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Accenture Technology Vision 2013
Every Business Is a Digital Business
Contents                           Accenture Technology Vision 2013


Foreword                      3

Introduction                  4

Relationships at Scale        6

Design for Analytics          18

Data Velocity                 32

Seamless Collaboration        42

Software-Defined Networking   52

Active Defense                63

Beyond the Cloud              77

Conclusion                    87

Research Methodology          90

End Notes                     91

Contacts                      97

Foreword                                                                                                                              Accenture Technology Vision 2013


Technology is intertwined in nearly       merely technology. We describe        consumers, to further differentiate
every aspect of business today,           the important technology trends       themselves in the marketplace, and to
with information technology fast          affecting organizations in both the   expand their global footprint.
becoming a primary driver of market       public and private sectors, and we
differentiation, business growth, and     suggest that these changes signal a   We hope that you find the Accenture
profitability. That is why we believe     broader transformation in the role    Technology Vision insightful as you
that understanding the technology         of technology and in the business     consider strategies for making your
trends that are changing the world        models that will be required          organizations even more relevant in a
as we know it extends well beyond         for success.                          digital world. We wish you all the best
the realm of IT executives—to COOs,                                             in your journey.
CMOs, and CEOs. As leaders, it is our     We further propose that the time
collective responsibility to grasp the    is now for leaders to act, in terms
importance of technology and to use       of understanding the power of
it to deliver tangible business results   new technologies and having the
for our stakeholders.                     foresight to adopt them. Around the
                                          world, we see organizations using
The theme of this year’s Accenture        the technologies described in the
                                                                                Pierre Nanterme                           Marty Cole
Technology Vision is Every Business       Accenture Technology Vision to adapt
                                                                                Chairman & CEO                            Group Chief Executive - Technology
Is a Digital Business, and we see         to a rapidly changing environment,
                                                                                Accenture                                 Accenture
it as a forecast for business, not        to transform their relationships with

Introduction                                                                                                                          Accenture Technology Vision 2013

Every Business Is a Digital Business
Technology is changing the game

Enterprises have spent the last        our enterprise, but it’s gone further   digital efforts will be the key to how    report on it, and, most importantly,
25 years working to peel away          than that. IT has become a driving      we innovate and expand                    act on it.
the nonessential pieces of their       force, in many situations the driving   our business.
businesses; focus on the core,         force, for how we effectively grow                                                We no longer have to look far for
outsource the rest. But in this        our companies. Every industry is        There is a higher order of thinking—a     examples. Here is Nike using wireless
push to simplify, many companies       now software driven; as such, every     digital mindset—that will, we believe,    sensors and Web technology to
have relegated IT to “keeping the      company must adopt IT as one of         separate tomorrow’s most able             create a performance-tracking
lights on.” Without information        its core competencies. By this we       organizations from their lesser rivals.   system that allows it to create new
and technology, a business is blind    mean that software is absolutely        Accenture observes that increasing        services to monitor, and to improve
in today’s digital world. You must     integral to how we currently run        numbers of farsighted organizations       and create new training routines for
change the way you think about IT to   our businesses as well as how we        are recognizing IT as a strategic         athletes. There is Ford, using sensor
map a clear path forward.              reimagine our businesses as the         asset with which they can renew           data to monitor both how a car
                                       world continues to change—how we        vital aspects of their operations—        operates and the driver’s behavior,
Every business is now a                redesign and produce things, how we     optimizing at least and innovating        and seeking to apply analytics to
digital business.                      create and manage new commercial        at best. As such, they are investing      improve the experience for the
                                       transactions, how we begin to           in the digital tools, the capabilities,   next generation. i
The world has already changed          collaborate at unprecedented levels     and the skills to more easily identify
around us, and IT is driving much of   internally and with customers and       useful data, evaluate it, excerpt it,     These companies, and many more
the transformation. IT is a minimum    suppliers. In the new world, our        analyze it, derive insights from it,      like them, clearly see digital as
standard for how we effectively run                                            share it, manage it, comment on it,       a strategic imperative—a tool of

Introduction                                                                                                                         Accenture Technology Vision 2013

competitive intent. They aren’t        of their toughest problems—and          has disrupted retail sectors far         of the products themselves and
waiting for new technologies to be     greatest opportunities.                 beyond books and changed the             creates new ones; it allows access
developed or to mature before they                                             whole discussion about who “owns”        to new consumers; it provides
act. Nor should you.                  As it has always done—as is its          IT. Similarly, Airbnb is sparking a      the frameworks to create net new
                                      charter—our Technology Vision looks      transformation in the traditional        services. An organization cannot be
The obligation for action is all      over the horizon at the emerging         hotel business. But ideally, a digital   the best in its sector unless it
the more pressing because the         developments in technology that          mindset will enable enterprises to       excels at understanding and
technologies to transform your        should be added to the list of           launch preemptive strikes of             using technology.
business are here and now. They are technologies the enterprise should         their own.
already good enough. Mobile, cloud, be prepared to take advantage of,                                                   Your stakeholders may not yet be
social, virtualization, big data—many from data visualization solutions        It is incumbent upon the executive       probing into how your top team
of the items continuously listed as   and software-defined networks to         leadership team to be stewards           views IT. But it won’t be long before
“hot trends”—are quickly becoming     moving-target-defense security           of this new mindset. They must           they do.
part of the current generation of     systems. Just as importantly, though,    recognize that it’s no longer possible
technology; they are well past the    this year’s report communicates why      to separate “the technology”
point where they should be areas      every organization has to adopt a        from “the business”; the two are
of exploration and experimentation    digital mindset. At the very least, it   too tightly intertwined. IT helps
and are quickly becoming the tools    is necessary in order to anticipate      redesign the company’s products
with which companies can craft fast, and respond to ongoing technology-        and supports its processes; it drives
cost-effective solutions to some      driven disruptions.           its supply chains; it becomes part

Accenture Technology Vision 2013

Relationships at Scale
Moving beyond transactions
to digital relationships
Trend 1. Relationships at Scale                                                                          Accenture Technology Vision 2013

Relationships at Scale

Businesses need to rethink their digital strategies to move beyond e-commerce and marketing. Although
mobile technology, social networks, and context-based services have increased the number of digital
connections with consumers, most companies are still just creating more detailed views of consumers,
consumer attributes, and transactions. Individually, these connections may represent new types of user
experiences, even new sets of sales channels—but that’s not the real opportunity. Taken in aggregate,
digital represents a key new approach to consumer engagement and loyalty: companies can manage
relationships with consumers at scale.
                                                    It is time for businesses to return      and with the introduction of IT.
                                                    their attention to their relationships   Handcraftsmanship was replaced by
                                                    with consumers. Business                 mass production. Advice delivered
                                                    success has always been built on         over the counter was replaced by
                                                    relationships and on the relevance       global call centers. A human face
                                                    of products and services to buyers’      making a sale was often replaced by
                                                    needs. Just a few generations ago,       a Web page.
                                                    consumers were often friends—and
                                                    certainly neighbors—of the local         That might imply that a growing
                                                    grocer, pharmacist, and everyone else    distance between companies and
                                                    who provided the things consumers        consumers is inevitable—and over the
                                                    needed. But that model changed           last few decades, many consumers
                                                    with large-scale industrialization       might agree that they have been

Trend 1. Relationships at Scale                                                                                                     Accenture Technology Vision 2013

treated with greater indifference and    Specifically, enterprises are

                                                                                   “ Consumers are more than cookie file or
far less personal attention.             customizing the experience for
                                         every interaction they have with                                      faceless digital
Yet now, the opposite is true:           consumers regardless of the channel.        transactions, more than a
technology is finally at a point         This mass personalization includes
where buyers can be treated like         not only the interactions that
                                                                                       a transaction history or a demographic
individuals again. Consumers             companies have with consumers but             profile; they’re real people with real

are more than faceless digital           the interactions that consumers have          differences.
transactions, more than a cookie         with each other. The potential payoff
file or a transaction history or         is two-pronged: a relationship with
a demographic profile; they’re           the consumer your competitors don’t
real people with real differences.       have and a differentiated brand.        from those insights; by maintaining   shoppers are in the store, offers
Companies now have rich channels                                                 integrated communications across      can be personalized in such a way
through which to communicate with                                                both physical and virtual channels,   to provide not just a digital offer
consumers in a much more personal                                                enterprises can use insight from      but an offer that is relevant to
way. Farsighted organizations are        Learning more than                      digital channels to improve service   what shoppers are looking at in the
seeing a golden opportunity to use       ever before                             in in-store situations as well.       physical store at that moment.
mobile communications channels,                                                  For instance, Catalina, a global
social media, and context-based          Businesses now have new ways to         marketing company, is using           These digital interactions allow
services to create truly personal        learn about consumers based on          consumers’ in-store location,         companies to capture, measure,
relationships with consumers—but         increasingly digital interactions,      determined by the product QR codes    analyze, and exploit social
digital relationships this time—and to   whether through e-mail, social          they scan, along with consumers’      interactions in new ways. By
leverage those relationships to drive    media, Web pages, online chat,          profiles to generate offers as        simply being digital in nature, the
revenue growth.                          mobile apps, or tweets. And it’s not    they shop for groceries.i With the    interactions allow enterprises to
                                         just online interactions that benefit   understanding of exactly where        actually measure the results of

Trend 1. Relationships at Scale                                                                                                 Accenture Technology Vision 2013

their sales and marketing efforts, past transactions to inform current    Consumers aren’t just                    they’re travel guides. And, thanks to
scaling them when they succeed and conversations, using context to move   buyers any longer                        mobility, they can do it where they
scotching them when they fail.     from transactions to interactions,                                              want, when they want.
                                   and ultimately using their consumer    Key to making this transition is
Using analytics can also establish insight to infuse the interactions     understanding that consumers aren’t      The Cleveland Indians, a Major
deeper consumer insights,          with greater engagement and            just buyers anymore—they’ve evolved      League baseball team, is actively
allowing companies to create more  intimacy.                              into connected consumers. They’re        working to use its relationships
compelling user experiences. This                                         connected to social networks. They’re    with its most avid fans to create a
concept of mass personalization                                           connected to like-minded consumers.      group of evangelists to promote the
enables businesses to customize                                           They’re connected to brands. That        team. The Indians’ Social Media Club
every interaction. Essentially,                                           means they also have the potential       incents fans to create a buzz about
they can begin to establish a                                             to be your advertisers. That’s a         the team through a myriad of social
relationship with consumers, using                                        powerful constituency to tap into.       channels, from Facebook to Tumblr.
                                                                                                                   More than just pointing fans to social
                                                                          Thanks to social media, consumers        forums, they are actively incenting
                                                                          have more opportunities than ever        them to participate, offering ticket

     “ Using analytics canallowing companies
                                                                          before to express likes, dislikes, and   discounts and, for active posters,
                           also establish deeper                          recommendations. They aren’t simply      chances to be invited to a special
                                                                          purchasing a product or service—         Social Suite in the ballpark and to
       consumer insights,                                                 they are doing a lot more. On Yelp,      share their comments about the
            to create more compelling user                                they’re detractors or cheerleaders.      game.

            experiences.                                                  On and Menuism,
                                                                          they’re reviewers and advertisers. On    This paradigm brings immediacy to
                                                                          Spotify, they’re DJs offering music      social conversation—consumers have
                                                                          recommendations. On TripAdvisor,         the ability to bring friends together

Trend 1. Relationships at Scale                                                                                                    Accenture Technology Vision 2013

to share experiences and to report on   experience to be highly personalized.   family, above all other forms          networks are public, companies have
those experiences. These technologies   They expect to be given the ability     of advertising.                        an unprecedented opportunity to
have permanently altered the ways in    to get pertinent, contextual                                                   track what people are saying about
which consumers share information,      information that relates to their       Even watching TV is changing.          them. More important, they have
collaborate, interact, entertain        lives, their friends, their needs,      Accenture research shows that          the opportunity to use these new
themselves, inform themselves, and      and their pursuits. And because         more than 40 percent of consumers      attitudes and technologies to create
maintain awareness of events around     the experience is personalized it’s     are showing increasing “second         relationships, which will result in
them. Enterprises need to recognize     also more powerful. Ninety-two          screen” habits, using a smartphone     customer acquisition and, for current
the change and begin to harness it.     percent of consumers globally say       or tablet while watching TV such       customers, repeat sales.
                                        they trust earned media, such as        that they are accessing multiple
All of this contributes to a new        word-of-mouth endorsements or           streams of information at the same
standard among consumers:               recommendations from friends and        time.iv This could mean tweeting on    Moving the mindset
they expect the mobile and social                                               a smartphone while watching a TV
                                                                                drama or viewing players’ statistics
                                                                                                                       from transactions to
                                                                                while watching sports. For the 2011–   relationships
                                                                                2012 season, the National Hockey     The goal is to use insight to
                                                                                League deployed an online game to    change communication with
                                                                                be played while watching the Stanley consumers from transactions to
                                                                                Cup finals; fans won points by       interactions to an unprecedented
                                                                                correctly predicting outcomes on the level of relationship and loyalty—
                                                                                ice, like the result of a face-off.  the equivalent of frequent-flier
                                                                                                                     programs on steroids. The problem
                                                                                Based on these new behaviors,        is that, until now, most enterprises
                                                                                businesses face several related      have viewed online channels
                                                                                opportunities: Because many of these primarily as a way to reduce costs,

Trend 1. Relationships at Scale                                                                                                   Accenture Technology Vision 2013

not improve relationships. It’s time   relevant offers, and respond
to shift that mindset.                 to concerns.

