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1. INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………………………… 1
2. THALASSAEMIA SITUATION IN MALAYSIA ......................................... 3
3.1 OBJECTIVES …………………………………………………………… 3
3.2 STRATEGIES…………………………………………………………… 4
4. ETHICAL PRINCIPLES………………………………………………………… 7
6. MONITORING AND EVALUATION…………………………………………… 9
Appendix A: Guidelines for thalassemia screening at health clinic…….. 10
Appendix B: Guidelines for provision of comprehensive
care in pregnancy……………………………………………… 16
Appendix C: Guidelines for ‘Cascade’ screening for thalassaemia
index cases and carriers……………………………………… 18
Appendix D: Garis panduan Sambutan Hari Talasemia Antarabangsa.. 20
Rajah 1 : Carta Alir Makmal Saringan Talasemia
(Peringkat Perkhidmatan Kesihatan Primer)………………… 22
Rajah 2 : Carta Aliran Penyaringan ‘Cascade’
(Peringkat Perkhidmatan Kesihatan Primer dan Sekunder).. 23
Rajah 3 : Carta Aliran Penyiasatan Anaemia di kalangan Ibu Hamil…
Jadual 1: Interpretasi Kombinasi Lazim Keputusan Makmal
dan Kaunseling Pasangan……………………………………… 25
8. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS……………………………………………………….. 26
1.1 Thalassemia and abnormal heamoglobins are the most common genetic
disorders world wide. It is estimated that over 300,000 affected children are born
each year, most with sickle cell disease, while 60,000 – 70,000 are born with beta
thalassemia major.
1.2 In Thalassemia, the normal in formation of red blood cells is affected. This is due
to reduced synthesis of globin chains resulting in ineffective erythropoesis, chronic
hemolysis and anemia.
1.3 Defective genes can be inherited from either parents. There are two main types of
thalassaemia, alpha or beta. Clinically, it can manifest as thalassaemia minor
(carrier) or thalassaemia major (patient). Most thalassemia minors or carriers are
not aware of their genetic status because the clinical signs are not well defined.
They will only know after undergoing blood tests. Likewise a child with
thalassaemia major will appear normal at birth. However, the signs and symptoms
of anemia will begin to develop from 3 months onwards and will progress
1.4 Although being carrier of the thalassaemia trait has no adverse health effects, if a
carrier has a child with another carrier, every pregnancy will have a 25% risk of
producing a thalassaemia major, 50% risk of producing a thalassaemia monir or
carrier and 25% risk of producing a normal child.
1.5 Patients of thalassaemia major require, life-long blood transfusion to maintain
haemoglobin levels of above 10 gm%. Patients also require regular chelation
therapy to prevent the effects of iron accumulation, which has to be administered
daily in high doses. Psychosocial support is important to help patients and
parents cope with the physical demands of the disease. Provision of
multidisciplinary care will prevent and manage complications in vital organs such
as endocrine glands, liver and heart. The quality and quantity of treatment is
directly linked to the patients’ quality and length of life.
1.6 Fatalities due to untreated or inadequately treated thalassaemia is high. There
are currently no local data on survival studies in Malaysia, but early deaths due
to complications are not uncommon observations in the local hospital practice.
International studies on survival in thalassaemia major showed that survival
ranges from 15 – 29 years for patients treated at various specialist centres in
Europe. The major cause of death is due to cardiomyopathy secondary to iron
accumulation in the heart. The other significant causes of death are infection and
liver disease.
1.7 Thalassaemia in general constitutes a major public health problem as seen in
countries with high prevalence of the condition. Developing a prevention
programme is important in reducing the birth of blood transfusion dependent
thalassaemia, in curbing the cost implications in the provision of optimal care for
patients and in alleviating life-long socio economic burden on patients, families
and government. The appropriate strategy for initiating any thalassaemia
prevention programme depends on the local situation which includes cultural,
religious and ethical practices. Therefore an effective thalassaemia service
delivery is by integrating the services at all levels of health care so as to take full
advantage of the existing resources and maximize efficiency.
1.8 Prevention is cost effective. Experiences from Cyprus, a country which has
successfully reduced the thalassaemia prevalence indicated the cost of 8 weeks
prevention was equivalent to the cost of 1 week treatment for thalassaemia
population. Cost benefit analysis in the United Kingdom, Sardinia, Greece and
Canada have shown that the cost of a nationwide thalassaemia prevention
programme are trivial compared with the benefits of reducing treatment cost. In
United Kingdom, the estimated cost for comprehensive treatment of beta
thalassaemia major ranges from 188,000 pounds to 226,000 pounds.
1.9 The approach to dealing with the thalassaemia problem is to prevent and control
the birth of new cases. The World Health Organization recommended a
comprehensive strategy combining best possible patient care with prevention
through community information, carrier screening and counseling. In societies
where prenatal diagnosis os available and possible, high risk couples request
prenatal diagnosis and this approach greatly reduces the numbers of affected
2.1 Thalassaemia is the commonest inherited blood disorder in Malaysia. Even
though the carrier rate is only at the level of 3-5%, intervention is important
because of the impact of the disease and its treatment on the patients, families
and nation. There are an estimated number of 120 – 350 babies born with
thalassaemia major each year, and at one time there are more than 3,200
registered transfusion dependent patients. This number will cumulatively
increase every year posing enormous psychological, social and economic
constraints not only to patients and families, but also to government in ensuring
optimal care.
2.2 In 2004, the Ministry of Health established the Thalassaemia Prevention and
Control Programme with the objective to reduce morbidity and mortality among
the thalassaemia patients; to reduce the prevalence of blood transfusion
dependent thalassaemia cases and to create awareness regarding thalassaemia.
These will be achieved through strategies such as optimal patient care, adequate
and safe blood supply, screening for carries and provision of genetic counseling,
provision of prenatal diagnosis, adequate laboratory support, health promotion,
development of a National Thalassaemia Patient Registry, interagency
collaboration and cooperation, and research and development.
3.1.1 General objective
To identify carriers of thalassaemia in order to assess the risk of an individual
having a affected child and to provide information on the options available to
avoid such eventuality.
3.1.2 Specific objectives
a) To strengthen screening services for thalassaemia among siblings and
other family members of index case (cascade screening)
b) To provide screening for thalassaemia in targeted population
c) To provide public education on thalassaemia
d) To provide genetic counseling services at primary health care level
e) To upgrade and expand screening and diagnostic laboratory services
f) To plan and develop prenatal diagnostic services
3.2.1 Strengthening of cascade screening of index case
Cascade screening, also known as inductive screening or extended family
testing refers to the heterozygotes testing of relatives of known cases and
carriers of thalassaemia. In many countries, this approach has shown to be
feasible and has resulted in high pick up rate. It is a powerful means of
improving the effiency of carrier identification.
This family centred approach is currently being practiced in hospitals
providing management of thalassaemia patients in Malaysia. For every case
of thalassaemia major detected it is recommended these relatives be tested
for carrier status:
• Parents and siblings
• Uncles and aunties from both father’s and mother’s sides
• First cousins from both father’s and mother’s sides
Voluntary testing of relatives can be done at the respective hospital where the
index case is managed or referred to health clinic of choice. It should be free
of charge. Relatives identified as carriers should be given genetic counseling.
3.2.2 Target screening
Target screening is restricted to a particular population group or groups. All
screening activities should be carried out on a voluntary basis and free of
i) Adolescents and young adults screening
Screening will be offered to all adolescents and young adults, preferably
before they are married. In many countries screening of school students
above the age of 16 years has been successful without any apparent
psychological or social harm, and despite the time lapse between screening,
information and pregnancy, the information was well conserved and resulted
in testing of the partner. Those detected as carriers will have their parents
and siblings screened. Settings that will be utilized for screening are :
• Schools – school settings have the advantage of reaching a majority of
the population and is able to provide increased options to those identified
as carriers (i.e. not to marry another carrier.) Screening in schools will be
limited to high prevalent areas and will be expanded in phases in tandem
with the capacity and capability of primary health care services, namely
the school health and laboratory services. A national roll out will be done
• Camps – adolescents and young people in camps such as the Pusat
Latihan Khidmat Negara camps and others will be screened.
• Health clinics – adolescents attending Adolescent Health Clinics will be
ii) Comprehensive care for pregnant women
Women detected for anaemia in early pregnancy will be investigated for
thalassaemia. It is to ensure proper and evident-based management of
patients, while preparing them on current and subsequent pregnancies.
