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Annual Review 2011


01	 Introduction
02	 Relevant in a changing marketplace
04	 Transforming technologies
06	 Strengthening our integrated offer
08	 Delivering innovative solutions
10	 Case studies
13	 Financial highlights
14	 Chairman’s statement
16 	 Chief Executive Officer’s review
18	 Logicalis today
20 	 International operations
22 	 Corporate social responsibility
24 	 Board of Directors
26 	 Financial overview
28 	 Financial results
29	 Our subsidiaries
Annual Review 2011

Today’s business world is in transition. There
are rapid technological and market changes
which are having a profound effect on business.
As we emerge from the downturn we are
faced with a set of completely new demands
from customers.

With the proliferation of new technologies,
businesses are under increasing pressure to
continually adapt to changing environments.
Yesterday’s investments in technology are
not always meeting current business needs,
so organisations need to rethink.

At Logicalis, we no longer talk to businesses
about technology alone. We talk to them about
what it does for their organisation’s future.

Because it’s not business as usual!
Annual Review 2011
Annual Review 2011

                     Marketplace relevance                                  Be here, now
                     How can we help your business today?                   The Internet has changed everything. Whether
                     At Logicalis, we know that the post-financial-         business leaders embrace it or not, every
                     crisis world brings new opportunities and new          organisation today is operating in a Web 2.0 world.
                     challenges, too. For many businesses, success          Some trends, after all, are impossible to ignore.
                     in this volatile environment demands new strategies,   The pressure to use less power and cooling, reduce
                     new models and new technologies, because               IT costs and meet environmental goals is spurring
                     yesterday’s tools won’t help you grab the attention    the uptake of virtualisation. The trend towards the
                     of today’s customers. That’s why we focus              provision of IT as a scalable, pay-per-use service
                     on helping business and IT work together in            to users is prompting businesses to move IT assets
                     a ‘joined-up’ approach that aims to create shared,     to the cloud. The need to reach better business
                     sustainable and personal value – comprehensive         decisions faster is triggering investment in advanced
                     value. When CEOs and CIOs speak the same               communication and collaboration technologies. And
                     language, the effects can be powerful, creating        the value of establishing more meaningful, two-way
                     businesses that are more agile, more responsive        conversations with customers is seeing companies
                     and more competitive. We see it every day.             flock to social networking sites. The landscape is
                                                                            shifting. At Logicalis, we can help you confidently
                                                                            navigate your own path, at your own pace.

       As a business

 we have to be

                     in a changing marketplace

                      Strategic objectives
                      •  ake the most of opportunities offered by
                        economic recovery
                        Invest in innovation for competitive advantage
                        Get IT and the business working as one
                      •  mbrace the latest technology trends with confidence
Annual Review 2011
                     Strategic objectives
                     •  ive employees the tools they need to
                       get work done
                     •  ransform corporate IT resources into
                       always-on services
                       Address data security issues with confidence

Annual Review 2011

                     technologies for
                     tomorrow’s organisations

                     Consumer-driven technology platforms                  Data centre
                     for instant information                               Virtualisation is the first step to turning corporate
                     Today’s employees like to shop around. The tools      IT resources into always-on services for employees
                     they use to get their jobs done are increasingly      to use regardless of location or the device
                     a matter of personal choice – so they’re bringing     they’re using.
                     their own smartphones, laptops and tablets to work
                     and using them to access cloud-based services.        Public cloud
                     Today’s forward-thinking employer doesn’t stand       Scalable computing services available on a pay-per-
                     in their way. By supporting these devices and         use basis transform IT costs from upfront capital
                     placing corporate data and applications in public     expenditure to predictable operating expenses.
                     and private cloud infrastructures, bosses know that
                     employees will get more done – whether they’re        Private cloud
                     in the office, at home or meeting with customers.     All of cloud’s advantages of reduced cost and
                     This consumerisation of corporate computing           elastic scalability, but from within your own data
                     transforms IT from a support function to a value      centre and according to your own rules on
                     creator. We’re here to help your business make        information governance. There is an emerging view
                     that step.                                            that a combination of the two, i.e. a hybrid cloud,
                                                                           is the way forward for many organisations.

                                                                           Hosted applications that provide up-to-the-minute
                                                                           functionality on a subscription basis, but place
                                                                           the burden of ongoing management in the hands
                                                                           of third-party specialists.

                                                                           Security issues
                                                                           One of the biggest concerns about both mobile
                                                                           devices and cloud computing, but one that
                                                                           your organisation can confidently address with
                                                                           expert help.
Annual Review 2011
Annual Review 2011

                      Strategic objectives
                      •  ove away from yesterday’s technology silos
                      •  mbrace the sophistication provided by multi-vendor,
                        multi-technology stacks
                        Rely on the help of proven experts to create and
                        support new integrated solutions

                     Strengthening our

                     Expanding our offer to meet changing                    Working together with you
                     expectations                                            At Logicalis, we can support customers’ ICT
                     The world doesn’t stand still and neither does          solutions with full life-cycle management – from
                     a business’s ICT needs. At many companies,              planning, design, implementation and integration
                     yesterday’s technology investments have created         to support, management and optimisation.
                     a legacy of technology silos that are costly to
                     maintain, burdensome to manage and hard to              In particular, our extensive portfolio of managed
                     integrate – when what businesses really need is a       and hosted managed services includes intelligent
                     stable, streamlined and seamless IT environment         remote monitoring, operational management,
                     that brings together new and existing technologies      co-location and full or partial outsourced partnering.
                     in exciting, value-creating combinations.               This allows our clients to take advantage of the
                                                                             latest technologies in the way that suits them
                     Some of the most exciting new technologies –            best, picking and choosing from a menu of service
                     from sophisticated business analytics to advanced       options, to create the right blend of internal and
                     communication and collaboration solutions and           external resources.
                     slick multimedia delivery on demand – rely on
                     multi-vendor, multi-technology stacks, which is
                     why Logicalis’ clients worldwide rely on our passion
                     for convergence and our long-established data
                     centre skills to get these solutions working together
                     on their behalf.
Annual Review 2011

   Annual Review 2011


   across public and private sectors

                        Dare to imagine, dare to innovate                       Breaking down the barriers
                        Leading companies do things differently. They think     Logicalis has built its business on helping its
                        differently. They implement technology differently.     customers use technology to find creative new
                        In other words, they innovate. Without innovation,      ways to address their challenges. If storing vital
                        your business can never be a leader – just a            business records and data is a struggle, we can
                        follower. At Logicalis, we believe that the precursor   help. If geographical distances between colleagues
                        to innovation is creative thinking. That’s why we’re    slow down decision times, we can help. If your IT
                        here to help you stretch your imagination. What         team could be better deployed on strategic tasks
                        constraints does your business currently face?          that add real value, we can help. If your data centre
                        How could it serve its customers better? What new       space is costly and cramped, we can help. We
                        products and services would you like to launch?         measure our success by our customers’ success.
                        Today’s technologies can do remarkable things.
                        More importantly, they can enable businesses like
                        yours to achieve remarkable results. Go on. Dare
                        to imagine!
Case studies
Annual Review 2011

                            ogicalis is delivering ICT solutions
                           and services to over 5,000 customers
                           around the globe.

  Loughborough University                                          Singapore Telecommunications Ltd

  A new hybrid cloud solution                                      PowerON is SingTel’s end-to-end suite
  implemented at Loughborough                                      of cloud-based services covering
  University mitigates massive cost of                             PowerON Connectivity, PowerON
  data centre rebuild, and connects the                            Infrastructure, PowerON Applications
  university to Logicalis UK’s hosted                              and PowerON Managed Services.
  cloud service, the first of its kind                             It provides businesses with an ‘Intelligent Utility’, providing
  connected to JANET (the UK’s                                     instant, low-cost, scalable and secure IT resources on demand.
  education and research network).                                 SingTel PowerON Compute, enabled by VMware vCloud
  Loughborough University, one of the UK’s leading                 Datacentre Service and part of PowerON Infrastructure,
  universities, and its premier university for sport, needed       is an Enterprise-Class Cloud that provides all businesses
  to replace its 40-year-old data centre which was running         with virtual computing needs on demand. With networking
  with limited capacity and was badly in need of replacement.      by Cisco and storage by EMC, it is the most reliable and
  Logicalis was chosen for its Managed Private Cloud (MPC),        secure cloud platform built for enterprises.
  cooperative cloud offering and for its direct connection from
  its Cloud Service to JANET. The university now has a data        Logicalis Singapore was chosen as SingTel’s Master Service
  centre service that is modular, economical, green, and           Agreement (MSA) partner for PowerON Compute Go-To-
  fully resilient at the local level, with the option of hosting   Market (GTM) strategy. The Cloud GTM will add an additional
  services remotely at Logicalis’ data centre, and this has        services portfolio to Logicalis’ current partnership with
  enabled Loughborough to avoid the need for a multi-million       SingTel as the MSA for Customer Premise Equipment (CPE)
  pound refurbishment project. ‘MPC, the cooperative cloud         and Managed Services.
  and Logicalis’ unique virtual container capability lets you
  move services from local to remote and back again without        ‘We can always trust Logicalis to go the extra mile to deliver
  buying in more infrastructure’, says Dr Phil Richards,           the services. Also, we are able to leverage on their skill set
  Loughborough’s IT Director.                                      and networking resources to complement our cloud services
                                                                   and applications which will bring greater value to all end
                                                                   users,’ said Alvin Kok, Head of Infocomm Services, SingTel.
Annual Review 2011

  Watts Water Technologies, Inc.                                   Itaú Bank

  Logicalis delivers Managed Services to                           The client – one of the biggest private
  Watts Water Technologies, Inc., a world                          banks in Brazil – needed to reduce the
  leader in the manufacture of innovative                          time and expenditure for executives’
  products to control the efficiency, safety                       travel within and outside the country
  and quality of water within residential,                         to visit its subsidiaries and customers.
  commercial and institutional applications.                       For that, it needed to improve and expand its video
                                                                   conferencing rooms. PromonLogicalis’ collaboration solution
  With demands from users increasing and budgets tightening,
                                                                   was chosen to update and add realism to the meetings.
  Watts’ Director of Global IT Shared Services, Ty Muscat,
                                                                   PromonLogicalis has since deployed 23 telepresence rooms,
  turned to Logicalis for managed services. This was the
                                                                   more than 5,000 IP phones, network and data centre
  catalyst for a new dimension in the relationship between
                                                                   equipment and consulting services for the Itaú Group in
  Watts and Logicalis which has increasingly shifted system
                                                                   Brazil. Itaú has nearly 5,000 offices across the Americas,
  management responsibilities to Logicalis and freed the
                                                                   Europe and Asia. It intends to acquire this solution for all
  Watts IT team to focus on core competencies that support
                                                                   international sites, and believes that unified communications
  and advance its business objectives.
                                                                   is strategic to national and international expansion. The
                                                                   communication solution, which combines audio and video
  Through the years, Watts has worked on many projects
                                                                   on the Internet network (IP), provides a realistic experience
  with Logicalis. Muscat says, ‘Logicalis has consistently
                                                                   to virtual meetings, and thus, leads to greater productivity,
  distinguished itself by its willingness to work with my team
                                                                   reduced travel costs and only minor disruption to executives.
  to develop solutions that add value and fit our needs as
  a customer. Each project has been a joint effort that we
                                                                   Outside Brazil, Logicalis has also recently implemented
  implement together as a team and support as a team –
                                                                   a project in Buenos Aires to upgrade its Cisco Call Manager
  with Logicalis taking on some responsibility and Watts taking
                                                                   and Unified Computing System (UCS) and to provide
  on some responsibility. There is tremendous flexibility in the
                                                                   virtualised support, as well as in the US.
  range of services Logicalis can offer.’
Annual Review 2011

Excellent operational
management and increasing
business and geographical
diversification has pushed
revenues and EBITDA up
by 25% and 26% respectively.
EBITDA and operating profit
margins remained steady as
expected, and are planned to
expand next year.
Financial highlights
Annual Review 2011

                           25 26
                     Total sales
                     $1.05 billion
                                               % +
                                                           $53.3 million
                     2010: $840 million                    2010: $42.2 million

                           21               % +
                     Annuity service revenues
                     $142.2 million
                                                           Operating profit
                                                           $31.6 million
                     2010: $117.5 million                  2010: $25.0 million

                      FY 2011 Achievements                 FY 2012 Objectives
                      	Increased sales, EBITDA and        	Increase revenues and profitability
                        operating profit                   	Increase services portfolio, including
                      	Invested in three data centres       cloud-based services
                        and cloud-based services           	   Seek further suitable acquisition targets
                      	   Three acquisitions (Europe, US
                      	   and Asia Pacific)
Chairman’s statement
Annual Review 2011

                     “ s our services initiatives develop
                      around our data centre operations,
                      this, coupled with a sustained
                      market recovery, should accelerate
                      our profit growth.”

