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Macbeth Character Analysis Essay
Crafting a "Macbeth Character Analysis Essay" can be a challenging endeavor, as it requires a
deep understanding of Shakespeare's play, "Macbeth," and the ability to critically analyze the
complex character of Macbeth. This task involves delving into the character's motivations,
internal conflicts, and the impact of external forces on his psyche.
One of the difficulties lies in navigating the intricate layers of Macbeth's personality. Unraveling
the character requires a keen eye for detail and an in-depth exploration of his evolution
throughout the play. From the ambitious and power-hungry thane to the guilt-ridden and
tormented tyrant, Macbeth undergoes a profound transformation that demands careful
Furthermore, constructing a compelling analysis involves interpreting Shakespearean language,
which can be archaic and laden with metaphorical nuances. Deciphering the bard's intricate prose
while conveying the subtleties of Macbeth's emotional turmoil adds an additional layer of
complexity to the essay.
The essay should not merely recount the events in the play but must also delve into the
psychological, moral, and societal implications of Macbeth's actions. Addressing the thematic
elements, such as the consequences of unchecked ambition and the corrupting influence of
power, requires a thoughtful and nuanced approach.
Additionally, a comprehensive character analysis involves exploring Macbeth's relationships with
other key figures in the play, such as Lady Macbeth, the witches, and Banquo. Drawing
connections between these relationships and their impact on Macbeth's character development
adds another layer of intricacy to the essay.
In summary, crafting a "Macbeth Character Analysis Essay" demands a profound understanding
of the play, a mastery of Shakespearean language, and the ability to critically analyze the
psychological complexities of one of literature's most intriguing characters. It is a task that
requires both literary expertise and a deep appreciation for the nuances of human nature as
depicted by Shakespeare.
For those seeking assistance with such essays or similar academic tasks, there are resources
available. Services like offer the opportunity to order custom essays,
providing a helping hand for students navigating the challenges of literary analysis and academic
Macbeth Character Analysis EssayMacbeth Character Analysis Essay
Ancient Egypt-The Great Pyramid Of Giza
Egypt has had a complex history. At the beginning of recorded history, Egypt was
ruled by god kings called pharaohs. Each one attempted to outdo his predecessors in
the scale and complexity of his tomb. This competition led to Egypt s most
recognizable monuments: the pyramids. Pharaohs such as Djoser, Snefru, and Khufu
built ever bigger monuments to their own glory and to the gods they worshiped.
What innovations were created in the path to the largest pyramid the Great pyramid
of Giza, and what caused those innovations?
In the 1st dynasty, pharaohs built their tombs at Abydos, on the west bank of the
Nile. According to Egyptian myth, the western desert was the land of the dead, due
to the fact that the sun set in the west and was reborn in the east. The pharaohs built
mastabas, mounds of dirt and rock roughly shaped like a brick. In the center of each
structure, a shaft was dropped down for many feet. The bottom of that shaft was
where ... Show more content on ...
According to Ancient Egypt, this was the first pyramid to be began as a true
pyramid, although still employing inwardly sloping masonry as found in step
pyramids. The latter feature has contributed to its being externally the best
preserved of all pyramids. He built the pyramid s base at a 54 degree inclination. At
the same time, he began building the interior, consisting of a lower corbelled
chamber with the passage to another corbelled chamber. The pyramid had one
unique feature only seen again in the middle kingdom. According to Guardian s
Egypt, The Bent Pyramid is the only known pyramid from the Old Kingdom to
have two separate entrances on two different faces. The second entrance is located
high up on the western side of the pyramid. However, once again, something went
wrong. The pyramid seems to be too steep, as well as being built on unstable
bedrock. Snefru s engineers changed the angle in the upper section to an angle of 43
degrees, leading to its bent
One Day In The Life Of Ivan Denisovich Point Of View
1.1 Point of View is the eyes of the story, it is the main way you see how the story
takes place. In One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, the story is presented in
first person as we see Ivan navigate through the difficulties found living in a Soviet
prison camp. In the case One Day in the Life, thoughts like Ivan remembering to but
his needle in his hat to avoid getting caught lets readers see how he can survive in
the Siberian wasteland. Point of view can also lead to confusion as well, like in A
Visit to the Museum where the main charactertells a tale of his quest to get a painting
out of a museum in France and ends up getting arrested in Russia. The point of view
of the story leads to the confusion as the narrator takes us through an ever growing
museum. The world through the eyes of a... Show more content on ...
The narrator explains why the Birch Copse tree is his favorite and why he does not
particularly care for the tall Aspen trees. Turgenev gives the trees many human
characteristics during the first few paragraphs, characteristics that are also found
in the two trysting fellows later. The Birch tree is characterized as being white and
lusterless, as well as, white as fresh fallen snow, before the cold rays of the winter
sun have caressed it. This quote paints shines a light on their relationship that we
do not find during the conversation. White being the dominant color of the tree
paints Akulina being as pure as a fresh snow in a desolate corner of the forest
where no paw or boot prints ruins the perfect blanket of snow, only for the top
layer to be hardened like the skin of a girl after the man of her dreams leaves her.
Viktor has touched young Akulina very deeply personally, even if their relationship
has not turned to a sexual one; leaving her hardened by the experience. While Viktor
is like the Aspen, which is said to be, only fine on some summer evenings before its
leaves soar great distances
India s Growth Of Healthcare
Healthcare in India The growth of healthcare firm in India is at a very rapid pace
and is estimated to be a huge industry, as high as, a US$ 280 billion. The critical
contributing factors for this growth include increasing income levels as well as the
elder population. The other factors like altering demographics, various disease
patterns and their outcomes and a transfer from chronic to the lifestyle diseases
within India has contributed to an increased expenditure on the healthcare services.
Nearly 1 million people die in India each year because of insufficient health care
services and almost 700 million citizens do not have an access to a specialist
healthcare. To reach such a huge manpower shortage and meet the world standards,
India... Show more content on ...
These remarkable and proactive establishments are the ones heading the route for
the Indian health services industry. Market size: About 15% compound annual
growth rate (CAGR) is being recorded in the healthcare firm and has increased
from US $45 billion to US $78.6 billion from 2008 to 2012 respectively, and
according to a survey conducted by Equentis Capital, is anticipated to reach US
158.2 billion by 2017. The per capita expenses as per the healthcare firm has risen
at a CAGR of about 10.3%, which was US $43.1 billion to US $57.9 billion from
2008 to 2011 respectively, and a probable increase in the expenditure may reach US
$ 88.7 billion by the year 2015. The contributing factors for such a drastic increase
are the increasing income levels, increased access to a better quality health
services and a high level understanding of the personal hygiene and health issues.
The private division has developed as a serious drive in India s healthcare firm,
giving it both national and global notoriety. The private segment s part in
healthcare service delivery is anticipated to have an increment of 66% in 2005 to
81% by 2015. Healthcare sector growth trend in India The size of the healthcare
sector in India is anticipated to reach US $160 billion by the end of 2017 as well as
US $280 billion by about 2020. Investments According to a report by the Department
of Industrial Policy
Examples Of Colonialism In The Last Of The Mohicans
Kailee Piacenti
Mrs. Gray
British Literature
24 October 2017
The Last of the Mohicans: A Tale of Romance and Racism Falling in love has been
a common theme of literature since people first started writing. The romantic era of
literature was from the late 1700 s to the mid 1800 s. James Fenimore Cooper s The
Last of the Mohicans was written at the peak of this era in 1826. Many have
critiqued Cooper s writing style, but few have critiqued his content due to it being so
controversial. Cooper uses the romance between the characters, Cora and Uncas, to
cover racial stereotypes and inequalities throughout The Last of the Mohicans.
The Last of the Mohicans was written by James Fenimore Cooper in 1826, during the
romanticism era of literature. The book is set in 1757, therefore taking place during
a time of colonialism. According to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy,
Colonialism is a practice of domination, which involves the subjugation of one
people to another (Kohn and Reddy 1) In Cooper s novel, colonialism is present by
the Native Americans being colonized by European Americans. Throughout the
book, Cooper constantly compares European Americans and Native Americans,
different tactics and behaviors. ( The Last 2). As was common in the 19th century,
The Last of the Mohicans was published in two volumes (Scalia 1). This book was
the second book of Cooper s Leatherstocking Tales and was the most widely read of
any of the novels of James Fenimore Cooper for more than a
The Renaissance And The Rebirth Of The Renaissance
The Renaissance and the Reformation acted as a rebirth. This included the rebirth
of art, education, Greek and Roman values, and religion. An important part of the
rebirth is art. This played a big role in the rebirth of the middle ages. The rebirth of
art shows the rebirth of technology with Raphael and Michelangelo which allowed
them to portray reality. With new technical knowledge like the study of anatomy and
astronomy, artists achieved new places in religious paintings. As skills increased,
artist s skills raised and art methods were improved. This was to up the ability to
represent reality which was an ideal factor in the Renaissance. Because reality was so
important, there was increase of the importance of psychological and physical reality
for the glorification of the human body. An example of this would be Brunelleschi s
Resurrection of the Son of Theophilus in which he paints the face with wrinkles,
pimples, and more. This shows the reality of the face. Education was an important
part of the rebirth of culture and customs. During the times of the Germanic
invasions, education only focused on perfection and idealistic beliefs, not the
realistic views of the Renaissance. An example of this would be the polis. During the
early middle agesbefore the Renaissance the idea of the perfect polis, like Athens and
Sparta, was very important. Ideas of perfection with education was not important
during the Renaissance. The idea of reality started with Francesco Petrarch s
Political Parties In Venezuela
The division of political parties among Venezuelan citizens has caused the country to
be in a state of serious political unrest. With crime at an all time high and food and
supplies in shortages, Venezuelans are watching as their country slowly transforms
from a democracy to a dictatorship under the presidency of NicolГЎs Maduro. Public
protests against President Maduro have been happening for months now, and things
are only escalating. The two major political parties of Venezuelaare the United
Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) and the Mesa de la Unidad DemocrГЎtica
(MUD). The PSUV, founded by former president Hugo ChГЎvez, controls Venezuela
s Supreme Court and national institutions. Until recently, the Mesa de la Unidad
DemocrГЎtica or... Show more content on ...
This vote was held in attempt to show the government what the people want. A
woman was killed by gunshot and three others were injured while waiting in line to
vote. Over seven million people voted, even people who had migrated out of
Venezuela, and 98% voted in favor of the Opposition. President Maduro said that the
referendum was meaningless. (BBC). Then on July 30th, a vote was held to choose
new members for the Constituent Assembly. Almost all of the candidates were
Maduro supporters, the president s own wife was even one of the candidates. In the
midst of the Opposition sided protests during the election, things got violent quickly.
At one point, a bomb went off and injured several police officers. (Robins Early).
After this election, the United States declared sanctions on Venezuela and President
Trump called President Maduro a dictator. NicolГЎs Maduro responded to this by
saying, I don t take orders from the empire, and, In the United States it s possible to
become president with 3 million votes less than your opponent. What a tremendous
democracy! The United States responded to this by stopping all transactions between
the US and Venezuela. (Savransky). Venezuela has also been in
Battle Of Britain Essay
Battle of Britain
Potential Question: How was Britain able to defeat Germany in the Battle of Britain
and was the victory a significant turning point in World War II?
I am working on a study of the Battle of Britain in order to comprehend how Britain
was able to defeat Germany, and the impacts of their decisive victory. One of the
reason why the Battle of Britain is important is because it was the first battle
between only air power. This conflict was to be decided between the Luftwaffe and
the Royal Air Force. Because of that fact, I find this topic to be extremely
interesting. The Battle of Britain was a turning point in World War II, which I will
attempt to prove in this paper, and it was fought between two of the most powerful
air forces ... Show more content on ...
I have begun my research and have found some good articles and websites, but I
still hope to find a few general histories of the Battle of Britain and maybe even
World War II. One of the articles I have found deals with the will of the English
people and how their determinism helped Britain win the battle. This article will be
beneficial in helping me portray the profound impact the citizens had on the battle. I
also found another article that focuses on Churchill and his impact on the Battle of
Britain and the citizens in general with his speeches. This will help me show the
importance of key leaders and the influence they had. And the last article that I
current possess deals with how the Luftwaffe actually lost the battle. This will be
very important in my second body paragraph that deals with how Britain was actually
able to win. Another set of sources I am excited to use are pictures, combat records,
and videos from the National Archives. I plan on incorporating these into my paper to
provide quantitative information.
Battle of Britain Outline
a.What is the Battle of Britain?
b.Why is it important?
c.Identify what I will be focusing on.
2.Body Paragraph One
a.Discuss the policies, behaviors, and attitudes of Britain from 1918 through the
i.Royal Air Force ii. Behaviors/actions of key leaders such as Winston Churchill and
Hugh Dowding. iii. Attitudes/behaviors of the citizens
The Interaction between the American and the Samoan...
Describe the interaction between the two leadership groups. What behaviors of the
American representatives could create conflict with the Samoan leaders? Are there
similarities from this meeting and the Blue Horizon Cruise simulation meeting?
At this tense meeting with considerable distrust and suspicion evident in the faces,
speeches and body language of the Samoan chiefs, the High Chief expressed
considerable skepticism about American plans for the island, such as providing more
education in English, teaching the young marketable skills, and developing the
country. Being educated at the University of Hawaii, the High Chief would have had
very good reason to be suspicious of the intentions of the United States, even when its
representatives expressed their goodwill toward the Native peoples and desire to
bring progress; and modernization. He would have learned about the wars against
the Native Americans from the 17th to the 19th Centuries, for example, the
annexation of Hawaii in 1898, and the Philippines War of 1899 1902, if indeed he
had not known all about these before.
American Samoa was annexed only nine years before Guam, the Philippines and
Hawaii, when the U.S. was in a particularly expansionist and imperial stage. At no
time were the peoples of these consulted about whether they wished to be annexed to
the United States, although American policy did grant them a large measure of
autonomy and home rule. In addition the High Chief would have learned
The Role Of Tuberculosis In The 1950s
This surgery helped prolong the life of some people. Other treatments included
bedrest, special diets, and fresh air through pneumothorax which means they would
collapse a person s lung. In 1921, Calmette and GuГ©rin developed a weakened
strain of Mycobacterium bovis, which many countries have used as a vaccine.
Another major method to prevent tuberculosiswas to treat people with a tuberculous
infection without the disease. Many patients in the 1950s did not receive appropriate
treatment because their conditions were never properly diagnosed as tuberculosis.
While there was effective chemotherapy for tuberculosis, patients were diagnosed
with untreated tuberculosis. At the turn of the century, it was estimated that 450
Americans died of tuberculosis every day, most between the ages of 15 and 44.
Tuberculosis was usually compared to death itself. While tuberculosis was never
completely eliminated, there was a significant drop in cases and death rates, as a
result of the BCG vaccine and new anti tubercular drugs in the 1950 s.... Show more
content on ...
Nowadays, medicine is tested and approved before it hits the market. Back in the
days a person would pass treatments through word of mouth and could seriously
injure or make the disease worse. People in historical times would believe that
illnesses involved certain spiritual, psychological and social aspects of a person.
This was back in the time where there was no scientific evidence that traditional
medicine could aid an affected person. Traditional medicine has been around much
longer than modern medicine and they were an important part of recorded history.
People back in the old days had to dispel and challenge folklore with scientific
evidence. Doctors back in the old days had to not only find a way to dispel
folklore, but also get ordinary people to listen to them and to help them believe in
their practices. Without all of these people, medicine would be nowhere near as it is
Being A Grandparent
As she sat reading the light dimmed. Hello, Gran, a voice boomed from the
doorway, and hulking silhouette filled the doorway. Josh! How lovely to see you!
, pushing herself out of her seat. He scooped up for the final ... and then hoisted
her off her feet. Josh, put me down! , she exclaimed, giggling. She hoped he hadn t
noticed her wincing. Oo, did I hurt you, Gran? No, of course not. Now put me
down! Your wish is my command, he said, lowering her with a flourish. She had
always had a rumbustious relationship with Phillip s children and dreaded it
ending. Josh was now well over six foot and broad too. He d been trying to lift
since he was about eight, and it had become part of their habitual greeting. One of
the lovely things about being a grandparent was not worrying about having
favourites. She loved all of Phillip s children, but Josh had always been her
favourite. She had been scrupulously fair with Edward s twins, and hoped her
efforts had had results. As the children grew, however, it changed. As the children
presented themselves to her of their own free will rather than at parental command,
so she loved them. And if they weren t there, what was there to love? It had been
made easier by Edward moving to Manchester. He only rang occasionally and his
visits were even rarer. She could have rung him, of course, but he always seemed to
be so busy. His marriage to Alexa had increased the distance between them they d
chosen to get married in a wedding
Major Factors Determining Organizational Performance
Organizational commitment is one of the constructs that has retained its importance
throughout decades and, despite the extensive research done in the field, still draws a
high level of attention due to its association with such preferred work attitudes as
increased job satisfaction, higher performance, lower absenteeism and turnover
intentions (Yousef, 2000). It has been generally recognized that organizational
commitment is one of the major factors determining organizational performance and
effectiveness (Lok Crawford, 1999, 2004). In addition, as observed by Allen and
Meyer (1990), a common link discussed in all conceptualizations of commitment is
the one between organizational commitment and turnover, indicating that employees
who... Show more content on ...
Dealing with avoidant employees, who are affecting the productivity and the entire
working condition of the organization is to be given priority. The intervening method
employed, whether it is inquisition, arbitration or mediation, should be the one that
best suits the organizations objectives and to resolve the tension created by the
avoidant employees. Unbiased third parties are more effective because they are used
for the management techniques that have the most potential to resolve conflicts. Bias
is inversely related to the range of issues addressed at a settlement effort. Mediation
is the strategy that s the most empowering for the parties in conflict. The role of third
party in conflict management is directed towards the actors in conflict to realize their
own interests when various problems threaten or disrupt their own bargaining
relationship (Young 1967). Third parties are useful in the process of conflict resolution
, especially in work aversion employees where a thorough study about the background
of both employees and organization is needed. The third party can make positive and
direct contributions by focusing the parties on a termination agreement, providing
agenda or /and manipulating the timing of negotiation process.
