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Money Is Not The Root Of All Evil. Love Is.

Money is not the root of evil. Love is.

    There is the story of a preacher who got up one Sunday and announced to his
congregation: "I have good news and bad news. The good news is, we have enough
money to pay for our new building program. The bad news is, it's still out there in
your pockets."
    So most, if not everything is related to money, so why is money seen as the root of
all evil, and worse, love is dragged into this biology of who‟s the root and who‟s the
stem. But first, the phrase “money is the root of all evil” is one of the most misquoted
verses in the bible. I will read to you the original verse from 1st Timothy 6:10 “For the
love of money and all it buys placed before the love of god is the root for all kinds of
evil”. Many people misunderstood the root for the money and not the love of money.
Thus the more appropriate term would be “The love of money is the root of all evil”.
    I agree to a large extent that the love of money is not the root of evil. Money is just
a value to measure things. People in the olden days at first used items with the same
value to buy something. This progressed into using seashells to buy items. The
methods mentioned are also like money, but they were not called money. Even if the
system of money was abolished, theft would still be possible; contract killing would
still be possible. This is because of other stuff like gold and silver. They are also
money. Money itself is divided in to fiat (which is the paper money) and commodity
money. So whether you like it or not, a civilized society cannot function without
    Money is a tool of exchange, which cannot exist unless there are goods and men
to produce them. It is based on the principle that men who wish to deal with one
another must do so via trade and give value for value. So is the love for it what you
call evil?
    Why did Bill Gates became a millionaire, not forgetting Adam Khoo, Warren
Buffett, Jimmy Choo and the list continues. It‟s...

Some People Know Price Of Everything But The Value Of Nothing
  Date Submitted: 09/22/2008
  Category: English
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When your down and out and you have no where to turn and all the things you bought like
the cars, the big houses and the expensive clothes don’t matter. That’s when you look to right
and left that you see the most valuable things in life are not bought with money. That’s why
Happiness doesn’t have a price tag. Here are my reasons.
The Best things in life come without a price tag or a thank you. When a person saves you a
seat on a crowded bus you might not think of it at all because its probably normal to you that
you don’t even say thank you for it ,but that’s a thing you should appreciate because it is a
gift and its for free. When you slip and fall on a slippery floor and someone comes up to you
and asks if your alright but you don’t think twice about it and don’t even say thank you, this
is a free gift. When your family comes from a distant land, that’s happiness. To be with your
family is priceless. To have a shoulder to lean on is priceless. These little things are the
meaning of the best things in life come without a price tag or a thank you.
Happiness does not have a price tag. That has to means actually because it means that you
shouldn’t limit yourself to do something that will make you happy and/or that not the most
expensive things make you happy. What I mean by the first meaning is that if the family is
have a gathering in an exotic land and you can afford it , buy the ticket and go. What I mean
by the second meaning is that if you buy a $500 jacket wont make you happy like spending
time with your best friends and playing basketball with them.
What is the first you think about when somebody says a loyal friend. It would be he’ll always
be there for you. And that’s why the most consistent things in life are the most valuable.
An example of this is like having a friend always correct you when you do a mistake. Or how
your family is always there for you when you need them and when you don’t. Life is full of
consistent things but you got to...

Goals That Must Be: Happiness
While people have many and varied goals that they pursue, there is an almost universal
underlying goal to virtually all pursuits: the goal to be happy. To different people being
happy could be as simple as a day at the park, yet to others its more complicated and detailed.
Being happy in the eyes of many consists of being wealthy and/or famous. Yet to others it
could simply mean spending the rest of their lives with their significant other. In my eyes,
happiness is something which fulfills a person in any method or manner. Happiness can come
in different forms to different people. One can be happy for having impeccable health, yet
another can be happy for being financially secure. Still, both of them would be happy because
they feel as if they have been fulfilled. In my eyes happiness can be gained through hard
work and devotion, but at the same time it can be something that just occurs. Some people
would define the term happiness as being satisfied or content. I believe that a person’s
happiness depends a lot on the person, their age and type of status that they have in life.
Happiness is a must in life. But what on earth is happiness? Some people are happy when
they’ve made money, while others are happy when they’ve found their true love, As for me; I
find bliss when I am reading an interesting book in a warm and pretty room. Evidently, 1000
people will have 1000 different definitions of happiness. Why is it difficult to define, or
rather discover and achieve happiness? I think the major determinant lies in a person’s
Happiness is a term that describes something’s likes. Weather it be a human or a plant or an
animal they all try to achieve happiness. By definition happiness is favored circumstances or
luckiness. I say that happiness is earned and deserved. People live their lives everyday to be
happy. But few achieve the highest happiness that they want or that they saw themselves
having when they were young.
When I was young, well younger than.

Money Does Not Bring Happiness
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Money Does Not Bring Happiness

Money does not bring happiness

If the question “Does money bring you happiness?” is asked, many people will probably
answer affirmatively. That it is because nowadays money plays a very important role in the
society. In this time of crisis where not many people can reach to the end of the month, the
answer of this question will be a resounding yes. But, for people who live comfortably with
enough money to reach to the end of the month, the answer for this question probably will be
no. Because, in most of cases, once achieved a minimun economic welfare to live in society,
money ceases to be the star of their happiness. So, for people who live without monetary
problems the increase of money does not bring them happiness, while for people who
struggle to prosper their loved ones, money gives them a warm and harmonious happiness.

People must not focus the money as the center of their lifes because money is just a tool to
survival. But some people use to forget this and have the money as the most important thing
in their life, forgetting that the money can not buy happiness.

