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designing a resilient n sustainable future
©narnix 2022
designing a resilient n sustainable future
Future of Life… on earth…
A crisis as life-altering as the coronavirus pandemic
naturally inspires speculation about how it will
change everything.
These are days definitely to be silent, keep quiet and
Let us understand ourselves.
We also got to learn that human desire to
overpower, avariciousness to dominate people and
land, desire to rule the universe comes to nothing in
front of a nano-virus which stealthily takes just
seconds to vanquish the whole humanity!
©narnix 2022
designing a resilient n sustainable future
Future of Life… on earth…
Starting from a wet market in China’s Wuhan (or
maybe a nearby Lab), the novel coronavirus has
reached the remotest corners of the world.
The impact it has had and continues to have on each
and every aspect of our life is in fact beyond words.
We may not yet know how this story ends, but we
already know for sure that this pandemic has
brought the greatest reversal of our times, turning
the world along with its wisdom on its head…
This is our freak chance to unlearn and learn. Let’s
not blow it.
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Technologies! Boon or Bane?
It has been observed that the technologies
developed by human beings in the last 2-3
centuries have had a major impact on the earth’s
climate and our nature’s equilibrium.
Some believe that we have reached a point of no
return. This can have a huge impact on life on
earth, especially on the human species.
However, while technology has been responsible
for most of it, technology also seems to have a
solution for it.
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©narnix 2022
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©narnix 2022
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🇮🇳 Disruption is everywhere and the future is uncertain — no one knows
what the world will look like even a decade from now. As we head
into future, we are surrounded by disruptive innovation.
🇮🇳 Whether it’s artificial intelligence, driverless cars, space exploration
or quantum computing, it can be hard for even the most enthusiastic
technophiles to stay up to date with all the rapid advances taking
place and coming down the line.
🇮🇳 These innovations are changing the world as we know it. E.g. - how
the combination of AI, IoT and Blockchain is creating both disruption
and opportunity in the enterprise world, not just for consumer facing
businesses, but for all enterprises.
🇮🇳 Over the coming year, what will be the most important developments
in disruptive technology?
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Disruption: The New Normal
🇮🇳As we look to the years & decades ahead, tech-disruption
will be driven as much by the methods and systems as it is
by the devices, we associate with tech disruption.
🇮🇳The pace of innovation is incredibly fast, with new things
getting discovered daily.
🇮🇳The future trends in technology are very diverse, very
intertwined, and very promising.
🇮🇳There are several developments that have and will continue
to shape business strategies.
🇮🇳From automation to sustainability, organizations are
adapting to a whole new wave of consumer preferences.
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Disruption – the New Normal…
"PeaceMaker", the ironically named advanced nuclear
missile that emerged from the US' arsenal during the cold
war, with the ability to carry 10 independent payloads, each
of which was 20 times more powerful that the first nuke
dropped on Hiroshima, changed the future of warfare
This incident indeed created the worst carnage known to
mankind and made every weapon used until then obsolete.
It changed the fundamental principles of warfare and is to
date deterring humanity from plunging headfast into
another World War.
Likewise, this pandemic is going to have profound and
everlasting impact on how the human race evolves in the
post covid-19 era.
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Disruption – the New Normal…
Today, management of large organizations, startups
and Governments alike, face the same challenge
that Roosevelt did during the Cold War.
Will your organization today approve a radical idea,
allocate funds and be the early adopter amidst a
Or, will it stay stuck in the labyrinth of your legacy
and perish?
The global business dynamics is going to witness a
sea of change in the coming times.
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Disruption – the New Normal…
As Prof. Clayton M. Christensen, the scholar who
introduced the Disruptive Innovation theory
Disruption is a process, NOT an event… and
Innovation can only be disruptive relative to
something else…
Are you going to be an Innovator, Early Adopter
or a Laggard?
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The Most Profound Technologies…
The most profound technologies
are those that disappear…
They weave themselves into the
fabric of everyday life until they are
indistinguishable from it…
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Disruptive Technologies
🇮🇳Disruptive technology is the bearer of tremendous
opportunity and equally, a harbinger of
🇮🇳Technology’s impact on society and business is
substantial, if not underestimated.
🇮🇳Though product cycle times are accelerating, the
underlying technologies unfold over many years.
🇮🇳Within each trend there are multiple enabling
technologies, all at various stages of maturity and
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The current wave of progress and enthusiasm for
AI began around 2010, driven by three factors
that built upon each other:
🇮🇳The availability of big data from many sources;
🇮🇳Dramatically improved machine learning
approaches and algorithms; and
🇮🇳The capabilities of more powerful computers.
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©narnix 2022
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The “3 P’s & a W” model of Futurology
"Futurology"—or "futures studies", futures research, and foresight—can be summarized as being concerned with "three P's and a W", i.e. "possible, probable, and preferable"
futures, plus "wildcards", which are low-probability, high-impact events, should they occur. Even with high-profile, probable events, such as the fall of telecommunications costs,
the growth of the internet, or the aging demographics of particular countries, there is often significant uncertainty in the rate or continuation of a trend. Thus, a key part of
futures analysis is the managing of uncertainty and risk.
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🇮🇳It is strongly advised to leverage the “3 P’s & a W” model of
Futurology (Possible, Probable, Preferable & Wild Card Futures)
and strive to capture the shifting socio-technological megatrends
and forces to design a ‘Resilient & Sustainable Future’.
🇮🇳This model enables systemic investigation of the future, starting
with the default (Business as Usual) scenario - if we don’t do
anything. It helps us review several scenarios under the threads of
Possible, Probable, Preferable & Wild Card Futures and identifies
the likely consequences. The most plausible scenarios are identified
and tracked to enable future strategy updates to take cognizance of
such trajectories into the future.
🇮🇳 Covid 19 is a living example of Wild Card Future – Low-Probability,
High Impact.
Looking into the Future…
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A little Crystal Ball Gazing…
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Space Tourism is already here…
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We could start seeing delivery drones
finally start making deliveries…
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A Hyperloop could take us in between cities…
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Space trips designed to send people to Mars
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Virtual reality could replace textbooks
during the next decade
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The smartphone will become obsolete by 2025.
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Super tall buildings could function like
mini-cities in the next 20 years…
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We could rely entirely on renewable
energy by the year 2050.
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Biotech: at the forefront of superhumans?
People are getting more and more aware of their
health and the methods they can implement in
order to prevent or overcome diseases and
Technology embedded with biology reshapes the
playing field of medical institutions, key in this;
accessibility and scalability.
From biohackers to CRISPR/cas9 gene editing,
this ‘new’ industry is at the forefront of rapid
growth and discussion.
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Arrival of Bio-Digital Convergence
Bio-digital convergence may
profoundly impact our economy, our
ecosystems, and our society. Being
prepared to support it, while
managing its risks with care and
sensitivity, will shape the way we
navigate social and ethical
considerations, as well as guide policy
and governance conversations.
In the coming years, bio-digital technologies could
be woven into our lives in the way that digital
technologies are now. Biological and digital
systems are converging, and could change the
way we work, live, and even evolve as a species.
More than a technological change, this bio-digital
convergence may transform the way we
understand ourselves and cause us to redefine
what we consider human or natural.
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Human Augmentation
• Human augmentation generally refers to
technologies that aim to enhance human
abilities and productivity.
• The field of human augmentation basically
consists of things like physical
augmentation, from prosthetics to AR
glasses and RFID tags infused within
• It is an interdisciplinary field that
addresses methods, technologies and
their applications for improving sensing,
action and cognitive abilities of a human.
• And this is achieved through sensing and
actuation technologies, fusion and fission
of information, and artificial intelligence.
• Wearable interactive technology is an
essential component in enabling human
augmentation as it offers seamless
integration with the physical and digital
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Machines could start thinking like humans
as early as 2025
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Prosthetics could get so advanced in the next
10 years they could give people new skills.
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Clothing could give people superhuman
skills in the next 10 years
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We could live in a Matrix-like virtual World and
People could also become Cyborgs by 2045.
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• Hyper-automation is the application of
advanced technologies like artificial
intelligence and machine learning to
bolster workers and automate processes
in a more impactful way.
• It encompasses the automation of
anything capable of being automated. It
also allows organisations to automate
more tedious and complex work.
• Hyper-automation is not simply imitating
how tasks are performed with robotic
process automation.
• It involves multiple tools in the
symphony, such as RPA, intelligent
business management software and AI,
with the goal of increasingly AI-driven
decision making.
• A key attribute of hyper-automation is its
ability to loop humans into the process.
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Autonomous Things
• The field of autonomous things is a
new emerging landscape in
technological developments.
• Autonomous things, which encompass
drones, robots, ships and appliances,
make use of AI to perform tasks that
are typically complemented by
• It is anticipated that the first mass-
deployment of this disruptive
technology will be the self-driving
• Conversely, other expectations
include home robotics that will
provide care for the elderly, infirm or
young populace; and military robots
for air, land or sea autonomous
machines with information-collection
or target-attack capabilities.
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Internet of Robotic Things
Internet of Things (IoT)
and Robotics are trends
that are not new in itself.
While robotics for
automation purposes
already exists for decades,
adding IoT into the mix will
change the rules of the
game: Internet of Robotic
Things (IoRT) is making an
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Edge Computing
• Edge computing is a distributed computing
paradigm, which transforms the way data is
being handled, processed and delivered from
millions of devices around the world.
• It brings computation and data storage closer
to the source of data or the devices where it is
being collected in order to lessen latency and
bandwidth use.
• The technology was developed owing to the
exponential growth of IoT devices, which is
linked to the internet to either receive
information from the cloud or deliver data
back to the cloud.
• So, to support all those devices, substantial
amounts of computation will have to be
moved to the edge as IoT devices produce a
vast volume of data during the course of their
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Artificial Intelligence…. To … Singularity…
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• A metaverse is a network of 3D virtual worlds focused
on social connection. In futurism and science fiction, it
is often described as a hypothetical iteration of the
Internet as a single, universal virtual world that is
facilitated by the use of virtual and augmented reality
• The term "metaverse" has its origins in the 1992
science fiction novel Snow Crash as a portmanteau of
"meta" and "universe." Various metaverses have been
developed for popular use such as virtual world
platforms like Second Life. Some metaverse iterations
involve integration between virtual and physical spaces
and virtual economies, often including a significant
interest in advancing virtual reality technology.
• The term has seen considerable use as a buzzword for
public relations purposes to exaggerate development
progress for various related technologies and projects.
Information privacy, user addiction, and user safety are
some of the concerns within metaverses, stemming
from challenges facing the social media and video game
industries as a whole.
The metaverse can be defined as a simulated
digital environment that uses augmented reality
(AR), virtual reality (VR), and blockchain, along
with concepts from social media, to create spaces
for rich user interaction mimicking the real world.
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• Web3 is a new iteration of the internet that harnesses
blockchain to “decentralize” management thus
reducing the control of big corporations, such as
Google or Meta, and making it more democratic. It is
defined by open-source software, is trust less –
doesn’t require the support of a trusted intermediary –
and is permissionless (it has no governing body).
• Web3 draws its named as the third iteration of the
internet. The first iteration of the internet consisted of
read-only, static webpages (view a BBC homepage
from August 2000 as an example). Web 2.0 added the
ability to interact with and produce content, making
activities such as social media and online banking and
shopping possible.
• The concept of Web3 has been around for over half a
decade, originally coined by Ethereum co-founder
Gavin Wood in 2014. It gained traction, however, in
2021 with the proliferation of blockchain technologies,
expanding NFT markets, venture capital investments
and ongoing calls to reign in the power of big tech.
The current internet, Web 2.0, relies on systems and
servers owned largely by big corpora<ons, raising
concerns over system vulnerability and control.
In a Web3 world, ac<vi<es and data would be hosted
on a network of computers using blockchain rather
than corporate servers.
• Anonymous single-sign-on
• Individual ownership and tokeniza<on
• Self-governing
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Democratization of Technology
• The democratization of technology
typically refers to the easy access of
technical domain to everyone,
regardless of their profession and place.
• Previously, patents dominated the
technology industry, and it was hard for
anyone to replicate someone else’s
• But now new-age technologies and
enhanced user experiences have
empowered those outside of the
technology industry to access and utilize
technological products and services.
• Mainly four key aspects of the
democratization of technology are
predicted to make big changes in years
to come which include application
development, design, knowledge, and
data and analytics.
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• The pace of advancements in technologies is increasing
at an unprecedented rate.
• This rapid change is largely fuelled by the
democratization of innovation as cutting-edge
technologies like cloud computing is providing modern
companies access to new disruptive technologies.
• They have a lot to offer to an organization in an effort to
transform its traditional business processes, advancing
efficiency and leading to competitive advantages at the
same time.
• Since the world now stands on the fourth industrial
revolution, disruptive technology is also evolving faster
than ever. And it has become fundamental to business
growth where companies need to implement this
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The cloud will play an
increasingly important role in
the global accessibility of
services and data, while the
long-awaited availability of
super-broadband 5G
networks will open a new
chapter in the history of IT
and make the dreams of
today a reality of tomorrow.
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The Three Mega Trends
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Disruptive Technology Trends
• Robots Become Coworkers
• From Wearables to Implantable
• Bots Usurp Apps
• Genetically Modified Life forms
• 3D Printing Gets Industrial
• AI Replaces White Collar
• Quantum Computing Gets
• Self Driving Vehicles On the
High Street
• Blockchain Disrupts More than
• Virtual Reality as a Commercial
• From Augmented Reality to
Mixed Reality
• Robots Teaching Themselves
• Cyber Security Wars
• The Things Are Taking Over the
• Renewables and Clean Energy
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CRISPR – Genome Editing Tech…
“CRISPR” (pronounced “crisper”) stands for Clustered
Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats, which are
the hallmark of a bacterial defense system that forms the
basis for CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing technology.
Gene edi'ng technologies will allow research teams
to precisely alter, delete, and rearrange the DNA of
nearly any living organism. Synthego’s 2017 Future of
CRISPR Research survey found that 87 per cent of
new CRISPR users were also new to gene edi'ng,
showing that CRISPR’s simplicity has catalyzed the
further development of the scien'fic technique
itself. We will see CRISPR’s use cases expand, baOling
disease and world hunger.
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Cellular Agriculture
• The data indicates that 18% of global anthropogenic greenhouse gas
emissions come from livestock farming.
• By contrast, global transportation accounts for only 13%.
• At the same time 26% of Earth’s ice-free surface is used for livestock
• This represents nearly 70% of all agricultural land. In addition, 27-29% of
freshwater footprint is used for the production of animal products.
• Livestock farming is a top contributor to deforestation, land degradation,
water pollution and desertification.
• Considering the impacts and challenges of livestock farming and also the
fact that anticipated global demand for animal products to increase by 70%
in 2050 , it becomes extremely important to explore different ways to feed
the growing population without destructing the earth’s resources.
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Cellular Agriculture
• Cellular agriculture and 3D food printing are the
two new technologies that are expected to
change the way people will interact with food in
near future.
• This technology leads to animal-free, cultured &
plant-based versions of meat, milk, eggs and
leather or in other words, they are milk without
cow, eggs without hen and meat without animal.
• Currently the technology for producing meat is
developing fast in this sector both from plant
sources as well as through Cell Culture.
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Vertical Farming
• The most challenging task for scientists and farmers today is to ensure
continuous and sufficient supply of food to growing population.
• Urban centers are already experiencing the pressure due to substantial
increase in population; this growth accompanied with changing food
habits and rising concerns for food quality such as optimum levels of
the nutrition in the food with no chemical residues
(pesticides/fertilizers) used in the production of crops.
• Adding to this, environmental stress (climate change) and shortage of
water and land resources are some major constraints haunting this
• Recent trend in agriculture has seen rising interest in vertical farming
and intensive agriculture to accommodate the demands of increasing
population and address the rising concern for environmental issues.
Vertical farming shall help in meeting the food & other demands of the
rapidly growing urban population.
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Vertical Farming
• The vertical farm basically employs conventional farming methods such as
hydroponics and aeroponics to produce more yields in controlled
• Vertical farming is a system of farming whereby plants, animals, fungi and
other life forms are cultivated for food, fuel, fiber or other products or
services by artificially stacking them vertically above each other.
• Vertical farming is basically large-scale agriculture in urban high-rise
structures. The concept foresees the cultivation of fruits, vegetables,
medicinal, fuel producing plants and other plant products in the cities and
marketing directly within the cities, thereby reducing the transportation
costs and efficient utilizing land and water resources.
• Vertical farming is a step ahead technology from green houses as it
involves harnessing of resources in vertical arrays and can feed the
demands of food supply with the resources of urban centers. It is
estimated that, a vertical farm of 9300 m2 (roughly the size of a city
block) with 30 stories can provide around 15,000 people with 2000 kcal of
nutrition per day ( ).
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Driving CO2 emissions to zero (CCUS)
Any pathway to mitigate climate change requires the rapid reduction of CO2 emissions and
negative-emissions technologies to cut atmospheric concentrations. Technology and
regulation will be the key.
Growing concerns about climate change are intensifying interest in advanced technologies to
reduce emissions in hard-to-abate sectors, such as cement, and also to draw down CO2 levels
in the atmosphere. High on the list is carbon capture, use, and storage (CCUS), the term for a
family of technologies and techniques that do exactly what they say: they capture CO2 and
use or store it to prevent its release into the atmosphere. Through direct air capture (DAC) or
bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS), CCUS can actually draw down
CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere—“negative emissions,” as this is called. In some cases,
that CO2 can be used to create products ranging from cement to synthetic fuels.
