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Mollie Latter
The brief is to make a promotion package for the release of an album; to include a music video together
with the following:-

•A cover for its release as part of a digipak (CD/DVD package)

•A magazine advertisement for the digipak (CD/DVD package)

These are the pictures of my artist I
took. The model I am using for my
music video is called Ally Andrews, the
reason I am using her is because the
song we chose to do the video for was
sung by a girl. The other reason I used
her is because she is already is a singer
which made it easier for her to learn
the song., this made it easier when
filming the video.

                                                                     When making the CD cover I wanted to
                                                                     make sure that the cover didn't have alot of
                        This is the track list which shows the       writing on the front, I wanted to keep it
                        audience what songs are on the album.        quiet simple.

The colour I selected
to use designed for
                                                                                                          To make sure the
the CD cover are
                                                                                                          audience knew what the
quiet natural, I
                                                                                                          product was I added a
selected black and
                                                                                                          title to show what the
white for the CD
                                                                                                          CD cover was, I also
cover as its very
                                                                                                          added the artists name
simple. And different
                                                                                                          under the title so the
to many CD covers, I
                                                                                                          audience could see who
think this makes it
                                                                                                          the CD belongs to.
stand out.

    I added the record label               Barcode and Q code.   Using a central image to try and help
    information to the back of the                               promote the artist, another way to help
    CD cover, I also add the                                     promote the artist is what she is wearing,
    models web address as well.                                  Because her name is ‘Ally’ she is wearing a
                                                                 ‘A’ top which links in with her name. For
                                                                 the picture I used a medium close up.
  My CD cover
                                Because the genre of my music video is pop/rock I looked at a
                                similar artist to mine. I decided to look at Kelly Clarkson, the
                                reason I chose her is because she is a well known pop/rock
                                artist. I think that she is a very similar artist to mine. I looked at
                                Kelly Clarkson's CD cover to see what I need to include on my
                                CD cover.

                                These are the things that are similar on my CD cover and
                                Kelly's CD cover:-
                                -The bar codes
                                -The colours I used are very similar to Kelly’s, they are very
                                plain. Black and white shows the genre of the CD cover. Black is
                                sometimes known as a ‘rock’ colour so this shows to the
                                audience what sort of cover this is.
                                -The font is very easy to read, I wanted to make sure the
Kelly Clarkson's CD cover       writing didn’t take up to much room on the cover. On my CD
                                cover and on Kelly’s you cane easily read what the writing says.

                                Unlike on Kelly’s CD cover I have used iconography like a micro-
                                phone and guitars in the background to show the target
                                audience what sort of CD cover this is, its important for them
                                to know what sort of genre the CD is. I also used a QR code,
                                because most products no have them on this keeps my product
                                up-to-date with the latest technology. I used simple things like
                                the record label information and the models website and
                                twitter to make it look more like a real CD cover.

My advert

                         To make my CD advert look like a real advert I used the
                         conventions of a real advert to make it, basic parts like
                         the title of the cd and the artists name had to be added
                         to the advert. Because the genre of my artist is pop/rock
                         which means its quiet basic colours, I used black and
                         white to show this; I also used these colours because I
                         used them on the CD cover. To show the audience why
                         they should why the CD I added the title of the new
                         single by my artist would of brought out. I also added the
                         iTunes logo.
                      When making the music video I looked at three unlike
                      videos, I wanted to see what sort of genre of music I

                      wanted to do. I then decided on pop/rock; I looked at
                      artist like Kelly Clarkson and Miley Cyrus to see how
                      they show their genre of music through their music
                      video. The main parts that stood out were the use of
                      lyrics to vials, the clothes they their wearing and also
                      the props they used.

