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Mansfield and District U3A
The Mallorcan Beachcombers!
Established 1999
Registered Charity No. 1164177
November 2016
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Welcome from your chairman
Welcome to our U3A November meeting. Having survived Bonfire Night, we're now counting our
pennies to go Christmas shopping. I hope Father Christmas remembers to call at your house
with lots of presents!
May I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year. And, talking of
the New Year, please come to the January meeting – it is going to be FUN! If you do not have a
good excuse for being absent, you may have to go to the naughty corner. Best wishes to you all.
Sheila Whalley
Words from the Editor
The U3A movement has now passed 1000 U3As and has over 380,000 members. Its governing body,
the National Executive Council, has asked all U3As to consider whether the organisation of the
movement should be changed or whether it is still as 'fit for purpose' as it was when it was much smaller.
I am not going to reprise the discussion which can be found in the Summer (pg 35) and Autumn (pgs 17-
18) issues of the magazine 'Third Age Matters', but we should be aware that any changes could affect us
– both in the way we are 'governed' and also through our pockets. Your committee has been asked for
its views before the end of December. Perhaps you'd like to help us answer?
In brief, the NEC is asking us how it should communicate and confer with us – directly with us, through
the Regional Trustee, our local county Network or in another way (online). All charities must have
trustees, but has the time of a 'Regional Trustee' passed? Should they be 'nationwide'? And how should
we collaborate with other U3As? Through the region or networks or smaller groups … or not at all?
This is where the questions come closer to home. At the moment, Mansfield U3A is a member of the
North Notts Neighbourhood Group of seven local U3As, of the Notts Network of 29 (and more) county
U3As, of the East Midlands Association of U3As and, finally, the national body, the Third Age Trust. Do
we need all these layers? Obviously TAT, as that is the source of our own U3A. And, I would think, the
Neighbourhood Group as that brings small-scale co-operation and friendship (we can join each other's
Interest Groups, for instance). But the County Network (cost £22pa)? Perhaps. But, above all, the East
Midlands Association (cost £20pa)? Our Network voted in favour of the dissolution of the EMA as it was
felt it merely duplicated the Network and had little other function, but the proposal was defeated at its
AGM, in spite of the fact that all its officers were to retire or resign by January! What does this extra, non-
formal layer do for the movement? Please let us have your views a soon as possible.
Just one more point – there will be no December edition of the Newsletter as I am taking a break. But don't
stop sending material and photos to me – I have the January edition to fill! My thanks to all contributors &
proof-readers and my best wishes for a Happy Christmas! Oh … and look at the back page for a photo
competition for the new website – (bookmark this site).
In this issue
Page 2: Chairman's Welcome; Words from the Editor
Page 3 – 4: Mallorcan Memories; November Speaker; New Cinema Group
Pages 5 – 8: Groups Diary; Christmas Lunch
Pages 9 – 11: Interest Group News – the James Lewis visit, Hikers, Theatre Trip & others
Page 12: Dates for your Diary and Notices + Photo Competition
Cover photo by Nick Crowe. Other photos by John Hufton, Nick Crowe, David Ling & Mike Allen
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Mallorcan Memories Glenys Carr
The alarm-clock rang at 3.30 a.m. and roused me to ensure I was ready for the Community Bus to begin the
journey to reach East Midlands Airport on time. Isn’t it funny that when we have to get up early our minds
seem to know this and we wake accordingly? All 45 U3A members were bright and cheery and the journey
went without major snags. Our hotel in Puerto Pollensa, the 4* Fergus Pollensa Park Spa Hotel, was a large,
recently-refurbished hotel, only a stone’s throw from a wonderful beach and promenade.
It was interesting to learn that the double ‘ll’ in Spanish is sounded as ‘j’ and hence we more
often than not see ‘Mallorca’ spelt as 'Majorca' in England.
After booking into our rooms and a welcome meeting with the local rep, we were free to explore
the area before dinner – an excellent array of hot and cold food. After the very early start, most
of us had an early night to prepare for the adventure into the mountains the next day – the first of
our four included excursions.
This was an excellent day to the top of the Tramuntana Mountains, winding up and up on narrow roads
with deep gorges on either side. Our tour guide was called Albert, articulate and knowledgeable, with
perfect English. We discovered that he was a historian and dates and information reeled off his tongue
with no trouble. We hoped we would have him again during the week.
From the mountains, we visited a beautiful cove called La Calobra before taking a boat from
there to Puerto Soller, renowned for being one of the most beautiful fishermen’s ports of the
island. Many of us enjoyed lunch here before catching the tram (an experience in itself!) to Soller
village where we took a train called the “Ferrecarril de Soller” back to Son Reus and then
returned to our Hotel. The train itself was the original one built in 1912 by two engineers to
enable trade throughout the region; it was wooden and reminded me of the ones in black and
white movies where the Indians were on horseback at the side of the trains fighting the cowboys!
Wednesday, September 28th 2016 – my birthday and a day of leisure! Four U3A members had
birthdays during the trip and Margaret Burlinson had taken the trouble to arrange a small cake
for each of us at dinner. How thoughtful was that!
Next, we went to the Caves of Drach, the eighth wonder of the world, where we enjoyed a short
Chopin concert on boats on the underground lake. This was followed by a short lunch stop in
Porto Cristo, the home of Raphael Nadal, whose £2million yacht was in the harbour. What a
disappointment that he is hardly ever there!
On Friday, September 30th, we visited Valldemossa, where Chopin lived with his lover, George
Sands. Our last included excursion was to Palma, a busy city with three cruise ships in the
harbour. Some of the group spent time at the wonderful Cathedral of La Seu, while the rest of us
explored the narrow, interesting streets with their Arab and Roman legacy.
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On Sunday, our second day of leisure, we
learnt that there was a busy Medieval Market
within the walled town of Alcudia while
Pollensa town also had a market on a
Sunday. Many of the group went to Alcudia by
bus and a few to Pollensa. Three brave
people (John Bradbury and Jenny Weaver of
Sherwood U3A and I) walked around the bay
to Alcudia, some 7 or 8 miles, with the rest of
the U3A members waving to us as the buses
went past! Were we mad?
On our last day, after breakfast, we left the hotel for our journey home. It had been a lovely
holiday with well thought-out excursions. I will return to the island after enjoying every minute
and making new friends within Sherwood U3A.
Before finishing, I would like to say a special “Thank You” to Margaret Burlinson for her hard
work and care. She has many issues to contend with during any holiday and now I hope she
takes a long rest herself and simply relaxes on any holiday. Over the years, she has worked
extremely hard and she will be sorely missed.