For some people, money not only brings happiness but it also brings problems.
One of them it is the fact that the money turns people materialistic and do not leave them to
enjoy no materialistic things such as special moments with the family or friends; that happen
because the concept of happiness for this people is to satisfy themselfs with material things.
According to that, people become selfish and they only think about themself and about have
more money. Another problem that money brings to rich people is the fact that people just
want to stay with them or be his/her friend just because of their money. It is one of the worst
things that can happen to this people because they do not know if somebody is his/her friend
because they are nice persons or because they are interested in their money. So, in some cases
the synonym of money could be the unhappiness.

But not...

Can Money Buy Happiness?

Would it be better to have one million dollars or would it be better to have a spouse
and children? On one hand, people are always saying what they would do if they had
money. On the other hand, people are always saying what they would do if they had a
family. Being rich can be defined as many things. It can be defined as being
incredibly wealthy. It can also be defined as having friends and family who care
about you. It depends on the person‟s definition of being rich. The person with the
most money in the world can also be the loneliest person in the world. Putting it
simply, money cannot buy happiness.

Money cannot buy happiness because one thing that makes people happy is having a
family. Families can bring a certain joy that money can‟t bring. A family consists of
people (and animals) who you care about and who cares about you. Buying a family
isn‟t the same as having one of your own. When you already have a family, your
family will already love and trust you. If you try to buy a family, you‟ll have to gain
their trust and love and they‟ll have to gain your trust and love. Having a family, not
having money, is one of the key essentials of being. In other words, families have a
big influence on a person, whether it‟s good or bad. People that you bought are
usually just in it for the money, so they probably wouldn‟t care whether you succeed
or fail.

    Friendship is another thing that definitely can‟t be bought with money. When you
have a genuine friendship, that person will stay with you through the good times and
the bad times. The person won‟t care if you have money or not. That person will keep
your secrets, no matter how intriguing, until they die. If you tried to buy your friends,
they might try to sell your deepest, darkest secrets to the highest bidder. Real friends
like you for who you are as a person. If you buy your friends, you will only get...

The idea of money buying happiness is interesting. Yes, most people feel they do
need more money to be happy, but what is that "happiness" they are speaking of? If
that idea means owning newer appliances than before, then money can buy you
happiness. If that idea is going out to eat dinner more often, then money can buy you
happiness. But, if happiness is truly living one's life to the fullest, then money cannot
buy happiness. People know that this idea of happiness is materialistic and shallow,
and they are quick to point it out in others, but cannot see it in themselves. Money
cannot buy happiness, unless happiness is measured by possessions.
Happiness from money is very short lived. While the happiness of people who receive
large sums of money might rise immediately after they receive that money, that
happiness declines to only slightly above or equal to their level of happiness before
the money came to them.
Today, with money, people have a greater purchasing power than ever before. A large
expendable income leads to the purchasing of unnecessary, but by today's standards,
important, goods. Although we are a richer nation, since 1957, the number of people
who say they are "very happy" has declined from 35 to 32 percent, the divorce rate
has doubled, teen suicide has tripled, the violent crime rate has quadrupled, and
more people than ever are depressed (Myers).
Our society's perception of success also contributes to unhappiness amongst us. A
new set of values has been adopted by many of us putting a high salary job with lots
of prestige above a successful marriage or close friends. It is this twist in values that
have helped to make people unhappy. We need to put the things that matter most to
our happiness in front of the things that matter to others' perceptions of them. It is
an interesting paradox that although 89% of people say "our society is much too
materialistic," 84% wish they had more money, and 78% say it is "very or fairly
important" to have "a...

Can Money buy happiness?
Dear Editor,

This letter is a response to the editorial claiming that there is more to happiness than

Different people have different beliefs of what happiness really is. However, money is
often the bane of happiness, as is evidenced that affluent societies are often
considerably more unhappy than poorer (not necessarily poverty stricken) countries.
This is a sign that too little, or too much money is not a good thing. A balance needs
to be struck between earning money and more fulfilling activities. This is because
happiness is not a state to be „achieved‟ but a virtue, and all happiness is relative.

Happiness is a virtue. Happiness cannot be „achieved‟ or „attained‟ through earning
money. Money can be seen as the opposite of happiness. The rich often wield power,
due to their wealth, which in turn corrupts their morals. As Lord Acton said, “Power
tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” This means that money
results in people actually feeling less fulfilled in the long term. One needs to only
think that they are happy to be happy. Thinking that they need meretricious material
possessions to be happy only deludes them as to what real happiness is. Money may
help them „feel‟ happy for a short period, but over time their lives will feel empty, and
perhaps meaningless. They need realize that money does not „grant‟ happiness, and
they need to only look around to realize this.

Happiness is relative. If one is unhappy due to comparing their wealth to the rich and
famous, then they should try and look at the probable billions more who are less well
off. They should take a trip to a less fortunate country and see for themselves what
others manage to live on, or even take a trip to a less fortunate part of the city and see
that maybe, just maybe, their lives are not so hard after all. Seeing those who do not
have the spending power as themselves might just wake them up that not everyone
can expect to...
Money Doesnt Always Equal Happiness
Money Doesn‟t Always Equal Happiness

Course: Microeconomics

  Happiness “that sense of warmth that begins at the core of the soul, spreads to the
heart, and radiates outward from the eyes and lips of those who know it. The gift of
happiness is elusive, but tangible. You cannot seek to find that which makes you
happy for happiness comes from within and by your own choice.” (Mr. Dale Reddish,
2010). This is a rather eloquent interpretation of happiness that really gets to the
heart of the argument; does money really buy happiness? The problem with most of
the required reading is it is derived from survey data that uses a list of answers that is
predetermined by the interviewer. That is where the social psychologist Hadley
Cantril differed in his approach. Mr. Cantril understood the complexity of the
question, and how people‟s answers might vary throughout different cultures and
socio-economic backgrounds.

