just be better than searching on Google
and other search engines, where you could end up with
tons of data — mostly irrelevant, leaving you to sift
through pages and pages of links.


Here’s a little tip: When you ask a question, or answer
one, there are ways to make a bit of a sales pitch — sub-
tly if you prefer. Here’s how:

    Ask a question in a manner to draw attention to your
    business, leaving links to your website or blog — peo-
    ple who may even remotely be interested in your work
    may initiate a dialogue with you or at least visit these

    Likewise, answer questions where you can make a ref-
    erence to your business and any related web resources;
    here too, people may want to know more if they like
    your answer.

    Make a direct pitch, telling people what you do, asking
    for sales leads or at least an opinion on what they feel
    you can do to be able to promote your products and
    services better. There would always be someone will-
    ing to share their views, provided you do not make it a

    Answer, and seal a deal
            I have two recent instances where someone post-
    ed a simple question on the site seeking a financial
    adviser in the New York area. I responded, naturally,
    but I also asked two of my clients who are on LinedIn
    to recommend me as an expert. That sealed the deal;

    one of these two people also looked up my answers on
    this site and liked my style.


Credible Answers All
       Most of those responding to the questions are try-
ing to establish their own validity and will make a careful
measured answer to postings of a serious nature. While
there are some facetious answers that get put out there,

so far I have not seen any that were posted to mislead
someone. And those answers that were really off-base

were countered by answers that questioned them, mak-
ing it obvious that they were off-base.

                         DEPLOYMENT, MGA US, LLC, USA


  Users of LinkedIn were in for a surprise when
  an online ‘Q&A Event’ was held on September
  12, 2007 with the question ‘How can the next
  President better help small business and
  entrepreneurs thrive?’ being thrown open to
  all users. The question was asked by none
  other than US Presidential candidate Barak
  Obama. The post got hundreds of responses;
  at the same time, some users initiated a
  debate on whether LinkedIn should be used
  for such purposes or not. Moral of the story:
  LinkedIn Q&A must be a good place to run a
  focus group — even politicians seem to have
  started believing in it.

