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Theory of Producers’ Behavior


-Cost  of Production
-Profit Maximizing

Vinashin case

   In 3/2003, Vinashin Jacobsen signed a
    contract of providing machines for diezel
   From the first operation in 4/2007, there
    were many times the mentioned factory
    has to stop working for fixing.

   From 10/2009, the        diezel   factory
    terminated its work
   All equipment sold by Jacobsen are
    “secondhand” equipment dated back
    1995, 1996, from Italy, Germany,
    Finland, Taiwan, China and also Vietnam
Can you explain about the behavior of
 people who lead the contract ???

Do   they   follow     the    purpose   of
 maximizing profit of all firms?
 The way people organize a firm
 may vary its behaviors
 The producers’ behavior may vary if the
 owner and the administrator are different
 Purpose of firm may vary
I. Production
   Technology of Production
   Production with One Variable Input
   Production with Two Variable Inputs
    (Labor and Capital)
       Returns to Scale
       Isoquant

       Isocost
1. Production Decisions of a Firm
a. Production Technology
      Describe how inputs transformed into outputs
         Inputs: land, labor, capital and raw materials
         Outputs: cars, desks, books, etc.
      Firms produce different amounts of outputs using
       combinations of inputs
b. Cost Constraints
      Firms consider prices of labor, capital and other
      Minimize total production costs partly determined
       by input prices
c. Input Choices
      Given input prices and production technology, firm
       chooses how much of each input to use
      Given prices of inputs, firm choose combinations
       of inputs to minimize costs

Technology of Production
   Production Function:
      Indicates highest output (q) that firm can
       produce for every specified combination of
      For simplicity, only labor (L) and capital (K)

      Shows what is technically feasible when
       firm operates efficiently
   Production function for two inputs:
                       q = F(L,K)

   Short Run
      Period of time in which quantities of
       one or more production factors (fixed
       inputs) cannot be changed
   Long Run
      Time needed to make all production
       inputs variable
2. Production: One Variable Input
   Assume capital fixed and labor variable
   Observations:
      When labor is zero, output is zero
      With additional labor, output (q) increases
      Beyond this, output declines
         More labor becomes counterproductive

2.1 Definitions
   Average Product of Labor - Output per
    unit of particular product
       Measures productivity of firm’s labor in terms
        of how much, on average, each worker can
                         Output     q
                 APL =            =
                       Labor Input L
   Marginal Product of Labor – additional
    output produced when labor increases by
    one unit
                        ∆Output     ∆q
                MPL =             =
                      ∆Labor Input ∆L
Production: One Variable Input
Month                            D

                         C                  Total Product

                                         At point D, output is
   60                                    maximized.


     0 1   2 3       4   5 6   7 8   9   10 Labor per Month
Production: One Variable Input
Output                         •Left of E: MP > AP & AP is increasing
  per                          •Right of E: MP < AP & AP is decreasing
Worker                         •At E: MP = AP & AP is at its maximum
                               •At 8 units, MP is zero and output is at max
                                   Marginal Product

                         E                            Average Product


         0 1   2 3   4       5 6    7 8     9   10 Labor per Month
2.2 Law of Diminishing Marginal
   Law of Diminishing Marginal Returns: As
    input use increases with other inputs fixed,
    resulting additions to output eventually decrease
      When labor use is small and capital fixed,
       output increases since workers specialize;
      MP of labor increases
      When labor use is large, some workers
       become less efficient
      MP of labor decreases
   Explains declining marginal product, not
    necessarily negative one
      Technology changes cause shifts in total
       product curve
      More output produced with same inputs

   Diminishing marginal product

3.Production: Two Variable Inputs
   Firm can produce output by combining
    different amounts of labor and capital
   In long run, capital and labor are both
   Information can be represented
    graphically using isoquants
       Curves showing all possible combinations
        of inputs that yield same output
   Curves are smooth to allow for use of
    fractional inputs
Diminishing Returns
Capital 5
                                      Increasing labor holding
                                       capital constant (A, B,
       4                                         OR
                                         Increasing capital
                                       holding labor constant
       3                                      (E, D, C)
            A       B   C
                                              q3 = 90

       1                    E             q2 = 75
                                    q1 = 55
                1   2   3       4     5        Labor

3.1 Isoquant

               -A and B bring the same level
               of quantity to the firm.
               -A is the combination of more
               both capital and labor.
               In comparison with B, A is
               less efficient.
Production: Two Variable Inputs
   Substituting Among Inputs
       Producers decide what combination of inputs to
        use to produce certain quantity of output
       Slope of Isoquant shows how one input can be
        substituted and keep level of output the same
       Negative of slope is marginal rate of technical
        substitution (MRTS)
          Amount by which quantity of one input
           reduced when one extra unit of another input
           used, so that output remains constant

