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Mansfield and District U3A
Farewell to Bob & Sue
Welcome to Sheila
Established 1999
Registered Charity No. 1164177
October 2016
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Welcome from your chairman
October is here again; we are still alive and kicking and our gardens have more or less survived the
vagaries of the English summer. My sandy soil had been as dry as dust until the rain came in torrents and
bashed the plants down. I stock more cures for the garden than medicines for myself!
Halloween is almost upon us – ‘All Hallows Eve’, a time for children to go round knocking on
doors with ‘trick-or-treat’, hoping to be given some sweets. One of my friends used to wear a
fearful mask when she opened her door and shout BOO as loudly as she could. It was always a
busy time at my fancy dress shop as each year more products became available. Originally, we
had skeletons, devils, ghosts and, of course, witches. Each year, the ladies’ costumes becam-e
skimpier and more colourful with black witches becoming purple and bright green. Once, a white
ghost costume was returned covered in black footprints – I never found out if the customer was
wearing it at the time and we never got it clean again.
A lady crocheted a black spider’s web to cover her living room ceiling and wanted a giant spider
to go on it. I do not think I would have enjoyed the food she was serving: orange jelly with eye
balls, edible bats, buns with ghostly faces and blood dripping from them and purple and green
drinks. Creepy-crawlies had been stuck on the crockery, while screams and ghostly noises
played in the background. Her husband had made a coffin and was going to jump out of it
dressed as Dracula. Full marks for effort!
I like to get one up on my son-in-law so I went shopping for the biggest pumpkin to be found. It
had to be lifted into the car for me and I even bought him a set of tools to carve it. It was a one-
off as he bought a terracotta one after that (not, I might add, a common plastic one)!
My youngest granddaughter is 24 now and towers above me; she used to come to the shop on
Saturday when her head barely reached above the counter. One day, a lady booked a witch’s
costume. As I was taking her details, the little one sold her green nail polish and lipstick, long
green wigs, fishnet tights and broomsticks. It was a good sale so I put her on commission –
perhaps a chip off the old block!
Sheila Whalley
Words from the Editor
My thanks to Group Leaders for responding to my request (or threats) for more of their news. Send even
more in as members like to read about what Mansfield U3A is up to. By the way, two tables-worth of
Mansfield members went to the Sherwood Quiz and came second and third – a very good showing and
a most pleasant evening.
Mike Allen
In this issue
Page 2: Chairman's Welcome; Words from the Editor
Page 3: Christmas Lunch Menu; Mansfield U3AAGM
Page 4: North Notts Neighbourhood Group; East Misdlands Council; Free Wills
Pages 5 – 8: History Group; Shufflers; Interest Groups Meetings Diary
Pages 9 – 11: Interest Group News; Getaway Group; Latest News
Page 12: Dates for your Diary and Notices
Cover photo by Mick Kennison
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Mansfield U3A Christmas Lunch
on Monday December 5th
in the 1861 Suite
at Mansfield Town Football Club
Cost: £19 (incl. Tips). 12.30 for 1 pm.
Tomato & Roast Pepper Soup with bread roll & butter
Breaded Mushrooms with a garlic mayonnaise or BBQ dip
Prawn Cocktail or Chicken Liver Paté with melba toast & red onion chutney
Roast Turkey with sage & onion stuffing balls, 'pigs in blankets', Yorkshire pudding and gravy
Roast Beef with sage & onion stuffing balls, 'pigs in blankets', Yorkshire pudding and gravy
Salmon with a creamy wholegrain mustard, cider & honey sauce
Festive Lentil & Nut Roast (v)
All served with roast potatoes & seasonal vegetables.
Christmas Pudding or Warm Mince Pies or Hot Chocolate Fudge Cake.
Choose your meal from the menu above and book your places with Norma Shillinglaw as soon as possible.
Please pay by cheque made out to Mansfield U3Aat the October and November meetings.
Mansfield U3A AGM
After a pleasant and extended social period, the rather fewer members than usual were
welcomed by Bob Longden, the out-going Chairman, to our own AGM on Tuesday 20th
September in the 1861 Suite. His review of the year and those of other officers, appear in the
September Newsletter and the official minutes will be available soon.
Bob explained that Mansfield U3A was about to open its new website in October, a site to
replace the one David Ling set up some years ago. This simpler one would be needed when
David had left the area and would enable less skilled members to contribute to it more easily. He
thanked David for his work.
The Treasurer’s Report showed that Mansfield U3A is in a healthy financial state even though
more money was spent last year than came in. However, our secure state depends greatly on
the hard work of the few members who organise the Book Table, the Annual Quiz and the Coffee
Morning and Yvonne Kennison urged members to support these ventures and to Gift-Aid their
subscriptions, another way to help keep the subs lower.
Christine Smith was elected to the Committee, the other members of which are Jacqui
Hampshire (Vice-Chairman), Linda Leivers (Groups Co-ordinator), Mike Allen (Secretary),
Graham Headworth (Minutes Secretary), Yvonne Kennison (Treasurer), Marilyn Dibble
(Membership Secretary), Norma Smith (Speaker Finder) and Sheila Pegg (Assistant Treasurer).
Bob presented a retirement bouquet to Rita Turner who has given up her role as Chairman of
the North Notts Neighbourhood Group after ten years. He also thanked Margaret Burlinson for
all her hard work for the Holidays Group.
He then handed over the reins of leadership to Sheila Whalley, the in-coming Chairman who
thanked him for all his efforts over the last two years. Gifts and a bouquet were presented and
the AGM ended.
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North Notts Neighbourhood Group
This friendship group of U3As in North Notts had its AGM on Thursday September 29th. There
were two main items. The first was the ‘stepping-down’ of both the Chairman (Rita Turner of
Mansfield) and Secretary (Margaret Taylor of Sherwood) after many years of service – in fact,
they were the prime movers of the Group.
However, no-one stepped forward to take their places, and so the NNNG seemed to be on the
point of disappearance. This was felt to be a great pity as it provides a great service – it is a
smaller, more local grouping than the County Network, it allows members to join each other’s
Interest Groups and it encourages events which enable the different U3As to meet (such as the
very successful Royal Revelry this year).
In the end, Mike Allen of Mansfield offered to become the ‘Liaison Officer’ between the various
local U3As for a period of two years, making sure that there were the two meetings per year as
usual, but now with a chairman (and refreshments) from each local U3A in rotation. Rather than
concentrating on the social events, the idea is that the U3As look in more detail how they can
co-operate with each other in setting up interest groups, in opening existing groups to other
U3As and in advertising social functions to each other.
Unfortunately, Hucknall, Retford and Worksop also ‘retired’ from the group as they felt they were
on the fringe of the area, leaving a more compact group of eight U3As around Mansfield. If this
informal group works, then it may help to show other areas that we do not need a heavy
bureaucracy to prosper!
