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Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay, District 9455
New Horizons
The Official Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay Inc.
Last Week’s Meeting
Did you miss last
weeks meeting? Find
out what happened.
Page 1
Urgent Help Needed
Can you help with the
the Perth session of the
Page 2
We’re This Close
How close are we to
eradicating Polio?
Page 4
Make Foundation
Giving a Club Tradition
How clubs can support
The Foundation.
Page 3
Make No Small Plans
Thinking big to make
things happen.
Page 4
Christmas Function
Have you RSVP’d
for this years club
Christmas function?
Page 2
Volume 3, Issue 22	 29th November - 5th December 2010
PO Box 168, Nedlands, Western Australia, 6909 ! District 9455! ABN: 99 602 195 617
Letter from the
The end of 2010 is fast
approaching – we have just 1
regular meeting left, and two
other meetings in the next 3
weeks which have been
shifted from our regular
We'll have a little break over
Christmas, and I hope that as
you hopefully take time to
recharge your batteries before
launching into 2011, that you
also give some thought to
what you would like to do in
our club in the new year.
Why not set a Rotary New
Year's Resolution? It could be
a project you'd like to see our
club bring to fruition,
championing an existing
cause, assisting
with some aspect
of running the
club, or simply
getting to know
some of the other
members of the
club better.
Don't forget: we
don't have a
meeting this
Wednesday – we
will be attending
the Ken Collins
Address on
Monday in place
of our regular
meeting for this
Yours in Rotary,
Last Week's
We had several guests at our
meeting last Wednesday.
Jotik Napit, Principal of the
Angel Academy in
Kathmandu, Nepal and his
fiancée Prabha joined us for
the meeting. Jotik and
Debbie Cash gave a brief
presentation on the school,
which is listed as a Rotary
Australia World Community
Service (RAWCS) project.
Sponsorship of the students
by parents at Christ Church
Grammar School is being
sent through RAWCS to Jotik.
The Angel Academy requires
a water filtration unit for the
students. On his return, Jotik
will look into the cost as our
club already has $450
available which has been
donated specifically for a
water project.
We also heard a little about
the Refuge for old people and
street children which was
discovered by Jotik.
Seventeen of the children are
transported to the Angel
Academy where they are
being sponsored to receive
Our guest speaker was
Robert Fisher AM, who spent
30 years working in the State
and Federal Government. He
told us stories of a few of his
postings during that period,
including how he managed,
without the necessary
documentation, to have a
large package of meat
released from quarantine in
Moscow, his time in San
Francisco and as Agent
General in London.
Bob then went on to tell us of
the changes as he saw them
in media and how the State
and Federal Governments
have dramatically increased
its bureaucratic staff,
commencing from around the
Brian Bourke era.
This Week's
This Wednesday’s meeting
has been replaced by the
Annual Dr. Ken Collins
Address on the Rotary
Foundation. This will be
held on Monday 29th
November and the main
speaker will be the President
of Rotary International, Ray
Klinginsmith. The Alumni
speaker will be Maryanne
Tokome-Amu from Papua
New Guinea.
AGM 8th
Nomination forms for board
positions for 2011/12 have
been sent to all members.Photo: Robert Fisher, AG Kay Mason and Malcolm Mason
 Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay, District 9455
Please forward completed
forms to Secretary Di this
A position to be filled
immediately is that of Club
Service Director. Once again,
please contact Secretary Di if
you are prepared to take it
Please put Thursday16th
December in your diary for
the Club’s second Birthday
and Christmas function, at
the Nedlands Golf Club,
6.30pm for 7.00pm meeting.
This will replace our regular
Wednesday meeting.
As some of our member will
already be away, please
invite family and friends
along to swell numbers and
make it a good fun night.
Friends of the Club, please
join us as it should be a fun
night with Max Kay as our
speaker. Max is always
entertaining and we look
forward to him and Norma’s
company on the night.
The cost is $45 per person for
a traditional Christmas
dinner. Please advise
Secretary Di about any
special meal requests. As
numbers have to be given to
the caterer several days in
advance, everyone is
requested to please pay at
our meeting on December 8th
or by EFT into the Club
Operating Account which is
Westpac BSB 036034 Account
No. 304015. If paying by EFT,
please include your name as
the Reference.
