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Mission, Vision, and Values
Leadership Skills
MTL Course Topics
Mission, Vision, and Values
Mission, Vision, and Values
Leadership Skills
MTL Course Topics
The Course Topics series from Manage Train Learn is a large collection of topics that will help you as a learner
to quickly and easily master a range of skills in your everyday working life and life outside work. If you are a
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Mission, Vision, and Values
Leadership Skills
MTL Course Topics
Mission, Vision, and Values
Leadership Skills
MTL Course Topics
Outstanding leaders have the ability to stand head and
shoulders above others and see where the group or
organisation is going. Whereas, to the foot soldiers, there is
only concern for today's needs and tomorrow's, for the
leader there is absolute clarity about the purpose and
direction in which the group is heading. The leader has the
additional ability of condensing this purpose and turning it
into words that others will understand; and so creates
mission, vision and values.
Mission, Vision, and Values
Leadership Skills
MTL Course Topics
A statement of mission, at both the organisational and
individual level, expresses the purpose for the organisation's
existence, its raison d’être and becomes the rallying point
around which everyone can unite. In changing times, a
Mission Statement aims to say what the unchanging
purpose of the business is. Leaders confirm, verify and
communicate the organisation's mission.
Putting a Mission Statement into a written format has the
advantage that...
1. it has a tangible form, even if only on paper
2. it is the result of views, opinions, arguments and
discussions about the business
3. it is a focus for management thinking.
"The purpose of life is a life of purpose." (Robert Burns)
Mission, Vision, and Values
Leadership Skills
MTL Course Topics
A Mission Statement should not just express the realities as
people see them; it should also challenge and inspire.
1. the mission statement of freight company Federal
Express is a short but exacting one: "to help the world
through better and faster communications.“
2. the mission statement of Glaxo reads: "we are an
integrated, research-based group of companies whose
corporate purpose is to create, discover, develop,
manufacture and market safe effective medicines
throughout the world.“
3. the mission statement of Sony is: "to experience the joy
of advancing and applying technology for the benefit of
the public."
Mission, Vision, and Values
Leadership Skills
MTL Course Topics
This is a personal mission statement written by a working
mother balancing work and home lives.
"I will seek to fulfil my duties towards both my work and my
family since both are important to me. My work is the place
where I aim to achieve service towards others, the
expression of my technical knowledge and the building of
harmonious and satisfying relationships. My home is the
place where I aim to find happiness, peace, contentment
and joy. Despite all the difficulties, I aim to balance work
and home and the genuine needs of those who look to me
to help them."
“Mission is an activity. It is your expression of the Next
Grandest Version of the Greatest Vision you hold of who you
really are expressed in a way that serves you, serves the
world, and serves that which you may believe lies beyond.”
(Paul Beeston)
Mission, Vision, and Values
Leadership Skills
MTL Course Topics
To live our mission, we must…
1. Know what our mission is and what it means to us
2. Explore how living our mission leads to an enriched
quality of life and greater fulfilment
3. Create a compelling vision of who we are
4. Believe in our unique role in this life.
“To live your Mission is the most generous thing you can do.
Your Mission is always going to make a major contribution
to your life, the lives of others and the life of the planet.
Humankind and the planet needs you to live your Mission.
Your Mission is part of the tapestry of life and without it,
there are stitches missing. Is there anything more important
for you to do?” (Paul Beeston)
Mission, Vision, and Values
Leadership Skills
MTL Course Topics
This is the mission of Ringland Bros circus, penned in 1899:
"To be good, mankind must be happy. To wreathe the faces
of humanity in smiles for a time, to loosen the chains that
hold man captive to his duties and return him to them
better fitted for his obligations, is the mission of
Amusement unfetters the mind from its environs and
changes the dreary monotony of the factory's spindles to
the joyous song of the meadowlark. It softens the wrinkles
of sorrow, makes smiles of frowns.
This is the mission of amusement - and the circus with its
innocent sights of joy for the children and its power to make
all men and women children again for at least one day,
comes the nearest of any form of amusement to fulfilling
this mission."
Mission, Vision, and Values
Leadership Skills
MTL Course Topics
We each in our own way have an image in our heads of why
we work and what we hope to achieve.
The vision re-interprets the purpose of an organisation or
person's mission statement in ways that we feel we can
reach out and touch.
