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Mansfield and District U3A
Summer at Newby Hall!
Established 1999
HMRC Charity Registration No.: XT30525
August 2016 Online Edition
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Welcome from your chairman
Hello and welcome to my August ‘Welcome’, for, as we all know, there is no meeting this month
and the newsletter is only available on-line. The good news is that we have our annual picnic at
Queen Elizabeth’s Academy on August 16th, hopefully with good weather and good food and
drink. If the weather permits, there will be outdoor games; if not, a quiz inside and, of course, a
raffle. So come along, bring some food and drink, don’t forget plates and glasses and enjoy!
We have had some good weather just lately and I was fortunate enough to attend the Brass
Band concert on Carr Bank Park, where they were using the new bandstand. The band from
Blidworth played some old favourites and some music that was new to me; the band leader said
they were to represent Mansfield in the main competition in Cheltenham later in the year so
good luck to them!
I know some of us have grand-parenting duties and it is usual that, during the school holidays,
we see more of our grand children. This can only be a good thing as I think watching youngsters
grow up is one of the pleasures of grandparents helping Mums and Dads in what can be a
stressed lifestyle if both of them are at work.
The Olympics have started! Can it really be four years since London? This time we are in Brazil
where I have never been but it does look a spectacular place to visit. Let’s wish all our
participants the best of luck and hope they win many medals.
I hope to see you at the picnic. If you cannot be there, then don’t forget the AGM on Tuesday
September 20th when we will elect the new committee, finalise the accounts and have the ‘end
of term’ reports.
Bob Longden
Words from the Editor
In November this year, the U3Afamily will celebrate the formation of the 1000th U3A, although they don’t
intend to tell us which one it is! For an organisation only founded in 1981 and whose early years were a
struggle, the explosion of member U3As over the last few years has been both inspiring and worrying.
Inspiring because of the number of ‘third-agers’ (getting on for 400,000) who want more in their
life than a sofa and a snooze; worrying because, with such rapid expansion, the ethos of the
movement of self-help and of learning mixed with pleasure could be easily diluted into just
another round of social gatherings.
Have you any ideas? I’m off to the National AGM on Friday 25th August and would happily
speak there on any ideas you might have – if you email them to me before that date. It will also
show me if anyone reads the Newsletter online! So, feel free to let me have your opinions.
Mike Allen
In this issue
Page 2: Chairman's Welcome; Words from the Editor
Page 3 – 4: AGM Notice; Subscriptions; That Elusive Odd-Job Man; Wind In The Willows
Page 5: National Holocaust Centre Visit Opportunity
Pages 6 – 7: Interest Group News
Page 8 – 11: Interest Groups Meetings Diary
Page 13: Interest Group News; Dates for your Diary and Notices
Cover and Newby Hall photos by Sheila Whalley; Wind In The Willows by Glyn Payze.
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Annual Subscriptions 2016/2017
Annual subscriptions are due on or before the AGM on September 20th. Because our members have
supported our social events so well over the last year and because we have reclaimed the tax via the Gift
Aid Scheme, we can once again offer our existing members a discount of £2 on next year’s subscriptions.
Existing members will therefore only pay £15 for next year. (Associate members: £11.50.)
Subscriptions for new members will remain at £17. (New associate members: £13.50.)
Payment can be made any time between now and the September AGM meeting so please let me have
your cheque, payable to Mansfield U3A. Please remind any friends who wish to renew their membership
but are unable to attend the monthly meetings to contact the treasurer or any committee member.
Online Payment: Sort Code: 60-14-03. Account number: 40396835. Account name: Mansfield and District
U3A. Reference: Member’s surname (this is vital to identify who has paid, so please do not forget to enter
your name).
Yvonne Kennison, Treasurer
That Elusive Odd-Job Man!
When we want to find a tradesman (when the ones we have known and used retire or are no
longer satisfactory), we ask friends and neighbours to recommend someone. But where do you
go if they can’t help? The Yellow Pages are one place, but these do not come with a guarantee
of competence or honesty. And who do you get to do those little jobs that the ‘odd-job man’ used
to do, but doesn’t now as he has disappeared from our lives?
Mansfield U3A has been asked why it can’t produce a list of recommended trades-people as
some other U3As have done. Yes ... well ..., the truth is that this is not something which we
would want to do to avoid possible litigation when the tradesman did a bad job! However, there
are ways out of this dilemma. Mansfield District Council runs a scheme called ‘Handyperson’. A
Council employee (who has been police checked and is a qualified tradesman) will perform
those intensely annoying but vital little jobs such as repairing window locks, hanging doors,
fitting security chains, changing bulbs, putting up curtain rails and so on. There is an invoiced
charge of £7 for half an hour’s work or £13 for one hour and you have to supply the materials (or
ask him to buy them). Phone 01623 463076 to access the service and the people at the office
will ask a number of questions to ensure that the service is tailored to the needs of the customer.
The ‘Handy Person Adaptation Service’ is run by Nottinghamshire County Council and does
much the same thing. There is no charge for jobs concerned with safety such as putting up
handrails and grab rails, but other odd-jobs come in at £15 an hour with materials on top. The
phone number for that is 0300 500 50 50. Again, questions will be asked before a local
tradesman is sent out to do the job.
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of the
Mansfield and District U3A
will be held on
Tuesday September 20th 2016 at 11am
All members are invited to attend and to vote in the election of the new Committee after the monthly
meeting. The full Agenda and the Minutes of the 16th AGM in September 2015 will be published in
the September Newsletter and on-line on the Mansfield U3Awebsite.
For larger jobs, Notts County Council use a national scheme called ‘Checkatrade’ which can be
found on (Control + Click to access the link). Firms are approved by
Trading Standards, in partnership with Nottinghamshire County Council, so that if things go
wrong, you can complain to them (and not to the Mansfield U3A committee!).
The problem here is that, when you enter your post code and bring up the names of the trades-
people, they are often miles away and hardly local. Even if the leaflet that is put through the door
gives mainly 01623 phone numbers, this is a slight 'trick' as the firms are not local at all, but just
connect to the general number given. In addition, the firms often seem large ones, not
necessarily suitable for what we want done. This problem was admitted by the NCC adviser but
at least you know that the workers have been checked. NCC no longer uses a scheme called
‘Buy With Confidence’, although this logo still appears on older leaflets.
Leaflets for both council-run schemes can be obtained from the offices on Chesterfield Road and
it would be sensible to collect them and keep them ‘handy’. You never know when a blocked sink
or damaged curtain-pole will need attention, and supremely competent though we might think we
are, help is always needed.
Mike Allen & Terry Whitehead
The Wind in the Willows
The annual jaunt to Tolethorpe Hall near Stamford took place on Wednesday July 13th this year
when 13 members neglected their intellectual ideas and ignored the Shakespeare plays
available to watch Alan Bennett’s dramatisation of ‘Wind In The Willows’ by Kenneth Grahame.
After a good journey down in the
Ravenshead bus driven by one of their
U3A members, we were able to enjoy
a picnic in weather just about warm
enough to sit on the lawn before the
play began. Strangely enough, for an
adaptation from a children’s book, the
audience was composed mainly of
adults who seemed to know the story
better than the few children.
The set was, as always, ingenious,
with a river of real water, an entrance
to the underground home of Mole and
Ratty, a revolving interior scene, a vaguely realistic golf-buggy car and a cart with a lugubrious
(human) horse.