Production: Two Variable Inputs
                  Change in Capital Input
    MRTSLK    =−
                   Change in Labor Input
    MRTSLK    = − ∆K    ( for fixed level of q )
   As labor increases to replace capital
       Labor relatively less productive
       Capital relatively more productive
       Need less capital to keep output constant
       Isoquant becomes flatter

Marginal Rate of
  Technical Substitution (MRTS)
Capital 5
                                                    Negative slope measures MRTS;
            2                                       MRTS decreases as move down
       4                                                    isoquant curve

                                    2/3   1
                                                                      Q3 =90
                                              1/3                 Q2 =75
       1                                                1
                                                            Q1 =55
                1           2        3              4         5        Labor

MRTS and Marginal Products
   Diminishing MRTS occurs because of diminishing
    returns; implies isoquants are convex
   If holding output constant, net effect of
    increasing labor and decreasing capital is zero
   Using changes in output from capital and labor:

       ( MPL )(∆L) + ( MPK )(∆K ) = 0
        ( MPL )(∆L) = - ( MPK )(∆K )
        ( MPL )    ∆K
                =−    = MRTS LK
        ( MPK )    ∆L
Isoquants: Special Cases
   Two extreme cases show range of input
   Perfect Substitutes
       MRTS constant at all points on isoquant
       Same output produced with a lot of capital or
        of labor or balanced mix
   Perfect Complements
       Perfect fixed proportions production function
       Output made with only a specific proportion
        of capital and labor
       Cannot increase output unless increase both
        capital and labor in specific proportion

Perfect Substitutes
  per     A
                            Same output can be
month                       reached with mostly
                            capital or mostly labor (A
                            or C) or with equal
                            amount of both (B).

              Q1       Q2           Q3
                                         per month

Perfect Complements
   per                            Same output can
month                             only be produced
                                  with one set of


  K1                   Q1

                                 Labor per
Returns to Scale
   How does firm decide, in long run, best way
    to increase output?
      Can change scale of production by
       increasing all inputs in proportion
      If double inputs, output will most likely
       increase but by how much?
   Rate at which output increases as inputs
    are increased proportionately

Increasing Returns to Scale
(machine                              •Output more than
  hours)                              doubles when all
                                      inputs are doubled
                                      •e.g., Larger output
                                      associated with
                                      lower cost (cars)
                                      •e.g., One firm more
            4                         efficient than many
                                      •Isoquants get
                                      closer together

            2                 20
                                   Labor (hours)
                5   10
Constant Returns to Scale
                                        •Output doubles when
            4                           all inputs doubled
                                        •Size does not affect
                                   20   •May have large
                                        number of producers
            2                           •Isoquants are
                                        equidistant apart
                                        Labor (hours)
                5   10        15
Decreasing Returns to Scale
                                   •Output less than
                                   doubles when all inputs
                                   •Decreasing efficiency
                                   with large size
            4                 20   •Reduction of
                                   entrepreneurial abilities
                                   •Isoquants become
                                   farther apart

                5   10         Labor (hours)
3.2 Isocost-Equal cost curve

  TC = K.R + L.w

        TC  W
K=        −  L
         R  R
-   Factors explain Isocost:
    -   R, W constant, TC change shift the
    -   TC, R constant, W change will turn the
    -   TC, R constant, R change will turn the
3.3 Optimum choice

   MPPK   R
   W       R
Cost Minimizing Input Choice
   Isocost Line
      Line showing all combinations of L and K that can
       be purchased for same cost
      Total cost of production is sum of firm’s labor cost,
       wL, and capital cost, rK:
                          C = wL + rK
      Price of labor: wage rate (w)

      Price of capital: user cost/rental rate (r)

   Rewriting:
      K = C/r - (w/r)L

      Slope of isocost:

          -(w/r) is ratio of wage rate to rental cost of

          Shows rate at which capital can be substituted

           for labor with no cost change                     36
Producing Given Output at
 Minimum Cost
   per           Q1 is isoquant for output Q1.
  year         There are three isocost lines, of
               which 2 are possible choices in
                     which to produce Q1.

                                           Isocost C2 shows quantity
                                            Q1 can be produced with
                                           combination K2,L2 or K3,L3.
                                                 However, both
                    A                     are higher cost combinations
     K1                                            than K1,L1.

                        C0      C1           C2
                                                  Labor per year
          L2   L1              L3
Input Substitution When an Input
   Price Change
   per                        If price of labor
  year                     rises, isocost curve
                         becomes steeper due to
                          change in slope -(w/r).

