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Mansfield and District U3A
Summer Sun at the Picnic
Established 1999
Registered Charity No. 1164177
September AGM 2016
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Welcome from your chairman
Hello, and welcome to the September meeting in the 1861 Suite at Mansfield Town F.C. As you know, we
did not have a meeting in August; instead we had the annual picnic at Queen Elizabeth’s Academy. The
weather this year was great – sunny and warm. Members who came once again provided wonderful food.
Games were played outside – bowls and horseshoes, while the music played.
I hope you all enjoyed the Olympics in Brazil. A great spectacle and we were represented by a
wonderful Team GB who did our country proud. I have many memories of the Olympics but one
which stands out is when two brothers finished first and second in the Triathlon, Alistair and
Jonny Brownlee, absolutely brilliant!
This will be my last ‘Welcome’ as I leave my position as Chairman of Mansfield U3A after two
years. Two years not without drama but, I have to say, two years of learning. Chairing meetings
is something everyone should try once, it made me realise more strongly than ever that
everyone who has an opinion should be heard and that bias in anything is hard to control.
Believe me, I know! The one thing that I will remember is the hard work your Committee puts in
to make your U3A work. They all have helped to make my time as Chairman enjoyable even
when things were difficult. So thank you to all on the Committee, and I wish the new Chairman
and Committee great success.
Bob Longden
Words from the Editor
At the end of my first year as Editor, I need to take a moment out to reflect on what I let myself in for!
There I was, thinking that I could cobble something up in a few hours that would be just as good as your
daily paper (and better than most). That was a misconception of immense proportions! There is a lot of
work involved – from persuading people to submit articles to ensuring that there are as few errors as
First, my thanks to those who do submit reports and articles; please do continue, in ever greater
numbers! Indeed, use the Newsletter to write about your pet subjects or about our U3A! My thanks also
to the few who help by proof-reading the draft edition, especially David Ling.
However, I do seek more help, so let your AGM resolution be that you will help the Editor in
some way, by writing, proof-reading or coming up with new ideas.
Mike Allen
Maureen Marples. We have learnt with deep regret that Maureen has passed away. Her funeral
will take place on Wednesday September 14th at 1.45pm at the Meden Vale Methodist Church.
We offer our sincere condolences to her family and friends.
In this issue
Page 2: Chairman's Welcome; Words from the Editor
Page 3: AGM Agenda; Committee Nominee
Pages 4 – 6: Chairman's Annual Report; Treasurer's Annual Report; Membership
Secretary's Report; Group Coordinator's Report
Pages 7 – 10: Interest Groups Meetings Diary; News
Pages 11 – 15: Interest Group News; Getaway Group; Latest News
Page 16: Dates for your Diary and Notices
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Mansfield U3A AGM Agenda
at 11.15 am after the General Meeting
1. Chairman's Welcome.
The Chairman’s Formal Report is in this issue of the Newsletter on page four.
2. Apologies
Apologies to the Secretary at or on 01623 653345 or on
the day by another member.
3. Approval of Minutes from 2015 AGM
These are on website, but 10 copies will be available at the meeting.
4. Treasurer's Report (incl. approval of the Accounts & election of an auditor).
A summary of the Treasurer’s Report is in this issue of the Newsletter on page four.
In addition, the Group Co-ordinator’s Report and the Membership Secretary’s Report are on
pages five and six.
5. Nominations for committee:
The following is seeking election to the Committee:
Christine Smith. Please see below for her introduction.
The following are seeking re-election to the Committee:
Jacqui Hampshire (as Vice-Chairman); Linda Leivers (as Groups
Coordinator); Mike Allen (as Secretary); Graham Headworth (as Minutes
The following continue their terms of office:
Yvonne Kennison (Treasurer); Marilyn Dibble (Membership Secretary);
Sheila Pegg (Asst Treasurer); Norma Smith (Speaker Finder)
6. Election of the new committee.
There being no contest, the Chairman and Committee will be proposed for election en bloc.
7. AOB:
Any motions for consideration at the AGM must be proposed and seconded and given to the
Business Secretary at the beginning of the AGM Meeting.
Date of the next AGM: Tuesday September 19th 2017 at 11.15 am.
Introducing the new Committee Nominee
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Christine Smith (07859 249086)
Christine worked in textiles as a garment technologist and quality control
manager, first in the UK, then in Morocco and Tunisia, travelling to London
for meetings with M&S on a regular basis. She joined U3A to get the most
out of her Third Age, to meet like-minded people and to experience new
Chairman's Report
This last year has been busy, to say the least. After last year's AGM, Graham Headworth applied
for Charity Status for Mansfield U3A, the new Constitution having been voted in by the
members. Graham succeeded and Mansfield U3A is now a registered charity. Thank you
Graham – all your endeavours, your skills and know-how have greatly benefited Mansfield U3A.
Over the last few years, we had been under pressure to find a venue to accommodate more
members. The criteria for such a move included having ample parking space and a bigger room
to enrol more members (amongst other factors). As you know, we tried out the 1861 Suite at
Mansfield Town F.C. and decided that it ticked enough boxes for the U3A to move there.
The move has not been without its critics; change can be difficult, but since we have moved, I
feel it is working. One of the advantages is the free parking available for any group trip, as this
was a problem before. The management has made the move work by being very helpful, for
instance, we are able to use the TV screens they set up for us around the room to broadcast the
notices. We have not had a Notice Board since I stopped servicing it two years ago as no one
would take the job on.
This move was not undertaken lightly and the committee has endorsed the move for all the right
reasons and I hope we will enjoy the benefits of the new venue for many years to come.
In last year’s report, I said that we needed to find someone to take over David Ling’s Webmaster
and Newsletter Editor roles. Thankfully, Mike Allen stepped in to edit the Newsletter and I think
you will agree he is doing a brilliant job! It is never easy to take over a role but with David’s help,
Mike has grown into the role and long may he enjoy it.
The Webmaster’s role has been another story altogether. Either no one was interested, or when
they found out what was involved, their interest faded. David has built a web site which is
excellent in my opinion. The problem has come when editing the pages was found by many to
be too involved for their level of skill. So after many months, many meetings and much
discussion, we decided to use the web site developed by the Third Age Trust.
We formed a sub-committee and contacted other U3As about their experience of using it. All
said it was easy to edit and to install new pages and the skill level required was not too high.
This was ideal as, over the years, people come and go in U3A so something with the backing of
TAT means that continuity is easier to maintain. The new web site should be up and running
before the end of the year once Group Leaders have been given the relevant information to edit
their own group pages at the next Group Leaders meeting.
Groups in our U3A continue to flourish and new ones appear from time to time. As I have always
said, groups are the soul of any U3A.
I would like to wish the new Chair and the Committee all the best for the future.
Bob Longden
Treasurer's Report
Financial Report for the year 2015/2016
Owing to the move to the One Call Stadium for our monthly meetings, we have been able to
welcome many new members. As well as enriching our groups, this has also had a beneficial
effect on our subscriptions. The move has also proved to be more economical as the room hire
cost is considerably less than that of the Oakham Suite and we hope that this will continue.
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I know it is stressed every year how important it is to support our fund-raising activities, and this
year is no exception. Due to the success of our fundraisers, we have been able to keep our subs
at the low rate of £15 (I am sure you all know that we only keep £11.50 of this, the remainder
goes to the Third Age Trust). Even so, our outgoings this year have been greater than our
income, but because we had a good sum to bring forward from previous years, this has kept us
in a steady financial position. Please continue to enjoy and support our fundraisers - the Book
Stall, the Quiz Night and the Coffee Morning. At the risk of being boring, if any of you are tax
payers and you haven’t filled in a Gift Aid Form, please consider doing so as this all helps to
keep the subs at the current low rate.
The Group Accounts are managed very well by Sheila Pegg, and I would like to thank her for the
work she does, and also to all the group leaders for managing and reporting their financial
comings and goings.
The books have been audited by Mr Joe Crosby and I would like to thank him for the
professional and kindly way he carried out this work. Mr Crosby feels he cannot audit the books
again as he has too many commitments. We therefore need to appoint a new auditor for the year
ending 2016/2017. If anyone in Mansfield U3A would like to volunteer or knows of a non-
member who might help, it would be greatly appreciated.
Yvonne Kennison, Treasurer
Abbreviated version of the accounts for the year 2015-2016
Subscriptions £4,338.00
Transfer from Social £3,254.02
Books £371.70
Fundraising Activities £1,807.46
HMRC Gift Aid £337.43
Diaries £131.00
T.A.T. Capitation fees £973.00
Direct mailing U3A News £425.11
Newsletter £954.02
Website maintenance cost £118.98
Room hire & Speaker costs £3,970.50
Miscellaneous items £1,542.77
Balance b/fwd 1 August £4,866.00
Balance c/fwd 31 July 2016 7121.23
£15,105.61 £15,105.61
Membership Secretary's Report
During the last year, we have taken on 37 new members, taking our total membership to 300.