The large cast contained a number of children as rabbits, hedgehogs and squirrels, harried by
five unpleasant (adult) weasels. Toad was the liveliest character, with Mole an Alan Bennett-like
figure, Badger a schoolteacher-type and a rather bumbling Ratty (with a tail).
The play was a series of tenuously linked scenes from the book, but failed to be sufficiently
dramatic. Thus the battle at the end between the ‘heroes’ and the 'villains' (weasels and stoats)
was no more than a comic chase. Toad’s escape was more fun and did capture the spirit of the
novel, but too often, the play subsided like an old soufflé. Nevertheless, an enjoyable evening.
Perhaps, next year, we will have to try Shakespeare again!
Mike Allen
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The National Holocaust Centre and Museum
Some time ago, it was announced at our monthly meeting that a U3A Study Day was being
arranged at the remarkable and renowned National Holocaust Centre and Museum at
Laxton. A number of members expressed interest, but we went no further at the time. Now,
the study day has been organised and the programme announced.
Group Booking by Friday 23rd September is essential and Mike Allen will be taking names
at the Picnic and the September Meeting. You may also phone 01623 653345 to book a
place (leave name & phone number) or email
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Remembering, Listening, Learning:
An Opportunity to visit The National Holocaust Centre and Museum
Wednesday October 5th 2016
This day presents an engaging and interactive day, unique to U3A members, which
enables shared learning and the opportunity to create and reflect. The day will explore the
history of the Holocaust, and consider lessons it may present to society today:
Is there anything that can be learned from the Holocaust?
Members will have the opportunity to participate in tours of the exhibitions and discussion,
in addition to attending workshops led by experienced educators.
The most memorable aspect of the day, undoubtedly, will be the opportunity to listen to the
testimony of a Holocaust survivor. As the programme has been designed to enable
opportunities for discussion and participation, members may wish to re-visit the exhibitions
on a second visit – return visits are included within the admission cost.
The Programme of the day starts at 10.00am and includes:
Tea and coffee on arrival
Introduction to the day, including a brief historical context
Tour of the Holocaust exhibition and Journey exhibition, including a short workshop
considering memory and personal history
A choice of workshop, one to be chosen from:
Art and the Holocaust
Faith and the Holocaust
Challenges for today
Sharing of the testimony of a survivor of the Holocaust
Introduction to the Memorial gardens, and an opportunity to reflect on what has been
considered and learnt through the day.
The day concludes at 4.00pm
The cost per delegate is £20 to include:
Admission, including free return visits within the calendar year.
Lunch and refreshments, including tea and coffee available throughout the day.
Educator-led tours and workshop.
July's Speaker
David Skillen, July's monthly meeting speaker, provided us with a snapshot of the American Civil
from a different perspective – that of the women involved in it. From Harriet Beecher Stowe who
wrote 'Uncle Tom's Cabin' to an ex-slave who ran the Underground Railway from South to North
rescuing other slaves; from a woman who pioneered the idea of military hospitals to those who
fought in the war as soldiers, his talk illuminated the courage and fortitude of women caught up in
this bloody conflict.
A most interesting talk by someone who was absorbed by the history of the Civil War.
Latest Group News …
Garden Visits at Newby Hall
What can I say about the Garden Visits Group outing to Newby Hall and Gardens? It was a
We had arranged a private guided tour around the Hall which is stunning and packed with
Chippendale furniture, gorgeous ornate ceilings and paintings that have been both
commissioned and collected on the travels of
previous owners. It has Roman Statues in three
rooms that rival even those at Chatsworth
House and a collection of Gobelin tapestries
made to measure for a room with more
Chippendale furniture to match.
Stunning and, with two experienced guides so
full of knowledge, the tour really was
Then it was back to the restaurant for lunch
before we wandered around the gardens which
are beautiful. Standing in front of the Hall,
looking down to the double herbaceous border that is only three years old after having been
completely redesigned and re-planted was just one of the highlights for me. However, John did
like the Zimbawbean Statues on display and for
sale and said he would have liked to be the one
to polish them too! You had to see them to know
what I mean! Then there was the Dolls’ House
exhibition and some of Gyles Brandreth’s
collection of teddy bears. Some went on the
miniature train and, of course, many of us came
back with plants from the nursery.
Something for everyone, you might say and yet
we could not fill the coach! In fact, there were
only 24 of us. Such a pity, but for those of us
that did go, it was a memorable day out.
Karen Troop & Janet Whitlam
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Bridge for Beginners
Joan Hufton is reviving this group – full information is on the Mansfield U3A website. If
interested, contact Joan on 01623 557488. More details next month.
Lunch Club
A smaller group than usual went to the Old Reindeer at Edingley for a Carvery lunch on the
Thursday July 21st. A pleasant meal was had by the 14 members.
The August luncheon will be at the Full Moon at Morton on Thursday August 18th. As there
is no meeting in August, please make sure that you book your meal with us by email or
phone before then; the menu can be found via the Luncheon page on the website.
Colin & Eileen Bell
The Autumn Term will begin on Monday September 5th and will end on Monday December 12th, with a
break on October 24th. Subscriptions are due on the first Monday and it is hoped they will remain at £25.
Cheques to be made payable to Mansfield and District U3A.
Jean Kirk has asked that any members not continuing with the class should inform her as soon as
Local History
A visit to the National Mining Museum has been arranged for Friday October 7th. The coach leaves the
Redfern Coach depot at Mansfield Woodhouse at 9.30am and returns at around 4.00pm. The cost will be
£11.50 and must be paid by the September meetings of the Local History and Sci-Tech Groups.If
members wish to go underground, they should inform Bob and Sue as soon as possible.
Bowls Club
A friendly bowls match between the U3A Bowls Group and Mansfield Bowling Club has been arranged for
Saturday September 3rd. The start time is 2.00pm at the Mansfield Bowling Club Green on Chesterfield
Road, Mansfield. Spectators will be most welcome.
Don WrightDDDdfg
Riding Group
Four lady riders turned out at Kirkfields Riding Centre for a hack around the woods. There was only
one casualty - and I was not even riding! Just tripped up twice over my boot laces. The horses were
very well behaved, apart from Blue, who thought it was a good opportunity to have a snack. He tried
to eat most of the bracken and the odd tree, butAvril McGee soon got the better of him.
But what a lovely way to spend an hour in good company (and the ladies were OK as well!).
Christine Smith
Key to Meetings details:
THIS TABLE SHOWS THE DAY of the month, time and frequency using the first two letters of the day,
followed by numbers 1 - 5 to represent the week number. The final letter M (or F, W or V) indicates that the
group meets monthly, fortnightly, weekly or at variable intervals.
So 'Tu2, 2.30 - V M' would mean a group meeting on the 2nd Tuesday at 2.30pm Monthly but with
Variable finish times.
All members are invited to contact the relevant Group Leader if they would like to participate in any
interest group or attend an event. NB: * indicates a waiting list.
