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Mental Health Problems In india
● Mental health describes a level of psychological well-being or an absence of a mental disorder.
● The world health organisation defines mental health as "a state of well-being in which the
individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work
productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community."
What are the mental health problems faced by the people in india?
Mental health challenges and disorders have many different signs and symptoms and can look
different in different people. They can impact how a person thinks, feels and behaves.Some common
symptoms of a mental health challenge or disorder are:
-Changes in mood
-Changes in the way you perceive things.
-Feelings of anxiety.
Here is a list of some of the most common mental health problems faced by the people -
1. Anxiety- Anxiety means feeling worried, nervous or fearful. We all experience anxiety at times and
some anxiety can be helpful. For example, feeling some anxiety before a test, interview or
public-speaking can help motivate you to prepare for it.
2. Behavioural Disorders - These disorders affect the way a child or youth acts or behaves. Some
people think a child or youth with a behavioural disorder is “bad” and may even blame a parent for
their child’s behaviour. But these disorders are real problems that affect many children and youth.
3. Bipolar disorder-
A person with bipolar disorder has extreme changes or swings in moods, from mania to depression.
Because of the two “poles” of mood, this illness is called "bipolar" disorder.
Bipolar disorder is sometimes called manic-depression because people experience both mania and
depression. The word "manic" means a person feels overly excited and confident. The person may
then quickly change to feeling confused, irritable, angry, and even full of rage.
4. Emotional regulation-
Emotional regulation, sometimes called self-regulation, refers to the way we deal with big feelings
like anger, excitement, frustration, anxiety or low mood. Regulation skills can be taught at home and
at school. Some people need extra help from a professional like a counsellor.
5. Grief and loss-
Grief is what a person experiences when they lose something or someone close to them. People often
associated grief with the death of a pet or loved one. However, people can also experience grief after
any important loss in their life. It impacts people emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually.
The person might feel numb, anxious, sad, heartbroken, angry, scared or guilty. They might even feel
relieved or peaceful at times. They might also have very negative thoughts or act out.
Common Reasons Of Mental Health
1. The death of a loved one
2. Divorce
3. Increase in financial obligations
4. Emotional problems (depression, anxiety, guilty, anger, low self esteem)
5. Taking care of an elderly or sick person
6. Traumatic event like (domestic violence, natural disaster, neglect, victim of violent crime etc)
7. Social isolation or loneliness.
8. Long term stress problems.
9. Drugs and alcohol misuse.
10.Homelessness or poor housing
11. Being under lots of pressure
12. Facing big changes
13.Not having control of situation
14.Times of Uncertainty
15. Difficulties in relationships
16.Over thinking and worrying about problems
17. Poverty or debts
Reasons of Employee Mental Health in Organization :
1. Working under dangerous condition
2. Heavy work load or too much responsibility
3. Being insecure about the chances for advances or risk of termination
4. Having to give speeches in front of colleagues
5. Facing discrimination or harassment at work when company is not supportive.
How to improve Mental health ?
There are many ways to build mental health . Some of the effective ways are
● Nature walk : Having a nature walk helps you to connect with yourself giving your soul inner
with. Also connects you with the beauty of nature away from the noisy cities.
● Meditate : It helps you improve your state of mind and helps you feel calm .
● Challenge yourself : when you believe in yourself and your abilities you often can go beyond the
imaginable and experiment new things and its ok if things don't go right as you learned many
new things from those challenges.
● Increase your patience level : Try acting introvert in some situations and let go of the little
things . Don't react just respond.
● Keep distance from often watching crime based content : It often lead to ending up disturbing
your mind and you imagine those situation with yourself
● Spend time with family always : it helps you to be stress free and be positive. You can discuss
problems with them to get solutions.
● Practice your hobby :This is a great form of self care.Do an activity daily you enjoy just because
it makes you feel better.
● Change routine : Break up the monotony. Maintaining routine is good but little change can help
you to discover new things, new change which you might like.
● Take care of your body : eat well , sleep well , drink plenty of water and exercise as taking care
physically helps to improve mental health.
● Be aware of self talk : Replace self doubt with positivity because when time get tough you have
to be able to believe you can make it through and keep motivating yourself and get rid yourself
with can't
● Acknowledge your feelings : be honest about your feelings , track them and how you are
feeling. What are the reasons that I am experiencing these types of negative feelings and what
are the solutions?
● Practice saying 'no' without any explanation : Learn to say no. You don't have to explain your
actions or decisions to anyone that why you don't want to do something.
8 tips for talking about Mental Health
1. Set time aside with no distractions- It is important to provide an open and non-judgemental space
with no distractions.
2. Let them share as much or as little as they want to- Let them lead the discussion at their own
pace. Don’t put pressure on them to tell you anything they aren’t ready to talk about. Talking can take a lot of
trust and courage. You might be the first person they have been able to talk to about this.
3. Don't try to diagnose or second guess their feelings- You probably aren’t a medical expert and,
while you may be happy to talk and offer support, you aren’t a trained counsellor. Try not to make
assumptions about what is wrong or jump in too quickly with your own diagnosis or solutions.
4. Keep questions open ended- Say "Why don’t you tell me how you are feeling?" rather than "I can see
you are feeling very low". Try to keep your language neutral. Give the person time to answer and try not to
grill them with too many questions.
5. Talk about wellbeing- Talk about ways of de-stressing or practicing self-care and ask if they find
anything helpful. Exercising, having a healthy diet and getting a good nights sleep can help protect mental
health and sustain wellbeing.
6. Listen carefully to what they tell you-Repeat what they have said back to them to ensure you have
understood it. You don’t have to agree with what they are saying, but by showing you understand how they feel, you
are letting them know you respect their feelings.
7. Offer them help in seeking professional support and provide information on ways to do
this- You might want to offer to go to the GP (family doctor) with them, or help them talk to a friend or family
member. Try not to take control and allow them to make decisions.
8. Know your limit- Ask for help or signpost if the problem is serious. If you believe they are in immediate
danger or they have injuries that need medical attention, you need to take action to make sure they are safe
Therapies for improving mental health-
1. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) : cognitive behavioural therapy combines therapy
combines talk therapy with behavioural therapy. It focuses on negative thinking patterns and
reframes them resulting in positive action and behaviour .
2. Albert Allis ABCDE model :
A -adversity : so it means basically what happened ? When we encounter adversity we react by
thinking about it.
B-belief : which is how you interpret the event ? What stories are you telling to yourself ? what
do you think ?
C- consequences : how you are feeling after the event the way you behave
D- deputation : this is where change in your thinking pattern begins . You look for pessimistic
patterns in your thinking and dispute between them.
E- energization : here your irrational belief turns into rational belief and you have a positive
feeling and have a more optimistic outlook.
Facts and figures
1. WHO states that the mental health workforce in India is not upto the mark . WHO states that in
India, (per 100,000 population) there are psychiatrists (0.3), nurses (0.12), psychologists
(0.07) and social workers (0.07), while the desirable number is anything above 3
psychiatrists and psychologists per 100,000 population.
2. WHO also estimates that about 7.5 per cent Indians suffer from some mental disorder and
predicts that by the end of year 2020 roughly 20 percent of India would have suffered from
mental illnesses.
3. According to the numbers, 56 million Indians suffer from depression and another 38 million
Indians suffer from anxiety disorders.
