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Psychology Super-Notes
PsychoTech Services Psychology Learners
Version 1.0
Anxiety Disorders
Panic Disorder
M. S. Ahluwalia
Psychology Super-Notes
PsychoTech Services Psychology Learners
Psychology Super-Notes
Psychology Super-Notes
PsychoTech Services Psychology Learners
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Psychopathology >> Clinical Features of Anxiety Disorders - Panic Disorder >> Contents
1. Introduction to Anxiety Disorders
2. Introduction to Panic Attacks
3. Diagnosis & Epidemiology
4. Case Study
5. Aetiology
6. Treatment
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Psychopathology >> Clinical Features of Anxiety Disorders - Panic Disorder >> Introduction to Anxiety Disorders
1. Introduction to Anxiety Disorders (1/2)
Anxiety is normal…
• Anxiety is a common reaction to stress. It prevents
humans from being careless.
• Examples:
• Anxiety about your examination makes you study.
• Anxiety over her baby’s health makes a mother
care for her baby.
…however, in same situations anxiety can be abnormal
• If anxiety crosses a reasonable limit, it might become a disorder
• Examples:
• when one is so anxious that he/she has a breakdown in the
exam hall, forgetting everything
• when a mother is so anxious about her baby’s health, that she
spends day and night praying to God
Nature of Anxiety
• Fear is a basic emotion of human beings associated with
the perception of a real threatening situation and involves
the ‘fight or flight’ response activated by the sympathetic
nervous system.
• Example: If a street thug attacks you, you would feel intense
fear. Then, you would either run for dear life, or hit him back.
• Thus fear involves:
• cognition of the threatening object,
• subjective cognition of being in danger,
• physiological components like increased heart rate,
• behavioural components like running or hitting.
• Anxiety also involves subjective perception of threat,
physiological changes and some behavioural reaction.
• However, there is no immediate threat - you are
projecting the threatening situation in future and
reacting to it as if it is imminent. If you cannot go out of
your home because of apprehensions of an attack by a
hoodlum, it is anxiety.
• Anxiety serves an adaptive function - it prepares a person
for fight or flight if the danger really comes. But if the
person avoids the situation that in her perception may
cause the danger, and if such imagined situations are
unrealistic, then the effect becomes debilitating.
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One may distinguish between adaptive
anxiety and pathological anxiety by
assessing the realistic probability of the
occurrence of the object of anxiety and
by assessing how dysfunctional it makes
the person.
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Psychopathology >> Clinical Features of Anxiety Disorders - Panic Disorder >> Introduction to Anxiety Disorders
1. Introduction to Anxiety Disorders (2/2)
Common Characteristics/Nature of Anxiety Disorders
• Cognition or subjective perception of danger – may be accompanied by
vivid, occasionally morbid, images of the difficulties encountered.
• Physiological Responses - through activation of sympathetic nervous
system. Usually includes dilated pupils, increased heart rate, trembling,
breathing discomfort, nausea etc.
• Behavioural Responses - usually a tendency to avoid the dreaded situation.
Except in OCD and sometimes PTSD, where repetitive behaviour is observed.
Anxiety Disorder is a blanket term that covers a group of disorders characterized by
irrational fear of some thing or situation. The person is usually aware of the irrationality.
Focus of this document
Panic Disorder
(with or without
Phobic Disorders
(specific or social)
Anxiety Disorder
Post Traumatic
Stress Disorder
Types of Anxiety Disorders
Psychology Super-Notes
PsychoTech Services Psychology Learners
Psychopathology >> Clinical Features of Anxiety Disorders - Panic Disorder >> Contents
1. Introduction to Anxiety Disorders
2. Introduction to Panic Attacks
3. Diagnosis & Epidemiology
4. Case Study
5. Aetiology
6. Treatment
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Psychopathology >> Clinical Features of Anxiety Disorders - Panic Disorder >> Introduction to Panic Attacks
2. Introduction to Panic Attacks
• Panic attacks are characterized by their unexpectedness - the symptoms develop abruptly
and usually reach its peak within 10 - 15 minutes. During such attack the victim becomes
completely overpowered by the symptoms, many of which are physiological in nature.
• Panic attack is not dangerous, but it can be truly frightening. In a number of cases patients
have been admitted for emergency cardiac care, particularly because the symptoms, mostly
physiological, mimic cardiac symptoms.
• Panic attacks can be with or without agoraphobia.
• Panic attacks with agoraphobia seem to be precipitated by attending a cinema hall, a
shopping mall, a queue, tunnels, trains, aircrafts etc., where a large number of people
congregate and escape in case of a panic attack may be difficult.