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Interest Group Meetings Meeting Places Leader/Contact
Afternoon Teas Sa2, 3 - 5 M Various Sheila Whalley
01623 453908
Next Meetings: TBA
Antiques and
Collectables *
Tu2, 10 – 12.00 M Bridge Street
Methodist Church,
Pat Blackwell
01623 481745
Next Meetings: Sept 13th – Boxes and Tins; Oct 11th – Visit by James Lewis (MTFC)
Art We3, 10 – 12.00 M Big Barn Lane
Methodist Church,
Gordon Howlett
01623 627423
Next Meetings: TBA
Art Appreciation Mo1, 2.00 - 4.00 M Stanhope Centre
Pauline Boucher
01623 644798
Next meetings: Sept 5th – Modern Art; Oct 3rd – Members' Favourite Works of Art
Beginners' Bridge Mo, F
6.30 - 9.00
Room DR 132
Derby Rd College,
Joan Hufton
01623 557488
Next Meetings: Check the Bridge for Beginners page on the Mansfield U3AWebsite for start date
Bowls Tu 1.30 – 3.30 W
Coaching / Roll-ups at
£3.00 per session
Mansfield Bowls
Chesterfield Road
Don Wright/Pat
Gunter 01623
Next Meetings: Outdoor Season until Sat. Sept 17th. All welcome; flat soled shoes required
Chat and Stitch Mo3, 2.00 - 4.00 M St John's Centre,
Doreen Storer
01623 407731
Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar. No meeting in August
Craft Workshop We4, 2.00 - 4.00 M Ruth Colley's home Ruth Colley
01623 472010
Next meetings: Meetings as per calendar
Current Affairs Tu2, 2.00 - 4.00 M St John's Centre,
Norma Shillinglaw
01623 466934
Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar. No meeting in August
Family History Tu4, 10.00 - 12.00 M St John's Centre,
Max Clarke
01623 621744
Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar
Film Studies * We1, 1.30 - V M Joy's home Joy Crowe
01623 645400
Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar
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Garden Visits Various during the
Various Janet Whitlam/Karen
01623 635607
Next Visits:
Gardening Tu1, 10.00 - 12.00 M St Peter's Centre,
Avril McGee
01623 452688
Next Meetings: Sept 6th – Transforming Lives and Land, a talk by Jennie Street
Golf Last Friday of Month Various Paul Mann
01623 615416
Next Meeting: Aug. 26th – Oakmere Park 9.30 for 10.00 tee-off.
History We3, 10.00 - 12.00 M M'field Bowling Club,
Chesterfield Road,
David Drew
01623 555012
Next Meetings: Sept 12th – Visit to Richard III Exhibition, Leicester.
(Home & Abroad)
Various TBA Margaret Burlinson
01623 632538
2016 Holidays: Mon. Sept. 26th to Mon. Oct. 3rd – Mallorca* (Margaret Burlinson). Details on
2017 Holidays: Jan & Feb – Thoresby Hall. Mon. Jan 9th to Fri. Jan 13th; Mon. Feb 20th to Fri.
Feb 24th. Please check Holidays page on website for full details.
Horse Riding Fr4, 11.00 M exp.
Fr2, 11.00 M beg.
Kirkfields Equestrian
Christine Smith
07859 249086
Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar.
International Dining We2, 6.30 for 7.00 M Various Jacqui Hampshire
01623 239210
Next Meetings: Aug 10th – Lombardi's in Chesterfield.
Local History * Fri1, 10.00 - 12.00 M Bridge Street
Methodist Church,
Bob & Sue Longden
01623 486903
Next Meetings: No meeting August; Sept. 2nd – Public Transport by Ian Boucher
Luncheon Club Th after 3rd Tu,
12.00 - 2.00 M
Various Eileen & Colin Bell
01623 429239
Next Meetings: August 18th – The Full Moon, Morton
Movement to Music W 10.30 - 11.30 W St John's Church
Hall, Mansfield
Linda Leivers
01623 471963
Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar
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Music Group
Classical Music 2 Mo4, 2.00 - 4.00 M Members' homes Peter Hart
01623 620940
Next Meetings: No meeting inAugust
Music 2 * Mo4, 2.00 - 4.30 M Members' homes Eric Prescott
01623 631160
Next Meeting: Meetings as per calendar
Popular Music
Appreciation *
Tu4, 2.00 - 4.00 M St John's School,
Peter Haynes
01623 610886
Next Meeting: Meetings as per calendar
Pudding Club Tu1, 4.00 - 6.00 M Members' homes Sylvia Slack
01623 633981
Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar: Alternately at Sylvia's and Janet's.
Read a Little Aloud Fri2, 2.00 - 4.00 M St Peter's Community
Centre, Bellamy Road
Sheila Haslam
01623 627764
Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar
Reading 1 Th3, 2.00 - 4.00 M Peter Dawson's home Peter Dawson
01623 882191
Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar.
Reading 2 Tu3, 2.00 - 4.00 M Ravenshead Library Joan Hufton
01623 557488
Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar
Science & Technical Tu1, 2.00 - 4.00 M Stanton Hill Baptist
Church, Albert St.
Ian Boucher
01623 644798
Next Meetings: Sept 6th – A Quizzical Look at Science and Technology: Gordon Howlett
Scrabble Mo2, 2.00 - 4.00 M Brenda Thurkettle's
Brenda Thurkettle
01623 628136
Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar
Tai Chi Mo, 9.30 - 10.30 W St John's Centre,
Jean Kirk
01623 480207
Next Meetings: Sept 5th – AutumnTerm begins.
Theatre Visits Various Various Sheila Whalley
01623 453908
Next Visits: TBA
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Walking Groups
(all-day, 6 - 8 miles)
Th1 & Mo3, 9.30 - V
Tesco car park, off
Oak Tree Lane,
Peter Thurkettle
01623 628136
Next Meetings: Mon Aug 15th – Hope & Edale; Thurs Sept 1st – Ashford-in-the-Water; Mon
Sept 12th – Foolow, Cresswell Dale, Grindlow
(short & gentle)
Th4, 12.00 - V M Various Sylvia Slack
01623 633981
Next Meetings:
(a leisurely 2 miles)
We2, 10.30 - V M Various Barbara Massey /
Marion Thornton
01623 628357/ 651528
Next Meetings: Sept 14th – Sherwood Pines. As parking is £4.00, share cars
(an easy 4 - 5 miles)
We4, 10.30 - V M Various Joy & Nick Crowe
01623 645400
Next Meetings: Aug 24th – Teversal Village (Vistors' Centre Car Park); Sept – No walk organised,
as U3A Mallorca holiday
Wine Appreciation 2 * We3, 7.30 - V M Members' homes Mike Allen
01623 653345
Next Meetings: Aug 17th – Portguese Whites at Bob and Sue's; Sept 21st – Wine Society Whites
at Ron's
Wine Appreciation 3 * Tu4, 7.30 - V M Members' homes Graham Allin
01623 473662
Next Meetings: Aug 23rd – Villa Maria from NZ and UK at Ian and Pauline's; Sept 27th – Rosé at
Lynne and Barrie's
Wine Appreciation 4 * Th4, 7.30 - V M Members' homes Jane Kockum
01623 407235
Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar
Writing for Pleasure Mo2, 2 - 4 M Stanhope Centre,
Bridge Street,
Hilary Miller/Sue Ford
01623 620067/844286
Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar
Harmony (an independent Interest Group) meets every fortnight on Wednesday evenings from 5.45 pm
to 7.15 pm at St Alban's Church in Forest Town. Contact Jean Kirk on 01623 480207 or at the monthly
meeting to learn more about this singing group of U3AMembers.
The new term begins on Wednesday September 7th.
The Book Table made £44 in July, making a total for the year of £371 which is a great contribution
to funds.
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Latest Group News cont....