We are complex beings and one would think that the things that make us happy
would vary significantly. The open-ended approach Mr. Cantril used allowed for a
broad gap in actual results, surprisingly this was not the case. Despite Mr. Cantril‟s
ambitious attempt the most common answer he received were along the lines of
material conditions, and more importantly the individual‟s level of living. We have all
heard the phrase “you get what you put in to it”, this relates extremely well to the
concept of marginal utility. I for one was raised knowing that in order to get the
things I wanted I had to be willing to make sacrifices. One thing you learn while
serving your country is nothing in this world is free, not even freedom itself.
However, when one pursues their monetary goals in excess more often than not they
tend to neglect the actual things that matter. People become so caught up in chasing
the buck that they tend to forget why they are doing it in the first place.

Having fortune and fame is something that everyone wants, but few...

Can Money Buy Happiness
Can Money Buy Happiness?
Economists use the term utility to represent a measure of the satisfaction or happiness that
individuals get from the consumption of goods and services. Because a higher income allows one to
consume more goods and services, we say that utility increases with income. But does greater income
and consumption really translate into greater happiness? In this paper, I will be showing how greater
income and consumption does not really translate into greater happiness and how marginal utility is
diminishing as income gets higher. However, consumption effect tells us that more consumption of
good and services will increase happiness. At least to a degree, we see that money can buy happiness.
But what, if anything, does research on consumer satisfaction tell us about the relationship between
happiness and the concepts of utility and marginal utility?
Based on the research, I found that money does not increase the happiness because as income
increases the one¡¯s behavior of preferences or satisfaction changes and will result in diminishing
marginal utility.
Sociologist and psychologist would say based on the definition of marginal utility, when additional
satisfaction obtained from consuming one additional unit of a good, the one¡¯s happiness will
increase as their income rises. And because of consumption effect, people are happier when they
consume more goods and services. Studies by psychologists and socialists show that, both within a
country and across nations, the happiness level of people increases with the income level, but only
slightly. For example, using regional and cultural classifications, the Northern European countries
with high incomes score top on happiness, followed by the group of English- speaking US, UK,
Australia, and Ireland. Central and South American countries including Brazil come next, followed
by the Middle East, the Central European, Southern and Eastern European, the Indian Sub-continent,
and Africa which...

Money Cannot Buy Happiness
The idea of money buying happiness is interesting. Yes, most people feel they do
need more money to be happy, but what is that "happiness" they are speaking of? If
that idea means owning newer appliances than before, then money can buy you
happiness. If that idea is going out to eat dinner more often, then money can buy you
happiness. But, if happiness is truly living one's life to the fullest, then money cannot
buy happiness. People know that this idea of happiness is materialistic and shallow,
and they are quick to point it out in others, but cannot see it in themselves. Money
cannot buy happiness, unless happiness is measured by possessions.

Happiness from money is very short lived. While the happiness of people who receive
large sums of money might rise immediately after they receive that money, that
happiness declines to only slightly above or equal to their level of happiness before
the money came to them.
Today, with money, people have a greater purchasing power than ever before. A large
expendable income leads to the purchasing of unnecessary, but by today's standards,
important, goods. Although we are a richer nation, since 1957, the number of people
who say they are "very happy" has declined from 35 to 32 percent, the divorce rate
has doubled, teen suicide has tripled, the violent crime rate has quadrupled, and
more people than ever are depressed (Myers).
Our society's perception of success also contributes to unhappiness amongst us. A
new set of values has been adopted by many of us putting a high salary job with lots
of prestige above a successful marriage or close friends. It is this twist in values that
have helped to make people unhappy. We need to put the things that matter most to
our happiness in front of the things that matter to others' perceptions of them. It is
an interesting paradox that although 89% of people say "our society is much too
materialistic," 84% wish they had more money, and 78% say it is "very or fairly
important" to have "a...


     Happiness: In one word, this concept exemplifies the American dream.
People go to any means by which to obtain the many varied materials and issues
that induce pleasures in each individual, and intrinsically, this emotion
remains the ultimate goal, John Stuart Mill, a nineteenth century philosopher,
correctly advocated the pursuit of happiness, and maintained the concept that
above all other values, pleasure existed as the final destination, Mill's
hedonistic views correctly and rationally identified a natural human tendency,
and his Utilitarian arguments strongly support the theory that above all else,
happiness is the most important dream to be fulfilled. Upon researching for
this paper, I came across a counter argument, which was based on metaphysics.
Immanuel Kant, in Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals, defends his strong
beliefs in the issue of a good will, and surfaces as MM's chief opponent on the
topic of metaphysics, The issue diminishes to a clash between emotions and
pleasures ve rses rationality and logic. Yet, what use is logic when the good
agent is miserable? Mill's stance within Utilitarianism exists as the more
favorable of the two beliefs, for happiness exist as the one intrinsically
favorable element, not an emotionless mind.

