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Discuss the types of semiconductor memories:
Semiconductor memory technology is an essential element of today's electronics. Normally based
around semiconductor technology, memory is used in any equipment that uses a processor of one
form or another.
Types of semiconductor memory
Electronic semiconductor memory technology can be split into two main types or categories,
according to the way in which the memory operates:
 RAM - Random Access Memory:
As the names suggest, the RAM or random access memory is a form of semiconductor memory
technology that is used for reading and writing data in any order as required. It is used for such
applications as the computer or processor memory where variables and other stored and are
required on a random basis. Data is stored and read many times to and from this type of memory.
 ROM - Read Only Memory:
A ROM is a form of semiconductor memory technology used where the data is written once and
then not changed. In view of this it is used where data needs to be stored permanently, even when
the power is removed - many memory technologies lose the data once the power is removed.
Do you think that information appliances like PDAS will replace Personnel
Computers in business application? Explain
No I don’t think that the PDA will replace the PC in business application today, but I do think they
will assist them well and maybe replace them in a couple of years. The main reason I don’t think that
PDA will completely overtake computers in business applications today is because computers have
very large storage capacities and can hold a lot of big documents and papers. Most PDAS don’t have
a large enough storage capacity to hold the need documents of a company or individual.
What Trends Are Occurring in The Development and Use of the Major Type
Computer System?
The computer system is a complete working computer. A computer is a system of information
processing components that perform input, processing, output, storage, and control functions. It’s
hardware components include input and output devices, a central processing unit (CPU), and
primary and secondary storage devices. Every computer system requires operating system to
function. Each computer connected to the system can operate independently, but has the ability to
communicate with other external devices and computers. Every computer system consists of input,
processing and output functions.
There are several major categories of computer systems with a variety of characteristics and
capabilities. Thus, Computer systems are typically classified as:
Mainframe Computers:
Mainframe computers (colloquially referred to as "big iron") are computers used primarily by large
organizations for critical applications, bulk data processing, such as census, industry and consumer
statistics, enterprise resource planning, and transaction processing.
Midrange Computers:
A midrange computer system features computers that have more processing power than personal
computers but are less powerful than mainframe models. These types of systems involve a broad
range of memory capacity, processing power and applications for business or scientific use.
A microcomputer is a computer with a central processing unit (CPU) as a microprocessor. Designed
for individual use, a microcomputer is smaller than a mainframe or a minicomputer. The term
microcomputer is not as commonly used as it was during the 1970s-1980s. We now refer to
microcomputers as, simply, computers, or personal computers (PC).
Discuss the categories of system software:
The System Software are divided into 3 types, They are :
1. Operating System Software (O.S):
An Operating System is a program designed to run other programs on a computer. A computer's
operating system is its most important program. It is considered as the backbone of
computer managing both software and hardware device. Operating systems are responsible for
each and everything from the control and allocation of memory to input from external devices and
output to computer display.
An operating system also plays a vital role in security. Its job includes preventing unauthorized user
from accessing the computer system
There various types of operating system are -
 General Purpose O.S
 Special Purpose O.S
 Batch Processing O.S
 Single Use O.S
 Multi-User O.S
 Multi-Programming O.S
 Multi-Processing O.S
 Multi-Threading O.S
 Real Time O.S
 Embedded O.S
2. Language Translator:
It is another system software which convert the high level language to machine level language for the
purpose of machine understanding.
The Machine can only understand the machine level language or binary language 0's & 1's. The
language translator rectifies the errors within the program through different ways.
There are 3 types of language translator, they are as follows:
 Compiler
 Interpreter
 Assembler
3. Utility Software:
Utility Software is a kind of system software designed to help, analyses, configure, optimize and
maintain the computer. A single piece of utility software is usually called a utility or tool.
If we are having any problem related to system, then we can solve it through utility software.
For example – Antivirus Utility scan for computer virus. Memory tester checks for memory failure etc.
The following are the activities those are coming under the utility software are -
 Formatting.
 Back-Up Recovery.
 Disk Defragmenter.
 Registry Cleaners.
 Disk Partitions. Etc.
How do the different roles of system software and application software affect you
as a business end user? How do you see this changing in the future?
The system software acts as an interface between the computer hardware and the application
software. The end user will interact mainly with application software. In the future this type of
interface will become even easier to use as it moves towards natural interfaces.
Major trends that have been developing in software are towards easy-to-use features, general-purpose
application packages and toward natural languages. Expect powerful, multi-purpose, expert-assisted
software packages with natural language and graphics-based user interfaces have fast become the
norm. Future software packages will no doubt incorporate more voice activated features than we have
previously seen. General purpose software packages will probably not incorporate many new features;
however, the software industry will continue to strive towards ensuring that their new releases are
better written, and easier to use.
Design the categories of Application software:
 Application software consists of programs designed to make users more productive and/or
assist them with personal tasks.
 Application software has a variety of uses:
1. To make business activities more efficient
2. To assist with graphics and multimedia projects
3. To support home, personal, and educational
4. To facilitate communications
 Word Processing Software:
This software enables the users to create and edit documents. MS-Word, WordPad, Notepad and some
other text editors.
 Spreadsheet Software:
Spreadsheet software allows users to perform calculations. They simulate paper worksheets by
displaying multiple cells that make up a grid. Excel, Lotus 1-2-3 and Apple Numbers.
 Presentation Software:
The software that is used to display information in the form of a slide show is known as presentation
software. (Power Point)
 Database Software:
Database software allows the users to store and retrieve data from databases. Oracle, MS Access, etc.
 Multimedia Software:
They allow the users to create and play audio and video media. They are capable of playing media files.
Real Player and Media Player.
 Packaged software is mass-produced, copyrighted retail software that meets the needs
of a wide variety of users, not just a single user or company. Packaged software is available in
retail stores or on the Web.
 Custom software performs functions specific
to a business or industry. Sometimes a company cannot find packaged software that meets its
unique requirements.
 A Web application is a Web site that allows users to access and interact with software from
any computer or device that is connected to the Internet. Many Web sites provide free
access to their programs; some charge a fee.
 Open source software is software provided for use, modification, and redistribution.
This software has no restrictions from the copyright holder regarding modification of
the software’s internal instructions and its redistribution.
Why is an operating system necessary? That is, why can’t an end user just load an
application program into a computer and start computing?
An operating system is an integrated system of programs that manages the operations of the CPU,
controls the input/output and storage resources and activities of the computer system, and provides
various support services as the computer executes the application programs of users. An operating
system maximizes the productivity of a computer system by operating it in the most efficient manner.
The operating system has to be loaded and activated before you perform common operations such as
accessing a network, entering data, saving and retrieving files and printing or displaying output.
The five basic functions of the operating system are: providing a user interface, resource management,
task management, file management, and utilities and support services. The user interface is what
allows you to communicate with the operating system so that you can load programs, access files, etc.
Most of the computers we use today use the graphical user interface which uses icons, bars, buttons,
boxes, and other images to initiate a command and also uses mouse and keypads to make selections.
The operating system is extremely important because it serves as the communication device between
end users and the hardware of computers. The Operating system receives the user requests and then
takes appropriate action on it. In addition, an end user can’t tap into the computers resources without
an operating system. A user doesn’t need to know how the scanner works, they just need to send the
request through the computer and the operating system will do the rest.
What is an operating system (OS)? What are its main function?
The operating system is the most important program that is on a computer. The operating system
basically runs the computer and allows other programs to run as well. The operating system does all
the basic things that a computer needs to do, such as recognizing inputs from the mouse or the
keyboard. It keeps track of where all the files are on the computer. It allocates resources to the various
programs that are running and it prevents unauthorized access to the computer.
The most popular operating system today is Microsoft's Windows operating system. Macintosh
computers have their own operating system, the most recent of which is called Mac OS X. There are
also open source operating systems such as Linux.
 Operating System as a Resource Manager
Operating System Also Known as the Resource Manager Means Operating System will Manages all the
Resources those are Attached to the System means all the Resource like Memory and Processor and all
the Input output Devices those are Attached to the System are Known as the Resources of
the Computer System and the Operating system will Manage all the Resources of the System. The
Operating System will identify at which Time the CPU will perform which Operation and in which Time
the Memory is used by which Programs. And which Input Device will respond to which Request of the
user means When the Input and Output Devices are used by the which Programs. So this will manage
all the Resources those are attached to the Computer System.
 Storage management:
Operating System also Controls the all the Storage Operations means how the data or files will be
Stored into the computers and how the Files will be Accessed by the users etc. All the Operations those
are Responsible for Storing and Accessing the Files is determined by the Operating System Operating
System Also Allows Us Creation of Files, Creation of Directories and Reading and Writing the data of
Files and Directories and also Copy the contents of the Files and the Directories from One Place to
Another Place.
 Process management:
The Operating System Also Treats the Process Management means all the Processes those are given by
the user or the Process those are System ‘s own Process Are Handled by the Operating System. The
Operating System Will Create the Priorities foe the user and also Start or Stops the Execution of the
Process and Also Makes the Child Process after dividing the Large Processes into the Small Processes.
 Memory Management:
Operating System Also Manages the Memory of the Computer System Means Provide the Memory to
the Process and Also Deallocate the Memory from the Process. And also defines that if a Process gets
completed then this will deallocate the Memory from the Processes.
 Extended Machine:
Operating System also behaves like an Extended Machine Means Operating system also Provides Us
Sharing of Files between Multiple Users, also Provides Some Graphical Environments and also Provides
Various Languages for Communications and also Provides Many Complex Operations like using Many
Hardware’s and Software’s.
 Mastermind:
Operating System also performs Many Functions and for those Reasons we can say that Operating
System is a Mastermind. It provides Booting without an Operating System and Provides Facility to
increase the Logical Memory of the Computer System by using the Physical Memory of the Computer
System and also provides various Types of Formats Like NTFS and FAT File Systems.
Briefly Explain the Data Warehouse and Data Mining:
Data Ware Housing:
Data warehousing is the electronic storage of a large amount of information by a business. Warehoused
data must be stored in a manner that is secure, reliable, easy to retrieve and easy to manage. The
concept of data warehousing originated in 1988 with the work of IBM researchers Barry Devlin and Paul
Murphy. The need to warehouse data evolved as computer systems became more complex and
handled increasing amounts of data.