                                          New combination of K and L is
                                              used to produce Q1.
            B                               Combination B is used in
      K2                                    place of combination A.



                         C2       C1

           L2   L1                                  Labor per year
Cost in Long Run
   How does isocost line relate to
    firm’s production process?

           MRTSLK = - ∆K          = MPL
                             ∆L           MPK

    Slope of isocost line = ∆K             = −w
                                      ∆L          r
    MPL         =w       when firm minimizes cost
          MPK        r

Cost in Long Run
   Minimum cost combination can be written:
                 MPL       = MPK
                       w           r
       Minimum cost for given output will occur when
        each dollar of input added to production
        process will add equivalent output
   Cost minimization with varying output levels
       For each output level, there is an isocost curve
        showing minimum cost
       Firm’s expansion path shows minimum cost
        combinations of labor and capital at each output
       Slope equals ∆K/∆L

 All firms, from Delta Air Lines to your
  local deli, incur costs as they make the
  goods and services that they sell.
 As we will see in the coming chapters, a
  firm’s costs are a key determinant of its
  production and pricing decisions.
 Establishing what a firm’s costs are,
  however, is not as straightforward as it
  might seem

I. Cost of Production

A. Cost of Production in Short-run
2. FC, VC and TC

 a.   FC-fixed cost
b. VC-Variable Cost
c. TC-Total Cost:

    Give some comments on the
  relationship between TC and VC
2. Average cost, Marginal cost
b. Average cost
  -   AFC (Average Fixed Cost)
  -   AVC (Average Variable Cost)
  -   ATC (Average Total Cost)
   Note:

    Under the effect of Law of Diminishing
    Marginal Product, AVC, ATC and MC have U
b. MC (Marginal Cost)
   Notes:
-   MC intersects with AVC at the minimum
    point of AVC
-   MC intersects with ATC at the minimum
    point of ATC
B. Long-run Cost of Production

  1. Long-run Total Cost - LTC

    In long-run there is no cost can be
    considered as fixed cost.

     All of the cost are variable
Firm’s Expansion Path
   per                                                       Expansion path illustrates
                                                             least-cost combinations of
                                                           labor and capital that can be
    150 $3000                                              used to produce each level of
                                                                 output in long-run.

                                               Expansion Path
      50 $1000
                                                   300 Units
                                       200 Units
                           100 Units
                                                                   Labor per year
              50     100    150        200           300
Firm’s Long Run Total Cost Curve
                          Long Run Total Cost
 3000                     •To move from
                          expansion path to LR
                          cost curve
              E           •Find tangency with
 2000                     isoquant and isocost
                          •Determine min cost of
                          producing output level
        D                 selected
 1000                     •Graph output-cost

                              Output, Units/yr
        100   200   300
Long Run Versus Short Run Cost
   In short run, some costs fixed
   In long run, firm can change
    anything including plant size
       Can produce at lower average cost
       Capital and labor flexible
   Show this by holding capital fixed in
    short run and flexible in long run

Inflexibility of Short Run Production
Capital E                              Capital is fixed at K1.
   per                         To produce Q1, min cost at K1,L1.
       C                       If increase output to Q2, min cost
                                     is K1 and L3 in short run.
                                                      In LR, can
                           Expansion Path
       A                                              capital and
                                                      min costs
                                                      falls to K2 and
       K2                                             L2.
                           P       Expansion Path
       K1                                    Q2

                                            Labor per year
            L1   L2   B   L3   D       F
Production with Two Outputs –
Economies of Scope
   Firms produce multiple products that are linked
   Advantages:
       Both use capital and labor
       Firms share management resources
       Same labor skills and types of machinery
   Alternative quantities produced illustrated using
    product transformation curves
       Product transformation curves negatively sloped since
        to get more of one output, must give up some of other
       Product transformation curves are concave if joint
        production has advantages

2.Long-run Average Total Cost -
            LATC =
-   The shape of LATC depends on the
    return on scale of each production
Long Run Versus
Short Run Cost Curves
     Long-Run Average Cost (LAC)
        Determinant of shape of LAC and LMC is
         relationship between scale of firm’s
         operation and cost-minimizing inputs
2.    Constant Returns to Scale
        If input doubled, output doubles
      AC cost is constant at all levels of output
3.    Increasing Returns to Scale
        If input doubled, output more than doubles
      AC decreases at all levels of output
4.    Decreasing Returns to Scale
        If input doubled, output less than doubles
      AC increases at all levels of output