Visions are achievable targets and goals; inspirational
dreams; a belief that we have a great future; a focus for our
present actions; a roadmap to take us forward and a
magnetic force.
Visions should leave room so that people can re-interpret
them in their own meaningful way.
"Vision is the art of seeing things invisible." (Jonathan Swift)
Mission, Vision, and Values
Leadership Skills
MTL Course Topics
Leaders have the ability to look at things and see the hidden
potential lying inside.
To leaders...
1. a raw material is not just a consignment of goods but a
useful product waiting to be made
2. an office is not just a space with desks and filing
cabinets but a place where teams can do exciting work
3. people are not just names, titles and holders of jobs but
budding organisation champions.
"Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"
I see things that are not and never were and ask "Why
not?"." (George Bernard Shaw)
Mission, Vision, and Values
Leadership Skills
MTL Course Topics
While goals and targets are set by managers, visions are set
by leaders.
1. goals motivate, visions align
2. goals are based on a need to accomplish, visions on a
need to accomplish continually
3. goals lead to adult maturity, visions lead to adult
maturity and childlike creativity
4. goals are measured by results, visions by results and
5. goals are rational, visions rational, intuitive and holistic
6. goals provide direction, visions create energy.
"True wisdom consists not in seeing what is immediately
before our eyes, but in foreseeing what is to come."
(Terence, 185 -129BC)
Mission, Vision, and Values
Leadership Skills
MTL Course Topics
Jonny Wilkinson was one of the most prolific goal-scorers in
the game of rugby union. His tally for the England team is
unsurpassed and his sponsors, Gillette, estimated that the
total distance he had kicked the ball in his career was 137
kilometres, enough to put it in orbit.
When he came to take a conversion kick, he used the power
of visualisation as much as skill. He says:
“I use the seam of the ball as a target, the ball leaning
slightly to the left. Then I go back and visualise the line of
my kick, dead straight between the ball and the middle of
the posts. That line is fixed in my mind like concrete.
Then, a few steps to the side. I see the path of the ball in my
mind, then a deep focus, imagining all the power going
through my leg. You try to be in total control of the path of
the ball, kick up and through it.”
Mission, Vision, and Values
Leadership Skills
MTL Course Topics
One popular image of leadership is the person who
physically leads from the front. This could be Moses leading
the children of Israel to the Promised Land or Mao Tse-Tung
leading the Chinese Communists on the Long March.
Leaders who lead from the front have an unshakeable
certainty about where they are going. They epitomise
perseverance, keep their followers focused and never hear
of giving up when the journey gets difficult.
"Don't worry about genius. Don't worry about being clever.
Trust to hard work, perseverance and determination. And
the best motto for a long march is: "Don't grumble! Plug
on!" (Margaret Thatcher)
Mission, Vision, and Values
Leadership Skills
MTL Course Topics
Elliott Jaques of Brunel University in Bristol defines leaders
as those who can see where they and their organisations
are capable of being in the future.
While most of us have no more than a three-month-ahead
perspective, outstanding leaders can see one or two years
ahead. Jaques believes that only one person in a million can
see 20 years ahead. The Japanese industrialist, Konosuke
Matsushita, has a 250-year plan for his business!
The filmmaker Walt Disney died six years before the opening
of the first Disney World. At the opening ceremonies, two
Disney executives were sitting together. One said: "Too bad
Walt couldn't have been here to see this." The other replied:
"You're wrong. Walt did see it. That's why it's here."
Mission, Vision, and Values
Leadership Skills
MTL Course Topics
A quality taught to managers at Shell UK is known as
"helicopter vision". This is the ability to see across three
time zones of the future, as if in a hovering helicopter. What
you can see are the near plains, the middle-distant foothills
and the distant peaks.
Being able to see all three zones at once harmonizes your
tactics, operations and strategy.
In the 1920's a Boston-based firm called Moxies were the
leading soft drinks company in America. Their aim was: "to
sell herb-based soft drinks" and nothing more. An upstart
company with vision decided that it wanted to "quench the
thirst of a nation".
That company was Coca Cola.
Mission, Vision, and Values
Leadership Skills
MTL Course Topics
A compelling vision is the hallmark of top achievers.