3.2.3 Training
Genetic counseling is a process of providing information to at-risk individuals,
couples an families about a genetic condition in particular information about
the diagnosis, recurrence risk, burden of the disorder and the various
reproductive options together with helping the families coming to terms with
the issues in non-directed manner. A National Training Module for
Thalassaemia Counsellors has been developed, and regular training has
been conducted since 2006. Teams of health care providers at every state
comprising of pediatricians, obstetricians, physicians, family medicine
specialists, school health team members, medical assistants, nurses and
counselors have been trained using the above module. Echo training is
encouraged at state and district level.
3.2.4 Health promotion
Health education and promotion have taken careful reference to local cultural,
religious and social factors. Printed materials in 4 main languages are
available in Malaysia and there has been initiatives to develop them in
dialects for minority groups in Sabah. A national plan of action has been
developed since 2005 which include amongst others, the development of
health education materials for use in hospitals, health clinics and public
campaigns and the recognition of the International Thalassaemia Day as an
official national event for public and professional education. The latter activity
enhanced collaboration with academic, professional bodies and non
government organizations such as thalassaemia societies. Since 2006,
thalassaemia is included in the in-service training of science teachers
throughout Malaysia.
3.2.5 Strengthening of laboratory services for screening and diagnosis
The parameter to identify carriers is the means corpuscular haemoglobin or
MCH, where it is agreed that a values of less than 27 picogram indicates the
need for further investigation. Health clinics providing screening services are
equipped with hematology analyzers and trained medical laboratory technicians.
At the secondary level, automated High Performance Liquid Chromatography
(HPLC) and Gel Electrophoresis are made available at designated hospitals
laboratories, namely Hospital Pulau Pinang, Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah Alor
Setar, Hospital Kuala Lumpur, Hospital Sultanah Aminah Johor Bahru, Hospital
Tg. Afzan Kuantan, Hospital Raja Perempuan Zainab II Kota Bahru, Hospital
Queen Elizabeth Kota Kinabalu and Hospital Umum Sarawak. Futher
confirmation can be made at Institute for Medical Research and Hospital Kuala
Lumpur where molecular studies are available.
3.2.6 Development of prenatal diagnostics services
Prenatal diagnosis is any diagnostic procedure used to determine whether a
foetus has a genetic abnormality. There is a need to strengthen prenatal
diagnosis services for provide options for families with thalassaemia.
3.2.7 Development of monitoring and surveillance system
i) Health Clinic :
Monitoring of screening activities are captured in the existing records in health
• Rekod Harian Beban Kerja Klinik Kesihatan RHBKKK/101/2007. This will
provide a record of the number of screening tests done daily by respective
health care provider at the clinic. Compilation will be done by the senior
assistant medical officer
• Rekod Keputusan Makmal Saringan Talasemia ST/101/M/2008. This will
provide a record of clients by name, date and results based on 3 groups: HB
normal MCH>27 pg; Hb normal MCH ≤27 pg. The record is the responsibility
of the respective medical laboratory technician.
• Rekod Susulan Saringan Talasemia ST/101/K/2008 – a registration of clients
screened positive (i.e. MCH below 27 pg) and results of subsequent tests.
This record is the responsibility of the respective Family Medicine Specialist
or Medical Officer in-charge.
• Reten Saringan Talasemia ST/201/K/2008 untuk 6 bulan – This is a 6 months
summary made by clinic/district/state. It provides the number of tests done
and results based on 3 groups: HB normal MCH>27 pg; Hb normal MCH <27
pg; an HB low, MCH ≤27 pg, and the number of confirmed carriers.
ii) Clients:
Clients who are identified to be carriers of beta thalassaemia or haemoglobin E
are given reminder cards KAD STATUS PEMBAWA to be kept as personal
The document ‘Guidelines on Ethical issues in Medical Genetics and Genetic
Services in Malaysia’ MOH/P/PAK/120.06(GU) applies to thalassaemia
screening and management.
5.1 Guidelines for thalassaemia screening at health clinic (page 9)
5.2 Guidelines for provision of comprehensive care in pregnancy (page 15)
5.3 Guidelines on cascade screening for thalassaemia index case and carriers
(page 17)
5.4 Garis Panduan sambutan Hari Talasema Antarabangsa (page 19)
6.1 Coverage
6.1 Number of newly diagnosed thalassaemia major patients by year
6.2 Number of clients screened for thalassaemia annually
6.3 Number and percentage of clients screened by age group.
6.2 Laboratory services
These parameters will be monitored:
a) Timeliness of the full blood count results at the clinic (LTAT less
than 45 minutes)
b) Performance in external QAP for Full Blood Count (in health clinics)
6.3 Health promotion
Effectiveness studies for printed media, electronic media and others, with specific
time frame
6.4 Training
a) Percentage of laboratory staff trained
b) Total number of health care providers trained using the National Training
Module for Thalassaemia Counselors
c) Percentage of health care providers trained who are certified as
thalassaemia counselors (by category)
d) Total number of clinical geneticists in Ministry of Health
6.5 Outcome Indicators and Targets
a) Percentage of new index cases that have completed cascade screening
amongst all new cases for the year. Complete cascade screening for
index case is defined as: all siblings and both parents are screened (first
degree relatives)
Targets :
• more than 95% of siblings and parents to index cases completed
screening by 2015
• more than 60% of aunties/ uncles of index cases completed screening
by 2015
b) Percentage of thalassaemia carriers detected among clients who have
been screened.
• more than 30% of the targeted population screened by 2015.
6.6 Impact indicator and target
Incidence of transfusion dependent thalassaemia = number of new transfusion
dependent thalassaemia patients registered in a year
• Reduction in the incidence of transfusion dependent thalassaemia by
20% in the year 2015. This will be based on data obtained from National
Thalassaemia Registry, using 2007 data as baseline.
1. Guidelines For The Control Of Haemoglobins Disorders, 6th
Annual Meeting of WHO
working Group on Haemoglobinopathies, Sardinia 1989
2. Guidelines on Ethnical issues in Medical Genetics and Genetic and Genetic Services
in Malaysia, Ministry of Health. MOH/P/PAK/120.06
3. Health Technology Assessment Report on Management of Thalassaemia, Minsitry of
Health Malaysia. September 2003
4. Prevention of thalassaemias and other hemoglobin disorders 2005. Thalassaemia
International Federation
Health promotion & blood
(see Rajah 1 & Rajah 2 for
• Health promotion
for secondary school children;
include as part of routine school
health activities in form of health
talks, giving pamphlets – to
incorporate in annual calendar
• Health promotion
for teachers and parents through the
school’s parents teacher association
• Scho
ol Health Team
• Clinic
Advisory Panel (Panel
Penasihat Kesihatan)
70% of students in government
secondary schools (aged 15 to
19 years old)
• Health promotion
for university / college students;
Pamphlets distribution during
orientation week (for subsequent
blood testing at university hospitals,
nearest health clinic.
District Health Office -
• Health promotion
and blood testing for PLKN trainees
• Distri
ct Health Office
70% of PLKN camps
participate in the thalassaemia
screening programme
80% of PLKN trainees are
• Health promotion Adolescent Health Clinic / 80% of eligible walk in patients
& blood testing for eligible walk-in
patients in OPD and adolescent
health clinics;
OPD and adolescents are screened
• “Health Carnivals”
• Blood donation
campaigns / drives
State Health Office /
District Health Office /
Health Clinic / Hospital /
• Recording of
screening activities in:
i) Rekod Keputusan Makmal
Saringan Talasemia
ii) Rekod Susulan Talasemia
iii) Rekod Harian Beban Kerja Klinik
Kesihatan RHBKKK/101/2007
• Reporting of
screening activities in :
i) Reten Saringan Talasemia
- MLT at health clinics
Tarikh :
Jantina Keputusan
Lelaki Perempuan
*Sila catit samada calitan darah (blood smear) dilakukan atau tidak
**Sila catitkan samada sample darah dihantar ke hospital atau tidak untuk ujian lanjut.
*Kod keputusan: 1. Bukan Pembawa β-Talasemia **Ujian lanjut seperti ujian molekular.
2. Pembawa β-Talasemia
3. Pembawa HbE
4. Lain-lain – nyatakan
Bil. Nama No. K.P. Alamat Tel. Jantina Umur Etnik
(β / HbE Tal)
Klinik/ Daerah/Negeri
Januari hingga Jun / Julai hingga Disember Tahun :
Keputusan (Bilangan)
Bilangan kes yang
Hb – normal;
MCH > 27 pg
Hb – normal;
MCH ≤27pg
Hb – low;
MCH ≤27pg
L P Jumlah
1 2 3 4 5 6
Nota : Kolum 3 = kolum 1 + kolum 2 Jumlah dalam kolum 3 = kolum 4+5+6
1. Health promotion and
health education
2. Blood testing.
(Please refer to Rajah 3
and Jadual 1 for
i) Health talk in antenatal clinics pertaining to anemia in
ii) Development of pamphlet/poster on maternal health
Full Blood Count to be carried out for all pregnant
women at first booking as part of routine blood test.
