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PAWAN (01411403918) ARCHI Mam
CHETAN (Assistant Professor)
What is Digital
Customer Experience
Management & How
Do We Improve It?
Digital customer experience management is
understanding how people interact with the brand
online. Organizations today must find a way to
create emotional connections with their users on
their mobile devices, let their customers provide
feedback, and respond to those issues.
7 ways to improve the digital customer experience :-
Seven ways to create a great customer experience strategy
to help you improve customer satisfaction, reduce churn and
increase revenues.
1. Create a clear customer experience vision
The first step in your customer experience strategy is to have
a clear customer-focused vision that you can communicate
with your organization. The easiest way to define this vision
is to create a set of statements that act as guiding principles.
For example, Zappos use their core family values and these
values are embedded into their culture; which includes
delivering wow through service, being humble and
embracing change.
2. Understand who your customers are
The next step in building upon these customer experience principles is to bring to life the
different type of customers who deal with your customer support teams. If your organization
is going to really understand customer needs and wants, then they need to be able to connect
and empathize with the situations that your customers face.
3. Create an emotional connection with your customers
Well, the best customer experiences are achieved when a member of your team creates an
emotional connection with a customer.
One of the best examples of creating an emotional connection comes from Zappos
When a customer was late on returning a pair of shoes due to her mother passing away. When
Zappos found out what happened, they took care of the return shipping and had a courier pick
up the shoes without cost. But, Zappos didn’t stop there. The next day, the customer arrived
home to a bouquet of flowers with a note from the Zappos customer service team who sent
their condolences.
4. Capture customer feedback in real time
How can you tell if you are delivering a WOW customer experience?
We need to ask – And ideally you do this by capturing feedback in real time.
Use live chat tools to have real time conversations and when done, send a follow up email to
every customer using post-interaction surveys and similar customer experience tools.
Of course, it’s possible to make outbound calls to customers in order to gain more insightful
5. Use a quality framework for development of your team
By following the steps above, you now know what customers think about the quality of your
service compared to the customer experience principles you have defined. The next step is to
identify the training needs for each individual member of your customer support team.
6. Act upon regular employee feedback
Most organizations have an annual survey process where they capture
the overall feedback of your team; how engaged they are and the
businesses ability to deliver an exceptional service.
7. Measure the ROI from delivering great customer experience
And finally, how do you know if all this investment in your teams,
process and technology are working and paying off.
The answer is in the business results.
Measuring customer experience is one of the biggest challenges faced
by organizations, which is why many companies use the “Net
Promoter Score” or NPS, which collects valuable information by asking
a single straightforward question:
List of the top tools to enhance the customer experience for brand
1) Hotjar
Hotjar lets you visualize the customer's behavior with the help of
a heatmap (or heat map) which is “a graphical representation of data
that showsthe most popular (hot) and unpopular (cold) elements of a
Heatmaps allow you to understand what users want and what they
care about the most. This helps you make appropriate and specific
changes to your website that match the behavior of your target
audience, thereby improving the overall user experience.
Top Features of Hotjar
Hotjar lets you visually understand user behavior with the help of heat
maps, which come in various forms like click heatmaps, scroll
heatmaps, download and share heatmaps
The best way to improve customer experience is to simply to ask your
customers what new features they would like or how you can improve
your product or service for them.
This is where UserVoice can really help. It lets you capture user
feedback in the best possible manner: Users can leave
feedback without the need to create profiles. The easier you make it
for people to leave feedback, the more you will receive and the better
the experience your business can provide for your customers.
Top Features of UserVoice
You can add a feedback portal on your website where customers can
share their thoughts and experience in order to improve the product
or service. The auto-suggest matches any existing feedback and cuts
down on duplicates.
Your website link represents one of the first interactions that
people have with your business. Have you ever thought of
branding your links? Well, if you haven’t, then the time is
ripe to do so because people love interacting with brands
that have custom URLs representing their business.
Rebrandly is a link management platform that lets you
brand, track and share short URLs with a custom domain
Top Features of Rebrandly
You can increase brand visibility and trust factor by putting
the name of your business on every link you share.