     The main defender of the Utilitarian system exists within the Greatest
happiness Principle. Mill lived as a chief advocate of this concept, which
supports the idea that a decision is morally correct as long as it increases and
encourages pleasures and happiness. Kant, however, in his endless quest to
remain separate from emotions and thrive only on logic, would argue that
autonomy should be placed above happiness in a list of intrinsic values. A good
will, however, does not comfort an individual in any way if happiness does not
accompany this asset, Consider this example of a seemingly happily married
couple. The wife in this duo is madly in love with her husband fiercely loyal,

Can Money Buy Happiness And Love?
I honestly believe that money cannot buy happiness and love.
Happiness is the side-affect of feeling physically or spiritually fulfilled, it is how we
feel when we are not destroying our lives.
Happiness is how we feel when we can see that we are progressing in the direction
that we want to, it is when we can see all that we dream of obtaining getting closer to
Money cannot directly buy happiness as it is something that is as individual as the
person seeking it and not material in nature, it is a state of being. You can brainwash
a person into feeling some kind of happiness, but real happiness only comes from
honest personal growth.
Now love.
Love is a feeling that doesn't lie. When we love or are in love there is no denying it, it
controls our lives and determines how our bodies feel.
Money cannot buy love because love is also a state of being and no matter how much
money someone gives you unless you actually love them you cannot fake it. Your
stomach will not quiver, your eyes will not hunger nor will your heart grow heavy for
this person who has bought your love.
Disillusioned individuals believe the hype that money can buy happiness and love for
them. But this is a self-destructive idea indeed because being unaware of the lie these
people will continue to spend money to buy their happiness and buy love from
others. Buy if they just look at what they are doing they will see that they are stuck in
an endless cycle where they spend money for temporary happiness and love which
leaves them unfulfilled as soon as they have been satisfied.
With the media machine being what it is today it is highly unlikely that they will
promote happiness and love as being separate from material possessions. They try to
convince us that chocolates, soda, computer games, etc will bring us happiness. They
also try to convince us that sex is somehow the same as love. We are all part of a very
dangerous brainwashing program so it's up to the individual to make their own mind..

Happiness -- Create It!
“Happy” just doesn‟t fall on us like rain. Thinking of what you like or want, or of what
excites or challenges are all part of setting up a life that „creates‟ happiness.
You‟ll be happier if you know what it is that you are on this earth for. If you don‟t
know what it is, then it would be an endless cycle of searching for meaning in life.
The important thing is you decide what really your unique purpose is, and then
FULFILL it! If you live purposefully with what you believe, then, that will bring you
profound satisfaction and enjoyment.
As a being, you have to expect more of yourself. You just don‟t have to stay ordinary.
That would only make you feel unfulfilled. Explore the world on what ways you could
create a life for yourself. As what Dennis Waitley said, “Life is a self-fulfilling
prophecy. You may not get what you want, but in the long run, you will get what you
Yes, I want to be happy! You want to be happy also! We all want to be happy! And
with this happiness, is our being thankful. Yes! Thankful. It is that being thankful,
makes positive emotions to a person. There‟s the satisfaction, the vitality, optimism
and it lowers the level of your depression and stress.
We all have to remember always that genuine happiness is created. Mysterious? No.
It‟s not. It‟s not random either. You don‟t have to win the lottery to have happiness.
You also don‟t have to find and recite the most powerful miracle prayers on earth just
to have happiness.
All you have to do is discover within you, what would be your happiness, and then
make it real.
Happiness is for everyone. It‟s for free. There‟s no “kotong.” No taxes to pay. It can be
yours really. Just do find ways on how you would express it. Pursue it and share it
with others.

Money And Happiness
Can Money buy happiness?
Dear Editor,

This letter is a response to the editorial claiming that there is more to happiness than

Different people have different beliefs of what happiness really is. However, money is
often the bane of happiness, as is evidenced that affluent societies are often
considerably more unhappy than poorer (not necessarily poverty stricken) countries.
This is a sign that too little, or too much money is not a good thing. A balance needs
to be struck between earning money and more fulfilling activities. This is because
happiness is not a state to be „achieved‟ but a virtue, and all happiness is relative.

Happiness is a virtue. Happiness cannot be „achieved‟ or „attained‟ through earning
money. Money can be seen as the opposite of happiness. The rich often wield power,
due to their wealth, which in turn corrupts their morals. As Lord Acton said, “Power
tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” This means that money
results in people actually feeling less fulfilled in the long term. One needs to only
think that they are happy to be happy. Thinking that they need meretricious material
possessions to be happy only deludes them as to what real happiness is. Money may
help them „feel‟ happy for a short period, but over time their lives will feel empty, and
perhaps meaningless. They need realize that money does not „grant‟ happiness, and
they need to only look around to realize this.

Happiness is relative. If one is unhappy due to comparing their wealth to the rich and
famous, then they should try and look at the probable billions more who are less well
off. They should take a trip to a less fortunate country and see for themselves what
others manage to live on, or even take a trip to a less fortunate part of the city and see
that maybe, just maybe, their lives are not so hard after all. Seeing those who do not
have the spending power as themselves might just wake them up that not everyone
can expect to...

The Right To Happiness
Right to Happiness

Everybody in this world has the right to happiness. However, I don't think we should
seek our happiness by all means. I don't agree that people should be selfish in order
to get whatever they want .Of course, I'm not saying that there aren't any selfish
people in this world, but some people are more selfish than others .So we need to
have some balance in what we want and what would make us happy. Also we need to
make sure that we don't burden our selves in the sake of our others' happiness.
Therefore, I'm not convinced that Mr. A and Mrs. B did the right thing; also, I know
that sometimes we may give up our right to happiness to please others, and
sometimes we have to do whatever it takes to meet our happiness.

First, I didn't agree with Mr. A and Mrs. B's actions in C. S. Lewis's essay. Therefore,
I don't think that Mr. A should have left his wife because she was not beautiful any
more. Of course, maybe there is another side of the story that made him leave his
wife. Also I didn't think that Mrs. B should leave her husband, when he lost
everything. However, the way Lewis presented his story is to convince me that they
are very bad people. Overall, they justify their behavior simply by saying they have
the right to happiness. Even though Lewis presented them very badly in his story, I'm
not in a position to judge others' actions. However, I'm not totally convinced that
these are the people to leave their spouses. So no matter where they go, they may still
find the same situation. Because that is life, and life can change any time.