Our New
Screen and PA
To add to our laptop and
projector, we now have our
own screen and PA system.
A huge thank you
to Rob Rohrlach
who generously
donated the screen
and organised the
PA system.
O u r C l u b ’ s
Honorary Auditor
Adrian Rose has
kindly agreed to
also act as the
Honorary Auditor
for the RCFB
Charity Fund Inc.
Adrian, whose wife Faye has
Meeka Restaurant in Rokeby
Rd, Subiaco has suggested
the Club have a fundraising
dinner at the restaurant.
Our Bulletin Editor Daniel
Forsdyke underwent some
minor surgery last
Wednesday. We hope all
went well Daniel and that
you are well on the way to a
full recovery.
Welcome back Margaret
Stuart from her travels in
South America.
Happy holidays and safe
travels to Paddy and Zerina
Ramanathan, Rajah and Jes
Senathirajah, Blaise Johnson
and Kerry Harmanis . We
hope to see all of you early in
the New Year at the BBQ at
Claire and Daniel Forsdyke’s
when we return from the
Christmas break on Saturday,
8th January, from 4.00pm.
More details to follow.
Urgent Help
Needed -
National Youth
Science Forum
– Perth Session
January 2011
Over 140 of Australia’s top
science school students will
attend a 12 day session in
Perth in January 2011.
Rotary is a major partner
with NYSF and one of our
roles is to provide home
hosting for the students for
one day on Sunday 16th
It is emphasized that this is a
one day (not overnight)
hosting where students are
collected at 9.00am and
returned to UWA at 8.00pm
on the same day. It is
intended to be a rest day
where students just relax and
catch up on their laundry
needs. Not less than two
students are hosted by each
Rotarian family and from our
experience last year we will
require 65 – 70 hosts.
Only Rotarians and their
partners are able to host and
it is a requirement that at
least one host parent has a
current “Working With
Children” card. Rotarian
hosts will be invited and are
encouraged to attend the
NYSF Rotary Dinner on
Friday 14th January at Currie
Hall at UWA, where they will
meet their students.
We now urgently require
Rotarians to participate in
the hosting event. Please
contact PP Greg Thurston if
you have any questions or
wish to participate.
Photo: Debbie Cash, Jotik Napit, his fiancée Prabha and Ken Collins
Photo: Lyn Fisher and Rob Pearce
Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay, District 9455
Kind Regards
PP Greg Thurston
NYSF Chairman D9455
0417 177 837
Giving a Club
By Susie O. Ma 
The Rotarian
December 2010 
Arch C. Klumph, father of The Rotary
Foundation. Rotary Images
It takes the financial
contributions of Rotary club
members for The Rotary
Foundation to fulfill its
mission: to enable Rotarians to
advance world understanding,
goodwill, and peace through
the improvement of health, the
support of education, and the
alleviation of poverty.
How do some Rotary clubs
maintain their high rates of
Foundation support? One key
is to establish a tradition of
member giving – and
capitalize on it when the
opportunity arises.
The Rotary Club of
Alexandria, La., USA,
presented 61 members with
Paul Harris Fellow recognition
in June, taking advantage of a
$100,000 donation to the
Foundation from honorary
member Norman Martin.
Martin, who was already a
Paul Harris Fellow,
a c c u m u l a t e d 1 0 0 , 0 0 0
recognition points from his
contribution, which supported
Rotary’s US$200 Million
Challenge. The points can be
transferred, so after obtaining
Martin’s approval, club
leaders offered members up to
500 points each toward Paul
Harris Fellow Recognition,
which requires a $1,000
contribution (or 1,000 points).
The club already had 89 Paul
Harris Fellows out of 195
Everyone in the club is a
Rotary Foundation Sustaining
Member, donating at least $100
a year to the Annual Programs
Fund. Many already had a
balance of several hundred
dollars to apply toward Paul
Harris Fellow Recognition,
says club secretary Edwin
Caplan, which made it
possible to build on Martin’s
donation. “We played it up as
a o n c e - i n - a - l i f e t i m e
opportunity to become a Paul
Harris Fellow, basically for
half price,” Caplan says.
