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MAIN PAGES CHANGES ............................................... 5

BRAND PROMOTIONS ................................................ 13


JACK MORTON WORLDWIDE ..................................... 23
Every once in a while, Facebook makes its users and marketing partners
feel like it’s ruining everything. Does Facebook’s new Timeline layout
really ruin Facebook for brands? Probably not. But there are some
substantial changes marketers should be aware of just one year after the
last round of sweeping changes (remember photo strips?). One thing to
know: your custom applications won’t look as good as they used to.

On the heels of the rollout of its new Timeline format for user Profiles,
Facebook is launching the new Timeline format for its brand partners,
too. The new layout will have an impact on what brands have built on
Facebook in the past (i.e. applications, posts, photos and more) and how
brands can best use Facebook in the future.

Brands have until March 30th to activate the new layout for their Pages,
but in the meantime, Jack Morton has assembled this guide to key
changes in the platform and the best ways to leverage tomorrow’s
Facebook starting today.
Facebook has undeniably changed the way we communicate with and relate to other humans. As Facebook
COO Sheryl Sandberg said in her keynote during the Facebook Marketing Conference, “For the first time,
technology is powering us… and who we are.”

On its path to reshape our lives as individuals (and yes, make a profit), Facebook (and social media in general)
has also begun to change the way brands communicate with consumers.

The focus is no longer on how brands communicate, but rather on how they relate. We
believe brands relate best to consumers through brand experiences. We also believe that
brand experiences are most meaningful when consumers are surrounded by their social

Facebook has given brands a platform to listen, comment, ask, answer, converse, innovate and, yes, even sell
while users are surrounded by their social context. Facebook’s Timeline puts social brand experience at the
platform’s center. No longer will users experience brands in isolation or with a few other (often random) users
on message board-style Pages, but rather, users will be prompted to experience brands and their heritage
through their closest -- and most trusted -- social connections.

In light of Facebook’s announcement of the rollout of Timeline-based layouts for brand Pages, we’re
having conversations with our clients about what the social brand experiences of the present and
future will look like. To catch a glimpse into our thinking, we offer up this guide to the shifts on the
platform, including what we believe will be the best practices for brands as they journey forward to
relate to their consumers.

Is your brand ready to make the most of Facebook’s Timeline for brand Pages?
                                                                                       Ben Grossman
                                                                                        Digital Strategist

VISUALIZATION:                                                               PROFILE PICTURE
                                                                             Though many brands used
TIMELINE LAYOUT                                                              extended, promotional profile
                                                                             pictures in the past, Facebook’s new
                                                                             Timeline layout means that a
                                                                             brand’s profile picture can now stay
                                                                             a relatively consistent reflection of
                                                                             the logo, using the Cover Image for
                                                                             major promotions instead. It should
                                                                             be uploaded at 180 x 180 pixels. It
                                                                             will automatically be scaled down to
                                                                             32 x 32 pixels for News Feed

 TIMELINE LAYOUT                               COVER PHOTO
 The new Page layout allows for the biggest,   The new home for on-Page promotion, the Cover Photo should be
 most customizable visual branding ever.       uploaded at 851 x 315 pixels. The perfect place to feature a fan or
 Combined with a new, moments-in-time          photo of the month, a new promotion or even a call-out for a (now
 focused layout, Pages now act as more of a    more hidden) custom Facebook Application. Careful! Cover Photos
 brand narrative than a community message      may not include price or purchase information, contact information
 board.                                        or calls to action. Consult Facebook’s rules before development.


 Facebook was popularized based on a sleek and simple,
 mostly text-based interface that made it easier to understand
 what friends were thinking, doing and saying. With bad
 memories of flashing and disorganized MySpace profiles far
 behind users (or even before some users’ time), Facebook is
 beginning to put more of an emphasis on helping users
 visualize their friends’ and brands’ posts and activity.

 Brands that create posts that are accompanied by visual media
 (i.e. a photo or video) enjoy greater inclusion and engagement
 through users’ News Feeds and also are now core to a quality
 user experience in the Timeline layout.

 Posts that include fill-in-the blanks, caption contests and
 video clips will drive engagement as Facebook continues to
 evolve. Additionally, visually compelling posts make for an
 easily scannable, engaging Timeline history, which users can
 now scroll through at any time.