Mike Allen
East Midlands Regional Representative Council …
… which I bet you have never (or hardly ever) heard about. This council is the official link
between the Third Age Trust and the County Networks, but seemed to many to be an added and
unncessary extra layer between the members and the Trust. Graham Headworth and Sheila
Whalley attended the AGM of this body as our delegates, prepared to vote it out of existence as
had been suggested by Nottinghamshire U3As.
However, the best-laid plans were foiled as the vote went against the 'revolutionaries', and the
RRC remains for the time being. The Editor will come back to this again in November when the
Newsletter takes a deeper look at the future development of the U3A organisation as a whole
and considers the various ideas that are being put forward to this end.
Mike Allen
Free Wills
Every November, solicitors across the country offer to write ‘free’ wills for people over 55. There
is no cost, but if you take advantage of the service, you are encouraged to donate or leave
something in your will to one of the participating charities.
Two local solicitors offer their services through the website so if you or
anyone you know needs to make or change a will, then go to that website. Another similar
website is which operates in March and October in the same way.
Whichever you decide to try, move quickly as appointments fill up rapidly. The website for the consumer
group, has an interesting and pertinent section on another thorny matter –
the Power ofAttorney. This is well worth reading as many of us will need them, especially if we are single, and
the site offers help and advice on how to set them up, and avoid lawyers' fees!
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History Group
The History Group had a wonderful day at the Richard III Visitor Centre and Tomb on Thursday
September 22nd. Leader Dave Drew nearly had a thousand fits when the Ravenshead mini-bus
failed to turn up as booked and the whole group wishes to thank Andrew
Spen who leapt in at short notice to cover the absence of the rostered driver.
However, our gloom lifted with the weather and we arrived in Leicester in
warm sunshine. Despite our tardy arrival, the centre and cathedral staff went
out of their way to make the visit a huge success. However, Dave Drew did
wonder why a Star Wars Storm Trooper was on display until he put his
glasses on and found it was a replica of Richard III’s
The only Lancastrian sympathiser in our party
protested volubly that he was, in fact, Swedish. “A
likely tale my lad!” said Graham Headworth as he
carted the miscreant off to the Guildhall cells. As
Carsten Kockum left, a plaintive, ghostly cry was
heard, King Richard III no less, “A Norse, a Norse,
my kingdom for a Norse”.
(The Editor apologises for Dave Drew’s pun.)
The History Group’s next trip will be to the Bosworth and Naseby
Battlefields sometime in the early spring of 2017. The next Group
meeting will be on the third Wednesday in October at 10am when we will be looking at those
individuals in history who have done the most to benefit the whole of mankind.
Dave Drew
Shufflers in September
Ten little shufflers set out to dine and, as usual for us, the weather was fine! For our annual visit
to the beautiful Rufford Abbey Country Park, we decided to have lunch at the Coach House Café
and this proved a wise choice. The food was good and the company, with its repartee and lots of
laughter, lived up to expectations.
What more could we ask for? After lunch, some shuffled round the lake, some shuffled around
the two excellent shops and others shuffled off for their afternoon nap.
So, if any ailing, failing walker, hiker or stroller wishes to downsize, you are most welcome to join
us on the fourth Thursday in the month. We can promise there will be no heavy rucksacks and
maps to carry or muddy boots or blisters!
Rita Turner
Key to Meetings details:
THIS TABLE SHOWS THE DAY of the month, time and frequency using the first two letters of the day,
followed by numbers 1 - 5 to represent the week number. The final letter M (or F, W or V) indicates that the
group meets monthly, fortnightly, weekly or at variable intervals.
So 'Tu2, 2.30 - V M' would mean a group meeting on the 2nd Tuesday at 2.30pm Monthly but with
Variable finish times.
All members are invited to contact the relevant Group Leader if they would like to participate in any
interest group or attend an event. NB: * indicates a waiting list.
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Interest Group Meetings Meeting Places Leader/Contact
Afternoon Teas Sa2, 3 - 5 M Various Sheila Whalley
01623 453908
Next Meetings: TBA
Antiques and
Collectables *
Tu2, 10 – 12.00 M Bridge Street
Methodist Church,
Pat Blackwell
01623 481745
Next Meetings: Nov 8th – Lighting; Dec 13th – Drinks – glasses, decanters, labels, etc.
Art We3, 10 – 12.00 M Big Barn Lane
Methodist Church,
Gordon Howlett
01623 627423
Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar
Art Appreciation Mo1, 2.00 - 4.00 M Stanhope Centre
Pauline Boucher
01623 644798
Next meetings: November 7th – Arts and Crafts in Art;
Bridge Mo, F
6.30 - 9.00
West Notts Coll. Derby
Rd., Rm Dv036
Joan Hufton
01623 557488
Next Meetings: October 17th, then fortnightly thereafter.
Bowls Tu 2.30 – 4.00 W
Coaching / Roll-ups at
£3.00 per session
Lammas Centre,
Sutton in Ashfield
Jennie & Dave Drew
01623 555012
Next Meetings: Indoor season begins Tuesday October 11th.
Chat and Stitch Mo3, 2.00 - 4.00 M St John's Centre,
Doreen Storer
01623 407731
Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar
Craft Workshop We4, 2.00 - 4.00 M Ruth Colley's home Ruth Colley
01623 472010
Next meetings: October 26th – Welcoming new members
Current Affairs Tu2, 2.00 - 4.00 M St John's Centre,
Norma Shillinglaw
01623 466934
Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar
Family History Tu4, 10.00 - 12.00 M St John's Centre,
Peter & Brenda
Corbett 01623
Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar
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Film Studies * We1, 1.30 - V M Joy's home Joy Crowe
01623 645400
Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar
Garden Visits Various during the
Various Janet Whitlam/Karen
01623 635607
Next Visits: TBA
Gardening Tu1, 10.00 - 12.00 M St Peter's Centre,
Avril McGee
01623 452688
Next Meetings: Nov 1st – Echium World by Ray & Linda Heywood; Dec 5th – Linda Cassell
Getaway Various TBA Christine Smith
07859 249086
2017 Holidays: Jan. & Feb. – Thoresby Hall * (Terry Whitehead).
New Getaway holidays are shown on page 11.
Golf Last Friday of Month Various Paul Mann
01623 615416
Next Meeting: TBA
History We3, 10.00 - 12.00 M M'field Bowling Club,
Chesterfield Road,
David Drew
01623 555012
Next Meetings: Oct 19th – Important Individuals who have benefitted Mankind
Horse Riding Fr4, 11.00 M exp.
Fr2, 11.00 M beg.