• Cementing in CO2 for the ages
• Carbon-neutral fuels for jets and more
• Direct Air Capture (DAC) Capturing CO2 from ambient air—anywhere
• The biomass-energy cycle: CO2 neutral or even negative
• Carbon fiber
• Storing carbon in your mattress?
• Biochar, anyone?
Carbon Capture, Use & Storage
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The Zero-Carbon Car:
The automotive industry could abate 66 percent
of emissions from their material production at no
extra cost by 2030—if industry participants work
together and start now.
Aba$ng material emissions is next on the agenda
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Conscious Consumerism:
from Wealth to Wellbeing
Consumers start to understand that the current
impact of human beings on the world needs to be
This means that people not only start to live
healthier (nutrition), but also want to have more
insights in the origin of food and goods towards a
more sustainable planet.
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The digital revolution…
• IoT
• 5G… 6G
• Big Data
• Artificial Intelligence
• Quantum Computing
• …..
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IoT 2.0 – IoT Coming of Age…
v“IoT”, a concept that originally sounded like
something out of sci-fi movie -- the "Internet of
Things" -- is, in fact, a reality, and one that is
bound to become even more widespread.
vFrom being considered as one of the most
Disruptive Technologies in the early years of last
decade to coming on the verge of becoming one
of the most Profound Technologies by weaving
itself into the fabric of everyday life until it
becomes indistinguishable from it…
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Defining the IoT Systems:
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Internet of Things…
Internet of Things is all about
“heterogeneous” and “aware”
devices interacting to simplify
people’s life in some way or the
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Technical Perspective
Sensing Layer
Communica1on Layer
Management Layer
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vSensing Nodes,
vLocal Embedded Processing Nodes,
vConnectivity Nodes,
vSoftware to automate tasks and enable new
“Classes of Services”
vRemote Embedded Processing Nodes,
vand last but not the least “Full Security” across
the “Signal Path”.
Key Components of IoT:
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What’s different about IoT?
Field Area
Applica9on Workflow
Opera&onal Technologies Informa&on Technologies
Event based ac'ons on real 'me
high velocity data Query based ac'on on non real
'me high volume data
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Applications & Business Models
Most analysts project a 20% CAGR for IoT – and
that’s a faster adoption rate than the growth of
any economy – to some that means that things
are not broken.
However, the ground reality in India is a far cry
from this rosy picture. All IoT companies are still
struggling to get a foothold on the market.
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Reality check of the Hypes, Myths, Contemporary Practices
and Imperatives in the shifting Socio-Techno Scenario.
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The Macro Dynamics…
• Profit from IoT for different Nations, different Ecosystems
& different Stakeholders is highly dependent on the Macro
Dynamics in their respective environments…
• A comprehensive environment scan of the Macro
dynamics (within one’s Techno-socio-economic
environment) can help understand their impact on any
IoT organization’s business revenues and provide
Actionable Insights to address the challenges and develop
a long-term strategy and roadmap to evolve and mature
into to sustainable IoT organization.
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Hurdles in fast growth of IoT:
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IoT Ecosystem & Value Chain…
The IoT value chain is perhaps the most diverse
and complicated value chain of any industry or
consortium that exists in the world.
In fact, the gold rush to IoT is so pervasive that if
you combine much of the value chain of most
industry trade associations, standards bodies, the
ecosystem partners of trade associations and
standards bodies, and then add in the different
technology providers feeding those industries,
you get close to understanding the scope of the
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• In this absolutely heterogeneous scenario,
coming up with common harmonized standards
is a major hurdle.
• We need to see acceleration and a maturing of
common standards, more cross-sector
collaboration and creative approaches to
business models….
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The Imperative
• Hence, in spite of so much hype and even
genuine potential, the IoT paradigm has not
proliferated in a true sense to its desired
• Bringing the “Internet of Things” to life requires
a comprehensive systems approach, inclusive
of intelligent processing and sensing
technology, connectivity, software and
services, along with a leading ecosystem of
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To give IoT the required momentum, device
management platforms, cloud computing and big data
sciences in the virtual world are already flourishing
and well geared up to meet the expectations of the
But the physical world needs to catch up. The
wireless and networking technologies need to mature
very fast; we need innovative approaches in
deployment of large sensor (and actuator) networks.
Maturity Stage of IoT Components:
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Maturity Stage of IoT Components:
• However, it is high time we try to bring some
semblance into this chaotic paradigm by bringing
the systems approach to resolve this complex
• There is still ample scope to harmonize quite a
many aspects and bring interoperability amongst
multiple competing and/or conflicting standards be
it in the Syntactic & Semantic aspects, or at
different layers’ Protocols like Network Layer &
application Layer Protocols…
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IoT Architecture & Protocols
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Protocol dilemma/convergence
• Device management is not an option: Every processor and
every application need to be configured, upgraded and
• Each protocol must be secured.
• And synchronized: You can’t trigger an update with a protocol,
while you are rebooting the device using another.
• M2M/IoT is not a simple problem.
• Security and provisioning are really the hardest ones.
• Try hard to reduce the number of protocols to make your
life easier!
– Every protocol is nice and specialized?
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• Security and privacy issues (Note that security and privacy
measure are a lot of times at odds with each other)
• Endless IoT applications
• Endless potential types of edge node technologies, and the
interface to the communication nodes (e.g. Sensors and use
cases integration into Telco services)
• High fragmentation of today’s IoT connectivity solutions
• Lots of legacy systems that will now be a part of IPv6 network,
with no (or minimal) existing “co-existence” and
interoperability plans
Challenges in fast growth of IoT:
The challenges that inhibit the IoT-related standards
and hence a robust rollout of IoT services are:
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• Partnerships, between heterogeneous and diverse industries,
and defining the associated business models involving
multiple stakeholders and service providers of some of those
legacy systems in number
• Management and provisioning of the various networked
devices, applications, and services, and the network capacity
planning that comes with it
• Regulatory issues that will hinder deployments on a
worldwide basis
• Special needs of “industrial grade” product rollouts, with long
lasting requirements in the field, that require future proofing
of any standard recommended
• Slow development of the IoT services market, partially due to
lack of future proof standards etc.
Challenges in fast growth of IoT:
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• Global Neural Network of Networks…
• Homogeneous Network of Heterogeneous
• Industrial IoT v/s Consumer IoT…
• Services v/s Applications…
• Infrastructure v/s Enterprise v/s Homes
• End to end Security in the Signal Chain…
IoT Paradigm & challenges ! ! !
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Open Infrastructure Characteris$cs
• Share-ability - economies of scale, minimize duplica<on
• Ubiquity - readily u<lize infrastructure, anywhere
• Integrity - high level of manageability and reliability
• Ease of use - logical and consistent rules to use infrastructure
• Cost effec:veness - value consistent with cost
• Standards – define how basic elements interrelate
• Openness – supports mul<ple uses & vendors, not proprietary
• Secure – system must be protected
• Scalable –low- or high-density areas, phased implementa<on
The Role of a Standard & Open-Based Architecture
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Will the internet of things sacrifice or save the environment?
• The internet of things (IoT) – that ever-expanding ecosystem
of digital sensors, home appliances and wearable smart
devices – attracts its fair share of attention. Speculation is rife
on how the 25 bn-odd (and counting) “things” will improve
quality of life, streamline business operations and ultimately
fuel economic benefits to the tune of up to $11tn per year by
• Less often considered is the cost to the environment of such a
vast network of devices. With the full extent of the IoT far
from being realized, even experts are divided on whether it will
spell doom or salvation for the environment. One thing that
experts can agree on is that we shouldn’t wait around to find
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Drops++ can make an Ocean…
• The problem of energy consumption will be a pernicious one.
“These technologies on a device-by-device basis, or even a house-
by-house basis, are not a significant additional contribution to
overall power consumption”. However, multiply that across any
country though and “that’s going to boil down to another power
station or another two power stations”.
• Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies
can help us fight climate change – but they also come at a cost to
the planet. To truly benefit from the technology’s climate
solutions, we also need a better understanding of IoT’s & AI’s
growing carbon footprint. IoT & AI need to be developed and
deployed so it can meet society’s needs and protect the
environment by saving more energy than it expends.
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Smart street-
Smart water
Idle Space
IOT Use cases ready for Implementation
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Technologies in support of business evolution
2G/3G performance
Establish 4G
Modernize Evolved Packet
Gigabit LTE (TDD, FDD, LAA)
5G Plug-ins
Core Virtualization
Network Slicing
RAN Virtualization
1 2 3
FWA 4K/8K videos
Gaming VR
Remote control
bus stop
Broadband and Media
Intelligent traffic
Remote Health Care
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It is all about use case evolution with supporting technologies
Energy & u2li2es
Screens everywhere
On demand
Process automa2on
Metering and smart grid
Cloud optimized
VNF orchestration
4K video
vehicle to vehicle
Flow management
and remote supervision
Resource management
and automa2on
Monitoring and
medica2on e-care
4K/8K Immersive
experience AR/VR
Cloud robo2cs and
remote control
Machine intelligence
and real-2me control
opera2ons, 3D CT
Gigabit LTE (TDD,
Massive MIMO
Network slicing
Dynamic service
Predictive analytics
Connected doctors and
Virtualized RAN
Federated network
Distributed cloud
Real-time machine
5G experience
On the road to 5G
—But underlying architecture should be future-proof enabling seamless evolu:on as needed…….
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IoT may require differentiated service levels
• IoT covers a large range of applications. It can be machine to machine or
consumer or healthcare or automotive etc.
• These applications will have varying degrees of requirements for
connectivity as well as data transmission.
– While a healthcare device may collect continuous amount of data a smart
appliance may not have to be transmitting continuously.
– We can even consider within an automobile for an example various systems, all
systems related to safety may need continuous monitoring and real time
feedback however an infotainment system may have different requirements.
– Environmental applications such as clean air and water monitoring systems may
have another set of requirements.
• All these applications will transfer varying degrees of data, some large
some small and others will be a mix of these and at various intervals vs.
Real time. It maybe important to understand these requirements from a
systems perspective and offer differentiated class of services within a
network that provides connectivity
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5G is not just an evolutionary upgrade of the previous generation of
cellular networks, but it is a revolutionary technology envisioned that
will eliminate the bounds of access, bandwidth, performance, and
latency limitations on connectivity worldwide.
5G technologies bring in a universal connectivity angle that has not
been present in the earlier generations of wireless technologies.
With the potential for 5G networks to provide anytime anywhere
connectivity to anything, the number of applications or domains
which can leverage this kind of connectivity will be quite large.
5G will be the connectivity fabric of a new era of information
technology that will transform every sector of the economy and
5G has the potential to enable fundamentally new applications,
industries, and business models and dramatically improve quality of
life around the world via unprecedented use cases that require high
data-rate instantaneous communications, low latency, and massive
connectivity for new applications for mobile, eHealth, autonomous
vehicles, smart cities, smart homes, Industrial IoT, to name a few.
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Many application domains have started looking at 5G and 5G-
like technologies to leverage the new features and facilities
provided by the networks like ultra-high speeds, ultra-low
latency, connecting massive number of devices which need on
and off connectivity, and other such requirements.
Smart Cities are considered as one of the high priority
Application domains for 5G.
The operation of Smart Cities relies enormously on IoT, and 5G
wireless networks are expected to be the great IoT enabler.
By offering faster connections, more reliability and higher
capacity at lower costs, 5G is a critical piece of the smart city
puzzle, allowing cities to access the necessary fast connections
to their infrastructure, devices and people.
5G offers the capacity to enable additional smart city
capabilities and applications that require high-bandwidth and
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What did we set out to achieve ?
Source: ITU-R
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v Virtualiza)on – IMS, SDN
orchestra)on , ePC
v M/c learning & Robo)cs
based closed loop Self-
v N/w slicing on transport &
core layers
Enabling Technologies & Paradigms…
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Ultra high storage & Compute
• Big data stack with all
network, customers,
performance & crowd-
sourced data
Enabling Technologies & Paradigms…
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The three broad use cases include enhanced mobile
broadband, mission-critical services and massive IoT
Ref: Leading the World to 5G, Qualcomm Technologies, Inc, 2016
The three broad use cases are characterized by different metrics and parameters
5G - Wide Range of Requirements
Ini$al momentum -
• eMBB
• Fixed wireless access
• Fibre replacement
Enabling capabili9es -
• Integrated Access &
• 5G Unlicensed opera9ons
with LTE DC
• Local/Private/Neutral Host
5G networks
• mIoT Relay for extension
• Highly accurate posi9oning –
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Future Architecture
One Network – Diverse Use Cases
End-user Data Rates
Lower Latency
Connected Devices
Battery Life
Mobile Data Volumes
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5G Networks and the Threat Landscape
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5G Service Based Architecture
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Example of a Micro Service Architecture
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Cloud Native Application Stacks
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5G Networks Characteristics
• The ability to handle multiple, tailored use cases
is what makes 5G more disruptive than previous
generations of cellular technology.
• As 5G will need to coexist and interwork with 4G
for many years to come, we’re likely to see the
vast majority of these deployments as non stand-
alone (NSA) initially, as a way of reducing time to
market and ensuring good coverage and mobility.
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Network Architecture
vCurrent network architecture needs to evolve to meet the
needs of the wide variety of use cases enabled by 5G
vAs part of this, the transport network must evolve and
scale efficiently to meet widely varying, but strict,
requirements for performance, capacity, latency, and
vIt must also support the various needs of parallel
network architectures and technologies, and seamlessly
support the coordination between many more cell sites,
including those that will coexist with 4G technology for
many years to come.
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Design Principles
• Agnosticism
• A Micro-service Architecture
• Application Resiliency
• State Optimized Design
• Orchestration and Automation
–Internal automation and orchestration
–Network level orchestration and
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5G Paradigm – Key Attributes…
• Distributed Architecture
• Network Slicing
• Cloud RAN
• Virtual Network Functions (on Cloud native)
• Cloud Native Digital Services
• Microservices Architecture
• Continuously Evolving Software
• DevOps
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From 4G to 5G…
The major difference, from a user point of view, between 4G and 5G
must be something other than faster speed (increased peak bit
rate). For example –
• higher number of simultaneously connected devices,
• higher system spectral efficiency (data volume per area unit),
• lower battery consumption,
• lower outage probability (better coverage),
• high bit rates in larger portions of the coverage area, lower
• higher number of supported devices,
• lower infrastructure deployment costs,
• higher versatility and scalability, or
• higher reliability of communication.
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Expectations from 5G …
• Data rates of tens of megabits per second should be
supported for tens of thousands of users
– 1 gigabit per second to be offered simultaneously to many
workers on the same office floor
– Several hundreds of thousands of simultaneous connections
to be supported for massive sensor deployments
• Spectral efficiency should be significantly enhanced
compared to 4G
• Coverage should be improved
• Signaling efficiency should be enhanced
• Latency should be reduced significantly compared to
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Expectations from 5G …
• A super-efficient mobile network that delivers a better performing network
for lower investment cost. It addresses the mobile network operators pressing
need to see the unit cost of data transport falling at roughly the same rate as
the volume of data demand is rising. It would be a leap forward in efficiency
based on the IET Demand Attentive Network (DAN) philosophy.
• A super-fast mobile network comprising the next generation of small cells
densely clustered to give a contiguous coverage over at least urban areas and
getting the world to the final frontier of true “wide-area mobility." It would
require access to spectrum under 4 GHz perhaps via the world's first global
implementation of Dynamic Spectrum Access.
• A converged fiber-wireless network that uses, for the first time for
wireless Internet access, the millimeter wave bands (20 – 60 GHz) so as to
allow very-wide-bandwidth radio channels able to support data-access speeds
of up to 10 Gbps. The connection essentially comprises “short” wireless links
on the end of local fiber optic cable. It would be more a “nomadic” service (like
Wi-Fi) rather than a wide-area “mobile” service.
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5G in Smart Infrastructure
To support the main vertical sectors - namely
automotive, transportation, healthcare, energy,
manufacturing, and media and entertainment - the
most important 5G infrastructure performance
requirements are –
• a latency below 5 ms,
• support for device densities of up to 100
devices/m2 and
• reliable coverage area,
a successful 5G deployment will integrate
telecommunication technologies including mobile,
fixed, optical and satellite (both GEO and MEO).
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5G – Only the Beginning…
The Carl Benz Automobile for the Internet
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Tectile Internet – 6G & AI
to Control Objects Remotely
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6G’s Non- Evolutionary Tactile Internet
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1G to 6G Cellular Networking
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5G Foundation
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Projecting a Path- towards Universal Autonomy
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Algorithms decide for every individual
Artificial intelligence has become way of life
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Decide for us what video
to watch next
Decides whom to vote
for, where to travel, etc.
Decides what to buy
Targeting individual against target groups
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Intelligence is the capacity to do the right thing at the right time, in
a context where doing nothing (or making no change in behavior)
would be worse. Intelligence then requires
• The capacity to perceive contexts for action,
• The capacity to act, and
• The capacity to associate contexts to actions.
By this definition, plants are intelligent. They can perceive and
respond to the direction of light, for example.