                                            I am delighted to report on a year in which Logicalis
                                            delivered a strong performance, accounting for
                                            22% of the Datatec Group’s revenues and 34%
                                            of EBITDA. The marked improvement in demand
                                            in the first half of the financial year continued into
                                            the second half, with all regions enjoying revenue
                                            growth. In particular, the strong recovery in the
                                            US reported in the first half continued during the
                                            year, with the US region enjoying double-digit
                                            growth in the second half.

                                            Growth for the year was particularly strong in the
                                            South America region, driven by increased capital
                                            investment by telecommunication service providers,
                                            with Brazil once again the stand-out market. The
                                            performance of the Asia Pacific region was also
                                            very encouraging with good margins from an
                                            enhanced services mix. Despite a weak recovery
                                            and difficult trading conditions in the UK, Logicalis’
                                            operations are performing well.

                                            During the financial year, Logicalis completed three
                                            acquisitions. In September 2010, it acquired the
                                            business of Touchbase Singapore from Touchbase
                                            Group. Touchbase Singapore has annualised
                                            revenues of approximately $6 million and is a
                                            unified communications (UC) solutions provider
                                            focusing in the areas of UC and customer contact
                                            centre solutions for enterprise and multinational
Annual Review 2011

                       In December 2010, Logicalis acquired Network             Market prospects
 The Logicalis Group
                       Infrastructure Corporation (NIC), a Phoenix,             The gradual recovery in global markets and the
 is a division of      Arizona-based Cisco Gold Partner with annualised         growth in networking-dependent cloud computing
 Datatec Limited,      revenues of approximately $20 million. NIC               is providing a strong underpin to our industry. We
 listed on the         provides network consulting and IT services to           expect all our operations to deliver good profitable
 Johannesburg and      the education, state and local government, gaming        growth this year and contribute towards overall
 London AIM Stock      and hospitality markets across the Southwest             margin expansion through operational leverage.
 Exchanges, with       United States. This acquisition expands Logicalis’
 annualised revenues   presence in this region, reinforces its strategic        The US may still provide the best relative upside
 of approximately      relationship with Cisco and extends its expertise        as businesses continue to invest and industries
 $5 billion.           into educational markets within which Logicalis          such as manufacturing go through something
                       previously had limited exposure.                         of a renaissance assisted by the weak dollar,
                                                                                even if consumer demand remains weak. As our
                       In February 2011, Logicalis acquired Direct Visual,      services initiatives develop around our data centre
                       a UK-based Tandberg (now part of Cisco) Platinum         operations, this, coupled with a sustained market
                       Partner with annualised revenues of approximately        recovery, should accelerate our profit growth.
                       $15 million. Direct Visual is one of the UK’s leading
                       independent suppliers of video communications            Jens Montanana
                       solutions and video managed services and is being        Chairman
                       integrated into Logicalis’ Unified Communications
                       and Collaboration (UCC) operation to strengthen
                       its video offering and further broaden its managed
                       services and cloud computing expertise.

                       Market backdrop
                       We remain positive on current trading and more
                       optimistic about the longer term, despite the many
                       unsettling events in the world so far this year.
                       Corporate earnings, especially in the technology
                       sector which tends to benefit from dollar weakness,
                       have remained strong.

                       The US is continuing its slow broad-based
                       recovery, albeit the consumer is still struggling, and
                       there have also been some fragile global indicators
                       of late. While Latin America and Asia remain the
                       most vibrant markets, we detect that global growth
                       is becoming more aligned.

                       We see our industry continuing to benefit from
                       advances in computing that require continuous
                       networked communications.
Chief Executive Officer’s review
Annual Review 2011

                     “ ogicalis is a new breed of
                      business-enabling technology
                      solutions provider.”

                                           I am pleased to report that Logicalis had a strong
                                           fiscal year with increased revenues and improved
                                           margins. Following one of the toughest downturns
                                           in recent time, our focus on customer needs and
                                           remaining vigilant to economic changes placed
                                           us in an ideal position to move forward quickly as
                                           market environments improved.

                                           Our markets are different; one size does not fit all.
                                           We operate in 19 countries with different growth
                                           rates, cultures, and ethnic and linguistic contrasts.
                                           Our corporate philosophy of empowering local
                                           management teams to create innovative solutions
                                           for their own markets, under a single Logicalis
                                           banner, and then replicating those solutions in other
                                           markets has proved successful.

                                           I would like to thank all of our employees in all
                                           countries for their hard work and commitment in
                                           achieving these results. I would also like to extend
                                           a special thank you to all our customers, partners
                                           and stakeholders whose support we greatly value.
Annual Review 2011

                       Group highlights                                       Our expertise in Cloud and XaaS services gives us
 The common theme
                       •	Revenues up 25% to $1.05 billion with organic       the platform to provide specific business solutions
 that runs through
                          growth of 15%                                       such as this.
 our operations is
                       •	Product revenues up 26%, service revenues
 customer service of
                          up 20%                                              Information technology has its own language,
 the highest order.
                       •	Annuity service revenues up 21%                     but in a world where the possibility of what IT can
                       •	 Gross margins improved to 23%                       do and the value that IT can bring is ever more
                       •	EBITDA up 26% to $53.3 million                      fundamental to the delivery of business outcomes,
                          (FY 2010: $42.2 million)                            we must continue to bring the language of business
                       •	 Asia Pacific region contributed 8% of revenues      and technology together.
                       •	Invested in three data centres and cloud-based
                          services                                            As we look to the future we can expect to benefit
                       •	 Acquisitions completed during FY 2011:              from our investments in data centres and the
                       	 Touchbase (Singapore)                                increasing focus on cloud-based services. We
                       	 20 September 2010                                    will continue to manage for improved operational
                       	Network Infrastructure Corporation (US)              leverage and will remain focused on developing
                         1 December 2010                                      our services portfolio. In addition, we will continue
                                                                              to seek out suitable acquisition targets.
                       	Direct Visual (UK)
                         1 February 2011
                                                                              Logicalis is a new breed of business-enabling
                                                                              technology solutions provider. Our mission is to
                       The common theme that runs through our
                                                                              enable our customers to empower their business
                       operations is customer service of the highest order.
                                                                              through technology with a cost and operational
                       Service on every level, whether undertaking the
                                                                              model that best meets their needs.
                       most complex IT outsourcing and Cloud service,
                       expediting an accounts query or delivering
                                                                              Our mission is to create equilibrium between the
                       technology hardware must be at the forefront
                                                                              business outcomes of our customers and their
                       of all our customer relationships.
                                                                              investments and understanding of technology. In
                                                                              this way we will continue to remain relevant to our
                       We enjoy extremely good relationships with our
                                                                              customers and our partners.
                       global technology partners and work closely
                       with them to provide solutions that combine their
                                                                            Ian Cook
                       technologies with our services. This enables us
                                                                            Chief Executive Officer
                       to become increasingly more relevant to our
                       customers’ businesses. Our Cloud services
                       are designed to assist organisations with their
                       objectives, not just in computing terms but in real
                       business terms. For example, the Logicalis analytics
                       solution provides businesses with planning,
                       consolidation and business intelligence tools in
                       a corporate performance management suite,
                       enabling senior-level executives to more effectively
                       manage their organisation’s performance.
Logicalis today
Annual Review 2011

Collaboration across our markets
With over 60 offices around the globe and more than 2,000 employees, Logicalis is
proud of the wealth of skills and expertise it has to offer. Our organisational structure
enables us to work together closely, pooling our talents and experience to develop
new and innovative solutions. The technologies we use internally make it easy for our
employees to identify colleagues with specific expertise in other parts of the world,
to support multinational sales opportunities, and to share customer references and
relevant industry sector knowledge, leading to a better understanding of our clients
and the sectors and geographies in which they operate.

Whether the issue at hand is a joint marketing
opportunity or a customer request, our local
account managers can quickly locate
colleagues anywhere else in the world,
ensuring speedy response times and
faster decisions.

                            More innovation
                            ‘Two heads are better than one.’ That’s
                            the principle that guides our sales and
                            marketing personnel, so that local marketing
                            programmes and initiatives around the world
                            are fed by the same shared creative spark.

  Our business                                                       Our business
  Communications and Collaboration                                   Data Centre and Cloud Solutions
  Logicalis is a recognised leader in the design, implementation     Logicalis’ expertise in Data Centre solutions helps
  and support of highly integrated Communications and                organisations operate their data centres at peak efficiency,
  Collaboration solutions, with best-in-class products from          minimal cost and maximum effectiveness, and provides the
  Cisco, IBM, Microsoft, Tandberg (now part of Cisco) and            environmental benefits required today.
  other leading vendors.
                                                                     • Virtualisation and Consolidation
  • Voice and IP Telephony                                           • Enterprise Computing
  • Network Infrastructure                                           • Cloud Services
  • Contact Centre                                                   • Storage
  • Messaging                                                        • Hosting
  • Presence                                                         • Switching
  • Rich Media Conferencing                                          • Security
  • Collaborative Content/Web 2.0
  • Video
  • Security
Logicalis                                                           Our offices
Annual Review 2011
19                                                                  Europe           North America                    South America    Asia Pacific
                                                                    UK               Tempe (Arizona)                  Brazil           Australia
                                                                    Cardiff          Irvine, San Diego (California)   Barueri          Brisbane
                                                                    Elland           Shelton (Connecticut)            Belo Horizonte   Melbourne
                                                                    Livingston       Atlanta (Georgia)                Brasília         Sydney
                                                                    London           Lisle (Illinois)                 Manaus
                                                                    Slough (HQ)      Indianapolis (Indiana)           Rio de Janeiro
                                                                    Warrington       Waltham (Massachusetts)          São Paulo
                                                                                     Farmington Hills,
Resource sharing                                                    Germany
                                                                                     Commerce Twp. (Michigan)
                                                                                     Minneapolis (Minnesota)
                                                                                                                      Buenos Aires
                                                                                     Bridgewater (New Jersey)                          Hong Kong
Our Managed Service operations around the                                            New York (New York)
                                                                                                                                       Hong Kong
world are adept at sharing best practice and                                         Charlotte and Raleigh            Bolivia
creating operational efficiencies that lead to                                       (North Carolina)                                  Malaysia
                                                                                                                      Santa Cruz
                                                                                     West Chester, Dublin (Ohio)                       Cyberjaya
lower costs for customers.                                                                                            de la Sierra
                                                                                     Houston, Plano,                                   Kuala Lumpur
                                                                                     San Antonio (Texas)              Chile
                                                                                     Bellevue (Washington)            Santiago
                                                                                     Green Bay, Brookfield            Colombia
                                                                                     (Wisconsin)                                       Taiwan
                                                                                                                      Ecuador          Kaohsiung
                                                                                                                      Quito            Taichung
                                                                    Managed Service Centres                           Peru
                                                                    UK               Argentina
                                                                    Slough           Buenos Aires                     Uruguay
                                                                    Bracknell                                         Montevideo
                                                                    West Chester
                                                                    São Paulo

                                                                                                    We use our own state-of-the-art
                                                                                                    telepresence and video conferencing
                                                                                                    facilities around the world to reduce our
                                                                                                    travel costs but still reap the benefits of
                                                                                                    ‘face-to-face’ contact.