             NAME? WELL, A TIMELINE.
             The entire structure of the new
             Facebook Pages layout is inspired by
             a history-based timeline that
             documents a brand’s existence
             (fictional or actual), from its
             founding or opening to the present.

             Brands with a rich and interesting
             history now have the opportunity to
             use a new type of posts,
             “Milestones,” which allow them to
             add historical landmarks for their
             businesses or the backstory for an
             upcoming movie. A simple tool at
             the right of Pages allows for
             navigation through time.

             A new section of Pages acts as a personalized social lens
             through which users can view a given brand. A call-out with the
             number of a user’s friends who like the Page as well as some of
             their recent activity pertaining to the brand is featured at the top
             of the Timeline.

             Friends care about friends, making the prominence of this
             section a compelling reason for brands to respond to each and
             every post on their Pages.

                                                                     STARRING STORIES
                                                                     Page Administrators now have a way to prioritize
                                                                     their own content within the Timeline by starring
                                                                     the best (most engaging) ones and allowing it to
                                                                     expand with double width on the timeline.

                                                                     Just as easily, Administrators can hide less
                                                                     engaging or less important stories. The net
                                                                     effect of this functionality is that once a post is
                                                                     no longer current, Administrators can choose
                                                                     not to feature it as a main part of the company’s
                                                                     past in the Timeline. As such, product recall
                                                                     announcements or public apologies can still be
                                                                     distributed and shown while relevant, but can
                                                                     later be hidden in favor of more positive
                                                                     milestones in the brand’s past.

While Facebook recommends Pages post once per day, it has
created a capability that allows Administrators to “Pin” a post to
the top of the Page, so that it is the first thing users see upon
arrival for a 7-day period.

The terminology of “Pinning” may seem suspiciously close to that
of recent social media darling Pinterest. Widely, the media agrees
and attributes the use of the terminology to Zuckerberg’s ongoing
obsession with staying up to speed with start-up competition.


                        NO WELCOME TAB. APP SIZE
                        The new Timeline layout dispenses with a
                        tab-based brand favorite: the welcome tab.
                        Administrators will no longer be able to set a
                        default landing tab as the first thing users
                        see upon arriving to the Page. Instead, the
                        Cover Photo will need to do any “Welcome”
                        talking desired by the brand (though current
                        fans will see it too).

                        The new application display will continue to
                        allow older apps (520 pixels in width) to
                        display, but they’ll look narrow in the new
                        layout that allows for 810 pixel-wide
                        layouts. Applications new and old require a
                        new icon to appear on the Page that is 111 ×
                        74 pixels.


 Much to many brands’ chagrin, custom Facebook Applications,
 which represent a significant investment to many marketers,
 were given a low priority in the new Timeline layout. Pages can
 choose to feature up to three custom applications by default
 (the Photos Application is fixed), but the rest fall below in an
 area that must be expanded by the user prior to viewing
 additional applications.

 Because Facebook’s interface has long been based on a tabbed
 navigational structure, where brands would often create
 “Welcome Tabs” to orient users to the Page, this will trigger a
 major change in many Page’s user experience. Users will now
 have to be drawn in by a brand’s content, rather than a
 messaging tab.


 Uncharacteristically, Facebook is allowing
 brands complete control over how
 conversations appear on their Pages.

 Buried in Facebook’s Timeline updates are new
 capabilities that allow Administrators to
 prevent fans’ posts to the Timeline from
 showing up publicly until they have been
 approved by an administrator.                    1-ON-1 MESSAGES ARE HERE
                                                  Previously, the only way brands could communicate with
 Administrators can also hide a box that allows   consumers through their Pages was publicly through the
 users to see recent post by people other than    Page’s wall. With Timeline, Facebook is introducing a new
 their immediate friends, pretty much killing     “Message” button that appears next to the “Like” Button
 any sense of community that Pages once had.      at the top of the Page (at a brand’s discretion -- it can be

                                                  Though brand’s still cannot reach out to users directly to
                                                  initiate a 1-to-1 conversation, they can now receive
                                                  messages from users and respond through the platform.
                                                  Not all customer service can or should be public.


Facebook has made several attempts over
the past few years to develop an offering
that could rival daily deals sites like
Groupon and Living Social.

With the release of Timeline, Facebook
has added another new post type called
“Offers.” Using the post, brands can
feature a promotion on their page, allow
users to claim it and have the coupon sent
directly to the user’s email or mobile
device. The seamless experience is
powered by Facebook’s ability to leverage
users’ profile data to offer analytics and
tracking that brands will be intrigued by.