The more conventional understanding of “intelligent” includes being
cognitive, that is, being able to learn new contexts and actions, and
the associations between them.
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AI Taxonomies:
There are differing taxonomies of AI problems and solutions.
A popular AI textbook used the following taxonomy:
1. Systems that think like humans (e.g., cognitive
architectures and neural networks);
2. Systems that act like humans (e.g., pass the Turing test
via natural language processing; knowledge
representation, automated reasoning, and learning),
3. Systems that think rationally (e.g. logic solvers, inference,
and optimization); and
4. Systems that act rationally (e.g., intelligent software
agents and embodied robots that achieve goals via
perception, planning, reasoning, learning, communicating,
decision-making, and acting).
* Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig, Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (3rd Edition) (Essex, England: Pearson, 2009).
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AI has also been parsed into five general categories:
🌏Logical Reasoning,
🌏Knowledge Representation,
🌏Planning and Navigation,
🌏Natural Language Processing, and
* Frank Chen, “AI, Deep Learning, and Machine Learning: A Primer,” Andreessen Horowitz, June 10, 2016,
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Concerns about Domestic and Commercial AI
AI is core to some of the most successful companies in history in
terms of market capitalization and, along with information and
communications technology (ICT) more generally, has
revolutionized the ease with which people from all over the world
can create, access, and share knowledge.
However, possible pitfalls of AI could have quite serious
• Will AI Outcompete Us?
• Will AI Undermine Societal Stability?
• Will AI Harm Privacy, Personal Liberty, and Autonomy?
Human memory has been outstripped by books for centuries—
mere intelligence is no more of a direct threat than mere
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Let’s see where we are heading….
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Ethical Implications of Disruptive Technologies
• With the ongoing development of powerful technologies and
disruptive innovations such as artificial intelligence and autonomous
systems (AI/AS) comes the need for greater social responsibility and
accountability from the technology community.
• There is no doubt that AI is transforming how we work, play, and
think in revolutionary ways. Recent developments in AI-focused areas
herald its full-fledged arrival via autonomous automobiles, cognitive
computing, and collaborative robotics.
• Like any disruptive innovation, AI presents a number of complex
public policy challenges in terms of our moral values and ethical
principles that require extensive knowledge of science and technology
for effective decision-making.
• These issues span a diverse spectrum of applications including
agriculture, communications, energy, the environment, health care,
and transportation.
• With powerful innovations comes the need for greater social
responsibility from the technology community
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Would a digital brain have a mind?
Although the human brain and the digital computer share
many traits, simulating the mind in silicon may be
Obvious parallels exist between the brain and digital
To fulfill their responsibility to themselves, and to others
who might be misled by journalistic hyperbole, computing
professionals should have well-founded opinions about the
extent of these parallels.
The profession should refrain from applying humanistic
names to its mechanistic endeavors, and it must be
conscious always of the essential differences between
people and computers.
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Asimov's Laws of Robotics
• Law One: Robots must never harm human beings
or, through inaction, allow a human being to come
to harm.
• Law Two: Robots must follow instructions from
humans without violating rule 1.
• Law Three: Robots must protect themselves without
violating the other rules.
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Artificial Heartificial Intelligence
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“Artificial Intelligence and Ethics by Design.”
Why Ethics?
• With today’s and tomorrow’s increasingly complex ways that data will
used, the law alone as a definer of fair processing is not sufficient.
• the reliance of the new generation of data protection laws on risk,
assessments and defendable fairness.
So, what do we mean by ethics?
• One definition is shared societal values that are often unspoken.
• As a company, how does one design in what is often unspoken?
• And as I think about societal, there are regulatory officials from
every continent and sub region here.
• Which region’s values do we incorporate?
• Is it societal harmony from east Asia?
• Or consequentialism from Europe?
• Or a sense of duty no matter the consequences?
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Standardizing Ethical Design for Artificial
Intelligence and Autonomous Systems
For decades—even prior to its inception—AI has aroused
both fear and excitement as humanity has contemplated
creating machines like ourselves.
Unfortunately, the misconception that “intelligent”
artifacts should necessarily be human-like has largely
blinded society to the fact that we have been achieving AI
for some time.
Although AI that surpasses human ability grabs headlines
(think of Watson, Deep Mind, or alphaGo), AI has been a
standard part of the industrial repertoire since at least the
1980s, with expert systems checking circuit boards and
credit card transactions.
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The Digital Transformation
The society, the business, the infrastructure, the services and all
other aspects of the civilization on the planet Earth are going
through a paradigm shift in the wake of technological
advancements, especially in the field of ICT.
All the ecosystems, be it Smart Cities, Smart Grid, Smart Buildings
or Smart Factories now find themselves making three classes of
• improvement of infrastructure – to make it resilient &
• addition of the digital layer- which is the essence of the smart
paradigm; and
• business process transformation - necessary to capitalize on the
investments in smart technology.
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The genesis of Digital Transformation
In digital transformation in any paradigm, domain
or ecosystem --
Ø‘Sustainability is the True Destination’
Ø‘Resilience is the Core Characteristic’
Ø‘Smart is merely the Accelerator’
Standards are the Chromosomes of Digital Infrastructure
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Digital Transformation Constituents
vInformation Technologies
vOperational Technologies
vNetwork Technologies
vIoT Technologies
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Digital Transformation Constituents
vInformation Technologies
vOperational Technologies
vNetwork Technologies
vIoT Technologies
vArtificial Intelligence
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Digital Transformation
is not a technology
It’s a
Complex Paradigm
with domain-specific implications
We are living in an
ephemeral world
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Digital Transformation
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Business models
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unlimited business models
The Digital
is not thinking
about your IT.
It is thinking
about your
Business Model.
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Mass Customizing
Mass Production
Customer demand
is changing
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v In the 1960’s NASA was faced with a major problem
v Astronauts needed a pen that would write in the vacuum of space
v NASA developed the “Astronaut Pen” for $ 15 million
Disruptive & Creative – Yet Simple…
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If “Data is the Oil of the 21st Century”
(without pollution side effects)
Neelie Kroes, EU Commissioner responsible for the Digital Agenda
Then “Big Data” is the Crude Oil
As it needs lot of processing before it becomes usable
Two Underlying philosophies
Standards are the chromosomes of Smart Infrastructure
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Data’s perilous
Generate it
Collect it
Validate it
Store it
Act on it
Digital Transformation
It’s all about data
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Data’s perilous
Generate it
Collect it
Validate it
Store it
Act on it
Digital transformation
It’s all about data
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Securing the fifth dimension…
What is the new challenge:
the cyber space…
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Cyber Threat Landscape
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Security philosophy…
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We - The Walking Host
• Confidential information is
passed between Smart
Watches and Host Phones
• Medical and Health devices
store and transmit
personal data
• Device firmware and
application updates are not
necessarily secure
How many IP addresses are
on a person?
– Smart watches
– Fitness Devices
– Medical devices
– Smartphones
– Tablets
– Smart glasses
– Headsets
– And more…
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The Smart but NOT Secure ! ! !
• currently the weakest link in the Smart Infrastructure
Signal Chain is our smart end nodes.
• A robust Communication & IT Infrastructure shall be
no good if we continue to use the devices, which are
not Equally Secure. So, the new imperative for the
design Community is to Design “Smart & Secure”
Phones, Sensors, Devices or Instrument.
“A chain is only as strong as its weakest Link”
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Cyber Immunity & Cyber Resilience
• The pandemic-induced digital transformation has increased exposure to
cyber threats as we cross the digital fault line due to remote working and
escalated online presence. To counter this, an intuitive and adaptive
cyber posture defined by zero latency networks and quantum leaps will
be needed across industries. These developments, while great for
humanity, will challenge privilege, privacy, and defend every citizen.
• Cyber Immunity will create IT networks that are inherently secure and
self-learning. AI-induced digital intuition is one of the pillars that will
allow intelligent adaption. The ability of AI systems to out-innovate
malicious attacks by mimicking various aspects of human immunity will
be the line of defence to attain cyber resilience based on both supervised
and unsupervised machine learning. These systems will be designed to
make the right decisions with the context-based data, pre-empt attacks
on the basis of initial indicators of compromise or attack, and take
intuitive remediated measures, allowing enterprises to be more resilient.
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Trustworthiness paradigm…
Ø Trustworthiness is an overarching paradigm with a multitude of
nuances and distinct aspects that it has different connotations
for different sets of stakeholders, use cases and applications.
Ø A working definition of trustworthiness is the degree to which a
user or other stakeholder has confidence that a product or
system will behave as intended. This definition can be applied
across the broad range of systems, technologies, and
application domains
Ø Characteristics of trustworthiness include - Reliability,
Availability, Resilience, Security, Privacy, Safety,
Accountability, Transparency, Integrity, Authenticity, Quality,
Usability and Accuracy.
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• It's a small world. It's also an
increasingly hot, crowded, and
contentious one. The combined effect of
climate change and society’s impact on
the earth is intensifying struggles over
natural resources while also threatening
our infrastructure, food systems and
quality of life.
• It’s increasingly clear that today’s
environmental conditions are not
sustainable. Over the past few decades,
we have made huge progress fighting
disease, poverty, and illiteracy. Now we
must apply that same ingenuity to the
problem of global warming and other
consequences of human activity.
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Half a Century after PLASTIC became pervasive…
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Riding the AI Tiger…
• AI as a BIG Hype, is a reality that
scientists who worked on it for last four
decades never ever thought of or
• It is terrifying, scary n chilling…
• It is like riding the Tiger… shall we ever
be able to get off safely? Or Tame the
• To top it all, AI is NOW being leveraged
to bring sustainability in different
aspects… forgetting the Carbon
Footprint it adds to anything when you
apply AI to any Product, System or
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Sustainability As Embedded Ethical Value
• AI is a tool for increasing
sustainability. But it has
innated costs too that can’t
just be subtracted from its
• Sustainability isn’t simply a
technical concern – it is an
ethical concern.
• Need to orient sustainability
forward, towards protection
of people
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Who is even aware about Green AI???
• Some projects have poured large
amounts of computation into tuning
hyperparameters or searching over
neural architectures, well beyond the
reach of most researchers.
• Creating efficiency in AI research will
decrease its carbon footprint and
increase its inclusivity as deep learning
study should not require the deepest
“Green AI” vs “Red AI” =
Efficiency vs Accuracy
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Learn from our past mistakes –
History always repeats itself…
Past failures to consider environmental
consequences early have been costly:
🌏Semiconductor Industry (Metals, Solvents)
🌏Synthetic Chemicals (PCB, DDT, Freon)
🌏Applications of Natural Compounds
(Chlorine, Asbestos)
🌏Transportation, Energy (Air Pollution,
Global Warming, Nuclear Wastes)
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🌏 In an ideal world, we would have exactly one standard for each task or
🌏 However, in reality, there are often overlapping or rivalling standards, driven
by different vendor “camps”.
🌏 So, what can a designer or developer do? Support all standards? Too
🌏 Wait for one standard to replace all others? May not happen.
🌏 Implement a software abstraction layer that permits certain
interfaces/standards to be replaced? Good, if possible.
🌏 Choose one standard and accept incompatibility with all others? Bad, but
sometimes the only choice.
The Standardization Conundrum…
Andrew S. Tanenbaum, 1990
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Communication Technologies
Fragmented Standardization Landscape (non exhaustive)
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The Enraged Musician, William Hogarth, 1741
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Somebody has to orchestrate
the Symphony of Standards
In fact, it is unlikely to be which
standard, rather which standards since
most architectures do not pick one
standard but have a layered approach
capable of using multiple standards in
the portfolio.
Will System Standards be able to do it?
©narnix 2022
designing a resilient n sustainable future
• “The irony is that Standards & even SDOs are not at the forefront of
Solution designers, developers, providers, deployers or users’ minds.”
• There are misconceptions on what standards are for, and the case for
use of standards has not been made. Most researchers, design
engineers and even start-ups argue that standards block innovation.
• In fact, Standardization brings innovation and spreads knowledge.
Standardization helps define the contours of structured innovation,
first because it provides structured methods and reliable data that
save time in the innovation process and, second, because it makes it
easier to disseminate ground-breaking ideas and knowledge about
leading edge techniques.
• Liberalization and Markets have a lot of great virtues, but they cannot
create their own conditions of existences: they must be designed!
…The Standardization Conundrum
©narnix 2022
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The Imperatives:
The technological trends in “Smart Homes”,
“Smart Buildings”, “Smart Cities” & “Smart Grid”
are being considered and pursued in isolation
from each other by the respective stake holders.
In fact, they form a very tightly interwoven &
homogenous confluence of similar technologies
being applied in different domains for a common
cause of making our planet earth “smart, green
n secure”.
©narnix 2022
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One of the most challenging Imperatives
“Standard Development Organizations”
Harmonization of Standards
Smart Homes, Smart Buildings, Smart Manufacturing,
Smart Grid & Smart Cities
smart, sustainable & secure communities
©narnix 2022
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The International System of Standardization
General Electrotechnology
©narnix 2022
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Cities >> Smart Cities >> Sustainable, Secure & Resilient Cities
Big Data Ar)ficial Intelligence Quantum Compu)ng Evolu)on
M2M to IoT… LTE to 5G Evolution
©narnix 2022
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Citizen participation
Identity and culture
Economy and employment
Mixed use
Open spaces
Housing and Inclusiveness
Transportation & Mobility
IT connctivity
Features of a Smart City
Intelligent government services
Energy supply
Energy source
Water supply
Wastewater management
Water quality
Air quality
Energy efficiency
Underground electric wiring
Waste management
24 Features
identified by
©narnix 2022
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Smart Cities & Smart Infrastructure
A sample Indian business case for next 5-10 years:
Ø 250 million Smart Electricity Meters are going to be procured & deployed under the NSGM (National
Smart Grid Mission).
Ø All these Smart Meters are going to use 250 million Communication Modules and minimum 0.5
million Gateways/DCUs (Data Concentrator Units).
Ø Smart Streetlights are going to use more than 100 million Communication Modules and at least
half a million of DCUs/Gateways…
Ø Smart Buildings are going to deploy more than 50 million smart Sensors and at least 100K –
200K DCUs/gateways…
Ø Automobiles shall be using at least 100-200 million communication nodes for Vehicle O & M, V to
V, V to I & other telematics applications…
Ø Similarly, various applications of the Smart Infrastructure paradigm like Smart Water, Smart Gas,
Smart Traffic, Smart Environment, Smart sewage Disposal etc. are going to use a few billions of
Smart Sensors with Communication Modules
To summarize, India ALONE, is going to need a minimum of 5 - 10 billion
Communication modules to be integrated into the Smart Sensors and Controllers
and 10– 50 million Gateways that shall be needed to operate and maintain the
Nation-Wide Critical Infrastructure that needs to be deployed to enable and
empower the citizens to lead a sustainable, safe and secure life …
©narnix 2022
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Current Applications live in silos
©narnix 2022
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🇮🇳 To map out the scope of smart city
🇮🇳 To clarify the universal values of smart
🇮🇳 To reach consensus on the core
capabilities of smart city
🇮🇳 To indicate commonalities between
different city systems
🇮🇳 To provide the reference for integration &
🇮🇳 To smooth the collaboration of SDOs and
other city stakeholders
🇮🇳 ……
Common Understanding is a Big Deal
©narnix 2022
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Smart Cities ICT Architecture - Simplified View
Sensors, Device & Gateway Layer
Data Exchange & Data Processing Layer
API & Service Orchestra<on Layer
Context Layer (GIS, Time Servers)
Network & Communica<on Layer
Smart City Applica<ons
Domain Adapta<on Layer
Ci<zens Administrators Service Providers
City KPI (Vision, Mission, Liveability Index)
©narnix 2022
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7 Layers of Information Flow
©narnix 2022
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Mapping the Smart Infrastructure
Philosophy to High-level Functionality
©narnix 2022
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Mapping the Smart Infrastructure
Philosophy to High-level Functionality
The application needs change
(as part of the users’
requirement) to derive value
from different infrastructure
pillars, but the ICT and IoT
backbone remains (or should
remain) the SAME !!!
©narnix 2022
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The way forward: Unified Architecture
©narnix 2022
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Smart City Platform
Key Micro Services
ICT Standardiza:on to leverage from exis:ng standards efforts
Service Mesh (Orchestra<on)
Iden%ty Layer Device Layer.
SOM: Coordina%on of services
Adapters : Plug-n-Play
Pla@orm Services for Smart City as a
Infra Services
Data Layer
Partner & Policy Layer. Data Workflow Layer
Data Analy%cs Layer
API Management
User Account Mgmt.
User Authen1ca1on
(Two Factor)
Password Protec1on &
Authoriza1on & RBACS
User Profile
Single Sign-On & Global
Social Integra1on
Open standards support
(OAuth, SAML, OpenID)
White Labeling - Login
Box for web apps and
mobile apps
Customiza1on and Rules
AD Integra1on
Secure Device
Device Registra1on /
Device authen1ca1on
& associa1on
Device ASesta1on &
Asset Management
Field Gateway as
Device Proxies
OTA updates and
Open standards
support (TR-69, OMA-
Device – Applica1on
Customiza1on and
Sensor Data & Events
Flexible Data Model
Data Schema
(Ontology) Support
Stream & Point Data
Persistent Storage &
Ephemeral Data
Data Encryp1on at
IOT Hub (Pub-Sub)
Transport protocols
(HTTP / MQTT / Any
other ?)