In 1967, Pondy formulated a process model of conflict which is very helpful in
understanding how conflict starts and what stages it
I Am Sat At The Kitchen Table
As I sat at the kitchen table I begin observing this man walking up to me. A stature
of a six foot one, fifty six year old man. He has three scars on both of his knees
from multiple knee surgeries throughout his life, including a total knee
replacement in his left knee. He also has a five inch scar on his inner forearm from
a head on collision, when the paramedics said he should have had more injuries
than he did. And then there were his eyes. Eyes that never stop wondering, never
stop thinking about what is going to happen next. This man is my father, Bob
Henry. As we sat down together I had asked him, What is your favorite memory?
He then began to tell me of a story I had never heard of before. Out of my eighteen
years with... Show more content on ...
This would be his work schedule for a couple months prior to his adventure.
Ultimately, he worked until he realized a break is what his body needed before he
would get to his breaking point. And with that, the adventure was planned. Before
he started telling me about this memory, he smiled and told me, Hold on one
second. As I was waiting, unknown to what he was doing, I began thinking how
much this adventure meant to him. My father is not one to take time off and
relax. In fact, he doesn t even know how to sit still when nothing needs to be fixed
or done regarding work or his home life. Bob Henry does not have the word
relaxation in his vocabulary, so for him to go on this trip and be happy was nice to
hear about. As he returned, he had a small green photo album with the year 2001
written on the front cover. It was dusty but looked brand new as if he had never
opened it before. As he opened it, with a grin on his face, he began to tell me of his
adventure to British Columbia. His next door neighbor, county supervisors,
businessmen, controllers, construction men and professional athletes all accompanied
him on this adventure for six days. As he took the two hour commercial flight from
Fresno, California to Vancouver, Canada he encountered the trouble of only bringing
a twenty pound bag. The reason for this was because after this flight he
Albert De Morcerf Traits
Albert de Morcerf Throughout the events of The Count of Monte Cristo, by
Alexandere Dumas and Auguste Maquet, Albert de Morcerf transforms from a naive
young man who values honor, into a rash and ungrateful son who is determined to
avenge his father, and then into a humbled man who must gain his honor and wealth
starting from nothing. However, the two traits that stay constant throughout the story
are his high opinion of honor and his adoration of his mother. When Albert is first
introduced into the story, he has just been saved from Roman bandits by the Count of
Monte Cristo. From this event, one trait that is shown is Albert s naivety. Before he
is captured by bandits, he falls in love with a girl he had been seeing for a few
days during the course of the Carnival. However, their first actual meeting turned
out to precede Albert s kidnapping, as he later admits, All I know is that, fool that I
was, I mistook for this contadina a young bandit of fifteen or sixteen with a
beardless chin and slim figure. Just as I was taking the liberty of... Show more content
on ...
Forgetting all the Count had done for him, Albert publicly challenges the Count to
a duel in a most disrespectful manner, almost throwing his glove in the Count s
face. However, thanks to his mother Mercedes, Albert s rage is quelled and he
humbles himself before the Count. He apologizes to the Count, saying, It is not
Ferdnand Mondego s treachery towards Ali Pasha that makes me so ready to forgive
you, it is the treachery of Ferdnand the fisherman towards you, and the untold
sufferings his conduct has caused you. I therefore say to you, and proclaim it aloud,
that you were justified in revenging yourself on my father, and I, his son, thank you
for not having done more (477). Although Albert had acted very rash, he realized his
mistakes and humbled
Analysis Of The Book Redeployment By Phil Klay
Through history further and further studies are ongoing into the unseen horror.
Some say it is caused directly in relation to combat; others may say that it is from
the images seen. In the book Redeployment by Phil Klay, he develops several
stories from fictitious Marine Corps veterans that represent veterans one may
encounter in the real world. Phil Klay s book contains stories of relationships at
home falling apart all the way to the high stress of patrols as Marines. With these
stories it better shows the unseen horrors of war. Many veterans return home with
a serious disorder. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is the by product of war, and
people need to know more about it to help our returning hero s. Post Traumatic
Stress Disorder, PTSD for short, is very real. It does not solely affect soldiers either.
For example, my father, a retired firefighter, relives moments from when he worked
at certain times when images are triggered. However, the modern soldier is more
directly associated and found to have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. As Dexter
Filkins, a former Baghdad correspondent for the New York Times, stated in his
review on Redeployment Armed conflict so fundamentally alters the environment it
takes hold of that no aspect of life escapes undistorted: not love, not friendship, not
sleep, not trust, not conversation. Therefore meaning when most veterans return
home, nothing is seen in the same light again. Phil Klay outlines several examples of
this. Phil Klay is
Land Eva Unit 4 Assignment Essay
The Complexity of the Kidney
Land, E.
Kaplan University
SC235: General Biology 1: Human Perspectives
Prof Lisa Nelson
The Complexity of the Kidney
Kidneys are complex organs that are very important when it comes to the many
functions to help maintain the health of the body. This includes the maturation of the
red blood cells, regulation of blood pressure as well as secretion of hormones. The
Secondary functions of the filtration effect the controlling of the acid base balance in
the body, and maintaining bone health ( Kidney structure include
the renal corpuscle that filters the blood, passing of urine, and different tubules
(comprised of a dowman s capsule and glomerulus). The renal corpuscle are made of
... Show more content on ...
In addition the nephron is divided into several segments. The Henie cell includes a
special transporter called sodium potassium 2, chloride contransporter (nkcc) that
allows the kidney to produce urine ( The distal tubule cell help
contain thiazide sensitive sodium filtered by the kidney on a daily basis, and the
collecting duct that have two cells responsible for acid base hemostasis. The alpha
intercalated cell controls the excess of secretion and reabsorbing base (form of
bicarbonates) and the beta intercalated cell which includes the same function
( Every day the kidney s filter on an average of about 120 to 150
quarts of blood that produces 1 to 2 quarts of urine that has extra fluid and waste.
The importance of the kidney is to keep the blood stable so the body can function
properly. The fluids that are removed from the body help prevent blood cells and
large molecules (proteins) from passing. Once filtered it can pass through the tubule
that sends minerals back into the blood stream to remove waste ( If
the kidney functions properly it regulates the retention of fluids in the body. It
balances the chemicals like potassium for the heart and muscle function. It can also
maintain acid balance and proteins. Hormones in the kidney stimulate activity in the
body, renin erythropoietin, and a form of vitamin D. Renin helps to control blood
pressure. The kidney also releases the erythropoietin to help
Dbq The Advantages Of Cities
There are many advantages of cities, both modern day, and ancient. Cities help
prevent diseases, they organize people and make them more productive, and they
help the economy. In document 1, Edward Glaeser tells how cities help prevent
diseases lowers, because all immunities spread when people are close together.
People are dying a lot less for a while in cities because of this. In documents 1, 2,
and 3, people say how cities organize, and make people more productive. When
people are closer together, they can innovate, and help each other out, as a pose to
suburbs where people are separated, and generally don t help,each other. This leads
directly to cities having a good economy. When everyone is working and things are
going smoothly, the city
Surgical Technology Research Paper
ST 115 Portfolio
Surgical Technology
June 20, 2013
The field of surgical technology is home to a number of organizations and
designations. This means that the people who work within the field are committed to
making sure that surgical technology remains a great career choice. So as you
consider becoming a surgical tech, it s wise to understand the following points about
surgical tech certification requirements.
Certified Surgical Technologist(CST) In order to call yourself a Certified Surgical
Technologist or CST, you will need to successfully pass the NBSTSA exam and
maintain your certification status. The Certified Surgical Technologist (CST)
designation (awarded by the NBTSA) must be renewed every ... Show more content
on ...
manager. Display a confident attitude and ask if there are any openings. State that
you are a recent surgical tech graduate looking to break into the field. (Hospitals and
other employers don t always advertise their job openings.) Be flexible. Many new
surgical techs find great employment opportunities by being willing to relocate.
Tech in Surgery Certified (TS C) The National Center for Competency Testing
(NCCT) offers surgical tech certification, awarding the Tech in Surgery Certified (TS
C) designation to those who pass its exam and meet certain education and/or
experience requirements. The TS C certification must be renewed every five years
through either continuing education or reexamination.
First Step is to graduate from a surgical technology program accredited by the
Commission on Accreditation for Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP).
Most of these programs take one to two years to complete. They combine classroom
instruction in subjects such as anatomy, pharmacology and medical terminology
with hands on training in clinical settings. Second step is to take and pass the
certification exam offered by the National Board of Surgical Technology and
Surgical Assisting, which qualifies you as a Certified Surgical Technologist or CST.
Third step is to find a job in surgical technology, in a hospital or other health care
facility. Gain as much hands on experience as you can, assisting during a
Understanding The Rwandan Genocide
Rwandan Genocide Warfare is always destructive, and effects the people for a
longtime. Genocide however always has a long effect not only on the country that has
suffered from the warfare, but the world. The Rwandan Genocide didn t last long like
the Holocaust, but it was the shortest genocide in history with fatal results. The
Rwandan Genocidewas cause by inter racial tension in the country. This conflicted
could have been avoided or even nonexistent if the European negative presence was
never in the country. Due to the European negative presence Rwanda, it cause inter
racial tensions and caused the warfare in Rwanda. To understand the Rwandan
Genocide, first you need to understand the colonialism that took place there. Around
the 1880 s... Show more content on ...
The United States refused to call what was going on in Rwanda a genocide. The
U.S had helped Somalia with their conflict and the U.S didn t want to get in more
African Conflicts. Former president, Bill Clinton went to Rwanda in 1998 and
apologized for the lack of help the U.S showed. Clinton still remarks that his
biggest regret was not acting to prevent the Rwandan Genocide ( Prejudice in the
Modern World Reference Library). The UN and Belgium had troops in Rwanda
but were basically useless. Belgium pulled their troops out after 10 were killed. The
French had a controversial role in the genocide. The French were believed to have
sold rifles and machetes to the Hutus although they deny this. The French
supposedly set up safe zones but still didn t do much to stop the violence (Rwanda
genocide: 100 days of
How Did Martin Luther Influence The World
In 1483, Martin Luther was born in Saxony, Germany, it was a place far from the
intellectual and cultural influence. However, Martin was a lawyer and he was
aware of the failure of Europe s religions, like the Catholic system of earning
salvation. Martin was afraid of God and this gave him no peace. One day, as he was
walking home, it started to rain tremendously and he prayed to Godto keep him safe.
He prayed if He kept him safe that he would become a monk and quit law school to
study the gospels. He Eventually made it safe and he was fearful of God so he later
quit law school and started to study and became a monk. Martin was always
confessing to the priest at church because he wanted peace in his heart. But this made
him feel empty inside,
Mitochondrial DNA
The genomic DNA is found in the nucleus of each cell in the human body and
represents a DNA source for most forensic applications. The teeth are an excellent
source of genomic DNA because PCR analyses allow comparing the collected
postmortem samples to known antemortem samples or parental DNA. Mitochondrial
DNA is another type of material that can be used for body identification. Its main
advantage is the high number of copies per cell (from hundreds to thousands of
organelles). When the extracted DNA samples are too small or degraded, such as
those obtained from skeletonized tissues, the likelihood of obtaining a DNA profile
from mitochondrial DNA is higher than that with any marker found ... Show more
content on ...
In forensic samples, the study of DNA (genomic and mitochondrial) is usually
performed by STR (short tandem repeats) analysis, which can be defined as
hypervariable regions of DNA that present consecutive repetitions of fragments that
have 2 to 7 base pairs (bp). The VNTR (variable number of tandem repeats) testing,
which may present short repeated sequences of intermediate size (15 to 65 base
pairs), is rarely used in forensic analyses due to the poor quality DNA provided with
this method. The most valuable STRs for human identification are those that present
greater polymorphism (greater number of alleles), smaller size (in base pairs), higher
frequency of heterozygotes (higher than 90%) and low frequency of mutations11.
As observed, several protocols are used for DNA extraction and analysis, and there is
no standard methodology. Therefore, researchers must carefully evaluate the
conditions of the material to be examined, especially when dealing with forensic
cases, in which there is a greater risk of sample contamination and influence of
environmental factors, in addition to a small amount of material available in most
situations. The PCR technique has
Constitutional Convention Ratification Report
Raised at the Constitutional Convention and in the ratification debates, there were
major questions about the organization of the executive branch. The delegates
needed to resolve many questions to help achieve balance between a limited and an
executive government. Some Framers imagined that it would be best if there were
only one chief executive which would ultimately abolish there being any chance of
conflict between two or more leaders whom had equal power. There were
arguments that a single executive would be easier on Congress. Having a plural
executive was also argued, saying that there would be a lesser chance for tyranny. An
executive branch with one chief executive was agreed on for the United States. There
were recommendations for
Speech In Of Mice And Men
Of Mice and Men is a novel published in 1937 written by author John Steinbeck. It
is a book I have studied in my English B Literature Lesson, with the chosen theme
for this speech to be Dream, Hopes and Plans . In this speech, I would be playing
the role George and the aim of this task is to persuade adolescents to have a dream
in their life. George in this book is a very smart and physically strong person. He is
also a very thoughtful and rational person as whatever he does has his own reasons
and objectives. The speech is written in a formal tone and is targeted at the
In the speech, I would be using George s own personal experiences to be a guide for
my target audiences to follow and to draw their attention based ... Show more content
on ...
A dream would give us a sense of direction. A dream would lighten up your future.
Leo Tolstoy has once said, Ideal is the beacon. Without ideal, there is no secure
direction; without direction, there is no life. A dream would motivate you to strive
your best. My dream and objective were clear in my mind when I was working in the
ranch. My dream was my guiding light that guided me through obstacles and brought
me to success.
Why do we need a dream? A dream would make ourselves to become more
independent. When we have a goal, we would not get influenced by the external
environment. We would only work on tasks that would help us achieve our dreams.
When I got married, I had different working experiences in various ranches. But no
matter where I work, I have only thought of owning a farm. Therefore, I have been
toiling away in the ranch and have finally earned the first barrels for opening a farm.
Why do we need a dream? A dream would provoke you with ambition. It would
enlighten you to bring in more goals to enrich your life. A dream would motivate
you to live in a better life. Thomas A Edison has once said, We shall have no better
conditions in the future if we are satisfied with all those which we have at present.
Dream is all about virtual precognition. With dreams, we would be able to shape our
future. During the Great Depression, many people got unemployed. Therefore, I had
the American Dream, a dream of owning a farm. In which now it has been attained,
and my living standard was
American Born Chinese Character Analysis
Many people in the world wish they could be better or be like a superstar but they
never realize that if they live with themselves they will be a lot happier and have a
more positive outlook on themselves. The novels American Born Chinese, A Raisin
In The Sun, and War Brothers are all examples of people and books all trying to
look different, get richer and change the way they are living also know as faustian
bargain. In the book American Born Chinese cousin Danny is trying to get rid of his
annoying cousin Chin Kee because Chinkee won t let him live in peace. The
monkey King is trying to change himself because of the guard called him a monkey
and wouldn t allow him to go into the party. The last example in the book American...
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The first example of a faustian bargain is when Jin a character in the novel wants to
become like Greg by copying his hair just to impress and get a girl. He is changing
himself just to get a girl by changing his hair and adopting a new way of life. A
wise one says It s easy to become anything you wish . . . so long as you re willing
to forfeit your soul. This quotation works to develop the idea that if someone
changes themselves too much, they could risk losing an important part of their
identity. Another example of this would be during the story would be at the end
of the story when the monkey king has a meeting with Jin and he says You know,
Jin, I would have saved myself from five hundred years imprisonment beneath a
mountain of rock had I only realized how good it is to be a monkey. The Monkey
King revealed his true form (from chinkee to Monkey King) he came here to tell
Jin that he was changing himself to achieve and get something to but then he
realized that it s better to be who you are and not want to change yourself for
something. This piece of evidence relates with the theme of faustian bargain because
the Monkey King makes Jin realize by using himself as an example because he to
wanted to change himself from being a monkey but then he slowly realized how
much better it is to just be a monkey then change into a different
Trauma In June Iparis Childhood
Traumatic experiences affect people of all goes no matter how young or old a
persons can be. For a child to go through a traumatic experiences can greatly affect
the way a child will grow up. Some might believe the child will never overcome the
experiences, but others disagree. It is evident from the text Legend by Marie Lu
and the American Psychological Association document that the main character, June
Iparis, does experience trauma and is possible to overcome trauma. If a child
experiences trauma and has the proper ways to cope with the traumatic experiences
then it is very possible for them to overcome it. To go through a traumatic
experience as a child could have either a positive or negative affect on their life. If a
child goes through... Show more content on ...
With the proper help to overcome a traumatic experience is effortless with proper
patience. Throughout June Iparis life she had to deal with many deaths from her
loved family members. Being alone at the age 15 is arduous for any teenager, but
June manages to pull through her hard times. With the help of her dog Ollie and
her new crush, the flasely accused murder of her brother, Day. Ollie is the family
dog that is always there for June even after Metias passed away: I wish Ollie could
have come with us too...I d let him out of the apartment, hide him in an alley and
then go back for him. But it s too late now. What will they do to him? The thought
of Ollie barking at soldiers breaking into my apartment, scared and alone, brings a
lump to my throat. He s the only of Metias I have left (Lu 301). Without Metias
being around anymore, Ollie was the closest June had to her family. Ollie was
always there to ease June s pain, even when she had to look over pictures of her
dead brother Ollie would rest beside her. June feels bad for leaving her dog behind
in her apartment after escaping with Day. She cares a lot for Ollie since he is her
only family member left. Another way June found tranquility is from her new
crush, Day. June spent time undercover to find her brother s murder which
everyone assumed was Day, but was Thomas, Metias best friend. Day explained to
June many times that he did not kill her brother and she believed him. After
spending time with him and seeing who he truly is she started to for him. June did
all she could to help Day escape from being executed which she succeed. Together
they helped each other forget about about all the chaos in the world and only focus
on each other: I wrap my arm around his neck and kiss him back. In this moment, I
don t care about the pain in my shoulder. I don t care if soldiers find us in this railway
The Juvenile Intake Process (ADJC)
The average age at time of intake was 15.25 years, and the average age at time of
release was 16.63 years; which suggests the average stay was just over one year.
The length of average stay does not necessarily account for juveniles who were age
17 at time of intake, and aged out rapidly at age 18, nor necessarily reflect juveniles
who were there for several years. In addition to familial and racial background,
applicable mental health diagnoses were noted, see Table 3.2 below. Ninety eight
percent of the participants in the study either had a diagnosis currently existing in
their record, or received a diagnosis during the intake process at ADJC. Nineteen
percent received a single diagnosis, twenty eight percent had duel diagnoses, twenty
Paradoxical Vocal Cord And Its Effects On The Emergency...