Kirkfields Equestrian
Centre, Blidworth
Christine Smith
07859 249086
Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar.
International Dining We2, 6.30 for 7.00 M Various Jacqui Hampshire
01623 239210
Next Meetings: Nov. 9th – Caribbean Queen in Sherwood; No meetings Dec/Jan
Local History Fri1, 10.00 - 12.00 M Bridge Street
Methodist Church,
Bob & Sue Longden
01623 486903
Next Meetings: Nov 4th – Education; Dec 2nd – Christmas Meeting
Luncheon Club Th after 3rd Tu,
12.00 - 2.00 M
Various Eileen & Colin Bell
01623 429239
Next Meetings: Oct 20th – The Nag's Head at Woodborough
Music Group
Classical Music 2 Mo4, 2.00 - 4.00 M Members' homes Peter Hart
01623 620940
Next Meetings: Oct 24th – Woodwind Music at Mike's; Nov 28th – Brahms at Geoff's
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Music 2 * Mo4, 2.00 - 4.30 M Members' homes Eric Prescott
01623 631160
Next Meeting: Meetings as per calendar
Popular Music
Appreciation *
Tu4, 2.00 - 4.00 M St John's School,
Peter Haynes
01623 610886
Next Meeting: Meetings as per calendar
Pudding Club Tu1, 4.00 - 6.00 M Members' homes Sylvia Slack
01623 633981
Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar: Alternately at Sylvia's and Janet's.
Read a Little Aloud Fri2, 2.00 - 4.00 M St Peter's Community
Centre, Bellamy Road
Sheila Haslam
01623 627764
Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar
Reading 1 Th3, 2.00 - 4.00 M Peter Dawson's home Peter Dawson
01623 882191
Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar.
Reading 2 Tu3, 2.00 - 4.00 M Ravenshead Library Joan Hufton
01623 557488
Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar
Science & Technical Tu1, 2.00 - 4.00 M Stanton Hill Baptist
Church, Albert St.
Ian Boucher
01623 644798
Next Meetings: Nov 1st – The Development Engineer (Peter Thurkettle); Nov 29th (note
the date change) – Around the world in 60 minutes – the Christmas 'Jolly'.
Scrabble Mo2, 2.00 - 4.00 M Brenda Thurkettle's
Brenda Thurkettle
01623 628136
Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar
Swimming Sun1&3, 2.00 F FitnessFlex Gym
next to MTFC.
Christine Smith
07859 249086
Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar. Cost: £4.00 per session incl. sauna, jacuzzi, etc.
Tai Chi Mo, 9.30 - 10.30 W St John's Centre,
Jean Kirk
01623 480207
Next term: Monday Sept. 5th – December 12th, with half term break on Oct. 24th.
Theatre Visits Various Various Sheila Whalley
01623 453908
Next Visits: Saturday December 3rd – 'The Jungle Book'.
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Walking Groups
(all-day, 6 - 8 miles)
Th1 & Mo3, 9.30 - V
Tesco car park, off
Oak Tree Lane,
Peter Thurkettle
01623 628136
Next Meetings: Thurs Nov 3rd – Baslow / Curbar Edge; Mon Nov 21st – Wirksworth;
Thurs Dec 1st – Barlborough; Mon Dec 19th - Edingley (Meal after)
(short & gentle)
Th4, 12.00 - V M Various Sylvia Slack
01623 633981
Next Meetings: October 27th – Carr Bank Tea House; Nov 24th – Sutton Lawn Visitor's Centre
(a leisurely 2 miles)
We2, 10.30 - V M Various Barbara Massey /
Marion Thornton
01623 628357/ 651528
Next Meetings: Nov 9th – Brierley Forest (car-park). Meal at café following walk; No walk in Dec.
(an easy 4 - 5 miles)
We4, 10.30 - V M Various Joy & Nick Crowe
01623 645400
Next Meetings: October 26th – Rowthorne Trail; Nov 23rd – Thieves Wood (Coxmoor Rd car pk)
Wine Appreciation 2 * We3, 7.30 - V M Members' homes Mike Allen
01623 653345
Next Meetings: Oct 19th – Spanish Reds (George & Mavis); Nov 23rd (date change) – Chenin
Blanc (Norma); Dec 14th – Sharing Supper at Mike's 6.30 for 7.00pm
Wine Appreciation 3 * Tu4, 7.30 - V M Members' homes Graham Allin
01623 473662
Next Meetings: Oct 25th – Viognier (Ian and Pauline); Nov 22nd – Pinot Noir (Lynn and Barrie);
Sat Dec 10th – Christmas Social
Wine Appreciation 4 * Th4, 7.30 - V M Members' homes Jane Kockum
01623 407235
Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar
Writing for Pleasure Mo2, 2 - 4 M Stanhope Centre,
Bridge Street,
Hilary Miller/Sue Ford
01623 620067/844286
Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar
Harmony (an independent Interest Group) meets every fortnight on Wednesday evenings from 5.45 pm
to 7.15 pm at St Alban's Church in Forest Town, starting September 21st. Contact June Fell on 01623
623547 or at the monthly meeting to learn more about this singing group of U3AMembers.
U3A ex-QEGS pupils: Just a reminder, ladies – the next meeting for a coffee and chat is on Monday
October 31st at 10.30am and the venue is Il Rosso. If you know anyone who is an ex-pupil, please invite
them to come along.
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Our October Speaker Norma Smith
'Life Can Be Funny' by Pat Hall
This month's talk features quick-change comedy sketches with characters such as 'A Lottery
Winner', 'Nil By Mouth' and 'Lady Raleigh'. Throw in every-day observational comedy, oddities,
jokes and anecdotes, together with her own quirky poems such as 'The Ratting', 'Trying to find a
Loo' and 'Call Centres', add some nostalgia and audience involvement and mix well.
The Book Stall
The Book Stall made £45.80 in September. Christmas is coming up, so buy books as presents. How
about bringing in well-loved children's books so Lillian and Terry can sell them to grandparents needing
stocking fillers for the little ones?
Latest Group News …
Garden Group Avril McGee
October has arrived and, as I write this, there is definitely a chill in the air and a change of
seasons. However, as gardeners, we are undeterred by poor weather and as such, we have
decided to extend the Gardening Group programme to include a meeting in December, as
we did last year. We have invited Liz Cassell to demonstrate flower arranging with a
Christmas theme, incorporating garden foliage (apologies for the 'C' word in October!) on
Monday December 6th at the usual time and place.
Her arrangements will be raffled and we will enjoy mince pies with our refreshments, so do
come to what will surely be a fun meeting to end our 2016 programme.
Theatre Visits Sheila Whalley
The Glenn Miller Story at the Theatre Royal
I did wonder how Tommy Steele, now approaching eighty years old, would portray Glenn
Miller who died at 40 years of age. I still remember, as a very young woman, seeing James
Stewart play him in the film and I did not want to be disappointed.