Support for Video ?
Binary Data Support
Spa1o – Temporal
Partner / Service
Provider Onboarding
Developer Onboarding
API Key Management
App Management
Tools for Workflow
Mone1za1on Support
Integra1on with Billing
& Repor1ng
Mul1-Tenancy and
Data Level Isola1on
processing for data
Rule engine Integra1on
no1fica1on support
(Email / SMS / GCM)
Real 1me processing
Push No1fica1on
Web Hooks integra1on
for no1fica1on to
Secure Enclave for
running analy1cs
containers near data
Offline and real-1me
big data analy1cs
Time series analysis
(trend, trend variance),
Graph analy1cs
Cohort / Funnel
Analysis for
Deep Learning
frameworks with
support for Computer
Vision, NLP workloads
Smart Parking Smart Energy ICCC Developer Apps
E-Governance Services OneM2M
Applica%on Layer
Context Layer
Time & Loca1on
Base Map Service
Organiza1on -
Department Space
Map Visualiza1on API’s
Spa1al Planning Tools
Space ID’s
Virtual Private Address
Loca1on coordinates
Time synchroniza1on
service (NTP, PTP)
Time format
Time-Order Guarantees
©narnix 2022
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Data Layer Architecture
©narnix 2022
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India’s Last Mile Communication Stack - ULMCPS
©narnix 2022
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Unified ICT Architecture Abstraction:
Moving from Hourglass Architecture to…
©narnix 2022
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Classic Saucer Champagne Glass Architecture Model:
©narnix 2022
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…Classic Saucer Champagne Glass Architecture:
The evolved Comprehensively Unified ICT Architecture can be
modelled as a “Classic Saucer Champagne Glass” with a wide Flat
Bottom Base depicting the multitude of Field Devices & sensors etc.
The Saucer Shaped Bowl on the Top depicting being filled with an
ever-increasing spectrum of City Applications and Citizens’ Services.
The Long Stem depicts all the Common Layers viz.: the Unified Last
Mile Communication, Common Standardized Gateways (application or
Vertical Agnostic), Common Service layer representing the Common
Service Functions in the Gateways, as well as, in the Cloud… and the
Smart City Middleware & City Data Reservoir in the Cloud.
It is the “Long Stem” of the “Champagne Glass Model” instead of
the Short & Narrow Neck in the “Hourglass Model” that brings the
comprehensive harmonization, standardization & interoperability in
the Architecture leading to optimization in operational efficiency & Life
Cycle Cost of the ICT Infrastructure in any Smart City.
©narnix 2022
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Strategy Framework for
Unified Digital Infrastructure
©narnix 2022
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Industry 4.0
©narnix 2022
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Creation of $1 trillion digital economy
©narnix 2022
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• India’s GDP to reach US $ 6 Trillion by FY 2027
• Grow at 10% for 3 decades
• Ease of Doing Business
• Making India a part of global supply chain
• Boosting domestic businesses
• Developing India to a manufacturing-based economy
• Young India – skilling the nation and creating opportunities
• Making India hub for R&D
• Urbanization – a unique opportunity
©narnix 2022
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Why should India invest in these Program ?
• India today is getting into a leading position
in production of goods, as well as the
• The world market is undergoing rapid
changes Labor cost, quality demand,
individualized products, shorter product life
• India must keep production in India or even
get production back from low-cost countries
Manufacturers will be faced with key decisions
on how they plan to compete in this new
marketplace that favours competing on value
over competing on price.
We need
smart solutions
We must
stay ahead
It´s essential
for our economy
©narnix 2022
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• Helps keeping production in India
• Helps Indian companies to compete successfully
• Brings leadership on world markets
• Needs skilled workers and gives employment
• Speeds up the production setup process
• A knowledge-based high-tech approach
• Reduces complexity
• Needs a long-term commitment
• Is a major upheaval and not a smooth change
• Is not a single industry solution but has widespread impact
• Needs new skills
• Needs interdisciplinary collaboration
• Is closely linked to Cloud and Big Data
Benefits from Industry 4.0 for the
Indian economy
©narnix 2022
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Industry 4.0
Industry 4.0 impact
©narnix 2022
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Industry 4.0 impact
• Triangle
• Manufacture
• Dealer
• Customer
• Regular (real
time) customer
• Digital
• Digital
• Global market
• All time
• Real time
• Time to market
• Customized
• Use as a Service
• Agile
• New business
• Global available
• Overall cost
• Speed &
• Scalability &
• Machine uptime
• Predictive
• Asset
• Inventory
• Workflow
• Vendors are
more partner
• Partner eco-
• Revenue share
business models
• Data sharing
• Data security
• Implementation
of new partner
• Enable strong
business and IT
• Impact of new
• Regulator
• Start ups
• Big Data
• DaaS
• Analytics, AI,
ML, …
• Security
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Digital transformation
©narnix 2022
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Market Segmentation
Connected Car
Energy Industry 4.0
Transport & Logistic
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… and then reality just slaps you really hard
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Connected Car
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Smart Parking
©narnix 2022
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Manufacturing Landscape - Very sophisticated large
manufacturing units + Basic “tool room” type units of SME
segment (significant component of manufacturing segment)
Manufacturing Competitiveness - India is ranked 2nd behind
“Make In India + Skill India + Startup India + Smart Cities +
Rich talent pool of scientists, researchers and engineers
+well-educated English-speaking workforce” = India as
Manufacturing Destination
Manufacturing Position - low-cost, back yard location
Integral part of the global manufacturing enterprise and
location strategy of most conglomerates with global footprints
©narnix 2022
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Primary Drivers Fuelling adoption of Smart Manufacturing
Integration of Manufacturing Process with other systems like ERP/CRM 17.7%
Reduction of Wastage/Rejections 17.4%
Better utilization of manufacturing assets /better uptime 16.7%
Integration of Supplies into manufacturing process 14.9%
Integration of all shop floor assets into single network 14.5%
Efficiency improvement in IT driven manufacturing process 14.2%
Others 4.6%
©narnix 2022
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Potential components for Smart Manufacturing initiatives in India
Interconnected machines, assets etc. 21.9%
Mobile devices 16.1%
Analytics S/W 15.3%
Cloud computing (including migration) 12.4%
Big Data S/W 10.9%
On premises IoT Servers (Edge devices or Edge architectures) 8%
Addressing the gaps in Tool/Process Integration 10.7%
Security Concerns 4.1%
©narnix 2022
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• Legacy Equipment/ Processes/ Systems - legacy PLC / and at without
PLC, lock-in by OEMs and all communication ports blocked.
• Security – Remotely located, unattended, on network but managed remotely
assets in a manufacturing factory floor with extremely low resources and are
venerable and have elevated risk of security attacks. MSMEs may suffer
production information data leaks to cyber attack.
• Machine lacks Sensors – legacy machines lack sensors and any other
median to get connected.
• Lack of
- common protocol connecting field devices and shop floor.
- Level of investment needed vs the RoI.
- Workforce skilling and training
- Awareness of new technologies (cost-effective open sources)
- Lack of greenfield projects.
©narnix 2022
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What are we looking for boosting the Manufacturing Ecosystem
• Common, unified and harmonized Standards for affordable costs
(products, systems and solutions with multi-domain applications)
• Avoid market fragmentation & segmentation, and
• multiply the volume of manufacturing of the respective products and
“India-appropriate” model:
– homogenous & harmonized set of – standards, architectures and
– Amongst individual domains of Smart Infrastructure - Smart Homes,
Smart Buildings, Smart Grids, Smart Manufacturing, Smart Cities being
complementing components.
©narnix 2022
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Industry 4.0 … to Industry 5.0…
• Industry 4.0 is being criticized with not being able
to provide solutions for all foreseeable future
• While the focus of Industry 4.0 is mass production,
Industry 5.0 focuses on sustainability.
• Furthermore, we emphasize that regardless of its
version, the next industrial revolution should be
fuelled by both the information technology and the
concerns for environmental sustainability.
©narnix 2022
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Industry 4.0 … to Industry 5.0…
• One of the pillars of Industry 4.0 is robotics and
AI. A natural extension of robotics and AI is
man-machine collaboration.
• Just the introduction of human-machine
collaboration on the factory floors falls short for
supporting the case for a new industrial
• We need to turn to human element in the
manufacturing process.
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Industry 5.0…
• There are various different visions for Industry 5.0. Some
futurists argue that while Industry 4.0 is essentially about
connecting devices together, Industry 5.0 is about
collaboration between humans and machines on the
factory floors.
• The benefits of a collaborative man and machine
o There will be a creative human touch on the production
instead of a standard robotic production.
o New jobs will be created.
o Human workers will assume better roles on the factory floor.
o Industry 5.0 is the return of the human touch on the factory
©narnix 2022
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Industry 5.0…
• The priority of Industry 5.0 is “to utilize
efficiently workforce of machines and people, in
synergy with the environment.
• The theme of this vision is Industrial Upcycling.
• This vision focuses on waste prevention.
• Industry 5.0 includes 6R methodology and
L.E.D. principles.
©narnix 2022
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Industry 5.0 - 6R Methodology…
• Recognize: First, we need to recognize the opportunities offered
by Industrial Upcycling. An awareness is the first required step.
• Reconsider: We need to evaluate and reconsider our business
and manufacturing processes. A redesign of processes to realize
the benefits of Industrial Upcycling is an essential step.
• Realize: After recognition of the opportunities and
reconsideration of business processes, we need to realize the
business process improvement or innovation.
• Reduce: Reducing the use of resources to achieve efficient
outcomes is the essence of the methodology.
• Reuse: Reusing the materials considered as useable prior to
process improvement is also at the center of the methodology.
• Recycle: Recycling as much as possible is one of main expected
outcomes of the Industrial Upcycling effort. Naturally, the ideal is
the zero waste.
©narnix 2022
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Industry 5.0 - 6R Methodology…
6R methodology actually defines a business
improvement model. Depending on the specific
case, it can be considered as a business process
improvement or a business process innovation.
Therefore, the 6R methodology is subject to the
rules, assumptions, and dynamics of process
improvement efforts.
©narnix 2022
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Industry 5.0 & L.E.D. principles …
L.E.D. stands for Logistics Efficiency Design. It is
designed for global supply chain efficiency
Its goal is to eliminate the waste created by the
current modern standard buyer-supplier business
relations. L.E.D is the concurrent application of
transparency, profit sharing, and efficiency in the
supply chain.
©narnix 2022
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Industry 5.0 & L.E.D. principles …
Four types of waste are identified in Industrial Upcycling.
These are physical waste, social waste, urban waste, and
process waste.
• Physical Waste: The actual physical waste introduced
during and after the production. It is basically the trash.
• Social Waste: It is the unused potential of the
manpower. People unemployed is at the heart of social
• Urban Waste: This type of waste includes brownfields,
empty spaces, and inadequate infrastructure.
• Process Waste: Overproduction, overstocking, empty
transport vehicles on the roads are among the process
©narnix 2022
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Digital Circular Economy
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Industry 5.0 imperative
• Motto - Bioeconomy
• Motivation - Sustainability
• Power Source - Electrical power
- Renewable power sources
• Involved Technologies
– Sustainable Agricultural Production
• Bionics
• Renewable Resources
- Human Robot Coordination
• Involved Research Areas
– Agriculture
• Biology
• Waste Prevention
– Organizational Research –
• Process Innovation and Improvement
• Business Administration
©narnix 2022
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Comparison of Industry 4.0 & Industry 5.0
Industry 4.0 Industry 5.0
Motto Smart Factory Bioeconomy
Motivation Mass Production Sustainability
Electrical power
Ø Fossil based fuel
Ø Renewable power sources
Electrical power
Ø Renewable power sources
Ø Internet of Things (IoT)
Ø Cloud Computing
Ø Big Data
Ø Robotics and
Ø Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Ø Sustainable Agricultural Production
Ø Bionics
Ø Renewable Resources
Ø Human Robot Coordination
Ø Organizational Research
Ø Process Innovation and
Ø Business Administration
Ø Agriculture
Ø Biology
Ø Waste Prevention
Ø Organizational Research
Ø Process Innovation and Improvement
Ø Business Administration
©narnix 2022
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A few additional aspects of Standardization crucial in Manufacturing:
vEnergy Efficiency
v Materials
v Green House Gas
v Carbon Footprint
v Waste/ Recycle
vHealth and Safety
©narnix 2022
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Key Takeaways
Need to develop a Comprehensive approach to
🇮🇳Security & Resilience
🇮🇳Leveraging Disruptive Technologies
🇮🇳Ethically Aligned Designs
And adopt Systems approach to Standardization
in complex paradigms…
©narnix 2022
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We can not copy from other markets
India must go its own way
©narnix 2022
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"A Nature-aware society that balances
societal, economic & technological
advancement with the climate and nature’s
equilibrium making our planet Carbon
Neutral, by leveraging Nature-inspired
technology solutions to practice the tenet of
Circular Economy”.
Civilization 6.0 imperative
©narnix 2022
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Key Takeaway…
🇮🇳We humans need to radically change our
relationship, not just with the planet, but with the
objects with which we 8ill our lives.
🇮🇳We need to change how we think about
technology and innovation.
🇮🇳Rather than allowing technological advancement
to steer our narratives, innovation and
technology should help us build bridges between
the worlds we inhabit now and the ones we
imagine for tomorrow.
©narnix 2022
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Let us not pray to be
sheltered from dangers
but to be fearless when
facing them
©narnix 2022
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designing a sustainable n resilient future
designing a sustainable n resilient future
©narnix 2022
designing a resilient n sustainable future
©narnix 2022
designing a resilient n sustainable future
narang n. kishor
Mentor &
Principal Design Architect
Technology Philanthropist,
Innovation, Standardization & Sustainability Evangelist…
Technology Consultant, Mentor & Design Architect in
Electrical, Electronics & ICT…
v Over 40 years of professional experience in education, research,
design and consulting .
v Over 30 years of hardcore Research and Design Development
Experience in Solutions, Systems, Products, Hardware, Software &
Firmware (Embedded Software) in fields of Industrial, Power, IT,
Telecom, Medical, Energy and Environment.
v Over 10 years of Consultancy Experience to different segments of
business & industry.
v Over 250 Research & Design Mentees in the Electronics & ICT & STI
v Leading & contributing to multiple National & Global Standardization
Initiatives at BIS, Niti Ayog, TSDSI, IEC, ISO, ITU, IEEE etc.…
narnix: the founder
©narnix 2022
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Leading Standardiza9on ac9vi9es @BIS - the Indian Na9onal SDO in - Smart Ci9es, Smart Manufacturing, Smart Energy & Ac9ve Assisted Living
as the Chairman of Smart Infrastructure Sec9onal CommiSee LITD 28 in BIS.
Contribu9on in Global SDOs:
v Vice Chair – Strategy in IEC SyC Smart Ci9es.
v Project Leader – IEC TS 63188 ED1 – Smart Ci9es Reference Architecture Methodology
v Project Leader – IEC 63205 ED1 – Smart Ci9es Reference Architecture
v Convenor – Communica9on Technologies Work Group – IEC SyC COMM
v Member Steering CommiSee – OCEANIS (The Open Community for Ethics in Autonomous and Intelligent Systems) &
Chair – Advancing Research Work Group
v Member UL STP 3600 - ‘Measuring and Repor9ng Circular Economy Aspects of Products, Sites and Organiza9ons’
v Co-Editor – ISO 30145 on Smart City ICT Reference Framework
v Co-Editor – ISO 30146 on Smart City ICT Indicators
v Represen9ng Indian Na9onal Body BIS & contribu9ng with Indian perspec9ve in
v IEC – SyC Smart Energy, SyC Ac9ve Assisted Living & SyC Smart Ci9es, SyC Smart Manufacturing. SyC LVDC, SyC Communica9on
Technologies and Architectures; IEC SEG9, SEG 10 & SEG 11.
v ISO/IEC JTC1/SC 41 – Internet of Things & related Technologies, JTC1/SC 42 - Big Data & Ar9ficial Intelligence; JTC1/WG11 – Smart Ci9es,
JTC1/WG13 – Trustworthiness. JTC1/ AG2 - Emerging Technology and Innova9on, JTC1/AG6 - Autonomous and Data Rich Vehicles,
JTC1/AG8 - Meta Reference Architecture and Reference Architecture for Systems Integra9on.
v ISO/TC 204 "Intelligent Transport Systems"
v ITU-T SG 17 – Security & SG20 - Internet of Things (IoT) and its applica9ons including smart ci9es and communi9es (SC&C).
v Standards Column Editor - IEEE IoT Magazine ……….. ……….
narnix: the founder

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ANIn Delhi Feb 2022 | Design the Future with Technology Disruption by N Kishor Narang

  • 1. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future
  • 2. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Future of Life… on earth… A crisis as life-altering as the coronavirus pandemic naturally inspires speculation about how it will change everything. These are days definitely to be silent, keep quiet and introspect. Let us understand ourselves. We also got to learn that human desire to overpower, avariciousness to dominate people and land, desire to rule the universe comes to nothing in front of a nano-virus which stealthily takes just seconds to vanquish the whole humanity!