A data warehouses provides us generalized and consolidated data in multidimensional view. Along with
generalized and consolidated view of data, a data warehouses also provides us Online Analytical
Processing (OLAP) tools. These tools help us in interactive and effective analysis of data in a
multidimensional space. This analysis results in data generalization and data mining.
Data Warehouse Features
 Subject Oriented
 Integrated
 Time Variant
 Non- Volatile
Data Mining:
Data mining is a major use of DW databases and the static data they contain. In data mining, the
data in a DW are analyzed to reveal hidden patterns and trends in historical business activity. This
can be used to help managers make decisions about strategic changes in business operations to gain
competitive advantages in the marketplace. DM software analyzes the vast stores of historical
business data that have been prepared for analysis in corporate DW and tries to discover patterns,
trends, and correlations hidden in the data that can help a company improve its business
performance. Data mining is a major use of data warehouse databases and the static data they
In data mining, the data in a data warehouse are analyzed to reveal hidden patterns and trends in
historical business activity. This analysis can be used to help managers make decisions about
strategic changes in business operations to gain competitive advantages in the marketplace.
What are the benefits and limitations of the relational database model for
business applications today?
The relational database model is a collection of stored data that is organized into multiple tables
linked to one another using key fields. One row in a table can reference another row in a different
table. This makes the model a systematic way of managing data.
Data is only stored once
In the previous example, the city data was gathered into one table so now there is only one record
per city. The advantages of this are
 No multiple record changes needed
 More efficient storage
 Simple to delete or modify details.
 All records in other tables having a link to that entry will show the change.
Complex queries can be carried out
A language called SQL has been developed to allow programmers to 'Insert', 'Update', 'Delete',
'Create', 'Drop' table records. These actions are further refined by a 'Where' clause. For example
This SQL statement will extract record number 2 from the Customer table. Far more complicated
queries can be written that can extract data from many tables at once.
Better security
By splitting data into tables, certain tables can be made confidential. When a person logs on with
their username and password, the system can then limit access only to those tables whose records
they are authorized to view. For example, a receptionist would be able to view employee location
and contact details but not their salary. A salesman may see his team's sales performance but not
competing teams.
Cater for future requirements
By having data held in separate tables, it is simple to add records that are not yet needed but may
be in the future. For example, the city table could be expanded to include every city and town in the
country, even though no other records are using them all as yet. A flat file database cannot do this.
Relational databases are widely used in many industries to store financial records, keep track of
inventory and to keep records on employees. In a relational database, information is stored in tables
(often called relations) which help organize and structure data. Even though they are widely used,
relational databases have some drawbacks.
 Cost
One disadvantage of relational databases is the expensive of setting up and maintaining the
database system. In order to set up a relational database, you generally need to purchase special
software. If you are not a programmer, you can use any number of products to set up a relational
database. It does take time to enter in all the information and set up the program. If your company
is large and you need a more robust database, you will need to hire a programmer to create a
relational database using Structured Query Language (SQL) and a database administrator to
maintain the database once it is built. This will increase the cost of business:
 Abundance of Information
Advances in the complexity of information cause another drawback to relational databases.
Relational databases are made for organizing data by common characteristics. Complex images,
numbers, designs and multimedia products defy easy categorization leading the way for a new type
of database called object-relational database management systems. These systems are designed to
handle the more complex applications and have the ability to be scalable.
 Structured Limits
Some relational databases have limits on field lengths. When you design the database, you have to
specify the amount of data you can fit into a field. Some names or search queries are shorter than
the actual, and this can lead to data loss.
 Isolated Databases
Complex relational database systems can lead to these databases becoming "islands of information"
where the information cannot be shared easily from one large system to another. Often, with big
firms or institutions, you find relational databases grew in separate divisions differently.
What are the advantages of a database management approach to the file
processing approach?
The database approach offers a number of potential advantages compared to traditional file
processing systems.
1. Program-Data Independence:
The separation of data descriptions from the application programs that use the data is called Data
independence. With the database approach. Data descriptions are stored in a central location called
the repository. This property of database systems allows an organization’s data to change without
changing the application programs that process the data.
2. Difficulty in accessing Data:
In Classical file organization the data is stored in the files. Whenever data has to be retrieved as per
the requirements then a new application program has to be written. This is tedious process.
3. Data isolation:
Since data is scattered in various files, and files may be in different formats, it is difficulty to write
new application programs to retrieve the appropriate data.
4. Concurrent access:
There is no central control of data in classical file organization. So, the concurrent access of data by
many users is difficult to implement.
5. Security Problems:
Since there is no centralized control of data in classical file organization. So, security, enforcement is
difficult in File-processing system.
6. Integrity Problem:
The data values stored in the database must satisfy certain types of consistency constraints. For
example, the balance of a bank account may never fall below a prescribed amount. These
constraints are enforced in the system by adding appropriate code in the various application
programs. However, when new constraints are added, it is difficult to change the programs to
enforce them. The problem is compounded when constraints involve several data items from
different files.
What is Computer Integrated manufacturing (CIM)? Discuss its objectives
CIM is the integration of the total manufacturing enterprise through the use of integrated systems
and data communications coupled with new managerial philosophies that improve organizational
and personnel efficiency.
 Simplify production processes, product designs, and factory organization as a vital
foundation to automation and integration
 Automate production processes and the business functions that support them with
computers, machines, and robots
 Integrate all production and support processes using computer networks, cross-functional
business software, and other information technologies
The overall goal of CIM and such manufacturing information systems is to create flexible, agile,
manufacturing processes that efficiently produce products of the highest quality. Thus, CIM supports
the concepts of flexible manufacturing systems, agile manufacturing, and total quality management.
Implementing such manufacturing concepts enables a company to respond to and fulfill customer
requirements quickly with high-quality products and services.
 Improved customer service
 Improved quality
 Shorter time to market with new products
 Shorter flow time
 Shorter vendor lead time
 Reduced inventory levels
 Improved schedule performance
 Greater flexibility and responsiveness
 Improved competitiveness
 Lower total cost
 Shorter customer lead time
 Increase in manufacturing productivity
 Decrease in work-in process inventory
what are the various accounting information systems for transactions
processing and financial reporting? What them do you feel are optional
depending on the type of business and other factors?
The enterprise application architecture of a business is a description of the structure of the
application & software use across the organization. The systems are broken down into subsystems
and connected to each other based on the relationship between them. The relationships and with
external environment, users, guidelines, terminology are also defined as a part of enterprise
architecture of Software Systems.
Advantage of enterprise application architecture
 Defining and characterizing the architecture of enterprise applications is useful as a central
document and that can be referred to for understanding how the complete system performs
as a whole. This helps in identifying problems and generating useful solutions in speeding up
existing systems and helping them perform better.
 Whenever a new application needs to be introduced, or existing software so need to be
optimized the application architecture is a key document for studying the effects that such
changes may have on the entire enterprise. This is also a here for document in laying down
the guidelines for improving or replacing current systems. Whenever an enterprise
application is being introduced into an existing system, the application architecture forms the
foundation for building this software.
What are several e-business applications that you might recommend to a small
company to help it survive and succeed in challenging economic times? Why?
It was great timing, because recently I started keeping track of the programs I depend on to do
business. As a small business with a small staff, we depend heavily on keeping projects organized
and accessible by the entire team. Here is my list and reasons for the best tools an online company
should be using:
 A good email marketing program
Email marketing helps you to sell to your clients in their inbox, instead of hoping they see your social
media post or visit your website. You can control the opportunities for your business to receive
more traffic and higher sales conversions by regular, curated content for your list.
 A social media automation program
Hoot suite and Buffer both allow you to take time back in your day, which is important when you are
trying to resuscitate a business. Having consistent social presence helps you to maintain trust with
your current customers, and build trust in new markets. You can easily tailor your content for
multiple social media platforms and schedule them to post ahead of time.
 A blog
Companies always hear that they need a blog, but many are inconsistent or irrelevant to their
audience. Using LinkedIn, Medium, AND your hosted website’s blog regularly allows you to build
credibility and clout within your industry. You can share your expertise and build trust – plus
blogging allows you to craft a message and call-to-action for your reader, making it more likely for
them to make a sale. I have received clients not only from my blog, but from guest blogging. Even
small contributions to other blogs have led to clients.
 A few web tools
Google is King of the web as far as search goes, so it makes sense that the tools you need to be
successful are offered by them. Analytics, Webmaster Tools, Tags, Apps for Work, Voice, Calendar,
AdWords, and Ask are all necessary to operate an e-business. Analytics helps you to monitor your
web traffic and find out what works for your audience, and what doesn’t. Webmaster Tools allows
you to be indexed by Google, so whenever your website has a change or addition, it’s seen in search
results. Tags helps you to differentiate your website based on its content, industry, and
expertise. Apps for Work keeps your organized, by offering domain-specific email addresses, email
management tools, CRMs, Accounting, and other applications.
 Cloud document management
Google Drive is a great program for managing paperwork in the cloud, but personally, I prefer using
Dropbox and Evernote. Dropbox allows me to create, store, and share documents easily with clients
and customers, and allows me to access the documents anywhere. Evernote allows me to organize
projects and coordinate with staff within different notebooks, meaning that we can all be working
together, no matter where we are.
 A good contractor
When times are hard, staffing can dwindle. The need is still there, so hiring a temporary contractor
or freelancer can help when work needs to be done. Up work has a great platform for completing
many types of projects, and many for low cost (however, you get what you pay for in quality and
What is supply chain management (SCM)? Describe benefits and challenges of
In commerce, supply chain management (SCM), the management of the flow of goods and services,
involves the movement and storage of raw materials, of work-in-process inventory, and of finished
goods from point of origin to point of consumption.
 Reduce Cost Effects
There are number of ways according to which, supply chain management software can lower down
the current overhead expenses of your organization. For example:
 Improves inventory management system
 Facilitates successful implementation of inventory system
 Eliminates damage resources by adjusting the storage space efficiently of finished goods.
 Make your system more responsive, you can easily achieve your goals by examining
customer’s requirements.
 Stronger your relationship with vendors & distributers.
 Raise Output
Supply chain management (SCM) software is designed in way to improve communication,
collaboration and coordination with vendors, transportation and shipping companies, Suppliers and
raise bi-directional information flow. The streamline & centralized distribution strategy of supply
chain management software makes it more reliable for end users and give more accurate output
 Raised Your Business Profit Level
The most stunning feature of SCM software out of top 10 benefits of supply chain management is
raise in your business profit level. Welcoming behavior towards new innovative technologies
flourishes new ways of success for your organization.