Consumers are already having           It’s time for enterprises to reimagine
                                                                                     “ It’s time for enterprises to reimagine
conversations about enterprises        their consumer engagement                       their consumer engagement strategy.
among themselves. Fueled by every      strategy. Too many are still stuck in
new consumer service and every         the days of ads and focus groups.
new user experience, consumer          When they want to communicate
behaviors have changed far faster      to consumers, they broadcast a
than businesses. Facebook, eBay,       message through their marketing
Yelp, Foursquare, and many other       channels, and when they need to          engagement strategy is not based      down the internal barriers that
companies in effect continue to        hear back, they bring together a         solely on technology.                 segment consumer interactions
train huge segments of consumers       representative group from which                                                by channel in order to create a
to communicate among themselves,       they can extrapolate insights. Today,    That new consumer-engagement          unified consumer strategy across
outside the purview of businesses,     the channels are increasing (think       strategy will require aggregated      all channels. Siloed approaches
coming back to a business site         YouTube, Twitter, customer service       insight across applications so that   erode the value of integrated
only to conduct final transactions.    chat) and consumer insight can           each channel feeds information        customer interactions. Burberry,
Companies may not be able to, and      come from a much wider sample of         into a holistic view of consumers.    for example, jointly developed an
frankly shouldn’t, take complete       consumer and information sources:        That means more collaboration         application with SAP that places
control of the conversations their     the Web, mobile technology, social-      across sales and marketing and        all the consumer information
consumers are having in these new      media sites, and others. But it’s        across digital and physical sales     Burberry has from its separate
electronic storefronts and plazas.     important to remember in this            channels, and even the ability to     customer channels in the hand of
But they do need to figure out how     scenario that technology is only a       track and acquire information         its sales associates. In the store,
to become participants, react with     tool. Reimagining a consumer             beyond the business’s own             they can use an iPad to access a
                                                                                channels. Businesses should break     shopper’s profile that pulls together

Trend 1. Relationships at Scale                                                                                                       Accenture Technology Vision 2013

                                                                                  “Savvy companies understand thatto create
 contact details, transactional           That may depend on circumstances
 history, lifetime spending statistics,   as varied as demographics or                                              different
 recommendations based on                 proximity to a buying decision;
 purchases, and social-media              one customer may prefer a digital
                                                                                   channels represent opportunities
 comments regarding the brand.            interaction whereas another may              different experiences that truly leverage each
                                          prefer to speak to a live customer-          channel. Having a portfolio of channels creates
An omnichannel                            service agent. Unfortunately,
                                                                                       the opportunity to give a consumer the right
relationship strategy                     businesses can’t automatically

                                          replace some channels in favor               interaction at the right time.
Jettison the idea of a single             of others; they must allow the
subgroup within the enterprise that       consumer to choose from among a
is responsible for the entire “digital”   portfolio of channels, depending on     That said, every challenge reveals an   represent opportunities to create
channel. Instead, the enterprise must     the consumer’s needs at any given       opportunity. These new channels—        different experiences that truly
figure out how all the groups will        time.                                   whether through mobile apps             leverage each channel. Having a
work in concert. Each group should                                                on smartphones, through social-         portfolio of channels creates the
work together toward an overarching,      For example, Virgin America is          networking capabilities such as         opportunity to give a consumer the
omnichannel relationship strategy,        offering customer service through       Pinterest, or through corporate         right interaction at the right time.
one that promotes collaboration and       Twitter and Facebook. Customer          websites—allow new ways of
sharing among channels to manage          support monitors tweets and             communicating with the consumer         Consider the way a retailer interacts
relationships with consumers in an        Facebook posts to the airline for       that help increase the quality and      with a customer: a discount delivered
ongoing fashion.                          indications that someone needs help,    utility of interactions. It’s not a     in an e-mail is often considered
                                          allowing consumers to make simple       question of replacing channels or       “spam,” while that same discount
Enterprises must find out how             requests, like reserving a wheelchair   even weaving them all together into     delivered as a consumer scans a
and where consumers are most              for a flight, without waiting on hold   a single interface. Savvy companies     product QR code is just good service.
comfortable interacting with them.        for a call center                understand that different channels      Understanding how, when, and

Trend 1. Relationships at Scale                                                                                                         Accenture Technology Vision 2013

                                                                                   was displayed, starting at 99 percent    don’t. Better insight into customer
                                                                                   and ticking down by 1 percent every      preferences allows businesses to
                                                                                   second until the consumer entered        iterate product development faster,
                                                                                   the Meat Pack store. When a discount     to scale up production or kill a
                                                                                   was redeemed, the person’s Facebook      feature or a service before too much
                                                                                   status automatically changed to          is invested. They can build future
                                                                                   inform the world.                        business cases on a more substantial
                                                                                                                            and substantiated information base.
                                                                                   Similarly, businesses will have
                                                                                   to disrupt the mindset that says         Higher customer satisfaction
                                                                                   “relationships” equate to “marketing.”   equates to repeat customers
where businesses should contact         a variety of new capabilities beyond       This means that IT must forge close      and higher revenue through
consumers can create a brand            social media (such as analytics            links with other groups that touch       increased volumes and lowered
connection that rivals the face-to-     and mobile technology) in order to         consumers and reach out to business      cost of customer acquisition. But
face relationship associated with the   reboot efforts to engage consumers         units, such as product development,      companies also gain from a better
small-town general store.               in ways perhaps imagined but               that manage interactions with other      understanding of consumers. The
                                        not implemented. For example,              communities.                             deeper the relationship with the
At the same time, businesses            Guatemalan shoe store Meat Pack                                                     customer, the more reliable the
should recognize that social and        looked to mobile interactions to           Insight leads to                         metrics the customer provides.
mobile are not just a set of new        pinch customers from competitors
                                                                                   increased consumer                       Again, it’s the difference between
channels for pushing information        through a mobile app called Hijack.                                                 the vagueness of a focus group and
to consumers. It’s about changing       When potential customers entered a         satisfaction                             the specificity of actual consumer
the channel’s function from push—       rival’s store, they were detected using    With deeper interaction, businesses      behavior—the importance of tracking
ads, for example—to services and        the app and offered a promotion at         can more quickly understand what         what consumers do, not what
value. Businesses must coalesce on      Meat Pack. A discount countdown            consumers like—and what they             they say.

Trend 1. Relationships at Scale                                                                                     Accenture Technology Vision 2013

Your 100-day plan                                               With consumers changing their           about the consumer from the
                                                                attitudes about sharing and             communications channels he uses to
In 100 days, refresh the mindset of your consumer               accessing information and becoming      better understand his behavior and
channels to move beyond transactions to, in addition,           willing to be more transparent,         needs. Consumers newly accustomed
drive consumer interactions and relationships.                  forward-thinking enterprises are        to accessing account information
                                                                realizing that they can benefit         in corporate databases to transact
•	 Catalog your consumer interactions, tools, and channels.     from an unprecedented granular          and interact have ratcheted up their
                                                                view of consumers—not just what         expectations about how businesses
•	 Educate your internal teams on the tools and channels 	      they bought, but when, and where,       will communicate and respond. But
	 currently available.                                          and what they were doing before         companies now have the ability to
                                                                and while they made the purchase        make the consumer feel special, to
•	 Determine the questions to be answered to create a 	         decision. Businesses can do this by     increase engagement, and to develop
	 holistic view of your customer.                               taking advantage of internal data       intimacy, as never before.
                                                                sources (that is, instrumentation and
•	 Identify metrics for tracking the success of your social 	   quantification of decision making
	 and communication channels in terms of a consumer 	           captured by their own software)
	relationship.                                                  and external data sources (such as
                                                                social-media sites and information
•	 Begin “social listening” to build momentum toward your 	     gathered by resellers and partners).
	 larger strategy.
                                                                The goal, to use a term that may
•	 Propagate current tools and channels across business 	       sound contradictory, is mass
	 units where applicable.                                       personalization—using technology
                                                                to provide resort service at a motel
                                                                cost. That is, using what you know

Trend 1. Relationships at Scale                                                                                      Accenture Technology Vision 2013

A new level of                           richer the data collected becomes.       This time next year
                                         Companies can boost the quality
customer intimacy                        of data in much the same way             In 365 days, reimagine your consumer strategy across
Companies that embark on this            that night-vision goggles amplify        the enterprise as a consumer-relationship strategy and
voyage of mass personalization can       available vision: to shine a light on    create the cross-organizational ties to drive it.
expect a variety of new benefits.        data and behaviors, already present,
                                                                                  •	 Create a cross-functional team responsible for reviewing, 	
Because shoppers can move—               but previously undetected.
                                                                                  	 updating, and improving your consumer-relationship 	
quickly and entirely digitally—from
awareness to recommendation              A new level of intimacy with
to purchase after interacting on         consumers is now possible. But           •	 Standardize your methodology around how consumer 	
blogs, Twitter, Yelp, and other social   effectively scaling meaningful           	 interactions are shared throughout the organization.
sources, it’s actually possible to       relationships represents a real
                                                                                  •	 Redesign your organization’s communication-channel 	
compress the sales cycle. Offering       change in the way companies
                                                                                  	 strategy in light of the holistic consumer-relationship 	
on-the-spot promotions through           need to approach their consumer
digital channels also potentially        strategies. This shift is being
increases impulse purchases.             enabled by technology; however,          •	 Establish an environment to test and then deploy 		
Providers that are better at             implementing it will require a new,      	 technologies that will support your consumer-		
controlling that experience will         unified approach across IT and the       	 relationship strategy.
benefit by lowering the costs of         business. Now is the time to take
                                                                                  •	 Review your metrics and data to improve your consumer 	
sales and marketing and generating       the next step. The customers are out
                                                                                  	 interactions and update your consumer-relationship 	
greater sales volumes.                   there; it’s time for the enterprise to   	strategy.
                                         get to know them.
Personalization also creates a
virtuous loop. The more you
personalize the experience, the

Trend 1. Relationships at Scale                                                                                                          Accenture Technology Vision 2013