Paradoxical Vocal Cord Motion Disorder
Vocal Cord Dysfunction
A twenty year old female is admitted to the emergency room with symptoms of
respiratory distress. The symptoms began during a soccer game and came on
suddenly. Signs included observed dyspnea, coughing, wheezing, and signs of
cyanosis and chief complaint of shortness of breath. Patient had previously been
diagnosed with exercise induced asthma and has used her Albuterol inhaler, as
instructed, at the time of attack with no relief. The acute attack continues for about
10 more minutes and then the symptoms subside spontaneously and her respiration
returns to normal without any other interventions. Although her symptoms appear to
be consistent with an asthma attack the lack of response to traditional treatments
for asthma call for further investigation. Many individuals who suffer from
Paradoxical Vocal Cord Motion Disorder (PVCM) have experienced this first hand.
PVCM is a disorder that closely mimics asthma leading to difficult and often
misdiagnoses, unnecessary interventions and medications. Never heard of PVCM? It
was first noted by Dunglison in 1842 as laryngospasms brought on by hysteria, he
called it Hysteria Croup. In 1869 the closing of the vocal cords during inspiration was
first visualize using laryngoscopy and was determined to be the cause of the stridor
heard upon inspiration during an attack (Ibrahim, Gheriani Raza, 2007). Throughout
the past it has been called many names including
Torture In The 8th Amendment
Solitary confinement can be considered as torture by several people due to the mental
pain or suffering that is caused by it. But would solitary confinement be considered
an unusual and cruel punishment to the point of violating the eighth amendment? Is
torture considered a bad thing? Solitary confinement has been the only choice that the
system could think of in order to reprimand those who have already done something
wrong. Torture is often used for the purpose of having a positive outcome, which is
not a bad thing depending on the situation and its extent. The eighth amendment of
the United States Constitutionwas first introduced by James Madison for the purpose
of prohibiting some punishments that are not legal, such as painful and hard labor.
This amendment states that punishments must be fair, not cruel, and must have a
certain limit. The eighth amendment also prohibits the imposition of excessive bail
and excessive fines. For example, an accused must be treated as an innocent person
before he or she is proven otherwise. Excessive bail depends on how severe the
situations are. Other great examples of the 8th amendment prohibitions are castration,
burning at the stake, and quartering. Based on the wording of the amendment, I
believe that the use of solitary confinement in the United States does not violate
citizens eighth amendment rights. A cruel and unusual punishmentwould be
considered grossly disproportionate, which doesn t exactly concord with solitary
Sports History Research Paper
Journal #1
The history of sports has come a long way as it developed throughout the centuries.
It was where the foundation of sports was created. For example, in the Rome the
chariot races were held. Today they have changed, whether it is new things being
added or rules being edit; its foundation remains the same. The changes also have to
do with the progress of our generation because it has changed the way we think and
behave in the past and in the future. The history of sports and physical education will
never stop changing. The changes will never stop because current events and
upcoming events will have an impact on the current standards of sports and physical
education. It is how history is made, when changes are made and shifting the ... Show
more content on ...
The ability of athletes has improved throughout the centuries which has taken the
activities to a who different level leaving the ancient as history today. The ball
games in the ancient civilization were as popular as they are today. For example,
in mesoamerica, a religious ball game by the name of Ulama still existed in the
northwestern part of Mexico. The game was played by the olmecs back in the
1800 B.C. The game consisted of a rubber ball and used the hips to hit it, similar to
how tennis is played today. Over the centuries, the rules changes in order for other
other tribes to play it. In this case, the pre Colombian Maya s, zapotecs and Aztecs
to name a few, were part of that change to be able to play it. The sportcould be
related to baseball today as well, although the rules are not quite the same. The sport
was demonstrated amongst these tribes different during competition. They would
involve religion such as the Maya s and Aztecs who added strong religious overtones
to the game Ulama played by the olmecs. The Chinese also had activities centuries
ago such as martial arts and hunting. Although today they have taken a different route
do to the change of generation over time. Einstein s essay was about helping out
mankind in a
Problems Faced By The And Corporate Culture
4.The problems of the mergers in technology industry During the integration process
after merging, the clash of the human resources and the corporate culture will arise.
Merger always takes risk on some extent, so some employees will feel unsafe about
their job, which will cause the lost of the human resources. What s more, to optimize
the new employee structure and reduce labor cost, amount of employees will face to
be laid off. Such a large personnel change will cut down the investors trust, because
the investor will suspect the stability of the new combined company. Even two
similar technology companies still have different corporate culture which can
represent the companies brand images and affect the customers loyalty. They may
produce the similar products, but they may differ in the business ideas and
background. Hence, how to integrate two companies corporate culture in order to
exert the joint corporate value is difficult for the new combined company. If the new
combined company abandoned one of the company s corporate culture, they will lose
part of customers who already lose the faith to the company. How to integrate the two
technology companies technology is important for the development of the new
combined company in the future after merging. If two companies have lots of
overlapping business and their technologies level are different, then the new company
must consider integrating the technology to complement and balance the technology
level so that can
Nicaragua And Its Monetary Policy Analysis Essay
Nicaragua and its Monetary Policy analysis:
Monetary policy is the macroeconomic policy laid down by the central bank. It
involves management of money supply and interest rate and is the demand side
economic policy used by the government of a country to achieve macroeconomic
objectives like inflation, consumption, growth and liquidity.
The Monetary Policy of a country further contains 3 sub policies:
The Money Supply Policy: This policy determines the source of credit. In most cases,
a central bank of a country acts the source.
The Interest Rate Policy: This policy determines the cost of credit.
The Credit Control Policy: This policy determines the quantum of credit.
Monetary Policy works on the fundaments of a money market and LM curve is the
locus of equilibrium between the interest rate and income in the money market. LM
curve determines the supply side of money and is positively sloped w.r.t to interest
rate and income.
Like many Latin American countries, Nicaragua is a socialist country and hence,
functions with a deficit budget. Deficit, if remained uncontrolled, has the potential to
induce inflation in an economy. As in August, 2015, the inflation rate recorded in its
economy was 2.70%. However, with its average inflation rate being 9.35% in the
period of 1993 2015, it had achieved a highest rate of inflation in September 1993 at
23.99%. (Banco Central de Nicaragua estimated)
The central bank of Nicaragua focuses on an objective of sustaining economic
Rob Kardashian In The 1950 s
Tyga has realized that Rob Kardashian is not going anywhere and he s going ot be
a part of his and Blac Chyna s son King Cairo s life, so the rapper wants to make
sure that the Arthur George socks owner knows the rules and abide them. Tyga told
Rob straight up that he s King s dad and no one will replace him, the source told
HollywoodLife exclusively. Tyga laid down the law with Rob, setting some ground
rules. He told Rob he doesn t want him smoking, cursing, and most importantly,
kissing or doing anything sexual with Blac in front of King. The 26 year old on and
off boyfriend of Kylie Jenner is trying to protect his innocent son with all their
relationship drama. Although it s not his intention to control Kardashian s relationship
Nurse Practitioner Practice Model Vs Symptom
As part of the theme for the theory development for my nurse practitioner career, I
chose the Nurse Practitioner Practice Model and the Symptom Management Theory.
Each of these theories is unique, but have different aspects that appeal to the overall
trend of my theory development. As a nurse practitioner, I see the end goal as
helping people achieve their goal of health, by integrating medicine and nursing. The
Nurse Practitioner Practice Model helps by giving a framework to mesh nursing and
medicine together (Shuler Davis, 1993) The Symptom Management Theory gives a
framework to manage symptoms, not only by the symptoms themselves, but take in
consideration the individuals characteristics (Linder, 2010). As a nurse practitioner, I
feel the two coexist together perfectly. Since every patient expresses a symptom or
the lack of symptoms, when seeing a nurse practitioner, these middle range theories
are congruent with everyday practice at the nurse clinician level.... Show more content
on ...
Although each theory presents a framework, how that framework was built upon is
different. While the Symptom management theory is built around what the patient
experiences and the outcomes, the Nurse Practitioner Practice Model is centered
around the treatment from a holistic approach and the patient is responsible for his
/her health. The Nurse Practitioner Practice Model focuses on the concepts of Person,
Health, Nursing, NP Role, and the Environment (Shuler Davis, 1993). The Symptom
Management Theory relies on the concepts of system experience, system
management strategies, and outcome. The author of the Nurse Practitioner Practice
Model addresses the intrinsic differences between the philosophies of doctors and
nurses. The nurse practitioner assesses and treats the condition, while addressing the
patient s response to conceivable or actual problems (Shuler Davis,
Essay on Women in Iliad, Odyssey, and the Bible
Role of Women in Iliad, Odyssey, and the Bible
Much is known of men in ancient civilizations, from the famous philosophers and
mathematicians of Greece to the patriarchs and subsequent kings of the nation of
Israel. It would seem, however, that history has forgotten the women of these times.
What of the famous female thinkers of Ancient Greece, the distinguished
stateswomen of Rome? What power did they hold? What was their position in
societies of the distant past? A glimpse into the roles and influence of women in
antiquity can be discovered in such ancient masterpieces as the Iliad, the Odyssey,
and the Hebrew Bible.
In the Iliad, women are barely mentioned, and then only as spoils of war or
treacherous creatures not worthy of a ... Show more content on ...
The myth of how the war between the Greeks and the Trojans began, itself, shows
women, in this case goddesses, in an unflattering light, fighting like vain beauty
queens over which one is more beautiful. In fact, the very character of these three
goddesses is at the least reprehensible and mirrors the conception of many ancient,
male driven societies of women being fickle, disloyal temptresses. Hera is the
paranoid, jealous wife who viciously strikes out at her husband s lovers, Aphrodite
is a kind of divine harlot, and Athena, although the most admirable of the group,
nevertheless gives in to petty emotions and is an odd choice to be guardian of
wisdom, since no women were allowed in the academies or thought of by men as
being particularly wise. Thetis intentions are the exception to the trivial designs of
her immortal counterparts, for she is always the devoted mother of Achilles, trying to
do what is best for her son. Athena may give aid to the Greek cause, but only
because she was not picked by Paris as the most fair. The only mortal woman in the
Iliad who seems to have any redeeming qualities, and to whom we are not
introduced for any real amount of time, in contrast to Hecuba, is Andromache, who
makes a brief, yet lasting appearance as Hector s wife. For the most part, however,
women in the Iliad are placed decidedly in the background, at best shown as
accessories to their male spouses.
Expanding on the Iliad, the Odyssey
Internet Marketing of HND
BTEC Higher National Diploma in Business (QCF) Unit title Internet Marketing
Assessor Lun HOU I confirm that this is all my own work and has not been
submitted for any previous assessmentStudent signatureDate
OutcomeCriteriaAssessors decisionInternal VerificationLO1 Understand marketing
through the internet. 1.1 explain the elements of internet marketing1.2 evaluate the
internet marketing mix1.3 compare internet marketing tools e tools1.4 examine
interactive order processingLO2 Be able to use the internet for promotion using
digital marketing communications 2.1 demonstrate the mechanics of search engine
marketing2.2 write the copy for a suitable opt in email marketing... Show more
content on ...
On July 31, 2012, Baidu announced they would team up with Sina to provide
mobile search results. On November 18, 2012, Baidu announced that they would
be partnering with Qualcomm to offer free cloud storage to Android users with
Snapdragon processors. On August 2, 2013, Baidu launched Personal Assistant app
for businessperson, to help CEOs, managers and the white collars manage their
business relationships. On August 14, 2013, Baidu announced that its wholly
owned subsidiary Baidu (Hong Kong) Limited has signed a definitive merger
agreement (the Agreement) to acquire a 100 percent equity interest in 91 Wireless
Web soft Limited from NetDragon Web soft Inc. Baidu offers several services to
locate information, products and services using Chinese language search terms,
such as, search by Chinese phonetics, advanced search, snapshots, spell checker,
stock quotes, news, knows, postbar, images, video and space information, and
weather, train and flight schedules and other local information. The user agent
string of Baidu search engine is baiduspider. Also, a Baidu application for Apples
iOS is available. Baidu focuses on generating revenues primarily from online
marketing services. Baidus pay for placement (P4P) platform enables its customers
to reach users who search for information related to their products or services.
Customers use automated online tools to create text based descriptions of their web
pages and bid on keywords that trigger the
Unclaimed Property Research Paper
I will be going over what I learned from the Unclaimed Property 101 The Basics pdf
and audio file by Terry Reid from Unclaimed Property Professionals Organization.
According to Reid, unclaimed property is defined as intangible personal property
that has gone unclaimed by the rightful owner (i.e. remained outstanding) for a
specified period of time . Most of the items that are considered unclaimed propertyis
intangible. One common example of intangible unclaimed property is uncashed
For personal property to be considered an unclaimed property, it has to have these
three requirements: it is issued or held in the ordinary course of the holder s
business; it was a debt or obligation of the holder to an owner or creditor; and it
remains ... Show more content on ...
This also requires the holder to perform due diligence about the owner and to notify
them of their unclaimed property. Again, each state has different laws about this but
you must make attempts to give back the unclaimed property. As the holder, you
should allow the owner time to respond to your communications, send letters, and
send contact information. Once you made all the attempts to contact them as you
could, according to your states laws, you may report the fund as unclaimed
property at the expiration of the dormancy period. This is the amount of time that
must go by for a property to be considered unclaimed. These periods are at least a
year for properties such as unclaimed wages but can be up to 15 years for unclaimed
The Teleological Argument For The Existence Of
The teleological argument successfully provides proof for the existence of
intelligent design by utilizing intricate scientific data in order to demonstrate intent
and purpose in the creation of the universe, as opposed to random and highly
improbable occurrences. The purpose of the teleological argument is to present
complex details of the universe as evidence that it was designed by an intelligent
mind. It suggests that since the universe is so compound and full of fine tuned
intricacies, there must have been a designer who implemented these specific details
in order to create a fully functioning and sustainable universe. These details have
been found from a biological perspective, as well as from a cosmological scale. The
teleological argumentis commonly used to provide evidence for the existence of the
theistic God, or at least an intelligent designer. In contrast, those who are against the
teleological argument generally believe that the universe is a result of an accidental
explosion. Although there are many theories that use the teleological argument to
provide strong support for intelligent design, there are also well developed theories
that oppose the teleological argument. A philosopher who presents several
contradicting arguments to the teleological argument is David Hume. In his writing,
The Dialogue Concerning Natural Religion, he presents his critique of the
teleological argument and expresses his opposition through the fictional character
Philo. In one of
Pros And Cons Of Search Engine Optimization
What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?
In simple words, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can be defined as the Do s
and Don ts of Search engines that if followed properly can improve the visibility of
your website which will eventually lead to better sales and promotion of your
website, products and services. How?
When you launch a new website it is obvious that you will be among the millions.
And among those thousands that even Google doesn t know about their existence.
And a week passes by with just one or two visitors with zero contribution. It is
obvious to get frustrated. But, it is more obvious to have a question in your mind
what other websites are doing so that they are ranking in the first page and what you
did that you got lost ... Show more content on ...
When compared with the off web marketing your expenses are very high because
you need manpower to promote and the cost of advertisements are also very high.
But, with the growing web surfers business marketing has become very economical
because even the social bookmarking sites like: offers your
advertisements low cost whereas the features they provide are enormous. Similarly, it
is easy because you can promote your business with a click and completely reduces
your manpower budget.
All of the above listed advantages are worthy only if you rank well in Google and
other major search engines. With poor placement and zero page rank no customers
will know your existence in the internet and there is no question of building goodwill.
Black Hat and White Hat SEO:
Black hat and white SEO is two different stream of SEO which are distinctly
different from one another. Black hat SEO represents those people who are engaged
in unethical SEO practices like: keyword stuffing, link farming and article spinning
which can seriously hamper your website and your online business. Google is found
to banned and delist such websites who are engaged in such practices.
Similarly, white hat SEO is the ethical way of competing in the search engine to
gain desired page rank following the do s and don ts of Google.
Free Search Engine Optimization
Descriptive Essay On Pollution In Colour
My work is based upon the links between three individual snakes and the African
continent as a whole. Links such as pollution, culture and fashion are the main
concepts in which I investigate throughout my works. Using different methods of
textile art such as batik, tie die and lino printing allows me to explore the effects that
colours have on certain surfaces when they are combined together. Outcomes such as
my 1.5 x 1.5 metre batik piece which I named Pollution in colour involves several
other different textile/art media/methods, this allows me to explore the effects
created when combining colours of other types of methods/media.
Throughout my works I investigate and explore what the similarities and links are
between snakes and Africa and how those similarities are related to the fashion
world. Pollution is a key concept that affects both the wildlife and the population
of humans in Africa. For example my 1.5 x 1.5 metre batik piece Pollution in
colour is a big abstract and contemporary piece and is a direct portrayal of countries
such as Mali becoming polluted. I use the African colour scheme that is explored
throughout my works in relation to African Fashion and culture. This African
colour scheme allows me to give a blind meaning behind the work that is seen to
be non conceptual. The process in creating artworks like pollution in colour starts
off with several different found concepts that have already been practised and
experimented with before creating the final piece. An example of a practised
concept in relation to Pollution in colour would be a smaller batik piece that has
added watercolour and ink details. After completing the smaller piece of batik,
experimenting with the colours and effects of mixing dye and watercolour onto
fabric, I liked the outcomes effect and so I experimented more with watercolour in
my sketchbook. The experimentations of watercolour consisted of different brush
strokes from light to dark, the effects that different shades of colour being combined
gives and how the layout of the final piece would look like. While creating the final
piece I chose to experiment rather than follow a specific plan to how my outcome
would end up looking.
Seasons And Symbolism In Mary Shelley s Frankenstein
For centuries, seasons have been understood to stand for the same set of meanings.
Seasons are easily understood by the reader, and are easy for the writer to use; as
Foster states, Seasons can work magic on us, and writers can work magic with
seasons (Foster 192). The different seasons are a huge part of our lives; we live
through each one every year, and we know how each of them impacts our lives.
This closeness between people and nature allows us to be greatly impacted by the
use of seasons in literature. In addition, Foster lays out the basic meanings of each
season for us: autumn is harvest, decline, tiredness; winter is anger, hatred, cold, old
age; summer is passion, love, happiness, beauty; and spring is childhood and youth.
On the... Show more content on ...
