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3/27/2015 1
Ngumi M. Gideon
Dr. Farida Kaittany
Senior Lecturer,
Consultant Physician.
 Objectives
 Epidemiology
 Life cycle
 Pathophysiology & Pathogenesis
 Clinical features
 Complications & Severe malaria
 Diagnosis
 Management & prophylaxis
3/27/2015 2
 To understand the epidemiology of malaria in Kenya
 To understand the life cycle of the plasmodium and
specific pathophysiological correlates.
 To understand the pathogenesis and complications
of malaria
 To understand the clinical features, management and
diagnosis of malaria
 Diagnosis and management of severe malaria
3/27/2015 3
 Malaria is endemic in 109 countries and is found
throughout the tropics.
 Malaria is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in
 30 million out of 42 million Kenyans are at risk of malaria.
 It accounts for 30 – 50% of all outpatient attendance and
20% of all admissions to health facilities.
 Malaria is estimated to cause 20% of all deaths in children
under 5. (MOH 2006)
KEMRI Kenya malaria factsheet (
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 High malaria risk areas: Lakeside, coastal, highland and
arid areas
 Low malaria risk areas: Highlands within central
 Modes of transmission
-Vector bite
-Blood transfusion
-Organ transplant
-Intravenous drug use
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 Human malaria can be caused by four species of the
genus Plasmodium: P. falciparum, P. vivax, P. ovale, P.
malariae. Ocassionally other species of malaria
usually found in primates can affect man.
 Malaria is transmitted by the bite of female
anopheline mosquitoes. The parasite undergoes a
temperature-dependent cycle of development in the
gut of the insect, and its geographical range therefore
depends on the presence of the appropriate
mosquito species and on adequate temperature
Life cycle
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 Infection with human malaria begins when the
feeding female anopheline mosquito inoculates
plasmodial sporozoites at the time of feeding.
 After injection, they enter the circulation, either
directly or via lymph channels (approximately 20%),
and rapidly target the hepatic parenchymal cells.
 Within 45 min of the bite, all sporozoites have either
entered the hepatocytes or have been cleared.
Pre-erythrocytic development
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 Each sporozoite bores into the hepatocyte and there
begins a phase of asexual reproduction. This stage lasts
on average between 5.5 (P. falciparum) and 15 days (P.
malariae) before the hepatic schizont ruptures to release
merozoites into the bloodstream.
 In some instances, the primary incubation period can be
much longer. In P. vivax and P. ovale infections a
proportion of the intrahepatic parasites do not develop,
but instead rest inert as sleeping forms or ‘hypnozoites’,
to awaken weeks or months later, and cause the relapses
which characterize infections with these two species
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 The merozoites released by hepatocytes rapidly
infect RBCs. The attachment of the merozoite to the
red cell is mediated by the attachment of one or more
of a family of erythrocyte binding proteins.
 In P. vivax this is related to the Duffy blood group
 For P. falciparum the merozoite protein EBA 175
binds to red cell membrane sialoglycoprotein
glycophorin A
Asexual blood-stage development
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 As they grow, they increase in size logarithmically and
consume the erythrocyte’s haemoglobin. With this increase
in size, P. falciparum-infected erythrocytes become spherical
and less deformable, whereas P. vivax enlarges the infected
red cells, which become more deformable.
 Proteolysis of haemoglobin within the digestive vacuole
releases amino acids which are taken up and utilized by the
growing parasite for protein synthesis, but the liberated
haem poses a problem. When haem is freed from its protein
scaffold, it oxidizes to the toxic ferric form. Intraparasitic
toxicity is avoided by spontaneous dimerization to an inert
crystalline substance, haemozoin
Asexual blood-stage development
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 At approximately 12–14 h of development, P. falciparum
parasites begin to exhibit a high molecular weight strain-
specific variant antigen, Plasmodium falciparum erythrocyte
membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1) on the exterior surface of the
infected red cell which mediates attachment of the infected
erythrocyte to vascular endothelium.
 This is associated with knob-like projections from the
erythrocyte membrane. Expression increases towards the
middle of the cycle (24 h). These ‘knobby’ or K+ red cells
progressively disappear from the circulation by attachment or
‘cytoadherence’ to the walls of venules and capillaries in the
vital organs.
 This process is called ‘sequestration’. The other three ‘benign’
human malarias do not cytoadhere in systemic blood vessels
and all stages of development circulate in the bloodstream
Asexual blood-stage development
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 Inside the red cells the parasites again multiply,
changing from merozoite, to trophozoite, to schizont,
and finally appearing as 8-24 new merozoites.
 The erythrocyte ruptures, releasing the merozoites to
infect further cells.
 Each cycle of this process, which is called erythrocytic
schizogony, takes about 48 hours in P. falciparum, P.
vivax and P. ovale, and about 72 hours in P. malariae. P.
vivax and P. ovale mainly attack reticulocytes and
young erythrocytes, while P. malariae tends to attack
older cells; P. falciparum will parasitize any stage of
Asexual blood-stage development
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 After a series of asexual cycles ( P. falciparum) or immediately
after release from the liver ( P. vivax, P. ovale, P. malariae, P.
knowlesi), some of the parasites develop into morphologically
distinct, longer-lived sexual forms ( gametocytes) that can
transmit malaria.
 After being ingested in the blood meal of a biting female
anopheline mosquito, the male and female gametocytes form a
zygote in the insect’s midgut. This zygote matures into an
ookinete, which penetrates and encysts in the mosquito’s gut
 The resulting oocyst expands by asexual division until it bursts
to liberate myriad motile sporozoites, which then migrate in
the hemolymph to the salivary gland of the mosquito to await
inoculation into another human at the next feeding.