Warren Bennis carried out a survey amongst 90 of the most
outstanding leaders in the United States. They included Neil
Armstrong the first man to walk on the moon. Bennis found
that, despite disparate educational, social and organisational
backgrounds, the one thing they all had in common was a
compelling vision.
1. they were able to concentrate totally on where they
were going
2. they had the ability to articulate their vision
3. they were able to draw others in to share the vision
4. they invented new models, metaphors and images to
express their vision.
Mission, Vision, and Values
Leadership Skills
MTL Course Topics
When Lee Iacocca completed his stint as chairman of
Chrysler, the management decided to present him with a
farewell gift - a Chrysler car.
At the appointed noon gathering, in front of all the plant
employees, Iacocca was handed a set of keys and a shiny
new car was wheeled in. It had clearly been specially picked
out as the best model available.
"I can't have that car," said Iacocca after just one look at it.
There was an embarrassed silence, broken by the works
manager's insistence that the car was his to keep.
"Oh, I'll have a car, all right," replied Iacocca, "but give me
the next one off the assembly line."
Immediately everyone knew that what Iacocca wanted in
every Chrysler car was a product fit to be presented to the
chairman of the company.
Mission, Vision, and Values
Leadership Skills
MTL Course Topics
The organisation's values are the collective beliefs and
attitudes about what's important in the way business is
Most organisation's values are a link back to the
organisation's origins: the values that were important to the
founding fathers or pioneers, and which have been re-
emphasised and have survived through the years.
Because these values are still held by those who belong to
the organisation and need to be carried forward into the
future, the leader is both the representative and custodian
of the organisation's values.
"Every business has a belief system and it is at least as
important as its accounting system or its authority system."
(Alvin Toffler)
Mission, Vision, and Values
Leadership Skills
MTL Course Topics
A survey of members of the American Management
Association found that 86% of managers knew their
corporate values and 71% had them in writing, in
handbooks, on notice boards or on the company website.
The reported top 10 values were:
1. customer satisfaction 77%
2. ethics and integrity 76%
3. accountability 61%
4. respect 59%
5. open communications 51%
6. profitability 49%
7. teamwork 47%
8. innovation and change 47%
9. continuous learning 43%
10. positive work environment 41%
At the bottom of the list of values was "having fun" at just
Mission, Vision, and Values
Leadership Skills
MTL Course Topics
Values are the set of implicit understandings and beliefs
about the business which are at the unchanging core of the
enterprise. While everything else around them may change
- the methods, systems, procedures, rules and people -
values stay the same.
Values are often the traditional ways the business ran in its
early formative days, whether that was 5 years ago or 50.
They can be qualities such as Unilever's "co-operation",
Mars' "efficiency" or IBM's "innovation". While technology is
what makes you the same as your competitors, values are
what make you different.
Values are re-stated and clarified by those who lead. When
people in an enterprise violate the rules, they may be
dismissed; when they violate the values, they must be
Mission, Vision, and Values
Leadership Skills
MTL Course Topics
It is easy to preach values, much harder to live them. For
example, it is easy to give the following advice...
• to lose weight, eat less
• to get rich, make more money
• to increase market share, improve service.
This is why it is important to translate values into actual
actions, to reward people who share them and to re-state
them at every possible opportunity.
"John, I noticed that you were a bit abrupt with that group
of youngsters at Reception yesterday. I understand how you
felt, but you know, it's important that we treat everyone as
a respected customer, whatever their age or how we feel
about them. One day, these kids will have families of their
own and they'll be our customers too."
Mission, Vision, and Values
Leadership Skills
MTL Course Topics
Values emerge from the culture of a society.
These are some facts about modern Japan:
1. Modern Japan is a one-race nation of 121 million
2. 70% of the people live in a narrow urban corridor
between Tokyo and Fukuoka.
3. There is virtually 100% literacy but no natural resources
other than its people.
4. There is an ethic of hard work and 40% of young people
complete university education.
5. There is a family approach to organisations.
When asked by consultants Cameron and Consulnet what
they thought were the values of Japanese business,
European managers cited the following: formality; self-
control; politeness; narrow-mindedness; inflexibility;
professionalism; hard work.
Mission, Vision, and Values
Leadership Skills
MTL Course Topics
Few people have heard of Phil Knight, a middle-distance
runner, his coach, Bill Bowerman, and one-time Olympic
runner, Steve Prefontaine. But these people were the
driving force and inspiration that created Nike, the footwear
and clothing colossus.