For additional exposure, Facebook also
recommends combining Offers with its ad
units to reach a broader audience and
trigger viral spread.


                      FACEBOOK GOES ON RECORD
                      WITH RECOMMENDATIONS
                      For the first time publicly, Facebook went on
                      the record with recommendations about the
                      frequency of posts Pages should use. The
                      answer was what most strategists had
                      concluded: one, engaging post per day is

                      Facebook also released some staggering
                      statistics about what types of posts work

                       • Visually engaging posts generate 2X the
                         engagement of basic text posts.
                       • On average, people visit and engage with
                         Pages most often between 9pm and
                       • Posts between 100 and 250 characters
                         (less than 3 lines of text) see about 60%
                         more likes, than longer posts.

                      Facebook estimates that the average Page
                      reaches 16% of its fans in the average week. It
                      also recommends using Page Insights to find
                      out when people engage most with content
                      and post during those hours.


 Over a year ago, Facebook launched new ad
 units referred to as “Sponsored Stories.” These
 units essentially help to amplify Page Posts so
 that they reach more users (both fans and
 non-fans) to trigger further viral spread and
 awareness of the brand and/or offering.

 These ad units have now been re-launched
 and now fall under an umbrella grouping
 called “Reach Generator.”

 In addition to re-naming the offering,
 Facebook is also breaking its Sponsored Story
 ad units out of the right side of the interface.
 Units will now also be eligible to appear in
 users’ News Feeds on their desktops and, once
 Timeline comes to mobile devices in April,
 through mobile devices. This will be the first
 time mobile advertisements are available
 through Facebook’s platform.

 When using Sponsored Stories, it it is
 imperative that brands express the core of the
 message in the first 90 characters of the post,
 as that is the size of the ad unit.


                      BIG SPENDS GET BIG BENEFITS
                      Facebook’s top advertising spenders will now
                      be using an offering re-named “Premium on
                      Facebook.” In order to augment its pre-
                      existing premium advertising offering,
                      Facebook is adding the in-News Feed ads,
                      mobile News Feed ads and a new Log-out
                      experience as parts of its paid media

                      And these higher end products have paid off
                      in the past. Facebook reports that ad units
                      featured on its homepage (reserved for
                      premium advertisers) have generated 5x-10x
                      more engagement than all other places on the

                      Further, Facebook reports that Premium Ads
                      and Sponsored Stories on the right-hand side
                      are typically 40% more engaging and 80%
                      more likely to be remembered than all
                      previous offerings.

                      Among other new claims Facebook is making
                      about the benefits of its paid advertising
                      products is that “well-run campaigns that
                      leverage social drive ROIs of 3x or greater.”

 One of the biggest challenges for brands
 joining Facebook (especially those in highly
 regulated industries) has always been the fact
 that users could post whatever they wanted to
 brand’s walls whenever they wanted to... for
 the world to see.

 Timeline does away with that. In fact, the
 entire interface has made a shift from being a
 dolled up message board with some cool
 interactive features to becoming a narrative
 story about a brand... completely controlled by
 the brand. Administrators can prevent users
 from posting to the timeline, moderate all
 posts and even re-publish the user-generated
 posts they like.

 The Timeline is engineered to tell the brand’s
 story as it wants to be seen. Blemishes can be
 hidden and Community Managers have
 complete control over what happens on the
 Page. One-to-one, consumer-to-brand
 messaging also keeps consumers’ and brands’
 dirty laundry (i.e. customer service issues) out
 of sight and, perhaps, out of mind.

                    VISUALS SHOULDN’T DISTRACT
                    FROM WHAT’S REALLY MISSION
                    If nothing else, users will have to admit:
                    Timeline is pretty. Marketers are sure to love
                    playing with the Cover Photos and finding
                    new ways to feature neat history as part of the
                    Timeline. Facebook is even pushing the idea
                    of the Page itself as “Mission Control” every
                    chance it gets.

                    None of that changes the fact, however, that
                    perhaps the most important part of Facebook
                    for brands has not significantly changed at
                    all: the News Feed. Indeed, the majority of
                    engagement and awareness is generated by
                    brands’ posts being seen among their friends’
                    posts in the News Feed.