Sexual stages and development in the mosquito
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 The pathophysiology of malaria results from
destruction of erythrocytes, the liberation of parasite
and erythrocyte material into the circulation, and the
host reaction to these events.
 P. falciparum malaria-infected erythrocytes
sequester in the microcirculation of vital organs,
interfering with microcirculatory flow and host
tissue metabolism.
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 Erythrocytes containing mature forms of P. falciparum
adhere to microvascular endothelium
(‘cytoadherence’) and thus disappear from the
circulation. This process is known as sequestration
 Once infected red cells adhere, they do not enter the
circulation again, remaining stuck until they rupture
at merogony.
 Cytoadherence and the related phenomena of
rosetting and autoagglutination lead to
microcirculatory obstruction in falciparum malaria.
Cytoadherence &
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Red cell ligand Vascular endothelial
Location of the
vascular endothelial
falciparum erythrocyte
membrane protein 1
CD36. Most organs
Intercellular adhesion
molecule 1 (ICAM 1)
Chondroitin sulphate
Vascular endothelial
3/27/2015 22
 As Plasmodium vivax matures inside the erythrocyte, the
cell enlarges and becomes more deformable.
 Plasmodium falciparum does exactly the opposite; the
normally flexible biconcave disc becomes progressively
more spherical and rigid.
 The reduction in deformability results from reduced
membrane fluidity, increasing sphericity, and the
enlarging and relatively rigid intraerythrocytic parasite.
Infected red cells are less filterable than uninfected cells,
and readily removed by the spleen.
 Indeed it has been argued that sequestration is an
adaptive response to escape splenic filtration
Red cell deformability
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 There is evidence of a mild generalized increase in
systemic vascular permeability in severe malaria.
 Focal perivascular and intraparenchymal oedema is seen
in the brain in 70% of fatal cases.
 In the past, it was suggested that cerebral malaria resulted
from a marked generalized increase in cerebral capillary
permeability which led to brain swelling, coma and death,
but the imaging studies conducted to date indicate that,
although there may be some increases in brain water, as
would be expected given the widespread venular and
capillary obstruction, the majority of adults and children
with cerebral malaria do not have significant cerebral
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 Coma in severe malaria is called cerebral malaria.
Although several factors may contribute to impaired
consciousness in severe malaria (seizures,
hypoglycaemia), there is a syndrome of diffuse but
reversible encephalopathy which is characteristic of
malaria, and is not seen in other infections.
 The cause of coma is not known. There is undoubtedly an
increase in cerebral anaerobic glycolysis with cerebral
blood flows that are inappropriately low for the arterial
oxygen content, increased cerebral metabolic rates for
lactate, and increased CSF concentrations of lactate, but
these changes, which reflect impaired perfusion, do not
provide sufficient explanation for coma.
Pathogenesis of coma
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 There is renal cortical vasoconstriction and consequent
hypoperfusion in severe falciparum malaria. In patients
with acute renal failure (ARF) renal vascular resistance is
 The renal injury in severe malaria results from acute
tubular necrosis.
 Acute tubular necrosis presumably results from renal
microvascular obstruction and cellular injury consequent
upon sequestration in the kidney and the filtration of
nephrotoxins such as free haemoglobin, myoglobin and
other cellular material
Renal failure
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 Pulmonary oedema in malaria results from a sudden
increase in pulmonary capillary permeability that is
not reflected in other vascular beds.
 Whereas acute renal failure, severe metabolic
acidosis, and coma are confined mainly to
falciparum malaria, acute pulmonary oedema may
also occur in vivax malaria.
 The cause of this increase in pulmonary capillary
permeability is not known
Pulmonary oedema
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 -Anemia in malaria is multifactorial.
1. Haemolysis of RBC infected by the protozoa
2. Accelerated destruction of non-parasitised red cells
(major contributor in anemia of severe malaria)
3. Bone marrow dysfunction that can persist for weeks
4. Shortened red cell survival
5. Increased splenic clearance
6. Massive gastrointestinal haemorrhage can also contribute
to the anemia of malaria.
7. Drug caused haemolysis.
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Causes of anaemia in malaria infection
Haemolysis of infected red cells
Haemolysis of non-infected red cells (blackwater fever)
Splenomegaly and sequestration
Folate depletion
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 In acute malaria, coagulation cascade activity is
accelerated with accelerated fibrinogen turnover,
consumption of antithrombin III, reduced factor XIII,
and increased concentrations of fibrin degradation
 Thrombocytopenia is common to all the four human
malarias and is caused by increased splenic
Coagulopathy and
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 It is a poorly understood condition in which there is
massive intravascular haemolysis and the passage of
‘Coca-Cola’-coloured urine.
 It is related to use of quinine.
 G6PD-deficient red cells are particularly susceptible to
oxidant stress as they are unable to synthesize adequate
quantities of NADPH through the pentose shunt.
 This leads to low intraerythrocytic levels of reduced
glutathione, and both alterations in the erythrocyte
membrane and increased susceptibility to organic
Blackwater fever
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 There is considerable splenic enlargement in malaria,
mainly as a result of cellular multiplication and
structural change, and an increased capacity to clear
red cells from the circulation both by Fc receptor-
mediated (immune) mechanisms and by recognition
of reduced deformability (filtration).
 There is considerable accumulation of parasitized
The spleen
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 Abdominal pain may be prominent in acute malaria.
 Minor stress ulceration of the stomach and
duodenum is common in severe malaria.
 Gut permeability is increased,and this may be
associated with reduced local defences against
bacterial toxins, or even whole bacteria in severe
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 Jaundice is common in adults with severe malaria,
and there is other evidence of hepatic dysfunction,
with reduced clotting factor synthesis, reduced
metabolic clearance of the antimalarial drugs, and a
failure of gluconeogenesis which contributes to lactic
acidosis and hypoglycaemia.