You can collect and manage several domain names
representing your brand using a single dashboard.
4) Zipline
If you are a retail store owner then this is a tool you definitely
want to have in your arsenal. Zipline is used by some of the
world’s renowned retail brands like Lego, BevMo and Casper.
The tool lets you streamline communication and task
management in order to create a seamless customer journey.
Top Features of Zipline
•The tool enables each and every member of your team to get
a personalized digest of what’s new and what’s due. This
keeps them informed and also helps them stay ahead of their
5) ReviewTrackers
Nowadays, every business needs to maintain positive online
reviews because consumers prefer to research before they
buy any product. ReviewTrackers lets you monitor reviews
and build a reputation that people can trust and act upon.
Top Features of Review Trackers
The tool enables you to centralize all your reviews from all
locations into one dashboard. This helps you analyze
negative reviews and take prompt action on them.
ReviewTrackers automatically sends emails whenever your
business receives a negative review.
The ReviewTrackers reporting suite presents comprehensive
reporting so that you always remain on top of your strategy
6) Qualtrics
Qualtrics (which was recently acquired by SAP) offers to manage four
core experiences that play the biggest role in customer experience
management: customer, product, employee and brand. When your
business is able to manage these four aspects of customer experience
with just a single software, it definitely helps to improve your bottom
Top Features of Qualtrics
The customer experience model helps you turn customers into
fanatics. You can start a conversation with your customer using email,
SMS, mobile app or any other medium where the customer is present.
The IQ directory lets you monitor and optimize the experience of each
and every customer at every part of the customer journey.
The predictive analytics feature lets you predict the next action of
your customer so that you remain prepared
7) Honestly
Honestly lets you boost the customer experience
with omni-channel feedback. With the help of
surveys, feedback channels and impressive
reporting, the tool empowers you to create and
retain more customers, which leads to improved ROI.
Top Features of Honestly
You can obtain all your customer feedback in one
dashboard and filter the data by location. The
dashboard also lets you see CSAT, NPS or any other
customer metrics.
- The company provides feedback terminals right at the point of experience. This helps
customers share their feedback in real time.
- Customer can also collect customer feedback using Honestly survey tablets for complete
Why This Tool Is Useful
- Both customer feedback and employee feedback are important if you want to improve the
overall customer experience. Honestly helps you to acquire customer feedback from their
point of experience using floor terminals and survey tablets, as well as collect employee
feedback using custom surveys.
8) PipelineDeals
PipelineDeals is a CRM software that is easy to set
up and use. You definitely need a tool that helps you
manage your overall account and provide full details
pre and post sales. PipelineDeals lets you manage
pipeline, leads and your entire sales team so that
you can convert more customers.
Top Features of PipelineDeals
The software lets you visualize your entire sales
process and provides all the tools you need to
manage and develop customer relationships.
1. Set your purpose and goals
• Purpose of your website
• Number of visitors expected
• Set measurable and specific goals
2. Create a budget
• Funds for web design, programming, web
hosting etc.
• Research the market and consult
3. Assign roles
• Web developer
• Content writer and/or editor
• HTML/CSS professional
• Web and graphic designer
4. Create a content strategy
What kind of content we will be displaying on our
website? Content is basically anything that gives
our visitors information. It can include, but is not
limited to:
• Blog posts
• Documents
• Video
• Pictures (such as in a gallery)
• Slideshows
5. Structure your website
• Decide what pages we will be using and what
features will be on each one.
• Most websites have an About and Contact
page, but the pages we use should meet your
business’ needs.
6. Create a mock-up
• A page mock-up, also know as a wireframe, is
essentially the outline of our website. Usually
created in Photoshop or Fireworks, you don’t
have to put too much detail into your mock-
up. This is just to give everyone an idea of
what the website will look like.
• If you don’t have a design program, we can
also map it out with pen and paper.
7. Start designing
• Make your navigation easy to understand and
easy to find.