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Linkedin Answers

  • 1. Linkedin Answers: A ii Global Focus Group 1 I f there is one reason why you should be on LinkedIn, it is for its ‘Q&A’ feature. The name of this service is actually ‘Answers’ — a forum to exchange expertise, knowledge and contacts with other users. For the sake of simplicity, we can call this feature Q&A; this is how most users refer to it anyway. This is where you can tap the 'inherent wisdom of the LinkedIn community.’ With the diversity and depth of users LinkedIn has come to represent, this feature is a potent force in itself for mem- bers to use to their advantage. Call it a global focus group giving you access to some of the best minds in the busi- ness. The advice, insights and references coming your way in the process for free here may not be available from con- sultants charging hundreds of dollars an hour. It works because people come to LinkedIn Q&A seeking help, and in the process lend a thought themselves too — this mutual give and take keeps the Q&A eco-system going. USE LINKEDIN FOR Q&A, ITS EVEN IF YOU HAVE NO CONTACTS This may sound a bit odd, but you can be on LinkedIn with a network size approaching zero and still benefit greatly — through its Q&A. You can access and participate in everything being discussed on this forum and enjoy its advantages, without a need for having a network of your own.
  • 2. 74 LET’S CONNECT If you don’t want to take anyone’s word for it, try asking active LinkedIn members and they will vote for this feature being the site’s killer application. There are more than a few ways to leverage this service to get ahead at work. ASK QUESTIONS If you had all the answers you would be God, right? But since you are not, nor is anyone else (unless proven other- wise), one might as well ask some questions in life. Dial LinkedIn — you may be able to get some enlightenment here. What kind of questions work here? A high percentage are related to one's work, as may be obvious. But members GETTING THE RESPONSES YOU SEEK Structure the question well: Be very lucid in what you are asking; vague or ambiguous questions don't work. No one can read your mind. Be brief. And the first line of your question has to be written well; users usually read these and decide if they want to read on and possibly answer. Your question will be jostling with hundreds a week for attention. Ask suitable questions to avoid being flagged: Choose your questions carefully. They may be flagged by other users if seen as inappropriate, an advertisement or a duplicate of another question asked by you. If enough users flag it, customer service may hide the question if they feel the flagging was justified. And impose restrictions if you make a habit of asking such questions. Limitation: You are allowed to post ten questions a month on any topic of your choosing. A question is open for only seven days: After this, it is closed to further answers. You may re-post it, but it will count as an additional question being asked during the month.
  • 3. LINKEDIN ANSWERS 75 also use this forum to raise questions pertaining to social issues, global concerns, education, charitable causes, per- sonal tax and legal matters and even entertainment. Post any questions, and sit back as not just your own network but the larger LinkedIn community responds to the same; there is an option to restrict your question to some or all of your first degree contacts if you are happy with the more limited response you may get. EXAMPLES OF GOOD QUESTIONS Not all questions get good responses; the following are some that did and were rated highly by the respondents: Will the books industry go the music industry way as books go digital? Do-It-Yourself activism for Peace and Environment: What simple things can individuals and organizations do to make a big difference? Airlines: Getting it right, and wrong, for the business traveller. Do you have suggestions and experiences to share? Should there be seats reserved on company boards for women? How has LinkedIn been useful to you as a professional? (This question provided valuable insights for this book) “ Learning to Motivate I was struggling with motivating my team for multiple low priority projects and I posted a query on how to manage this on Linkedin under the Project Management head. Thanks to the responses I got from people, especially the ones on specifying daily tasks for the team and the concept of explicit and implicit moti- ” vation, it was easier for me to manage the team and the projects. — SHWETA KAPOOR, LEARNING CONSULTANT SAPIENT, SOUTH KOREA
  • 4. 76 LET’S CONNECT Teaching civilian management to a “ military leader My management style was forged while in the military and there are certain parts of that style of lead- ership that can be antagonistic in a civilian environ- ment (do it or die trying is not very popular). Adjusting my approach to a non-military leadership style left a few holes in personal experience. Through questions posed to contacts at LinkedIn and through links to resource sites I did not otherwise know existed, I am seeing areas that I can make significant gains in getting the best performance possible from team members ” and coaching them to take charge of their careers and be the best they can be as members of the team. — KURT WELTE, MANAGER, QUALITY ASSURANCE AND DEPLOYMENT, MGA US, LLC, USA DON’T FORGET A FEW COURTESIES Say ‘Thank You’: Drop a thank you note whenever someone makes the effort to respond to your question. If you intend using LinkedIn regularly, people will start recognizing you — you do not want them to identify you with the wrong practices. Do you ever forget to thank people in the real world? So why would you do that on LinkedIn? Rate the answers: When a question is closed, you are expected to rate answers received. You can mark one as Best, any number as Good and simply nothing for the rest. Make sure you give credit where it has been earned. If someone has made a good effort, reward them with your rating — it helps them gain expertise points, discussed later. READ Q&AS BY OTHERS Why limit yourself to just your own questions? LinkedIn is full of questions and answers, current and archived, that are