I also know that sometimes I need to give up my right of happiness for others. For
example, there was a man on a boat along with other men. And there was a quarrel
on the boat. As a result, everyone was given a place. So the man decided to dig a
hole at his place, justifying that by saying that is his right and place. So if they
allowed him, they all would be in danger. And if they prevented him, they would...

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Money is not the root of all evil

  • 1. Money Is Not The Root Of All Evil. Love Is. Money is not the root of evil. Love is. There is the story of a preacher who got up one Sunday and announced to his congregation: "I have good news and bad news. The good news is, we have enough money to pay for our new building program. The bad news is, it's still out there in your pockets." So most, if not everything is related to money, so why is money seen as the root of all evil, and worse, love is dragged into this biology of who‟s the root and who‟s the stem. But first, the phrase “money is the root of all evil” is one of the most misquoted verses in the bible. I will read to you the original verse from 1st Timothy 6:10 “For the love of money and all it buys placed before the love of god is the root for all kinds of evil”. Many people misunderstood the root for the money and not the love of money. Thus the more appropriate term would be “The love of money is the root of all evil”. I agree to a large extent that the love of money is not the root of evil. Money is just a value to measure things. People in the olden days at first used items with the same value to buy something. This progressed into using seashells to buy items. The methods mentioned are also like money, but they were not called money. Even if the system of money was abolished, theft would still be possible; contract killing would still be possible. This is because of other stuff like gold and silver. They are also money. Money itself is divided in to fiat (which is the paper money) and commodity money. So whether you like it or not, a civilized society cannot function without money. Money is a tool of exchange, which cannot exist unless there are goods and men to produce them. It is based on the principle that men who wish to deal with one another must do so via trade and give value for value. So is the love for it what you call evil? Why did Bill Gates became a millionaire, not forgetting Adam Khoo, Warren Buffett, Jimmy Choo and the list continues. It‟s... Some People Know Price Of Everything But The Value Of Nothing Date Submitted: 09/22/2008 Category: English Words: Pages: 0 Views: 2116 Popularity Rank: 2410 When your down and out and you have no where to turn and all the things you bought like the cars, the big houses and the expensive clothes don’t matter. That’s when you look to right
  • 2. and left that you see the most valuable things in life are not bought with money. That’s why Happiness doesn’t have a price tag. Here are my reasons. The Best things in life come without a price tag or a thank you. When a person saves you a seat on a crowded bus you might not think of it at all because its probably normal to you that you don’t even say thank you for it ,but that’s a thing you should appreciate because it is a gift and its for free. When you slip and fall on a slippery floor and someone comes up to you and asks if your alright but you don’t think twice about it and don’t even say thank you, this is a free gift. When your family comes from a distant land, that’s happiness. To be with your family is priceless. To have a shoulder to lean on is priceless. These little things are the meaning of the best things in life come without a price tag or a thank you. Happiness does not have a price tag. That has to means actually because it means that you shouldn’t limit yourself to do something that will make you happy and/or that not the most expensive things make you happy. What I mean by the first meaning is that if the family is have a gathering in an exotic land and you can afford it , buy the ticket and go. What I mean by the second meaning is that if you buy a $500 jacket wont make you happy like spending time with your best friends and playing basketball with them. What is the first you think about when somebody says a loyal friend. It would be he’ll always be there for you. And that’s why the most consistent things in life are the most valuable. An example of this is like having a friend always correct you when you do a mistake. Or how your family is always there for you when you need them and when you don’t. Life is full of consistent things but you got to... Goals That Must Be: Happiness While people have many and varied goals that they pursue, there is an almost universal underlying goal to virtually all pursuits: the goal to be happy. To different people being happy could be as simple as a day at the park, yet to others its more complicated and detailed. Being happy in the eyes of many consists of being wealthy and/or famous. Yet to others it could simply mean spending the rest of their lives with their significant other. In my eyes, happiness is something which fulfills a person in any method or manner. Happiness can come in different forms to different people. One can be happy for having impeccable health, yet another can be happy for being financially secure. Still, both of them would be happy because they feel as if they have been fulfilled. In my eyes happiness can be gained through hard work and devotion, but at the same time it can be something that just occurs. Some people would define the term happiness as being satisfied or content. I believe that a person’s happiness depends a lot on the person, their age and type of status that they have in life. Happiness is a must in life. But what on earth is happiness? Some people are happy when they’ve made money, while others are happy when they’ve found their true love, As for me; I find bliss when I am reading an interesting book in a warm and pretty room. Evidently, 1000 people will have 1000 different definitions of happiness. Why is it difficult to define, or rather discover and achieve happiness? I think the major determinant lies in a person’s attitude.
  • 3. Happiness is a term that describes something’s likes. Weather it be a human or a plant or an animal they all try to achieve happiness. By definition happiness is favored circumstances or luckiness. I say that happiness is earned and deserved. People live their lives everyday to be happy. But few achieve the highest happiness that they want or that they saw themselves having when they were young. When I was young, well younger than. Money Does Not Bring Happiness Home Page» Science» Energy Research Papers Money Does Not Bring Happiness Money does not bring happiness If the question “Does money bring you happiness?” is asked, many people will probably answer affirmatively. That it is because nowadays money plays a very important role in the society. In this time of crisis where not many people can reach to the end of the month, the answer of this question will be a resounding yes. But, for people who live comfortably with enough money to reach to the end of the month, the answer for this question probably will be no. Because, in most of cases, once achieved a minimun economic welfare to live in society, money ceases to be the star of their happiness. So, for people who live without monetary problems the increase of money does not bring them happiness, while for people who struggle to prosper their loved ones, money gives them a warm and harmonious happiness. People