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Measuring Culture Change: Understanding Cultural and
Systems-change Dimensions within Companies
Pamela Wilhelms, Wilhelms Consulting Group @pwilhelms
Wilhelms Consulting Group
Pamela Wilhelms
Wilhelms Consulting Group
What is Culture?
“The way things are done around here”
The culture of an
organization or any group
of individuals is a
reflection of the values,
beliefs and behaviors of
leaders of the group and
the legacy of past leaders.
“Culture isn’t just one aspect
of the game – it IS the game…
…in the end, an organization is no more
than the collective capacity of its people to
create value”.
Lou Gerstner
Former IBM Chairman
Four Dimensions of Leadership/Energy
Culture - Tor Eneroth, 2010
Reason, Logic
Strategy, Goals, Plans,
Structure, Systems
Attitudes, Traditions,
Prejudices, Patterns,
What are Values?
Values - A shorthand
method of describing our
individual and collective
motivations and what is
important to us.
Values can be positive
or potentially limiting.
Positive Values: trust, creativity,
passion, honesty, integrity, clarity
Potentially Limiting Values: power,
blame, greed, status, being liked
A Crisis in Leadership
I have come to believe that much of what my
colleagues and I taught has caused real suffering,
suppressed wealth creation, destabilized the world
economy, and accelerated the demise of the 20th
century capitalism.
We managed to produce a generation of
managers and business professionals that is
deeply mistrusted and despised by a majority of
people in our society and around the world. This
is a terrible failure.
Shoshana Zuboff, “The Old Solutions Have Become the New
Problems,” Business Week, Viewpoint, July 2, 2009.
Shoshana Zuboff, Harvard Business School
Culture Shifts
A shift in focus from “I” to “we”
A shift from self-interest to the common good
A shift from being the best in the world
to the best for the world.
Stages of Leadership Development
Stage 1:
Personal Mastery
Overcoming the fears of
the Ego to become viable
and independent in your
framework of existence
Stage 2:
Internal Cohesion
Aligning the motivations
of the Ego with the Soul
(bonding) to become an
authentic individual
Stage 3:
External Cohesion
Cooperating with other
individuals who share the
same values and mission
to leverage impact
Stage 1:
Team Mastery
Overcoming the fears of
individual Team members
To minimize cultural
Stage 2:
Internal Cohesion
Aligning the motivations
of Team members with
the mission of the Team
for team alignment
Stage 3:
External Cohesion
Cooperating with other
Teams who share the
same values and vision
Stage 1:
Personal Mastery
Overcoming the fears of
individual Staff members
to minimize cultural
Stage 2:
Internal Cohesion
Aligning the motivations
of Staff members with
the vision and values of
the Organization
Stage 3:
External Cohesion
Cooperating with other
Organizations who share
the same values and
Leading Self Leading a Team
Leading an
Leaders as
a Coach
Leaders as
a Servant
Whole System Transformation (Evolution)
Interior Exterior
When the
leaders values
The leaders
The values of
the organization
Behaviours of
Cultural Evolution – Whole System Change
Interior Exterior
Values and
of an
Values and
of a Group
Actions and
of a Group
Actions and
of an
Structural Alignment
Personal Alignment
The Three Mantras of Organizational Performance
Cultural Capital is the new frontier
of competitive advantage.
Mantras Implications
The Culture of an organizations is a
reflection of leadership
Measurement matters. If you can
measure consciousness,
you can manage it.
Who you are and what your
organization stands for
is vitally important.
Organizational transformation
begins with the personal
transformation of the leaders
You can make the evolution of
consciousness, conscious
Focus on Vision, Mission and Values
Begins with Self Leadership
Measure and Map the Values
The Barrett 7 Levels Model
Origins of the Cultural Transformation Tools
Growth Needs
When these needs are fulfilled they
do not go away, they engender
deeper levels of motivation and
Deficiency Needs
An individual gains no
sense of lasting
satisfaction from being
able to meet these
needs, but feels a sense
of anxiety if these needs
are not met.Physiological
Love & Belonging
Know and
Abraham Maslow
Self Actualization
Maslow’s Needs to Barrett’s Consciousness
Know and
Love & Belonging
Abraham Maslow
Know and
N e e d s C o n s c i o u s n e s s
Richard Barrett
Maslow’s Needs to Barrett’s Consciousness
Know and
Love & Belonging
Know and
N e e d s C o n s c i o u s n e s s
1. Expansion of self-actualization
into multiple levels.
2. Substitute ‘states of
for hierarchy of needs.
3. Each state of consciousness
is defined by specific values
and behaviors.