Although largely unknown to outsiders, the stories of
Bowerman's endless experiments with the family waffle iron
into which he poured rubber to create the best running
shoe sole, and Prefontaine's battles to make running a
professional sport, are legendary in Nike.
Today, a number of senior Nike executives act as "corporate
storytellers" reminding people that the Nike values are "not
about extraordinary business plans but about people getting
things done."
Mission, Vision, and Values
Leadership Skills
MTL Course Topics
Creating your mission, vision and values isn't something you
can do overnight. It's the result of a slow process.
This is what Stephen Covey says:
"How many of you crammed in school? How many have
worked on a farm? Did you cram on the farm? That is, did
you forget to plant in the spring, loaf through the summer,
then try to do everything in the fall just before harvest?
Doesn't work. Growing plants is subject to natural laws and
principles. Leadership. It doesn't just "happen".
You can't cram for it. It isn't just a matter of attending a
seminar or course. You need to work at it over a period of
time to be effective. Why? Principles are involved. Takes
time to appreciate and apply principles and allow them to
become the centre of your life. Values may vary from person
to person but the principles of effective leadership are
eternal and universal."
Mission, Vision, and Values
Leadership Skills
MTL Course Topics
Mission, Vision, and Values
Leadership Skills
MTL Course Topics
This has been a Slide Topic from Manage Train Learn

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Mission, Vision, and Values

  • 1. 1 | Mission, Vision, and Values Leadership Skills MTL Course Topics LEADERSHIP SKILLS Mission, Vision, and Values
  • 2. 2 | Mission, Vision, and Values Leadership Skills MTL Course Topics The Course Topics series from Manage Train Learn is a large collection of topics that will help you as a learner to quickly and easily master a range of skills in your everyday working life and life outside work. If you are a trainer, they are perfect for adding to your classroom courses and online learning plans. COURSE TOPICS FROM MTL The written content in this Slide Topic belongs exclusively to Manage Train Learn and may only be reprinted either by attribution to Manage Train Learn or with the express written permission of Manage Train Learn. They are designed as a series of numbered slides. As with all programmes on Slide Topics, these slides are fully editable and can be used in your own programmes, royalty-free. Your only limitation is that you may not re-publish or sell these slides as your own. Copyright Manage Train Learn 2020 onwards. Attribution: All images are from sources which do not require attribution and may be used for commercial uses. Sources include pixabay, unsplash, and freepik. These images may also be those which are in the public domain, out of copyright, for fair use, or allowed under a Creative Commons license.
  • 3. 3 | Mission, Vision, and Values Leadership Skills MTL Course Topics ARE YOU READY? OK, LET’S START!
  • 4. 4 | Mission, Vision, and Values Leadership Skills MTL Course Topics INTRODUCTION Outstanding leaders have the ability to stand head and shoulders above others and see where the group or organisation is going. Whereas, to the foot soldiers, there is only concern for today's needs and tomorrow's, for the leader there is absolute clarity about the purpose and direction in which the group is heading. The leader has the additional ability of condensing this purpose and turning it into words that others will understand; and so creates mission, vision and values.
  • 5. 5 | Mission, Vision, and Values Leadership Skills MTL Course Topics MISSION STATEMENTS A statement of mission, at both the organisational and individual level, expresses the purpose for the organisation's existence, its raison d’être and becomes the rallying point around which everyone can unite. In changing times, a Mission Statement aims to say what the unchanging purpose of the business is. Leaders confirm, verify and communicate the organisation's mission. Putting a Mission Statement into a written format has the advantage that... 1. it has a tangible form, even if only on paper 2. it is the result of views, opinions, arguments and discussions about the business 3. it is a focus for management thinking. "The purpose of life is a life of purpose." (Robert Burns)
  • 6. 6 | Mission, Vision, and Values Leadership Skills MTL Course Topics OUR MISSION A Mission Statement should not just express the realities as people see them; it should also challenge and inspire. 1. the mission statement of freight company Federal Express is a short but exacting one: "to help the world through better and faster communications.“ 2. the mission statement of Glaxo reads: "we are an integrated, research-based group of companies whose corporate purpose is to create, discover, develop, manufacture and market safe effective medicines throughout the world.“ 3. the mission statement of Sony is: "to experience the joy of advancing and applying technology for the benefit of the public."