Counseling of couples should be carried out if the
results are abnormal.
Antenatal mother
Result Full Blood Count (FBC)
If MCH > 27pg and other blood indices normal,
mother will go for normal follow-up
If MCH is ≤ 27pg, mother’s blood will be tested for
haemoglobin analysis and iron studies. At the same
time, to take husband’s blood for FBC
Public Health
Health Education
Division / Family &
Division MOH
FMS/MO/ Public
Health Nurse
100% of pregnant
women at 1st
booking must do Full
Blood Count
3. Monitoring and
Result FBC:
If husband’s MCH is normal (> 27pg), there will be no
follow up for the husband
If husband’s MCH is low (≤ 27pg), his blood will be
tested for haemoglobin analysis and iron studies.
Results of blood test:
Please refer to Jadual 1 for subsequent actions.
For couples with abnormal blood results should be
referred to O&G specialist for further management
and counseling.
• Recording of screening activities :
i) Rekod Keputusan Makmal Saringan Talasemia
ii) Rekod Susulan Saringan Talasemia
• Reporting of screening activities:
i) Reten Saringan Talasemia (ST/201/K/2008)
Medical Laboratory
1. Health Promotion All index cases that have been diagnosed must
be registered in the National Thalassaemia
Counseling to patients and their parents
regarding thalassaemia, treatment, prognosis
and risks.
Encouraging parents to disseminate the
information on thalassaemia to other close
-Medical Officer
(if available)
100% patients and
their parents to be
given counseling
2. Blood investigation :
i) Father, mother and
siblings of index
(‘first degree
ii) Uncles, aunties and
Refer Figure 2 for the flow process on cascade
Hospital/ Health Clinics/
Thalassaemia Federation of
-Medical Officer
-Health Education Officer
-Trained staff nurse
Medical assistants
Number of ‘first
degree relative’ that
have been screened
(target 100%)
- Screening tests and confirmatory tests
- Medical lab technician
- Hematologist / Patologist
3. Monitoring and
Recording screening activities through:
i) Rekod Keputusan Makmal Saringan
ii)Rekod Susulan Talasemia
iii) Rekod Harian Beban Kerja KIinik Kesihatan
(for health clinics only)
Reporting screening activities through :
i) Reten saringan talasemia (ST/201/K/2008)
Medical lab technician
Specialist/Medical Officer
Medical assistant/ Trained
staff nurse
Medical assistant/ Trained
staff nurse
Talasemia adalah sejenis penyakit genetik yang mengganggu pembentukan sel-sel darah
merah yang normal. Pesakit talasemia menghasilkan sel darah merah yang mudah pecah atau
musnah dalam darah. Kekurangan sel darah merah yang normal akan menyebabkan pesakit
tersebut sering kelihatan pucat disebabkan paras hemoglobin yang rendah.
Di Malaysia, talasemia merupakan masalah kesihatan yang besar kerana dari beberapa kajian
yang telah dijalankan menunjukkan bahawa kadar pembawa gen talasemia adalah di dalam
lingkungan 3 hingga 5 peratus atau 1 dalam 20 orang rakyat Malaysia. Dengan itu, dianggarkan
seramai 600,000 hingga 1 juta orang rakyat Malaysia adalah pembawa gen ini.
Walau bagaimanapun, talasemia merupakan satu-satunya penyakit genetik yang telah terbukti
boleh dicegah dan dikawal sekiranya mendapat sokongan padu daripada masyarakat. Kejayaan
program pencegahan dan kawalan talasemia adalah pendidikan kesihatan yang berterusan
dengan sokongan dari semua pihak.
Oleh sebab itu, Hari talasemia Antarabangsa akan disambut pada 8 Mei setiap tahun bagi
mengukuhkan lagi aktiviti penyebaran maklumat dan pendidikan kesihatan mengenai talasemia
serta menyedarkan masyarakat mengenai penyakit ini.
i. Meningkatkan kesedaran dan pengetahuan masyarakat umum mengenai penyakit
talasemia, cara pencegahan dan pengawalannya.
ii. Menggalakkan kumpulan sasar menjalani ujian talasemia
iii. Menggalakkan ibubapa member keizinan/kebenaran anak remaja mereka menjalani ujian
iv. Mencegah berlakunya diskriminasi terhadap pembawa gen talasemia
v. Mewujudkan rasa tanggungjawab dan tindakan masyarakat terhadap penyakit talasemia di
mana setiap individu mempunyai peranan yang perlu dimainkan bagi menyelesaikan
masalah ini.
Kumpulan Sasar:
1. Ibubapa
2. Remaja 16 tahun ke atas
3. Golongan dewasa muda
4. Adik-beradik kepada pembawa talasemia
5. Golongan professional
6. Petugas kesihatan
Cadangan Aktivit:
1. Seminar/Kursus
2. Forum awam
3. Ujian saringan talasemia dan kaunseling
4. Pameran kesihatan
5. Kajian pengetahuan, sikap dan tingkahlaku (KAP Study)
6. Kempen derma darah
7. Penglibatan media
8. Lain-lain aktiviti untuk pesakit talasemia dan ibubapa seperti aktiviti riadah.
Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia samada di peringkat ibupejabat atau negeri perlu menjalinkan
kerjasama pintar dengan Persekutuan Pertubuhan Talasemia Malaysia dan juga Persatuan
Talasemia Negeri serta badan-badan professional yang lain seperti Malaysian Association of
Pediatric Haematology & Oncology (MASPHO), Malaysian Pediatric Association (MPA) dalam
melaksanakan aktiviti-aktiviti berkaitan dengan talasemia bagi mencapai objektif yang telah
Laporan mengenai aktiviti sambutan Hari Talasemia Antarabangsa peringkat negeri perlu
disediakan oleh Pegawai Pendidikan Kesihatan Negeri untuk menilai keberkesanan aktiviti yang
telah dilaksanakan. Laporan yang telah lengkap hendaklah dihantar melalui laman web
Infosihat (
Aktiviti semasa sambutan Hari Talasemia Antarabangsa ini adalah sebahagian daripada wadah
untuk mencapai objektif seperti yang telah digariskan. Program ini amat wajar dilaksanakan
bagi mendedahkan kepada masyarakat tentang penyakit talasemia dan kepentingan menjalani
ujian saringan talasemia.