 Jaundice in malaria appears to have haemolytic,
hepatic, and cholestatic components.
Liver dysfunction
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 Acidosis is a major cause of death in severe
falciparum malaria, both in adults and children.
 This has been considered to be mainly a lactic
acidosis, although ketoacidosis may predominate in
children, and the acidosis of renal failure is common
in adults.
 Lactic acidosis results from several discrete
processes: the tissue anaerobic glycolysis consequent
upon microvascular obstruction; a failure of hepatic
and renal lactate clearance; and the production of
lactate by the parasite.
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 It is an important manifestation of severe malaria.
 An increased peripheral requirement for glucose
consequent upon anaerobic glycolysis, the increased
metabolic demands of the febrile illness, and the
obligatory demands of the parasites, which use glucose as
their major fuel (all of which increase demand); and a
failure of hepatic gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis
(reduced supply).
 The combination of impaired gluconeogenesis, limited
glycogen stores, and greatly increased demand results in
hypoglycaemia in 20–30% of children with severe malaria.
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 Cerebral malaria
 Severe anaemia
 Renal failure
 Pulmonary oedema or
adult respiratory distress
 Hypoglycaemia
 Circulatory collapse or
 Prostration
 Hyperparasitaemia
 Spontaneous bleeding from
gums, nose, gastrointestinal
tract, etc. and/or substantial
laboratory evidence of DIC.
 Repeated generalized
 Acidaemia
 Macroscopic
 Impairment of
consciousness less marked
than unrousable coma
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 The normal incubation period is 10-21 days, but can
be longer. The most common symptom is fever,
although malaria may present initially with general
malaise, headache, vomiting, or diarrhoea.
 At first the fever may be continual or erratic: the
classical tertian or quartan fever only appears after
some days. The temperature often reaches 41°C, and
is accompanied by rigors and drenching sweats
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 The illness is relatively mild.
 Anaemia develops slowly, and there may be tender
 Spontaneous recovery usually occurs within 2-6
weeks, but hypnozoites in the liver can cause
relapses for many years after infection.
 Repeated infections often cause chronic ill health due
to anaemia and hyperreactive splenomegaly.
3/27/2015 41
P. vivax or P. ovale
 This also causes a relatively mild illness, but tends to
run a more chronic course.
 Parasitaemia may persist for years, with or without
 In children, P. malariae infection is associated with
glomerulonephritis and nephrotic syndrome.
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P. malariae infection
 This causes, in many cases, a self-limiting illness similar
to the other types of malaria, although the paroxysms of
fever are usually less marked.
 Patients can deteriorate rapidly, and children in particular
progress from reasonable health to coma and death
within hours.
 A high parasitaemia (> 1% of red cells infected) is an
indicator of severe disease, although patients with
apparently low parasite levels may also develop
complications. Cerebral malaria is marked by diminished
consciousness, confusion, and convulsions, often
progressing to coma and death.
3/27/2015 43
P. falciparum infection
1. Extremes of age.
2. Pregnancy, especially in primigravidae and in 2nd half of
3. Immunosuppressed - patients on steroids, anti-cancer
drugs, immunosuppressant drugs.
4. Immunocompromised - patients with advanced
tuberculosis and cancers.
5. Splenectomy.
6. Lack of previous exposure to malaria (non-immune) or
lapsed immunity
7. Pre-existing organ failure.
3/27/2015 44
Predisposing factors for
complications of P. falciparum
 This is seen in older children and adults in areas
where malaria is hyperendemic.
 It is associated with an exaggerated immune
response to repeated malaria infections, and is
characterized by anaemia, massive splenomegaly,
and elevated IgM levels.
 Malaria parasites are scanty or absent.
 TSS usually responds to prolonged treatment with
prophylactic antimalarial drugs
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Hyperreactive malarial
splenomegaly (tropical
splenomegaly syndrome, TSS)
 There is gross splenomegaly with normal
architecture, and lymphocytic infiltration of the
hepatic sinusoids with Kupffer cell hyperplasia.
 The massively enlarged spleen leads to
hypersplenism with anaemia, leucopenia and
 There is a polyclonal hypergammaglobulinaemia
with high serum concentrations of IgM. High titres
of malaria antibodies and a variety of autoantibodies
(antinuclear factor, rheumatoid factor) are usually
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 Thin and thick blood smears for MPS
 Thick films: Parasite ID & Quantifcn; Monitor Rx
 Thin films: Species Identification
 Sensitivity: 86-96%
 Quantification: Ring form count/200WBCs or parasite/μL
(assume WBC count of 8000/μL)
Plus system:
+ represents 1-10/100 thick blood films
++ represents 11-100/100 thick blood films
+++ represents 1-10 per single thick blood film
++++ > 10 parasites per single thick blood film
2.QBC - Quantitative Buffy Coat
3.PCR – Polymerase chain reaction
4.RDT – Rapid Diagnostic Test
 Immunochromatographic
 Detect parasite antigen Eg pLDH, HRP
5.Clinical chemistry
7.Radiological imaging.
8.General investigations
Uncomplicated malaria:
1st line: ACT (AL)
 20mg Artemether + 120mg Lumefantrine
 6 dose regime over 3/7
 1st dose DOT
 Take AL prefferably with a meal
Supportive Mx
 Fever :hyperpyrexia (T>39.5°C)-paracetamol or
Ibuprofen + mechanical methods.
 Adequate fluids and nutrition.