• Use an easy-to-read font for blocks of text.
Choose a background color and text color that
contrast well.
• Keep your website light so that it loads
• Make the company logo and tag line
prominent on the page.
8. Test it out
• Testing is important for getting bugs out and
catching details that you might have missed
• We want our site to have a consistent
appearance no matter what screen it shows
up on.
• Make sure all of the links work and that the
images are properly sized.
9. Launch
• When everything has been thoroughly tested, and
we are happy with the site, it’s time to launch.
• Don’t expect this to go perfectly. There may be still
some elements that need fixing. Web design is a
fluid and ongoing process that requires constant
• The beauty of the web is that it’s never finished.
Once the site goes live, you can continually run user
testing on new content and features, monitor
analytics, and refine your messaging.
User requirements
User requirements: Understanding
your users’ characteristics
• Understanding your users can help you design the product to
meet their needs.
• Example :- web site should be easy to use.
• Every thing is arranged in order.
• Relevant information
• Email
• Contact
• Customer support system
The following is a list of some of the characteristics you might want to
know about each user segment. When you want to make a website or
application .
– Age
– Gender
– Educational background
– Language and culture
– Computing skills
– Domain-related knowledge and skills (e.g.,
accounting knowledge for an accounting
• Additionally, you may also give some thought to the context
in which your users will use your product:
• Physical environment: (e.g., home, office, factory, vehicle,
Eg. Matrices ;gif;
• Social environment :(position within organization,
relationship to other groups, political and interpersonal
factors, degree of freedom, influence in decision-making,
(360 view of product. Short video related to product /
unboxing video etc)
Physical environment
Methods for gathering user requirements
• There are numerous methods for gathering user requirements
and depending on the scale and context of your development
project it can be beneficial to use a combination of several of
1. Survey
2. Diary study
3. Focus Group
4. User stories
Diary studies is a research method that collects qualitative information by
having participants record entries about their everyday lives in a log, diary or
journal about the activity or experience being studied.
It understand long term user experience and behavior.
Focus group
The Four Elements of User Experience
In order to ensure users will engage with your app or mobile
website it’s important to understand what they will find helpful
and easy to use. Frank Guo discusses.
Its depend upon the games
and application
site user
Site design
and structure
and testing
Service quality
• Drawing from the information gathered up to this point, it’s time to
determine the look and feel of your site.
• Target audience is one of the key factors taken into consideration. A site
aimed at teenagers, for example, will look much different than one meant
for a financial institution.
• As part of the design phase, it is also important to incorporate elements
such as the company logo or colors to help strengthen the identity of your
company on the web site.
• Your web designer will create one or more prototype designs for your
web site. This is typically a .jpg image of what the final design will look
like. Often times you will be sent an email with the mock-ups for your
web site, while other designers take it a step further by giving you access
to a secure area of their web site meant for customers to view work in
• Either way, your designer should allow you to view your project
throughout the design and development stages. The most important
reason for this is that it gives you the opportunity to express your likes
and dislikes on the site design.
• In this phase, communication between both you and your designer is
crucial to ensure that the final web site will match your needs and taste. It
is important that you work closely with your designer, exchanging ideas,
until you arrive at the final design for your web site.
Page Structure and Site Design. ... What creates the illusion of
continuity across a cohesive “site” is the design features
that pages share. Individual html pages and how they are
designed and linked are the atomic unit of web sites, and
everything that characterizes site structure must appear in
the page templates.
• Structure your website: pages; features on each page.
• Create a mock-up: A page mock-up, also know as a wireframe, is essentially
the outline of your website. Usually created in Photoshop or Fireworks, you
don’t have to put too much detail into your mock-up. Use placeholder text
to fill pages, and don’t worry about details. This is just to give everyone an
idea of what the website will look like. If you don’t have a design program,
you can also map it out with pen and paper! When you have a general feel
of what you’d like, you can send it to a designer to create or do so yourself.