                    While Facebook’s new paid advertising units
                    will be able to land brands in the News Feed,
                    a strong content strategy with engaging posts
                    at the right time will still be at the core of the
                    most successful brands on Facebook. So go
                    ahead, make your brand’s Page beautiful...
                    but don’t forget to think long and hard about
                    that News Feed.


 No one wants to read a book when they hop on
 Facebook to stalk a few friends. A quick scroll
 through a brand’s timeline will give you an idea of
 whether it is posting enough rich visual content.
 The more photos, videos and links relevant to
 individual posts, the more a brand stands out in
 the timeline and builds affinity through its

 As the entire Internet drives towards a future of
 representing a new world of data with easy-to-
 understand visuals, it will be no surprise if
 Facebook continues to focus on making
 improvements to the platform that make it more
 visually gripping.


                       HISTORIC NARRATIVES
                       CONTRIBUTE TO BRAND STORIES
                       THROUGH TIMELINE
                       Brands, public figures and institutions that
                       have a rich history have a perfect opportunity
                       to display it through Timeline in an engaging
                       way. Administrators can literally go back in
                       time and use the new “Milestone” post type to
                       add landmarks in an organization’s past all
                       the way back to the year it was founded.

                       Brands that have longstanding relationships
                       with customers can even encourage users to
                       contribute photos that can then be re-posted
                       as part of the Page’s history.

                       For those brands that don’t have a history,
                       like movies, Timeline allows Administrators to
                       tell a fanciful backstory that can build
                       anticipation for premieres. For television
                       shows or entertainers, Timeline offers a
                       wonderful way to catalogue episodes or
                       performances and the journey to
JACK MORTON WORLDWIDE is a global brand experience agency with offices on four continents. Our agency culture
promotes breakthrough ideas about how experiences connect brands and people – in person, online, at retail and through the
power of digital and word of mouth influence. We work with both BtoC and BtoB clients to create powerful and effective
experiences that engage customers and consumers, launch products, align employees and build strong experience brands.
Ranked at the top of our field, we’ve earned over 50 awards for creativity, execution and effectiveness last year, including best
new product introduction, best media event and employee campaign of the year. Jack Morton is part of the Interpublic Group of
Companies, Inc. (NYSE: IPG).

More information is available online:
Web site:









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Marketers guide to Facebook timeline