4. India also accounts for 36.6 percent of suicides globally. Suicide has surpassed maternal
mortality rate.
5. Lancet studies suggest that India’s contribution to global suicide deaths increased from 25·3%
in 1990 to 36·6% in 2016 among women, and from 18·7% to 24·3% among men.
6. As per the National Mental Health Survey 2015-16 , conducted by the National Institute of
Mental Health & Neurosciences (NIMHANS), Bengaluru, under the purview of the Union
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, it was revealed that 9.8 million teenagers in the age
group 13-17 years suffer depression and other mental health disorders and are “in need of
active intervention”.
7. According to a study by the Lancet, suicide deaths ranked first among all causes of death in
women aged 15-29 years in 26 of the 31 states, and in women aged 15-39 years in 24 states in
the country.
8. According to World Health Organisation, the burden of mental health problems is of the tune of
2,443 disability-adjusted life years per 100,000 population, and the age-adjusted suicide rate
per 100,000 population is 21.1.
9. According to the burden of mental disorders across the states of India: The Global Burden of
Disease Study 1990–2017 – One in seven Indians were affected by mental disorders of varying
severity in 2017 and the proportional contribution of mental disorders to the total disease
burden in India has almost doubled since 1990.
10.WHO also estimates that, in India, the economic loss, due to mental health conditions, between
2012-2030, is 1.03 trillions of 2010 dollars.
How is mental health condition in India?
● 42.5% of employees in the private sector in India suffer from depression or some form of
anxiety disorder.
● In India, mental health issues are even bigger taboo than in the West. The stigmas attached to
mental illnesses ensure that people sweep things under the carpet and suffer in silence instead
of speaking out and seeking help. Studies shockingly show that 71% of Indians still use
terminology associated with stigma and prejudice to describe mental illnesses.
● 38% of working women in India show signs of psychiatric morbidity compared to only 26% of
the women who don’t work.
● "A 2016 study involving over 6,000 employees in multiple cities [in India] … found that 80
percent of the respondents exhibited symptoms of anxiety while 55 percent had symptoms of
depression. A bigger worry! The study found that between 2008 and 2016, the risk of suicidal
behavior in India nearly quadrupled —from 2.1 out of 10 employees to 8.21…. 'Mental health is
the single most important health issue in the workplace. This is not only because mental
health problems, including substance abuse, are a leading cause of lost productivity and
sickness, but because workplace practices can worsen or enhance the mental health of
workers,' says Vikram Patel, professor and research fellow, department of global health and
social medicine, Harvard Medical School."
Every company can follow a simple well-being agenda for the benefit of its
● A clean, safe and healthy work environment, providing the requisite facilities, flexible work
hours, open lines of communication along the chain of command, management accountability,
strict policies against discrimination and harassment – especially when it comes to women,
minorities and those with mental health concerns, and nurturing a healthy
work-life-and-mental-health balance are the new mantras of sustainability and success.
● Companies must actively encourage a climate of awareness and create an environment that
makes employees feel safe while talking about their mental health concerns. This is where
interventions such as employee assistant programs can come majorly into play.
● Free and confidential assessments, short-term counselling, referrals and follow-up services
for personal or work-related issues can help employees tide over difficult periods and go a long
way in promoting a healthier, happier work culture. Research tell us that for every US$ 1 put
into the treatment for common mental disorders, there is a return of US$ 4 in improved health
and productivity.
● Organisations must regularly hold mental health workshops and seminars to educate their
workforce about the causes, symptoms and perils of mental illnesses. Employees and the
employers must all learn how to recognise, red-flag and cope with signs of mental health
concerns at an early stage.
● Stress-busting initiatives like teamwork and bonding programs, behavioural change and
emotional intelligence programs, yoga, meditation and mindfulness sessions, and office
picnics, trips and sporting events can also help employees deal with the anxiety and stress by
fostering better understanding and camaraderie while, at the same time, celebrating diversity
and promoting inclusivity within the workforce.
● Research indicates that 36% of the larger Indian companies and 25% of the multinationals do
not have a complaints committee, although it is required by the law. It is essential that every
company has one now. Any employee should be able to file a grievance, anonymously if need
be, so that the system can treat them fairly.
● Companies should treat mental health with the same weightage as physical health. Sick leave
should be allowed for mental health concerns just as they are for physical ailments. Companies
must also provide their employees with a holistic healthcare package that covers both physical
and mental health insurance. Mental and emotional health check-ups can be integrated into
the employee welfare program just as physical diagnostics are.
How Employers can contribute to improve mental health at the workplace?
● Make mental health self-assessment tools available to all employees.
● Offer free or subsidized clinical screenings for depression from a qualified mental health
professional, followed by directed feedback and clinical referral when appropriate.
● Offer health insurance with no or low out-of-pocket costs for depression medications and
mental health counseling.
● Provide free or subsidized lifestyle coaching, counseling, or self-management programs.
● Distribute materials, such as brochures, fliers, and videos, to all employees about the signs and
symptoms of poor mental health and opportunities for treatment.
● Host seminars or workshops that address depression and stress management techniques, like
mindfulness, breathing exercises, and meditation, to help employees reduce anxiety and stress
and improve focus and motivation.
● Create and maintain dedicated, quiet spaces for relaxation activities.
● Provide managers with training to help them recognize the signs and symptoms of stress and
depression in team members and encourage them to seek help from qualified mental health
● Give employees opportunities to participate in decisions about issues that affect job stress.
How Employees can contribute to improve mental health :-
● Encourage employers to offer mental health and stress management education and programs
that meet their needs and interests, if they are not already in place.
● Participate in employer-sponsored programs and activities to learn skills and get the support
they need to improve their mental health.
● Serve as dedicated wellness champions and participate in trainings on topics such as financial
planning and how to manage unacceptable behaviors and attitudes in the workplace as a way
to help others, when appropriate.
● Share personal experiences with others to help reduce stigma, when appropriate.
● Be open-minded about the experiences and feelings of colleagues. Respond with empathy, offer
peer support, and encourage others to seek help.
● Adopt behaviours that promote stress management and mental health.
● Eat healthy, well-balanced meals, exercise regularly, and get 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night.
● Take part in activities that promote stress management and relaxation, such as yoga,
meditation, mindfulness, or tai chi.
● Build and nurture real-life, face-to-face social connections.
● Take the time to reflect on positive experiences and express happiness and gratitude.
● Set and work toward personal, wellness, and work-related goals and ask for help when it is
World Mental Health Day
● It is observed on 10 October every year, with the overall objective of raising awareness of
mental health issues around the world and mobilizing efforts in support of mental health.
● The Day provides an opportunity for all stakeholders working on mental health issues to talk
about their work, and what more needs to be done to make mental health care a reality for
people worldwide.
● In an endeavour to create awareness among people about mental health issues like depression,
anxiety and other mental illness, World Mental Health Day is observed across the globe on
October 10. At a time when COVID-19 has brought whole world to its knees because of
nosediving economy—millions lost their loved ones and struggling to sustain the tough time,
the mental health issues hold huge significance.
● The theme for this year is:
Mental Health for All
Greater Investment – Greater Access
● On this day,they call for the urgent redress and investment in mental health – a call which can
no longer be ignored.