Oh! By the way, I have not had the time (or words) to mention the dancing and singing at night
with ‘Frank Sinatra’, ‘Elvis Presley’, ‘Michael Jackson’ at the bar opposite. But what happened in
Mallorca stays in Mallorca or, alternatively, you can ask June Fell and Sylvia!
Our November Speaker Norma Smith
How the Tudors celebrated Christmas!
Maureen Taylor is very involved in local history; she volunteers at Hardwick Hall, is a Heritage
Consultant and is on the Board of Trustees for Codnor Castle. Today she is looking at the
colourful life of the Tudors. Maureen will be dressed in Tudor costume and will bring Wassail
(Mulled Cider) to be sampled!
The Book Stall took £40.60 in October. Good, but not good enough – buy NOW for Christmas!
Popular Music Appreciation will hold its annual Christmas Fuddle at the November 22nd meeting.
A New Group!
Cinema Group. Would you like to go to the 'flicks' on the last Monday night of the month?
Christine Smith (07859 249086) will organise this group for anyone interested, so contact her a.s.a.p.
Key to Meetings details:
THIS TABLE SHOWS THE DAY of the month, time and frequency using the first two letters of the day,
followed by numbers 1 - 5 to represent the week number. The final letter M (or F, W or V) indicates that the
group meets monthly, fortnightly, weekly or at variable intervals.
So 'Tu2, 2.30 - V M' would mean a group meeting on the 2nd Tuesday at 2.30pm Monthly but with
Variable finish times.
All members are invited to contact the relevant Group Leader if they would like to participate in any
interest group or attend an event. NB: * indicates a waiting list.
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Interest Group Meetings Meeting Places Leader/Contact
Afternoon Teas Sa2, 3 - 5 M Various Sheila Whalley
01623 453908
Next Meetings: TBA
Antiques and
Collectables *
Tu2, 10 – 12.00 M Bridge Street
Methodist Church,
Pat Blackwell
01623 481745
Next Meetings: TBA
Art We3, 10 – 12.00 M Big Barn Lane
Methodist Church,
Gordon Howlett
01623 627423
Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar
Art Appreciation Mo1, 2.00 - 4.00 M Stanhope Centre
Pauline Boucher
01623 644798
Next meetings: Dec 5th – Festive Soirée of Poetry & Prose at the Salon Boucher at 6.30pm
Bridge Mo, F
6.30 - 9.00
West Notts Coll. Derby
Rd., Rm Dv036
Joan Hufton
01623 557488
Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar
Bowls Tu 2.30 – 4.00 W
Coaching / Roll-ups at
£3.00 per session
Lammas Centre,
Sutton in Ashfield
Jennie & Dave Drew
01623 555012
Next Meetings: Indoor season began Tuesday October 11th.
Chat and Stitch Mo3, 2.00 - 4.00 M St John's Centre,
Doreen Storer
01623 407731
Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar
Craft Workshop We4, 2.00 - 4.00 M Ruth Colley's home Ruth Colley
01623 472010
Next meetings: Meetings as per calendar as from October 26th
Current Affairs Tu2, 2.00 - 4.00 M St John's Centre,
Norma Shillinglaw
01623 466934
Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar
Family History Tu4, 10.00 - 12.00 M St John's Centre,
Peter & Brenda
Corbett 01623
Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar
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Film Studies * We1, 1.30 - V M Joy's home Joy Crowe
01623 645400
Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar
Garden Visits Various during the
Various Janet Whitlam/Karen
01623 635607
Next Visits: TBA
Gardening Tu1, 10.00 - 12.00 M St Peter's Centre,
Avril McGee
01623 452688
Next Meetings: Dec 6th – Liz Cassell with Christmas flower ideas
Get Away Various TBA Christine Smith
07859 249086
2017 Holidays: Jan. & Feb. – Thoresby Hall * (Terry Whitehead). See pg.11 for more holidays.
Golf Last Friday of Month Various Paul Mann
01623 615416
Next Meeting: Dec 2nd - Bondhay
History We3, 10.00 - 12.00 M M'field Bowling Club,
Chesterfield Road,
David Drew
01623 555012
Next Meetings: Nov 16th – The History of Costume; Justice before the Magna Carta
Horse Riding Various to suit Carnarvon Stables,
Christine Smith
07859 249086
Next Meetings: Meetings as per arranged.
International Dining We2, 6.30 for 7.00 M Various Jacqui Hampshire
01623 239210
Next Meetings: No meetings Dec/Jan
Local History Fri1, 10.00 - 12.00 M Bridge Street
Methodist Church,
Bob & Sue Longden
01623 486903
Next Meetings: Dec 2nd – X'mas Social Meeting
Luncheon Club Th after 3rd Tu,
12.00 - 2.00 M
Various Eileen & Colin Bell
01623 429239
Next Meetings:
Music Groups
Classical Music 2 Mo4, 2.00 - 4.00 M Members' homes Peter Hart
01623 620940
Next Meetings: Nov 28th – Brahms at Geoff's
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Music 2 * Mo4, 2.00 - 4.30 M Members' homes Eric Prescott
01623 631160
Next Meeting: Meetings as per calendar
Popular Music
Appreciation *
Tu4, 2.00 - 4.00 M St John's School,
Peter Haynes
01623 610886
Next Meeting: Nov 22nd – Christmas Fuddle
Pudding Club Tu1, 4.00 - 6.00 M Members' homes Sylvia Slack
01623 633981
Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar: Alternately at Sylvia's and Janet's.
Read a Little Aloud Fri2, 2.00 - 4.00 M St Peter's Community
Centre, Bellamy Road
Sheila Haslam
01623 627764
Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar
Reading 1 Th3, 2.00 - 4.00 M Peter Dawson's home Peter Dawson
01623 882191
Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar.
Reading 2 Tu3, 2.00 - 4.00 M Ravenshead Library Joan Hufton
01623 557488
Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar
Science & Technical Tu1, 2.00 - 4.00 M Stanton Hill Baptist
Church, Albert St.
Ian Boucher
01623 644798
Next Meetings: Nov 29th (note the date change) – Around the world in 60 minutes – the
Christmas 'Jolly'; Jan 3rd - TBA
Scrabble Mo2, 2.00 - 4.00 M Brenda Thurkettle's
Brenda Thurkettle
01623 628136
Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar
Swimming Sun1&3, 2.00 F FitnessFlex Gym
next to MTFC.
Christine Smith
07859 249086
Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar. Cost: £4.00 per session incl. sauna, jacuzzi, etc.
Tai Chi Mo, 9.30 - 10.30 W St John's Centre,
Jean Kirk
01623 480207
Next term: Monday Sept. 5th – December 12th, with half term break on Oct. 24th.
Theatre Visits Various Various Sheila Whalley
01623 453908
Next Visits: Saturday December 3rd – Oddsocks present 'The Jungle Book' by Rudyard Kipling
at the Thoresby Riding Stables. Matinee performance 2pm. Payment by November meeting.