• Start designing: The importance of good web design can’t be stressed
enough. Good website design includes both usability and aesthetics. An
ugly website will drive away visitors, as will a website that’s difficult to
navigate. Keep in mind some basic concepts of usability as you go:
• Make your navigation easy to
understand and easy to find.
Research shows that most
users expect website
navigation to be vertical and
centred at the top of the page.
• Use an easy-to-read font for
blocks of text. Choose a
background color and text
color that contrast well (Hint:
No red text on a hot pink
• Make sure your site fits the
screen. Use responsive
design (or an equally effective
approach) to make your
website one that adapts to all
screen sizes.
• Keep your website light so that
it loads quickly.
• Make the company logo and
tag line prominent on the
• Keep styles and colors
consistent across the website.
• Make copy clear and concise,
and put important information
and features (e.g., your
newsletter sign-up form) above
the fold.
• Make notes about what to
include in the style sheet as you
design, as you want to keep style
and function separate. This is
important, not only to comply
with web standards, but to make
it easier to change something in
the future if you need to.
• You should also design with the
future in mind. For instance,
your website may only have a
few blog posts now, but what
about when you have two
5 Different Structures of Web Page
A Web page's structural elements are the basic parts that Internet users often
expect to see when they visit a website. Understanding the location and
purpose of the main structures can help you relay information about your
small business and products or services in ways that attract visitors and retain
their interest
1. Page Header
• The header is the area that runs horizontally across the top of
a page and is commonly the same on most every page in the
site. It helps make a website visually identifiable to visitors.
Similar to a letter heading or letterhead at the top of
stationery, the page header displays information about the
person or company controlling the website via title text, logo,
background images, tagline or a combination of these
elements. Other elements often placed in the header include a
site-search box, shopping cart link, site-access link and
navigation tools.
2. Navigation Tools
• Web-page navigation tools are located in several areas
outside of the header including the right or left sides,
center or bottom of the page. They offer page-to-page
navigation or instant jump to the top of the current
page. Designs feature text- or image-based one-click
links organized standalone or in tab, drop-down or
pop-up menu and list layouts. Some sites also feature
breadcrumb trails -- links to every page you would visit
to reach the current page organized left-to-right on a
horizontal line in the header or top center of the page
in the order of your movement through the site, if you
were to follow the site's organizational hierarchy.
3. Sidebar Columns
• Sidebar columns, also known as sidebars, run
vertically along the left or right side of Web
pages. They usually provide primary or secondary
site-navigation links and information you want to
emphasize such as contact details or important
updates about the site operator or the topic of
the site. Other elements often placed in sidebars
include personal or partner advertising, a site
search box and search filter tools. Sidebars
usually display information as an unbroken
column or a column divided into sections or
4. Primary Content
• The primary content area on a page is traditionally
located to the left or right of a sidebar or between two
sidebars. It provides main page information you want a
visitor to focus on. The primary content area features a
main title and content formatted into concise text
paragraphs, images, videos or combination elements
divided by spaces or subheadings. It also often features
elements previously mentioned such as a breadcrumb
trail and jump navigation links, as well as update
information such as content publication or update
dates and links to websites relevant to the content or
that you think would interest visitors.
5. Page Footer
• The footer runs horizontally across the bottom of
pages. It provides navigation links visitors might
find useful, as well as details about a page or
website such as a logo, copyright date, website
operator’s name, page author name, legal
statements and links to the site terms of use and
privacy policies. Other elements often placed in
the footer include links to the site operator’s
contact page or email address, job postings page,
feedback-form page, support page and frequently
asked questions page.
Developing And Testing Content
• SERVICE- Ability to provide a level of care to
customers which meets or exceeds their
expectation. It involves their needs and wants.
• QUALITY- The processes by which the product and
services are made or offered throughout and
organization, in order to improve the products and
service which are sold to customers.
• SERVICE QUALITY- Customer’s judgement of overall
experience of the service provided in relation to the
quality that was expected.
• Service Quality is the difference between
performance and expectations.
• To meet assessed needs.
• To concentrate on service users.
• To work for the complete dignity & wellbeing
of service users.