  • 3. HIGHLIGHTS FROM FACEBOOK’S 2012 CHANGES Every once in a while, Facebook makes its users and marketing partners feel like it’s ruining everything. Does Facebook’s new Timeline layout really ruin Facebook for brands? Probably not. But there are some substantial changes marketers should be aware of just one year after the last round of sweeping changes (remember photo strips?). One thing to know: your custom applications won’t look as good as they used to. On the heels of the rollout of its new Timeline format for user Profiles, Facebook is launching the new Timeline format for its brand partners, too. The new layout will have an impact on what brands have built on Facebook in the past (i.e. applications, posts, photos and more) and how brands can best use Facebook in the future. Brands have until March 30th to activate the new layout for their Pages, but in the meantime, Jack Morton has assembled this guide to key changes in the platform and the best ways to leverage tomorrow’s Facebook starting today.
  • 4. FACEBOOK TIMELINE FOR BRANDS: OUR POINT OF VIEW Facebook has undeniably changed the way we communicate with and relate to other humans. As Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg said in her keynote during the Facebook Marketing Conference, “For the first time, technology is powering us… and who we are.” On its path to reshape our lives as individuals (and yes, make a profit), Facebook (and social media in general) has also begun to change the way brands communicate with consumers. The focus is no longer on how brands communicate, but rather on how they relate. We believe brands relate best to consumers through brand experiences. We also believe that brand experiences are most meaningful when consumers are surrounded by their social connections. Facebook has given brands a platform to listen, comment, ask, answer, converse, innovate and, yes, even sell while users are surrounded by their social context. Facebook’s Timeline puts social brand experience at the platform’s center. No longer will users experience brands in isolation or with a few other (often random) users on message board-style Pages, but rather, users will be prompted to experience brands and their heritage through their closest -- and most trusted -- social connections. In light of Facebook’s announcement of the rollout of Timeline-based layouts for brand Pages, we’re having conversations with our clients about what the social brand experiences of the present and future will look like. To catch a glimpse into our thinking, we offer up this guide to the shifts on the platform, including what we believe will be the best practices for brands as they journey forward to relate to their consumers. Is your brand ready to make the most of Facebook’s Timeline for brand Pages? Ben Grossman Digital Strategist
  • 6. PAGES CHANGE #1: VISUALIZATION: PROFILE PICTURE Though many brands used TIMELINE LAYOUT extended, promotional profile pictures in the past, Facebook’s new Timeline layout means that a brand’s profile picture can now stay a relatively consistent reflection of the logo, using the Cover Image for major promotions instead. It should be uploaded at 180 x 180 pixels. It will automatically be scaled down to 32 x 32 pixels for News Feed viewing. TIMELINE LAYOUT COVER PHOTO The new Page layout allows for the biggest, The new home for on-Page promotion, the Cover Photo should be most customizable visual branding ever. uploaded at 851 x 315 pixels. The perfect place to feature a fan or Combined with a new, moments-in-time photo of the month, a new promotion or even a call-out for a (now focused layout, Pages now act as more of a more hidden) custom Facebook Application. Careful! Cover Photos brand narrative than a community message may not include price or purchase information, contact information board. or calls to action. Consult Facebook’s rules before development.
  • 7. PAGES CHANGE #1: VISUALIZATION: TIMELINE LAYOUT VISUALLY COMPELLING POSTS WIN Facebook was popularized based on a sleek and simple, mostly text-based interface that made it easier to understand what friends were thinking, doing and saying. With bad memories of flashing and disorganized MySpace profiles far behind users (or even before some users’ time), Facebook is beginning to put more of an emphasis on helping users visualize their friends’ and brands’ posts and activity. Brands that create posts that are accompanied by visual media (i.e. a photo or video) enjoy greater inclusion and engagement through users’ News Feeds and also are now core to a quality user experience in the Timeline layout. Posts that include fill-in-the blanks, caption contests and video clips will drive engagement as Facebook continues to evolve. Additionally, visually compelling posts make for an easily scannable, engaging Timeline history, which users can now scroll through at any time.
  • 8. PAGES CHANGE #2: TIMELINE OPTIMIZATION WHAT GIVES TIMELINE ITS NAME? WELL, A TIMELINE. The entire structure of the new Facebook Pages layout is inspired by a history-based timeline that documents a brand’s existence (fictional or actual), from its founding or opening to the present. Brands with a rich and interesting history now have the opportunity to use a new type of posts, “Milestones,” which allow them to add historical landmarks for their businesses or the backstory for an upcoming movie. A simple tool at the right of Pages allows for navigation through time. FRIEND-PRIORITIZED VIEWING A new section of Pages acts as a personalized social lens through which users can view a given brand. A call-out with the number of a user’s friends who like the Page as well as some of their recent activity pertaining to the brand is featured at the top of the Timeline. Friends care about friends, making the prominence of this section a compelling reason for brands to respond to each and every post on their Pages.
