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  Paludisme, Paludismo,

Malaria is the world’s most important
           parasitic disease.

• Malaria-endemic countries
- more than 100 countries in
Africa, Asia, Oceania, South
and Central America, some
of the Caribes.
Malaria-endemic countries
are among the poorest in the

• More than a third of the
world’s population (about 2
billion people) live in
malaria-endemic areas and 1
billion people are estimated
to carry parasites at any one
• In Africa alone, there are    • Annual malaria mortality range from 0.5 to 3 million people.
an estimated 200-450
million cases of fever in       Malaria-related mortality is particularly difficult to measure
children with malaria each      because the symptoms of the disease are non-specific
year.                           and most deaths occur at home.

                                • Despite global economic development, more people die from
                                nowadays than 40 years ago.
World situation

• During the “eradication era”, half a century
age, malaria was eliminated or effectively
suppressed in many parts of the world,
particularly subtropical regions.
 • Malaria is now on the rise again;
since it is appearing in areas where it had
disappeared, it is classified by some as a re-
emerging disease.
• WHO dates: Malaria in Europe region - 10
Тurkey, Аzerbaijan, Аrmenia, Таdjekistan,
Grusia, Uzbekistan, Каzakhstan, Кyrgystan,
Тurkmenistan, Russia
 • Use of ineffective drugs for a potentially
lethal disease will inevitably result in an
increase in mortality. Development of
resistance to antimalarial drugs had resulted
in a four to eight fold increase in mortality.
Etiology and pathogenesis

Four species of the genus Plasmodium cause nearly all infections in
humans. These are Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium ovale, Plasmodium
malariae, and Plasmodium falciparum.
P. falciparum predominates in Africa, New Guinea, and Haiti;
P. vivax is more common in Central America and the Indian
subcontinent. The prevalence of these two species is approximately
equal in South America, eastern Asia, and Oceania.
P. malariae is found in most endemic areas, especially throughout
sub-Saharan Africa, but is much less common.
P. ovale is relatively unusual outside Africa.
Plasmodium vivax – cause Vivax malaria/ Tertian malaria

Plasmodium ovale –        Ovale malaria/ Tertian ovale

Plasmodium falciparum – Falciparum malaria/ malaria
tropica/ subtertian malignant malaria

Plasmodium malariae –     Malaria malariae/ Quartan

Mode of transmission -     transmissial,
                      -    hemotransfussial,
                     -     inoculation,
                     -     tissue transplantation,
                     -     transplacental

Various species of anopheline
are definitive hosts of
  malarial parasites
•     An. Maculipenis,
•     An. Superpictus,
•     An. Elutus ets.
Bilogical Cycle of

  Human infection
  begins when a
  female anopheline
  sporozoites from
  its salivary gland
  during a blood
When the female
    mosquito bites
    an infected
    person, she
    draws into her
    stomach blood
    that may
    gametocytes –
    male end female.

•   In mosquito
    glend of the
    cycle depends
    not only on the
    species of
    but on the
    mosquito host
    and the ambient
    (more than
•   These microscopic forms of the
    malarial parasite are carried
    rapidly via the bloodstream to the
    liver, where they invade hepatic
    parenchymal cells and begin a
    period of asexual reproduction.
•   By this amplification process
    (known as intrahepatic or
    prerythrocytic schizogony or
    merogony), a single sporozoite
    eventually produces thousands of
    daughter merozoites.
•   The swollen liver cell eventually
    bursts, discharging motile
    merozoites into the bloodstream;
    at this point the symptomatic
    stage of the infection begins.
•   These microscopic forms of the
    malarial parasite are carried
    rapidly via the bloodstream to the
    liver, where they invade hepatic
    parenchymal cells and begin a
    period of asexual reproduction.
•   By this amplification process
    (known as intrahepatic or
    prerythrocytic schizogony or
    merogony), a single sporozoite
    eventually produces thousands of
    daughter merozoites.
•   By the end of the 48-h intraerythrocytic life cycle (72 h for P.
    malariae), the parasite has consumed nearly all the hemoglobin and
    grown to occupy most of the red cell. Multiple nuclear divisions take
    place (schizogony or merogony), and the red cell ruptures to release
    6 to 30 daughter merozoites, each capable of invading a new red cell
    and repeating the cycle.