Panic Attack
Panic attack is an episode of irrational intense fear or apprehension that is of sudden
onset. It is accompanied by strong autonomic arousal and numerous bodily symptoms
often mimicking cardiac attack.
The word ‘agora’ is Greek for ‘public places’ or ‘assembly of people.’ Agoraphobia is the
irrational intense fear of crowded places from where escape might be difficult.
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Psychopathology >> Clinical Features of Anxiety Disorders - Panic Disorder >> Introduction to Panic Attacks
2.1. Clinical Features of a Panic Attack
Brain: Irritability, Dizziness
Throat: Lump
Muscles: Tension
Skin: Sweating
Blood: High BP
Intestine: Nausea, Diarrhea
Limb Extremities:
Paresthesia (pins and
needles sensation)
Windpipe: Choking sensation
Lungs: Breathlessness
Heart: Palpitation
• The typical clinical description of panic attack is
featured by intense terror, at times in the form
of fear of dying or going crazy.
• Nervousness, shaking and stress are common.
• The most prominent underlying characteristic is
the person seems to have no control on oneself.
• Sometimes one feels like the beginning of a heart
attack, as difficulty in breathing (as if one is not
getting enough air), palpitation, hyperventilation,
rapid heart bits, chest pain and choking sensation
along with profuse sweating predominate.
• Often there is a dizziness, lightheadedness,
nausea and fainting.
• One feels dissociated from reality – one almost
seems to be detached from the immediate
surroundings and drawn in a whirlpool of odd
• Occasionally there are hot flashes or sudden
chills, burning sensation in facial and neck area,
tingling in fingers and toes (paresthesia).
• Difficulty in vision is also observed in the form of
flashing vision and tunnel vision (loss of
peripheral vision).
• The reactions are usually those associated with
activation of sympathetic nervous system.
Psychology Super-Notes
PsychoTech Services Psychology Learners
Psychopathology >> Clinical Features of Anxiety Disorders - Panic Disorder >> Contents
1. Introduction to Anxiety Disorders
2. Introduction to Panic Attacks
3. Diagnosis & Epidemiology
4. Case Study
5. Aetiology
6. Treatment
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Psychopathology >> Clinical Features of Anxiety Disorders - Panic Disorder >> Diagnosis and Epidemiology
3. Panic Disorder Diagnosis and Epidemiology
• As per DSM IV TR a person can be diagnosed as suffering from
panic disorder if she has experienced recurrent unexpected attacks
and is persistently concerned with having another attack for at least
one month.
• She must have at least 4 of the 13 symptoms during the attack:
1. Palpitation or pounding heart
2. Sweating
3. Trembling or shaking
4. Sensation of shortness of breath or being smothered
5. Feeling of choking
6. Chest pain or discomfort
7. Nausea or abdominal distress
8. Feeling dizzy, lightheaded or faint
9. Derealisation or depersonalisation
10. Fear of losing control or going crazy
11. Fear of dying
12. Paresthesias
13. Chill or hot flushes.
Epidemiology of Panic Attacks
• Estimations of prevalence of
panic disorder and panic attacks
at some point of life ranges
between 3% to 5% of the
• It is usually more common in
• This gender difference may be
attributed to cultural factors, as
unrealistic fear is tolerated more
in women, but men need to
keep up a brave face.
• Thus, in different cultures with
different gender role
prescriptions, the male female
ratio may change.
• The age of onset is usually
between 15 and 24.
Psychology Super-Notes
PsychoTech Services Psychology Learners
Psychopathology >> Clinical Features of Anxiety Disorders - Panic Disorder >> Contents
1. Introduction to Anxiety Disorders
2. Introduction to Panic Attacks
3. Diagnosis & Epidemiology
4. Case Study
5. Aetiology
6. Treatment
Psychology Super-Notes
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Psychopathology >> Clinical Features of Anxiety Disorders - Panic Disorder >> Case Study
4. Panic Disorder Case Study
• Background: Sophia is a young lady from a middle class family, studying at the University. She lives in the suburbs and
regularly takes the metro to the University. She is somewhat introvert, apparently cool and rational, and determined to
finish her education.
• Event:
− One day while waiting for the train, she had some kind of physical discomfort. However, she ignored it and boarded
the train. The train was moderately crowded and she did not get a seat. She stood in front of the seat reserved for
− A few minutes later, she felt choked and nauseated, started sweating profusely. She was so uncomfortable that she
asked the elderly lady sitting in front of her for help. This lady immediately offered her a seat and asked her what her
problem was.
− By this time, Sophia was trembling and started crying - “I am going to die.” Other passengers gave her water to drink,
and at the next station they took her out of the train and contacted the authority.