Treatment failure
 Deterioration or persistence of Sx 3-14/7 after initiation of
 Get Hx of :Compliance, vomiting of meds
 Mx:
 Repeat microscopy
 2nd line Rx
 Repeat full 1st line dose in Non compliance
 Investigate for other DDx
 2nd line Rx
 Oral quinine 30mg/kg in 3 dvd doses x7/7 followed by
fansidar 3 tabs single dose
► Mefloquine 25mg/kg in 2 doses 8hrs apart
► Malarone(atovaquone 250mg+proguanil 100mg 4
tabs daily for 3 days)
► Eradication for p.vivax and p.ovale-oral primaquine
15mg daily for 14 days.
 Artesunate (2.4 mg/kg stat IV followed by 2.4 mg/kg at
12 and 24 h and then daily if necessary)
or, if unavailable, one of the following:
 Artemether (3.2 mg/kg stat IM followed by 1.6 mg/kg
 Quinine dihydrochloride (20 mg of salt/kg infused over 4
h, followed by 10 mg of salt/kg infused over 2–8 h q8h)
 Quinidine (10 mg of base/kg infused over 1–2 h, followed
by 1.2 mg of base/kg per hour with electrocardiographic
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Severe Malaria Tx
Cerebral malaria
 Clinical assessment:
 LOC using GCS
 Severe anaemia
 Resp. Distress
 Hydration status
 Renal insufficiency
 Labs:RBS, CSF, UECs etc
Fluid replacement
 Normal saline bolus 20 ml/kg
 Maintenance Dextrose/saline 4-6ml/kg/hr
 Albumin
Close monitoring
 Check Hb
 Change fluid regimen
 Not indicated unless blood gas shows HCO3 <10 mmol
with no response to fluids
Respiratory Distress
Treat the underlying cause
 Antimalarials
 Correct hypoglycaemia
 Stop seizures
Think about the mechanisms
 hypovolemia
 anaemia
 impaired perfusion
 Salicylates
 Pulmonary oedema
 Diazepam - IV 0.3 mg/Kg or PR 0.5 mg/Kg
 Paraldehyde - IM 0.4 ml/Kg or PR 0.8ml/
 Lorazepam – IV
 Midazolam - IV or buccal, IM
 ????
3/27/2015 68

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  • 1. 3/27/2015 1 Presenter; Ngumi M. Gideon MBChB IV ©KENYA Facilitator Dr. Farida Kaittany Senior Lecturer, Consultant Physician.
  • 2.   Objectives  Epidemiology  Life cycle  Pathophysiology & Pathogenesis  Clinical features  Complications & Severe malaria  Diagnosis  Management & prophylaxis Outline 3/27/2015 2
  • 3.   To understand the epidemiology of malaria in Kenya  To understand the life cycle of the plasmodium and specific pathophysiological correlates.  To understand the pathogenesis and complications of malaria  To understand the clinical features, management and diagnosis of malaria  Diagnosis and management of severe malaria 3/27/2015 3 Objectives
  • 4.   Malaria is endemic in 109 countries and is found throughout the tropics.  Malaria is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in Kenya.  30 million out of 42 million Kenyans are at risk of malaria.  It accounts for 30 – 50% of all outpatient attendance and 20% of all admissions to health facilities.  Malaria is estimated to cause 20% of all deaths in children under 5. (MOH 2006) KEMRI Kenya malaria factsheet ( Epidemiology 3/27/2015 4
  • 6.   High malaria risk areas: Lakeside, coastal, highland and arid areas  Low malaria risk areas: Highlands within central province  Modes of transmission -Vector bite -Blood transfusion -Organ transplant -Intravenous drug use 3/27/2015 6
  • 7.   Human malaria can be caused by four species of the genus Plasmodium: P. falciparum, P. vivax, P. ovale, P. malariae. Ocassionally other species of malaria usually found in primates can affect man.  Malaria is transmitted by the bite of female anopheline mosquitoes. The parasite undergoes a temperature-dependent cycle of development in the gut of the insect, and its geographical range therefore depends on the presence of the appropriate mosquito species and on adequate temperature Life cycle 3/27/2015 7
  • 10.   Infection with human malaria begins when the feeding female anopheline mosquito inoculates plasmodial sporozoites at the time of feeding.  After injection, they enter the circulation, either directly or via lymph channels (approximately 20%), and rapidly target the hepatic parenchymal cells.  Within 45 min of the bite, all sporozoites have either entered the hepatocytes or have been cleared. Pre-erythrocytic development 3/27/2015 10
  • 11.   Each sporozoite bores into the hepatocyte and there begins a phase of asexual reproduction. This stage lasts on average between 5.5 (P. falciparum) and 15 days (P. malariae) before the hepatic schizont ruptures to release merozoites into the bloodstream.  In some instances, the primary incubation period can be much longer. In P. vivax and P. ovale infections a proportion of the intrahepatic parasites do not develop, but instead rest inert as sleeping forms or ‘hypnozoites’, to awaken weeks or months later, and cause the relapses which characterize infections with these two species Pre-erythrocytic development..CNTD 3/27/2015 11
  • 12.   The merozoites released by hepatocytes rapidly infect RBCs. The attachment of the merozoite to the red cell is mediated by the attachment of one or more of a family of erythrocyte binding proteins.  In P. vivax this is related to the Duffy blood group antigen.  For P. falciparum the merozoite protein EBA 175 binds to red cell membrane sialoglycoprotein glycophorin A Asexual blood-stage development 3/27/2015 12
  • 13.   As they grow, they increase in size logarithmically and consume the erythrocyte’s haemoglobin. With this increase in size, P. falciparum-infected erythrocytes become spherical and less deformable, whereas P. vivax enlarges the infected red cells, which become more deformable.  Proteolysis of haemoglobin within the digestive vacuole releases amino acids which are taken up and utilized by the growing parasite for protein synthesis, but the liberated haem poses a problem. When haem is freed from its protein scaffold, it oxidizes to the toxic ferric form. Intraparasitic toxicity is avoided by spontaneous dimerization to an inert crystalline substance, haemozoin Asexual blood-stage development ...CNTD 3/27/2015 13
