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Miscellaneous poisons
   A poisonous substance produced by specific
    types of animals that can induced harmful
    effects when exposed to tissues.
   Poisonous animals are widely distributed
    throughout the animal kingdom; the only major
    group that seems to be exempt is the birds.
Types of Poisons

   Ingested Poison
        Ingested Poisons are poisons that are
    dangerous if consumed. The most common
    ingested poisons are crafted from plants or
    from common chemicals. Frequently,
    poisoning occurs accidentally when a creature
    unknowingly consumes a poisonous plant, or a
    food that has been unintentionally
   Parenteral poisons, or venoms
       -Those that are produced by a
    specialized poison gland and administered by
    means of a venom apparatus.
   Crinotoxins
        Those that are produced by a specialized
    poison gland but are merely released into the
    environment, usually by means of a pore.
Miscellaneous poisons
   Class: Arachnida
   Any arthropods comprising chiefly terrestrial
    invertebrates having a segmented body
    divided into two regions of which the anterior
    bears four pairs of legs but no antennae.
   E.g. Spiders, scorpions, mites and ticks
   All spiders are capable of producing venom.
   Spider venoms work on one of two
    fundamental principles; they are either
    neurotoxic or necrotic.
   Neurotoxic effect
    -Attacks the nervous system
   Necrotic effect
    -attacking tissues surrounding the bite and
    vital organs and systems.
Neutrotoxic venoms
 Widow spider venom contains
  components known as latrotoxins, which
  cause the release of
  the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.
 This can affect the body in several ways,

  including causing painful abdominal
  cramps, as well as interfering
  with respiration, and causing other
  systemic effects.
   The venom of Australian funnel-web
    spiders and mouse spiders works by
    opening sodium channels, causing excessive
    neural activity which interferes with normal
    bodily function.
   The venom of Brazilian wandering
    spiders is also a potent neurotoxin, which
    attacks multiple types of ion channels. In
    addition, the venom contains high levels
    of serotonin, making an envenomation by
    this species particularly painful.
Necrotic Venom
   Spiders known to have necrotic venom are
    found in the family Sicariidae, a family which
    includes both the recluse spiders and the six-
    eyed sand spiders.
   Spiders in this family possess a known
    dermonecrotic agent sphingomyelinase D.
   Initial reaction: No pain from the bite
   Bites usually become painful and itchy within two to
    eight hours.
   pain and other local effects worsen 12 to 36 hours
    after the bite, and then necrosis will develop over
    the next few days.
   Mild symptoms include nausea, vomiting,
    fever, rashes, muscle and joint pain.
   Severe symptoms occur including hemolysis,
    thrombocytopenia, and disseminated intravascular
Venom assessment

   LD-50
    Give a rough approximation of
     the medical consequences of
     various spider bites to humans.
    Based on experiments with
     laboratory mice
Miscellaneous poisons
   Class: reptilia
   Air breathing vertebrates
   Characterized by completely ossified skeleton
    with single occipital condyle
   Body is usually covered with scales or bony
   E.g. alligators, crocodiles, lizards, snakes and
Snake bite

 The most fatal form of zoonotic
 Proteins constitute 90-95% of
  venom's dry weight and they are
  responsible for almost all of its
  biological effects. Among hundreds,
  even thousands of proteins found in
  venom, there are toxins.
Protein and Enzymes in Snake
   digestive hydrolases,
   L-amino acid oxidase,
   phospholipases,                   vascular
   thrombin-like pro-coagulant       endothelium
    kallikrein-like serine proteases
   metalloproteinases (hemorrhagins)
 Polypeptide toxins
  include cytotoxins, cardio toxins, and
  postsynaptic neurotoxins (such as α-
  bungarotoxin and α-Cobratoxin), which
  bind to acetylcholine receptors at
  neuromuscular junctions.
 Inhibits angiotensin converting enzymes

  and potentiate bradykinin.
 Phosphodiesterases
   Neurotoxin
    These toxins attack cholinergic neurons by
    destroying acetylcholinesterase (AChE). ACh
    therefore cannot be broken down and stays in
    the receptor which causes tetany, that can
    lead to death.
   Hemotoxins
    The toxin causes hemolysis, or destruction of
    red blood cells (erythrocytes)
   Dendrotoxins inhibit neurotransmissions by
    blocking the exchange of + and – ions across
    the neuronal membrane lead to no nerve
    impulse. So they paralyse the nerves
   Cardiotoxins are components that are
    specifically toxic to the heart. They bind to
    particular sites on the surface of muscle cells
    and cause depolarisation. These toxins may
    cause the heart to beat irregularly or stop
    beating, causing death.
   Venomous Snakes:
     Mambas