The monster, for example, is devastated after he loses his only connection to
humanity: Felix and Agatha. After observing them for months, learning how to
speak, being their secret helper by stocking their shed with food or shoveling snow,
and after dreaming of how he would introduce himself to them someday, his
connection with them was lost after Felix found him speaking to his blind
grandfather in the cottage. When they all leave, the monster burns down the cottage
and sets out to find Victor, in hopes of asking him to create another specimen; one
that the monster can spend his life with in perfect harmony. When he finds Victor and
tells him about his life and journey, he tells him, when the earth finally started to
warm up, I even raised my humid eyes with thankfulness towards the blessed sun
which bestowed such joy upon me (Shelly 125). Although the monster was terribly
depressed, the sun (which is associated with spring and summer; it is meant to bring
happiness and tranquility) lit up the Earth, bringing back its beauty after winter,
which had caused the monster to feel gall and bitterness...rage and misery (Shelly
124). The beauty that the sun bestows on the Earth offers as a distraction for the
monster rather than dwelling upon his gruesome appearance, he admires the world
around him. As Foster explained, winter in literature brings with it misery, and
summer brings happiness,
The Portrayal Analysis Of The Wild Hearts CanT Be Broken
Andrew Young once said, There s no problem on the planet that can t be solved
without violence. That s the lesson of the civil rights movement. Throughout any
movement in U.S. history, including the Civil Rights Movement people had to
make sacrifices in order to fight for what they believe to be right. Some people
even lost their lives, which are some of the sacrifices Pink is trying to tell us in her
song, but she never will give up not matter the circumstances. The song, Wild Hearts
Can t Be Broken, relates to the Civil Rights Movement because they both represent
how groups of people never gave up for what they believe in. Throughout the song,
Wild Hearts Can t Be Broken, Pink talks about the rage, terror, and sickness that is...
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Some examples of these were: African Americans can t play together, they can t
attend the same restaurants, schools, or even restrooms, and that white nurses in
hospitals can t help an African Americanmale. From these laws came sacrifices that
African Americans had to endure, even to the point of death. A couple of the
important deaths were Emmett Till who got killed after he flirted with a white girl,
and George Lee who tried to expose some of the Jim Crow Laws, and died during
one of his protests. These deaths were quite common until a man named, Martin
Luther King Jr. came into the picture. At the beginning of his campaign he wanted
three things to happen: Bring publicity to major civil rights activities and efforts,
emphasize and encourage the importance of non violent protest and resistance,
provide leadership to the African American civil rights movement. He did just that
throughout the Civil Rights Movement, and was a major contributor to the ending
of the movement in 1968. In both the Civil Rights Movement and the song Wild
Hearts Can t Be Broken, they both had to make sacrifices, but neither of them
stopped them from reaching their goal. By never giving up for what they believe in,
African Americans in the Civil Rights Movement, and people in the song, Wild
Hearts Can t Be Broken, both made sacrifices for they believe in. In the song, Wild
The History of the Canadian Political Landscape
The Canadian political landscape has a rich and complex history spanning from sea
to sea , just as the nation itself. Chronicles of dominance, leadership, and association
by the United Kingdom, France, and the United States has ultimately shaped the
Canadian national consciousness, resulting in the political ideologies and governance
we see today. To best describe the characteristic of Canadian politics, one can refer to
Fragment Theory where a colonial nation, such as Canada, is predominantly
influenced from their historic origins. However, recent immigration and economic
trends have drastically reshaped the Canadian political spectrum across provinces.
The following essay will briefly analyze the evolution of political ideologies across
Canada, primarily focusing on the conservative/ neo liberal model.
To properly analyze the political ideologies that have played a major role in shaping
Canadian politics, one must examine a major aspect regional politics. It is the
various regions and provinces that make up Canada, as does their political
ideological landscape.
Perhaps the most influential of provinces in the development of political ideology in
Canada is Ontario. Since the formation of Canada, Ontario played a large role in the
political sphere, hence being home to the nations capital. Settled by British
colonialist, and later on British loyalist from America, Ontario was predominantly
Anglo Saxon, which favored traditional British principles such as economic
Female Stereotypes Essay
For most of history, anonymous was a woman , quotes Virginia Woolf. (1)
Throughout history, women s lives were restricted to domesticity and family, and
they were left oppressed and without political voice. Over the decades the roles of
women have dramatically changed from chattels belonging to their husbands to
gaining independence. Women became famous activists, thinkers, writers, and
artists, like Frida Kahlo who was an important figure for women s independence.
The price women paid in their fight for equality was to die or be imprisoned along
with men, and they were largely forgotten in written history. However, the roles they
took on were wide ranging which included working in factories, tending the troops,
taking care of children... Show more content on ...
Men fought in wars during the Roman Empire and have led the world politically to
where it is today. In recent decades men ruling the earth have been threatened by
women who are now holding executive positions and political offices. Many
feminists have been fighting for equality and independence. Frida Kahlo was one of
the feminist who was a true heroine who refused to settle for the inactive role
required in the society of women during her time. In her artwork, she referred to
issues beyond her own experiences such as in family photographs, Kahlo dressed as a
man to get attention to gender issues. She also wore costumes that conveyed cultural
statements. Kahlo wore men s clothes, flowers in her hair, a shawl forming an
image of female fighters of the Mexican Revolution. There are similar neo feminist
icons to Frida like the Famous Five, Micaela Bastidas, Taslima Nasrin, Alice Paul,
Gloria AnzaldГєa, and Maxine Hong Kingston. These women have fought for
independence and feminism for decades by holding suffragist movements, marches
and other ways to gain their independence and rights. The feminist movement has
brought a variety of social and cultural change, it changed, religion, the place of
women in society, gendered language, and relationships between both men and
According to Bell Hooks, Feminism is a struggle against sexist oppression.
Therefore, it is necessarily a struggle
Example Of Growth Mindset
All three texts, Mindset by Carol S. Dweck, What is your own big plan? by Obama,
and David and Goliath by Malcolm Gladwell, draws the conclusion that a growth
mindset can change people s outlook on life by learning life lessons, having a
successful future, and being a happier person with dedication. Changing someone s
outlook on life starts with learningfrom your mistakes. Following, by learning
lessons it leads to being more successful in your life. Lastly, being successful allows
people to be happy. The inference is that a growth mindset can fix someone s overall
outlook on life.
A growth mindset can provide life lessons and change a person s view on life. In the
article, The Mindsets the author expresses in the beginning of the story her
connections with failure that she had as a kid. Then throughout the story she
continued to express to the readers to take failures and conceive it as a lesson rather
than a mistake. For instance, on page 6, Dweck explains, research has shown
that the view you adopt for yourself profoundly affects the way you lead your life
(Dweck 7). This proves that if something traumatizes a person s brain it can change
the way they view something so they end up learning from it in the end. Also in The
Mindsets the author explains, ...everyone can change and grow through application
and experience (Dweck 7). This demonstrates that through events an individual can
change their thoughts and learn from it. Just think positively from
Essay about The United States Air Force
The United States Air Force This paper deals with the contributions of the United
States Air Force to the eventual victory of the Allies in Europe during World War
II. The Allied powers had no idea how important a strong air force would be against
the Axis powers during World War II. The fact that Hitler moved east in 1941 and
had planned to do so since 1940, had important implications for the British war effort.
Though still powerless to prevent German initiatives from being successful in Greece
and Crete, the British government was given a long period during which to prepare
adequate defenses in the mainland against the expected day when Hitler would turn
west again. Although it was... Show more content on ...
Throughout 1941 the aid continued to expand. (Overy 60) Allied Military aircraft
became more sophisticated in variety, effectiveness in war situations, and special
maneuvering techniques throughout the course of World War II which in turn
produced a victory for the Allied Nations over the Axis Powers. Towards the
beginning of the war the United States did not have an air force compared to that
of Germany and Japan. Knowing this fact the president of the United States
ordered manufacturers of fighter planes and long range bombers to start coming
up with new designs for longer range and for planes that were easier to fix. Having
planes that did not take that much knowledge of that specific model plane helped
the United States at airfields located in the middle of nowhere that only had a few
knowledgeable mechanics. The first of these more modern and advanced planes is
the Grumman G 40 (TBF Avenger). The Avenger proved its worth at sea because it
was built to be a maritime attack and patrol airplane. The idea that you could have a
portable airfield in the middle of the ocean or even behind enemy lines was an
unimaginable risk that was put into effect. It proved to be
Point Of View In Grendel And Beowulf Essay
Contrasting points of view in Grendel and Beowulf significantly alter the reader s
perception of religion, good and evil, and the character Grendel. John Gardner s
book, Grendel, is written in first person. The book translated by Burton Raffel,
Beowulf, is written in third person. Good and evil is one of the main conflicts in the
poem Beowulf. How is Grendel affected by the concepts of good and evil? Grendel
is an alienated individual who just wants to be a part of something. His desire to fit
in causes him to do evil things. Grendel is fascinated by the Shaper s poetry. He often
returns to the meadhall to listen to it. One night while he is listening, he hears the
story of Cain and Abel, including the Danes explanation of Grendel. His... Show more
content on ...
Beowulf is truly good because he helps people when they need it the most and
hopes that God is with him even though he doesn t have to do anything to help the
people who have an evil creature killing their village s population every night. In
Grendel, the main belief is that of existentialism, however, there are also numerous
references to Cain throughout the entire book. The basis for his version of
existentialism is the following excerpt from the book itself: I understood that the
world was nothing: a mechanical chaos of casual, brute enmity on which we
stupidly impose our hopes and fears. I understood that, finally and absolutely, I
alone exist. All the rest, I saw, is merely what pushes me, or what I push against,
blindly as blindly as all that is not myself pushes back. I create the whole universe,
blink by blink. An ugly god pitifully dying in a tree (Gardner 22)! One can explain
this view of existentialism by considering some simple concepts of existentialism.
Existentialists believe that man is forlorn and totally responsible for his acts, and that
his choices are important because existence precedes essence.
Furthermore, the references to Cain, which represented chaos and the presence of
evil, can be found throughout the book. For example, after Cain killed his brother,
he drinks his blood. This is typically something that Grendel does after he kills his
victims. Additionally, both Cain and Grendel are viewed as outcasts of society who
have to
The Impact Of Social Media Impact On Body Image
Kelsey Hibberd, author of Does Social Media Impact on Body Image? states that
television and magazines are the ones who normally portray the perfect ideal body
image, but to her social media has more effect to the way someone feels and see s
their body image. Kelsey did not like her middle school. Kelsey knew she would be
bullied on Facebook about the way she looked. When Kelsey was in her adolescence
she could barely handle the comments people made about her image. Kelsey was
taller than most kids and chubby. She would constantly worry about her facial
features. In her mind, everything was about her image to others. Eventually, Kelsey
did not wantto eat and changed her image dying her hair. Kelsey started talking to
other teens and teacher in schools about body image. She teaches them the hazards
of having a lot of friends on Facebook and consequences of comparing themselves
to others. Twitter, Facebook, apps, WhatsApp, are some of the social media used
for people to interact with each other at any time. Kelsey thinks that social media
makes it easy to know so much about others life s and spread their appearance. She
claims body image affects all ages, even as young as five. Another campaign called
Be Real: Body Confidence for Everyone tries to change people s mind about how
they perceive their self. On Social media, the photographs are not always truthful.
Pictures can be changed to enhance the way someone looks. Dr. Diedrichs asked
children to raise their hands if
Cmv Retinitis Research Paper
The Danger of CMV Retinitis Can you imagine having your vision degenerate to
the point of blindness? This is reality for people who have become affected by CMV
Retinitis. At least 60% of the US population has been exposed to CMV, a latent DNA
virus that activates when your immune system compromises. It can ravage your
health, affecting nearly every organ in your body including the eyes. This essay will
explain CMV retinitis, who s susceptible, symptoms, treatment and lasting effects.
Cytomegalovirus retinitis (CMV retinitis) is a viral infection of the retinain the eye
which activates in people with a weakened immune systems, such as those with HIV
/AIDS, those undergoing chemotherapy, recipients of organ donations and newborns.
The Pros And Cons Of Workplace Stress
Nurses face many different stressors in their day to day work life. These stressors
stem from the type of work nurses do (Raftopoulos, Charalambous and Talias, 2012).
Stressors may also be caused by the nurse s social interactions (Rodwell and Demir,
2012), for example strained relationships with colleagues, poor leadership within the
team and underappreciation. The stresscan even be caused by political issues such as
job security (Boya, Demiral, Ergor, Akvardar, De Witte, 2008) and inadequate
staffing leading to an excessive work load (Lisa Y. Adams, 2014). If the nurse is
unable to deal with this stress appropriately it can have negative impacts on his or her
physical and mental health (Marin et al.,2011). An integral aspect of coping within a
stressful environment is having the ability to bounce back and work through issues
despite unfavourable circumstances, this is known as resilience (Courtney. J, 2015).
Nurses can implement strategies to build self resilience, examples of this could be;
ensuring they have adequate social supports (Cross, 2015) and practising mindfulness
(Ludwig Kabat Zinn, 2008).
Nurses are at a higher risk of facing workplace stressors than those who have other
occupations because of the nature of their work (Foureur et al., 2013). Nursing staff
are on the front line of patient care, this allows them to build relationships with
patients and their families (Foureur et al., 2013). Nurses work in close proximity with
patients and therefore build
Serving High Risk Warrant Essay
Topic: Serving high risk warrants
Research Question: What are the various ways to serve high risk warrants?
Hypothesis: There is a systematic way of serving high risk warrants based on the
priorities of life that will reduce injury or death of Special Weapons and Tactics
(SWAT) operators. Null Hypothesis: There is no statistically significant difference
between the various ways of serving high risk warrants and the reduction of injuries
or death of SWAToperators.
Research Design: The method of gathering data will be through a survey from
participating agencies that have ... Show more content on ...
The rationale behind my hypothesis is that there are several ways to serve an
arrest or search warrant while keeping the priorities of life in mind and ultimately
minimizing the risk of injury or death to all that are involved. The best ways that
have been developed while serving high risk warrants are take down and away,
surround and call out, breach and hold, limited penetration, and controlled entry.
These ways of serving a warrant are a systematic way based on the intelligence of
the structure, suspects, and the priorities of life that are outlined in the NTOA SWAT
standards (NTOA, 2008). The priorities of life are hostages or victims, innocent by
standers, police or first responders, and suspects. The rationale behind my null
hypothesis is that to date, there is no statistically significant difference between
the various ways of serving high risk warrants and the reduction of injury or death
of SWAT operators. Choosing different ways to serve a high risk warrant does not
fully prevent injury or death of SWAT operators, but it has been proven to
drastically reduce the probability of injury or death. The reason why I feel that there
is no statistically significant difference between the various ways of serving high
risk warrants and the reduction of injury or death of SWAT operators is because
there are no two warrants that are exactly alike. Every warrant is different from the
What Would Happen If The Us In Singer By Peter Singer
It is not the responsibility of individuals to help their fellow man. Our resources are
dwindling, and there s no room to share. People and countries should learn to mend
their own ways, and with reliance on others for aid, they won t be able to do that.
Garrett Hardin sees the world as a lifeboat. The people inside of the boat are the
rich, and the ones swimming outside of the boat are the poor. The population of
the people in the water is less than that of those in the boat. Hypothetically, there s
50 people in a boat that s capable of withstanding a maximum capacity of 60.
Swimming outside of the boat is 150 others. If the people in the boat were to let
everyone on, it would sink; everyone drowns. This is what would happen if The
United... Show more content on ...
But while it looks easy on paper, it is much harder than it appears. Singer uses
unrealistic scenarios to guilt the reader into donating. For example, he refers to a
Brazilian film Central Station. A woman, Dora, can make $1,000 if she can
persuade a homeless 9 year old to follow her to an address, where the boy is to be
adopted by foreigners. She delivers the boy, and buys a new TV set with the money
she has made. Later on the woman learns that the boy has been sold to organ
peddlers, and he will soon be killed. The inference Singer is trying to make is that
there s no difference between someone who sells a child to organ peddlers, and an
American upgrading their television set, because both are ethically wrong due to
the fact that the money could have been donated. But is passive selfishness really
on the same level as the direct murder of an innocent child? Despite the fact that
the money for a TV set could save a child s life, it is far different, than the brutal
murder of a small boy. The comparison is simply absurd, and this is not the only
time he uses it. In another scenario, a man is on the train tracks and is torn between
saving a child or his Bugatti from a runaway train. The man throws the switch,
redirecting the train and saving his Bugatti. The boy is killed. These two, farfetched
scenarios were used to show that we too have the chance to save a child s life.
Writers, politicians, philosophers, religious leaders, try and guilt you into donating.
And according to Singer, those who choose not to give away their money, are
compared to the many Germans who looked away when the Nazi horrors were being
committed, which is another outlandish
Statistical Analysis Of Medical Marijuana
In order to assess whether the percent of a state identifying as liberal has an
influence on the passage of marijuana legalization referenda, statistical analysis was
conducted. The results are presented below. First, the results of a univariate analysis
are presented. Then, the results of a bivariate Pearson s correlation coefficient are
The mean percent vote for medical marijuana is 59.70% with a standard deviation
of 6.84. The range for medical marijuana is 21 with at least one state with a high of
71% voting for medical marijuana and one state with a low of 59% voting for
medical marijuana. The mean percent vote for recreational marijuana is lower at
53.61% with a standard deviation of 3.28. The range for recreational ... Show more
content on ...
While the number of states that vote to legalize marijuana is increasing, many states
are still against legalizing marijuana. The research conducted was aimed at
identifying the connection between the dominating political ideology of a state and
the likelihood of that state voting to legalize marijuana for medical or recreational use.
The results reveal that states with a greater number of voters that vote liberal are
more likely to vote to legalize recreational marijuana. However, the results also show
that this is not the case for medical marijuana. Additionally, in regards to the research
hypothesis, while the results provide some indication that states with more residents
that identify as politically liberal are more likely to legalize marijuana for
recreational use than are more conservative states, that suggestion must remain just a
suggestion since the results failed to be statistically significant. A likely reason as to
why the results of this study were not significant is due to the relatively small sample
size. Not all of the fifty states in the United States have yet to address the legalization
of marijuana. Many of the states with the smallest liberal populations have not voted
on the future of this issues in their state. In addition, many of the states with large
numbers of conservatives in the sample used in this study are Western states. This is
Tuesdays With Morrie by Mitch Albom Essay
Tuesdays With Morrie
Many people learn many things in many different ways. Most learn in school or
church, some learn in asking questions, but I believe the best lessons are taught
from a good friend. Tuesdays With Morrie is a true story of the remarkable lessons
taught by a dying professor, Morrie Schwartz, to his pupil, Mitch Albom. Morrie
teaches Mitch the lessons of life, lessons such as death, fear, aging, greed,
marriage, family, society, forgiveness, and a meaningful life. This is a story of a
special bond of friendship that was lost for many years, but never forgotten and
simply picked up again at a crucial time of both Morrie s and Mitch s lives. Mitch
was flipping through his television stations one night and stopped ... Show more
content on ...