 Boost Cooperation Level
The most astonishing feature of supply chain management software is higher cooperation level
within the organizational task. Supply chain management software give you access to track what
your supplier and distributers are doing all the times and vice versa.
1. Sometimes Supply Chain Management can be very expensive to implement.
2. Competitors can easily copy the strategy of Supply Chain Management.
3. For better Supply Chain Management, proper skills and experience is required to achieve
4. Sometimes in Supply Chain Management various functions may be difficult to manage.
5. In Supply Chain Management there may be staff resistance.
1. Supply Chain Management helps to increase savings in labor and procurement costs.
2. Supply Chain Management helps to achieve better inventory control.
3. Supply Chain Management is used to get better control over suppliers.
4. Supply Chain Management can increase market visibility.
5. Chances of product failure rate can be reduced by Supply Chain Management.
6. Supply Chain Management is used to provide better information on customer needs, tastes
7. Supply Chain Management helps to achieve regular and better communication with the
8. Supply Chain Management helps to improve customer care service.
9. Supply Chain Management is used to achieve higher revenues.
10.Supply Chain Management increases performance and profitability.
11.Supply Chain Management is used to lower transportation, warehousing and packaging costs.
12.Supply Chain Management increases capacity, capability or flexibility.
What are the benefits of ERP? How could some of the spectacular failures of
ERP systems have been avoided
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is a process by which a company (often a manufacturer) manages
and integrates the important parts of its business. An ERP management information system
integrates areas such as planning, purchasing, inventory, sales, marketing, finance and human
Here are the top five most common benefits that companies report:
1. Efficiency. An ERP system eliminates repetitive processes and greatly reduces the need
to manually enter information. The system will also streamline business processes and
makes it easier and more efficient for companies to collect data.
2. Integrated Information. Instead of having data distributed throughout a number of
separate databases, all information is now located in a single location. Data is also kept
consistent and up-to-date.
3. Reporting. ERP software helps make reporting easier and more customizable. With
improved reporting capabilities, your company can respond to complex data requests
more easily. Users can also run their own reports without relying on help from IT.
4. Customer Service. It’s easier to provide high-quality customer service using an ERP
system. Sales and customer service people can interact with customers better and
improve relationships with them, through faster, more accurate access to customers’
information and history.
5. Security. A new system will improve the accuracy, consistency and security of data.
Restrictions to data can also be enhanced.
How could some of the spectacular failures of ERP systems have been avoided
Business managers and IT professionals have been the major cause of ERP failures. The reason given
is that these individuals underestimate the complexity of the planning, development, and training
that are needed to prepare for a new ERP system that would radically change their business
processes and information systems. Failure to involve affected employees in the planning and
development phases and change management programs, or trying to do too much too fast in the
conversion process, are also typical causes of failed ERP projects. Insufficient training in the new
work tasks required by the ERP system, and failure to do enough data conversion and testing, are
other causes of failure. In other cases, ERP failures are also due to overreliance by company or IT
management on the claims of ERP software vendors or the assistance of prestigious consulting firms
hired to lead the implementation.
Should companies continue to use EDI system? Why or Why Not:
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is the electronic interchange of business information using a
standardized format; a process which allows one company to send information to another company
electronically rather than with paper. Business entities conducting business electronically are called
trading partners.
Due to the following reasons the companies should use the EDI system:
EDI is known to benefit a company in many ways. Instead of looking at it from a technical
perspective, it is important to look at it from a business viewpoint. Below are a few of its business
1) Expedite transmission
Information is transmitted from one organization to another organization efficiently and swiftly.
2) Automated Data entry
Data is entered automatically by EDI software. For instance, when purchase order (PO) from one
company is received by another company. Sales order (SO) is automatically generated at other
company’s system with the help of EDI software.
3) Receipt verification
Receipt verification can easily be done with help of EDI software. No human intervention is involved
so there are minimal chances of error or delay.
4) Data Validation
Data validation is automatically done.
6) Low cost
Lower administrative, resource and maintenance cost.
7) Faster processing
With the help of EDI, business processes can be executed at a much faster rate as compared to the
traditional method sending information.
9) Reduction in error
EDI has discarded manual data entry and paperwork. So there are minimal chances of error.
Due to the following reasons the EDI system should not use:
1) Expensive
Setup and maintenance of some of the formats of EDI is expensive.
2) Initial setup is time consuming
Initial cost to setup EDI is time consuming.
4) System electronic protection
An EDI enabled system needs electronic protection from viruses, hacking, malware and other frauds.
5) Staff training cost
Staff needs training in order to run EDI enabled software. Investment has to be done in training.
6) Proper backup should be maintained as the whole data depends on EDI. In case of any crash of
EDI system, proper backup has to be maintained and extra cost is required for it.
7) Limit your trading partners
Some organization stops doing business which don’t use EDI. For instance, Wal-Mart prefers to do
business only with those organizations which uses EDI.
What is Decision support system? Briefly describe its components:
A set of related computer programs and the data required to assist with analysis and decision-
making within an organization.
 DSS Database: It contains data from various sources, including internal data from the
organization, the data generated by different applications, and the external data mined form
the Internet, etc. The decision support systems database can be a small database or a
standalone system or a huge data warehouse supporting the information needs of an
organization. To avoid the interference of decision support system with the working of
operational systems, the DSS database usually contains a copy of the production database.
 DSS Software System: It consists of various mathematical and analytical models that are used
to analyze the complex data, thereby producing the required information. A model predicts
the output in the basis of different inputs or different conditions, or finds out the
combination of conditions and input that is required to produce the desired output.
 Statistical Models: They contain a wide range of statistical functions, such as mean, median,
mode, deviations etc. These models are used to establish, relationships between the
occurrences of an event and various factors related to that event. It can, for example, relate
sale of product to differences in area, income, season, or other factors. In addition to
statistical functions, they contain software that can analyze series of data to project future
 Sensitivity Analysis Models: These are used to provide answers to what-if situations
occurring frequently in an organization. During the analysis, the value of one variable is
changed repeatedly and resulting changes on other variables are observed.
 DSS User Interface: It is an interactive graphical interface which makes the interaction easier
between the DSS and its users. It displays the results (output) of the analysis in various forms,
such as text, table, charts or graphics. The user can select the appropriate option to view the
output according to his requirement.
 Forecasting Models: They use various forecasting tools and techniques, including the
regression models, time series analysis, and market research methods etc., to make
statements about the future or to predict something in advance. They provide information
that helps in analyzing the business conditions and making future plans. These systems are
widely used for forecasting sales.
What is artificial intelligence (AI)? Describe some of the attributes of Intelligent
behavior. Give examples of some of the latest commercial applications of AI:
The theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks normally requiring human
intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation
between languages.
Topic: Discuss the challenges and Ethics of IT:
T is always facing challenges. Some of these challenges have slowly changed over time, but many of
them are perennial offenders. How will IT meet these challenges today and in the near future?
Where do they rank in order of importance at the company where you work?
1: Customer service
IT suffers from a bad reputation when it comes to satisfying customer needs. Unfortunately, it is
often well deserved. Too many times, the work is done incorrectly or not to the customer's
requirements — and it is the customer who ultimately determines what is good customer service
and what is not.
2: Human resources
Burnout is an ever increasing concern as budgets become tighter and workloads increase. Creative
ways need to be found to reduce stress and revitalize tired workers. More vacation time,
sabbaticals, temporarily reduced responsibilities — anything that can give the IT professional a
break should be considered. This might seem costly, but losing a valued employee due to burnout
can be far costlier.
3: Productivity
First came the mainframes, then the minicomputers, PCs, and the Internet. Each was a tremendous
technological leap that greatly increased user productivity. What will be the next great productivity
innovation? The cloud? Mobile computing? Can these technologies deliver real, significant
productivity gains? The law of unintended consequences warns that issues will arise with the
introduction of any new technology. To name a few, security and privacy for cloud services and
increased stress and burnout for employees tethered to mobile devices 24x7. Until these concerns
are resolved, any productivity gains must be carefully weighed against the negatives before
mainstream adoption.
4: Data storage and retrieval
It is not obvious since most data needs are short-term, but there is trouble lurking in those data
archives. Perhaps you are an unknowing victim of this silent crisis in the making. If you have
important files on those old 5 1/4-inch floppies and you need to go back and retrieve one, you may
be out of luck. Chances are that that the data is no longer readable and the device you need to read
the media has long since been tossed into the trash bin. Or, as in my case, turning on the old antique
microcomputer to read my single-sided, single-density floppies might lead to a fire and the quick
end of your weekend data retrieval project.
• Never Piracy Online…
• Follow Up the Social Reputation…
• Never Harmthe Public Websites…
• Closureof Digital Hacking…
• Certify Websites Who Deal with Payments…
• Never Do Fraudulent Activities…
• Never Give Misguided Information…
• Never Steal Information online for Reproduction…
• Never Create a False Evidence Using IT…
• Utilizing the ITin a Manner to Get Benefits Only…
Definethe Term E commerce.Discussthe scope of e commerce:
E- Commerce:
Commercial transactions conducted electronically on the Internet.
Scope of E Commerce:
The range of business processes involved in the marketing, buying, selling, and servicing of products
and services in companies that engage in e-commerce. Companies involved in e-commerce as either
buyers or sellers rely on Internet-based technologies and e-commerce applications and services to
accomplish marketing, discovery, transaction processing, and product and customer service
processes. For example, e-commerce can include interactive marketing, ordering, payment, and
customer support processes at e-commerce catalog and auction sites on the World Wide Web.
However, e-commerce also includes e-business processes such as extranet access of inventory
databases by customers and suppliers (transaction processing), intranet access of customer
relationship management systems by sales and customer service reps (service and support), and
customer collaboration in product development via e-mail exchanges and Internet newsgroups
The advantages of e-commerce allow a business of virtually any size that is located virtually
anywhere on the planet to conduct business with just about anyone, anywhere. Imagine a small
olive oil manufacturer in a remote village in Italy selling its wares to major department stores and
specialty food shops in New York, London, Tokyo, and other large metropolitan markets. The power
of e-commerce allows geophysical barriers to disappear, making all consumers and businesses on
earth potential customers and suppliers.