WOULD                 When making my music video I took these points and
                      tried to use them; when thinking about what my artist
                      should wear I chose for her to wear a Beatles top the
                      reason I chose that is because The Beatles were a very
                      popular band although they were not seen as a

                      pop/rock band I wanted to show that my artist liked
                      music and show what sorts of artists she likes. When
                      thinking about the lyrics and the vials I listened to the
                      song and worked out where to film and how to film. Like
                      when their were long notes I used longer camera shots
                      to show this. For the props I tried to include as many as

                      I could, once I started to film I found this harder to do.
                      To challenge the convections of a music video I wanted
                      to change what most people would think was a normal
                      pop/rock video because I wanted tot make sure it was
                      different to other music videos I changed where I filmed
                      the music video, I decided to film it in a woods; doing
                      this changed the whole impression of the video.
When making the CD cover, the CD advert and the music video I tried to link them all together I used the following
things to make this happen.
   What the model was wearing:-
To make sure this linked in all the productions I made sure she was wearing black and white clothing or very simple
colour to tie in with the CD cover. Throughout the music video I made sure she only had a couple of outfit changes.
   Strong female role:-
Because the song we used is sung my a female we had to make sure we used not only a female but one that had a
strong music theme look and background, this made it easier for her to learn the words and get into the role for the
video. Because the person we used was confinable with singing this made it easier to make the music video and take
pictures for the CD cover.
   Colours:-
Similar to what the model was wearing we used black and white for the main colours of the cd cover and the advert. I
didn’t want to have bright colours in the music video have very simple colours on the CD cover I felt it wouldn’t link so
that’s why I choose to use more simple colours this also made it easier when making the advert.
Throughout making the CD cover, advert and the music video I had to make sure that they linked all together, to do
this I used the logo on all the products. This means that when the target audience see’s my product they would be
identity them by the logo. Having a logo would give all my products and my artist a brand identity. Another link I have
included on all my products is the artists website.
Before the making of the music video:-
Before we started making the music video we had to do a questionnaire to see what genre of music most people
listen to, also what channel they watch music channels on and how they watch them, weather its on the computer,
their phones or I-pods. Once we completed the questionnaire it made it easier to see what sorts of things we needed
to include in the media but also on the CD cover and advert. When thinking about the CD cover I showed 5 of my
friends the ideas I had for the cover, they felt that my first cover was good but didn’t like the fonts I used and the
colours this is what made me change the colours of the CD and the colours of the advert. Having the feed back made
it better then thinking about the music video. I run the ideas for the music video through the 5 people I asked about
the CD cover, I asked them what they thought of the ideas for the video and is there anything else we need. They said
that I had to make sure the video ties in with the song, the artist does some performing in the video, they also felt
that the video should not include to many people as the song it very personal.

Feedback after the music video:-
Now I have started to make the video I wanted to ask the 5 people again what they thought of the music video so far,
because they were the people I asked before I made the video I thought it would be a good idea to see how they
think the music video is turning out. The feedback from them was really good, they said the use of camera shots
worked well with the lyrics and they think it tried in well, the thing they didn’t like was the different locations we shot
the video in; they felt that changing from the woods to the roof didn’t really fit. They also felt that there was to much
performing in the video, I have looked at these parts of the music video and can see where they are coming from.
Now I can see what parts of the music video I need to change, this will hopefully make it look better.
Because new technology is becoming more and more popular; things like the internet, Google and YouTube have all
become the most important parts in many of peoples like. For my evaluation I am using power point to show my
work. Using power points has helped me to show my work to many different people at once, it helped me show the
development of my work from talking the pictures to producing the music video.

Research:-                                                   Construction:-

Before I could start making the music video I had to         To film the music video, I used a video camera, at first I
research into the music business, there are the              had a lot of problems with the camera as it was
                                                             difficulty to hold when trying to film this meant a lot of
following things I looked into:-                             the footage didn’t look as good, a lot of the time I found
-Different genres                                            that the footage looked good on the camera but as
                                                             soon as it get onto the computer it didn’t. After sorting
-Different artists, music channels and music labels          these problems out it get easier to use the camera.
-What is meant to be in a music video, on a CD cover         To make the music video I used the apple mac
and advert ect.                                              programme IMovie:- this is what helped me make the
                                                             music video, I could add music, cut and crop different
                                                             parts of the video and add the music. Using this
To do all this I used the following things:- the internet,   programme helped me when do the video. The main
                                                             problems I had with using the editing programme was
YouTube and Google. After the research I then found          trying to get use to it, it took me a couple of weeks to
out what genre of music I wanted to look at; I decided       get use to all the tools it had. To make sure that my
on pop/rock music. Once I finished the research I then       advert was up to date with new technology I added the
looked into making the music video, CD cover and             iTunes logo, doing this shows the target audience that
                                                             they can download the album from ITunes.
                                                             Because blackberry's and iPhones are becoming the
                                                             most popular phones around I added a QR code to the
                                                             CD cover to make it more interactive , this means that
                                                             when they scan the code using there blackberry’s or
                                                             iPhones they will connect to my artists website, this
                                                             makes the CD cover up to date with technology.