− She was taken to a hospital and her father was informed. By the time he arrived, Sophia was feeling much better.
• Diagnosis:
− Doctors found a rapid pulse rate, but did not get anything indicating cardiac problem.
− She retrospectively reported extreme fear of being choked to death, especially as she was in an underground train
and could not jump out and run for the sunlight up on the streets.
− The experience left Sophia extremely fearful of travel by underground train. She understands that this is irrational, but
cannot face traveling by underground train again, or even crowded buses. Now she takes auto rickshaws for her
travel and has to change vehicles a number of times to reach the University.
− Her confidence has lowered considerably. Often she insists that her father accompany her.
− She has been diagnosed of panic attack with agoraphobia.
Psychology Super-Notes
PsychoTech Services Psychology Learners
Psychopathology >> Clinical Features of Anxiety Disorders - Panic Disorder >> Contents
1. Introduction to Anxiety Disorders
2. Introduction to Panic Attacks
3. Diagnosis & Epidemiology
4. Case Study
5. Aetiology
6. Treatment
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PsychoTech Services Psychology Learners
Psychopathology >> Clinical Features of Anxiety Disorders - Panic Disorder >> Aetiology
5. Panic Disorder Aetiology
Causes of Panic Disorder
Biological Causes
Genetic Factors
Biochemical abnormalities
in the Brain
Psychosocial Causes
Learning Factors
Cognitive Factors
Changes in the individual’s
perception which trigger
panic attacks.
Psychology Super-Notes
PsychoTech Services Psychology Learners
Psychopathology >> Clinical Features of Anxiety Disorders - Panic Disorder >> Aetiology
5.1. Biological Factors
1.1. Genetic Factors
• Family and twin studies indicate
that panic disorder runs in
families. Identical twins seem to
have greater possibilities of
panic disorder, while
concordance is less in fraternal
• The specific genes responsible
for panic disorder are yet to be
discovered. However, there
seems some evidence that
panic disorder and phobia may
have some genetic
1.2. Brain and biochemical abnormalities
• Exposure to certain biochemicals causes panic attack in those who
are already suffering from panic disorder, while there may be no
impact on others. Thus, there might be definite neurobiological
differences between those with panic disorder and normal individuals.
• Some substances provoking panic are sodium lactate, carbon
dioxide, caffeine etc. However, the brain mechanisms associated with
their actions are not identical and possibly a single neurobiological
mechanism may not be responsible for all types of panic attacks.
• Some brain mechanisms implicated in panic attack are:
• Increased activity in the hippocampus and locus coeruleus, which
are responsible for monitoring external and internal stimuli and
moderate brain’s reactions to them.
• Amygdala is critically important in fear reaction, and is involved in
the ‘fear network’ of the brain. Abnormal sensitivity in this region
may cause repeated anxiety attacks.
• Increased noradrenergic activity simulates cardiac problem by
enhancing heart rate and breathing problems.
• People with panic disorder may have abnormalities in their
benzodiazepine receptors which help in anxiety reduction. The role
of GABA neurotransmitter may be important.
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The Vicious Panic Cycle
Psychopathology >> Clinical Features of Anxiety Disorders - Panic Disorder >> Aetiology
5.2.1. Learning Factors
of panic attack
(fear of fear)
of sensations as
Triggering Stimulus
(external or internal)
• Learning theory views panic attacks as a learnt
phenomena – specifically as responses to
conditioned stimuli.
• Sophia’s case:
• Her first panic attack happened in the metro.
• So the situation of the train became the
conditioned stimulus, and she is afraid that
panic attack may happen again when she is in
a crowded vehicle.
• Thus, the initial learning is reinforced and
increases in vigour by reinforcements in a
cyclic pattern. This explanation is also known
as ‘fear of fear’.
• Sometimes, an internal stimulus may act as the
trigger for panic attack.
• Example: an increased heart rate may be so
associated with panic attack experiences that if
heart rate increases for any reason, panic
attack starts.
• Thus, oversensitivity to internal stimuli can also
be a cause of panic disorder. Triggering Stimulus
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PsychoTech Services Psychology Learners
Psychopathology >> Clinical Features of Anxiety Disorders - Panic Disorder >> Aetiology
5.2.2. Cognitive Factors
• The cognitive approach to panic attack focuses on the interpretation of bodily sensations and
external cues that may trigger the attack.
• While the learning approach highlights the oversensitivity to bodily cues, the cognitive approach further
affirms that a catastrophic meaning may be assigned to the bodily sensation.
− Example: racing of the heart may be attributed to a serious malfunctioning of the cardiac system,
rather than to the medicine one has taken.