     Vipers

     Rattlesnakes

     King
     Members of Naja genus
   Antivenoms
     Usually came from animals such as sheep, goat,
      horse and rabbits.
     The immune system of the subject animal
      responds to the dose, producing antibodies to the
      venom's active molecules.
     the antibodies can then be harvested from the
      animal's blood and injected into bite victims to
      treat envenomation.
Venomous Fish
with spines
live in the Indo-Pacific seas

tropical areas

others live in temperate waters
 Rajiformes (stingrays and mantas)
 Scorpaenidae (scorpionfish, stonefish and
 Siluroidei (catfish)

 Squaliformes (sharks and dogfish)

 Trachinidae (weevers).

   They live in shallow water near the shore or
    near reefs and lie in sand or among rocks
•   inject venom through their spines
•   it causes intense pain near the bite
    and affects the muscles.

Venom from dead fish is still poisonous
for up to 24 hours after the fish has
Poisoning from eating
 Ciguatoxin poisoning
 Poisoning from shellfish

 Tetrodotoxin poisoning

 Scombrotoxin poisoning
Ciguatoxin poisoning

•   tropical reef fish
        red snapper
        amber jack
Poisoning from shellfish

 Mussels
 Clams

 Oysters

 Cockles

 Scallops
Tetrodotoxin poisoning

• porcupine fish
• puffer fish

• sun fish
Scombrotoxin poisoning
• fresh or canned scromboid fish:
•   Cigautoxin, tetrodotoxin and poisons from shellfish
    affect the gut and the nervous system.

•   Tetrodotoxin and the poison from the shellfish
    paralyse muscles, including the muscles that are
    used in breathing.

•   Scombrotoxin causes an allergic type of reaction.

•   Shellfish are most poisonous at times of the year
    when the dinoflagellates on which they feed
    multiply and form “red tides”.
Signs and Symptoms
• Nausea
• Vomiting

• Headache

• Numbness

• Shallow breathing

• Itching

• Aching muscles

• Fits

Rare : DEATH
What to do
   If the patient is stung rescue him or her
    immediately from the water
   Soak the wounded part of the body at once in
    the bowl or bath of water as hot as the patient
    can safely bare (about 50 C ) for not more than
    30 minutes.
   Clean the wound and remove any broken spines
BY Miyoba Mulambo
Bsmls 1V-C
Plant toxins include:

   Plants that contain atropine
   Cannabis
   Irritant plants
   Oleanders
   Ornamental beans
   mushrooms
Plants that contain Atropine

1.Atropa belladonna
 -a.k.a deadly night shade or enchanter’s shade
 -Most common
 -Shrub with Bell shaped purple or red flower
 -Found in Europe, north africa and west Asia
 -prevent or treat asthma in folk medicine
Datura stramonium
 A.k.a thorn apple, jimson weed or
 Funnel shaped white or mauve herb flowers

 Fruits are prickly or spiny capsules and black

  in colour
 Unpleasant smell

 Worldwide


 Leaves are infused in water to make a drink
 Made into cigarettes and smoked

 Used to cause abortion.