“People readily signed up. It
was not a tough sell.”
Caplan advises clubs that want
to increase Foundation giving
to encourage all members to
become Sustaining Members
and to renew contributions
automatically every year.
Although members always
have the opportunity to opt
out, he says, no one in the
Alexandria club has ever
withdrawn support after
becoming a Sustaining
The Rotary Club of Hillsdale
Sunrise, N.C., is part of a
district with a long tradition of
Foundation giving. District
7690 has 11 “Triple Crown
Clubs,” a term the district uses
for clubs in which everyone is
a Paul Harris Fellow, a
Sustaining Member, and a
Benefactor (a member who has
designated $1,000 or more to
the Permanent Fund in his or
her estate plan). The Hillsdale
Sunrise club was chartered in
February with 23 members
who held all three distinctions,
making it the first club to
achieve the Triple Crown
status at charter.
“What made it happen is the
precedent of this district in
stressing contributions to the
Foundation,” says 2009-10
District Governor Mike
Conrad. “Look at what
those dollars are doing.
That’s how we energize the
Rotarians in our district to
accomplish these goals.”
Learn more about ways to
Contribute now
RI President
Talks With
About the
Fight to
Rotary International News
15 November 2010 
RI President Ray
Klinginsmith sits down
with to talk
about the impact Rotary
and the Bill & Melinda
Gates Foundation have
made toward eradicating
polio worldwide.
Rotary has been a leader in
the fight against polio since
the launch of the PolioPlus
program in 1985. The Gates
Foundation awarded two
grants totaling US$355
million to Rotary in support
of its work in eradicating
the disease. In response,
Rotary pledged to raise
$200 million. To date,
Rotarians have raised $150
Watch Klinginsmith's
interview with
Rotarians Raise
$142,000 for
By Arnold R. Grahl
Rotary International News
23 November 2010
The 2010 Alltech FEI World
Equestrian Games in
Lexington, Kentucky, USA, in
September marked the first
time the games have been held
in North America, and
Kentucky Rotarians were
there in force, spreading the
news about Rotary's good
works and raising money for
polio eradication. 
Rotarians from throughout the
state, and some from other
parts of the world, provided
the main volunteer workforce
for food and beverage stations
throughout the Kentucky
Horse Park, home of the 16-
day competition considered
the "Olympics" of the
equestrian world. 
Through an agreement with
event concessionaire Buona
Companies, 8 percent of the
concession proceeds went to
Rotary, allowing volunteers to
raise $142,000 for Rotary's US
$200 Million Challenge.
Rotary volunteers worked a
total of 2,829 eight-hour shifts,
logging 22,632 volunteer
"The event provided
tremendous Rotary exposure,"
says Robert Ryan, governor of
Rotary International District
6740 and a member of the
Rotary Club of Lexington. "We
helped welcome the world to
the games."  
The World Equestrian Games
are held every four years and
this year featured athletes and
horses from more than 50
countries competing for world
championships in eight
equestrian disciplines. More
than 500,000 people attended
the games, which were
broadcast on NBC sports and
 Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay, District 9455
internationally through the
European Broadcast Union. 
Rotarians also staffed a booth
in the trade show area,
handing out literature and
copies of a poster of Kentucky
Derby-winning jockey Calvin
Borel, a participant in Rotary's
"This Close" polio eradication
public awareness campaign.
Volunteers gave out souvenir
pins featuring the Equestrian
Games and End Polio Now
logos in exchange for a $5
donation to polio eradication. 
“We were very busy the entire
time, but it wasn’t a burden,”
says Sara Callaway, a member
of the Rotary Club of
Frankfort. “I like to do
volunteer work for things I
believe in.” 
"Clubs were encouraged to use
the event as a club project to
meet their $2,000 annual goal
for Rotary's challenge," Ryan
says, noting that Rotarians
received credit for their club
for each shift they worked or
recruited friends or family to
work. Individual Rotarians
earned Foundation recognition
"I heard from one Rotarian
volunteer that by taking
part and meeting other
Rotarians from all over the
country and world, he felt
very comfortable going to
and visiting other Rotary
clubs where he hadn't
before," Ryan says. "This
event helped break down
barriers within Rotary." 