Sidebar: Gauging the Value of Trust

During its bankruptcy proceedings        The bookseller’s readiness to tell        data, accountability, and the benefits   to extract insights from it. For
in 2011, Borders, the bookstore          customers how their data could            of letting corporations use one’s        their part, individuals are far more
chain, won judicial approval to sell     potentially be used and, crucially,       data—and we spelled out practical        sensitive about the use of their data,
its intellectual property, including     to give them a choice in the              steps that would help companies          even though more and more data is
a customer database, to Barnes &         matter shows how companies and            move toward operating models             sought from them and more is
Noble. The issue at stake: shoppers’     consumers may interact in the future      based on trust. Even before the          given by them, both willingly
data privacy.i                           on issues of privacy. It’s also a prime   age of social media and big data,        and unwittingly.
                                         example of the mobility of data           our recommendations were clear:
Anticipating privacy concerns,           these days—and a good indicator of        companies must seek ways to use       In general, individuals are more
Borders’ lawyers persuaded the court     the importance of establishing, let       knowledge about their customers       likely to think in terms of what’s in
to appoint an independent third          alone maintaining, accountability for     to provide better services to them,   it for them if they give out personal
party to consider the privacy impact     such data.                                doing so in ways that increase trust, data. “When you put information
on the 48 million Borders customers                                                not suspicion.                        about yourself out there, that’s a
whose personal information would         A decade ago, Accenture asked                                                   transaction,” Margaret Stewart,
be transferred with the sale of the      whether enterprises could                 Ten years on, plenty has changed:     Facebook’s director of product
intellectual property. In the end, the   differentiate themselves based on         the entities collecting information   design, told Fast Company recently.
customers were given the chance to       consumer trust.ii We flagged five         are savvier than ever about data, and “But you need to feel that you’re
opt out of the transfer.                 dimensions of trust—safekeeping of        they have more channels through       getting something back in return.
                                         personal information, control over        which to gather it (think “big data”) When we start to provide things
                                         the data, personal access to one’s        and more powerful tools with which

Trend 1. Relationships at Scale                                                                                         Accenture Technology Vision 2013

that feel valuable to people, it will     they grasp the notion that they       respect, thinking of trust as an
make that transaction make sense.” need to go beyond just collecting
                                                                                economic asset is not different from
                                          information about consumers.          how a bank views and manages its
Accenture’s recommendations for           The company that can build a          customers’ accounts.
businesses are even more relevant         reputation for providing valuable
today, and the stakes have gotten         services while using consumers’       Of course, a critical aspect of trust
higher—with consumers’ greater            personal data in trustworthy          building is the assurance that all
sensitivity being just one of the         ways will have a big advantage        of the business partners in an
factors in play. Accenture believes       over competitors. Its brand will be   organization’s value chain abide by
that a vital component is still           more valuable, it will have more      the same high principles. If a person
missing from the privacy debate:          opportunities to attract and retain   using a supposedly trust-based
a proactive business perspective          lifetime customers, and it can        solution is suddenly deluged with
focused not just on compliance            become a preferred partner in a       unwanted phone calls and e-mail
with laws that protect privacy but        larger value chain of goods           from related companies, you can
also on the notion that companies          and services.                        bet that’s a customer lost forever.
can generate business value by
earning consumer trust.                   Implicit in this idea is the belief
                                          that trust has an economic value
To date, few businesses                   and, as such, can be used to win
convincingly demonstrate that             competitive advantage. In that

Trend 1. Relationships at scale                                  Accenture Technology Vision 2013

                           Design for Analytics
                           Formulate the questions, and design
                           for the answers

Trend 2. Design for Analytics                                                                                 Accenture Technology Vision 2013

Design for Analytics

Business intelligence. Data analytics. Big data. Companies are no longer suffering from a lack of data;
they’re suffering from a lack of the right data. Business leaders need the right data in order to effectively
define the strategic direction of the enterprise. The current generation of software was designed for
functionality. The next generation must be designed for analytics as well.

                                                        Predicting the future isn’t difficult.   unstructured data from previously
                                                        Predicting the future with some          unplumbed sources (such as social
                                                        degree of accuracy is. Businesses are    media, call center transcripts, and
                                                        under the impression that the more       e-mail). They are working under
                                                        data they have, the easier it will be    the assumption that “more data” is
                                                        to predict the future and thus secure    equivalent to “better data.” They are
                                                        competitive advantage.                   only partially correct.

                                                        Collecting more data points makes        The problem is no longer the
                                                        it easier to discern trends, patterns,   absence of enough data. In fact,
                                                        opportunities, and competitive           enterprises are now being flooded
                                                        advantage. That’s one of the reasons     with new data, big-data tools
                                                        companies are focusing so heavily        mine countless new unstructured-
                                                        on big data and the ability to utilize   data sources, social media now

Trend 2. Design for Analytics                                                                                                      Accenture Technology Vision 2013

provide unprecedented information        for the application to do its job. If   capture more of it where they can.    help the company achieve its most
about consumers, and sensors and         an e-commerce application needs         But generally they have not done this basic goals. With every data gap,
embedded devices expand the ability      to know what device a consumer          with any specific question in mind.   enterprises miss an opportunity to
to gather data into areas where          is connecting from in order to                                                make better decisions or improve
computing power has never been           authenticate the consumer, it           So, when this data is repurposed      how they run their business. To move
before. The problem now becomes          captures that information; if the       as an input to make strategic         forward, to answer the question, you
the absence of the right data.           application doesn’t need to know,       decisions—such as entering a new      have to adopt a data-first strategy
                                         and knowing doesn’t support the         market or pricing a new service—      and plug the data gaps.
The IT world we live in today revolves   user experience, it doesn’t. Most       glaring information gaps often
around software applications.            companies have also taken the next      arise. The goal isn’t to amass data.  Plugging these data gaps—that is,
Businesses have developed data           step—for example, they recognize        It’s about enabling the business      getting the right data—requires
models to support application            that consumer information is            to answer a question, to create       a fundamental shift in design
functionality, which is necessary        valuable for future insight, so they    insight, and to use that insight to   philosophy for how new applications

                    “ The now being flooded with new data,of enoughtools mine countless new
                          problem is no longer the absence
                                                                    data. In fact, enterprises

                            unstructured-data sources, social media now provide unprecedented
                            information about consumers, and sensors and embedded devices expand
                            the ability to gather data into areas where computing power has never been

                            before. The problem now becomes the absence of the right data.

Trend 2. Design for Analytics                                                                                           Accenture Technology Vision 2013

are built and existing applications     To get the right data, you have to    The result is the first stage of a data
are configured, instrumented, and       design applications to explicitly     supply chain, where applications
updated. Applications still must        capture the specific data needed,     serve not only their users but
meet users’ functionality needs,        update user interfaces to get         also the business as it looks to
but applications now must also be       new pieces of data, and add           applications’ data for answers to the
designed to specifically produce data   data collection as a new set of       questions most important to
that answers more of an enterprise’s    requirements within the software      the business.
questions. Technology is no longer      procurement process. These
the barrier. The barrier is strategic   capabilities become a piece of the
business foresight to formulate         upfront processes for how you lay
 the questions.                         out road maps for your systems, not
                                        something that is added on after
                                        the fact.

Trend 2. Design for Analytics                                                                                                         Accenture Technology Vision 2013

The minimum                             What transpired before it happened?
mindset: data as a                      What transpired afterward? It could

strategic asset                         be a purchasing scenario that reveals
                                        the associated items that customers
Businesses have the right idea:         buy. But it could also be a failed
data is a strategic asset. Data (good   online purchase. Did someone get a
data) makes you smarter. A recent       coupon from Starbucks but go next
study of 179 companies, led by an       door to Dunkin Donuts anyway?
economist at the MIT Sloan School
of Management, suggests that            The desire to get these answers
companies that adopted “data-           is why companies are investing
driven decision-making” have            so heavily in big data, business         Quantifying the                         tick. They must step out of the box
productivity levels 5 to 6 percent      intelligence, and reporting tools.       world around us                         and formulate the right questions
higher than can be explained by         The fact that they are still investing                                           that will help the business make
other factors, including investment     means that they haven’t yet found        When enterprises don’t have access      strategic decisions. The data that’s
in technology.i                         the solution, even though so much        to the right data, they need to start   necessary will become evident. The
                                        technology is available.                 looking differently at how they         challenge, then, will be figuring out
Savvy companies are working to                                                   go about getting data. Companies        not only how to collect it, but, in
discern more about transactions          Companies need to start looking         can’t rely solely on the limited        many cases, how to create it.
and events than ever before.            for the solution to the problem a        universe of data that they already
They’re looking for context and         different way.                           have. The focus now needs to            Many software vendors are already
ways to make the insights they                                                   shift to quantifying the enterprise:    starting to make it easier for
gain actionable. They’re trying to                                               capturing the actions, interactions,    enterprises to tackle this challenge.
understand not only what happened                                                and attributes of the employees and     Third parties are increasingly
but why. And, when did it happen?                                                processes that make an enterprise       creating APIs to allow data to

Trend 2. Design for Analytics                                                                                                         Accenture Technology Vision 2013

                                                                                 and their ultimate score but also        The companies that have already

“ Whenthey need todon’t have access to the right
                                                                                 their keystrokes, how long it took       defined their top-level strategic
        enterprises                                                              them to answer individual questions,     questions are striking first.
                                                                                 and if they stopped in the middle of     Many companies in logistics,
  data,             start looking differently at
                                                                                 an assignment or question. “We're        transportation, and energy, for
    how they go about getting data. Companies                                    physically collecting thousands of       instance, have already clearly defined
    can’t rely solely on the limited universe of data                            data points per student per day,” said   their need to track the movement of

    that they already have.                                                      founder and CEO Jose Ferreira. iii       goods and the usage of power.

                                                                                 Companies are also looking to the        UPS has developed a system of
                                                                                 blossoming of sensor technology          in-vehicle sensors and handheld
 be more easily extracted from           help improve its recommendations        to fill data gaps as they arise. This    computers to track information not
 software products, including            engine, Netflix tracks how customers    technology represents a way to           only about its shipments but also
 packaged software applications.         interact with on-demand film            create and collect information from      about its trucks’ movements. This
 This further puts the onus on           downloads. It looks at metrics          physical environments and devices        is what helped it determine that
 companies to figure out what            such as when customers pause the        that today represent blind spots in a    making left turns slowed deliveries
 data they should be gathering           movie and what scenes they watch        company’s data portfolio. Research       and increased fuel costs as a result
 from their systems to answer the        over again.ii In another example, to    company Strategy Analytics predicts      of idling; it used the information
 company’s broader questions.            continuously improve the quality        that cellular machine-to-machine         to create routes that minimized
                                         and effectiveness of its online class   (M2M) connections necessary to           left turns, saving the company 9
 Companies are also increasingly         materials, Knewton incorporates the     transport the data from distributed      million gallons of gas annually. In
 adding instrumentation to their         ability to track specific data about    sensors to the data center will grow     addition, knowing when trucks are
 custom applications, designing them     how students use its software. It       from 277 million in 2012 to 2.5          going to reach their destinations
 to collect and report transactions,     tracks not only how long it takes       billion by 2020.iv                       helps UPS’s employees ensure that
 activities, or logs. For instance, to   students to complete an assignment                                               there are sufficient resources to load

Trend 2. Design for Analytics                                                                                                       Accenture Technology Vision 2013

 and unload them. Knowing where          the wireless information network       the quantification of the consumer.     and transmit information, primarily
 shipments are in transit (and sharing   enhances well efficiency and reduces   Facebook has ingrained a propensity     in the personal-fitness space. The
 that information on a website) aids     operating costs because workers no     for people to share their likes and     Nike+ FuelBand collects data about
 customer service.                       longer have to physically visit each   dislikes. Businesses have known         calories burned, for example, and
                                         well to collect operating data and     for years that customers prefer         FitBit collects data regarding users’
 In the energy industry, Shell joint     reconfigure the system. This also      recommendations from known              sleep patterns. Personal fitness
 venture Petroleum Development           contributes to personnel safety.       sources. The ability to cultivate and   and social media also overlap on
 Oman (PDO) has deployed a wireless                                             harvest customer information for        websites where people track their
 system in its oil field. It is currentlyQuantifying the                        sales, marketing, and advertising       diets. A lot of consumer data exists
 wiring 5,000 wells, which technicians   consumer                               represents a rich opportunity to grab   today, but companies need to
 remotely monitor and manage, to                                                some of the data that they need in      determine the right data for them
 provide real-time communication          To date, of course, the ripest area   order to resolve questions about        and then start processes to acquire
 and control. According to PDO,           for the collection of data has been   their consumers that have long been     that data.
                                                                                left unanswered.