     The disease in human beings is caused by the direct effects of red
    cell invasion and destruction by the asexual parasite and the host's
    reaction. During this process, some parasites develop into
    morphologically distinct sexual forms (gametocytes, still within the
    erythrocytes), which are long-lived.
•   Thus the infected erythrocytes sequester
    inside the small blood vessels.
•   At the same stage, these P. falciparum-infected
    red cells may also adhere to uninfected red
    cells to form rosettes. The processes of
    cytoadherence and rosetting are central to the
    pathogenesis of falciparum malaria. They
    result in the sequestration of red cells
    containing mature forms of the parasite in
    vital organs (particularly the brain and heart),
    where they interfere with microcirculatory flow
    and metabolism. only the younger ring forms
    of the asexual parasites are seen in the
    peripheral blood in falciparum malaria.

•   In the other three "benign" malarias,
    sequestration does not occur, and all stages of
    the parasite's development are evident on
    peripheral blood smears. Whereas P. vivax, P.
    ovale, and P. malariae show a marked
    predilection for either old red cells or
    reticulocytes and produce a level of
    parasitemia seldom exceeding 2 percent, P.
    falciparum can invade erythrocytes of all ages
    and may be associated with very high levels of
Clinical features

Incubating period - 9 до 60 days
P. vivax – 10 - 21 days, 8–14 months (P. vivax hibernans)
P. ovale – 11 - 16 days
P. falciparum – 9 - 16 days
P. malariae – 28 - 60 days

The first symptoms of malaria are nonspecific – the lack of
  a sense of well-being, headache, fatigue, abdominal
  discomfort, and muscle aches, anorecia, subfebril
  period, in children diarrhea , followed by fever are all
  similar to the symptoms of a minor viral illness.
This Prodromal period is 3-5 days.
In some instances, a prominence of headache, chest pain,
  abdominal pain, arthralgia, myalgia, or diarrhea may
  suggest another diagnosis.
Clinical features

          Malarial paroxysm
1. Fever - trembelling, tachicardia (1/2 - 2 hours);
2. Febrile period - 38 - 41 С, 4-6
  hours, nausea, headache, tahipnoea, myalgia, a
  rthralgia, convulsions, lose consciousness
3. Sweating - after fast fall of temperature (1-2 h)
• Start of malarial fever - on day ( 09 - 15 h)
                   - Ovale malaria - usually evening
• Periodicity:
- 48 h – invasion with P. vivax и P.ovale
- 36- 48 h, or every day – invasion with P. falciparum
- 72 h – P. malariae
• The classic malarial paroxysms, in which fever spikes,
  chills, and rigors occur at regular intervals, suggest
  infection with P. vivax or P. ovale.

• The fever is irregular at first (that of falciparum malaria
  may never become regular). The temperature of
  nonimmune individuals and children often rises above
  40ºC in conjunction with tachycardia and sometimes
• Liver enlargement – in first days of desease
• Splenic enlargement, mild
  jaundice may develop in
  patients with otherwise -
  uncomplicated falciparum
  malaria and usually resolves
  over 1 to 3 weeks.

  Severe Falciparum malaria
  Cerebral malaria
• Coma is a characteristic and
  ominous feature of falciparum
  malaria and, despite treatment,
  is associated with death rates of
  approximately 20 % among
  adults and 15 among children.
• - Cerebral malaria manifests as
  diffuse symmetric
  encephalopathy; focal
  neurologic signs are unusual.
•   Cerebral malaria manifests as diffuse symmetric encephalopathy; focal neurologic signs are
    unusual. Although some passive resistance to head flexion may be detected, signs of
    meningeal irritation are lacking. Approximately 15 % of patients have retinal hemorrhages.
    Fewer than 5 % have significant bleeding
    Convulsions usually generalized and often repeated, are common, particularly among
    children with cerebral malaria. Whereas adults rarely suffer neurologic sequelae,
    approximately 10 % of children surviving cerebral malaria especially those with
    hypoglycemia, severe anemia, repeated seizures, and deep coma have some residual
    neurologic deficit when they regain consciousness.
•   Pulmonary Edema (Noncardiogenic) Adults with severe falciparum malaria may develop
    noncardiogenic pulmonary edema even after several days of antimalarial therapy. Mortality is
    over 80 %. This condition can be aggravated by overly vigorous administration of intravenous
    Renal Impairment Renal impairment is common among adults with severe falciparum
    malaria but rare among children. The pathogenesis of renal failure is unclear but may be
    related to parasitized-erythrocyte sequestration interfering with renal microcirculatory flow
    Mortality in the initial phase of hypercatabolic acute renal failure is high; in survivors, urine
    flow resumes in a median of 4 days, and serum creatinine levels return to normal in a mean
    of 17 days Dialysis considerably enhances the likelihood of a patient's survival.
•   Hematologic Abnormalities Anemia results from accelerated red cell destruction and
    removal by the spleen in conjunction with ineffective erythropoiesis. In severe malaria in
    nonimmune individuals and in areas with unstable transmission, anemia can develop rapidly
    and transfusion is often required. In many areas of Africa, children may develop severe
    anemia due to repeated malarial infections. This is a common consequence of continued
    infection resulting from treatment with chloroquine (or other drugs) to which the parasites
    are resistant.
•   In Pregnancy Falciparum malaria is an important cause of fetal death. In hyper- and
    holoendemic areas, malaria in primigravida and secundigravida is associated with
    infected mothers remain asymptomatic despite intense parasitization of the placenta
    due to sequestration of parasitized erythrocytes in the placental microcirculation.
•   Congenital malaria occurs in fewer than 5 % of newborns whose mothers are
    infected and is related directly to the parasitic density in maternal blood and in the
•   Malaria In Children Most of the estimated 1 to 3 million persons who die of
    falciparum malaria each year are young African children. Convulsions, coma,
    hypoglycemia, metabolic acidosis, and severe anemia are relatively common among
    children with severe malaria, whereas deep jaundice, acute renal failure, and acute
    pulmonary edema are unusual.