He had become dependent on others for nearly everything. Morrie s feeling on this
was, I felt a little ashamed, because our culture tells us we should be ashamed if we
can t wipe our own behind. But then I figured, forget what the culture says. It s like
going back to being a child again, it s inside all of us, and it s just remembering how
to enjoy it.
Society is big on staying and looking young. People are constantly working out,
watching what they eat, and getting surgeries such as botox and breast
augmentation. Our society is too concerned on looking youthful. Morrie had aging
in better perspective, The young are not wise, they have very little understanding
about life. Who wants to live every day when you don t know what s going on?
When people are manipulating you, telling you to buy this perfume and you ll be
beautiful, or this pair of jeans and you ll be sexyВ… It s very simple. As you grow
you learn more. If you d stayed at twenty two, you d always be ignorant as you
were at twenty two. Aging is not just decay, it s growth. Aging is more than the
negative that you re going to die, it s also the positive that you understand you re
going to die and that you live a better life because of it.
Another big issue in society is the issue of money and greed. Society tells us that
Database Management System For A Company
A research database management system (RDBMS) is the most used database
management system for a company. Its roots date back to 1970, created by E.F.
Codd at IBM. The database approach involves the storage of data involving tables.
Attributes of the tables involve rows, used as a record of an entity. Columns, also
attributes of the table, determine what will be recorded for that field. Within a
table one primary key will be found, this represents a unique column of the table. A
table may also have a foreign key, there can be more than one, and it identifies a
primary key of another table. Foreign keys allow for relationships between tables to
be created.
The RDBMS is so widely used because of its simplicity to understand relationships
between data. The data can also be analyzed in many ways using queries, reports, etc.
A database management system covers all functions of the business and is essential
for businesses to be run efficiently. Since the introduction of this time of database
management system in 1970 it has triumphed many former types of widely used
databases and fended off new types of databases to remain the most common type.
Times have changed in the information technology world since 1970 when IBM was
running the show and leading the world with improving and introducing new
technology. I believe the top five most used RDBMS used in the market today are
Oracle, Microsoft SQL server, IBM DB2, MySQL and PostgreSQL. Oracle database
had its first
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  • 1. Macbeth Character Analysis Essay Crafting a "Macbeth Character Analysis Essay" can be a challenging endeavor, as it requires a deep understanding of Shakespeare's play, "Macbeth," and the ability to critically analyze the complex character of Macbeth. This task involves delving into the character's motivations, internal conflicts, and the impact of external forces on his psyche. One of the difficulties lies in navigating the intricate layers of Macbeth's personality. Unraveling the character requires a keen eye for detail and an in-depth exploration of his evolution throughout the play. From the ambitious and power-hungry thane to the guilt-ridden and tormented tyrant, Macbeth undergoes a profound transformation that demands careful examination. Furthermore, constructing a compelling analysis involves interpreting Shakespearean language, which can be archaic and laden with metaphorical nuances. Deciphering the bard's intricate prose while conveying the subtleties of Macbeth's emotional turmoil adds an additional layer of complexity to the essay. The essay should not merely recount the events in the play but must also delve into the psychological, moral, and societal implications of Macbeth's actions. Addressing the thematic elements, such as the consequences of unchecked ambition and the corrupting influence of power, requires a thoughtful and nuanced approach. Additionally, a comprehensive character analysis involves exploring Macbeth's relationships with other key figures in the play, such as Lady Macbeth, the witches, and Banquo. Drawing connections between these relationships and their impact on Macbeth's character development adds another layer of intricacy to the essay. In summary, crafting a "Macbeth Character Analysis Essay" demands a profound understanding of the play, a mastery of Shakespearean language, and the ability to critically analyze the psychological complexities of one of literature's most intriguing characters. It is a task that requires both literary expertise and a deep appreciation for the nuances of human nature as depicted by Shakespeare. For those seeking assistance with such essays or similar academic tasks, there are resources available. Services like offer the opportunity to order custom essays, providing a helping hand for students navigating the challenges of literary analysis and academic writing. Macbeth Character Analysis EssayMacbeth Character Analysis Essay
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  • 3. One Day In The Life Of Ivan Denisovich Point Of View 1.1 Point of View is the eyes of the story, it is the main way you see how the story takes place. In One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, the story is presented in first person as we see Ivan navigate through the difficulties found living in a Soviet prison camp. In the case One Day in the Life, thoughts like Ivan remembering to but his needle in his hat to avoid getting caught lets readers see how he can survive in the Siberian wasteland. Point of view can also lead to confusion as well, like in A Visit to the Museum where the main charactertells a tale of his quest to get a painting out of a museum in France and ends up getting arrested in Russia. The point of view of the story leads to the confusion as the narrator takes us through an ever growing museum. The world through the eyes of a... Show more content on ... The narrator explains why the Birch Copse tree is his favorite and why he does not particularly care for the tall Aspen trees. Turgenev gives the trees many human characteristics during the first few paragraphs, characteristics that are also found in the two trysting fellows later. The Birch tree is characterized as being white and lusterless, as well as, white as fresh fallen snow, before the cold rays of the winter sun have caressed it. This quote paints shines a light on their relationship that we do not find during the conversation. White being the dominant color of the tree paints Akulina being as pure as a fresh snow in a desolate corner of the forest where no paw or boot prints ruins the perfect blanket of snow, only for the top layer to be hardened like the skin of a girl after the man of her dreams leaves her. Viktor has touched young Akulina very deeply personally, even if their relationship has not turned to a sexual one; leaving her hardened by the experience. While Viktor is like the Aspen, which is said to be, only fine on some summer evenings before its leaves soar great distances
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  • 5. Examples Of Colonialism In The Last Of The Mohicans Kailee Piacenti Mrs. Gray British Literature 24 October 2017 The Last of the Mohicans: A Tale of Romance and Racism Falling in love has been a common theme of literature since people first started writing. The romantic era of literature was from the late 1700 s to the mid 1800 s. James Fenimore Cooper s The Last of the Mohicans was written at the peak of this era in 1826. Many have critiqued Cooper s writing style, but few have critiqued his content due to it being so controversial. Cooper uses the romance between the characters, Cora and Uncas, to cover racial stereotypes and inequalities throughout The Last of the Mohicans. The Last of the Mohicans was written by James Fenimore Cooper in 1826, during the romanticism era of literature. The book is set in 1757, therefore taking place during a time of colonialism. According to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Colonialism is a practice of domination, which involves the subjugation of one people to another (Kohn and Reddy 1) In Cooper s novel, colonialism is present by the Native Americans being colonized by European Americans. Throughout the book, Cooper constantly compares European Americans and Native Americans, different tactics and behaviors. ( The Last 2). As was common in the 19th century, The Last of the Mohicans was published in two volumes (Scalia 1). This book was the second book of Cooper s Leatherstocking Tales and was the most widely read of any of the novels of James Fenimore Cooper for more than a
  • 6. The Renaissance And The Rebirth Of The Renaissance The Renaissance and the Reformation acted as a rebirth. This included the rebirth of art, education, Greek and Roman values, and religion. An important part of the rebirth is art. This played a big role in the rebirth of the middle ages. The rebirth of art shows the rebirth of technology with Raphael and Michelangelo which allowed them to portray reality. With new technical knowledge like the study of anatomy and astronomy, artists achieved new places in religious paintings. As skills increased, artist s skills raised and art methods were improved. This was to up the ability to represent reality which was an ideal factor in the Renaissance. Because reality was so important, there was increase of the importance of psychological and physical reality for the glorification of the human body. An example of this would be Brunelleschi s Resurrection of the Son of Theophilus in which he paints the face with wrinkles, pimples, and more. This shows the reality of the face. Education was an important part of the rebirth of culture and customs. During the times of the Germanic invasions, education only focused on perfection and idealistic beliefs, not the realistic views of the Renaissance. An example of this would be the polis. During the early middle agesbefore the Renaissance the idea of the perfect polis, like Athens and Sparta, was very important. Ideas of perfection with education was not important during the Renaissance. The idea of reality started with Francesco Petrarch s
  • 7. Political Parties In Venezuela The division of political parties among Venezuelan citizens has caused the country to be in a state of serious political unrest. With crime at an all time high and food and supplies in shortages, Venezuelans are watching as their country slowly transforms from a democracy to a dictatorship under the presidency of NicolГЎs Maduro. Public protests against President Maduro have been happening for months now, and things are only escalating. The two major political parties of Venezuelaare the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) and the Mesa de la Unidad DemocrГЎtica (MUD). The PSUV, founded by former president Hugo ChГЎvez, controls Venezuela s Supreme Court and national institutions. Until recently, the Mesa de la Unidad DemocrГЎtica or... Show more content on ... This vote was held in attempt to show the government what the people want. A woman was killed by gunshot and three others were injured while waiting in line to vote. Over seven million people voted, even people who had migrated out of Venezuela, and 98% voted in favor of the Opposition. President Maduro said that the referendum was meaningless. (BBC). Then on July 30th, a vote was held to choose new members for the Constituent Assembly. Almost all of the candidates were Maduro supporters, the president s own wife was even one of the candidates. In the midst of the Opposition sided protests during the election, things got violent quickly. At one point, a bomb went off and injured several police officers. (Robins Early). After this election, the United States declared sanctions on Venezuela and President Trump called President Maduro a dictator. NicolГЎs Maduro responded to this by saying, I don t take orders from the empire, and, In the United States it s possible to become president with 3 million votes less than your opponent. What a tremendous democracy! The United States responded to this by stopping all transactions between the US and Venezuela. (Savransky). Venezuela has also been in
  • 8. Battle Of Britain Essay Battle of Britain Potential Question: How was Britain able to defeat Germany in the Battle of Britain and was the victory a significant turning point in World War II? I am working on a study of the Battle of Britain in order to comprehend how Britain was able to defeat Germany, and the impacts of their decisive victory. One of the reason why the Battle of Britain is important is because it was the first battle between only air power. This conflict was to be decided between the Luftwaffe and the Royal Air Force. Because of that fact, I find this topic to be extremely interesting. The Battle of Britain was a turning point in World War II, which I will attempt to prove in this paper, and it was fought between two of the most powerful air forces ... Show more content on ... I have begun my research and have found some good articles and websites, but I still hope to find a few general histories of the Battle of Britain and maybe even World War II. One of the articles I have found deals with the will of the English people and how their determinism helped Britain win the battle. This article will be beneficial in helping me portray the profound impact the citizens had on the battle. I also found another article that focuses on Churchill and his impact on the Battle of Britain and the citizens in general with his speeches. This will help me show the importance of key leaders and the influence they had. And the last article that I current possess deals with how the Luftwaffe actually lost the battle. This will be very important in my second body paragraph that deals with how Britain was actually able to win. Another set of sources I am excited to use are pictures, combat records, and videos from the National Archives. I plan on incorporating these into my paper to provide quantitative information. Battle of Britain Outline 1.Introduction a.What is the Battle of Britain? b.Why is it important? c.Identify what I will be focusing on. 2.Body Paragraph One a.Discuss the policies, behaviors, and attitudes of Britain from 1918 through the 1940s. i.Royal Air Force ii. Behaviors/actions of key leaders such as Winston Churchill and Hugh Dowding. iii. Attitudes/behaviors of the citizens
  • 9. The Interaction between the American and the Samoan... Describe the interaction between the two leadership groups. What behaviors of the American representatives could create conflict with the Samoan leaders? Are there similarities from this meeting and the Blue Horizon Cruise simulation meeting? At this tense meeting with considerable distrust and suspicion evident in the faces, speeches and body language of the Samoan chiefs, the High Chief expressed considerable skepticism about American plans for the island, such as providing more education in English, teaching the young marketable skills, and developing the country. Being educated at the University of Hawaii, the High Chief would have had very good reason to be suspicious of the intentions of the United States, even when its representatives expressed their goodwill toward the Native peoples and desire to bring progress; and modernization. He would have learned about the wars against the Native Americans from the 17th to the 19th Centuries, for example, the annexation of Hawaii in 1898, and the Philippines War of 1899 1902, if indeed he had not known all about these before. American Samoa was annexed only nine years before Guam, the Philippines and Hawaii, when the U.S. was in a particularly expansionist and imperial stage. At no time were the peoples of these consulted about whether they wished to be annexed to the United States, although American policy did grant them a large measure of autonomy and home rule. In addition the High Chief would have learned
  • 10. The Role Of Tuberculosis In The 1950s This surgery helped prolong the life of some people. Other treatments included bedrest, special diets, and fresh air through pneumothorax which means they would collapse a person s lung. In 1921, Calmette and GuГ©rin developed a weakened strain of Mycobacterium bovis, which many countries have used as a vaccine. Another major method to prevent tuberculosiswas to treat people with a tuberculous infection without the disease. Many patients in the 1950s did not receive appropriate treatment because their conditions were never properly diagnosed as tuberculosis. While there was effective chemotherapy for tuberculosis, patients were diagnosed with untreated tuberculosis. At the turn of the century, it was estimated that 450 Americans died of tuberculosis every day, most between the ages of 15 and 44. Tuberculosis was usually compared to death itself. While tuberculosis was never completely eliminated, there was a significant drop in cases and death rates, as a result of the BCG vaccine and new anti tubercular drugs in the 1950 s.... Show more content on ... Nowadays, medicine is tested and approved before it hits the market. Back in the days a person would pass treatments through word of mouth and could seriously injure or make the disease worse. People in historical times would believe that illnesses involved certain spiritual, psychological and social aspects of a person. This was back in the time where there was no scientific evidence that traditional medicine could aid an affected person. Traditional medicine has been around much longer than modern medicine and they were an important part of recorded history. People back in the old days had to dispel and challenge folklore with scientific evidence. Doctors back in the old days had to not only find a way to dispel folklore, but also get ordinary people to listen to them and to help them believe in their practices. Without all of these people, medicine would be nowhere near as it is
  • 11. Being A Grandparent As she sat reading the light dimmed. Hello, Gran, a voice boomed from the doorway, and hulking silhouette filled the doorway. Josh! How lovely to see you! , pushing herself out of her seat. He scooped up for the final ... and then hoisted her off her feet. Josh, put me down! , she exclaimed, giggling. She hoped he hadn t noticed her wincing. Oo, did I hurt you, Gran? No, of course not. Now put me down! Your wish is my command, he said, lowering her with a flourish. She had always had a rumbustious relationship with Phillip s children and dreaded it ending. Josh was now well over six foot and broad too. He d been trying to lift since he was about eight, and it had become part of their habitual greeting. One of the lovely things about being a grandparent was not worrying about having favourites. She loved all of Phillip s children, but Josh had always been her favourite. She had been scrupulously fair with Edward s twins, and hoped her efforts had had results. As the children grew, however, it changed. As the children presented themselves to her of their own free will rather than at parental command, so she loved them. And if they weren t there, what was there to love? It had been made easier by Edward moving to Manchester. He only rang occasionally and his visits were even rarer. She could have rung him, of course, but he always seemed to be so busy. His marriage to Alexa had increased the distance between them they d chosen to get married in a wedding
  • 12. Major Factors Determining Organizational Performance And... Organizational commitment is one of the constructs that has retained its importance throughout decades and, despite the extensive research done in the field, still draws a high level of attention due to its association with such preferred work attitudes as increased job satisfaction, higher performance, lower absenteeism and turnover intentions (Yousef, 2000). It has been generally recognized that organizational commitment is one of the major factors determining organizational performance and effectiveness (Lok Crawford, 1999, 2004). In addition, as observed by Allen and Meyer (1990), a common link discussed in all conceptualizations of commitment is the one between organizational commitment and turnover, indicating that employees who... Show more content on ... Dealing with avoidant employees, who are affecting the productivity and the entire working condition of the organization is to be given priority. The intervening method employed, whether it is inquisition, arbitration or mediation, should be the one that best suits the organizations objectives and to resolve the tension created by the avoidant employees. Unbiased third parties are more effective because they are used for the management techniques that have the most potential to resolve conflicts. Bias is inversely related to the range of issues addressed at a settlement effort. Mediation is the strategy that s the most empowering for the parties in conflict. The role of third party in conflict management is directed towards the actors in conflict to realize their own interests when various problems threaten or disrupt their own bargaining relationship (Young 1967). Third parties are useful in the process of conflict resolution , especially in work aversion employees where a thorough study about the background of both employees and organization is needed. The third party can make positive and direct contributions by focusing the parties on a termination agreement, providing agenda or /and manipulating the timing of negotiation process. In 1967, Pondy formulated a process model of conflict which is very helpful in understanding how conflict starts and what stages it