  • 9. PAGES CHANGE #2: TIMELINE OPTIMIZATION STARRING STORIES Page Administrators now have a way to prioritize their own content within the Timeline by starring the best (most engaging) ones and allowing it to expand with double width on the timeline. Just as easily, Administrators can hide less engaging or less important stories. The net effect of this functionality is that once a post is no longer current, Administrators can choose not to feature it as a main part of the company’s past in the Timeline. As such, product recall announcements or public apologies can still be distributed and shown while relevant, but can later be hidden in favor of more positive milestones in the brand’s past. PINNING POSTS FOR 7 DAYS While Facebook recommends Pages post once per day, it has created a capability that allows Administrators to “Pin” a post to the top of the Page, so that it is the first thing users see upon arrival for a 7-day period. The terminology of “Pinning” may seem suspiciously close to that of recent social media darling Pinterest. Widely, the media agrees and attributes the use of the terminology to Zuckerberg’s ongoing obsession with staying up to speed with start-up competition.
  • 10. PAGES CHANGE #3: FACEBOOK APPLICATIONS NO WELCOME TAB. APP SIZE UPDATE. The new Timeline layout dispenses with a tab-based brand favorite: the welcome tab. Administrators will no longer be able to set a default landing tab as the first thing users see upon arriving to the Page. Instead, the Cover Photo will need to do any “Welcome” talking desired by the brand (though current fans will see it too). The new application display will continue to allow older apps (520 pixels in width) to display, but they’ll look narrow in the new layout that allows for 810 pixel-wide layouts. Applications new and old require a new icon to appear on the Page that is 111 × 74 pixels.
  • 11. PAGES CHANGE #3: FACEBOOK APPLICATIONS APPLICATIONS GET A DOWNGRADE Much to many brands’ chagrin, custom Facebook Applications, which represent a significant investment to many marketers, were given a low priority in the new Timeline layout. Pages can choose to feature up to three custom applications by default (the Photos Application is fixed), but the rest fall below in an area that must be expanded by the user prior to viewing additional applications. Because Facebook’s interface has long been based on a tabbed navigational structure, where brands would often create “Welcome Tabs” to orient users to the Page, this will trigger a major change in many Page’s user experience. Users will now have to be drawn in by a brand’s content, rather than a messaging tab.
  • 12. PAGES CHANGE #4: 1-ON-1 MESSAGES & USER CONTROL COMMUNITY MANAGERS: REJOICE! Uncharacteristically, Facebook is allowing brands complete control over how conversations appear on their Pages. Buried in Facebook’s Timeline updates are new capabilities that allow Administrators to prevent fans’ posts to the Timeline from showing up publicly until they have been approved by an administrator. 1-ON-1 MESSAGES ARE HERE Previously, the only way brands could communicate with Administrators can also hide a box that allows consumers through their Pages was publicly through the users to see recent post by people other than Page’s wall. With Timeline, Facebook is introducing a new their immediate friends, pretty much killing “Message” button that appears next to the “Like” Button any sense of community that Pages once had. at the top of the Page (at a brand’s discretion -- it can be hidden). Though brand’s still cannot reach out to users directly to initiate a 1-to-1 conversation, they can now receive messages from users and respond through the platform. Not all customer service can or should be public.
  • 14. BRAND PROMOTION #1: OFFERS POSTS READY TO BATTLE DAILY DEALS? NOT YET. Facebook has made several attempts over the past few years to develop an offering that could rival daily deals sites like Groupon and Living Social. With the release of Timeline, Facebook has added another new post type called “Offers.” Using the post, brands can feature a promotion on their page, allow users to claim it and have the coupon sent directly to the user’s email or mobile device. The seamless experience is powered by Facebook’s ability to leverage users’ profile data to offer analytics and tracking that brands will be intrigued by. For additional exposure, Facebook also recommends combining Offers with its ad units to reach a broader audience and trigger viral spread.
  • 15. BRAND PROMOTION #2: POSTING STANDARDS FACEBOOK GOES ON RECORD WITH RECOMMENDATIONS For the first time publicly, Facebook went on the record with recommendations about the frequency of posts Pages should use. The answer was what most strategists had concluded: one, engaging post per day is golden. Facebook also released some staggering statistics about what types of posts work best. • Visually engaging posts generate 2X the engagement of basic text posts. • On average, people visit and engage with Pages most often between 9pm and 10pm. • Posts between 100 and 250 characters (less than 3 lines of text) see about 60% more likes, than longer posts. Facebook estimates that the average Page reaches 16% of its fans in the average week. It also recommends using Page Insights to find out when people engage most with content and post during those hours.
  • 16. BRAND PROMOTION #3: REACH GENERATOR FACEBOOK’S NEW TAKE ON SPONSORED STORIES Over a year ago, Facebook launched new ad units referred to as “Sponsored Stories.” These units essentially help to amplify Page Posts so that they reach more users (both fans and non-fans) to trigger further viral spread and awareness of the brand and/or offering. These ad units have now been re-launched and now fall under an umbrella grouping called “Reach Generator.” In addition to re-naming the offering, Facebook is also breaking its Sponsored Story ad units out of the right side of the interface. Units will now also be eligible to appear in users’ News Feeds on their desktops and, once Timeline comes to mobile devices in April, through mobile devices. This will be the first time mobile advertisements are available through Facebook’s platform. When using Sponsored Stories, it it is imperative that brands express the core of the message in the first 90 characters of the post, as that is the size of the ad unit.