“ The ability tofor sales, marketing, and
                                                                                                                        Websites already have multiple
                 cultivate and harvest customer                                 The aggregation of social and mobile    capabilities for tracking activity, but
                                                                                capabilities through applications       sometimes what is needed can be
  information                                                                   such as Waze (a crowd-sourced           gleaned by simply asking customers
      advertising represents a rich opportunity to                              navigation app) and Yelp (online        and prospects for input. However,
      grab some of the data that they [businesses]                              consumer reviews) has heightened        it’s important to note that often it’s
                                                                                the ability for consumers to quantify   better to track actual activity than
      need in order to resolve questions about
                                                                                themselves. But there’s also been       to poll—there’s typically a delta
      their consumers that have long been left                                  an associated increase in personal      between what people say they want

      unanswered.                                                               electronic and medical devices,         and what people actually want.
                                                                                beyond smartphones, that collect

Trend 2. Design for Analytics                                                                                                         Accenture Technology Vision 2013

Businesses also have a newfound          What do these examples portend?         into new products (think insights)       Once you’ve designed for analytics,
ability to utilize pieces of data that   Opportunities for consumer data         as you look at different pieces of       how do you actually conduct
they may already possess but that        feeds are everywhere. You just need     data in aggregate. Just as important,    the analytics? Analytics have
previously hasn’t been easily usable:    to form the right questions for your    companies should be able to feed         always been a challenge, but
unstructured data represented by         business and start strategically        information back to their suppliers      partially because businesses have
free text in e-mail, tweets, and other   quantifying the world around you.       in order to help them incrementally      often conducted the process in
media; audio files from call center                                              improve the latter’s data collection—    an exploratory fashion—they’ve
conversations; and video from sites                                              just as an auto manufacturer must        collected available data and then
where customers interact                 Creating a data                         report component failures back to        analyzed it, rather than assiduously
with products.                           supply chain                            suppliers in order to improve quality.   determining what data will aid their
                                                                                                                          business strategy and then ensuring
Finally, consider the availability of    It’s time to start treating your data   Once you identify the data supply        that the right data is collected to
information that’s been collected        less as a warehouse and more as a       chain, how do you harness it?            analyze. They can derive increased
by others for integration into your      supply chain. Having identified your
analysis. This could come from a         sources of data, you must corral
variety of sources—service providers,    it for analysis, in the same way
social networks, search engines, even    that the various components of an
vendor software already running          automobile from multiple suppliers
in your data centers. For instance,      come together on an assembly line.
Intellicorp has developed a software     Recognize that the data won’t be
product that can analyze changes         static; it will be manipulated as
within SAP ERP applications; it sells    it goes through the supply chain,
the product to SAP customers for         added to other pieces of data,
data-management and data-life-           updated as more recent data comes
cycle uses.                              along, and sometimes transformed

Trend 2. Design for Analytics                                                                                                          Accenture Technology Vision 2013

value by collecting data with the        working, but they do see that they’re   Foresight:                                specific questions they are trying
real end purpose in mind. The result:    relying more on electric power,         establishing a                            to answer; many will not be able
better data, which equals                which delivers higher levels of                                                   to, and fewer still will have those
better insight.                          customer satisfaction.
                                                                                 feedback loop                             questions documented and feeding
                                                                                 for insight                               into teams to answer them. Though
Ford Motor Company research              In a short time, savvy businesses                                                 obvious on the surface, this task
logically deduced that the customers     can create a virtuous feedback loop     What will the feedback loop look          should not be underestimated. It is
of its hybrid vehicles preferred using   that allows them to collect, analyze,   like when software is designed for        not trivial. And it is not something
electric power as much as possible.      and respond in an increasingly          analytics? It starts with setting goals   for which most companies have a
However, the system was originally       agile manner, and then revisit their    and creating questions that need          formal process. They need to
designed to deploy electric power        questions on a periodic basis in        to be answered. Ask the leaders of        create one.
based on other parameters, such as       order to continuously assess new        organizations within your enterprise
amount of battery power remaining.       data in the context of changing         if they can clearly articulate the key
But Ford developed an algorithm          business conditions and strategies.
using data from the cars’ built-in       This will require the integrated
GPS systems to track when drivers        involvement of IT with the business,

                                                                                      “ What softwarefeedback loopfor analytics?
were close to home or frequently         because IT may need to tweak data
                                                                                             will the               look like
visited locations close to home.         collection mechanisms, including
Knowing that the vehicles were           user interfaces, on mobile apps and
more likely to be within the range       enterprise applications in order to
                                                                                        when          is designed
of a battery charge, the engineers       acquire additional data points.                   It starts with setting goals and creating

were able to adjust the powertrain                                                         questions that need to be answered.
controls to rely more on electricity
than on gasoline in those scenarios.
Customers don’t see the algorithm

Trend 2. Design for Analytics                                                                                                         Accenture Technology Vision 2013

                                                                                harvesting obvious to the user yet       driven or at least to work with them

 “ You will need to your software data
                                                                                unobtrusive. As part of an update to     to provide the required data. Procter
                 to distribute the                                              its online marketplace, eBay posts       & Gamble and Walmart actively
   requirements                    development                                  photographs of merchandise to            share supply chain information with
                                                                                users, Pinterest style, based on data    each other to help reduce inventories
        team, of course, but also begin working with                            derived from previous purchases,         while increasing sales by focusing on
        your partners and software vendors so that                              previous searches, and stated            rapidly changing customer demands.

        they can begin to collect data as well.                                 interests. A better user interface,
                                                                                yes, but this design also gives eBay     Businesses must also think about
                                                                                the ability to get deeper insight into   how they can maximize the
                                                                                its users not only by simply asking      availability of data sources. Look
With a process in place, you then         Then you are ready to close the       them for their preferences but also      at currently packaged software
need to align the questions with          loop. To whom will the information    by looking at how they interact with     applications or SaaS applications
data requirements and disseminate         be distributed so that it can be      the pictures shown to them.              for how they can be reconfigured or
those requirements accordingly.           acted upon? Designing the process                                              how APIs can be utilized to supply
You will need to distribute the data      so that information flows into the   Developers must use design                data. In existing applications, think
requirements to your software             organization is equally important.   methodologies that allow rapid            about how the interface can be
development team, of course, but                                               testing, updating, and reconfiguring.     updated for better data gathering—
also work with your partners and          The cultural shift to an insight-    In that way, businesses can               for instance, adding new entry
software vendors so that they can         driven business will also require    determine which methods work              points to accommodate inputs
begin to collect data as well. Finally,   different thinking about personnel   best in acquiring the strongest data.     about seasonal needs or short-term
think about other sources of data         and partners. Corporate developers   Businesses will also have to rethink      promotions. In new applications,
you want to incorporate for analysis.     will need to focus on incorporating  their relationships with partner          designing for data capture should
                                          methods of data harvesting into user organizations in order to persuade        carry as much weight as the initial
                                          interface designs, making the data   them to become equally insight-           application requirements.

Trend 2. Design for Analytics                                                                                           Accenture Technology Vision 2013

Changing a                                  looking for ways to collect better       Your 100-day plan
corporate culture                           data, more data, fresher data.
                                            It’s not just the software that          In 100 days, define the key strategic questions for the
Designing for analytics is about            should be refreshed to collect data      business and the data needed to answer them.
more than simply adding a few               and conduct analytics—it’s the
data requirements to a software             employees, too.
development cycle or an RFP; it is                                                   •	 Update or build your data catalog, identifying what data 	
the next step in transforming the           By deploying these capabilities,         	 you have.
enterprise culture to become insight-       businesses will move themselves
driven. It’s about blurring the lines       closer to the goal of being              •	 Determine your in-flight analytics projects and what 	
between business functions (as the          completely insight-driven, of            	 questions these projects are trying to answer.
consumers of business data) and IT          being the kind of company that
(as the purveyors of data) to make          systematically uses data at all levels   •	 Prioritize the existing strategic questions your 		
both more effective.                        of the organization to become            	 organization is working on.
                                            smarter and more successful. It’s
Pushing these ideas, many                   time to take the next step. It’s time    •	 Begin to catalog new data sources (internal and external) 	
enterprises will go so far as to            to evolve applications and products      	 needed to fill in critical missing data elements.
create a prominent new role in              beyond just user functionality
the organization, a chief data              and make them actively feed your         •	 Tap the new data sources where they fill identified data 	
officer, a data champion whose              analytics. Give the business not just    	gaps.
responsibilities encompass the              data, but the right data.
collection, prioritization, distribution,                                            •	 Define the required skills and experience needed to create 	
and analysis of data. But, with or                                                   	 data champions across the organization.
without a data champion, each
employee must be tasked with

Trend 2. Design for Analytics                                     Accenture Technology Vision 2013

This time next year
In 365 days, establish your data supply chain across the
enterprise, quantifying the world around you to address
strategic gaps.

•	 Create data champions across the organization, for 	
	 example, a chief data officer.

•	 Work across the organization to determine and prioritize 	
	 your future strategic questions.

•	 Look at your data catalog and determine the long-term 	

•	 Fill these gaps in the data catalog—purchase data, 		
	 develop new APIs, and ask your partners.

•	 Embed new data requirements into software road maps 	
	 and procurement plans.

•	 Begin designing software to capture new data within 	
	 custom development and software update cycles.

•	 Develop a data creation strategy to attain data through 	
	 the setup of new data sources: M2M, new software, and 	
	 data creation from partners.

•	 Put the data cycle in motion, revisiting data needs as new 	
	 strategic questions arise.

Trend 2. Design for Analytics                                                                                                             Accenture Technology Vision 2013

Sidebar: Why the Business Now Needs to Care
About APIs

In earlier times, applications (and        APIs—the “glue” that connects             The beauty of APIs is that they         data and services to meet
their data) didn’t really travel far in    apps with business processes and          uncouple the “front end” service—       business goals.
the enterprise. Applications were          with each other—have typically            the business access—from the IT
specific to jobs, and the data they        been a fairly low-level concern for       mechanisms that support it. As user     The benefit of discrete API
produced remained locked inside,           programmers and architects. But with      groups and use cases change, access     management is that it keeps
rarely fulfilling its true potential for   the business’s increasing reliance on     and management-policy updates           complexity under control. Specifically,
the enterprise. Data on consumer           data and services—both public and         don’t affect IT implementation, and     the API management solutions
segments used by the marketing             private—and the growing reuse of          vice versa: APIs can provide self-      now offered by providers such as
group would rarely have been sought        those building blocks, APIs are rapidly   serve access for developers—internal,   Apigee, Layer 7 Technologies, and
by engineering or manufacturing, say,      becoming a strategic concern. For         partner, and independent third party—   Mashery make it possible to organize,
or even offered to external parties.       example, the car-sharing service          giving others the power to create       expose, and monetize APIs. The
                                           RelayRides relies on an API created       new and innovative use cases. And       organization benefit is very real:
Things are different today. It’s           by General Motors and OnStar to           IT updates can happen at any time       formal management of APIs deals
becoming increasingly important for        access some of the remote control         without users knowing it, or needing    with the sprawl, redundancies, and
the underlying data and business           and telematics elements of the            to know. Managed well, APIs can         inefficiencies that will proliferate as
functions to be made available             service.i Organizations must now          help enterprises handle complexity as   increasingly quantified enterprises
for general use—able to be quickly         consciously manage the proliferation      the need to access data and services    begin to share many more data
reworked in ways that help shorten         of increasingly important APIs.           grows. In an increasingly quantified    sources and services, both internally
cycle times, cut costs, or accelerate                                                digital world, API management           and externally.
revenue elsewhere in the business.                                                   provides a mechanism to leverage

Trend 2. Design for Analytics                                                                                                            Accenture Technology Vision 2013

API management tools help expose          using your APIs and which APIs are       growing global workforce, it would       is based on the same core “building
a common platform of functionality.       most valuable, as well as traceability   be increasingly critical for business    block” concepts as SOA, but it has
They minimize rework. And they            of IT capability against business use,   users to have access to enterprise and   evolved to take advantage of the
accelerate development, which is a        ensuring business process alignment      application data in real time in order   agility and simplicity of cloud and
key first step when embarking on          and verification against                 to scale up those applications.          Web-based approaches.
cloud, mobile, or social roadmaps.        business cases.
Just one snapshot: construction and                                               The IT team opted to build an API         So the next question is, Who needs to
engineering company Bechtel has an        A case in point: Accenture is carefully layer that would make available the       be responsible for API management?
API strategy that provides relevant       managing APIs as a key step to enable various data and business functions         Currently, the only people who know
information to its global teams from      cloud and mobile strategies across      for general use and standardize           or care about APIs are found on the
the data generated and stored as it       our global workforce of more than       access across users. The APIs could       development teams. But there’s a
executes its projects, thereby enabling   250,000 people. With as-a-service       then be used to help implement new        need for a centralized function that
the teams to be more agile and better     and mobile-device models playing        services and to provide new user          brings some order and discipline
equipped to make informed decisions.ii    larger roles in Accenture’s delivery    experiences on mobile devices such as     to today’s random and informal
                                          of functionality for activities such as tablets and smartphones.                  interactions between business users
Finally, API management makes it          time entry, hotel reservations, and                                               and IT staff. Does the buck stop on
possible to measure the value of          business travel, Accenture’s internal   If API management sounds a lot like       the CIO’s desk? Or is this part of the
APIs. Imagine a scenario that involves    IT team realized that integration       service-oriented architecture (SOA)—      purview of a newly minted chief
explicit governance of APIs; you have     with disparate systems was going        an influential technology concept a       data officer? In either case, the API
visibility and control into who is        to become challenging. And with a       decade ago—that’s because it is. It       management role must be defined.