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Walking Groups
(all-day, 6 - 8 miles)
Th1 & Mo3, 9.30 - V
Tesco car park, off
Oak Tree Lane,
Peter Thurkettle
01623 628136
Next Meetings: Mon Nov 21st – Wirksworth; Thurs Dec 1st – Barlborough; Mon Dec 19th -
Edingley (Meal after at The Reindeer)
(short & gentle)
Th4, 12.00 - V M Various Sylvia Slack
01623 633981
Next Meetings: Nov 24th – Sutton Lawn Visitor's Centre
(a leisurely 2 miles)
We2, 10.30 - V M Various Barbara Massey /
Marion Thornton
01623 628357/ 651528
Next Meetings: No walk in December
(an easy 4 - 5 miles)
We4, 10.30 - V M Various Joy & Nick Crowe
01623 645400
Next Meetings: Nov 23rd – Thieves Wood (Coxmoor Rd car pk)
Wine Appreciation 2 * We3, 7.30 - V M Members' homes Mike Allen
01623 653345
Next Meetings: Nov 23rd (date change) – Chenin Blanc (Norma); Dec 14th – Sharing Supper at
Mike's 6.30 for 7.00pm
Wine Appreciation 3 * Tu4, 7.30 - V M Members' homes Graham Allin
01623 473662
Next Meetings: Nov 22nd – Pinot Noir (Lynn and Barrie);Sat Dec 10th – Christmas Social
Wine Appreciation 4 * Th4, 7.30 - V M Members' homes Jane Kockum
01623 407235
Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar
Writing for Pleasure Mo2, 2 - 4 M Stanhope Centre,
Bridge Street,
Hilary Miller/Sue Ford
01623 620067/844286
Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar
Harmony (an independent Interest Group) meets every fortnight on Wednesday evenings from 5.45 pm
to 7.15 pm at St Alban's Church in Forest Town. Contact June Fell on 01623 623547, Jean Kirk on 01623
480207 or talk to them at the monthly meeting to learn more about this singing group of U3AMembers.
Mansfield U3A Christmas Lunch
Monday December 5th in the 1861 Suite at M.T. F. C. 12.30pm for 1pm. Cost: £19 (incl. tips).
Your last chance to book for our first Christmas lunch at the new venue!
Choose your meal from the menu at the table and book your places with Norma Shillinglaw now.
Please pay by cheque made out to Mansfield U3A at the October or November meetings.
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Latest Group News …
Antiques and Collectables Jackie Ling
This eagerly-awaited event, arranged by Pat Blackwell for the A&C group, finally arrived on 11th
October and it did not disappoint. We were joined by members from Sherwood, Rainworth and
Forest Town U3As (100 of us in all) to learn
about an intriguing, thought-provoking and
perplexing selection of items brought by
James Lewis of the popular BBC TV shows
Flog It, Antiques Road Trip and Bargain
Hunt for us to identify, appraise and value.
Identifying the item was crucial and how
difficult that proved to be! A Roman strigil
(bath-house body-scraper) excavated from
the ruins of Pompeii or an alabaster religious
figure from between 1500 and 1600. Which
would we fare best with?
It just showed us how important it is to know
exactly what an item is, what it's made of and when it was made. Some of our members were
very knowledgeable while others were less so, but that did not dampen our enjoyment or desire
to learn.
James spoke passionately about the plight of large animals, such as the rhino and elephant,
hunted by poachers, and about his support for the Born Free Foundation, the international
conservation and animal rights organization. Many remember Virginia McKenna and Bill Travers
playing the parts of Joy and George Adamson in the 1966 film about their conservation work and
James said he would be delighted to donate his fee to this cause.
Well done Pat and your trusty team of helpers, for a truly engaging event!
Writing for Pleasure Hillary Miller
Our group is still going strong with 10 members and another about to join. We enjoyed a good meeting
in October when the homework title was Three people you would like to invite to a dinner party.
The guests had to be famous (or infamous) and from the present or the past.
It was a great idea, but the question was where to start? We needn’t have worried as the outcome was
excellent and we enjoyed listening to, and being amazed, by the choices. Comments of ”Oh I never thought
of him or her” were expressed. In general, we decided it would be fascinating just to sit back and listen to our
three guests and not bother cooking the dinner!
An 'American Adventure' Pete Thurkettle
In early October, Mansfield U3AHiking Group went to Shipley Country Park, fortunate to have a bright sunny
day which always adds to the level of enjoyment. Shipley Country Park is in Derbyshire and was developed
during the 18th century as a country estate and coal mining area by the influential Miller-Mundy family.
Following the 'greening' of the old coal mines and opencast quarries, former railway
tracks have been transformed into leafy pathways; old reservoirs are now tranquil lakes,
teeming with wildlife and the reclaimed spoil heaps are now woodlands, rolling hills and
wild flower meadows. At the southern end of the park is the Nutbrook Trail which is a 10-
mile traffic-free path for walkers and cyclists taking you to Long Eaton. At about the
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halfway point of our walk, we found a bench-seat where we rested for a while to eat our
packed lunch and admire the views of the parkland.
Our walk passed through the eastern area of the park that, in the more recent past, was used by
an entertainments organisation that gave this location the title of the ‘American Adventure’. I’ve
been told that all properties in a 3-mile radius were given complimentary tickets annually – I
suppose to soften any complaints about the noise and traffic disturbance. The only remains of
this venture are the large areas of tarmac that were used for car parking.
The final feature on our route was the Mapperley Reservoir, edged with the trees that were
showing their seasonal change to autumn colours. After admiring the late afternoon sun
reflecting in the water of the lake, it was time to walk the remaining mile of our hike back to the
‘Ramblers Coffee Shop’ for a final drink before making our way back to Mansfield.
Sherwood U3A Dance Group Jim Bentley (Sherwood member)
As part of our Neighbourhood friendship, we offer Sherwood U3A the opportunity to announce their
latest Group.
If you’re looking for company and wish to socialise with others during those dark winter
evenings then why not come along and join our Dance Group? We meet at Turner Hall on
the third Friday of each month at 7.30pm to learn sequence dances old and new, together
with line dancing, under the expert guidance of our qualified dance instructor. So if you’ve
never danced before and would like to learn, or to take it up again after a long break, then
please do come and give us a try. Our emphasis is very much to
have fun in good company whether you can dance or not.
Please come along and give us a go, you may well surprise
yourself and find you’re better than you originally thought!
Gardening Avril McGee
We have invited Liz Cassell to demonstrate flower arranging
with a Christmas theme, incorporating garden foliage on
Tuesday December 6th. Her arrangements will be raffled and
we will enjoy mince pies with our refreshments, so do come to
what will surely be a fun meeting to end our 2016 programme.