  • 14.  At approximately 12–14 h of development, P. falciparum parasites begin to exhibit a high molecular weight strain- specific variant antigen, Plasmodium falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1) on the exterior surface of the infected red cell which mediates attachment of the infected erythrocyte to vascular endothelium.  This is associated with knob-like projections from the erythrocyte membrane. Expression increases towards the middle of the cycle (24 h). These ‘knobby’ or K+ red cells progressively disappear from the circulation by attachment or ‘cytoadherence’ to the walls of venules and capillaries in the vital organs.  This process is called ‘sequestration’. The other three ‘benign’ human malarias do not cytoadhere in systemic blood vessels and all stages of development circulate in the bloodstream Asexual blood-stage development ...CNTD 3/27/2015 14
  • 15.   Inside the red cells the parasites again multiply, changing from merozoite, to trophozoite, to schizont, and finally appearing as 8-24 new merozoites.  The erythrocyte ruptures, releasing the merozoites to infect further cells.  Each cycle of this process, which is called erythrocytic schizogony, takes about 48 hours in P. falciparum, P. vivax and P. ovale, and about 72 hours in P. malariae. P. vivax and P. ovale mainly attack reticulocytes and young erythrocytes, while P. malariae tends to attack older cells; P. falciparum will parasitize any stage of erythrocyte. Asexual blood-stage development ...CNTD 3/27/2015 15
  • 16.   After a series of asexual cycles ( P. falciparum) or immediately after release from the liver ( P. vivax, P. ovale, P. malariae, P. knowlesi), some of the parasites develop into morphologically distinct, longer-lived sexual forms ( gametocytes) that can transmit malaria.  After being ingested in the blood meal of a biting female anopheline mosquito, the male and female gametocytes form a zygote in the insect’s midgut. This zygote matures into an ookinete, which penetrates and encysts in the mosquito’s gut wall.  The resulting oocyst expands by asexual division until it bursts to liberate myriad motile sporozoites, which then migrate in the hemolymph to the salivary gland of the mosquito to await inoculation into another human at the next feeding. Sexual stages and development in the mosquito 3/27/2015 16
  • 18.   The pathophysiology of malaria results from destruction of erythrocytes, the liberation of parasite and erythrocyte material into the circulation, and the host reaction to these events.  P. falciparum malaria-infected erythrocytes sequester in the microcirculation of vital organs, interfering with microcirculatory flow and host tissue metabolism. 3/27/2015 18
  • 20.   Erythrocytes containing mature forms of P. falciparum adhere to microvascular endothelium (‘cytoadherence’) and thus disappear from the circulation. This process is known as sequestration  Once infected red cells adhere, they do not enter the circulation again, remaining stuck until they rupture at merogony.  Cytoadherence and the related phenomena of rosetting and autoagglutination lead to microcirculatory obstruction in falciparum malaria. Cytoadherence & sequestration 3/27/2015 20
  • 22.  Red cell ligand Vascular endothelial receptors Location of the vascular endothelial receptors Plasmodium falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1) CD36. Most organs Intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM 1) Brain Chondroitin sulphate A (CSA) Placenta Vascular endothelial ligands 3/27/2015 22
  • 23.   As Plasmodium vivax matures inside the erythrocyte, the cell enlarges and becomes more deformable.  Plasmodium falciparum does exactly the opposite; the normally flexible biconcave disc becomes progressively more spherical and rigid.  The reduction in deformability results from reduced membrane fluidity, increasing sphericity, and the enlarging and relatively rigid intraerythrocytic parasite. Infected red cells are less filterable than uninfected cells, and readily removed by the spleen.  Indeed it has been argued that sequestration is an adaptive response to escape splenic filtration Red cell deformability 3/27/2015 23
  • 24.   There is evidence of a mild generalized increase in systemic vascular permeability in severe malaria.  Focal perivascular and intraparenchymal oedema is seen in the brain in 70% of fatal cases.  In the past, it was suggested that cerebral malaria resulted from a marked generalized increase in cerebral capillary permeability which led to brain swelling, coma and death, but the imaging studies conducted to date indicate that, although there may be some increases in brain water, as would be expected given the widespread venular and capillary obstruction, the majority of adults and children with cerebral malaria do not have significant cerebral oedema Permeability 3/27/2015 24
  • 25.   Coma in severe malaria is called cerebral malaria. Although several factors may contribute to impaired consciousness in severe malaria (seizures, hypoglycaemia), there is a syndrome of diffuse but reversible encephalopathy which is characteristic of malaria, and is not seen in other infections.  The cause of coma is not known. There is undoubtedly an increase in cerebral anaerobic glycolysis with cerebral blood flows that are inappropriately low for the arterial oxygen content, increased cerebral metabolic rates for lactate, and increased CSF concentrations of lactate, but these changes, which reflect impaired perfusion, do not provide sufficient explanation for coma. Pathogenesis of coma 3/27/2015 25
  • 26.   There is renal cortical vasoconstriction and consequent hypoperfusion in severe falciparum malaria. In patients with acute renal failure (ARF) renal vascular resistance is increased.  The renal injury in severe malaria results from acute tubular necrosis.  Acute tubular necrosis presumably results from renal microvascular obstruction and cellular injury consequent upon sequestration in the kidney and the filtration of nephrotoxins such as free haemoglobin, myoglobin and other cellular material Renal failure 3/27/2015 26