Just to remind all travellers to Mallorca about the meeting at The Junction in Sutton on
Saturday September 10th starting at 11am promptly. The side door will be open 15 minutes
beforehand. Drinks can be bought from the restaurant bar to bring into the meeting if you so
wish. We will be discussing airport arrangements & any other issues which may have arisen
after reading through your itineraries. A very important matter has just come to light which
will also need your attention.
You are welcome to stay for a meal after the meeting (the restaurant is to your left as you
leave the meeting room).
Christmas Away From Home!
Five of us have now booked a five-day holiday break between December 23rd-27th in Cheshire
at the 4* Hallmark hotel. We would still like three more people to join us, either to share two twin
rooms or take three singles (£60 single supplement added on to the £484 price which includes
an excursion & pantomime). If we can get those three extra passengers, the private transport
cost will be no more than £25. Deposit £60 plus insurance £20 (unless you have your own
insurance). Let's give our families a break for once! Ring me on 01623 632538 to talk about this
festive break.
Margaret Burlinson
Thoresby Hall Holiday 2017
I require balance cheques. Assuming everyone has paid £50pp deposit (apart from those I have
told), the prices are as stated in the leaflets and on the website. However, the single surcharge
is now £10 and not £40.
You will receive an email (or phone call for those without emails) to let you know the balance.
Please make cheques payable to Mansfield U3A. Anyone wanting to go on the waiting list,
please give me a ring. There is no booking charge, you only pay if you come on the holiday and
that you could find out about on the Sunday before the holiday starts on the Monday.
Contact or 01623 626991.
Terry Whitehead
Wine Group 2
Wine Group 2 held a most interesting evening in July when the wine to be 'tasted' was new to all of us –
Sauvingon Gris. Thought to be an older version of the Sauvignon Blanc grape, Sauvignon Gris has a
pinkish hue to its skin and has similar levels of acidity. It does produce fruit with higher sugar levels, which
contributes to greater aromatics and a richer and rounder feel to the wine. At one point these wines were
highly prized yet due to the ridiculously low yields that the grape produces, it almost became extinct.
Nowadays, the grape is found mainly in Australia, New Zealand and Chile, though some French
whites use it as a blend. We found the wine softer than the more usual Sauvignon Blanc, but less
astringent. In fact, it was most enjoyable. The 'winner' was from NZ (search Amazon for Villa Maria),
but another can be bought at Tesco for £6.75 until August 15th (Brancott Estate). Why not try it out
this summer? Thanks to John and Margaret Florence for their detective work!
Mike Allen
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International Dining
Our next venue will be on August 10th at Lombardi's Italian Restaurant in Chesterfield with a 7pm
start. Book your menu choice from their website with Jacqui. The sat-nav figures are S41 7LL.
September will see us visit once more the Polish restaurant Anya in Sherwood. I will do my best to
get the details onto the website! I will be at the monthly meetings to take bookings.
Jacqui Hampshire
Golf Group
Eight local U3A golfers made their way round Ransdale Park's par-3 course on July 29th. It's a very
good par-3 indeed, and the second nine is particularly demanding. In the the first group out, Derek
Burke and Colin Bell played well, though Mike Allen managed to show how badly one can play!. The
second group included 'Captain' Paul Mann and they seemed to manage better. A pleasant social
followed in the bar.
The August 26th meeting will be at Oakmere again. The first nine holes will be on the Admiral's Course,
with a 9.30am meet for a 10.00am tee-off; the second nine will be on the Commander's Course, with the
first tee-time at 12.15pm. Play 9 or 18 holes as you wish and the cost will be from £11 to £15.
Paul Mann
Read a Little Aloud
Since the group was started in March, we have enjoyed many interesting readings of extracts
from books and poems and magazines – but the best part of the afternoon is the discussion
which follows. Each month, I choose items from all kinds of literature – classic, contemporary,
and even children’s. Among the latter was a section from ‘The War Horse’ by Michael Morpurgo,
and I added an article telling the fascinating story of how he came to write it and eventually –
after 20 years – saw it made into a film which has topped all previous box office receipts.
All the pieces prompted memories and anecdotes on the themes of ‘Senior Moments’, ‘Shame
on Me’ and ‘Love at Christmas’ which gave us food for thought. Sessions on ‘Men were
Deceivers Ever’ and ‘The Paths of our Lives’ brought up some funny tales, and we all had plenty
to say about the ‘sliding door’ syndrome … the ‘what if … ?'
We’d still like a few more to join us. My poor husband is the only male – I swear there’s no
pressure on him – and he would like some support. We ladies would also like to have more
balance in the group. We only ask that our members are open-minded and friendly. You don’t
even have to read aloud if you prefer not to.
Our venue on Berry Hill is being refurbished by Tesco, funded by the 5p charged for plastic
bags. There's parking, it’s comfortable and we're a really nice lot, so do contact me on 01623
627764 if you are interested.
Sheila Haslam
Latest Mansfield U3A News …
Holidays: The new Holidays Group has begun its work with a meeting attended by quite a number
of interested members. Jacqui Hampshire and Christine Smith would welcome more people to help,
but already ideas for holidays are coming in.
Look out for the September issue of the Newsletter which will give full details about what is planned.
Diaries: 65 have been ordered and have arrived. To be distributed at the SeptemberAGM meeting.
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Dates for your diary (Check the website for more information and updates.)
August 16th Tuesday: Summer Picnic. In August, in place of the normal meeting, Mansfield U3A
meets at the Queen ElizabethAcademy on Chesterfield Road for a Summer Picnic from noon to 3pm.
Bring food to share and your own drinks. Outdoor games – indoors if it's wet!
August 25th Thursday: U3A National Conference at the East Midlands Conference Centre at
Nottingham University. To be attended by MikeAllen (Sec.) & Yvonne Kennison (Treas.)
September 19th Monday: U3A East Midlands Region Conference to be held at Eastwood Hall. The
programme is on and features talks on the calendar and on
weather as well as a speech by the National Chair, Pam Jones.
If you wish to go, the cost is £10 and the application form is on the website above.
September 20th Tuesday: Mansfield and District U3A AGM. 10.00am in the 1861 Suite at
Mansfield Town Football Club. General Meeting first, then theAGM starts at 11.15am.
October 11th Tuesday: 'A Morning with James Lewis'. Mansfield U3A Antiques and Collectables
group invites you to a talk by the auctioneer and valuer, well-known from his appearances on television.
The talk will be held in the meeting-room opposite the 1861 Suite at 10.00am. Cost: £5 incl. tea/coffee.
See Pat Blackwell for tickets.
Event and Visit Payments
MEMBERS are reminded that deposits and payments for events and visits organised by Mansfield
U3A and its interest groups are non-refundable, but places so reserved may be offered to others.
Online Banking is now available to members to pay their subscriptions online:
Sort Code: 60-14-03 Account Number: 40396835
Account name: Mansfield and District U3A REFERENCE: Member's name (for identification)
Changes of Address, etc.
PLEASE contact the membership secretary, Marilyn Dibble 01623 634805, if you've changed your
address, phone number or email since joining Mansfield U3A so that she can update our records.
THE VIEWS expressed here are those of the contributors, only, and do not necessarily reflect those
of the editor, the committee of Mansfield U3A or the Third Age Trust. Nor can any responsibility be
accepted for members' announcements or any errors that may occur.
Next Issue
PLEASE SEND contributions for the next issue to or by
hand to Mike Allen as soon as you can and by the 1st of the month at the latest. Thanks!