RI President Ray
Klinginsmith and his wife,
Judie, attended the opening
ceremonies of the games,
helping kick off the
volunteer effort. John Germ,
Rotary Foundation trustee
vice chair, and his wife,
Judy, worked several
volunteer shifts. Ryan's
aide, Dean Hammond,
coordinated the volunteer
pool, while Past District
Governor Tom Ashford also
provided support. 
Local Rotarians opened
their homes to Rotarians
who traveled from other
areas to volunteer.  
The Lexington Rotary club
plans to raise additional
funds for polio eradication
by auctioning off several
items, including a
basketball signed by
K l i n g i n s m i t h a n d
University of Kentucky
men’s basketball coach John
Calipari, fliers autographed
by Borel, and several
commemorative baseball
caps signed by Calipari.
How effective
is your club’s
Rotary International News
22 November 2010
A recent webinar on
effective club websites
offered ideas and tips for
making your club
website a success.
Expert panelists spoke
about their websites
and shared ideas with
more than 200
participants from
around the world.
Several participants
submitted their websites to be
critiqued so others could learn
the "do's" and "don'ts." A
recording of the webinar is
now available for anyone who
missed it.
Make No Small
With a US$300,000 grant from
The Rotary Foundation, the
Rotary clubs of Calcutta
Metropolitan, West Bengal,
India, and Medicine Hat,
Alberta, Canada, brought
health care, education,
sanitation, clean water,
vocational training, and
microcredit loans to more than
50,000 villagers in rural India.
Learn more in the latest video
from RVM: Rotary Video
November is Rotary
Foundation Month. Your
support of the Annual
Programs Fund through the
Every Rotarian, Every Year
initiative makes it possible for
The Rotary Foundation to
continue its work of Doing
Good in the World.  
See the top five reasons to
support The Rotary
Program recipients express
their thanks
Sign up for the EREY
We're This
Photos: Top: District Governor Robert Ryan (right) presents
RI President Ray Klinginsmith with a certificate during the
World Equestrian Games. Photo courtesy District 6740
Bottom: Kentucky Rotarians prepare to serve participants at
one of the larger food stations. Photo by Peggy Asseo
Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay, District 9455
Rotary Year 2010-11
Simone Carot Collins — President
Di Collins — Secretary / Vice President
TBA — Club Administration Director
Toni James — Treasurer
Rob Rohrlach — President Elect /
Projects Director
Claire Forsdyke — International Director
Ken Collins — Membership Director
Marcos Carot Collins — New
Generations Director
Club Details
Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay Inc.
PO Box 168,
Western Australia, 6909
Wednesday 5:45pm to 6:45pm
Cafe, Bethesda Hospital
Queenslea Drive
08 9385 0471
08 9385 0472
Chartered 19 December 2008
Bulletin Contributions
Contributions for the weekly bulletin are
sought from members of the club.
Why not use the bulletin to update the club
on the projects your committee is working
on or promote the clubs next fundraising
Please forward articles and photos to
Date Name
8th December Paddy Ramanathan
16th December Robert Pearce
Welcoming Roster
Program for November/
Date Details
29th November (Monday) Dr Ken Collins Address - Golden
Nugget Room, Gloucester Park
8th December Robert Pearce - Life & Times
16th December
Club Christmas Function at
Nedlands Gold Club.
Guest Speaker: Max Kay
Date Name
8th December Daniel Forsdyke
16th December Judy Edwards
Host - Introduction & Thank You
New Horizons: Winner of the District 9450
Bulletin Award for 2009/10
13th Annual Dr Ken Collins
Promoting The Rotary Foundation
When: Monday, 29th November, 2010. 
Venue: Golden Nugget Room, Gloucester Park. 
Time: 7:00pm for 7:30pm
Guest Speaker: RI President Ray Klinginsmith
Alumni Speaker: Maryanne Tokome-Amu
Cost: $45pp with cash bar available.
Note: this meeting will replace our regular
meeting on 1st December
Club Christmas &
Birthday Party
When: Thursday, 16th December, 2010. 