  • 27.   Pulmonary oedema in malaria results from a sudden increase in pulmonary capillary permeability that is not reflected in other vascular beds.  Whereas acute renal failure, severe metabolic acidosis, and coma are confined mainly to falciparum malaria, acute pulmonary oedema may also occur in vivax malaria.  The cause of this increase in pulmonary capillary permeability is not known Pulmonary oedema 3/27/2015 27
  • 28.   -Anemia in malaria is multifactorial. 1. Haemolysis of RBC infected by the protozoa 2. Accelerated destruction of non-parasitised red cells (major contributor in anemia of severe malaria) 3. Bone marrow dysfunction that can persist for weeks 4. Shortened red cell survival 5. Increased splenic clearance 6. Massive gastrointestinal haemorrhage can also contribute to the anemia of malaria. 7. Drug caused haemolysis. 3/27/2015 28 Anemia
  • 29.  Causes of anaemia in malaria infection Haemolysis of infected red cells Haemolysis of non-infected red cells (blackwater fever) Dyserythropoiesis Splenomegaly and sequestration Folate depletion 3/27/2015 29
  • 30.   In acute malaria, coagulation cascade activity is accelerated with accelerated fibrinogen turnover, consumption of antithrombin III, reduced factor XIII, and increased concentrations of fibrin degradation products.  Thrombocytopenia is common to all the four human malarias and is caused by increased splenic clearance. Coagulopathy and thrombocytopenia 3/27/2015 30
  • 31.   It is a poorly understood condition in which there is massive intravascular haemolysis and the passage of ‘Coca-Cola’-coloured urine.  It is related to use of quinine.  G6PD-deficient red cells are particularly susceptible to oxidant stress as they are unable to synthesize adequate quantities of NADPH through the pentose shunt.  This leads to low intraerythrocytic levels of reduced glutathione, and both alterations in the erythrocyte membrane and increased susceptibility to organic peroxides Blackwater fever 3/27/2015 31
  • 32.   There is considerable splenic enlargement in malaria, mainly as a result of cellular multiplication and structural change, and an increased capacity to clear red cells from the circulation both by Fc receptor- mediated (immune) mechanisms and by recognition of reduced deformability (filtration).  There is considerable accumulation of parasitized erythrocytes. The spleen 3/27/2015 32
  • 33.   Abdominal pain may be prominent in acute malaria.  Minor stress ulceration of the stomach and duodenum is common in severe malaria.  Gut permeability is increased,and this may be associated with reduced local defences against bacterial toxins, or even whole bacteria in severe disease. Gastrointestinal dysfunction 3/27/2015 33
  • 34.   Jaundice is common in adults with severe malaria, and there is other evidence of hepatic dysfunction, with reduced clotting factor synthesis, reduced metabolic clearance of the antimalarial drugs, and a failure of gluconeogenesis which contributes to lactic acidosis and hypoglycaemia.  Jaundice in malaria appears to have haemolytic, hepatic, and cholestatic components. Liver dysfunction 3/27/2015 34
  • 35.   Acidosis is a major cause of death in severe falciparum malaria, both in adults and children.  This has been considered to be mainly a lactic acidosis, although ketoacidosis may predominate in children, and the acidosis of renal failure is common in adults.  Lactic acidosis results from several discrete processes: the tissue anaerobic glycolysis consequent upon microvascular obstruction; a failure of hepatic and renal lactate clearance; and the production of lactate by the parasite. Acidosis 3/27/2015 35
  • 36.   It is an important manifestation of severe malaria.  An increased peripheral requirement for glucose consequent upon anaerobic glycolysis, the increased metabolic demands of the febrile illness, and the obligatory demands of the parasites, which use glucose as their major fuel (all of which increase demand); and a failure of hepatic gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis (reduced supply).  The combination of impaired gluconeogenesis, limited glycogen stores, and greatly increased demand results in hypoglycaemia in 20–30% of children with severe malaria. Hypoglycaemia 3/27/2015 36
  • 37.  3/27/2015 37 WHO DEFINITION OF SEVERE MALARIA  Cerebral malaria  Severe anaemia  Renal failure  Pulmonary oedema or adult respiratory distress syndrome  Hypoglycaemia  Circulatory collapse or shock  Prostration  Hyperparasitaemia  Spontaneous bleeding from gums, nose, gastrointestinal tract, etc. and/or substantial laboratory evidence of DIC.  Repeated generalized convulsions  Acidaemia  Macroscopic haemoglobinuria  Impairment of consciousness less marked than unrousable coma
  • 40.   The normal incubation period is 10-21 days, but can be longer. The most common symptom is fever, although malaria may present initially with general malaise, headache, vomiting, or diarrhoea.  At first the fever may be continual or erratic: the classical tertian or quartan fever only appears after some days. The temperature often reaches 41°C, and is accompanied by rigors and drenching sweats 3/27/2015 40
  • 41.   The illness is relatively mild.  Anaemia develops slowly, and there may be tender hepatosplenomegaly.  Spontaneous recovery usually occurs within 2-6 weeks, but hypnozoites in the liver can cause relapses for many years after infection.  Repeated infections often cause chronic ill health due to anaemia and hyperreactive splenomegaly. 3/27/2015 41 P. vivax or P. ovale infection