3.Hyoscyamus niger
-A.k.a henbane
-herb with yellow flowers and purple markings
-unpleasant smell
-found in north& south America, Europe,India
  and western Asia
How they cause harm

   Excite brain and affect nerves that control
    heart, eyes, gut and bladder
   Make skin and mouth dry
   Cause fever
   Wide pupils
   Fast breathing and heartbeat
How poisonous they are
   Poisonous if eaten, even when cooked or
    boiled because poison is not destroyed by
   Atropa and hyoscyamus both contain sap
    irritant to skin and eyes
   Atropa may cause poisoning to the eye
   Poison may be severe in old and young
Special danger

   Mistaken for spinach and the berries of Atropa
    for edible fruits
   Are abused for their hallucinogenic effects
   Signs and symptoms
        If swallowed
   Red, dry skin, wide pupils, blurred vision
   Dry mouth and thirst
   Confusion and hallucination excitement and
Signs and symptoms continued
   Fast pulse, can’t pass urine, unconsciousness
   Fever and rarely fits
       on skin
   Redness and irritation
   Blistering
     In the eyes
   Same effects as when swallowed
What to do

   Give first aid
   If breathing stops, give mouth –mouth
    respiration, heart massage
   It fever is present, sponge body with cool
   Give activated charcoal, make him/her vomit
   Wash eye for 15-20minswith running water
   Take the patient to the hospital
   A.k.a marijuana, indian hemp, hashish, ganja,
    pot, dope and grass
   Made from the indian hemp plant cannabis
      Uses and abuses
   Often abused
   Makes people relax
   Makes colours and sounds seem brighter and
Uses and abuses continued
   Taken as food or injected
   Pipe and smoked
     How it causes harm
   Affects brain
     How poisonous is it ?
   Children get signs of poisoning but recover
   Less harm to adults unless when injected
Signs and symptoms

   Effects start within 10mins of smoking the drug
    and last for 2-3hrs
   When eaten, effects start within 30-60mins
    and last 2-5mins
      Effects are:
   Feeling of well-being, happiness and
    sleepness but high doses may cause fear,
    panic and confusion
Effects continued

 Fast pulse, hallucinations, drowsiness, slurred
  speech and coughing if the drug is breathed
    If injected may cause:
Dizziness, fever,low blood pressure
Severe headace,fever and unconsciousness
    What to do
Same as atropines
Irritant plants
 Cause skin reactions
1. Cashew nut tree (anacardium
    - tropical countries
    -Nut shell contains irritant brown
  oily juice
    -Roasting shell destroys chemicals
2 . Dumb-cane(dieffenbachia species
    -lance shaped leaves with yellow or white
     -Common household plant
Irritants continued
 Large group of plants
4. poison ivy
-climbing plant, may be found clinging to trees or
5.Rhus radicans (toxicodendron radicans)
-shrub like tree with green leaves that turn
  yellow, red violet in autumn
6.African poison
Irritants continued
7. Mango (mangifera indica)
8.Urtica dioica
-common stinging nettle
      How they cause harm
-irritates skin and brain if swallowed
-dumb-cane causes sever irritations of lips,
   mouth and throat and can affect heart and
   muscles if swallowed.
How they cause harm
   Intense allergic skin reactions depends on
    sensitivity of the individual
   Watering, blurred vision, burning pain,
   Swelling of face and eye lids
   Fever, blisters and pain that's worse in bright

What to do:
-wash skin with soapy water
-Apply hydrocortisone cream
   Nerium oleander
-   Evergren shrub. White pink flowers with a
    sweet smell
-   China,india, mediterranean
-   Garden plant
-   All parts poisonous, crushed leaves and stems
    are irritants to skin
 Thevetia peruviana
-Small ornamental tree, bright yellow flowers
-Round fruits, green when unripe and black
  when ripe
-Milky sap.
-Central and south America, gardens in tropics
  and subtropical regions
How it causes harm
 Poison affect heart in similar way to digitalis
 Serious poisoning has been reported in

  children and adults from eating fruit..very
    Special danger:
-bright flowers are attractive to children
-Eaten by people who want to kill themselves
Signs and symptoms
 Numbness or burning pain in mouth,
 Nausea and vomiting which maybe severe

 Diarrhea, belly pain, drowsiness,possible fits

 Unconsciousness, pulse maybe slow or fast

 Effect of heart may result to death

 What to do

-give magnesium sulphate with charcoal
-Activated charcoal, first aid
Ornamental beans
  Abrus precatoris
-climbing tree, clusters of small white pink
-flat pod fruit with 2-5 shiny red with black patch
Subtropics, tropics
 Ricinus communis

-large non woody, 3m high large palm like leaves
 Round pricky fruits. Bean shaped seed
 Mottled pink and grey