  • 5. LINKEDIN ANSWERS 77 a delight to read — even if they do not directly pertain to what you do. You may often come across questions you were only thinking of passively, and the answers could be valuable to you. Reading Q&As on LinkedIn is like reading BusinessWeek, Harvard Business Review, Business 2.0, Forbes and all many business magazines put together. TIP: KEEPING TABS ON THE QUESTIONS It’s not easy keeping tabs on the questions and answers on LinkedIn — they just keep coming in all the time. And you may not want to miss out the good ones. The best way to deal with this is to subscribe to these on a RSS reader where they will come in like on a ticker tape. Read the useful ones, archive them if need be, and delete the rest. You also have the option to mail permalinks of any questions to yourself or anyone you wish for future reference — save them in a separate folder in your email client for future reference. These will always work for reading any time in the future. CATEGORIES The Q&A section on LinkedIn is divided into the broad categories given below, with further sub-categories under each: (Users have felt the list is not exhaustive enough to cover all kinds of questions one asks here — these often land up in the closest matching one or under ‘Using LinkedIn.’) Administration Law and Legal Business Operations Management Career and Education Marketing and Sales Finance and Accounting Personal Finance Financial Markets Product Management Government and Startups and Small Non-Profit Businesses Hiring and Human Technology Resources Using LinkedIn International
  • 6. 78 LET’S CONNECT “ SHARING RECEIVING EXPERTISE AND I visit the Q&A section almost every day. Only the other day, I was about to start calculating sample sizes that would be representative for several sets of data in my statistical research. This would usually take some time to go back to my books and/or research online to refresh my knowledge on the subject. I just decided to check the Q&A section only to have a nice surprise waiting for me: somebody had asked a very similar question and received answers! Just one instance how this feature saved me a lot of time. I regularly post answers to questions about publishing and self-publishing, book marketing and promotion, marketing services on the internet, e-commerce, e-books, building small business websites, search engines optimization, websites promotion, translations and teaching languages, immigration and visas, real estate etc. These are all areas I command some expertise in, often a result of research I may have done on some of these industries in the past. ” It is also a great feeling to receive a ‘Thank You’ or a ‘Good/Best Answer’ rating to some of the answers. — OLGA KELLEN, RESEARCHER, TRANSLATOR, CITIZEN OF THE WORLD, USA HTTP://WWW.LINKEDIN.COM/IN/OLGAKELLEN EARN EXPERTISE POINTS Whenever you answer a question, there is a possibility it may get rated as ‘Good’ or ‘Best’ by the person who asked the question. Everytime it is rated ‘Best’, you gain a point of expertise. The more points you gain, the higher you appear in the list of experts — useful in people finding you and sending some business or opportunities your way. CONNECT WITH MORE PEOPLE Beyond a point it may be difficult to judge who you would want to connect with and who you would rather not. The profile can help decide, but you may sometimes want to
  • 7. LINKEDIN ANSWERS 79 judge a person by more than just this. In the real world, we often form opinions about people based on our interac- tion with them; LinkedIn Q&A can simulate that experi- ence to a great extent. The kind of questions people ask here, or the answers they give, says a lot about them. It is a great way to meet interesting and intelligent people. They are also the ones who are active on LinkedIn and will be more open and willing to connect with you if you have impressed them. And this is how the network grows not just in quantity, but also in quality. The key here is to be an active partici- pant on Q&A — you have to give others a basis to judge you too. “ CONNECTING THROUGH DIALOGUE I think the Q&A feature is unique. While many such forums have been available on the internet for years, this one fosters one-on-one interaction between a questioner and a respondent. I have made some of my best new con- tacts through these Q&As. Since I can add a private com- ment to the questioner, I often get a dialogue started. And whenever I ask a question, I make sure I send a thank-you note, often with an additional comment or a clarifying ques- tion. If they choose to engage further, we have a conversa- tion. If not, I respect their choice. Once we have connected in this way, it is natural for one of us to suggest we link our networks. I have had many enriching conversations over ” email and telephone with LinkedIn members I resonate with. I have also had newer clients finding me this way. — JEANIE MARSHALL, PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANT, MARSHALL HOUSE, USA “ Developing a diverse network The vast majority of my connections have come as a result of the Linkedin Q&As. I also reply to all those who answer my questions, and often get a dia- logue going resulting in us connecting. While this is not the primary objective of being on this section, it often
  • 8. 80 LET’S CONNECT results this way indirectly. I intentionally have a very diverse network; I enjoy getting the perspective of many people in various fields and geographical loca- ” tions. It keeps one from becoming too narrowly focused. — SHEILAH ETHERIDGE, MANAGEMENT AND ACCOUNTING CONSULTANT,OWNER, SME MANAGEMENT, USA GET WORLDWIDE PUBLIC OPINION A Planning something new? Need to run an opinion poll? Need feedback on a product or service? Run a qualitative survey on LinkedIn — ask a question designed in a manner to give you the desired feedback. The methodology may not meet the strict criteria of a professional market research agency, but it can surely generate some useful insights. You can throw it open to the complete LinkedIn uni- verse, limit it to a geographical region or to just some or all of your contacts depending on who you want respond- ing to the same. “ Getting more than just answers I recently started working on a consulting project for an insurance company. My first step was to survey some friends about how they made certain decisions about purchasing a particular type of insurance. I also posted my question on LinkedIn Answers. Not only did I get great feedback from across the country, but one individual, Mike, wrote to say that he thought he was working on a technology project related to this issue for a UK insurer. We started emailing back and forth sharing information and concluded there were no con- flicts. His technology solution is now being included in my final proposal to the insurer. Mike and I also began sharing information about how we manage remote tech teams (his in Eastern Europe, mine in India) and ” we found we had similar issues and could brainstorm about solutions. — DIANE K. DANIELSON, USA, CO-AUTHOR, THE SAVVY GAL'S GUIDE TO ONLINE NETWORKING (OR WHAT WOULD JANE AUSTEN DO?)