must not focus the money as the center of their lifes because money is just a tool to survival. But some people use to forget this and have the money as the most important thing in their life, forgetting that the money can not buy happiness. For some people, money not only brings happiness but it also brings problems. One of them it is the fact that the money turns people materialistic and do not leave them to enjoy no materialistic things such as special moments with the family or friends; that happen because the concept of happiness for this people is to satisfy themselfs with material things. According to that, people become selfish and they only think about themself and about have more money. Another problem that money brings to rich people is the fact that people just want to stay with them or be his/her friend just because of their money. It is one of the worst things that can happen to this people because they do not know if somebody is his/her friend because they are nice persons or because they are interested in their money. So, in some cases the synonym of money could be the unhappiness. But not... Can Money Buy Happiness? Would it be better to have one million dollars or would it be better to have a spouse and children? On one hand, people are always saying what they would do if they had money. On the other hand, people are always saying what they would do if they had a
  • 4. family. Being rich can be defined as many things. It can be defined as being incredibly wealthy. It can also be defined as having friends and family who care about you. It depends on the person‟s definition of being rich. The person with the most money in the world can also be the loneliest person in the world. Putting it simply, money cannot buy happiness. Money cannot buy happiness because one thing that makes people happy is having a family. Families can bring a certain joy that money can‟t bring. A family consists of people (and animals) who you care about and who cares about you. Buying a family isn‟t the same as having one of your own. When you already have a family, your family will already love and trust you. If you try to buy a family, you‟ll have to gain their trust and love and they‟ll have to gain your trust and love. Having a family, not having money, is one of the key essentials of being. In other words, families have a big influence on a person, whether it‟s good or bad. People that you bought are usually just in it for the money, so they probably wouldn‟t care whether you succeed or fail. Friendship is another thing that definitely can‟t be bought with money. When you have a genuine friendship, that person will stay with you through the good times and the bad times. The person won‟t care if you have money or not. That person will keep your secrets, no matter how intriguing, until they die. If you tried to buy your friends, they might try to sell your deepest, darkest secrets to the highest bidder. Real friends like you for who you are as a person. If you buy your friends, you will only get... The idea of money buying happiness is interesting. Yes, most people feel they do need more money to be happy, but what is that "happiness" they are speaking of? If that idea means owning newer appliances than before, then money can buy you happiness. If that idea is going out to eat dinner more often, then money can buy you happiness. But, if happiness is truly living one's life to the fullest, then money cannot buy happiness. People know that this idea of happiness is materialistic and shallow, and they are quick to point it out in others, but cannot see it in themselves. Money cannot buy happiness, unless happiness is measured by possessions. Happiness from money is very short lived. While the happiness of people who receive large sums of money might rise immediately after they receive that money, that happiness declines to only slightly above or equal to their level of happiness before the money came to them. Today, with money, people have a greater purchasing power than ever before. A large expendable income leads to the purchasing of unnecessary, but by today's standards, important, goods. Although we are a richer nation, since 1957, the number of people who say they are "very happy" has declined from 35 to 32 percent, the divorce rate has doubled, teen suicide has tripled, the violent crime rate has quadrupled, and more people than ever are depressed (Myers). Our society's perception of success also contributes to unhappiness amongst us. A
  • 5. new set of values has been adopted by many of us putting a high salary job with lots of prestige above a successful marriage or close friends. It is this twist in values that have helped to make people unhappy. We need to put the things that matter most to our happiness in front of the things that matter to others' perceptions of them. It is an interesting paradox that although 89% of people say "our society is much too materialistic," 84% wish they had more money, and 78% say it is "very or fairly important" to have "a... Can Money buy happiness? Dear Editor, This letter is a response to the editorial claiming that there is more to happiness than money. Different people have different beliefs of what happiness really is. However, money is often the bane of happiness, as is evidenced that affluent societies are often considerably more unhappy than poorer (not necessarily poverty stricken) countries. This is a sign that too little, or too much money is not a good thing. A balance needs to be struck between earning money and more fulfilling activities. This is because happiness is not a state to be „achieved‟ but a virtue, and all happiness is relative. Happiness is a virtue. Happiness cannot be „achieved‟ or „attained‟ through earning money. Money can be seen as the opposite of happiness. The rich often wield power, due to their wealth, which in turn corrupts their morals. As Lord Acton said, “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” This means that money results in people actually feeling less fulfilled in the long term. One needs to only think that they are happy to be happy. Thinking that they need meretricious material possessions to be happy only deludes them as to what real happiness is. Money may help them „feel‟ happy for a short period, but over time their lives will feel empty, and perhaps meaningless. They need realize that money does not „grant‟ happiness, and they need to only look around to realize this. Happiness is relative. If one is unhappy due to comparing their wealth to the rich and famous, then they should try and look at the probable billions more who are less well off. They should take a trip to a less fortunate country and see for themselves what others manage to live on, or even take a trip to a less fortunate part of the city and see that maybe, just maybe, their lives are not so hard after all. Seeing those who do not have the spending power as themselves might just wake them up that not everyone can expect to...