The October meeting was devoted to members' interpretations
of 'Harvest Tide', with delicious home-made and home-grown
food. The dishes were voted on and the winner … was our
Chairman, Sheila, with her custard-topped, fruit-filled cakes!
(see right)
International Dining Jacqui Hampshire
The International Dining group is still enjoying evenings out, trying the different foods of other
countries. The beauty of the group is you choose which restaurant to attend and what food to
eat! The October 12th visit was to the Gurkha One in Rolleston. Only seven of us went, but
the others missed an excellent, and very different, Indian meal. The next visit is to the
Caribbean Queen in Sherwood on Wednesday November 9th at the usual time of 6.30pm.
If you cannot make the meeting, and would like to join us, please e-mail me. There will be no
International Dining meetings in December or January, many members being at Thoresby. Any
venue recommendations for our group would be appreciated.
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The 'Beautiful' Theatre Trip Sandra Evans
A fine day found 32 members on our way to London for two days. After checking in at the hotel, we
spent the afternoon exploring Covent Garden, enjoying the buskers performing their stunts. A grey-
haired man walking a tightrope (only a foot or so from the floor) was not to be missed.
Following dinner at Henry's, seven of us made our way to the Aldwych Theatre to see Beautiful
The Carole King Musical. What a great show! A live band on stage and a cast of 18 superb
singers performed non-stop music from the 1960s and 70s, all recognisable from our teenage
life. We didn't realise just how many hits she had written for other artists, including my favourite
hit from the show, You've Lost That Loving Feeling by the Walker Brothers.
After breakfast, we set off for The Shard for the greatest view of London as you have never seen
it before. At 1016 feet high, it is the tallest building in Western Europe, made from panels of
glass and steel with panoramic views wherever you turn, stretching for over 40 miles. As you
step out of the high-speed lift, you appear to be walking into rooftop garden with grass and
flower boxes, until you look up and then, wham, you are almost walking in the clouds! It was the
most amazing part of the trip and the main reason I went along.
Our last stop was Windsor Castle, the most magnificent of all the Queen's 'homes', and she
arrived there from her holiday at Balmoral during our visit. We were told by one of the guides to
look for the flag changing from the Union Jack to the Royal Ensign. We didn't manage to catch a
glimpse of her, as she sneaked in by the back entrance. Do you think someone warned her we
were there? We arrived home tired and weary but our thanks must go to Sheila Whalley for her
superb organisation – as usual.
Theatre Trips Sheila Whalley
Please pay for tickets for 'La Cage aux Folles' by December 1st (cheques to S.J Whalley); for
'The Wedding Singer' by January 10th; for 'Funny Girl' by Jan. 14th (both to Mansfield U3A).
The Getaway Group
Thoresby Hall Holiday 2017
Two holiday dates: Monday January 9th to Friday January 13th at £182pp and Monday February 20th to
Friday February 24th at £220pp. It's 'waiting lists only' now so contact Terry Whitehead on 01623 626991
Potters 5* Leisure Resort in Norfolk, Monday June 12th to Friday June 16th
4 meals per day + daily activities + evening entertainment + a cruise on the broads on Wednesday + an
afternoon in Norwich with packed lunch.
Cost: £359pp in bungalow accommodation or hotel available at an extra cost of £140pp. Some
singles still available with no supplement. Cut off date for deposits is 27/01/2017
Lake Garda 4* half board, Hotel Maderno, Toscolano, on south of the lake.
8 day holiday from Wednesday Sept. 13th – Thursday Sept. 21st 2017. Return coach from
Mansfield to East Midlands airport + transfers + excursions to Venice & Verona + a lake cruise.
Cost: £1019 (S/S £139), deposit, £153, insurance £51 (may be cheaper to get an annual
insurance). 12 twin rooms and 8 single rooms available.
For both holidays, contact Christine Smith on 07859 249086 or at the monthly meeting.
Thursford Christmas Spectacular Thursday November 30th – Saturday December 2nd 2017
Coach to the 3* Links Country House Hotel at West Runton (near Sheringham and Cromer). Two
nights DB&B + tickets for the Thursford Spectacular Show + full-day excursion to Norwich +
some hours in Holt on the return journey.
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Cost: £239 (single supplement £25pp) £1 deposit by December 15th 2016, with £10 Holiday
deposit by March 6th 2017. See Jacqui Hampshire at the monthly meetings, or contact her on
01623 239210.
Dates for your diary (Check the website for more information and updates)
Monday December 5th Mansfield U3AChristmas Lunch, 1861 Suite, Mansfield Town Football Club
Cost: £19 (incl.Tips). 12.30 for 1 pm. Book at the November meeting.
Saturday February 25th 2017
Annual Fun Quiz Night and Buffet at Queen Elizabeth’s Academy.
Tickets will be on sale at the monthly meetings.
Come along to our annual fun quiz night and you could win a cash prize!
Organise a team (maximum 8 players per team)
Or just come along and join a team on the night. Cost £8.00 to include buffet supper. Bring your
own drinks and glasses.
Details from Pauline Boucher on 01623 644798 or
Photo Competition
Our new website is up and running! But … we would like a new photo (or photo collage) to grace the
Home Page. Photos that will express the true spirit and story of Mansfield. If enough good ones are
submitted, then we can change them two or three times a year! Different seasons or views, etc.
Send the first ones e-mail or give them on a SD card to Mike Allen (e-mail address below) by the end
of January, and the winners will win a prize (of some kind) as well as all the glory!
Subscriptions remain at £15 for the year 2016-2017. Have you paid? If not, you may lose your
membership! Cheques payable to Mansfield and District U3Aor see below for online details.
Online Banking is now available to members to pay their subscriptions online:
Sort Code: 60-14-03 Account Number: 40396835
Account name: Mansfield and District U3A REFERENCE: Member's name (for identification)
Event and Visit Payments
Members are reminded that deposits and payments for events and visits organised by Mansfield
U3A and its interest groups are non-refundable, but places so reserved may be offered to others.
Changes of Address, etc.
Please contact the membership secretary, Marilyn Dibble 01623 634805, if you've changed your
address, phone number or email since joining Mansfield U3A so that she can update our records.
Take views expressed here are those of the contributors, only, and do not necessarily reflect those
of the editor, the committee of Mansfield U3A or the Third Age Trust. Nor can any responsibility be
accepted for members' announcements or any errors that may occur.
Next Issue
Please send contributions for the next issue to or by hand
to Mike Allen as soon as you can and by the 1st of the month at the latest. Thanks!