  • 17. BRAND PROMOTION #4: PREMIUM ON FACEBOOK BIG SPENDS GET BIG BENEFITS Facebook’s top advertising spenders will now be using an offering re-named “Premium on Facebook.” In order to augment its pre- existing premium advertising offering, Facebook is adding the in-News Feed ads, mobile News Feed ads and a new Log-out experience as parts of its paid media offerings. And these higher end products have paid off in the past. Facebook reports that ad units featured on its homepage (reserved for premium advertisers) have generated 5x-10x more engagement than all other places on the site. Further, Facebook reports that Premium Ads and Sponsored Stories on the right-hand side are typically 40% more engaging and 80% more likely to be remembered than all previous offerings. Among other new claims Facebook is making about the benefits of its paid advertising products is that “well-run campaigns that leverage social drive ROIs of 3x or greater.”
  • 19. BEST PRACTICE #1: BRAND OVER COMMUNITY FORCED COMMUNITY IS DEAD... CONTROL IS BACK One of the biggest challenges for brands joining Facebook (especially those in highly regulated industries) has always been the fact that users could post whatever they wanted to brand’s walls whenever they wanted to... for the world to see. Timeline does away with that. In fact, the entire interface has made a shift from being a dolled up message board with some cool interactive features to becoming a narrative story about a brand... completely controlled by the brand. Administrators can prevent users from posting to the timeline, moderate all posts and even re-publish the user-generated posts they like. The Timeline is engineered to tell the brand’s story as it wants to be seen. Blemishes can be hidden and Community Managers have complete control over what happens on the Page. One-to-one, consumer-to-brand messaging also keeps consumers’ and brands’ dirty laundry (i.e. customer service issues) out of sight and, perhaps, out of mind.
  • 20. BEST PRACTICE #2: DON’T FORGET THE NEWS FEED VISUALS SHOULDN’T DISTRACT FROM WHAT’S REALLY MISSION CONTROL. If nothing else, users will have to admit: Timeline is pretty. Marketers are sure to love playing with the Cover Photos and finding new ways to feature neat history as part of the Timeline. Facebook is even pushing the idea of the Page itself as “Mission Control” every chance it gets. None of that changes the fact, however, that perhaps the most important part of Facebook for brands has not significantly changed at all: the News Feed. Indeed, the majority of engagement and awareness is generated by brands’ posts being seen among their friends’ posts in the News Feed. While Facebook’s new paid advertising units will be able to land brands in the News Feed, a strong content strategy with engaging posts at the right time will still be at the core of the most successful brands on Facebook. So go ahead, make your brand’s Page beautiful... but don’t forget to think long and hard about that News Feed.
  • 21. BEST PRACTICE #3: EMPHASIS ON VISUALIZATION RICH VISUALS MAKE THE BEST CONTENT AND THE BEST TIMELINES No one wants to read a book when they hop on Facebook to stalk a few friends. A quick scroll through a brand’s timeline will give you an idea of whether it is posting enough rich visual content. The more photos, videos and links relevant to individual posts, the more a brand stands out in the timeline and builds affinity through its timeline. As the entire Internet drives towards a future of representing a new world of data with easy-to- understand visuals, it will be no surprise if Facebook continues to focus on making improvements to the platform that make it more visually gripping.
  • 22. BEST PRACTICE #4: STORYTELLING THROUGH MILESTONES HISTORIC NARRATIVES CONTRIBUTE TO BRAND STORIES THROUGH TIMELINE Brands, public figures and institutions that have a rich history have a perfect opportunity to display it through Timeline in an engaging way. Administrators can literally go back in time and use the new “Milestone” post type to add landmarks in an organization’s past all the way back to the year it was founded. Brands that have longstanding relationships with customers can even encourage users to contribute photos that can then be re-posted as part of the Page’s history. For those brands that don’t have a history, like movies, Timeline allows Administrators to tell a fanciful backstory that can build anticipation for premieres. For television shows or entertainers, Timeline offers a wonderful way to catalogue episodes or performances and the journey to accomplishment.
  • 23. WILL YOU USE TIMELINE TO CREATE COMPELLING SOCIAL BRAND EXPERIENCES FOR CONSUMERS? JACK MORTON WORLDWIDE is a global brand experience agency with offices on four continents. Our agency culture promotes breakthrough ideas about how experiences connect brands and people – in person, online, at retail and through the power of digital and word of mouth influence. We work with both BtoC and BtoB clients to create powerful and effective experiences that engage customers and consumers, launch products, align employees and build strong experience brands. Ranked at the top of our field, we’ve earned over 50 awards for creativity, execution and effectiveness last year, including best new product introduction, best media event and employee campaign of the year. Jack Morton is part of the Interpublic Group of Companies, Inc. (NYSE: IPG). More information is available online: Web site: Blog: Twitter: FOR MORE INSIGHT INTO FACEBOOK’S TIMELINE FOR BRANDS, CONTACT BEN_GROSSMAN@JACKMORTON.COM