Stages in the Development of Personal Consciousness
Positive Focus / Excessive Focus
Internal Cohesion
Financial Security & Safety
Creating a safe secure environment for self
and significant others. Control, greed
Feeling a personal sense of belonging, feeling loved
by self and others. Being liked, blame
Feeling a positive sense of pride in self
and ability to manage your life. Power, status
Personal Growth
Understanding your deepest motivations, experiencing
responsible freedom by letting go of your fears
Finding Personal Meaning
Uncovering your sense of purpose and creating
a vision for the future you want to create
Collaborating with Partners
Working with others to make a positive difference
by actively implementing your purpose and vision
Service to Humanity and the Planet
Devoting your life in self-less service
to your purpose and vision
Positive Focus / Excessive Focus
Financial Stability
Financial viability, organizational growth,
employee health, safety. Control, corruption, greed
Loyalty, open communication, customer satisfaction,
friendship. Manipulation, blame
High Performance
Systems, processes, quality, best practices,
pride in performance. Bureaucracy, complacency
Continuous Renewal and Learning
Accountability, adaptability, empowerment,
teamwork, goals orientation, personal growth
Building Organizational Community
Shared values, vision, commitment, integrity,
trust, passion, creativity, openness, transparency
Strategic Alliances and Partnerships
Environmental awareness, community involvement,
employee fulfillment, coaching/mentoring
Service To Humanity And The Planet
Social responsibility, future generations, long-term
perspective, ethics, compassion, humility
Stages in the Development of Organizational Consciousness
Internal Cohesion
Positive Focus / Excessive Focus
Financial Stability
High Performance
Continuous Renewal and Learning
Building Organizational Community
Strategic Alliances and Partnerships
Service To Humanity And The Planet
Moving 7 Levels: You, Park as Whole, & Division/Branch
Internal Cohesion
Organizational (Cultural)
Values Assessments
Placement of Values by Level
Current Culture 100 Employees
Top Ten Values
1. tradition (L) (59)
2. diversity (54)
3. control (L) (53)
4. goals orientation (46)
5. knowledge (43)
6. creativity (42)
7. productivity (37)
8. image (L) (36)
9. profit (36)
10. open communication (31)
42 5
Internal Cohesion
Distribution of Values by Level
Current Culture 100 Employees
Internal Cohesion
Engineering and Projects Company (339)
Level 7
Level 6
Level 5
Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
Personal Values Current Culture Values Desired Culture Values
IRS (P)= 6-4-0 | IRS (L)= 0-0-0 IROS (P)= 0-2-5-0 | IROS (L)= 1-1-1-0 IROS (P)= 1-3-6-0 | IROS (L)= 0-0-0-0
PV - CC 1
CC - DC 4
PV - DC 2
Index (PL)
PV: 10-0
CC: 7-3
DC: 10-0
1. honesty 169 5(I)
2. accountability 165 4(R)
3. commitment 150 5(I)
4. continuous learning 92 4(I)
5. balance (home/work) 91 4(I)
6. family 91 2(R)
7. self-discipline 91 1(I)
8. responsibility 89 4(I)
9. respect 81 2(R)
10. open communication 76 2(R)
Black Underline = PV & CC Orange = CC & DC P = Positive L = Potentially Limiting I = Individual O = Organizational
Orange = PV, CC & DC Blue = PV & DC (white circle) R = Relationship S = Societal
1. continuous
111 4(O)
2. customer
111 2(O)
3. safety conscious 102 1(O)
4. cost reduction 88 1(O)
5. job insecurity (L) 77 1(O)
6. inconsistent (L) 75 3(I)
7. teamwork 74 4(R)
8. accountability 71 4(R)
9. blame (L) 71 2(R)
10. corporate image 64 3(O)
1. accountability 180 4(R)
2. customer
147 2(O)
3. continuous
143 4(O)
4. employee development 111 4(O)
5. employee recognition 96 2(R)
6. commitment 95 5(I)
7. inspirational leadership 95 6(O)
8. employee fulfilment 94 6(O)
9. teamwork 90 4(R)
10. professionalism 80 3(O)
Values Plot Copyright 2011 Barrett Values Centre February 2011
The values that
are important to
employees in
their personal
How employees experience the company - What is
working well? What is undermining the sustainability
of the company.