Editor: Mike Allen 01623 653345 Printed by: Portland Print
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Mansfield U3A Newsletter: November 2016

  • 1. Mansfield and District U3A Newsletter The Mallorcan Beachcombers! _______________________________ Established 1999 Registered Charity No. 1164177 November 2016 Website: Page 1 of 12
  • 2. Welcome from your chairman Welcome to our U3A November meeting. Having survived Bonfire Night, we're now counting our pennies to go Christmas shopping. I hope Father Christmas remembers to call at your house with lots of presents! May I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year. And, talking of the New Year, please come to the January meeting – it is going to be FUN! If you do not have a good excuse for being absent, you may have to go to the naughty corner. Best wishes to you all. Sheila Whalley ________________________________________________________________________________ Words from the Editor The U3A movement has now passed 1000 U3As and has over 380,000 members. Its governing body, the National Executive Council, has asked all U3As to consider whether the organisation of the movement should be changed or whether it is still as 'fit for purpose' as it was when it was much smaller. I am not going to reprise the discussion which can be found in the Summer (pg 35) and Autumn (pgs 17- 18) issues of the magazine 'Third Age Matters', but we should be aware that any changes could affect us – both in the way we are 'governed' and also through our pockets. Your committee has been asked for its views before the end of December. Perhaps you'd like to help us answer? In brief, the NEC is asking us how it should communicate and confer with us – directly with us, through the Regional Trustee, our local county Network or in another way (online). All charities must have trustees, but has the time of a 'Regional Trustee' passed? Should they be 'nationwide'? And how should we collaborate with other U3As? Through the region or networks or smaller groups … or not at all? This is where the questions come closer to home. At the moment, Mansfield U3A is a member of the North Notts Neighbourhood Group of seven local U3As, of the Notts Network of 29 (and more) county U3As, of the East Midlands Association of U3As and, finally, the national body, the Third Age Trust. Do we need all these layers? Obviously TAT, as that is the source of our own U3A. And, I would think, the Neighbourhood Group as that brings small-scale co-operation and friendship (we can join each other's Interest Groups, for instance). But the County Network (cost £22pa)? Perhaps. But, above all, the East Midlands Association (cost £20pa)? Our Network voted in favour of the dissolution of the EMA as it was felt it merely duplicated the Network and had little other function, but the proposal was defeated at its AGM, in spite of the fact that all its officers were to retire or resign by January! What does this extra, non- formal layer do for the movement? Please let us have your views a soon as possible. Just one more point – there will be no December edition of the Newsletter as I am taking a break. But don't stop sending material and photos to me – I have the January edition to fill! My thanks to all contributors & proof-readers and my best wishes for a Happy Christmas! Oh … and look at the back page for a photo competition for the new website – (bookmark this site). MikeAllen ____________________________________________________________________________ In this issue Page 2: Chairman's Welcome; Words from the Editor Page 3 – 4: Mallorcan Memories; November Speaker; New Cinema Group Pages 5 – 8: Groups Diary; Christmas Lunch Pages 9 – 11: Interest Group News – the James Lewis visit, Hikers, Theatre Trip & others Page 12: Dates for your Diary and Notices + Photo Competition Cover photo by Nick Crowe. Other photos by John Hufton, Nick Crowe, David Ling & Mike Allen Page 2 of 12
  • 3. Mallorcan Memories Glenys Carr The alarm-clock rang at 3.30 a.m. and roused me to ensure I was ready for the Community Bus to begin the journey to reach East Midlands Airport on time. Isn’t it funny that when we have to get up early our minds seem to know this and we wake accordingly? All 45 U3A members were bright and cheery and the journey went without major snags. Our hotel in Puerto Pollensa, the 4* Fergus Pollensa Park Spa Hotel, was a large, recently-refurbished hotel, only a stone’s throw from a wonderful beach and promenade. It was interesting to learn that the double ‘ll’ in Spanish is sounded as ‘j’ and hence we more often than not see ‘Mallorca’ spelt as 'Majorca' in England. After booking into our rooms and a welcome meeting with the local rep, we were free to explore the area before dinner – an excellent array of hot and cold food. After the very early start, most of us had an early night to prepare for the adventure into the mountains the next day – the first of our four included excursions. This was an excellent day to the top of the Tramuntana Mountains, winding up and up on narrow roads with deep gorges on either side. Our tour guide was called Albert, articulate and knowledgeable, with perfect English. We discovered that he was a historian and dates and information reeled off his tongue with no trouble. We hoped we would have him again during the week. From the mountains, we visited a beautiful cove called La Calobra before taking a boat from there to Puerto Soller, renowned for being one of the most beautiful fishermen’s ports of the island. Many of us enjoyed lunch here before catching the tram (an experience in itself!) to Soller village where we took a train called the “Ferrecarril de Soller” back to Son Reus and then returned to our Hotel. The train itself was the original one built in 1912 by two engineers to enable trade throughout the region; it was wooden and reminded me of the ones in black and white movies where the Indians were on horseback at the side of the trains fighting the cowboys! Wednesday, September 28th 2016 – my birthday and a day of leisure! Four U3A members had birthdays during the trip and Margaret Burlinson had taken the trouble to arrange a small cake for each of us at dinner. How thoughtful was that! Next, we went to the Caves of Drach, the eighth wonder of the world, where we enjoyed a short Chopin concert on boats on the underground lake. This was followed by a short lunch stop in Porto Cristo, the home of Raphael Nadal, whose £2million yacht was in the harbour. What a disappointment that he is hardly ever there! On Friday, September 30th, we visited Valldemossa, where Chopin lived with his lover, George Sands. Our last included excursion was to Palma, a busy city with three cruise ships in the harbour. Some of the group spent time at the wonderful Cathedral of La Seu, while the rest of us explored the narrow, interesting streets with their Arab and Roman legacy. Page 3 of 12