  • 3. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Future of Life… on earth… Starting from a wet market in China’s Wuhan (or maybe a nearby Lab), the novel coronavirus has reached the remotest corners of the world. The impact it has had and continues to have on each and every aspect of our life is in fact beyond words. We may not yet know how this story ends, but we already know for sure that this pandemic has brought the greatest reversal of our times, turning the world along with its wisdom on its head… This is our freak chance to unlearn and learn. Let’s not blow it.
  • 4. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Technologies! Boon or Bane? It has been observed that the technologies developed by human beings in the last 2-3 centuries have had a major impact on the earth’s climate and our nature’s equilibrium. Some believe that we have reached a point of no return. This can have a huge impact on life on earth, especially on the human species. However, while technology has been responsible for most of it, technology also seems to have a solution for it.
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  • 7. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Disruption 🇮🇳 Disruption is everywhere and the future is uncertain — no one knows what the world will look like even a decade from now. As we head into future, we are surrounded by disruptive innovation. 🇮🇳 Whether it’s artificial intelligence, driverless cars, space exploration or quantum computing, it can be hard for even the most enthusiastic technophiles to stay up to date with all the rapid advances taking place and coming down the line. 🇮🇳 These innovations are changing the world as we know it. E.g. - how the combination of AI, IoT and Blockchain is creating both disruption and opportunity in the enterprise world, not just for consumer facing businesses, but for all enterprises. 🇮🇳 Over the coming year, what will be the most important developments in disruptive technology?
  • 8. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Disruption: The New Normal 🇮🇳As we look to the years & decades ahead, tech-disruption will be driven as much by the methods and systems as it is by the devices, we associate with tech disruption. 🇮🇳The pace of innovation is incredibly fast, with new things getting discovered daily. 🇮🇳The future trends in technology are very diverse, very intertwined, and very promising. 🇮🇳There are several developments that have and will continue to shape business strategies. 🇮🇳From automation to sustainability, organizations are adapting to a whole new wave of consumer preferences.
  • 9. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Disruption – the New Normal… "PeaceMaker", the ironically named advanced nuclear missile that emerged from the US' arsenal during the cold war, with the ability to carry 10 independent payloads, each of which was 20 times more powerful that the first nuke dropped on Hiroshima, changed the future of warfare forever. This incident indeed created the worst carnage known to mankind and made every weapon used until then obsolete. It changed the fundamental principles of warfare and is to date deterring humanity from plunging headfast into another World War. Likewise, this pandemic is going to have profound and everlasting impact on how the human race evolves in the post covid-19 era.
  • 10. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Disruption – the New Normal… Today, management of large organizations, startups and Governments alike, face the same challenge that Roosevelt did during the Cold War. Will your organization today approve a radical idea, allocate funds and be the early adopter amidst a crisis? Or, will it stay stuck in the labyrinth of your legacy and perish? The global business dynamics is going to witness a sea of change in the coming times.
  • 11. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Disruption – the New Normal… As Prof. Clayton M. Christensen, the scholar who introduced the Disruptive Innovation theory says: Disruption is a process, NOT an event… and Innovation can only be disruptive relative to something else… Are you going to be an Innovator, Early Adopter or a Laggard?
  • 12. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future The Most Profound Technologies… The most profound technologies are those that disappear… They weave themselves into the fabric of everyday life until they are indistinguishable from it…
  • 13. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Disruptive Technologies 🇮🇳Disruptive technology is the bearer of tremendous opportunity and equally, a harbinger of obsolescence. 🇮🇳Technology’s impact on society and business is substantial, if not underestimated. 🇮🇳Though product cycle times are accelerating, the underlying technologies unfold over many years. 🇮🇳Within each trend there are multiple enabling technologies, all at various stages of maturity and adoption.
  • 14. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE The current wave of progress and enthusiasm for AI began around 2010, driven by three factors that built upon each other: 🇮🇳The availability of big data from many sources; 🇮🇳Dramatically improved machine learning approaches and algorithms; and 🇮🇳The capabilities of more powerful computers.
  • 15. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future
  • 16. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future The “3 P’s & a W” model of Futurology "Futurology"—or "futures studies", futures research, and foresight—can be summarized as being concerned with "three P's and a W", i.e. "possible, probable, and preferable" futures, plus "wildcards", which are low-probability, high-impact events, should they occur. Even with high-profile, probable events, such as the fall of telecommunications costs, the growth of the internet, or the aging demographics of particular countries, there is often significant uncertainty in the rate or continuation of a trend. Thus, a key part of futures analysis is the managing of uncertainty and risk.
  • 17. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future 🇮🇳It is strongly advised to leverage the “3 P’s & a W” model of Futurology (Possible, Probable, Preferable & Wild Card Futures) and strive to capture the shifting socio-technological megatrends and forces to design a ‘Resilient & Sustainable Future’. 🇮🇳This model enables systemic investigation of the future, starting with the default (Business as Usual) scenario - if we don’t do anything. It helps us review several scenarios under the threads of Possible, Probable, Preferable & Wild Card Futures and identifies the likely consequences. The most plausible scenarios are identified and tracked to enable future strategy updates to take cognizance of such trajectories into the future. 🇮🇳 Covid 19 is a living example of Wild Card Future – Low-Probability, High Impact. Looking into the Future…
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  • 25. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Super tall buildings could function like mini-cities in the next 20 years…
  • 26. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future We could rely entirely on renewable energy by the year 2050.
  • 27. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Biotech: at the forefront of superhumans? People are getting more and more aware of their health and the methods they can implement in order to prevent or overcome diseases and disablements. Technology embedded with biology reshapes the playing field of medical institutions, key in this; accessibility and scalability. From biohackers to CRISPR/cas9 gene editing, this ‘new’ industry is at the forefront of rapid growth and discussion.
  • 28. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Arrival of Bio-Digital Convergence Bio-digital convergence may profoundly impact our economy, our ecosystems, and our society. Being prepared to support it, while managing its risks with care and sensitivity, will shape the way we navigate social and ethical considerations, as well as guide policy and governance conversations. In the coming years, bio-digital technologies could be woven into our lives in the way that digital technologies are now. Biological and digital systems are converging, and could change the way we work, live, and even evolve as a species. More than a technological change, this bio-digital convergence may transform the way we understand ourselves and cause us to redefine what we consider human or natural.
  • 29. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Human Augmentation • Human augmentation generally refers to technologies that aim to enhance human abilities and productivity. • The field of human augmentation basically consists of things like physical augmentation, from prosthetics to AR glasses and RFID tags infused within people. • It is an interdisciplinary field that addresses methods, technologies and their applications for improving sensing, action and cognitive abilities of a human. • And this is achieved through sensing and actuation technologies, fusion and fission of information, and artificial intelligence. • Wearable interactive technology is an essential component in enabling human augmentation as it offers seamless integration with the physical and digital world.
  • 30. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Machines could start thinking like humans as early as 2025
  • 31. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Prosthetics could get so advanced in the next 10 years they could give people new skills.
  • 32. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Clothing could give people superhuman skills in the next 10 years
  • 33. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future We could live in a Matrix-like virtual World and People could also become Cyborgs by 2045.
  • 34. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Hyper-automation • Hyper-automation is the application of advanced technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning to bolster workers and automate processes in a more impactful way. • It encompasses the automation of anything capable of being automated. It also allows organisations to automate more tedious and complex work. • Hyper-automation is not simply imitating how tasks are performed with robotic process automation. • It involves multiple tools in the symphony, such as RPA, intelligent business management software and AI, with the goal of increasingly AI-driven decision making. • A key attribute of hyper-automation is its ability to loop humans into the process.
  • 35. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Autonomous Things • The field of autonomous things is a new emerging landscape in technological developments. • Autonomous things, which encompass drones, robots, ships and appliances, make use of AI to perform tasks that are typically complemented by humans. • It is anticipated that the first mass- deployment of this disruptive technology will be the self-driving cars. • Conversely, other expectations include home robotics that will provide care for the elderly, infirm or young populace; and military robots for air, land or sea autonomous machines with information-collection or target-attack capabilities.
  • 36. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Internet of Robotic Things Internet of Things (IoT) and Robotics are trends that are not new in itself. While robotics for automation purposes already exists for decades, adding IoT into the mix will change the rules of the game: Internet of Robotic Things (IoRT) is making an entrance.
  • 37. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Edge Computing • Edge computing is a distributed computing paradigm, which transforms the way data is being handled, processed and delivered from millions of devices around the world. • It brings computation and data storage closer to the source of data or the devices where it is being collected in order to lessen latency and bandwidth use. • The technology was developed owing to the exponential growth of IoT devices, which is linked to the internet to either receive information from the cloud or deliver data back to the cloud. • So, to support all those devices, substantial amounts of computation will have to be moved to the edge as IoT devices produce a vast volume of data during the course of their operations.
  • 38. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Artificial Intelligence…. To … Singularity…
  • 39. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Metaverse… • A metaverse is a network of 3D virtual worlds focused on social connection. In futurism and science fiction, it is often described as a hypothetical iteration of the Internet as a single, universal virtual world that is facilitated by the use of virtual and augmented reality headsets. • The term "metaverse" has its origins in the 1992 science fiction novel Snow Crash as a portmanteau of "meta" and "universe." Various metaverses have been developed for popular use such as virtual world platforms like Second Life. Some metaverse iterations involve integration between virtual and physical spaces and virtual economies, often including a significant interest in advancing virtual reality technology. • The term has seen considerable use as a buzzword for public relations purposes to exaggerate development progress for various related technologies and projects. Information privacy, user addiction, and user safety are some of the concerns within metaverses, stemming from challenges facing the social media and video game industries as a whole. The metaverse can be defined as a simulated digital environment that uses augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and blockchain, along with concepts from social media, to create spaces for rich user interaction mimicking the real world.
  • 40. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Web3.0 • Web3 is a new iteration of the internet that harnesses blockchain to “decentralize” management thus reducing the control of big corporations, such as Google or Meta, and making it more democratic. It is defined by open-source software, is trust less – doesn’t require the support of a trusted intermediary – and is permissionless (it has no governing body). • Web3 draws its named as the third iteration of the internet. The first iteration of the internet consisted of read-only, static webpages (view a BBC homepage from August 2000 as an example). Web 2.0 added the ability to interact with and produce content, making activities such as social media and online banking and shopping possible. • The concept of Web3 has been around for over half a decade, originally coined by Ethereum co-founder Gavin Wood in 2014. It gained traction, however, in 2021 with the proliferation of blockchain technologies, expanding NFT markets, venture capital investments and ongoing calls to reign in the power of big tech. The current internet, Web 2.0, relies on systems and servers owned largely by big corpora<ons, raising concerns over system vulnerability and control. In a Web3 world, ac<vi<es and data would be hosted on a network of computers using blockchain rather than corporate servers. • Anonymous single-sign-on • Individual ownership and tokeniza<on • Self-governing
  • 41. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Democratization of Technology • The democratization of technology typically refers to the easy access of technical domain to everyone, regardless of their profession and place. • Previously, patents dominated the technology industry, and it was hard for anyone to replicate someone else’s work. • But now new-age technologies and enhanced user experiences have empowered those outside of the technology industry to access and utilize technological products and services. • Mainly four key aspects of the democratization of technology are predicted to make big changes in years to come which include application development, design, knowledge, and data and analytics.
  • 42. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future TOP DISRUPTIVE TECH TRENDS TO WATCH • The pace of advancements in technologies is increasing at an unprecedented rate. • This rapid change is largely fuelled by the democratization of innovation as cutting-edge technologies like cloud computing is providing modern companies access to new disruptive technologies. • They have a lot to offer to an organization in an effort to transform its traditional business processes, advancing efficiency and leading to competitive advantages at the same time. • Since the world now stands on the fourth industrial revolution, disruptive technology is also evolving faster than ever. And it has become fundamental to business growth where companies need to implement this strategically.
  • 43. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future The cloud will play an increasingly important role in the global accessibility of services and data, while the long-awaited availability of super-broadband 5G networks will open a new chapter in the history of IT and make the dreams of today a reality of tomorrow. TOP DISRUPTIVE TECH TRENDS TO WATCH
  • 44. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future The Three Mega Trends
  • 45. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Disruptive Technology Trends • Robots Become Coworkers • From Wearables to Implantable • Bots Usurp Apps • Genetically Modified Life forms • 3D Printing Gets Industrial • AI Replaces White Collar Expertise • Quantum Computing Gets Practical • Self Driving Vehicles On the High Street • Blockchain Disrupts More than Banks • Virtual Reality as a Commercial Reality • From Augmented Reality to Mixed Reality • Robots Teaching Themselves • Cyber Security Wars • The Things Are Taking Over the Internet • Renewables and Clean Energy Diversify
  • 46. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future CRISPR – Genome Editing Tech… “CRISPR” (pronounced “crisper”) stands for Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats, which are the hallmark of a bacterial defense system that forms the basis for CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing technology. Gene edi'ng technologies will allow research teams to precisely alter, delete, and rearrange the DNA of nearly any living organism. Synthego’s 2017 Future of CRISPR Research survey found that 87 per cent of new CRISPR users were also new to gene edi'ng, showing that CRISPR’s simplicity has catalyzed the further development of the scien'fic technique itself. We will see CRISPR’s use cases expand, baOling disease and world hunger.
  • 47. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Cellular Agriculture • The data indicates that 18% of global anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions come from livestock farming. • By contrast, global transportation accounts for only 13%. • At the same time 26% of Earth’s ice-free surface is used for livestock farming. • This represents nearly 70% of all agricultural land. In addition, 27-29% of freshwater footprint is used for the production of animal products. • Livestock farming is a top contributor to deforestation, land degradation, water pollution and desertification. • Considering the impacts and challenges of livestock farming and also the fact that anticipated global demand for animal products to increase by 70% in 2050 , it becomes extremely important to explore different ways to feed the growing population without destructing the earth’s resources.
  • 48. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Cellular Agriculture • Cellular agriculture and 3D food printing are the two new technologies that are expected to change the way people will interact with food in near future. • This technology leads to animal-free, cultured & plant-based versions of meat, milk, eggs and leather or in other words, they are milk without cow, eggs without hen and meat without animal. • Currently the technology for producing meat is developing fast in this sector both from plant sources as well as through Cell Culture.
  • 49. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Vertical Farming • The most challenging task for scientists and farmers today is to ensure continuous and sufficient supply of food to growing population. • Urban centers are already experiencing the pressure due to substantial increase in population; this growth accompanied with changing food habits and rising concerns for food quality such as optimum levels of the nutrition in the food with no chemical residues (pesticides/fertilizers) used in the production of crops. • Adding to this, environmental stress (climate change) and shortage of water and land resources are some major constraints haunting this task. • Recent trend in agriculture has seen rising interest in vertical farming and intensive agriculture to accommodate the demands of increasing population and address the rising concern for environmental issues. Vertical farming shall help in meeting the food & other demands of the rapidly growing urban population.
  • 50. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Vertical Farming • The vertical farm basically employs conventional farming methods such as hydroponics and aeroponics to produce more yields in controlled conditions. • Vertical farming is a system of farming whereby plants, animals, fungi and other life forms are cultivated for food, fuel, fiber or other products or services by artificially stacking them vertically above each other. • Vertical farming is basically large-scale agriculture in urban high-rise structures. The concept foresees the cultivation of fruits, vegetables, medicinal, fuel producing plants and other plant products in the cities and marketing directly within the cities, thereby reducing the transportation costs and efficient utilizing land and water resources. • Vertical farming is a step ahead technology from green houses as it involves harnessing of resources in vertical arrays and can feed the demands of food supply with the resources of urban centers. It is estimated that, a vertical farm of 9300 m2 (roughly the size of a city block) with 30 stories can provide around 15,000 people with 2000 kcal of nutrition per day ( ).
  • 51. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Driving CO2 emissions to zero (CCUS) Any pathway to mitigate climate change requires the rapid reduction of CO2 emissions and negative-emissions technologies to cut atmospheric concentrations. Technology and regulation will be the key. Growing concerns about climate change are intensifying interest in advanced technologies to reduce emissions in hard-to-abate sectors, such as cement, and also to draw down CO2 levels in the atmosphere. High on the list is carbon capture, use, and storage (CCUS), the term for a family of technologies and techniques that do exactly what they say: they capture CO2 and use or store it to prevent its release into the atmosphere. Through direct air capture (DAC) or bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS), CCUS can actually draw down CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere—“negative emissions,” as this is called. In some cases, that CO2 can be used to create products ranging from cement to synthetic fuels. • Cementing in CO2 for the ages • Carbon-neutral fuels for jets and more • Direct Air Capture (DAC) Capturing CO2 from ambient air—anywhere • The biomass-energy cycle: CO2 neutral or even negative • Carbon fiber • Storing carbon in your mattress? • Biochar, anyone? Carbon Capture, Use & Storage
  • 52. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future The Zero-Carbon Car: The automotive industry could abate 66 percent of emissions from their material production at no extra cost by 2030—if industry participants work together and start now. Aba$ng material emissions is next on the agenda
  • 53. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Conscious Consumerism: from Wealth to Wellbeing Consumers start to understand that the current impact of human beings on the world needs to be changed. This means that people not only start to live healthier (nutrition), but also want to have more insights in the origin of food and goods towards a more sustainable planet.
  • 54. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future The digital revolution… • IoT • 5G… 6G • Big Data • Artificial Intelligence • Quantum Computing • …..
