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Narrative Conclusions Anch
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Narrative Conclusions Anch Narrative Conclusions Anch
Introducing Lean Concepts in a Manufacturing Company
Your organization, a company that manufactures automobile brake pads, is about to introduce lean
concepts into its operations in order to be more competitive with foreign manufacturers. The lean
project manager does not understand why you, the safety manager, want to be a part of the process.
Provide a convincing argument about what you can contribute if you are included. Lean
manufacturing is based upon the philosophy that zero waste is a legitimate goal for an organization.
Lean manufacturing is based on finding efficiencies and removing wasteful steps that don t add value
to the end product (Lean manufacturing, 2012, Mind Tools). Defects are bad for customers in the
sense that customers receive an unwanted, defective product but also bad for businesses that must eat
the cost of the defective product, as well as suffer a blow to their reputations. This is particularly true
for a safety related item such as a brake pad. Waste in terms of unneeded expenditures will make the
product more expensive, taking away value from the company in terms of profits and also making
consumers less likely to buy a costly item. Waste can occur in a number of areas, including
overproduction; delays; inventory buildups; over processing; inefficiencies in the human aspects of in
manufacturing; product defects; and inefficient allocations of labor (Lean manufacturing, 2012, Mind
Tools). A sales manager such as myself can play a critical role in identifying waste. First and foremost,
I am
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Persuasive Functions Of John L. LewisSpeech
Persuasive Functions of John L. Lewis Speech
John L. Lewis was the only proponent of established labor unions in the 20th century. He successfully
led the labor movement that pushed for equal treatment of labor workers despite the terrible economic
Lewis spent his formative years in Iowa. As an adult, he was unsuccessful in entering the world of
politics and business. After he moved to Panama, Illinois he was first elected president of the local
United Mine Workers union. Next, Lewis was appointed an AFL organizer by Samuel Gompers in
1911. His second UMW appointment was as a delegate to the AFL Convention in 1916. Finally, Lewis
was appointed as vice president of the United Mine Workers Union. Lewis begins to prescribe courses
of action for workers to be part of a movement that pushed for a labor union by organizing and uniting
the discontented. In his speech he mentions enacting a policy to enable the workers to stand as a unit
(Lewis 3). John Lewis used his speech at the AFL convention to establish himself as the leader of the
labor movements and prescribe courses of action for the workers by altering perceptions of reality and
His speech at the American Federation of Labor allowed him to become the leader, but was ineffective
in convincing the AFL to establish industrial unions.
Furthermore, labor movements were part of the establishment (Jensen 29). Due to the strikes in labor
unions, it was necessary for a new type of labor leader to arise. At
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Essay On Gladiators
Gladiators, The celebrities of ancient Rome. Gladiators would reenact myths, legends and epic battles.
(Penelope 12). Taught to die with dignity and honor, they would kill for the enjoyment and pleasure of
the roman mob. Many of the gladiators were prisoners of war, slaves, and criminals who were forced
to fight in arenas, sometimes to the death. Although gladiators were so beloved by ancient Rome and
were an important part of the culture, life in the arena was not as desireable as it seemed because it
was centered around training, women and the games.
Training was a predominant force in the lives of those unfortunate enough to fall into the ludus
(Gladiator school). The life as a gladiator and his training at first concentrated on getting the new
gladiator to the peak of fitness (Alchin 2). Leading a hard life, gladiators had to ... Show more content
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Although they would be spoiled before the games, Gladiators often would contract STDs through
sleeping with so many women and the weakened immune systems caused by the STD s would cause
many gladiators lives to be put in peril.
The games were exceptionally brutal and rarely had any advantages. Gladiators were paid each time
they fought and they were allowed to keep any rewards and purses of money (Alchin 2).Many women
spectators would throw money and tokens at the gladiators before the fight as symbols of good luck.
They were expected to die with dignity and honor (Alchin 2). The gladiators were taught how to not
flinch or shield himself away from the final blow with months to years of preparation.The colosseum
was disgusting, they held slaves and wild animals and would often serve as unclean impromptu
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Iphone 6 Comparison
The iPhone 6 and the Lg G3 are both very popular phones, but many would agree that the iPhone 6 is
better. There are many similarities between the iPhone 6 and Lg G3 but i have found that the iPhone
has come out superior but the Lg G3 has some qualities uncomparable by able. The iPhone for one is
an Apple product whereas the Lg G3 is a product of a LG. Both phones have different sizes, make,
sensitivity, camera resolution and processors.
The iPhone 6 is an aluminum phone with rounded corners. The iPhone has 4.7 inch and 5.5 inch
variants. The LG G3 is plastic and is about 5.5 inches. The appearances of the phones are close in
color and each can be purchased in black, gold, or silver. The iPhone has it power button and volume
buttons on the
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Sacrifice Is Sacrifice
Another fact is that no vision can be accomplished without sacrifice. Together with personal discipline
is sacrifice, which is another word that people interpret as meaning that they have to give up some
things for one thing that they enjoy doing. It generally means sacrificing something of a low nature to
get a better thing or a thing of a higher nature.
Sacrifice is really all about making daily choices to stay on the narrow road to success. Instead of
buying a video game to exercise your thumbs, buying instructional books and manuals to improve
knowledge and increase prospects is a sacrifice. Instead of doing what you want to do, doing what is
necessary to become the best is a sacrifice. I wanted to become a good athlete in my secondary school
inter house sport day, so I set a daily routine and stuck with it, even when I did not feel like it. I would
go to a field in the neighborhood, run from one end to the other, day in and day out. In the school inter
house sport day that year, I won two gold medals, 100m race and 200m race. This is sacrifice. Without
the need, desire and determination to improve, people lack the means to develop and therefore will not
make any sacrifices.
Sacrifice is being willing to give up something good for something better. Life is full of boundless
possibilities but ... Show more content on ...
It is important to distinguish making a sacrifice from making an offering. Offerings are functionally
equivalent to small gifts given to family or friends as a way of showing affection and maintaining a
relationship. As such, the gift of time is an offering, not a sacrifice, for it is not a sacrifice to visit one s
friends; rather, it s something that is done on a regular basis to keep the relationship in good working
order, and to let them know you appreciate them. I would also distinguish sacrifice from communion,
which is an offering that is shared between the celebrants and the
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A Short Note On Emphysema, The Irreversible Enlargement Of...
Megan Kehn
Delta College
April 15, 2015
Pathophysiology Emphysema is the irreversible enlargement of the acini that includes the destruction
of the walls of the alveoli without apparent fibrosis (Huether McCance, 2012). The alveolar septa is
destroyed which then amplifies the amount of air in the acinus. Inhalation of pulmonary irritants such
as cigarette smoke and certain environmental pollutants is thought to lead to the hindering of the
endogenous antiproteases and stimulate inflammation with the increased activity of the proteases.
With This results in the destruction of the aveoli and decline in the elastic recoil of the bronchi. When
alveoli are damaged it leads to a decrease in the surface area available ... Show more content on ...
There are numerous factors that increase the possibility of developing COPD, including occupational
and environmental exposure to chemicals, dusts, and pollutants, alpha1 antitrypsin deficiency and
cigarette smoking. When cigarette smoke is inhaled the particles enter the lungs and create an
inflammatory response. In response to the inflammation, macrophages and neutrophils penetrate into
the lung and release cytokines, chemokines and elastases which destroy the lung parenchyma.
Objective manifestations of emphysema include barrel chest, accessory muscle use, diminished breath
sounds, and wheezing on auscultation. Subjective manifestations consist of patient complaints of
wheezing, persistent cough, anorexia, dyspnea, weight loss, chest tightness and fatigue. Dyspnea is a
progressive manifestation that begins with exertion and eventually leads to dyspnea at rest (Lewis,
Dirksen, Heitkemper, Bucher, Camera, 2011).
Client Overview
My patient J.R., was a 76 year old Caucasian female who presented to the emergency department on
February 23, 2015 with complaints of worsening dyspnea at rest, shortness of breath and hypoxia. Her
past medical history is pertinent for coronary artery disease, myocardial infarction, angina, COPD,
congestive heart failure, hypothyroidism, arthritis, hypertension, deep vein thrombosis, and diabetes
mellitus. J.R. s surgical history includes right carotid artery
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Organ Donation Case Study Essay
Organ Allocation Case Study: Correctional Healthcare
Healthcare workers and the ethics board make tough decisions that impact the patient s future,
especially related to organ allocation. Organ transplantation is extremely important in order to save
lives, prolong survival, and increase the quality of life (Beyar, 2017). Each year the number of people
on the waiting list continues to rise at an alarming rate. According to the U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services, organ donation statistics show that more than 116,000 people are awaiting
organs. The number has risen significantly every year (Health Resources Services Administration
{HRSA}, 2016). In 2016, it was reported that approximately 41,335 organ donations were made, and
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Mr. Rodriquez s health history is limited to hypertension. The second candidate, Mr. Smith, is an
uninsured 59 year old on disability who has severe ischemic cardiomyopathy (causing systemic
failure). His other medical history includes hypertension, renal insufficiency, alcohol abuse, and
coronary artery disease that caused two previous myocardial infarctions.
A person s age and their lifestyle can impact overall organ transplant success. Physiologic age impacts
major organ systems such as the kidneys and other underlying medical problems (Eisen, 2017). Mr.
Smith is 26 years older with declining health. On the other hand, Mr. Rodriquez is a healthy individual
with mild hypertension. Physical inactivity can be associated with an increased risk of morbidity or
worsening chronic disease and health conditions such as cardiovascular disease and congestive heart
failure (Warren et al., 2010). According to the article from the National Center for Biotechnology
Information (NCBI), alcohol consumption plays a role in the development of heart failure. Excessive
drinking leads to alcoholic cardiomyopathy (Djoussé Gaziano, 2008). Alcoholic cardiomyopathy is
characterized by left ventricular dilation, increased left ventricular mass, and reduced or normal left
ventricular wall thickness (Djoussé Gaziano, 2008). Mr. Smith s heavy consumption of alcohol may
become detrimental to his heart, liver, and kidney function. His comorbidities and
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Advantages Of Coconut Oil
Let s work in reverse. Whenever you consider the health advantages of coconut oil, we re going to
think that the very last thing coming to your brain is massaged the edible plant grease throughout your
face, or even your arms, or coconut oil for your hair. However, an increasing body of study, numerous
specialists, and an army of natural beauty devotees swear by the stuff for almost everything. Are they
onto something?
Indeed, based on our experts. Coconut oil is used in lots of natural beauty products, and also for a
good reason: It is naturally antibacterial and antifungal, coconut oil for pores and skin is a wonderful
moisturizer, it could penetrate hair much better than other oils, and, well, it aromas like cookies.
Yum, claims Tieraona Low Dog, MD, director of the fellowship training program at the Arizona
Center for Integrative Medicine. Is there something more luscious compared to coconut oil ?
We can t consider anything. However, we are able to consider 10 awesome uses for it in your own
home that will not need spending a lot of money on store bought products. In fact, you just need one
thing: Raw ( and preferably organic and natural ) virgin coconut oil.
1 . To soothe dry hands
This will not work with dried up numerals while you re on the go, however, at ... Show more content
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It is a waste of money. That is because you could make one yourself with ingredients you have in your
kitchen. Low Dog agrees. I really love to do this. It s wonderfully moisturizing, ideal for the skin,
affordable, and blissfully absent of chemical substances you can t pronounce ! To make your own
personal, Low Dog suggests melting ½ c of coconut oil at a really low heat. Pour it over 1 c of brown
sugar or even salt and mix well. For those who have some on hand, include five drops of your favorite
essential oil or even some organic vanilla extract for a scrub so fragrant you ll want to eat
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Film Adaptation of Hamlet
Adapted from Shakespeare s play Hamlet,the film Hamlet was produced in 1996. It was directed by
Kenneth Branagh. The main characters include Kenneth Branagh who starred as Prince Hamlet, Kate
Winslet as Ophelia, Derek Jacobi as King Claudius, Julie Christie as Queen Gertrude, Richard Briers
as Polonius, Nicholas Farrell as Horatio and Michael Maloney as Laertes. In the middle of the film
there is a scene where Prince Hamlet is shown alone in a room contemplating whether or not he
should avenge his father s death, how he should go about doing and how unfortunate it is that he finds
himself in this position. At that moment, Hamlet is so torn that he appears to be going mad. So much
so that when the girl he loves, Ophelia, whom is sent by King Claudius and Queen Gertrude to speak
to Hamlet, approached him, he declared to her that he never loved her. He pressed her hard against the
mirror forcing her to face who she has become. He sent her away telling her and she should enter a
nunnery and that it would please him to ban marriage altogether. I believe that Hamlet s delay in
seeking revenge for his father shows indeed a strength in his character. That is because it proves that
Hamlet was a moral and rational man, he did not remain inactive and Hamlet was a man ahead of his
time (Utter 140) First, Hamlet was a highly intelligent, moral and rational man. I believe that was the
reason behind his procrastination. A moral and rational man does not take the decision to kill a person
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How Is Hester Prynne A Heroine
The Scarlet Letter is a classic novel written by Nathaniel Hawthorne. It is set in puritan times around
the 16th century. The story tells of a women of the name Hester Prynne who commits adultery with a
man who is kept a mystery until the end of the book, and bears a daughter named Pearl. It follows the
lives of the people in Boston, Massachusetts from the point of the beginning of Pearl s life, to the
death of Hester. Though the books tells of the many scenes of Hester s life, I believe that through it all,
Hester Prynne is a heroine and has many traits of being so in this book. I believe that she is a heroine
because she was brave, she was faithful to who she really loved, and she was calm through it all.
Hester Prynne was a heroine because
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Teenagers, Drugs, And The American Academy Of Child And...
Teenagers abuse a variety of drugs, both legal and illegal. The American Academy of Child and
Adolescent Psychiatry names the following as the legal drugs that teens experiment with: alcohol,
prescription medications, inhalants (fumes from glues, aerosols, and solvents) and over the counter
cough, cold, sleep, and diet medications. The most commonly used illegal drugs according to the
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry are: marijuana (pot), stimulants (cocaine,
crack, and speed), LSD, PCP, opiates, heroin, and designer drugs such as Ecstasy. These drugs are all
dangerous and have serious consequences associated with them. Some of the negative consequences
associated with teen drug use are: a higher risk for ... Show more content on ...
During special events like prom, graduation, house parties and the regular weekend gatherings teens
can be found celebrating, raising red solo cups, and enjoying being young. However, at the end of the
night it s not the teens that find themselves in trouble with the law, it s the parents. These events are
socially referred to as drinking parties when parents knowingly or unknowingly have people under the
drinking age in their home participating in underage drinking (Lawyers). Some parents feel that it s
safer for their teens and their friends to drink in the privacy of their home. Other parents have no idea
that underage drinking is going on in their home. Regardless of the situation there are consequences
for all involved (Lawyers). When parents decide to host an event where there is a possibility underage
drinking can take place, parents should be aware of social host liability . When hosting a social event
were drinking is taking place parents become liable for any injury or injuries that are caused due to the
alcohol that the parent served or supplied (lawyers). Liability does not stop at injuries but includes
medical bills, property damage, and pain and suffering. In more serious cases parents can also face jail
time or be fined by the court (Lawyers). However, the children are the ones who unfortunately suffer
the most consequences when it comes to underage drinking. According to Substance Abuse and
Mental Health Services Administration, about 45
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Defining Good and Evil
Good and evil are more connected to each other than what people give them credit for. Good coexists
with evil and there can be no good unless there is also an evil. Something that benefits a society would
be considered good. On the other hand, if it does not benefit a society, it would be considered evil. The
term good and evil can be associated with whatever a person sets their moral to be. When a person
finds joy in something, they call it good. On the other hand, if it brings them agony, they call it evil.
Good and evil can mean whatever people want you to think they mean. What is good to one person
can be evil to another person. For instance, a soldier that goes to war for his country will be viewed as
a hero. But the wives ... Show more content on ...
I see it as a test to see who is and who is not worthy.
Evil can also mean many just like good. Evil is a selfish person who only cares for himself. Evil isn t
the opposite of good; however, it is more like a virus. It is far too dependent on good. The only
intention evil has is to hurt and destroy everything in its path. Evil can only be defined by the good it
can take from everyone. The point I am trying to make is that without good evil is absolutely nothing
but another word. Many think that evil people are heartless because of the things they do. It is kind of
hard to truly judge someone until you put yourself in their shoes. Everyone that does something evil
does not just do it out of the blue. Something causes them to just want to be hurtful to other people.