  • 4. On Sunday, our second day of leisure, we learnt that there was a busy Medieval Market within the walled town of Alcudia while Pollensa town also had a market on a Sunday. Many of the group went to Alcudia by bus and a few to Pollensa. Three brave people (John Bradbury and Jenny Weaver of Sherwood U3A and I) walked around the bay to Alcudia, some 7 or 8 miles, with the rest of the U3A members waving to us as the buses went past! Were we mad? On our last day, after breakfast, we left the hotel for our journey home. It had been a lovely holiday with well thought-out excursions. I will return to the island after enjoying every minute and making new friends within Sherwood U3A. Before finishing, I would like to say a special “Thank You” to Margaret Burlinson for her hard work and care. She has many issues to contend with during any holiday and now I hope she takes a long rest herself and simply relaxes on any holiday. Over the years, she has worked extremely hard and she will be sorely missed. Oh! By the way, I have not had the time (or words) to mention the dancing and singing at night with ‘Frank Sinatra’, ‘Elvis Presley’, ‘Michael Jackson’ at the bar opposite. But what happened in Mallorca stays in Mallorca or, alternatively, you can ask June Fell and Sylvia! Our November Speaker Norma Smith How the Tudors celebrated Christmas! Maureen Taylor is very involved in local history; she volunteers at Hardwick Hall, is a Heritage Consultant and is on the Board of Trustees for Codnor Castle. Today she is looking at the colourful life of the Tudors. Maureen will be dressed in Tudor costume and will bring Wassail (Mulled Cider) to be sampled! The Book Stall took £40.60 in October. Good, but not good enough – buy NOW for Christmas! Popular Music Appreciation will hold its annual Christmas Fuddle at the November 22nd meeting. A New Group! Cinema Group. Would you like to go to the 'flicks' on the last Monday night of the month? Christine Smith (07859 249086) will organise this group for anyone interested, so contact her a.s.a.p. _____________________________________________________________ Key to Meetings details: THIS TABLE SHOWS THE DAY of the month, time and frequency using the first two letters of the day, followed by numbers 1 - 5 to represent the week number. The final letter M (or F, W or V) indicates that the group meets monthly, fortnightly, weekly or at variable intervals. So 'Tu2, 2.30 - V M' would mean a group meeting on the 2nd Tuesday at 2.30pm Monthly but with Variable finish times. All members are invited to contact the relevant Group Leader if they would like to participate in any interest group or attend an event. NB: * indicates a waiting list. Page 4 of 12
  • 5. Interest Group Meetings Meeting Places Leader/Contact Afternoon Teas Sa2, 3 - 5 M Various Sheila Whalley 01623 453908 Next Meetings: TBA Antiques and Collectables * Tu2, 10 – 12.00 M Bridge Street Methodist Church, Mansfield Pat Blackwell 01623 481745 Next Meetings: TBA Art We3, 10 – 12.00 M Big Barn Lane Methodist Church, Mansfield Gordon Howlett 01623 627423 Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar Art Appreciation Mo1, 2.00 - 4.00 M Stanhope Centre Mansfield Pauline Boucher 01623 644798 Next meetings: Dec 5th – Festive Soirée of Poetry & Prose at the Salon Boucher at 6.30pm Bridge Mo, F 6.30 - 9.00 West Notts Coll. Derby Rd., Rm Dv036 Joan Hufton 01623 557488 Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar Bowls Tu 2.30 – 4.00 W Coaching / Roll-ups at £3.00 per session Lammas Centre, Sutton in Ashfield Jennie & Dave Drew 01623 555012 Next Meetings: Indoor season began Tuesday October 11th. Chat and Stitch Mo3, 2.00 - 4.00 M St John's Centre, Mansfield Doreen Storer 01623 407731 Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar Craft Workshop We4, 2.00 - 4.00 M Ruth Colley's home Ruth Colley 01623 472010 Next meetings: Meetings as per calendar as from October 26th Current Affairs Tu2, 2.00 - 4.00 M St John's Centre, Mansfield Norma Shillinglaw 01623 466934 Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar Family History Tu4, 10.00 - 12.00 M St John's Centre, Mansfield Peter & Brenda Corbett 01623 424535 Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar Page 5 of 12
  • 6. Film Studies * We1, 1.30 - V M Joy's home Joy Crowe 01623 645400 Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar Garden Visits Various during the Summer Various Janet Whitlam/Karen Troop 01623 635607 Next Visits: TBA Gardening Tu1, 10.00 - 12.00 M St Peter's Centre, Mansfield Avril McGee 01623 452688 Next Meetings: Dec 6th – Liz Cassell with Christmas flower ideas Get Away Various TBA Christine Smith 07859 249086 2017 Holidays: Jan. & Feb. – Thoresby Hall * (Terry Whitehead). See pg.11 for more holidays. Golf Last Friday of Month Various Paul Mann 01623 615416 Next Meeting: Dec 2nd - Bondhay History We3, 10.00 - 12.00 M M'field Bowling Club, Chesterfield Road, Mansfield David Drew 01623 555012 Next Meetings: Nov 16th – The History of Costume; Justice before the Magna Carta Horse Riding Various to suit Carnarvon Stables, Teversal Christine Smith 07859 249086 Next Meetings: Meetings as per arranged. International Dining We2, 6.30 for 7.00 M Various Jacqui Hampshire 01623 239210 Next Meetings: No meetings Dec/Jan Local History Fri1, 10.00 - 12.00 M Bridge Street Methodist Church, Mansfield Bob & Sue Longden 01623 486903 Next Meetings: Dec 2nd – X'mas Social Meeting Luncheon Club Th after 3rd Tu, 12.00 - 2.00 M Various Eileen & Colin Bell 01623 429239 Next Meetings: Music Groups Classical Music 2 Mo4, 2.00 - 4.00 M Members' homes Peter Hart 01623 620940 Next Meetings: Nov 28th – Brahms at Geoff's Page 6 of 12
  • 7. Music 2 * Mo4, 2.00 - 4.30 M Members' homes Eric Prescott 01623 631160 Next Meeting: Meetings as per calendar Popular Music Appreciation * Tu4, 2.00 - 4.00 M St John's School, Mansfield Peter Haynes 01623 610886 Next Meeting: Nov 22nd – Christmas Fuddle Pudding Club Tu1, 4.00 - 6.00 M Members' homes Sylvia Slack 01623 633981 Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar: Alternately at Sylvia's and Janet's. Read a Little Aloud Fri2, 2.00 - 4.00 M St Peter's Community Centre, Bellamy Road Sheila Haslam 01623 627764 Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar Reading 1 Th3, 2.00 - 4.00 M Peter Dawson's home Peter Dawson 01623 882191 Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar. Reading 2 Tu3, 2.00 - 4.00 M Ravenshead Library Joan Hufton 01623 557488 Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar Science & Technical Tu1, 2.00 - 4.00 M Stanton Hill Baptist Church, Albert St. Skegby Ian Boucher 01623 644798 Next Meetings: Nov 29th (note the date change) – Around the world in 60 minutes – the Christmas 'Jolly'; Jan 3rd - TBA Scrabble Mo2, 2.00 - 4.00 M Brenda Thurkettle's home Brenda Thurkettle 01623 628136 Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar Swimming Sun1&3, 2.00 F FitnessFlex Gym next to MTFC. Christine Smith 07859 249086 Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar. Cost: £4.00 per session incl. sauna, jacuzzi, etc. Tai Chi Mo, 9.30 - 10.30 W St John's Centre, Mansfield Jean Kirk 01623 480207 Next term: Monday Sept. 5th – December 12th, with half term break on Oct. 24th. Theatre Visits Various Various Sheila Whalley 01623 453908 Next Visits: Saturday December 3rd – Oddsocks present 'The Jungle Book' by Rudyard Kipling at the Thoresby Riding Stables. Matinee performance 2pm. Payment by November meeting. Page 7 of 12