The move to our new venue allowed us to increase our membership by 25; the other 12 were
replacements for departing members. All new members are invited to a coffee morning the week
before they join and this enables us to distribute information packs and answer the numerous
questions about our U3A. It also provides a good opportunity for new members to make friends
so they feel less overawed at the first monthly meeting.
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We have welcomed many active new members who are enjoying a variety of interest groups.
One very proactive new member, Christine Smith, has set up two new groups (Horse Riding and
Swimming) and now she has agreed to be nominated for the committee.
We have an ever increasing waiting list, at present standing at 35, but I hope we will have a few
places to offer once our present members have had a final chance to renew their membership.
Marilyn Dibble
Group Co-ordinator's Report
The past twelve months have been both exciting and disappointing. The move to Mansfield Town
Football Club has enabled us to increase our membership and, as a result, we have had many
fresh ideas about new groups. Not all have succeeded, but we have added several run by newer
members. Some ideas, still in the planning and incubation stage, will come about during the
next twelve months, I hope.
But not all groups can continue forever. Movement to Music was lost to our list – falling numbers
and the cost of the venue meant Joanne, our tutor, could no longer sustain it.
Over many years, Margaret Burlinson has planned, arranged and organised trips at home and
abroad for the Holiday Group. I have nothing but admiration for her and offer my personal thanks
for all she has achieved and the pleasure she has given. Now she has retired, a new group, the
Getaway Group, has been launched by Christine Smith and Jacqui Hampshire with a different
approach to holidays. I hope the travellers amongst us will find something to tempt them.
Mind you, the visits to Thoresby organised by Terry Whitehead will continue!
I have a busy year personally and I am delighted that Christine Smith is now my side-kick (or
partner in crime). This addition should make next year an interesting and eventful one.
Linda Leivers
Website Report
I'm sorry to have to report that nobody could find an hour a week to take over the webmaster
role and didn't want to be shown how easy it is to help fellow-members in a way I found
enjoyable and satisfying. The result has been that our Recent Events, New Groups and Photo
Gallery pages have remained frozen in time since I stood down at the last AGM. Nonetheless,
our website remains one of the most popular among fellow-retired in Nottinghamshire and
further afield with 27,503 visits and 168,913 page views recorded in the last 12 months.
I'm sure you'll join me in thanking the site managers, especially Terry Whitehead and Mike Allen,
for helping Group Leaders to update their pages and for taking-on some maintenance duties so
that the site remains the prime source of information for prospective and our present members.
David Ling, Administrator
Key to Meetings details:
THIS TABLE SHOWS THE DAY of the month, time and frequency using the first two letters of the day,
followed by numbers 1 - 5 to represent the week number. The final letter M (or F, W or V) indicates that the
group meets monthly, fortnightly, weekly or at variable intervals.
So 'Tu2, 2.30 - V M' would mean a group meeting on the 2nd Tuesday at 2.30pm Monthly but with
Variable finish times.
All members are invited to contact the relevant Group Leader if they would like to participate in any
interest group or attend an event. NB: * indicates a waiting list.
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Interest Group Meetings Meeting Places Leader/Contact
Afternoon Teas Sa2, 3 - 5 M Various Sheila Whalley
01623 453908
Next Meetings: TBA
Antiques and
Collectables *
Tu2, 10 – 12.00 M Bridge Street
Methodist Church,
Pat Blackwell
01623 481745
Next Meetings: September 13th – Boxes and Tins; October 11th – James Lewis (Diary Dates)
Art We3, 10 – 12.00 M Big Barn Lane
Methodist Church,
Gordon Howlett
01623 627423
Next Meetings: TBA
Art Appreciation Mo1, 2.00 - 4.00 M Stanhope Centre
Pauline Boucher
01623 644798
Next meetings: October 3rd – Members' Favourite Works of Art
Bridge Mo, F
6.30 - 9.00
West Notts College
Derby Rd.,
Joan Hufton
01623 557488
Next Meetings: Opening Meeting on September 19th; then October 3rd, October 17th, etc.
Bowls Tu 2.30 – 4.00 W
Coaching / Roll-ups at
£3.00 per session
Lammas Centre,
Sutton in Ashfield
Jennie / Dave Drew
01623 555012
Next Meetings: Indoor season begins Tuesday October 11th.
Chat and Stitch Mo3, 2.00 - 4.00 M St John's Centre,
Doreen Storer
01623 407731
Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar
Craft Workshop We4, 2.00 - 4.00 M Ruth Colley's home Ruth Colley
01623 472010
Next meetings: September 28th – No meeting; October 26th – Welcoming new members
Current Affairs Tu2, 2.00 - 4.00 M St John's Centre,
Norma Shillinglaw
01623 466934
Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar
Family History Tu4, 10.00 - 12.00 M St John's Centre,
Max Clarke
01623 621744
Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar
Film Studies * We1, 1.30 - V M Joy's home Joy Crowe
01623 645400
Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar
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Garden Visits Various during the
Various Janet Whitlam/Karen
01623 635607
Next Visits: TBA
Gardening Tu1, 10.00 - 12.00 M St Peter's Centre,
Avril McGee
01623 452688
Next Meetings: October 4th – Members' Day: Harvest Festival and Picture Quiz
Getaway Various TBA Christine Smith
07859 249086
2016 Holidays: Mon. Sept. 26th to Mon. Oct. 3rd – Mallorca* (Margaret Burlinson).
2017 Holidays: Jan. & Feb. – Thoresby Hall * (Terry Whitehead).
Information on all Holidays can be seen on pages 11-12 in this Newsletter
Golf Last Friday of Month Various Paul Mann
01623 615416
Next Meeting: TBA
History We3, 10.00 - 12.00 M M'field Bowling Club,
Chesterfield Road,
David Drew
01623 555012
Next Meetings: Sept 12th – Visit to Richard III Exhibition, Leicester.
Horse Riding Fr4, 11.00 M exp.
Fr2, 11.00 M beg.
Kirkfields Equestrian
Centre, Blidworth
Christine Smith
07859 249086
Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar.
International Dining We2, 6.30 for 7.00 M Various Jacqui Hampshire
01623 239210
Next Meetings: Sept 14th – Anya, Sherwood; October 12th – Gurkha One, Rolleston
Local History Fri1, 10.00 - 12.00 M Bridge Street
Methodist Church,
Bob & Sue Longden
01623 486903
Next Meetings: October 7th – Visit to the National Mining Museum
Luncheon Club Th after 3rd Tu,
12.00 - 2.00 M
Various Eileen & Colin Bell
01623 429239
Next Meetings: Sept. 22nd – The Wagon at Halam; Oct 20th – Fillets at Forest Town
Music Group
Classical Music 2 Mo4, 2.00 - 4.00 M Members' homes Peter Hart
01623 620940
Next Meetings: Sept. 26th – Beethoven at Peter Hart's
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Music 2 * Mo4, 2.00 - 4.30 M Members' homes Eric Prescott
01623 631160
Next Meeting: Meetings as per calendar
Popular Music
Appreciation *
Tu4, 2.00 - 4.00 M St John's School,
Peter Haynes
01623 610886
Next Meeting: Meetings as per calendar
Pudding Club Tu1, 4.00 - 6.00 M Members' homes Sylvia Slack
01623 633981
Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar: Alternately at Sylvia's and Janet's.
Read a Little Aloud Fri2, 2.00 - 4.00 M St Peter's Community
Centre, Bellamy Road
Sheila Haslam
01623 627764
Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar
Reading 1 Th3, 2.00 - 4.00 M Peter Dawson's home Peter Dawson
01623 882191
Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar.
Reading 2 Tu3, 2.00 - 4.00 M Ravenshead Library Joan Hufton
01623 557488
Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar
Science & Technical Tu1, 2.00 - 4.00 M Stanton Hill Baptist
Church, Albert St.
Ian Boucher
01623 644798
Next Meetings: October 4th – Lung Cancer: Dr B Cox (King's Mill)
Scrabble Mo2, 2.00 - 4.00 M Brenda Thurkettle's
Brenda Thurkettle
01623 628136
Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar
Swimming Sun1&3, 2.00 F FitnessFlex Gym
next to MTFC.
Christine Smith
07859 249086
Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar. Cost: £4.00 per session incl. sauna, jacuzzi, etc.
Tai Chi Mo, 9.30 - 10.30 W St John's Centre,
Jean Kirk
01623 480207
Next term: Monday Sept. 5th – December 12th, with half term break on Oct. 24th.