 Grown as crop and also scattered in farmlands

 Tropics

-necklace and rosaries
-castor oil beans used to make castor oil
 Castor oil used as laxative
 Seeds are given to children to use in

  handicraft and counting and is not
How they cause harm
-damage blood cells, gut and kidneys
How poisonous are they?
-death, blindness, irritation and rash
Signs and symptoms
  If swallowed:
 effects are delayed for 2hrs to 2 days

-burning sensation, sever vomiting, belly pain
-Diarrhea with blood, dehydration. Drowsiness
-fits ,may pass blood stained urine in small
 In the eye

-reddening and swelling
-sometimes blindness
 On skin
-Redness and rash
What to give:
Magnesium sulfate, sodium sulfate or activated
-Wash skin with soap and water
-Wash eyes for 15-20mins in running water
-Take the seeds out of the mouth
    Covers Amanita species
1.    A. mascaria and A.pantheria cause
      hallucinations , sleep or unconsciousness
2.    A. Phalloides, A. Virosa, A. Verna, cortinarius
      speciosissimus and lepiota species contain
      poisons that damage cells
3.    Clitocybe and Inocybe species contain a
      poison that causes sweating and affects gut
4. Coprinus atramentarius only causes poisoning
  when alcohol is taken as well
5. Psilocybe semilanceata and P. Cubensis
  cause hallucination without sleep
How poisonous they are:
-most cause mild to moderate poisoning but
  some cause severe poisoning and death
Many people have died after eating A.phalloides
Special danger
   Identification of poisonous to non-poisonous is
    very difficult
   Cooking may destroy the poison but many
    kinds like Amanita species are poisonous even
    after cooking
   Sever effects in small children producing fits
    and unconsciousness
Signs and symptoms
   dizziness, incordination, stagering
    hallucinations, deep sleep, muscle jerking
    belly pain , nausea, sever vomiting,intense
     thirst, diarrhea lasting 2-3 days
    jaundice, signs of kidney failure,laughing
    Palpitaions and chest pains,blurred vision
    Drowsiness,anxiety, red face and neck
    Metallic taste in the mouth,chills and headace