Some one that is evil has to have little to no morals. What is good to some may be evil to someone
else, and what is evil to someone could be good in another person s eyes. With that being said
someone who is evil in everyone eyes are a special kind of person. Not for the fact that they are evil,
but because of whatever event happened in their life to make them evil. Take Ted Bundy for example.
Many people thought that he would turn out to be a great politician and lawyer. Turns out he killed
thirty six plus women and was the most notorious serial killer in American history. He had a rough
childhood but all his problems started when he first fell in love.
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The Use of Chiasmus to Highlight the Irony of Slavery in...
The Use of Chiasmus to Highlight the Irony of Slavery in Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass
According to Barton and Hudson s Contemporary Guide to Literary Terms, a chiasmus is a rhetorical
scheme that is particularly effective in creating irony through the reversal of accepted truths or
familiar ideas (189). Frederick Douglass uses the chiasmus throughout his Narrative of the Life of
Frederick Douglass, an American Slave to highlight the irony of slavery s existence in a country that
was built upon the ideals of freedom. Throughout his autobiography, we find several specific instances
of chiasmus that cause the reader to pause and focus on the point that Douglass is trying to make.
Each chiasmus is placed in an important ... Show more content on ...
When his mistress taught him to read, she sparked a fire of humanity inside him that would continue
to grow until it eventually overpowered his slave qualities, and cause Douglass, the slave, to be made
into a man.
The transformation from slave to man occurred both over many years and in the space of a single
afternoon. The Narrative in its entirety is a story of that transformation, but the chiasmus found at the
beginning of Frederick s fight with Mr. Covey emphasizes that afternoon as the setting for the
metamorphosis. In the longer transformation, Douglass was made a man ultimately through his
willingness to take risks for the sake of freedom. He learned to read against his master s will, taught
his fellow slaves, and attempted escapes, all for the sake of freedom. A slave could not exist as a slave
forever with this burning desire for freedom within him. This lifelong risk taking for the sake of
freedom led up to the climactic afternoon where the slave fought the master and regained his
manhood. When Douglass fought Mr. Covey, he regained his sense of pride that had been taken away
from him. Mentally and spiritually, he was free. It was only a matter of time before he would no
longer be a slave physically either. Douglass uses the chiasmus to mark the beginning of this afternoon
to ensure that his readers will take note of its importance.
Douglass chose to mark the afternoon when his education was halted, the afternoon that made him
realize how important
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Feminist Feminism In Frankenstein
Born to Mary Wollstonecraft in August of 1797, Mary Shelley joined a lineage rich with feministic
pursuits. Undoubtedly inspired by her mother s famed Vindication on the Rights of Woman, Mary
Shelley portrayed feminist ideals throughout her own literature. Her most acclaimed work,
Frankenstein, emphasizes the patriarchy through its depiction of Victor Frankenstein s nineteenth
century Genevan society. Both the overwhelming male dominance and lack of female presence
exhibited throughout Frankenstein highlights the importance of females among society.
When Victor Frankenstein seeks to fulfill his divine desire to become the creator of new life A new
species would bless me as its creator and source; many happy and excellent natures would owe their
being to me (33) he eliminates the inherent need for a feminine presence among society. By granting
himself the title of sole creator of human life, Victor strips females of their primary role in the
reproduction process a role which females have historically derived cultural power from. In his pursuit
to create life that owes its existence entirely to himself, Victor also endeavors to steal this cultural
power from females by eliminating its source. Without the power that their role in the reproduction
process affords them, the need for a feminine presence among society ceases to exist thus making way
for what Victor truly desires: a male exclusive society.
This definitive lack of feminine presence in the novel is further
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The Issue of Overcoming Racial Inequality in the United...
The label of inferiority poses immense challenges on the structure of a society. Branding a group of
people as savages creates divisions in society that drastically affects how individuals are supposed to
interact with these inferiors. It makes you think of someone who is uneducated or unsocialized, one
who is not granted full rights and privileges. Other words that might have the same the sort of
connotation for many in the United States today are alien, immigrant worker, or illegal immigrant. For
immigrants who arrive on the shores of America for opportunity, a bleaker outlook has to be realized
due to the constant threat of deportation. This creates an environment where immigrants working as
undocumented workers can be ... Show more content on ...
Using these concepts to better understand the complex reality of race relations in the United States, a
clearer picture can be painted of why white racial supremacy has been so powerful in all aspects of
U.S. American society.
The institution of slavery in the United States of America was a process that evolved over generations;
an institution which developed in the northern colonies of New England area very differently than the
Southern colonies. In the South, slavery as an institution started to enhance the productivity of
agriculture. It may not have been the most humane way to grow cotton or sugar cane, but slavery
provided essentially free labor to white farmers: The settlers in the Southern States were naturally
tempted by the example of the West Indian planters, to make use of these imported black[s] in the
service of field labor ( Slaves and Slavery ). African people were kidnapped from their home, shipped
across the Atlantic Ocean, and sold as property in order to do manual labor for white people. Many
today are ashamed that the U.S. went through such a cruel period of history when we subjected
millions to the atrocities of the slave trade. The result of the 1860 census states that almost 13% of the
population was slaves, or four million slaves in a country of only 31 million people (US Census
Bureau). But during
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Asch Conformity Report
Asch got 123 student volunteers to participate in wat they thought was a vision test but was actually
an experiment on conformity. All but one of the participants in each group was really a confederate
and the real purpose of the experiment was to see how the acual participant would react to the
behaviour of the confederates. The participant were seated around a table and were shown a line along
with three lines of varung lengths. They took it in turns to say which of the lines were the same length
as the first line with the real particiant answering second to last each time. On the critical tirals (twelve
of the 18 trails), the confederates all gave the same obviously wrong answer. Asch wantedto find out if
the participant would stick with
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Comparing Relationship between Teller and Tale in The...
Relationship between Teller and Tale in The Merchant s Tale and The Wife of Bathe
A relationship is usually seen between the teller of a tale and the tale that he or she decides to share.
Chaucer s pilgrim, the Merchant, uses his feelings on marriage to teach a lesson in his tale. The Wife
of Bathe also relies on her life experience to tell her tale. The two relationships in the tales can then be
In his prologue, the Merchant recounts how he despises being married. He has only been married for
two months and he regrets the decision he made because his wife is the worst of all. He takes these
negative views of marriage into his tale.
The old man that gets to receive the Merchant s feelings ... Show more content on ...
The husband is the one who gets the bad end of the deal, which is exactly how the Merchant feels in
his marriage.
The Wife of Bathe has married five men and has a completely different opinion of marriage than the
Merchant. She enjoys being married and wants to have control over the marriage. This isn t exactly
what she finds in her life, therefore, in her tale, she creates the ending to her approval.
Although it is the wife who is always looking for a husband in her personal life, in the Wife s tale, it is
the man who is forced to find what it is that all women desire. In the end he is obligated to marry,
while the Wife is always excited to marry her next husband. The Wife wants the woman in the
marriage to make the decisions and to have power, which is also seen in the old woman in her tale. In
her tale, the old woman basically tricks the man into marrying her, and then into kissing her. This
gives her control and she can then reveal her true self.
Both of the tellers attitudes can easily be seen in the tales they share. The Merchant gives the negative
view of marriage while the Wife s encounter is triumphant for women. The Wife enjoys being married,
which is evident by the number of husbands that she has had. The Merchant has been married two
months and hates every part of it. The Merchant uses many stories of unhappily wed men and women
to support his view. He shows that
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Black Americans And The Black Freedom Struggle
Many have thought that the end of the civil war was also the end of the suppression against Black
Americans. However, real freedom hasn t been present to them. Discriminations against Black
Americans were transformed and still exist in other aspects. The life of a Black American was planned
before he or she was born, not much freedom in their hands. Black American experience disadvantage
and discrimination in many different institutions that all prove the existence of Neocolonialism. From
housing to education, formal and informal social controls prevented them from equality and freedom.
Moreover, Black youth was forced to be in the pipeline of incarceration from school, because of the
lack of resources and attention to them. In this ongoing fight for Black Freedom, many influential
Black leaders stepped up. One of them is one of the most important figures in the Black freedom
struggle history, Ella Baker. This essay will first, explain key issues on Black Americans freedom in
housing and school to prison pipeline, then identify Ella Baker s theory in the Black Freedom
Struggle, and finally define what freedom means. It s the American dream to own a house with
beautiful white fences and yard and live joyfully with families, but not many Black Americans can
live up to that dream. The hate and prejudice against Black American didn t reduce much since the end
of the civil war. I m not prejudice, but I d burn this building down before I d sell it to any damned
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Example Of Social Judgment Theory
Heald, J. E. (1991). Social Judgment Theory: Applications to Educational Decision Making.
Educational Administration Quarterly, 27(3), 343 57.
This study uses social judgment theory, a theory that is said to be outside the traditions of education,
to improve the ability of school administrators in identifying more accurately students who are at risk
of dropping out of school. The study argues that social judgment theory, although it is not traditionally
utilized in educational decision making, has significant potential in that area. Particularly, the
researchers argue that social judgment theory offers decision makers (perhaps not just those in
educational settings) the opportunity to better understand the nature of their intuitions, inferences, and
biases and the role they play in their judgments .
Ex post facto data were collected on 120 students who were 7th graders during the 1985 1986 school
year. Their ... Show more content on ...
The social norms approach predicts that providing information concerning the actual norms of
occurrence in behaviors that tend to be misestimated will result in more accurate perceptions of the
norms, and eventually lead to a reduction in the harmful behavior. The researchers then carried the
assumption that students misperceived norms regarding how many alcoholic drinks their fellow
students would have (they typically assumed that other students drank a lot more than they did), and
that this misperception of norms would then lead the students to practice unhealthy drinking behavior.
Another assumption the researchers held was that changes in latitudes will produce changes in
attitudes, which meant that the establishment of the three latitudes in SJT would result in more
credible and more persuasive messages to the target audience that would then reduce high risk alcohol
consumption among students in the
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Pluto s Abuse In The Black Cat
6. The main character eventually mistreats the cat because of his alcoholic addiction and Pluto
attacking him. On page 2, it reads, One night, returning home, much intoxicated, from one of my
haunts about town, I fancied that the cat avoided my presence. I seized him; when, in his fright at my
violence, he inflicted a slight wound upon my hand with his teeth. Initially, Pluto began to realize the
main character s alcohol consumption was changing him as a person so he was trying to keep his
distance. Consequently, when the narrator tries to pick Pluto up, Pluto hurts the main character with
his teeth. This action angers the storyteller, which causes his abuse towards the cat. Although he did
not want to beat the cat, his addiction to alcohol ... Show more content on ...
In the story, the narrator says perverseness is one of the primitive impulses of the human heart one of
the divisible primary faculties, or sentiments, which give direction to the character of Man. He defines
perverseness as an unfathomable impulse of the soul that gives direction to man and causes one to kill.
I do agree with his definition because perverseness is like a conscience. The main character is saying
how perverseness is an inner guide or feeling that causes one to do the right thing or the wrong thing.
In my opinion, like a conscience, perverseness is a difficult term to explain and is not fully
understood. In addition, I do agree it is human nature. The reason why we have perverseness is so we
can distinguish right from wrong. Everyone in the world has it, though, it is all dependent on the
person regarding whether they want to listen to it or
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Twin Family Studies
Researchers that have investigated social phobia has also suggested that family factors may be
responsible for social phobia, but in a biological way. Twin and family studies on social phobia has
suggested that genetic factors play an important role in the development of social phobia at any stage
of a human life. As twin studies are designed to specifically differentiate the two twin s behaviour.
Comparisons between twins has resulted in the conclusion that there is a concordance rate between
twins and that genetic factors plays a limited role in the chances of developing social phobia. An
example of a twin study (Kendler et al. 1992) constructed using only female participants produced a
set of statistical data for the concordance rate between ... Show more content on ...
However, Daniels Plomin (1985) investigated infant shyness, although the shyness of infants do not
directly suggest that the infants suffer from social phobia as they cannot verbally express anything, it
is only fair to argue that since infants rarely interact with any outside factors because of their weak
immune systems they are the least influenced by environmental factors and therefore should provide
the more reliable results than individuals at other ages. The results of the research showed that infant
shyness was found to be significantly correlated with shyness in biological mothers but was not as
correlated with shyness in adopted mothers. Other twin studies such as Rose and Ditto (1983) also
submitted evidence of the concurrence rate in fear between monozygotic and dizygotic twins during
adolescence. The results suggested that the concurrence rate of fear was higher in monozygotic twins
than in dizygotic twins, also the researchers revealed that a twin s fearfulness could be predicted from
the cotwin s
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The Discovery Of Mirror Neurons
The discovery of mirror neurons remains extremely influential within neuroscience, specifically their
role in higher level cognitive empathic functions (Haker, Kawohl, Herwig, Rossler, 2013). Previous
research shows that mirror neurons activate when an action is both performed and observed.
Additionally, this phenomenon transfers to emotional responses, showing activation when
experiencing an emotion or observing it in other people (e.g. facial expressions, yawning, etc.)
(Rizoolatti, Fogass, Gallese, 2006). Associations also exist between unconscious mimicry (the
chameleon effect) and the mirror neuron systems, showing the extent of these mechanisms (Iacoboni,
The widespread effects of stress, in addition to the involvement of ... Show more content on ...
This suggests that if someone is exhibiting these stress behaviors, it could spread to others around
them, possibly leading to increased stress levels of the group.
3) SPECIFIC AIM 3: To determine whether observing stress behaviors elicit activation in the
emotional centers of the brain, thus producing an emotional stress response in the observer. Previous
research suggests that observing an emotion (facial expressions, contagious yawning, etc.) can elicit
brain activation concurrent with experiencing the emotion, specifically mirror neurons within the
limbic system (i.e. empathy) (Iacoboni, 2009). If observing stress behaviors can elicit emotional
responses in the observer, it suggests an explanation for the culture of stress that permeates college
campuses and other stressful environments.
Background and Significance
Since the discovery of mirror neurons, many behavioral phenomena have been associated with the
activation of the mirror neuron system (MNS). For example, activation of the mirror neuron system
has been implicated in the chameleon effect, which refers to unconscious mimicking of mannerisms,
facial expressions, and other behaviors (Chartrand Bargh, 1999; Iacoboni, 2009; Carr Winkielman,
2014). Further research also associates the MNS with
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E. E Cummings Essay
Edward Estlin Cummings was an unbelievable great American poet one of the most well versed
scholar in the subject of poetry. E. E. Cummings was excessively popular, especially among younger
readers of his work. He was known for being reckless in thought when it came to his poetry, it was
also said that he experimented radically with his form of spelling, syntax, punctuation, and miss
spelling. More than half of his poems turn to the subjects of sex, love, and war, with such facile
language leaving behind the traditions that most poets followed. E. E. Cummings was born on October
14, 1894 to Edward Cummings and Rebecca Haswell Clarke, who were Unitarian. His father was a
professor at Harvard University and was later the nationally known minister of Old South Church in
Boston, Massachusetts. His mother loved to spend time with Cummings and his sister Elizabeth. His
mother and father knew about the creative gifts Edward had with poetry, from an early age he would
write a poem daily from the ages of eight through twenty two. With writing a poem everyday Edward
learned many different self taught form of ways to write poems. At the age of twenty one he had
graduated from the University of Harvard and eventually went back for an advanced degree. He
earned his Bachelors of Arts and his Masters of Arts ... Show more content on ...
He had a daughter with his first wife out of wedlock. After separation from his second wife,
Cummings met a fashion model and photographer Marion Morehouse. He never married her through
church but happened to spend the rest of his life with her, it was never said if they were formally
married. Edward Cummings was given a fellowship at the Academy of American Poets at the start of
the 1950 s. He also was awarded the Dial Award, Charles Eliot Norton Professorship at Harvard
Award, Boston Arts Festival Award and he also got a two year ford foundation grant of fifteen
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Analysis Of Orson Welles And Herman J Mankiewicz
At the 1942 Academy awards, Citizen Kane was booed off stage numerous times, despite being
nominated in 7 categories and winning best original screenplay by Orson Welles and Herman J
Mankiewicz. Greetings board of studies panel members, as a current year 12 student I urge you to
reconsider eliminating Citizen Kane from next years module B curriculum. Although the film was not
well received in the early 1940 s, it has become renowned as one of the greatest films of all time, with
distinguished critics noting its cinematic innovations, allowing the film to have enduring power.