The Key Events
● World Mental Health Day Call to Action, highlights that the Sustainable Development Goal
targets cannot be achieved without social justice and investment in mental health.
● 45 day mental health awareness raising Global Digital Campaign led by the WFMH Youth
Section starts on 1 September 2020.
● This campaign will facilitate a Virtual Global Forum to engage in conversations and dialogues
to heighten awareness and call for greater investment in mental health.
● An outreach campaign featuring creatives and video promos that will unravel the series of
events planned, distinguished speakers and celebrated artists joining us for the Grand
Celebration – the World Mental Health Day.
● A social media digital campaign using a custom-made Instagram filters and other social media
platforms to garner worldwide support will be launched
Mental Health Condition amidst : Covid 19
"We are not defeated by adversity but by the loss of will to strive. However
devastated you may feel, so long as you have the will to fight on, you can surely
triumph." — Daisaku Ikeda
In this global humanitarian crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic, mental health issues have been
reported from all over the world.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) declared COVID-19 as a Public Health Emergency of
International Concern (PHEIC) on 30 January 2020
Impact on mental health
COVID-19 pandemic is accompanied by increased stress, anxiety, sleep disturbance, agitation and
helplessness and panic amongst the people .The sudden changes in routine life because of the
lockdown and prolonged isolation cause psychological distress
The pandemic is affecting different groups in specific ways
● Women: In general, studies report many women suffering from anxiety and depression; this
may be due to them facing the brunt of increased household responsibilities and domestic
violence during the lockdown.
● Children: After speaking with 1,102 parents and primary caregivers, it was found that more
than 50 percent of children had experienced agitation and anxiety during the lockdown. Media
reports indicate that they may be experiencing fears about the virus, worries over access to
online classes, and stress and irritability from being unable to go out. Many have faced
violence in their homes or have been victims of cyber bullying.
● Young people: One survey reported that 65 percent of nearly 6,000 youth aged 18-32 years felt
lonely during the lockdown, and 37 percent felt that their mental health had been ‘strongly
impacted’. This is not surprising given that twenty-seven million young people lost their jobs
in April 2020 alone, and 320 million students have been affected by the closing of educational
institutions, and the postponement of exams.
● Migrant workers and daily wage labourers: Although there are no studies specifically with
migrant workers, panic reactions have been observed in the millions who lost their livelihood
and made desperate attempts to return to their rural homes. Daily wage laborers have also
been heavily affected; a study of 1,200 auto drivers found that 75 percent were anxious about
their work and finances.
● Doctors and frontline workers: A survey with 152 doctors found that more than a third of them
are experiencing depression and anxiety due to the pandemic. Frontline workers are
reportedly burdened by over-work, and anxious about contracting the virus.
● Sexual minority groups: A study of 282 people reported higher anxiety among sexual minority
groups, and called for the attention of policymakers to take sensitive and inclusive health
decisions for marginalised communities.
● People with pre-existing mental health conditions: The anxieties described earlier have been
overwhelming for people with pre-existing mental health conditions. Problems may also have
worsened for individuals because of the disruption of mental health services and the difficulty
of travel, which led to people reducing doses of prescribed medication.
● People with substance use disorders: The sudden closure of all liquor shops in the country and
the cutting off drug supplies has resulted in withdrawal symptoms in many people with
alcohol and substance use dependence, for example, delirium and seizures. Many alcohol
‘addicts’ distressed by their craving have also consumed poisonous substances such as hand
sanitisers as substitutes and died, or died by suicide.
Treatment strategies in India
There has been a flourishing of initiatives to address this rising tide of mental health problems. Some
of these include:
● Telemedicine platforms such as the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation and Mpower
helpline, for example, received about 750 calls a day, and a total of 45,000 calls in just two
months. E-platforms such as Lybate and Practo, have reported over a 180 percent increase in
tele-psychiatry consultations.
● Central government initiatives include a telemedicine system whereby persons with mental
illness can be provided with electronic medical prescriptions. However, this has not been very
effective for poor persons in rural areas, or for obtaining medicines that cannot be sold over
the counter without a hard copy prescription. The government has also issued a resource
package that details guidelines for management of mental health problems, for use in primary
and specialised health settings.
● Oxfam India is running a campaign #RightsOverProfits, demanding for access to a robust
healthcare system for everyone in India. Join their initiative by signing this petition:
● delivery models when combined and scaled up, can transform access to one of the most
effective interventions in medicine. By working towards scaling up evidence-based
psychological therapies, Empower, an initiative of Sangath, is trying to do just this.
● At the state level, noteworthy responses include the ‘psychological support team’ constituted
by the Kerala government, the reviving of the ‘Happiness Department’ in hospitals set up by
the Madhya Pradesh government, and the initiatives at the Outpatient Opioid Assisted
Treatment (OOAT)and de-addiction centres by the Punjab government.
● Several nonprofits, private hospitals, and universities have set up helplines and
e-counselling—for example, the Neptune Foundation, Trijog, Mastermind Foundation,
Samaritans, Jamia Millia Islamia, and others. Additionally, nonprofits such as CRY, The
Banyan, Sangath, and others have hosted webinars on mental health, and/or are providing
free tele-counselling services.
● The role of social media has also been immense in this context. State-specific intervention
strategies, telepsychiatry consultations, toll free number specific for psychological and
behavioral issues have been issued by the Government of India
● As we look ahead, beyond the acute phase of the pandemic, the world will need to address an
economic recession far greater than anything we have encountered before.A rise in mental
health problems is expected as an impact of this economic recession, the widening of
inequalities in countries, the isolating physical distancing policies, and continuing
uncertainties about future waves of the pandemic.
● ‘FEEL-COVID’ survey conducted in February-March 2020 with 1,106 people across 64 cities
reported that a third of respondents faced significant ‘psychological impact’ because of
● When looking at education, we need to consider how to address the mental health needs of
children and young people (and their parents) while ensuring that their learning continues in
the absence of schools being open.
● Given the impact of the media on people (for example, in one survey 44.7 percent of
respondents reported that they ‘freak out’ because of social media posts), it’s important for us
to remember that we need to be intentional and sensitive in how we communicate about the
● Practicing a healthy lifestyle; yoga, meditation, avoiding reading too much about the
pandemic and being with family are the ways to assuage stress.
● India's strong socio-cultural framework and family culture can act as a savior during hard
times where family members can comfort, cheer and motivate each other.
● Staying calm, keeping one self busy with routine activities, and rediscovering hobbies and
interests are some way outs to assuage boredom.
● Healthy lifestyle and eating habits are also helpful; the use of ayurvedic herbs known for
boosting immunity like tulsi, cinnamon, turmeric, etc., is also common in Indian households
● Stress management, counseling and communication are essential during these hard times
● Stay away from negative narratives on social media.
● Spend more time with your loved ones than being alone; not letting the pandemic get to you is
the first step to ensuring a healthy mental state. Limit your news time to an hour per day.
● Extend mental health support to rural areas
● Address shortage of healthcare workers.Provide support to domestic violence victims
● Mental health support systems and helplines should be made available across India
It will get better; it always does.
Mental health initiatives in India:-
-Lifetime prevalence of mental disorders in india is 12.3% for common mental disorders and 1.95%
for severe mental disorders.