Editor: Mike Allen 01623 653345
Page 14 of 14

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Mansfield U3A Newsletter August 2016

  • 1. Mansfield and District U3A Newsletter Summer at Newby Hall! _____________________________ Established 1999 HMRC Charity Registration No.: XT30525 August 2016 Online Edition Website: Page 1 of 14
  • 2. Welcome from your chairman Hello and welcome to my August ‘Welcome’, for, as we all know, there is no meeting this month and the newsletter is only available on-line. The good news is that we have our annual picnic at Queen Elizabeth’s Academy on August 16th, hopefully with good weather and good food and drink. If the weather permits, there will be outdoor games; if not, a quiz inside and, of course, a raffle. So come along, bring some food and drink, don’t forget plates and glasses and enjoy! We have had some good weather just lately and I was fortunate enough to attend the Brass Band concert on Carr Bank Park, where they were using the new bandstand. The band from Blidworth played some old favourites and some music that was new to me; the band leader said they were to represent Mansfield in the main competition in Cheltenham later in the year so good luck to them! I know some of us have grand-parenting duties and it is usual that, during the school holidays, we see more of our grand children. This can only be a good thing as I think watching youngsters grow up is one of the pleasures of grandparents helping Mums and Dads in what can be a stressed lifestyle if both of them are at work. The Olympics have started! Can it really be four years since London? This time we are in Brazil where I have never been but it does look a spectacular place to visit. Let’s wish all our participants the best of luck and hope they win many medals. I hope to see you at the picnic. If you cannot be there, then don’t forget the AGM on Tuesday September 20th when we will elect the new committee, finalise the accounts and have the ‘end of term’ reports. Bob Longden _________________________________________________________________________________ Words from the Editor In November this year, the U3Afamily will celebrate the formation of the 1000th U3A, although they don’t intend to tell us which one it is! For an organisation only founded in 1981 and whose early years were a struggle, the explosion of member U3As over the last few years has been both inspiring and worrying. Inspiring because of the number of ‘third-agers’ (getting on for 400,000) who want more in their life than a sofa and a snooze; worrying because, with such rapid expansion, the ethos of the movement of self-help and of learning mixed with pleasure could be easily diluted into just another round of social gatherings. Have you any ideas? I’m off to the National AGM on Friday 25th August and would happily speak there on any ideas you might have – if you email them to me before that date. It will also show me if anyone reads the Newsletter online! So, feel free to let me have your opinions. Mike Allen In this issue Page 2: Chairman's Welcome; Words from the Editor Page 3 – 4: AGM Notice; Subscriptions; That Elusive Odd-Job Man; Wind In The Willows Page 5: National Holocaust Centre Visit Opportunity Pages 6 – 7: Interest Group News Page 8 – 11: Interest Groups Meetings Diary Page 13: Interest Group News; Dates for your Diary and Notices Cover and Newby Hall photos by Sheila Whalley; Wind In The Willows by Glyn Payze. Page 2 of 14
  • 3. Annual Subscriptions 2016/2017 Annual subscriptions are due on or before the AGM on September 20th. Because our members have supported our social events so well over the last year and because we have reclaimed the tax via the Gift Aid Scheme, we can once again offer our existing members a discount of £2 on next year’s subscriptions. Existing members will therefore only pay £15 for next year. (Associate members: £11.50.) Subscriptions for new members will remain at £17. (New associate members: £13.50.) Payment can be made any time between now and the September AGM meeting so please let me have your cheque, payable to Mansfield U3A. Please remind any friends who wish to renew their membership but are unable to attend the monthly meetings to contact the treasurer or any committee member. Online Payment: Sort Code: 60-14-03. Account number: 40396835. Account name: Mansfield and District U3A. Reference: Member’s surname (this is vital to identify who has paid, so please do not forget to enter your name). Yvonne Kennison, Treasurer That Elusive Odd-Job Man! When we want to find a tradesman (when the ones we have known and used retire or are no longer satisfactory), we ask friends and neighbours to recommend someone. But where do you go if they can’t help? The Yellow Pages are one place, but these do not come with a guarantee of competence or honesty. And who do you get to do those little jobs that the ‘odd-job man’ used to do, but doesn’t now as he has disappeared from our lives? Mansfield U3A has been asked why it can’t produce a list of recommended trades-people as some other U3As have done. Yes ... well ..., the truth is that this is not something which we would want to do to avoid possible litigation when the tradesman did a bad job! However, there are ways out of this dilemma. Mansfield District Council runs a scheme called ‘Handyperson’. A Council employee (who has been police checked and is a qualified tradesman) will perform those intensely annoying but vital little jobs such as repairing window locks, hanging doors, fitting security chains, changing bulbs, putting up curtain rails and so on. There is an invoiced charge of £7 for half an hour’s work or £13 for one hour and you have to supply the materials (or ask him to buy them). Phone 01623 463076 to access the service and the people at the office will ask a number of questions to ensure that the service is tailored to the needs of the customer. The ‘Handy Person Adaptation Service’ is run by Nottinghamshire County Council and does much the same thing. There is no charge for jobs concerned with safety such as putting up handrails and grab rails, but other odd-jobs come in at £15 an hour with materials on top. The phone number for that is 0300 500 50 50. Again, questions will be asked before a local tradesman is sent out to do the job. Page 3 of 14 The 17th ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the Mansfield and District U3A will be held on Tuesday September 20th 2016 at 11am All members are invited to attend and to vote in the election of the new Committee after the monthly meeting. The full Agenda and the Minutes of the 16th AGM in September 2015 will be published in the September Newsletter and on-line on the Mansfield U3Awebsite.