  • 7. 7 | Mission, Vision, and Values Leadership Skills MTL Course Topics A PERSONAL MISSION This is a personal mission statement written by a working mother balancing work and home lives. "I will seek to fulfil my duties towards both my work and my family since both are important to me. My work is the place where I aim to achieve service towards others, the expression of my technical knowledge and the building of harmonious and satisfying relationships. My home is the place where I aim to find happiness, peace, contentment and joy. Despite all the difficulties, I aim to balance work and home and the genuine needs of those who look to me to help them." “Mission is an activity. It is your expression of the Next Grandest Version of the Greatest Vision you hold of who you really are expressed in a way that serves you, serves the world, and serves that which you may believe lies beyond.” (Paul Beeston)
  • 8. 8 | Mission, Vision, and Values Leadership Skills MTL Course Topics LIVING THE MISSION To live our mission, we must… 1. Know what our mission is and what it means to us 2. Explore how living our mission leads to an enriched quality of life and greater fulfilment 3. Create a compelling vision of who we are 4. Believe in our unique role in this life. “To live your Mission is the most generous thing you can do. Your Mission is always going to make a major contribution to your life, the lives of others and the life of the planet. Humankind and the planet needs you to live your Mission. Your Mission is part of the tapestry of life and without it, there are stitches missing. Is there anything more important for you to do?” (Paul Beeston)
  • 9. 9 | Mission, Vision, and Values Leadership Skills MTL Course Topics A MISSION TO AMUSE This is the mission of Ringland Bros circus, penned in 1899: "To be good, mankind must be happy. To wreathe the faces of humanity in smiles for a time, to loosen the chains that hold man captive to his duties and return him to them better fitted for his obligations, is the mission of amusement. Amusement unfetters the mind from its environs and changes the dreary monotony of the factory's spindles to the joyous song of the meadowlark. It softens the wrinkles of sorrow, makes smiles of frowns. This is the mission of amusement - and the circus with its innocent sights of joy for the children and its power to make all men and women children again for at least one day, comes the nearest of any form of amusement to fulfilling this mission."
  • 10. 10 | Mission, Vision, and Values Leadership Skills MTL Course Topics VISION We each in our own way have an image in our heads of why we work and what we hope to achieve. The vision re-interprets the purpose of an organisation or person's mission statement in ways that we feel we can reach out and touch. Visions are achievable targets and goals; inspirational dreams; a belief that we have a great future; a focus for our present actions; a roadmap to take us forward and a magnetic force. Visions should leave room so that people can re-interpret them in their own meaningful way. "Vision is the art of seeing things invisible." (Jonathan Swift)
  • 11. 11 | Mission, Vision, and Values Leadership Skills MTL Course Topics SEEING POTENTIAL Leaders have the ability to look at things and see the hidden potential lying inside. To leaders... 1. a raw material is not just a consignment of goods but a useful product waiting to be made 2. an office is not just a space with desks and filing cabinets but a place where teams can do exciting work together 3. people are not just names, titles and holders of jobs but budding organisation champions. "Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?" I see things that are not and never were and ask "Why not?"." (George Bernard Shaw)
  • 12. 12 | Mission, Vision, and Values Leadership Skills MTL Course Topics GOALS AND VISIONS While goals and targets are set by managers, visions are set by leaders. 1. goals motivate, visions align 2. goals are based on a need to accomplish, visions on a need to accomplish continually 3. goals lead to adult maturity, visions lead to adult maturity and childlike creativity 4. goals are measured by results, visions by results and feelings 5. goals are rational, visions rational, intuitive and holistic 6. goals provide direction, visions create energy. "True wisdom consists not in seeing what is immediately before our eyes, but in foreseeing what is to come." (Terence, 185 -129BC)
  • 13. 13 | Mission, Vision, and Values Leadership Skills MTL Course Topics KICKING FOR GOAL Jonny Wilkinson was one of the most prolific goal-scorers in the game of rugby union. His tally for the England team is unsurpassed and his sponsors, Gillette, estimated that the total distance he had kicked the ball in his career was 137 kilometres, enough to put it in orbit. When he came to take a conversion kick, he used the power of visualisation as much as skill. He says: “I use the seam of the ball as a target, the ball leaning slightly to the left. Then I go back and visualise the line of my kick, dead straight between the ball and the middle of the posts. That line is fixed in my mind like concrete. Then, a few steps to the side. I see the path of the ball in my mind, then a deep focus, imagining all the power going through my leg. You try to be in total control of the path of the ball, kick up and through it.”