Textual integrity enables Citizen Kane to continually meet values and create meaning, while still
entertaining a modern audience through coherent form and language, for instance the construction of
the film, diegetic and non diegetic sound, and the social message of isolationism. Through
comprehensively studying Citizen Kane my understanding of the film has been deepened and enables
me to enjoy the film to a greater extent. As Citizen Kane is a film, it is more accessible to a
contemporary year 12 audience than a novel or play. The audience is an active agent in completing
Citizen Kane s meaning through interpretation. Much of the film can be interpreted in a variety of
ways depending on the life experience, values and beliefs a responder brings to the film. Citizen Kane
serves the rubric well for the purposes of module B; it would be a tragedy to lose such a rich text.
How meaning is shaped
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Adventures Of A Once Homeless Girl
Adventures of a Once Homeless Girl
UXDE dot Net Wordpress Themes
by SamPac07/07/07 ( I have noticed this very odd coincidence that every night we slept on the street
was the anniversary of terrorist bombings and catastrophes, as I look back on it, I am not really sure
what to think, was it just a coincidence? or is there more than meets the eye...I hope to find the
The night I slept outside in September was definitely the worst and horrific and I could never forget
this one either.
This experience was slightly different because it was in London.
Yet again we had run out of money to pay for another night stay at a hotel. We had run out of money
the night before when we only had £60 left enough to pay for one night sharing a single room. The
hotels are usually not allowed to do this but the lady at the reception desk allowed us to stay because
we explained to her that we had no money left.
We did not have any dinner that night and had no clue of what to do the next day.
The next morning we had to check out. And still we had no money, we had no idea what to do. The
suitcases were still with us and they were so difficult to travel around London with. So I decided to
put all our luggage inside the hotel s storage room and leave it there until we knew what to do.
The hotels that we had been staying at in London were within close proximity of Hyde Park, so we
would spend hours everyday just sitting there.
Hour after hour we sat in the park that day as
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Summary Of The Book An Invisible Thread
Your book An Invisible Thread was very inspiring and a heartwarming story of a friendship that has
reached thirty years and brought life to an over scheduled professional and hope to a hungry and
desperate boy. When you first met Maurice on a New York City street corner, you had no idea that you
were standing on the edge of an incredible and unlikely friendship that would naturally change both
your lives. As one lunch at McDonald s with Maurice turns into two, then into a weekly occurrence,
you learn heart wrenching details about Maurice s dreadful childhood. Scattered throughout the book
is also your own story of your tempestuous childhood. Every now and then, something about Maurice
s struggles reminds you of your past, how your father s alcohol induced rages shaped the person you
became and led you to Maurice. As your friendship grows, you offer Maurice simple experiences he
comes to treasure: learning how to set a table, trimming a Christmas tree, visiting your nieces and
nephew on Long Island, and even having homemade lunches to bring to school. ... Show more content
on ...
How would you characterize Maurice s family life? What kind of differences do you think exist
between urban and rural poverty? In what ways is privilege obvious in An Invisible Thread? What
types of privilege can you identify? How would you compare and contrast this privilege in the 1980s
with today? The title, An Invisible Thread suggests several meanings about the bonds that connect us
with others. Describe how these themes are reflected in Maurice s and your lives, as well as in your
relationships with other
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Analysis Of Crane And American Manhood
Crane, as evidenced by his interest in the military, did not object to war, but rather, Casey writes, to
the previous generations monopoly of it and with that monopoly their stranglehold over the cultural
conceptions of American manhood (18). Civil War veterans believed that the younger generation of
men was both soft and ignorant of the world s brutality, and since they had not been exposed to war,
the young men were considered to be less masculine. Casey explains the younger generation s
frustration with these beliefs, Men like Stephen Crane, who grew up long after the war had ended, felt
a sense of belatedness when confronted by veterans claims to cultural superiority and uniqueness. To
the younger generation these claims suggested that true manhood was no longer available even though
society argued that it was necessary for full citizenship (2). The younger generation was given a
contradictory message that said they were supposed to have traditional masculine qualities as part of
society, yet, at the same time, they were denied the acknowledgement of these qualities by the older
generation of veterans. Casey writes, Civil War veterans, both in the novel and in the larger culture,
seemed wholly unwilling to relinquish their authority, thereby blocking the path to adult manhood for
the rising generation (4). Red Badge, then, contains Crane s representation of the struggle for
manhood between the younger generation and the aging Civil War veterans in the
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Harry Potter And The Philosopher s Stone Research Paper
July 31, 1965 , daughter to Peter James Rowling and Anne Rowling, Joanne Rowling later known as
around the world as J. K. Rowling was born. Rowling had a sister named Dianne and grew up in Yate,
Gloucestershire, England. She went to the St Michael s Primary School before enrolling herself at the
Wyedean School and College. For further studies, she admitted herself at the University of Exeter for
BA in French and Classics. After college she moved to London she became a researcher and bilingual
secretary for Amnesty International. While there Rowling also wrote a short essay titled What was the
name of that Nymph again? Or Greek and Roman studies recalled, that was published at the
University of Exters Journal Pegas. While on a trip from Manchester to London a tricky thought
entered Rowling s mind. This thought was of a four eyed boy named Harry Potter. The rush she got
from thinking of this wizard boy made her want to form a more concrete idea. The same night she had
begun forming this idea she had a name, Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone . The opening for a
teaching position had her moving to Portugal , where she taught ... Show more content on ...
The film was extraordinarily gotten in the cinematic world, acquiring $90.3 million in its first end of
the week itself. Year 2002 saw the arrival of the following film of the arrangement, Harry Potter and
the Chamber of Secrets . In 2003, she accompanied her fifth novel of the arrangement, Harry Potter
and the Order of the Phoenix , while the 6th book titled, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince came
in 2005. It additionally made new records in the scholarly world by offering nine million duplicates in
its first day itself. Meanwhile, the interest for the film adjustment of the books additionally crested. In
2004, Harry Potter and Prisoner of Azkaban was discharged while in 2005 came Harry Potter and the
Goblet of
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Workplace Safety In The Workplace
Workplace safety is a big deal. If you don t think so, take a look at the research done by the
Occupational Safety and Health Organization (OSHA).American employers pay out an average of $1
billion per week for workman s compensation fees. Mind you, this doesn t include medical and legal
fees that incur. Staying on top of the safety aspect in your workplace is not only essential because you
don t want to see anyone get hurt. It s essential because it s best for the financial health of your
business. When it comes to workplace safety, employee engagement needs to be placed high on the
list of topics to approach. This is the case for a few reasons.
It s often stated that perception is everything. People filter information through the lens of their own
perceptions. Whether their perception is healthy or not, they re bound to look at it through that lens.
So, as an employer that s desiring employee engagement, it s important to consider a person s
perception. While you re not responsible for every little detail of why people perceive information the
way that they do, you do need to take it into account. For example, if something happens with a
machine breaking down and it s the fault of a particular employee, the initial feelings might be mixed
with anger and frustration. However, it s best to calm down, get collected and face the issue with a
cool head. If you get behind the computer and type an angry email with all caps, the perception is that
you re angry,
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Marketing environment is constantly changing over time. A famous marketer Philip Kotler (2003,
cited in Taupau and Boscor, 2011, p.51) once insisted that a successful company should focus on its
products and profits. But now, marketers tend to regard satisfying customer needs as one of the key
elements of achieving success under contemporary marketing environment where is filled with fierce
competition. This indicates that many firms nowadays always attempt to identify customer needs and
concentrate its production and strategies on customer demand in order to survive in the market. This
essay will firstly clarify the reasons behind the trend, which is followed by discussing the merits and
demerits of an organization put an emphasis on ... Show more content on ...
It is unquestionable that the customer oriented marketing strategy made Tesco a leading corporate in
retailing industry.
However, according to Miranda Brookins, there are both merits and demerits for organizations
becoming customer focused. As for advantages, in the first place, it helps organizations create loyalty
among consumers (Brookins, M., 2013). In the second place, it will increase referrals. That is to say
that as customers become loyal, they will be more willing to mention the company as well as products
and services during the communication between them and their friends and families. This WOM
(word of mouth) will reduce a considerable amount of publicity cost for the company. Nevertheless,
there are still disadvantages. The first one is that if the strategy of a company only relies on customers
needs, it will become less innovative in terms of bringing forward new ideas which will slow down
the pace of its development. Secondly, the needs of customers are ever changing (Brookins, M., 2013).
Thus, those customer focused companies have to change their plans ceaselessly to keep pace with
consumers wants, which requires lots of resources ranging from financial to human. It is not only
costly but also time consuming.
Although it is more likely for an organization like Tesco who sticks to the customer focused strategy
to obtain success in the market, there are still challenges for such organizations to face. First of all, the
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Summary Of Warrior Don T Cry By Melba Pattillo
Melba Pattillo s Characterization
You are a warrior on a battlefield for your lord. God s warriors don t cry, cause they trust he s always
by their side (Beals, pg. 57). In the memoir Warrior Don t Cry by Melba Pattillo Beals, Beals tells the
story of her experiences at Central High School in Little Rock, Arizona. Beal uses imagery to show
what her and her fellow friends suffered through during their time at Central. The Little Rock Nine
had many hardships through their experience at
Central High with the harassment, threats, and abuse on not only them but also their friends and
family. Through the story Melba Pattillo is characterized as aware, strong, and confident.
Melba Pattillo is characterized as an aware character throughout the memoir. Although there were
times when melba didn t understand why some things were the way the were, she slowly became
aware. I was beginning to resign myself to the fact that white people were definitely in charge, and
there was ... Show more content on ...
I felt something inside me change that day. I felt a new will to live rise up in me. I knew I wasn t just
going to roll over and die (Beals, pg. 170 171). Melba begins to gain confidence in herself that she
continue the fight and last through the school year, even with the constant bullying. Thank you (Beals,
pg. 246). Two simple words Melba Pattillo says to those who try to insult her about her skin color or
that she is part of the integration at Little Rock s Central High School. Nevertheless Melba continues
to keep her head up with confidence and simply say Thank you. Melba does this to show her bullies
that they are not bothering her and cannot make her want to leave Central High. Melba continues to
fight with confidence throughout the memoir which allows her to finish her one year at Central High
School in Little Rock,
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Character Sketch Of Draupadi
The above lines clearly elucidates the character of Draupadi as a fiery female, redefines the role of
women, issue of subjectivity can be witnessed and her psychological makeup is evident clearly.It
creates an admired feminine portrait which is both modern and timeless. Panchaali wallows in anger
and helplessness when Kunti come to a decision that all her five sons should join in matrimony with
Draupadi. She presumes that Arjun would stand up for her and speak up for her that she is only
married to him. But Draupadi is disillusioned by him for he abides by his mother s wish and doesn t
say anything. While Draupadi s father, brother and the Pandavas examine about the practicality of
Draupadi espousing five brothers, their focal point is family honour and customs. Not even a single
person gives eminence to Draupadi s desires. The depiction of Draupadi as an angry woman in a man
s world brings out the status of women in a patriarchal society where women s wishes are not
considered as important. She justifies this lifetime sentence by remunerating that probably this was her
punishment for treating Karna unfairly. ... Show more content on ...
She is not delighted at the prospect for she would be a wife to each brother for a year from the oldest
to the youngest successively. She feels like a communal drinking cup being passed from one to the
other. To make matters worse she is blessed with a boon that each time she would go to a new husband
she would be a virgin again. This she added seemed like it was specially designed for her husbands
needs but not for her own. She blames Kunti for landing her in this miserable situation. However, she
fulfils the sentence. Therefore, one sees her bound by duty to her elders wishes and sacrifices her
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Bill Pickett Research Paper
Stephanie Mittenzwey Shadden Cobb/Stout 8 May 2017 Bill Pickett Bill Pickett s real name was
Willie M Bill Pickett. Born December 5, 1870, in Williamson County, Texas, Pickett was a descendant
of American Indians and black slaves. He was the second born out of the thirteen siblings he had.
Pickett was a well known rodeo star and the first black cowboy movie star. His other name was the
Dusky Demon. He performed all around the world in countries such as the U.S, Canada, England,
Mexico, and South America. His career started after he competed in the fifth grade. Pickett and his
brothers started a horse breaking business in Taylor. Both of his parents were slaves. He was one of
the greatest record settlers in bull dodging. Steer wrestling, also known as bulldogging, is a rodeo
event in which a horse mounted rider chases a steer, drops from the horse to the steer. Then wrestles
the steer to the ground by grabbing its horns and pulling it off balance so that it falls to the ground. His
partner in crime was his horse named Spradley. He was a very popular cowboy, he even donated to the
bull dodging sport. In 1916 that was when he retired. ... Show more content on ...
In 1972, his contributions to bull dodging were recognized. Bull dodging is now known as steer
wrestling. He was honored by the National Rodeo Hall of Fame. He was killed by getting kicked in
the head by a horse. In conclusion, he was one of the best bull dodging professionals, he started at a
young age, he and his brothers originally started a horse breaking business which lead into his career.
His career was very dangerous, but he enjoyed it very
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Danny Devito Research Paper
One person who has truly influenced my view of myself, the world around me, and the true personal
sovereignty governing my future is Danny DeVito. Danny DeVito has taught me to believe in myself.
His versatile acting and many talents inspire me to pursue my dreams despite physical flaws that
others say should get in my way. Danny DeVito is a beautiful man with talents that surpass that of any
actor who has graced the big screen.
Danny DeVito could do anything, including taking up the roles of some truly iconic movies. Instead of
the beloved Daniel Radcliffe assuming the role of Harry Potter in the Harry Potter films; it could have
been the equally short but arguably more charming Danny DeVito. The image of Danny DeVito
swathed in Hogwarts robes as he fights Voldemort and falls in love with Ginny comes effortlessly.
What a marvel it would have been to see Danny DeVito ... Show more content on ...
Danny wrapping his small hands and putting on boxing gloves. Danny DeVito fighting the famous
fight against Apollo Creed and valiantly losing. Danny DeVito could become Rocky Balboa. One can
easily imagine Leonardo DiCaprio cradling a beautiful Danny DeVito at the bow of the Titanic. Danny
frantically gripping at Leonardo s hand swearing, I ll never let go of you, Jack .
Pride and Prejudice is a masterpiece, and Danny DeVito could have been staring down Mr. Darcy and
delivering witty lines to spite Colin Firth. Danny DeVito could watch as Colin Firth emerged from the
lake, soaking wet. Danny DeVito in a state of agitation as he realized he was in love with Mr. Darcy
and was frustrated with his own assumptions and prejudices is an image that is no stretch of the
imagination. Danny DeVito can sing. Danny DeVito could be Sandy in Grease, singing alongside John
Travolta. Imagine Danny DeVito going together with Danny like rama lama lama ka dinga da dinga
dong and flying off with John Travolta in a
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Maxine Hong Kingston Illustrates The Theme Of Alienation
Desma Hamilton Mrs. McNeese ENG 123 1 October 2017 Life in Isolation I. Introduction Paragraph /
Usually 3 5 sentences. Ends with the 2 Part Thesis as the last sentence. ENG 123 Thesis Example: The
Non Fiction stories, No Name Woman by Maxine Hong Kingston and American History by Judith
Ortiz Cofer, illustrate the theme of alienation. II. Topic Sentence: Point #1 of Body EX. ENG 123: No
Name Woman by Maxine Hong Kingston illustrates the theme of alienation. We say that your father
has all brothers because it is as if she had never been born (744). She often worked at herself I the
mirror, guessing at the colors in shapes that would interest him, changing them frequently in order to
hit on the right
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Nero The Great Empire
The name Nero is one of the most recognizable throughout history, widely regarded as the Great
Leader of the Roman Empire. His reforms impacted on the social, political and religious mechanisms
used in the Roman Empire for centuries to come. Nero consolidated his position within Rome through
many decisions which favored the people, enabling him to establish and maintain himself in the
position as Emperor. Nero has been known as the emperor who ultimately ended the Julio Claudian
dynasty and jeopardized Rome s authority, but through analyzing his work and achievements
throughout his rule, many historians raise the question that Nero in fact shaped the society we live in
currently and his actions in his time of power have had a chain effect throughout ... Show more
content on ...
Until the year 59 A.D., Nero was described as a generous and reasonable leader. He eliminated capital
punishment, lowered taxes and allowed slaves to bring complaints against their masters (Tacitus, 109
A.C.E.). Nero supported the arts and athletics above gladiator entertainment, and gave aid to other
cities in crisis. Although he was known for his nighttime frolicking, his actions were good natured,
albeit irresponsible and self indulgent. Although Nero was a supportive man and contributed many
assets to his empire, after his mother s death, Nero fell into a hedonic lifestyle that was full of tyranny.
He spent exorbitant amounts of money on artistic pursuits and began public performances as a poet
and lyre player, a significant breach of etiquette for a member of the ruling class (Pamela B, 1990).