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Miscellaneous poisons

  • 2. Zootoxins  A poisonous substance produced by specific types of animals that can induced harmful effects when exposed to tissues.  Poisonous animals are widely distributed throughout the animal kingdom; the only major group that seems to be exempt is the birds.
  • 3. Types of Poisons  Ingested Poison Ingested Poisons are poisons that are dangerous if consumed. The most common ingested poisons are crafted from plants or from common chemicals. Frequently, poisoning occurs accidentally when a creature unknowingly consumes a poisonous plant, or a food that has been unintentionally contaminated.
  • 4. Parenteral poisons, or venoms -Those that are produced by a specialized poison gland and administered by means of a venom apparatus.
  • 5. Crinotoxins Those that are produced by a specialized poison gland but are merely released into the environment, usually by means of a pore.
  • 7. Arachnids  Class: Arachnida  Any arthropods comprising chiefly terrestrial invertebrates having a segmented body divided into two regions of which the anterior bears four pairs of legs but no antennae.  E.g. Spiders, scorpions, mites and ticks
  • 8. Spiders  All spiders are capable of producing venom.  Spider venoms work on one of two fundamental principles; they are either neurotoxic or necrotic.  Neurotoxic effect -Attacks the nervous system  Necrotic effect -attacking tissues surrounding the bite and vital organs and systems.
  • 9. Neutrotoxic venoms  Widow spider venom contains components known as latrotoxins, which cause the release of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.  This can affect the body in several ways, including causing painful abdominal cramps, as well as interfering with respiration, and causing other systemic effects.
  • 10. The venom of Australian funnel-web spiders and mouse spiders works by opening sodium channels, causing excessive neural activity which interferes with normal bodily function.  The venom of Brazilian wandering spiders is also a potent neurotoxin, which attacks multiple types of ion channels. In addition, the venom contains high levels of serotonin, making an envenomation by this species particularly painful.
  • 11. Necrotic Venom  Spiders known to have necrotic venom are found in the family Sicariidae, a family which includes both the recluse spiders and the six- eyed sand spiders.  Spiders in this family possess a known dermonecrotic agent sphingomyelinase D.
  • 12. Pathophysiology  Initial reaction: No pain from the bite  Bites usually become painful and itchy within two to eight hours.  pain and other local effects worsen 12 to 36 hours after the bite, and then necrosis will develop over the next few days.  Mild symptoms include nausea, vomiting, fever, rashes, muscle and joint pain.  Severe symptoms occur including hemolysis, thrombocytopenia, and disseminated intravascular coagulation.
  • 13. Venom assessment  LD-50 Give a rough approximation of the medical consequences of various spider bites to humans. Based on experiments with laboratory mice
  • 15. Reptiles  Class: reptilia  Air breathing vertebrates  Characterized by completely ossified skeleton with single occipital condyle  Body is usually covered with scales or bony plates  E.g. alligators, crocodiles, lizards, snakes and turtles.
  • 16. Snake bite  The most fatal form of zoonotic poisoning  Proteins constitute 90-95% of venom's dry weight and they are responsible for almost all of its biological effects. Among hundreds, even thousands of proteins found in venom, there are toxins.
  • 17. Protein and Enzymes in Snake Venoms  digestive hydrolases,  L-amino acid oxidase, Damage  phospholipases, vascular  thrombin-like pro-coagulant endothelium  kallikrein-like serine proteases  metalloproteinases (hemorrhagins)
  • 18.  Polypeptide toxins include cytotoxins, cardio toxins, and postsynaptic neurotoxins (such as α- bungarotoxin and α-Cobratoxin), which bind to acetylcholine receptors at neuromuscular junctions.  Inhibits angiotensin converting enzymes and potentiate bradykinin.  Phosphodiesterases
  • 19. Neurotoxin These toxins attack cholinergic neurons by destroying acetylcholinesterase (AChE). ACh therefore cannot be broken down and stays in the receptor which causes tetany, that can lead to death.  Hemotoxins The toxin causes hemolysis, or destruction of red blood cells (erythrocytes)
  • 20. Dendrotoxins inhibit neurotransmissions by blocking the exchange of + and – ions across the neuronal membrane lead to no nerve impulse. So they paralyse the nerves  Cardiotoxins are components that are specifically toxic to the heart. They bind to particular sites on the surface of muscle cells and cause depolarisation. These toxins may cause the heart to beat irregularly or stop beating, causing death.
  • 21. Venomous Snakes:  Mambas  Vipers  Rattlesnakes  King cobra  Members of Naja genus