Trend 1. Relationships at scale                                    Accenture Technology Vision 2013

                           Data Velocity
                           Matching the speed of decision to the
                           speed of action

Trend 3. Data Velocity                                                                                     Accenture Technology Vision 2013

Data Velocity

Business leaders have been bombarded with statistics about the soaring volumes of data that they can
mine for precious insights. They have been deluged with articles describing the incredible variety of
“external” data hidden in everything from tweets and blogs to sensor outputs and GPS data from mobile
phones. But the next perspective on data that deserves attention is data velocity—the pace at which data
can be gathered, sorted, and analyzed in order to produce insights that managers can act on quickly. As
expectations of near-instant responses become the norm, business leaders will rely heavily on higher data
velocities to gain a competitive edge.
                                                     It’s become an article of faith          data from platforms like Twitter,
                                                     among business leaders that              Facebook, and Pinterest to second-
                                                     their data contains a treasury of        guess consumer behavior, increasing
                                                     powerful insights that can help their    sales conversion rates by 10 to 15
                                                     organizations make money. They’re        percent in the process.i
                                                     also getting used to the idea that
                                                     “data” can mean what’s gleaned           But there’s another aspect that
                                                     from Facebook postings or remotely       business leaders have yet to fully
                                                     located machines just as much as         grasp: data velocity. That concept
                                                     what’s in corporate data centers. Just   by itself is not new; together with
                                                     ask Walmart, which deployed a            “variety” and “volume,” it has been
                                                     new search engine last fall on           part of the “three Vs” construct for
                                            that relies on               talking about data—a construct

Trend 3. Data Velocity                                                                                                               Accenture Technology Vision 2013

developed in 2001, long before “big                                                                                     after it has been collected. Passerini
data” became such an overused term.ii
And at the most fundamental level,
there is nothing novel about the
                                          “ Today, it’s of the organization’s actions to
                                            the speed
                                                        increasingly important to match                                 explained that he’s not seeking new
                                                                                                                        types of data; what he wants is to
                                                                                                                        get everything from point-of-sale

idea of faster flows of data helping        the speed of its opportunities.                                             data to statistics on inventories and
organizations get more done in                                                                                          shipments more frequently and far
less time.                                                                                                              faster, in more granular form
                                                                                                                        than ever.iv
But the notion of velocity has been     to generate actionable insights, the
largely eclipsed by the many recent     organization will start losing out to   decision makers do business.iii The     In all of these discussions about
advances in technologies that have      more responsive competitors. More       old model, he said, would mean          data velocity, note that we’re not
unlocked significant increases both     worrisome, if the business hasn’t       that analysts would get back with       talking about striving for some
in available volume (zettabyte upon     begun using data-driven insight to      answers in two weeks. “You need         real-time nirvana. What’s crucial
petabyte) and in variety (spanning      detect and evaluate opportunities       to be able to answer that question      is an improving rate of response,
unstructured data such as pins          in the first place, it runs even        immediately,” he told the magazine.     regardless of the rising volumes of
on Pinterest as well as structured      greater risks of falling behind.                                                data to be accessed and analyzed
records of supply logistics and         Consumer-goods giant Procter &          P&G is investing in virtual, “instant   and irrespective of their proliferating
customers’ purchase histories).         Gamble is acutely aware of what’s       on” war rooms where professionals       sources. Going forward, it will no
                                        at stake: CIO Filippo Passerini told    meet in person or over video around     longer be about the size of your
Today, it’s increasingly important      InformationWeek that if P&G can         continuous streams of fresh and         data—it will be about matching the
to match the speed of the               eliminate the “what” discussions and    relevant data, inviting the right       velocity of your data to how fast
organization’s actions to the speed     some of the “why”, and decision-        experts as soon as a problem            your business processes need to
of its opportunities. If too much       makers can jump right to how            surfaces. P&G’s objective is to give    act on it.
time elapses between acquisition of     to solve a problem, that radically      these decision-making forums
data and the ability to use the data    increases the pace at which the         access to data as soon as possible

Trend 3. Data Velocity                                                                                                               Accenture Technology Vision 2013

When fast still isn’t                    and openness on our desktops, TVs,     insights about customers, products,    Concurrently, the user base for
fast enough                              and even our car dashboards. Not       work orders, and more.                 data is exploding. Business users
                                         to mention that the next generation                                           are becoming more technical at
Irritated that the Web page on           of consumers is growing up with        Instant, mobile access to data is only the same time that analytics skills
your smartphone is downloading           expectations of instant responses as   one way that expectations about        and techniques are becoming more
so slowly? Remember a time before        a way of life.                         data velocity are changing. We’re      accessible to technical users, further
smartphones? That’s just one tiny                                               starting to ask new things of our      increasing the demands on available
reflection of the time-starved age       Enterprises have realized that         enterprise systems, too, thanks to     data. Within living memory, data
we live in, and a clear indication of    smartphones and tablets are perfect    the continuing consumerization of      was the province of the guys in
how much expectations have risen.        vehicles for making informed           IT. Long accustomed to being able to white coats in the air-conditioned
                                         decisions anywhere and anytime,        track our orders via the mainframe room. Today, everybody
Increasing expectations are a            based on targeted, personalized        online services of FedEx or the U.S.   who wants to be a data pro can be a
primary factor pushing businesses—       information. Hence the fact that       Postal Service, we now wonder why data pro.
all of us, actually—to ask for and act   SAP and others offer business          we can’t as easily do the same with
on data more quickly. Mobility as        intelligence software that provides    our company’s inbound                  Yes, for years now almost every
a new channel for information has        the mobile workforce with the          supply chain.                          business function has had its “power
catapulted those expectations far        capability to stay up to date with                                            users” of technology, but today,
forward; it’s addictive to have easy                                                                                   leading companies expect their
fingertip access to large amounts                                                                                      “regular” business users not only
of data. The more data we have, the                                                                                    to consume data but also to seek,
more we want—and app developers                                                                                        acquire, evaluate, analyze, and share
are happy to oblige us. The Web is                                                                                     it. Those organizations consider
literally in hand, wherever we go and                                                                                  serious data savvy and analytical skills
whenever we want it, goading us                                                                                        to be requirements for many more of
to expect the same responsiveness                                                                                      their employees than ever before.

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Accenture technology-vision-2013