-With such a magnitude of mental disorders, it becomes necessary to promote mental health services
for the well being of the general population, in addition to provide treatment for mental illness.
1. National Mental Health Programme
● NMHP, 1982 is run by the government of India for Meeting The Unmet Needs of the mentally
It has 3 components:-
● Treatment of mentally ill.
● Rehabilitation.
● Prevention and promotion of positive mental health.
● To ensure availability and accessibility of minimum mental health care for all in the
foreseeable future, particularly to the most vulnerable and underprivileged sections of
● To encourage application of mental health knowledge in general health care and in social
● To promote community participation in mental health service development and to stimulate
efforts towards self help in the community.
2. District level mental health programme:-
● It was launched in 1996 at Bellary district in Karnataka with an objective to achieve the
objectives of National Mental Health Programme.
● Financial support was Rs. 83.2 lakhs per DMHP.
● To provide sustainable basic mental health services in community and integration of these
with other services.
● To reduce Stigma, to rehabilitate patients within the community.
● To take pressure of mental hospitals.
● Sensitization and Training of health personnel.
● Awareness camps regarding mental illness through involvement of local leaders, teachers etc.
● It is an innovative health initiative by TATA Trusts that has taken flight under the aegis of the
● UDAAN has recently undertaken two large and path-breaking programmes in collaboration
with the government of Maharashtra.
● First is, Psychiatric hospital reform initiated in 2016 in Regional Mental Hospital of Nagpur
which serves 24 million people across 11 districts of Maharashtra.
● Second , with the collaboration of Maharashtra government the TATA Trusts set up a
Technical Support Unit (TSU) with the goal is to support the government in the development of
a vibrant and integrated mental health care programme, and to increase access and quality of
care through the development of an active technical support team that can help to strengthen
such programmes.
4. Mobile technology based programmes:-
● The George Institute for Global Health 's SMART Mental health programme-a digital mental
health application for screening, referral, management and treatment of depression, stress
and suicidal risk in rural patients through primary health centres in Andhra Pradesh revealed
positive treatment outcomes.
● Digital-technology based mental health interventions (diagnosis, treatment and prevention)
with online, text messaging and telephone support have promising outcomes in low-resource
● Mobile technology can play an important role in scaling up and integrate mental health
services with the primary health center.
Challenges for mental health care in india:-
● Large 'Unmet needs' for mental health care in the community.
● Poor understanding of psychological distress as requiring medical intervention in the general
● Problems in recovery and reintegration of persons with mental illness.
● Limitations in the availability of mental health services (professionals and facilities) in the
public health services.
● Limited acceptance of modern medical care for mental disorders among the general
What can we do as an individual
For self
1. Get plenty of sleep -- sleep is really important for our physical and mental health. Sleep helps to regulate
the chemicals in our brain that transmit information. These chemicals are important in managing our moods
and emotions. If we don't get enough sleep, we can start to feel depressed or anxious.
2. Eat Well -- Eating well isn't just important for our bodies, but it's also important for our minds. Certain
mineral deficiencies, such as iron and vitamin B12 deficiencies, can give us a low mood. Try to eat a balanced
diet. If you find you're a particularly stressed or anxious person, you should try limiting or cutting out
caffeine as this can make you feel jittery and anxious.
3. Avoid alcohol, smoking and drugs -- Drinking and smoking aren't things which we always associate
with withdrawal symptoms, but they can cause some which impact on your mental health. When you've had
a few drinks you can feel more depressed and anxious the next day, and it can be harder to concentrate.
Excessive drinking for prolonged periods can leave you with a thiamine deficiency. Thiamine is important
for our brain function and a deficiency can lead to severe memory problems, motor (coordination)
problems, confusion and eye problems. If you smoke, between cigarettes your body and brain go into
withdrawal which makes you irritable and anxious.
4. Get plenty of sunlight - Sunlight is a great source of vitamin D. Vitamin D is a really important vitamin
for our bodies and our brains. It helps our brains to release chemicals which improve our mood, like
endorphins and serotonin. Try to go out in the sun when you can, but make sure you keep your skin and eyes
safe. 30 minutes to two hours a day of sunlight is ideal. During the winter, some people become depressed
because they aren't getting enough sunlight - this is known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Some
people find using a special light-therapy lamp helps to alleviate the symptoms.
5. Manage Stress - Stress is often unavoidable, but knowing what triggers your stress and knowing how to
cope is key in maintaining good mental health. Try to manage your responsibilities and worries by making a
list or a schedule of when you can resolve each issue. Often if you break down your worries and stresses and
write them down, you realise that they are manageable. Try to avoid burying your head in the sand, and
tackle problems face on. If you find you are having trouble sleeping, or are waking up thinking about all of
the things that are stressing you out, write them down and reassure yourself that you can deal with them in
the morning
6. Activity and Exercise - Activity and exercise are essential in maintaining good mental health. Being
active not only gives you a sense of achievement, but it boosts the chemicals in your brain that help put you
in a good mood. Exercising can help eliminate low mood, anxiety, stress and feeling tired and lazy. It is also
linked to living a longer life.
7.Meditation -- Meditation is also one of the effective techniques which we can use to manage our mental
health makes us more relaxed and peaceful. In the beginning you can practice it for 5 minutes or even 2
minutes. Simple breathing meditation is also enough; it is the best time for some self reflection knowing self.
8.Do something you enjoy - Try to make time for doing the fun things you enjoy. If you like going for a walk,
painting or a specific TV show, try to set aside time to enjoy yourself. If we don't spend any time doing things
we enjoy, we can become irritable and unhappy.
Whether you need help to get out and about or not take a look at our Things To Do section, or go to our Events
calendar, for ideas and information on what is going on in your area.
9.Connect with others and be sociable -Make an effort to maintain good relationships and talk to people
whenever you get the chance. Having friends is important not just for your self-esteem, but also for providing
support when you're not feeling too great. Research has found that talking to others for just ten minutes can
improve memory and test scores.
10. Do things for other people -Helping others isn't just good for the people you're helping; it's good for you
too. Helping someone can help with your self-esteem and make you feel good about your place in the world.
Feeling as though you're part of a community is a really important part of your mental health. You could try
volunteering for a local charity, or just being neighbourly.
11.Ask for help -One of the most important ways to keep yourself mentally healthy is to recognise when you're
not feeling good, and to know when to ask for help. There's no shame in asking someone for support if you're
feeling low or stressed. Everyone goes through patches where they don't feel as good as they should. You can
try speaking to your friends or family, or if you think your mental health is getting on top of you then you can
speak to your GP(family doctor).
● The aims of this study were to identify and evaluate the mental health problem, it is much more than
diagnosis. It is the overall psychological well being of the way you feel about yourself and others as well
as your abilities to manage your feelings and deal with everyday difficulties .
● The mental health crisis in India needs to be addressed collectively. It needs to come from everyone.
● Taking care of your mental health can mean seeking professional support and treatment, it also means
taking steps to improve your emotional health on your own. Making these changes will pay off in all
aspects of your life. It can boost your mood, build resilience and add to your overall enjoyment of life.
● Present scenario is full of busy lifestyle lots of work pressure and in that people hardly get time to take
care of self it will start effects their emotional health and with time gradually it start causing mental
health problems so as said
“Prevention is better than cure”
There are certain steps that we can do
-as an individauls for self (meditation , do something you enjoy ,Exercise and activities )
-for others also (genuinely listen to them , respect their emotions).