Well, I need not have worried. From the moment he came on stage to huge applause and
flashed his cheeky grin, then got into character, he was Glenn Miller. The story was set at
different occasions in the rise to fame, and Tommy Steele showed that he could sing as well as
ever, and he even danced, although most of the energetic stuff was left to the excellent
supporting group of professional dancers and singers.
Helen Miller was played by Abigail Jaye who also sang and danced very well. We were treated
to a 16-piece ‘Authentic Glenn Miller Orchestra’ playing most of the old favourites live on stage
and in character … wonderful! However, the event that reduced a row of U3A ladies to tears was
when Glenn (or Tommy) sang to Helen, more or less in a whisper, ’The Nearness Of You’ as he
was going to war.
Doreen Storer
The Full Monty at the Theatre Royal.
The theatre was packed to capacity with women of all ages and a smattering of men. The Full
Monty was not a show for the faint-hearted or prudes but it was a jolly good laugh if you were
open-minded as the language was fruity at times, with some nudity but nothing X rated!
Some of the cast have been on TV – Gary Lucy, Andrew Dunn, Louis Emerick, Chris Fountain,
Anthony Lewis and Kai Owen. They got to grips with the steel workers’ accents very well. The
show finished to thunderous applause and shouts of ‘More’. A lively afternoon out. Roll-on the
next show!
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Tickets for the Oddsocks production on Saturday December 3rd 2016 at the Thoresby Riding
Stables of Jungle Book must be paid for at the October meeting. The cost is £14, with cheques
made out to S.J.Whalley. Sheila now has the invoice for The Adams Family (musical) with a
payment date of February 24th 2017.
The Getaway Group
Norfolk June 12th – 16th 2017.
Potters 5-star Holiday Resort at Hopton-on-Sea on the coast in Norfolk between Great
Yarmouth and Lowestoft. A 5-day holiday from Monday to Friday with 4 meals per day and with
activities during the day and evening entertainment.
The prices are based on 35 people in bungalow accommodation (hotel rooms on request at a
price similar to the bungalows). 7 singles, 5 standard double bungalows, 6 standard twin
bungalows, 8 ‘plus’ bungalows (twin) and 2 ‘plus’ bungalows (double) are available.
£339pp in a standard bungalow; £359pp in a standard-plus bungalow
Lake Garda, Italy September 6th – 13th 2017.
An 8-day holiday (B, B & EM) in a 3* hotel on the shore of the lake from £699. Prices are based
on at least 25 persons booking. Day trips to Venice and Verona will be included in the price, plus
an optional trip to the Dolomites if desired.
See Christine Smith at the monthly meetings or contact her on 01623 443480 or 07859 249086
or at
Thursford Christmas Spectacular Thursday November 30th – Saturday December 2nd 2017
By coach to the Links Country House Hotel 3*** at West Runton (near Sheringham and Cromer)
so no long distance driving!
The price of £239 (single supplement £25pp) includes tickets for the fabulous and famous
Thursford Spectacular Show with DB&B for two nights and mulled wine and mince pies on return
from the show. There will be a full-day excursion into Norwich, with some hours in Holt on the
return journey (this is a lovely market town and I should know ‘cos I used to live there!)
Only £1 (yes £1!) deposit for the show is required by December 15th 2016, then a £10 Holiday
deposit by March 6th 2017. See you at the meeting.
See Jacqui Hampshire for Thursford at the monthly meetings; or contact her on 01623 239210
Thoresby Hall Holiday 2017 Terry Whitehead
Two holiday dates: Monday January 9th to Friday January 13th at £182pp and Monday February 20th to
Friday February 24th at £220pp. It's 'waiting lists only' now so contact Terry on 01623 626991 or
Bridge Group Joan Hufton (
If you are interested in playing Bridge, either as an experienced player or as a beginner, phone me on
01623 557488 or turn up on Monday, October 17th as some of you will not have heard of the revival of
the group until the September meeting!
Golf Group Paul Mann
The latest game took place on the Commanders Course at Oakmere Park. Six members took part and all
enjoyed the game, plus the lunch afterwards. We welcomed one new member, Malcolm, an
accomplished golfer from Sherwood U3A. Peter McGee informed me he had a birdie on one of the holes
but he would not come clean about the rest of his round! The game was close-fought generally but, after a
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poor first nine, the group leader came good on the back nine. The next fixture will be on the Friday
October 28th 2016 at 9.30am for a 10am tee-off. We will be playing 18 holes on the par-3 course at
Ramsdale Park Golf Club. The cost will be £9.50 per head. Full set of clubs needed.
Latest Mansfield U3A News …
Diaries: The 2016-2017 U3A Diaries have arrived and can be collected from the Secretary, Mike Allen at
the October meeting. 10 remain to be distributed.
Subscriptions remain at £15 for the year 2016-2017. Have you paid?
Cheques payable to Mansfield and District U3Aor see below for online details.
Online Banking is now available to members to pay their subscriptions online:
Sort Code: 60-14-03 Account Number: 40396835
Account name: Mansfield and District U3A REFERENCE: Member's name (for identification)
Dates for your diary (Check the website for more information and updates)
October 18th Tuesday: Monthly Meeting. 'Life Can Be Funny' by Pat Hall.
October 21st Friday: Group Leaders Meeting at 10am at Bridge Street Methodist Church.
Apologies to Linda Leivers, please.
Saturday February 25th 2017
Annual Fun Quiz Night and Buffet at Queen Elizabeth’s Academy.
Tickets will be on sale at the monthly meetings.
Come along to our annual fun quiz night and you could win a cash prize!
Organise a team (maximum 8 players per team)
Or just come along and join a team on the night.
Cost £8.00 to include buffet supper.
Bring your own drinks and glasses.
Details from Pauline Boucher on 01623 644798 or
Event and Visit Payments
MEMBERS are reminded that deposits and payments for events and visits organised by Mansfield
U3A and its interest groups are non-refundable, but places so reserved may be offered to others.
Changes of Address, etc.
PLEASE contact the membership secretary, Marilyn Dibble 01623 634805, if you've changed your
address, phone number or email since joining Mansfield U3A so that she can update our records.
THE VIEWS expressed here are those of the contributors, only, and do not necessarily reflect those
of the editor, the committee of Mansfield U3A or the Third Age Trust. Nor can any responsibility be
accepted for members' announcements or any errors that may occur.
Next Issue
PLEASE SEND contributions for the next issue to or by
hand to Mike Allen as soon as you can and by the 1st of the month at the latest. Thanks!