  • 1. Accenture Technology Vision 2013 Every Business Is a Digital Business
  • 2. Contents Accenture Technology Vision 2013 Contents Foreword 3 Introduction 4 Relationships at Scale 6 Design for Analytics 18 Data Velocity 32 Seamless Collaboration 42 Software-Defined Networking 52 Active Defense 63 Beyond the Cloud 77 Conclusion 87 Research Methodology 90 End Notes 91 Contacts 97 2
  • 3. Foreword Accenture Technology Vision 2013 Foreword Technology is intertwined in nearly merely technology. We describe consumers, to further differentiate every aspect of business today, the important technology trends themselves in the marketplace, and to with information technology fast affecting organizations in both the expand their global footprint. becoming a primary driver of market public and private sectors, and we differentiation, business growth, and suggest that these changes signal a We hope that you find the Accenture profitability. That is why we believe broader transformation in the role Technology Vision insightful as you that understanding the technology of technology and in the business consider strategies for making your trends that are changing the world models that will be required organizations even more relevant in a as we know it extends well beyond for success. digital world. We wish you all the best the realm of IT executives—to COOs, in your journey. CMOs, and CEOs. As leaders, it is our We further propose that the time collective responsibility to grasp the is now for leaders to act, in terms importance of technology and to use of understanding the power of it to deliver tangible business results new technologies and having the for our stakeholders. foresight to adopt them. Around the world, we see organizations using The theme of this year’s Accenture the technologies described in the Pierre Nanterme Marty Cole Technology Vision is Every Business Accenture Technology Vision to adapt Chairman & CEO Group Chief Executive - Technology Is a Digital Business, and we see to a rapidly changing environment, Accenture Accenture it as a forecast for business, not to transform their relationships with 3
  • 4. Introduction Accenture Technology Vision 2013 Every Business Is a Digital Business Technology is changing the game Enterprises have spent the last our enterprise, but it’s gone further digital efforts will be the key to how report on it, and, most importantly, 25 years working to peel away than that. IT has become a driving we innovate and expand act on it. the nonessential pieces of their force, in many situations the driving our business. businesses; focus on the core, force, for how we effectively grow We no longer have to look far for outsource the rest. But in this our companies. Every industry is There is a higher order of thinking—a examples. Here is Nike using wireless push to simplify, many companies now software driven; as such, every digital mindset—that will, we believe, sensors and Web technology to have relegated IT to “keeping the company must adopt IT as one of separate tomorrow’s most able create a performance-tracking lights on.” Without information its core competencies. By this we organizations from their lesser rivals. system that allows it to create new and technology, a business is blind mean that software is absolutely Accenture observes that increasing services to monitor, and to improve in today’s digital world. You must integral to how we currently run numbers of farsighted organizations and create new training routines for change the way you think about IT to our businesses as well as how we are recognizing IT as a strategic athletes. There is Ford, using sensor map a clear path forward. reimagine our businesses as the asset with which they can renew data to monitor both how a car world continues to change—how we vital aspects of their operations— operates and the driver’s behavior, Every business is now a redesign and produce things, how we optimizing at least and innovating and seeking to apply analytics to digital business. create and manage new commercial at best. As such, they are investing improve the experience for the transactions, how we begin to in the digital tools, the capabilities, next generation. i The world has already changed collaborate at unprecedented levels and the skills to more easily identify around us, and IT is driving much of internally and with customers and useful data, evaluate it, excerpt it, These companies, and many more the transformation. IT is a minimum suppliers. In the new world, our analyze it, derive insights from it, like them, clearly see digital as standard for how we effectively run share it, manage it, comment on it, a strategic imperative—a tool of 4
  • 5. Introduction Accenture Technology Vision 2013 competitive intent. They aren’t of their toughest problems—and has disrupted retail sectors far of the products themselves and waiting for new technologies to be greatest opportunities. beyond books and changed the creates new ones; it allows access developed or to mature before they whole discussion about who “owns” to new consumers; it provides act. Nor should you. As it has always done—as is its IT. Similarly, Airbnb is sparking a the frameworks to create net new charter—our Technology Vision looks transformation in the traditional services. An organization cannot be The obligation for action is all over the horizon at the emerging hotel business. But ideally, a digital the best in its sector unless it the more pressing because the developments in technology that mindset will enable enterprises to excels at understanding and technologies to transform your should be added to the list of launch preemptive strikes of using technology. business are here and now. They are technologies the enterprise should their own. already good enough. Mobile, cloud, be prepared to take advantage of, Your stakeholders may not yet be social, virtualization, big data—many from data visualization solutions It is incumbent upon the executive probing into how your top team of the items continuously listed as and software-defined networks to leadership team to be stewards views IT. But it won’t be long before “hot trends”—are quickly becoming moving-target-defense security of this new mindset. They must they do. part of the current generation of systems. Just as importantly, though, recognize that it’s no longer possible technology; they are well past the this year’s report communicates why to separate “the technology” point where they should be areas every organization has to adopt a from “the business”; the two are of exploration and experimentation digital mindset. At the very least, it too tightly intertwined. IT helps and are quickly becoming the tools is necessary in order to anticipate redesign the company’s products with which companies can craft fast, and respond to ongoing technology- and supports its processes; it drives cost-effective solutions to some driven disruptions. its supply chains; it becomes part 5
  • 6. Accenture Technology Vision 2013 Relationships at Scale Moving beyond transactions to digital relationships
  • 7. Trend 1. Relationships at Scale Accenture Technology Vision 2013 Relationships at Scale Businesses need to rethink their digital strategies to move beyond e-commerce and marketing. Although mobile technology, social networks, and context-based services have increased the number of digital connections with consumers, most companies are still just creating more detailed views of consumers, consumer attributes, and transactions. Individually, these connections may represent new types of user experiences, even new sets of sales channels—but that’s not the real opportunity. Taken in aggregate, digital represents a key new approach to consumer engagement and loyalty: companies can manage relationships with consumers at scale. It is time for businesses to return and with the introduction of IT. their attention to their relationships Handcraftsmanship was replaced by with consumers. Business mass production. Advice delivered success has always been built on over the counter was replaced by relationships and on the relevance global call centers. A human face of products and services to buyers’ making a sale was often replaced by needs. Just a few generations ago, a Web page. consumers were often friends—and certainly neighbors—of the local That might imply that a growing grocer, pharmacist, and everyone else distance between companies and who provided the things consumers consumers is inevitable—and over the needed. But that model changed last few decades, many consumers with large-scale industrialization might agree that they have been 7
  • 8. Trend 1. Relationships at Scale Accenture Technology Vision 2013 treated with greater indifference and Specifically, enterprises are “ Consumers are more than cookie file or far less personal attention. customizing the experience for every interaction they have with faceless digital Yet now, the opposite is true: consumers regardless of the channel. transactions, more than a technology is finally at a point This mass personalization includes where buyers can be treated like not only the interactions that a transaction history or a demographic individuals again. Consumers companies have with consumers but profile; they’re real people with real ” are more than faceless digital the interactions that consumers have differences. transactions, more than a cookie with each other. The potential payoff file or a transaction history or is two-pronged: a relationship with a demographic profile; they’re the consumer your competitors don’t real people with real differences. have and a differentiated brand. from those insights; by maintaining shoppers are in the store, offers Companies now have rich channels integrated communications across can be personalized in such a way through which to communicate with both physical and virtual channels, to provide not just a digital offer consumers in a much more personal enterprises can use insight from but an offer that is relevant to way. Farsighted organizations are Learning more than digital channels to improve service what shoppers are looking at in the seeing a golden opportunity to use ever before in in-store situations as well. physical store at that moment. mobile communications channels, For instance, Catalina, a global social media, and context-based Businesses now have new ways to marketing company, is using These digital interactions allow services to create truly personal learn about consumers based on consumers’ in-store location, companies to capture, measure, relationships with consumers—but increasingly digital interactions, determined by the product QR codes analyze, and exploit social digital relationships this time—and to whether through e-mail, social they scan, along with consumers’ interactions in new ways. By leverage those relationships to drive media, Web pages, online chat, profiles to generate offers as simply being digital in nature, the revenue growth. mobile apps, or tweets. And it’s not they shop for groceries.i With the interactions allow enterprises to just online interactions that benefit understanding of exactly where actually measure the results of 8
  • 9. Trend 1. Relationships at Scale Accenture Technology Vision 2013 their sales and marketing efforts, past transactions to inform current Consumers aren’t just they’re travel guides. And, thanks to scaling them when they succeed and conversations, using context to move buyers any longer mobility, they can do it where they scotching them when they fail. from transactions to interactions, want, when they want. and ultimately using their consumer Key to making this transition is Using analytics can also establish insight to infuse the interactions understanding that consumers aren’t The Cleveland Indians, a Major deeper consumer insights, with greater engagement and just buyers anymore—they’ve evolved League baseball team, is actively allowing companies to create more intimacy. into connected consumers. They’re working to use its relationships compelling user experiences. This connected to social networks. They’re with its most avid fans to create a concept of mass personalization connected to like-minded consumers. group of evangelists to promote the ii enables businesses to customize They’re connected to brands. That team. The Indians’ Social Media Club every interaction. Essentially, means they also have the potential incents fans to create a buzz about they can begin to establish a to be your advertisers. That’s a the team through a myriad of social relationship with consumers, using powerful constituency to tap into. channels, from Facebook to Tumblr. More than just pointing fans to social Thanks to social media, consumers forums, they are actively incenting have more opportunities than ever them to participate, offering ticket “ Using analytics canallowing companies before to express likes, dislikes, and discounts and, for active posters, also establish deeper recommendations. They aren’t simply chances to be invited to a special purchasing a product or service— Social Suite in the ballpark and to consumer insights, they are doing a lot more. On Yelp, share their comments about the to create more compelling user they’re detractors or cheerleaders. game. ” experiences. On and Menuism, they’re reviewers and advertisers. On This paradigm brings immediacy to Spotify, they’re DJs offering music social conversation—consumers have recommendations. On TripAdvisor, the ability to bring friends together 9
  • 10. Trend 1. Relationships at Scale Accenture Technology Vision 2013 to share experiences and to report on experience to be highly personalized. family, above all other forms networks are public, companies have iii those experiences. These technologies They expect to be given the ability of advertising. an unprecedented opportunity to have permanently altered the ways in to get pertinent, contextual track what people are saying about which consumers share information, information that relates to their Even watching TV is changing. them. More important, they have collaborate, interact, entertain lives, their friends, their needs, Accenture research shows that the opportunity to use these new themselves, inform themselves, and and their pursuits. And because more than 40 percent of consumers attitudes and technologies to create maintain awareness of events around the experience is personalized it’s are showing increasing “second relationships, which will result in them. Enterprises need to recognize also more powerful. Ninety-two screen” habits, using a smartphone customer acquisition and, for current the change and begin to harness it. percent of consumers globally say or tablet while watching TV such customers, repeat sales. they trust earned media, such as that they are accessing multiple All of this contributes to a new word-of-mouth endorsements or streams of information at the same standard among consumers: recommendations from friends and time.iv This could mean tweeting on Moving the mindset they expect the mobile and social a smartphone while watching a TV drama or viewing players’ statistics from transactions to while watching sports. For the 2011– relationships 2012 season, the National Hockey The goal is to use insight to League deployed an online game to change communication with be played while watching the Stanley consumers from transactions to Cup finals; fans won points by interactions to an unprecedented correctly predicting outcomes on the level of relationship and loyalty— ice, like the result of a face-off. the equivalent of frequent-flier programs on steroids. The problem Based on these new behaviors, is that, until now, most enterprises businesses face several related have viewed online channels opportunities: Because many of these primarily as a way to reduce costs, 10
  • 11. Trend 1. Relationships at Scale Accenture Technology Vision 2013 not improve relationships. It’s time relevant offers, and respond to shift that mindset. to concerns. Consumers are already having It’s time for enterprises to reimagine “ It’s time for enterprises to reimagine ” conversations about enterprises their consumer engagement their consumer engagement strategy. among themselves. Fueled by every strategy. Too many are still stuck in new consumer service and every the days of ads and focus groups. new user experience, consumer When they want to communicate behaviors have changed far faster to consumers, they broadcast a than businesses. Facebook, eBay, message through their marketing Yelp, Foursquare, and many other channels, and when they need to engagement strategy is not based down the internal barriers that companies in effect continue to hear back, they bring together a solely on technology. segment consumer interactions train huge segments of consumers representative group from which by channel in order to create a to communicate among themselves, they can extrapolate insights. Today, That new consumer-engagement unified consumer strategy across outside the purview of businesses, the channels are increasing (think strategy will require aggregated all channels. Siloed approaches coming back to a business site YouTube, Twitter, customer service insight across applications so that erode the value of integrated only to conduct final transactions. chat) and consumer insight can each channel feeds information customer interactions. Burberry, Companies may not be able to, and come from a much wider sample of into a holistic view of consumers. for example, jointly developed an frankly shouldn’t, take complete consumer and information sources: That means more collaboration application with SAP that places control of the conversations their the Web, mobile technology, social- across sales and marketing and all the consumer information consumers are having in these new media sites, and others. But it’s across digital and physical sales Burberry has from its separate electronic storefronts and plazas. important to remember in this channels, and even the ability to customer channels in the hand of v But they do need to figure out how scenario that technology is only a track and acquire information its sales associates. In the store, to become participants, react with tool. Reimagining a consumer beyond the business’s own they can use an iPad to access a channels. Businesses should break shopper’s profile that pulls together 11