                                                                                   Time to market
                                                                                   New innovations conceived in our local
                                                                                   centres of excellence – such as our UK
                                                                                   and US Cooperative Cloud Solutions teams
  Our business                                                                     – are quickly disseminated, enabling local
                                                                                   market operations to rapidly bring their own
  Professional and Managed Services                                                offerings to market.

  Logicalis’ experienced and certified specialists deliver a
  portfolio of full life-cycle services, backed by comprehensive
  Managed Services expertise. These encompass the voice
  and data infrastructure (fixed and mobile), data centre, hybrid
  public and private Cloud, and applications found in today’s
  enterprise ICT environments.

  • Consulting
  • Application Integration and Development
  • Managed Services
  • Remote Monitoring and Management
  • Hosting
  • Co-location
  • Managed Infrastructure Services
  • Business Analytics
  • Security
International operations
Annual Review 2011

  North America                                                   South America
  Headcount / 	        540                                        Headcount / 	         730
  Customers / 	        2,280                                      Customers / 	         840
  Group revenue / 	    34%                                        Group revenue / 	     28%

  Headquartered in Farmington Hills, Michigan, Logicalis US       Logicalis’ South American operation has its main offices
  has more than 20 regional offices and over 500 employees        in São Paulo (Brazil) and Buenos Aires (Argentina) and
  supporting the full spectrum of ICT solutions.                  employs over 700 staff. The company also has a local
                                                                  presence in Bolivia, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay,
  The company has a strong portfolio of communications and        Peru and Uruguay.
  enterprise computing solutions which, when combined with
  industry-leading partnerships with Cisco, HP and IBM,           The company is the largest independent integrator for Cisco
  provide customers with powerful choices and solutions.          throughout the region and a major supplier to the leading
  Augmentation of its Enterprise Cloud Services offering          telecoms providers. Logicalis South America will continue to
  has been a key focus.                                           leverage its recognised expertise in data centre solutions and
                                                                  is rapidly developing its managed services capability across
  Today, over 30% of the company’s employees are engaged in       the region.
  services roles applying their specialist expertise in Managed
  Services, Enterprise Cloud Services, Private Cloud Services,    It has a strong services business employing over 40% of its
  Efficient Data Center/Virtualization/Consolidation Services,    people in technical and consulting services roles.
  Unified Communications and Collaboration Services.
  Awards                                                          •  ogicalis won seven Cisco awards for the region, including
  • Cisco National Solution Innovation Partner of the Year          a Cisco Global Award for Enterprise Partner of the Year
  • Cisco Powered Private Cloud designation
  • HP Solution Elite Partner
  • IBM Choice Award North American Excellence
  • IBM Beacon Award Outstanding Storage Solutions
  • BM Beacon Award in the Outstanding Virtualization and
    Consolidation Solution Category
Annual Review 2011

  Europe                                                               Asia Pacific
  Headcount / 	          540                                           Headcount / 	          380
  Customers / 	          1,070                                         Customers / 	          815
  Group revenue / 	      30%                                           Group revenue / 	      8%

  Logicalis has its headquarters in Slough, UK with local offices      Logicalis’ Asia Pacific region is now fully integrated into
  in the UK and Germany employing around 540 staff. The UK             the Logicalis Group and trades under the Logicalis name.
  operation, with offices in Slough, London, Warrington, Cardiff,      In September 2010, it acquired the business of Touchbase
  Livingston and Elland, has adopted a hybrid sales approach           Singapore from Touchbase Group. Touchbase is a unified
  to delivering multi-vendor integrated solutions across IBM,          communications (UC) solutions provider focusing in the areas
  Cisco, HP, Microsoft and other complementary technologies,           of UC and customer contact centre solutions for enterprise
  and has a rich services offering with major investment in its        and multinational corporations. This acquisition has further
  Managed Services and Data Centre Cloud facilities.                   built Logicalis’ presence in Asia Pacific, bringing important
                                                                       contact centre expertise. The business has been integrated
  With its headquarters in Cologne, Logicalis Germany has              into Logicalis’ Singapore operation.
  a strong presence in both the North Rhein Westphalia (the
  largest economic area in Germany by GDP) and the Berlin              The company has three main units centred in Australia,
  markets. The company is a Cisco Gold Partner and is very             Singapore and Taiwan, with further operations in Malaysia,
  important strategically to Logicalis for its ability to target new   Hong Kong and China, and a primary Network Operations
  business opportunities within the Eurozone.                          Centre in Malaysia, with the facilities to support the needs of
                                                                       multinational corporations and services companies across the
  Awards                                                               Asia Pacific region, including some of the largest IP networks
  •  ogicalis UK won six Cisco awards, including a Cisco
    L                                                                  in Australia.
    Global award for Architectural Excellence Partner of the
    Year (Cloud Solutions)                                             Awards
  • HP Data Centre Partner of the Year                                 •  ogicalis Australia won Cisco Virtualization Partner
  • HP Data Protector Partner of the Year                                of the Year
Corporate social responsibility
Annual Review 2011

                     Logicalis’ policy is to actively and
                     enthusiastically support the welfare
                     of its people, the environment and
                     local communities wherever we
                     have a presence.

                     Our people                                                  Environment
                     Logicalis aims to be an employer of choice:                 As a responsible international provider of ICT
                     attracting, developing and retaining the best               solutions, Logicalis seeks to measure and minimise
                     people. We understand that knowledge is the key             the way in which any of our commercial activities
                     to success and we maintain good communications              may impact the environment. We are also
                     with employees through our information and                  committed to providing practical advice and
                     consultation procedures.                                    support to our customers and suppliers to help
                                                                                 them along the path to ever cleaner and greener
                     Our personnel practices ensure that every                   ICT solutions.
                     employee, wherever they work, whatever their role,
                     is treated equally, fairly and respectfully at all times.   As an early adopter of the Green ICT ideas and
                     Adherence to international health and safety                activities, Logicalis recognises that a responsible
                     standards ensures that our people are properly              attitude to Green ICT can lead to significant
                     protected and cared for, wherever they operate.             reductions in energy consumption and carbon
                                                                                 emissions. As well as reducing greenhouse gases
                     Logicalis maintains consistent and transparent              and operational costs, the technologies we
                     diversity policies across all our markets. We firmly        promote, such as remote working and video and
                     believe that career opportunity, recognition and            teleconferencing, enable more flexible working,
                     reward should be determined by a person’s                   greater productivity and improved business
                     capabilities and achievement, not their age, sex,           continuity. Green ICT is good for the planet and
                     race, religion or nationality. Wherever we operate,         it’s good for business.
                     Logicalis strives to maintain a workforce that
                     reflects the skills, ethnicity and demographics             Community
                     of the local population.                                    Logicalis encourages our operating companies in
                                                                                 every territory to create initiatives that help improve
                     Logicalis recognises that it is the ideas, skills           the quality of life for their local communities. Here
                     and capabilities of our people that drive our               are just a few highlights.
                     development and growth. In return, Logicalis
                     will invest in whatever training and resources       During the 2010 holiday season, Logicalis US
                     our people need to ensure that they are able         donated $35,000 to 35 charities in communities
                     to develop and grow with us.                         where its employees work and live; each charity
                                                                          was nominated and selected by local employees
                     Logicalis is committed to rewarding its shareholders in one of 12 geographical regions who also made
                     through consistently producing above-average         the cheque presentation. Their support made a big
                     returns and growth.                                  difference for community agencies ranging from
                                                                          food banks and homeless shelters to healthcare
                                                                          research and quality of family.

                                                                                 In addition, the Logicalis US ‘Give Back to the
                                                                                 Community’ programme allows each employee
                                                                                 eight hours of work time each year to support
                                                                                 charities of their choice; total volunteer hours
                                                                                 in 2010 amounted to 2,349, and 6,771 since
                                                                                 April 2008.
Annual Review 2011
                      Our core values
                      Customer oriented – we listen to our                   Honest – we have a culture that is
                      customers’ needs and focus on delivering               based on integrity and openness.
                      value to their organisations.
                                                                             Quality – we are professional in all
                      Innovative – we attract spirited and                   our business dealings and dedicated
                      creative employees who show heart                      to achieving, and maintaining the
                      and conviction in all that they do.                    highest standards.
                      Trusted – we consistently deliver on                   Empowerment – we foster a ‘can-do’
                      our promises.                                          approach where helping our customers
                                                                             and colleagues is central to our job

                     For the fifth year in succession, Logicalis UK made     Another of the charities associated with the
                     donations to the Berkshire Community Foundation         programme is Ser Cidadão, which provides
                     which provides grants to local voluntary groups to      vocational education for adolescents and young
                     support grassroots projects. These include young        adults from poor communities. The association
                     people with special needs, the disabled, the elderly    has a 20-year history grounded in the activities
                     and the homeless.                                       developed by the Educação de Trabalho
                                                                             (Education for Work Program).
                     Logicalis UK also sponsors Pump Aid, a charity that
                     provides access to clean drinking water and safe,   In Australia, Logicalis made a donation of
                     adequate sanitation to those in need in Zimbabwe,   AUS$5,000 towards the Queensland Flood Relief
                     Malawi and Liberia.                                 after the natural disaster in Brisbane.

                     Logicalis Southern Cone in South America                Local staff also participated in an activity to build
                     participated for a second year in a recycling           brand new bicycles for eight children in foster care.
                     programme to support the Foundation of Garrahan         Each child was presented with a helmet and
                     Hospital in Argentina, which focuses on complex         bicycle, which was assembled by Logicalis staff
                     treatments for children. The programme consists         (and checked over by a mechanic before the
                     of office collections of disposable paper and plastic   children were allowed to ride the bike!). For many
                     cups, to be donated to the Foundation for its           of the children, this was the first bike that they
                     recycling.                                              ever owned.