• If the person is not aware of this catastrophic thought, it may fall within the arena of ‘automatic thoughts’
that non-consciously result in the attack.
• The role of interpretation is crucial here.
− This has been highlighted by experiments where the heart rate has been increased in panic disorder
patients by using drugs.
− If the person knows about the possible effects of the drug, panic attack does not take place or occurs
to a much milder degree.
• Panic disorder patients are also known to demonstrate cognitive bias toward certain experiences and
− Example: they may be more prone to words like ‘fainting’ or ‘shortness of breath’.
− It is, however, not clear whether these biases have been generated after repeated panic attacks or
were already present before the first attack.
• But, there seems to be accumulating evidence that a special kind of cognitive orientation is present in
some people, which make them more amenable to consider certain stimuli as triggers of panic attack
more quickly than others.
Psychology Super-Notes
PsychoTech Services Psychology Learners
Psychopathology >> Clinical Features of Anxiety Disorders - Panic Disorder >> Contents
1. Introduction to Anxiety Disorders
2. Introduction to Panic Attacks
3. Diagnosis & Epidemiology
4. Case Study
5. Aetiology
6. Treatment
Psychology Super-Notes
PsychoTech Services Psychology Learners
Psychopathology >> Clinical Features of Anxiety Disorders - Panic Disorder >> Treatment
6. Panic Disorder Treatment
Panic disorder may be treated by pharmacology or psychotherapy, or a combination of both.
• Tranquilizers from the Benzodiazepine group
of drugs (alprazolam or clonazepam) are often
used to handle panic attacks.
• These however, have the side effect of being
• Antidepressants like Tricyclics and SSRIs
(Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) have
also been used successfully to deal with panic
• These drugs, particularly SSRIs do not have
the immediate calming effect like the
Benzodiazepine group of drugs
• They are relatively free from addiction and
have better result in long term treatment.
• Although extrapyramidal effects like
dryness of mouth may be occasional side
effects, these are better tolerated by most
people also.
• Relaxation techniques and breathing exercises are
useful for self management by the patient.
• These techniques include gradually relaxing the
muscles of your body, progressively from one
extremity to another, and controlling breathing so
that the internal cues of fear are regulated and under
• Cognitive technique can be used to identify the
erroneous automatic thoughts and review them in the
light of reality orientation.
• Example: ask the patient to imagine the worst that
can happen to her and to judge the probability of its
occurrence in real life. Ask her to identify the
triggering cues and to dissociate them by practice
from the immediate physiological responses.
• It has been suggested that cognitive technique is
more helpful than medicine for long term
maintenance of the cure in case pf panic disorder.
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Mental Disorders >> Panic Disorder

  • 1. Psychology Super-Notes PsychoTech Services Psychology Learners Version 1.0 Anxiety Disorders Panic Disorder M. S. Ahluwalia
  • 2. Psychology Super-Notes PsychoTech Services Psychology Learners Psychology Super-Notes Psychopathology
  • 3. Psychology Super-Notes PsychoTech Services Psychology Learners Copyright © 2021, by M S Ahluwalia Trademarks ‘Super-Notes’, ‘All About’, ‘Psychology Learners’, ‘PsyLearners’, ‘M S Ahluwalia’, ‘PsychoTech Services’, ‘Real Happiness Center’ and the msa logo, the PsyLearners logo, Star and Starji logos for Real Happiness Center logo and PsychoTech Services logo are trademarks of M S Ahluwalia in India and other countries, and may not be used without explicit written permission. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. PsychoTech Services and M S Ahluwalia, are not associated with any product or vendor mentioned in this book. Limit of liability/disclaimer of warranty The publisher and the author make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this work and specifically disclaim all warranties, including without limitation warranties of fitness for a particular purpose. This book should not be used as a replacement of expert opinion. No warranty may be created or extended by sales or promotional materials. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for every situation. This work is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional services. If professional assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought. Neither the publisher nor the author shall be liable for damages arising herefrom. The fact that an organization or website is referred to in this work as a citation and/or a potential source of further information does not mean that the author or the publisher endorses the information the organization or website may provide or recommendations it may make. Further, readers should be aware that internet websites listed in this work may have changed or disappeared between when this work was written and when it is read. This document contains notes on the said subject made by the author during the course of studies or general reading. The author hopes you will find these ‘Super-notes’ useful in the course of your learning. In case you notice any errors or have any suggestions for the improvement of this document, please send an email to For general information on our other publications or for any kind of support or further information, you may reach us at 3 ! Disclaimer
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  • 5. Psychology Super-Notes PsychoTech Services Psychology Learners Version 1.0 For more Super-Notes Click here! Super-Notes A proprietary approach developed by bringing together the best of learning theories from Psychology, design principles from the world of visualization, and pedagogical methods from over a decade of training experience, that enables you to: Learn better, faster!