  • 12. Trend 1. Relationships at Scale Accenture Technology Vision 2013 “Savvy companies understand thatto create contact details, transactional That may depend on circumstances history, lifetime spending statistics, as varied as demographics or different recommendations based on proximity to a buying decision; purchases, and social-media one customer may prefer a digital channels represent opportunities comments regarding the brand. interaction whereas another may different experiences that truly leverage each prefer to speak to a live customer- channel. Having a portfolio of channels creates An omnichannel service agent. Unfortunately, the opportunity to give a consumer the right relationship strategy businesses can’t automatically ” replace some channels in favor interaction at the right time. Jettison the idea of a single of others; they must allow the subgroup within the enterprise that consumer to choose from among a is responsible for the entire “digital” portfolio of channels, depending on That said, every challenge reveals an represent opportunities to create channel. Instead, the enterprise must the consumer’s needs at any given opportunity. These new channels— different experiences that truly figure out how all the groups will time. whether through mobile apps leverage each channel. Having a work in concert. Each group should on smartphones, through social- portfolio of channels creates the work together toward an overarching, For example, Virgin America is networking capabilities such as opportunity to give a consumer the omnichannel relationship strategy, offering customer service through Pinterest, or through corporate right interaction at the right time. one that promotes collaboration and Twitter and Facebook. Customer websites—allow new ways of sharing among channels to manage support monitors tweets and communicating with the consumer Consider the way a retailer interacts relationships with consumers in an Facebook posts to the airline for that help increase the quality and with a customer: a discount delivered ongoing fashion. indications that someone needs help, utility of interactions. It’s not a in an e-mail is often considered allowing consumers to make simple question of replacing channels or “spam,” while that same discount Enterprises must find out how requests, like reserving a wheelchair even weaving them all together into delivered as a consumer scans a and where consumers are most for a flight, without waiting on hold a single interface. Savvy companies product QR code is just good service. comfortable interacting with them. for a call center understand that different channels Understanding how, when, and 12
  • 13. Trend 1. Relationships at Scale Accenture Technology Vision 2013 was displayed, starting at 99 percent don’t. Better insight into customer and ticking down by 1 percent every preferences allows businesses to second until the consumer entered iterate product development faster, the Meat Pack store. When a discount to scale up production or kill a was redeemed, the person’s Facebook feature or a service before too much status automatically changed to is invested. They can build future inform the world. business cases on a more substantial and substantiated information base. Similarly, businesses will have to disrupt the mindset that says Higher customer satisfaction “relationships” equate to “marketing.” equates to repeat customers where businesses should contact a variety of new capabilities beyond This means that IT must forge close and higher revenue through consumers can create a brand social media (such as analytics links with other groups that touch increased volumes and lowered connection that rivals the face-to- and mobile technology) in order to consumers and reach out to business cost of customer acquisition. But face relationship associated with the reboot efforts to engage consumers units, such as product development, companies also gain from a better small-town general store. in ways perhaps imagined but that manage interactions with other understanding of consumers. The not implemented. For example, communities. deeper the relationship with the At the same time, businesses Guatemalan shoe store Meat Pack customer, the more reliable the should recognize that social and looked to mobile interactions to Insight leads to metrics the customer provides. mobile are not just a set of new pinch customers from competitors vii increased consumer Again, it’s the difference between channels for pushing information through a mobile app called Hijack. the vagueness of a focus group and to consumers. It’s about changing When potential customers entered a satisfaction the specificity of actual consumer the channel’s function from push— rival’s store, they were detected using With deeper interaction, businesses behavior—the importance of tracking ads, for example—to services and the app and offered a promotion at can more quickly understand what what consumers do, not what value. Businesses must coalesce on Meat Pack. A discount countdown consumers like—and what they they say. 13
  • 14. Trend 1. Relationships at Scale Accenture Technology Vision 2013 Your 100-day plan With consumers changing their about the consumer from the attitudes about sharing and communications channels he uses to In 100 days, refresh the mindset of your consumer accessing information and becoming better understand his behavior and channels to move beyond transactions to, in addition, willing to be more transparent, needs. Consumers newly accustomed drive consumer interactions and relationships. forward-thinking enterprises are to accessing account information realizing that they can benefit in corporate databases to transact • Catalog your consumer interactions, tools, and channels. from an unprecedented granular and interact have ratcheted up their view of consumers—not just what expectations about how businesses • Educate your internal teams on the tools and channels they bought, but when, and where, will communicate and respond. But currently available. and what they were doing before companies now have the ability to and while they made the purchase make the consumer feel special, to • Determine the questions to be answered to create a decision. Businesses can do this by increase engagement, and to develop holistic view of your customer. taking advantage of internal data intimacy, as never before. sources (that is, instrumentation and • Identify metrics for tracking the success of your social quantification of decision making and communication channels in terms of a consumer captured by their own software) relationship. and external data sources (such as social-media sites and information • Begin “social listening” to build momentum toward your gathered by resellers and partners). larger strategy. The goal, to use a term that may • Propagate current tools and channels across business sound contradictory, is mass units where applicable. personalization—using technology to provide resort service at a motel cost. That is, using what you know 14
  • 15. Trend 1. Relationships at Scale Accenture Technology Vision 2013 A new level of richer the data collected becomes. This time next year Companies can boost the quality customer intimacy of data in much the same way In 365 days, reimagine your consumer strategy across Companies that embark on this that night-vision goggles amplify the enterprise as a consumer-relationship strategy and voyage of mass personalization can available vision: to shine a light on create the cross-organizational ties to drive it. expect a variety of new benefits. data and behaviors, already present, • Create a cross-functional team responsible for reviewing, Because shoppers can move— but previously undetected. updating, and improving your consumer-relationship quickly and entirely digitally—from strategy. awareness to recommendation A new level of intimacy with to purchase after interacting on consumers is now possible. But • Standardize your methodology around how consumer blogs, Twitter, Yelp, and other social effectively scaling meaningful interactions are shared throughout the organization. sources, it’s actually possible to relationships represents a real • Redesign your organization’s communication-channel compress the sales cycle. Offering change in the way companies strategy in light of the holistic consumer-relationship on-the-spot promotions through need to approach their consumer strategy. digital channels also potentially strategies. This shift is being increases impulse purchases. enabled by technology; however, • Establish an environment to test and then deploy Providers that are better at implementing it will require a new, technologies that will support your consumer- controlling that experience will unified approach across IT and the relationship strategy. benefit by lowering the costs of business. Now is the time to take • Review your metrics and data to improve your consumer sales and marketing and generating the next step. The customers are out interactions and update your consumer-relationship greater sales volumes. there; it’s time for the enterprise to strategy. get to know them. Personalization also creates a virtuous loop. The more you personalize the experience, the 15
  • 16. Trend 1. Relationships at Scale Accenture Technology Vision 2013 Sidebar: Gauging the Value of Trust During its bankruptcy proceedings The bookseller’s readiness to tell data, accountability, and the benefits to extract insights from it. For in 2011, Borders, the bookstore customers how their data could of letting corporations use one’s their part, individuals are far more chain, won judicial approval to sell potentially be used and, crucially, data—and we spelled out practical sensitive about the use of their data, its intellectual property, including to give them a choice in the steps that would help companies even though more and more data is a customer database, to Barnes & matter shows how companies and move toward operating models sought from them and more is Noble. The issue at stake: shoppers’ consumers may interact in the future based on trust. Even before the given by them, both willingly data privacy.i on issues of privacy. It’s also a prime age of social media and big data, and unwittingly. example of the mobility of data our recommendations were clear: Anticipating privacy concerns, these days—and a good indicator of companies must seek ways to use In general, individuals are more Borders’ lawyers persuaded the court the importance of establishing, let knowledge about their customers likely to think in terms of what’s in to appoint an independent third alone maintaining, accountability for to provide better services to them, it for them if they give out personal party to consider the privacy impact such data. doing so in ways that increase trust, data. “When you put information on the 48 million Borders customers not suspicion. about yourself out there, that’s a whose personal information would A decade ago, Accenture asked transaction,” Margaret Stewart, be transferred with the sale of the whether enterprises could Ten years on, plenty has changed: Facebook’s director of product intellectual property. In the end, the differentiate themselves based on the entities collecting information design, told Fast Company recently. customers were given the chance to consumer trust.ii We flagged five are savvier than ever about data, and “But you need to feel that you’re opt out of the transfer. dimensions of trust—safekeeping of they have more channels through getting something back in return. personal information, control over which to gather it (think “big data”) When we start to provide things the data, personal access to one’s and more powerful tools with which 16
  • 17. Trend 1. Relationships at Scale Accenture Technology Vision 2013 that feel valuable to people, it will they grasp the notion that they respect, thinking of trust as an make that transaction make sense.” need to go beyond just collecting iii economic asset is not different from information about consumers. how a bank views and manages its Accenture’s recommendations for The company that can build a customers’ accounts. businesses are even more relevant reputation for providing valuable today, and the stakes have gotten services while using consumers’ Of course, a critical aspect of trust higher—with consumers’ greater personal data in trustworthy building is the assurance that all sensitivity being just one of the ways will have a big advantage of the business partners in an factors in play. Accenture believes over competitors. Its brand will be organization’s value chain abide by that a vital component is still more valuable, it will have more the same high principles. If a person missing from the privacy debate: opportunities to attract and retain using a supposedly trust-based a proactive business perspective lifetime customers, and it can solution is suddenly deluged with focused not just on compliance become a preferred partner in a unwanted phone calls and e-mail with laws that protect privacy but larger value chain of goods from related companies, you can also on the notion that companies and services. bet that’s a customer lost forever. can generate business value by earning consumer trust. Implicit in this idea is the belief that trust has an economic value To date, few businesses and, as such, can be used to win convincingly demonstrate that competitive advantage. In that 17
  • 18. Trend 1. Relationships at scale Accenture Technology Vision 2013 Design for Analytics Formulate the questions, and design for the answers 18
  • 19. Trend 2. Design for Analytics Accenture Technology Vision 2013 Design for Analytics Business intelligence. Data analytics. Big data. Companies are no longer suffering from a lack of data; they’re suffering from a lack of the right data. Business leaders need the right data in order to effectively define the strategic direction of the enterprise. The current generation of software was designed for functionality. The next generation must be designed for analytics as well. Predicting the future isn’t difficult. unstructured data from previously Predicting the future with some unplumbed sources (such as social degree of accuracy is. Businesses are media, call center transcripts, and under the impression that the more e-mail). They are working under data they have, the easier it will be the assumption that “more data” is to predict the future and thus secure equivalent to “better data.” They are competitive advantage. only partially correct. Collecting more data points makes The problem is no longer the it easier to discern trends, patterns, absence of enough data. In fact, opportunities, and competitive enterprises are now being flooded advantage. That’s one of the reasons with new data, big-data tools companies are focusing so heavily mine countless new unstructured- on big data and the ability to utilize data sources, social media now 19
  • 20. Trend 2. Design for Analytics Accenture Technology Vision 2013 provide unprecedented information for the application to do its job. If capture more of it where they can. help the company achieve its most about consumers, and sensors and an e-commerce application needs But generally they have not done this basic goals. With every data gap, embedded devices expand the ability to know what device a consumer with any specific question in mind. enterprises miss an opportunity to to gather data into areas where is connecting from in order to make better decisions or improve computing power has never been authenticate the consumer, it So, when this data is repurposed how they run their business. To move before. The problem now becomes captures that information; if the as an input to make strategic forward, to answer the question, you the absence of the right data. application doesn’t need to know, decisions—such as entering a new have to adopt a data-first strategy and knowing doesn’t support the market or pricing a new service— and plug the data gaps. The IT world we live in today revolves user experience, it doesn’t. Most glaring information gaps often around software applications. companies have also taken the next arise. The goal isn’t to amass data. Plugging these data gaps—that is, Businesses have developed data step—for example, they recognize It’s about enabling the business getting the right data—requires models to support application that consumer information is to answer a question, to create a fundamental shift in design functionality, which is necessary valuable for future insight, so they insight, and to use that insight to philosophy for how new applications “ The now being flooded with new data,of enoughtools mine countless new are problem is no longer the absence big-data data. In fact, enterprises unstructured-data sources, social media now provide unprecedented information about consumers, and sensors and embedded devices expand the ability to gather data into areas where computing power has never been ” before. The problem now becomes the absence of the right data. 20
  • 21. Trend 2. Design for Analytics Accenture Technology Vision 2013 are built and existing applications To get the right data, you have to The result is the first stage of a data are configured, instrumented, and design applications to explicitly supply chain, where applications updated. Applications still must capture the specific data needed, serve not only their users but meet users’ functionality needs, update user interfaces to get also the business as it looks to but applications now must also be new pieces of data, and add applications’ data for answers to the designed to specifically produce data data collection as a new set of questions most important to that answers more of an enterprise’s requirements within the software the business. questions. Technology is no longer procurement process. These the barrier. The barrier is strategic capabilities become a piece of the business foresight to formulate upfront processes for how you lay the questions. out road maps for your systems, not something that is added on after the fact. 21
  • 22. Trend 2. Design for Analytics Accenture Technology Vision 2013 The minimum What transpired before it happened? mindset: data as a What transpired afterward? It could strategic asset be a purchasing scenario that reveals the associated items that customers Businesses have the right idea: buy. But it could also be a failed data is a strategic asset. Data (good online purchase. Did someone get a data) makes you smarter. A recent coupon from Starbucks but go next study of 179 companies, led by an door to Dunkin Donuts anyway? economist at the MIT Sloan School of Management, suggests that The desire to get these answers companies that adopted “data- is why companies are investing driven decision-making” have so heavily in big data, business Quantifying the tick. They must step out of the box productivity levels 5 to 6 percent intelligence, and reporting tools. world around us and formulate the right questions higher than can be explained by The fact that they are still investing that will help the business make other factors, including investment means that they haven’t yet found When enterprises don’t have access strategic decisions. The data that’s in technology.i the solution, even though so much to the right data, they need to start necessary will become evident. The technology is available. looking differently at how they challenge, then, will be figuring out Savvy companies are working to go about getting data. Companies not only how to collect it, but, in discern more about transactions Companies need to start looking can’t rely solely on the limited many cases, how to create it. and events than ever before. for the solution to the problem a universe of data that they already They’re looking for context and different way. have. The focus now needs to Many software vendors are already ways to make the insights they shift to quantifying the enterprise: starting to make it easier for gain actionable. They’re trying to capturing the actions, interactions, enterprises to tackle this challenge. understand not only what happened and attributes of the employees and Third parties are increasingly but why. And, when did it happen? processes that make an enterprise creating APIs to allow data to 22