                     Logicalis Southern Cone also contributed to local       Logicalis Singapore has supported the SingTel
                     community organisations that help children, such        Touching Lives Fund by participating in its Charity
                     as A.D.A.N.D and San José Providente; and made          Golf tournament for seven years. The Touching
                     a donation to EGB Nº98 School, which needed             Lives Fund (TLF) is SingTel’s corporate philanthropy
                     technological equipment to develop a project for        programme that aims to provide disadvantaged
                     the improvement of writing and reading skills.          children and young persons with special needs or
                                                                             who are at risk, with learning opportunities and to
                     In Brazil, PromonLogicalis continues to support         improve their quality of life. The beneficiaries
                     Junior Achievement, an organisation that teaches        supported by the TLF in 2010 were APSN Chao
                     children about work readiness and entrepreneurship.     Yang School, APSN Tanglin School, AWWA Early
                     The PromonLogicalis Volunteer Program,                  Years Centre – EIPIC, MINDS Lee Kong Chian
                     established in 2009, provides education, work           Gardens School, Students Care Service and the
                     readiness, and social movements to children in          Singapore Cancer Society.
                     the communities of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro,
                     supported through the following charities: Ação
                     Comunitária, Asylo João Evangelista, CAMP Vila
                     Isabel, CCA Santa Teresa de Jesus, Gotas de Flor
                     com Amor and Lar Escola Recanto Cristão.
Board of Directors
Annual Review 2011

 3                   4


1. Jens Montanana                            2. Ian Cook                                   3. Mark Rogers
Chairman                                     Chief Executive Officer                       Chief Operating Officer
Jens is the founder and chief architect      Ian Cook joined Logicalis as CEO,             Mark Rogers joined Logicalis in 2003 as
behind Datatec, which he established in      European Operations in 2003 and became        Finance Director for Logicalis UK, and in
1986, and also Chairman of Logicalis since   CEO of Logicalis Group in March 2007.         2004 he became Chief Financial Officer
March 2007. Between 1989 and 1993,           Since then, Logicalis has become an           (CFO), European Operations. Since March
Jens served as Managing Director and         international brand and a respected           2007, he has taken on the role of COO for
Vice-President of US Robotics (UK), a        partner of the major technology vendors.      Logicalis Group.
wholly owned subsidiary of US Robotics
which was acquired by 3Com. In 1993, he      Ian has extensive experience in the           Mark has extensive experience in the
co-founded US start-up Xedia Corporation     technology industry spanning more than        technology and service sectors both in the
in Boston, MA, an early pioneer of network   25 years. He joined Logicalis from Damovo     UK and internationally. He spent 20 years
switching and one of the market leaders      where he had extensive involvement in         at Racal Electronics/Thales, of which
in IP bandwidth management, which was        international operations as Chief Operating   13 years were at Finance Director level
subsequently sold to Lucent Corporation.     Officer (COO).                                within divisions providing Managed
In 1994, Jens became Chairman and                                                          Network Services, Telecoms and Survey,
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Datatec     Prior to Damovo in 1990, Ian led the Board    and Positioning Services. While at
which listed on the Johannesburg Stock       of Cablestream which became Siemens           Thales he was also Chairman of Citylink
Exchange in November 1994 and on the         Network Systems Ltd (now Affiniti), one       Telecommunications, a joint venture
Alternative Investment Market of the         of the UK’s leading network integrators.      company which had secured a £1.2 billion,
London Stock Exchange in 2006. Jens          Over a 10-year period at SNSL, he rose        20-year Private Finance Initiative
is Non-Executive Director of Versatile       to Group Managing Director responsible        contract with London Underground.
Systems, Inc., a Toronto and London          for operations across Europe. Previously,     Also, he has significant mergers and
listed Canadian company.                     he was Sales and Marketing Director           acquisitions (MA) experience, including
                                             at Case Communications Ltd, a                 the sale of Racal Telecom to Global
                                             manufacturer of data communications           Crossing for £1 billion as well as
                                             equipment with operations in the UK,          experience in the acquisition and
                                             US and Asia Pacific.                          integration of smaller businesses.
                                                                                           He started his finance career with
                                                                                           Revlon where he qualified as a Chartered
                                                                                           Management Accountant.
Annual Review 2011

4. Nigel Drakeford-Lewis                       Ivan Dittrich                                     Luiz Fernando T. Rudge
Chief Financial Officer                        Non-Executive Director                            Non-Executive Director
                                               Ivan is a Chartered Accountant and has been       Luiz Rudge is CEO and a member of the Board of
Nigel Drakeford-Lewis is a Fellow of the       with Datatec for the past 10 years. He was        Directors of Promon SA. Following the acquisition
Institute of Chartered Accountants in          appointed as Non-Executive Director to the        by Logicalis of a majority stake in Promon
England and Wales and also has an              Logicalis Board on 22 April 2008, and later       Tecnologia in May 2008, Luiz then became
honours degree in Economics and                became Datatec’s Group Finance Director on        Non-Executive Director on the Logicalis Board.
                                               1 May 2008. Previously, he was Group Corporate
Accountancy from Exeter University.
                                               Director and Group Company Secretary of           He joined Promon SA in 1982 and served as
Nigel joined Datatec in June 2000, initially   Datatec for five years, as well as Corporate      Treasurer (1987-1991), Finance Director (1991-
to help build an advisory services division    Finance Manager. Ivan successfully managed        2001), and CFO (2001-2010), when he was
which was subsequently merged with             the Group’s dual listing in London during 2006.   elected to his current position. He led several
Logicalis. He then moved across to             Prior to joining Datatec, Ivan worked for         corporate finance deals on behalf of Promon,
                                               PricewaterhouseCoopers in London.                 including MA transactions as well as financing
Logicalis Group in November 2000 to                                                              arrangements to support Promon’s proprietary
focus on the reshaping of Logicalis Group                                                        investments and its contracts with clients. Prior
and help redefine its strategic direction.                                                       to joining Promon and in 1986/1987, Luiz was
Since April 2001, Nigel has been CFO                                                             engaged in foreign trade activities.
of the Group with responsibility for the
                                                                                                 Luiz holds a BA degree in Business Administration
financial management and control of the                                                          from Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV/São Paulo),
operations across the Group.                                                                     and he also completed the MA programme in
                                                                                                 Geography (Urban Development) of the University
After qualifying as a Chartered Accountant                                                       College/University of London and the Advanced
                                                                                                 Management Program of the Harvard Business
with Grant Thornton, Nigel held senior                                                           School.
financial positions with Black  Decker,
Grand Metropolitan (now Diageo) and
Dixons Group. Prior to joining Datatec,
Nigel worked for five years as a senior
consultant with Arthur D Little on
strategy, corporate finance and
performance improvement assignments,
primarily in the fixed and mobile
telecommunications sector.
Financial overview
Annual Review 2011

Asia Pacific region increase
The markets of Europe (which is         Revenue geographical split %           Revenue geographical split %
mainly the UK), North America and       2010                                   2011
South America are now roughly equal
in size.
The US remains the single largest
market while Asia Pacific, added
through the acquisition of Netstar in
the prior year, is now just under 10%
of the total.
The increase in South America was
driven by product sales, particularly
to telecommunications service
                                          North America 40%                      North America 34%
                                          South America 23%                      South America 28%
                                          UK 34%                                 UK 28%
                                          Germany 2%                             Germany 2%
                                          Asia Pacific 1%                        Asia Pacific 8%

Service mix steady
There was almost no change to the       Revenue segmental split %              Revenue segmental split %
product, professional services and      2010                                   2011
annuity services mix in 2011.
The stronger product sales in 2011
should drive increased annuity sales,
aided also by the new cloud-based
Overall, as the volume of business
has grown, margins and the services
mix have, encouragingly, remained
very stable.
We are still targeting a 75/25%
product versus services split in the
medium term.                              Product 77%                            Product 78%
                                          Professional Services 9%               Professional Services 9%
                                          Maintenance  Managed Services 14%     Maintenance  Managed Services 13%
Annual Review 2011

Cisco largest vendor partner
Similarly, our vendor technology         Revenue by vendor %                           Revenue by vendor %
mix is relatively stable.                2010                                          2011
Approximately half our product
business is networking related and
the other half comprises enterprise
and data centre computer and
storage systems and software.
The big increase in networking product
sales in South America boosted the
Cisco segment, which accounts for
the largest share of the mix.
IBM is the next most significant
vendor, followed by HP.
                                              IBM 31%                                    IBM 30%
The category ‘Others’ includes data           Cisco 40%                                  Cisco 48%
storage vendors such as EMC,                  HP 18%                                     HP 11%
software from IBM and VMware, and             Others 11%                                 Others 11%
security and system management

Strong gross margins
Strong revenue growth and better         Gross margin %
margins in the US drove the overall      2010/2011
In Asia and Brazil in particular, the                                                                            31.6
increase in product sales and impact                       28.1                           28.7
on mix lowered the overall margin                                               24.6
                                                                                                 23.2                    22.2 23.0
percentage.                                                       21.8   21.3
                                         18.3 18.3
Our geographical diversification
has helped the consolidated gross
The UK margins reflect its sales mix
as well as the weaker conditions that
still prevail in the UK market.          UK                Germany       North America    South America   Asia Pacific   Total

We remain very pleased with the               2010
balance of the overall business.              2011
Financial results
Annual Review 2011

Income statement – unaudited	                                        2011	          2010	
		                                                                  US$m	          US$m
Revenue 	                                                         1,048.0 	        839.5
Cost of sales	                                                      (807.6)	      (653.6)
Gross profit	                                                       240.4 	        185.9
Administrative expenses	                                             (187.1)	      (143.7)
EBITDA	                                                                53.3	         42.2
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment	                        (10.0)	         (5.9)
Amortisation of intangible fixed assets	                               (11.7)	       (11.3)
Operating profit	                                                      31.6 	        25.0
Net finance costs	                                                      (3.1)	        (3.3)
Datatec management fees	                                                (4.5)	        (2.8)
Revaluation of minority interest buy-out liability	                   (13.5) 	       (10.4)
Profit before tax	                                                     10.5	           8.5
Tax on profit on ordinary activities	                                   (7.3)	        (4.9)
Profit for the year for continuing operations	                           3.2 	         3.6
Loss from discontinued operations	                                      (2.3)	         (0.1)
Profit for the year	                                                     0.9 	         3.5

Balance sheet – unaudited	                                           2011	          2010
		                                                                  US$m	          US$m
Goodwill and other intangible assets	                                166.7 	        154.0
Property, plant and equipment	                                          38.9	         29.4
Deferred tax asset	                                                     18.9 	        12.8
Total non-current assets	                                            224.5 	       196.2
Inventories	                                                            28.8	         33.7
Trade and other receivables	                                         292.5 	        254.8
Cash and cash equivalents	                                              93.6 	        82.8
Total current assets	                                                414.9 	        371.3
Total assets	                                                        639.4	         567.5
Trade and other payables	                                           (325.8)	       (299.1)
Bank overdrafts and loans	                                            (22.2) 	         (6.1)
Deferred consideration on acquisition of subsidiaries	                   (7.0)	      (14.2)
Total current liabilities	                                         (355.0)	       (319.4)
Net current assets	                                                     59.9	         51.9
Amounts owed to holding company and fellow subsidiaries	              (38.3)	         (47.1)
Obligations under finance leases	                                      (11.2)	         (5.5)
Liability for minority interest buy-out	                               (46.1)	      (32.6)
Deferred tax liabilities	                                             (20.5)	        (13.2)
Other long-term liabilities	                                           (13.2)	         (7.8)
Total non-current liabilities	                                     (129.3)	       (106.2)
Total liabilities	                                                 (484.3)	       (425.6)
Net assets	                                                          155.1 	        141.9
Share capital and share premium	                                     130.2 	        130.2
Minority interest buy-out reserve	                                     (46.1)	      (32.6)
Foreign currency exchange and other non-distributable reserves	       (23.3)	       (35.4)
Retained earnings	                                                      63.4 	        52.7
Attributable to equity holders of the parent	                        124.2 	        114.9
Minority interest	                                                      30.9 	        27.0
Total equity	                                                        155.1	         141.9
Our subsidiaries
Annual Review 2011