  • 14. 14 | Mission, Vision, and Values Leadership Skills MTL Course Topics PLUG ON! One popular image of leadership is the person who physically leads from the front. This could be Moses leading the children of Israel to the Promised Land or Mao Tse-Tung leading the Chinese Communists on the Long March. Leaders who lead from the front have an unshakeable certainty about where they are going. They epitomise perseverance, keep their followers focused and never hear of giving up when the journey gets difficult. "Don't worry about genius. Don't worry about being clever. Trust to hard work, perseverance and determination. And the best motto for a long march is: "Don't grumble! Plug on!" (Margaret Thatcher)
  • 15. 15 | Mission, Vision, and Values Leadership Skills MTL Course Topics LOOKING AHEAD Elliott Jaques of Brunel University in Bristol defines leaders as those who can see where they and their organisations are capable of being in the future. While most of us have no more than a three-month-ahead perspective, outstanding leaders can see one or two years ahead. Jaques believes that only one person in a million can see 20 years ahead. The Japanese industrialist, Konosuke Matsushita, has a 250-year plan for his business! The filmmaker Walt Disney died six years before the opening of the first Disney World. At the opening ceremonies, two Disney executives were sitting together. One said: "Too bad Walt couldn't have been here to see this." The other replied: "You're wrong. Walt did see it. That's why it's here."
  • 16. 16 | Mission, Vision, and Values Leadership Skills MTL Course Topics HELICOPTER VISION A quality taught to managers at Shell UK is known as "helicopter vision". This is the ability to see across three time zones of the future, as if in a hovering helicopter. What you can see are the near plains, the middle-distant foothills and the distant peaks. Being able to see all three zones at once harmonizes your tactics, operations and strategy. In the 1920's a Boston-based firm called Moxies were the leading soft drinks company in America. Their aim was: "to sell herb-based soft drinks" and nothing more. An upstart company with vision decided that it wanted to "quench the thirst of a nation". That company was Coca Cola.
  • 17. 17 | Mission, Vision, and Values Leadership Skills MTL Course Topics A COMPELLING VISION A compelling vision is the hallmark of top achievers. Warren Bennis carried out a survey amongst 90 of the most outstanding leaders in the United States. They included Neil Armstrong the first man to walk on the moon. Bennis found that, despite disparate educational, social and organisational backgrounds, the one thing they all had in common was a compelling vision. Additionally... 1. they were able to concentrate totally on where they were going 2. they had the ability to articulate their vision 3. they were able to draw others in to share the vision 4. they invented new models, metaphors and images to express their vision.
  • 18. 18 | Mission, Vision, and Values Leadership Skills MTL Course Topics LIVING THE VISION When Lee Iacocca completed his stint as chairman of Chrysler, the management decided to present him with a farewell gift - a Chrysler car. At the appointed noon gathering, in front of all the plant employees, Iacocca was handed a set of keys and a shiny new car was wheeled in. It had clearly been specially picked out as the best model available. "I can't have that car," said Iacocca after just one look at it. There was an embarrassed silence, broken by the works manager's insistence that the car was his to keep. "Oh, I'll have a car, all right," replied Iacocca, "but give me the next one off the assembly line." Immediately everyone knew that what Iacocca wanted in every Chrysler car was a product fit to be presented to the chairman of the company.