believe is
for the
to achieve
its full
0% 20% 40%
0% 20% 40%
0% 20% 40%
Engineering and Projects Company (339)
Values Distribution Copyright 2011 Barrett Values Centre February 2011
C = Common Good
T = Transformation
S = Self-Interest
Positive Values
Potentially Limiting
CTS = 38-21-41
Entropy = 3%
CTS = 25-20-55
Entropy = 23%
CTS = 37-27-36
Entropy = 2%
Current Culture
Desired Culture
Total number of
votes for all
values at each
Cultural Entropy
% of Votes for
Limiting Values
Common Good
Self Interest
CBT Staff (154)
Level 7
Level 6
Level 5
Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
Personal Values Current Culture Values Desired Culture Values
PL= 10-0 | IRS (P)= 7-3-0 | IRS (L)= 0-0-0 PL= 4-6 | IROS (P)= 0-0-4-0 | IROS (L)= 1-0-5-0 PL= 10-0 | IROS (P)= 1-2-7-0 | IROS (L)= 0-0-0-0
PV - CC 0
CC - DC 1
PV - DC 1
1. honesty 61 Level 5
2. commitment 60 Level 5
3. humor/fun 53 Level 5
4. reliability 51 Level 3
5. enthusiasm 44 Level 5
6. adaptability 43 Level 4
7. family 37 Level 2
8. integrity 34 Level 5
9. trust 34 Level 5
10. balance (home/work) 32 Level 4
Black Underline = PV & CC Orange = CC & DC P = Positive L = Potentially Limiting I = Individual O = Organizational
Orange = PV, CC & DC Blue = PV & DC (white circle) R = Relationship S = Societal
1. cost reduction 76 Level 1
2. bureaucracy (L) 66 Level 3
3. confusion (L) 61 Level 3
4. profit 54 Level 1
5. information hoarding
47 Level 3
6. short-term focus (L) 47 Level 1
7. hierarchical (L) 45 Level 3
8. results orientation 39 Level 3
9. client focus 38 Level 2
10. empire building (L) 36 Level 2
1. client satisfaction 66 Level 2
2. employee fulfillment 65 Level 6
3. continuous improvement 58 Level 4
4. effective communication 56 Level 2
5. teamwork 50 Level 4
6. financial stability 44 Level 1
7. adaptability 42 Level 4
8. client focus 38 Level 2
9. professionalism 35 Level 3
10. vision 35 Level 7
Values Plot Copyright 2008 Barrett Values Centre August 2008
Places to Intervene
5 – The rules of the systems
4 – The power to add, change, evolve or
self organize systems structure
3 – The goals of the system
2 - The mindset or paradigm out of which
the systems arises
1 – The power to transcend paradigms
How do WE define this value?
How does it look like/appear
in our daily work situations?
Preventive actions
What actions can we* take to take out this limiting value?
*) ME personally, WE as a group and the
 No risk taking
 No stretch
 Both a personal- and a
team behavior
 Lean organizational
set up – not
regarding resources
 Not stating how good we
are or someone is – low
 If we are not 100% sure,
we would not do it.
 Too self critical, which
hinders you from taking
 Afraid of making
 Avoid conflicts.
 Don’t dare to say what
you see and think or feel.
 We don’t always share
the problems, so I don’t
bring my problems to the
team and vs.
 If I bring up my problem I
have to follow it up, so I
don’t bring up.
 Slow in taking action on
decisions taken.
 We don’t stretch our
budgets – we want to
make sure we can reach
our targets.
 (ME) Bring your problems to the team and
use the team to solve them, and follow it up.
Bring your possibilities and opportunities to
the team as well.
 (COMPANY) Our defined responsibilities is
to too individual and not shared within the
team. We need to define our shared team
responsibilities by clear targets. Not only as a
target as a sum of all sites.
 (ME/WE) Every member of the team should
feel responsible for the problem that are
brought to the team.
 (WE) Make our team profile more clear to our
 (ME) Be more challenging (in our team and
outside the team?)
 (ME) Talk and share what we are good at
more (proven by benchmarks) and be proud
of it!!
 (ME/COMPANY) Be prepared to take risks.
Bring up specific situations regarding
potential risks in the RMT.