  • 42.   This also causes a relatively mild illness, but tends to run a more chronic course.  Parasitaemia may persist for years, with or without symptoms.  In children, P. malariae infection is associated with glomerulonephritis and nephrotic syndrome. 3/27/2015 42 P. malariae infection
  • 43.   This causes, in many cases, a self-limiting illness similar to the other types of malaria, although the paroxysms of fever are usually less marked.  Patients can deteriorate rapidly, and children in particular progress from reasonable health to coma and death within hours.  A high parasitaemia (> 1% of red cells infected) is an indicator of severe disease, although patients with apparently low parasite levels may also develop complications. Cerebral malaria is marked by diminished consciousness, confusion, and convulsions, often progressing to coma and death. 3/27/2015 43 P. falciparum infection
  • 44.  1. Extremes of age. 2. Pregnancy, especially in primigravidae and in 2nd half of pregnancy. 3. Immunosuppressed - patients on steroids, anti-cancer drugs, immunosuppressant drugs. 4. Immunocompromised - patients with advanced tuberculosis and cancers. 5. Splenectomy. 6. Lack of previous exposure to malaria (non-immune) or lapsed immunity 7. Pre-existing organ failure. 3/27/2015 44 Predisposing factors for complications of P. falciparum malaria:
  • 45.   This is seen in older children and adults in areas where malaria is hyperendemic.  It is associated with an exaggerated immune response to repeated malaria infections, and is characterized by anaemia, massive splenomegaly, and elevated IgM levels.  Malaria parasites are scanty or absent.  TSS usually responds to prolonged treatment with prophylactic antimalarial drugs 3/27/2015 45 Hyperreactive malarial splenomegaly (tropical splenomegaly syndrome, TSS)
  • 46.  There is gross splenomegaly with normal architecture, and lymphocytic infiltration of the hepatic sinusoids with Kupffer cell hyperplasia.  The massively enlarged spleen leads to hypersplenism with anaemia, leucopenia and thrombocytopenia.  There is a polyclonal hypergammaglobulinaemia with high serum concentrations of IgM. High titres of malaria antibodies and a variety of autoantibodies (antinuclear factor, rheumatoid factor) are usually present. HMS/TSS 3/27/2015 46
  • 48.  INVESTIGATION 1.Microscopy:  Thin and thick blood smears for MPS  Thick films: Parasite ID & Quantifcn; Monitor Rx  Thin films: Species Identification  Sensitivity: 86-96%  Quantification: Ring form count/200WBCs or parasite/μL (assume WBC count of 8000/μL) Plus system: + represents 1-10/100 thick blood films ++ represents 11-100/100 thick blood films +++ represents 1-10 per single thick blood film ++++ > 10 parasites per single thick blood film
  • 49.
  • 52.
  • 53.
  • 54.
  • 55.  INVESTIGATION CONT’D 2.QBC - Quantitative Buffy Coat 3.PCR – Polymerase chain reaction 4.RDT – Rapid Diagnostic Test  Immunochromatographic  Detect parasite antigen Eg pLDH, HRP 5.Clinical chemistry 6.Roentography 7.Radiological imaging. 8.General investigations
  • 56.  TREATMENT Uncomplicated malaria: 1st line: ACT (AL)  20mg Artemether + 120mg Lumefantrine  6 dose regime over 3/7  1st dose DOT  Take AL prefferably with a meal Supportive Mx  Fever :hyperpyrexia (T>39.5°C)-paracetamol or Ibuprofen + mechanical methods.  Adequate fluids and nutrition.
  • 57.
  • 58.  TREATMENT CONT’D Treatment failure  Deterioration or persistence of Sx 3-14/7 after initiation of Rx  Get Hx of :Compliance, vomiting of meds  Mx:  Repeat microscopy  2nd line Rx  Repeat full 1st line dose in Non compliance  Investigate for other DDx
  • 59.  TREATMENT CONT’D  2nd line Rx  Oral quinine 30mg/kg in 3 dvd doses x7/7 followed by fansidar 3 tabs single dose
  • 60.  alternative ► Mefloquine 25mg/kg in 2 doses 8hrs apart ► Malarone(atovaquone 250mg+proguanil 100mg 4 tabs daily for 3 days) ► Eradication for p.vivax and p.ovale-oral primaquine 15mg daily for 14 days.
  • 61.
  • 62.   Artesunate (2.4 mg/kg stat IV followed by 2.4 mg/kg at 12 and 24 h and then daily if necessary) or, if unavailable, one of the following:  Artemether (3.2 mg/kg stat IM followed by 1.6 mg/kg qd) or  Quinine dihydrochloride (20 mg of salt/kg infused over 4 h, followed by 10 mg of salt/kg infused over 2–8 h q8h) or  Quinidine (10 mg of base/kg infused over 1–2 h, followed by 1.2 mg of base/kg per hour with electrocardiographic monitoring) 3/27/2015 62 Severe Malaria Tx
  • 63.  Mx SPECIFIC CLINICAL Sx Cerebral malaria  Clinical assessment:  LOC using GCS  Severe anaemia  Resp. Distress  Hydration status  Renal insufficiency  DIC  Labs:RBS, CSF, UECs etc
  • 64.  Acidosis Fluid replacement  Normal saline bolus 20 ml/kg  Maintenance Dextrose/saline 4-6ml/kg/hr  Albumin Close monitoring  Check Hb  Change fluid regimen Bicarbonate  Not indicated unless blood gas shows HCO3 <10 mmol with no response to fluids
  • 65.  Respiratory Distress Treat the underlying cause  Antimalarials  Correct hypoglycaemia  Stop seizures Think about the mechanisms  hypovolemia  anaemia  impaired perfusion  Salicylates  Pulmonary oedema
  • 66.  Seizures  Diazepam - IV 0.3 mg/Kg or PR 0.5 mg/Kg  Paraldehyde - IM 0.4 ml/Kg or PR 0.8ml/  Lorazepam – IV  Midazolam - IV or buccal, IM

Editor's Notes

  1. Endemic areas (0 – 1300M) – Lake victoria and coastal regions Seasonal malaria transmission – arid and semi arid areas of northern and south eastern parts of the country Endemicity-defined in terms of palpable spleen rates in children 2-9yrs Hypoendemic(<10%) mesoendemic (11-50%) hyperendemic (51-75%) holoendemic (>75%) Malaria epidemic prone areas of western highlands of kenya – (seasonal with year to year variations ) Low risk malaria areas – central highlands of kenya including Nairobi (temperatures are too low to allow completion of sporogonic lifecycle)
  2. Malaria can also be transmitted in contaminated blood transfusions. It has occasionally been seen in injecting drug users sharing needles and as a hospital-acquired infection related to contaminated equipment.