• To ensure that we are fit to provide service.
• To provide highest quality comprehensive
service to all customers.

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  • 3. What is Digital Customer Experience Management & How Do We Improve It?
  • 4. Digital customer experience management is understanding how people interact with the brand online. Organizations today must find a way to create emotional connections with their users on their mobile devices, let their customers provide feedback, and respond to those issues.
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  • 9. 7 ways to improve the digital customer experience :- Seven ways to create a great customer experience strategy to help you improve customer satisfaction, reduce churn and increase revenues. 1. Create a clear customer experience vision The first step in your customer experience strategy is to have a clear customer-focused vision that you can communicate with your organization. The easiest way to define this vision is to create a set of statements that act as guiding principles. For example, Zappos use their core family values and these values are embedded into their culture; which includes delivering wow through service, being humble and embracing change.
  • 10. 2. Understand who your customers are The next step in building upon these customer experience principles is to bring to life the different type of customers who deal with your customer support teams. If your organization is going to really understand customer needs and wants, then they need to be able to connect and empathize with the situations that your customers face. 3. Create an emotional connection with your customers Well, the best customer experiences are achieved when a member of your team creates an emotional connection with a customer. One of the best examples of creating an emotional connection comes from Zappos When a customer was late on returning a pair of shoes due to her mother passing away. When Zappos found out what happened, they took care of the return shipping and had a courier pick up the shoes without cost. But, Zappos didn’t stop there. The next day, the customer arrived home to a bouquet of flowers with a note from the Zappos customer service team who sent their condolences.
  • 11. 4. Capture customer feedback in real time How can you tell if you are delivering a WOW customer experience? We need to ask – And ideally you do this by capturing feedback in real time. Use live chat tools to have real time conversations and when done, send a follow up email to every customer using post-interaction surveys and similar customer experience tools. Of course, it’s possible to make outbound calls to customers in order to gain more insightful feedback. 5. Use a quality framework for development of your team By following the steps above, you now know what customers think about the quality of your service compared to the customer experience principles you have defined. The next step is to identify the training needs for each individual member of your customer support team.
  • 12. 6. Act upon regular employee feedback Most organizations have an annual survey process where they capture the overall feedback of your team; how engaged they are and the businesses ability to deliver an exceptional service. 7. Measure the ROI from delivering great customer experience And finally, how do you know if all this investment in your teams, process and technology are working and paying off. The answer is in the business results. Measuring customer experience is one of the biggest challenges faced by organizations, which is why many companies use the “Net Promoter Score” or NPS, which collects valuable information by asking a single straightforward question:
  • 13. List of the top tools to enhance the customer experience for brand 1) Hotjar Hotjar lets you visualize the customer's behavior with the help of a heatmap (or heat map) which is “a graphical representation of data that showsthe most popular (hot) and unpopular (cold) elements of a webpage.” Heatmaps allow you to understand what users want and what they care about the most. This helps you make appropriate and specific changes to your website that match the behavior of your target audience, thereby improving the overall user experience. Top Features of Hotjar Hotjar lets you visually understand user behavior with the help of heat maps, which come in various forms like click heatmaps, scroll heatmaps, download and share heatmaps
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  • 15. UserVoice The best way to improve customer experience is to simply to ask your customers what new features they would like or how you can improve your product or service for them. This is where UserVoice can really help. It lets you capture user feedback in the best possible manner: Users can leave feedback without the need to create profiles. The easier you make it for people to leave feedback, the more you will receive and the better the experience your business can provide for your customers. Top Features of UserVoice You can add a feedback portal on your website where customers can share their thoughts and experience in order to improve the product or service. The auto-suggest matches any existing feedback and cuts down on duplicates.
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  • 17. Rebrandly Your website link represents one of the first interactions that people have with your business. Have you ever thought of branding your links? Well, if you haven’t, then the time is ripe to do so because people love interacting with brands that have custom URLs representing their business. Rebrandly is a link management platform that lets you brand, track and share short URLs with a custom domain name. Top Features of Rebrandly You can increase brand visibility and trust factor by putting the name of your business on every link you share. You can collect and manage several domain names representing your brand using a single dashboard.