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Mental health problems in india

  • 1. Mental Health Problems In india Introduction ● Mental health describes a level of psychological well-being or an absence of a mental disorder. ● The world health organisation defines mental health as "a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community." What are the mental health problems faced by the people in india? Mental health challenges and disorders have many different signs and symptoms and can look different in different people. They can impact how a person thinks, feels and behaves.Some common symptoms of a mental health challenge or disorder are: -Changes in mood -Changes in the way you perceive things. -Obsessions. -Fears. -Feelings of anxiety.
  • 2. Here is a list of some of the most common mental health problems faced by the people - 1. Anxiety- Anxiety means feeling worried, nervous or fearful. We all experience anxiety at times and some anxiety can be helpful. For example, feeling some anxiety before a test, interview or public-speaking can help motivate you to prepare for it. 2. Behavioural Disorders - These disorders affect the way a child or youth acts or behaves. Some people think a child or youth with a behavioural disorder is “bad” and may even blame a parent for their child’s behaviour. But these disorders are real problems that affect many children and youth. 3. Bipolar disorder- A person with bipolar disorder has extreme changes or swings in moods, from mania to depression. Because of the two “poles” of mood, this illness is called "bipolar" disorder. Bipolar disorder is sometimes called manic-depression because people experience both mania and depression. The word "manic" means a person feels overly excited and confident. The person may then quickly change to feeling confused, irritable, angry, and even full of rage. 4. Emotional regulation- Emotional regulation, sometimes called self-regulation, refers to the way we deal with big feelings like anger, excitement, frustration, anxiety or low mood. Regulation skills can be taught at home and at school. Some people need extra help from a professional like a counsellor. 5. Grief and loss- Grief is what a person experiences when they lose something or someone close to them. People often associated grief with the death of a pet or loved one. However, people can also experience grief after any important loss in their life. It impacts people emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually. The person might feel numb, anxious, sad, heartbroken, angry, scared or guilty. They might even feel relieved or peaceful at times. They might also have very negative thoughts or act out. Common Reasons Of Mental Health
  • 3. 1. The death of a loved one 2. Divorce 3. Increase in financial obligations 4. Emotional problems (depression, anxiety, guilty, anger, low self esteem) 5. Taking care of an elderly or sick person 6. Traumatic event like (domestic violence, natural disaster, neglect, victim of violent crime etc) 7. Social isolation or loneliness. 8. Long term stress problems. 9. Drugs and alcohol misuse. 10.Homelessness or poor housing 11. Being under lots of pressure 12. Facing big changes 13.Not having control of situation 14.Times of Uncertainty 15. Difficulties in relationships 16.Over thinking and worrying about problems 17. Poverty or debts Reasons of Employee Mental Health in Organization : 1. Working under dangerous condition 2. Heavy work load or too much responsibility 3. Being insecure about the chances for advances or risk of termination 4. Having to give speeches in front of colleagues 5. Facing discrimination or harassment at work when company is not supportive.
  • 4. How to improve Mental health ? There are many ways to build mental health . Some of the effective ways are ● Nature walk : Having a nature walk helps you to connect with yourself giving your soul inner with. Also connects you with the beauty of nature away from the noisy cities. ● Meditate : It helps you improve your state of mind and helps you feel calm . ● Challenge yourself : when you believe in yourself and your abilities you often can go beyond the imaginable and experiment new things and its ok if things don't go right as you learned many new things from those challenges. ● Increase your patience level : Try acting introvert in some situations and let go of the little things . Don't react just respond. ● Keep distance from often watching crime based content : It often lead to ending up disturbing your mind and you imagine those situation with yourself ● Spend time with family always : it helps you to be stress free and be positive. You can discuss problems with them to get solutions. ● Practice your hobby :This is a great form of self care.Do an activity daily you enjoy just because it makes you feel better. ● Change routine : Break up the monotony. Maintaining routine is good but little change can help you to discover new things, new change which you might like. ● Take care of your body : eat well , sleep well , drink plenty of water and exercise as taking care physically helps to improve mental health. ● Be aware of self talk : Replace self doubt with positivity because when time get tough you have to be able to believe you can make it through and keep motivating yourself and get rid yourself with can't ● Acknowledge your feelings : be honest about your feelings , track them and how you are feeling. What are the reasons that I am experiencing these types of negative feelings and what are the solutions? ● Practice saying 'no' without any explanation : Learn to say no. You don't have to explain your actions or decisions to anyone that why you don't want to do something. 8 tips for talking about Mental Health
  • 5. 1. Set time aside with no distractions- It is important to provide an open and non-judgemental space with no distractions. 2. Let them share as much or as little as they want to- Let them lead the discussion at their own pace. Don’t put pressure on them to tell you anything they aren’t ready to talk about. Talking can take a lot of trust and courage. You might be the first person they have been able to talk to about this. 3. Don't try to diagnose or second guess their feelings- You probably aren’t a medical expert and, while you may be happy to talk and offer support, you aren’t a trained counsellor. Try not to make assumptions about what is wrong or jump in too quickly with your own diagnosis or solutions. 4. Keep questions open ended- Say "Why don’t you tell me how you are feeling?" rather than "I can see you are feeling very low". Try to keep your language neutral. Give the person time to answer and try not to grill them with too many questions. 5. Talk about wellbeing- Talk about ways of de-stressing or practicing self-care and ask if they find anything helpful. Exercising, having a healthy diet and getting a good nights sleep can help protect mental health and sustain wellbeing. 6. Listen carefully to what they tell you-Repeat what they have said back to them to ensure you have understood it. You don’t have to agree with what they are saying, but by showing you understand how they feel, you are letting them know you respect their feelings. 7. Offer them help in seeking professional support and provide information on ways to do this- You might want to offer to go to the GP (family doctor) with them, or help them talk to a friend or family member. Try not to take control and allow them to make decisions. 8. Know your limit- Ask for help or signpost if the problem is serious. If you believe they are in immediate danger or they have injuries that need medical attention, you need to take action to make sure they are safe Therapies for improving mental health- 1. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) : cognitive behavioural therapy combines therapy combines talk therapy with behavioural therapy. It focuses on negative thinking patterns and reframes them resulting in positive action and behaviour .
  • 6. 2. Albert Allis ABCDE model : A -adversity : so it means basically what happened ? When we encounter adversity we react by thinking about it. B-belief : which is how you interpret the event ? What stories are you telling to yourself ? what do you think ? C- consequences : how you are feeling after the event the way you behave D- deputation : this is where change in your thinking pattern begins . You look for pessimistic patterns in your thinking and dispute between them. E- energization : here your irrational belief turns into rational belief and you have a positive feeling and have a more optimistic outlook.