Rajah 1
9.1 Carta Alir Makmal Saringan Talasemia
(Peringkat Perkhidmatan Kesihatan Primer)
> 27pg
Full Blood Count (FBC)
Ambil 2.5ml darah
dalam tabung EDTA
Tiada tindakan lanjut 1. sediakan calitan darah periferi
2. beri tarikh temu janji kepada klien
Hantar ke hospital untuk analisa Hb:
1. calitan darah periferi
2. keputusan FBC
3. baki darah dari FBC (tiub EDTA)
4. borang PER PAT 301 (lengkap diisi)
1.Ujian status ferum
2.Rawatan percubaan ferum
Ambil darah untuk analisa DNA
Pembawa talasemia atau
talasemia intermedia
Penyiasatan lanjut jika
Berikan kad status pembawa kepada
pembawa beta-thal dan HbE
Rajah 2
9.2 Carta alir Penyaringan ‘Cascade’
(Peringkat Perkhidmatan Kesihatan Primer dan Sekunder)
Ya Ya
Kes indeks – Talasemia Major
Buat temujanji untuk ujian saringan kepada kumpulan sasar berikut:
1. Adik beradik + ibubapa kepada kes indeks
2. Sepupu dan ibubapa saudara kepada kes indeks
Di Peringkat Perkhidmatan Kesihatan Sekunder
Ambil darah untuk ujian berikut:
1. FBC dalam satu tiub
2. Hb analisis EDTA
3. ujian status ferum (sekiranya perlu)
Di Peringkat Perkhidmatan
Kesihatan Primer
(sila rujuk carta alir 1)
Hantar ke makmal patologi hospital
berkenaan bersama borang PER
PAT 301 (diisi lengkap)
Ambil darah untuk analisa DNA
2.Penyiasatan lanjut jika perlu
Kekurangan ferum
Beri rawatan
n definitif
Pembawa talasemia
Berikan kad status pembawa kepada
pembawa beta-thal dan HbE
Rajah 3
Carta Alir Penyiasatan Anemia Dikalangan Ibu Hamil
> 27pg ≤ 27pg
Ambil darah dari suami untuk FBC
Hantar baki FBC untuk Hb
Analysis (bersama sampel
(1,2 & 3) ke makmal hospital
Keputusan FBC
≤ 27pg
(rujuk carta alir 1)
> 27pg
Interpretasi kombinasi lazim keputusan makmal &
kaunseling pasangan
(sila rujuk jadual 1)
Ambil 10 ml darah dari ibu untuk ujian berikut:
FBC 1. status ferum ikut prosedur
2. VDRL sediada
3. ABO Group and RH
Berikan kad status pembawa kepada
pembawa beta-thal atau HbE
Jadual 1: Interpretasi Kombinasi Lazim Keputusan Makmal & Kaunseling Pasangan
Bil. keputusan Tindakan
(Catatan)Ibu hamil Suami
1. Kekurangan Ferum Kekurangan Ferum Rawatan
2. Pembawa α-talasemia normal Kaunseling (tiada anak akan
mendapat talasemia intermedia)3. normal Pembawa α-talasemia
4. Pembawa α-talasemia Pembawa α-talasemia * Kaunseling segera
(kemungkinan mendapat anak
talasemia intermedia atau ‘hydrop
5. Pembawa β-talasemia Normal Kaunseling (tiada anak akan
mendapat talasemia intermedia
atau talasemia major)6. normal Pembawa β-talasemia
7. Pembawa β-talasemia Pembawa β-talasemia *Kaunseling segera
(kemungkinan mendapat anak
talasemia major)
8. Pembawa Hb varian
(contoh pembawa HbE)
normal Kaunseling (tiada anak akan
mendapat talasemia intermedia)
9. normal Pembawa Hb varian
(contoh pembawa HbE)
10. Pembawa Hb varian
(contoh pembawa HbE)
Pembawa Hb varian
(contoh pembawa HbE)
Kaunseling (kemungkinan
mendapat anak homozygous Hb
11. Pembawa Hb varian
(contoh pembawa HbE)
Pembawa β-talasemia *Kaunseling segera
(kemungkinan mendapat anak
talasemia intermedia)
12 Pembawa β-talasemia Pembawa Hb varian
(contoh pembawa HbE)
13. Pembawa β-talasemia Pembawa α-talasemia Kaunseling (tiada anak akan
mendapat talasemia intermedia
atau talasemia major)14. Pembawa α-talasemia Pembawa β-talasemia
* berkemungkinan memerlukan diagnosa prenatal
Dato’ Dr. Narimah Awin (until December 2006)
Division of Family Health Development
Ministry of Health Malaysia
Dr.E.G. Palaniyappan (until November 2007)
Division of Family Health Development
Ministry of Health Malaysia
Working group for Policy Development and Guidelines for National Thalassaemia
Screening & Prevention Program (alphabetical order)
Dr. Abu Hassan Shaari Abdul Kadir
Senior Principal Assistant Director
State Health Office, Kelantan
Puan Aina Mazwim Mohd. Radzi
Penang General Hospital
Dr. Aslinda bt Hj. Ahmad
District Health Officer
Jasin Health Office
Puan Besah Gasar
Health Sister
Batu Pahat District Health Office, Johor
Cik Boon Kim Kiew
Medical Laboratory Technician
Timur Laut Health Office, Penang
Puan Fitamah bt Mahmood
Health Sister
PKD Kuala Terengganu
Dr. Hamimah bt Saad
Family Medicine Specialist
Putrajaya Health Clinic
Encik Abdul Wahab Zakaria
Medical Assistant
Shah Alam Health Clinic
Prof. Dr. A. Rahman A. Jamal
Director & Consultant Pediatrician
UKM Medical Molecular Biology Institute
En. Balan A/L N.S. Menon
Medical Laboratory Technician
Seberang Jaya Health Clinic, Penang
Puan Bibah Bulat
Health Matron
Nursing Unit, Ministry Of Health
Dr. Faridah bt Abu Bakar
MCH Officer
State Health Office, Perak
En. Frankie O’Brian
Medical Laboratory Technician
PKD Keningau Sabah
Dr. Hishamshah b. Mohd. Ibrahim
Consultant Paeditrician
Pediatrics Institute, Hospital Kuala Lumpur
Dr. Iskandar Firzada b. Osman
Family Medicine Specialist
Jaya Gading Health Clinic, Kuantan,
Dr. Keng Wee Teik
Consultant Pediatrics & Geneticist
Hospital Kuala Lumpur
Dr. Maimunah Bt. Fadzil
O&G Specialist
Hospital Melaka
Dr. Mymoon Bt Alias
Deputy Director
Division of Family Health Development
Ministry of Health
Dr. Rachel Koshy
Division of Family Health Development
Ministry of Health
Puan Rasilah Ramli
Health Matron Penang
Dr. Rokiah Mohd
MCH Officer
State Health Office Penang
Dr. Rozita Hod
Division of Family Health Development
Ministry of Health
Dr. Samihah Mohd Shariff
Medical Officer
School Health Team Penang
Dr. Selva Kumar a/l Sivapunniam
Hospital Tg. Ampuan Afzan Kuantan
Sinnappan a/l Anthony
Medical Assistant
Green Town Health Clinic
Puan Jenny Lee Poh Lean
Staff Nurse
Penang General Hospital
Cik Lily Teresa
Medical Laboratory Technician
Tanglin Health Clinic
Dr. Mohd. Daud Che Yusof
Family Medicine Specialist
State Health Office, Johor
Prof. Madya Dr. Narazah bt. Mohd Yusoff
Universiti Sains Malaysia
Raja Mohamad b. Raja Kadir
Medical Assistant
Pengkalan Chepa Health Clinic
Dr. Redzal b. Abu Hanifah
District Health Office
Kota Belud Sabah
Dr. Roshidah Hassan
Senior Consultant Pathologist
Patology Department, HKL
Dr. Safiah Bahrin
Division of Family Health Development
Ministry of Health
Dr. Sanidah Md Ali
Family Medicine Specialist
Seri Kembangan Health Clinic
Dr. Siti Kamariah Ahmad
Family Medicine Specialist
Bayan Lepas Health Clinic
Sinnasamy a/l Nallatamby
Medical Laboratory Technician
District Health Office Jasin Melaka
Dr. Soo Peng Yen
Consultant Pathologist
Penang Hospital
Prof. Thong Meow Keong
Senior Consultant Peadiatric
Peadiatrics Department UM
Puan Victoria Ponnusamy
Medical Laboratory Technician
Division of Family Health Development
Ministry of Health
Dr. Zainuddin Mohd Ali
Disease Control Division
Ministry of Health
Puan Norani Awang
Cik Nor hayati Bt. Mustapa Kamal
Dr. Soo Thian Lian
Peadiatric Consultant & Head of
Department Hospital Likas Sabah
Dr. T.P. Baskaran
Consultant O&G
Hospital Kuala Lumpur
Dr. Zabedah Baharudin
Family Medicine Specialist
Prof. Madya Dr. Zarina Abd. Latif
Consultant Pediatrician Pediatrics
Department, HUKM
Cik Nur Eliana Mohd Ariff
Puan Tumirah Swandi

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National Thalassaemia Screening Program , Malaysia

  • 1. NATIONAL THALASSAEMIA SCREENING PROGRAM CONTENT PAGE 1. INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………………………… 1 2. THALASSAEMIA SITUATION IN MALAYSIA ......................................... 3 3. NATIONAL THALASSEMIA SCREENING 3.1 OBJECTIVES …………………………………………………………… 3 3.2 STRATEGIES…………………………………………………………… 4 4. ETHICAL PRINCIPLES………………………………………………………… 7 5. MECHANISMS FOR IMPLEMENTATION…………………………………… 7 6. MONITORING AND EVALUATION…………………………………………… 9 7. REFERENCES APPENDICES Appendix A: Guidelines for thalassemia screening at health clinic…….. 10 Appendix B: Guidelines for provision of comprehensive care in pregnancy……………………………………………… 16 Appendix C: Guidelines for ‘Cascade’ screening for thalassaemia index cases and carriers……………………………………… 18 Appendix D: Garis panduan Sambutan Hari Talasemia Antarabangsa.. 20 FLOW CHARTS / TABLES Rajah 1 : Carta Alir Makmal Saringan Talasemia (Peringkat Perkhidmatan Kesihatan Primer)………………… 22 Rajah 2 : Carta Aliran Penyaringan ‘Cascade’ (Peringkat Perkhidmatan Kesihatan Primer dan Sekunder).. 23 Rajah 3 : Carta Aliran Penyiasatan Anaemia di kalangan Ibu Hamil… 24 Jadual 1: Interpretasi Kombinasi Lazim Keputusan Makmal dan Kaunseling Pasangan……………………………………… 25 1