C   Increasing returns to scale




Decreasing returns to scale
    Constant returns to scale


3. Long-run Marginal Cost (LMC)
- Calculation
       LMC =      = LTC ' (Q)
    Increasing Returns to Scale

    LMC                 C
C                             LMC


Decreasing Returns to Scale
C   Constant Returns to Scale


Long Run Average and Marginal
      Cost                       •If LMC < LAC,
($ per unit                      LAC will fall
 of output)          LMC         •If LMC > LAC,
                                 LAC will rise
                           LAC   •LMC = LAC at
                                 the minimum of
                                 •In special case
                                 where LAC is
                                 constant, LAC
               A                 and LMC are


Long Run Costs
    As output increases, firm’s AC of producing is
     likely to decline
    1.   On larger scale, workers specialize
    2.   Scale can provide flexibility, managers organize
         production effectively
    3.   Quantity discounts for inputs, lower prices lead to
         different input mix
    At some point, AC begins to increase
    1.   Factory space and machinery make it difficult for
         efficient work
    2.   Managing larger firm may become more complex
         and inefficient as tasks increase
    3.   Limited input availability may cause price

Long Run Costs
   Economies of scale reflects input proportions
    that change as firm changes production level
   Economies of Scale
      Increase in output greater than increase in
   Diseconomies of Scale
      Increase in output less than increase in
   U-shaped LAC shows economies of scale for
    relatively low output levels and diseconomies
    of scale for higher levels

Long Run Costs
   Economies of scale measured in terms of cost-output
    elasticity, EC
      EC is percentage change in production cost resulting

        from 1-percent increase in output

       EC = ∆C C                = MC
                       ∆Q Q             AC
   EC is equal to 1, MC = AC
      Costs increase proportionately with output
      Neither economies nor diseconomies of scale
   EC < 1 when MC < AC
      Economies of scale
      Both MC and AC are declining
   EC > 1 when MC > AC
      Diseconomies of scale
      Both MC and AC are rising                              68
Long Run Cost with Economies
and Diseconomies of Scale

Long Run Cost with
Constant Returns to Scale
   What is firm’s long run cost curve?
      Firms can change scale to change output
       in long run
      Long run cost curve represents minimum
       cost for any output level
      Firm choose plant that minimizes
       average cost of production
   Long-run average cost curve envelops
    short-run average cost curves
      LAC curve exhibits economies of scale
       initially but diseconomies at higher
       output levels

IV. Profit

      1. Definitions

  There are some circumstances
  that the enterprise does not
  want to have profit
Marginal Revenue, Marginal Cost,
and Profit Maximization
   Can study profit maximizing output for any
    firm, whether perfectly competitive or not
      Profit (π) = Total Revenue - Total Cost

              π (q) = R(q) − C (q)
       If q is output of firm:
          TotalRevenue (R) = Pq
         Total Cost (C) = C(q)

   Firm selects output to maximize difference
    between revenue and cost

Marginal Revenue, Marginal Cost,
and Profit Maximization
   Slope of revenue curve is marginal revenue
      Change     in revenue from one-unit
       increase in output
   Slope of total cost curve is marginal cost
      Additional cost of producing additional
       unit of output
   Profit is negative to start since revenue is
    not large enough to cover fixed and
    variable costs
   As output rises, revenue rises faster than

Profit Maximization – Short Run
             Profits are maximized where MR (slope at
    Cost,    A) and MC (slope at B) are equal
    Profit                                                       Profits are
  ($s per                                                        maximized
    year)                                                        where R(q) –
                                A                                C(q) is
                                                          R(q)   maximized


         0                                                       Output
              q0                  q*

Marginal Revenue, Marginal Cost,
and Profit Maximization
   Profit maximized at point at which
    additional increment to output
    leaves profit unchanged
           π = R −C
     ∆π ∆R ∆C
       =  −     = MR − MC = 0
     ∆q ∆q ∆q
           MR = MC

b. Accounting and Economic Profit
- Accounting profit

- Economic profit

c. MR (Marginal Revenue)
   Josh, a second year MBA student, takes
    three hours off one evening and uses his
    car to go to a movie with a friend. A
    ticket to the movie costs Josh $5, gasoline
    for the trip costs $1, and Josh passed up
    tutoring a student that night at $10 an
    hour. He could also have used the three
    hours to work as a grader for a professor
    at $15 an hour. What is Josh’s economic
    cost of going to the movie?