1. open communication
2. professional growth
3. customer satisfaction
4. balance (home/work)
5. leadership
6. conflict resolution
7. efficiency
8. reliability
9. teamwork
10. co-operation
11. employee fulfillment
12. global perspective
13. shared values
1. family
2. enthusiasm
3. personal growth
4. responsibility
5. performance
6. health
7. open communication
8. efficiency
9. financial stability
10. balance
Personal Values Desired Culture Values
Free our Full Potential – The Korea Story
Culture Development Plan
VOLVO IT Korea Culture Transformation Story
PL= 10-0 | IROS (P)= 2-2-7-0 | IROS (L)= 0-0-1-0 PL= 12-0 | IROS (P)= 0-4-8-0 | IROS (L)= 0-0-0-0 PL= 13-0 | IROS (P)= 0-6-7-0 | IROS (L)= 0-0-0-0
Matches 4
1. global perspective
2. customer
3. open
4. cost-consciousness
5. diversity
6. goal orientation
7. long hours (L)
8. result orientation
9. shared values
10. customer
11. experience
12. responsibility
1. open communication
2. global perspective
3. customer satisfaction
4. information sharing
5. balance
6. organisational growth
7. cost-consciousness
8. continuous learning
9. co-operation
10. professional growth
11. reliability
12. teamwork
1. open communication
2. professional growth
3. customer satisfaction
4. balance (home/work)
5. leadership development
6. conflict resolution
7. efficiency
8. reliability
9. teamwork
10. co-operation
11. employee fulfilment
12. global perspective
13. shared values
Current 2007 Current 2008 Desired 2007
Matches 7
Volvo IT Korea Transformation Journey
Culture - Tor Eneroth, 2011
Volvo IT Senior Managers (104)
Level 7
Level 6
Level 5
Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
Personal Values Current Culture Values Desired Culture Values
IRS (P)= 5-5-0 | IRS (L)= 0-0-0 IROS (P)= 1-1-8-0 | IROS (L)= 0-0-0-0 IROS (P)= 2-3-5-0 | IROS (L)= 0-0-0-0
PV - CC 2
CC - DC 4
PV - DC 5
Index (PL)
PV: 10-0
CC: 10-0
DC: 10-0
1. commitment 61 5(I)
2. trust 48 5(R)
3. honesty 43 5(I)
4. cooperation 42 5(R)
5. respect 42 2(R)
6. humour/fun 41 5(I)
7. accountability 32 4(R)
8. integrity 32 5(I)
9. openness 30 5(R)
10. courage 29 4(I)
Black Underline = PV & CC Orange = CC & DC P = Positive L = Potentially Limiting I = Individual O = Organizational
Orange = PV, CC & DC Blue = PV & DC (white circle) R = Relationship S = Societal
1. global perspective 48 3(O)
2. cost-consciousness 43 3(O)
3. customer
38 6(O)
4. commitment 36 5(I)
5. customer satisfaction 32 2(O)
6. challenge 31 4(O)
7. professionalism 29 3(O)
8. cooperation 28 5(R)
9. results orientation 26 3(O)
10. financial stability 24 1(O)
1. global perspective 38 3(O)
2. customer collaboration 37 6(O)
3. trust 36 5(R)
4. commitment 34 5(I)
5. professionalism 33 3(O)
6. accountability 32 4(R)
7. continuous
32 4(O)
8. humour/fun 32 5(O)
9. respect 28 2(R)
10. innovation 26 4(I)
Values Plot Copyright 2010 Barrett Values Centre May 2010
Humility, Future generations, Service to humanity (free of charge),
Serve the planet, Sustainability
Create value, Collaboration Award, Sustainable business, For the good of the Volvo Group, Inclusive leadership,
Global Truck, Joint missions, Social responsibilities, Help solve customers problems, “Open Source” mentality, Mentoring
Employee development, Social Awards, “Highest Value” to our Customer Awards, Leader in sustainable environmental solutions,
Strategic alliances, Social contribution, Partnership,, Integration, Environmental awareness, Responsible citizen, win-win strategies
Shared responsibilities, Enthusiasm, Meaning, Part of something bigger, Shared culture, Commitment, Attractive, Inspiring
Celebrate successes, Energizing, Shared agenda, Trust, Spirit, Honesty, Living culture, Engagement index, Shared Vision and Mission,
Agile culture
Work-Life balance, Agility, Flexibility, Equality, Mix of gender, Dialogue, Development, Benchmark, Lab for innovation,
Challenge/see new opportunities, Diversified teams, Sharing to learn, ALP, Mix of people, Diversity Award, Openness,
Understanding business specifics, Quick learners
Global player, Financial structure, State of the art, Quality, Cost, Getting things done, Effective connected systems,
Best practice, Talent/skills, Global mindset, High accountability to take action, Improved way of working, Detection System,
Bounderlyless, Self confident
Customer focus, Listening/understanding with respect, Respect
(100%)June 24, 2009
Executive Management Team “Vision Stories”
High Performance Culture
How do you mobilize employees
to improve performance?
What’s most important to each person?
Values are Undercurrents
Values are undercurrents.
Is your culture flowing together?
Cultural Alignment:
The Top-Down Approach
Alignment of Values, Behaviors
& Performance Indicators
If you want to go fast, go alone.
If you want to go far, go together.

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Measuring Culture Change: Understanding Cultural and Systems-change Dimensions within Companies

  • 1. Measuring Culture Change: Understanding Cultural and Systems-change Dimensions within Companies Pamela Wilhelms, Wilhelms Consulting Group @pwilhelms
  • 2. Wilhelms Consulting Group MEASURING CULTURE CHANGE Pamela Wilhelms Wilhelms Consulting Group
  • 3. 3 What is Culture? “The way things are done around here” The culture of an organization or any group of individuals is a reflection of the values, beliefs and behaviors of leaders of the group and the legacy of past leaders.