  • 8. Walking Groups Hikers (all-day, 6 - 8 miles) Th1 & Mo3, 9.30 - V 2/M Tesco car park, off Oak Tree Lane, Mansfield Peter Thurkettle 01623 628136 Next Meetings: Mon Nov 21st – Wirksworth; Thurs Dec 1st – Barlborough; Mon Dec 19th - Edingley (Meal after at The Reindeer) Shufflers (short & gentle) Th4, 12.00 - V M Various Sylvia Slack 01623 633981 Next Meetings: Nov 24th – Sutton Lawn Visitor's Centre Strollers (a leisurely 2 miles) We2, 10.30 - V M Various Barbara Massey / Marion Thornton 01623 628357/ 651528 Next Meetings: No walk in December Walkers (an easy 4 - 5 miles) We4, 10.30 - V M Various Joy & Nick Crowe 01623 645400 Next Meetings: Nov 23rd – Thieves Wood (Coxmoor Rd car pk) Wine Appreciation 2 * We3, 7.30 - V M Members' homes Mike Allen 01623 653345 Next Meetings: Nov 23rd (date change) – Chenin Blanc (Norma); Dec 14th – Sharing Supper at Mike's 6.30 for 7.00pm Wine Appreciation 3 * Tu4, 7.30 - V M Members' homes Graham Allin 01623 473662 Next Meetings: Nov 22nd – Pinot Noir (Lynn and Barrie);Sat Dec 10th – Christmas Social Wine Appreciation 4 * Th4, 7.30 - V M Members' homes Jane Kockum 01623 407235 Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar Writing for Pleasure Mo2, 2 - 4 M Stanhope Centre, Bridge Street, Mansfield Hilary Miller/Sue Ford 01623 620067/844286 Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar Harmony (an independent Interest Group) meets every fortnight on Wednesday evenings from 5.45 pm to 7.15 pm at St Alban's Church in Forest Town. Contact June Fell on 01623 623547, Jean Kirk on 01623 480207 or talk to them at the monthly meeting to learn more about this singing group of U3AMembers. Mansfield U3A Christmas Lunch Monday December 5th in the 1861 Suite at M.T. F. C. 12.30pm for 1pm. Cost: £19 (incl. tips). Your last chance to book for our first Christmas lunch at the new venue! Choose your meal from the menu at the table and book your places with Norma Shillinglaw now. Please pay by cheque made out to Mansfield U3A at the October or November meetings. Page 8 of 12
  • 9. Latest Group News … Antiques and Collectables Jackie Ling This eagerly-awaited event, arranged by Pat Blackwell for the A&C group, finally arrived on 11th October and it did not disappoint. We were joined by members from Sherwood, Rainworth and Forest Town U3As (100 of us in all) to learn about an intriguing, thought-provoking and perplexing selection of items brought by James Lewis of the popular BBC TV shows Flog It, Antiques Road Trip and Bargain Hunt for us to identify, appraise and value. Identifying the item was crucial and how difficult that proved to be! A Roman strigil (bath-house body-scraper) excavated from the ruins of Pompeii or an alabaster religious figure from between 1500 and 1600. Which would we fare best with? It just showed us how important it is to know exactly what an item is, what it's made of and when it was made. Some of our members were very knowledgeable while others were less so, but that did not dampen our enjoyment or desire to learn. James spoke passionately about the plight of large animals, such as the rhino and elephant, hunted by poachers, and about his support for the Born Free Foundation, the international conservation and animal rights organization. Many remember Virginia McKenna and Bill Travers playing the parts of Joy and George Adamson in the 1966 film about their conservation work and James said he would be delighted to donate his fee to this cause. Well done Pat and your trusty team of helpers, for a truly engaging event! Writing for Pleasure Hillary Miller Our group is still going strong with 10 members and another about to join. We enjoyed a good meeting in October when the homework title was Three people you would like to invite to a dinner party. The guests had to be famous (or infamous) and from the present or the past. It was a great idea, but the question was where to start? We needn’t have worried as the outcome was excellent and we enjoyed listening to, and being amazed, by the choices. Comments of ”Oh I never thought of him or her” were expressed. In general, we decided it would be fascinating just to sit back and listen to our three guests and not bother cooking the dinner! An 'American Adventure' Pete Thurkettle In early October, Mansfield U3AHiking Group went to Shipley Country Park, fortunate to have a bright sunny day which always adds to the level of enjoyment. Shipley Country Park is in Derbyshire and was developed during the 18th century as a country estate and coal mining area by the influential Miller-Mundy family. Following the 'greening' of the old coal mines and opencast quarries, former railway tracks have been transformed into leafy pathways; old reservoirs are now tranquil lakes, teeming with wildlife and the reclaimed spoil heaps are now woodlands, rolling hills and wild flower meadows. At the southern end of the park is the Nutbrook Trail which is a 10- mile traffic-free path for walkers and cyclists taking you to Long Eaton. At about the Page 9 of 12
  • 10. halfway point of our walk, we found a bench-seat where we rested for a while to eat our packed lunch and admire the views of the parkland. Our walk passed through the eastern area of the park that, in the more recent past, was used by an entertainments organisation that gave this location the title of the ‘American Adventure’. I’ve been told that all properties in a 3-mile radius were given complimentary tickets annually – I suppose to soften any complaints about the noise and traffic disturbance. The only remains of this venture are the large areas of tarmac that were used for car parking. The final feature on our route was the Mapperley Reservoir, edged with the trees that were showing their seasonal change to autumn colours. After admiring the late afternoon sun reflecting in the water of the lake, it was time to walk the remaining mile of our hike back to the ‘Ramblers Coffee Shop’ for a final drink before making our way back to Mansfield. Sherwood U3A Dance Group Jim Bentley (Sherwood member) As part of our Neighbourhood friendship, we offer Sherwood U3A the opportunity to announce their latest Group. If you’re looking for company and wish to socialise with others during those dark winter evenings then why not come along and join our Dance Group? We meet at Turner Hall on the third Friday of each month at 7.30pm to learn sequence dances old and new, together with line dancing, under the expert guidance of our qualified dance instructor. So if you’ve never danced before and would like to learn, or to take it up again after a long break, then please do come and give us a try. Our emphasis is very much to have fun in good company whether you can dance or not. Please come along and give us a go, you may well surprise yourself and find you’re better than you originally thought! Gardening Avril McGee We have invited Liz Cassell to demonstrate flower arranging with a Christmas theme, incorporating garden foliage on Tuesday December 6th. Her arrangements will be raffled and we will enjoy mince pies with our refreshments, so do come to what will surely be a fun meeting to end our 2016 programme. The October meeting was devoted to members' interpretations of 'Harvest Tide', with delicious home-made and home-grown food. The dishes were voted on and the winner … was our Chairman, Sheila, with her custard-topped, fruit-filled cakes! (see right) International Dining Jacqui Hampshire The International Dining group is still enjoying evenings out, trying the different foods of other countries. The beauty of the group is you choose which restaurant to attend and what food to eat! The October 12th visit was to the Gurkha One in Rolleston. Only seven of us went, but the others missed an excellent, and very different, Indian meal. The next visit is to the Caribbean Queen in Sherwood on Wednesday November 9th at the usual time of 6.30pm. If you cannot make the meeting, and would like to join us, please e-mail me. There will be no International Dining meetings in December or January, many members being at Thoresby. Any venue recommendations for our group would be appreciated. Page 10 of 12