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  • 19. 4) Zipline If you are a retail store owner then this is a tool you definitely want to have in your arsenal. Zipline is used by some of the world’s renowned retail brands like Lego, BevMo and Casper. The tool lets you streamline communication and task management in order to create a seamless customer journey. Top Features of Zipline •The tool enables each and every member of your team to get a personalized digest of what’s new and what’s due. This keeps them informed and also helps them stay ahead of their tasks.
  • 20. 5) ReviewTrackers Nowadays, every business needs to maintain positive online reviews because consumers prefer to research before they buy any product. ReviewTrackers lets you monitor reviews and build a reputation that people can trust and act upon. Top Features of Review Trackers The tool enables you to centralize all your reviews from all locations into one dashboard. This helps you analyze negative reviews and take prompt action on them. ReviewTrackers automatically sends emails whenever your business receives a negative review. The ReviewTrackers reporting suite presents comprehensive reporting so that you always remain on top of your strategy
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  • 22. 6) Qualtrics Qualtrics (which was recently acquired by SAP) offers to manage four core experiences that play the biggest role in customer experience management: customer, product, employee and brand. When your business is able to manage these four aspects of customer experience with just a single software, it definitely helps to improve your bottom line. Top Features of Qualtrics The customer experience model helps you turn customers into fanatics. You can start a conversation with your customer using email, SMS, mobile app or any other medium where the customer is present. The IQ directory lets you monitor and optimize the experience of each and every customer at every part of the customer journey. The predictive analytics feature lets you predict the next action of your customer so that you remain prepared
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  • 24. 7) Honestly Honestly lets you boost the customer experience with omni-channel feedback. With the help of surveys, feedback channels and impressive reporting, the tool empowers you to create and retain more customers, which leads to improved ROI. Top Features of Honestly You can obtain all your customer feedback in one dashboard and filter the data by location. The dashboard also lets you see CSAT, NPS or any other customer metrics.
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  • 27. - The company provides feedback terminals right at the point of experience. This helps customers share their feedback in real time. - Customer can also collect customer feedback using Honestly survey tablets for complete flexibility. Why This Tool Is Useful - Both customer feedback and employee feedback are important if you want to improve the overall customer experience. Honestly helps you to acquire customer feedback from their point of experience using floor terminals and survey tablets, as well as collect employee feedback using custom surveys.
  • 28. 8) PipelineDeals PipelineDeals is a CRM software that is easy to set up and use. You definitely need a tool that helps you manage your overall account and provide full details pre and post sales. PipelineDeals lets you manage pipeline, leads and your entire sales team so that you can convert more customers. Top Features of PipelineDeals The software lets you visualize your entire sales process and provides all the tools you need to manage and develop customer relationships.
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  • 31. 1. Set your purpose and goals • Purpose of your website • Number of visitors expected • Set measurable and specific goals
  • 32. 2. Create a budget • Funds for web design, programming, web hosting etc. • Research the market and consult professionals.
  • 33. 3. Assign roles • Web developer • Content writer and/or editor • HTML/CSS professional • Web and graphic designer
  • 34. 4. Create a content strategy What kind of content we will be displaying on our website? Content is basically anything that gives our visitors information. It can include, but is not limited to: • Blog posts • Documents • Video • Pictures (such as in a gallery) • Slideshows
  • 35. 5. Structure your website • Decide what pages we will be using and what features will be on each one. • Most websites have an About and Contact page, but the pages we use should meet your business’ needs.
  • 36. 6. Create a mock-up • A page mock-up, also know as a wireframe, is essentially the outline of our website. Usually created in Photoshop or Fireworks, you don’t have to put too much detail into your mock- up. This is just to give everyone an idea of what the website will look like. • If you don’t have a design program, we can also map it out with pen and paper.