  • 19. 19 | Mission, Vision, and Values Leadership Skills MTL Course Topics VALUES The organisation's values are the collective beliefs and attitudes about what's important in the way business is done. Most organisation's values are a link back to the organisation's origins: the values that were important to the founding fathers or pioneers, and which have been re- emphasised and have survived through the years. Because these values are still held by those who belong to the organisation and need to be carried forward into the future, the leader is both the representative and custodian of the organisation's values. "Every business has a belief system and it is at least as important as its accounting system or its authority system." (Alvin Toffler)
  • 20. 20 | Mission, Vision, and Values Leadership Skills MTL Course Topics THE TOP 10 VALUES A survey of members of the American Management Association found that 86% of managers knew their corporate values and 71% had them in writing, in handbooks, on notice boards or on the company website. The reported top 10 values were: 1. customer satisfaction 77% 2. ethics and integrity 76% 3. accountability 61% 4. respect 59% 5. open communications 51% 6. profitability 49% 7. teamwork 47% 8. innovation and change 47% 9. continuous learning 43% 10. positive work environment 41% At the bottom of the list of values was "having fun" at just 24%.
  • 21. 21 | Mission, Vision, and Values Leadership Skills MTL Course Topics THE VALUE OF VALUES Values are the set of implicit understandings and beliefs about the business which are at the unchanging core of the enterprise. While everything else around them may change - the methods, systems, procedures, rules and people - values stay the same. Values are often the traditional ways the business ran in its early formative days, whether that was 5 years ago or 50. They can be qualities such as Unilever's "co-operation", Mars' "efficiency" or IBM's "innovation". While technology is what makes you the same as your competitors, values are what make you different. Values are re-stated and clarified by those who lead. When people in an enterprise violate the rules, they may be dismissed; when they violate the values, they must be dismissed.
  • 22. 22 | Mission, Vision, and Values Leadership Skills MTL Course Topics EASY TO KNOW... It is easy to preach values, much harder to live them. For example, it is easy to give the following advice... • to lose weight, eat less • to get rich, make more money • to increase market share, improve service. This is why it is important to translate values into actual actions, to reward people who share them and to re-state them at every possible opportunity. "John, I noticed that you were a bit abrupt with that group of youngsters at Reception yesterday. I understand how you felt, but you know, it's important that we treat everyone as a respected customer, whatever their age or how we feel about them. One day, these kids will have families of their own and they'll be our customers too."
  • 23. 23 | Mission, Vision, and Values Leadership Skills MTL Course Topics CULTURE AND VALUES Values emerge from the culture of a society. These are some facts about modern Japan: 1. Modern Japan is a one-race nation of 121 million people. 2. 70% of the people live in a narrow urban corridor between Tokyo and Fukuoka. 3. There is virtually 100% literacy but no natural resources other than its people. 4. There is an ethic of hard work and 40% of young people complete university education. 5. There is a family approach to organisations. When asked by consultants Cameron and Consulnet what they thought were the values of Japanese business, European managers cited the following: formality; self- control; politeness; narrow-mindedness; inflexibility; professionalism; hard work.
  • 24. 24 | Mission, Vision, and Values Leadership Skills MTL Course Topics NIKE VALUES Few people have heard of Phil Knight, a middle-distance runner, his coach, Bill Bowerman, and one-time Olympic runner, Steve Prefontaine. But these people were the driving force and inspiration that created Nike, the footwear and clothing colossus. Although largely unknown to outsiders, the stories of Bowerman's endless experiments with the family waffle iron into which he poured rubber to create the best running shoe sole, and Prefontaine's battles to make running a professional sport, are legendary in Nike. Today, a number of senior Nike executives act as "corporate storytellers" reminding people that the Nike values are "not about extraordinary business plans but about people getting things done."
  • 25. 25 | Mission, Vision, and Values Leadership Skills MTL Course Topics YOU CAN’T CRAM IT Creating your mission, vision and values isn't something you can do overnight. It's the result of a slow process. This is what Stephen Covey says: "How many of you crammed in school? How many have worked on a farm? Did you cram on the farm? That is, did you forget to plant in the spring, loaf through the summer, then try to do everything in the fall just before harvest? Doesn't work. Growing plants is subject to natural laws and principles. Leadership. It doesn't just "happen". You can't cram for it. It isn't just a matter of attending a seminar or course. You need to work at it over a period of time to be effective. Why? Principles are involved. Takes time to appreciate and apply principles and allow them to become the centre of your life. Values may vary from person to person but the principles of effective leadership are eternal and universal."
  • 26. 26 | Mission, Vision, and Values Leadership Skills MTL Course Topics THAT’S IT! WELL DONE!
  • 27. 27 | Mission, Vision, and Values Leadership Skills MTL Course Topics THANK YOU This has been a Slide Topic from Manage Train Learn