  • 7. Facts and figures 1. WHO states that the mental health workforce in India is not upto the mark . WHO states that in India, (per 100,000 population) there are psychiatrists (0.3), nurses (0.12), psychologists (0.07) and social workers (0.07), while the desirable number is anything above 3 psychiatrists and psychologists per 100,000 population. 2. WHO also estimates that about 7.5 per cent Indians suffer from some mental disorder and predicts that by the end of year 2020 roughly 20 percent of India would have suffered from mental illnesses. 3. According to the numbers, 56 million Indians suffer from depression and another 38 million Indians suffer from anxiety disorders. 4. India also accounts for 36.6 percent of suicides globally. Suicide has surpassed maternal mortality rate. 5. Lancet studies suggest that India’s contribution to global suicide deaths increased from 25·3% in 1990 to 36·6% in 2016 among women, and from 18·7% to 24·3% among men. 6. As per the National Mental Health Survey 2015-16 , conducted by the National Institute of Mental Health & Neurosciences (NIMHANS), Bengaluru, under the purview of the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, it was revealed that 9.8 million teenagers in the age group 13-17 years suffer depression and other mental health disorders and are “in need of active intervention”. 7. According to a study by the Lancet, suicide deaths ranked first among all causes of death in women aged 15-29 years in 26 of the 31 states, and in women aged 15-39 years in 24 states in the country. 8. According to World Health Organisation, the burden of mental health problems is of the tune of 2,443 disability-adjusted life years per 100,000 population, and the age-adjusted suicide rate per 100,000 population is 21.1. 9. According to the burden of mental disorders across the states of India: The Global Burden of Disease Study 1990–2017 – One in seven Indians were affected by mental disorders of varying severity in 2017 and the proportional contribution of mental disorders to the total disease burden in India has almost doubled since 1990. 10.WHO also estimates that, in India, the economic loss, due to mental health conditions, between 2012-2030, is 1.03 trillions of 2010 dollars. How is mental health condition in India?
  • 8. ● 42.5% of employees in the private sector in India suffer from depression or some form of anxiety disorder. ● In India, mental health issues are even bigger taboo than in the West. The stigmas attached to mental illnesses ensure that people sweep things under the carpet and suffer in silence instead of speaking out and seeking help. Studies shockingly show that 71% of Indians still use terminology associated with stigma and prejudice to describe mental illnesses. ● 38% of working women in India show signs of psychiatric morbidity compared to only 26% of the women who don’t work. ● "A 2016 study involving over 6,000 employees in multiple cities [in India] … found that 80 percent of the respondents exhibited symptoms of anxiety while 55 percent had symptoms of depression. A bigger worry! The study found that between 2008 and 2016, the risk of suicidal behavior in India nearly quadrupled —from 2.1 out of 10 employees to 8.21…. 'Mental health is the single most important health issue in the workplace. This is not only because mental health problems, including substance abuse, are a leading cause of lost productivity and sickness, but because workplace practices can worsen or enhance the mental health of workers,' says Vikram Patel, professor and research fellow, department of global health and social medicine, Harvard Medical School." Every company can follow a simple well-being agenda for the benefit of its employees: ● A clean, safe and healthy work environment, providing the requisite facilities, flexible work hours, open lines of communication along the chain of command, management accountability, strict policies against discrimination and harassment – especially when it comes to women, minorities and those with mental health concerns, and nurturing a healthy work-life-and-mental-health balance are the new mantras of sustainability and success. ● Companies must actively encourage a climate of awareness and create an environment that makes employees feel safe while talking about their mental health concerns. This is where interventions such as employee assistant programs can come majorly into play. ● Free and confidential assessments, short-term counselling, referrals and follow-up services for personal or work-related issues can help employees tide over difficult periods and go a long way in promoting a healthier, happier work culture. Research tell us that for every US$ 1 put
  • 9. into the treatment for common mental disorders, there is a return of US$ 4 in improved health and productivity. ● Organisations must regularly hold mental health workshops and seminars to educate their workforce about the causes, symptoms and perils of mental illnesses. Employees and the employers must all learn how to recognise, red-flag and cope with signs of mental health concerns at an early stage. ● Stress-busting initiatives like teamwork and bonding programs, behavioural change and emotional intelligence programs, yoga, meditation and mindfulness sessions, and office picnics, trips and sporting events can also help employees deal with the anxiety and stress by fostering better understanding and camaraderie while, at the same time, celebrating diversity and promoting inclusivity within the workforce. ● Research indicates that 36% of the larger Indian companies and 25% of the multinationals do not have a complaints committee, although it is required by the law. It is essential that every company has one now. Any employee should be able to file a grievance, anonymously if need be, so that the system can treat them fairly. ● Companies should treat mental health with the same weightage as physical health. Sick leave should be allowed for mental health concerns just as they are for physical ailments. Companies must also provide their employees with a holistic healthcare package that covers both physical and mental health insurance. Mental and emotional health check-ups can be integrated into the employee welfare program just as physical diagnostics are. How Employers can contribute to improve mental health at the workplace? ● Make mental health self-assessment tools available to all employees. ● Offer free or subsidized clinical screenings for depression from a qualified mental health professional, followed by directed feedback and clinical referral when appropriate. ● Offer health insurance with no or low out-of-pocket costs for depression medications and mental health counseling. ● Provide free or subsidized lifestyle coaching, counseling, or self-management programs. ● Distribute materials, such as brochures, fliers, and videos, to all employees about the signs and symptoms of poor mental health and opportunities for treatment. ● Host seminars or workshops that address depression and stress management techniques, like mindfulness, breathing exercises, and meditation, to help employees reduce anxiety and stress and improve focus and motivation.
  • 10. ● Create and maintain dedicated, quiet spaces for relaxation activities. ● Provide managers with training to help them recognize the signs and symptoms of stress and depression in team members and encourage them to seek help from qualified mental health professionals. ● Give employees opportunities to participate in decisions about issues that affect job stress. How Employees can contribute to improve mental health :- ● Encourage employers to offer mental health and stress management education and programs that meet their needs and interests, if they are not already in place. ● Participate in employer-sponsored programs and activities to learn skills and get the support they need to improve their mental health. ● Serve as dedicated wellness champions and participate in trainings on topics such as financial planning and how to manage unacceptable behaviors and attitudes in the workplace as a way to help others, when appropriate. ● Share personal experiences with others to help reduce stigma, when appropriate. ● Be open-minded about the experiences and feelings of colleagues. Respond with empathy, offer peer support, and encourage others to seek help. ● Adopt behaviours that promote stress management and mental health. ● Eat healthy, well-balanced meals, exercise regularly, and get 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night. ● Take part in activities that promote stress management and relaxation, such as yoga, meditation, mindfulness, or tai chi. ● Build and nurture real-life, face-to-face social connections. ● Take the time to reflect on positive experiences and express happiness and gratitude. ● Set and work toward personal, wellness, and work-related goals and ask for help when it is needed. World Mental Health Day ● It is observed on 10 October every year, with the overall objective of raising awareness of mental health issues around the world and mobilizing efforts in support of mental health. ● The Day provides an opportunity for all stakeholders working on mental health issues to talk about their work, and what more needs to be done to make mental health care a reality for people worldwide. ● In an endeavour to create awareness among people about mental health issues like depression, anxiety and other mental illness, World Mental Health Day is observed across the globe on
  • 11. October 10. At a time when COVID-19 has brought whole world to its knees because of nosediving economy—millions lost their loved ones and struggling to sustain the tough time, the mental health issues hold huge significance. ● The theme for this year is: Mental Health for All Greater Investment – Greater Access ● On this day,they call for the urgent redress and investment in mental health – a call which can no longer be ignored. The Key Events ● World Mental Health Day Call to Action, highlights that the Sustainable Development Goal targets cannot be achieved without social justice and investment in mental health. ● 45 day mental health awareness raising Global Digital Campaign led by the WFMH Youth Section starts on 1 September 2020. ● This campaign will facilitate a Virtual Global Forum to engage in conversations and dialogues to heighten awareness and call for greater investment in mental health. ● An outreach campaign featuring creatives and video promos that will unravel the series of events planned, distinguished speakers and celebrated artists joining us for the Grand Celebration – the World Mental Health Day. ● A social media digital campaign using a custom-made Instagram filters and other social media platforms to garner worldwide support will be launched
  • 12. Mental Health Condition amidst : Covid 19 "We are not defeated by adversity but by the loss of will to strive. However devastated you may feel, so long as you have the will to fight on, you can surely triumph." — Daisaku Ikeda In this global humanitarian crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic, mental health issues have been reported from all over the world. The World Health Organisation (WHO) declared COVID-19 as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) on 30 January 2020 Impact on mental health COVID-19 pandemic is accompanied by increased stress, anxiety, sleep disturbance, agitation and helplessness and panic amongst the people .The sudden changes in routine life because of the lockdown and prolonged isolation cause psychological distress The pandemic is affecting different groups in specific ways ● Women: In general, studies report many women suffering from anxiety and depression; this may be due to them facing the brunt of increased household responsibilities and domestic violence during the lockdown. ● Children: After speaking with 1,102 parents and primary caregivers, it was found that more than 50 percent of children had experienced agitation and anxiety during the lockdown. Media reports indicate that they may be experiencing fears about the virus, worries over access to online classes, and stress and irritability from being unable to go out. Many have faced violence in their homes or have been victims of cyber bullying. ● Young people: One survey reported that 65 percent of nearly 6,000 youth aged 18-32 years felt lonely during the lockdown, and 37 percent felt that their mental health had been ‘strongly impacted’. This is not surprising given that twenty-seven million young people lost their jobs in April 2020 alone, and 320 million students have been affected by the closing of educational institutions, and the postponement of exams.