Theatre Visits Various Various Sheila Whalley
01623 453908
Next Visits: Saturday December 3rd – 'The Jungle Book'. Oddsocks returns to the Thoresby
Riding School with their latest zany production of Rudyard Kipling's book.The performance starts
at 2pm and costs £14.
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Walking Groups
(all-day, 6 - 8 miles)
Th1 & Mo3, 9.30 - V
Tesco car park, off
Oak Tree Lane,
Peter Thurkettle
01623 628136
Next Meetings: Thursday October 6th – Belper; Monday 17th – Bilsthorpe
(short & gentle)
Th4, 12.00 - V M Various Sylvia Slack
01623 633981
Next Meetings: September 22nd – Saville Restaurant, Rufford Abbey
(a leisurely 2 miles)
We2, 10.30 - V M Various Barbara Massey /
Marion Thornton
01623 628357/ 651528
Next Meetings: Sept 14th – Sherwood Pines. As parking is £4.00, share cars; Oct 12th – Thoresby
Park – use Stables car-park
(an easy 4 - 5 miles)
We4, 10.30 - V M Various Joy & Nick Crowe
01623 645400
Next Meetings: Sept – No walk as U3A Mallorca holiday; October 26th – Rowthorne Trail
Wine Appreciation 2 * We3, 7.30 - V M Members' homes Mike Allen
01623 653345
Next Meetings: Sept 21st – Wine Society Reds at Ron's; Oct 19th – Chenin Blanc at Norma's
Wine Appreciation 3 * Tu4, 7.30 - V M Members' homes Graham Allin
01623 473662
Next Meetings: Sept 27th – Rosé at Lynne and Barrie's; Oct 25th – Viognier at Ian and Pauline's
Wine Appreciation 4 * Th4, 7.30 - V M Members' homes Jane Kockum
01623 407235
Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar
Writing for Pleasure Mo2, 2 - 4 M Stanhope Centre,
Bridge Street,
Hilary Miller/Sue Ford
01623 620067/844286
Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar
Harmony (an independent Interest Group) meets every fortnight on Wednesday evenings from 5.45 pm
to 7.15 pm at St Alban's Church in Forest Town, starting September 21st. Contact June Fell on 01623
623547 or at the monthly meeting to learn more about this singing group of U3AMembers.
There is a special rehearsal on Wednesday Sept 7th for the concert on Sunday Sept 11th.
The Book Table re-opens this month, so shake the moths out of your pockets and buy your
Autumn reading from us!
The National Conference & AGM
The Treasurer and I were privileged to attend the AGM of the Third Age Trust (the body that oversees all
U3As) in Nottingham in August. After the opening lecture, a truly excellent exploration of how music can
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affect our health, by Dr Victoria Williamson, and a pleasant lunch, the AGM began. The National
Chairman, Pam Jones, gave her speech, which I hope to cover in greater detail next month because of its
importance. A national consultation about the future structure of the U3A movement as a whole is taking
place and Mansfield U3Amust be prepared to offer its views.
Mike Allen
Our October Speaker
'Life Can Be Funny' by Pat Hall
This month's talk features quick-change comedy sketches with characters such as 'A Lottery
Winner', 'Nil By Mouth' and 'Lady Raleigh'.
Throw in every day observational comedy, oddities, jokes and anecdotes, together with her own
quirky poems such as 'The Ratting', 'Trying to find a Loo' and 'Call Centres', add some nostalgia
and audience involvement and mix well.
Norma Smith
The Summer Picnic
What a difference a year makes! Last year, we huddled in the hall at the Queen Elisabeth
Academy while it drizzled outside; this year, we sat out in the sun, amazed at our good fortune.
Having had far fewer sunny days than we deserved, the late
summer has been kind to us at last. Windy it might have been,
but the sun shone. And the food was delicious – as always.
How our members manage to produce such an abundance of
delights each year is beyond belief.
Home-made bread, pies, quiches, snacks nestled amongst the
shop-bought goodies; the sweets were a temptation too much
for any calorie-counting slimmer. In fact, no slimmer survived
the day, as every plate of food was cleaned and little was left for
the carrion crows.
Conversation rose and fell in the sun, the strains of Elvis
Presley (courtesy of Bob Longden) drifted across the courtyard,
wine glasses were filled and refilled and all was right with the
world. The draw for the raffle was made and the bottles disappeared at
the same speed as the éclairs; even the body lotion won by your Editor
was welcomed by another member who could put the Body Butter to
better use!
Later, the outdoor games began; the bowls has its adherents, including
many who had never played before, while the other games flourished as
Slowly, the numbers dwindled as we left, sated. Our thanks must go to
Janet Whitlam, Sue Longden and Linda Leivers who spent a long time
preparing the tables, setting out the food and clearing up with the help of
Bob Longden (our resident DJ) and others, including the caretaking staff
at the school.
And thanks to all who came – your enjoyment was there to see.
Mike Allen
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News from the Third Age Trust
On Tuesday November 22nd, the U3A Movement will celebrate the creation of 1000 U3As.
Unfortunately, the official celebration is in London, but I'm sure we can all spare a thought for this
noteworthy event.
Latest Group News …
The Getaway Group – the new name for the Holiday Group!
As we all know, Margaret Burlinson has retired from organising Mansfield U3A holidays after over
ten years in this arduous job and the thanks of all those who have travelled with her over the years
will follow her on her final trip to Majorca and then into her new and quieter life.
A new group has been formed – the Getaway Group – and this change of name signals a
different approach to organising holidays. Different members will take on the responsibility of
organising a holiday, spreading the load that was borne by Margaret alone across a number of
Christine Smith is the Leader of the Getaway Group and Jacqui Hampshire is working alongside
her to get it started. Three holidays have been suggested and they are detailed below. But
remember, our holidays are now our own, no longer shared with Sherwood who have struck out
separately. So the success of the holdays depends on Mansfield members choosing to go on
Now the difficult bit – choose one (or more – or all) of these proposed holidays:
June 12th – 16th 2017. Potters 5-star Holiday Resort at Hopton-on-Sea on the coast in Norfolk
between Great Yarmouth and Lowestoft. A 5-day holiday from Monday to Friday with 4 meals per
day and with activities during the day and evening entertainment.
The prices are based on 35 people in bungalow accommodation (hotel rooms on request at a
price similar to the bungalows).
£339pp in a standard bungalow; £359pp in a standard-plus bungalow
7 singles; 5 standard double bungalows; 6 standard twin bungalows; 8 ‘plus’ bungalows (twin)
and 2 ‘plus’ bungalows (double).
1 free place with 35, 2 free places with 42 – if we have free places, the price will be reduced for
Lake Garda, Italy
September 6th – 13th 2017. An 8-day holiday (B, B & EM) in a 3* hotel on the shore of the lake
from £699. Prices are based on at least 25 persons booking.
Day trips to Venice and Verona will be included in the price, plus an optional trip to the Dolomites
if desired. Other trips can be added, but of course, these will increase the price.
The brochure will be available at AGM.
See Christine Smith for both at the monthly meetings or contact her on 01623 443480 or 07859
249086 or at
Thursford Christmas Spectacular
November 30th – December 2nd 2017 at the 3*** Links Country Park Hotel, West Runton,
Norfolk. Two nights dinner, bed and breakfast from £239. Prices are based on 25 people
booking. The single supplement is £25. 12 singles, 7 doubles and 11 twins have been reserved
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at this country house hotel set in 35 acres of parkland, with a golf course. All rooms are en-suite
with flat screen TVs, free WiFi and tea- and coffee-making equipment.
Tickets to the Thursford Spectacular Show are included in the price, together with one full day
excursion to Norwich. If you would rather play a round of golf or use the leisure facilities, this can
be organized. There will be a stop in Holt on our return journey.
On the evening we arrive in Thursford, the early dinner will have a Christmas theme before we
set off for the theatre, with mulled wine and a mince pie on our return from the show.
Breakfast is buffet-style with juices, cereals, fruit, toast and a full English breakfast, as would be
expected from this quality of hotel. Dinner is a three-course table d'hôte menu with a choice of
four starters, four main courses and four desserts, followed by tea or coffee.
See Jacqui Hampshire for Thursford at the monthly meetings; or contact her on 01623 239210
or at
Thoresby Hall Holiday 2017
There will be two holiday dates: Monday January 9th to Friday January 13th at £182pp and Monday
February 20th to Friday February 24th at £220pp. Room upgrades are available. For details see the
Mansfield U3A website: Interests & Hobbies: Holidays. It's 'waiting list only' now so contact or 01623 626991.
Terry Whitehead
Mallorca September 26th – October 3rd
For those few who let me know they could not get to the meeting at The Junction, please
remember to:
Keep your passports handy for me to check before leaving Mansfield; check your EHIC card
is not out of date; bring your coach plan and itinerary; bring your insurance details & policy;
check your luggage label & make sure you are at the right pick up point.