  • 4. For larger jobs, Notts County Council use a national scheme called ‘Checkatrade’ which can be found on (Control + Click to access the link). Firms are approved by Trading Standards, in partnership with Nottinghamshire County Council, so that if things go wrong, you can complain to them (and not to the Mansfield U3A committee!). The problem here is that, when you enter your post code and bring up the names of the trades- people, they are often miles away and hardly local. Even if the leaflet that is put through the door gives mainly 01623 phone numbers, this is a slight 'trick' as the firms are not local at all, but just connect to the general number given. In addition, the firms often seem large ones, not necessarily suitable for what we want done. This problem was admitted by the NCC adviser but at least you know that the workers have been checked. NCC no longer uses a scheme called ‘Buy With Confidence’, although this logo still appears on older leaflets. Leaflets for both council-run schemes can be obtained from the offices on Chesterfield Road and it would be sensible to collect them and keep them ‘handy’. You never know when a blocked sink or damaged curtain-pole will need attention, and supremely competent though we might think we are, help is always needed. Mike Allen & Terry Whitehead The Wind in the Willows The annual jaunt to Tolethorpe Hall near Stamford took place on Wednesday July 13th this year when 13 members neglected their intellectual ideas and ignored the Shakespeare plays available to watch Alan Bennett’s dramatisation of ‘Wind In The Willows’ by Kenneth Grahame. After a good journey down in the Ravenshead bus driven by one of their U3A members, we were able to enjoy a picnic in weather just about warm enough to sit on the lawn before the play began. Strangely enough, for an adaptation from a children’s book, the audience was composed mainly of adults who seemed to know the story better than the few children. The set was, as always, ingenious, with a river of real water, an entrance to the underground home of Mole and Ratty, a revolving interior scene, a vaguely realistic golf-buggy car and a cart with a lugubrious (human) horse. The large cast contained a number of children as rabbits, hedgehogs and squirrels, harried by five unpleasant (adult) weasels. Toad was the liveliest character, with Mole an Alan Bennett-like figure, Badger a schoolteacher-type and a rather bumbling Ratty (with a tail). The play was a series of tenuously linked scenes from the book, but failed to be sufficiently dramatic. Thus the battle at the end between the ‘heroes’ and the 'villains' (weasels and stoats) was no more than a comic chase. Toad’s escape was more fun and did capture the spirit of the novel, but too often, the play subsided like an old soufflé. Nevertheless, an enjoyable evening. Perhaps, next year, we will have to try Shakespeare again! Mike Allen Page 4 of 14
  • 5. The National Holocaust Centre and Museum Some time ago, it was announced at our monthly meeting that a U3A Study Day was being arranged at the remarkable and renowned National Holocaust Centre and Museum at Laxton. A number of members expressed interest, but we went no further at the time. Now, the study day has been organised and the programme announced. Group Booking by Friday 23rd September is essential and Mike Allen will be taking names at the Picnic and the September Meeting. You may also phone 01623 653345 to book a place (leave name & phone number) or email Page 5 of 14 Remembering, Listening, Learning: An Opportunity to visit The National Holocaust Centre and Museum Wednesday October 5th 2016 This day presents an engaging and interactive day, unique to U3A members, which enables shared learning and the opportunity to create and reflect. The day will explore the history of the Holocaust, and consider lessons it may present to society today: Is there anything that can be learned from the Holocaust? Members will have the opportunity to participate in tours of the exhibitions and discussion, in addition to attending workshops led by experienced educators. The most memorable aspect of the day, undoubtedly, will be the opportunity to listen to the testimony of a Holocaust survivor. As the programme has been designed to enable opportunities for discussion and participation, members may wish to re-visit the exhibitions on a second visit – return visits are included within the admission cost. The Programme of the day starts at 10.00am and includes: Tea and coffee on arrival Introduction to the day, including a brief historical context Tour of the Holocaust exhibition and Journey exhibition, including a short workshop considering memory and personal history Lunch A choice of workshop, one to be chosen from: Art and the Holocaust Faith and the Holocaust Challenges for today Sharing of the testimony of a survivor of the Holocaust Introduction to the Memorial gardens, and an opportunity to reflect on what has been considered and learnt through the day. The day concludes at 4.00pm The cost per delegate is £20 to include: Admission, including free return visits within the calendar year. Lunch and refreshments, including tea and coffee available throughout the day. Educator-led tours and workshop.
  • 6. July's Speaker David Skillen, July's monthly meeting speaker, provided us with a snapshot of the American Civil from a different perspective – that of the women involved in it. From Harriet Beecher Stowe who wrote 'Uncle Tom's Cabin' to an ex-slave who ran the Underground Railway from South to North rescuing other slaves; from a woman who pioneered the idea of military hospitals to those who fought in the war as soldiers, his talk illuminated the courage and fortitude of women caught up in this bloody conflict. A most interesting talk by someone who was absorbed by the history of the Civil War. Latest Group News … Garden Visits at Newby Hall What can I say about the Garden Visits Group outing to Newby Hall and Gardens? It was a treat! We had arranged a private guided tour around the Hall which is stunning and packed with Chippendale furniture, gorgeous ornate ceilings and paintings that have been both commissioned and collected on the travels of previous owners. It has Roman Statues in three rooms that rival even those at Chatsworth House and a collection of Gobelin tapestries made to measure for a room with more Chippendale furniture to match. Stunning and, with two experienced guides so full of knowledge, the tour really was exceptional. Then it was back to the restaurant for lunch before we wandered around the gardens which are beautiful. Standing in front of the Hall, looking down to the double herbaceous border that is only three years old after having been completely redesigned and re-planted was just one of the highlights for me. However, John did like the Zimbawbean Statues on display and for sale and said he would have liked to be the one to polish them too! You had to see them to know what I mean! Then there was the Dolls’ House exhibition and some of Gyles Brandreth’s collection of teddy bears. Some went on the miniature train and, of course, many of us came back with plants from the nursery. Something for everyone, you might say and yet we could not fill the coach! In fact, there were only 24 of us. Such a pity, but for those of us that did go, it was a memorable day out. Karen Troop & Janet Whitlam Page 6 of 14