  • 55. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future IoT 2.0 – IoT Coming of Age… v“IoT”, a concept that originally sounded like something out of sci-fi movie -- the "Internet of Things" -- is, in fact, a reality, and one that is bound to become even more widespread. vFrom being considered as one of the most Disruptive Technologies in the early years of last decade to coming on the verge of becoming one of the most Profound Technologies by weaving itself into the fabric of everyday life until it becomes indistinguishable from it…
  • 56. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Defining the IoT Systems:
  • 57. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Internet of Things… Internet of Things is all about “heterogeneous” and “aware” devices interacting to simplify people’s life in some way or the other.
  • 58. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Technical Perspective Sensing Layer Communica1on Layer Management Layer
  • 59. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future vSensing Nodes, vLocal Embedded Processing Nodes, vConnectivity Nodes, vSoftware to automate tasks and enable new “Classes of Services” vRemote Embedded Processing Nodes, vand last but not the least “Full Security” across the “Signal Path”. Key Components of IoT:
  • 60. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future What’s different about IoT? Device Mgmt Access Mgmt Compute Mgmt Protocol Mgmt Data Mgmt Connec<vity Mgmt Peripheral Device Edge Gateway Field Area Gateway Enterprise Gateway Storage System Data Processing System Applica9on Workflow Opera&onal Technologies Informa&on Technologies Event based ac'ons on real 'me high velocity data Query based ac'on on non real 'me high volume data
  • 61. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Applications & Business Models Most analysts project a 20% CAGR for IoT – and that’s a faster adoption rate than the growth of any economy – to some that means that things are not broken. However, the ground reality in India is a far cry from this rosy picture. All IoT companies are still struggling to get a foothold on the market. designing with secure n sustainable dna copyright©narnix2019 Reality check of the Hypes, Myths, Contemporary Practices and Imperatives in the shifting Socio-Techno Scenario.
  • 62. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future The Macro Dynamics… • Profit from IoT for different Nations, different Ecosystems & different Stakeholders is highly dependent on the Macro Dynamics in their respective environments… • A comprehensive environment scan of the Macro dynamics (within one’s Techno-socio-economic environment) can help understand their impact on any IoT organization’s business revenues and provide Actionable Insights to address the challenges and develop a long-term strategy and roadmap to evolve and mature into to sustainable IoT organization. designing with secure n sustainable dna copyright©narnix2019
  • 63. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Hurdles in fast growth of IoT:
  • 64. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future IoT Ecosystem & Value Chain… The IoT value chain is perhaps the most diverse and complicated value chain of any industry or consortium that exists in the world. In fact, the gold rush to IoT is so pervasive that if you combine much of the value chain of most industry trade associations, standards bodies, the ecosystem partners of trade associations and standards bodies, and then add in the different technology providers feeding those industries, you get close to understanding the scope of the task.
  • 65. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Challenges… • In this absolutely heterogeneous scenario, coming up with common harmonized standards is a major hurdle. • We need to see acceleration and a maturing of common standards, more cross-sector collaboration and creative approaches to business models….
  • 66. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future The Imperative • Hence, in spite of so much hype and even genuine potential, the IoT paradigm has not proliferated in a true sense to its desired potential. • Bringing the “Internet of Things” to life requires a comprehensive systems approach, inclusive of intelligent processing and sensing technology, connectivity, software and services, along with a leading ecosystem of partners.
  • 67. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future To give IoT the required momentum, device management platforms, cloud computing and big data sciences in the virtual world are already flourishing and well geared up to meet the expectations of the designers. But the physical world needs to catch up. The wireless and networking technologies need to mature very fast; we need innovative approaches in deployment of large sensor (and actuator) networks. Maturity Stage of IoT Components:
  • 68. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Maturity Stage of IoT Components: • However, it is high time we try to bring some semblance into this chaotic paradigm by bringing the systems approach to resolve this complex problem… • There is still ample scope to harmonize quite a many aspects and bring interoperability amongst multiple competing and/or conflicting standards be it in the Syntactic & Semantic aspects, or at different layers’ Protocols like Network Layer & application Layer Protocols…
  • 69. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future IoT Architecture & Protocols
  • 70. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Protocol dilemma/convergence • Device management is not an option: Every processor and every application need to be configured, upgraded and monitored. • Each protocol must be secured. • And synchronized: You can’t trigger an update with a protocol, while you are rebooting the device using another. • M2M/IoT is not a simple problem. • Security and provisioning are really the hardest ones. • Try hard to reduce the number of protocols to make your life easier! • THERE IS NO SINGLE PROTOCOL TO RULE THEM ALL? – Every protocol is nice and specialized?
  • 71. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future • Security and privacy issues (Note that security and privacy measure are a lot of times at odds with each other) • Endless IoT applications • Endless potential types of edge node technologies, and the interface to the communication nodes (e.g. Sensors and use cases integration into Telco services) • High fragmentation of today’s IoT connectivity solutions • Lots of legacy systems that will now be a part of IPv6 network, with no (or minimal) existing “co-existence” and interoperability plans Challenges in fast growth of IoT: The challenges that inhibit the IoT-related standards and hence a robust rollout of IoT services are:
  • 72. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future • Partnerships, between heterogeneous and diverse industries, and defining the associated business models involving multiple stakeholders and service providers of some of those legacy systems in number • Management and provisioning of the various networked devices, applications, and services, and the network capacity planning that comes with it • Regulatory issues that will hinder deployments on a worldwide basis • Special needs of “industrial grade” product rollouts, with long lasting requirements in the field, that require future proofing of any standard recommended • Slow development of the IoT services market, partially due to lack of future proof standards etc. Challenges in fast growth of IoT:
  • 73. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future • Global Neural Network of Networks… • Homogeneous Network of Heterogeneous Devices… • Industrial IoT v/s Consumer IoT… • Services v/s Applications… • Infrastructure v/s Enterprise v/s Homes • End to end Security in the Signal Chain… IoT Paradigm & challenges ! ! !
  • 74. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Open Infrastructure Characteris$cs • Share-ability - economies of scale, minimize duplica<on • Ubiquity - readily u<lize infrastructure, anywhere • Integrity - high level of manageability and reliability • Ease of use - logical and consistent rules to use infrastructure • Cost effec:veness - value consistent with cost • Standards – define how basic elements interrelate • Openness – supports mul<ple uses & vendors, not proprietary • Secure – system must be protected • Scalable –low- or high-density areas, phased implementa<on The Role of a Standard & Open-Based Architecture
  • 75. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Will the internet of things sacrifice or save the environment? • The internet of things (IoT) – that ever-expanding ecosystem of digital sensors, home appliances and wearable smart devices – attracts its fair share of attention. Speculation is rife on how the 25 bn-odd (and counting) “things” will improve quality of life, streamline business operations and ultimately fuel economic benefits to the tune of up to $11tn per year by 2025. • Less often considered is the cost to the environment of such a vast network of devices. With the full extent of the IoT far from being realized, even experts are divided on whether it will spell doom or salvation for the environment. One thing that experts can agree on is that we shouldn’t wait around to find out.
  • 76. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Drops++ can make an Ocean… • The problem of energy consumption will be a pernicious one. “These technologies on a device-by-device basis, or even a house- by-house basis, are not a significant additional contribution to overall power consumption”. However, multiply that across any country though and “that’s going to boil down to another power station or another two power stations”. • Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies can help us fight climate change – but they also come at a cost to the planet. To truly benefit from the technology’s climate solutions, we also need a better understanding of IoT’s & AI’s growing carbon footprint. IoT & AI need to be developed and deployed so it can meet society’s needs and protect the environment by saving more energy than it expends.
  • 77. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future v Smart street- light Smart water meter Idle Space Smart parking IOT Use cases ready for Implementation
  • 78. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Technologies in support of business evolution 2G/3G performance Establish 4G Modernize Evolved Packet Core Gigabit LTE (TDD, FDD, LAA) 5G Plug-ins Core Virtualization Network Slicing NR RAN Virtualization 1 2 3 FWA 4K/8K videos Gaming VR Autonomous vehicles Fleet monitoring Connected car Car-to-car communication Remote control machinery Process Automation Data Communication Surgery Personal Assistance Health Monitoring Browsing Connected bus stop Voice Communication Voice Communication Broadband and Media Intelligent traffic systems Mining Remote Health Care Technologies
  • 79. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future It is all about use case evolution with supporting technologies Enhanced mobile broadband Automo2ve Manufacturing Healthcare Energy & u2li2es Screens everywhere On demand informa2on Process automa2on Metering and smart grid Multi-standard network Cat-M1/NB-IoT Cloud optimized functions VNF orchestration 4K video Real-2me informa2on vehicle to vehicle Flow management and remote supervision Resource management and automa2on Monitoring and medica2on e-care 4K/8K Immersive experience AR/VR Autonomous control Cloud robo2cs and remote control Machine intelligence and real-2me control Remote opera2ons, 3D CT Scans Gigabit LTE (TDD, FDD, LAA) Massive MIMO Network slicing Dynamic service orchestration Predictive analytics Connected doctors and pa2ents 5G NR Virtualized RAN Federated network Distributed cloud Real-time machine learning/AI 5G experience On the road to 5G Current Technologies —But underlying architecture should be future-proof enabling seamless evolu:on as needed…….
  • 80. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future IoT may require differentiated service levels • IoT covers a large range of applications. It can be machine to machine or consumer or healthcare or automotive etc. • These applications will have varying degrees of requirements for connectivity as well as data transmission. – While a healthcare device may collect continuous amount of data a smart appliance may not have to be transmitting continuously. – We can even consider within an automobile for an example various systems, all systems related to safety may need continuous monitoring and real time feedback however an infotainment system may have different requirements. – Environmental applications such as clean air and water monitoring systems may have another set of requirements. • All these applications will transfer varying degrees of data, some large some small and others will be a mix of these and at various intervals vs. Real time. It maybe important to understand these requirements from a systems perspective and offer differentiated class of services within a network that provides connectivity
  • 81. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future 5G… 5G is not just an evolutionary upgrade of the previous generation of cellular networks, but it is a revolutionary technology envisioned that will eliminate the bounds of access, bandwidth, performance, and latency limitations on connectivity worldwide. 5G technologies bring in a universal connectivity angle that has not been present in the earlier generations of wireless technologies. With the potential for 5G networks to provide anytime anywhere connectivity to anything, the number of applications or domains which can leverage this kind of connectivity will be quite large. 5G will be the connectivity fabric of a new era of information technology that will transform every sector of the economy and society. 5G has the potential to enable fundamentally new applications, industries, and business models and dramatically improve quality of life around the world via unprecedented use cases that require high data-rate instantaneous communications, low latency, and massive connectivity for new applications for mobile, eHealth, autonomous vehicles, smart cities, smart homes, Industrial IoT, to name a few.
  • 82. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future 5G… Many application domains have started looking at 5G and 5G- like technologies to leverage the new features and facilities provided by the networks like ultra-high speeds, ultra-low latency, connecting massive number of devices which need on and off connectivity, and other such requirements. Smart Cities are considered as one of the high priority Application domains for 5G. The operation of Smart Cities relies enormously on IoT, and 5G wireless networks are expected to be the great IoT enabler. By offering faster connections, more reliability and higher capacity at lower costs, 5G is a critical piece of the smart city puzzle, allowing cities to access the necessary fast connections to their infrastructure, devices and people. 5G offers the capacity to enable additional smart city capabilities and applications that require high-bandwidth and low-latency.
  • 83. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future What did we set out to achieve ? Source: ITU-R
  • 84. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future v Virtualiza)on – IMS, SDN orchestra)on , ePC v M/c learning & Robo)cs based closed loop Self- healing v N/w slicing on transport & core layers Enabling Technologies & Paradigms…
  • 85. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Ultra high storage & Compute • Big data stack with all network, customers, performance & crowd- sourced data Enabling Technologies & Paradigms…
  • 86. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future The three broad use cases include enhanced mobile broadband, mission-critical services and massive IoT Ref: Leading the World to 5G, Qualcomm Technologies, Inc, 2016 The three broad use cases are characterized by different metrics and parameters 5G - Wide Range of Requirements Ini$al momentum - • eMBB • Fixed wireless access • Fibre replacement Enabling capabili9es - • Integrated Access & Backhaul • 5G Unlicensed opera9ons with LTE DC • Local/Private/Neutral Host 5G networks • mIoT Relay for extension • Highly accurate posi9oning – remote control/robo9cs/hap9cs
  • 87. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Future Architecture One Network – Diverse Use Cases @ 10-100X End-user Data Rates 5X Lower Latency 10-100X Connected Devices 10X Battery Life 1000X Mobile Data Volumes
  • 88. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future 5G Networks and the Threat Landscape
  • 89. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future 5G Service Based Architecture
  • 90. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Example of a Micro Service Architecture
  • 91. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Cloud Native Application Stacks
  • 92. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future 5G Networks Characteristics • The ability to handle multiple, tailored use cases is what makes 5G more disruptive than previous generations of cellular technology. • As 5G will need to coexist and interwork with 4G for many years to come, we’re likely to see the vast majority of these deployments as non stand- alone (NSA) initially, as a way of reducing time to market and ensuring good coverage and mobility.
  • 93. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Network Architecture vCurrent network architecture needs to evolve to meet the needs of the wide variety of use cases enabled by 5G technology. vAs part of this, the transport network must evolve and scale efficiently to meet widely varying, but strict, requirements for performance, capacity, latency, and security. vIt must also support the various needs of parallel network architectures and technologies, and seamlessly support the coordination between many more cell sites, including those that will coexist with 4G technology for many years to come.
  • 94. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Design Principles • Agnosticism • A Micro-service Architecture • Application Resiliency • State Optimized Design • Orchestration and Automation –Internal automation and orchestration –Network level orchestration and automation
  • 95. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future 5G Paradigm – Key Attributes… • Distributed Architecture • Network Slicing • CUPS • Cloud RAN • Virtual Network Functions (on Cloud native) • Cloud Native Digital Services • Microservices Architecture • Continuously Evolving Software • DevOps
  • 96. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future From 4G to 5G… The major difference, from a user point of view, between 4G and 5G must be something other than faster speed (increased peak bit rate). For example – • higher number of simultaneously connected devices, • higher system spectral efficiency (data volume per area unit), • lower battery consumption, • lower outage probability (better coverage), • high bit rates in larger portions of the coverage area, lower latencies, • higher number of supported devices, • lower infrastructure deployment costs, • higher versatility and scalability, or • higher reliability of communication.
  • 97. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Expectations from 5G … • Data rates of tens of megabits per second should be supported for tens of thousands of users – 1 gigabit per second to be offered simultaneously to many workers on the same office floor – Several hundreds of thousands of simultaneous connections to be supported for massive sensor deployments • Spectral efficiency should be significantly enhanced compared to 4G • Coverage should be improved • Signaling efficiency should be enhanced • Latency should be reduced significantly compared to LTE.
  • 98. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Expectations from 5G … • A super-efficient mobile network that delivers a better performing network for lower investment cost. It addresses the mobile network operators pressing need to see the unit cost of data transport falling at roughly the same rate as the volume of data demand is rising. It would be a leap forward in efficiency based on the IET Demand Attentive Network (DAN) philosophy. • A super-fast mobile network comprising the next generation of small cells densely clustered to give a contiguous coverage over at least urban areas and getting the world to the final frontier of true “wide-area mobility." It would require access to spectrum under 4 GHz perhaps via the world's first global implementation of Dynamic Spectrum Access. • A converged fiber-wireless network that uses, for the first time for wireless Internet access, the millimeter wave bands (20 – 60 GHz) so as to allow very-wide-bandwidth radio channels able to support data-access speeds of up to 10 Gbps. The connection essentially comprises “short” wireless links on the end of local fiber optic cable. It would be more a “nomadic” service (like Wi-Fi) rather than a wide-area “mobile” service.
  • 99. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future 5G in Smart Infrastructure To support the main vertical sectors - namely automotive, transportation, healthcare, energy, manufacturing, and media and entertainment - the most important 5G infrastructure performance requirements are – • a latency below 5 ms, • support for device densities of up to 100 devices/m2 and • reliable coverage area, a successful 5G deployment will integrate telecommunication technologies including mobile, fixed, optical and satellite (both GEO and MEO).
  • 100. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future 5G – Only the Beginning… The Carl Benz Automobile for the Internet
  • 101. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Tectile Internet – 6G & AI to Control Objects Remotely
  • 102. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future 6G’s Non- Evolutionary Tactile Internet Challenges
  • 103. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future 1G to 6G Cellular Networking
  • 104. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future 5G Foundation
  • 105. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Projecting a Path- towards Universal Autonomy
  • 106. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Algorithms decide for every individual Artificial intelligence has become way of life
  • 107. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Decide for us what video to watch next Decides whom to vote for, where to travel, etc. Decides what to buy Targeting individual against target groups
  • 108. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future
  • 109. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Intelligence Intelligence is the capacity to do the right thing at the right time, in a context where doing nothing (or making no change in behavior) would be worse. Intelligence then requires • The capacity to perceive contexts for action, • The capacity to act, and • The capacity to associate contexts to actions. By this definition, plants are intelligent. They can perceive and respond to the direction of light, for example. The more conventional understanding of “intelligent” includes being cognitive, that is, being able to learn new contexts and actions, and the associations between them.