2. Profit maximizing
              MR = MC
3. Total revenue maximizing
               MR = 0
Production with Two Outputs –
Economies of Scope
   Degree of economies of scope (SC) measured
    by percentage of cost saved producing two or
    more products jointly:
             C(q1 ) + C(q2 ) − C(q1 ,q2 )
        SC =
                      C(q1 ,q2 )
       C(q1) is cost of producing q1
       C(q2) is cost of producing q2
       C(q1,q2) is joint cost of producing both products
   Interpretation:
       If SC > 0  Economies of scope
       If SC < 0  Diseconomies of scope
       Greater value of SC, greater economies of scope


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Micro chapter II & III

  • 1. Theory of Producers’ Behavior -Production -Cost of Production -Profit Maximizing 1
  • 2. Vinashin case  In 3/2003, Vinashin Jacobsen signed a contract of providing machines for diezel factory
  • 3. From the first operation in 4/2007, there were many times the mentioned factory has to stop working for fixing.  From 10/2009, the diezel factory terminated its work
  • 4. All equipment sold by Jacobsen are “secondhand” equipment dated back 1995, 1996, from Italy, Germany, Finland, Taiwan, China and also Vietnam
  • 5. Can you explain about the behavior of people who lead the contract ??? Do they follow the purpose of maximizing profit of all firms?
  • 6.  The way people organize a firm may vary its behaviors
  • 7.
  • 8. Note: The producers’ behavior may vary if the owner and the administrator are different  Purpose of firm may vary
  • 9. I. Production  Technology of Production  Production with One Variable Input (Labor)  Production with Two Variable Inputs (Labor and Capital)  Returns to Scale  Isoquant  Isocost 9
  • 10. 1. Production Decisions of a Firm a. Production Technology  Describe how inputs transformed into outputs  Inputs: land, labor, capital and raw materials  Outputs: cars, desks, books, etc.  Firms produce different amounts of outputs using combinations of inputs b. Cost Constraints  Firms consider prices of labor, capital and other inputs  Minimize total production costs partly determined by input prices c. Input Choices  Given input prices and production technology, firm chooses how much of each input to use  Given prices of inputs, firm choose combinations of inputs to minimize costs 10
  • 11. Technology of Production  Production Function:  Indicates highest output (q) that firm can produce for every specified combination of inputs  For simplicity, only labor (L) and capital (K)  Shows what is technically feasible when firm operates efficiently  Production function for two inputs: q = F(L,K) 11
  • 12. Short Run  Period of time in which quantities of one or more production factors (fixed inputs) cannot be changed  Long Run  Time needed to make all production inputs variable
  • 13. 2. Production: One Variable Input (Short-run)  Assume capital fixed and labor variable  Observations:  When labor is zero, output is zero  With additional labor, output (q) increases initially  Beyond this, output declines  More labor becomes counterproductive 13
  • 14. 2.1 Definitions  Average Product of Labor - Output per unit of particular product  Measures productivity of firm’s labor in terms of how much, on average, each worker can produce Output q APL = = Labor Input L  Marginal Product of Labor – additional output produced when labor increases by one unit ∆Output ∆q MPL = = ∆Labor Input ∆L 14
  • 15. Production: One Variable Input Output per Month D 112 C Total Product At point D, output is 60 maximized. B A 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Labor per Month 15
  • 16. Production: One Variable Input Output •Left of E: MP > AP & AP is increasing per •Right of E: MP < AP & AP is decreasing Worker •At E: MP = AP & AP is at its maximum •At 8 units, MP is zero and output is at max 30 Marginal Product E Average Product 20 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Labor per Month 16
  • 17. 2.2 Law of Diminishing Marginal Returns  Law of Diminishing Marginal Returns: As input use increases with other inputs fixed, resulting additions to output eventually decrease  When labor use is small and capital fixed, output increases since workers specialize;  MP of labor increases  When labor use is large, some workers become less efficient  MP of labor decreases  Explains declining marginal product, not necessarily negative one  Technology changes cause shifts in total product curve  More output produced with same inputs 17
  • 18. Diminishing marginal product 18
  • 19. 3.Production: Two Variable Inputs  Firm can produce output by combining different amounts of labor and capital  In long run, capital and labor are both variable  Information can be represented graphically using isoquants  Curves showing all possible combinations of inputs that yield same output  Curves are smooth to allow for use of fractional inputs 19