•   Chronic complications of malaria
•   Tropical Splenomegaly (Hyperreactive Malarial Splenomegaly) Chronic or
    repeated malarial infections produce hypergammaglobulinemia; normochromic,
    normocytic anemia; and in certain situations splenomegaly.
•   Some residents of malaria - endemic areas in tropical Africa and Asia exhibit an
    abnormal immunologic response to repeated infections that is characterized by
    massive splenomegaly, hepatomegaly marked elevations in serum titers of IgM and
    malarial antibody
•   Quartan Malarial Nephropathy
    Chronic or repeated infections with P. malariae may cause soluble immune-complex injury to
    the renal glomeruli, resulting in the nephrotic syndrome. Other, unidentified factors must
    contribute to this process since only a very small proportion of infected patients develop renal

•   Recrudescens of malaria develops in:
•   -     Patients with P. falciparum without radical Therapy
•   -     Resistent P. falciparum to 4-AQ
•   -     Patients with P. vivax and P. ovale without Primaquine Th
R Relapses are: short-time – after 1 month; late – after 2 or more mths
•   Asimptomic carrier

•   The diagnosis of malaria rests on the demonstration of asexual forms of
    the parasite in peripheral blood smears subjected to Romanovsky
    staining. Giemsa at pH 7.2 is preferred.
•   Both thin and thick blood smears should be examined.
•   The level of parasitemia is expressed as the number of parasitized
    erythrocytes among 1000 cells. The relation between parasitemia and
    prognosis is complex; in general, patients with more than 105 parasites
    per microliter are at increased risk of dying, but nonimmune patients may
    die with much lower counts.
•   A poor prognosis is indicated by a predominance of more mature P.
    falciparum parasites (i.e., more than 20 percent of parasites with visible
    pigment) or circulating schizonts in the peripheral blood film or by the
    presence of phagocytosed malarial pigment in more than 5% of
Laboratory Findings
• Normochromic, normocytic anemia is usually
• The leukocyte count is generally low to normal, although
  it may be raised in very severe infections.
• The platelet count is usually reduced to about 105 per
  microliter. Severe infections may be accompanied by
  prolonged prothrombin and partial thromboplastin times
  and by especially severe thrombocytopenia
• Findings in severe malaria may include metabolic
• with low plasma concentrations of:
• glucose, sodium, bicarbonate, calcium, phosphate, and
  albumin together with elevations in lactate, blood urea
  creatinine, urate, muscle and liver enzymes, and
  conjugated and unconjugated bilirubin.