	      		                                                                                                      Percentage held
Statutory name	 Country of incorporation	                                                                   2011	             2010
Holding Company			
Logicalis Group Limited	                                                          England and Wales	       100%	           100%
Subsidiaries of Logicalis Group Limited			
Logicalis Group Services Limited	                                                 England and Wales	       100%	           100%
Logicalis UK Limited	                                                             England and Wales	       100%	           100%
Promon-Logicalis Latin America Limited	                                           England and Wales	        70%	            70%
Logicalis Limited (dormant)	                                                      England and Wales	       100%	           100%
Logical Group Limited (dormant)	                                                  England and Wales	       100%	           100%
Satelcom Limited (dormant)	                                                       England and Wales	       100%	           100%
Logicalis Computing Solutions Limited (dormant)	                                  England and Wales	       100%	           100%
Hawke Systems Limited (dormant)	                                                  England and Wales	       100%	           100%
T.B.C. Group Limited (dormant)	                                                   England and Wales	       100%	           100%
TBC Limited (dormant)*	                                                           England and Wales	       100%	           100%
Logicalis Computing Solutions Finance Limited (dormant)*	                         England and Wales	       100%	           100%
Direct Visual Group Limited (dormant)*	                                           England and Wales	       100%	             N/A
Direct Visual Limited*	                                                           England and Wales	       100%	             N/A
Direct Visual Services Limited (dormant)*	                                        England and Wales	       100%	             N/A
Next Generation Internet Limited (dormant)*	                                      England and Wales	       100%	             N/A
Logicalis (Ireland) Limited	                                                                     Ireland	  100%	           100%
Logicalis GmbH*	                                                                             Germany	      100%	           100%
Logicalis Deutschland GmbH	                                                                  Germany	      100%	           100%
Logicalis Networks GmbH*	                                                                    Germany	      100%	           100%
Logicalis (US) Holdings, Inc.	                                                                      USA	   100%	           100%
Logicalis, Inc.*	                                                                                   USA	   100%	           100%
Logicalis South America, Inc.*	                                                                     USA	    70%	            70%
Network Infrastructure Corporation*	                                                                USA	   100%	             N/A
PromonLogicalis Tecnologia e Participacoes Ltda*	                                                  Brazil	  70%	            70%
PTLS Comercio, Exportacao e Importacao de Equipamentos de Telecommunicacao Ltda*	                  Brazil	  70%	            70%
PLLAL International LLC*	                                                                          Brazil	  70%	            70%
Logicalis Brasil Servicos de Assessoria Tecnica Ltda.*	                                            Brazil	  70%	            70%
Logicalis Argentina S.A.*	                                                                   Argentina	     70%	            70%
X-Net Cuyo S.A.*	                                                                            Argentina	      N/A	           70%
Logicalis Uruguay S.A.*	                                                                      Uruguay	      70%	            70%
Logicalis Inc. S.A.*	                                                                         Uruguay	      70%	            70%
Logicalis Paraguay S.A.*	                                                                    Paraguay	      70%	            70%
Logicalis Chile S.A.*	                                                                              Chile	  70%	            70%
Logicalis Andina S.A.C.*	                                                                           Peru	   70%	            70%
Logicalis Andina Bolivia LAB. Ltda.*	                                                            Bolivia	   70%	             N/A
Logicalis Colombia S.A.S.*	                                                                  Colombia	      70%	             N/A
Logicalis Ecuador S.A.*	                                                                      Ecuador	      70%	             N/A
NetStar Group Holding Limited	                                                   British Virgin Islands	   100%	           100%
NetStar Australia Holding (BVI) Limited (dormant)*	                              British Virgin Islands	   100%	           100%
NetStar Asia Holding (BVI) Limited (dormant)*	                                   British Virgin Islands	   100%	           100%
Logicalis Australia Pty Limited*	                                                             Australia	   100%	           100%
Logicalis Asia Pacific MSC Sdh Bdn*	                                                          Malaysia	    100%	           100%
Logicalis Malaysia Sdn Bhd*	                                                                  Malaysia	    100%	           100%
Logicalis Singapore Pte Limited*	                                                           Singapore	     100%	           100%
Logicalis Shanghai Limited*	                                                                       China	  100%	           100%
Logicalis Xiamen Limited*	                                                                         China	  100%	           100%
Logicalis Hong Kong Limited*	                                                              Hong Kong	      100%	           100%
Note: * indicates a subsidiary which is owned indirectly via an intermediate holding company.
Logicalis Group
110 Buckingham Avenue


+44 (0)1753 777200

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Logicalis Annual Review 2011