Twitter                                                         Blogger

Over the last couple of years twitter has become more and       For our coursework this year we didn’t just print all our work
more popular, it now has over 140 millions users, most          off, we had to make a blog. At first I wasn’t to sure about the
people now has heard or use twitter. Because twitter is so      idea of a blog, it sounded really stupid at first having to
popular I decided to make our artist a twitter account, doing   upload our coursework onto a blog but after some time of
this means we are keeping up to date with the new               getting use to it I found it a lot easier. The main problems I
technology. On most television programmes and on products       found with blogger is having the time to write the
you see # harsh tags this links back to twitter. Making our     coursework then having to upload it, because teenagers
twitter account was very easier, we started by get some of      would be reading the blog I had to make sure it would appeal
my friends to follow it then we twittered celebrities to try    to them, doing this I didn’t use long words or long sentences
and get them to follow the account. Having a twitter means      I kept them quiet simple and easy to read. Another problem
we can tweet what our artist is doing, this lets all her        I found was the uploading the coursework, because I took
followers know what she is up to. Many celebrities have         quiet a lot of time doing the coursework I wanted to make
twitter like Katy Perry and Lady Gaga, they use twitter to      sure it looked good on the blog. After I uploaded the first
connect with their fans, they let them know of any up and       couple of posts I got use to doing the blog.
coming tours and offend tweet pictures of themselves.
                                                                This is the link to my blog:-
There is the link to the twitter for our model Ally Andrews:-!/allyandrews2