Discuss the trends/factors that affect strategic planning:
To help your organization succeed, you should develop a plan that needs to be followed. This applies
to starting the company, developing new product, creating a new department or any undertaking
that affects the company's future. There are several factors that affect planning in an organization.
To create an efficient plan, you need to understand the factors involved in the planning process.
 Priorities
In most companies, the priority is generating revenue, and this priority can sometimes interfere with
the planning process of any project. For example, if you are in the process of planning a large
expansion project and your largest customer suddenly threatens to take their business to your
competitor, then you might have to shelve the expansion planning until the customer issue is
resolved. When you start the planning process for any project, you need to assign each of the issues
facing the company a priority rating. That priority rating will determine what issues will sidetrack
you from the planning of your project, and which issues can wait until the process is complete.
 Company Resources
Having an idea and developing a plan for your company can help your company to grow and
succeed, but if the company does not have the resources to make the plan come together, it can
stall progress. One of the first steps to any planning process should be an evaluation of the
resources necessary to complete the project, compared to the resources the company has available.
Some of the resources to consider are finances, personnel, space requirements, access to materials
and vendor relationships.
 Forecasting
A company constantly should be forecasting to help prepare for changes in the marketplace.
Forecasting sales revenues, materials costs, personnel costs and overhead costs can help a company
plan for upcoming projects. Without accurate forecasting, it can be difficult to tell if the plan has any
chance of success, if the company has the capabilities to pull off the plan and if the plan will help to
strengthen the company's standing within the industry. For example, if your forecasting for the cost
of goods has changed due to a sudden increase in material costs, then that can affect elements of
your product roll-out plan, including projected profit and the long-term commitment you might
need to make to a supplier to try to get the lowest price possible.
 Contingency Planning
To successfully plan, an organization needs to have a contingency plan in place. If the company has
decided to pursue a new product line, there needs to be a part of the plan that addresses the
possibility that the product line will fail. The reallocation of company resources, the acceptable
financial losses and the potential public relations problems that a failed product can cause all need
to be part of the organizational planning process from the beginning.
What are the three most important factors you would use in evaluating
computer hardware? Computer software? Explain
Hardware evaluation factors
 Performance
Speed, capacity, throughput
 Cost
1. Lease or purchase price
2. Cost of operations and maintenance
 Reliability
1. Risk of malfunction & maintenance
2. Error control and diagnostic features
 Compatibility
1. With existing hardware and software?
2. With hardware & software provided by
competing suppliers?
 Technology
1. Year of product life cycle
2. Does it use a new, untested technology?
3. Does it run the risk of obsolescence?
 Ergonomics
1. Human factors engineered?
2. User-friendly?
3. Safe, comfortable, easy to use?
 Connectivity
Easily connected to WANs and LANs that use
different types of network technologies and
bandwidth alternatives?
 Scalability
Can it handle the processing demands of end
users, transactions, queries, & other processing
 Software
Is system and application software available
that can best use this hardware?
 Support
Is support available?
Software evaluation factors
 Quality
Bug free?
 Efficiency
Well-developed system of program code that
does not use much CPU time, memory capacity,
or disk space?
 Flexibility
Can it handle our processes easily without major
 Security
Does it provide control procedures for errors,
malfunctions, and improper use?
 Connectivity
 Language
Is the programming language familiar to internal
software developers?
 Documentation
Well-documented? Help screens and helpful
software agents?
 Hardware
Does existing hardware have the features
required to best use this software?
 Other factors
Performance, cost, reliability, availability, compatibility, modularity, technology, ergonomics, scalability,
and support characteristics
Evaluating IS Services
 Performance
Past performance in view of past promises
 Systems development
Are website and other e-business developers available? Quality and cost
 Maintenance
Is equipment maintenance provided? Quality and cost
 Conversion
What systems development & installation services will they provide during the conversion period?
 Training
Provided? Quality and cost
 Backup
Are similar computer facilities available nearby for emergency backup purposes?
 Accessibility
1. Services from local or regional sites?
2. Customer support center?
3. Customer hot line?
 Business position
Financially strong with good industry market prospects?
 Hardware
Provide a wide selection of compatible hardware devices and accessories?
 Software
Offer a variety of useful e-business software and application packages?
What is swot analysis and where it uses? Explain with help of examples:
SWOT analysis is a process that identifies an organization's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and
threats. Specifically, SWOT is a basic, analytical framework that assesses what an entity (usually a
business, though it can be used for a place, industry or product) can and cannot do, for factors both
internal (the strengths and weaknesses) as well as external (the potential opportunities and threats).
Using environmental data to evaluate the position of a company, a SWOT analysis determines what
assists the firm in accomplishing its objectives, and what obstacles must be overcome or minimized to
achieve desired results: where the organization is today, and where it may be positioned in the future.
For example, back in 2015, a Value Line SWOT analysis of The Coca-Cola Company noted strengths like
its well-known brand name and vast distribution network and opportunities like emerging markets, but
also weaknesses and threats such as foreign currency fluctuations, a growing taste for "healthy"
beverages (vs. soft drinks) and the subsequent competition from providers of such beverages. Coca-
Cola took steps to address these concerns, ramping up its marketing, advertising, and promotional
activities, and expanding into other beverage categories. As a result, within a year its dividend-per-
share rose from $.33 to $.35 and its stock, which was hovering around $39 per share, climbed to $46;
it's fallen down since, but remains up nearly 8% over the past three-year period.
Where it used:
SWOT analyses can serve as a precursor to any sort of company action, such as exploring new
initiatives, making decisions about new policies, identifying possible areas for change, or refining and
redirecting efforts mid plan. Performing a SWOT analysis is also great way to improve business
Defineproject management. Discussthe process of project management.
Project management is the application of processes, methods, knowledge, skills and experience to
achieve the project objectives.
1 - Project Initiation
Project initiation is the starting point of any project. In this process, all the activities related to winning
a project takes place. Usually, the main activity of this phase is the pre-sale.
2 - Project Planning
Project planning is one of the main project management processes. If the project management team
gets this step wrong, there could be heavy negative consequences during the next phases of the
3 - Project Execution
After all paperwork is done, in this phase, the project management executes the project in order to
achieve project objectives.
When it comes to execution, each member of the team carries out their own assignments within the
given deadline for each activity. The detailed project schedule will be used for tracking the project
4 - Control and Validation
During the project life cycle, the project activities should be thoroughly controlled and validated. The
controlling can be mainly done by adhering to the initial protocols such as project plan, quality
assurance test plan and communication plan for the project.
5 - Closeout and Evaluation
Once all the project requirements are achieved, it is time to hand over the implemented system and
closeout the project. If the project deliveries are in par with the acceptance criteria defined by the
client, the project will be duly accepted and paid by the customer.
What is artificialintelligence(AI)? Describesome of attributes of intelligent
behavior. Giveexamplesof some of the latest commercialapplicationsof AI:
The theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks normally requiring human
intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between
Attributes of AI:
 Think and reason.
 Use reason to solve problems.
 Learn or understand from experience.
 Acquire and apply knowledge.
 Exhibit creativity and imagination.
 Deal with complex or perplexing situations.
 Respond quickly and successfully to new situations.
 Recognize the relative importance of elements in a situation.
 Handle ambiguous, incomplete, or erroneous information.
Some of the latest commercial applications of AI
 DecisionSupport
1. Intelligent work environment that will help you capture the why as well as the what of
engineered design and decision making.
2. Intelligent human–computer interface (HCI) systems that can understand spoken language and
gestures, and facilitate problem solving by supporting organization wide collaborations to solve
particular problems.
3. Situation assessment and resource allocation software for uses that range from airlines and
airports to logistics centers.
 Information Retrieval
1. AI-based intranet and Internet systems that distill tidal waves of information into simple
2. Natural language technology to retrieve any sort of online information, from text to pictures,
videos, maps, and audio clips, in response to English questions.
3. Database mining for marketing trend analysis, financial forecasting, maintenance cost reduction,
and more.
 Virtual Reality
1. X-ray–like vision enabled by enhanced-reality visualization that allows brain surgeons to “see
through” intervening tissue to operate, monitor, and evaluate disease progression.
2. Automated animation interfaces that allow users to interact with virtual objects via touch (e.g.,
medical students can “feel” what it’s like to suture severed aortas).
 Robotics
1. Machine-vision inspections systems for gauging, guiding, identifying, and inspecting products
and providing competitive advantage in manufacturing.
2. Cutting-edge robotics systems, from micro robots and hands and legs to cognitive robotic and
trainable modular vision systems.
Most business should engage in e-commercein the internet. Do you agree or
disagree with this statement?Explain your position.
E-commerce makes the business much reachable and easy to access. E-commerce is the definition of
modern business values. E-commerce helps business customers serve themselves giving the proper
value to consumer interest and preference. Millions of businesses today, both large and small are
moving towards web for the prosperity of their business. E-commerce has been the gateway to
thousands of customers to enter the thousands of business in order to get the best possible option for
the fulfillment of their needs.
According to Me:
I think, in this world of technological advances, more apt could be, a world of internet, business should
use internet and make the best out of it in favor of business to sustain its place and grow among its
competitors. So I strongly believe it that in this date and days to come most business should engage in
e-commerce in the internet.
What is supply chain management (SCM)? Briefly describe SCM life cycle.
Definethe term feasibilitystudy. Brieflyexplain its types
It is an assessment of the practicality of a proposed plan or method. Which helps to find the strengths
and weaknesses of an existing business or proposed venture, opportunities and threats present in the
environment, the resources required to carry through, and ultimately the prospects for success.
There are different types of feasibility study... which are explained below,
 Technicalfeasibility
It measures of the availability of technical resources (hardware components or technical equipment). It
also studies the availability of the technical manpower for the project. [ if the work performances of the
technical manpower are not experienced, the entire system will be certainly insufficient.]
 Economic feasibility
Economic feasibility measures whether finances (investments) are available for proposed solution, i.e. it
looks at the financial aspects (cost/ effectiveness) of the project. This is often called a cost-benefit
 Operational feasibility
It is a measure of how well the solution of problems or a specific alternative solution will work in the
organization. It is also measure of how people feel about the system. If the system is not easy to
operate, then operational process would be difficult. The operator of the system should be given
proper training. The system should be made such that the user can interface the system without any
 Schedulefeasibility
If a deadline (time-limit) is established, it is called schedule feasibility, i.e. the deadline of the project is
studied under the scheduled feasibility. The scheduled feasibility is also depending upon available
manpower and economical condition as well.