  • 20. Diminishing Returns Capital 5 Increasing labor holding capital constant (A, B, C) 4 OR Increasing capital holding labor constant 3 (E, D, C) A B C D 2 q3 = 90 1 E q2 = 75 q1 = 55 1 2 3 4 5 Labor 20
  • 21. 3.1 Isoquant -A and B bring the same level of quantity to the firm. -A is the combination of more both capital and labor. In comparison with B, A is less efficient.
  • 22. Production: Two Variable Inputs  Substituting Among Inputs  Producers decide what combination of inputs to use to produce certain quantity of output  Slope of Isoquant shows how one input can be substituted and keep level of output the same  Negative of slope is marginal rate of technical substitution (MRTS)  Amount by which quantity of one input reduced when one extra unit of another input used, so that output remains constant 22
  • 23. Production: Two Variable Inputs Change in Capital Input MRTSLK =− Change in Labor Input MRTSLK = − ∆K ( for fixed level of q ) ∆L  As labor increases to replace capital  Labor relatively less productive  Capital relatively more productive  Need less capital to keep output constant  Isoquant becomes flatter 23
  • 24. Marginal Rate of Technical Substitution (MRTS) Capital 5 Negative slope measures MRTS; 2 MRTS decreases as move down 4 isoquant curve 1 3 1 1 2 2/3 1 Q3 =90 1/3 Q2 =75 1 1 Q1 =55 1 2 3 4 5 Labor 24
  • 25. MRTS and Marginal Products  Diminishing MRTS occurs because of diminishing returns; implies isoquants are convex  If holding output constant, net effect of increasing labor and decreasing capital is zero  Using changes in output from capital and labor: ( MPL )(∆L) + ( MPK )(∆K ) = 0 ( MPL )(∆L) = - ( MPK )(∆K ) ( MPL ) ∆K =− = MRTS LK ( MPK ) ∆L 25
  • 26. Isoquants: Special Cases  Two extreme cases show range of input substitution  Perfect Substitutes  MRTS constant at all points on isoquant  Same output produced with a lot of capital or of labor or balanced mix  Perfect Complements  Perfect fixed proportions production function  Output made with only a specific proportion of capital and labor  Cannot increase output unless increase both capital and labor in specific proportion 26
  • 27. Perfect Substitutes Capital per A Same output can be month reached with mostly capital or mostly labor (A or C) or with equal amount of both (B). B C Q1 Q2 Q3 Labor per month 27
  • 28. Perfect Complements Capital per Same output can month only be produced with one set of inputs. Q3 C Q2 B K1 Q1 A Labor per month L1 28
  • 29. Returns to Scale  How does firm decide, in long run, best way to increase output?  Can change scale of production by increasing all inputs in proportion  If double inputs, output will most likely increase but by how much?  Rate at which output increases as inputs are increased proportionately 29
  • 30. Increasing Returns to Scale Capital (machine •Output more than hours) doubles when all inputs are doubled •e.g., Larger output associated with lower cost (cars) •e.g., One firm more 4 efficient than many (utilities) •Isoquants get closer together 2 20 10 Labor (hours) 5 10 30
  • 31. Constant Returns to Scale Capital (machine hours) 6 30 •Output doubles when 4 all inputs doubled •Size does not affect productivity 20 •May have large number of producers 2 •Isoquants are equidistant apart 10 Labor (hours) 5 10 15 31
  • 32. Decreasing Returns to Scale Capital (machine hours) •Output less than doubles when all inputs doubled •Decreasing efficiency with large size 4 20 •Reduction of entrepreneurial abilities •Isoquants become farther apart 2 10 5 10 Labor (hours) 32
  • 33. 3.2 Isocost-Equal cost curve TC = K.R + L.w TC W K= − L R R
  • 34. - Factors explain Isocost: - R, W constant, TC change shift the Isocost - TC, R constant, W change will turn the Isocost - TC, R constant, R change will turn the Isocost
  • 35. 3.3 Optimum choice MPPL W = MPPK R MPPL MPPK = W R
  • 36. Cost Minimizing Input Choice  Isocost Line  Line showing all combinations of L and K that can be purchased for same cost  Total cost of production is sum of firm’s labor cost, wL, and capital cost, rK: C = wL + rK  Price of labor: wage rate (w)  Price of capital: user cost/rental rate (r)  Rewriting:  K = C/r - (w/r)L  Slope of isocost:  -(w/r) is ratio of wage rate to rental cost of capital  Shows rate at which capital can be substituted for labor with no cost change 36
  • 37. Producing Given Output at Minimum Cost Capital per Q1 is isoquant for output Q1. year There are three isocost lines, of which 2 are possible choices in which to produce Q1. K2 Isocost C2 shows quantity Q1 can be produced with combination K2,L2 or K3,L3. However, both A are higher cost combinations K1 than K1,L1. Q1 K3 C0 C1 C2 Labor per year L2 L1 L3 37