  • 2. 8. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS……………………………………………………….. 26 NATIONAL THALASSAEMIA SCREENING PROGRAMME 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Thalassemia and abnormal heamoglobins are the most common genetic disorders world wide. It is estimated that over 300,000 affected children are born each year, most with sickle cell disease, while 60,000 – 70,000 are born with beta thalassemia major. 1.2 In Thalassemia, the normal in formation of red blood cells is affected. This is due to reduced synthesis of globin chains resulting in ineffective erythropoesis, chronic hemolysis and anemia. 1.3 Defective genes can be inherited from either parents. There are two main types of thalassaemia, alpha or beta. Clinically, it can manifest as thalassaemia minor (carrier) or thalassaemia major (patient). Most thalassemia minors or carriers are not aware of their genetic status because the clinical signs are not well defined. They will only know after undergoing blood tests. Likewise a child with thalassaemia major will appear normal at birth. However, the signs and symptoms of anemia will begin to develop from 3 months onwards and will progress chronically. 1.4 Although being carrier of the thalassaemia trait has no adverse health effects, if a carrier has a child with another carrier, every pregnancy will have a 25% risk of producing a thalassaemia major, 50% risk of producing a thalassaemia monir or carrier and 25% risk of producing a normal child. 1.5 Patients of thalassaemia major require, life-long blood transfusion to maintain haemoglobin levels of above 10 gm%. Patients also require regular chelation therapy to prevent the effects of iron accumulation, which has to be administered daily in high doses. Psychosocial support is important to help patients and parents cope with the physical demands of the disease. Provision of multidisciplinary care will prevent and manage complications in vital organs such as endocrine glands, liver and heart. The quality and quantity of treatment is directly linked to the patients’ quality and length of life. 2
  • 3. 1.6 Fatalities due to untreated or inadequately treated thalassaemia is high. There are currently no local data on survival studies in Malaysia, but early deaths due to complications are not uncommon observations in the local hospital practice. International studies on survival in thalassaemia major showed that survival ranges from 15 – 29 years for patients treated at various specialist centres in Europe. The major cause of death is due to cardiomyopathy secondary to iron accumulation in the heart. The other significant causes of death are infection and liver disease. 1.7 Thalassaemia in general constitutes a major public health problem as seen in countries with high prevalence of the condition. Developing a prevention programme is important in reducing the birth of blood transfusion dependent thalassaemia, in curbing the cost implications in the provision of optimal care for patients and in alleviating life-long socio economic burden on patients, families and government. The appropriate strategy for initiating any thalassaemia prevention programme depends on the local situation which includes cultural, religious and ethical practices. Therefore an effective thalassaemia service delivery is by integrating the services at all levels of health care so as to take full advantage of the existing resources and maximize efficiency. 1.8 Prevention is cost effective. Experiences from Cyprus, a country which has successfully reduced the thalassaemia prevalence indicated the cost of 8 weeks prevention was equivalent to the cost of 1 week treatment for thalassaemia population. Cost benefit analysis in the United Kingdom, Sardinia, Greece and Canada have shown that the cost of a nationwide thalassaemia prevention programme are trivial compared with the benefits of reducing treatment cost. In United Kingdom, the estimated cost for comprehensive treatment of beta thalassaemia major ranges from 188,000 pounds to 226,000 pounds. 1.9 The approach to dealing with the thalassaemia problem is to prevent and control the birth of new cases. The World Health Organization recommended a comprehensive strategy combining best possible patient care with prevention through community information, carrier screening and counseling. In societies where prenatal diagnosis os available and possible, high risk couples request prenatal diagnosis and this approach greatly reduces the numbers of affected births. 3
  • 4. 2. THALASSAEMIA SITUATION IN MALAYSIA 2.1 Thalassaemia is the commonest inherited blood disorder in Malaysia. Even though the carrier rate is only at the level of 3-5%, intervention is important because of the impact of the disease and its treatment on the patients, families and nation. There are an estimated number of 120 – 350 babies born with thalassaemia major each year, and at one time there are more than 3,200 registered transfusion dependent patients. This number will cumulatively increase every year posing enormous psychological, social and economic constraints not only to patients and families, but also to government in ensuring optimal care. 2.2 In 2004, the Ministry of Health established the Thalassaemia Prevention and Control Programme with the objective to reduce morbidity and mortality among the thalassaemia patients; to reduce the prevalence of blood transfusion dependent thalassaemia cases and to create awareness regarding thalassaemia. These will be achieved through strategies such as optimal patient care, adequate and safe blood supply, screening for carries and provision of genetic counseling, provision of prenatal diagnosis, adequate laboratory support, health promotion, development of a National Thalassaemia Patient Registry, interagency collaboration and cooperation, and research and development. 3. THE NATIONAL THALASSAEMIA SCREENING PROGRAMME 3.1 OBJECTIVES 3.1.1 General objective To identify carriers of thalassaemia in order to assess the risk of an individual having a affected child and to provide information on the options available to avoid such eventuality. 3.1.2 Specific objectives a) To strengthen screening services for thalassaemia among siblings and other family members of index case (cascade screening) b) To provide screening for thalassaemia in targeted population c) To provide public education on thalassaemia d) To provide genetic counseling services at primary health care level e) To upgrade and expand screening and diagnostic laboratory services f) To plan and develop prenatal diagnostic services 4
  • 5. 3.2 STRATEGIES 3.2.1 Strengthening of cascade screening of index case Cascade screening, also known as inductive screening or extended family testing refers to the heterozygotes testing of relatives of known cases and carriers of thalassaemia. In many countries, this approach has shown to be feasible and has resulted in high pick up rate. It is a powerful means of improving the effiency of carrier identification. This family centred approach is currently being practiced in hospitals providing management of thalassaemia patients in Malaysia. For every case of thalassaemia major detected it is recommended these relatives be tested for carrier status: • Parents and siblings • Uncles and aunties from both father’s and mother’s sides • First cousins from both father’s and mother’s sides Voluntary testing of relatives can be done at the respective hospital where the index case is managed or referred to health clinic of choice. It should be free of charge. Relatives identified as carriers should be given genetic counseling. 3.2.2 Target screening Target screening is restricted to a particular population group or groups. All screening activities should be carried out on a voluntary basis and free of charge. i) Adolescents and young adults screening Screening will be offered to all adolescents and young adults, preferably before they are married. In many countries screening of school students above the age of 16 years has been successful without any apparent psychological or social harm, and despite the time lapse between screening, information and pregnancy, the information was well conserved and resulted in testing of the partner. Those detected as carriers will have their parents and siblings screened. Settings that will be utilized for screening are : • Schools – school settings have the advantage of reaching a majority of the population and is able to provide increased options to those identified as carriers (i.e. not to marry another carrier.) Screening in schools will be limited to high prevalent areas and will be expanded in phases in tandem 5