Feasibility study is used for...,
1. To determine whether the objectives stated in the assignment brief are reasonably attainable
within the limitation and financial constraints period.
2. To define major problem areas, so that the system analyst can plan the strategy for the field
3. To find areas where potential exists for making saving in money, time or effort.
4. To determine the approximate time required for the full investigation and cost.
5. To discover the areas where some specialist knowledge needed for the full investigation.

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Management Information System

  • 1. Topic: Discuss the types of semiconductor memories: Semiconductor memory technology is an essential element of today's electronics. Normally based around semiconductor technology, memory is used in any equipment that uses a processor of one form or another. Types of semiconductor memory Electronic semiconductor memory technology can be split into two main types or categories, according to the way in which the memory operates:  RAM - Random Access Memory: As the names suggest, the RAM or random access memory is a form of semiconductor memory technology that is used for reading and writing data in any order as required. It is used for such applications as the computer or processor memory where variables and other stored and are required on a random basis. Data is stored and read many times to and from this type of memory.  ROM - Read Only Memory: A ROM is a form of semiconductor memory technology used where the data is written once and then not changed. In view of this it is used where data needs to be stored permanently, even when the power is removed - many memory technologies lose the data once the power is removed. Topic: Do you think that information appliances like PDAS will replace Personnel Computers in business application? Explain No I don’t think that the PDA will replace the PC in business application today, but I do think they will assist them well and maybe replace them in a couple of years. The main reason I don’t think that PDA will completely overtake computers in business applications today is because computers have very large storage capacities and can hold a lot of big documents and papers. Most PDAS don’t have a large enough storage capacity to hold the need documents of a company or individual. Topic: What Trends Are Occurring in The Development and Use of the Major Type Computer System? The computer system is a complete working computer. A computer is a system of information processing components that perform input, processing, output, storage, and control functions. It’s hardware components include input and output devices, a central processing unit (CPU), and primary and secondary storage devices. Every computer system requires operating system to function. Each computer connected to the system can operate independently, but has the ability to communicate with other external devices and computers. Every computer system consists of input, processing and output functions. There are several major categories of computer systems with a variety of characteristics and capabilities. Thus, Computer systems are typically classified as: Mainframe Computers:
  • 2. Mainframe computers (colloquially referred to as "big iron") are computers used primarily by large organizations for critical applications, bulk data processing, such as census, industry and consumer statistics, enterprise resource planning, and transaction processing. Midrange Computers: A midrange computer system features computers that have more processing power than personal computers but are less powerful than mainframe models. These types of systems involve a broad range of memory capacity, processing power and applications for business or scientific use. Microcomputers: A microcomputer is a computer with a central processing unit (CPU) as a microprocessor. Designed for individual use, a microcomputer is smaller than a mainframe or a minicomputer. The term microcomputer is not as commonly used as it was during the 1970s-1980s. We now refer to microcomputers as, simply, computers, or personal computers (PC). Topic: Discuss the categories of system software: DIFFERENT TYPES OF SYSTEM SOFTWARE The System Software are divided into 3 types, They are : 1. Operating System Software (O.S): An Operating System is a program designed to run other programs on a computer. A computer's operating system is its most important program. It is considered as the backbone of computer managing both software and hardware device. Operating systems are responsible for each and everything from the control and allocation of memory to input from external devices and output to computer display. An operating system also plays a vital role in security. Its job includes preventing unauthorized user from accessing the computer system There various types of operating system are -
  • 3.  General Purpose O.S  Special Purpose O.S  Batch Processing O.S  Single Use O.S  Multi-User O.S  Multi-Programming O.S  Multi-Processing O.S  Multi-Threading O.S  Real Time O.S  Embedded O.S 2. Language Translator: It is another system software which convert the high level language to machine level language for the purpose of machine understanding. The Machine can only understand the machine level language or binary language 0's & 1's. The language translator rectifies the errors within the program through different ways. There are 3 types of language translator, they are as follows:  Compiler  Interpreter  Assembler 3. Utility Software: Utility Software is a kind of system software designed to help, analyses, configure, optimize and maintain the computer. A single piece of utility software is usually called a utility or tool. If we are having any problem related to system, then we can solve it through utility software. For example – Antivirus Utility scan for computer virus. Memory tester checks for memory failure etc. The following are the activities those are coming under the utility software are -  Formatting.  Back-Up Recovery.  Disk Defragmenter.  Registry Cleaners.  Disk Partitions. Etc. Topic: How do the different roles of system software and application software affect you as a business end user? How do you see this changing in the future? The system software acts as an interface between the computer hardware and the application software. The end user will interact mainly with application software. In the future this type of interface will become even easier to use as it moves towards natural interfaces. Major trends that have been developing in software are towards easy-to-use features, general-purpose application packages and toward natural languages. Expect powerful, multi-purpose, expert-assisted software packages with natural language and graphics-based user interfaces have fast become the norm. Future software packages will no doubt incorporate more voice activated features than we have previously seen. General purpose software packages will probably not incorporate many new features; however, the software industry will continue to strive towards ensuring that their new releases are better written, and easier to use. Topic: Design the categories of Application software:
  • 4.  Application software consists of programs designed to make users more productive and/or assist them with personal tasks.  Application software has a variety of uses: 1. To make business activities more efficient 2. To assist with graphics and multimedia projects 3. To support home, personal, and educational tasks 4. To facilitate communications  Word Processing Software: This software enables the users to create and edit documents. MS-Word, WordPad, Notepad and some other text editors.  Spreadsheet Software: Spreadsheet software allows users to perform calculations. They simulate paper worksheets by displaying multiple cells that make up a grid. Excel, Lotus 1-2-3 and Apple Numbers.  Presentation Software: The software that is used to display information in the form of a slide show is known as presentation software. (Power Point)  Database Software: Database software allows the users to store and retrieve data from databases. Oracle, MS Access, etc.  Multimedia Software: They allow the users to create and play audio and video media. They are capable of playing media files. Real Player and Media Player.  Packaged software is mass-produced, copyrighted retail software that meets the needs of a wide variety of users, not just a single user or company. Packaged software is available in retail stores or on the Web.  Custom software performs functions specific to a business or industry. Sometimes a company cannot find packaged software that meets its unique requirements.  A Web application is a Web site that allows users to access and interact with software from any computer or device that is connected to the Internet. Many Web sites provide free access to their programs; some charge a fee.  Open source software is software provided for use, modification, and redistribution. This software has no restrictions from the copyright holder regarding modification of the software’s internal instructions and its redistribution. Topic:
  • 5. Why is an operating system necessary? That is, why can’t an end user just load an application program into a computer and start computing? An operating system is an integrated system of programs that manages the operations of the CPU, controls the input/output and storage resources and activities of the computer system, and provides various support services as the computer executes the application programs of users. An operating system maximizes the productivity of a computer system by operating it in the most efficient manner. The operating system has to be loaded and activated before you perform common operations such as accessing a network, entering data, saving and retrieving files and printing or displaying output. The five basic functions of the operating system are: providing a user interface, resource management, task management, file management, and utilities and support services. The user interface is what allows you to communicate with the operating system so that you can load programs, access files, etc. Most of the computers we use today use the graphical user interface which uses icons, bars, buttons, boxes, and other images to initiate a command and also uses mouse and keypads to make selections. The operating system is extremely important because it serves as the communication device between end users and the hardware of computers. The Operating system receives the user requests and then takes appropriate action on it. In addition, an end user can’t tap into the computers resources without an operating system. A user doesn’t need to know how the scanner works, they just need to send the request through the computer and the operating system will do the rest. Topic: What is an operating system (OS)? What are its main function? The operating system is the most important program that is on a computer. The operating system basically runs the computer and allows other programs to run as well. The operating system does all the basic things that a computer needs to do, such as recognizing inputs from the mouse or the keyboard. It keeps track of where all the files are on the computer. It allocates resources to the various programs that are running and it prevents unauthorized access to the computer. The most popular operating system today is Microsoft's Windows operating system. Macintosh computers have their own operating system, the most recent of which is called Mac OS X. There are also open source operating systems such as Linux.  Operating System as a Resource Manager Operating System Also Known as the Resource Manager Means Operating System will Manages all the Resources those are Attached to the System means all the Resource like Memory and Processor and all the Input output Devices those are Attached to the System are Known as the Resources of the Computer System and the Operating system will Manage all the Resources of the System. The Operating System will identify at which Time the CPU will perform which Operation and in which Time the Memory is used by which Programs. And which Input Device will respond to which Request of the user means When the Input and Output Devices are used by the which Programs. So this will manage all the Resources those are attached to the Computer System.  Storage management: Operating System also Controls the all the Storage Operations means how the data or files will be Stored into the computers and how the Files will be Accessed by the users etc. All the Operations those
  • 6. are Responsible for Storing and Accessing the Files is determined by the Operating System Operating System Also Allows Us Creation of Files, Creation of Directories and Reading and Writing the data of Files and Directories and also Copy the contents of the Files and the Directories from One Place to Another Place.  Process management: The Operating System Also Treats the Process Management means all the Processes those are given by the user or the Process those are System ‘s own Process Are Handled by the Operating System. The Operating System Will Create the Priorities foe the user and also Start or Stops the Execution of the Process and Also Makes the Child Process after dividing the Large Processes into the Small Processes.  Memory Management: Operating System Also Manages the Memory of the Computer System Means Provide the Memory to the Process and Also Deallocate the Memory from the Process. And also defines that if a Process gets completed then this will deallocate the Memory from the Processes.  Extended Machine: Operating System also behaves like an Extended Machine Means Operating system also Provides Us Sharing of Files between Multiple Users, also Provides Some Graphical Environments and also Provides Various Languages for Communications and also Provides Many Complex Operations like using Many Hardware’s and Software’s.  Mastermind: Operating System also performs Many Functions and for those Reasons we can say that Operating System is a Mastermind. It provides Booting without an Operating System and Provides Facility to increase the Logical Memory of the Computer System by using the Physical Memory of the Computer System and also provides various Types of Formats Like NTFS and FAT File Systems. Topic: Briefly Explain the Data Warehouse and Data Mining: Data Ware Housing: Data warehousing is the electronic storage of a large amount of information by a business. Warehoused data must be stored in a manner that is secure, reliable, easy to retrieve and easy to manage. The concept of data warehousing originated in 1988 with the work of IBM researchers Barry Devlin and Paul Murphy. The need to warehouse data evolved as computer systems became more complex and handled increasing amounts of data. A data warehouses provides us generalized and consolidated data in multidimensional view. Along with generalized and consolidated view of data, a data warehouses also provides us Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) tools. These tools help us in interactive and effective analysis of data in a multidimensional space. This analysis results in data generalization and data mining. Data Warehouse Features  Subject Oriented  Integrated  Time Variant  Non- Volatile