  • 38. Input Substitution When an Input Price Change Capital per If price of labor year rises, isocost curve becomes steeper due to change in slope -(w/r). New combination of K and L is used to produce Q1. B Combination B is used in K2 place of combination A. A K1 Q1 C2 C1 L2 L1 Labor per year 38
  • 39. Cost in Long Run  How does isocost line relate to firm’s production process? MRTSLK = - ∆K = MPL ∆L MPK Slope of isocost line = ∆K = −w ∆L r MPL =w when firm minimizes cost MPK r 39
  • 40. Cost in Long Run  Minimum cost combination can be written: MPL = MPK w r  Minimum cost for given output will occur when each dollar of input added to production process will add equivalent output  Cost minimization with varying output levels  For each output level, there is an isocost curve showing minimum cost  Firm’s expansion path shows minimum cost combinations of labor and capital at each output level  Slope equals ∆K/∆L 40
  • 41.  All firms, from Delta Air Lines to your local deli, incur costs as they make the goods and services that they sell.  As we will see in the coming chapters, a firm’s costs are a key determinant of its production and pricing decisions.  Establishing what a firm’s costs are, however, is not as straightforward as it might seem 41
  • 42. I. Cost of Production A. Cost of Production in Short-run 2. FC, VC and TC a. FC-fixed cost
  • 44. c. TC-Total Cost:  Give some comments on the relationship between TC and VC
  • 45. 2. Average cost, Marginal cost b. Average cost - AFC (Average Fixed Cost) - AVC (Average Variable Cost) - ATC (Average Total Cost)
  • 46. Note: Under the effect of Law of Diminishing Marginal Product, AVC, ATC and MC have U shape.
  • 48. Notes: - MC intersects with AVC at the minimum point of AVC - MC intersects with ATC at the minimum point of ATC
  • 49. B. Long-run Cost of Production 1. Long-run Total Cost - LTC In long-run there is no cost can be considered as fixed cost.  All of the cost are variable
  • 50. Firm’s Expansion Path Capital per Expansion path illustrates least-cost combinations of year labor and capital that can be 150 $3000 used to produce each level of output in long-run. Expansion Path $2000 100 C 75 B 50 $1000 300 Units A 25 200 Units 100 Units Labor per year 50 100 150 200 300 50
  • 51. Firm’s Long Run Total Cost Curve Cost/ Year Long Run Total Cost F 3000 •To move from expansion path to LR cost curve E •Find tangency with 2000 isoquant and isocost •Determine min cost of producing output level D selected 1000 •Graph output-cost combination Output, Units/yr 100 200 300 51
  • 52. Long Run Versus Short Run Cost Curves  In short run, some costs fixed  In long run, firm can change anything including plant size  Can produce at lower average cost  Capital and labor flexible  Show this by holding capital fixed in short run and flexible in long run 52
  • 53. Inflexibility of Short Run Production Capital E Capital is fixed at K1. per To produce Q1, min cost at K1,L1. year C If increase output to Q2, min cost is K1 and L3 in short run. In LR, can Long-Run change Expansion Path A capital and min costs falls to K2 and K2 L2. Short-Run P Expansion Path K1 Q2 Q1 Labor per year L1 L2 B L3 D F 53
  • 54. Production with Two Outputs – Economies of Scope  Firms produce multiple products that are linked  Advantages:  Both use capital and labor  Firms share management resources  Same labor skills and types of machinery  Alternative quantities produced illustrated using product transformation curves  Product transformation curves negatively sloped since to get more of one output, must give up some of other  Product transformation curves are concave if joint production has advantages 54
  • 55.
  • 56. 2.Long-run Average Total Cost - LATC LTC LATC = Q - The shape of LATC depends on the return on scale of each production process
  • 57. Long Run Versus Short Run Cost Curves  Long-Run Average Cost (LAC)  Determinant of shape of LAC and LMC is relationship between scale of firm’s operation and cost-minimizing inputs 2. Constant Returns to Scale  If input doubled, output doubles  AC cost is constant at all levels of output 3. Increasing Returns to Scale  If input doubled, output more than doubles  AC decreases at all levels of output 4. Decreasing Returns to Scale  If input doubled, output less than doubles  AC increases at all levels of output 57
  • 58. C Increasing returns to scale LATC Q
  • 59. C LATC Q Decreasing returns to scale
  • 60. C Constant returns to scale LATC Q
  • 61. 3. Long-run Marginal Cost (LMC) -Definition: - Calculation ∆LTC LMC = = LTC ' (Q) ∆Q
  • 62. C Increasing Returns to Scale LAT LMC C Q
  • 63. C LMC LATC Q Decreasing Returns to Scale
  • 64. C Constant Returns to Scale LATC≡LMC Q