  • 37. 7. Start designing • Make your navigation easy to understand and easy to find. • Use an easy-to-read font for blocks of text. Choose a background color and text color that contrast well. • Keep your website light so that it loads quickly. • Make the company logo and tag line prominent on the page.
  • 38. 8. Test it out • Testing is important for getting bugs out and catching details that you might have missed initially. • We want our site to have a consistent appearance no matter what screen it shows up on. • Make sure all of the links work and that the images are properly sized.
  • 39. 9. Launch • When everything has been thoroughly tested, and we are happy with the site, it’s time to launch. • Don’t expect this to go perfectly. There may be still some elements that need fixing. Web design is a fluid and ongoing process that requires constant maintenance. • The beauty of the web is that it’s never finished. Once the site goes live, you can continually run user testing on new content and features, monitor analytics, and refine your messaging.
  • 41. User requirements: Understanding your users’ characteristics • Understanding your users can help you design the product to meet their needs. • Example :- web site should be easy to use. • Every thing is arranged in order. • Relevant information • Email • Contact • Customer support system
  • 43. The following is a list of some of the characteristics you might want to know about each user segment. When you want to make a website or application . – Age – Gender – Educational background – Language and culture – Computing skills – Domain-related knowledge and skills (e.g., accounting knowledge for an accounting application)
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  • 45. • Additionally, you may also give some thought to the context in which your users will use your product: • Physical environment: (e.g., home, office, factory, vehicle, etc.) Eg. Matrices ;gif; • Social environment :(position within organization, relationship to other groups, political and interpersonal factors, degree of freedom, influence in decision-making, etc. (360 view of product. Short video related to product / unboxing video etc)
  • 47. Methods for gathering user requirements • There are numerous methods for gathering user requirements and depending on the scale and context of your development project it can be beneficial to use a combination of several of them. 1. Survey 2. Diary study 3. Focus Group 4. User stories
  • 49. Diary studies is a research method that collects qualitative information by having participants record entries about their everyday lives in a log, diary or journal about the activity or experience being studied. It understand long term user experience and behavior.
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  • 52. The Four Elements of User Experience In order to ensure users will engage with your app or mobile website it’s important to understand what they will find helpful and easy to use. Frank Guo discusses. Its depend upon the games and application
  • 54. BASIC STEPS TO MANAGE ONLINE CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE Planning website design Understanding site user requirement Site design and structure Developing and testing content Service quality
  • 55. • Drawing from the information gathered up to this point, it’s time to determine the look and feel of your site. • Target audience is one of the key factors taken into consideration. A site aimed at teenagers, for example, will look much different than one meant for a financial institution. • As part of the design phase, it is also important to incorporate elements such as the company logo or colors to help strengthen the identity of your company on the web site. • Your web designer will create one or more prototype designs for your web site. This is typically a .jpg image of what the final design will look like. Often times you will be sent an email with the mock-ups for your web site, while other designers take it a step further by giving you access to a secure area of their web site meant for customers to view work in progress. • Either way, your designer should allow you to view your project throughout the design and development stages. The most important reason for this is that it gives you the opportunity to express your likes and dislikes on the site design. • In this phase, communication between both you and your designer is crucial to ensure that the final web site will match your needs and taste. It is important that you work closely with your designer, exchanging ideas, until you arrive at the final design for your web site.