The amount of euros you take depends on your personal preference.
I will see you all at Walkden Street on Monday September 26th no later than 5.10am to leave at
5.20am for East Midlands Airport.
Details of the discussion about the Balearic Islands' debacle on tourists will filter through to you
via your reps. at the meeting. I am keeping my fingers crossed that we all have an enjoyable &
trouble free holiday!
Christmas in Cheshire
There is still room for three more to join the five already booked on a 5-day break to Cheshire on
December 23rd – 27th. Details available from my holiday table or ring me on 01623 632538.
Margaret Burlinson
Bridge Group
The Bridge Group has been revived by Joan Hufton. The new group will begin on Monday,
September 19th and meet every fortnight at 6.30 pm at the West Notts College on Derby Road. I
will be waiting at the reception desk inside the main entrance on the first Monday to greet all
interested members.
If you are interested, phone me on 01623 557488, turn up at the first meeting or on Monday,
October 3rd as some of you will not have heard of the revival until the September meeting!
Joan Hufton (01623 557488 or
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Lunch Club
The Full Moon in Morton was the setting for the August Lunch Club outing – an olde-worlde,
tucked-away pub in a small village near the Trent. About 20 members joined Eileen and
Colin Bell for a very pleasant meal in the back room. The next meal will be at The Wagon in
Halam. Please book your meal and food choice beforehand at the meeting in September.
Colin & Eileen Bell
International Dining
The venue for the International Dining Group on Wednesday 12th October will be the Gurkha
One in Rolleston NG23 5SG (the restaurant is in The Crown inn). This is an Indian restaurant
with a Nepalese twist, as you will find out if you go on the web-site, and should be an interesting
experience. I'll be at the September meeting with the usual form for the interested parties.
Lombardi's Italian Restaurant in Chesterfield was excellent, although, unfortunately, our numbers
were down due to holidays and other commitments. The eleven members who were there
however found the food and company first class and they would all recommend this restaurant
without any hesitation.
Jacqui Hampshire
Bowls Club
The match between Mansfield U3A and Mansfield Bowls Club had to be postponed because of
inclement weather on Saturday Sept. 3rd. The contest will be renewed later, possibly indoors.
I shall be retiring from leading the group after the AGM when Pat Gunter and Jenny Drew will
take over – it couldn't be in better hands!
Don Wright
Theatre Group
Please collect your tickets for The War Horse and The Full Monty. If you paid a deposit for Showboat and
then cancelled, please collect your refund. It's now too late to pay for The Producers. If you are going to
Beautiful in London in October, please collect your itinerary, The Sound of Music was cancelled due to
lack of interest.
Sheila Whalley
Read A Little Aloud
Since the group was started in March, we have enjoyed many interesting readings of extracts
from books and poems, as well as magazines – but the best part of the afternoon is the
discussion which follows. Each month, I choose items from all kinds of literature – classic,
contemporary, and even children’s. Among the latter was a section from ‘The War Horse’ and I
added an article telling the fascinating story of how Michael Morpurgo came to write it and
eventually – after 20 years – saw it made into a film which has topped all previous box office
All pieces (for example ‘Senior Moments’, ‘Shame On Me’ and ‘Love At Christmas’) prompt
memories and anecdotes and give us food for thought. Sessions on ‘Men Were Deceivers Ever’
and ‘The Paths Of Our Lives’ brought up some funny tales, and we all had plenty to say about
the ‘sliding door’ syndrome … the ‘what if … ?'
We’d still like a few more members to join us. My poor husband is the only male (I swear there’s
no pressure on him!) and he would like some support. We ladies would also like to have more
balance in the group. We only ask that our members are open-minded and friendly. You don’t
even have to read aloud if you prefer not to.
Page 14 of 16
Our venue on Berry Hill has been refurbished by Tesco, funded by the 5ps charged for plastic
bags. There's parking, it’s comfortable and we're a really nice lot, so do contact me on 01623
627764 if you are interested.
Sheila Haslam
Pudding Club
We continue to meet on the 1st Tuesday of each month from 4 pm to 6 pm. There is one
vacancy and we'd welcome a new member interested in testing and tasting puddings!
Sylvia Slack
The Shufflers
This friendly group meets on the 4th Thurday each month to visit local places for a cheap and
cheerful meal and, if possible, a short shuffle. If you are no longer a 'hiker', a 'walker' or even a
'stroller', then why not join us as we 'shuffle' our way round the world – or the car-park!
The August mini heat-wave broke and the morning dawned misty with heavy rain forecast, but it did not
dampen the spirits of the group of Shufflers who left for Lincoln. The minibus was very comfortable
and all enjoyed the journey. Our first stop was at Pennell's Garden Centre for an excellent lunch
followed by some retail therapy in the well stocked shop and garden department.
Then on to Lincoln Castle to see the wave of poppies that had been brought from the Tower Of
London. The walk up to the castle and through the grounds proved a challenge but all rose to
the occasion and arrived at the viewing point where the poppies cascaded down from the wall
into the moat. We stood thinking about all the lost young lives these flowers represented. After
taking lots of photos and a visit to the cafe, it was time for the journey home while we serenaded
Marjorie with a rousing rendition of 'Happy Birthday'. Who said the less-mobile members could
no longer have fun?
Our next meeting is at Rufford Country Park on Thursday September 22nd.
Sylvia Slack
Golf Group
Five members only managed to get to the last 'meet' at Oakmere Golf Club, but all enjoyed the day,
playing the first nine of the Admiral's Course, then, after a short break, the Commander's Course. Mike
Allen gained the highest points on the second course, while Paul Mann won overall.
The next meeting will be on Friday September 30th when we will attempt the front nine on Ransdale Park
main course, followed by the front nine of the par-3.Anew mixture!
Paul Mann
Latest Mansfield U3A News …
The Holocaust Centre Study Day
A major Study Day for Nottinghamshire U3As has been arranged at the Holocaust Centre on Wednesday
October 5th and full details were in the online August Newsletter. Names of those interested in attending
must be taken at today's meeting as the closing date is Friday September 23rd. Details will be available at
the September meeting.
Diaries: The 2016-2017 U3A Diaries have arrived and can be collected from the Secretary, Mike
Allen at the September meeting.
Subscriptions remain at £15 for the year 2016-2017 and will be required by the AGM.
Cheques payable to Mansfield and District U3Aor see below for online details.
Page 15 of 16
Online Banking is now available to members to pay their subscriptions online:
Sort Code: 60-14-03 Account Number: 40396835
Account name: Mansfield and District U3A REFERENCE: Member's name (for identification)
Dates for your diary (Check the website for more information and updates)
September 20th Tuesday: Mansfield and District U3A AGM. 10.00am in the 1861 Suite at
Mansfield Town Football Club.
October 11th Tuesday: 'A Morning with James Lewis'. Mansfield U3A Antiques and Collectables
group invites you to a talk by the auctioneer and valuer, well-known from his appearances on television.
The talk will be held in the meeting-room opposite the 1861 Suite at 10.00am. Cost: £5 incl. tea/coffee.
See Pat Blackwell for tickets.
October 18th Tuesday: Monthly Meeting. 'Life Can Be Funny' by Pat Hall.
October 21st Friday: Group Leaders Meeting at 10am at Bridge Street Methodist Church.
Apologies to Linda Leivers, please.
Mansfield U3AChristmas Lunch
Monday December 5th in the 1861 Suite at Mansfield Town Football Club
Cost: £19 (incl. Tips). 12.30 for 1 pm.
Book your places now with Norma Shillinglaw.
Please pay by cheque made out to Mansfield U3Aat the October and November meetings.
The full menu will be available at the meetings, in the October Newsletter and online, for you to choose.
Saturday February 25th 2017
Annual Fun Quiz Night and Buffet at Queen Elizabeth’s Academy.
Tickets will be on sale at the October meeting.
Details from Pauline Boucher on 01623 644798 or
Event and Visit Payments
MEMBERS are reminded that deposits and payments for events and visits organised by Mansfield
U3A and its interest groups are non-refundable, but places so reserved may be offered to others.
Changes of Address, etc.
PLEASE contact the membership secretary, Marilyn Dibble 01623 634805, if you've changed your
address, phone number or email since joining Mansfield U3A so that she can update our records.
THE VIEWS expressed here are those of the contributors, only, and do not necessarily reflect those
of the editor, the committee of Mansfield U3A or the Third Age Trust. Nor can any responsibility be
accepted for members' announcements or any errors that may occur.
Next Issue
PLEASE SEND contributions for the next issue to or by
hand to Mike Allen as soon as you can and by the 1st of the month at the latest. Thanks!