1. Blood schizonticides
2. Tissue schizonticides of P. vivax и P. ovale
3. Gametocyticides

1. Blood schizonticides
1. 4-aminoquinolines (4-АQ):
         diphosphates - Chloroquin, Arthrochin, Resochin, Delagil, Aralen
         sulphates - Nivaquin
    Chloroquine – total doses 25-30 mg./kg., 1,5 g. 3 days, 1 day - 0,900 g. (I-st dose
    0,600 g., after 6-8 h 0,300 g.), 2 и 3-ти day – x 0,300 g. Children – total dose: 25
    mg/kg, 1 days 10 mg/kg, after 6-8 h 5 mg/kg, 2 и 3-th day x 5 mg/kg.
2. Pyrimethamine (Tindurin, Daraprim) tb. 25 mg, 2 / day
3. Sulfonamides - Sulfadoxin tb. 0,250 g, Sulfalene tb 0,250 g
4. Quinoline methanols - Mefloquine (Lariam) tb 0,250 g
5. Phenanthrine ethanols - Halfan (Halophantrin)
6. Antibiotics – Tetracycline, Doxycycline (Vibramycin)
7. Combined medicine:
• Fansidar (Sulfadoxin + Pyrimethamin) tb. 0,5 g. 3 tb. eднокр.,
• Fansimef (Sulfadoxin+Mefloquine+Pyrimethamine) tb.0,775 g, 3 tb.
8. Artemisin (Qinghaosu) 10 mg/kg, 3 days, Artemether, Paluther, Artesunat
9. Sinthetic – Pyronaridine и др.
The drug of choice for treatment of Resistant falciparum malaria are:
- Quinine (sulphuricum/dihydrochloricum ) tb.0,200 g.
600 mg every 8 ч., 7 days + Tetracycline 250 mg/6h, 7 days, Children- 10 mg/kg
    every 8 h, 3-7 days;
- Mefloquin tb. 0,250 gr, 15 mg/kg. immune person and 25 mg/kg non-immune,
    max. dose 1 g, in 2 dose after 6 h.
Therapy in patients who are unable to take the oral drug:
I.V. - Chloroquine (diphosphate или sulfate) 10 mg/kg в 10 ml/kg isotonic fluid
    (or amp. 5% sol. Chloroquine diphosphate – 0,2 ml/kg), very slow - for 4 h,
    second dose 5 mg/kg after 8 h, total dose 25 mg/kg
I.M. - Chloroquine 2,5 mg/kg every 4 h or subcutan - 3,5 mg/kg every 6 h till
    total dose 25 mg/kg.
I.V. - Chininum dihydrochloridum amp 2 ml. 300 mg base in 1 ml in adults and
    children: 10 mg/kg in 10 ml/kg 5% Glucose for 4 h, second infussion after 8-
    12 h. In pregnancy – the risk to the fetus of severe falciparum malaria greatly
    outweighs the possible risk of quinine therapy
2. Tissue schizonticides of P. vivax и P. ovale (effective against tissue
• 8-aminoquinolines (8-АQ) – Primaquine 15 mg / day, 14 days, per os; in G-
    6-PD deficient - 7,5 mg/kg/ week, 8 weeks
• in patients with deffisancy of G6PD develop intravasals hemolisis
• Children > 1 years – 0,25 mg/kg/day, 14 days.
3. Gametocyticides - Primaquine for all species of human malarial paracites
• Chloroquine and amodiaquine – effective against the gametocytes of p. vivax,
    p. ovale, p. malariae but do not affect p. falciparum

In most of the tropics, the eradication of malaria is
    not feasible because of the widespread
    distribution of Anopheles breeding sites, the great
    number of infected persons, and inadequacies in
    resources, infrastructure, and control programs.

•   Where is possible, the disease is contained by
    judicious use of insecticides to kill the mosquito
    vector, rapid diagnosis and appropriate patient
    management, and administration of
    chemoprophylaxis to high-risk groups.

•   No safe, effective, long- acting vaccine is likely to
    be available for general use in the near future.
Personal Protection Against malaria

•Simple measures to reduce the frequency of mosquito bites in malarious areas are very
important. These measures include the avoidance of exposure to mosquitoes at their peak
feeding times (usually dusk and dawn) and the use of insect repellents, suitable clothing,
and insecticide-impregnated bed nets. Widespread use of bed nets, particularly those
treated with permethrin (a residual pyrethroid), often reduces the incidence of malaria
and has recently been shown to reduce mortality in western and eastern Africa.

•Antimalarial prophylaxis. Travelers should start taking antimalarial drugs at least 1
week before departure so that any untoward reactions can be detected and therapeutic
antimalarial blood concentrations will be present when needed. Antimalarial prophylaxis
should continue for 4 weeks after the traveler has left the endemic area.