Nero s attitude at this time ultimately demonstrated that he was an unstable emperor, and his rain of
power would come to an abrupt
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Marco Teorico s El Cual El Paciente
La bipolaridad es un trastorno en el cual el paciente se encuentra en un estado de depresión o
extremadamente feliz, muy irritable o malhumorado; y en estos episodios el paciente sufre cambios
extremos en su actividad y niveles de energía.
La bipolaridad afecta tanto a hombres como mujeres, se desarrolla a partir de los 15 a los 25 años de
edad. Las posibles causas se desconocen pero investigadores creen que se debe a un factor genético, es
decir parientes del paciente también han sufrido este trastorno.
Los momentos en los cuales más cambios se pueden presentar son:
Tratamiento con antidepresivos.
Consumo de drogas.
La sintomatología que se presenta en los pacientes puede durar de días a meses y son los siguientes:
En la fase maníaca:
El paciente se distrae fácilmente.
El paciente no siente la necesidad de dormir.
No puede distinguir algunas cosas.
Se altera fácilmente.
Tiene comportamientos exagerados e imprudentes.
Hablar mucho, estado de ánimo muy irritado, creencias falsas acerca de sí mismo.
En la fase depresiva:
Tristeza y bajo estado de ánimo diariamente.
Dificultad para tomar decisiones y concentrarse.
Problemas nutricionales, llevando al paciente a aumentar o bajar de peso exageradamente.
Cansancio muy acumulado.
El paciente piensa que no sirve para nada.
Anhedonia y aplanamiento afectivo.
Pérdida notable de autoestima
Pensamientos de suicidio.
Tipos de bipolaridad.
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Essay On Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Signs and Symptoms of Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) What is actually the Body dysmorphic
disorder meant for? You may not be familiar with this term. Then let s have a quick view over it. The
term Body dysmorphic disorder refers to a specific type of mental illness which involves belief that
the appearance of a specific person is unusually defective in reality, the perceived flaw might be non
existent or if it exists then it is totally negligible, unnoticeable or its significance is highly over
exaggerated. This disease is also known as dysmorphic syndrome or body dysmorphia. Sometime the
thoughts of negative body images is intrusive for some people who are acutely affected by this
disorder though how many times the thought will be come is ... Show more content on
One of the most important symptoms of this disease is occurring of obsession which might present
one or more body parts varies accordingly to the severity of the disorder. Face, thigh, feet or heap is
the most common body parts where obsession occurs usually. Physicians sometimes classified BDD
as one of the specific type of OCD. Patients always try to fix the flaws by adopting certain specific
behaviours such as making modification of the eating, constantly applying re make up even in certain
severe cases it is reported they do cosmetic surgery also. The patients always compare their own body
with the peoples present in their surroundings such as friends, co workers, family members etc. Some
depressive behaviour may also be seen in their body such as they are reluctant to attend any formal
occasion or parties too. Mirror syndrome is also reported as one of the most important outcome of this
disorder. Being affected by the mirror syndrome one always tries to catch sight of one s appearance in
the mirror or other reflective surfaces. Self injury as well as self esteemed issues may be found in the
patients who are suffering from this disorder. BDD with eating disorder includes dehydration,
inflammation as well as frequent fainting chapped lips with poor hair skin condition may be appeared
in the body of the patient within short period. In the BDD with self injury the tendency to hurt own
self is found in all the
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Clinical Experience For Nursing School After The...
This week was a fun week of clinical experience for me. I got to rest and recharge my energy toward
nursing school after the cardiovascular exam. I was very disappointed on my exam after all the hard
work of studying and was doubt myself for not being able to complete my nursing program due to my
failure of examination. However, after one week of break, I am ready to face the difficulty of
examination again. This week I get to be in the OR unit which is something that I have no prior
experience on. I didn t know what to expect. I was so excited to have this opportunity. The OR unit is
unlike all the other hospital settings. It is another world within the OR unit. First of all, everyone has
to change to the surgical scrub in order to be in the OR unit. Then there is a preop unit, operation unit,
and the postop unit. After I pick the patient I wanted to follow throughout the day, I went to introduce
myself to the patient and the preop nurse that is taking care of the patient prior to the surgery. I
observed the preop nurse, MD, operation room nurse, anesthetist, and surgeon came in one after
another to ask questions regarding patient s past and present medical history. The preop nurse
monitors the patient s vital signs and tells the patient to do the lung expansion activity. Then the nurse
started an IV line and draws two tube of blood out for the lab. The nurse then asks the patient to sign
the consent form and explained to the patient that he is performing tasks to
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Asbestos Betwee Case Study
Having already established the basis of a theoretical outlook as well as the social history of asbestos,
which is still produced and used in American manufacturing, we will now move on to explain the
methods we are using to collect our data. For our subject area, we have selected Oneida Herkimer,
Jefferson, Oswego, and Onondaga County Solid Waste Facilities located in Upstate New York, and we
will be exploring the differences in how asbestos is disposed of in each of these counties. We chose
these counties because our insider has had direct contact with the solid waste management bosses of
these counties and can easily obtain asbestos information. We believe this is best because it limits
under reporting of asbestos amounts in fear of public exposure. Furthermore, he has a case study we
hope to analysis on the differences in the removal of asbestos from Jefferson and Oswego. We plan to
find this out by using an interview process to collect our data. We will gather information by way of
interviews with leaders from the New York State Department of Labor as well as landfill operators in
each of the five counties listed above. We hope to analyze the discrepancies and pitfalls regarding
disposal of asbestos ... Show more content on ...
Meacham, New York State s administrator of our asbestos program, in hopes to address asbestos
questions that cannot otherwise be found through our research. We believe he will provide us with
great information because EPA referred us to him. They said he could provide us with the most up to
date list of training courses for asbestos professionals in New York State. He also specializes in federal
requirements such as the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) (see above). The
interview we will conduct are planned to take place on the phone for last at least 15 minutes. We will
record each conversation if verbal consent to do so is provided by the interviewee. When conducting
interviews we will ask the following series of
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Long Distance Relationships Pros And Cons
Long Distance Relationships Modern Media LuvDaSun Res/110 August 18, 2010 Christopher
Benedetti Abstract Long distance relationships are no longer a thing of the past. Modern technology
has made it viable for partners to stay constantly in touch during a 24 hour period. A review of five
peer reviewed journals provides a variety of perspectives of long distance relationships. The articles
focus on the positive and negative aspects of Long Distance Relationships. Weaknesses, strengths and
differences in long distance relationships versus geographically close relationships are evident. The
articles represent studies that have been conducted and provide the pros and cons, and the different
affects they have in relationships. Long ... Show more content on ...
Technology was relied upon to maintain relationships in times of conflict. Technology is a growing
form of communication and has become more available and less expensive. Based on the research on
long distance romantic relationships the participants criteria were to be between the ages of 18 21,
needed to be heterosexual and have currently or have been in a long distance relationship. Generally,
the focus groups believed that to keep communication there must be a form of relationship
maintenance, such as: telephone calls, Instant Messaging (IM), and e mails. The results found that
conflicts arose, and therefore, telephone calls were preferred for better personal expression. Last,
when asked about webcam/video conferencing, people no longer in long distance relationships
thought it would help them stay together. However, the rest didn t agree and thought it would be too
emotionally challenging. Would You Do It Again? Mietzner, S. Many romantic relationships will face
a time when they will separate by distance. This not only affects the people but also the relationship
too. People in long distance relationships (LDRs) have reported both positive and negative aspects.
Negative outcomes of LDRs would include little to no face to face interactions, missed daily
conversations, or a lack of physical intimacy, among other things. The potential positive outcomes are
individualism, gained appreciation for their
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The Between Prokaryotic And Evolution Of Cells And...
Essay topic: Symbioses between Prokaryotic cells that happened approximately 2 billion years ago are
thought to be at the origin of Eukaryotes. But mutually dependent symbioses continue to be
established at the cellular and organism levels. Read the section on the origin of Eukaryotes in the unit
s prescribed textbook and use the reference below to research and describe the importance of
symbioses in the origin and evolution of cells and organisms with novel capabilities.
Student and ID
Symbiosis refers to the close, mutually beneficial association between two or more different biological
species, which enables these species to undergo organismal evolution and variation in an assortment
of ways (Takahiro, Yoshiko, Naruo, Manabu, Nori, Takema 2016). Symbiosis comes in three main
forms of interaction; mutualistic, communalistic and parasitic. (10). The endosymbiont theory refers to
the collection of principles that models the origins of the mitochondrion, which commenced with the
engulfing of a bacterium by an archaeon (2). Such an establishment at cellular and organism levels is
of high importance for environmental, agricultural and human health (3). The origins of Eukaryotic
cells and its evolution, as well as the novel capabilities of certain cells and organisms as a result of
symbiosis is increasingly being recognised as an applied importance and hence will be the key focus
of this essay.
The three main forms of symbiosis
The endosymbiont theory
Chloroplasts belong to
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My Coursework
Assignment 2 Business Studies enter the dragon s den
You are going to develop a business idea and write a business plan. Below is a list of possible
businesses you might be interested in starting: Bed and breakfast business plan Cafe business plan
Child care business plan Consultant business plan Day care business plan Day spa business plan
fitness centre business plan Hair Salon business plan Health club business plan Internet cafe business
plan Landscape gardening business plan Retail business plan Sandwich shop business plan
What is a Business Plan? It is important that a Plan is produced to ensure that the proposed ... Show
more content on ...
The market for my product consists of a number of segments. The main markets include business
travelers, tourists and commercial banks. The money change will primarily target families on holiday
and business travelers. The main factors affecting the demand for money exchange involve, the
exchange rate, the season (people travel more in the summer) the economy.
The main competition money exchange businesses face is other exchanges in other areas such as post
office, banks and electronic sources such as cash tills and credit cards.
Consider some theory:
Asset Led vs. Market Led
Asset Led marketing is based on strengths of firm
Market Led is based on what customers want
Niche Market
USP unique selling point; what will it be for your firm a small part of the market; for example
Travellers who want fixed amounts of money ready after they have emailed ahead and left their
Market Plan (the 4ps)
Give details of the Market Research carried out i.e. What is the market? How big is it? What factors
influence demands? price quality season What is the competition? Who will be your customers?
Pricing Strategy
Competitive charging the same as your competitors
Price skimming high price to cover research costs before others into market.
Penetration pricing low price to capture market share
Cost plus pricing cost of product plus markup
... Get more on ...
Smirnoff Ice Marketing Planning Process
Smirnoff Ice Marketing Planning Process
This paper aims to evaluate the marketing planning process for the case of Smirnoff Ice as a top
selling Diageo s brand at the Serbian marketplace. After a brief Company profile description and its
business environment, the article proceeds to discuss and evaluate steps for a full analysis of the
strategic marketing planning process assessing its importance with all related assumptions.
Using the material collected after comprehensive research of the Smirnoff Ice market place and
assessing the Smirnoff Ice Marketing Plan, the writer of this article tried to provide answers to the
questions like: why is the marketing planning process an important tissue, who makes the strategic ...
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The European distribution is organized through a network of a number of Strategic Business Units
(SBU) across the continent.
Strategic Business Unit out of Greece, Diageo Hellenic, is responsible for maintaining distribution of
all Diageo brands on the regional level for Southern and Eastern Europe (SEE).
Part of Diageo s overall strategy is to work more closely with companies using a network of
consulting and distribution firms in different countries. Di Line, Serbia is exclusive distributor of all
Diageo brands for the Serbian marketplace. Di Line maintains and expands an existing distribution
network at the same time being supported by Diageo portfolio as the world s leading premium drinks.
3. Marketing Planning Process
Di Line is under direct supervision of Diageo Hellenic, while Diageo Hellenic s principal is the Head
Office, out of UK.
The UK headquarter is responsible for the worldwide corporative coordination. All corporative wide
strategies and objectives, long term planning including strategic marketing planning are under direct
responsibility of Diageo s Board of Directors. The day to day running of Diageo is delegated by the
board to the CEO. The CEO is assisted in his decision making by Diageo s executive committee, the
most senior leadership team. These top executives define the Company s mission statement:
We want Diego to be a customer focused, profitable distributor of beverage alcohol,
... Get more on ...
Essay on Immortality and Myth in The Age of Innocence
Immortality and Myth in The Age of Innocence Edith Wharton s books are considered, by some,
merely popular fiction of her time. But we must be careful not to equate popularity with the value of
the fiction; i.e., we must not assume that if her books are popular, they are also primitive. Compared to
the works of her contemporary and friend, Henry James, whose books may seem complex and
sometimes bewildering; Wharton s The Age of Innocence appears to be a simplistic, gossipy
commentary of New York society during the last decade of the 19th century*. Instead, it is one man s
struggle with the questions of mortality and immortality. Wharton s characters, settings and the
minutiae of social rituals, manners, speech habits, dress and ... Show more content on
Urns and wall paintings tell us about the mythical characters predilection for a sensual life; this
compares to Wharton s characters penchant for their own hedonistic life of carousing, sexual cavorting
and dizzy social calendars of parties and operas. The Greeks, mythical and real, were masters of
architecture and decoration, which to this day, attest to their immortality. Wharton pays great attention
to the mansions and embellishments of the New York houses. Her society attempts to be immortal in
its own buildings; and by amassing ornate bits and bobbles from ages past and paintings and
decorations, the society feels it will live on forever: Then the house had been boldly planned with a
ball room, so that, instead of squeezing through a narrow passage to get to it (as at the Chiverses ) one
marched solemnly down a vista of enfiladed drawing rooms (the sea green, the crimson and the botron
d or), seeing from afar the many candled lustres reflected in the polished parquetry, and beyond that
the depths of a conservatory where camellias and tree ferns arched their costly foliage over seats of
black and gold Bamboo.
Wharton s characters, albeit mortal beings, are made immortal and some can even be compared with
mythical characters. We ll begin with the lesser characters. Newland Archer s sister, Janey who: was
subject to starts and
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Denison Street Methadone Clinic Meeting
I have not personally attended in a workplace meeting as I am only a casual worker. However, I have
witnessed some meetings at Portobello PR as well as witnessing one at Denison street methadone
clinic. As I have seen and learnt I do understand the structure and requirements of having a meeting
and the different types of meetings. Most meetings require a few preparation steps before the meeting
will happened this is usually organized by the manager or the owner. Tasks you need to do first is
letting the meeting attendees know the Time, Location, attendees Requirements eg a data sheet. And,
you will need to let them know what their roles are and responsibilities are. You may get this message
out to staff or attendees by a few diverse ways ... Show more content on ...
If meetings do not happen then issues come up and they are not resolved this may cause friction
between staff and may cause the business to lose money and customers. It also makes the business
much more organized and keeps the business innovative and relevant. This means these meeting may
bring modern changes to the workplace for example going digital with systems and not just file pages
of information. It is best to have staff meeting once a month or when required or when something
happens and you need an answer urgently using a phone or video conference is the best way to get
answers fast these are also examples of other meeting types. So, overall meetings need to happen and
all staff need to attend and take them seriously. And there needs to be preparation prior to the meeting
to make it a
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Schizophrenia And Its Effects On Mental Illness
Schizophrenia is a serious mental disorder characterised by severe disruptions in psychological
functioning and a loss of contact with reality (Meldrum Wilson, 2009). The main question that arises
from the many studies looking at schizophrenia and violence is does schizophrenia itself make an
individual violent or are there other factors from the mental illness that contribute to this? According
to Fazel, Guati, Linsell, Geddes and Grahn (2009), before the 1980 s many people made no
connection between the disorder of schizophrenia and being violent. However, since more in depth
and large research studies has been carried out to look at this connection, it has now been proven that
there is a relationship between schizophrenia and violence.
Schizophrenia can either be interpreted as a unitary disorder with various sub types or as a disorder
where each sub type represents a distinct order. The DSM IV TR identifies four types of
schizophrenia: undiferential, catatonic, disorganised and paranoid (American Psychiatric Association,
2013). To be diagnosed with schizophrenia, two diagnostic criteria s have to be met within most of the
time in one month, and they must have an impact on the individual s occupational or social
functioning for at least six months. The individual could be suffering from delusions, hallucinations or
disorganized speech. Additional symptoms can include negative symptoms and severely disorganized
or cationic behaviour (American Psychiatric Association,
... Get more on ...
Review Of Battle Hymns Of The Tiger Mother By Dr....