  • 6. Psychology Super-Notes PsychoTech Services Psychology Learners 6 Meme like cards to help you understand and remember complicated concepts. PsyConcepts Quotes related to psychology, complete with explanations to help understand their real context and meaning PsyQuotes Professional checklists and templates to improve the look of your work and reduce errors PsyTemplates Psychology made easy and interesting…
  • 7. Psychology Super-Notes PsychoTech Services Psychology Learners PsychoTech Services Psychology Super-Notes Psychology Learners 7 We are here to help you… It is in our DNA. We were born out of a project to help students!
  • 8. Psychology Super-Notes PsychoTech Services Psychology Learners We are here to help you! If you are a faculty or student of psychology, this document may be just what you need! Universities often have a vast syllabus, and there is limited support from the faculty and university. But, the exams are tough. Unfortunately, students often don’t get sufficient support for their exams. We at PsychoTech Services have launched several efforts to help psychology students – if you haven’t visited our site yet, now might be the right time – Click Here! Look for PsyConcepts, PsyQuotes, guidance for solving the assignments, our highly accurate ‘Exam Question Pattern Analysis’, and PsyTemplates - to make your submissions look more professional and high quality. Also, remember, your exams will test both your knowledge and your ability to present the answers well. So work on both these aspects – read this for some very useful tips on How to Score More in your Exams! We hope that all the resources we have created for you will help you to complete your course requirements successfully! Good Luck!!! 8
  • 9. Psychology Super-Notes PsychoTech Services Psychology Learners PsychoTech Services Psychology Super-Notes Psychology Learners 9 Let’ start…
  • 10. Psychology Super-Notes PsychoTech Services Psychology Learners Psychopathology >> Clinical Features of Anxiety Disorders - Panic Disorder >> Contents Contents 1. Introduction to Anxiety Disorders 2. Introduction to Panic Attacks 3. Diagnosis & Epidemiology 4. Case Study 5. Aetiology 6. Treatment 10
  • 11. Psychology Super-Notes PsychoTech Services Psychology Learners Psychopathology >> Clinical Features of Anxiety Disorders - Panic Disorder >> Introduction to Anxiety Disorders 1. Introduction to Anxiety Disorders (1/2) 11 Anxiety is normal… • Anxiety is a common reaction to stress. It prevents humans from being careless. • Examples: • Anxiety about your examination makes you study. • Anxiety over her baby’s health makes a mother care for her baby. …however, in same situations anxiety can be abnormal • If anxiety crosses a reasonable limit, it might become a disorder • Examples: • when one is so anxious that he/she has a breakdown in the exam hall, forgetting everything • when a mother is so anxious about her baby’s health, that she spends day and night praying to God Nature of Anxiety Fear • Fear is a basic emotion of human beings associated with the perception of a real threatening situation and involves the ‘fight or flight’ response activated by the sympathetic nervous system. • Example: If a street thug attacks you, you would feel intense fear. Then, you would either run for dear life, or hit him back. • Thus fear involves: • cognition of the threatening object, • subjective cognition of being in danger, • physiological components like increased heart rate, • behavioural components like running or hitting. Anxiety • Anxiety also involves subjective perception of threat, physiological changes and some behavioural reaction. • However, there is no immediate threat - you are projecting the threatening situation in future and reacting to it as if it is imminent. If you cannot go out of your home because of apprehensions of an attack by a hoodlum, it is anxiety. • Anxiety serves an adaptive function - it prepares a person for fight or flight if the danger really comes. But if the person avoids the situation that in her perception may cause the danger, and if such imagined situations are unrealistic, then the effect becomes debilitating.
  • 12. Psychology Super-Notes PsychoTech Services Psychology Learners PsychoTech Services Psychology Super-Notes Psychology Learners 12 One may distinguish between adaptive anxiety and pathological anxiety by assessing the realistic probability of the occurrence of the object of anxiety and by assessing how dysfunctional it makes the person.