  • 65. Long Run Average and Marginal Cost Cost •If LMC < LAC, ($ per unit LAC will fall of output) LMC •If LMC > LAC, LAC will rise LAC •LMC = LAC at the minimum of LAC •In special case where LAC is constant, LAC A and LMC are equal Output 65
  • 66. Long Run Costs  As output increases, firm’s AC of producing is likely to decline 1. On larger scale, workers specialize 2. Scale can provide flexibility, managers organize production effectively 3. Quantity discounts for inputs, lower prices lead to different input mix  At some point, AC begins to increase 1. Factory space and machinery make it difficult for efficient work 2. Managing larger firm may become more complex and inefficient as tasks increase 3. Limited input availability may cause price increases 66
  • 67. Long Run Costs  Economies of scale reflects input proportions that change as firm changes production level  Economies of Scale  Increase in output greater than increase in inputs  Diseconomies of Scale  Increase in output less than increase in inputs  U-shaped LAC shows economies of scale for relatively low output levels and diseconomies of scale for higher levels 67
  • 68. Long Run Costs  Economies of scale measured in terms of cost-output elasticity, EC  EC is percentage change in production cost resulting from 1-percent increase in output EC = ∆C C = MC ∆Q Q AC  EC is equal to 1, MC = AC  Costs increase proportionately with output  Neither economies nor diseconomies of scale  EC < 1 when MC < AC  Economies of scale  Both MC and AC are declining  EC > 1 when MC > AC  Diseconomies of scale  Both MC and AC are rising 68
  • 69. Long Run Cost with Economies and Diseconomies of Scale 69
  • 70. Long Run Cost with Constant Returns to Scale  What is firm’s long run cost curve?  Firms can change scale to change output in long run  Long run cost curve represents minimum cost for any output level  Firm choose plant that minimizes average cost of production  Long-run average cost curve envelops short-run average cost curves  LAC curve exhibits economies of scale initially but diseconomies at higher output levels 70
  • 71. IV. Profit 1. Definitions Profit a.  There are some circumstances that the enterprise does not want to have profit
  • 72. Marginal Revenue, Marginal Cost, and Profit Maximization  Can study profit maximizing output for any firm, whether perfectly competitive or not  Profit (π) = Total Revenue - Total Cost π (q) = R(q) − C (q)  If q is output of firm:  TotalRevenue (R) = Pq  Total Cost (C) = C(q)  Firm selects output to maximize difference between revenue and cost 72
  • 73. Marginal Revenue, Marginal Cost, and Profit Maximization  Slope of revenue curve is marginal revenue  Change in revenue from one-unit increase in output  Slope of total cost curve is marginal cost  Additional cost of producing additional unit of output  Profit is negative to start since revenue is not large enough to cover fixed and variable costs  As output rises, revenue rises faster than costs 73
  • 74. Profit Maximization – Short Run Profits are maximized where MR (slope at Cost, A) and MC (slope at B) are equal Revenue, Profit Profits are C(q) ($s per maximized year) where R(q) – A C(q) is R(q) maximized B 0 Output q0 q* π(q) 74
  • 75. Marginal Revenue, Marginal Cost, and Profit Maximization  Profit maximized at point at which additional increment to output leaves profit unchanged π = R −C ∆π ∆R ∆C = − = MR − MC = 0 ∆q ∆q ∆q MR = MC 75
  • 76. b. Accounting and Economic Profit - Accounting profit - Economic profit c. MR (Marginal Revenue)
  • 77. Exercise  Josh, a second year MBA student, takes three hours off one evening and uses his car to go to a movie with a friend. A ticket to the movie costs Josh $5, gasoline for the trip costs $1, and Josh passed up tutoring a student that night at $10 an hour. He could also have used the three hours to work as a grader for a professor at $15 an hour. What is Josh’s economic cost of going to the movie? 77
  • 78. 2. Profit maximizing MR = MC 3. Total revenue maximizing MR = 0
  • 79. Production with Two Outputs – Economies of Scope  Degree of economies of scope (SC) measured by percentage of cost saved producing two or more products jointly: C(q1 ) + C(q2 ) − C(q1 ,q2 ) SC = C(q1 ,q2 )  C(q1) is cost of producing q1  C(q2) is cost of producing q2  C(q1,q2) is joint cost of producing both products  Interpretation:  If SC > 0  Economies of scope  If SC < 0  Diseconomies of scope  Greater value of SC, greater economies of scope 79

Editor's Notes

  1. 4
  2. 5
  3. 23
  4. 27
  5. 32
  6. 53
  7. 14
  8. 57
  9. 59
  10. 60
  11. 63
  12. 64
  13. 66
  14. 74
  15. 75
  16. 75
  17. 75
  18. 43
  19. 52
  20. 55
  21. 56
  22. 57
  23. 72
  24. 72
  25. 73
  26. 77
  27. 105
  28. 78
  29. 85
  30. 102
  31. 103
  32. 10
  33. 5+1+3(15)=$51 Only use highest valued use of his time for opportunity cost, ignore tutoring job.
  34. 114