  • 4. 4 Culture “Culture isn’t just one aspect of the game – it IS the game… …in the end, an organization is no more than the collective capacity of its people to create value”. Lou Gerstner Former IBM Chairman
  • 5. 5 Four Dimensions of Leadership/Energy PHYSICAL EMOTIONAL INTELLECTUAL SPIRITUAL
  • 6. 6 Culture - Tor Eneroth, 2010 ”Winds” Reason, Logic ”Currents” Spirit, Emotions Vision, Strategy, Goals, Plans, Structure, Systems Habits, Attitudes, Traditions, Prejudices, Patterns, Feelings, Fear, Values, Beliefs
  • 7. 7 What are Values? Values - A shorthand method of describing our individual and collective motivations and what is important to us. Values can be positive or potentially limiting. Positive Values: trust, creativity, passion, honesty, integrity, clarity Potentially Limiting Values: power, blame, greed, status, being liked
  • 8. 8 A Crisis in Leadership I have come to believe that much of what my colleagues and I taught has caused real suffering, suppressed wealth creation, destabilized the world economy, and accelerated the demise of the 20th century capitalism. We managed to produce a generation of managers and business professionals that is deeply mistrusted and despised by a majority of people in our society and around the world. This is a terrible failure. Shoshana Zuboff, “The Old Solutions Have Become the New Problems,” Business Week, Viewpoint, July 2, 2009. Shoshana Zuboff, Harvard Business School
  • 9. 9 Culture Shifts A shift in focus from “I” to “we” A shift from self-interest to the common good A shift from being the best in the world to the best for the world. WE NEED A NEW LEADERSHIP PARADIGM
  • 10. 10 Stages of Leadership Development Stage 1: Personal Mastery Overcoming the fears of the Ego to become viable and independent in your framework of existence Stage 2: Internal Cohesion Aligning the motivations of the Ego with the Soul (bonding) to become an authentic individual Stage 3: External Cohesion Cooperating with other individuals who share the same values and mission to leverage impact Evolution Stage 1: Team Mastery Overcoming the fears of individual Team members To minimize cultural entropy Stage 2: Internal Cohesion Aligning the motivations of Team members with the mission of the Team for team alignment Stage 3: External Cohesion Cooperating with other Teams who share the same values and vision Stage 1: Personal Mastery Overcoming the fears of individual Staff members to minimize cultural entropy Stage 2: Internal Cohesion Aligning the motivations of Staff members with the vision and values of the Organization Stage 3: External Cohesion Cooperating with other Organizations who share the same values and vision Leading Self Leading a Team Leading an Organisation Leaders as a Coach Leaders as a Servant
  • 11. 11 Whole System Transformation (Evolution) Interior Exterior Individual Collective 1 3 2 4 When the leaders values change The leaders behaviours change The values of the organization change Behaviours of organization change
  • 12. 12 Cultural Evolution – Whole System Change Interior Exterior Individual Collective Personality: Values and Beliefs of an Individual Culture: Values and Beliefs of a Group Social Structures: Actions and Behaviours of a Group Character: Actions and Behaviours of an Individual MissionAlignment ValuesAlignment Structural Alignment Personal Alignment
  • 13. 13 The Three Mantras of Organizational Performance Cultural Capital is the new frontier of competitive advantage. Mantras Implications The Culture of an organizations is a reflection of leadership consciousness Measurement matters. If you can measure consciousness, you can manage it. Who you are and what your organization stands for is vitally important. Organizational transformation begins with the personal transformation of the leaders You can make the evolution of consciousness, conscious Focus on Vision, Mission and Values Begins with Self Leadership Measure and Map the Values
  • 14. 14 The Barrett 7 Levels Model
  • 15. 15 Origins of the Cultural Transformation Tools Growth Needs When these needs are fulfilled they do not go away, they engender deeper levels of motivation and commitment. Deficiency Needs An individual gains no sense of lasting satisfaction from being able to meet these needs, but feels a sense of anxiety if these needs are not met.Physiological Safety Love & Belonging Self-esteem Know and Understand Abraham Maslow Self Actualization
  • 16. 16 Maslow’s Needs to Barrett’s Consciousness Know and Understand Physiological Safety Love & Belonging Self-esteem Abraham Maslow Know and Understand N e e d s C o n s c i o u s n e s s Self-Actualization Richard Barrett
  • 17. 17 Maslow’s Needs to Barrett’s Consciousness Know and Understand Physiological Safety Love & Belonging Self-esteem Know and Understand N e e d s C o n s c i o u s n e s s 1. Expansion of self-actualization into multiple levels. 2. Substitute ‘states of consciousness’ for hierarchy of needs. 3. Each state of consciousness is defined by specific values and behaviors.