  • 7. Bridge for Beginners Joan Hufton is reviving this group – full information is on the Mansfield U3A website. If interested, contact Joan on 01623 557488. More details next month. Lunch Club A smaller group than usual went to the Old Reindeer at Edingley for a Carvery lunch on the Thursday July 21st. A pleasant meal was had by the 14 members. The August luncheon will be at the Full Moon at Morton on Thursday August 18th. As there is no meeting in August, please make sure that you book your meal with us by email or phone before then; the menu can be found via the Luncheon page on the website. Colin & Eileen Bell Tai-Chi The Autumn Term will begin on Monday September 5th and will end on Monday December 12th, with a break on October 24th. Subscriptions are due on the first Monday and it is hoped they will remain at £25. Cheques to be made payable to Mansfield and District U3A. Jean Kirk has asked that any members not continuing with the class should inform her as soon as possible. Local History A visit to the National Mining Museum has been arranged for Friday October 7th. The coach leaves the Redfern Coach depot at Mansfield Woodhouse at 9.30am and returns at around 4.00pm. The cost will be £11.50 and must be paid by the September meetings of the Local History and Sci-Tech Groups.If members wish to go underground, they should inform Bob and Sue as soon as possible. Bowls Club A friendly bowls match between the U3A Bowls Group and Mansfield Bowling Club has been arranged for Saturday September 3rd. The start time is 2.00pm at the Mansfield Bowling Club Green on Chesterfield Road, Mansfield. Spectators will be most welcome. Don WrightDDDdfg Riding Group Four lady riders turned out at Kirkfields Riding Centre for a hack around the woods. There was only one casualty - and I was not even riding! Just tripped up twice over my boot laces. The horses were very well behaved, apart from Blue, who thought it was a good opportunity to have a snack. He tried to eat most of the bracken and the odd tree, butAvril McGee soon got the better of him. But what a lovely way to spend an hour in good company (and the ladies were OK as well!). Christine Smith _______________________________________________________________ Key to Meetings details: THIS TABLE SHOWS THE DAY of the month, time and frequency using the first two letters of the day, followed by numbers 1 - 5 to represent the week number. The final letter M (or F, W or V) indicates that the group meets monthly, fortnightly, weekly or at variable intervals. So 'Tu2, 2.30 - V M' would mean a group meeting on the 2nd Tuesday at 2.30pm Monthly but with Variable finish times. All members are invited to contact the relevant Group Leader if they would like to participate in any interest group or attend an event. NB: * indicates a waiting list. Page 7 of 14
  • 8. Interest Group Meetings Meeting Places Leader/Contact Afternoon Teas Sa2, 3 - 5 M Various Sheila Whalley 01623 453908 Next Meetings: TBA Antiques and Collectables * Tu2, 10 – 12.00 M Bridge Street Methodist Church, Mansfield Pat Blackwell 01623 481745 Next Meetings: Sept 13th – Boxes and Tins; Oct 11th – Visit by James Lewis (MTFC) Art We3, 10 – 12.00 M Big Barn Lane Methodist Church, Mansfield Gordon Howlett 01623 627423 Next Meetings: TBA Art Appreciation Mo1, 2.00 - 4.00 M Stanhope Centre Mansfield Pauline Boucher 01623 644798 Next meetings: Sept 5th – Modern Art; Oct 3rd – Members' Favourite Works of Art Beginners' Bridge Mo, F 6.30 - 9.00 Room DR 132 Derby Rd College, Joan Hufton 01623 557488 Next Meetings: Check the Bridge for Beginners page on the Mansfield U3AWebsite for start date Bowls Tu 1.30 – 3.30 W Coaching / Roll-ups at £3.00 per session Mansfield Bowls Club, Chesterfield Road Don Wright/Pat Gunter 01623 628946/626250 Next Meetings: Outdoor Season until Sat. Sept 17th. All welcome; flat soled shoes required Chat and Stitch Mo3, 2.00 - 4.00 M St John's Centre, Mansfield Doreen Storer 01623 407731 Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar. No meeting in August Craft Workshop We4, 2.00 - 4.00 M Ruth Colley's home Ruth Colley 01623 472010 Next meetings: Meetings as per calendar Current Affairs Tu2, 2.00 - 4.00 M St John's Centre, Mansfield Norma Shillinglaw 01623 466934 Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar. No meeting in August Family History Tu4, 10.00 - 12.00 M St John's Centre, Mansfield Max Clarke 01623 621744 Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar Film Studies * We1, 1.30 - V M Joy's home Joy Crowe 01623 645400 Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar Page 8 of 14
  • 9. Garden Visits Various during the Summer Various Janet Whitlam/Karen Troop 01623 635607 Next Visits: Gardening Tu1, 10.00 - 12.00 M St Peter's Centre, Mansfield Avril McGee 01623 452688 Next Meetings: Sept 6th – Transforming Lives and Land, a talk by Jennie Street Golf Last Friday of Month Various Paul Mann 01623 615416 Next Meeting: Aug. 26th – Oakmere Park 9.30 for 10.00 tee-off. History We3, 10.00 - 12.00 M M'field Bowling Club, Chesterfield Road, Mansfield David Drew 01623 555012 Next Meetings: Sept 12th – Visit to Richard III Exhibition, Leicester. Holidays (Home & Abroad) Various TBA Margaret Burlinson 01623 632538 2016 Holidays: Mon. Sept. 26th to Mon. Oct. 3rd – Mallorca* (Margaret Burlinson). Details on website. 2017 Holidays: Jan & Feb – Thoresby Hall. Mon. Jan 9th to Fri. Jan 13th; Mon. Feb 20th to Fri. Feb 24th. Please check Holidays page on website for full details. Horse Riding Fr4, 11.00 M exp. Fr2, 11.00 M beg. Kirkfields Equestrian Centre, Blidworth Christine Smith 07859 249086 Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar. International Dining We2, 6.30 for 7.00 M Various Jacqui Hampshire 01623 239210 Next Meetings: Aug 10th – Lombardi's in Chesterfield. Local History * Fri1, 10.00 - 12.00 M Bridge Street Methodist Church, Mansfield Bob & Sue Longden 01623 486903 Next Meetings: No meeting August; Sept. 2nd – Public Transport by Ian Boucher Luncheon Club Th after 3rd Tu, 12.00 - 2.00 M Various Eileen & Colin Bell 01623 429239 Next Meetings: August 18th – The Full Moon, Morton Movement to Music W 10.30 - 11.30 W St John's Church Hall, Mansfield Linda Leivers 01623 471963 Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar Page 9 of 14
  • 10. Music Group Classical Music 2 Mo4, 2.00 - 4.00 M Members' homes Peter Hart 01623 620940 Next Meetings: No meeting inAugust Music 2 * Mo4, 2.00 - 4.30 M Members' homes Eric Prescott 01623 631160 Next Meeting: Meetings as per calendar Popular Music Appreciation * Tu4, 2.00 - 4.00 M St John's School, Mansfield Peter Haynes 01623 610886 Next Meeting: Meetings as per calendar Pudding Club Tu1, 4.00 - 6.00 M Members' homes Sylvia Slack 01623 633981 Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar: Alternately at Sylvia's and Janet's. Read a Little Aloud Fri2, 2.00 - 4.00 M St Peter's Community Centre, Bellamy Road Sheila Haslam 01623 627764 Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar Reading 1 Th3, 2.00 - 4.00 M Peter Dawson's home Peter Dawson 01623 882191 Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar. Reading 2 Tu3, 2.00 - 4.00 M Ravenshead Library Joan Hufton 01623 557488 Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar Science & Technical Tu1, 2.00 - 4.00 M Stanton Hill Baptist Church, Albert St. Skegby Ian Boucher 01623 644798 Next Meetings: Sept 6th – A Quizzical Look at Science and Technology: Gordon Howlett Scrabble Mo2, 2.00 - 4.00 M Brenda Thurkettle's home Brenda Thurkettle 01623 628136 Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar Tai Chi Mo, 9.30 - 10.30 W St John's Centre, Mansfield Jean Kirk 01623 480207 Next Meetings: Sept 5th – AutumnTerm begins. Theatre Visits Various Various Sheila Whalley 01623 453908 Next Visits: TBA Page 10 of 14
  • 11. Walking Groups Hikers (all-day, 6 - 8 miles) Th1 & Mo3, 9.30 - V 2/M Tesco car park, off Oak Tree Lane, Mansfield Peter Thurkettle 01623 628136 Next Meetings: Mon Aug 15th – Hope & Edale; Thurs Sept 1st – Ashford-in-the-Water; Mon Sept 12th – Foolow, Cresswell Dale, Grindlow Shufflers (short & gentle) Th4, 12.00 - V M Various Sylvia Slack 01623 633981 Next Meetings: Strollers (a leisurely 2 miles) We2, 10.30 - V M Various Barbara Massey / Marion Thornton 01623 628357/ 651528 Next Meetings: Sept 14th – Sherwood Pines. As parking is £4.00, share cars Walkers (an easy 4 - 5 miles) We4, 10.30 - V M Various Joy & Nick Crowe 01623 645400 Next Meetings: Aug 24th – Teversal Village (Vistors' Centre Car Park); Sept – No walk organised, as U3A Mallorca holiday Wine Appreciation 2 * We3, 7.30 - V M Members' homes Mike Allen 01623 653345 Next Meetings: Aug 17th – Portguese Whites at Bob and Sue's; Sept 21st – Wine Society Whites at Ron's Wine Appreciation 3 * Tu4, 7.30 - V M Members' homes Graham Allin 01623 473662 Next Meetings: Aug 23rd – Villa Maria from NZ and UK at Ian and Pauline's; Sept 27th – Rosé at Lynne and Barrie's Wine Appreciation 4 * Th4, 7.30 - V M Members' homes Jane Kockum 01623 407235 Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar Writing for Pleasure Mo2, 2 - 4 M Stanhope Centre, Bridge Street, Mansfield Hilary Miller/Sue Ford 01623 620067/844286 Next Meetings: Meetings as per calendar Harmony (an independent Interest Group) meets every fortnight on Wednesday evenings from 5.45 pm to 7.15 pm at St Alban's Church in Forest Town. Contact Jean Kirk on 01623 480207 or at the monthly meeting to learn more about this singing group of U3AMembers. The new term begins on Wednesday September 7th. The Book Table made £44 in July, making a total for the year of £371 which is a great contribution to funds. Page 11 of 14