One of the many arduous decisions parents face is how to raise their children. Over time, renowned
thinkers the world over have identified and coined different distinct styles of parenting and their
outcomes. Diana Baumrind is credited for her three styles of parenting: permissive, authoritarian, and
authoritative. Amy Chua first identified a particular style of parenting characterized by strict
regulations known as Tiger Parenting in her book Battle Hymns of the Tiger Mother . In contrast, free
range parenting, popularized by Dr. Benjamin Spock, takes a laissez faire approach. Good Morning
Today took a look at three distinct styles of parenting from the eyes of three successful children, to
help see things from a different perspective.
The first style of parenting mentioned is known as Tiger Parenting . First coined by Yale law professor
Amy Chua, the style has become a common household name. Strict regimen parents who prioritize
academic success and scholastic achievements are characteristic of this style. Furthermore, high
academic expectations and few freedoms typically await the child. Shanny Lee recounts her
experience on being raised under a tiger mom. She recalls having to practice math problems at age
five immediately after school. In her mother s eyes, nothing below a B grade would be acceptable and
she recalls feeling scared to come home with a lower grade. From this we can see that an extremely
high standard was set at a young age. Although this made her
... Get more on ...

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Narrative Conclusions Anch

  • 1. Narrative Conclusions Anch 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Narrative Conclusions Anch Narrative Conclusions Anch
  • 2. Introducing Lean Concepts in a Manufacturing Company Your organization, a company that manufactures automobile brake pads, is about to introduce lean concepts into its operations in order to be more competitive with foreign manufacturers. The lean project manager does not understand why you, the safety manager, want to be a part of the process. Provide a convincing argument about what you can contribute if you are included. Lean manufacturing is based upon the philosophy that zero waste is a legitimate goal for an organization. Lean manufacturing is based on finding efficiencies and removing wasteful steps that don t add value to the end product (Lean manufacturing, 2012, Mind Tools). Defects are bad for customers in the sense that customers receive an unwanted, defective product but also bad for businesses that must eat the cost of the defective product, as well as suffer a blow to their reputations. This is particularly true for a safety related item such as a brake pad. Waste in terms of unneeded expenditures will make the product more expensive, taking away value from the company in terms of profits and also making consumers less likely to buy a costly item. Waste can occur in a number of areas, including overproduction; delays; inventory buildups; over processing; inefficiencies in the human aspects of in manufacturing; product defects; and inefficient allocations of labor (Lean manufacturing, 2012, Mind Tools). A sales manager such as myself can play a critical role in identifying waste. First and foremost, I am ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Persuasive Functions Of John L. LewisSpeech Persuasive Functions of John L. Lewis Speech John L. Lewis was the only proponent of established labor unions in the 20th century. He successfully led the labor movement that pushed for equal treatment of labor workers despite the terrible economic condition. Lewis spent his formative years in Iowa. As an adult, he was unsuccessful in entering the world of politics and business. After he moved to Panama, Illinois he was first elected president of the local United Mine Workers union. Next, Lewis was appointed an AFL organizer by Samuel Gompers in 1911. His second UMW appointment was as a delegate to the AFL Convention in 1916. Finally, Lewis was appointed as vice president of the United Mine Workers Union. Lewis begins to prescribe courses of action for workers to be part of a movement that pushed for a labor union by organizing and uniting the discontented. In his speech he mentions enacting a policy to enable the workers to stand as a unit (Lewis 3). John Lewis used his speech at the AFL convention to establish himself as the leader of the labor movements and prescribe courses of action for the workers by altering perceptions of reality and identity. His speech at the American Federation of Labor allowed him to become the leader, but was ineffective in convincing the AFL to establish industrial unions. Furthermore, labor movements were part of the establishment (Jensen 29). Due to the strikes in labor unions, it was necessary for a new type of labor leader to arise. At ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Essay On Gladiators Gladiators, The celebrities of ancient Rome. Gladiators would reenact myths, legends and epic battles. (Penelope 12). Taught to die with dignity and honor, they would kill for the enjoyment and pleasure of the roman mob. Many of the gladiators were prisoners of war, slaves, and criminals who were forced to fight in arenas, sometimes to the death. Although gladiators were so beloved by ancient Rome and were an important part of the culture, life in the arena was not as desireable as it seemed because it was centered around training, women and the games. Training was a predominant force in the lives of those unfortunate enough to fall into the ludus (Gladiator school). The life as a gladiator and his training at first concentrated on getting the new gladiator to the peak of fitness (Alchin 2). Leading a hard life, gladiators had to ... Show more content on ... Although they would be spoiled before the games, Gladiators often would contract STDs through sleeping with so many women and the weakened immune systems caused by the STD s would cause many gladiators lives to be put in peril. The games were exceptionally brutal and rarely had any advantages. Gladiators were paid each time they fought and they were allowed to keep any rewards and purses of money (Alchin 2).Many women spectators would throw money and tokens at the gladiators before the fight as symbols of good luck. They were expected to die with dignity and honor (Alchin 2). The gladiators were taught how to not flinch or shield himself away from the final blow with months to years of preparation.The colosseum was disgusting, they held slaves and wild animals and would often serve as unclean impromptu emergency ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Iphone 6 Comparison The iPhone 6 and the Lg G3 are both very popular phones, but many would agree that the iPhone 6 is better. There are many similarities between the iPhone 6 and Lg G3 but i have found that the iPhone has come out superior but the Lg G3 has some qualities uncomparable by able. The iPhone for one is an Apple product whereas the Lg G3 is a product of a LG. Both phones have different sizes, make, sensitivity, camera resolution and processors. The iPhone 6 is an aluminum phone with rounded corners. The iPhone has 4.7 inch and 5.5 inch variants. The LG G3 is plastic and is about 5.5 inches. The appearances of the phones are close in color and each can be purchased in black, gold, or silver. The iPhone has it power button and volume buttons on the ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Sacrifice Is Sacrifice Another fact is that no vision can be accomplished without sacrifice. Together with personal discipline is sacrifice, which is another word that people interpret as meaning that they have to give up some things for one thing that they enjoy doing. It generally means sacrificing something of a low nature to get a better thing or a thing of a higher nature. Sacrifice is really all about making daily choices to stay on the narrow road to success. Instead of buying a video game to exercise your thumbs, buying instructional books and manuals to improve knowledge and increase prospects is a sacrifice. Instead of doing what you want to do, doing what is necessary to become the best is a sacrifice. I wanted to become a good athlete in my secondary school inter house sport day, so I set a daily routine and stuck with it, even when I did not feel like it. I would go to a field in the neighborhood, run from one end to the other, day in and day out. In the school inter house sport day that year, I won two gold medals, 100m race and 200m race. This is sacrifice. Without the need, desire and determination to improve, people lack the means to develop and therefore will not make any sacrifices. Sacrifice is being willing to give up something good for something better. Life is full of boundless possibilities but ... Show more content on ... It is important to distinguish making a sacrifice from making an offering. Offerings are functionally equivalent to small gifts given to family or friends as a way of showing affection and maintaining a relationship. As such, the gift of time is an offering, not a sacrifice, for it is not a sacrifice to visit one s friends; rather, it s something that is done on a regular basis to keep the relationship in good working order, and to let them know you appreciate them. I would also distinguish sacrifice from communion, which is an offering that is shared between the celebrants and the ... Get more on ...
  • 7. A Short Note On Emphysema, The Irreversible Enlargement Of... Emphysema Megan Kehn Delta College April 15, 2015 Pathophysiology Emphysema is the irreversible enlargement of the acini that includes the destruction of the walls of the alveoli without apparent fibrosis (Huether McCance, 2012). The alveolar septa is destroyed which then amplifies the amount of air in the acinus. Inhalation of pulmonary irritants such as cigarette smoke and certain environmental pollutants is thought to lead to the hindering of the endogenous antiproteases and stimulate inflammation with the increased activity of the proteases. With This results in the destruction of the aveoli and decline in the elastic recoil of the bronchi. When alveoli are damaged it leads to a decrease in the surface area available ... Show more content on ... There are numerous factors that increase the possibility of developing COPD, including occupational and environmental exposure to chemicals, dusts, and pollutants, alpha1 antitrypsin deficiency and cigarette smoking. When cigarette smoke is inhaled the particles enter the lungs and create an inflammatory response. In response to the inflammation, macrophages and neutrophils penetrate into the lung and release cytokines, chemokines and elastases which destroy the lung parenchyma. Objective manifestations of emphysema include barrel chest, accessory muscle use, diminished breath sounds, and wheezing on auscultation. Subjective manifestations consist of patient complaints of wheezing, persistent cough, anorexia, dyspnea, weight loss, chest tightness and fatigue. Dyspnea is a progressive manifestation that begins with exertion and eventually leads to dyspnea at rest (Lewis, Dirksen, Heitkemper, Bucher, Camera, 2011). Client Overview My patient J.R., was a 76 year old Caucasian female who presented to the emergency department on February 23, 2015 with complaints of worsening dyspnea at rest, shortness of breath and hypoxia. Her past medical history is pertinent for coronary artery disease, myocardial infarction, angina, COPD, congestive heart failure, hypothyroidism, arthritis, hypertension, deep vein thrombosis, and diabetes mellitus. J.R. s surgical history includes right carotid artery ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Organ Donation Case Study Essay Organ Allocation Case Study: Correctional Healthcare Healthcare workers and the ethics board make tough decisions that impact the patient s future, especially related to organ allocation. Organ transplantation is extremely important in order to save lives, prolong survival, and increase the quality of life (Beyar, 2017). Each year the number of people on the waiting list continues to rise at an alarming rate. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, organ donation statistics show that more than 116,000 people are awaiting organs. The number has risen significantly every year (Health Resources Services Administration {HRSA}, 2016). In 2016, it was reported that approximately 41,335 organ donations were made, and ... Show more content on ... Mr. Rodriquez s health history is limited to hypertension. The second candidate, Mr. Smith, is an uninsured 59 year old on disability who has severe ischemic cardiomyopathy (causing systemic failure). His other medical history includes hypertension, renal insufficiency, alcohol abuse, and coronary artery disease that caused two previous myocardial infarctions. A person s age and their lifestyle can impact overall organ transplant success. Physiologic age impacts major organ systems such as the kidneys and other underlying medical problems (Eisen, 2017). Mr. Smith is 26 years older with declining health. On the other hand, Mr. Rodriquez is a healthy individual with mild hypertension. Physical inactivity can be associated with an increased risk of morbidity or worsening chronic disease and health conditions such as cardiovascular disease and congestive heart failure (Warren et al., 2010). According to the article from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), alcohol consumption plays a role in the development of heart failure. Excessive drinking leads to alcoholic cardiomyopathy (Djoussé Gaziano, 2008). Alcoholic cardiomyopathy is characterized by left ventricular dilation, increased left ventricular mass, and reduced or normal left ventricular wall thickness (Djoussé Gaziano, 2008). Mr. Smith s heavy consumption of alcohol may become detrimental to his heart, liver, and kidney function. His comorbidities and ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Advantages Of Coconut Oil Let s work in reverse. Whenever you consider the health advantages of coconut oil, we re going to think that the very last thing coming to your brain is massaged the edible plant grease throughout your face, or even your arms, or coconut oil for your hair. However, an increasing body of study, numerous specialists, and an army of natural beauty devotees swear by the stuff for almost everything. Are they onto something? Indeed, based on our experts. Coconut oil is used in lots of natural beauty products, and also for a good reason: It is naturally antibacterial and antifungal, coconut oil for pores and skin is a wonderful moisturizer, it could penetrate hair much better than other oils, and, well, it aromas like cookies. Yum, claims Tieraona Low Dog, MD, director of the fellowship training program at the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine. Is there something more luscious compared to coconut oil ? We can t consider anything. However, we are able to consider 10 awesome uses for it in your own home that will not need spending a lot of money on store bought products. In fact, you just need one thing: Raw ( and preferably organic and natural ) virgin coconut oil. 1 . To soothe dry hands This will not work with dried up numerals while you re on the go, however, at ... Show more content on ... It is a waste of money. That is because you could make one yourself with ingredients you have in your kitchen. Low Dog agrees. I really love to do this. It s wonderfully moisturizing, ideal for the skin, affordable, and blissfully absent of chemical substances you can t pronounce ! To make your own personal, Low Dog suggests melting ½ c of coconut oil at a really low heat. Pour it over 1 c of brown sugar or even salt and mix well. For those who have some on hand, include five drops of your favorite essential oil or even some organic vanilla extract for a scrub so fragrant you ll want to eat ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Film Adaptation of Hamlet Adapted from Shakespeare s play Hamlet,the film Hamlet was produced in 1996. It was directed by Kenneth Branagh. The main characters include Kenneth Branagh who starred as Prince Hamlet, Kate Winslet as Ophelia, Derek Jacobi as King Claudius, Julie Christie as Queen Gertrude, Richard Briers as Polonius, Nicholas Farrell as Horatio and Michael Maloney as Laertes. In the middle of the film there is a scene where Prince Hamlet is shown alone in a room contemplating whether or not he should avenge his father s death, how he should go about doing and how unfortunate it is that he finds himself in this position. At that moment, Hamlet is so torn that he appears to be going mad. So much so that when the girl he loves, Ophelia, whom is sent by King Claudius and Queen Gertrude to speak to Hamlet, approached him, he declared to her that he never loved her. He pressed her hard against the mirror forcing her to face who she has become. He sent her away telling her and she should enter a nunnery and that it would please him to ban marriage altogether. I believe that Hamlet s delay in seeking revenge for his father shows indeed a strength in his character. That is because it proves that Hamlet was a moral and rational man, he did not remain inactive and Hamlet was a man ahead of his time (Utter 140) First, Hamlet was a highly intelligent, moral and rational man. I believe that was the reason behind his procrastination. A moral and rational man does not take the decision to kill a person ... Get more on ...
  • 11. How Is Hester Prynne A Heroine The Scarlet Letter is a classic novel written by Nathaniel Hawthorne. It is set in puritan times around the 16th century. The story tells of a women of the name Hester Prynne who commits adultery with a man who is kept a mystery until the end of the book, and bears a daughter named Pearl. It follows the lives of the people in Boston, Massachusetts from the point of the beginning of Pearl s life, to the death of Hester. Though the books tells of the many scenes of Hester s life, I believe that through it all, Hester Prynne is a heroine and has many traits of being so in this book. I believe that she is a heroine because she was brave, she was faithful to who she really loved, and she was calm through it all. Hester Prynne was a heroine because ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Teenagers, Drugs, And The American Academy Of Child And... Teenagers abuse a variety of drugs, both legal and illegal. The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry names the following as the legal drugs that teens experiment with: alcohol, prescription medications, inhalants (fumes from glues, aerosols, and solvents) and over the counter cough, cold, sleep, and diet medications. The most commonly used illegal drugs according to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry are: marijuana (pot), stimulants (cocaine, crack, and speed), LSD, PCP, opiates, heroin, and designer drugs such as Ecstasy. These drugs are all dangerous and have serious consequences associated with them. Some of the negative consequences associated with teen drug use are: a higher risk for ... Show more content on ... During special events like prom, graduation, house parties and the regular weekend gatherings teens can be found celebrating, raising red solo cups, and enjoying being young. However, at the end of the night it s not the teens that find themselves in trouble with the law, it s the parents. These events are socially referred to as drinking parties when parents knowingly or unknowingly have people under the drinking age in their home participating in underage drinking (Lawyers). Some parents feel that it s safer for their teens and their friends to drink in the privacy of their home. Other parents have no idea that underage drinking is going on in their home. Regardless of the situation there are consequences for all involved (Lawyers). When parents decide to host an event where there is a possibility underage drinking can take place, parents should be aware of social host liability . When hosting a social event were drinking is taking place parents become liable for any injury or injuries that are caused due to the alcohol that the parent served or supplied (lawyers). Liability does not stop at injuries but includes medical bills, property damage, and pain and suffering. In more serious cases parents can also face jail time or be fined by the court (Lawyers). However, the children are the ones who unfortunately suffer the most consequences when it comes to underage drinking. According to Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, about 45 ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Defining Good and Evil Good and evil are more connected to each other than what people give them credit for. Good coexists with evil and there can be no good unless there is also an evil. Something that benefits a society would be considered good. On the other hand, if it does not benefit a society, it would be considered evil. The term good and evil can be associated with whatever a person sets their moral to be. When a person finds joy in something, they call it good. On the other hand, if it brings them agony, they call it evil. Good and evil can mean whatever people want you to think they mean. What is good to one person can be evil to another person. For instance, a soldier that goes to war for his country will be viewed as a hero. But the wives ... Show more content on ... I see it as a test to see who is and who is not worthy. Evil can also mean many just like good. Evil is a selfish person who only cares for himself. Evil isn t the opposite of good; however, it is more like a virus. It is far too dependent on good. The only intention evil has is to hurt and destroy everything in its path. Evil can only be defined by the good it can take from everyone. The point I am trying to make is that without good evil is absolutely nothing but another word. Many think that evil people are heartless because of the things they do. It is kind of hard to truly judge someone until you put yourself in their shoes. Everyone that does something evil does not just do it out of the blue. Something causes them to just want to be hurtful to other people. Some one that is evil has to have little to no morals. What is good to some may be evil to someone else, and what is evil to someone could be good in another person s eyes. With that being said someone who is evil in everyone eyes are a special kind of person. Not for the fact that they are evil, but because of whatever event happened in their life to make them evil. Take Ted Bundy for example. Many people thought that he would turn out to be a great politician and lawyer. Turns out he killed thirty six plus women and was the most notorious serial killer in American history. He had a rough childhood but all his problems started when he first fell in love. ... Get more on ...