Editor: Mike Allen 01623 653345 Printed by: Portland Print
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Mansfield U3A Newsletter: October 2016

  • 1. Mansfield and District U3A Newsletter Farewell to Bob & Sue Welcome to Sheila _______________________________ Established 1999 Registered Charity No. 1164177 October 2016 Website: Page 1 of 12
  • 2. Welcome from your chairman October is here again; we are still alive and kicking and our gardens have more or less survived the vagaries of the English summer. My sandy soil had been as dry as dust until the rain came in torrents and bashed the plants down. I stock more cures for the garden than medicines for myself! Halloween is almost upon us – ‘All Hallows Eve’, a time for children to go round knocking on doors with ‘trick-or-treat’, hoping to be given some sweets. One of my friends used to wear a fearful mask when she opened her door and shout BOO as loudly as she could. It was always a busy time at my fancy dress shop as each year more products became available. Originally, we had skeletons, devils, ghosts and, of course, witches. Each year, the ladies’ costumes becam-e skimpier and more colourful with black witches becoming purple and bright green. Once, a white ghost costume was returned covered in black footprints – I never found out if the customer was wearing it at the time and we never got it clean again. A lady crocheted a black spider’s web to cover her living room ceiling and wanted a giant spider to go on it. I do not think I would have enjoyed the food she was serving: orange jelly with eye balls, edible bats, buns with ghostly faces and blood dripping from them and purple and green drinks. Creepy-crawlies had been stuck on the crockery, while screams and ghostly noises played in the background. Her husband had made a coffin and was going to jump out of it dressed as Dracula. Full marks for effort! I like to get one up on my son-in-law so I went shopping for the biggest pumpkin to be found. It had to be lifted into the car for me and I even bought him a set of tools to carve it. It was a one- off as he bought a terracotta one after that (not, I might add, a common plastic one)! My youngest granddaughter is 24 now and towers above me; she used to come to the shop on Saturday when her head barely reached above the counter. One day, a lady booked a witch’s costume. As I was taking her details, the little one sold her green nail polish and lipstick, long green wigs, fishnet tights and broomsticks. It was a good sale so I put her on commission – perhaps a chip off the old block! Sheila Whalley _________________________________________________________________________________ Words from the Editor My thanks to Group Leaders for responding to my request (or threats) for more of their news. Send even more in as members like to read about what Mansfield U3A is up to. By the way, two tables-worth of Mansfield members went to the Sherwood Quiz and came second and third – a very good showing and a most pleasant evening. Mike Allen ____________________________________________________________________________ In this issue Page 2: Chairman's Welcome; Words from the Editor Page 3: Christmas Lunch Menu; Mansfield U3AAGM Page 4: North Notts Neighbourhood Group; East Misdlands Council; Free Wills Pages 5 – 8: History Group; Shufflers; Interest Groups Meetings Diary Pages 9 – 11: Interest Group News; Getaway Group; Latest News Page 12: Dates for your Diary and Notices Cover photo by Mick Kennison Page 2 of 12
  • 3. Mansfield U3A Christmas Lunch on Monday December 5th in the 1861 Suite at Mansfield Town Football Club Cost: £19 (incl. Tips). 12.30 for 1 pm. Tomato & Roast Pepper Soup with bread roll & butter Breaded Mushrooms with a garlic mayonnaise or BBQ dip Prawn Cocktail or Chicken Liver Paté with melba toast & red onion chutney Roast Turkey with sage & onion stuffing balls, 'pigs in blankets', Yorkshire pudding and gravy Roast Beef with sage & onion stuffing balls, 'pigs in blankets', Yorkshire pudding and gravy Salmon with a creamy wholegrain mustard, cider & honey sauce Festive Lentil & Nut Roast (v) All served with roast potatoes & seasonal vegetables. Christmas Pudding or Warm Mince Pies or Hot Chocolate Fudge Cake. Choose your meal from the menu above and book your places with Norma Shillinglaw as soon as possible. Please pay by cheque made out to Mansfield U3Aat the October and November meetings. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Mansfield U3A AGM After a pleasant and extended social period, the rather fewer members than usual were welcomed by Bob Longden, the out-going Chairman, to our own AGM on Tuesday 20th September in the 1861 Suite. His review of the year and those of other officers, appear in the September Newsletter and the official minutes will be available soon. Bob explained that Mansfield U3A was about to open its new website in October, a site to replace the one David Ling set up some years ago. This simpler one would be needed when David had left the area and would enable less skilled members to contribute to it more easily. He thanked David for his work. The Treasurer’s Report showed that Mansfield U3A is in a healthy financial state even though more money was spent last year than came in. However, our secure state depends greatly on the hard work of the few members who organise the Book Table, the Annual Quiz and the Coffee Morning and Yvonne Kennison urged members to support these ventures and to Gift-Aid their subscriptions, another way to help keep the subs lower. Christine Smith was elected to the Committee, the other members of which are Jacqui Hampshire (Vice-Chairman), Linda Leivers (Groups Co-ordinator), Mike Allen (Secretary), Graham Headworth (Minutes Secretary), Yvonne Kennison (Treasurer), Marilyn Dibble (Membership Secretary), Norma Smith (Speaker Finder) and Sheila Pegg (Assistant Treasurer). Bob presented a retirement bouquet to Rita Turner who has given up her role as Chairman of the North Notts Neighbourhood Group after ten years. He also thanked Margaret Burlinson for all her hard work for the Holidays Group. He then handed over the reins of leadership to Sheila Whalley, the in-coming Chairman who thanked him for all his efforts over the last two years. Gifts and a bouquet were presented and the AGM ended. Page 3 of 12