  • 110. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future AI Taxonomies: There are differing taxonomies of AI problems and solutions. A popular AI textbook used the following taxonomy: 1. Systems that think like humans (e.g., cognitive architectures and neural networks); 2. Systems that act like humans (e.g., pass the Turing test via natural language processing; knowledge representation, automated reasoning, and learning), 3. Systems that think rationally (e.g. logic solvers, inference, and optimization); and 4. Systems that act rationally (e.g., intelligent software agents and embodied robots that achieve goals via perception, planning, reasoning, learning, communicating, decision-making, and acting). * Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig, Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (3rd Edition) (Essex, England: Pearson, 2009).
  • 111. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future AI has also been parsed into five general categories: 🌏Logical Reasoning, 🌏Knowledge Representation, 🌏Planning and Navigation, 🌏Natural Language Processing, and 🌏Perception. * Frank Chen, “AI, Deep Learning, and Machine Learning: A Primer,” Andreessen Horowitz, June 10, 2016, deep-learning-machines.
  • 112. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Concerns about Domestic and Commercial AI AI is core to some of the most successful companies in history in terms of market capitalization and, along with information and communications technology (ICT) more generally, has revolutionized the ease with which people from all over the world can create, access, and share knowledge. However, possible pitfalls of AI could have quite serious consequences. • Will AI Outcompete Us? • Will AI Undermine Societal Stability? • Will AI Harm Privacy, Personal Liberty, and Autonomy? Human memory has been outstripped by books for centuries— mere intelligence is no more of a direct threat than mere strength.
  • 113. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Let’s see where we are heading….
  • 114. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Ethical Implications of Disruptive Technologies • With the ongoing development of powerful technologies and disruptive innovations such as artificial intelligence and autonomous systems (AI/AS) comes the need for greater social responsibility and accountability from the technology community. • There is no doubt that AI is transforming how we work, play, and think in revolutionary ways. Recent developments in AI-focused areas herald its full-fledged arrival via autonomous automobiles, cognitive computing, and collaborative robotics. • Like any disruptive innovation, AI presents a number of complex public policy challenges in terms of our moral values and ethical principles that require extensive knowledge of science and technology for effective decision-making. • These issues span a diverse spectrum of applications including agriculture, communications, energy, the environment, health care, and transportation. • With powerful innovations comes the need for greater social responsibility from the technology community
  • 115. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Would a digital brain have a mind? Although the human brain and the digital computer share many traits, simulating the mind in silicon may be impossible. Obvious parallels exist between the brain and digital computers. To fulfill their responsibility to themselves, and to others who might be misled by journalistic hyperbole, computing professionals should have well-founded opinions about the extent of these parallels. The profession should refrain from applying humanistic names to its mechanistic endeavors, and it must be conscious always of the essential differences between people and computers.
  • 116. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Asimov's Laws of Robotics • Law One: Robots must never harm human beings or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. • Law Two: Robots must follow instructions from humans without violating rule 1. • Law Three: Robots must protect themselves without violating the other rules.
  • 117. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Artificial Heartificial Intelligence
  • 118. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future “Artificial Intelligence and Ethics by Design.” Why Ethics? • With today’s and tomorrow’s increasingly complex ways that data will used, the law alone as a definer of fair processing is not sufficient. • the reliance of the new generation of data protection laws on risk, assessments and defendable fairness. So, what do we mean by ethics? • One definition is shared societal values that are often unspoken. • As a company, how does one design in what is often unspoken? • And as I think about societal, there are regulatory officials from every continent and sub region here. • Which region’s values do we incorporate? • Is it societal harmony from east Asia? • Or consequentialism from Europe? • Or a sense of duty no matter the consequences?
  • 119. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Standardizing Ethical Design for Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems For decades—even prior to its inception—AI has aroused both fear and excitement as humanity has contemplated creating machines like ourselves. Unfortunately, the misconception that “intelligent” artifacts should necessarily be human-like has largely blinded society to the fact that we have been achieving AI for some time. Although AI that surpasses human ability grabs headlines (think of Watson, Deep Mind, or alphaGo), AI has been a standard part of the industrial repertoire since at least the 1980s, with expert systems checking circuit boards and credit card transactions.
  • 120. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future The Digital Transformation The society, the business, the infrastructure, the services and all other aspects of the civilization on the planet Earth are going through a paradigm shift in the wake of technological advancements, especially in the field of ICT. All the ecosystems, be it Smart Cities, Smart Grid, Smart Buildings or Smart Factories now find themselves making three classes of transformations: • improvement of infrastructure – to make it resilient & sustainable… • addition of the digital layer- which is the essence of the smart paradigm; and • business process transformation - necessary to capitalize on the investments in smart technology.
  • 121. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future The genesis of Digital Transformation In digital transformation in any paradigm, domain or ecosystem -- Ø‘Sustainability is the True Destination’ Ø‘Resilience is the Core Characteristic’ Ø‘Smart is merely the Accelerator’ Standards are the Chromosomes of Digital Infrastructure
  • 122. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Digital Transformation Constituents vInformation Technologies vOperational Technologies vNetwork Technologies vIoT Technologies NT OT IT IoT
  • 123. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Digital Transformation Constituents NT OT IT IoT vInformation Technologies vOperational Technologies vNetwork Technologies vIoT Technologies vArtificial Intelligence
  • 124. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Digital Transformation is not a technology ----------------------------------------------- It’s a Complex Paradigm with domain-specific implications We are living in an ephemeral world
  • 125. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Digital Transformation
  • 126. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Business models ARE CHANGING
  • 127. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future unlimited business models The Digital Transformation is not thinking about your IT. It is thinking about your Business Model.
  • 128. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Mass Customizing Mass Production Customer demand is changing
  • 129. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future v In the 1960’s NASA was faced with a major problem v Astronauts needed a pen that would write in the vacuum of space v NASA developed the “Astronaut Pen” for $ 15 million Disruptive & Creative – Yet Simple…
  • 130. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future DATA IS EVERYWHERE
  • 131. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future If “Data is the Oil of the 21st Century” (without pollution side effects) Neelie Kroes, EU Commissioner responsible for the Digital Agenda Then “Big Data” is the Crude Oil As it needs lot of processing before it becomes usable Two Underlying philosophies Standards are the chromosomes of Smart Infrastructure & Narang N. Kishor, NARNIX TECHNOLABS
  • 132. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future
  • 133. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Data’s perilous journey Business Decision Generate it Collect it Validate it Store it Contextual Intelligence Act on it Digital Transformation It’s all about data
  • 134. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Data’s perilous journey Business Decision Generate it Collect it Validate it Store it Contextual Intelligence Act on it Digital transformation It’s all about data
  • 135. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Securing the fifth dimension… What is the new challenge: the cyber space…
  • 136. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Cyber Threat Landscape
  • 137. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Security philosophy…
  • 138. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future We - The Walking Host • Confidential information is passed between Smart Watches and Host Phones • Medical and Health devices store and transmit personal data • Device firmware and application updates are not necessarily secure How many IP addresses are on a person? – Smart watches – Fitness Devices – Medical devices – Smartphones – Tablets – Smart glasses – Headsets – And more…
  • 139. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future The Smart but NOT Secure ! ! ! • currently the weakest link in the Smart Infrastructure Signal Chain is our smart end nodes. • A robust Communication & IT Infrastructure shall be no good if we continue to use the devices, which are not Equally Secure. So, the new imperative for the design Community is to Design “Smart & Secure” Phones, Sensors, Devices or Instrument. “A chain is only as strong as its weakest Link”
  • 140. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Cyber Immunity & Cyber Resilience • The pandemic-induced digital transformation has increased exposure to cyber threats as we cross the digital fault line due to remote working and escalated online presence. To counter this, an intuitive and adaptive cyber posture defined by zero latency networks and quantum leaps will be needed across industries. These developments, while great for humanity, will challenge privilege, privacy, and defend every citizen. • Cyber Immunity will create IT networks that are inherently secure and self-learning. AI-induced digital intuition is one of the pillars that will allow intelligent adaption. The ability of AI systems to out-innovate malicious attacks by mimicking various aspects of human immunity will be the line of defence to attain cyber resilience based on both supervised and unsupervised machine learning. These systems will be designed to make the right decisions with the context-based data, pre-empt attacks on the basis of initial indicators of compromise or attack, and take intuitive remediated measures, allowing enterprises to be more resilient.
  • 141. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Trustworthiness paradigm… Ø Trustworthiness is an overarching paradigm with a multitude of nuances and distinct aspects that it has different connotations for different sets of stakeholders, use cases and applications. Ø A working definition of trustworthiness is the degree to which a user or other stakeholder has confidence that a product or system will behave as intended. This definition can be applied across the broad range of systems, technologies, and application domains Ø Characteristics of trustworthiness include - Reliability, Availability, Resilience, Security, Privacy, Safety, Accountability, Transparency, Integrity, Authenticity, Quality, Usability and Accuracy.
  • 142. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future The EVOLUTION we NEVER EXPECTED • It's a small world. It's also an increasingly hot, crowded, and contentious one. The combined effect of climate change and society’s impact on the earth is intensifying struggles over natural resources while also threatening our infrastructure, food systems and quality of life. • It’s increasingly clear that today’s environmental conditions are not sustainable. Over the past few decades, we have made huge progress fighting disease, poverty, and illiteracy. Now we must apply that same ingenuity to the problem of global warming and other consequences of human activity.
  • 143. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Half a Century after PLASTIC became pervasive…
  • 144. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future
  • 145. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Riding the AI Tiger… • AI as a BIG Hype, is a reality that scientists who worked on it for last four decades never ever thought of or envisaged.. • It is terrifying, scary n chilling… • It is like riding the Tiger… shall we ever be able to get off safely? Or Tame the Tiger? • To top it all, AI is NOW being leveraged to bring sustainability in different aspects… forgetting the Carbon Footprint it adds to anything when you apply AI to any Product, System or Solution… Is it NOT a DICHOTOMY?
  • 146. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Sustainability As Embedded Ethical Value • AI is a tool for increasing sustainability. But it has innated costs too that can’t just be subtracted from its savings. • Sustainability isn’t simply a technical concern – it is an ethical concern. • Need to orient sustainability forward, towards protection of people
  • 147. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Who is even aware about Green AI??? • Some projects have poured large amounts of computation into tuning hyperparameters or searching over neural architectures, well beyond the reach of most researchers. • Creating efficiency in AI research will decrease its carbon footprint and increase its inclusivity as deep learning study should not require the deepest pockets. “Green AI” vs “Red AI” = Efficiency vs Accuracy
  • 148. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Learn from our past mistakes – History always repeats itself… Past failures to consider environmental consequences early have been costly: 🌏Semiconductor Industry (Metals, Solvents) 🌏Synthetic Chemicals (PCB, DDT, Freon) 🌏Applications of Natural Compounds (Chlorine, Asbestos) 🌏Transportation, Energy (Air Pollution, Global Warming, Nuclear Wastes)
  • 149. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future 🌏 In an ideal world, we would have exactly one standard for each task or interface. 🌏 However, in reality, there are often overlapping or rivalling standards, driven by different vendor “camps”. 🌏 So, what can a designer or developer do? Support all standards? Too expensive. 🌏 Wait for one standard to replace all others? May not happen. 🌏 Implement a software abstraction layer that permits certain interfaces/standards to be replaced? Good, if possible. 🌏 Choose one standard and accept incompatibility with all others? Bad, but sometimes the only choice. The Standardization Conundrum… Andrew S. Tanenbaum, 1990
  • 150. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Communication Technologies Fragmented Standardization Landscape (non exhaustive)
  • 151. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future SYMPHONY or CACOPHONY ? ? ? The Enraged Musician, William Hogarth, 1741
  • 152. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Somebody has to orchestrate the Symphony of Standards In fact, it is unlikely to be which standard, rather which standards since most architectures do not pick one standard but have a layered approach capable of using multiple standards in the portfolio. Will System Standards be able to do it?
  • 153. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future • “The irony is that Standards & even SDOs are not at the forefront of Solution designers, developers, providers, deployers or users’ minds.” • There are misconceptions on what standards are for, and the case for use of standards has not been made. Most researchers, design engineers and even start-ups argue that standards block innovation. • In fact, Standardization brings innovation and spreads knowledge. Standardization helps define the contours of structured innovation, first because it provides structured methods and reliable data that save time in the innovation process and, second, because it makes it easier to disseminate ground-breaking ideas and knowledge about leading edge techniques. • Liberalization and Markets have a lot of great virtues, but they cannot create their own conditions of existences: they must be designed! …The Standardization Conundrum
  • 154. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future The Imperatives: The technological trends in “Smart Homes”, “Smart Buildings”, “Smart Cities” & “Smart Grid” are being considered and pursued in isolation from each other by the respective stake holders. In fact, they form a very tightly interwoven & homogenous confluence of similar technologies being applied in different domains for a common cause of making our planet earth “smart, green n secure”.
  • 155. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future One of the most challenging Imperatives for “Standard Development Organizations” Harmonization of Standards in Smart Homes, Smart Buildings, Smart Manufacturing, Smart Grid & Smart Cities for smart, sustainable & secure communities
  • 156. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future The International System of Standardization DKE DKE ISO IEC ETSI CEN CENELEC India (national) Europe (regional) International Telecommunication General Electrotechnology Standardisation
  • 157. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Cities >> Smart Cities >> Sustainable, Secure & Resilient Cities Big Data Ar)ficial Intelligence Quantum Compu)ng Evolu)on M2M to IoT… LTE to 5G Evolution
  • 158. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Citizen participation Identity and culture Economy and employment Health Education Mixed use Compactness Open spaces Housing and Inclusiveness Transportation & Mobility Walkable IT connctivity Features of a Smart City Intelligent government services Energy supply Energy source Water supply Wastewater management Water quality Air quality Energy efficiency Underground electric wiring SanitatIon Waste management Safety 24 Features identified by MoHUA GoI
  • 159. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Smart Cities & Smart Infrastructure A sample Indian business case for next 5-10 years: Ø 250 million Smart Electricity Meters are going to be procured & deployed under the NSGM (National Smart Grid Mission). Ø All these Smart Meters are going to use 250 million Communication Modules and minimum 0.5 million Gateways/DCUs (Data Concentrator Units). Ø Smart Streetlights are going to use more than 100 million Communication Modules and at least half a million of DCUs/Gateways… Ø Smart Buildings are going to deploy more than 50 million smart Sensors and at least 100K – 200K DCUs/gateways… Ø Automobiles shall be using at least 100-200 million communication nodes for Vehicle O & M, V to V, V to I & other telematics applications… Ø Similarly, various applications of the Smart Infrastructure paradigm like Smart Water, Smart Gas, Smart Traffic, Smart Environment, Smart sewage Disposal etc. are going to use a few billions of Smart Sensors with Communication Modules To summarize, India ALONE, is going to need a minimum of 5 - 10 billion Communication modules to be integrated into the Smart Sensors and Controllers and 10– 50 million Gateways that shall be needed to operate and maintain the Nation-Wide Critical Infrastructure that needs to be deployed to enable and empower the citizens to lead a sustainable, safe and secure life …
  • 160. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Current Applications live in silos
  • 161. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future 🇮🇳 To map out the scope of smart city 🇮🇳 To clarify the universal values of smart city 🇮🇳 To reach consensus on the core capabilities of smart city 🇮🇳 To indicate commonalities between different city systems 🇮🇳 To provide the reference for integration & interoperability 🇮🇳 To smooth the collaboration of SDOs and other city stakeholders 🇮🇳 …… Common Understanding is a Big Deal
  • 162. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Smart Cities ICT Architecture - Simplified View Sensors, Device & Gateway Layer Data Exchange & Data Processing Layer API & Service Orchestra<on Layer Context Layer (GIS, Time Servers) G O V E R N A N C E Network & Communica<on Layer S E C U R I T Y I N T E G R A T I O N Smart City Applica<ons Domain Adapta<on Layer Ci<zens Administrators Service Providers City KPI (Vision, Mission, Liveability Index) O P E R A T I O N S
  • 163. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future 7 Layers of Information Flow
  • 164. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Mapping the Smart Infrastructure Philosophy to High-level Functionality Physical Infrastructure Social Infrastructure Economic Infrastructure Ins5tu5onal Infrastructure
  • 165. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Mapping the Smart Infrastructure Philosophy to High-level Functionality The application needs change (as part of the users’ requirement) to derive value from different infrastructure pillars, but the ICT and IoT backbone remains (or should remain) the SAME !!! Physical Infrastructure Social Infrastructure Economic Infrastructure Ins;tu;onal Infrastructure
  • 166. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future The way forward: Unified Architecture
  • 167. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Smart City Platform Key Micro Services ICT Standardiza:on to leverage from exis:ng standards efforts Service Mesh (Orchestra<on) Iden%ty Layer Device Layer. SOM: Coordina%on of services Adapters : Plug-n-Play Pla@orm Services for Smart City as a Service Infra Services Data Layer Partner & Policy Layer. Data Workflow Layer Data Analy%cs Layer $$$ API Management User Account Mgmt. User Authen1ca1on (Two Factor) Password Protec1on & Recovery Authoriza1on & RBACS User Profile Management (Extensible) Single Sign-On & Global Logout Social Integra1on Open standards support (OAuth, SAML, OpenID) White Labeling - Login Box for web apps and mobile apps Customiza1on and Rules AD Integra1on Secure Device Onboarding Device Registra1on / un-registra1on Device authen1ca1on & associa1on Device ASesta1on & Blacklis1ng Asset Management Field Gateway as Device Proxies OTA updates and configura1on Open standards support (TR-69, OMA- DM, LWM2M) Device – Applica1on Permissions Customiza1on and Rules Sensor Data & Events Data Flexible Data Model Support Data Schema (Ontology) Support Stream & Point Data Persistent Storage & Ephemeral Data Data Encryp1on at REST IOT Hub (Pub-Sub) Transport protocols (HTTP / MQTT / Any other ?) Support for Video ? Binary Data Support Spa1o – Temporal Querying Partner / Service Provider Onboarding Developer Onboarding Dashboards API Key Management App Management Tools for Workflow Customiza1on Mone1za1on Support Integra1on with Billing & Repor1ng Mul1-Tenancy and Data Level Isola1on Configurable processing for data streams Rule engine Integra1on Mul1-channel no1fica1on support (Email / SMS / GCM) Real 1me processing Push No1fica1on Func1on-as-a-Service Web Hooks integra1on for no1fica1on to Secure Enclave for running analy1cs containers near data Offline and real-1me big data analy1cs Time series analysis (trend, trend variance), Graph analy1cs Cohort / Funnel Analysis for recommenda1on Deep Learning frameworks with support for Computer Vision, NLP workloads Smart Parking Smart Energy ICCC Developer Apps E-Governance Services OneM2M Applica%on Layer Context Layer Time & Loca1on Services Base Map Service Organiza1on - Department Space Boundaries Map Visualiza1on API’s Spa1al Planning Tools Space ID’s Virtual Private Address Loca1on coordinates specifica1on Time synchroniza1on service (NTP, PTP) Time format specifica1on Time-Order Guarantees
  • 168. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Data Layer Architecture
  • 169. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future India’s Last Mile Communication Stack - ULMCPS
  • 170. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Unified ICT Architecture Abstraction: Moving from Hourglass Architecture to…
  • 171. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Classic Saucer Champagne Glass Architecture Model:
  • 172. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future …Classic Saucer Champagne Glass Architecture: The evolved Comprehensively Unified ICT Architecture can be modelled as a “Classic Saucer Champagne Glass” with a wide Flat Bottom Base depicting the multitude of Field Devices & sensors etc. The Saucer Shaped Bowl on the Top depicting being filled with an ever-increasing spectrum of City Applications and Citizens’ Services. The Long Stem depicts all the Common Layers viz.: the Unified Last Mile Communication, Common Standardized Gateways (application or Vertical Agnostic), Common Service layer representing the Common Service Functions in the Gateways, as well as, in the Cloud… and the Smart City Middleware & City Data Reservoir in the Cloud. It is the “Long Stem” of the “Champagne Glass Model” instead of the Short & Narrow Neck in the “Hourglass Model” that brings the comprehensive harmonization, standardization & interoperability in the Architecture leading to optimization in operational efficiency & Life Cycle Cost of the ICT Infrastructure in any Smart City.