Venue: Nedlands Golf Club, Melvista Ave,
Time: 6:30pm for 7:00pm start
Cost: $45 - includes dinner
Guest Speaker: Max Kay
Note: this meeting will replace our regular
meeting on 15th December
Rotary and its global polio eradication
partners have made significant
progress in ridding the world of the
disease. But the work is not done. In
honor of World Polio Day, 24 October,
Rotarians can help build awareness by
downloading public service
announcements from the "This Close"
Learn more about the campaign
See a video

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Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay
Sustainable Cambodia Water & Related Programs Report 2010
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Sustainable Cambodia Water & Related Programs Report 2010Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay

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Sustainable Cambodia Water & Related Programs Report 2010
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New Horizons V3 I22

  • 1. N E W H O R I Z O N S Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay, District 9455 1 New Horizons The Official Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay Inc. Last Week’s Meeting Did you miss last weeks meeting? Find out what happened. Page 1 Urgent Help Needed Can you help with the the Perth session of the NYSF? Page 2 We’re This Close How close are we to eradicating Polio? Page 4 Make Foundation Giving a Club Tradition How clubs can support The Foundation. Page 3 Make No Small Plans Thinking big to make things happen. Page 4 Christmas Function Have you RSVP’d for this years club Christmas function? Page 2 Volume 3, Issue 22 29th November - 5th December 2010 PO Box 168, Nedlands, Western Australia, 6909 ! District 9455! ABN: 99 602 195 617 Letter from the President The end of 2010 is fast approaching – we have just 1 regular meeting left, and two other meetings in the next 3 weeks which have been shifted from our regular Wednesdays. We'll have a little break over Christmas, and I hope that as you hopefully take time to recharge your batteries before launching into 2011, that you also give some thought to what you would like to do in our club in the new year. Why not set a Rotary New Year's Resolution? It could be a project you'd like to see our club bring to fruition, championing an existing cause, assisting with some aspect of running the club, or simply getting to know some of the other members of the club better. Don't forget: we don't have a meeting this Wednesday – we will be attending the Ken Collins Address on Monday in place of our regular meeting for this week. Yours in Rotary, Simone Last Week's Meeting We had several guests at our meeting last Wednesday. Jotik Napit, Principal of the Angel Academy in Kathmandu, Nepal and his fiancée Prabha joined us for the meeting. Jotik and Debbie Cash gave a brief presentation on the school, which is listed as a Rotary Australia World Community Service (RAWCS) project. Sponsorship of the students by parents at Christ Church Grammar School is being sent through RAWCS to Jotik. The Angel Academy requires a water filtration unit for the students. On his return, Jotik will look into the cost as our club already has $450 available which has been donated specifically for a water project. We also heard a little about the Refuge for old people and street children which was discovered by Jotik. Seventeen of the children are transported to the Angel Academy where they are being sponsored to receive schooling. Our guest speaker was Robert Fisher AM, who spent 30 years working in the State and Federal Government. He told us stories of a few of his postings during that period, including how he managed, without the necessary documentation, to have a large package of meat released from quarantine in Moscow, his time in San Francisco and as Agent General in London. Bob then went on to tell us of the changes as he saw them in media and how the State and Federal Governments have dramatically increased its bureaucratic staff, commencing from around the Brian Bourke era. This Week's Meeting This Wednesday’s meeting has been replaced by the Annual Dr. Ken Collins Address on the Rotary Foundation. This will be held on Monday 29th November and the main speaker will be the President of Rotary International, Ray Klinginsmith. The Alumni speaker will be Maryanne Tokome-Amu from Papua New Guinea. AGM 8th December Nomination forms for board positions for 2011/12 have been sent to all members.Photo: Robert Fisher, AG Kay Mason and Malcolm Mason