  • 11. The 'Beautiful' Theatre Trip Sandra Evans A fine day found 32 members on our way to London for two days. After checking in at the hotel, we spent the afternoon exploring Covent Garden, enjoying the buskers performing their stunts. A grey- haired man walking a tightrope (only a foot or so from the floor) was not to be missed. Following dinner at Henry's, seven of us made our way to the Aldwych Theatre to see Beautiful The Carole King Musical. What a great show! A live band on stage and a cast of 18 superb singers performed non-stop music from the 1960s and 70s, all recognisable from our teenage life. We didn't realise just how many hits she had written for other artists, including my favourite hit from the show, You've Lost That Loving Feeling by the Walker Brothers. After breakfast, we set off for The Shard for the greatest view of London as you have never seen it before. At 1016 feet high, it is the tallest building in Western Europe, made from panels of glass and steel with panoramic views wherever you turn, stretching for over 40 miles. As you step out of the high-speed lift, you appear to be walking into rooftop garden with grass and flower boxes, until you look up and then, wham, you are almost walking in the clouds! It was the most amazing part of the trip and the main reason I went along. Our last stop was Windsor Castle, the most magnificent of all the Queen's 'homes', and she arrived there from her holiday at Balmoral during our visit. We were told by one of the guides to look for the flag changing from the Union Jack to the Royal Ensign. We didn't manage to catch a glimpse of her, as she sneaked in by the back entrance. Do you think someone warned her we were there? We arrived home tired and weary but our thanks must go to Sheila Whalley for her superb organisation – as usual. Theatre Trips Sheila Whalley Please pay for tickets for 'La Cage aux Folles' by December 1st (cheques to S.J Whalley); for 'The Wedding Singer' by January 10th; for 'Funny Girl' by Jan. 14th (both to Mansfield U3A). The Getaway Group Thoresby Hall Holiday 2017 Two holiday dates: Monday January 9th to Friday January 13th at £182pp and Monday February 20th to Friday February 24th at £220pp. It's 'waiting lists only' now so contact Terry Whitehead on 01623 626991 or Potters 5* Leisure Resort in Norfolk, Monday June 12th to Friday June 16th 4 meals per day + daily activities + evening entertainment + a cruise on the broads on Wednesday + an afternoon in Norwich with packed lunch. Cost: £359pp in bungalow accommodation or hotel available at an extra cost of £140pp. Some singles still available with no supplement. Cut off date for deposits is 27/01/2017 Lake Garda 4* half board, Hotel Maderno, Toscolano, on south of the lake. 8 day holiday from Wednesday Sept. 13th – Thursday Sept. 21st 2017. Return coach from Mansfield to East Midlands airport + transfers + excursions to Venice & Verona + a lake cruise. Cost: £1019 (S/S £139), deposit, £153, insurance £51 (may be cheaper to get an annual insurance). 12 twin rooms and 8 single rooms available. For both holidays, contact Christine Smith on 07859 249086 or at the monthly meeting. Thursford Christmas Spectacular Thursday November 30th – Saturday December 2nd 2017 Coach to the 3* Links Country House Hotel at West Runton (near Sheringham and Cromer). Two nights DB&B + tickets for the Thursford Spectacular Show + full-day excursion to Norwich + some hours in Holt on the return journey. Page 11 of 12
  • 12. Cost: £239 (single supplement £25pp) £1 deposit by December 15th 2016, with £10 Holiday deposit by March 6th 2017. See Jacqui Hampshire at the monthly meetings, or contact her on 01623 239210. Dates for your diary (Check the website for more information and updates) Monday December 5th Mansfield U3AChristmas Lunch, 1861 Suite, Mansfield Town Football Club Cost: £19 (incl.Tips). 12.30 for 1 pm. Book at the November meeting. ________________________________________________________________________________ Saturday February 25th 2017 Annual Fun Quiz Night and Buffet at Queen Elizabeth’s Academy. Tickets will be on sale at the monthly meetings. Come along to our annual fun quiz night and you could win a cash prize! Organise a team (maximum 8 players per team) Or just come along and join a team on the night. Cost £8.00 to include buffet supper. Bring your own drinks and glasses. Details from Pauline Boucher on 01623 644798 or ____________________________________________________________________________ Photo Competition Our new website is up and running! But … we would like a new photo (or photo collage) to grace the Home Page. Photos that will express the true spirit and story of Mansfield. If enough good ones are submitted, then we can change them two or three times a year! Different seasons or views, etc. Send the first ones e-mail or give them on a SD card to Mike Allen (e-mail address below) by the end of January, and the winners will win a prize (of some kind) as well as all the glory! _______________________________________________________________________________ Subscriptions remain at £15 for the year 2016-2017. Have you paid? If not, you may lose your membership! Cheques payable to Mansfield and District U3Aor see below for online details. Online Banking is now available to members to pay their subscriptions online: Sort Code: 60-14-03 Account Number: 40396835 Account name: Mansfield and District U3A REFERENCE: Member's name (for identification) ______________________________________________________________________________ Event and Visit Payments Members are reminded that deposits and payments for events and visits organised by Mansfield U3A and its interest groups are non-refundable, but places so reserved may be offered to others. ______________________________________________________________________________ Changes of Address, etc. Please contact the membership secretary, Marilyn Dibble 01623 634805, if you've changed your address, phone number or email since joining Mansfield U3A so that she can update our records. ______________________________________________________________________________ Disclaimer Take views expressed here are those of the contributors, only, and do not necessarily reflect those of the editor, the committee of Mansfield U3A or the Third Age Trust. Nor can any responsibility be accepted for members' announcements or any errors that may occur. ______________________________________________________________________________ Next Issue Please send contributions for the next issue to or by hand to Mike Allen as soon as you can and by the 1st of the month at the latest. Thanks! Editor: Mike Allen 01623 653345 Printed by: Portland Print Page 12 of 12