  3. Sporozoites in salivary gland of female anopheles mosquito > injected in man blood by mosquito bite > invade liver cells, growth and multiplication(pre-erythrocytic phase) >infected liver cells(schizont)rupture releasing merozoites into blood
  4. During the pre-erythrocytic or hepatic phase of development considerable asexual multiplication takes place and many thousands of merozoites are released from each ruptured infected hepatocyte. However, as only a few liver cells are infected, this phase is asymptomatic for the human host.
  5. The absence of these phenotypes in West Africans, or people who originate from that region, explains their resistance to infection with P. vivax, and the absence of vivax malaria in West Africa. The red cell surface receptors for P. malariae and P. ovale are not known.
  6. Merozoites invade RBC ,growth ,multiplication (erythocytic phase) >RBC rupture > release of merozoites>some invade other RBC (trophozite)some differentiate into gametocytes> gametocyte sucked by mosquito
  7. Gametocyte > zygote> ookinate> oocyst> sporozoite> sporozoite in saliva> injection in man, cycle repeated
  8. Erythrocytes containing mature parasites also adhere to uninfected erythrocytes. This process leads to the formation of ‘rosettes’ when suspensions of parasitized erythrocytes are viewed under the microscope. Rosetting is mediated by attachment of specific domains of PfEMP1 to the complement receptor CR1, heparan sulphate, blood group A antigen, and probably other red cell surface molecules. Rosetting can lead to microvascular occlusion.
  9. The intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM-1 or CD54), which is also the receptor for rhinovirus attachment, appears to be the major cytoadherence receptor in the brain
  10. Pulmonary edema is a grave complication of severe malaria, with a high mortality (over 80%). The first indication of impending pulmonary oedema is an increase in the respiratory rate, which precedes the development of other chest signs .The arterial pO2 is reduced.
  11. (1) when patients with G6PD deficiency take oxidant drugs (e.g. primaquine, sulphones or sulphonamides) irrespective of whether they have malaria or not; (2) occasionally when patients with G6PD deficiency have malaria and receive quinine treatment; (3) in some patients with severe falciparum malaria who have normal erythrocyte G6PD levels irrespective of the treatment given and (4) when people who are exposed to malaria self-medicate frequently with quinine (or structurally related drugs).
  12. The increased filtration of the spleen and the reduced deformability of the entire red cell population results in the rapid development of anaemia in severe malaria.
  13. In severe malaria, the arterial, capillary, venous and CSF concentrations of lactate rise in direct proportion to disease severity. Acid-base assessment or venous lactate concentrations on or 4 h after admission to hospital are very good indicators of prognosis in severe malaria Metabolic acidosis (predominantly lactic acidosis) has been now recognized as a principal pathophysiological feature of severe manifestations of P. falciparum malaria like cerebral malaria and severe anemia. It is the single most important determinant of survival and can lead to respiratory distress syndrome. Lactic acidosis has been identified as an important cause of death in severe malaria
  14. In patients treated with quinine, this is compounded by quinine-stimulated pancreatic β-cell insulin secretion. Hyperinsulinaemia is balanced by a reduced tissue sensitivity to insulin, which returns to normal as the patient improves. This probably explains why quinine-induced (hyperinsulinaemic) hypoglycaemia tends to occur after the first 24 h of treatment, whereas malaria-related hypoglycaemia (with appropriate suppression of insulin secretion) is often present when the patient with severe malaria first presents.
  15. Prostration: Inability to sit unassisted in a child who is normally able to do so. In a child not old enough to sit, this is defined as an inability to feed. This definition is based on examination not history. The followings were not considered criteria of severe malaria: Jaundice & Hyperpyrexia
  16. 1990 WHO Definition of severe malaria (1 h in the 2000 definition) Patients with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency may develop intravascular haemolysis and haemoglobinuria precipitated by primaquine and other oxidant drugs, even in the absence of malaria. Haemoglobinuria associated with malaria (“blackwater fever”) is uncommon and malarial haemoglobinuria usually presents in adults as severe disease with anaemia and renal failure.
  17. The most common cause of glomerulonephritis in sub-Saharan Africa is malaria
  18. Untreated it is universally fatal. Blackwater fever is due to widespread intravascular haemolysis, affecting both parasitized and unparasitized red cells, giving rise to dark urine
  19. Genetic factors undoubtedly also play a role because within a malarious area the geographical distribution of HMS does not follow closely that of malaria transmission.
  20. Potential for progression to malignant lymphoma or leukaemia. This indicates clonal lymphoproliferation and the potential for progression to malignant lymphoma or leukaemia. The malaria blood slide is usually negative. The liver is also enlarged. Anaemia is often symptomatic and associated with pancytopenia (hypersplenism), and there is an increased susceptibility to bacterial infections.
  21. 3 sets of blood films are needed before ruling out a diagnosis of malaria done 12-24 hrs apart