  • 1. Annual Review 2011 Embracing new opportunities
  • 2. Contents 01 Introduction 02 Relevant in a changing marketplace 04 Transforming technologies 06 Strengthening our integrated offer 08 Delivering innovative solutions 10 Case studies 13 Financial highlights 14 Chairman’s statement 16 Chief Executive Officer’s review 18 Logicalis today 20 International operations 22 Corporate social responsibility 24 Board of Directors 26 Financial overview 28 Financial results 29 Our subsidiaries
  • 3. Logicalis Annual Review 2011 01 Today’s business world is in transition. There are rapid technological and market changes which are having a profound effect on business. As we emerge from the downturn we are faced with a set of completely new demands from customers. With the proliferation of new technologies, businesses are under increasing pressure to continually adapt to changing environments. Yesterday’s investments in technology are not always meeting current business needs, so organisations need to rethink. At Logicalis, we no longer talk to businesses about technology alone. We talk to them about what it does for their organisation’s future. Because it’s not business as usual!
  • 5. Logicalis Annual Review 2011 03 Marketplace relevance Be here, now How can we help your business today? The Internet has changed everything. Whether At Logicalis, we know that the post-financial- business leaders embrace it or not, every crisis world brings new opportunities and new organisation today is operating in a Web 2.0 world. challenges, too. For many businesses, success Some trends, after all, are impossible to ignore. in this volatile environment demands new strategies, The pressure to use less power and cooling, reduce new models and new technologies, because IT costs and meet environmental goals is spurring yesterday’s tools won’t help you grab the attention the uptake of virtualisation. The trend towards the of today’s customers. That’s why we focus provision of IT as a scalable, pay-per-use service on helping business and IT work together in to users is prompting businesses to move IT assets a ‘joined-up’ approach that aims to create shared, to the cloud. The need to reach better business sustainable and personal value – comprehensive decisions faster is triggering investment in advanced value. When CEOs and CIOs speak the same communication and collaboration technologies. And language, the effects can be powerful, creating the value of establishing more meaningful, two-way businesses that are more agile, more responsive conversations with customers is seeing companies and more competitive. We see it every day. flock to social networking sites. The landscape is shifting. At Logicalis, we can help you confidently navigate your own path, at your own pace. As a business relevant we have to be in a changing marketplace Strategic objectives • ake the most of opportunities offered by M economic recovery • Invest in innovation for competitive advantage • Get IT and the business working as one • mbrace the latest technology trends with confidence E
  • 6. Logicalis Annual Review 2011 04 Strategic objectives • ive employees the tools they need to G get work done • ransform corporate IT resources into T always-on services • Address data security issues with confidence Transfor
  • 7. Logicalis Annual Review 2011 05 ming technologies for tomorrow’s organisations Consumer-driven technology platforms Data centre for instant information Virtualisation is the first step to turning corporate Today’s employees like to shop around. The tools IT resources into always-on services for employees they use to get their jobs done are increasingly to use regardless of location or the device a matter of personal choice – so they’re bringing they’re using. their own smartphones, laptops and tablets to work and using them to access cloud-based services. Public cloud Today’s forward-thinking employer doesn’t stand Scalable computing services available on a pay-per- in their way. By supporting these devices and use basis transform IT costs from upfront capital placing corporate data and applications in public expenditure to predictable operating expenses. and private cloud infrastructures, bosses know that employees will get more done – whether they’re Private cloud in the office, at home or meeting with customers. All of cloud’s advantages of reduced cost and This consumerisation of corporate computing elastic scalability, but from within your own data transforms IT from a support function to a value centre and according to your own rules on creator. We’re here to help your business make information governance. There is an emerging view that step. that a combination of the two, i.e. a hybrid cloud, is the way forward for many organisations. Software-as-a-Service Hosted applications that provide up-to-the-minute functionality on a subscription basis, but place the burden of ongoing management in the hands of third-party specialists. Security issues One of the biggest concerns about both mobile devices and cloud computing, but one that your organisation can confidently address with expert help.
  • 9. Logicalis Annual Review 2011 07 Strategic objectives • ove away from yesterday’s technology silos M • mbrace the sophistication provided by multi-vendor, E multi-technology stacks • Rely on the help of proven experts to create and support new integrated solutions integrated Strengthening our offer Expanding our offer to meet changing Working together with you expectations At Logicalis, we can support customers’ ICT The world doesn’t stand still and neither does solutions with full life-cycle management – from a business’s ICT needs. At many companies, planning, design, implementation and integration yesterday’s technology investments have created to support, management and optimisation. a legacy of technology silos that are costly to maintain, burdensome to manage and hard to In particular, our extensive portfolio of managed integrate – when what businesses really need is a and hosted managed services includes intelligent stable, streamlined and seamless IT environment remote monitoring, operational management, that brings together new and existing technologies co-location and full or partial outsourced partnering. in exciting, value-creating combinations. This allows our clients to take advantage of the latest technologies in the way that suits them Some of the most exciting new technologies – best, picking and choosing from a menu of service from sophisticated business analytics to advanced options, to create the right blend of internal and communication and collaboration solutions and external resources. slick multimedia delivery on demand – rely on multi-vendor, multi-technology stacks, which is why Logicalis’ clients worldwide rely on our passion for convergence and our long-established data centre skills to get these solutions working together on their behalf.
  • 11. Logicalis Annual Review 2011 09 solutions innovative across public and private sectors Dare to imagine, dare to innovate Breaking down the barriers Leading companies do things differently. They think Logicalis has built its business on helping its differently. They implement technology differently. customers use technology to find creative new In other words, they innovate. Without innovation, ways to address their challenges. If storing vital your business can never be a leader – just a business records and data is a struggle, we can follower. At Logicalis, we believe that the precursor help. If geographical distances between colleagues to innovation is creative thinking. That’s why we’re slow down decision times, we can help. If your IT here to help you stretch your imagination. What team could be better deployed on strategic tasks constraints does your business currently face? that add real value, we can help. If your data centre How could it serve its customers better? What new space is costly and cramped, we can help. We products and services would you like to launch? measure our success by our customers’ success. Today’s technologies can do remarkable things. More importantly, they can enable businesses like yours to achieve remarkable results. Go on. Dare to imagine!
  • 12. Case studies Logicalis Annual Review 2011 10 L ogicalis is delivering ICT solutions and services to over 5,000 customers around the globe. Loughborough University Singapore Telecommunications Ltd A new hybrid cloud solution PowerON is SingTel’s end-to-end suite implemented at Loughborough of cloud-based services covering University mitigates massive cost of PowerON Connectivity, PowerON data centre rebuild, and connects the Infrastructure, PowerON Applications university to Logicalis UK’s hosted and PowerON Managed Services. cloud service, the first of its kind It provides businesses with an ‘Intelligent Utility’, providing connected to JANET (the UK’s instant, low-cost, scalable and secure IT resources on demand. education and research network). SingTel PowerON Compute, enabled by VMware vCloud Loughborough University, one of the UK’s leading Datacentre Service and part of PowerON Infrastructure, universities, and its premier university for sport, needed is an Enterprise-Class Cloud that provides all businesses to replace its 40-year-old data centre which was running with virtual computing needs on demand. With networking with limited capacity and was badly in need of replacement. by Cisco and storage by EMC, it is the most reliable and Logicalis was chosen for its Managed Private Cloud (MPC), secure cloud platform built for enterprises. cooperative cloud offering and for its direct connection from its Cloud Service to JANET. The university now has a data Logicalis Singapore was chosen as SingTel’s Master Service centre service that is modular, economical, green, and Agreement (MSA) partner for PowerON Compute Go-To- fully resilient at the local level, with the option of hosting Market (GTM) strategy. The Cloud GTM will add an additional services remotely at Logicalis’ data centre, and this has services portfolio to Logicalis’ current partnership with enabled Loughborough to avoid the need for a multi-million SingTel as the MSA for Customer Premise Equipment (CPE) pound refurbishment project. ‘MPC, the cooperative cloud and Managed Services. and Logicalis’ unique virtual container capability lets you move services from local to remote and back again without ‘We can always trust Logicalis to go the extra mile to deliver buying in more infrastructure’, says Dr Phil Richards, the services. Also, we are able to leverage on their skill set Loughborough’s IT Director. and networking resources to complement our cloud services and applications which will bring greater value to all end users,’ said Alvin Kok, Head of Infocomm Services, SingTel.
  • 13. Logicalis Annual Review 2011 11 Watts Water Technologies, Inc. Itaú Bank Logicalis delivers Managed Services to The client – one of the biggest private Watts Water Technologies, Inc., a world banks in Brazil – needed to reduce the leader in the manufacture of innovative time and expenditure for executives’ products to control the efficiency, safety travel within and outside the country and quality of water within residential, to visit its subsidiaries and customers. commercial and institutional applications. For that, it needed to improve and expand its video conferencing rooms. PromonLogicalis’ collaboration solution With demands from users increasing and budgets tightening, was chosen to update and add realism to the meetings. Watts’ Director of Global IT Shared Services, Ty Muscat, PromonLogicalis has since deployed 23 telepresence rooms, turned to Logicalis for managed services. This was the more than 5,000 IP phones, network and data centre catalyst for a new dimension in the relationship between equipment and consulting services for the Itaú Group in Watts and Logicalis which has increasingly shifted system Brazil. Itaú has nearly 5,000 offices across the Americas, management responsibilities to Logicalis and freed the Europe and Asia. It intends to acquire this solution for all Watts IT team to focus on core competencies that support international sites, and believes that unified communications and advance its business objectives. is strategic to national and international expansion. The communication solution, which combines audio and video Through the years, Watts has worked on many projects on the Internet network (IP), provides a realistic experience with Logicalis. Muscat says, ‘Logicalis has consistently to virtual meetings, and thus, leads to greater productivity, distinguished itself by its willingness to work with my team reduced travel costs and only minor disruption to executives. to develop solutions that add value and fit our needs as a customer. Each project has been a joint effort that we Outside Brazil, Logicalis has also recently implemented implement together as a team and support as a team – a project in Buenos Aires to upgrade its Cisco Call Manager with Logicalis taking on some responsibility and Watts taking and Unified Computing System (UCS) and to provide on some responsibility. There is tremendous flexibility in the virtualised support, as well as in the US. range of services Logicalis can offer.’
  • 14. Logicalis Annual Review 2011 12 Excellent operational management and increasing business and geographical diversification has pushed revenues and EBITDA up by 25% and 26% respectively. EBITDA and operating profit margins remained steady as expected, and are planned to expand next year.
  • 15. Financial highlights Logicalis Annual Review 2011 13 + 25 26 Total sales $1.05 billion % + EBITDA $53.3 million % 2010: $840 million 2010: $42.2 million + 21 % + Annuity service revenues $142.2 million 26 Operating profit $31.6 million % 2010: $117.5 million 2010: $25.0 million FY 2011 Achievements FY 2012 Objectives Increased sales, EBITDA and Increase revenues and profitability operating profit Increase services portfolio, including Invested in three data centres cloud-based services and cloud-based services Seek further suitable acquisition targets Three acquisitions (Europe, US and Asia Pacific)
  • 16. Chairman’s statement Logicalis Annual Review 2011 14 “ s our services initiatives develop A around our data centre operations, this, coupled with a sustained market recovery, should accelerate our profit growth.” I am delighted to report on a year in which Logicalis delivered a strong performance, accounting for 22% of the Datatec Group’s revenues and 34% of EBITDA. The marked improvement in demand in the first half of the financial year continued into the second half, with all regions enjoying revenue growth. In particular, the strong recovery in the US reported in the first half continued during the year, with the US region enjoying double-digit growth in the second half. Growth for the year was particularly strong in the South America region, driven by increased capital investment by telecommunication service providers, with Brazil once again the stand-out market. The performance of the Asia Pacific region was also very encouraging with good margins from an enhanced services mix. Despite a weak recovery and difficult trading conditions in the UK, Logicalis’ operations are performing well. During the financial year, Logicalis completed three acquisitions. In September 2010, it acquired the business of Touchbase Singapore from Touchbase Group. Touchbase Singapore has annualised revenues of approximately $6 million and is a unified communications (UC) solutions provider focusing in the areas of UC and customer contact centre solutions for enterprise and multinational corporations.
  • 17. Logicalis Annual Review 2011 15 In December 2010, Logicalis acquired Network Market prospects The Logicalis Group Infrastructure Corporation (NIC), a Phoenix, The gradual recovery in global markets and the is a division of Arizona-based Cisco Gold Partner with annualised growth in networking-dependent cloud computing Datatec Limited, revenues of approximately $20 million. NIC is providing a strong underpin to our industry. We listed on the provides network consulting and IT services to expect all our operations to deliver good profitable Johannesburg and the education, state and local government, gaming growth this year and contribute towards overall London AIM Stock and hospitality markets across the Southwest margin expansion through operational leverage. Exchanges, with United States. This acquisition expands Logicalis’ annualised revenues presence in this region, reinforces its strategic The US may still provide the best relative upside of approximately relationship with Cisco and extends its expertise as businesses continue to invest and industries $5 billion. into educational markets within which Logicalis such as manufacturing go through something previously had limited exposure. of a renaissance assisted by the weak dollar, even if consumer demand remains weak. As our In February 2011, Logicalis acquired Direct Visual, services initiatives develop around our data centre a UK-based Tandberg (now part of Cisco) Platinum operations, this, coupled with a sustained market Partner with annualised revenues of approximately recovery, should accelerate our profit growth. $15 million. Direct Visual is one of the UK’s leading independent suppliers of video communications Jens Montanana solutions and video managed services and is being Chairman integrated into Logicalis’ Unified Communications and Collaboration (UCC) operation to strengthen its video offering and further broaden its managed services and cloud computing expertise. Market backdrop We remain positive on current trading and more optimistic about the longer term, despite the many unsettling events in the world so far this year. Corporate earnings, especially in the technology sector which tends to benefit from dollar weakness, have remained strong. The US is continuing its slow broad-based recovery, albeit the consumer is still struggling, and there have also been some fragile global indicators of late. While Latin America and Asia remain the most vibrant markets, we detect that global growth is becoming more aligned. We see our industry continuing to benefit from advances in computing that require continuous networked communications.