  • 6. with the capacity and capability of primary health care services, namely the school health and laboratory services. A national roll out will be done incrementally. • Camps – adolescents and young people in camps such as the Pusat Latihan Khidmat Negara camps and others will be screened. • Health clinics – adolescents attending Adolescent Health Clinics will be screened. ii) Comprehensive care for pregnant women Women detected for anaemia in early pregnancy will be investigated for thalassaemia. It is to ensure proper and evident-based management of patients, while preparing them on current and subsequent pregnancies. 3.2.3 Training Genetic counseling is a process of providing information to at-risk individuals, couples an families about a genetic condition in particular information about the diagnosis, recurrence risk, burden of the disorder and the various reproductive options together with helping the families coming to terms with the issues in non-directed manner. A National Training Module for Thalassaemia Counsellors has been developed, and regular training has been conducted since 2006. Teams of health care providers at every state comprising of pediatricians, obstetricians, physicians, family medicine specialists, school health team members, medical assistants, nurses and counselors have been trained using the above module. Echo training is encouraged at state and district level. 3.2.4 Health promotion Health education and promotion have taken careful reference to local cultural, religious and social factors. Printed materials in 4 main languages are available in Malaysia and there has been initiatives to develop them in dialects for minority groups in Sabah. A national plan of action has been developed since 2005 which include amongst others, the development of health education materials for use in hospitals, health clinics and public campaigns and the recognition of the International Thalassaemia Day as an official national event for public and professional education. The latter activity enhanced collaboration with academic, professional bodies and non government organizations such as thalassaemia societies. Since 2006, thalassaemia is included in the in-service training of science teachers throughout Malaysia. 6
  • 7. 3.2.5 Strengthening of laboratory services for screening and diagnosis The parameter to identify carriers is the means corpuscular haemoglobin or MCH, where it is agreed that a values of less than 27 picogram indicates the need for further investigation. Health clinics providing screening services are equipped with hematology analyzers and trained medical laboratory technicians. At the secondary level, automated High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) and Gel Electrophoresis are made available at designated hospitals laboratories, namely Hospital Pulau Pinang, Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah Alor Setar, Hospital Kuala Lumpur, Hospital Sultanah Aminah Johor Bahru, Hospital Tg. Afzan Kuantan, Hospital Raja Perempuan Zainab II Kota Bahru, Hospital Queen Elizabeth Kota Kinabalu and Hospital Umum Sarawak. Futher confirmation can be made at Institute for Medical Research and Hospital Kuala Lumpur where molecular studies are available. 3.2.6 Development of prenatal diagnostics services Prenatal diagnosis is any diagnostic procedure used to determine whether a foetus has a genetic abnormality. There is a need to strengthen prenatal diagnosis services for provide options for families with thalassaemia. 3.2.7 Development of monitoring and surveillance system i) Health Clinic : Monitoring of screening activities are captured in the existing records in health clinics • Rekod Harian Beban Kerja Klinik Kesihatan RHBKKK/101/2007. This will provide a record of the number of screening tests done daily by respective health care provider at the clinic. Compilation will be done by the senior assistant medical officer • Rekod Keputusan Makmal Saringan Talasemia ST/101/M/2008. This will provide a record of clients by name, date and results based on 3 groups: HB normal MCH>27 pg; Hb normal MCH ≤27 pg. The record is the responsibility of the respective medical laboratory technician. • Rekod Susulan Saringan Talasemia ST/101/K/2008 – a registration of clients screened positive (i.e. MCH below 27 pg) and results of subsequent tests. This record is the responsibility of the respective Family Medicine Specialist or Medical Officer in-charge. 7
  • 8. • Reten Saringan Talasemia ST/201/K/2008 untuk 6 bulan – This is a 6 months summary made by clinic/district/state. It provides the number of tests done and results based on 3 groups: HB normal MCH>27 pg; Hb normal MCH <27 pg; an HB low, MCH ≤27 pg, and the number of confirmed carriers. ii) Clients: Clients who are identified to be carriers of beta thalassaemia or haemoglobin E are given reminder cards KAD STATUS PEMBAWA to be kept as personal reference. 4. ETHNICAL PRINCIPLES The document ‘Guidelines on Ethical issues in Medical Genetics and Genetic Services in Malaysia’ MOH/P/PAK/120.06(GU) applies to thalassaemia screening and management. 5. MECHANISMS FOR IMPLEMENTATION REFER TO RECPECTIVE APPENDIX: 5.1 Guidelines for thalassaemia screening at health clinic (page 9) 5.2 Guidelines for provision of comprehensive care in pregnancy (page 15) 5.3 Guidelines on cascade screening for thalassaemia index case and carriers (page 17) 5.4 Garis Panduan sambutan Hari Talasema Antarabangsa (page 19) 6. MONITORING AND EVALUATION 6.1 Coverage 6.1 Number of newly diagnosed thalassaemia major patients by year 6.2 Number of clients screened for thalassaemia annually 6.3 Number and percentage of clients screened by age group. 6.2 Laboratory services These parameters will be monitored: a) Timeliness of the full blood count results at the clinic (LTAT less than 45 minutes) 8
  • 9. b) Performance in external QAP for Full Blood Count (in health clinics) 6.3 Health promotion Effectiveness studies for printed media, electronic media and others, with specific time frame 6.4 Training a) Percentage of laboratory staff trained b) Total number of health care providers trained using the National Training Module for Thalassaemia Counselors c) Percentage of health care providers trained who are certified as thalassaemia counselors (by category) d) Total number of clinical geneticists in Ministry of Health 6.5 Outcome Indicators and Targets a) Percentage of new index cases that have completed cascade screening amongst all new cases for the year. Complete cascade screening for index case is defined as: all siblings and both parents are screened (first degree relatives) Targets : • more than 95% of siblings and parents to index cases completed screening by 2015 • more than 60% of aunties/ uncles of index cases completed screening by 2015 b) Percentage of thalassaemia carriers detected among clients who have been screened. Targets: • more than 30% of the targeted population screened by 2015. 6.6 Impact indicator and target Incidence of transfusion dependent thalassaemia = number of new transfusion dependent thalassaemia patients registered in a year 9
  • 10. Target: • Reduction in the incidence of transfusion dependent thalassaemia by 20% in the year 2015. This will be based on data obtained from National Thalassaemia Registry, using 2007 data as baseline. 7. REFERENCES 1. Guidelines For The Control Of Haemoglobins Disorders, 6th Annual Meeting of WHO working Group on Haemoglobinopathies, Sardinia 1989 2. Guidelines on Ethnical issues in Medical Genetics and Genetic and Genetic Services in Malaysia, Ministry of Health. MOH/P/PAK/120.06 3. Health Technology Assessment Report on Management of Thalassaemia, Minsitry of Health Malaysia. September 2003 4. Prevention of thalassaemias and other hemoglobin disorders 2005. Thalassaemia International Federation 10
  • 11. 11