  • 14. The Use of Chiasmus to Highlight the Irony of Slavery in... The Use of Chiasmus to Highlight the Irony of Slavery in Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass According to Barton and Hudson s Contemporary Guide to Literary Terms, a chiasmus is a rhetorical scheme that is particularly effective in creating irony through the reversal of accepted truths or familiar ideas (189). Frederick Douglass uses the chiasmus throughout his Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave to highlight the irony of slavery s existence in a country that was built upon the ideals of freedom. Throughout his autobiography, we find several specific instances of chiasmus that cause the reader to pause and focus on the point that Douglass is trying to make. Each chiasmus is placed in an important ... Show more content on ... When his mistress taught him to read, she sparked a fire of humanity inside him that would continue to grow until it eventually overpowered his slave qualities, and cause Douglass, the slave, to be made into a man. The transformation from slave to man occurred both over many years and in the space of a single afternoon. The Narrative in its entirety is a story of that transformation, but the chiasmus found at the beginning of Frederick s fight with Mr. Covey emphasizes that afternoon as the setting for the metamorphosis. In the longer transformation, Douglass was made a man ultimately through his willingness to take risks for the sake of freedom. He learned to read against his master s will, taught his fellow slaves, and attempted escapes, all for the sake of freedom. A slave could not exist as a slave forever with this burning desire for freedom within him. This lifelong risk taking for the sake of freedom led up to the climactic afternoon where the slave fought the master and regained his manhood. When Douglass fought Mr. Covey, he regained his sense of pride that had been taken away from him. Mentally and spiritually, he was free. It was only a matter of time before he would no longer be a slave physically either. Douglass uses the chiasmus to mark the beginning of this afternoon to ensure that his readers will take note of its importance. Douglass chose to mark the afternoon when his education was halted, the afternoon that made him realize how important ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Feminist Feminism In Frankenstein Born to Mary Wollstonecraft in August of 1797, Mary Shelley joined a lineage rich with feministic pursuits. Undoubtedly inspired by her mother s famed Vindication on the Rights of Woman, Mary Shelley portrayed feminist ideals throughout her own literature. Her most acclaimed work, Frankenstein, emphasizes the patriarchy through its depiction of Victor Frankenstein s nineteenth century Genevan society. Both the overwhelming male dominance and lack of female presence exhibited throughout Frankenstein highlights the importance of females among society. When Victor Frankenstein seeks to fulfill his divine desire to become the creator of new life A new species would bless me as its creator and source; many happy and excellent natures would owe their being to me (33) he eliminates the inherent need for a feminine presence among society. By granting himself the title of sole creator of human life, Victor strips females of their primary role in the reproduction process a role which females have historically derived cultural power from. In his pursuit to create life that owes its existence entirely to himself, Victor also endeavors to steal this cultural power from females by eliminating its source. Without the power that their role in the reproduction process affords them, the need for a feminine presence among society ceases to exist thus making way for what Victor truly desires: a male exclusive society. This definitive lack of feminine presence in the novel is further ... Get more on ...
  • 16. The Issue of Overcoming Racial Inequality in the United... The label of inferiority poses immense challenges on the structure of a society. Branding a group of people as savages creates divisions in society that drastically affects how individuals are supposed to interact with these inferiors. It makes you think of someone who is uneducated or unsocialized, one who is not granted full rights and privileges. Other words that might have the same the sort of connotation for many in the United States today are alien, immigrant worker, or illegal immigrant. For immigrants who arrive on the shores of America for opportunity, a bleaker outlook has to be realized due to the constant threat of deportation. This creates an environment where immigrants working as undocumented workers can be ... Show more content on ... Using these concepts to better understand the complex reality of race relations in the United States, a clearer picture can be painted of why white racial supremacy has been so powerful in all aspects of U.S. American society. The institution of slavery in the United States of America was a process that evolved over generations; an institution which developed in the northern colonies of New England area very differently than the Southern colonies. In the South, slavery as an institution started to enhance the productivity of agriculture. It may not have been the most humane way to grow cotton or sugar cane, but slavery provided essentially free labor to white farmers: The settlers in the Southern States were naturally tempted by the example of the West Indian planters, to make use of these imported black[s] in the service of field labor ( Slaves and Slavery ). African people were kidnapped from their home, shipped across the Atlantic Ocean, and sold as property in order to do manual labor for white people. Many today are ashamed that the U.S. went through such a cruel period of history when we subjected millions to the atrocities of the slave trade. The result of the 1860 census states that almost 13% of the population was slaves, or four million slaves in a country of only 31 million people (US Census Bureau). But during ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Asch Conformity Report Asch got 123 student volunteers to participate in wat they thought was a vision test but was actually an experiment on conformity. All but one of the participants in each group was really a confederate and the real purpose of the experiment was to see how the acual participant would react to the behaviour of the confederates. The participant were seated around a table and were shown a line along with three lines of varung lengths. They took it in turns to say which of the lines were the same length as the first line with the real particiant answering second to last each time. On the critical tirals (twelve of the 18 trails), the confederates all gave the same obviously wrong answer. Asch wantedto find out if the participant would stick with ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Comparing Relationship between Teller and Tale in The... Relationship between Teller and Tale in The Merchant s Tale and The Wife of Bathe A relationship is usually seen between the teller of a tale and the tale that he or she decides to share. Chaucer s pilgrim, the Merchant, uses his feelings on marriage to teach a lesson in his tale. The Wife of Bathe also relies on her life experience to tell her tale. The two relationships in the tales can then be compared. In his prologue, the Merchant recounts how he despises being married. He has only been married for two months and he regrets the decision he made because his wife is the worst of all. He takes these negative views of marriage into his tale. The old man that gets to receive the Merchant s feelings ... Show more content on ... The husband is the one who gets the bad end of the deal, which is exactly how the Merchant feels in his marriage. The Wife of Bathe has married five men and has a completely different opinion of marriage than the Merchant. She enjoys being married and wants to have control over the marriage. This isn t exactly what she finds in her life, therefore, in her tale, she creates the ending to her approval. Although it is the wife who is always looking for a husband in her personal life, in the Wife s tale, it is the man who is forced to find what it is that all women desire. In the end he is obligated to marry, while the Wife is always excited to marry her next husband. The Wife wants the woman in the marriage to make the decisions and to have power, which is also seen in the old woman in her tale. In her tale, the old woman basically tricks the man into marrying her, and then into kissing her. This gives her control and she can then reveal her true self. Both of the tellers attitudes can easily be seen in the tales they share. The Merchant gives the negative view of marriage while the Wife s encounter is triumphant for women. The Wife enjoys being married, which is evident by the number of husbands that she has had. The Merchant has been married two months and hates every part of it. The Merchant uses many stories of unhappily wed men and women to support his view. He shows that ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Black Americans And The Black Freedom Struggle Many have thought that the end of the civil war was also the end of the suppression against Black Americans. However, real freedom hasn t been present to them. Discriminations against Black Americans were transformed and still exist in other aspects. The life of a Black American was planned before he or she was born, not much freedom in their hands. Black American experience disadvantage and discrimination in many different institutions that all prove the existence of Neocolonialism. From housing to education, formal and informal social controls prevented them from equality and freedom. Moreover, Black youth was forced to be in the pipeline of incarceration from school, because of the lack of resources and attention to them. In this ongoing fight for Black Freedom, many influential Black leaders stepped up. One of them is one of the most important figures in the Black freedom struggle history, Ella Baker. This essay will first, explain key issues on Black Americans freedom in housing and school to prison pipeline, then identify Ella Baker s theory in the Black Freedom Struggle, and finally define what freedom means. It s the American dream to own a house with beautiful white fences and yard and live joyfully with families, but not many Black Americans can live up to that dream. The hate and prejudice against Black American didn t reduce much since the end of the civil war. I m not prejudice, but I d burn this building down before I d sell it to any damned nigger. ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Example Of Social Judgment Theory Heald, J. E. (1991). Social Judgment Theory: Applications to Educational Decision Making. Educational Administration Quarterly, 27(3), 343 57. This study uses social judgment theory, a theory that is said to be outside the traditions of education, to improve the ability of school administrators in identifying more accurately students who are at risk of dropping out of school. The study argues that social judgment theory, although it is not traditionally utilized in educational decision making, has significant potential in that area. Particularly, the researchers argue that social judgment theory offers decision makers (perhaps not just those in educational settings) the opportunity to better understand the nature of their intuitions, inferences, and biases and the role they play in their judgments . Ex post facto data were collected on 120 students who were 7th graders during the 1985 1986 school year. Their ... Show more content on ... The social norms approach predicts that providing information concerning the actual norms of occurrence in behaviors that tend to be misestimated will result in more accurate perceptions of the norms, and eventually lead to a reduction in the harmful behavior. The researchers then carried the assumption that students misperceived norms regarding how many alcoholic drinks their fellow students would have (they typically assumed that other students drank a lot more than they did), and that this misperception of norms would then lead the students to practice unhealthy drinking behavior. Another assumption the researchers held was that changes in latitudes will produce changes in attitudes, which meant that the establishment of the three latitudes in SJT would result in more credible and more persuasive messages to the target audience that would then reduce high risk alcohol consumption among students in the ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Pluto s Abuse In The Black Cat 6. The main character eventually mistreats the cat because of his alcoholic addiction and Pluto attacking him. On page 2, it reads, One night, returning home, much intoxicated, from one of my haunts about town, I fancied that the cat avoided my presence. I seized him; when, in his fright at my violence, he inflicted a slight wound upon my hand with his teeth. Initially, Pluto began to realize the main character s alcohol consumption was changing him as a person so he was trying to keep his distance. Consequently, when the narrator tries to pick Pluto up, Pluto hurts the main character with his teeth. This action angers the storyteller, which causes his abuse towards the cat. Although he did not want to beat the cat, his addiction to alcohol ... Show more content on ... In the story, the narrator says perverseness is one of the primitive impulses of the human heart one of the divisible primary faculties, or sentiments, which give direction to the character of Man. He defines perverseness as an unfathomable impulse of the soul that gives direction to man and causes one to kill. I do agree with his definition because perverseness is like a conscience. The main character is saying how perverseness is an inner guide or feeling that causes one to do the right thing or the wrong thing. In my opinion, like a conscience, perverseness is a difficult term to explain and is not fully understood. In addition, I do agree it is human nature. The reason why we have perverseness is so we can distinguish right from wrong. Everyone in the world has it, though, it is all dependent on the person regarding whether they want to listen to it or ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Twin Family Studies Researchers that have investigated social phobia has also suggested that family factors may be responsible for social phobia, but in a biological way. Twin and family studies on social phobia has suggested that genetic factors play an important role in the development of social phobia at any stage of a human life. As twin studies are designed to specifically differentiate the two twin s behaviour. Comparisons between twins has resulted in the conclusion that there is a concordance rate between twins and that genetic factors plays a limited role in the chances of developing social phobia. An example of a twin study (Kendler et al. 1992) constructed using only female participants produced a set of statistical data for the concordance rate between ... Show more content on ... However, Daniels Plomin (1985) investigated infant shyness, although the shyness of infants do not directly suggest that the infants suffer from social phobia as they cannot verbally express anything, it is only fair to argue that since infants rarely interact with any outside factors because of their weak immune systems they are the least influenced by environmental factors and therefore should provide the more reliable results than individuals at other ages. The results of the research showed that infant shyness was found to be significantly correlated with shyness in biological mothers but was not as correlated with shyness in adopted mothers. Other twin studies such as Rose and Ditto (1983) also submitted evidence of the concurrence rate in fear between monozygotic and dizygotic twins during adolescence. The results suggested that the concurrence rate of fear was higher in monozygotic twins than in dizygotic twins, also the researchers revealed that a twin s fearfulness could be predicted from the cotwin s ... Get more on ...
  • 23. The Discovery Of Mirror Neurons The discovery of mirror neurons remains extremely influential within neuroscience, specifically their role in higher level cognitive empathic functions (Haker, Kawohl, Herwig, Rossler, 2013). Previous research shows that mirror neurons activate when an action is both performed and observed. Additionally, this phenomenon transfers to emotional responses, showing activation when experiencing an emotion or observing it in other people (e.g. facial expressions, yawning, etc.) (Rizoolatti, Fogass, Gallese, 2006). Associations also exist between unconscious mimicry (the chameleon effect) and the mirror neuron systems, showing the extent of these mechanisms (Iacoboni, 2009). The widespread effects of stress, in addition to the involvement of ... Show more content on ... This suggests that if someone is exhibiting these stress behaviors, it could spread to others around them, possibly leading to increased stress levels of the group. 3) SPECIFIC AIM 3: To determine whether observing stress behaviors elicit activation in the emotional centers of the brain, thus producing an emotional stress response in the observer. Previous research suggests that observing an emotion (facial expressions, contagious yawning, etc.) can elicit brain activation concurrent with experiencing the emotion, specifically mirror neurons within the limbic system (i.e. empathy) (Iacoboni, 2009). If observing stress behaviors can elicit emotional responses in the observer, it suggests an explanation for the culture of stress that permeates college campuses and other stressful environments. Background and Significance Since the discovery of mirror neurons, many behavioral phenomena have been associated with the activation of the mirror neuron system (MNS). For example, activation of the mirror neuron system has been implicated in the chameleon effect, which refers to unconscious mimicking of mannerisms, facial expressions, and other behaviors (Chartrand Bargh, 1999; Iacoboni, 2009; Carr Winkielman, 2014). Further research also associates the MNS with ... Get more on ...