Editor: Mike Allen 01623 653345 Printed by: Portland Print
Page 16 of 16

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Mansfield U3A Newsletter, AGM Edition: September 2016

  • 1. Mansfield and District U3A Newsletter Summer Sun at the Picnic _______________________________ Established 1999 Registered Charity No. 1164177 September AGM 2016 Website: Page 1 of 16
  • 2. Welcome from your chairman Hello, and welcome to the September meeting in the 1861 Suite at Mansfield Town F.C. As you know, we did not have a meeting in August; instead we had the annual picnic at Queen Elizabeth’s Academy. The weather this year was great – sunny and warm. Members who came once again provided wonderful food. Games were played outside – bowls and horseshoes, while the music played. I hope you all enjoyed the Olympics in Brazil. A great spectacle and we were represented by a wonderful Team GB who did our country proud. I have many memories of the Olympics but one which stands out is when two brothers finished first and second in the Triathlon, Alistair and Jonny Brownlee, absolutely brilliant! This will be my last ‘Welcome’ as I leave my position as Chairman of Mansfield U3A after two years. Two years not without drama but, I have to say, two years of learning. Chairing meetings is something everyone should try once, it made me realise more strongly than ever that everyone who has an opinion should be heard and that bias in anything is hard to control. Believe me, I know! The one thing that I will remember is the hard work your Committee puts in to make your U3A work. They all have helped to make my time as Chairman enjoyable even when things were difficult. So thank you to all on the Committee, and I wish the new Chairman and Committee great success. Bob Longden _________________________________________________________________________________ Words from the Editor At the end of my first year as Editor, I need to take a moment out to reflect on what I let myself in for! There I was, thinking that I could cobble something up in a few hours that would be just as good as your daily paper (and better than most). That was a misconception of immense proportions! There is a lot of work involved – from persuading people to submit articles to ensuring that there are as few errors as possible. First, my thanks to those who do submit reports and articles; please do continue, in ever greater numbers! Indeed, use the Newsletter to write about your pet subjects or about our U3A! My thanks also to the few who help by proof-reading the draft edition, especially David Ling. However, I do seek more help, so let your AGM resolution be that you will help the Editor in some way, by writing, proof-reading or coming up with new ideas. Mike Allen ____________________________________________________________________________ Maureen Marples. We have learnt with deep regret that Maureen has passed away. Her funeral will take place on Wednesday September 14th at 1.45pm at the Meden Vale Methodist Church. We offer our sincere condolences to her family and friends. In this issue Page 2: Chairman's Welcome; Words from the Editor Page 3: AGM Agenda; Committee Nominee Pages 4 – 6: Chairman's Annual Report; Treasurer's Annual Report; Membership Secretary's Report; Group Coordinator's Report Pages 7 – 10: Interest Groups Meetings Diary; News Pages 11 – 15: Interest Group News; Getaway Group; Latest News Page 16: Dates for your Diary and Notices Page 2 of 16
  • 3. Mansfield U3A AGM Agenda at 11.15 am after the General Meeting 1. Chairman's Welcome. The Chairman’s Formal Report is in this issue of the Newsletter on page four. 2. Apologies Apologies to the Secretary at or on 01623 653345 or on the day by another member. 3. Approval of Minutes from 2015 AGM These are on website, but 10 copies will be available at the meeting. 4. Treasurer's Report (incl. approval of the Accounts & election of an auditor). A summary of the Treasurer’s Report is in this issue of the Newsletter on page four. In addition, the Group Co-ordinator’s Report and the Membership Secretary’s Report are on pages five and six. 5. Nominations for committee: The following is seeking election to the Committee: Christine Smith. Please see below for her introduction. The following are seeking re-election to the Committee: Jacqui Hampshire (as Vice-Chairman); Linda Leivers (as Groups Coordinator); Mike Allen (as Secretary); Graham Headworth (as Minutes Secretary) The following continue their terms of office: Yvonne Kennison (Treasurer); Marilyn Dibble (Membership Secretary); Sheila Pegg (Asst Treasurer); Norma Smith (Speaker Finder) 6. Election of the new committee. There being no contest, the Chairman and Committee will be proposed for election en bloc. 7. AOB: Any motions for consideration at the AGM must be proposed and seconded and given to the Business Secretary at the beginning of the AGM Meeting. Date of the next AGM: Tuesday September 19th 2017 at 11.15 am. ____________________________________________________________________________ Introducing the new Committee Nominee Page 3 of 16 Christine Smith (07859 249086) Christine worked in textiles as a garment technologist and quality control manager, first in the UK, then in Morocco and Tunisia, travelling to London for meetings with M&S on a regular basis. She joined U3A to get the most out of her Third Age, to meet like-minded people and to experience new adventures.
  • 4. Chairman's Report This last year has been busy, to say the least. After last year's AGM, Graham Headworth applied for Charity Status for Mansfield U3A, the new Constitution having been voted in by the members. Graham succeeded and Mansfield U3A is now a registered charity. Thank you Graham – all your endeavours, your skills and know-how have greatly benefited Mansfield U3A. Over the last few years, we had been under pressure to find a venue to accommodate more members. The criteria for such a move included having ample parking space and a bigger room to enrol more members (amongst other factors). As you know, we tried out the 1861 Suite at Mansfield Town F.C. and decided that it ticked enough boxes for the U3A to move there. The move has not been without its critics; change can be difficult, but since we have moved, I feel it is working. One of the advantages is the free parking available for any group trip, as this was a problem before. The management has made the move work by being very helpful, for instance, we are able to use the TV screens they set up for us around the room to broadcast the notices. We have not had a Notice Board since I stopped servicing it two years ago as no one would take the job on. This move was not undertaken lightly and the committee has endorsed the move for all the right reasons and I hope we will enjoy the benefits of the new venue for many years to come. In last year’s report, I said that we needed to find someone to take over David Ling’s Webmaster and Newsletter Editor roles. Thankfully, Mike Allen stepped in to edit the Newsletter and I think you will agree he is doing a brilliant job! It is never easy to take over a role but with David’s help, Mike has grown into the role and long may he enjoy it. The Webmaster’s role has been another story altogether. Either no one was interested, or when they found out what was involved, their interest faded. David has built a web site which is excellent in my opinion. The problem has come when editing the pages was found by many to be too involved for their level of skill. So after many months, many meetings and much discussion, we decided to use the web site developed by the Third Age Trust. We formed a sub-committee and contacted other U3As about their experience of using it. All said it was easy to edit and to install new pages and the skill level required was not too high. This was ideal as, over the years, people come and go in U3A so something with the backing of TAT means that continuity is easier to maintain. The new web site should be up and running before the end of the year once Group Leaders have been given the relevant information to edit their own group pages at the next Group Leaders meeting. Groups in our U3A continue to flourish and new ones appear from time to time. As I have always said, groups are the soul of any U3A. I would like to wish the new Chair and the Committee all the best for the future. Bob Longden Treasurer's Report Financial Report for the year 2015/2016 Owing to the move to the One Call Stadium for our monthly meetings, we have been able to welcome many new members. As well as enriching our groups, this has also had a beneficial effect on our subscriptions. The move has also proved to be more economical as the room hire cost is considerably less than that of the Oakham Suite and we hope that this will continue. Page 4 of 16