•Mefloquine has become the antimalarial prophylactic agent of choice for much of the
tropics because it is usually effective against multidrug-resistant falciparum malaria and
is reasonably well tolerated.
•Chloroquine 300 mg, деца 5 mg/kg./week, 1 week before travel
•Fansidar – 1 tb./ 1 week before travel, 4-6 weeks after coming back x 2 tb./2 weeks
•Mefloquine - x 1 tb./ week for adults and children above 45 kg
•Proguanil ( Paludrin ) tb. 100 mg. (in pregnancy) - 200 mg/day, in children: <1 years -25
mg, 1-4 years - 50 mg, 5-8 years -100 mg, 9-14 years -150 mg/day
•Pyrimethamine - 2 tb./ week

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Malar ia10

  • 1. Malaria Paludisme, Paludismo, Малария Malaria is the world’s most important parasitic disease.
  • 2. Distribution • Malaria-endemic countries - more than 100 countries in Africa, Asia, Oceania, South and Central America, some of the Caribes. Malaria-endemic countries are among the poorest in the world. • More than a third of the world’s population (about 2 billion people) live in malaria-endemic areas and 1 billion people are estimated to carry parasites at any one time. Mortality • In Africa alone, there are • Annual malaria mortality range from 0.5 to 3 million people. an estimated 200-450 million cases of fever in Malaria-related mortality is particularly difficult to measure children with malaria each because the symptoms of the disease are non-specific year. and most deaths occur at home. • Despite global economic development, more people die from malaria nowadays than 40 years ago.
  • 3. World situation • During the “eradication era”, half a century age, malaria was eliminated or effectively suppressed in many parts of the world, particularly subtropical regions. • Malaria is now on the rise again; since it is appearing in areas where it had disappeared, it is classified by some as a re- emerging disease. • WHO dates: Malaria in Europe region - 10 countries: Тurkey, Аzerbaijan, Аrmenia, Таdjekistan, Grusia, Uzbekistan, Каzakhstan, Кyrgystan, Тurkmenistan, Russia • Use of ineffective drugs for a potentially lethal disease will inevitably result in an increase in mortality. Development of resistance to antimalarial drugs had resulted in a four to eight fold increase in mortality.
  • 4. Etiology and pathogenesis Four species of the genus Plasmodium cause nearly all infections in humans. These are Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium ovale, Plasmodium malariae, and Plasmodium falciparum. P. falciparum predominates in Africa, New Guinea, and Haiti; P. vivax is more common in Central America and the Indian subcontinent. The prevalence of these two species is approximately equal in South America, eastern Asia, and Oceania. P. malariae is found in most endemic areas, especially throughout sub-Saharan Africa, but is much less common. P. ovale is relatively unusual outside Africa.
  • 5. Plasmodium vivax – cause Vivax malaria/ Tertian malaria Plasmodium ovale – Ovale malaria/ Tertian ovale malaria Plasmodium falciparum – Falciparum malaria/ malaria tropica/ subtertian malignant malaria Plasmodium malariae – Malaria malariae/ Quartan malaria Mode of transmission - transmissial, - hemotransfussial, - inoculation, - tissue transplantation, - transplacental
  • 6. Vector Various species of anopheline mosquitoes are definitive hosts of malarial parasites • An. Maculipenis, • An. Superpictus, • An. Elutus ets.
  • 7. Bilogical Cycle of parasites Human infection begins when a female anopheline mosquito inoculates plasmodial sporozoites from its salivary gland during a blood meal
  • 8. When the female mosquito bites an infected person, she draws into her stomach blood that may contain gametocytes – male end female. • In mosquito glend of the developmental cycle depends not only on the species of Plasmodium, but on the particular mosquito host and the ambient temperature (more than 16ºC).
  • 9. These microscopic forms of the malarial parasite are carried rapidly via the bloodstream to the liver, where they invade hepatic parenchymal cells and begin a period of asexual reproduction. • By this amplification process (known as intrahepatic or prerythrocytic schizogony or merogony), a single sporozoite eventually produces thousands of daughter merozoites. • The swollen liver cell eventually bursts, discharging motile merozoites into the bloodstream; at this point the symptomatic stage of the infection begins. • These microscopic forms of the malarial parasite are carried rapidly via the bloodstream to the liver, where they invade hepatic parenchymal cells and begin a period of asexual reproduction. • By this amplification process (known as intrahepatic or prerythrocytic schizogony or merogony), a single sporozoite eventually produces thousands of daughter merozoites.