  • 2. N E W H O R I Z O N S 2 Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay, District 9455 Please forward completed forms to Secretary Di this week. A position to be filled immediately is that of Club Service Director. Once again, please contact Secretary Di if you are prepared to take it on. Christmas Function Please put Thursday16th December in your diary for the Club’s second Birthday and Christmas function, at the Nedlands Golf Club, 6.30pm for 7.00pm meeting. This will replace our regular Wednesday meeting. As some of our member will already be away, please invite family and friends along to swell numbers and make it a good fun night. Friends of the Club, please join us as it should be a fun night with Max Kay as our speaker. Max is always entertaining and we look forward to him and Norma’s company on the night. The cost is $45 per person for a traditional Christmas dinner. Please advise Secretary Di about any special meal requests. As numbers have to be given to the caterer several days in advance, everyone is requested to please pay at our meeting on December 8th or by EFT into the Club Operating Account which is Westpac BSB 036034 Account No. 304015. If paying by EFT, please include your name as the Reference. Our New Screen and PA System To add to our laptop and projector, we now have our own screen and PA system. A huge thank you to Rob Rohrlach who generously donated the screen and organised the PA system. Honorary Auditor O u r C l u b ’ s Honorary Auditor Adrian Rose has kindly agreed to also act as the Honorary Auditor for the RCFB Charity Fund Inc. Adrian, whose wife Faye has Meeka Restaurant in Rokeby Rd, Subiaco has suggested the Club have a fundraising dinner at the restaurant. Member Updates Our Bulletin Editor Daniel Forsdyke underwent some minor surgery last Wednesday. We hope all went well Daniel and that you are well on the way to a full recovery. Welcome back Margaret Stuart from her travels in South America. Happy holidays and safe travels to Paddy and Zerina Ramanathan, Rajah and Jes Senathirajah, Blaise Johnson and Kerry Harmanis . We hope to see all of you early in the New Year at the BBQ at Claire and Daniel Forsdyke’s when we return from the Christmas break on Saturday, 8th January, from 4.00pm. More details to follow. Urgent Help Needed - National Youth Science Forum – Perth Session January 2011 Over 140 of Australia’s top science school students will attend a 12 day session in Perth in January 2011. Rotary is a major partner with NYSF and one of our roles is to provide home hosting for the students for one day on Sunday 16th January. It is emphasized that this is a one day (not overnight) hosting where students are collected at 9.00am and returned to UWA at 8.00pm on the same day. It is intended to be a rest day where students just relax and catch up on their laundry needs. Not less than two students are hosted by each Rotarian family and from our experience last year we will require 65 – 70 hosts. Only Rotarians and their partners are able to host and it is a requirement that at least one host parent has a current “Working With Children” card. Rotarian hosts will be invited and are encouraged to attend the NYSF Rotary Dinner on Friday 14th January at Currie Hall at UWA, where they will meet their students. We now urgently require Rotarians to participate in the hosting event. Please contact PP Greg Thurston if you have any questions or wish to participate. Photo: Debbie Cash, Jotik Napit, his fiancée Prabha and Ken Collins Photo: Lyn Fisher and Rob Pearce
  • 3. N E W H O R I Z O N S Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay, District 9455 3 Kind Regards PP Greg Thurston NYSF Chairman D9455 0417 177 837 Make Foundation Giving a Club Tradition By Susie O. Ma  The Rotarian December 2010  Arch C. Klumph, father of The Rotary Foundation. Rotary Images It takes the financial contributions of Rotary club members for The Rotary Foundation to fulfill its mission: to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty. How do some Rotary clubs maintain their high rates of Foundation support? One key is to establish a tradition of member giving – and capitalize on it when the opportunity arises. The Rotary Club of Alexandria, La., USA, presented 61 members with Paul Harris Fellow recognition in June, taking advantage of a $100,000 donation to the Foundation from honorary member Norman Martin. Martin, who was already a Paul Harris Fellow, a c c u m u l a t e d 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 recognition points from his contribution, which supported Rotary’s US$200 Million Challenge. The points can be transferred, so after obtaining Martin’s approval, club leaders offered members up to 500 points each toward Paul Harris Fellow Recognition, which requires a $1,000 contribution (or 1,000 points). The club already had 89 Paul Harris Fellows out of 195 members. Everyone in the club is a Rotary Foundation Sustaining Member, donating at least $100 a year to the Annual Programs Fund. Many already had a balance of several hundred dollars to apply toward Paul Harris Fellow