  • 24. E. E Cummings Essay Edward Estlin Cummings was an unbelievable great American poet one of the most well versed scholar in the subject of poetry. E. E. Cummings was excessively popular, especially among younger readers of his work. He was known for being reckless in thought when it came to his poetry, it was also said that he experimented radically with his form of spelling, syntax, punctuation, and miss spelling. More than half of his poems turn to the subjects of sex, love, and war, with such facile language leaving behind the traditions that most poets followed. E. E. Cummings was born on October 14, 1894 to Edward Cummings and Rebecca Haswell Clarke, who were Unitarian. His father was a professor at Harvard University and was later the nationally known minister of Old South Church in Boston, Massachusetts. His mother loved to spend time with Cummings and his sister Elizabeth. His mother and father knew about the creative gifts Edward had with poetry, from an early age he would write a poem daily from the ages of eight through twenty two. With writing a poem everyday Edward learned many different self taught form of ways to write poems. At the age of twenty one he had graduated from the University of Harvard and eventually went back for an advanced degree. He earned his Bachelors of Arts and his Masters of Arts ... Show more content on ... He had a daughter with his first wife out of wedlock. After separation from his second wife, Cummings met a fashion model and photographer Marion Morehouse. He never married her through church but happened to spend the rest of his life with her, it was never said if they were formally married. Edward Cummings was given a fellowship at the Academy of American Poets at the start of the 1950 s. He also was awarded the Dial Award, Charles Eliot Norton Professorship at Harvard Award, Boston Arts Festival Award and he also got a two year ford foundation grant of fifteen thousand ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Analysis Of Orson Welles And Herman J Mankiewicz At the 1942 Academy awards, Citizen Kane was booed off stage numerous times, despite being nominated in 7 categories and winning best original screenplay by Orson Welles and Herman J Mankiewicz. Greetings board of studies panel members, as a current year 12 student I urge you to reconsider eliminating Citizen Kane from next years module B curriculum. Although the film was not well received in the early 1940 s, it has become renowned as one of the greatest films of all time, with distinguished critics noting its cinematic innovations, allowing the film to have enduring power. Textual integrity enables Citizen Kane to continually meet values and create meaning, while still entertaining a modern audience through coherent form and language, for instance the construction of the film, diegetic and non diegetic sound, and the social message of isolationism. Through comprehensively studying Citizen Kane my understanding of the film has been deepened and enables me to enjoy the film to a greater extent. As Citizen Kane is a film, it is more accessible to a contemporary year 12 audience than a novel or play. The audience is an active agent in completing Citizen Kane s meaning through interpretation. Much of the film can be interpreted in a variety of ways depending on the life experience, values and beliefs a responder brings to the film. Citizen Kane serves the rubric well for the purposes of module B; it would be a tragedy to lose such a rich text. How meaning is shaped Point: ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Adventures Of A Once Homeless Girl Adventures of a Once Homeless Girl UXDE dot Net Wordpress Themes by SamPac07/07/07 ( I have noticed this very odd coincidence that every night we slept on the street was the anniversary of terrorist bombings and catastrophes, as I look back on it, I am not really sure what to think, was it just a coincidence? or is there more than meets the eye...I hope to find the answer) The night I slept outside in September was definitely the worst and horrific and I could never forget this one either. This experience was slightly different because it was in London. Yet again we had run out of money to pay for another night stay at a hotel. We had run out of money the night before when we only had £60 left enough to pay for one night sharing a single room. The hotels are usually not allowed to do this but the lady at the reception desk allowed us to stay because we explained to her that we had no money left. We did not have any dinner that night and had no clue of what to do the next day. The next morning we had to check out. And still we had no money, we had no idea what to do. The suitcases were still with us and they were so difficult to travel around London with. So I decided to put all our luggage inside the hotel s storage room and leave it there until we knew what to do. The hotels that we had been staying at in London were within close proximity of Hyde Park, so we would spend hours everyday just sitting there. Hour after hour we sat in the park that day as ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Summary Of The Book An Invisible Thread Your book An Invisible Thread was very inspiring and a heartwarming story of a friendship that has reached thirty years and brought life to an over scheduled professional and hope to a hungry and desperate boy. When you first met Maurice on a New York City street corner, you had no idea that you were standing on the edge of an incredible and unlikely friendship that would naturally change both your lives. As one lunch at McDonald s with Maurice turns into two, then into a weekly occurrence, you learn heart wrenching details about Maurice s dreadful childhood. Scattered throughout the book is also your own story of your tempestuous childhood. Every now and then, something about Maurice s struggles reminds you of your past, how your father s alcohol induced rages shaped the person you became and led you to Maurice. As your friendship grows, you offer Maurice simple experiences he comes to treasure: learning how to set a table, trimming a Christmas tree, visiting your nieces and nephew on Long Island, and even having homemade lunches to bring to school. ... Show more content on ... How would you characterize Maurice s family life? What kind of differences do you think exist between urban and rural poverty? In what ways is privilege obvious in An Invisible Thread? What types of privilege can you identify? How would you compare and contrast this privilege in the 1980s with today? The title, An Invisible Thread suggests several meanings about the bonds that connect us with others. Describe how these themes are reflected in Maurice s and your lives, as well as in your relationships with other ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Analysis Of Crane And American Manhood Crane, as evidenced by his interest in the military, did not object to war, but rather, Casey writes, to the previous generations monopoly of it and with that monopoly their stranglehold over the cultural conceptions of American manhood (18). Civil War veterans believed that the younger generation of men was both soft and ignorant of the world s brutality, and since they had not been exposed to war, the young men were considered to be less masculine. Casey explains the younger generation s frustration with these beliefs, Men like Stephen Crane, who grew up long after the war had ended, felt a sense of belatedness when confronted by veterans claims to cultural superiority and uniqueness. To the younger generation these claims suggested that true manhood was no longer available even though society argued that it was necessary for full citizenship (2). The younger generation was given a contradictory message that said they were supposed to have traditional masculine qualities as part of society, yet, at the same time, they were denied the acknowledgement of these qualities by the older generation of veterans. Casey writes, Civil War veterans, both in the novel and in the larger culture, seemed wholly unwilling to relinquish their authority, thereby blocking the path to adult manhood for the rising generation (4). Red Badge, then, contains Crane s representation of the struggle for manhood between the younger generation and the aging Civil War veterans in the ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Harry Potter And The Philosopher s Stone Research Paper July 31, 1965 , daughter to Peter James Rowling and Anne Rowling, Joanne Rowling later known as around the world as J. K. Rowling was born. Rowling had a sister named Dianne and grew up in Yate, Gloucestershire, England. She went to the St Michael s Primary School before enrolling herself at the Wyedean School and College. For further studies, she admitted herself at the University of Exeter for BA in French and Classics. After college she moved to London she became a researcher and bilingual secretary for Amnesty International. While there Rowling also wrote a short essay titled What was the name of that Nymph again? Or Greek and Roman studies recalled, that was published at the University of Exters Journal Pegas. While on a trip from Manchester to London a tricky thought entered Rowling s mind. This thought was of a four eyed boy named Harry Potter. The rush she got from thinking of this wizard boy made her want to form a more concrete idea. The same night she had begun forming this idea she had a name, Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone . The opening for a teaching position had her moving to Portugal , where she taught ... Show more content on ... The film was extraordinarily gotten in the cinematic world, acquiring $90.3 million in its first end of the week itself. Year 2002 saw the arrival of the following film of the arrangement, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets . In 2003, she accompanied her fifth novel of the arrangement, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix , while the 6th book titled, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince came in 2005. It additionally made new records in the scholarly world by offering nine million duplicates in its first day itself. Meanwhile, the interest for the film adjustment of the books additionally crested. In 2004, Harry Potter and Prisoner of Azkaban was discharged while in 2005 came Harry Potter and the Goblet of ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Workplace Safety In The Workplace Workplace safety is a big deal. If you don t think so, take a look at the research done by the Occupational Safety and Health Organization (OSHA).American employers pay out an average of $1 billion per week for workman s compensation fees. Mind you, this doesn t include medical and legal fees that incur. Staying on top of the safety aspect in your workplace is not only essential because you don t want to see anyone get hurt. It s essential because it s best for the financial health of your business. When it comes to workplace safety, employee engagement needs to be placed high on the list of topics to approach. This is the case for a few reasons. 1.Perception It s often stated that perception is everything. People filter information through the lens of their own perceptions. Whether their perception is healthy or not, they re bound to look at it through that lens. So, as an employer that s desiring employee engagement, it s important to consider a person s perception. While you re not responsible for every little detail of why people perceive information the way that they do, you do need to take it into account. For example, if something happens with a machine breaking down and it s the fault of a particular employee, the initial feelings might be mixed with anger and frustration. However, it s best to calm down, get collected and face the issue with a cool head. If you get behind the computer and type an angry email with all caps, the perception is that you re angry, ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Customer Marketing environment is constantly changing over time. A famous marketer Philip Kotler (2003, cited in Taupau and Boscor, 2011, p.51) once insisted that a successful company should focus on its products and profits. But now, marketers tend to regard satisfying customer needs as one of the key elements of achieving success under contemporary marketing environment where is filled with fierce competition. This indicates that many firms nowadays always attempt to identify customer needs and concentrate its production and strategies on customer demand in order to survive in the market. This essay will firstly clarify the reasons behind the trend, which is followed by discussing the merits and demerits of an organization put an emphasis on ... Show more content on ... It is unquestionable that the customer oriented marketing strategy made Tesco a leading corporate in retailing industry. However, according to Miranda Brookins, there are both merits and demerits for organizations becoming customer focused. As for advantages, in the first place, it helps organizations create loyalty among consumers (Brookins, M., 2013). In the second place, it will increase referrals. That is to say that as customers become loyal, they will be more willing to mention the company as well as products and services during the communication between them and their friends and families. This WOM (word of mouth) will reduce a considerable amount of publicity cost for the company. Nevertheless, there are still disadvantages. The first one is that if the strategy of a company only relies on customers needs, it will become less innovative in terms of bringing forward new ideas which will slow down the pace of its development. Secondly, the needs of customers are ever changing (Brookins, M., 2013). Thus, those customer focused companies have to change their plans ceaselessly to keep pace with consumers wants, which requires lots of resources ranging from financial to human. It is not only costly but also time consuming. Although it is more likely for an organization like Tesco who sticks to the customer focused strategy to obtain success in the market, there are still challenges for such organizations to face. First of all, the ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Summary Of Warrior Don T Cry By Melba Pattillo Melba Pattillo s Characterization You are a warrior on a battlefield for your lord. God s warriors don t cry, cause they trust he s always by their side (Beals, pg. 57). In the memoir Warrior Don t Cry by Melba Pattillo Beals, Beals tells the story of her experiences at Central High School in Little Rock, Arizona. Beal uses imagery to show what her and her fellow friends suffered through during their time at Central. The Little Rock Nine had many hardships through their experience at Central High with the harassment, threats, and abuse on not only them but also their friends and family. Through the story Melba Pattillo is characterized as aware, strong, and confident. Melba Pattillo is characterized as an aware character throughout the memoir. Although there were times when melba didn t understand why some things were the way the were, she slowly became aware. I was beginning to resign myself to the fact that white people were definitely in charge, and there was ... Show more content on ... I felt something inside me change that day. I felt a new will to live rise up in me. I knew I wasn t just going to roll over and die (Beals, pg. 170 171). Melba begins to gain confidence in herself that she continue the fight and last through the school year, even with the constant bullying. Thank you (Beals, pg. 246). Two simple words Melba Pattillo says to those who try to insult her about her skin color or that she is part of the integration at Little Rock s Central High School. Nevertheless Melba continues to keep her head up with confidence and simply say Thank you. Melba does this to show her bullies that they are not bothering her and cannot make her want to leave Central High. Melba continues to fight with confidence throughout the memoir which allows her to finish her one year at Central High School in Little Rock, ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Character Sketch Of Draupadi The above lines clearly elucidates the character of Draupadi as a fiery female, redefines the role of women, issue of subjectivity can be witnessed and her psychological makeup is evident clearly.It creates an admired feminine portrait which is both modern and timeless. Panchaali wallows in anger and helplessness when Kunti come to a decision that all her five sons should join in matrimony with Draupadi. She presumes that Arjun would stand up for her and speak up for her that she is only married to him. But Draupadi is disillusioned by him for he abides by his mother s wish and doesn t say anything. While Draupadi s father, brother and the Pandavas examine about the practicality of Draupadi espousing five brothers, their focal point is family honour and customs. Not even a single person gives eminence to Draupadi s desires. The depiction of Draupadi as an angry woman in a man s world brings out the status of women in a patriarchal society where women s wishes are not considered as important. She justifies this lifetime sentence by remunerating that probably this was her punishment for treating Karna unfairly. ... Show more content on ... She is not delighted at the prospect for she would be a wife to each brother for a year from the oldest to the youngest successively. She feels like a communal drinking cup being passed from one to the other. To make matters worse she is blessed with a boon that each time she would go to a new husband she would be a virgin again. This she added seemed like it was specially designed for her husbands needs but not for her own. She blames Kunti for landing her in this miserable situation. However, she fulfils the sentence. Therefore, one sees her bound by duty to her elders wishes and sacrifices her ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Bill Pickett Research Paper Stephanie Mittenzwey Shadden Cobb/Stout 8 May 2017 Bill Pickett Bill Pickett s real name was Willie M Bill Pickett. Born December 5, 1870, in Williamson County, Texas, Pickett was a descendant of American Indians and black slaves. He was the second born out of the thirteen siblings he had. Pickett was a well known rodeo star and the first black cowboy movie star. His other name was the Dusky Demon. He performed all around the world in countries such as the U.S, Canada, England, Mexico, and South America. His career started after he competed in the fifth grade. Pickett and his brothers started a horse breaking business in Taylor. Both of his parents were slaves. He was one of the greatest record settlers in bull dodging. Steer wrestling, also known as bulldogging, is a rodeo event in which a horse mounted rider chases a steer, drops from the horse to the steer. Then wrestles the steer to the ground by grabbing its horns and pulling it off balance so that it falls to the ground. His partner in crime was his horse named Spradley. He was a very popular cowboy, he even donated to the bull dodging sport. In 1916 that was when he retired. ... Show more content on ... In 1972, his contributions to bull dodging were recognized. Bull dodging is now known as steer wrestling. He was honored by the National Rodeo Hall of Fame. He was killed by getting kicked in the head by a horse. In conclusion, he was one of the best bull dodging professionals, he started at a young age, he and his brothers originally started a horse breaking business which lead into his career. His career was very dangerous, but he enjoyed it very ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Danny Devito Research Paper One person who has truly influenced my view of myself, the world around me, and the true personal sovereignty governing my future is Danny DeVito. Danny DeVito has taught me to believe in myself. His versatile acting and many talents inspire me to pursue my dreams despite physical flaws that others say should get in my way. Danny DeVito is a beautiful man with talents that surpass that of any actor who has graced the big screen. Danny DeVito could do anything, including taking up the roles of some truly iconic movies. Instead of the beloved Daniel Radcliffe assuming the role of Harry Potter in the Harry Potter films; it could have been the equally short but arguably more charming Danny DeVito. The image of Danny DeVito swathed in Hogwarts robes as he fights Voldemort and falls in love with Ginny comes effortlessly. What a marvel it would have been to see Danny DeVito ... Show more content on ... Danny wrapping his small hands and putting on boxing gloves. Danny DeVito fighting the famous fight against Apollo Creed and valiantly losing. Danny DeVito could become Rocky Balboa. One can easily imagine Leonardo DiCaprio cradling a beautiful Danny DeVito at the bow of the Titanic. Danny frantically gripping at Leonardo s hand swearing, I ll never let go of you, Jack . Pride and Prejudice is a masterpiece, and Danny DeVito could have been staring down Mr. Darcy and delivering witty lines to spite Colin Firth. Danny DeVito could watch as Colin Firth emerged from the lake, soaking wet. Danny DeVito in a state of agitation as he realized he was in love with Mr. Darcy and was frustrated with his own assumptions and prejudices is an image that is no stretch of the imagination. Danny DeVito can sing. Danny DeVito could be Sandy in Grease, singing alongside John Travolta. Imagine Danny DeVito going together with Danny like rama lama lama ka dinga da dinga dong and flying off with John Travolta in a ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Maxine Hong Kingston Illustrates The Theme Of Alienation Desma Hamilton Mrs. McNeese ENG 123 1 October 2017 Life in Isolation I. Introduction Paragraph / Usually 3 5 sentences. Ends with the 2 Part Thesis as the last sentence. ENG 123 Thesis Example: The Non Fiction stories, No Name Woman by Maxine Hong Kingston and American History by Judith Ortiz Cofer, illustrate the theme of alienation. II. Topic Sentence: Point #1 of Body EX. ENG 123: No Name Woman by Maxine Hong Kingston illustrates the theme of alienation. We say that your father has all brothers because it is as if she had never been born (744). She often worked at herself I the mirror, guessing at the colors in shapes that would interest him, changing them frequently in order to hit on the right ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Nero The Great Empire The name Nero is one of the most recognizable throughout history, widely regarded as the Great Leader of the Roman Empire. His reforms impacted on the social, political and religious mechanisms used in the Roman Empire for centuries to come. Nero consolidated his position within Rome through many decisions which favored the people, enabling him to establish and maintain himself in the position as Emperor. Nero has been known as the emperor who ultimately ended the Julio Claudian dynasty and jeopardized Rome s authority, but through analyzing his work and achievements throughout his rule, many historians raise the question that Nero in fact shaped the society we live in currently and his actions in his time of power have had a chain effect throughout ... Show more content on ... Until the year 59 A.D., Nero was described as a generous and reasonable leader. He eliminated capital punishment, lowered