  • 10. By the end of the 48-h intraerythrocytic life cycle (72 h for P. malariae), the parasite has consumed nearly all the hemoglobin and grown to occupy most of the red cell. Multiple nuclear divisions take place (schizogony or merogony), and the red cell ruptures to release 6 to 30 daughter merozoites, each capable of invading a new red cell and repeating the cycle. The disease in human beings is caused by the direct effects of red cell invasion and destruction by the asexual parasite and the host's reaction. During this process, some parasites develop into morphologically distinct sexual forms (gametocytes, still within the erythrocytes), which are long-lived.
  • 11. Thus the infected erythrocytes sequester inside the small blood vessels. • At the same stage, these P. falciparum-infected red cells may also adhere to uninfected red cells to form rosettes. The processes of cytoadherence and rosetting are central to the pathogenesis of falciparum malaria. They result in the sequestration of red cells containing mature forms of the parasite in vital organs (particularly the brain and heart), where they interfere with microcirculatory flow and metabolism. only the younger ring forms of the asexual parasites are seen in the peripheral blood in falciparum malaria. • In the other three "benign" malarias, sequestration does not occur, and all stages of the parasite's development are evident on peripheral blood smears. Whereas P. vivax, P. ovale, and P. malariae show a marked predilection for either old red cells or reticulocytes and produce a level of parasitemia seldom exceeding 2 percent, P. falciparum can invade erythrocytes of all ages and may be associated with very high levels of parasitemia.
  • 12. Clinical features Incubating period - 9 до 60 days P. vivax – 10 - 21 days, 8–14 months (P. vivax hibernans) P. ovale – 11 - 16 days P. falciparum – 9 - 16 days P. malariae – 28 - 60 days The first symptoms of malaria are nonspecific – the lack of a sense of well-being, headache, fatigue, abdominal discomfort, and muscle aches, anorecia, subfebril period, in children diarrhea , followed by fever are all similar to the symptoms of a minor viral illness. This Prodromal period is 3-5 days. In some instances, a prominence of headache, chest pain, abdominal pain, arthralgia, myalgia, or diarrhea may suggest another diagnosis.
  • 13. Clinical features Malarial paroxysm 1. Fever - trembelling, tachicardia (1/2 - 2 hours); 2. Febrile period - 38 - 41 С, 4-6 hours, nausea, headache, tahipnoea, myalgia, a rthralgia, convulsions, lose consciousness 3. Sweating - after fast fall of temperature (1-2 h)
  • 14. • Start of malarial fever - on day ( 09 - 15 h) - Ovale malaria - usually evening • Periodicity: - 48 h – invasion with P. vivax и P.ovale - 36- 48 h, or every day – invasion with P. falciparum - 72 h – P. malariae • The classic malarial paroxysms, in which fever spikes, chills, and rigors occur at regular intervals, suggest infection with P. vivax or P. ovale. • The fever is irregular at first (that of falciparum malaria may never become regular). The temperature of nonimmune individuals and children often rises above 40ºC in conjunction with tachycardia and sometimes delirium. • Liver enlargement – in first days of desease
  • 15. • Splenic enlargement, mild jaundice may develop in patients with otherwise - uncomplicated falciparum malaria and usually resolves over 1 to 3 weeks. Severe Falciparum malaria Cerebral malaria • Coma is a characteristic and ominous feature of falciparum malaria and, despite treatment, is associated with death rates of approximately 20 % among adults and 15 among children. • - Cerebral malaria manifests as diffuse symmetric encephalopathy; focal neurologic signs are unusual.
  • 16. Cerebral malaria manifests as diffuse symmetric encephalopathy; focal neurologic signs are unusual. Although some passive resistance to head flexion may be detected, signs of meningeal irritation are lacking. Approximately 15 % of patients have retinal hemorrhages. Fewer than 5 % have significant bleeding Convulsions usually generalized and often repeated, are common, particularly among children with cerebral malaria. Whereas adults rarely suffer neurologic sequelae, approximately 10 % of children surviving cerebral malaria especially those with hypoglycemia, severe anemia, repeated seizures, and deep coma have some residual neurologic deficit when they regain consciousness. • Pulmonary Edema (Noncardiogenic) Adults with severe falciparum malaria may develop noncardiogenic pulmonary edema