  • 13. Psychology Super-Notes PsychoTech Services Psychology Learners Psychopathology >> Clinical Features of Anxiety Disorders - Panic Disorder >> Introduction to Anxiety Disorders 1. Introduction to Anxiety Disorders (2/2) 13 Common Characteristics/Nature of Anxiety Disorders • Cognition or subjective perception of danger – may be accompanied by vivid, occasionally morbid, images of the difficulties encountered. • Physiological Responses - through activation of sympathetic nervous system. Usually includes dilated pupils, increased heart rate, trembling, breathing discomfort, nausea etc. • Behavioural Responses - usually a tendency to avoid the dreaded situation. Except in OCD and sometimes PTSD, where repetitive behaviour is observed. Anxiety Disorder Anxiety Disorder is a blanket term that covers a group of disorders characterized by irrational fear of some thing or situation. The person is usually aware of the irrationality. Focus of this document 1 Panic Disorder (with or without agoraphobia) 2 Phobic Disorders (specific or social) 3 Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD) 4 Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) 5 Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Types of Anxiety Disorders (DSM IV TR)
  • 14. Psychology Super-Notes PsychoTech Services Psychology Learners Psychopathology >> Clinical Features of Anxiety Disorders - Panic Disorder >> Contents Contents 1. Introduction to Anxiety Disorders 2. Introduction to Panic Attacks 3. Diagnosis & Epidemiology 4. Case Study 5. Aetiology 6. Treatment 14
  • 15. Psychology Super-Notes PsychoTech Services Psychology Learners Psychopathology >> Clinical Features of Anxiety Disorders - Panic Disorder >> Introduction to Panic Attacks 2. Introduction to Panic Attacks • Panic attacks are characterized by their unexpectedness - the symptoms develop abruptly and usually reach its peak within 10 - 15 minutes. During such attack the victim becomes completely overpowered by the symptoms, many of which are physiological in nature. • Panic attack is not dangerous, but it can be truly frightening. In a number of cases patients have been admitted for emergency cardiac care, particularly because the symptoms, mostly physiological, mimic cardiac symptoms. • Panic attacks can be with or without agoraphobia. • Panic attacks with agoraphobia seem to be precipitated by attending a cinema hall, a shopping mall, a queue, tunnels, trains, aircrafts etc., where a large number of people congregate and escape in case of a panic attack may be difficult. 15 Panic Attack Panic attack is an episode of irrational intense fear or apprehension that is of sudden onset. It is accompanied by strong autonomic arousal and numerous bodily symptoms often mimicking cardiac attack. Agoraphobia The word ‘agora’ is Greek for ‘public places’ or ‘assembly of people.’ Agoraphobia is the irrational intense fear of crowded places from where escape might be difficult.
  • 16. Psychology Super-Notes PsychoTech Services Psychology Learners Psychopathology >> Clinical Features of Anxiety Disorders - Panic Disorder >> Introduction to Panic Attacks 2.1. Clinical Features of a Panic Attack Brain: Irritability, Dizziness 16 Throat: Lump Muscles: Tension Skin: Sweating Blood: High BP Intestine: Nausea, Diarrhea Limb Extremities: Paresthesia (pins and needles sensation) Windpipe: Choking sensation Lungs: Breathlessness Heart: Palpitation • The typical clinical description of panic attack is featured by intense terror, at times in the form of fear of dying or going crazy. • Nervousness, shaking and stress are common. • The most prominent underlying characteristic is the person seems to have no control on oneself. • Sometimes one feels like the beginning of a heart attack, as difficulty in breathing (as if one is not getting enough air), palpitation, hyperventilation, rapid heart bits, chest pain and choking sensation along with profuse sweating predominate. • Often there is a dizziness, lightheadedness, nausea and fainting. • One feels dissociated from reality – one almost seems to be detached from the immediate surroundings and drawn in a whirlpool of odd sensations. • Occasionally there are hot flashes or sudden chills, burning sensation in facial and neck area, tingling in fingers and toes (paresthesia). • Difficulty in vision is also observed in the form of flashing vision and tunnel vision (loss of peripheral vision). • The reactions are usually those associated with activation of sympathetic nervous system.
  • 17. Psychology Super-Notes PsychoTech Services Psychology Learners Psychopathology >> Clinical Features of Anxiety Disorders - Panic Disorder >> Contents Contents 1. Introduction to Anxiety Disorders 2. Introduction to Panic Attacks 3. Diagnosis & Epidemiology 4. Case Study 5. Aetiology 6. Treatment 17
  • 18. Psychology Super-Notes PsychoTech Services Psychology Learners Psychopathology >> Clinical Features of Anxiety Disorders - Panic Disorder >> Diagnosis and Epidemiology 3. Panic Disorder Diagnosis and Epidemiology 18 Diagnosis • As per DSM IV TR a person can be diagnosed as suffering from panic disorder if she has experienced recurrent unexpected attacks and is persistently concerned with having another attack for at least one month. • She must have at least 4 of the 13 symptoms during the attack: 1. Palpitation or pounding heart 2. Sweating 3. Trembling or shaking 4. Sensation of shortness of breath or being smothered 5. Feeling of choking 6. Chest pain or discomfort 7. Nausea or abdominal distress 8. Feeling dizzy, lightheaded or faint 9. Derealisation or depersonalisation 10. Fear of losing control or going crazy 11. Fear of dying 12. Paresthesias 13. Chill or hot flushes. Epidemiology of Panic Attacks • Estimations of prevalence of panic disorder and panic attacks at some point of life ranges between 3% to 5% of the population. • It is usually more common in women. • This gender difference may be attributed to cultural factors, as unrealistic fear is tolerated more in women, but men need to keep up a brave face. • Thus, in different cultures with different gender role prescriptions, the male female ratio may change. • The age of onset is usually between 15 and 24.