  • 7. Data Mining: Data mining is a major use of DW databases and the static data they contain. In data mining, the data in a DW are analyzed to reveal hidden patterns and trends in historical business activity. This can be used to help managers make decisions about strategic changes in business operations to gain competitive advantages in the marketplace. DM software analyzes the vast stores of historical business data that have been prepared for analysis in corporate DW and tries to discover patterns, trends, and correlations hidden in the data that can help a company improve its business performance. Data mining is a major use of data warehouse databases and the static data they contain. In data mining, the data in a data warehouse are analyzed to reveal hidden patterns and trends in historical business activity. This analysis can be used to help managers make decisions about strategic changes in business operations to gain competitive advantages in the marketplace. Topic: What are the benefits and limitations of the relational database model for business applications today? The relational database model is a collection of stored data that is organized into multiple tables linked to one another using key fields. One row in a table can reference another row in a different table. This makes the model a systematic way of managing data. Data is only stored once In the previous example, the city data was gathered into one table so now there is only one record per city. The advantages of this are  No multiple record changes needed  More efficient storage  Simple to delete or modify details.  All records in other tables having a link to that entry will show the change. Complex queries can be carried out A language called SQL has been developed to allow programmers to 'Insert', 'Update', 'Delete', 'Create', 'Drop' table records. These actions are further refined by a 'Where' clause. For example SELECT * FROM Customer WHERE ID = 2 This SQL statement will extract record number 2 from the Customer table. Far more complicated queries can be written that can extract data from many tables at once. Better security By splitting data into tables, certain tables can be made confidential. When a person logs on with their username and password, the system can then limit access only to those tables whose records they are authorized to view. For example, a receptionist would be able to view employee location and contact details but not their salary. A salesman may see his team's sales performance but not competing teams. Cater for future requirements By having data held in separate tables, it is simple to add records that are not yet needed but may be in the future. For example, the city table could be expanded to include every city and town in the country, even though no other records are using them all as yet. A flat file database cannot do this. Limitations:
  • 8. Relational databases are widely used in many industries to store financial records, keep track of inventory and to keep records on employees. In a relational database, information is stored in tables (often called relations) which help organize and structure data. Even though they are widely used, relational databases have some drawbacks.  Cost One disadvantage of relational databases is the expensive of setting up and maintaining the database system. In order to set up a relational database, you generally need to purchase special software. If you are not a programmer, you can use any number of products to set up a relational database. It does take time to enter in all the information and set up the program. If your company is large and you need a more robust database, you will need to hire a programmer to create a relational database using Structured Query Language (SQL) and a database administrator to maintain the database once it is built. This will increase the cost of business:  Abundance of Information Advances in the complexity of information cause another drawback to relational databases. Relational databases are made for organizing data by common characteristics. Complex images, numbers, designs and multimedia products defy easy categorization leading the way for a new type of database called object-relational database management systems. These systems are designed to handle the more complex applications and have the ability to be scalable.  Structured Limits Some relational databases have limits on field lengths. When you design the database, you have to specify the amount of data you can fit into a field. Some names or search queries are shorter than the actual, and this can lead to data loss.  Isolated Databases Complex relational database systems can lead to these databases becoming "islands of information" where the information cannot be shared easily from one large system to another. Often, with big firms or institutions, you find relational databases grew in separate divisions differently. Topic: What are the advantages of a database management approach to the file processing approach? The database approach offers a number of potential advantages compared to traditional file processing systems. 1. Program-Data Independence: The separation of data descriptions from the application programs that use the data is called Data independence. With the database approach. Data descriptions are stored in a central location called the repository. This property of database systems allows an organization’s data to change without changing the application programs that process the data. 2. Difficulty in accessing Data: In Classical file organization the data is stored in the files. Whenever data has to be retrieved as per the requirements then a new application program has to be written. This is tedious process. 3. Data isolation: Since data is scattered in various files, and files may be in different formats, it is difficulty to write new application programs to retrieve the appropriate data.
  • 9. 4. Concurrent access: There is no central control of data in classical file organization. So, the concurrent access of data by many users is difficult to implement. 5. Security Problems: Since there is no centralized control of data in classical file organization. So, security, enforcement is difficult in File-processing system. 6. Integrity Problem: The data values stored in the database must satisfy certain types of consistency constraints. For example, the balance of a bank account may never fall below a prescribed amount. These constraints are enforced in the system by adding appropriate code in the various application programs. However, when new constraints are added, it is difficult to change the programs to enforce them. The problem is compounded when constraints involve several data items from different files. Topic: What is Computer Integrated manufacturing (CIM)? Discuss its objectives CIM is the integration of the total manufacturing enterprise through the use of integrated systems and data communications coupled with new managerial philosophies that improve organizational and personnel efficiency.  Simplify production processes, product designs, and factory organization as a vital foundation to automation and integration  Automate production processes and the business functions that support them with computers, machines, and robots  Integrate all production and support processes using computer networks, cross-functional business software, and other information technologies The overall goal of CIM and such manufacturing information systems is to create flexible, agile, manufacturing processes that efficiently produce products of the highest quality. Thus, CIM supports the concepts of flexible manufacturing systems, agile manufacturing, and total quality management. Implementing such manufacturing concepts enables a company to respond to and fulfill customer requirements quickly with high-quality products and services.  Improved customer service  Improved quality  Shorter time to market with new products  Shorter flow time  Shorter vendor lead time  Reduced inventory levels  Improved schedule performance  Greater flexibility and responsiveness  Improved competitiveness  Lower total cost  Shorter customer lead time  Increase in manufacturing productivity  Decrease in work-in process inventory Topic: what are the various accounting information systems for transactions processing and financial reporting? What them do you feel are optional depending on the type of business and other factors?
  • 10. The enterprise application architecture of a business is a description of the structure of the application & software use across the organization. The systems are broken down into subsystems and connected to each other based on the relationship between them. The relationships and with external environment, users, guidelines, terminology are also defined as a part of enterprise architecture of Software Systems. Advantage of enterprise application architecture  Defining and characterizing the architecture of enterprise applications is useful as a central document and that can be referred to for understanding how the complete system performs as a whole. This helps in identifying problems and generating useful solutions in speeding up existing systems and helping them perform better.  Whenever a new application needs to be introduced, or existing software so need to be optimized the application architecture is a key document for studying the effects that such changes may have on the entire enterprise. This is also a here for document in laying down the guidelines for improving or replacing current systems. Whenever an enterprise application is being introduced into an existing system, the application architecture forms the foundation for building this software. Topic: What are several e-business applications that you might recommend to a small company to help it survive and succeed in challenging economic times? Why? It was great timing, because recently I started keeping track of the programs I depend on to do business. As a small business with a small staff, we depend heavily on keeping projects organized and accessible by the entire team. Here is my list and reasons for the best tools an online company should be using:  A good email marketing program Email marketing helps you to sell to your clients in their inbox, instead of hoping they see your social media post or visit your website. You can control the opportunities for your business to receive more traffic and higher sales conversions by regular, curated content for your list.  A social media automation program Hoot suite and Buffer both allow you to take time back in your day, which is important when you are trying to resuscitate a business. Having consistent social presence helps you to maintain trust with your current customers, and build trust in new markets. You can easily tailor your content for multiple social media platforms and schedule them to post ahead of time.  A blog Companies always hear that they need a blog, but many are inconsistent or irrelevant to their audience. Using LinkedIn, Medium, AND your hosted website’s blog regularly allows you to build credibility and clout within your industry. You can share your expertise and build trust – plus blogging allows you to craft a message and call-to-action for your reader, making it more likely for them to make a sale. I have received clients not only from my blog, but from guest blogging. Even small contributions to other blogs have led to clients.  A few web tools Google is King of the web as far as search goes, so it makes sense that the tools you need to be successful are offered by them. Analytics, Webmaster Tools, Tags, Apps for Work, Voice, Calendar, AdWords, and Ask are all necessary to operate an e-business. Analytics helps you to monitor your
  • 11. web traffic and find out what works for your audience, and what doesn’t. Webmaster Tools allows you to be indexed by Google, so whenever your website has a change or addition, it’s seen in search results. Tags helps you to differentiate your website based on its content, industry, and expertise. Apps for Work keeps your organized, by offering domain-specific email addresses, email management tools, CRMs, Accounting, and other applications.  Cloud document management Google Drive is a great program for managing paperwork in the cloud, but personally, I prefer using Dropbox and Evernote. Dropbox allows me to create, store, and share documents easily with clients and customers, and allows me to access the documents anywhere. Evernote allows me to organize projects and coordinate with staff within different notebooks, meaning that we can all be working together, no matter where we are.  A good contractor When times are hard, staffing can dwindle. The need is still there, so hiring a temporary contractor or freelancer can help when work needs to be done. Up work has a great platform for completing many types of projects, and many for low cost (however, you get what you pay for in quality and expertise). Topic: What is supply chain management (SCM)? Describe benefits and challenges of SCM: In commerce, supply chain management (SCM), the management of the flow of goods and services, involves the movement and storage of raw materials, of work-in-process inventory, and of finished goods from point of origin to point of consumption.  Reduce Cost Effects There are number of ways according to which, supply chain management software can lower down the current overhead expenses of your organization. For example:  Improves inventory management system  Facilitates successful implementation of inventory system  Eliminates damage resources by adjusting the storage space efficiently of finished goods.  Make your system more responsive, you can easily achieve your goals by examining customer’s requirements.  Stronger your relationship with vendors & distributers.  Raise Output Supply chain management (SCM) software is designed in way to improve communication, collaboration and coordination with vendors, transportation and shipping companies, Suppliers and raise bi-directional information flow. The streamline & centralized distribution strategy of supply chain management software makes it more reliable for end users and give more accurate output results.  Raised Your Business Profit Level The most stunning feature of SCM software out of top 10 benefits of supply chain management is raise in your business profit level. Welcoming behavior towards new innovative technologies flourishes new ways of success for your organization.  Boost Cooperation Level
  • 12. The most astonishing feature of supply chain management software is higher cooperation level within the organizational task. Supply chain management software give you access to track what your supplier and distributers are doing all the times and vice versa. Limitations 1. Sometimes Supply Chain Management can be very expensive to implement. 2. Competitors can easily copy the strategy of Supply Chain Management. 3. For better Supply Chain Management, proper skills and experience is required to achieve success. 4. Sometimes in Supply Chain Management various functions may be difficult to manage. 5. In Supply Chain Management there may be staff resistance. Advantages 1. Supply Chain Management helps to increase savings in labor and procurement costs. 2. Supply Chain Management helps to achieve better inventory control. 3. Supply Chain Management is used to get better control over suppliers. 4. Supply Chain Management can increase market visibility. 5. Chances of product failure rate can be reduced by Supply Chain Management. 6. Supply Chain Management is used to provide better information on customer needs, tastes etc., 7. Supply Chain Management helps to achieve regular and better communication with the customers. 8. Supply Chain Management helps to improve customer care service. 9. Supply Chain Management is used to achieve higher revenues. 10.Supply Chain Management increases performance and profitability. 11.Supply Chain Management is used to lower transportation, warehousing and packaging costs. 12.Supply Chain Management increases capacity, capability or flexibility. Topic: What are the benefits of ERP? How could some of the spectacular failures of ERP systems have been avoided Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is a process by which a company (often a manufacturer) manages and integrates the important parts of its business. An ERP management information system integrates areas such as planning, purchasing, inventory, sales, marketing, finance and human resources. Here are the top five most common benefits that companies report: 1. Efficiency. An ERP system eliminates repetitive processes and greatly reduces the need to manually enter information. The system will also streamline business processes and makes it easier and more efficient for companies to collect data. 2. Integrated Information. Instead of having data distributed throughout a number of separate databases, all information is now located in a single location. Data is also kept consistent and up-to-date.