  • 5. I know it is stressed every year how important it is to support our fund-raising activities, and this year is no exception. Due to the success of our fundraisers, we have been able to keep our subs at the low rate of £15 (I am sure you all know that we only keep £11.50 of this, the remainder goes to the Third Age Trust). Even so, our outgoings this year have been greater than our income, but because we had a good sum to bring forward from previous years, this has kept us in a steady financial position. Please continue to enjoy and support our fundraisers - the Book Stall, the Quiz Night and the Coffee Morning. At the risk of being boring, if any of you are tax payers and you haven’t filled in a Gift Aid Form, please consider doing so as this all helps to keep the subs at the current low rate. The Group Accounts are managed very well by Sheila Pegg, and I would like to thank her for the work she does, and also to all the group leaders for managing and reporting their financial comings and goings. The books have been audited by Mr Joe Crosby and I would like to thank him for the professional and kindly way he carried out this work. Mr Crosby feels he cannot audit the books again as he has too many commitments. We therefore need to appoint a new auditor for the year ending 2016/2017. If anyone in Mansfield U3A would like to volunteer or knows of a non- member who might help, it would be greatly appreciated. Yvonne Kennison, Treasurer Abbreviated version of the accounts for the year 2015-2016 Receipts Subscriptions £4,338.00 Transfer from Social £3,254.02 Books £371.70 Fundraising Activities £1,807.46 HMRC Gift Aid £337.43 Diaries £131.00 Payments T.A.T. Capitation fees £973.00 Direct mailing U3A News £425.11 Newsletter £954.02 Website maintenance cost £118.98 Room hire & Speaker costs £3,970.50 Miscellaneous items £1,542.77 Totals Balance b/fwd 1 August £4,866.00 Balance c/fwd 31 July 2016 7121.23 £15,105.61 £15,105.61 Membership Secretary's Report During the last year, we have taken on 37 new members, taking our total membership to 300. The move to our new venue allowed us to increase our membership by 25; the other 12 were replacements for departing members. All new members are invited to a coffee morning the week before they join and this enables us to distribute information packs and answer the numerous questions about our U3A. It also provides a good opportunity for new members to make friends so they feel less overawed at the first monthly meeting. Page 5 of 16
  • 6. We have welcomed many active new members who are enjoying a variety of interest groups. One very proactive new member, Christine Smith, has set up two new groups (Horse Riding and Swimming) and now she has agreed to be nominated for the committee. We have an ever increasing waiting list, at present standing at 35, but I hope we will have a few places to offer once our present members have had a final chance to renew their membership. Marilyn Dibble Group Co-ordinator's Report The past twelve months have been both exciting and disappointing. The move to Mansfield Town Football Club has enabled us to increase our membership and, as a result, we have had many fresh ideas about new groups. Not all have succeeded, but we have added several run by newer members. Some ideas, still in the planning and incubation stage, will come about during the next twelve months, I hope. But not all groups can continue forever. Movement to Music was lost to our list – falling numbers and the cost of the venue meant Joanne, our tutor, could no longer sustain it. Over many years, Margaret Burlinson has planned, arranged and organised trips at home and abroad for the Holiday Group. I have nothing but admiration for her and offer my personal thanks for all she has achieved and the pleasure she has given. Now she has retired, a new group, the Getaway Group, has been launched by Christine Smith and Jacqui Hampshire with a different approach to holidays. I hope the travellers amongst us will find something to tempt them. Mind you, the visits to Thoresby organised by Terry Whitehead will continue! I have a busy year personally and I am delighted that Christine Smith is now my side-kick (or partner in crime). This addition should make next year an interesting and eventful one. Linda Leivers Website Report I'm sorry to have to report that nobody could find an hour a week to take over the webmaster role and didn't want to be shown how easy it is to help fellow-members in a way I found enjoyable and satisfying. The result has been that our Recent Events, New Groups and Photo Gallery pages have remained frozen in time since I stood down at the last AGM. Nonetheless, our website remains one of the most popular among fellow-retired in Nottinghamshire and further afield with 27,503 visits and 168,913 page views recorded in the last 12 months. I'm sure you'll join me in thanking the site managers, especially Terry Whitehead and Mike Allen, for helping Group Leaders to update their pages and for taking-on some maintenance duties so that the site remains the prime source of information for prospective and our present members. David Ling, Administrator Key to Meetings details: THIS TABLE SHOWS THE DAY of the month, time and frequency using the first two letters of the day, followed by numbers 1 - 5 to represent the week number. The final letter M (or F, W or V) indicates that the group meets monthly, fortnightly, weekly or at variable intervals. So 'Tu2, 2.30 - V M' would mean a group meeting on the 2nd Tuesday at 2.30pm Monthly but with Variable finish times. All members are invited to contact the relevant Group Leader if they would like to participate in any interest group or attend an event. NB: * indicates a waiting list. Page 6 of 16
  • 7. Interest Group Meetings Meeting Places Leader/Contact Afternoon Teas Sa2, 3 - 5 M Various Sheila Whalley 01623 453908 Next Meetings: TBA Antiques and Collectables * Tu2, 10 – 12.00 M Bridge Street Methodist Church, Mansfield Pat Blackwell 01623 481745 Next Meetings: September 13th – Boxes and Tins; October 11th – James Lewis (Diary Dates) Art We3, 10 – 12.00 M Big Barn Lane Methodist Church, Mansfield Gordon Howlett 01623 627423 Next Meetings: TBA Art Appreciation Mo1, 2.00 - 4.00 M Stanhope Centre Mansfield Pauline Boucher 01623 644798 Next meetings: October 3rd – Members' Favourite Works of Art Bridge Mo, F 6.30 - 9.00 West Notts College Derby Rd., Joan Hufton 01623 557488 Next Meetings: Opening Meeting on September 19th; then October 3rd, October 17th, etc. Bowls Tu 2.30 – 4.00 W Coaching / Roll-ups at £3.00 per session Lammas Centre, Sutton in Ashfield Jennie / Dave Drew 01623 555012 Next Meetings: Indoor season begins Tuesday October 11th. Chat and Stitch Mo3, 2.00 - 4.00 M St John's Centre, Mansfield Doreen Storer 01623 407731 Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar Craft Workshop We4, 2.00 - 4.00 M Ruth Colley's home Ruth Colley 01623 472010 Next meetings: September 28th – No meeting; October 26th – Welcoming new members Current Affairs Tu2, 2.00 - 4.00 M St John's Centre, Mansfield Norma Shillinglaw 01623 466934 Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar Family History Tu4, 10.00 - 12.00 M St John's Centre, Mansfield Max Clarke 01623 621744 Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar Film Studies * We1, 1.30 - V M Joy's home Joy Crowe 01623 645400 Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar Page 7 of 16
  • 8. Garden Visits Various during the Summer Various Janet Whitlam/Karen Troop 01623 635607 Next Visits: TBA Gardening Tu1, 10.00 - 12.00 M St Peter's Centre, Mansfield Avril McGee 01623 452688 Next Meetings: October 4th – Members' Day: Harvest Festival and Picture Quiz Getaway Various TBA Christine Smith 07859 249086 2016 Holidays: Mon. Sept. 26th to Mon. Oct. 3rd – Mallorca* (Margaret Burlinson). 2017 Holidays: Jan. & Feb. – Thoresby Hall * (Terry Whitehead). Information on all Holidays can be seen on pages 11-12 in this Newsletter Golf Last Friday of Month Various Paul Mann 01623 615416 Next Meeting: TBA History We3, 10.00 - 12.00 M M'field Bowling Club, Chesterfield Road, Mansfield David Drew 01623 555012 Next Meetings: Sept 12th – Visit to Richard III Exhibition, Leicester. Horse Riding Fr4, 11.00 M exp. Fr2, 11.00 M beg. Kirkfields Equestrian Centre, Blidworth Christine Smith 07859 249086 Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar. International Dining We2, 6.30 for 7.00 M Various Jacqui Hampshire 01623 239210 Next Meetings: Sept 14th – Anya, Sherwood; October 12th – Gurkha One, Rolleston Local History Fri1, 10.00 - 12.00 M Bridge Street Methodist Church, Mansfield Bob & Sue Longden 01623 486903 Next Meetings: October 7th – Visit to the National Mining Museum Luncheon Club Th after 3rd Tu, 12.00 - 2.00 M Various Eileen & Colin Bell 01623 429239 Next Meetings: Sept. 22nd – The Wagon at Halam; Oct 20th – Fillets at Forest Town Music Group Classical Music 2 Mo4, 2.00 - 4.00 M Members' homes Peter Hart 01623 620940 Next Meetings: Sept. 26th – Beethoven at Peter Hart's Page 8 of 16
  • 9. Music 2 * Mo4, 2.00 - 4.30 M Members' homes Eric Prescott 01623 631160 Next Meeting: Meetings as per calendar Popular Music Appreciation * Tu4, 2.00 - 4.00 M St John's School, Mansfield Peter Haynes 01623 610886 Next Meeting: Meetings as per calendar Pudding Club Tu1, 4.00 - 6.00 M Members' homes Sylvia Slack 01623 633981 Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar: Alternately at Sylvia's and Janet's. Read a Little Aloud Fri2, 2.00 - 4.00 M St Peter's Community Centre, Bellamy Road Sheila Haslam 01623 627764 Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar Reading 1 Th3, 2.00 - 4.00 M Peter Dawson's home Peter Dawson 01623 882191 Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar. Reading 2 Tu3, 2.00 - 4.00 M Ravenshead Library Joan Hufton 01623 557488 Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar Science & Technical Tu1, 2.00 - 4.00 M Stanton Hill Baptist Church, Albert St. Skegby Ian Boucher 01623 644798 Next Meetings: October 4th – Lung Cancer: Dr B Cox (King's Mill) Scrabble Mo2, 2.00 - 4.00 M Brenda Thurkettle's home Brenda Thurkettle 01623 628136 Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar Swimming Sun1&3, 2.00 F FitnessFlex Gym next to MTFC. Christine Smith 07859 249086 Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar. Cost: £4.00 per session incl. sauna, jacuzzi, etc. Tai Chi Mo, 9.30 - 10.30 W St John's Centre, Mansfield Jean Kirk 01623 480207 Next term: Monday Sept. 5th – December 12th, with half term break on Oct. 24th. Theatre Visits Various Various Sheila Whalley 01623 453908 Next Visits: Saturday December 3rd – 'The Jungle Book'. Oddsocks returns to the Thoresby Riding School with their latest zany production of Rudyard Kipling's book.The performance starts at 2pm and costs £14. Page 9 of 16