  • 19. Psychology Super-Notes PsychoTech Services Psychology Learners Psychopathology >> Clinical Features of Anxiety Disorders - Panic Disorder >> Contents Contents 1. Introduction to Anxiety Disorders 2. Introduction to Panic Attacks 3. Diagnosis & Epidemiology 4. Case Study 5. Aetiology 6. Treatment 19
  • 20. Psychology Super-Notes PsychoTech Services Psychology Learners Psychopathology >> Clinical Features of Anxiety Disorders - Panic Disorder >> Case Study 4. Panic Disorder Case Study • Background: Sophia is a young lady from a middle class family, studying at the University. She lives in the suburbs and regularly takes the metro to the University. She is somewhat introvert, apparently cool and rational, and determined to finish her education. • Event: − One day while waiting for the train, she had some kind of physical discomfort. However, she ignored it and boarded the train. The train was moderately crowded and she did not get a seat. She stood in front of the seat reserved for ladies. − A few minutes later, she felt choked and nauseated, started sweating profusely. She was so uncomfortable that she asked the elderly lady sitting in front of her for help. This lady immediately offered her a seat and asked her what her problem was. − By this time, Sophia was trembling and started crying - “I am going to die.” Other passengers gave her water to drink, and at the next station they took her out of the train and contacted the authority. − She was taken to a hospital and her father was informed. By the time he arrived, Sophia was feeling much better. • Diagnosis: − Doctors found a rapid pulse rate, but did not get anything indicating cardiac problem. − She retrospectively reported extreme fear of being choked to death, especially as she was in an underground train and could not jump out and run for the sunlight up on the streets. − The experience left Sophia extremely fearful of travel by underground train. She understands that this is irrational, but cannot face traveling by underground train again, or even crowded buses. Now she takes auto rickshaws for her travel and has to change vehicles a number of times to reach the University. − Her confidence has lowered considerably. Often she insists that her father accompany her. − She has been diagnosed of panic attack with agoraphobia. 20
  • 21. Psychology Super-Notes PsychoTech Services Psychology Learners Psychopathology >> Clinical Features of Anxiety Disorders - Panic Disorder >> Contents Contents 1. Introduction to Anxiety Disorders 2. Introduction to Panic Attacks 3. Diagnosis & Epidemiology 4. Case Study 5. Aetiology 6. Treatment 21
  • 22. Psychology Super-Notes PsychoTech Services Psychology Learners Psychopathology >> Clinical Features of Anxiety Disorders - Panic Disorder >> Aetiology 5. Panic Disorder Aetiology 22 Causes of Panic Disorder 1 Biological Causes 1.1 Genetic Factors 1.2 Biochemical abnormalities in the Brain 2 Psychosocial Causes 2.1 Learning Factors 2.2 Cognitive Factors Changes in the individual’s perception which trigger panic attacks.
  • 23. Psychology Super-Notes PsychoTech Services Psychology Learners Psychopathology >> Clinical Features of Anxiety Disorders - Panic Disorder >> Aetiology 5.1. Biological Factors 23 1.1. Genetic Factors • Family and twin studies indicate that panic disorder runs in families. Identical twins seem to have greater possibilities of panic disorder, while concordance is less in fraternal twins. • The specific genes responsible for panic disorder are yet to be discovered. However, there seems some evidence that panic disorder and phobia may have some genetic commonness. 1.2. Brain and biochemical abnormalities • Exposure to certain biochemicals causes panic attack in those who are already suffering from panic disorder, while there may be no impact on others. Thus, there might be definite neurobiological differences between those with panic disorder and normal individuals. • Some substances provoking panic are sodium lactate, carbon dioxide, caffeine etc. However, the brain mechanisms associated with their actions are not identical and possibly a single neurobiological mechanism may not be responsible for all types of panic attacks. • Some brain mechanisms implicated in panic attack are: • Increased activity in the hippocampus and locus coeruleus, which are responsible for monitoring external and internal stimuli and moderate brain’s reactions to them. • Amygdala is critically important in fear reaction, and is involved in the ‘fear network’ of the brain. Abnormal sensitivity in this region may cause repeated anxiety attacks. • Increased noradrenergic activity simulates cardiac problem by enhancing heart rate and breathing problems. • People with panic disorder may have abnormalities in their benzodiazepine receptors which help in anxiety reduction. The role of GABA neurotransmitter may be important.