  • 13. 3. Reporting. ERP software helps make reporting easier and more customizable. With improved reporting capabilities, your company can respond to complex data requests more easily. Users can also run their own reports without relying on help from IT. 4. Customer Service. It’s easier to provide high-quality customer service using an ERP system. Sales and customer service people can interact with customers better and improve relationships with them, through faster, more accurate access to customers’ information and history. 5. Security. A new system will improve the accuracy, consistency and security of data. Restrictions to data can also be enhanced. How could some of the spectacular failures of ERP systems have been avoided Business managers and IT professionals have been the major cause of ERP failures. The reason given is that these individuals underestimate the complexity of the planning, development, and training that are needed to prepare for a new ERP system that would radically change their business processes and information systems. Failure to involve affected employees in the planning and development phases and change management programs, or trying to do too much too fast in the conversion process, are also typical causes of failed ERP projects. Insufficient training in the new work tasks required by the ERP system, and failure to do enough data conversion and testing, are other causes of failure. In other cases, ERP failures are also due to overreliance by company or IT management on the claims of ERP software vendors or the assistance of prestigious consulting firms hired to lead the implementation. Topic: Should companies continue to use EDI system? Why or Why Not: Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is the electronic interchange of business information using a standardized format; a process which allows one company to send information to another company electronically rather than with paper. Business entities conducting business electronically are called trading partners. Due to the following reasons the companies should use the EDI system: EDI is known to benefit a company in many ways. Instead of looking at it from a technical perspective, it is important to look at it from a business viewpoint. Below are a few of its business advantages*: 1) Expedite transmission Information is transmitted from one organization to another organization efficiently and swiftly. 2) Automated Data entry Data is entered automatically by EDI software. For instance, when purchase order (PO) from one company is received by another company. Sales order (SO) is automatically generated at other company’s system with the help of EDI software. 3) Receipt verification Receipt verification can easily be done with help of EDI software. No human intervention is involved so there are minimal chances of error or delay. 4) Data Validation Data validation is automatically done. 6) Low cost Lower administrative, resource and maintenance cost.
  • 14. 7) Faster processing With the help of EDI, business processes can be executed at a much faster rate as compared to the traditional method sending information. 9) Reduction in error EDI has discarded manual data entry and paperwork. So there are minimal chances of error. Due to the following reasons the EDI system should not use: 1) Expensive Setup and maintenance of some of the formats of EDI is expensive. 2) Initial setup is time consuming Initial cost to setup EDI is time consuming. 4) System electronic protection An EDI enabled system needs electronic protection from viruses, hacking, malware and other frauds. 5) Staff training cost Staff needs training in order to run EDI enabled software. Investment has to be done in training. 6) Proper backup should be maintained as the whole data depends on EDI. In case of any crash of EDI system, proper backup has to be maintained and extra cost is required for it. 7) Limit your trading partners Some organization stops doing business which don’t use EDI. For instance, Wal-Mart prefers to do business only with those organizations which uses EDI. Topic: What is Decision support system? Briefly describe its components: A set of related computer programs and the data required to assist with analysis and decision- making within an organization.  DSS Database: It contains data from various sources, including internal data from the organization, the data generated by different applications, and the external data mined form the Internet, etc. The decision support systems database can be a small database or a standalone system or a huge data warehouse supporting the information needs of an organization. To avoid the interference of decision support system with the working of operational systems, the DSS database usually contains a copy of the production database.  DSS Software System: It consists of various mathematical and analytical models that are used to analyze the complex data, thereby producing the required information. A model predicts the output in the basis of different inputs or different conditions, or finds out the combination of conditions and input that is required to produce the desired output.  Statistical Models: They contain a wide range of statistical functions, such as mean, median, mode, deviations etc. These models are used to establish, relationships between the occurrences of an event and various factors related to that event. It can, for example, relate sale of product to differences in area, income, season, or other factors. In addition to statistical functions, they contain software that can analyze series of data to project future outcomes.  Sensitivity Analysis Models: These are used to provide answers to what-if situations occurring frequently in an organization. During the analysis, the value of one variable is changed repeatedly and resulting changes on other variables are observed.  DSS User Interface: It is an interactive graphical interface which makes the interaction easier between the DSS and its users. It displays the results (output) of the analysis in various forms,
  • 15. such as text, table, charts or graphics. The user can select the appropriate option to view the output according to his requirement.  Forecasting Models: They use various forecasting tools and techniques, including the regression models, time series analysis, and market research methods etc., to make statements about the future or to predict something in advance. They provide information that helps in analyzing the business conditions and making future plans. These systems are widely used for forecasting sales. Topic: What is artificial intelligence (AI)? Describe some of the attributes of Intelligent behavior. Give examples of some of the latest commercial applications of AI: The theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages. Topic: Discuss the challenges and Ethics of IT: T is always facing challenges. Some of these challenges have slowly changed over time, but many of them are perennial offenders. How will IT meet these challenges today and in the near future? Where do they rank in order of importance at the company where you work? 1: Customer service IT suffers from a bad reputation when it comes to satisfying customer needs. Unfortunately, it is often well deserved. Too many times, the work is done incorrectly or not to the customer's requirements — and it is the customer who ultimately determines what is good customer service and what is not. 2: Human resources Burnout is an ever increasing concern as budgets become tighter and workloads increase. Creative ways need to be found to reduce stress and revitalize tired workers. More vacation time, sabbaticals, temporarily reduced responsibilities — anything that can give the IT professional a break should be considered. This might seem costly, but losing a valued employee due to burnout can be far costlier. 3: Productivity First came the mainframes, then the minicomputers, PCs, and the Internet. Each was a tremendous technological leap that greatly increased user productivity. What will be the next great productivity innovation? The cloud? Mobile computing? Can these technologies deliver real, significant productivity gains? The law of unintended consequences warns that issues will arise with the introduction of any new technology. To name a few, security and privacy for cloud services and increased stress and burnout for employees tethered to mobile devices 24x7. Until these concerns are resolved, any productivity gains must be carefully weighed against the negatives before mainstream adoption. 4: Data storage and retrieval It is not obvious since most data needs are short-term, but there is trouble lurking in those data archives. Perhaps you are an unknowing victim of this silent crisis in the making. If you have
  • 16. important files on those old 5 1/4-inch floppies and you need to go back and retrieve one, you may be out of luck. Chances are that that the data is no longer readable and the device you need to read the media has long since been tossed into the trash bin. Or, as in my case, turning on the old antique microcomputer to read my single-sided, single-density floppies might lead to a fire and the quick end of your weekend data retrieval project. ETHICS • Never Piracy Online… • Follow Up the Social Reputation… • Never Harmthe Public Websites… • Closureof Digital Hacking… • Certify Websites Who Deal with Payments… • Never Do Fraudulent Activities… • Never Give Misguided Information… • Never Steal Information online for Reproduction… • Never Create a False Evidence Using IT… • Utilizing the ITin a Manner to Get Benefits Only… Topic: Definethe Term E commerce.Discussthe scope of e commerce: E- Commerce: Commercial transactions conducted electronically on the Internet. Scope of E Commerce: The range of business processes involved in the marketing, buying, selling, and servicing of products and services in companies that engage in e-commerce. Companies involved in e-commerce as either buyers or sellers rely on Internet-based technologies and e-commerce applications and services to accomplish marketing, discovery, transaction processing, and product and customer service processes. For example, e-commerce can include interactive marketing, ordering, payment, and customer support processes at e-commerce catalog and auction sites on the World Wide Web. However, e-commerce also includes e-business processes such as extranet access of inventory databases by customers and suppliers (transaction processing), intranet access of customer relationship management systems by sales and customer service reps (service and support), and customer collaboration in product development via e-mail exchanges and Internet newsgroups (marketing/discovery). The advantages of e-commerce allow a business of virtually any size that is located virtually anywhere on the planet to conduct business with just about anyone, anywhere. Imagine a small olive oil manufacturer in a remote village in Italy selling its wares to major department stores and specialty food shops in New York, London, Tokyo, and other large metropolitan markets. The power of e-commerce allows geophysical barriers to disappear, making all consumers and businesses on earth potential customers and suppliers.