  • 22. Prophylaxis  Antivenoms  Usually came from animals such as sheep, goat, horse and rabbits.  The immune system of the subject animal responds to the dose, producing antibodies to the venom's active molecules.  the antibodies can then be harvested from the animal's blood and injected into bite victims to treat envenomation.
  • 23. Venomous Fish with spines live in the Indo-Pacific seas tropical areas others live in temperate waters
  • 24. VENOMOUS FISH  Rajiformes (stingrays and mantas)  Scorpaenidae (scorpionfish, stonefish and lionfish)  Siluroidei (catfish)  Squaliformes (sharks and dogfish)  Trachinidae (weevers).  They live in shallow water near the shore or near reefs and lie in sand or among rocks
  • 25. MOA • inject venom through their spines • it causes intense pain near the bite and affects the muscles. Venom from dead fish is still poisonous for up to 24 hours after the fish has died.
  • 26. Poisoning from eating SEAFOOD  Ciguatoxin poisoning  Poisoning from shellfish  Tetrodotoxin poisoning  Scombrotoxin poisoning
  • 27. Ciguatoxin poisoning • tropical reef fish barracuda grouper red snapper amber jack
  • 28.
  • 29. Poisoning from shellfish  Mussels  Clams  Oysters  Cockles  Scallops
  • 30.
  • 31. Tetrodotoxin poisoning • porcupine fish • puffer fish • sun fish
  • 32.
  • 33. Scombrotoxin poisoning • fresh or canned scromboid fish: tuna bonito skipjack mackerel -sardines -pilchards
  • 34.
  • 35. Cigautoxin, tetrodotoxin and poisons from shellfish affect the gut and the nervous system. • Tetrodotoxin and the poison from the shellfish paralyse muscles, including the muscles that are used in breathing. • Scombrotoxin causes an allergic type of reaction. • Shellfish are most poisonous at times of the year when the dinoflagellates on which they feed multiply and form “red tides”.
  • 36. Signs and Symptoms • Nausea • Vomiting • Headache • Numbness • Shallow breathing • Itching • Aching muscles • Fits Rare : DEATH
  • 37. What to do  If the patient is stung rescue him or her immediately from the water  Soak the wounded part of the body at once in the bowl or bath of water as hot as the patient can safely bare (about 50 C ) for not more than 30 minutes.  Clean the wound and remove any broken spines
  • 38. PLANT TOXINS BY Miyoba Mulambo Bsmls 1V-C
  • 39. Plant toxins include:  Plants that contain atropine  Cannabis  Irritant plants  Oleanders  Ornamental beans  mushrooms
  • 40. Plants that contain Atropine 1.Atropa belladonna -a.k.a deadly night shade or enchanter’s shade -Most common -Shrub with Bell shaped purple or red flower -Found in Europe, north africa and west Asia Uses -prevent or treat asthma in folk medicine
  • 41. Datura stramonium  A.k.a thorn apple, jimson weed or angel’strumpet  Funnel shaped white or mauve herb flowers  Fruits are prickly or spiny capsules and black in colour  Unpleasant smell  Worldwide Uses
  • 42. Uses  Leaves are infused in water to make a drink  Made into cigarettes and smoked  Used to cause abortion. 3.Hyoscyamus niger -A.k.a henbane -herb with yellow flowers and purple markings -unpleasant smell -found in north& south America, Europe,India and western Asia
  • 43. How they cause harm  Excite brain and affect nerves that control heart, eyes, gut and bladder  Make skin and mouth dry  Cause fever  Wide pupils  Fast breathing and heartbeat
  • 44. How poisonous they are  Poisonous if eaten, even when cooked or boiled because poison is not destroyed by heat  Atropa and hyoscyamus both contain sap irritant to skin and eyes  Atropa may cause poisoning to the eye  Poison may be severe in old and young children
  • 45. Special danger  Mistaken for spinach and the berries of Atropa for edible fruits  Are abused for their hallucinogenic effects  Signs and symptoms If swallowed  Red, dry skin, wide pupils, blurred vision  Dry mouth and thirst  Confusion and hallucination excitement and aggression
  • 46. Signs and symptoms continued  Fast pulse, can’t pass urine, unconsciousness  Fever and rarely fits on skin  Redness and irritation  Blistering In the eyes  Same effects as when swallowed
  • 47. What to do  Give first aid  If breathing stops, give mouth –mouth respiration, heart massage  It fever is present, sponge body with cool water  Give activated charcoal, make him/her vomit  Wash eye for 15-20minswith running water  Take the patient to the hospital
  • 48. Cannabis  A.k.a marijuana, indian hemp, hashish, ganja, pot, dope and grass  Made from the indian hemp plant cannabis saliva Uses and abuses  Often abused  Makes people relax  Makes colours and sounds seem brighter and louder
  • 49. Uses and abuses continued  Taken as food or injected  Pipe and smoked How it causes harm  Affects brain How poisonous is it ?  Children get signs of poisoning but recover  Less harm to adults unless when injected
  • 50. Signs and symptoms  Effects start within 10mins of smoking the drug and last for 2-3hrs  When eaten, effects start within 30-60mins and last 2-5mins Effects are:  Feeling of well-being, happiness and sleepness but high doses may cause fear, panic and confusion