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Media evaluation

  • 2. THE BRIEF The brief is to make a promotion package for the release of an album; to include a music video together with the following:- •A cover for its release as part of a digipak (CD/DVD package) •A magazine advertisement for the digipak (CD/DVD package)
  • 3. MY ARTIST These are the pictures of my artist I took. The model I am using for my music video is called Ally Andrews, the reason I am using her is because the song we chose to do the video for was sung by a girl. The other reason I used her is because she is already is a singer which made it easier for her to learn the song., this made it easier when filming the video.
  • 4. IN WHAT WAYS DOES YOUR MEDIA PRODUCT USE, DEVELOP OR CHALLENGE FORMS AND CONVENTIONS OF REAL MEDIA PRODUCTS? When making the CD cover I wanted to make sure that the cover didn't have alot of This is the track list which shows the writing on the front, I wanted to keep it audience what songs are on the album. quiet simple. The colour I selected to use designed for To make sure the the CD cover are audience knew what the quiet natural, I product was I added a selected black and title to show what the white for the CD CD cover was, I also cover as its very added the artists name simple. And different under the title so the to many CD covers, I audience could see who think this makes it the CD belongs to. stand out. I added the record label Barcode and Q code. Using a central image to try and help information to the back of the promote the artist, another way to help CD cover, I also add the promote the artist is what she is wearing, models web address as well. Because her name is ‘Ally’ she is wearing a ‘A’ top which links in with her name. For the picture I used a medium close up.
  • 5. HOW DOES MY CD COVER CHALLENGE FORMS AND CONVERSIONS OF REAL MEDIA PRODUCTS. My CD cover Because the genre of my music video is pop/rock I looked at a similar artist to mine. I decided to look at Kelly Clarkson, the reason I chose her is because she is a well known pop/rock artist. I think that she is a very similar artist to mine. I looked at Kelly Clarkson's CD cover to see what I need to include on my CD cover. These are the things that are similar on my CD cover and Kelly's CD cover:- -The bar codes -The colours I used are very similar to Kelly’s, they are very plain. Black and white shows the genre of the CD cover. Black is sometimes known as a ‘rock’ colour so this shows to the audience what sort of cover this is. -The font is very easy to read, I wanted to make sure the Kelly Clarkson's CD cover writing didn’t take up to much room on the cover. On my CD cover and on Kelly’s you cane easily read what the writing says. Unlike on Kelly’s CD cover I have used iconography like a micro- phone and guitars in the background to show the target audience what sort of CD cover this is, its important for them to know what sort of genre the CD is. I also used a QR code, because most products no have them on this keeps my product up-to-date with the latest technology. I used simple things like the record label information and the models website and twitter to make it look more like a real CD cover.
  • 6. HOW DOES MY CD COVER ADVERT CHALLENGE FORMS AND CONVERSIONS OF REAL MEDIA PRODUCTS. My advert To make my CD advert look like a real advert I used the conventions of a real advert to make it, basic parts like the title of the cd and the artists name had to be added to the advert. Because the genre of my artist is pop/rock which means its quiet basic colours, I used black and white to show this; I also used these colours because I used them on the CD cover. To show the audience why they should why the CD I added the title of the new single by my artist would of brought out. I also added the iTunes logo.
  • 7. HOW DOES MY MUSIC VIDEO CHALLENGE FORMS AND CONVERSIONS OF REAL MEDIA PRODUCTS. When making the music video I looked at three unlike videos, I wanted to see what sort of genre of music I VIDEO wanted to do. I then decided on pop/rock; I looked at artist like Kelly Clarkson and Miley Cyrus to see how they show their genre of music through their music video. The main parts that stood out were the use of lyrics to vials, the clothes they their wearing and also the props they used. WOULD When making my music video I took these points and tried to use them; when thinking about what my artist should wear I chose for her to wear a Beatles top the reason I chose that is because The Beatles were a very popular band although they were not seen as a BE pop/rock band I wanted to show that my artist liked music and show what sorts of artists she likes. When thinking about the lyrics and the vials I listened to the song and worked out where to film and how to film. Like when their were long notes I used longer camera shots to show this. For the props I tried to include as many as HERE I could, once I started to film I found this harder to do. To challenge the convections of a music video I wanted to change what most people would think was a normal pop/rock video because I wanted tot make sure it was different to other music videos I changed where I filmed the music video, I decided to film it in a woods; doing this changed the whole impression of the video.
  • 8. HOW EFFECTIVE IS THE COMBINATION OF YOUR MAIN PRODUCT AND ANCILLARY TEXTS? When making the CD cover, the CD advert and the music video I tried to link them all together I used the following things to make this happen.  What the model was wearing:- To make sure this linked in all the productions I made sure she was wearing black and white clothing or very simple colour to tie in with the CD cover. Throughout the music video I made sure she only had a couple of outfit changes.  Strong female role:- Because the song we used is sung my a female we had to make sure we used not only a female but one that had a strong music theme look and background, this made it easier for her to learn the words and get into the role for the video. Because the person we used was confinable with singing this made it easier to make the music video and take pictures for the CD cover.  Colours:- Similar to what the model was wearing we used black and white for the main colours of the cd cover and the advert. I didn’t want to have bright colours in the music video have very simple colours on the CD cover I felt it wouldn’t link so that’s why I choose to use more simple colours this also made it easier when making the advert. Throughout making the CD cover, advert and the music video I had to make sure that they linked all together, to do this I used the logo on all the products. This means that when the target audience see’s my product they would be identity them by the logo. Having a logo would give all my products and my artist a brand identity. Another link I have included on all my products is the artists website.