  • 13. ● Migrant workers and daily wage labourers: Although there are no studies specifically with migrant workers, panic reactions have been observed in the millions who lost their livelihood and made desperate attempts to return to their rural homes. Daily wage laborers have also been heavily affected; a study of 1,200 auto drivers found that 75 percent were anxious about their work and finances. ● Doctors and frontline workers: A survey with 152 doctors found that more than a third of them are experiencing depression and anxiety due to the pandemic. Frontline workers are reportedly burdened by over-work, and anxious about contracting the virus. ● Sexual minority groups: A study of 282 people reported higher anxiety among sexual minority groups, and called for the attention of policymakers to take sensitive and inclusive health decisions for marginalised communities. ● People with pre-existing mental health conditions: The anxieties described earlier have been overwhelming for people with pre-existing mental health conditions. Problems may also have worsened for individuals because of the disruption of mental health services and the difficulty of travel, which led to people reducing doses of prescribed medication. ● People with substance use disorders: The sudden closure of all liquor shops in the country and the cutting off drug supplies has resulted in withdrawal symptoms in many people with alcohol and substance use dependence, for example, delirium and seizures. Many alcohol ‘addicts’ distressed by their craving have also consumed poisonous substances such as hand sanitisers as substitutes and died, or died by suicide. Treatment strategies in India There has been a flourishing of initiatives to address this rising tide of mental health problems. Some of these include: ● Telemedicine platforms such as the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation and Mpower helpline, for example, received about 750 calls a day, and a total of 45,000 calls in just two months. E-platforms such as Lybate and Practo, have reported over a 180 percent increase in tele-psychiatry consultations.
  • 14. ● Central government initiatives include a telemedicine system whereby persons with mental illness can be provided with electronic medical prescriptions. However, this has not been very effective for poor persons in rural areas, or for obtaining medicines that cannot be sold over the counter without a hard copy prescription. The government has also issued a resource package that details guidelines for management of mental health problems, for use in primary and specialised health settings. ● Oxfam India is running a campaign #RightsOverProfits, demanding for access to a robust healthcare system for everyone in India. Join their initiative by signing this petition: ● delivery models when combined and scaled up, can transform access to one of the most effective interventions in medicine. By working towards scaling up evidence-based psychological therapies, Empower, an initiative of Sangath, is trying to do just this. ● At the state level, noteworthy responses include the ‘psychological support team’ constituted by the Kerala government, the reviving of the ‘Happiness Department’ in hospitals set up by the Madhya Pradesh government, and the initiatives at the Outpatient Opioid Assisted Treatment (OOAT)and de-addiction centres by the Punjab government. ● Several nonprofits, private hospitals, and universities have set up helplines and e-counselling—for example, the Neptune Foundation, Trijog, Mastermind Foundation, Samaritans, Jamia Millia Islamia, and others. Additionally, nonprofits such as CRY, The Banyan, Sangath, and others have hosted webinars on mental health, and/or are providing free tele-counselling services. ● The role of social media has also been immense in this context. State-specific intervention strategies, telepsychiatry consultations, toll free number specific for psychological and behavioral issues have been issued by the Government of India Conclusion ● As we look ahead, beyond the acute phase of the pandemic, the world will need to address an economic recession far greater than anything we have encountered before.A rise in mental health problems is expected as an impact of this economic recession, the widening of
  • 15. inequalities in countries, the isolating physical distancing policies, and continuing uncertainties about future waves of the pandemic. ● ‘FEEL-COVID’ survey conducted in February-March 2020 with 1,106 people across 64 cities reported that a third of respondents faced significant ‘psychological impact’ because of COVID-19. ● When looking at education, we need to consider how to address the mental health needs of children and young people (and their parents) while ensuring that their learning continues in the absence of schools being open. ● Given the impact of the media on people (for example, in one survey 44.7 percent of respondents reported that they ‘freak out’ because of social media posts), it’s important for us to remember that we need to be intentional and sensitive in how we communicate about the pandemic. ● Practicing a healthy lifestyle; yoga, meditation, avoiding reading too much about the pandemic and being with family are the ways to assuage stress. ● India's strong socio-cultural framework and family culture can act as a savior during hard times where family members can comfort, cheer and motivate each other. ● Staying calm, keeping one self busy with routine activities, and rediscovering hobbies and interests are some way outs to assuage boredom. ● Healthy lifestyle and eating habits are also helpful; the use of ayurvedic herbs known for boosting immunity like tulsi, cinnamon, turmeric, etc., is also common in Indian households ● Stress management, counseling and communication are essential during these hard times ● Stay away from negative narratives on social media. ● Spend more time with your loved ones than being alone; not letting the pandemic get to you is the first step to ensuring a healthy mental state. Limit your news time to an hour per day. ● Extend mental health support to rural areas ● Address shortage of healthcare workers.Provide support to domestic violence victims ● Mental health support systems and helplines should be made available across India It will get better; it always does.