  • 13. I Am Sat At The Kitchen Table As I sat at the kitchen table I begin observing this man walking up to me. A stature of a six foot one, fifty six year old man. He has three scars on both of his knees from multiple knee surgeries throughout his life, including a total knee replacement in his left knee. He also has a five inch scar on his inner forearm from a head on collision, when the paramedics said he should have had more injuries than he did. And then there were his eyes. Eyes that never stop wondering, never stop thinking about what is going to happen next. This man is my father, Bob Henry. As we sat down together I had asked him, What is your favorite memory? He then began to tell me of a story I had never heard of before. Out of my eighteen years with... Show more content on ... This would be his work schedule for a couple months prior to his adventure. Ultimately, he worked until he realized a break is what his body needed before he would get to his breaking point. And with that, the adventure was planned. Before he started telling me about this memory, he smiled and told me, Hold on one second. As I was waiting, unknown to what he was doing, I began thinking how much this adventure meant to him. My father is not one to take time off and relax. In fact, he doesn t even know how to sit still when nothing needs to be fixed or done regarding work or his home life. Bob Henry does not have the word relaxation in his vocabulary, so for him to go on this trip and be happy was nice to hear about. As he returned, he had a small green photo album with the year 2001 written on the front cover. It was dusty but looked brand new as if he had never opened it before. As he opened it, with a grin on his face, he began to tell me of his adventure to British Columbia. His next door neighbor, county supervisors, businessmen, controllers, construction men and professional athletes all accompanied him on this adventure for six days. As he took the two hour commercial flight from Fresno, California to Vancouver, Canada he encountered the trouble of only bringing a twenty pound bag. The reason for this was because after this flight he
  • 14. Albert De Morcerf Traits Albert de Morcerf Throughout the events of The Count of Monte Cristo, by Alexandere Dumas and Auguste Maquet, Albert de Morcerf transforms from a naive young man who values honor, into a rash and ungrateful son who is determined to avenge his father, and then into a humbled man who must gain his honor and wealth starting from nothing. However, the two traits that stay constant throughout the story are his high opinion of honor and his adoration of his mother. When Albert is first introduced into the story, he has just been saved from Roman bandits by the Count of Monte Cristo. From this event, one trait that is shown is Albert s naivety. Before he is captured by bandits, he falls in love with a girl he had been seeing for a few days during the course of the Carnival. However, their first actual meeting turned out to precede Albert s kidnapping, as he later admits, All I know is that, fool that I was, I mistook for this contadina a young bandit of fifteen or sixteen with a beardless chin and slim figure. Just as I was taking the liberty of... Show more content on ... Forgetting all the Count had done for him, Albert publicly challenges the Count to a duel in a most disrespectful manner, almost throwing his glove in the Count s face. However, thanks to his mother Mercedes, Albert s rage is quelled and he humbles himself before the Count. He apologizes to the Count, saying, It is not Ferdnand Mondego s treachery towards Ali Pasha that makes me so ready to forgive you, it is the treachery of Ferdnand the fisherman towards you, and the untold sufferings his conduct has caused you. I therefore say to you, and proclaim it aloud, that you were justified in revenging yourself on my father, and I, his son, thank you for not having done more (477). Although Albert had acted very rash, he realized his mistakes and humbled
  • 15. Analysis Of The Book Redeployment By Phil Klay Through history further and further studies are ongoing into the unseen horror. Some say it is caused directly in relation to combat; others may say that it is from the images seen. In the book Redeployment by Phil Klay, he develops several stories from fictitious Marine Corps veterans that represent veterans one may encounter in the real world. Phil Klay s book contains stories of relationships at home falling apart all the way to the high stress of patrols as Marines. With these stories it better shows the unseen horrors of war. Many veterans return home with a serious disorder. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is the by product of war, and people need to know more about it to help our returning hero s. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD for short, is very real. It does not solely affect soldiers either. For example, my father, a retired firefighter, relives moments from when he worked at certain times when images are triggered. However, the modern soldier is more directly associated and found to have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. As Dexter Filkins, a former Baghdad correspondent for the New York Times, stated in his review on Redeployment Armed conflict so fundamentally alters the environment it takes hold of that no aspect of life escapes undistorted: not love, not friendship, not sleep, not trust, not conversation. Therefore meaning when most veterans return home, nothing is seen in the same light again. Phil Klay outlines several examples of this. Phil Klay is
  • 16. Land Eva Unit 4 Assignment Essay The Complexity of the Kidney Land, E. Kaplan University SC235: General Biology 1: Human Perspectives Prof Lisa Nelson The Complexity of the Kidney Kidneys are complex organs that are very important when it comes to the many functions to help maintain the health of the body. This includes the maturation of the red blood cells, regulation of blood pressure as well as secretion of hormones. The Secondary functions of the filtration effect the controlling of the acid base balance in the body, and maintaining bone health ( Kidney structure include the renal corpuscle that filters the blood, passing of urine, and different tubules (comprised of a dowman s capsule and glomerulus). The renal corpuscle are made of ... Show more content on ... In addition the nephron is divided into several segments. The Henie cell includes a special transporter called sodium potassium 2, chloride contransporter (nkcc) that allows the kidney to produce urine ( The distal tubule cell help contain thiazide sensitive sodium filtered by the kidney on a daily basis, and the collecting duct that have two cells responsible for acid base hemostasis. The alpha intercalated cell controls the excess of secretion and reabsorbing base (form of bicarbonates) and the beta intercalated cell which includes the same function ( Every day the kidney s filter on an average of about 120 to 150 quarts of blood that produces 1 to 2 quarts of urine that has extra fluid and waste. The importance of the kidney is to keep the blood stable so the body can function properly. The fluids that are removed from the body help prevent blood cells and large molecules (proteins) from passing. Once filtered it can pass through the tubule that sends minerals back into the blood stream to remove waste ( If the kidney functions properly it regulates the retention of fluids in the body. It balances the chemicals like potassium for the heart and muscle function. It can also maintain acid balance and proteins. Hormones in the kidney stimulate activity in the body, renin erythropoietin, and a form of vitamin D. Renin helps to control blood pressure. The kidney also releases the erythropoietin to help
  • 17. Dbq The Advantages Of Cities There are many advantages of cities, both modern day, and ancient. Cities help prevent diseases, they organize people and make them more productive, and they help the economy. In document 1, Edward Glaeser tells how cities help prevent diseases lowers, because all immunities spread when people are close together. People are dying a lot less for a while in cities because of this. In documents 1, 2, and 3, people say how cities organize, and make people more productive. When people are closer together, they can innovate, and help each other out, as a pose to suburbs where people are separated, and generally don t help,each other. This leads directly to cities having a good economy. When everyone is working and things are going smoothly, the city
  • 18. Surgical Technology Research Paper ST 115 Portfolio Surgical Technology June 20, 2013 Certification The field of surgical technology is home to a number of organizations and designations. This means that the people who work within the field are committed to making sure that surgical technology remains a great career choice. So as you consider becoming a surgical tech, it s wise to understand the following points about surgical tech certification requirements. Certified Surgical Technologist(CST) In order to call yourself a Certified Surgical Technologist or CST, you will need to successfully pass the NBSTSA exam and maintain your certification status. The Certified Surgical Technologist (CST) designation (awarded by the NBTSA) must be renewed every ... Show more content on ... manager. Display a confident attitude and ask if there are any openings. State that you are a recent surgical tech graduate looking to break into the field. (Hospitals and other employers don t always advertise their job openings.) Be flexible. Many new surgical techs find great employment opportunities by being willing to relocate. Tech in Surgery Certified (TS C) The National Center for Competency Testing (NCCT) offers surgical tech certification, awarding the Tech in Surgery Certified (TS C) designation to those who pass its exam and meet certain education and/or experience requirements. The TS C certification must be renewed every five years through either continuing education or reexamination. Licensure First Step is to graduate from a surgical technology program accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP). Most of these programs take one to two years to complete. They combine classroom instruction in subjects such as anatomy, pharmacology and medical terminology with hands on training in clinical settings. Second step is to take and pass the certification exam offered by the National Board of Surgical Technology and Surgical Assisting, which qualifies you as a Certified Surgical Technologist or CST. Third step is to find a job in surgical technology, in a hospital or other health care facility. Gain as much hands on experience as you can, assisting during a
  • 19. Understanding The Rwandan Genocide Rwandan Genocide Warfare is always destructive, and effects the people for a longtime. Genocide however always has a long effect not only on the country that has suffered from the warfare, but the world. The Rwandan Genocide didn t last long like the Holocaust, but it was the shortest genocide in history with fatal results. The Rwandan Genocidewas cause by inter racial tension in the country. This conflicted could have been avoided or even nonexistent if the European negative presence was never in the country. Due to the European negative presence Rwanda, it cause inter racial tensions and caused the warfare in Rwanda. To understand the Rwandan Genocide, first you need to understand the colonialism that took place there. Around the 1880 s... Show more content on ... The United States refused to call what was going on in Rwanda a genocide. The U.S had helped Somalia with their conflict and the U.S didn t want to get in more African Conflicts. Former president, Bill Clinton went to Rwanda in 1998 and apologized for the lack of help the U.S showed. Clinton still remarks that his biggest regret was not acting to prevent the Rwandan Genocide ( Prejudice in the Modern World Reference Library). The UN and Belgium had troops in Rwanda but were basically useless. Belgium pulled their troops out after 10 were killed. The French had a controversial role in the genocide. The French were believed to have sold rifles and machetes to the Hutus although they deny this. The French supposedly set up safe zones but still didn t do much to stop the violence (Rwanda genocide: 100 days of
  • 20. How Did Martin Luther Influence The World In 1483, Martin Luther was born in Saxony, Germany, it was a place far from the intellectual and cultural influence. However, Martin was a lawyer and he was aware of the failure of Europe s religions, like the Catholic system of earning salvation. Martin was afraid of God and this gave him no peace. One day, as he was walking home, it started to rain tremendously and he prayed to Godto keep him safe. He prayed if He kept him safe that he would become a monk and quit law school to study the gospels. He Eventually made it safe and he was fearful of God so he later quit law school and started to study and became a monk. Martin was always confessing to the priest at church because he wanted peace in his heart. But this made him feel empty inside,
  • 21. Mitochondrial DNA GENOMIC AND MITOCHONDRIAL DNA IN FORENSIC DENTISTRY The genomic DNA is found in the nucleus of each cell in the human body and represents a DNA source for most forensic applications. The teeth are an excellent source of genomic DNA because PCR analyses allow comparing the collected postmortem samples to known antemortem samples or parental DNA. Mitochondrial DNA is another type of material that can be used for body identification. Its main advantage is the high number of copies per cell (from hundreds to thousands of organelles). When the extracted DNA samples are too small or degraded, such as those obtained from skeletonized tissues, the likelihood of obtaining a DNA profile from mitochondrial DNA is higher than that with any marker found ... Show more content on ... In forensic samples, the study of DNA (genomic and mitochondrial) is usually performed by STR (short tandem repeats) analysis, which can be defined as hypervariable regions of DNA that present consecutive repetitions of fragments that have 2 to 7 base pairs (bp). The VNTR (variable number of tandem repeats) testing, which may present short repeated sequences of intermediate size (15 to 65 base pairs), is rarely used in forensic analyses due to the poor quality DNA provided with this method. The most valuable STRs for human identification are those that present greater polymorphism (greater number of alleles), smaller size (in base pairs), higher frequency of heterozygotes (higher than 90%) and low frequency of mutations11. CAREFUL HANDLING OF SAMPLES, DNA EXTRACTION AND PCR AMPLIFICATION As observed, several protocols are used for DNA extraction and analysis, and there is no standard methodology. Therefore, researchers must carefully evaluate the conditions of the material to be examined, especially when dealing with forensic cases, in which there is a greater risk of sample contamination and influence of environmental factors, in addition to a small amount of material available in most situations. The PCR technique has
  • 22. Constitutional Convention Ratification Report Raised at the Constitutional Convention and in the ratification debates, there were major questions about the organization of the executive branch. The delegates needed to resolve many questions to help achieve balance between a limited and an executive government. Some Framers imagined that it would be best if there were only one chief executive which would ultimately abolish there being any chance of conflict between two or more leaders whom had equal power. There were arguments that a single executive would be easier on Congress. Having a plural executive was also argued, saying that there would be a lesser chance for tyranny. An executive branch with one chief executive was agreed on for the United States. There were recommendations for
  • 23. Speech In Of Mice And Men Rationale: Of Mice and Men is a novel published in 1937 written by author John Steinbeck. It is a book I have studied in my English B Literature Lesson, with the chosen theme for this speech to be Dream, Hopes and Plans . In this speech, I would be playing the role George and the aim of this task is to persuade adolescents to have a dream in their life. George in this book is a very smart and physically strong person. He is also a very thoughtful and rational person as whatever he does has his own reasons and objectives. The speech is written in a formal tone and is targeted at the adolescents. In the speech, I would be using George s own personal experiences to be a guide for my target audiences to follow and to draw their attention based ... Show more content on ... A dream would give us a sense of direction. A dream would lighten up your future. Leo Tolstoy has once said, Ideal is the beacon. Without ideal, there is no secure direction; without direction, there is no life. A dream would motivate you to strive your best. My dream and objective were clear in my mind when I was working in the ranch. My dream was my guiding light that guided me through obstacles and brought me to success. Why do we need a dream? A dream would make ourselves to become more independent. When we have a goal, we would not get influenced by the external environment. We would only work on tasks that would help us achieve our dreams. When I got married, I had different working experiences in various ranches. But no matter where I work, I have only thought of owning a farm. Therefore, I have been toiling away in the ranch and have finally earned the first barrels for opening a farm. Why do we need a dream? A dream would provoke you with ambition. It would enlighten you to bring in more goals to enrich your life. A dream would motivate you to live in a better life. Thomas A Edison has once said, We shall have no better conditions in the future if we are satisfied with all those which we have at present. Dream is all about virtual precognition. With dreams, we would be able to shape our future. During the Great Depression, many people got unemployed. Therefore, I had the American Dream, a dream of owning a farm. In which now it has been attained, and my living standard was
  • 24. American Born Chinese Character Analysis Many people in the world wish they could be better or be like a superstar but they never realize that if they live with themselves they will be a lot happier and have a more positive outlook on themselves. The novels American Born Chinese, A Raisin In The Sun, and War Brothers are all examples of people and books all trying to look different, get richer and change the way they are living also know as faustian bargain. In the book American Born Chinese cousin Danny is trying to get rid of his annoying cousin Chin Kee because Chinkee won t let him live in peace. The monkey King is trying to change himself because of the guard called him a monkey and wouldn t allow him to go into the party. The last example in the book American... Show more content on ... The first example of a faustian bargain is when Jin a character in the novel wants to become like Greg by copying his hair just to impress and get a girl. He is changing himself just to get a girl by changing his hair and adopting a new way of life. A wise one says It s easy to become anything you wish . . . so long as you re willing to forfeit your soul. This quotation works to develop the idea that if someone changes themselves too much, they could risk losing an important part of their identity. Another example of this would be during the story would be at the end of the story when the monkey king has a meeting with Jin and he says You know, Jin, I would have saved myself from five hundred years imprisonment beneath a mountain of rock had I only realized how good it is to be a monkey. The Monkey King revealed his true form (from chinkee to Monkey King) he came here to tell Jin that he was changing himself to achieve and get something to but then he realized that it s better to be who you are and not want to change yourself for something. This piece of evidence relates with the theme of faustian bargain because the Monkey King makes Jin realize by using himself as an example because he to wanted to change himself from being a monkey but then he slowly realized how much better it is to just be a monkey then change into a different
  • 25. Trauma In June Iparis Childhood Traumatic experiences affect people of all goes no matter how young or old a persons can be. For a child to go through a traumatic experiences can greatly affect the way a child will grow up. Some might believe the child will never overcome the experiences, but others disagree. It is evident from the text Legend by Marie Lu and the American Psychological Association document that the main character, June Iparis, does experience trauma and is possible to overcome trauma. If a child experiences trauma and has the proper ways to cope with the traumatic experiences then it is very possible for them to overcome it. To go through a traumatic experience as a child could have either a positive or negative affect on their life. If a child goes through... Show more content on ... With the proper help to overcome a traumatic experience is effortless with proper patience. Throughout June Iparis life she had to deal with many deaths from her loved family members. Being alone at the age 15 is arduous for any teenager, but June manages to pull through her hard times. With the help of her dog Ollie and her new crush, the flasely accused murder of her brother, Day. Ollie is the family dog that is always there for June even after Metias passed away: I wish Ollie could have come with us too...I d let him out of the apartment, hide him in an alley and then go back for him. But it s too late now. What will they do to him? The thought of Ollie barking at soldiers breaking into my apartment, scared and alone, brings a lump to my throat. He s the only of Metias I have left (Lu 301). Without Metias being around anymore, Ollie was the closest June had to her family. Ollie was always there to ease June s pain, even when she had to look over pictures of her dead brother Ollie would rest beside her. June feels bad for leaving her dog behind in her apartment after escaping with Day. She cares a lot for Ollie since he is her only family member left. Another way June found tranquility is from her new crush, Day. June spent time undercover to find her brother s murder which everyone assumed was Day, but was Thomas, Metias best friend. Day explained to June many times that he did not kill her brother and she believed him. After spending time with him and seeing who he truly is she started to for him. June did all she could to help Day escape from being executed which she succeed. Together they helped each other forget about about all the chaos in the world and only focus on each other: I wrap my arm around his neck and kiss him back. In this moment, I don t care about the pain in my shoulder. I don t care if soldiers find us in this railway
  • 26. The Juvenile Intake Process (ADJC) The average age at time of intake was 15.25 years, and the average age at time of release was 16.63 years; which suggests the average stay was just over one year. The length of average stay does not necessarily account for juveniles who were age 17 at time of intake, and aged out rapidly at age 18, nor necessarily reflect juveniles who were there for several years. In addition to familial and racial background, applicable mental health diagnoses were noted, see Table 3.2 below. Ninety eight percent of the participants in the study either had a diagnosis currently existing in their record, or received a diagnosis during the intake process at ADJC. Nineteen percent received a single diagnosis, twenty eight percent had duel diagnoses, twenty six