  • 9. LINKEDIN ANSWERS 81 DEBATES What if you want to go beyond just asking questions and getting answers want to get into a discussion or a debate on certain topics? You can do this too on LinkedIn Q&A. If the topic is provocative enough, there will be enough interest for a back and forth to start on its own. Another way can be to initiate a dialogue with the respondents: reply to each individually with something added from your side, asking for a further viewpoint from the respon- dent. Invite others to join in too. You could post the responses to your blog and get more people involved. TRENDSPOTTING Thanks to the sheer number and diversity of professionals on LinkedIn, you can be sure of at least someone being clued into events and developments at different places globally. And by reading Q&As or posing some right ques- tions yourself, you may be able to get a whiff of trends early on. Often before others can. “ GETTING A FEEL OF THINGS I use LinkedIn for two reasons: by asking questions, I get more angles to my work related issues from people thinking along with me. And by reading the responses to other people’s questions I get ‘a feel’ of what the thinking is ” out there. That I (virtually) run into some interesting people is a nice bonus. — RIK DE JONG, HUNGARY ONLINE MENTORING Even as some LinkedIn users would be too busy to respond to questions on the site, it is a good feeling to see many making that extra effort to help others. And just because they are doing so does not mean they are not busy or important; they may well be stars in their respec- tive fields. Without being overbearing or too intrusive,
  • 10. 82 LET’S CONNECT hitch on to such people and seek out some mentoring to get ahead in your work. And when the time comes for someone wanting you to be his or her mentor, don’t hesitate to give back to the community. WHY YOU LINKEDIN CAN RELY ON ANSWERS It’s impressive how LinkedIn has built in checks to ensure the quality of interaction is maintained. Since all users are real people with real identities, only the foolhardy would risk their reputation, and account, by indulging in time-wasting or inappropriate conduct. Being busy professionals, they can also be expected to be responding to questions in a serious manner. And how many with a fake identity or alias would really bother answering questions? One will be able to see through them anyway. So go ahead, trust the answers you get — but still throw in a dash of caution and do double check just to be sure. SAVE MONEY How much do you think all the advice on Q&As is worth? While you work on your calculators and spreadsheets to figure it out, here’s a hint: it’s invaluable. Count your stars, and money saved, for all of this is coming to you free. FOCUSSED GOOGLE SEARCH RESULTS, BEATS The next time you are looking for some information, espe- cially business related, try a search on LinkedIn Answers. You might not only get what you are looking for, but also further links and leads to people directly relevant to your query. It might just be better than searching on Google and other search engines, where you could end up with tons of data — mostly irrelevant, leaving you to sift through pages and pages of links.
  • 11. LINKEDIN ANSWERS 83 A SUBTLE SALES AND MARKETING TOOL Here’s a little tip: When you ask a question, or answer one, there are ways to make a bit of a sales pitch — sub- tly if you prefer. Here’s how: Ask a question in a manner to draw attention to your business, leaving links to your website or blog — peo- ple who may even remotely be interested in your work may initiate a dialogue with you or at least visit these sites. Likewise, answer questions where you can make a ref- erence to your business and any related web resources; here too, people may want to know more if they like your answer. Make a direct pitch, telling people what you do, asking for sales leads or at least an opinion on what they feel you can do to be able to promote your products and services better. There would always be someone will- ing to share their views, provided you do not make it a habit. “ Answer, and seal a deal I have two recent instances where someone post- ed a simple question on the site seeking a financial adviser in the New York area. I responded, naturally, but I also asked two of my clients who are on LinedIn to recommend me as an expert. That sealed the deal; ” one of these two people also looked up my answers on this site and liked my style. — DANIEL JATOVSKY, DISTRICT LEADER AT PRIMERICA FINANCIAL SERVICES AND OWNER, DAVID GORDON PRODUCTIONS, USA “ Credible Answers All Most of those responding to the questions are try- ing to establish their own validity and will make a careful measured answer to postings of a serious nature. While there are some facetious answers that get put out there,
  • 12. 84 LET’S CONNECT so far I have not seen any that were posted to mislead someone. And those answers that were really off-base ” were countered by answers that questioned them, mak- ing it obvious that they were off-base. — KURT WELTE, MANAGER, QUALITY ASSURANCE AND DEPLOYMENT, MGA US, LLC, USA A PRESIDENTIAL HOPEFUL COMES CALLING AT LINKED IN Users of LinkedIn were in for a surprise when an online ‘Q&A Event’ was held on September 12, 2007 with the question ‘How can the next President better help small business and entrepreneurs thrive?’ being thrown open to all users. The question was asked by none other than US Presidential candidate Barak Obama. The post got hundreds of responses; at the same time, some users initiated a debate on whether LinkedIn should be used for such purposes or not. Moral of the story: LinkedIn Q&A must be a good place to run a focus group — even politicians seem to have started believing in it.