  • 9. WHAT HAVE YOU LEARNED FROM YOUR AUDIENCE FEEDBACK? Before the making of the music video:- Before we started making the music video we had to do a questionnaire to see what genre of music most people listen to, also what channel they watch music channels on and how they watch them, weather its on the computer, their phones or I-pods. Once we completed the questionnaire it made it easier to see what sorts of things we needed to include in the media but also on the CD cover and advert. When thinking about the CD cover I showed 5 of my friends the ideas I had for the cover, they felt that my first cover was good but didn’t like the fonts I used and the colours this is what made me change the colours of the CD and the colours of the advert. Having the feed back made it better then thinking about the music video. I run the ideas for the music video through the 5 people I asked about the CD cover, I asked them what they thought of the ideas for the video and is there anything else we need. They said that I had to make sure the video ties in with the song, the artist does some performing in the video, they also felt that the video should not include to many people as the song it very personal. Feedback after the music video:- Now I have started to make the video I wanted to ask the 5 people again what they thought of the music video so far, because they were the people I asked before I made the video I thought it would be a good idea to see how they think the music video is turning out. The feedback from them was really good, they said the use of camera shots worked well with the lyrics and they think it tried in well, the thing they didn’t like was the different locations we shot the video in; they felt that changing from the woods to the roof didn’t really fit. They also felt that there was to much performing in the video, I have looked at these parts of the music video and can see where they are coming from. Now I can see what parts of the music video I need to change, this will hopefully make it look better.
  • 10. EVALUATION Because new technology is becoming more and more popular; things like the internet, Google and YouTube have all become the most important parts in many of peoples like. For my evaluation I am using power point to show my work. Using power points has helped me to show my work to many different people at once, it helped me show the development of my work from talking the pictures to producing the music video.
  • 11. HOW DID YOU USE MEDIA TECHNOLOGIES IN THE CONSTRUCTION AND RESEARCH, PLANNING AND EVALUATION STAGES? Research:- Construction:- Before I could start making the music video I had to To film the music video, I used a video camera, at first I research into the music business, there are the had a lot of problems with the camera as it was difficulty to hold when trying to film this meant a lot of following things I looked into:- the footage didn’t look as good, a lot of the time I found -Different genres that the footage looked good on the camera but as soon as it get onto the computer it didn’t. After sorting -Different artists, music channels and music labels these problems out it get easier to use the camera. -What is meant to be in a music video, on a CD cover To make the music video I used the apple mac and advert ect. programme IMovie:- this is what helped me make the music video, I could add music, cut and crop different parts of the video and add the music. Using this To do all this I used the following things:- the internet, programme helped me when do the video. The main problems I had with using the editing programme was YouTube and Google. After the research I then found trying to get use to it, it took me a couple of weeks to out what genre of music I wanted to look at; I decided get use to all the tools it had. To make sure that my on pop/rock music. Once I finished the research I then advert was up to date with new technology I added the looked into making the music video, CD cover and iTunes logo, doing this shows the target audience that they can download the album from ITunes. advert. Because blackberry's and iPhones are becoming the most popular phones around I added a QR code to the CD cover to make it more interactive , this means that when they scan the code using there blackberry’s or iPhones they will connect to my artists website, this makes the CD cover up to date with technology.
  • 12. HOW DID YOU USE MEDIA TECHNOLOGIES IN THE CONSTRUCTION AND RESEARCH, PLANNING AND EVALUATION STAGES? Twitter Blogger Over the last couple of years twitter has become more and For our coursework this year we didn’t just print all our work more popular, it now has over 140 millions users, most off, we had to make a blog. At first I wasn’t to sure about the people now has heard or use twitter. Because twitter is so idea of a blog, it sounded really stupid at first having to popular I decided to make our artist a twitter account, doing upload our coursework onto a blog but after some time of this means we are keeping up to date with the new getting use to it I found it a lot easier. The main problems I technology. On most television programmes and on products found with blogger is having the time to write the you see # harsh tags this links back to twitter. Making our coursework then having to upload it, because teenagers twitter account was very easier, we started by get some of would be reading the blog I had to make sure it would appeal my friends to follow it then we twittered celebrities to try to them, doing this I didn’t use long words or long sentences and get them to follow the account. Having a twitter means I kept them quiet simple and easy to read. Another problem we can tweet what our artist is doing, this lets all her I found was the uploading the coursework, because I took followers know what she is up to. Many celebrities have quiet a lot of time doing the coursework I wanted to make twitter like Katy Perry and Lady Gaga, they use twitter to sure it looked good on the blog. After I uploaded the first connect with their fans, they let them know of any up and couple of posts I got use to doing the blog. coming tours and offend tweet pictures of themselves. This is the link to my blog:- There is the link to the twitter for our model Ally Andrews:-!/allyandrews2