  • 18. 18 Stages in the Development of Personal Consciousness Positive Focus / Excessive Focus Service Makingadifference Internal Cohesion Transformation Self-esteem Relationship Survival Financial Security & Safety Creating a safe secure environment for self and significant others. Control, greed Belonging Feeling a personal sense of belonging, feeling loved by self and others. Being liked, blame Self-worth Feeling a positive sense of pride in self and ability to manage your life. Power, status Personal Growth Understanding your deepest motivations, experiencing responsible freedom by letting go of your fears Finding Personal Meaning Uncovering your sense of purpose and creating a vision for the future you want to create Collaborating with Partners Working with others to make a positive difference by actively implementing your purpose and vision Service to Humanity and the Planet Devoting your life in self-less service to your purpose and vision
  • 19. 19 Positive Focus / Excessive Focus Financial Stability Financial viability, organizational growth, employee health, safety. Control, corruption, greed Belonging Loyalty, open communication, customer satisfaction, friendship. Manipulation, blame High Performance Systems, processes, quality, best practices, pride in performance. Bureaucracy, complacency Continuous Renewal and Learning Accountability, adaptability, empowerment, teamwork, goals orientation, personal growth Building Organizational Community Shared values, vision, commitment, integrity, trust, passion, creativity, openness, transparency Strategic Alliances and Partnerships Environmental awareness, community involvement, employee fulfillment, coaching/mentoring Service To Humanity And The Planet Social responsibility, future generations, long-term perspective, ethics, compassion, humility Stages in the Development of Organizational Consciousness Service Makingadifference Internal Cohesion Transformation Self-esteem Relationship Survival
  • 20. 20 Positive Focus / Excessive Focus Financial Stability Belonging High Performance Continuous Renewal and Learning Building Organizational Community Strategic Alliances and Partnerships Service To Humanity And The Planet Moving 7 Levels: You, Park as Whole, & Division/Branch Service Makingadifference Internal Cohesion Transformation Self-esteem Relationship Survival
  • 22. 22 Placement of Values by Level Current Culture 100 Employees Top Ten Values 1. tradition (L) (59) 2. diversity (54) 3. control (L) (53) 4. goals orientation (46) 5. knowledge (43) 6. creativity (42) 7. productivity (37) 8. image (L) (36) 9. profit (36) 10. open communication (31) 10 42 5 7 9 6 8 3 110 Service Makingadifference Internal Cohesion Transformation Self-esteem Relationship Survival
  • 23. 23 Cultural Entropy Distribution of Values by Level Current Culture 100 Employees 11% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7Service Makingadifference Internal Cohesion Transformation Self-esteem Relationship Survival
  • 24. 24 Engineering and Projects Company (339) Level 7 Level 6 Level 5 Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 Personal Values Current Culture Values Desired Culture Values IRS (P)= 6-4-0 | IRS (L)= 0-0-0 IROS (P)= 0-2-5-0 | IROS (L)= 1-1-1-0 IROS (P)= 1-3-6-0 | IROS (L)= 0-0-0-0 Matches PV - CC 1 CC - DC 4 PV - DC 2 Health Index (PL) PV: 10-0 CC: 7-3 DC: 10-0 1. honesty 169 5(I) 2. accountability 165 4(R) 3. commitment 150 5(I) 4. continuous learning 92 4(I) 5. balance (home/work) 91 4(I) 6. family 91 2(R) 7. self-discipline 91 1(I) 8. responsibility 89 4(I) 9. respect 81 2(R) 10. open communication 76 2(R) Black Underline = PV & CC Orange = CC & DC P = Positive L = Potentially Limiting I = Individual O = Organizational Orange = PV, CC & DC Blue = PV & DC (white circle) R = Relationship S = Societal 1. continuous improvement 111 4(O) 2. customer satisfaction 111 2(O) 3. safety conscious 102 1(O) 4. cost reduction 88 1(O) 5. job insecurity (L) 77 1(O) 6. inconsistent (L) 75 3(I) 7. teamwork 74 4(R) 8. accountability 71 4(R) 9. blame (L) 71 2(R) 10. corporate image 64 3(O) 1. accountability 180 4(R) 2. customer satisfaction 147 2(O) 3. continuous improvement 143 4(O) 4. employee development 111 4(O) 5. employee recognition 96 2(R) 6. commitment 95 5(I) 7. inspirational leadership 95 6(O) 8. employee fulfilment 94 6(O) 9. teamwork 90 4(R) 10. professionalism 80 3(O) Values Plot Copyright 2011 Barrett Values Centre February 2011 The values that are important to employees in their personal lives. How employees experience the company - What is working well? What is undermining the sustainability of the company. What employees believe is necessary for the company to achieve its full potential