  • 173. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Strategy Framework for Unified Digital Infrastructure
  • 174. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future SMART MANUFACTURING Industry 4.0 or
  • 175. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Creation of $1 trillion digital economy
  • 176. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future TRILLION DOLLAR ECONOMY – AGENDA • India’s GDP to reach US $ 6 Trillion by FY 2027 • Grow at 10% for 3 decades • Ease of Doing Business • Making India a part of global supply chain • Boosting domestic businesses • Developing India to a manufacturing-based economy • Young India – skilling the nation and creating opportunities • Making India hub for R&D • Urbanization – a unique opportunity
  • 177. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Why should India invest in these Program ? • India today is getting into a leading position in production of goods, as well as the equipment • The world market is undergoing rapid changes Labor cost, quality demand, individualized products, shorter product life cycles • India must keep production in India or even get production back from low-cost countries Manufacturers will be faced with key decisions on how they plan to compete in this new marketplace that favours competing on value over competing on price. We need smart solutions We must stay ahead It´s essential for our economy
  • 178. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future • Helps keeping production in India • Helps Indian companies to compete successfully • Brings leadership on world markets • Needs skilled workers and gives employment • Speeds up the production setup process • A knowledge-based high-tech approach • Reduces complexity But… • Needs a long-term commitment • Is a major upheaval and not a smooth change • Is not a single industry solution but has widespread impact • Needs new skills • Needs interdisciplinary collaboration • Is closely linked to Cloud and Big Data Benefits from Industry 4.0 for the Indian economy
  • 179. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Manufacture Industry 4.0 Industry 4.0 impact Market External P r o d u c t S e r v i c e s I n t e r n a l Produc5on Internal I n n o v a 5 o n E x t e r n a l Partner Vendor External
  • 180. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Industry 4.0 impact Market External Product Service Internal Produc9on Internal Partner Vendor External Innova9on External • Triangle relationship • Manufacture • Dealer • Customer • Regular (real time) customer touchpoint • Digital Marketplace • Digital Marketing • Global market • All time connected • Real time customer experience • Time to market • Customized products • Use as a Service • Agile development • New business models • Global available • Overall cost reduction • Speed & Productivity • Scalability & Flexibility • Machine uptime • Predictive Maintenance • Asset Management • Inventory • Workflow • Vendors are more partner • Partner eco- system • Revenue share business models • Data sharing • Data security • Implementation of new partner (start-ups) • Enable strong collaboration between business and IT • Impact of new technologies • Regulator impact • Start ups • Big Data • DaaS • Analytics, AI, ML, … • Security
  • 181. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Digital transformation
  • 182. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Market Segmentation Connected Car OEM BFSI Energy Industry 4.0 Transport & Logistic
  • 183. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future … and then reality just slaps you really hard GLOBAL WISHES versus LOCAL REALITY
  • 184. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Connected Car
  • 185. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future 185 Smart Parking
  • 186. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future MANUFACTURING - INDIAN SCENARIO Manufacturing Landscape - Very sophisticated large manufacturing units + Basic “tool room” type units of SME segment (significant component of manufacturing segment) Manufacturing Competitiveness - India is ranked 2nd behind China. “Make In India + Skill India + Startup India + Smart Cities + Rich talent pool of scientists, researchers and engineers +well-educated English-speaking workforce” = India as Manufacturing Destination Manufacturing Position - low-cost, back yard location Integral part of the global manufacturing enterprise and location strategy of most conglomerates with global footprints
  • 187. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future SMART MANUFACTURING – PRIMARY DRIVERS Primary Drivers Fuelling adoption of Smart Manufacturing Integration of Manufacturing Process with other systems like ERP/CRM 17.7% Reduction of Wastage/Rejections 17.4% Better utilization of manufacturing assets /better uptime 16.7% Integration of Supplies into manufacturing process 14.9% Integration of all shop floor assets into single network 14.5% Efficiency improvement in IT driven manufacturing process 14.2% Others 4.6%
  • 188. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future SMART MANUFACTURING – POTENTIAL COMPONENTS Potential components for Smart Manufacturing initiatives in India Interconnected machines, assets etc. 21.9% Mobile devices 16.1% Analytics S/W 15.3% Cloud computing (including migration) 12.4% Big Data S/W 10.9% On premises IoT Servers (Edge devices or Edge architectures) 8% Addressing the gaps in Tool/Process Integration 10.7% Security Concerns 4.1%
  • 189. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future SMART MANUFACTURING – CHALLENGE • Legacy Equipment/ Processes/ Systems - legacy PLC / and at without PLC, lock-in by OEMs and all communication ports blocked. • Security – Remotely located, unattended, on network but managed remotely assets in a manufacturing factory floor with extremely low resources and are venerable and have elevated risk of security attacks. MSMEs may suffer production information data leaks to cyber attack. • Machine lacks Sensors – legacy machines lack sensors and any other median to get connected. • Lack of - common protocol connecting field devices and shop floor. - Level of investment needed vs the RoI. - Workforce skilling and training - Awareness of new technologies (cost-effective open sources) - Lack of greenfield projects.
  • 190. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future INDIA APPROPRIATE INDUSTRY 4.0 or SMART MANUFACTURING What are we looking for boosting the Manufacturing Ecosystem • Common, unified and harmonized Standards for affordable costs (products, systems and solutions with multi-domain applications) • Avoid market fragmentation & segmentation, and • multiply the volume of manufacturing of the respective products and systems “India-appropriate” model: – homogenous & harmonized set of – standards, architectures and frameworks – Amongst individual domains of Smart Infrastructure - Smart Homes, Smart Buildings, Smart Grids, Smart Manufacturing, Smart Cities being complementing components.
  • 191. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Industry 4.0 … to Industry 5.0… • Industry 4.0 is being criticized with not being able to provide solutions for all foreseeable future needs. • While the focus of Industry 4.0 is mass production, Industry 5.0 focuses on sustainability. • Furthermore, we emphasize that regardless of its version, the next industrial revolution should be fuelled by both the information technology and the concerns for environmental sustainability.
  • 192. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Industry 4.0 … to Industry 5.0… • One of the pillars of Industry 4.0 is robotics and AI. A natural extension of robotics and AI is man-machine collaboration. • Just the introduction of human-machine collaboration on the factory floors falls short for supporting the case for a new industrial revolution. • We need to turn to human element in the manufacturing process.
  • 193. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Industry 5.0… • There are various different visions for Industry 5.0. Some futurists argue that while Industry 4.0 is essentially about connecting devices together, Industry 5.0 is about collaboration between humans and machines on the factory floors. • The benefits of a collaborative man and machine workforce: o There will be a creative human touch on the production instead of a standard robotic production. o New jobs will be created. o Human workers will assume better roles on the factory floor. o Industry 5.0 is the return of the human touch on the factory floors.
  • 194. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Industry 5.0… • The priority of Industry 5.0 is “to utilize efficiently workforce of machines and people, in synergy with the environment. • The theme of this vision is Industrial Upcycling. • This vision focuses on waste prevention. • Industry 5.0 includes 6R methodology and L.E.D. principles.
  • 195. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Industry 5.0 - 6R Methodology… • Recognize: First, we need to recognize the opportunities offered by Industrial Upcycling. An awareness is the first required step. • Reconsider: We need to evaluate and reconsider our business and manufacturing processes. A redesign of processes to realize the benefits of Industrial Upcycling is an essential step. • Realize: After recognition of the opportunities and reconsideration of business processes, we need to realize the business process improvement or innovation. • Reduce: Reducing the use of resources to achieve efficient outcomes is the essence of the methodology. • Reuse: Reusing the materials considered as useable prior to process improvement is also at the center of the methodology. • Recycle: Recycling as much as possible is one of main expected outcomes of the Industrial Upcycling effort. Naturally, the ideal is the zero waste.
  • 196. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Industry 5.0 - 6R Methodology… 6R methodology actually defines a business improvement model. Depending on the specific case, it can be considered as a business process improvement or a business process innovation. Therefore, the 6R methodology is subject to the rules, assumptions, and dynamics of process improvement efforts.
  • 197. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Industry 5.0 & L.E.D. principles … L.E.D. stands for Logistics Efficiency Design. It is designed for global supply chain efficiency improvements. Its goal is to eliminate the waste created by the current modern standard buyer-supplier business relations. L.E.D is the concurrent application of transparency, profit sharing, and efficiency in the supply chain.
  • 198. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Industry 5.0 & L.E.D. principles … Four types of waste are identified in Industrial Upcycling. These are physical waste, social waste, urban waste, and process waste. • Physical Waste: The actual physical waste introduced during and after the production. It is basically the trash. • Social Waste: It is the unused potential of the manpower. People unemployed is at the heart of social waste. • Urban Waste: This type of waste includes brownfields, empty spaces, and inadequate infrastructure. • Process Waste: Overproduction, overstocking, empty transport vehicles on the roads are among the process waste.
  • 199. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Digital Circular Economy
  • 200. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Industry 5.0 imperative • Motto - Bioeconomy • Motivation - Sustainability • Power Source - Electrical power - Renewable power sources • Involved Technologies – Sustainable Agricultural Production • Bionics • Renewable Resources - Human Robot Coordination • Involved Research Areas – Agriculture • Biology • Waste Prevention – Organizational Research – • Process Innovation and Improvement • Business Administration
  • 201. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Comparison of Industry 4.0 & Industry 5.0 Industry 4.0 Industry 5.0 Motto Smart Factory Bioeconomy Motivation Mass Production Sustainability Power Source Electrical power Ø Fossil based fuel Ø Renewable power sources Electrical power Ø Renewable power sources Involved Technologies Ø Internet of Things (IoT) Ø Cloud Computing Ø Big Data Ø Robotics and Ø Artificial Intelligence (AI) Ø Sustainable Agricultural Production Ø Bionics Ø Renewable Resources Ø Human Robot Coordination Involved Research Areas Ø Organizational Research Ø Process Innovation and Improvement Ø Business Administration Ø Agriculture Ø Biology Ø Waste Prevention Ø Organizational Research Ø Process Innovation and Improvement Ø Business Administration
  • 202. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future MANUFACTURING – STANDARDS A few additional aspects of Standardization crucial in Manufacturing: vSafety vSecurity vSustainability vEnergy Efficiency vEnvironment v Materials v Green House Gas v Carbon Footprint v Waste/ Recycle vHealth and Safety
  • 203. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Key Takeaways Need to develop a Comprehensive approach to 🇮🇳Sustainability 🇮🇳Security & Resilience 🇮🇳Leveraging Disruptive Technologies 🇮🇳Ethically Aligned Designs And adopt Systems approach to Standardization in complex paradigms…
  • 204. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future We can not copy from other markets India must go its own way
  • 205. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future "A Nature-aware society that balances societal, economic & technological advancement with the climate and nature’s equilibrium making our planet Carbon Neutral, by leveraging Nature-inspired technology solutions to practice the tenet of Circular Economy”. Civilization 6.0 imperative
  • 206. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Key Takeaway… 🇮🇳We humans need to radically change our relationship, not just with the planet, but with the objects with which we 8ill our lives. 🇮🇳We need to change how we think about technology and innovation. 🇮🇳Rather than allowing technological advancement to steer our narratives, innovation and technology should help us build bridges between the worlds we inhabit now and the ones we imagine for tomorrow.
  • 207. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Let us not pray to be sheltered from dangers but to be fearless when facing them
  • 208. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future designing a sustainable n resilient future designing a sustainable n resilient future
  • 209. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future
  • 210. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future narang n. kishor Mentor & Principal Design Architect Technology Philanthropist, Innovation, Standardization & Sustainability Evangelist… Technology Consultant, Mentor & Design Architect in Electrical, Electronics & ICT… v Over 40 years of professional experience in education, research, design and consulting . v Over 30 years of hardcore Research and Design Development Experience in Solutions, Systems, Products, Hardware, Software & Firmware (Embedded Software) in fields of Industrial, Power, IT, Telecom, Medical, Energy and Environment. v Over 10 years of Consultancy Experience to different segments of business & industry. v Over 250 Research & Design Mentees in the Electronics & ICT & STI Ecosystems. v Leading & contributing to multiple National & Global Standardization Initiatives at BIS, Niti Ayog, TSDSI, IEC, ISO, ITU, IEEE etc.… narnix: the founder
  • 211. ©narnix 2022 designing a resilient n sustainable future Leading Standardiza9on ac9vi9es @BIS - the Indian Na9onal SDO in - Smart Ci9es, Smart Manufacturing, Smart Energy & Ac9ve Assisted Living as the Chairman of Smart Infrastructure Sec9onal CommiSee LITD 28 in BIS. Contribu9on in Global SDOs: v Vice Chair – Strategy in IEC SyC Smart Ci9es. v Project Leader – IEC TS 63188 ED1 – Smart Ci9es Reference Architecture Methodology v Project Leader – IEC 63205 ED1 – Smart Ci9es Reference Architecture v Convenor – Communica9on Technologies Work Group – IEC SyC COMM v Member Steering CommiSee – OCEANIS (The Open Community for Ethics in Autonomous and Intelligent Systems) & Chair – Advancing Research Work Group v Member UL STP 3600 - ‘Measuring and Repor9ng Circular Economy Aspects of Products, Sites and Organiza9ons’ v Co-Editor – ISO 30145 on Smart City ICT Reference Framework v Co-Editor – ISO 30146 on Smart City ICT Indicators v Represen9ng Indian Na9onal Body BIS & contribu9ng with Indian perspec9ve in v IEC – SyC Smart Energy, SyC Ac9ve Assisted Living & SyC Smart Ci9es, SyC Smart Manufacturing. SyC LVDC, SyC Communica9on Technologies and Architectures; IEC SEG9, SEG 10 & SEG 11. v ISO/IEC JTC1/SC 41 – Internet of Things & related Technologies, JTC1/SC 42 - Big Data & Ar9ficial Intelligence; JTC1/WG11 – Smart Ci9es, JTC1/WG13 – Trustworthiness. JTC1/ AG2 - Emerging Technology and Innova9on, JTC1/AG6 - Autonomous and Data Rich Vehicles, JTC1/AG8 - Meta Reference Architecture and Reference Architecture for Systems Integra9on. v ISO/TC 204 "Intelligent Transport Systems" v ITU-T SG 17 – Security & SG20 - Internet of Things (IoT) and its applica9ons including smart ci9es and communi9es (SC&C). v Standards Column Editor - IEEE IoT Magazine ……….. ………. narnix: the founder