  • 12. APPENDIX A GUIDELINES FOR SCREENING OF THALASSAEMIA IN HEALTH CLINICS NO. STRATEGY ACTIVITIES ACTIONS BY: INDICATORS 1. Health promotion & blood testing (see Rajah 1 & Rajah 2 for algorithm) • Health promotion for secondary school children; include as part of routine school health activities in form of health talks, giving pamphlets – to incorporate in annual calendar • Health promotion for teachers and parents through the school’s parents teacher association • Scho ol Health Team • Clinic Advisory Panel (Panel Penasihat Kesihatan) 70% of students in government secondary schools (aged 15 to 19 years old) • Health promotion for university / college students; Pamphlets distribution during orientation week (for subsequent blood testing at university hospitals, nearest health clinic. District Health Office - • Health promotion and blood testing for PLKN trainees • Distri ct Health Office 70% of PLKN camps participate in the thalassaemia screening programme 80% of PLKN trainees are screened • Health promotion Adolescent Health Clinic / 80% of eligible walk in patients 12
  • 13. NO. STRATEGY ACTIVITIES ACTIONS BY: INDICATORS & blood testing for eligible walk-in patients in OPD and adolescent health clinics; OPD and adolescents are screened • “Health Carnivals” • Blood donation campaigns / drives State Health Office / District Health Office / Health Clinic / Hospital / NGO • Recording of screening activities in: i) Rekod Keputusan Makmal Saringan Talasemia (St/201/M/2008) ii) Rekod Susulan Talasemia (ST/101/K/2008) iii) Rekod Harian Beban Kerja Klinik Kesihatan RHBKKK/101/2007 • Reporting of screening activities in : i) Reten Saringan Talasemia (ST/201/K/2008) - MLT at health clinics - FMS/MO - FMS/MO/MA/SN - MA/SN - 13
  • 14. ST/101/M/2008 REKOD KEPUTUSAN MAKMAL SARINGAN TALASEMIA Tarikh : Nama Jantina Keputusan Catatan* Lelaki Perempuan Hb-normal; MCH>27pg Hb-normal; MCH≤27pg Hb-low; MCH≤27pgMengandung Tidak Mengandung *Sila catit samada calitan darah (blood smear) dilakukan atau tidak **Sila catitkan samada sample darah dihantar ke hospital atau tidak untuk ujian lanjut. ST/101/K/2008 14
  • 15. REKOD SUSULAN SARINGAN TALASEMIA *Kod keputusan: 1. Bukan Pembawa β-Talasemia **Ujian lanjut seperti ujian molekular. 2. Pembawa β-Talasemia 3. Pembawa HbE 4. Lain-lain – nyatakan 15 Bil. Nama No. K.P. Alamat Tel. Jantina Umur Etnik Tarikh hantar HPLC Tarikh terima keputusan Keputusan* Tarikh kaunseling (β / HbE Tal)
  • 17. RETEN KEPUTUSAN MAKMAL UNTUK SARINGAN TALASEMIA Klinik/ Daerah/Negeri Januari hingga Jun / Julai hingga Disember Tahun : Bulan Jantina Keputusan (Bilangan) Bilangan kes yang disahkan Hb – normal; MCH > 27 pg Hb – normal; MCH ≤27pg Hb – low; MCH ≤27pg L P Jumlah 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Nota : Kolum 3 = kolum 1 + kolum 2 Jumlah dalam kolum 3 = kolum 4+5+6 APPENDIX B 17
  • 18. GUIDELINES FOR PROVISION OF COMPREHENSIVE CARE IN PREGNANCY STRATEGIES ACTIVITIES ACTIONS BY: INDICATORS 1. Health promotion and health education 2. Blood testing. (Please refer to Rajah 3 and Jadual 1 for algorithm) i) Health talk in antenatal clinics pertaining to anemia in pregnancy ii) Development of pamphlet/poster on maternal health Full Blood Count to be carried out for all pregnant women at first booking as part of routine blood test. Counseling of couples should be carried out if the results are abnormal. Antenatal mother Result Full Blood Count (FBC) If MCH > 27pg and other blood indices normal, mother will go for normal follow-up If MCH is ≤ 27pg, mother’s blood will be tested for haemoglobin analysis and iron studies. At the same time, to take husband’s blood for FBC Husband Public Health Nurse Health Education Division / Family & Health Development Division MOH FMS/MO/ Public Health Nurse FMS/MO FMS/MO - - 100% of pregnant women at 1st booking must do Full Blood Count 18
  • 19. STRATEGIES ACTIVITIES ACTIONS BY: INDICATORS 3. Monitoring and evaluation Result FBC: If husband’s MCH is normal (> 27pg), there will be no follow up for the husband If husband’s MCH is low (≤ 27pg), his blood will be tested for haemoglobin analysis and iron studies. Results of blood test: Please refer to Jadual 1 for subsequent actions. For couples with abnormal blood results should be referred to O&G specialist for further management and counseling. • Recording of screening activities : i) Rekod Keputusan Makmal Saringan Talasemia (ST/101/M/2008) ii) Rekod Susulan Saringan Talasemia (ST/101/K/2008) • Reporting of screening activities: i) Reten Saringan Talasemia (ST/201/K/2008) FMS/MO FMS/MO Medical Laboratory Technicians FMS/MO/MA/SN MA/SN - - - APPENDIX C 19
  • 20. GUIDELINES FOR ‘CASCADE’ SCREENING FOR THALASSAEMIA INDEX CASES AND CARRIERS STRATEGIES ACTIVITIES ACTIONS BY: INDICATORS 1. Health Promotion All index cases that have been diagnosed must be registered in the National Thalassaemia Registry. Counseling to patients and their parents regarding thalassaemia, treatment, prognosis and risks. Encouraging parents to disseminate the information on thalassaemia to other close relatives. Hospitals -Specialist -Medical Officer -Counselor -Geneticist (if available) 100% patients and their parents to be given counseling 2. Blood investigation : i) Father, mother and siblings of index cases (‘first degree relatives’) ii) Uncles, aunties and cousins Refer Figure 2 for the flow process on cascade screening. Hospital/ Health Clinics/ Thalassaemia Federation of Malaysia -Specialist -Medical Officer -Counselor -Health Education Officer -Trained staff nurse Medical assistants Number of ‘first degree relative’ that have been screened (target 100%) - 20
  • 21. STRATEGIES ACTIVITIES ACTIONS BY: INDICATORS Laboratory - Screening tests and confirmatory tests - Medical lab technician - Hematologist / Patologist 3. Monitoring and evaluation Recording screening activities through: i) Rekod Keputusan Makmal Saringan Talasemia (ST/101/M/2008) ii)Rekod Susulan Talasemia (ST/101/K/2008) iii) Rekod Harian Beban Kerja KIinik Kesihatan RHBKKK/101/2007 (for health clinics only) Reporting screening activities through : i) Reten saringan talasemia (ST/201/K/2008) Medical lab technician Specialist/Medical Officer Medical assistant/ Trained staff nurse Medical assistant/ Trained staff nurse - 21
  • 22. APPENDIX D GARISPANDUAN SAMBUTAN HARI TALASEMIA ANTARABANGSA PENDAHULUAN Talasemia adalah sejenis penyakit genetik yang mengganggu pembentukan sel-sel darah merah yang normal. Pesakit talasemia menghasilkan sel darah merah yang mudah pecah atau musnah dalam darah. Kekurangan sel darah merah yang normal akan menyebabkan pesakit tersebut sering kelihatan pucat disebabkan paras hemoglobin yang rendah. Di Malaysia, talasemia merupakan masalah kesihatan yang besar kerana dari beberapa kajian yang telah dijalankan menunjukkan bahawa kadar pembawa gen talasemia adalah di dalam lingkungan 3 hingga 5 peratus atau 1 dalam 20 orang rakyat Malaysia. Dengan itu, dianggarkan seramai 600,000 hingga 1 juta orang rakyat Malaysia adalah pembawa gen ini. Walau bagaimanapun, talasemia merupakan satu-satunya penyakit genetik yang telah terbukti boleh dicegah dan dikawal sekiranya mendapat sokongan padu daripada masyarakat. Kejayaan program pencegahan dan kawalan talasemia adalah pendidikan kesihatan yang berterusan dengan sokongan dari semua pihak. Oleh sebab itu, Hari talasemia Antarabangsa akan disambut pada 8 Mei setiap tahun bagi mengukuhkan lagi aktiviti penyebaran maklumat dan pendidikan kesihatan mengenai talasemia serta menyedarkan masyarakat mengenai penyakit ini. OBJEKTIF i. Meningkatkan kesedaran dan pengetahuan masyarakat umum mengenai penyakit talasemia, cara pencegahan dan pengawalannya. ii. Menggalakkan kumpulan sasar menjalani ujian talasemia iii. Menggalakkan ibubapa member keizinan/kebenaran anak remaja mereka menjalani ujian talsemia. iv. Mencegah berlakunya diskriminasi terhadap pembawa gen talasemia v. Mewujudkan rasa tanggungjawab dan tindakan masyarakat terhadap penyakit talasemia di mana setiap individu mempunyai peranan yang perlu dimainkan bagi menyelesaikan masalah ini. 22