  • 56. Page Structure and Site Design. ... What creates the illusion of continuity across a cohesive “site” is the design features that pages share. Individual html pages and how they are designed and linked are the atomic unit of web sites, and everything that characterizes site structure must appear in the page templates. • Structure your website: pages; features on each page. • Create a mock-up: A page mock-up, also know as a wireframe, is essentially the outline of your website. Usually created in Photoshop or Fireworks, you don’t have to put too much detail into your mock-up. Use placeholder text to fill pages, and don’t worry about details. This is just to give everyone an idea of what the website will look like. If you don’t have a design program, you can also map it out with pen and paper! When you have a general feel of what you’d like, you can send it to a designer to create or do so yourself. • Start designing: The importance of good web design can’t be stressed enough. Good website design includes both usability and aesthetics. An ugly website will drive away visitors, as will a website that’s difficult to navigate. Keep in mind some basic concepts of usability as you go:
  • 57. • Make your navigation easy to understand and easy to find. Research shows that most users expect website navigation to be vertical and centred at the top of the page. • Use an easy-to-read font for blocks of text. Choose a background color and text color that contrast well (Hint: No red text on a hot pink background). • Make sure your site fits the screen. Use responsive design (or an equally effective approach) to make your website one that adapts to all screen sizes. • Keep your website light so that it loads quickly. • Make the company logo and tag line prominent on the page. • Keep styles and colors consistent across the website. • Make copy clear and concise, and put important information and features (e.g., your newsletter sign-up form) above the fold. • Make notes about what to include in the style sheet as you design, as you want to keep style and function separate. This is important, not only to comply with web standards, but to make it easier to change something in the future if you need to. • You should also design with the future in mind. For instance, your website may only have a few blog posts now, but what about when you have two hundred?
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  • 60. 5 Different Structures of Web Page Design
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  • 62. A Web page's structural elements are the basic parts that Internet users often expect to see when they visit a website. Understanding the location and purpose of the main structures can help you relay information about your small business and products or services in ways that attract visitors and retain their interest 1. Page Header • The header is the area that runs horizontally across the top of a page and is commonly the same on most every page in the site. It helps make a website visually identifiable to visitors. Similar to a letter heading or letterhead at the top of stationery, the page header displays information about the person or company controlling the website via title text, logo, background images, tagline or a combination of these elements. Other elements often placed in the header include a site-search box, shopping cart link, site-access link and navigation tools.
  • 63. 2. Navigation Tools • Web-page navigation tools are located in several areas outside of the header including the right or left sides, center or bottom of the page. They offer page-to-page navigation or instant jump to the top of the current page. Designs feature text- or image-based one-click links organized standalone or in tab, drop-down or pop-up menu and list layouts. Some sites also feature breadcrumb trails -- links to every page you would visit to reach the current page organized left-to-right on a horizontal line in the header or top center of the page in the order of your movement through the site, if you were to follow the site's organizational hierarchy.
  • 64. 3. Sidebar Columns • Sidebar columns, also known as sidebars, run vertically along the left or right side of Web pages. They usually provide primary or secondary site-navigation links and information you want to emphasize such as contact details or important updates about the site operator or the topic of the site. Other elements often placed in sidebars include personal or partner advertising, a site search box and search filter tools. Sidebars usually display information as an unbroken column or a column divided into sections or boxes.
  • 65. 4. Primary Content • The primary content area on a page is traditionally located to the left or right of a sidebar or between two sidebars. It provides main page information you want a visitor to focus on. The primary content area features a main title and content formatted into concise text paragraphs, images, videos or combination elements divided by spaces or subheadings. It also often features elements previously mentioned such as a breadcrumb trail and jump navigation links, as well as update information such as content publication or update dates and links to websites relevant to the content or that you think would interest visitors.
  • 66. 5. Page Footer • The footer runs horizontally across the bottom of pages. It provides navigation links visitors might find useful, as well as details about a page or website such as a logo, copyright date, website operator’s name, page author name, legal statements and links to the site terms of use and privacy policies. Other elements often placed in the footer include links to the site operator’s contact page or email address, job postings page, feedback-form page, support page and frequently asked questions page.
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  • 88. SERVICE QUALITY • SERVICE- Ability to provide a level of care to customers which meets or exceeds their expectation. It involves their needs and wants. • QUALITY- The processes by which the product and services are made or offered throughout and organization, in order to improve the products and service which are sold to customers. • SERVICE QUALITY- Customer’s judgement of overall experience of the service provided in relation to the quality that was expected. • Service Quality is the difference between performance and expectations.
  • 89. OBJECTIVES OF SERVICE QUALITY • To meet assessed needs. • To concentrate on service users. • To work for the complete dignity & wellbeing of service users. • To ensure that we are fit to provide service. • To provide highest quality comprehensive service to all customers.
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