  • 10. Walking Groups Hikers (all-day, 6 - 8 miles) Th1 & Mo3, 9.30 - V 2/M Tesco car park, off Oak Tree Lane, Mansfield Peter Thurkettle 01623 628136 Next Meetings: Thursday October 6th – Belper; Monday 17th – Bilsthorpe Shufflers (short & gentle) Th4, 12.00 - V M Various Sylvia Slack 01623 633981 Next Meetings: September 22nd – Saville Restaurant, Rufford Abbey Strollers (a leisurely 2 miles) We2, 10.30 - V M Various Barbara Massey / Marion Thornton 01623 628357/ 651528 Next Meetings: Sept 14th – Sherwood Pines. As parking is £4.00, share cars; Oct 12th – Thoresby Park – use Stables car-park Walkers (an easy 4 - 5 miles) We4, 10.30 - V M Various Joy & Nick Crowe 01623 645400 Next Meetings: Sept – No walk as U3A Mallorca holiday; October 26th – Rowthorne Trail Wine Appreciation 2 * We3, 7.30 - V M Members' homes Mike Allen 01623 653345 Next Meetings: Sept 21st – Wine Society Reds at Ron's; Oct 19th – Chenin Blanc at Norma's Wine Appreciation 3 * Tu4, 7.30 - V M Members' homes Graham Allin 01623 473662 Next Meetings: Sept 27th – Rosé at Lynne and Barrie's; Oct 25th – Viognier at Ian and Pauline's Wine Appreciation 4 * Th4, 7.30 - V M Members' homes Jane Kockum 01623 407235 Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar Writing for Pleasure Mo2, 2 - 4 M Stanhope Centre, Bridge Street, Mansfield Hilary Miller/Sue Ford 01623 620067/844286 Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar Harmony (an independent Interest Group) meets every fortnight on Wednesday evenings from 5.45 pm to 7.15 pm at St Alban's Church in Forest Town, starting September 21st. Contact June Fell on 01623 623547 or at the monthly meeting to learn more about this singing group of U3AMembers. There is a special rehearsal on Wednesday Sept 7th for the concert on Sunday Sept 11th. The Book Table re-opens this month, so shake the moths out of your pockets and buy your Autumn reading from us! The National Conference & AGM The Treasurer and I were privileged to attend the AGM of the Third Age Trust (the body that oversees all U3As) in Nottingham in August. After the opening lecture, a truly excellent exploration of how music can Page 10 of 16
  • 11. affect our health, by Dr Victoria Williamson, and a pleasant lunch, the AGM began. The National Chairman, Pam Jones, gave her speech, which I hope to cover in greater detail next month because of its importance. A national consultation about the future structure of the U3A movement as a whole is taking place and Mansfield U3Amust be prepared to offer its views. Mike Allen Our October Speaker 'Life Can Be Funny' by Pat Hall This month's talk features quick-change comedy sketches with characters such as 'A Lottery Winner', 'Nil By Mouth' and 'Lady Raleigh'. Throw in every day observational comedy, oddities, jokes and anecdotes, together with her own quirky poems such as 'The Ratting', 'Trying to find a Loo' and 'Call Centres', add some nostalgia and audience involvement and mix well. Norma Smith The Summer Picnic What a difference a year makes! Last year, we huddled in the hall at the Queen Elisabeth Academy while it drizzled outside; this year, we sat out in the sun, amazed at our good fortune. Having had far fewer sunny days than we deserved, the late summer has been kind to us at last. Windy it might have been, but the sun shone. And the food was delicious – as always. How our members manage to produce such an abundance of delights each year is beyond belief. Home-made bread, pies, quiches, snacks nestled amongst the shop-bought goodies; the sweets were a temptation too much for any calorie-counting slimmer. In fact, no slimmer survived the day, as every plate of food was cleaned and little was left for the carrion crows. Conversation rose and fell in the sun, the strains of Elvis Presley (courtesy of Bob Longden) drifted across the courtyard, wine glasses were filled and refilled and all was right with the world. The draw for the raffle was made and the bottles disappeared at the same speed as the éclairs; even the body lotion won by your Editor was welcomed by another member who could put the Body Butter to better use! Later, the outdoor games began; the bowls has its adherents, including many who had never played before, while the other games flourished as well. Slowly, the numbers dwindled as we left, sated. Our thanks must go to Janet Whitlam, Sue Longden and Linda Leivers who spent a long time preparing the tables, setting out the food and clearing up with the help of Bob Longden (our resident DJ) and others, including the caretaking staff at the school. And thanks to all who came – your enjoyment was there to see. Mike Allen Page 11 of 16
  • 12. News from the Third Age Trust On Tuesday November 22nd, the U3A Movement will celebrate the creation of 1000 U3As. Unfortunately, the official celebration is in London, but I'm sure we can all spare a thought for this noteworthy event. Latest Group News … The Getaway Group – the new name for the Holiday Group! As we all know, Margaret Burlinson has retired from organising Mansfield U3A holidays after over ten years in this arduous job and the thanks of all those who have travelled with her over the years will follow her on her final trip to Majorca and then into her new and quieter life. A new group has been formed – the Getaway Group – and this change of name signals a different approach to organising holidays. Different members will take on the responsibility of organising a holiday, spreading the load that was borne by Margaret alone across a number of people. Christine Smith is the Leader of the Getaway Group and Jacqui Hampshire is working alongside her to get it started. Three holidays have been suggested and they are detailed below. But remember, our holidays are now our own, no longer shared with Sherwood who have struck out separately. So the success of the holdays depends on Mansfield members choosing to go on them. Now the difficult bit – choose one (or more – or all) of these proposed holidays: Norfolk June 12th – 16th 2017. Potters 5-star Holiday Resort at Hopton-on-Sea on the coast in Norfolk between Great Yarmouth and Lowestoft. A 5-day holiday from Monday to Friday with 4 meals per day and with activities during the day and evening entertainment. The prices are based on 35 people in bungalow accommodation (hotel rooms on request at a price similar to the bungalows). £339pp in a standard bungalow; £359pp in a standard-plus bungalow 7 singles; 5 standard double bungalows; 6 standard twin bungalows; 8 ‘plus’ bungalows (twin) and 2 ‘plus’ bungalows (double). 1 free place with 35, 2 free places with 42 – if we have free places, the price will be reduced for everyone. Lake Garda, Italy September 6th – 13th 2017. An 8-day holiday (B, B & EM) in a 3* hotel on the shore of the lake from £699. Prices are based on at least 25 persons booking. Day trips to Venice and Verona will be included in the price, plus an optional trip to the Dolomites if desired. Other trips can be added, but of course, these will increase the price. The brochure will be available at AGM. See Christine Smith for both at the monthly meetings or contact her on 01623 443480 or 07859 249086 or at Thursford Christmas Spectacular November 30th – December 2nd 2017 at the 3*** Links Country Park Hotel, West Runton, Norfolk. Two nights dinner, bed and breakfast from £239. Prices are based on 25 people booking. The single supplement is £25. 12 singles, 7 doubles and 11 twins have been reserved Page 12 of 16
  • 13. at this country house hotel set in 35 acres of parkland, with a golf course. All rooms are en-suite with flat screen TVs, free WiFi and tea- and coffee-making equipment. Tickets to the Thursford Spectacular Show are included in the price, together with one full day excursion to Norwich. If you would rather play a round of golf or use the leisure facilities, this can be organized. There will be a stop in Holt on our return journey. On the evening we arrive in Thursford, the early dinner will have a Christmas theme before we set off for the theatre, with mulled wine and a mince pie on our return from the show. Breakfast is buffet-style with juices, cereals, fruit, toast and a full English breakfast, as would be expected from this quality of hotel. Dinner is a three-course table d'hôte menu with a choice of four starters, four main courses and four desserts, followed by tea or coffee. See Jacqui Hampshire for Thursford at the monthly meetings; or contact her on 01623 239210 or at Thoresby Hall Holiday 2017 There will be two holiday dates: Monday January 9th to Friday January 13th at £182pp and Monday February 20th to Friday February 24th at £220pp. Room upgrades are available. For details see the Mansfield U3A website: Interests & Hobbies: Holidays. It's 'waiting list only' now so contact or 01623 626991. Terry Whitehead Mallorca September 26th – October 3rd For those few who let me know they could not get to the meeting at The Junction, please remember to: Keep your passports handy for me to check before leaving Mansfield; check your EHIC card is not out of date; bring your coach plan and itinerary; bring your insurance details & policy; check your luggage label & make sure you are at the right pick up point. The amount of euros you take depends on your personal preference. I will see you all at Walkden Street on Monday September 26th no later than 5.10am to leave at 5.20am for East Midlands Airport. Details of the discussion about the Balearic Islands' debacle on tourists will filter through to you via your reps. at the meeting. I am keeping my fingers crossed that we all have an enjoyable & trouble free holiday! Christmas in Cheshire There is still room for three more to join the five already booked on a 5-day break to Cheshire on December 23rd – 27th. Details available from my holiday table or ring me on 01623 632538. Margaret Burlinson Bridge Group The Bridge Group has been revived by Joan Hufton. The new group will begin on Monday, September 19th and meet every fortnight at 6.30 pm at the West Notts College on Derby Road. I will be waiting at the reception desk inside the main entrance on the first Monday to greet all interested members. If you are interested, phone me on 01623 557488, turn up at the first meeting or on Monday, October 3rd as some of you will not have heard of the revival until the September meeting! Joan Hufton (01623 557488 or Page 13 of 16