taxes and allowed slaves to bring complaints against their masters (Tacitus, 109 A.C.E.). Nero supported the arts and athletics above gladiator entertainment, and gave aid to other cities in crisis. Although he was known for his nighttime frolicking, his actions were good natured, albeit irresponsible and self indulgent. Although Nero was a supportive man and contributed many assets to his empire, after his mother s death, Nero fell into a hedonic lifestyle that was full of tyranny. He spent exorbitant amounts of money on artistic pursuits and began public performances as a poet and lyre player, a significant breach of etiquette for a member of the ruling class (Pamela B, 1990). Nero s attitude at this time ultimately demonstrated that he was an unstable emperor, and his rain of power would come to an abrupt ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Marco Teorico s El Cual El Paciente MARCO TEORICO La bipolaridad es un trastorno en el cual el paciente se encuentra en un estado de depresión o extremadamente feliz, muy irritable o malhumorado; y en estos episodios el paciente sufre cambios extremos en su actividad y niveles de energía. La bipolaridad afecta tanto a hombres como mujeres, se desarrolla a partir de los 15 a los 25 años de edad. Las posibles causas se desconocen pero investigadores creen que se debe a un factor genético, es decir parientes del paciente también han sufrido este trastorno. Los momentos en los cuales más cambios se pueden presentar son: Partos. Tratamiento con antidepresivos. Insomnios. Consumo de drogas. Sintomatología. La sintomatología que se presenta en los pacientes puede durar de días a meses y son los siguientes: En la fase maníaca: El paciente se distrae fácilmente. El paciente no siente la necesidad de dormir. No puede distinguir algunas cosas. Se altera fácilmente. Tiene comportamientos exagerados e imprudentes. Hablar mucho, estado de ánimo muy irritado, creencias falsas acerca de sí mismo. En la fase depresiva: Tristeza y bajo estado de ánimo diariamente. Dificultad para tomar decisiones y concentrarse. Problemas nutricionales, llevando al paciente a aumentar o bajar de peso exageradamente. Cansancio muy acumulado. El paciente piensa que no sirve para nada. Anhedonia y aplanamiento afectivo. Pérdida notable de autoestima Pensamientos de suicidio. Tipos de bipolaridad. Trastorno ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Essay On Body Dysmorphic Disorder Signs and Symptoms of Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) What is actually the Body dysmorphic disorder meant for? You may not be familiar with this term. Then let s have a quick view over it. The term Body dysmorphic disorder refers to a specific type of mental illness which involves belief that the appearance of a specific person is unusually defective in reality, the perceived flaw might be non existent or if it exists then it is totally negligible, unnoticeable or its significance is highly over exaggerated. This disease is also known as dysmorphic syndrome or body dysmorphia. Sometime the thoughts of negative body images is intrusive for some people who are acutely affected by this disorder though how many times the thought will be come is ... Show more content on ... One of the most important symptoms of this disease is occurring of obsession which might present one or more body parts varies accordingly to the severity of the disorder. Face, thigh, feet or heap is the most common body parts where obsession occurs usually. Physicians sometimes classified BDD as one of the specific type of OCD. Patients always try to fix the flaws by adopting certain specific behaviours such as making modification of the eating, constantly applying re make up even in certain severe cases it is reported they do cosmetic surgery also. The patients always compare their own body with the peoples present in their surroundings such as friends, co workers, family members etc. Some depressive behaviour may also be seen in their body such as they are reluctant to attend any formal occasion or parties too. Mirror syndrome is also reported as one of the most important outcome of this disorder. Being affected by the mirror syndrome one always tries to catch sight of one s appearance in the mirror or other reflective surfaces. Self injury as well as self esteemed issues may be found in the patients who are suffering from this disorder. BDD with eating disorder includes dehydration, inflammation as well as frequent fainting chapped lips with poor hair skin condition may be appeared in the body of the patient within short period. In the BDD with self injury the tendency to hurt own self is found in all the ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Clinical Experience For Nursing School After The... This week was a fun week of clinical experience for me. I got to rest and recharge my energy toward nursing school after the cardiovascular exam. I was very disappointed on my exam after all the hard work of studying and was doubt myself for not being able to complete my nursing program due to my failure of examination. However, after one week of break, I am ready to face the difficulty of examination again. This week I get to be in the OR unit which is something that I have no prior experience on. I didn t know what to expect. I was so excited to have this opportunity. The OR unit is unlike all the other hospital settings. It is another world within the OR unit. First of all, everyone has to change to the surgical scrub in order to be in the OR unit. Then there is a preop unit, operation unit, and the postop unit. After I pick the patient I wanted to follow throughout the day, I went to introduce myself to the patient and the preop nurse that is taking care of the patient prior to the surgery. I observed the preop nurse, MD, operation room nurse, anesthetist, and surgeon came in one after another to ask questions regarding patient s past and present medical history. The preop nurse monitors the patient s vital signs and tells the patient to do the lung expansion activity. Then the nurse started an IV line and draws two tube of blood out for the lab. The nurse then asks the patient to sign the consent form and explained to the patient that he is performing tasks to ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Asbestos Betwee Case Study Having already established the basis of a theoretical outlook as well as the social history of asbestos, which is still produced and used in American manufacturing, we will now move on to explain the methods we are using to collect our data. For our subject area, we have selected Oneida Herkimer, Jefferson, Oswego, and Onondaga County Solid Waste Facilities located in Upstate New York, and we will be exploring the differences in how asbestos is disposed of in each of these counties. We chose these counties because our insider has had direct contact with the solid waste management bosses of these counties and can easily obtain asbestos information. We believe this is best because it limits under reporting of asbestos amounts in fear of public exposure. Furthermore, he has a case study we hope to analysis on the differences in the removal of asbestos from Jefferson and Oswego. We plan to find this out by using an interview process to collect our data. We will gather information by way of interviews with leaders from the New York State Department of Labor as well as landfill operators in each of the five counties listed above. We hope to analyze the discrepancies and pitfalls regarding disposal of asbestos ... Show more content on ... Meacham, New York State s administrator of our asbestos program, in hopes to address asbestos questions that cannot otherwise be found through our research. We believe he will provide us with great information because EPA referred us to him. They said he could provide us with the most up to date list of training courses for asbestos professionals in New York State. He also specializes in federal requirements such as the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) (see above). The interview we will conduct are planned to take place on the phone for last at least 15 minutes. We will record each conversation if verbal consent to do so is provided by the interviewee. When conducting interviews we will ask the following series of ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Long Distance Relationships Pros And Cons Long Distance Relationships Modern Media LuvDaSun Res/110 August 18, 2010 Christopher Benedetti Abstract Long distance relationships are no longer a thing of the past. Modern technology has made it viable for partners to stay constantly in touch during a 24 hour period. A review of five peer reviewed journals provides a variety of perspectives of long distance relationships. The articles focus on the positive and negative aspects of Long Distance Relationships. Weaknesses, strengths and differences in long distance relationships versus geographically close relationships are evident. The articles represent studies that have been conducted and provide the pros and cons, and the different affects they have in relationships. Long ... Show more content on ... Technology was relied upon to maintain relationships in times of conflict. Technology is a growing form of communication and has become more available and less expensive. Based on the research on long distance romantic relationships the participants criteria were to be between the ages of 18 21, needed to be heterosexual and have currently or have been in a long distance relationship. Generally, the focus groups believed that to keep communication there must be a form of relationship maintenance, such as: telephone calls, Instant Messaging (IM), and e mails. The results found that conflicts arose, and therefore, telephone calls were preferred for better personal expression. Last, when asked about webcam/video conferencing, people no longer in long distance relationships thought it would help them stay together. However, the rest didn t agree and thought it would be too emotionally challenging. Would You Do It Again? Mietzner, S. Many romantic relationships will face a time when they will separate by distance. This not only affects the people but also the relationship too. People in long distance relationships (LDRs) have reported both positive and negative aspects. Negative outcomes of LDRs would include little to no face to face interactions, missed daily conversations, or a lack of physical intimacy, among other things. The potential positive outcomes are individualism, gained appreciation for their ... Get more on ...
  • 43. The Between Prokaryotic And Evolution Of Cells And... Essay topic: Symbioses between Prokaryotic cells that happened approximately 2 billion years ago are thought to be at the origin of Eukaryotes. But mutually dependent symbioses continue to be established at the cellular and organism levels. Read the section on the origin of Eukaryotes in the unit s prescribed textbook and use the reference below to research and describe the importance of symbioses in the origin and evolution of cells and organisms with novel capabilities. Student and ID Symbiosis refers to the close, mutually beneficial association between two or more different biological species, which enables these species to undergo organismal evolution and variation in an assortment of ways (Takahiro, Yoshiko, Naruo, Manabu, Nori, Takema 2016). Symbiosis comes in three main forms of interaction; mutualistic, communalistic and parasitic. (10). The endosymbiont theory refers to the collection of principles that models the origins of the mitochondrion, which commenced with the engulfing of a bacterium by an archaeon (2). Such an establishment at cellular and organism levels is of high importance for environmental, agricultural and human health (3). The origins of Eukaryotic cells and its evolution, as well as the novel capabilities of certain cells and organisms as a result of symbiosis is increasingly being recognised as an applied importance and hence will be the key focus of this essay. The three main forms of symbiosis The endosymbiont theory Chloroplasts belong to ... Get more on ...
  • 44. My Coursework Assignment 2 Business Studies enter the dragon s den You are going to develop a business idea and write a business plan. Below is a list of possible businesses you might be interested in starting: Bed and breakfast business plan Cafe business plan Child care business plan Consultant business plan Day care business plan Day spa business plan fitness centre business plan Hair Salon business plan Health club business plan Internet cafe business plan Landscape gardening business plan Retail business plan Sandwich shop business plan A. INTRODUCTION What is a Business Plan? It is important that a Plan is produced to ensure that the proposed ... Show more content on ... The market for my product consists of a number of segments. The main markets include business travelers, tourists and commercial banks. The money change will primarily target families on holiday and business travelers. The main factors affecting the demand for money exchange involve, the exchange rate, the season (people travel more in the summer) the economy. The main competition money exchange businesses face is other exchanges in other areas such as post office, banks and electronic sources such as cash tills and credit cards. Consider some theory: Asset Led vs. Market Led Asset Led marketing is based on strengths of firm Market Led is based on what customers want Niche Market USP unique selling point; what will it be for your firm a small part of the market; for example Travellers who want fixed amounts of money ready after they have emailed ahead and left their details. Market Plan (the 4ps) Product Give details of the Market Research carried out i.e. What is the market? How big is it? What factors influence demands? price quality season What is the competition? Who will be your customers? Price Pricing Strategy Competitive charging the same as your competitors Price skimming high price to cover research costs before others into market. Penetration pricing low price to capture market share Cost plus pricing cost of product plus markup Predatory ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Smirnoff Ice Marketing Planning Process Smirnoff Ice Marketing Planning Process Abstract This paper aims to evaluate the marketing planning process for the case of Smirnoff Ice as a top selling Diageo s brand at the Serbian marketplace. After a brief Company profile description and its business environment, the article proceeds to discuss and evaluate steps for a full analysis of the strategic marketing planning process assessing its importance with all related assumptions. Using the material collected after comprehensive research of the Smirnoff Ice market place and assessing the Smirnoff Ice Marketing Plan, the writer of this article tried to provide answers to the questions like: why is the marketing planning process an important tissue, who makes the strategic ... Show more content on ... The European distribution is organized through a network of a number of Strategic Business Units (SBU) across the continent. Strategic Business Unit out of Greece, Diageo Hellenic, is responsible for maintaining distribution of all Diageo brands on the regional level for Southern and Eastern Europe (SEE). Part of Diageo s overall strategy is to work more closely with companies using a network of consulting and distribution firms in different countries. Di Line, Serbia is exclusive distributor of all Diageo brands for the Serbian marketplace. Di Line maintains and expands an existing distribution network at the same time being supported by Diageo portfolio as the world s leading premium drinks. 3. Marketing Planning Process Di Line is under direct supervision of Diageo Hellenic, while Diageo Hellenic s principal is the Head Office, out of UK. The UK headquarter is responsible for the worldwide corporative coordination. All corporative wide strategies and objectives, long term planning including strategic marketing planning are under direct responsibility of Diageo s Board of Directors. The day to day running of Diageo is delegated by the board to the CEO. The CEO is assisted in his decision making by Diageo s executive committee, the most senior leadership team. These top executives define the Company s mission statement: We want Diego to be a customer focused, profitable distributor of beverage alcohol, ... Get more on ...
  • 46. Essay on Immortality and Myth in The Age of Innocence Immortality and Myth in The Age of Innocence Edith Wharton s books are considered, by some, merely popular fiction of her time. But we must be careful not to equate popularity with the value of the fiction; i.e., we must not assume that if her books are popular, they are also primitive. Compared to the works of her contemporary and friend, Henry James, whose books may seem complex and sometimes bewildering; Wharton s The Age of Innocence appears to be a simplistic, gossipy commentary of New York society during the last decade of the 19th century*. Instead, it is one man s struggle with the questions of mortality and immortality. Wharton s characters, settings and the minutiae of social rituals, manners, speech habits, dress and ... Show more content on ... Urns and wall paintings tell us about the mythical characters predilection for a sensual life; this compares to Wharton s characters penchant for their own hedonistic life of carousing, sexual cavorting and dizzy social calendars of parties and operas. The Greeks, mythical and real, were masters of architecture and decoration, which to this day, attest to their immortality. Wharton pays great attention to the mansions and embellishments of the New York houses. Her society attempts to be immortal in its own buildings; and by amassing ornate bits and bobbles from ages past and paintings and decorations, the society feels it will live on forever: Then the house had been boldly planned with a ball room, so that, instead of squeezing through a narrow passage to get to it (as at the Chiverses ) one marched solemnly down a vista of enfiladed drawing rooms (the sea green, the crimson and the botron d or), seeing from afar the many candled lustres reflected in the polished parquetry, and beyond that the depths of a conservatory where camellias and tree ferns arched their costly foliage over seats of black and gold Bamboo. Wharton s characters, albeit mortal beings, are made immortal and some can even be compared with mythical characters. We ll begin with the lesser characters. Newland Archer s sister, Janey who: was subject to starts and ... Get more on ...
  • 47. Denison Street Methadone Clinic Meeting I have not personally attended in a workplace meeting as I am only a casual worker. However, I have witnessed some meetings at Portobello PR as well as witnessing one at Denison street methadone clinic. As I have seen and learnt I do understand the structure and requirements of having a meeting and the different types of meetings. Most meetings require a few preparation steps before the meeting will happened this is usually organized by the manager or the owner. Tasks you need to do first is letting the meeting attendees know the Time, Location, attendees Requirements eg a data sheet. And, you will need to let them know what their roles are and responsibilities are. You may get this message out to staff or attendees by a few diverse ways ... Show more content on ... If meetings do not happen then issues come up and they are not resolved this may cause friction between staff and may cause the business to lose money and customers. It also makes the business much more organized and keeps the business innovative and relevant. This means these meeting may bring modern changes to the workplace for example going digital with systems and not just file pages of information. It is best to have staff meeting once a month or when required or when something happens and you need an answer urgently using a phone or video conference is the best way to get answers fast these are also examples of other meeting types. So, overall meetings need to happen and all staff need to attend and take them seriously. And there needs to be preparation prior to the meeting to make it a ... Get more on ...
  • 48. Schizophrenia And Its Effects On Mental Illness Schizophrenia is a serious mental disorder characterised by severe disruptions in psychological functioning and a loss of contact with reality (Meldrum Wilson, 2009). The main question that arises from the many studies looking at schizophrenia and violence is does schizophrenia itself make an individual violent or are there other factors from the mental illness that contribute to this? According to Fazel, Guati, Linsell, Geddes and Grahn (2009), before the 1980 s many people made no connection between the disorder of schizophrenia and being violent. However, since more in depth and large research studies has been carried out to look at this connection, it has now been proven that there is a relationship between schizophrenia and violence. Schizophrenia can either be interpreted as a unitary disorder with various sub types or as a disorder where each sub type represents a distinct order. The DSM IV TR identifies four types of schizophrenia: undiferential, catatonic, disorganised and paranoid (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). To be diagnosed with schizophrenia, two diagnostic criteria s have to be met within most of the time in one month, and they must have an impact on the individual s occupational or social functioning for at least six months. The individual could be suffering from delusions, hallucinations or disorganized speech. Additional symptoms can include negative symptoms and severely disorganized or cationic behaviour (American Psychiatric Association, ... Get more on ...
  • 49. Review Of Battle Hymns Of The Tiger Mother By Dr.... One of the many arduous decisions parents face is how to raise their children. Over time, renowned thinkers the world over have identified and coined different distinct styles of parenting and their outcomes. Diana Baumrind is credited for her three styles of parenting: permissive, authoritarian, and authoritative. Amy Chua first identified a particular style of parenting characterized by strict regulations known as Tiger Parenting in her book Battle Hymns of the Tiger Mother . In contrast, free range parenting, popularized by Dr. Benjamin Spock, takes a laissez faire approach. Good Morning Today took a look at three distinct styles of parenting from the eyes of three successful children, to help see things from a different perspective. The first style of parenting mentioned is known as Tiger Parenting . First coined by Yale law professor Amy Chua, the style has become a common household name. Strict regimen parents who prioritize academic success and scholastic achievements are characteristic of this style. Furthermore, high academic expectations and few freedoms typically await the child. Shanny Lee recounts her experience on being raised under a tiger mom. She recalls having to practice math problems at age five immediately after school. In her mother s eyes, nothing below a B grade would be acceptable and she recalls feeling scared to come home with a lower grade. From this we can see that an extremely high standard was set at a young age. Although this made her ... Get more on ...