  • 27. Paradoxical Vocal Cord And Its Effects On The Emergency... Paradoxical Vocal Cord Motion Disorder Vocal Cord Dysfunction A twenty year old female is admitted to the emergency room with symptoms of respiratory distress. The symptoms began during a soccer game and came on suddenly. Signs included observed dyspnea, coughing, wheezing, and signs of cyanosis and chief complaint of shortness of breath. Patient had previously been diagnosed with exercise induced asthma and has used her Albuterol inhaler, as instructed, at the time of attack with no relief. The acute attack continues for about 10 more minutes and then the symptoms subside spontaneously and her respiration returns to normal without any other interventions. Although her symptoms appear to be consistent with an asthma attack the lack of response to traditional treatments for asthma call for further investigation. Many individuals who suffer from Paradoxical Vocal Cord Motion Disorder (PVCM) have experienced this first hand. PVCM is a disorder that closely mimics asthma leading to difficult and often misdiagnoses, unnecessary interventions and medications. Never heard of PVCM? It was first noted by Dunglison in 1842 as laryngospasms brought on by hysteria, he called it Hysteria Croup. In 1869 the closing of the vocal cords during inspiration was first visualize using laryngoscopy and was determined to be the cause of the stridor heard upon inspiration during an attack (Ibrahim, Gheriani Raza, 2007). Throughout the past it has been called many names including
  • 28. Torture In The 8th Amendment Solitary confinement can be considered as torture by several people due to the mental pain or suffering that is caused by it. But would solitary confinement be considered an unusual and cruel punishment to the point of violating the eighth amendment? Is torture considered a bad thing? Solitary confinement has been the only choice that the system could think of in order to reprimand those who have already done something wrong. Torture is often used for the purpose of having a positive outcome, which is not a bad thing depending on the situation and its extent. The eighth amendment of the United States Constitutionwas first introduced by James Madison for the purpose of prohibiting some punishments that are not legal, such as painful and hard labor. This amendment states that punishments must be fair, not cruel, and must have a certain limit. The eighth amendment also prohibits the imposition of excessive bail and excessive fines. For example, an accused must be treated as an innocent person before he or she is proven otherwise. Excessive bail depends on how severe the situations are. Other great examples of the 8th amendment prohibitions are castration, burning at the stake, and quartering. Based on the wording of the amendment, I believe that the use of solitary confinement in the United States does not violate citizens eighth amendment rights. A cruel and unusual punishmentwould be considered grossly disproportionate, which doesn t exactly concord with solitary
  • 29. Sports History Research Paper Journal #1 The history of sports has come a long way as it developed throughout the centuries. It was where the foundation of sports was created. For example, in the Rome the chariot races were held. Today they have changed, whether it is new things being added or rules being edit; its foundation remains the same. The changes also have to do with the progress of our generation because it has changed the way we think and behave in the past and in the future. The history of sports and physical education will never stop changing. The changes will never stop because current events and upcoming events will have an impact on the current standards of sports and physical education. It is how history is made, when changes are made and shifting the ... Show more content on ... The ability of athletes has improved throughout the centuries which has taken the activities to a who different level leaving the ancient as history today. The ball games in the ancient civilization were as popular as they are today. For example, in mesoamerica, a religious ball game by the name of Ulama still existed in the northwestern part of Mexico. The game was played by the olmecs back in the 1800 B.C. The game consisted of a rubber ball and used the hips to hit it, similar to how tennis is played today. Over the centuries, the rules changes in order for other other tribes to play it. In this case, the pre Colombian Maya s, zapotecs and Aztecs to name a few, were part of that change to be able to play it. The sportcould be related to baseball today as well, although the rules are not quite the same. The sport was demonstrated amongst these tribes different during competition. They would involve religion such as the Maya s and Aztecs who added strong religious overtones to the game Ulama played by the olmecs. The Chinese also had activities centuries ago such as martial arts and hunting. Although today they have taken a different route do to the change of generation over time. Einstein s essay was about helping out mankind in a
  • 30. Problems Faced By The And Corporate Culture 4.The problems of the mergers in technology industry During the integration process after merging, the clash of the human resources and the corporate culture will arise. Merger always takes risk on some extent, so some employees will feel unsafe about their job, which will cause the lost of the human resources. What s more, to optimize the new employee structure and reduce labor cost, amount of employees will face to be laid off. Such a large personnel change will cut down the investors trust, because the investor will suspect the stability of the new combined company. Even two similar technology companies still have different corporate culture which can represent the companies brand images and affect the customers loyalty. They may produce the similar products, but they may differ in the business ideas and background. Hence, how to integrate two companies corporate culture in order to exert the joint corporate value is difficult for the new combined company. If the new combined company abandoned one of the company s corporate culture, they will lose part of customers who already lose the faith to the company. How to integrate the two technology companies technology is important for the development of the new combined company in the future after merging. If two companies have lots of overlapping business and their technologies level are different, then the new company must consider integrating the technology to complement and balance the technology level so that can
  • 31. Nicaragua And Its Monetary Policy Analysis Essay Nicaragua and its Monetary Policy analysis: Monetary policy is the macroeconomic policy laid down by the central bank. It involves management of money supply and interest rate and is the demand side economic policy used by the government of a country to achieve macroeconomic objectives like inflation, consumption, growth and liquidity. The Monetary Policy of a country further contains 3 sub policies: The Money Supply Policy: This policy determines the source of credit. In most cases, a central bank of a country acts the source. The Interest Rate Policy: This policy determines the cost of credit. The Credit Control Policy: This policy determines the quantum of credit. Monetary Policy works on the fundaments of a money market and LM curve is the locus of equilibrium between the interest rate and income in the money market. LM curve determines the supply side of money and is positively sloped w.r.t to interest rate and income. Like many Latin American countries, Nicaragua is a socialist country and hence, functions with a deficit budget. Deficit, if remained uncontrolled, has the potential to induce inflation in an economy. As in August, 2015, the inflation rate recorded in its economy was 2.70%. However, with its average inflation rate being 9.35% in the period of 1993 2015, it had achieved a highest rate of inflation in September 1993 at 23.99%. (Banco Central de Nicaragua estimated) The central bank of Nicaragua focuses on an objective of sustaining economic
  • 32. Rob Kardashian In The 1950 s Tyga has realized that Rob Kardashian is not going anywhere and he s going ot be a part of his and Blac Chyna s son King Cairo s life, so the rapper wants to make sure that the Arthur George socks owner knows the rules and abide them. Tyga told Rob straight up that he s King s dad and no one will replace him, the source told HollywoodLife exclusively. Tyga laid down the law with Rob, setting some ground rules. He told Rob he doesn t want him smoking, cursing, and most importantly, kissing or doing anything sexual with Blac in front of King. The 26 year old on and off boyfriend of Kylie Jenner is trying to protect his innocent son with all their relationship drama. Although it s not his intention to control Kardashian s relationship
  • 33. Nurse Practitioner Practice Model Vs Symptom Management... As part of the theme for the theory development for my nurse practitioner career, I chose the Nurse Practitioner Practice Model and the Symptom Management Theory. Each of these theories is unique, but have different aspects that appeal to the overall trend of my theory development. As a nurse practitioner, I see the end goal as helping people achieve their goal of health, by integrating medicine and nursing. The Nurse Practitioner Practice Model helps by giving a framework to mesh nursing and medicine together (Shuler Davis, 1993) The Symptom Management Theory gives a framework to manage symptoms, not only by the symptoms themselves, but take in consideration the individuals characteristics (Linder, 2010). As a nurse practitioner, I feel the two coexist together perfectly. Since every patient expresses a symptom or the lack of symptoms, when seeing a nurse practitioner, these middle range theories are congruent with everyday practice at the nurse clinician level.... Show more content on ... Although each theory presents a framework, how that framework was built upon is different. While the Symptom management theory is built around what the patient experiences and the outcomes, the Nurse Practitioner Practice Model is centered around the treatment from a holistic approach and the patient is responsible for his /her health. The Nurse Practitioner Practice Model focuses on the concepts of Person, Health, Nursing, NP Role, and the Environment (Shuler Davis, 1993). The Symptom Management Theory relies on the concepts of system experience, system management strategies, and outcome. The author of the Nurse Practitioner Practice Model addresses the intrinsic differences between the philosophies of doctors and nurses. The nurse practitioner assesses and treats the condition, while addressing the patient s response to conceivable or actual problems (Shuler Davis,
  • 34. Essay on Women in Iliad, Odyssey, and the Bible Role of Women in Iliad, Odyssey, and the Bible Much is known of men in ancient civilizations, from the famous philosophers and mathematicians of Greece to the patriarchs and subsequent kings of the nation of Israel. It would seem, however, that history has forgotten the women of these times. What of the famous female thinkers of Ancient Greece, the distinguished stateswomen of Rome? What power did they hold? What was their position in societies of the distant past? A glimpse into the roles and influence of women in antiquity can be discovered in such ancient masterpieces as the Iliad, the Odyssey, and the Hebrew Bible. In the Iliad, women are barely mentioned, and then only as spoils of war or treacherous creatures not worthy of a ... Show more content on ... The myth of how the war between the Greeks and the Trojans began, itself, shows women, in this case goddesses, in an unflattering light, fighting like vain beauty queens over which one is more beautiful. In fact, the very character of these three goddesses is at the least reprehensible and mirrors the conception of many ancient, male driven societies of women being fickle, disloyal temptresses. Hera is the paranoid, jealous wife who viciously strikes out at her husband s lovers, Aphrodite is a kind of divine harlot, and Athena, although the most admirable of the group, nevertheless gives in to petty emotions and is an odd choice to be guardian of wisdom, since no women were allowed in the academies or thought of by men as being particularly wise. Thetis intentions are the exception to the trivial designs of her immortal counterparts, for she is always the devoted mother of Achilles, trying to do what is best for her son. Athena may give aid to the Greek cause, but only because she was not picked by Paris as the most fair. The only mortal woman in the Iliad who seems to have any redeeming qualities, and to whom we are not introduced for any real amount of time, in contrast to Hecuba, is Andromache, who makes a brief, yet lasting appearance as Hector s wife. For the most part, however, women in the Iliad are placed decidedly in the background, at best shown as accessories to their male spouses. Expanding on the Iliad, the Odyssey
  • 35. Internet Marketing of HND BTEC Higher National Diploma in Business (QCF) Unit title Internet Marketing Assessor Lun HOU I confirm that this is all my own work and has not been submitted for any previous assessmentStudent signatureDate OutcomeCriteriaAssessors decisionInternal VerificationLO1 Understand marketing through the internet. 1.1 explain the elements of internet marketing1.2 evaluate the internet marketing mix1.3 compare internet marketing tools e tools1.4 examine interactive order processingLO2 Be able to use the internet for promotion using digital marketing communications 2.1 demonstrate the mechanics of search engine marketing2.2 write the copy for a suitable opt in email marketing... Show more content on ... On July 31, 2012, Baidu announced they would team up with Sina to provide mobile search results. On November 18, 2012, Baidu announced that they would be partnering with Qualcomm to offer free cloud storage to Android users with Snapdragon processors. On August 2, 2013, Baidu launched Personal Assistant app for businessperson, to help CEOs, managers and the white collars manage their business relationships. On August 14, 2013, Baidu announced that its wholly owned subsidiary Baidu (Hong Kong) Limited has signed a definitive merger agreement (the Agreement) to acquire a 100 percent equity interest in 91 Wireless Web soft Limited from NetDragon Web soft Inc. Baidu offers several services to locate information, products and services using Chinese language search terms, such as, search by Chinese phonetics, advanced search, snapshots, spell checker, stock quotes, news, knows, postbar, images, video and space information, and weather, train and flight schedules and other local information. The user agent string of Baidu search engine is baiduspider. Also, a Baidu application for Apples iOS is available. Baidu focuses on generating revenues primarily from online marketing services. Baidus pay for placement (P4P) platform enables its customers to reach users who search for information related to their products or services. Customers use automated online tools to create text based descriptions of their web pages and bid on keywords that trigger the
  • 36. Unclaimed Property Research Paper I will be going over what I learned from the Unclaimed Property 101 The Basics pdf and audio file by Terry Reid from Unclaimed Property Professionals Organization. According to Reid, unclaimed property is defined as intangible personal property that has gone unclaimed by the rightful owner (i.e. remained outstanding) for a specified period of time . Most of the items that are considered unclaimed propertyis intangible. One common example of intangible unclaimed property is uncashed checks. For personal property to be considered an unclaimed property, it has to have these three requirements: it is issued or held in the ordinary course of the holder s business; it was a debt or obligation of the holder to an owner or creditor; and it remains ... Show more content on ... This also requires the holder to perform due diligence about the owner and to notify them of their unclaimed property. Again, each state has different laws about this but you must make attempts to give back the unclaimed property. As the holder, you should allow the owner time to respond to your communications, send letters, and send contact information. Once you made all the attempts to contact them as you could, according to your states laws, you may report the fund as unclaimed property at the expiration of the dormancy period. This is the amount of time that must go by for a property to be considered unclaimed. These periods are at least a year for properties such as unclaimed wages but can be up to 15 years for unclaimed travelers
  • 37. The Teleological Argument For The Existence Of Intelligent... The teleological argument successfully provides proof for the existence of intelligent design by utilizing intricate scientific data in order to demonstrate intent and purpose in the creation of the universe, as opposed to random and highly improbable occurrences. The purpose of the teleological argument is to present complex details of the universe as evidence that it was designed by an intelligent mind. It suggests that since the universe is so compound and full of fine tuned intricacies, there must have been a designer who implemented these specific details in order to create a fully functioning and sustainable universe. These details have been found from a biological perspective, as well as from a cosmological scale. The teleological argumentis commonly used to provide evidence for the existence of the theistic God, or at least an intelligent designer. In contrast, those who are against the teleological argument generally believe that the universe is a result of an accidental explosion. Although there are many theories that use the teleological argument to provide strong support for intelligent design, there are also well developed theories that oppose the teleological argument. A philosopher who presents several contradicting arguments to the teleological argument is David Hume. In his writing, The Dialogue Concerning Natural Religion, he presents his critique of the teleological argument and expresses his opposition through the fictional character Philo. In one of
  • 38. Pros And Cons Of Search Engine Optimization What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)? In simple words, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can be defined as the Do s and Don ts of Search engines that if followed properly can improve the visibility of your website which will eventually lead to better sales and promotion of your website, products and services. How? When you launch a new website it is obvious that you will be among the millions. And among those thousands that even Google doesn t know about their existence. And a week passes by with just one or two visitors with zero contribution. It is obvious to get frustrated. But, it is more obvious to have a question in your mind what other websites are doing so that they are ranking in the first page and what you did that you got lost ... Show more content on ... When compared with the off web marketing your expenses are very high because you need manpower to promote and the cost of advertisements are also very high. But, with the growing web surfers business marketing has become very economical because even the social bookmarking sites like: offers your advertisements low cost whereas the features they provide are enormous. Similarly, it is easy because you can promote your business with a click and completely reduces your manpower budget. All of the above listed advantages are worthy only if you rank well in Google and other major search engines. With poor placement and zero page rank no customers will know your existence in the internet and there is no question of building goodwill. Black Hat and White Hat SEO: Black hat and white SEO is two different stream of SEO which are distinctly different from one another. Black hat SEO represents those people who are engaged in unethical SEO practices like: keyword stuffing, link farming and article spinning which can seriously hamper your website and your online business. Google is found to banned and delist such websites who are engaged in such practices. Similarly, white hat SEO is the ethical way of competing in the search engine to gain desired page rank following the do s and don ts of Google. Free Search Engine Optimization
  • 39. Descriptive Essay On Pollution In Colour TEXTILES DESIGN ESSAY: My work is based upon the links between three individual snakes and the African continent as a whole. Links such as pollution, culture and fashion are the main concepts in which I investigate throughout my works. Using different methods of textile art such as batik, tie die and lino printing allows me to explore the effects that colours have on certain surfaces when they are combined together. Outcomes such as my 1.5 x 1.5 metre batik piece which I named Pollution in colour involves several other different textile/art media/methods, this allows me to explore the effects created when combining colours of other types of methods/media. Throughout my works I investigate and explore what the similarities and links are between snakes and Africa and how those similarities are related to the fashion world. Pollution is a key concept that affects both the wildlife and the population of humans in Africa. For example my 1.5 x 1.5 metre batik piece Pollution in colour is a big abstract and contemporary piece and is a direct portrayal of countries such as Mali becoming polluted. I use the African colour scheme that is explored throughout my works in relation to African Fashion and culture. This African colour scheme allows me to give a blind meaning behind the work that is seen to be non conceptual. The process in creating artworks like pollution in colour starts off with several different found concepts that have already been practised and experimented with before creating the final piece. An example of a practised concept in relation to Pollution in colour would be a smaller batik piece that has added watercolour and ink details. After completing the smaller piece of batik, experimenting with the colours and effects of mixing dye and watercolour onto fabric, I liked the outcomes effect and so I experimented more with watercolour in my sketchbook. The experimentations of watercolour consisted of different brush strokes from light to dark, the effects that different shades of colour being combined gives and how the layout of the final piece would look like. While creating the final piece I chose to experiment rather than follow a specific plan to how my outcome would end up looking.