  • 4. North Notts Neighbourhood Group This friendship group of U3As in North Notts had its AGM on Thursday September 29th. There were two main items. The first was the ‘stepping-down’ of both the Chairman (Rita Turner of Mansfield) and Secretary (Margaret Taylor of Sherwood) after many years of service – in fact, they were the prime movers of the Group. However, no-one stepped forward to take their places, and so the NNNG seemed to be on the point of disappearance. This was felt to be a great pity as it provides a great service – it is a smaller, more local grouping than the County Network, it allows members to join each other’s Interest Groups and it encourages events which enable the different U3As to meet (such as the very successful Royal Revelry this year). In the end, Mike Allen of Mansfield offered to become the ‘Liaison Officer’ between the various local U3As for a period of two years, making sure that there were the two meetings per year as usual, but now with a chairman (and refreshments) from each local U3A in rotation. Rather than concentrating on the social events, the idea is that the U3As look in more detail how they can co-operate with each other in setting up interest groups, in opening existing groups to other U3As and in advertising social functions to each other. Unfortunately, Hucknall, Retford and Worksop also ‘retired’ from the group as they felt they were on the fringe of the area, leaving a more compact group of eight U3As around Mansfield. If this informal group works, then it may help to show other areas that we do not need a heavy bureaucracy to prosper! Mike Allen East Midlands Regional Representative Council … … which I bet you have never (or hardly ever) heard about. This council is the official link between the Third Age Trust and the County Networks, but seemed to many to be an added and unncessary extra layer between the members and the Trust. Graham Headworth and Sheila Whalley attended the AGM of this body as our delegates, prepared to vote it out of existence as had been suggested by Nottinghamshire U3As. However, the best-laid plans were foiled as the vote went against the 'revolutionaries', and the RRC remains for the time being. The Editor will come back to this again in November when the Newsletter takes a deeper look at the future development of the U3A organisation as a whole and considers the various ideas that are being put forward to this end. Mike Allen Free Wills Every November, solicitors across the country offer to write ‘free’ wills for people over 55. There is no cost, but if you take advantage of the service, you are encouraged to donate or leave something in your will to one of the participating charities. Two local solicitors offer their services through the website so if you or anyone you know needs to make or change a will, then go to that website. Another similar website is which operates in March and October in the same way. Whichever you decide to try, move quickly as appointments fill up rapidly. The website for the consumer group, has an interesting and pertinent section on another thorny matter – the Power ofAttorney. This is well worth reading as many of us will need them, especially if we are single, and the site offers help and advice on how to set them up, and avoid lawyers' fees! Page 4 of 12
  • 5. History Group The History Group had a wonderful day at the Richard III Visitor Centre and Tomb on Thursday September 22nd. Leader Dave Drew nearly had a thousand fits when the Ravenshead mini-bus failed to turn up as booked and the whole group wishes to thank Andrew Spen who leapt in at short notice to cover the absence of the rostered driver. However, our gloom lifted with the weather and we arrived in Leicester in warm sunshine. Despite our tardy arrival, the centre and cathedral staff went out of their way to make the visit a huge success. However, Dave Drew did wonder why a Star Wars Storm Trooper was on display until he put his glasses on and found it was a replica of Richard III’s armour. The only Lancastrian sympathiser in our party protested volubly that he was, in fact, Swedish. “A likely tale my lad!” said Graham Headworth as he carted the miscreant off to the Guildhall cells. As Carsten Kockum left, a plaintive, ghostly cry was heard, King Richard III no less, “A Norse, a Norse, my kingdom for a Norse”. (The Editor apologises for Dave Drew’s pun.) The History Group’s next trip will be to the Bosworth and Naseby Battlefields sometime in the early spring of 2017. The next Group meeting will be on the third Wednesday in October at 10am when we will be looking at those individuals in history who have done the most to benefit the whole of mankind. Dave Drew Shufflers in September Ten little shufflers set out to dine and, as usual for us, the weather was fine! For our annual visit to the beautiful Rufford Abbey Country Park, we decided to have lunch at the Coach House Café and this proved a wise choice. The food was good and the company, with its repartee and lots of laughter, lived up to expectations. What more could we ask for? After lunch, some shuffled round the lake, some shuffled around the two excellent shops and others shuffled off for their afternoon nap. So, if any ailing, failing walker, hiker or stroller wishes to downsize, you are most welcome to join us on the fourth Thursday in the month. We can promise there will be no heavy rucksacks and maps to carry or muddy boots or blisters! Rita Turner Key to Meetings details: THIS TABLE SHOWS THE DAY of the month, time and frequency using the first two letters of the day, followed by numbers 1 - 5 to represent the week number. The final letter M (or F, W or V) indicates that the group meets monthly, fortnightly, weekly or at variable intervals. So 'Tu2, 2.30 - V M' would mean a group meeting on the 2nd Tuesday at 2.30pm Monthly but with Variable finish times. All members are invited to contact the relevant Group Leader if they would like to participate in any interest group or attend an event. NB: * indicates a waiting list. Page 5 of 12
  • 6. Interest Group Meetings Meeting Places Leader/Contact Afternoon Teas Sa2, 3 - 5 M Various Sheila Whalley 01623 453908 Next Meetings: TBA Antiques and Collectables * Tu2, 10 – 12.00 M Bridge Street Methodist Church, Mansfield Pat Blackwell 01623 481745 Next Meetings: Nov 8th – Lighting; Dec 13th – Drinks – glasses, decanters, labels, etc. Art We3, 10 – 12.00 M Big Barn Lane Methodist Church, Mansfield Gordon Howlett 01623 627423 Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar Art Appreciation Mo1, 2.00 - 4.00 M Stanhope Centre Mansfield Pauline Boucher 01623 644798 Next meetings: November 7th – Arts and Crafts in Art; Bridge Mo, F 6.30 - 9.00 West Notts Coll. Derby Rd., Rm Dv036 Joan Hufton 01623 557488 Next Meetings: October 17th, then fortnightly thereafter. Bowls Tu 2.30 – 4.00 W Coaching / Roll-ups at £3.00 per session Lammas Centre, Sutton in Ashfield Jennie & Dave Drew 01623 555012 Next Meetings: Indoor season begins Tuesday October 11th. Chat and Stitch Mo3, 2.00 - 4.00 M St John's Centre, Mansfield Doreen Storer 01623 407731 Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar Craft Workshop We4, 2.00 - 4.00 M Ruth Colley's home Ruth Colley 01623 472010 Next meetings: October 26th – Welcoming new members Current Affairs Tu2, 2.00 - 4.00 M St John's Centre, Mansfield Norma Shillinglaw 01623 466934 Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar Family History Tu4, 10.00 - 12.00 M St John's Centre, Mansfield Peter & Brenda Corbett 01623 621744 Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar Page 6 of 12