  • 12. Latest Group News cont.... Holidays Mallorca Just to remind all travellers to Mallorca about the meeting at The Junction in Sutton on Saturday September 10th starting at 11am promptly. The side door will be open 15 minutes beforehand. Drinks can be bought from the restaurant bar to bring into the meeting if you so wish. We will be discussing airport arrangements & any other issues which may have arisen after reading through your itineraries. A very important matter has just come to light which will also need your attention. You are welcome to stay for a meal after the meeting (the restaurant is to your left as you leave the meeting room). Christmas Away From Home! Five of us have now booked a five-day holiday break between December 23rd-27th in Cheshire at the 4* Hallmark hotel. We would still like three more people to join us, either to share two twin rooms or take three singles (£60 single supplement added on to the £484 price which includes an excursion & pantomime). If we can get those three extra passengers, the private transport cost will be no more than £25. Deposit £60 plus insurance £20 (unless you have your own insurance). Let's give our families a break for once! Ring me on 01623 632538 to talk about this festive break. Margaret Burlinson Thoresby Hall Holiday 2017 I require balance cheques. Assuming everyone has paid £50pp deposit (apart from those I have told), the prices are as stated in the leaflets and on the website. However, the single surcharge is now £10 and not £40. You will receive an email (or phone call for those without emails) to let you know the balance. Please make cheques payable to Mansfield U3A. Anyone wanting to go on the waiting list, please give me a ring. There is no booking charge, you only pay if you come on the holiday and that you could find out about on the Sunday before the holiday starts on the Monday. Contact or 01623 626991. Terry Whitehead Wine Group 2 Wine Group 2 held a most interesting evening in July when the wine to be 'tasted' was new to all of us – Sauvingon Gris. Thought to be an older version of the Sauvignon Blanc grape, Sauvignon Gris has a pinkish hue to its skin and has similar levels of acidity. It does produce fruit with higher sugar levels, which contributes to greater aromatics and a richer and rounder feel to the wine. At one point these wines were highly prized yet due to the ridiculously low yields that the grape produces, it almost became extinct. Nowadays, the grape is found mainly in Australia, New Zealand and Chile, though some French whites use it as a blend. We found the wine softer than the more usual Sauvignon Blanc, but less astringent. In fact, it was most enjoyable. The 'winner' was from NZ (search Amazon for Villa Maria), but another can be bought at Tesco for £6.75 until August 15th (Brancott Estate). Why not try it out this summer? Thanks to John and Margaret Florence for their detective work! Mike Allen Page 12 of 14
  • 13. International Dining Our next venue will be on August 10th at Lombardi's Italian Restaurant in Chesterfield with a 7pm start. Book your menu choice from their website with Jacqui. The sat-nav figures are S41 7LL. September will see us visit once more the Polish restaurant Anya in Sherwood. I will do my best to get the details onto the website! I will be at the monthly meetings to take bookings. Jacqui Hampshire Golf Group Eight local U3A golfers made their way round Ransdale Park's par-3 course on July 29th. It's a very good par-3 indeed, and the second nine is particularly demanding. In the the first group out, Derek Burke and Colin Bell played well, though Mike Allen managed to show how badly one can play!. The second group included 'Captain' Paul Mann and they seemed to manage better. A pleasant social followed in the bar. The August 26th meeting will be at Oakmere again. The first nine holes will be on the Admiral's Course, with a 9.30am meet for a 10.00am tee-off; the second nine will be on the Commander's Course, with the first tee-time at 12.15pm. Play 9 or 18 holes as you wish and the cost will be from £11 to £15. Paul Mann Read a Little Aloud Since the group was started in March, we have enjoyed many interesting readings of extracts from books and poems and magazines – but the best part of the afternoon is the discussion which follows. Each month, I choose items from all kinds of literature – classic, contemporary, and even children’s. Among the latter was a section from ‘The War Horse’ by Michael Morpurgo, and I added an article telling the fascinating story of how he came to write it and eventually – after 20 years – saw it made into a film which has topped all previous box office receipts. All the pieces prompted memories and anecdotes on the themes of ‘Senior Moments’, ‘Shame on Me’ and ‘Love at Christmas’ which gave us food for thought. Sessions on ‘Men were Deceivers Ever’ and ‘The Paths of our Lives’ brought up some funny tales, and we all had plenty to say about the ‘sliding door’ syndrome … the ‘what if … ?' We’d still like a few more to join us. My poor husband is the only male – I swear there’s no pressure on him – and he would like some support. We ladies would also like to have more balance in the group. We only ask that our members are open-minded and friendly. You don’t even have to read aloud if you prefer not to. Our venue on Berry Hill is being refurbished by Tesco, funded by the 5p charged for plastic bags. There's parking, it’s comfortable and we're a really nice lot, so do contact me on 01623 627764 if you are interested. Sheila Haslam Latest Mansfield U3A News … Holidays: The new Holidays Group has begun its work with a meeting attended by quite a number of interested members. Jacqui Hampshire and Christine Smith would welcome more people to help, but already ideas for holidays are coming in. Look out for the September issue of the Newsletter which will give full details about what is planned. Diaries: 65 have been ordered and have arrived. To be distributed at the SeptemberAGM meeting. Page 13 of 14
  • 14. Dates for your diary (Check the website for more information and updates.) August 16th Tuesday: Summer Picnic. In August, in place of the normal meeting, Mansfield U3A meets at the Queen ElizabethAcademy on Chesterfield Road for a Summer Picnic from noon to 3pm. Bring food to share and your own drinks. Outdoor games – indoors if it's wet! August 25th Thursday: U3A National Conference at the East Midlands Conference Centre at Nottingham University. To be attended by MikeAllen (Sec.) & Yvonne Kennison (Treas.) September 19th Monday: U3A East Midlands Region Conference to be held at Eastwood Hall. The programme is on and features talks on the calendar and on weather as well as a speech by the National Chair, Pam Jones. If you wish to go, the cost is £10 and the application form is on the website above. September 20th Tuesday: Mansfield and District U3A AGM. 10.00am in the 1861 Suite at Mansfield Town Football Club. General Meeting first, then theAGM starts at 11.15am. October 11th Tuesday: 'A Morning with James Lewis'. Mansfield U3A Antiques and Collectables group invites you to a talk by the auctioneer and valuer, well-known from his appearances on television. The talk will be held in the meeting-room opposite the 1861 Suite at 10.00am. Cost: £5 incl. tea/coffee. See Pat Blackwell for tickets. ______________________________________________________________________________ Event and Visit Payments MEMBERS are reminded that deposits and payments for events and visits organised by Mansfield U3A and its interest groups are non-refundable, but places so reserved may be offered to others. ______________________________________________________________________________ Online Banking is now available to members to pay their subscriptions online: Sort Code: 60-14-03 Account Number: 40396835 Account name: Mansfield and District U3A REFERENCE: Member's name (for identification) ______________________________________________________________________________ Changes of Address, etc. PLEASE contact the membership secretary, Marilyn Dibble 01623 634805, if you've changed your address, phone number or email since joining Mansfield U3A so that she can update our records. ______________________________________________________________________________ Disclaimer THE VIEWS expressed here are those of the contributors, only, and do not necessarily reflect those of the editor, the committee of Mansfield U3A or the Third Age Trust. Nor can any responsibility be accepted for members' announcements or any errors that may occur. ______________________________________________________________________________ Next Issue PLEASE SEND contributions for the next issue to or by hand to Mike Allen as soon as you can and by the 1st of the month at the latest. Thanks! ______________________________________________________________________________ Editor: Mike Allen 01623 653345 Page 14 of 14