  • 16. Mental health initiatives in India:- -Lifetime prevalence of mental disorders in india is 12.3% for common mental disorders and 1.95% for severe mental disorders. -With such a magnitude of mental disorders, it becomes necessary to promote mental health services for the well being of the general population, in addition to provide treatment for mental illness. 1. National Mental Health Programme
  • 17. ● NMHP, 1982 is run by the government of India for Meeting The Unmet Needs of the mentally Ill. It has 3 components:- ● Treatment of mentally ill. ● Rehabilitation. ● Prevention and promotion of positive mental health. Objectives:- ● To ensure availability and accessibility of minimum mental health care for all in the foreseeable future, particularly to the most vulnerable and underprivileged sections of population. ● To encourage application of mental health knowledge in general health care and in social development. ● To promote community participation in mental health service development and to stimulate efforts towards self help in the community. 2. District level mental health programme:- ● It was launched in 1996 at Bellary district in Karnataka with an objective to achieve the objectives of National Mental Health Programme. ● Financial support was Rs. 83.2 lakhs per DMHP. Objectives-
  • 18. ● To provide sustainable basic mental health services in community and integration of these with other services. ● To reduce Stigma, to rehabilitate patients within the community. ● To take pressure of mental hospitals. Strategies:- ● Sensitization and Training of health personnel. ● Awareness camps regarding mental illness through involvement of local leaders, teachers etc. 3. UDAAN: ● It is an innovative health initiative by TATA Trusts that has taken flight under the aegis of the Trusts. ● UDAAN has recently undertaken two large and path-breaking programmes in collaboration with the government of Maharashtra. ● First is, Psychiatric hospital reform initiated in 2016 in Regional Mental Hospital of Nagpur which serves 24 million people across 11 districts of Maharashtra. ● Second , with the collaboration of Maharashtra government the TATA Trusts set up a Technical Support Unit (TSU) with the goal is to support the government in the development of a vibrant and integrated mental health care programme, and to increase access and quality of care through the development of an active technical support team that can help to strengthen such programmes. 4. Mobile technology based programmes:-
  • 19. ● The George Institute for Global Health 's SMART Mental health programme-a digital mental health application for screening, referral, management and treatment of depression, stress and suicidal risk in rural patients through primary health centres in Andhra Pradesh revealed positive treatment outcomes. ● Digital-technology based mental health interventions (diagnosis, treatment and prevention) with online, text messaging and telephone support have promising outcomes in low-resource settings. ● Mobile technology can play an important role in scaling up and integrate mental health services with the primary health center. Challenges for mental health care in india:- ● Large 'Unmet needs' for mental health care in the community. ● Poor understanding of psychological distress as requiring medical intervention in the general population. ● Problems in recovery and reintegration of persons with mental illness. ● Limitations in the availability of mental health services (professionals and facilities) in the public health services. ● Limited acceptance of modern medical care for mental disorders among the general population. What can we do as an individual For self
  • 20. 1. Get plenty of sleep -- sleep is really important for our physical and mental health. Sleep helps to regulate the chemicals in our brain that transmit information. These chemicals are important in managing our moods and emotions. If we don't get enough sleep, we can start to feel depressed or anxious. 2. Eat Well -- Eating well isn't just important for our bodies, but it's also important for our minds. Certain mineral deficiencies, such as iron and vitamin B12 deficiencies, can give us a low mood. Try to eat a balanced diet. If you find you're a particularly stressed or anxious person, you should try limiting or cutting out caffeine as this can make you feel jittery and anxious. 3. Avoid alcohol, smoking and drugs -- Drinking and smoking aren't things which we always associate with withdrawal symptoms, but they can cause some which impact on your mental health. When you've had a few drinks you can feel more depressed and anxious the next day, and it can be harder to concentrate. Excessive drinking for prolonged periods can leave you with a thiamine deficiency. Thiamine is important for our brain function and a deficiency can lead to severe memory problems, motor (coordination) problems, confusion and eye problems. If you smoke, between cigarettes your body and brain go into withdrawal which makes you irritable and anxious. 4. Get plenty of sunlight - Sunlight is a great source of vitamin D. Vitamin D is a really important vitamin for our bodies and our brains. It helps our brains to release chemicals which improve our mood, like endorphins and serotonin. Try to go out in the sun when you can, but make sure you keep your skin and eyes safe. 30 minutes to two hours a day of sunlight is ideal. During the winter, some people become depressed because they aren't getting enough sunlight - this is known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Some people find using a special light-therapy lamp helps to alleviate the symptoms. 5. Manage Stress - Stress is often unavoidable, but knowing what triggers your stress and knowing how to cope is key in maintaining good mental health. Try to manage your responsibilities and worries by making a list or a schedule of when you can resolve each issue. Often if you break down your worries and stresses and write them down, you realise that they are manageable. Try to avoid burying your head in the sand, and tackle problems face on. If you find you are having trouble sleeping, or are waking up thinking about all of the things that are stressing you out, write them down and reassure yourself that you can deal with them in the morning 6. Activity and Exercise - Activity and exercise are essential in maintaining good mental health. Being active not only gives you a sense of achievement, but it boosts the chemicals in your brain that help put you in a good mood. Exercising can help eliminate low mood, anxiety, stress and feeling tired and lazy. It is also linked to living a longer life.
  • 21. 7.Meditation -- Meditation is also one of the effective techniques which we can use to manage our mental health makes us more relaxed and peaceful. In the beginning you can practice it for 5 minutes or even 2 minutes. Simple breathing meditation is also enough; it is the best time for some self reflection knowing self. 8.Do something you enjoy - Try to make time for doing the fun things you enjoy. If you like going for a walk, painting or a specific TV show, try to set aside time to enjoy yourself. If we don't spend any time doing things we enjoy, we can become irritable and unhappy. Whether you need help to get out and about or not take a look at our Things To Do section, or go to our Events calendar, for ideas and information on what is going on in your area. 9.Connect with others and be sociable -Make an effort to maintain good relationships and talk to people whenever you get the chance. Having friends is important not just for your self-esteem, but also for providing support when you're not feeling too great. Research has found that talking to others for just ten minutes can improve memory and test scores. 10. Do things for other people -Helping others isn't just good for the people you're helping; it's good for you too. Helping someone can help with your self-esteem and make you feel good about your place in the world. Feeling as though you're part of a community is a really important part of your mental health. You could try volunteering for a local charity, or just being neighbourly. 11.Ask for help -One of the most important ways to keep yourself mentally healthy is to recognise when you're not feeling good, and to know when to ask for help. There's no shame in asking someone for support if you're feeling low or stressed. Everyone goes through patches where they don't feel as good as they should. You can try speaking to your friends or family, or if you think your mental health is getting on top of you then you can speak to your GP(family doctor).
  • 22. . Conclusion ● The aims of this study were to identify and evaluate the mental health problem, it is much more than diagnosis. It is the overall psychological well being of the way you feel about yourself and others as well as your abilities to manage your feelings and deal with everyday difficulties . ● The mental health crisis in India needs to be addressed collectively. It needs to come from everyone. ● Taking care of your mental health can mean seeking professional support and treatment, it also means taking steps to improve your emotional health on your own. Making these changes will pay off in all aspects of your life. It can boost your mood, build resilience and add to your overall enjoyment of life. ● Present scenario is full of busy lifestyle lots of work pressure and in that people hardly get time to take care of self it will start effects their emotional health and with time gradually it start causing mental health problems so as said “Prevention is better than cure” There are certain steps that we can do -as an individauls for self (meditation , do something you enjoy ,Exercise and activities ) -for others also (genuinely listen to them , respect their emotions).