  • 18. Chief Executive Officer’s review Logicalis Annual Review 2011 16 “ ogicalis is a new breed of L business-enabling technology solutions provider.” I am pleased to report that Logicalis had a strong fiscal year with increased revenues and improved margins. Following one of the toughest downturns in recent time, our focus on customer needs and remaining vigilant to economic changes placed us in an ideal position to move forward quickly as market environments improved. Our markets are different; one size does not fit all. We operate in 19 countries with different growth rates, cultures, and ethnic and linguistic contrasts. Our corporate philosophy of empowering local management teams to create innovative solutions for their own markets, under a single Logicalis banner, and then replicating those solutions in other markets has proved successful. I would like to thank all of our employees in all countries for their hard work and commitment in achieving these results. I would also like to extend a special thank you to all our customers, partners and stakeholders whose support we greatly value.
  • 19. Logicalis Annual Review 2011 17 Group highlights Our expertise in Cloud and XaaS services gives us The common theme • Revenues up 25% to $1.05 billion with organic the platform to provide specific business solutions that runs through growth of 15% such as this. our operations is • Product revenues up 26%, service revenues customer service of up 20% Information technology has its own language, the highest order. • Annuity service revenues up 21% but in a world where the possibility of what IT can • Gross margins improved to 23% do and the value that IT can bring is ever more • EBITDA up 26% to $53.3 million fundamental to the delivery of business outcomes, (FY 2010: $42.2 million) we must continue to bring the language of business • Asia Pacific region contributed 8% of revenues and technology together. • Invested in three data centres and cloud-based services As we look to the future we can expect to benefit • Acquisitions completed during FY 2011: from our investments in data centres and the Touchbase (Singapore) increasing focus on cloud-based services. We 20 September 2010 will continue to manage for improved operational Network Infrastructure Corporation (US) leverage and will remain focused on developing 1 December 2010 our services portfolio. In addition, we will continue to seek out suitable acquisition targets. Direct Visual (UK) 1 February 2011 Logicalis is a new breed of business-enabling technology solutions provider. Our mission is to The common theme that runs through our enable our customers to empower their business operations is customer service of the highest order. through technology with a cost and operational Service on every level, whether undertaking the model that best meets their needs. most complex IT outsourcing and Cloud service, expediting an accounts query or delivering Our mission is to create equilibrium between the technology hardware must be at the forefront business outcomes of our customers and their of all our customer relationships. investments and understanding of technology. In this way we will continue to remain relevant to our We enjoy extremely good relationships with our customers and our partners. global technology partners and work closely with them to provide solutions that combine their Ian Cook technologies with our services. This enables us Chief Executive Officer to become increasingly more relevant to our customers’ businesses. Our Cloud services are designed to assist organisations with their objectives, not just in computing terms but in real business terms. For example, the Logicalis analytics solution provides businesses with planning, consolidation and business intelligence tools in a corporate performance management suite, enabling senior-level executives to more effectively manage their organisation’s performance.
  • 20. Logicalis today Logicalis Annual Review 2011 18 Collaboration across our markets With over 60 offices around the globe and more than 2,000 employees, Logicalis is proud of the wealth of skills and expertise it has to offer. Our organisational structure enables us to work together closely, pooling our talents and experience to develop new and innovative solutions. The technologies we use internally make it easy for our employees to identify colleagues with specific expertise in other parts of the world, to support multinational sales opportunities, and to share customer references and relevant industry sector knowledge, leading to a better understanding of our clients and the sectors and geographies in which they operate. Responsiveness Whether the issue at hand is a joint marketing opportunity or a customer request, our local account managers can quickly locate colleagues anywhere else in the world, ensuring speedy response times and faster decisions. More innovation ‘Two heads are better than one.’ That’s the principle that guides our sales and marketing personnel, so that local marketing programmes and initiatives around the world are fed by the same shared creative spark. Our business Our business Communications and Collaboration Data Centre and Cloud Solutions Logicalis is a recognised leader in the design, implementation Logicalis’ expertise in Data Centre solutions helps and support of highly integrated Communications and organisations operate their data centres at peak efficiency, Collaboration solutions, with best-in-class products from minimal cost and maximum effectiveness, and provides the Cisco, IBM, Microsoft, Tandberg (now part of Cisco) and environmental benefits required today. other leading vendors. • Virtualisation and Consolidation • Voice and IP Telephony • Enterprise Computing • Network Infrastructure • Cloud Services • Contact Centre • Storage • Messaging • Hosting • Presence • Switching • Rich Media Conferencing • Security • Collaborative Content/Web 2.0 • Video • Security
  • 21. Logicalis Our offices Annual Review 2011 19 Europe North America South America Asia Pacific UK Tempe (Arizona) Brazil Australia Cardiff Irvine, San Diego (California) Barueri Brisbane Elland Shelton (Connecticut) Belo Horizonte Melbourne Livingston Atlanta (Georgia) Brasília Sydney London Lisle (Illinois) Manaus China Slough (HQ) Indianapolis (Indiana) Rio de Janeiro ChongQin Warrington Waltham (Massachusetts) São Paulo Shanghai Farmington Hills, Resource sharing Germany Berlin Cologne Commerce Twp. (Michigan) Minneapolis (Minnesota) Argentina Buenos Aires Córdoba Suzhou Xiamen Bridgewater (New Jersey) Hong Kong Our Managed Service operations around the New York (New York) Rosário Hong Kong world are adept at sharing best practice and Charlotte and Raleigh Bolivia creating operational efficiencies that lead to (North Carolina) Malaysia Santa Cruz West Chester, Dublin (Ohio) Cyberjaya lower costs for customers. de la Sierra Houston, Plano, Kuala Lumpur San Antonio (Texas) Chile Singapore Bellevue (Washington) Santiago Singapore Green Bay, Brookfield Colombia (Wisconsin) Taiwan Bogotá Hsinchu Ecuador Kaohsiung Quito Taichung Taipei Paraguay Asunción Managed Service Centres Peru Lima UK Argentina Slough Buenos Aires Uruguay Bracknell Montevideo Malaysia Cardiff Cyberjaya USA China West Chester Shanghai Phoenix Brazil São Paulo Efficiencies We use our own state-of-the-art telepresence and video conferencing facilities around the world to reduce our travel costs but still reap the benefits of ‘face-to-face’ contact. Time to market New innovations conceived in our local centres of excellence – such as our UK and US Cooperative Cloud Solutions teams Our business – are quickly disseminated, enabling local market operations to rapidly bring their own Professional and Managed Services offerings to market. Logicalis’ experienced and certified specialists deliver a portfolio of full life-cycle services, backed by comprehensive Managed Services expertise. These encompass the voice and data infrastructure (fixed and mobile), data centre, hybrid public and private Cloud, and applications found in today’s enterprise ICT environments. • Consulting • Application Integration and Development • Managed Services • Remote Monitoring and Management • Hosting • Co-location • Managed Infrastructure Services • Business Analytics • Security
  • 22. International operations Logicalis Annual Review 2011 20 North America South America Headcount / 540 Headcount / 730 Customers / 2,280 Customers / 840 Group revenue / 34% Group revenue / 28% Headquartered in Farmington Hills, Michigan, Logicalis US Logicalis’ South American operation has its main offices has more than 20 regional offices and over 500 employees in São Paulo (Brazil) and Buenos Aires (Argentina) and supporting the full spectrum of ICT solutions. employs over 700 staff. The company also has a local presence in Bolivia, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay, The company has a strong portfolio of communications and Peru and Uruguay. enterprise computing solutions which, when combined with industry-leading partnerships with Cisco, HP and IBM, The company is the largest independent integrator for Cisco provide customers with powerful choices and solutions. throughout the region and a major supplier to the leading Augmentation of its Enterprise Cloud Services offering telecoms providers. Logicalis South America will continue to has been a key focus. leverage its recognised expertise in data centre solutions and is rapidly developing its managed services capability across Today, over 30% of the company’s employees are engaged in the region. services roles applying their specialist expertise in Managed Services, Enterprise Cloud Services, Private Cloud Services, It has a strong services business employing over 40% of its Efficient Data Center/Virtualization/Consolidation Services, people in technical and consulting services roles. Unified Communications and Collaboration Services. Awards Awards • ogicalis won seven Cisco awards for the region, including L • Cisco National Solution Innovation Partner of the Year a Cisco Global Award for Enterprise Partner of the Year • Cisco Powered Private Cloud designation • HP Solution Elite Partner • IBM Choice Award North American Excellence • IBM Beacon Award Outstanding Storage Solutions • BM Beacon Award in the Outstanding Virtualization and I Consolidation Solution Category
  • 23. Logicalis Annual Review 2011 21 Europe Asia Pacific Headcount / 540 Headcount / 380 Customers / 1,070 Customers / 815 Group revenue / 30% Group revenue / 8% Logicalis has its headquarters in Slough, UK with local offices Logicalis’ Asia Pacific region is now fully integrated into in the UK and Germany employing around 540 staff. The UK the Logicalis Group and trades under the Logicalis name. operation, with offices in Slough, London, Warrington, Cardiff, In September 2010, it acquired the business of Touchbase Livingston and Elland, has adopted a hybrid sales approach Singapore from Touchbase Group. Touchbase is a unified to delivering multi-vendor integrated solutions across IBM, communications (UC) solutions provider focusing in the areas Cisco, HP, Microsoft and other complementary technologies, of UC and customer contact centre solutions for enterprise and has a rich services offering with major investment in its and multinational corporations. This acquisition has further Managed Services and Data Centre Cloud facilities. built Logicalis’ presence in Asia Pacific, bringing important contact centre expertise. The business has been integrated With its headquarters in Cologne, Logicalis Germany has into Logicalis’ Singapore operation. a strong presence in both the North Rhein Westphalia (the largest economic area in Germany by GDP) and the Berlin The company has three main units centred in Australia, markets. The company is a Cisco Gold Partner and is very Singapore and Taiwan, with further operations in Malaysia, important strategically to Logicalis for its ability to target new Hong Kong and China, and a primary Network Operations business opportunities within the Eurozone. Centre in Malaysia, with the facilities to support the needs of multinational corporations and services companies across the Awards Asia Pacific region, including some of the largest IP networks • ogicalis UK won six Cisco awards, including a Cisco L in Australia. Global award for Architectural Excellence Partner of the Year (Cloud Solutions) Awards • HP Data Centre Partner of the Year • ogicalis Australia won Cisco Virtualization Partner L • HP Data Protector Partner of the Year of the Year
  • 24. Corporate social responsibility Logicalis Annual Review 2011 22 Logicalis’ policy is to actively and enthusiastically support the welfare of its people, the environment and local communities wherever we have a presence. Our people Environment Logicalis aims to be an employer of choice: As a responsible international provider of ICT attracting, developing and retaining the best solutions, Logicalis seeks to measure and minimise people. We understand that knowledge is the key the way in which any of our commercial activities to success and we maintain good communications may impact the environment. We are also with employees through our information and committed to providing practical advice and consultation procedures. support to our customers and suppliers to help them along the path to ever cleaner and greener Our personnel practices ensure that every ICT solutions. employee, wherever they work, whatever their role, is treated equally, fairly and respectfully at all times. As an early adopter of the Green ICT ideas and Adherence to international health and safety activities, Logicalis recognises that a responsible standards ensures that our people are properly attitude to Green ICT can lead to significant protected and cared for, wherever they operate. reductions in energy consumption and carbon emissions. As well as reducing greenhouse gases Logicalis maintains consistent and transparent and operational costs, the technologies we diversity policies across all our markets. We firmly promote, such as remote working and video and believe that career opportunity, recognition and teleconferencing, enable more flexible working, reward should be determined by a person’s greater productivity and improved business capabilities and achievement, not their age, sex, continuity. Green ICT is good for the planet and race, religion or nationality. Wherever we operate, it’s good for business. Logicalis strives to maintain a workforce that reflects the skills, ethnicity and demographics Community of the local population. Logicalis encourages our operating companies in every territory to create initiatives that help improve Logicalis recognises that it is the ideas, skills the quality of life for their local communities. Here and capabilities of our people that drive our are just a few highlights. development and growth. In return, Logicalis will invest in whatever training and resources During the 2010 holiday season, Logicalis US our people need to ensure that they are able donated $35,000 to 35 charities in communities to develop and grow with us. where its employees work and live; each charity was nominated and selected by local employees Logicalis is committed to rewarding its shareholders in one of 12 geographical regions who also made through consistently producing above-average the cheque presentation. Their support made a big returns and growth. difference for community agencies ranging from food banks and homeless shelters to healthcare research and quality of family. In addition, the Logicalis US ‘Give Back to the Community’ programme allows each employee eight hours of work time each year to support charities of their choice; total volunteer hours in 2010 amounted to 2,349, and 6,771 since April 2008.