  • 17. Topic: Discuss the trends/factors that affect strategic planning: To help your organization succeed, you should develop a plan that needs to be followed. This applies to starting the company, developing new product, creating a new department or any undertaking that affects the company's future. There are several factors that affect planning in an organization. To create an efficient plan, you need to understand the factors involved in the planning process.  Priorities In most companies, the priority is generating revenue, and this priority can sometimes interfere with the planning process of any project. For example, if you are in the process of planning a large expansion project and your largest customer suddenly threatens to take their business to your competitor, then you might have to shelve the expansion planning until the customer issue is resolved. When you start the planning process for any project, you need to assign each of the issues facing the company a priority rating. That priority rating will determine what issues will sidetrack you from the planning of your project, and which issues can wait until the process is complete.  Company Resources Having an idea and developing a plan for your company can help your company to grow and succeed, but if the company does not have the resources to make the plan come together, it can stall progress. One of the first steps to any planning process should be an evaluation of the resources necessary to complete the project, compared to the resources the company has available. Some of the resources to consider are finances, personnel, space requirements, access to materials and vendor relationships.  Forecasting A company constantly should be forecasting to help prepare for changes in the marketplace. Forecasting sales revenues, materials costs, personnel costs and overhead costs can help a company plan for upcoming projects. Without accurate forecasting, it can be difficult to tell if the plan has any chance of success, if the company has the capabilities to pull off the plan and if the plan will help to strengthen the company's standing within the industry. For example, if your forecasting for the cost of goods has changed due to a sudden increase in material costs, then that can affect elements of your product roll-out plan, including projected profit and the long-term commitment you might need to make to a supplier to try to get the lowest price possible.  Contingency Planning To successfully plan, an organization needs to have a contingency plan in place. If the company has decided to pursue a new product line, there needs to be a part of the plan that addresses the possibility that the product line will fail. The reallocation of company resources, the acceptable financial losses and the potential public relations problems that a failed product can cause all need to be part of the organizational planning process from the beginning. Topic:
  • 18. What are the three most important factors you would use in evaluating computer hardware? Computer software? Explain Hardware evaluation factors
  • 19.  Performance Speed, capacity, throughput  Cost 1. Lease or purchase price 2. Cost of operations and maintenance  Reliability 1. Risk of malfunction & maintenance requirements 2. Error control and diagnostic features  Compatibility 1. With existing hardware and software? 2. With hardware & software provided by competing suppliers?  Technology 1. Year of product life cycle 2. Does it use a new, untested technology? 3. Does it run the risk of obsolescence?  Ergonomics 1. Human factors engineered? 2. User-friendly? 3. Safe, comfortable, easy to use?  Connectivity Easily connected to WANs and LANs that use different types of network technologies and bandwidth alternatives?  Scalability Can it handle the processing demands of end users, transactions, queries, & other processing requirements?  Software Is system and application software available that can best use this hardware?  Support Is support available? Software evaluation factors  Quality Bug free?  Efficiency Well-developed system of program code that does not use much CPU time, memory capacity, or disk space?  Flexibility Can it handle our processes easily without major modification?  Security Does it provide control procedures for errors, malfunctions, and improper use?  Connectivity Web-enabled?  Language Is the programming language familiar to internal software developers?  Documentation Well-documented? Help screens and helpful software agents?  Hardware Does existing hardware have the features required to best use this software?  Other factors Performance, cost, reliability, availability, compatibility, modularity, technology, ergonomics, scalability, and support characteristics Evaluating IS Services
  • 20.  Performance Past performance in view of past promises  Systems development Are website and other e-business developers available? Quality and cost  Maintenance Is equipment maintenance provided? Quality and cost  Conversion What systems development & installation services will they provide during the conversion period?  Training Provided? Quality and cost  Backup Are similar computer facilities available nearby for emergency backup purposes?  Accessibility 1. Services from local or regional sites? 2. Customer support center? 3. Customer hot line?  Business position Financially strong with good industry market prospects?  Hardware Provide a wide selection of compatible hardware devices and accessories?  Software Offer a variety of useful e-business software and application packages? Topic: What is swot analysis and where it uses? Explain with help of examples: SWOT analysis is a process that identifies an organization's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Specifically, SWOT is a basic, analytical framework that assesses what an entity (usually a business, though it can be used for a place, industry or product) can and cannot do, for factors both internal (the strengths and weaknesses) as well as external (the potential opportunities and threats). Using environmental data to evaluate the position of a company, a SWOT analysis determines what assists the firm in accomplishing its objectives, and what obstacles must be overcome or minimized to achieve desired results: where the organization is today, and where it may be positioned in the future. Examples: For example, back in 2015, a Value Line SWOT analysis of The Coca-Cola Company noted strengths like its well-known brand name and vast distribution network and opportunities like emerging markets, but also weaknesses and threats such as foreign currency fluctuations, a growing taste for "healthy"
  • 21. beverages (vs. soft drinks) and the subsequent competition from providers of such beverages. Coca- Cola took steps to address these concerns, ramping up its marketing, advertising, and promotional activities, and expanding into other beverage categories. As a result, within a year its dividend-per- share rose from $.33 to $.35 and its stock, which was hovering around $39 per share, climbed to $46; it's fallen down since, but remains up nearly 8% over the past three-year period. Where it used: SWOT analyses can serve as a precursor to any sort of company action, such as exploring new initiatives, making decisions about new policies, identifying possible areas for change, or refining and redirecting efforts mid plan. Performing a SWOT analysis is also great way to improve business operations. Topic: Defineproject management. Discussthe process of project management. Project management is the application of processes, methods, knowledge, skills and experience to achieve the project objectives. 1 - Project Initiation Project initiation is the starting point of any project. In this process, all the activities related to winning a project takes place. Usually, the main activity of this phase is the pre-sale. 2 - Project Planning Project planning is one of the main project management processes. If the project management team gets this step wrong, there could be heavy negative consequences during the next phases of the project. 3 - Project Execution After all paperwork is done, in this phase, the project management executes the project in order to achieve project objectives. When it comes to execution, each member of the team carries out their own assignments within the given deadline for each activity. The detailed project schedule will be used for tracking the project progress. 4 - Control and Validation During the project life cycle, the project activities should be thoroughly controlled and validated. The controlling can be mainly done by adhering to the initial protocols such as project plan, quality assurance test plan and communication plan for the project. 5 - Closeout and Evaluation Once all the project requirements are achieved, it is time to hand over the implemented system and closeout the project. If the project deliveries are in par with the acceptance criteria defined by the client, the project will be duly accepted and paid by the customer. Topic: What is artificialintelligence(AI)? Describesome of attributes of intelligent behavior. Giveexamplesof some of the latest commercialapplicationsof AI:
  • 22. ArtificialIntelligence: The theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages. Attributes of AI:  Think and reason.  Use reason to solve problems.  Learn or understand from experience.  Acquire and apply knowledge.  Exhibit creativity and imagination.  Deal with complex or perplexing situations.  Respond quickly and successfully to new situations.  Recognize the relative importance of elements in a situation.  Handle ambiguous, incomplete, or erroneous information. Some of the latest commercial applications of AI  DecisionSupport 1. Intelligent work environment that will help you capture the why as well as the what of engineered design and decision making. 2. Intelligent human–computer interface (HCI) systems that can understand spoken language and gestures, and facilitate problem solving by supporting organization wide collaborations to solve particular problems. 3. Situation assessment and resource allocation software for uses that range from airlines and airports to logistics centers.  Information Retrieval 1. AI-based intranet and Internet systems that distill tidal waves of information into simple presentations. 2. Natural language technology to retrieve any sort of online information, from text to pictures, videos, maps, and audio clips, in response to English questions. 3. Database mining for marketing trend analysis, financial forecasting, maintenance cost reduction, and more.  Virtual Reality 1. X-ray–like vision enabled by enhanced-reality visualization that allows brain surgeons to “see through” intervening tissue to operate, monitor, and evaluate disease progression. 2. Automated animation interfaces that allow users to interact with virtual objects via touch (e.g., medical students can “feel” what it’s like to suture severed aortas).  Robotics 1. Machine-vision inspections systems for gauging, guiding, identifying, and inspecting products and providing competitive advantage in manufacturing. 2. Cutting-edge robotics systems, from micro robots and hands and legs to cognitive robotic and trainable modular vision systems.
  • 23. Topic: Most business should engage in e-commercein the internet. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?Explain your position. E-commerce makes the business much reachable and easy to access. E-commerce is the definition of modern business values. E-commerce helps business customers serve themselves giving the proper value to consumer interest and preference. Millions of businesses today, both large and small are moving towards web for the prosperity of their business. E-commerce has been the gateway to thousands of customers to enter the thousands of business in order to get the best possible option for the fulfillment of their needs. According to Me: I think, in this world of technological advances, more apt could be, a world of internet, business should use internet and make the best out of it in favor of business to sustain its place and grow among its competitors. So I strongly believe it that in this date and days to come most business should engage in e-commerce in the internet. Topic: What is supply chain management (SCM)? Briefly describe SCM life cycle. Topic: Definethe term feasibilitystudy. Brieflyexplain its types It is an assessment of the practicality of a proposed plan or method. Which helps to find the strengths and weaknesses of an existing business or proposed venture, opportunities and threats present in the environment, the resources required to carry through, and ultimately the prospects for success. There are different types of feasibility study... which are explained below,  Technicalfeasibility It measures of the availability of technical resources (hardware components or technical equipment). It also studies the availability of the technical manpower for the project. [ if the work performances of the technical manpower are not experienced, the entire system will be certainly insufficient.]  Economic feasibility Economic feasibility measures whether finances (investments) are available for proposed solution, i.e. it looks at the financial aspects (cost/ effectiveness) of the project. This is often called a cost-benefit analysis.  Operational feasibility It is a measure of how well the solution of problems or a specific alternative solution will work in the organization. It is also measure of how people feel about the system. If the system is not easy to operate, then operational process would be difficult. The operator of the system should be given proper training. The system should be made such that the user can interface the system without any problem.
  • 24.  Schedulefeasibility If a deadline (time-limit) is established, it is called schedule feasibility, i.e. the deadline of the project is studied under the scheduled feasibility. The scheduled feasibility is also depending upon available manpower and economical condition as well. Feasibility study is used for..., 1. To determine whether the objectives stated in the assignment brief are reasonably attainable within the limitation and financial constraints period. 2. To define major problem areas, so that the system analyst can plan the strategy for the field investigation. 3. To find areas where potential exists for making saving in money, time or effort. 4. To determine the approximate time required for the full investigation and cost. 5. To discover the areas where some specialist knowledge needed for the full investigation.