even after several days of antimalarial therapy. Mortality is over 80 %. This condition can be aggravated by overly vigorous administration of intravenous fluid. Renal Impairment Renal impairment is common among adults with severe falciparum malaria but rare among children. The pathogenesis of renal failure is unclear but may be related to parasitized-erythrocyte sequestration interfering with renal microcirculatory flow Mortality in the initial phase of hypercatabolic acute renal failure is high; in survivors, urine flow resumes in a median of 4 days, and serum creatinine levels return to normal in a mean of 17 days Dialysis considerably enhances the likelihood of a patient's survival. • Hematologic Abnormalities Anemia results from accelerated red cell destruction and removal by the spleen in conjunction with ineffective erythropoiesis. In severe malaria in nonimmune individuals and in areas with unstable transmission, anemia can develop rapidly and transfusion is often required. In many areas of Africa, children may develop severe anemia due to repeated malarial infections. This is a common consequence of continued infection resulting from treatment with chloroquine (or other drugs) to which the parasites are resistant.
  • 17. In Pregnancy Falciparum malaria is an important cause of fetal death. In hyper- and holoendemic areas, malaria in primigravida and secundigravida is associated with infected mothers remain asymptomatic despite intense parasitization of the placenta due to sequestration of parasitized erythrocytes in the placental microcirculation. • Congenital malaria occurs in fewer than 5 % of newborns whose mothers are infected and is related directly to the parasitic density in maternal blood and in the placenta. • Malaria In Children Most of the estimated 1 to 3 million persons who die of falciparum malaria each year are young African children. Convulsions, coma, hypoglycemia, metabolic acidosis, and severe anemia are relatively common among children with severe malaria, whereas deep jaundice, acute renal failure, and acute pulmonary edema are unusual. • Chronic complications of malaria • Tropical Splenomegaly (Hyperreactive Malarial Splenomegaly) Chronic or repeated malarial infections produce hypergammaglobulinemia; normochromic, normocytic anemia; and in certain situations splenomegaly. • Some residents of malaria - endemic areas in tropical Africa and Asia exhibit an abnormal immunologic response to repeated infections that is characterized by massive splenomegaly, hepatomegaly marked elevations in serum titers of IgM and malarial antibody
  • 18. Quartan Malarial Nephropathy Chronic or repeated infections with P. malariae may cause soluble immune-complex injury to the renal glomeruli, resulting in the nephrotic syndrome. Other, unidentified factors must contribute to this process since only a very small proportion of infected patients develop renal disease. • Recrudescens of malaria develops in: • - Patients with P. falciparum without radical Therapy • - Resistent P. falciparum to 4-AQ • - Patients with P. vivax and P. ovale without Primaquine Th R Relapses are: short-time – after 1 month; late – after 2 or more mths • Asimptomic carrier
  • 19. DIAGNOSIS • The diagnosis of malaria rests on the demonstration of asexual forms of the parasite in peripheral blood smears subjected to Romanovsky staining. Giemsa at pH 7.2 is preferred. • Both thin and thick blood smears should be examined. • The level of parasitemia is expressed as the number of parasitized erythrocytes among 1000 cells. The relation between parasitemia and prognosis is complex; in general, patients with more than 105 parasites per microliter are at increased risk of dying, but nonimmune patients may die with much lower counts. • A poor prognosis is indicated by a predominance of more mature P. falciparum parasites (i.e., more than 20 percent of parasites with visible pigment) or circulating schizonts in the peripheral blood film or by the presence of phagocytosed malarial pigment in more than 5% of neutrophils.
  • 20.
  • 21. Laboratory Findings • Normochromic, normocytic anemia is usually documented. • The leukocyte count is generally low to normal, although it may be raised in very severe infections. • The platelet count is usually reduced to about 105 per microliter. Severe infections may be accompanied by prolonged prothrombin and partial thromboplastin times and by especially severe thrombocytopenia • Findings in severe malaria may include metabolic acidosis, • with low plasma concentrations of: • glucose, sodium, bicarbonate, calcium, phosphate, and albumin together with elevations in lactate, blood urea creatinine, urate, muscle and liver enzymes, and conjugated and unconjugated bilirubin.