Recognition, says club secretary Edwin Caplan, which made it possible to build on Martin’s donation. “We played it up as a o n c e - i n - a - l i f e t i m e opportunity to become a Paul Harris Fellow, basically for half price,” Caplan says. “People readily signed up. It was not a tough sell.” Caplan advises clubs that want to increase Foundation giving to encourage all members to become Sustaining Members and to renew contributions automatically every year. Although members always have the opportunity to opt out, he says, no one in the Alexandria club has ever withdrawn support after becoming a Sustaining Member. The Rotary Club of Hillsdale Sunrise, N.C., is part of a district with a long tradition of Foundation giving. District 7690 has 11 “Triple Crown Clubs,” a term the district uses for clubs in which everyone is a Paul Harris Fellow, a Sustaining Member, and a Benefactor (a member who has designated $1,000 or more to the Permanent Fund in his or her estate plan). The Hillsdale Sunrise club was chartered in February with 23 members who held all three distinctions, making it the first club to achieve the Triple Crown status at charter. “What made it happen is the precedent of this district in stressing contributions to the Foundation,” says 2009-10 District Governor Mike Conrad. “Look at what those dollars are doing. That’s how we energize the Rotarians in our district to accomplish these goals.” Learn more about ways to give Contribute now RI President Klinginsmith Talks With About the Fight to Eradicate Polio Rotary International News 15 November 2010    RI President Ray Klinginsmith sits down with to talk about the impact Rotary and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation have made toward eradicating polio worldwide. Rotary has been a leader in the fight against polio since the launch of the PolioPlus program in 1985. The Gates Foundation awarded two grants totaling US$355 million to Rotary in support of its work in eradicating the disease. In response, Rotary pledged to raise $200 million. To date, Rotarians have raised $150 million. Watch Klinginsmith's interview with Kentucky Rotarians Raise $142,000 for Polio Eradication By Arnold R. Grahl Rotary International News 23 November 2010 The 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games in Lexington, Kentucky, USA, in September marked the first time the games have been held in North America, and Kentucky Rotarians were there in force, spreading the news about Rotary's good works and raising money for polio eradication.  Rotarians from throughout the state, and some from other parts of the world, provided the main volunteer workforce for food and beverage stations throughout the Kentucky Horse Park, home of the 16- day competition considered the "Olympics" of the equestrian world.  Through an agreement with event concessionaire Buona Companies, 8 percent of the concession proceeds went to Rotary, allowing volunteers to raise $142,000 for Rotary's US $200 Million Challenge. Rotary volunteers worked a total of 2,829 eight-hour shifts, logging 22,632 volunteer hours.  "The event provided tremendous Rotary exposure," says Robert Ryan, governor of Rotary International District 6740 and a member of the Rotary Club of Lexington. "We helped welcome the world to the games."   The World Equestrian Games are held every four years and this year featured athletes and horses from more than 50 countries competing for world championships in eight equestrian disciplines. More than 500,000 people attended the games, which were broadcast on NBC sports and
  • 4. N E W H O R I Z O N S 4 Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay, District 9455 internationally through the European Broadcast Union.  Rotarians also staffed a booth in the trade show area, handing out literature and copies of a poster of Kentucky Derby-winning jockey Calvin Borel, a participant in Rotary's "This Close" polio eradication public awareness campaign. Volunteers gave out souvenir pins featuring the Equestrian Games and End Polio Now logos in exchange for a $5 donation to polio eradication.    “We were very busy the entire time, but it wasn’t a burden,” says Sara Callaway, a member of the Rotary Club of Frankfort. “I like to do volunteer work for things I believe in.”  "Clubs were encouraged to use the event as a club project to meet their $2,000 annual goal for Rotary's challenge," Ryan says, noting that Rotarians received credit for their club for each shift they worked or recruited friends or family to work. Individual Rotarians earned Foundation recognition points.  "I heard from one Rotarian volunteer that by taking part and meeting other Rotarians from all over the country and world, he felt very comfortable going to and visiting other Rotary clubs where he hadn't before," Ryan says. "This event helped break down barriers within Rotary."  