  • 40. Seasons And Symbolism In Mary Shelley s Frankenstein For centuries, seasons have been understood to stand for the same set of meanings. Seasons are easily understood by the reader, and are easy for the writer to use; as Foster states, Seasons can work magic on us, and writers can work magic with seasons (Foster 192). The different seasons are a huge part of our lives; we live through each one every year, and we know how each of them impacts our lives. This closeness between people and nature allows us to be greatly impacted by the use of seasons in literature. In addition, Foster lays out the basic meanings of each season for us: autumn is harvest, decline, tiredness; winter is anger, hatred, cold, old age; summer is passion, love, happiness, beauty; and spring is childhood and youth. On the... Show more content on ... The monster, for example, is devastated after he loses his only connection to humanity: Felix and Agatha. After observing them for months, learning how to speak, being their secret helper by stocking their shed with food or shoveling snow, and after dreaming of how he would introduce himself to them someday, his connection with them was lost after Felix found him speaking to his blind grandfather in the cottage. When they all leave, the monster burns down the cottage and sets out to find Victor, in hopes of asking him to create another specimen; one that the monster can spend his life with in perfect harmony. When he finds Victor and tells him about his life and journey, he tells him, when the earth finally started to warm up, I even raised my humid eyes with thankfulness towards the blessed sun which bestowed such joy upon me (Shelly 125). Although the monster was terribly depressed, the sun (which is associated with spring and summer; it is meant to bring happiness and tranquility) lit up the Earth, bringing back its beauty after winter, which had caused the monster to feel gall and bitterness...rage and misery (Shelly 124). The beauty that the sun bestows on the Earth offers as a distraction for the monster rather than dwelling upon his gruesome appearance, he admires the world around him. As Foster explained, winter in literature brings with it misery, and summer brings happiness,
  • 41. The Portrayal Analysis Of The Wild Hearts CanT Be Broken Andrew Young once said, There s no problem on the planet that can t be solved without violence. That s the lesson of the civil rights movement. Throughout any movement in U.S. history, including the Civil Rights Movement people had to make sacrifices in order to fight for what they believe to be right. Some people even lost their lives, which are some of the sacrifices Pink is trying to tell us in her song, but she never will give up not matter the circumstances. The song, Wild Hearts Can t Be Broken, relates to the Civil Rights Movement because they both represent how groups of people never gave up for what they believe in. Throughout the song, Wild Hearts Can t Be Broken, Pink talks about the rage, terror, and sickness that is... Show more content on ... Some examples of these were: African Americans can t play together, they can t attend the same restaurants, schools, or even restrooms, and that white nurses in hospitals can t help an African Americanmale. From these laws came sacrifices that African Americans had to endure, even to the point of death. A couple of the important deaths were Emmett Till who got killed after he flirted with a white girl, and George Lee who tried to expose some of the Jim Crow Laws, and died during one of his protests. These deaths were quite common until a man named, Martin Luther King Jr. came into the picture. At the beginning of his campaign he wanted three things to happen: Bring publicity to major civil rights activities and efforts, emphasize and encourage the importance of non violent protest and resistance, provide leadership to the African American civil rights movement. He did just that throughout the Civil Rights Movement, and was a major contributor to the ending of the movement in 1968. In both the Civil Rights Movement and the song Wild Hearts Can t Be Broken, they both had to make sacrifices, but neither of them stopped them from reaching their goal. By never giving up for what they believe in, African Americans in the Civil Rights Movement, and people in the song, Wild Hearts Can t Be Broken, both made sacrifices for they believe in. In the song, Wild
  • 42. The History of the Canadian Political Landscape The Canadian political landscape has a rich and complex history spanning from sea to sea , just as the nation itself. Chronicles of dominance, leadership, and association by the United Kingdom, France, and the United States has ultimately shaped the Canadian national consciousness, resulting in the political ideologies and governance we see today. To best describe the characteristic of Canadian politics, one can refer to Fragment Theory where a colonial nation, such as Canada, is predominantly influenced from their historic origins. However, recent immigration and economic trends have drastically reshaped the Canadian political spectrum across provinces. The following essay will briefly analyze the evolution of political ideologies across Canada, primarily focusing on the conservative/ neo liberal model. To properly analyze the political ideologies that have played a major role in shaping Canadian politics, one must examine a major aspect regional politics. It is the various regions and provinces that make up Canada, as does their political ideological landscape. Perhaps the most influential of provinces in the development of political ideology in Canada is Ontario. Since the formation of Canada, Ontario played a large role in the political sphere, hence being home to the nations capital. Settled by British colonialist, and later on British loyalist from America, Ontario was predominantly Anglo Saxon, which favored traditional British principles such as economic
  • 43. Female Stereotypes Essay For most of history, anonymous was a woman , quotes Virginia Woolf. (1) Throughout history, women s lives were restricted to domesticity and family, and they were left oppressed and without political voice. Over the decades the roles of women have dramatically changed from chattels belonging to their husbands to gaining independence. Women became famous activists, thinkers, writers, and artists, like Frida Kahlo who was an important figure for women s independence. The price women paid in their fight for equality was to die or be imprisoned along with men, and they were largely forgotten in written history. However, the roles they took on were wide ranging which included working in factories, tending the troops, taking care of children... Show more content on ... Men fought in wars during the Roman Empire and have led the world politically to where it is today. In recent decades men ruling the earth have been threatened by women who are now holding executive positions and political offices. Many feminists have been fighting for equality and independence. Frida Kahlo was one of the feminist who was a true heroine who refused to settle for the inactive role required in the society of women during her time. In her artwork, she referred to issues beyond her own experiences such as in family photographs, Kahlo dressed as a man to get attention to gender issues. She also wore costumes that conveyed cultural statements. Kahlo wore men s clothes, flowers in her hair, a shawl forming an image of female fighters of the Mexican Revolution. There are similar neo feminist icons to Frida like the Famous Five, Micaela Bastidas, Taslima Nasrin, Alice Paul, Gloria AnzaldГєa, and Maxine Hong Kingston. These women have fought for independence and feminism for decades by holding suffragist movements, marches and other ways to gain their independence and rights. The feminist movement has brought a variety of social and cultural change, it changed, religion, the place of women in society, gendered language, and relationships between both men and women. According to Bell Hooks, Feminism is a struggle against sexist oppression. Therefore, it is necessarily a struggle
  • 44. Example Of Growth Mindset All three texts, Mindset by Carol S. Dweck, What is your own big plan? by Obama, and David and Goliath by Malcolm Gladwell, draws the conclusion that a growth mindset can change people s outlook on life by learning life lessons, having a successful future, and being a happier person with dedication. Changing someone s outlook on life starts with learningfrom your mistakes. Following, by learning lessons it leads to being more successful in your life. Lastly, being successful allows people to be happy. The inference is that a growth mindset can fix someone s overall outlook on life. A growth mindset can provide life lessons and change a person s view on life. In the article, The Mindsets the author expresses in the beginning of the story her connections with failure that she had as a kid. Then throughout the story she continued to express to the readers to take failures and conceive it as a lesson rather than a mistake. For instance, on page 6, Dweck explains, research has shown that the view you adopt for yourself profoundly affects the way you lead your life (Dweck 7). This proves that if something traumatizes a person s brain it can change the way they view something so they end up learning from it in the end. Also in The Mindsets the author explains, ...everyone can change and grow through application and experience (Dweck 7). This demonstrates that through events an individual can change their thoughts and learn from it. Just think positively from
  • 45. Essay about The United States Air Force The United States Air Force This paper deals with the contributions of the United States Air Force to the eventual victory of the Allies in Europe during World War II. The Allied powers had no idea how important a strong air force would be against the Axis powers during World War II. The fact that Hitler moved east in 1941 and had planned to do so since 1940, had important implications for the British war effort. Though still powerless to prevent German initiatives from being successful in Greece and Crete, the British government was given a long period during which to prepare adequate defenses in the mainland against the expected day when Hitler would turn west again. Although it was... Show more content on ... Throughout 1941 the aid continued to expand. (Overy 60) Allied Military aircraft became more sophisticated in variety, effectiveness in war situations, and special maneuvering techniques throughout the course of World War II which in turn produced a victory for the Allied Nations over the Axis Powers. Towards the beginning of the war the United States did not have an air force compared to that of Germany and Japan. Knowing this fact the president of the United States ordered manufacturers of fighter planes and long range bombers to start coming up with new designs for longer range and for planes that were easier to fix. Having planes that did not take that much knowledge of that specific model plane helped the United States at airfields located in the middle of nowhere that only had a few knowledgeable mechanics. The first of these more modern and advanced planes is the Grumman G 40 (TBF Avenger). The Avenger proved its worth at sea because it was built to be a maritime attack and patrol airplane. The idea that you could have a portable airfield in the middle of the ocean or even behind enemy lines was an unimaginable risk that was put into effect. It proved to be
  • 46. Point Of View In Grendel And Beowulf Essay Contrasting points of view in Grendel and Beowulf significantly alter the reader s perception of religion, good and evil, and the character Grendel. John Gardner s book, Grendel, is written in first person. The book translated by Burton Raffel, Beowulf, is written in third person. Good and evil is one of the main conflicts in the poem Beowulf. How is Grendel affected by the concepts of good and evil? Grendel is an alienated individual who just wants to be a part of something. His desire to fit in causes him to do evil things. Grendel is fascinated by the Shaper s poetry. He often returns to the meadhall to listen to it. One night while he is listening, he hears the story of Cain and Abel, including the Danes explanation of Grendel. His... Show more content on ... Beowulf is truly good because he helps people when they need it the most and hopes that God is with him even though he doesn t have to do anything to help the people who have an evil creature killing their village s population every night. In Grendel, the main belief is that of existentialism, however, there are also numerous references to Cain throughout the entire book. The basis for his version of existentialism is the following excerpt from the book itself: I understood that the world was nothing: a mechanical chaos of casual, brute enmity on which we stupidly impose our hopes and fears. I understood that, finally and absolutely, I alone exist. All the rest, I saw, is merely what pushes me, or what I push against, blindly as blindly as all that is not myself pushes back. I create the whole universe, blink by blink. An ugly god pitifully dying in a tree (Gardner 22)! One can explain this view of existentialism by considering some simple concepts of existentialism. Existentialists believe that man is forlorn and totally responsible for his acts, and that his choices are important because existence precedes essence. Furthermore, the references to Cain, which represented chaos and the presence of evil, can be found throughout the book. For example, after Cain killed his brother, he drinks his blood. This is typically something that Grendel does after he kills his victims. Additionally, both Cain and Grendel are viewed as outcasts of society who have to
  • 47. The Impact Of Social Media Impact On Body Image Kelsey Hibberd, author of Does Social Media Impact on Body Image? states that television and magazines are the ones who normally portray the perfect ideal body image, but to her social media has more effect to the way someone feels and see s their body image. Kelsey did not like her middle school. Kelsey knew she would be bullied on Facebook about the way she looked. When Kelsey was in her adolescence she could barely handle the comments people made about her image. Kelsey was taller than most kids and chubby. She would constantly worry about her facial features. In her mind, everything was about her image to others. Eventually, Kelsey did not wantto eat and changed her image dying her hair. Kelsey started talking to other teens and teacher in schools about body image. She teaches them the hazards of having a lot of friends on Facebook and consequences of comparing themselves to others. Twitter, Facebook, apps, WhatsApp, are some of the social media used for people to interact with each other at any time. Kelsey thinks that social media makes it easy to know so much about others life s and spread their appearance. She claims body image affects all ages, even as young as five. Another campaign called Be Real: Body Confidence for Everyone tries to change people s mind about how they perceive their self. On Social media, the photographs are not always truthful. Pictures can be changed to enhance the way someone looks. Dr. Diedrichs asked children to raise their hands if
  • 48. Cmv Retinitis Research Paper The Danger of CMV Retinitis Can you imagine having your vision degenerate to the point of blindness? This is reality for people who have become affected by CMV Retinitis. At least 60% of the US population has been exposed to CMV, a latent DNA virus that activates when your immune system compromises. It can ravage your health, affecting nearly every organ in your body including the eyes. This essay will explain CMV retinitis, who s susceptible, symptoms, treatment and lasting effects. Cytomegalovirus retinitis (CMV retinitis) is a viral infection of the retinain the eye which activates in people with a weakened immune systems, such as those with HIV /AIDS, those undergoing chemotherapy, recipients of organ donations and newborns. The
  • 49. The Pros And Cons Of Workplace Stress Nurses face many different stressors in their day to day work life. These stressors stem from the type of work nurses do (Raftopoulos, Charalambous and Talias, 2012). Stressors may also be caused by the nurse s social interactions (Rodwell and Demir, 2012), for example strained relationships with colleagues, poor leadership within the team and underappreciation. The stresscan even be caused by political issues such as job security (Boya, Demiral, Ergor, Akvardar, De Witte, 2008) and inadequate staffing leading to an excessive work load (Lisa Y. Adams, 2014). If the nurse is unable to deal with this stress appropriately it can have negative impacts on his or her physical and mental health (Marin et al.,2011). An integral aspect of coping within a stressful environment is having the ability to bounce back and work through issues despite unfavourable circumstances, this is known as resilience (Courtney. J, 2015). Nurses can implement strategies to build self resilience, examples of this could be; ensuring they have adequate social supports (Cross, 2015) and practising mindfulness (Ludwig Kabat Zinn, 2008). Nurses are at a higher risk of facing workplace stressors than those who have other occupations because of the nature of their work (Foureur et al., 2013). Nursing staff are on the front line of patient care, this allows them to build relationships with patients and their families (Foureur et al., 2013). Nurses work in close proximity with patients and therefore build
  • 50. Serving High Risk Warrant Essay Topic: Serving high risk warrants Research Question: What are the various ways to serve high risk warrants? Hypothesis: There is a systematic way of serving high risk warrants based on the priorities of life that will reduce injury or death of Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) operators. Null Hypothesis: There is no statistically significant difference between the various ways of serving high risk warrants and the reduction of injuries or death of SWAToperators. Research Design: The method of gathering data will be through a survey from participating agencies that have ... Show more content on ... The rationale behind my hypothesis is that there are several ways to serve an arrest or search warrant while keeping the priorities of life in mind and ultimately minimizing the risk of injury or death to all that are involved. The best ways that have been developed while serving high risk warrants are take down and away, surround and call out, breach and hold, limited penetration, and controlled entry. These ways of serving a warrant are a systematic way based on the intelligence of the structure, suspects, and the priorities of life that are outlined in the NTOA SWAT standards (NTOA, 2008). The priorities of life are hostages or victims, innocent by standers, police or first responders, and suspects. The rationale behind my null hypothesis is that to date, there is no statistically significant difference between the various ways of serving high risk warrants and the reduction of injury or death of SWAT operators. Choosing different ways to serve a high risk warrant does not fully prevent injury or death of SWAT operators, but it has been proven to drastically reduce the probability of injury or death. The reason why I feel that there is no statistically significant difference between the various ways of serving high risk warrants and the reduction of injury or death of SWAT operators is because there are no two warrants that are exactly alike. Every warrant is different from the
  • 51. What Would Happen If The Us In Singer By Peter Singer It is not the responsibility of individuals to help their fellow man. Our resources are dwindling, and there s no room to share. People and countries should learn to mend their own ways, and with reliance on others for aid, they won t be able to do that. Garrett Hardin sees the world as a lifeboat. The people inside of the boat are the rich, and the ones swimming outside of the boat are the poor. The population of the people in the water is less than that of those in the boat. Hypothetically, there s 50 people in a boat that s capable of withstanding a maximum capacity of 60. Swimming outside of the boat is 150 others. If the people in the boat were to let everyone on, it would sink; everyone drowns. This is what would happen if The United... Show more content on ... But while it looks easy on paper, it is much harder than it appears. Singer uses unrealistic scenarios to guilt the reader into donating. For example, he refers to a Brazilian film Central Station. A woman, Dora, can make $1,000 if she can persuade a homeless 9 year old to follow her to an address, where the boy is to be adopted by foreigners. She delivers the boy, and buys a new TV set with the money she has made. Later on the woman learns that the boy has been sold to organ peddlers, and he will soon be killed. The inference Singer is trying to make is that there s no difference between someone who sells a child to organ peddlers, and an American upgrading their television set, because both are ethically wrong due to the fact that the money could have been donated. But is passive selfishness really on the same level as the direct murder of an innocent child? Despite the fact that the money for a TV set could save a child s life, it is far different, than the brutal murder of a small boy. The comparison is simply absurd, and this is not the only time he uses it. In another scenario, a man is on the train tracks and is torn between saving a child or his Bugatti from a runaway train. The man throws the switch, redirecting the train and saving his Bugatti. The boy is killed. These two, farfetched scenarios were used to show that we too have the chance to save a child s life. Writers, politicians, philosophers, religious leaders, try and guilt you into donating. And according to Singer, those who choose not to give away their money, are compared to the many Germans who looked away when the Nazi horrors were being committed, which is another outlandish
  • 52. Statistical Analysis Of Medical Marijuana Results In order to assess whether the percent of a state identifying as liberal has an influence on the passage of marijuana legalization referenda, statistical analysis was conducted. The results are presented below. First, the results of a univariate analysis are presented. Then, the results of a bivariate Pearson s correlation coefficient are given. The mean percent vote for medical marijuana is 59.70% with a standard deviation of 6.84. The range for medical marijuana is 21 with at least one state with a high of 71% voting for medical marijuana and one state with a low of 59% voting for medical marijuana. The mean percent vote for recreational marijuana is lower at 53.61% with a standard deviation of 3.28. The range for recreational ... Show more content on ... While the number of states that vote to legalize marijuana is increasing, many states are still against legalizing marijuana. The research conducted was aimed at identifying the connection between the dominating political ideology of a state and the likelihood of that state voting to legalize marijuana for medical or recreational use. The results reveal that states with a greater number of voters that vote liberal are more likely to vote to legalize recreational marijuana. However, the results also show that this is not the case for medical marijuana. Additionally, in regards to the research hypothesis, while the results provide some indication that states with more residents that identify as politically liberal are more likely to legalize marijuana for recreational use than are more conservative states, that suggestion must remain just a suggestion since the results failed to be statistically significant. A likely reason as to why the results of this study were not significant is due to the relatively small sample size. Not all of the fifty states in the United States have yet to address the legalization of marijuana. Many of the states with the smallest liberal populations have not voted on the future of this issues in their state. In addition, many of the states with large numbers of conservatives in the sample used in this study are Western states. This is significant
  • 53. Tuesdays With Morrie by Mitch Albom Essay Tuesdays With Morrie Many people learn many things in many different ways. Most learn in school or church, some learn in asking questions, but I believe the best lessons are taught from a good friend. Tuesdays With Morrie is a true story of the remarkable lessons taught by a dying professor, Morrie Schwartz, to his pupil, Mitch Albom. Morrie teaches Mitch the lessons of life, lessons such as death, fear, aging, greed, marriage, family, society, forgiveness, and a meaningful life. This is a story of a special bond of friendship that was lost for many years, but never forgotten and simply picked up again at a crucial time of both Morrie s and Mitch s lives. Mitch was flipping through his television stations one night and stopped ... Show more content on ... He had become dependent on others for nearly everything. Morrie s feeling on this was, I felt a little ashamed, because our culture tells us we should be ashamed if we can t wipe our own behind. But then I figured, forget what the culture says. It s like going back to being a child again, it s inside all of us, and it s just remembering how to enjoy it. Society is big on staying and looking young. People are constantly working out, watching what they eat, and getting surgeries such as botox and breast augmentation. Our society is too concerned on looking youthful. Morrie had aging in better perspective, The young are not wise, they have very little understanding about life. Who wants to live every day when you don t know what s going on? When people are manipulating you, telling you to buy this perfume and you ll be beautiful, or this pair of jeans and you ll be sexyВ… It s very simple. As you grow you learn more. If you d stayed at twenty two, you d always be ignorant as you were at twenty two. Aging is not just decay, it s growth. Aging is more than the negative that you re going to die, it s also the positive that you understand you re going to die and that you live a better life because of it. Another big issue in society is the issue of money and greed. Society tells us that owning
  • 54. Database Management System For A Company A research database management system (RDBMS) is the most used database management system for a company. Its roots date back to 1970, created by E.F. Codd at IBM. The database approach involves the storage of data involving tables. Attributes of the tables involve rows, used as a record of an entity. Columns, also attributes of the table, determine what will be recorded for that field. Within a table one primary key will be found, this represents a unique column of the table. A table may also have a foreign key, there can be more than one, and it identifies a primary key of another table. Foreign keys allow for relationships between tables to be created. The RDBMS is so widely used because of its simplicity to understand relationships between data. The data can also be analyzed in many ways using queries, reports, etc. A database management system covers all functions of the business and is essential for businesses to be run efficiently. Since the introduction of this time of database management system in 1970 it has triumphed many former types of widely used databases and fended off new types of databases to remain the most common type. Times have changed in the information technology world since 1970 when IBM was running the show and leading the world with improving and introducing new technology. I believe the top five most used RDBMS used in the market today are Oracle, Microsoft SQL server, IBM DB2, MySQL and PostgreSQL. Oracle database had its first