  • 51. Effects continued  Fast pulse, hallucinations, drowsiness, slurred speech and coughing if the drug is breathed If injected may cause: Dizziness, fever,low blood pressure Severe headace,fever and unconsciousness What to do Same as atropines
  • 52. Irritant plants  Cause skin reactions Include: 1. Cashew nut tree (anacardium occidentale) - tropical countries -Nut shell contains irritant brown oily juice -Roasting shell destroys chemicals 2 . Dumb-cane(dieffenbachia species -lance shaped leaves with yellow or white markings -Common household plant
  • 53. Irritants continued  Large group of plants 4. poison ivy -climbing plant, may be found clinging to trees or houses 5.Rhus radicans (toxicodendron radicans) -shrub like tree with green leaves that turn yellow, red violet in autumn 6.African poison
  • 54. Irritants continued 7. Mango (mangifera indica) 8.Urtica dioica -common stinging nettle How they cause harm -irritates skin and brain if swallowed -dumb-cane causes sever irritations of lips, mouth and throat and can affect heart and muscles if swallowed.
  • 55. How they cause harm  Intense allergic skin reactions depends on sensitivity of the individual  Watering, blurred vision, burning pain,  Swelling of face and eye lids  Fever, blisters and pain that's worse in bright light What to do: -wash skin with soapy water -Apply hydrocortisone cream
  • 56. oleanders  Nerium oleander - Evergren shrub. White pink flowers with a sweet smell - China,india, mediterranean - Garden plant - All parts poisonous, crushed leaves and stems are irritants to skin
  • 57.  Thevetia peruviana -Small ornamental tree, bright yellow flowers -Round fruits, green when unripe and black when ripe -Milky sap. -Central and south America, gardens in tropics and subtropical regions
  • 58. How it causes harm  Poison affect heart in similar way to digitalis  Serious poisoning has been reported in children and adults from eating fruit..very poisonous Special danger: -bright flowers are attractive to children -Eaten by people who want to kill themselves
  • 59. Signs and symptoms  Numbness or burning pain in mouth,  Nausea and vomiting which maybe severe  Diarrhea, belly pain, drowsiness,possible fits  Unconsciousness, pulse maybe slow or fast  Effect of heart may result to death  What to do -give magnesium sulphate with charcoal -Activated charcoal, first aid
  • 60. Ornamental beans  Abrus precatoris -climbing tree, clusters of small white pink flowers -flat pod fruit with 2-5 shiny red with black patch seeds Subtropics, tropics  Ricinus communis -large non woody, 3m high large palm like leaves
  • 61. continued  Round pricky fruits. Bean shaped seed  Mottled pink and grey  Grown as crop and also scattered in farmlands  Tropics Uses -necklace and rosaries -castor oil beans used to make castor oil
  • 62. uses  Castor oil used as laxative  Seeds are given to children to use in handicraft and counting and is not recommended How they cause harm -damage blood cells, gut and kidneys How poisonous are they? -death, blindness, irritation and rash
  • 63. Signs and symptoms  If swallowed:  effects are delayed for 2hrs to 2 days -burning sensation, sever vomiting, belly pain -Diarrhea with blood, dehydration. Drowsiness -fits ,may pass blood stained urine in small volumes  In the eye -reddening and swelling -sometimes blindness
  • 64. continued  On skin -Redness and rash What to give: Magnesium sulfate, sodium sulfate or activated charcoal -Wash skin with soap and water -Wash eyes for 15-20mins in running water -Take the seeds out of the mouth
  • 65. Mushrooms  Covers Amanita species 1. A. mascaria and A.pantheria cause hallucinations , sleep or unconsciousness 2. A. Phalloides, A. Virosa, A. Verna, cortinarius speciosissimus and lepiota species contain poisons that damage cells 3. Clitocybe and Inocybe species contain a poison that causes sweating and affects gut
  • 66. mushrooms 4. Coprinus atramentarius only causes poisoning when alcohol is taken as well 5. Psilocybe semilanceata and P. Cubensis cause hallucination without sleep How poisonous they are: -most cause mild to moderate poisoning but some cause severe poisoning and death Many people have died after eating A.phalloides
  • 67. Special danger  Identification of poisonous to non-poisonous is very difficult  Cooking may destroy the poison but many kinds like Amanita species are poisonous even after cooking  Sever effects in small children producing fits and unconsciousness
  • 68. Signs and symptoms  dizziness, incordination, stagering hallucinations, deep sleep, muscle jerking  belly pain , nausea, sever vomiting,intense thirst, diarrhea lasting 2-3 days  jaundice, signs of kidney failure,laughing  Palpitaions and chest pains,blurred vision  Drowsiness,anxiety, red face and neck  Metallic taste in the mouth,chills and headace