RI President Ray Klinginsmith and his wife, Judie, attended the opening ceremonies of the games, helping kick off the volunteer effort. John Germ, Rotary Foundation trustee vice chair, and his wife, Judy, worked several volunteer shifts. Ryan's aide, Dean Hammond, coordinated the volunteer pool, while Past District Governor Tom Ashford also provided support.  Local Rotarians opened their homes to Rotarians who traveled from other areas to volunteer.   The Lexington Rotary club plans to raise additional funds for polio eradication by auctioning off several items, including a basketball signed by K l i n g i n s m i t h a n d University of Kentucky men’s basketball coach John Calipari, fliers autographed by Borel, and several commemorative baseball caps signed by Calipari. How effective is your club’s website? Rotary International News 22 November 2010 A recent webinar on effective club websites offered ideas and tips for making your club website a success. Expert panelists spoke about their websites and shared ideas with more than 200 participants from around the world. Several participants submitted their websites to be critiqued so others could learn the "do's" and "don'ts." A recording of the webinar is now available for anyone who missed it. Make No Small Plans With a US$300,000 grant from The Rotary Foundation, the Rotary clubs of Calcutta Metropolitan, West Bengal, India, and Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada, brought health care, education, sanitation, clean water, vocational training, and microcredit loans to more than 50,000 villagers in rural India. Learn more in the latest video from RVM: Rotary Video Magazine Rotary Foundation Month November is Rotary Foundation Month. Your support of the Annual Programs Fund through the Every Rotarian, Every Year initiative makes it possible for The Rotary Foundation to continue its work of Doing Good in the World.   See the top five reasons to support The Rotary Foundation Program recipients express their thanks Sign up for the EREY newsletter We're This Close Photos: Top: District Governor Robert Ryan (right) presents RI President Ray Klinginsmith with a certificate during the World Equestrian Games. Photo courtesy District 6740 Bottom: Kentucky Rotarians prepare to serve participants at one of the larger food stations. Photo by Peggy Asseo
  • 5. N E W H O R I Z O N S Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay, District 9455 5 Board Rotary Year 2010-11 Simone Carot Collins — President Di Collins — Secretary / Vice President TBA — Club Administration Director Toni James — Treasurer Rob Rohrlach — President Elect / Projects Director Claire Forsdyke — International Director Ken Collins — Membership Director Marcos Carot Collins — New Generations Director Club Details Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay Inc. PO Box 168, Nedlands, Western Australia, 6909 Meetings Wednesday 5:45pm to 6:45pm Cafe, Bethesda Hospital Queenslea Drive Claremont Email Phone  08 9385 0471 Fax 08 9385 0472 Website Facebook freshwaterbayrotary Chartered 19 December 2008 Bulletin Contributions Contributions for the weekly bulletin are sought from members of the club. Why not use the bulletin to update the club on the projects your committee is working on or promote the clubs next fundraising event. Please forward articles and photos to Date Name 8th December Paddy Ramanathan 16th December Robert Pearce Welcoming Roster Program for November/ December Date Details 29th November (Monday) Dr Ken Collins Address - Golden Nugget Room, Gloucester Park 8th December Robert Pearce - Life & Times 16th December (Thursday) Club Christmas Function at Nedlands Gold Club. Guest Speaker: Max Kay Date Name 8th December Daniel Forsdyke 16th December Judy Edwards Host - Introduction & Thank You New Horizons: Winner of the District 9450 Bulletin Award for 2009/10 13th Annual Dr Ken Collins Address Promoting The Rotary Foundation When: Monday, 29th November, 2010.  Venue: Golden Nugget Room, Gloucester Park.  Time: 7:00pm for 7:30pm Guest Speaker: RI President Ray Klinginsmith Alumni Speaker: Maryanne Tokome-Amu Cost: $45pp with cash bar available. Note: this meeting will replace our regular meeting on 1st December Club Christmas & Birthday Party When: Thursday, 16th December, 2010.  Venue: Nedlands Golf Club, Melvista Ave, Nedlands  Time: 6:30pm for 7:00pm start Cost: $45 - includes dinner Guest Speaker: Max Kay Note: this meeting will replace our regular meeting on 15th December Rotary and its global polio eradication partners have made significant progress in ridding the world of the disease. But the work is not done. In honor of World Polio Day, 24 October, Rotarians can help build awareness by downloading public service announcements from the "This Close" campaign. Learn more about the campaign See a video