  • 24. Psychology Super-Notes PsychoTech Services Psychology Learners The Vicious Panic Cycle Psychopathology >> Clinical Features of Anxiety Disorders - Panic Disorder >> Aetiology 5.2.1. Learning Factors 24 Perceived Threat Apprehension of panic attack (fear of fear) Bodily Sensations Interpretation of sensations as catastrophe Triggering Stimulus (external or internal) • Learning theory views panic attacks as a learnt phenomena – specifically as responses to conditioned stimuli. • Sophia’s case: • Her first panic attack happened in the metro. • So the situation of the train became the conditioned stimulus, and she is afraid that panic attack may happen again when she is in a crowded vehicle. • Thus, the initial learning is reinforced and increases in vigour by reinforcements in a cyclic pattern. This explanation is also known as ‘fear of fear’. • Sometimes, an internal stimulus may act as the trigger for panic attack. • Example: an increased heart rate may be so associated with panic attack experiences that if heart rate increases for any reason, panic attack starts. • Thus, oversensitivity to internal stimuli can also be a cause of panic disorder. Triggering Stimulus
  • 25. Psychology Super-Notes PsychoTech Services Psychology Learners Psychopathology >> Clinical Features of Anxiety Disorders - Panic Disorder >> Aetiology 5.2.2. Cognitive Factors • The cognitive approach to panic attack focuses on the interpretation of bodily sensations and external cues that may trigger the attack. • While the learning approach highlights the oversensitivity to bodily cues, the cognitive approach further affirms that a catastrophic meaning may be assigned to the bodily sensation. − Example: racing of the heart may be attributed to a serious malfunctioning of the cardiac system, rather than to the medicine one has taken. • If the person is not aware of this catastrophic thought, it may fall within the arena of ‘automatic thoughts’ that non-consciously result in the attack. • The role of interpretation is crucial here. − This has been highlighted by experiments where the heart rate has been increased in panic disorder patients by using drugs. − If the person knows about the possible effects of the drug, panic attack does not take place or occurs to a much milder degree. • Panic disorder patients are also known to demonstrate cognitive bias toward certain experiences and symbols. − Example: they may be more prone to words like ‘fainting’ or ‘shortness of breath’. − It is, however, not clear whether these biases have been generated after repeated panic attacks or were already present before the first attack. • But, there seems to be accumulating evidence that a special kind of cognitive orientation is present in some people, which make them more amenable to consider certain stimuli as triggers of panic attack more quickly than others. 25
  • 26. Psychology Super-Notes PsychoTech Services Psychology Learners Psychopathology >> Clinical Features of Anxiety Disorders - Panic Disorder >> Contents Contents 1. Introduction to Anxiety Disorders 2. Introduction to Panic Attacks 3. Diagnosis & Epidemiology 4. Case Study 5. Aetiology 6. Treatment 26
  • 27. Psychology Super-Notes PsychoTech Services Psychology Learners Psychopathology >> Clinical Features of Anxiety Disorders - Panic Disorder >> Treatment 6. Panic Disorder Treatment Panic disorder may be treated by pharmacology or psychotherapy, or a combination of both. 27 Pharmacology • Tranquilizers from the Benzodiazepine group of drugs (alprazolam or clonazepam) are often used to handle panic attacks. • These however, have the side effect of being addictive. • Antidepressants like Tricyclics and SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) have also been used successfully to deal with panic attacks. • These drugs, particularly SSRIs do not have the immediate calming effect like the Benzodiazepine group of drugs • They are relatively free from addiction and have better result in long term treatment. • Although extrapyramidal effects like dryness of mouth may be occasional side effects, these are better tolerated by most people also. Psychotherapy • Relaxation techniques and breathing exercises are useful for self management by the patient. • These techniques include gradually relaxing the muscles of your body, progressively from one extremity to another, and controlling breathing so that the internal cues of fear are regulated and under control. • Cognitive technique can be used to identify the erroneous automatic thoughts and review them in the light of reality orientation. • Example: ask the patient to imagine the worst that can happen to her and to judge the probability of its occurrence in real life. Ask her to identify the triggering cues and to dissociate them by practice from the immediate physiological responses. • It has been suggested that cognitive technique is more helpful than medicine for long term maintenance of the cure in case pf panic disorder.
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