  • 25. Logicalis Annual Review 2011 23 Our core values Customer oriented – we listen to our Honest – we have a culture that is customers’ needs and focus on delivering based on integrity and openness. value to their organisations. Quality – we are professional in all Innovative – we attract spirited and our business dealings and dedicated creative employees who show heart to achieving, and maintaining the and conviction in all that they do. highest standards. Trusted – we consistently deliver on Empowerment – we foster a ‘can-do’ our promises. approach where helping our customers and colleagues is central to our job satisfaction. For the fifth year in succession, Logicalis UK made Another of the charities associated with the donations to the Berkshire Community Foundation programme is Ser Cidadão, which provides which provides grants to local voluntary groups to vocational education for adolescents and young support grassroots projects. These include young adults from poor communities. The association people with special needs, the disabled, the elderly has a 20-year history grounded in the activities and the homeless. developed by the Educação de Trabalho (Education for Work Program). Logicalis UK also sponsors Pump Aid, a charity that provides access to clean drinking water and safe, In Australia, Logicalis made a donation of adequate sanitation to those in need in Zimbabwe, AUS$5,000 towards the Queensland Flood Relief Malawi and Liberia. after the natural disaster in Brisbane. Logicalis Southern Cone in South America Local staff also participated in an activity to build participated for a second year in a recycling brand new bicycles for eight children in foster care. programme to support the Foundation of Garrahan Each child was presented with a helmet and Hospital in Argentina, which focuses on complex bicycle, which was assembled by Logicalis staff treatments for children. The programme consists (and checked over by a mechanic before the of office collections of disposable paper and plastic children were allowed to ride the bike!). For many cups, to be donated to the Foundation for its of the children, this was the first bike that they recycling. ever owned. Logicalis Southern Cone also contributed to local Logicalis Singapore has supported the SingTel community organisations that help children, such Touching Lives Fund by participating in its Charity as A.D.A.N.D and San José Providente; and made Golf tournament for seven years. The Touching a donation to EGB Nº98 School, which needed Lives Fund (TLF) is SingTel’s corporate philanthropy technological equipment to develop a project for programme that aims to provide disadvantaged the improvement of writing and reading skills. children and young persons with special needs or who are at risk, with learning opportunities and to In Brazil, PromonLogicalis continues to support improve their quality of life. The beneficiaries Junior Achievement, an organisation that teaches supported by the TLF in 2010 were APSN Chao children about work readiness and entrepreneurship. Yang School, APSN Tanglin School, AWWA Early The PromonLogicalis Volunteer Program, Years Centre – EIPIC, MINDS Lee Kong Chian established in 2009, provides education, work Gardens School, Students Care Service and the readiness, and social movements to children in Singapore Cancer Society. the communities of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, supported through the following charities: Ação Comunitária, Asylo João Evangelista, CAMP Vila Isabel, CCA Santa Teresa de Jesus, Gotas de Flor com Amor and Lar Escola Recanto Cristão.
  • 26. Board of Directors Logicalis Annual Review 2011 24 3 4 1 2 1. Jens Montanana 2. Ian Cook 3. Mark Rogers Chairman Chief Executive Officer Chief Operating Officer Jens is the founder and chief architect Ian Cook joined Logicalis as CEO, Mark Rogers joined Logicalis in 2003 as behind Datatec, which he established in European Operations in 2003 and became Finance Director for Logicalis UK, and in 1986, and also Chairman of Logicalis since CEO of Logicalis Group in March 2007. 2004 he became Chief Financial Officer March 2007. Between 1989 and 1993, Since then, Logicalis has become an (CFO), European Operations. Since March Jens served as Managing Director and international brand and a respected 2007, he has taken on the role of COO for Vice-President of US Robotics (UK), a partner of the major technology vendors. Logicalis Group. wholly owned subsidiary of US Robotics which was acquired by 3Com. In 1993, he Ian has extensive experience in the Mark has extensive experience in the co-founded US start-up Xedia Corporation technology industry spanning more than technology and service sectors both in the in Boston, MA, an early pioneer of network 25 years. He joined Logicalis from Damovo UK and internationally. He spent 20 years switching and one of the market leaders where he had extensive involvement in at Racal Electronics/Thales, of which in IP bandwidth management, which was international operations as Chief Operating 13 years were at Finance Director level subsequently sold to Lucent Corporation. Officer (COO). within divisions providing Managed In 1994, Jens became Chairman and Network Services, Telecoms and Survey, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Datatec Prior to Damovo in 1990, Ian led the Board and Positioning Services. While at which listed on the Johannesburg Stock of Cablestream which became Siemens Thales he was also Chairman of Citylink Exchange in November 1994 and on the Network Systems Ltd (now Affiniti), one Telecommunications, a joint venture Alternative Investment Market of the of the UK’s leading network integrators. company which had secured a £1.2 billion, London Stock Exchange in 2006. Jens Over a 10-year period at SNSL, he rose 20-year Private Finance Initiative is Non-Executive Director of Versatile to Group Managing Director responsible contract with London Underground. Systems, Inc., a Toronto and London for operations across Europe. Previously, Also, he has significant mergers and listed Canadian company. he was Sales and Marketing Director acquisitions (MA) experience, including at Case Communications Ltd, a the sale of Racal Telecom to Global manufacturer of data communications Crossing for £1 billion as well as equipment with operations in the UK, experience in the acquisition and US and Asia Pacific. integration of smaller businesses. He started his finance career with Revlon where he qualified as a Chartered Management Accountant.
  • 27. Logicalis Annual Review 2011 25 4. Nigel Drakeford-Lewis Ivan Dittrich Luiz Fernando T. Rudge Chief Financial Officer Non-Executive Director Non-Executive Director Ivan is a Chartered Accountant and has been Luiz Rudge is CEO and a member of the Board of Nigel Drakeford-Lewis is a Fellow of the with Datatec for the past 10 years. He was Directors of Promon SA. Following the acquisition Institute of Chartered Accountants in appointed as Non-Executive Director to the by Logicalis of a majority stake in Promon England and Wales and also has an Logicalis Board on 22 April 2008, and later Tecnologia in May 2008, Luiz then became honours degree in Economics and became Datatec’s Group Finance Director on Non-Executive Director on the Logicalis Board. 1 May 2008. Previously, he was Group Corporate Accountancy from Exeter University. Director and Group Company Secretary of He joined Promon SA in 1982 and served as Nigel joined Datatec in June 2000, initially Datatec for five years, as well as Corporate Treasurer (1987-1991), Finance Director (1991- to help build an advisory services division Finance Manager. Ivan successfully managed 2001), and CFO (2001-2010), when he was which was subsequently merged with the Group’s dual listing in London during 2006. elected to his current position. He led several Logicalis. He then moved across to Prior to joining Datatec, Ivan worked for corporate finance deals on behalf of Promon, PricewaterhouseCoopers in London. including MA transactions as well as financing Logicalis Group in November 2000 to arrangements to support Promon’s proprietary focus on the reshaping of Logicalis Group investments and its contracts with clients. Prior and help redefine its strategic direction. to joining Promon and in 1986/1987, Luiz was Since April 2001, Nigel has been CFO engaged in foreign trade activities. of the Group with responsibility for the Luiz holds a BA degree in Business Administration financial management and control of the from Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV/São Paulo), operations across the Group. and he also completed the MA programme in Geography (Urban Development) of the University After qualifying as a Chartered Accountant College/University of London and the Advanced Management Program of the Harvard Business with Grant Thornton, Nigel held senior School. financial positions with Black Decker, Grand Metropolitan (now Diageo) and Dixons Group. Prior to joining Datatec, Nigel worked for five years as a senior consultant with Arthur D Little on strategy, corporate finance and performance improvement assignments, primarily in the fixed and mobile telecommunications sector.
  • 28. Financial overview Logicalis Annual Review 2011 26 Asia Pacific region increase The markets of Europe (which is Revenue geographical split % Revenue geographical split % mainly the UK), North America and 2010 2011 South America are now roughly equal in size. The US remains the single largest market while Asia Pacific, added through the acquisition of Netstar in the prior year, is now just under 10% of the total. The increase in South America was driven by product sales, particularly to telecommunications service providers. North America 40% North America 34% South America 23% South America 28% UK 34% UK 28% Germany 2% Germany 2% Asia Pacific 1% Asia Pacific 8% Service mix steady There was almost no change to the Revenue segmental split % Revenue segmental split % product, professional services and 2010 2011 annuity services mix in 2011. The stronger product sales in 2011 should drive increased annuity sales, aided also by the new cloud-based services. Overall, as the volume of business has grown, margins and the services mix have, encouragingly, remained very stable. We are still targeting a 75/25% product versus services split in the medium term. Product 77% Product 78% Professional Services 9% Professional Services 9% Maintenance Managed Services 14% Maintenance Managed Services 13%
  • 29. Logicalis Annual Review 2011 27 Cisco largest vendor partner Similarly, our vendor technology Revenue by vendor % Revenue by vendor % mix is relatively stable. 2010 2011 Approximately half our product business is networking related and the other half comprises enterprise and data centre computer and storage systems and software. The big increase in networking product sales in South America boosted the Cisco segment, which accounts for the largest share of the mix. IBM is the next most significant vendor, followed by HP. IBM 31% IBM 30% The category ‘Others’ includes data Cisco 40% Cisco 48% storage vendors such as EMC, HP 18% HP 11% software from IBM and VMware, and Others 11% Others 11% security and system management solutions. Strong gross margins Strong revenue growth and better Gross margin % margins in the US drove the overall 2010/2011 improvement. 35.1 In Asia and Brazil in particular, the 31.6 increase in product sales and impact 28.1 28.7 on mix lowered the overall margin 24.6 23.2 22.2 23.0 percentage. 21.8 21.3 18.3 18.3 Our geographical diversification has helped the consolidated gross margins. The UK margins reflect its sales mix as well as the weaker conditions that still prevail in the UK market. UK Germany North America South America Asia Pacific Total We remain very pleased with the 2010 balance of the overall business. 2011
  • 30. Financial results Logicalis Annual Review 2011 28 Income statement – unaudited 2011 2010 US$m US$m Revenue 1,048.0 839.5 Cost of sales (807.6) (653.6) Gross profit 240.4 185.9 Administrative expenses (187.1) (143.7) EBITDA 53.3 42.2 Depreciation of property, plant and equipment (10.0) (5.9) Amortisation of intangible fixed assets (11.7) (11.3) Operating profit 31.6 25.0 Net finance costs (3.1) (3.3) Datatec management fees (4.5) (2.8) Revaluation of minority interest buy-out liability (13.5) (10.4) Profit before tax 10.5 8.5 Tax on profit on ordinary activities (7.3) (4.9) Profit for the year for continuing operations 3.2 3.6 Loss from discontinued operations (2.3) (0.1) Profit for the year 0.9 3.5 Balance sheet – unaudited 2011 2010 US$m US$m Goodwill and other intangible assets 166.7 154.0 Property, plant and equipment 38.9 29.4 Deferred tax asset 18.9 12.8 Total non-current assets 224.5 196.2 Inventories 28.8 33.7 Trade and other receivables 292.5 254.8 Cash and cash equivalents 93.6 82.8 Total current assets 414.9 371.3 Total assets 639.4 567.5 Trade and other payables (325.8) (299.1) Bank overdrafts and loans (22.2) (6.1) Deferred consideration on acquisition of subsidiaries (7.0) (14.2) Total current liabilities (355.0) (319.4) Net current assets 59.9 51.9 Amounts owed to holding company and fellow subsidiaries (38.3) (47.1) Obligations under finance leases (11.2) (5.5) Liability for minority interest buy-out (46.1) (32.6) Deferred tax liabilities (20.5) (13.2) Other long-term liabilities (13.2) (7.8) Total non-current liabilities (129.3) (106.2) Total liabilities (484.3) (425.6) Net assets 155.1 141.9 Share capital and share premium 130.2 130.2 Minority interest buy-out reserve (46.1) (32.6) Foreign currency exchange and other non-distributable reserves (23.3) (35.4) Retained earnings 63.4 52.7 Attributable to equity holders of the parent 124.2 114.9 Minority interest 30.9 27.0 Total equity 155.1 141.9
  • 31. Our subsidiaries Logicalis Annual Review 2011 29 Percentage held Statutory name Country of incorporation 2011 2010 Holding Company Logicalis Group Limited England and Wales 100% 100% Subsidiaries of Logicalis Group Limited Logicalis Group Services Limited England and Wales 100% 100% Logicalis UK Limited England and Wales 100% 100% Promon-Logicalis Latin America Limited England and Wales 70% 70% Logicalis Limited (dormant) England and Wales 100% 100% Logical Group Limited (dormant) England and Wales 100% 100% Satelcom Limited (dormant) England and Wales 100% 100% Logicalis Computing Solutions Limited (dormant) England and Wales 100% 100% Hawke Systems Limited (dormant) England and Wales 100% 100% T.B.C. Group Limited (dormant) England and Wales 100% 100% TBC Limited (dormant)* England and Wales 100% 100% Logicalis Computing Solutions Finance Limited (dormant)* England and Wales 100% 100% Direct Visual Group Limited (dormant)* England and Wales 100% N/A Direct Visual Limited* England and Wales 100% N/A Direct Visual Services Limited (dormant)* England and Wales 100% N/A Next Generation Internet Limited (dormant)* England and Wales 100% N/A Logicalis (Ireland) Limited Ireland 100% 100% Logicalis GmbH* Germany 100% 100% Logicalis Deutschland GmbH Germany 100% 100% Logicalis Networks GmbH* Germany 100% 100% Logicalis (US) Holdings, Inc. USA 100% 100% Logicalis, Inc.* USA 100% 100% Logicalis South America, Inc.* USA 70% 70% Network Infrastructure Corporation* USA 100% N/A PromonLogicalis Tecnologia e Participacoes Ltda* Brazil 70% 70% PTLS Comercio, Exportacao e Importacao de Equipamentos de Telecommunicacao Ltda* Brazil 70% 70% PLLAL International LLC* Brazil 70% 70% Logicalis Brasil Servicos de Assessoria Tecnica Ltda.* Brazil 70% 70% Logicalis Argentina S.A.* Argentina 70% 70% X-Net Cuyo S.A.* Argentina N/A 70% Logicalis Uruguay S.A.* Uruguay 70% 70% Logicalis Inc. S.A.* Uruguay 70% 70% Logicalis Paraguay S.A.* Paraguay 70% 70% Logicalis Chile S.A.* Chile 70% 70% Logicalis Andina S.A.C.* Peru 70% 70% Logicalis Andina Bolivia LAB. Ltda.* Bolivia 70% N/A Logicalis Colombia S.A.S.* Colombia 70% N/A Logicalis Ecuador S.A.* Ecuador 70% N/A NetStar Group Holding Limited British Virgin Islands 100% 100% NetStar Australia Holding (BVI) Limited (dormant)* British Virgin Islands 100% 100% NetStar Asia Holding (BVI) Limited (dormant)* British Virgin Islands 100% 100% Logicalis Australia Pty Limited* Australia 100% 100% Logicalis Asia Pacific MSC Sdh Bdn* Malaysia 100% 100% Logicalis Malaysia Sdn Bhd* Malaysia 100% 100% Logicalis Singapore Pte Limited* Singapore 100% 100% Logicalis Shanghai Limited* China 100% 100% Logicalis Xiamen Limited* China 100% 100% Logicalis Hong Kong Limited* Hong Kong 100% 100% Note: * indicates a subsidiary which is owned indirectly via an intermediate holding company.
  • 32. Address Logicalis Group 110 Buckingham Avenue Slough Berkshire SL1 4PF Visit Call +44 (0)1753 777200 This brochure has been printed in the UK, our printers are Environmental Management System ISO 14001 accredited and Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) chain of custody certified. All inks are vegetable based. Designed and produced by The College