  • 25. 25 1% 1% 1% 9% 12% 17% 24% 8% 6% 21% 0% 20% 40% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6% 5% 12% 10% 8% 14% 11% 9% 5% 20% 0% 20% 40% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1% 1% 0% 6% 12% 16% 19% 13% 5% 27% 0% 20% 40% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Engineering and Projects Company (339) C T S Values Distribution Copyright 2011 Barrett Values Centre February 2011 C = Common Good T = Transformation S = Self-Interest Positive Values Potentially Limiting Values CTS = 38-21-41 Entropy = 3% CTS = 25-20-55 Entropy = 23% CTS = 37-27-36 Entropy = 2% Personal Values Current Culture Values Desired Culture Values Total number of votes for all values at each level Cultural Entropy % of Votes for Limiting Values Common Good Transformation Self Interest
  • 26. CBT Staff (154) Level 7 Level 6 Level 5 Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 Personal Values Current Culture Values Desired Culture Values PL= 10-0 | IRS (P)= 7-3-0 | IRS (L)= 0-0-0 PL= 4-6 | IROS (P)= 0-0-4-0 | IROS (L)= 1-0-5-0 PL= 10-0 | IROS (P)= 1-2-7-0 | IROS (L)= 0-0-0-0 Matches PV - CC 0 CC - DC 1 PV - DC 1 1. honesty 61 Level 5 2. commitment 60 Level 5 3. humor/fun 53 Level 5 4. reliability 51 Level 3 5. enthusiasm 44 Level 5 6. adaptability 43 Level 4 7. family 37 Level 2 8. integrity 34 Level 5 9. trust 34 Level 5 10. balance (home/work) 32 Level 4 Black Underline = PV & CC Orange = CC & DC P = Positive L = Potentially Limiting I = Individual O = Organizational Orange = PV, CC & DC Blue = PV & DC (white circle) R = Relationship S = Societal 1. cost reduction 76 Level 1 2. bureaucracy (L) 66 Level 3 3. confusion (L) 61 Level 3 4. profit 54 Level 1 5. information hoarding (L) 47 Level 3 6. short-term focus (L) 47 Level 1 7. hierarchical (L) 45 Level 3 8. results orientation 39 Level 3 9. client focus 38 Level 2 10. empire building (L) 36 Level 2 1. client satisfaction 66 Level 2 2. employee fulfillment 65 Level 6 3. continuous improvement 58 Level 4 4. effective communication 56 Level 2 5. teamwork 50 Level 4 6. financial stability 44 Level 1 7. adaptability 42 Level 4 8. client focus 38 Level 2 9. professionalism 35 Level 3 10. vision 35 Level 7 Values Plot Copyright 2008 Barrett Values Centre August 2008
  • 27. 27 Places to Intervene 5 – The rules of the systems 4 – The power to add, change, evolve or self organize systems structure 3 – The goals of the system 2 - The mindset or paradigm out of which the systems arises 1 – The power to transcend paradigms 27
  • 28. 28
  • 29. 29 Potentially Limiting Values Definition How do WE define this value? Culture How does it look like/appear in our daily work situations? Preventive actions What actions can we* take to take out this limiting value? *) ME personally, WE as a group and the COMPANY/Management? Caution  No risk taking  No stretch  Both a personal- and a team behavior  Lean organizational set up – not overspending regarding resources  Not stating how good we are or someone is – low profile.  If we are not 100% sure, we would not do it.  Too self critical, which hinders you from taking action.  Afraid of making mistakes.  Avoid conflicts.  Don’t dare to say what you see and think or feel.  We don’t always share the problems, so I don’t bring my problems to the team and vs.  If I bring up my problem I have to follow it up, so I don’t bring up.  Slow in taking action on decisions taken.  We don’t stretch our budgets – we want to make sure we can reach our targets.  (ME) Bring your problems to the team and use the team to solve them, and follow it up. Bring your possibilities and opportunities to the team as well.  (COMPANY) Our defined responsibilities is to too individual and not shared within the team. We need to define our shared team responsibilities by clear targets. Not only as a target as a sum of all sites.  (ME/WE) Every member of the team should feel responsible for the problem that are brought to the team.  (WE) Make our team profile more clear to our stakeholders.  (ME) Be more challenging (in our team and outside the team?)  (ME) Talk and share what we are good at more (proven by benchmarks) and be proud of it!!  (ME/COMPANY) Be prepared to take risks. Bring up specific situations regarding potential risks in the RMT.