  • 22. Treatment 1. Blood schizonticides 2. Tissue schizonticides of P. vivax и P. ovale 3. Gametocyticides 1. Blood schizonticides 1. 4-aminoquinolines (4-АQ): diphosphates - Chloroquin, Arthrochin, Resochin, Delagil, Aralen sulphates - Nivaquin Chloroquine – total doses 25-30 mg./kg., 1,5 g. 3 days, 1 day - 0,900 g. (I-st dose 0,600 g., after 6-8 h 0,300 g.), 2 и 3-ти day – x 0,300 g. Children – total dose: 25 mg/kg, 1 days 10 mg/kg, after 6-8 h 5 mg/kg, 2 и 3-th day x 5 mg/kg. 2. Pyrimethamine (Tindurin, Daraprim) tb. 25 mg, 2 / day 3. Sulfonamides - Sulfadoxin tb. 0,250 g, Sulfalene tb 0,250 g 4. Quinoline methanols - Mefloquine (Lariam) tb 0,250 g 5. Phenanthrine ethanols - Halfan (Halophantrin) 6. Antibiotics – Tetracycline, Doxycycline (Vibramycin) 7. Combined medicine: • Fansidar (Sulfadoxin + Pyrimethamin) tb. 0,5 g. 3 tb. eднокр., • Fansimef (Sulfadoxin+Mefloquine+Pyrimethamine) tb.0,775 g, 3 tb. 8. Artemisin (Qinghaosu) 10 mg/kg, 3 days, Artemether, Paluther, Artesunat 9. Sinthetic – Pyronaridine и др.
  • 23. The drug of choice for treatment of Resistant falciparum malaria are: - Quinine (sulphuricum/dihydrochloricum ) tb.0,200 g. 600 mg every 8 ч., 7 days + Tetracycline 250 mg/6h, 7 days, Children- 10 mg/kg every 8 h, 3-7 days; - Mefloquin tb. 0,250 gr, 15 mg/kg. immune person and 25 mg/kg non-immune, max. dose 1 g, in 2 dose after 6 h. Therapy in patients who are unable to take the oral drug: I.V. - Chloroquine (diphosphate или sulfate) 10 mg/kg в 10 ml/kg isotonic fluid (or amp. 5% sol. Chloroquine diphosphate – 0,2 ml/kg), very slow - for 4 h, second dose 5 mg/kg after 8 h, total dose 25 mg/kg I.M. - Chloroquine 2,5 mg/kg every 4 h or subcutan - 3,5 mg/kg every 6 h till total dose 25 mg/kg. I.V. - Chininum dihydrochloridum amp 2 ml. 300 mg base in 1 ml in adults and children: 10 mg/kg in 10 ml/kg 5% Glucose for 4 h, second infussion after 8- 12 h. In pregnancy – the risk to the fetus of severe falciparum malaria greatly outweighs the possible risk of quinine therapy 2. Tissue schizonticides of P. vivax и P. ovale (effective against tissue schisonts) • 8-aminoquinolines (8-АQ) – Primaquine 15 mg / day, 14 days, per os; in G- 6-PD deficient - 7,5 mg/kg/ week, 8 weeks • in patients with deffisancy of G6PD develop intravasals hemolisis • Children > 1 years – 0,25 mg/kg/day, 14 days. 3. Gametocyticides - Primaquine for all species of human malarial paracites • Chloroquine and amodiaquine – effective against the gametocytes of p. vivax, p. ovale, p. malariae but do not affect p. falciparum
  • 24. PREVENTION In most of the tropics, the eradication of malaria is not feasible because of the widespread distribution of Anopheles breeding sites, the great number of infected persons, and inadequacies in resources, infrastructure, and control programs. • Where is possible, the disease is contained by judicious use of insecticides to kill the mosquito vector, rapid diagnosis and appropriate patient management, and administration of chemoprophylaxis to high-risk groups. • No safe, effective, long- acting vaccine is likely to be available for general use in the near future.
  • 25. Personal Protection Against malaria •Simple measures to reduce the frequency of mosquito bites in malarious areas are very important. These measures include the avoidance of exposure to mosquitoes at their peak feeding times (usually dusk and dawn) and the use of insect repellents, suitable clothing, and insecticide-impregnated bed nets. Widespread use of bed nets, particularly those treated with permethrin (a residual pyrethroid), often reduces the incidence of malaria and has recently been shown to reduce mortality in western and eastern Africa. •Antimalarial prophylaxis. Travelers should start taking antimalarial drugs at least 1 week before departure so that any untoward reactions can be detected and therapeutic antimalarial blood concentrations will be present when needed. Antimalarial prophylaxis should continue for 4 weeks after the traveler has left the endemic area. •Mefloquine has become the antimalarial prophylactic agent of choice for much of the tropics because it is usually effective against multidrug-resistant falciparum malaria and is reasonably well tolerated. •Chloroquine 300 mg, деца 5 mg/kg./week, 1 week before travel •Fansidar – 1 tb./ 1 week before travel, 4-6 weeks after coming back x 2 tb./2 weeks •Mefloquine - x 1 tb./ week for adults and children above 45 kg •Proguanil ( Paludrin ) tb. 100 mg. (in pregnancy) - 200 mg/day, in children: <1 years -25 mg, 1-4 years - 50 mg, 5-8 years -100 mg, 9-14 years -150 mg/day •Pyrimethamine - 2 tb./ week