  • 7. Film Studies * We1, 1.30 - V M Joy's home Joy Crowe 01623 645400 Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar Garden Visits Various during the Summer Various Janet Whitlam/Karen Troop 01623 635607 Next Visits: TBA Gardening Tu1, 10.00 - 12.00 M St Peter's Centre, Mansfield Avril McGee 01623 452688 Next Meetings: Nov 1st – Echium World by Ray & Linda Heywood; Dec 5th – Linda Cassell Getaway Various TBA Christine Smith 07859 249086 2017 Holidays: Jan. & Feb. – Thoresby Hall * (Terry Whitehead). New Getaway holidays are shown on page 11. Golf Last Friday of Month Various Paul Mann 01623 615416 Next Meeting: TBA History We3, 10.00 - 12.00 M M'field Bowling Club, Chesterfield Road, David Drew 01623 555012 Next Meetings: Oct 19th – Important Individuals who have benefitted Mankind Horse Riding Fr4, 11.00 M exp. Fr2, 11.00 M beg. Kirkfields Equestrian Centre, Blidworth Christine Smith 07859 249086 Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar. International Dining We2, 6.30 for 7.00 M Various Jacqui Hampshire 01623 239210 Next Meetings: Nov. 9th – Caribbean Queen in Sherwood; No meetings Dec/Jan Local History Fri1, 10.00 - 12.00 M Bridge Street Methodist Church, Mansfield Bob & Sue Longden 01623 486903 Next Meetings: Nov 4th – Education; Dec 2nd – Christmas Meeting Luncheon Club Th after 3rd Tu, 12.00 - 2.00 M Various Eileen & Colin Bell 01623 429239 Next Meetings: Oct 20th – The Nag's Head at Woodborough Music Group Classical Music 2 Mo4, 2.00 - 4.00 M Members' homes Peter Hart 01623 620940 Next Meetings: Oct 24th – Woodwind Music at Mike's; Nov 28th – Brahms at Geoff's Page 7 of 12
  • 8. Music 2 * Mo4, 2.00 - 4.30 M Members' homes Eric Prescott 01623 631160 Next Meeting: Meetings as per calendar Popular Music Appreciation * Tu4, 2.00 - 4.00 M St John's School, Mansfield Peter Haynes 01623 610886 Next Meeting: Meetings as per calendar Pudding Club Tu1, 4.00 - 6.00 M Members' homes Sylvia Slack 01623 633981 Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar: Alternately at Sylvia's and Janet's. Read a Little Aloud Fri2, 2.00 - 4.00 M St Peter's Community Centre, Bellamy Road Sheila Haslam 01623 627764 Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar Reading 1 Th3, 2.00 - 4.00 M Peter Dawson's home Peter Dawson 01623 882191 Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar. Reading 2 Tu3, 2.00 - 4.00 M Ravenshead Library Joan Hufton 01623 557488 Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar Science & Technical Tu1, 2.00 - 4.00 M Stanton Hill Baptist Church, Albert St. Skegby Ian Boucher 01623 644798 Next Meetings: Nov 1st – The Development Engineer (Peter Thurkettle); Nov 29th (note the date change) – Around the world in 60 minutes – the Christmas 'Jolly'. Scrabble Mo2, 2.00 - 4.00 M Brenda Thurkettle's home Brenda Thurkettle 01623 628136 Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar Swimming Sun1&3, 2.00 F FitnessFlex Gym next to MTFC. Christine Smith 07859 249086 Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar. Cost: £4.00 per session incl. sauna, jacuzzi, etc. Tai Chi Mo, 9.30 - 10.30 W St John's Centre, Mansfield Jean Kirk 01623 480207 Next term: Monday Sept. 5th – December 12th, with half term break on Oct. 24th. Theatre Visits Various Various Sheila Whalley 01623 453908 Next Visits: Saturday December 3rd – 'The Jungle Book'. Page 8 of 12
  • 9. Walking Groups Hikers (all-day, 6 - 8 miles) Th1 & Mo3, 9.30 - V 2/M Tesco car park, off Oak Tree Lane, Mansfield Peter Thurkettle 01623 628136 Next Meetings: Thurs Nov 3rd – Baslow / Curbar Edge; Mon Nov 21st – Wirksworth; Thurs Dec 1st – Barlborough; Mon Dec 19th - Edingley (Meal after) Shufflers (short & gentle) Th4, 12.00 - V M Various Sylvia Slack 01623 633981 Next Meetings: October 27th – Carr Bank Tea House; Nov 24th – Sutton Lawn Visitor's Centre Strollers (a leisurely 2 miles) We2, 10.30 - V M Various Barbara Massey / Marion Thornton 01623 628357/ 651528 Next Meetings: Nov 9th – Brierley Forest (car-park). Meal at café following walk; No walk in Dec. Walkers (an easy 4 - 5 miles) We4, 10.30 - V M Various Joy & Nick Crowe 01623 645400 Next Meetings: October 26th – Rowthorne Trail; Nov 23rd – Thieves Wood (Coxmoor Rd car pk) Wine Appreciation 2 * We3, 7.30 - V M Members' homes Mike Allen 01623 653345 Next Meetings: Oct 19th – Spanish Reds (George & Mavis); Nov 23rd (date change) – Chenin Blanc (Norma); Dec 14th – Sharing Supper at Mike's 6.30 for 7.00pm Wine Appreciation 3 * Tu4, 7.30 - V M Members' homes Graham Allin 01623 473662 Next Meetings: Oct 25th – Viognier (Ian and Pauline); Nov 22nd – Pinot Noir (Lynn and Barrie); Sat Dec 10th – Christmas Social Wine Appreciation 4 * Th4, 7.30 - V M Members' homes Jane Kockum 01623 407235 Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar Writing for Pleasure Mo2, 2 - 4 M Stanhope Centre, Bridge Street, Mansfield Hilary Miller/Sue Ford 01623 620067/844286 Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar Harmony (an independent Interest Group) meets every fortnight on Wednesday evenings from 5.45 pm to 7.15 pm at St Alban's Church in Forest Town, starting September 21st. Contact June Fell on 01623 623547 or at the monthly meeting to learn more about this singing group of U3AMembers. U3A ex-QEGS pupils: Just a reminder, ladies – the next meeting for a coffee and chat is on Monday October 31st at 10.30am and the venue is Il Rosso. If you know anyone who is an ex-pupil, please invite them to come along. Page 9 of 12
  • 10. Our October Speaker Norma Smith 'Life Can Be Funny' by Pat Hall This month's talk features quick-change comedy sketches with characters such as 'A Lottery Winner', 'Nil By Mouth' and 'Lady Raleigh'. Throw in every-day observational comedy, oddities, jokes and anecdotes, together with her own quirky poems such as 'The Ratting', 'Trying to find a Loo' and 'Call Centres', add some nostalgia and audience involvement and mix well. The Book Stall The Book Stall made £45.80 in September. Christmas is coming up, so buy books as presents. How about bringing in well-loved children's books so Lillian and Terry can sell them to grandparents needing stocking fillers for the little ones? Latest Group News … Garden Group Avril McGee October has arrived and, as I write this, there is definitely a chill in the air and a change of seasons. However, as gardeners, we are undeterred by poor weather and as such, we have decided to extend the Gardening Group programme to include a meeting in December, as we did last year. We have invited Liz Cassell to demonstrate flower arranging with a Christmas theme, incorporating garden foliage (apologies for the 'C' word in October!) on Monday December 6th at the usual time and place. Her arrangements will be raffled and we will enjoy mince pies with our refreshments, so do come to what will surely be a fun meeting to end our 2016 programme. Theatre Visits Sheila Whalley The Glenn Miller Story at the Theatre Royal I did wonder how Tommy Steele, now approaching eighty years old, would portray Glenn Miller who died at 40 years of age. I still remember, as a very young woman, seeing James Stewart play him in the film and I did not want to be disappointed. Well, I need not have worried. From the moment he came on stage to huge applause and flashed his cheeky grin, then got into character, he was Glenn Miller. The story was set at different occasions in the rise to fame, and Tommy Steele showed that he could sing as well