  • 30. 30 1. open communication 2. professional growth 3. customer satisfaction 4. balance (home/work) 5. leadership development 6. conflict resolution 7. efficiency 8. reliability 9. teamwork 10. co-operation 11. employee fulfillment 12. global perspective 13. shared values 1. family 2. enthusiasm 3. personal growth 4. responsibility 5. performance 6. health 7. open communication 8. efficiency 9. financial stability 10. balance (home/work) Personal Values Desired Culture Values PLAN Free our Full Potential – The Korea Story
  • 32. 32 VOLVO IT Korea Culture Transformation Story PL= 10-0 | IROS (P)= 2-2-7-0 | IROS (L)= 0-0-1-0 PL= 12-0 | IROS (P)= 0-4-8-0 | IROS (L)= 0-0-0-0 PL= 13-0 | IROS (P)= 0-6-7-0 | IROS (L)= 0-0-0-0 Matches 4 1. global perspective 2. customer satisfaction 3. open communication 4. cost-consciousness 5. diversity 6. goal orientation 7. long hours (L) 8. result orientation 9. shared values 10. customer collaboration 11. experience 12. responsibility 1. open communication 2. global perspective 3. customer satisfaction 4. information sharing 5. balance (home/work) 6. organisational growth 7. cost-consciousness 8. continuous learning 9. co-operation 10. professional growth 11. reliability 12. teamwork 1. open communication 2. professional growth 3. customer satisfaction 4. balance (home/work) 5. leadership development 6. conflict resolution 7. efficiency 8. reliability 9. teamwork 10. co-operation 11. employee fulfilment 12. global perspective 13. shared values Current 2007 Current 2008 Desired 2007 PLAN Matches 7 Volvo IT Korea Transformation Journey
  • 33. 33
  • 34. 34 Culture - Tor Eneroth, 2011 Volvo IT Senior Managers (104) Level 7 Level 6 Level 5 Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 Personal Values Current Culture Values Desired Culture Values IRS (P)= 5-5-0 | IRS (L)= 0-0-0 IROS (P)= 1-1-8-0 | IROS (L)= 0-0-0-0 IROS (P)= 2-3-5-0 | IROS (L)= 0-0-0-0 Matches PV - CC 2 CC - DC 4 PV - DC 5 Health Index (PL) PV: 10-0 CC: 10-0 DC: 10-0 1. commitment 61 5(I) 2. trust 48 5(R) 3. honesty 43 5(I) 4. cooperation 42 5(R) 5. respect 42 2(R) 6. humour/fun 41 5(I) 7. accountability 32 4(R) 8. integrity 32 5(I) 9. openness 30 5(R) 10. courage 29 4(I) Black Underline = PV & CC Orange = CC & DC P = Positive L = Potentially Limiting I = Individual O = Organizational Orange = PV, CC & DC Blue = PV & DC (white circle) R = Relationship S = Societal 1. global perspective 48 3(O) 2. cost-consciousness 43 3(O) 3. customer collaboration 38 6(O) 4. commitment 36 5(I) 5. customer satisfaction 32 2(O) 6. challenge 31 4(O) 7. professionalism 29 3(O) 8. cooperation 28 5(R) 9. results orientation 26 3(O) 10. financial stability 24 1(O) 1. global perspective 38 3(O) 2. customer collaboration 37 6(O) 3. trust 36 5(R) 4. commitment 34 5(I) 5. professionalism 33 3(O) 6. accountability 32 4(R) 7. continuous improvement 32 4(O) 8. humour/fun 32 5(O) 9. respect 28 2(R) 10. innovation 26 4(I) Values Plot Copyright 2010 Barrett Values Centre May 2010
  • 35. 35 Humility, Future generations, Service to humanity (free of charge), Serve the planet, Sustainability Create value, Collaboration Award, Sustainable business, For the good of the Volvo Group, Inclusive leadership, Global Truck, Joint missions, Social responsibilities, Help solve customers problems, “Open Source” mentality, Mentoring Employee development, Social Awards, “Highest Value” to our Customer Awards, Leader in sustainable environmental solutions, Strategic alliances, Social contribution, Partnership,, Integration, Environmental awareness, Responsible citizen, win-win strategies Shared responsibilities, Enthusiasm, Meaning, Part of something bigger, Shared culture, Commitment, Attractive, Inspiring Celebrate successes, Energizing, Shared agenda, Trust, Spirit, Honesty, Living culture, Engagement index, Shared Vision and Mission, Agile culture Work-Life balance, Agility, Flexibility, Equality, Mix of gender, Dialogue, Development, Benchmark, Lab for innovation, Challenge/see new opportunities, Diversified teams, Sharing to learn, ALP, Mix of people, Diversity Award, Openness, Understanding business specifics, Quick learners Global player, Financial structure, State of the art, Quality, Cost, Getting things done, Effective connected systems, Best practice, Talent/skills, Global mindset, High accountability to take action, Improved way of working, Detection System, Bounderlyless, Self confident Customer focus, Listening/understanding with respect, Respect (1%) (4%) (18%) (23%) (23%) (27%) (6%) (100%)June 24, 2009 Growth Executive Management Team “Vision Stories”
  • 36. 36 High Performance Culture How do you mobilize employees to improve performance?
  • 37. 37 What’s most important to each person?
  • 38. 38 Values are Undercurrents Values are undercurrents. Is your culture flowing together?
  • 40. 40 Alignment of Values, Behaviors & Performance Indicators If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.