  • 6. Money Doesnt Always Equal Happiness Money Doesn‟t Always Equal Happiness Course: Microeconomics Happiness “that sense of warmth that begins at the core of the soul, spreads to the heart, and radiates outward from the eyes and lips of those who know it. The gift of happiness is elusive, but tangible. You cannot seek to find that which makes you happy for happiness comes from within and by your own choice.” (Mr. Dale Reddish, 2010). This is a rather eloquent interpretation of happiness that really gets to the heart of the argument; does money really buy happiness? The problem with most of the required reading is it is derived from survey data that uses a list of answers that is predetermined by the interviewer. That is where the social psychologist Hadley Cantril differed in his approach. Mr. Cantril understood the complexity of the question, and how people‟s answers might vary throughout different cultures and socio-economic backgrounds. We are complex beings and one would think that the things that make us happy would vary significantly. The open-ended approach Mr. Cantril used allowed for a broad gap in actual results, surprisingly this was not the case. Despite Mr. Cantril‟s ambitious attempt the most common answer he received were along the lines of material conditions, and more importantly the individual‟s level of living. We have all heard the phrase “you get what you put in to it”, this relates extremely well to the concept of marginal utility. I for one was raised knowing that in order to get the things I wanted I had to be willing to make sacrifices. One thing you learn while serving your country is nothing in this world is free, not even freedom itself. However, when one pursues their monetary goals in excess more often than not they tend to neglect the actual things that matter. People become so caught up in chasing the buck that they tend to forget why they are doing it in the first place. Having fortune and fame is something that everyone wants, but few... Can Money Buy Happiness Can Money Buy Happiness? Economists use the term utility to represent a measure of the satisfaction or happiness that individuals get from the consumption of goods and services. Because a higher income allows one to consume more goods and services, we say that utility increases with income. But does greater income and consumption really translate into greater happiness? In this paper, I will be showing how greater
  • 7. income and consumption does not really translate into greater happiness and how marginal utility is diminishing as income gets higher. However, consumption effect tells us that more consumption of good and services will increase happiness. At least to a degree, we see that money can buy happiness. But what, if anything, does research on consumer satisfaction tell us about the relationship between happiness and the concepts of utility and marginal utility? Based on the research, I found that money does not increase the happiness because as income increases the one¡¯s behavior of preferences or satisfaction changes and will result in diminishing marginal utility. Sociologist and psychologist would say based on the definition of marginal utility, when additional satisfaction obtained from consuming one additional unit of a good, the one¡¯s happiness will increase as their income rises. And because of consumption effect, people are happier when they consume more goods and services. Studies by psychologists and socialists show that, both within a country and across nations, the happiness level of people increases with the income level, but only slightly. For example, using regional and cultural classifications, the Northern European countries with high incomes score top on happiness, followed by the group of English- speaking US, UK, Australia, and Ireland. Central and South American countries including Brazil come next, followed by the Middle East, the Central European, Southern and Eastern European, the Indian Sub-continent, and Africa which... Money Cannot Buy Happiness The idea of money buying happiness is interesting. Yes, most people feel they do need more money to be happy, but what is that "happiness" they are speaking of? If that idea means owning newer appliances than before, then money can buy you happiness. If that idea is going out to eat dinner more often, then money can buy you happiness. But, if happiness is truly living one's life to the fullest, then money cannot buy happiness. People know that this idea of happiness is materialistic and shallow, and they are quick to point it out in others, but cannot see it in themselves. Money cannot buy happiness, unless happiness is measured by possessions. Happiness from money is very short lived. While the happiness of people who receive large sums of money might rise immediately after they receive that money, that happiness declines to only slightly above or equal to their level of happiness before the money came to them. Today, with money, people have a greater purchasing power than ever before. A large expendable income leads to the purchasing of unnecessary, but by today's standards, important, goods. Although we are a richer nation, since 1957, the number of people who say they are "very happy" has declined from 35 to 32 percent, the divorce rate has doubled, teen suicide has tripled, the violent crime rate has quadrupled, and more people than ever are depressed (Myers). Our society's perception of success also contributes to unhappiness amongst us. A new set of values has been adopted by many of us putting a high salary job with lots of prestige above a successful marriage or close friends. It is this twist in values that have helped to make people unhappy. We need to put the things that matter most to our happiness in front of the things that matter to others' perceptions of them. It is
  • 8. an interesting paradox that although 89% of people say "our society is much too materialistic," 84% wish they had more money, and 78% say it is "very or fairly important" to have "a... Happiness Happiness Happiness: In one word, this concept exemplifies the American dream. People go to any means by which to obtain the many varied materials and issues that induce pleasures in each individual, and intrinsically, this emotion remains the ultimate goal, John Stuart Mill, a nineteenth century philosopher, correctly advocated the pursuit of happiness, and maintained the concept that above all other values, pleasure existed as the final destination, Mill's hedonistic views correctly and rationally identified a natural human tendency, and his Utilitarian arguments strongly support the theory that above all else, happiness is the most important dream to be fulfilled. Upon researching for this paper, I came across a counter argument, which was based on metaphysics. Immanuel Kant, in Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals, defends his strong beliefs in the issue of a good will, and surfaces as MM's chief opponent on the topic of metaphysics, The issue diminishes to a clash between emotions and pleasures ve rses rationality and logic. Yet, what use is logic when the good agent is miserable? Mill's stance within Utilitarianism exists as the more favorable of the two beliefs, for happiness exist as the one intrinsically favorable element, not an emotionless mind. The main defender of the Utilitarian system exists within the Greatest happiness Principle. Mill lived as a chief advocate of this concept, which supports the idea that a decision is morally correct as long as it increases and encourages pleasures and happiness. Kant, however, in his endless quest to remain separate from emotions and thrive only on logic, would argue that autonomy should be placed above happiness in a list of intrinsic values. A good will, however, does not comfort an individual in any way if happiness does not accompany this asset, Consider this example of a seemingly happily married couple. The wife in this duo is madly in love with her husband fiercely loyal, and... Can Money Buy Happiness And Love?