as ever, and he even danced, although most of the energetic stuff was left to the excellent supporting group of professional dancers and singers. Helen Miller was played by Abigail Jaye who also sang and danced very well. We were treated to a 16-piece ‘Authentic Glenn Miller Orchestra’ playing most of the old favourites live on stage and in character … wonderful! However, the event that reduced a row of U3A ladies to tears was when Glenn (or Tommy) sang to Helen, more or less in a whisper, ’The Nearness Of You’ as he was going to war. Doreen Storer The Full Monty at the Theatre Royal. The theatre was packed to capacity with women of all ages and a smattering of men. The Full Monty was not a show for the faint-hearted or prudes but it was a jolly good laugh if you were open-minded as the language was fruity at times, with some nudity but nothing X rated! Some of the cast have been on TV – Gary Lucy, Andrew Dunn, Louis Emerick, Chris Fountain, Anthony Lewis and Kai Owen. They got to grips with the steel workers’ accents very well. The show finished to thunderous applause and shouts of ‘More’. A lively afternoon out. Roll-on the next show! Page 10 of 12
  • 11. Oddsocks Tickets for the Oddsocks production on Saturday December 3rd 2016 at the Thoresby Riding Stables of Jungle Book must be paid for at the October meeting. The cost is £14, with cheques made out to S.J.Whalley. Sheila now has the invoice for The Adams Family (musical) with a payment date of February 24th 2017. The Getaway Group Norfolk June 12th – 16th 2017. Potters 5-star Holiday Resort at Hopton-on-Sea on the coast in Norfolk between Great Yarmouth and Lowestoft. A 5-day holiday from Monday to Friday with 4 meals per day and with activities during the day and evening entertainment. The prices are based on 35 people in bungalow accommodation (hotel rooms on request at a price similar to the bungalows). 7 singles, 5 standard double bungalows, 6 standard twin bungalows, 8 ‘plus’ bungalows (twin) and 2 ‘plus’ bungalows (double) are available. £339pp in a standard bungalow; £359pp in a standard-plus bungalow Lake Garda, Italy September 6th – 13th 2017. An 8-day holiday (B, B & EM) in a 3* hotel on the shore of the lake from £699. Prices are based on at least 25 persons booking. Day trips to Venice and Verona will be included in the price, plus an optional trip to the Dolomites if desired. See Christine Smith at the monthly meetings or contact her on 01623 443480 or 07859 249086 or at Thursford Christmas Spectacular Thursday November 30th – Saturday December 2nd 2017 By coach to the Links Country House Hotel 3*** at West Runton (near Sheringham and Cromer) so no long distance driving! The price of £239 (single supplement £25pp) includes tickets for the fabulous and famous Thursford Spectacular Show with DB&B for two nights and mulled wine and mince pies on return from the show. There will be a full-day excursion into Norwich, with some hours in Holt on the return journey (this is a lovely market town and I should know ‘cos I used to live there!) Only £1 (yes £1!) deposit for the show is required by December 15th 2016, then a £10 Holiday deposit by March 6th 2017. See you at the meeting. See Jacqui Hampshire for Thursford at the monthly meetings; or contact her on 01623 239210 Thoresby Hall Holiday 2017 Terry Whitehead Two holiday dates: Monday January 9th to Friday January 13th at £182pp and Monday February 20th to Friday February 24th at £220pp. It's 'waiting lists only' now so contact Terry on 01623 626991 or Bridge Group Joan Hufton ( If you are interested in playing Bridge, either as an experienced player or as a beginner, phone me on 01623 557488 or turn up on Monday, October 17th as some of you will not have heard of the revival of the group until the September meeting! Golf Group Paul Mann The latest game took place on the Commanders Course at Oakmere Park. Six members took part and all enjoyed the game, plus the lunch afterwards. We welcomed one new member, Malcolm, an accomplished golfer from Sherwood U3A. Peter McGee informed me he had a birdie on one of the holes but he would not come clean about the rest of his round! The game was close-fought generally but, after a Page 11 of 12
  • 12. poor first nine, the group leader came good on the back nine. The next fixture will be on the Friday October 28th 2016 at 9.30am for a 10am tee-off. We will be playing 18 holes on the par-3 course at Ramsdale Park Golf Club. The cost will be £9.50 per head. Full set of clubs needed. Latest Mansfield U3A News … Diaries: The 2016-2017 U3A Diaries have arrived and can be collected from the Secretary, Mike Allen at the October meeting. 10 remain to be distributed. Subscriptions remain at £15 for the year 2016-2017. Have you paid? Cheques payable to Mansfield and District U3Aor see below for online details. Online Banking is now available to members to pay their subscriptions online: Sort Code: 60-14-03 Account Number: 40396835 Account name: Mansfield and District U3A REFERENCE: Member's name (for identification) Dates for your diary (Check the website for more information and updates) October 18th Tuesday: Monthly Meeting. 'Life Can Be Funny' by Pat Hall. October 21st Friday: Group Leaders Meeting at 10am at Bridge Street Methodist Church. Apologies to Linda Leivers, please. ________________________________________________________________________________ Saturday February 25th 2017 Annual Fun Quiz Night and Buffet at Queen Elizabeth’s Academy. Tickets will be on sale at the monthly meetings. Come along to our annual fun quiz night and you could win a cash prize! Organise a team (maximum 8 players per team) Or just come along and join a team on the night. Cost £8.00 to include buffet supper. Bring your own drinks and glasses. Details from Pauline Boucher on 01623 644798 or ____________________________________________________________________________ Event and Visit Payments MEMBERS are reminded that deposits and payments for events and visits organised by Mansfield U3A and its interest groups are non-refundable, but places so reserved may be offered to others. ______________________________________________________________________________ Changes of Address, etc. PLEASE contact the membership secretary, Marilyn Dibble 01623 634805, if you've changed your address, phone number or email since joining Mansfield U3A so that she can update our records. ______________________________________________________________________________ Disclaimer THE VIEWS expressed here are those of the contributors, only, and do not necessarily reflect those of the editor, the committee of Mansfield U3A or the Third Age Trust. Nor can any responsibility be accepted for members' announcements or any errors that may occur. ______________________________________________________________________________ Next Issue PLEASE SEND contributions for the next issue to or by hand to Mike Allen as soon as you can and by the 1st of the month at the latest. Thanks! ______________________________________________________________________________ Editor: Mike Allen 01623 653345 Printed by: Portland Print Page 12 of 12