  • 14. Lunch Club The Full Moon in Morton was the setting for the August Lunch Club outing – an olde-worlde, tucked-away pub in a small village near the Trent. About 20 members joined Eileen and Colin Bell for a very pleasant meal in the back room. The next meal will be at The Wagon in Halam. Please book your meal and food choice beforehand at the meeting in September. Colin & Eileen Bell International Dining The venue for the International Dining Group on Wednesday 12th October will be the Gurkha One in Rolleston NG23 5SG (the restaurant is in The Crown inn). This is an Indian restaurant with a Nepalese twist, as you will find out if you go on the web-site, and should be an interesting experience. I'll be at the September meeting with the usual form for the interested parties. Lombardi's Italian Restaurant in Chesterfield was excellent, although, unfortunately, our numbers were down due to holidays and other commitments. The eleven members who were there however found the food and company first class and they would all recommend this restaurant without any hesitation. Jacqui Hampshire Bowls Club The match between Mansfield U3A and Mansfield Bowls Club had to be postponed because of inclement weather on Saturday Sept. 3rd. The contest will be renewed later, possibly indoors. I shall be retiring from leading the group after the AGM when Pat Gunter and Jenny Drew will take over – it couldn't be in better hands! Don Wright Theatre Group Please collect your tickets for The War Horse and The Full Monty. If you paid a deposit for Showboat and then cancelled, please collect your refund. It's now too late to pay for The Producers. If you are going to Beautiful in London in October, please collect your itinerary, The Sound of Music was cancelled due to lack of interest. Sheila Whalley Read A Little Aloud Since the group was started in March, we have enjoyed many interesting readings of extracts from books and poems, as well as magazines – but the best part of the afternoon is the discussion which follows. Each month, I choose items from all kinds of literature – classic, contemporary, and even children’s. Among the latter was a section from ‘The War Horse’ and I added an article telling the fascinating story of how Michael Morpurgo came to write it and eventually – after 20 years – saw it made into a film which has topped all previous box office receipts. All pieces (for example ‘Senior Moments’, ‘Shame On Me’ and ‘Love At Christmas’) prompt memories and anecdotes and give us food for thought. Sessions on ‘Men Were Deceivers Ever’ and ‘The Paths Of Our Lives’ brought up some funny tales, and we all had plenty to say about the ‘sliding door’ syndrome … the ‘what if … ?' We’d still like a few more members to join us. My poor husband is the only male (I swear there’s no pressure on him!) and he would like some support. We ladies would also like to have more balance in the group. We only ask that our members are open-minded and friendly. You don’t even have to read aloud if you prefer not to. Page 14 of 16
  • 15. Our venue on Berry Hill has been refurbished by Tesco, funded by the 5ps charged for plastic bags. There's parking, it’s comfortable and we're a really nice lot, so do contact me on 01623 627764 if you are interested. Sheila Haslam Pudding Club We continue to meet on the 1st Tuesday of each month from 4 pm to 6 pm. There is one vacancy and we'd welcome a new member interested in testing and tasting puddings! Sylvia Slack The Shufflers This friendly group meets on the 4th Thurday each month to visit local places for a cheap and cheerful meal and, if possible, a short shuffle. If you are no longer a 'hiker', a 'walker' or even a 'stroller', then why not join us as we 'shuffle' our way round the world – or the car-park! The August mini heat-wave broke and the morning dawned misty with heavy rain forecast, but it did not dampen the spirits of the group of Shufflers who left for Lincoln. The minibus was very comfortable and all enjoyed the journey. Our first stop was at Pennell's Garden Centre for an excellent lunch followed by some retail therapy in the well stocked shop and garden department. Then on to Lincoln Castle to see the wave of poppies that had been brought from the Tower Of London. The walk up to the castle and through the grounds proved a challenge but all rose to the occasion and arrived at the viewing point where the poppies cascaded down from the wall into the moat. We stood thinking about all the lost young lives these flowers represented. After taking lots of photos and a visit to the cafe, it was time for the journey home while we serenaded Marjorie with a rousing rendition of 'Happy Birthday'. Who said the less-mobile members could no longer have fun? Our next meeting is at Rufford Country Park on Thursday September 22nd. Sylvia Slack Golf Group Five members only managed to get to the last 'meet' at Oakmere Golf Club, but all enjoyed the day, playing the first nine of the Admiral's Course, then, after a short break, the Commander's Course. Mike Allen gained the highest points on the second course, while Paul Mann won overall. The next meeting will be on Friday September 30th when we will attempt the front nine on Ransdale Park main course, followed by the front nine of the par-3.Anew mixture! Paul Mann Latest Mansfield U3A News … The Holocaust Centre Study Day A major Study Day for Nottinghamshire U3As has been arranged at the Holocaust Centre on Wednesday October 5th and full details were in the online August Newsletter. Names of those interested in attending must be taken at today's meeting as the closing date is Friday September 23rd. Details will be available at the September meeting. Diaries: The 2016-2017 U3A Diaries have arrived and can be collected from the Secretary, Mike Allen at the September meeting. Subscriptions remain at £15 for the year 2016-2017 and will be required by the AGM. Cheques payable to Mansfield and District U3Aor see below for online details. Page 15 of 16
  • 16. Online Banking is now available to members to pay their subscriptions online: Sort Code: 60-14-03 Account Number: 40396835 Account name: Mansfield and District U3A REFERENCE: Member's name (for identification) Dates for your diary (Check the website for more information and updates) September 20th Tuesday: Mansfield and District U3A AGM. 10.00am in the 1861 Suite at Mansfield Town Football Club. October 11th Tuesday: 'A Morning with James Lewis'. Mansfield U3A Antiques and Collectables group invites you to a talk by the auctioneer and valuer, well-known from his appearances on television. The talk will be held in the meeting-room opposite the 1861 Suite at 10.00am. Cost: £5 incl. tea/coffee. See Pat Blackwell for tickets. October 18th Tuesday: Monthly Meeting. 'Life Can Be Funny' by Pat Hall. October 21st Friday: Group Leaders Meeting at 10am at Bridge Street Methodist Church. Apologies to Linda Leivers, please. ________________________________________________________________________________ Mansfield U3AChristmas Lunch Monday December 5th in the 1861 Suite at Mansfield Town Football Club Cost: £19 (incl. Tips). 12.30 for 1 pm. Book your places now with Norma Shillinglaw. Please pay by cheque made out to Mansfield U3Aat the October and November meetings. The full menu will be available at the meetings, in the October Newsletter and online, for you to choose. ________________________________________________________________________________ Saturday February 25th 2017 Annual Fun Quiz Night and Buffet at Queen Elizabeth’s Academy. Tickets will be on sale at the October meeting. Details from Pauline Boucher on 01623 644798 or ____________________________________________________________________________ Event and Visit Payments MEMBERS are reminded that deposits and payments for events and visits organised by Mansfield U3A and its interest groups are non-refundable, but places so reserved may be offered to others. ______________________________________________________________________________ Changes of Address, etc. PLEASE contact the membership secretary, Marilyn Dibble 01623 634805, if you've changed your address, phone number or email since joining Mansfield U3A so that she can update our records. ______________________________________________________________________________ Disclaimer THE VIEWS expressed here are those of the contributors, only, and do not necessarily reflect those of the editor, the committee of Mansfield U3A or the Third Age Trust. Nor can any responsibility be accepted for members' announcements or any errors that may occur. ______________________________________________________________________________ Next Issue PLEASE SEND contributions for the next issue to or by hand to Mike Allen as soon as you can and by the 1st of the month at the latest. Thanks! ______________________________________________________________________________ Editor: Mike Allen 01623 653345 Printed by: Portland Print Page 16 of 16