  • 23. AKTIVITI PERINGKAT KEMENTERIAN DAN NEGERI Kumpulan Sasar: 1. Ibubapa 2. Remaja 16 tahun ke atas 3. Golongan dewasa muda 4. Adik-beradik kepada pembawa talasemia 5. Golongan professional 6. Petugas kesihatan Cadangan Aktivit: 1. Seminar/Kursus 2. Forum awam 3. Ujian saringan talasemia dan kaunseling 4. Pameran kesihatan 5. Kajian pengetahuan, sikap dan tingkahlaku (KAP Study) 6. Kempen derma darah 7. Penglibatan media 8. Lain-lain aktiviti untuk pesakit talasemia dan ibubapa seperti aktiviti riadah. KERJASAMA PINTAR Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia samada di peringkat ibupejabat atau negeri perlu menjalinkan kerjasama pintar dengan Persekutuan Pertubuhan Talasemia Malaysia dan juga Persatuan Talasemia Negeri serta badan-badan professional yang lain seperti Malaysian Association of Pediatric Haematology & Oncology (MASPHO), Malaysian Pediatric Association (MPA) dalam melaksanakan aktiviti-aktiviti berkaitan dengan talasemia bagi mencapai objektif yang telah digariskan. PENILAIAN AKTIVITI Laporan mengenai aktiviti sambutan Hari Talasemia Antarabangsa peringkat negeri perlu disediakan oleh Pegawai Pendidikan Kesihatan Negeri untuk menilai keberkesanan aktiviti yang telah dilaksanakan. Laporan yang telah lengkap hendaklah dihantar melalui laman web Infosihat ( PENUTUP Aktiviti semasa sambutan Hari Talasemia Antarabangsa ini adalah sebahagian daripada wadah untuk mencapai objektif seperti yang telah digariskan. Program ini amat wajar dilaksanakan bagi mendedahkan kepada masyarakat tentang penyakit talasemia dan kepentingan menjalani ujian saringan talasemia. 23
  • 24. Rajah 1 9.1 Carta Alir Makmal Saringan Talasemia (Peringkat Perkhidmatan Kesihatan Primer) Ada 24 Ada Tidak Ya Ya Tidak Ya Tiada > 27pg Full Blood Count (FBC) OPD Ambil 2.5ml darah dalam tabung EDTA ≤27pg Tiada tindakan lanjut 1. sediakan calitan darah periferi 2. beri tarikh temu janji kepada klien Hantar ke hospital untuk analisa Hb: 1. calitan darah periferi 2. keputusan FBC 3. baki darah dari FBC (tiub EDTA) 4. borang PER PAT 301 (lengkap diisi) Definitive Diagnosis Kaunseling 1.Ujian status ferum 2.Rawatan percubaan ferum Rawatan berkesan? Ambil darah untuk analisa DNA Keputusan definitif Disyaki kekurangan ferum Teruska n rawatan Tiada Teruskan rawatan Pembawa talasemia atau talasemia intermedia YaTidak Kaunseling Penyiasatan lanjut jika perlu Berikan kad status pembawa kepada pembawa beta-thal dan HbE
  • 25. Rajah 2 9.2 Carta alir Penyaringan ‘Cascade’ (Peringkat Perkhidmatan Kesihatan Primer dan Sekunder) 25 Ya Ya Tidak Ya Tidak Ya Tidak Kes indeks – Talasemia Major Buat temujanji untuk ujian saringan kepada kumpulan sasar berikut: 1. Adik beradik + ibubapa kepada kes indeks 2. Sepupu dan ibubapa saudara kepada kes indeks Di Peringkat Perkhidmatan Kesihatan Sekunder Ambil darah untuk ujian berikut: 1. FBC dalam satu tiub 2. Hb analisis EDTA 3. ujian status ferum (sekiranya perlu) Di Peringkat Perkhidmatan Kesihatan Primer (sila rujuk carta alir 1) Hantar ke makmal patologi hospital berkenaan bersama borang PER PAT 301 (diisi lengkap) Definitive Diagnosis Kaunselin g Ambil darah untuk analisa DNA 1.Kaunseling 2.Penyiasatan lanjut jika perlu Kekurangan ferum Beri rawatan Rawatan berkesan ? Teruskan rawatan Keputusa n definitif Pembawa talasemia Tidak Berikan kad status pembawa kepada pembawa beta-thal dan HbE
  • 26. Rajah 3 Carta Alir Penyiasatan Anemia Dikalangan Ibu Hamil 26 MCH > 27pg ≤ 27pg Tiada tindakan lanjut Ambil darah dari suami untuk FBC Hantar baki FBC untuk Hb Analysis (bersama sampel (1,2 & 3) ke makmal hospital Keputusan FBC ≤ 27pg (rujuk carta alir 1) > 27pg Tiada tindakan lanjut Interpretasi kombinasi lazim keputusan makmal & kaunseling pasangan (sila rujuk jadual 1) Ambil 10 ml darah dari ibu untuk ujian berikut: FBC 1. status ferum ikut prosedur 2. VDRL sediada 3. ABO Group and RH Berikan kad status pembawa kepada pembawa beta-thal atau HbE
  • 27. Jadual 1: Interpretasi Kombinasi Lazim Keputusan Makmal & Kaunseling Pasangan Bil. keputusan Tindakan (Catatan)Ibu hamil Suami 1. Kekurangan Ferum Kekurangan Ferum Rawatan 2. Pembawa α-talasemia normal Kaunseling (tiada anak akan mendapat talasemia intermedia)3. normal Pembawa α-talasemia 4. Pembawa α-talasemia Pembawa α-talasemia * Kaunseling segera (kemungkinan mendapat anak talasemia intermedia atau ‘hydrop fetalis’) 5. Pembawa β-talasemia Normal Kaunseling (tiada anak akan mendapat talasemia intermedia atau talasemia major)6. normal Pembawa β-talasemia 7. Pembawa β-talasemia Pembawa β-talasemia *Kaunseling segera (kemungkinan mendapat anak talasemia major) 8. Pembawa Hb varian (contoh pembawa HbE) normal Kaunseling (tiada anak akan mendapat talasemia intermedia) 9. normal Pembawa Hb varian (contoh pembawa HbE) 10. Pembawa Hb varian (contoh pembawa HbE) Pembawa Hb varian (contoh pembawa HbE) Kaunseling (kemungkinan mendapat anak homozygous Hb varian) 11. Pembawa Hb varian (contoh pembawa HbE) Pembawa β-talasemia *Kaunseling segera (kemungkinan mendapat anak talasemia intermedia) 12 Pembawa β-talasemia Pembawa Hb varian (contoh pembawa HbE) 13. Pembawa β-talasemia Pembawa α-talasemia Kaunseling (tiada anak akan mendapat talasemia intermedia atau talasemia major)14. Pembawa α-talasemia Pembawa β-talasemia * berkemungkinan memerlukan diagnosa prenatal 27
  • 28. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS MEMBERS OF THE NATIONAL TECHNICAL COMMITTEE FOR NATIONAL THALASSAEMIA SCREENING AND PREVENTION PROGRAM Advisors: Dato’ Dr. Narimah Awin (until December 2006) Director Division of Family Health Development Ministry of Health Malaysia Dr.E.G. Palaniyappan (until November 2007) Director Division of Family Health Development Ministry of Health Malaysia Working group for Policy Development and Guidelines for National Thalassaemia Screening & Prevention Program (alphabetical order) Dr. Abu Hassan Shaari Abdul Kadir Senior Principal Assistant Director State Health Office, Kelantan Puan Aina Mazwim Mohd. Radzi Counselor Penang General Hospital Dr. Aslinda bt Hj. Ahmad District Health Officer Jasin Health Office Puan Besah Gasar Health Sister Batu Pahat District Health Office, Johor Cik Boon Kim Kiew Medical Laboratory Technician Timur Laut Health Office, Penang Puan Fitamah bt Mahmood Health Sister PKD Kuala Terengganu Dr. Hamimah bt Saad Family Medicine Specialist Putrajaya Health Clinic Encik Abdul Wahab Zakaria Medical Assistant Shah Alam Health Clinic Prof. Dr. A. Rahman A. Jamal Director & Consultant Pediatrician UKM Medical Molecular Biology Institute En. Balan A/L N.S. Menon Medical Laboratory Technician Seberang Jaya Health Clinic, Penang Puan Bibah Bulat Health Matron Nursing Unit, Ministry Of Health Dr. Faridah bt Abu Bakar MCH Officer State Health Office, Perak En. Frankie O’Brian Medical Laboratory Technician PKD Keningau Sabah 28
  • 29. Dr. Hishamshah b. Mohd. Ibrahim Consultant Paeditrician Pediatrics Institute, Hospital Kuala Lumpur Dr. Iskandar Firzada b. Osman Family Medicine Specialist Jaya Gading Health Clinic, Kuantan, Pahang Dr. Keng Wee Teik Consultant Pediatrics & Geneticist Hospital Kuala Lumpur Dr. Maimunah Bt. Fadzil O&G Specialist Hospital Melaka Dr. Mymoon Bt Alias Deputy Director Division of Family Health Development Ministry of Health Dr. Rachel Koshy Division of Family Health Development Ministry of Health Puan Rasilah Ramli Health Matron Penang Dr. Rokiah Mohd MCH Officer State Health Office Penang Dr. Rozita Hod Division of Family Health Development Ministry of Health Dr. Samihah Mohd Shariff Medical Officer School Health Team Penang Dr. Selva Kumar a/l Sivapunniam Paedriatrician Hospital Tg. Ampuan Afzan Kuantan Sinnappan a/l Anthony Medical Assistant Green Town Health Clinic Puan Jenny Lee Poh Lean Staff Nurse Penang General Hospital Cik Lily Teresa Medical Laboratory Technician Tanglin Health Clinic Dr. Mohd. Daud Che Yusof Family Medicine Specialist State Health Office, Johor Prof. Madya Dr. Narazah bt. Mohd Yusoff Universiti Sains Malaysia Raja Mohamad b. Raja Kadir Medical Assistant Pengkalan Chepa Health Clinic Dr. Redzal b. Abu Hanifah District Health Office Kota Belud Sabah Dr. Roshidah Hassan Senior Consultant Pathologist Patology Department, HKL Dr. Safiah Bahrin Division of Family Health Development Ministry of Health Dr. Sanidah Md Ali Family Medicine Specialist Seri Kembangan Health Clinic Dr. Siti Kamariah Ahmad Family Medicine Specialist Bayan Lepas Health Clinic Sinnasamy a/l Nallatamby Medical Laboratory Technician 29
  • 30. District Health Office Jasin Melaka Dr. Soo Peng Yen Consultant Pathologist Penang Hospital Prof. Thong Meow Keong Senior Consultant Peadiatric Peadiatrics Department UM Puan Victoria Ponnusamy Medical Laboratory Technician Division of Family Health Development Ministry of Health Dr. Zainuddin Mohd Ali Disease Control Division Ministry of Health Secretariat Puan Norani Awang Cik Nor hayati Bt. Mustapa Kamal Dr. Soo Thian Lian Peadiatric Consultant & Head of Department Hospital Likas Sabah Dr. T.P. Baskaran Consultant O&G Hospital Kuala Lumpur Dr. Zabedah Baharudin Family Medicine Specialist Johor Prof. Madya Dr. Zarina Abd. Latif Consultant Pediatrician Pediatrics Department, HUKM Cik Nur Eliana Mohd Ariff Puan Tumirah Swandi 30