  • 9. I honestly believe that money cannot buy happiness and love. Happiness is the side-affect of feeling physically or spiritually fulfilled, it is how we feel when we are not destroying our lives. Happiness is how we feel when we can see that we are progressing in the direction that we want to, it is when we can see all that we dream of obtaining getting closer to us. Money cannot directly buy happiness as it is something that is as individual as the person seeking it and not material in nature, it is a state of being. You can brainwash a person into feeling some kind of happiness, but real happiness only comes from honest personal growth. Now love. Love is a feeling that doesn't lie. When we love or are in love there is no denying it, it controls our lives and determines how our bodies feel. Money cannot buy love because love is also a state of being and no matter how much money someone gives you unless you actually love them you cannot fake it. Your stomach will not quiver, your eyes will not hunger nor will your heart grow heavy for this person who has bought your love. Disillusioned individuals believe the hype that money can buy happiness and love for them. But this is a self-destructive idea indeed because being unaware of the lie these people will continue to spend money to buy their happiness and buy love from others. Buy if they just look at what they are doing they will see that they are stuck in an endless cycle where they spend money for temporary happiness and love which leaves them unfulfilled as soon as they have been satisfied. With the media machine being what it is today it is highly unlikely that they will promote happiness and love as being separate from material possessions. They try to convince us that chocolates, soda, computer games, etc will bring us happiness. They also try to convince us that sex is somehow the same as love. We are all part of a very dangerous brainwashing program so it's up to the individual to make their own mind.. Happiness -- Create It! “Happy” just doesn‟t fall on us like rain. Thinking of what you like or want, or of what excites or challenges are all part of setting up a life that „creates‟ happiness. You‟ll be happier if you know what it is that you are on this earth for. If you don‟t know what it is, then it would be an endless cycle of searching for meaning in life. The important thing is you decide what really your unique purpose is, and then FULFILL it! If you live purposefully with what you believe, then, that will bring you profound satisfaction and enjoyment. As a being, you have to expect more of yourself. You just don‟t have to stay ordinary. That would only make you feel unfulfilled. Explore the world on what ways you could create a life for yourself. As what Dennis Waitley said, “Life is a self-fulfilling prophecy. You may not get what you want, but in the long run, you will get what you expect.”
  • 10. Yes, I want to be happy! You want to be happy also! We all want to be happy! And with this happiness, is our being thankful. Yes! Thankful. It is that being thankful, makes positive emotions to a person. There‟s the satisfaction, the vitality, optimism and it lowers the level of your depression and stress. We all have to remember always that genuine happiness is created. Mysterious? No. It‟s not. It‟s not random either. You don‟t have to win the lottery to have happiness. You also don‟t have to find and recite the most powerful miracle prayers on earth just to have happiness. All you have to do is discover within you, what would be your happiness, and then make it real. Happiness is for everyone. It‟s for free. There‟s no “kotong.” No taxes to pay. It can be yours really. Just do find ways on how you would express it. Pursue it and share it with others. Money And Happiness Can Money buy happiness? Dear Editor, This letter is a response to the editorial claiming that there is more to happiness than money. Different people have different beliefs of what happiness really is. However, money is often the bane of happiness, as is evidenced that affluent societies are often considerably more unhappy than poorer (not necessarily poverty stricken) countries. This is a sign that too little, or too much money is not a good thing. A balance needs to be struck between earning money and more fulfilling activities. This is because happiness is not a state to be „achieved‟ but a virtue, and all happiness is relative. Happiness is a virtue. Happiness cannot be „achieved‟ or „attained‟ through earning money. Money can be seen as the opposite of happiness. The rich often wield power, due to their wealth, which in turn corrupts their morals. As Lord Acton said, “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” This means that money results in people actually feeling less fulfilled in the long term. One needs to only think that they are happy to be happy. Thinking that they need meretricious material possessions to be happy only deludes them as to what real happiness is. Money may help them „feel‟ happy for a short period, but over time their lives will feel empty, and perhaps meaningless. They need realize that money does not „grant‟ happiness, and they need to only look around to realize this. Happiness is relative. If one is unhappy due to comparing their wealth to the rich and famous, then they should try and look at the probable billions more who are less well
  • 11. off. They should take a trip to a less fortunate country and see for themselves what others manage to live on, or even take a trip to a less fortunate part of the city and see that maybe, just maybe, their lives are not so hard after all. Seeing those who do not have the spending power as themselves might just wake them up that not everyone can expect to... The Right To Happiness Right to Happiness Everybody in this world has the right to happiness. However, I don't think we should seek our happiness by all means. I don't agree that people should be selfish in order to get whatever they want .Of course, I'm not saying that there aren't any selfish people in this world, but some people are more selfish than others .So we need to have some balance in what we want and what would make us happy. Also we need to make sure that we don't burden our selves in the sake of our others' happiness. Therefore, I'm not convinced that Mr. A and Mrs. B did the right thing; also, I know that sometimes we may give up our right to happiness to please others, and sometimes we have to do whatever it takes to meet our happiness. First, I didn't agree with Mr. A and Mrs. B's actions in C. S. Lewis's essay. Therefore, I don't think that Mr. A should have left his wife because she was not beautiful any more. Of course, maybe there is another side of the story that made him leave his wife. Also I didn't think that Mrs. B should leave her husband, when he lost everything. However, the way Lewis presented his story is to convince me that they are very bad people. Overall, they justify their behavior simply by saying they have the right to happiness. Even though Lewis presented them very badly in his story, I'm not in a position to judge others' actions. However, I'm not totally convinced that these are the people to leave their spouses. So no matter where they go, they may still find the same situation. Because that is life, and life can change any time. I also know that sometimes I need to give up my right of happiness for others. For example, there was a man on a boat along with other men. And there was a quarrel on the boat. As a result, everyone was given a place. So the man decided to dig a hole at his place, justifying that by saying that is his right and place. So if they allowed him, they all would be in danger. And if they prevented him, they would...