  • 23. Trend 2. Design for Analytics Accenture Technology Vision 2013 and their ultimate score but also The companies that have already “ Whenthey need todon’t have access to the right their keystrokes, how long it took defined their top-level strategic enterprises them to answer individual questions, questions are striking first. and if they stopped in the middle of Many companies in logistics, data, start looking differently at an assignment or question. “We're transportation, and energy, for how they go about getting data. Companies physically collecting thousands of instance, have already clearly defined can’t rely solely on the limited universe of data data points per student per day,” said their need to track the movement of ” that they already have. founder and CEO Jose Ferreira. iii goods and the usage of power. Companies are also looking to the UPS has developed a system of blossoming of sensor technology in-vehicle sensors and handheld be more easily extracted from help improve its recommendations to fill data gaps as they arise. This computers to track information not software products, including engine, Netflix tracks how customers technology represents a way to only about its shipments but also packaged software applications. interact with on-demand film create and collect information from about its trucks’ movements. This This further puts the onus on downloads. It looks at metrics physical environments and devices is what helped it determine that companies to figure out what such as when customers pause the that today represent blind spots in a making left turns slowed deliveries data they should be gathering movie and what scenes they watch company’s data portfolio. Research and increased fuel costs as a result from their systems to answer the over again.ii In another example, to company Strategy Analytics predicts of idling; it used the information company’s broader questions. continuously improve the quality that cellular machine-to-machine to create routes that minimized and effectiveness of its online class (M2M) connections necessary to left turns, saving the company 9 v Companies are also increasingly materials, Knewton incorporates the transport the data from distributed million gallons of gas annually. In adding instrumentation to their ability to track specific data about sensors to the data center will grow addition, knowing when trucks are custom applications, designing them how students use its software. It from 277 million in 2012 to 2.5 going to reach their destinations to collect and report transactions, tracks not only how long it takes billion by 2020.iv helps UPS’s employees ensure that activities, or logs. For instance, to students to complete an assignment there are sufficient resources to load 23
  • 24. Trend 2. Design for Analytics Accenture Technology Vision 2013 and unload them. Knowing where the wireless information network the quantification of the consumer. and transmit information, primarily shipments are in transit (and sharing enhances well efficiency and reduces Facebook has ingrained a propensity in the personal-fitness space. The that information on a website) aids operating costs because workers no for people to share their likes and Nike+ FuelBand collects data about customer service. longer have to physically visit each dislikes. Businesses have known calories burned, for example, and well to collect operating data and for years that customers prefer FitBit collects data regarding users’ In the energy industry, Shell joint reconfigure the system. This also recommendations from known sleep patterns. Personal fitness venture Petroleum Development contributes to personnel safety. sources. The ability to cultivate and and social media also overlap on Oman (PDO) has deployed a wireless harvest customer information for websites where people track their system in its oil field. It is currentlyQuantifying the sales, marketing, and advertising diets. A lot of consumer data exists wiring 5,000 wells, which technicians consumer represents a rich opportunity to grab today, but companies need to remotely monitor and manage, to some of the data that they need in determine the right data for them provide real-time communication To date, of course, the ripest area order to resolve questions about and then start processes to acquire vi and control. According to PDO, for the collection of data has been their consumers that have long been that data. left unanswered. “ The ability tofor sales, marketing, and Websites already have multiple cultivate and harvest customer The aggregation of social and mobile capabilities for tracking activity, but capabilities through applications sometimes what is needed can be information such as Waze (a crowd-sourced gleaned by simply asking customers advertising represents a rich opportunity to navigation app) and Yelp (online and prospects for input. However, grab some of the data that they [businesses] consumer reviews) has heightened it’s important to note that often it’s the ability for consumers to quantify better to track actual activity than need in order to resolve questions about themselves. But there’s also been to poll—there’s typically a delta their consumers that have long been left an associated increase in personal between what people say they want ” unanswered. electronic and medical devices, and what people actually want. beyond smartphones, that collect 24
  • 25. Trend 2. Design for Analytics Accenture Technology Vision 2013 Businesses also have a newfound What do these examples portend? into new products (think insights) Once you’ve designed for analytics, ability to utilize pieces of data that Opportunities for consumer data as you look at different pieces of how do you actually conduct they may already possess but that feeds are everywhere. You just need data in aggregate. Just as important, the analytics? Analytics have previously hasn’t been easily usable: to form the right questions for your companies should be able to feed always been a challenge, but unstructured data represented by business and start strategically information back to their suppliers partially because businesses have free text in e-mail, tweets, and other quantifying the world around you. in order to help them incrementally often conducted the process in media; audio files from call center improve the latter’s data collection— an exploratory fashion—they’ve conversations; and video from sites just as an auto manufacturer must collected available data and then where customers interact Creating a data report component failures back to analyzed it, rather than assiduously with products. supply chain suppliers in order to improve quality. determining what data will aid their business strategy and then ensuring Finally, consider the availability of It’s time to start treating your data Once you identify the data supply that the right data is collected to information that’s been collected less as a warehouse and more as a chain, how do you harness it? analyze. They can derive increased by others for integration into your supply chain. Having identified your analysis. This could come from a sources of data, you must corral variety of sources—service providers, it for analysis, in the same way social networks, search engines, even that the various components of an vendor software already running automobile from multiple suppliers in your data centers. For instance, come together on an assembly line. Intellicorp has developed a software Recognize that the data won’t be product that can analyze changes static; it will be manipulated as within SAP ERP applications; it sells it goes through the supply chain, the product to SAP customers for added to other pieces of data, data-management and data-life- updated as more recent data comes cycle uses. along, and sometimes transformed 25
  • 26. Trend 2. Design for Analytics Accenture Technology Vision 2013 value by collecting data with the working, but they do see that they’re Foresight: specific questions they are trying real end purpose in mind. The result: relying more on electric power, establishing a to answer; many will not be able better data, which equals which delivers higher levels of to, and fewer still will have those better insight. customer satisfaction. feedback loop questions documented and feeding for insight into teams to answer them. Though Ford Motor Company research In a short time, savvy businesses obvious on the surface, this task logically deduced that the customers can create a virtuous feedback loop What will the feedback loop look should not be underestimated. It is of its hybrid vehicles preferred using that allows them to collect, analyze, like when software is designed for not trivial. And it is not something electric power as much as possible. and respond in an increasingly analytics? It starts with setting goals for which most companies have a However, the system was originally agile manner, and then revisit their and creating questions that need formal process. They need to designed to deploy electric power questions on a periodic basis in to be answered. Ask the leaders of create one. based on other parameters, such as order to continuously assess new organizations within your enterprise amount of battery power remaining. data in the context of changing if they can clearly articulate the key But Ford developed an algorithm business conditions and strategies. using data from the cars’ built-in This will require the integrated GPS systems to track when drivers involvement of IT with the business, “ What softwarefeedback loopfor analytics? were close to home or frequently because IT may need to tweak data will the look like vii visited locations close to home. collection mechanisms, including Knowing that the vehicles were user interfaces, on mobile apps and more likely to be within the range enterprise applications in order to when is designed of a battery charge, the engineers acquire additional data points. It starts with setting goals and creating ” were able to adjust the powertrain questions that need to be answered. controls to rely more on electricity than on gasoline in those scenarios. Customers don’t see the algorithm 26
  • 27. Trend 2. Design for Analytics Accenture Technology Vision 2013 harvesting obvious to the user yet driven or at least to work with them “ You will need to your software data unobtrusive. As part of an update to to provide the required data. Procter to distribute the its online marketplace, eBay posts & Gamble and Walmart actively requirements development photographs of merchandise to share supply chain information with users, Pinterest style, based on data each other to help reduce inventories team, of course, but also begin working with derived from previous purchases, while increasing sales by focusing on your partners and software vendors so that previous searches, and stated rapidly changing customer demands. ix ” they can begin to collect data as well. interests. A better user interface, yes, but this design also gives eBay Businesses must also think about the ability to get deeper insight into how they can maximize the its users not only by simply asking availability of data sources. Look With a process in place, you then Then you are ready to close the them for their preferences but also at currently packaged software need to align the questions with loop. To whom will the information by looking at how they interact with applications or SaaS applications viii data requirements and disseminate be distributed so that it can be the pictures shown to them. for how they can be reconfigured or those requirements accordingly. acted upon? Designing the process how APIs can be utilized to supply You will need to distribute the data so that information flows into the Developers must use design data. In existing applications, think requirements to your software organization is equally important. methodologies that allow rapid about how the interface can be development team, of course, but testing, updating, and reconfiguring. updated for better data gathering— also work with your partners and The cultural shift to an insight- In that way, businesses can for instance, adding new entry software vendors so that they can driven business will also require determine which methods work points to accommodate inputs begin to collect data as well. Finally, different thinking about personnel best in acquiring the strongest data. about seasonal needs or short-term think about other sources of data and partners. Corporate developers Businesses will also have to rethink promotions. In new applications, you want to incorporate for analysis. will need to focus on incorporating their relationships with partner designing for data capture should methods of data harvesting into user organizations in order to persuade carry as much weight as the initial interface designs, making the data them to become equally insight- application requirements. 27
  • 28. Trend 2. Design for Analytics Accenture Technology Vision 2013 Changing a looking for ways to collect better Your 100-day plan corporate culture data, more data, fresher data. It’s not just the software that In 100 days, define the key strategic questions for the Designing for analytics is about should be refreshed to collect data business and the data needed to answer them. more than simply adding a few and conduct analytics—it’s the data requirements to a software employees, too. development cycle or an RFP; it is • Update or build your data catalog, identifying what data the next step in transforming the By deploying these capabilities, you have. enterprise culture to become insight- businesses will move themselves driven. It’s about blurring the lines closer to the goal of being • Determine your in-flight analytics projects and what between business functions (as the completely insight-driven, of questions these projects are trying to answer. consumers of business data) and IT being the kind of company that (as the purveyors of data) to make systematically uses data at all levels • Prioritize the existing strategic questions your both more effective. of the organization to become organization is working on. smarter and more successful. It’s Pushing these ideas, many time to take the next step. It’s time • Begin to catalog new data sources (internal and external) enterprises will go so far as to to evolve applications and products needed to fill in critical missing data elements. create a prominent new role in beyond just user functionality the organization, a chief data and make them actively feed your • Tap the new data sources where they fill identified data officer, a data champion whose analytics. Give the business not just gaps. responsibilities encompass the data, but the right data. collection, prioritization, distribution, • Define the required skills and experience needed to create and analysis of data. But, with or data champions across the organization. without a data champion, each employee must be tasked with 28
  • 29. Trend 2. Design for Analytics Accenture Technology Vision 2013 This time next year In 365 days, establish your data supply chain across the enterprise, quantifying the world around you to address strategic gaps. • Create data champions across the organization, for example, a chief data officer. • Work across the organization to determine and prioritize your future strategic questions. • Look at your data catalog and determine the long-term gaps. • Fill these gaps in the data catalog—purchase data, develop new APIs, and ask your partners. • Embed new data requirements into software road maps and procurement plans. • Begin designing software to capture new data within custom development and software update cycles. • Develop a data creation strategy to attain data through the setup of new data sources: M2M, new software, and data creation from partners. • Put the data cycle in motion, revisiting data needs as new strategic questions arise. 29
  • 30. Trend 2. Design for Analytics Accenture Technology Vision 2013 Sidebar: Why the Business Now Needs to Care About APIs In earlier times, applications (and APIs—the “glue” that connects The beauty of APIs is that they data and services to meet their data) didn’t really travel far in apps with business processes and uncouple the “front end” service— business goals. the enterprise. Applications were with each other—have typically the business access—from the IT specific to jobs, and the data they been a fairly low-level concern for mechanisms that support it. As user The benefit of discrete API produced remained locked inside, programmers and architects. But with groups and use cases change, access management is that it keeps rarely fulfilling its true potential for the business’s increasing reliance on and management-policy updates complexity under control. Specifically, the enterprise. Data on consumer data and services—both public and don’t affect IT implementation, and the API management solutions segments used by the marketing private—and the growing reuse of vice versa: APIs can provide self- now offered by providers such as group would rarely have been sought those building blocks, APIs are rapidly serve access for developers—internal, Apigee, Layer 7 Technologies, and by engineering or manufacturing, say, becoming a strategic concern. For partner, and independent third party— Mashery make it possible to organize, or even offered to external parties. example, the car-sharing service giving others the power to create expose, and monetize APIs. The RelayRides relies on an API created new and innovative use cases. And organization benefit is very real: Things are different today. It’s by General Motors and OnStar to IT updates can happen at any time formal management of APIs deals becoming increasingly important for access some of the remote control without users knowing it, or needing with the sprawl, redundancies, and the underlying data and business and telematics elements of the to know. Managed well, APIs can inefficiencies that will proliferate as functions to be made available service.i Organizations must now help enterprises handle complexity as increasingly quantified enterprises for general use—able to be quickly consciously manage the proliferation the need to access data and services begin to share many more data reworked in ways that help shorten of increasingly important APIs. grows. In an increasingly quantified sources and services, both internally cycle times, cut costs, or accelerate digital world, API management and externally. revenue elsewhere in the business. provides a mechanism to leverage 30
  • 31. Trend 2. Design for Analytics Accenture Technology Vision 2013 API management tools help expose using your APIs and which APIs are growing global workforce, it would is based on the same core “building a common platform of functionality. most valuable, as well as traceability be increasingly critical for business block” concepts as SOA, but it has They minimize rework. And they of IT capability against business use, users to have access to enterprise and evolved to take advantage of the accelerate development, which is a ensuring business process alignment application data in real time in order agility and simplicity of cloud and key first step when embarking on and verification against to scale up those applications. Web-based approaches. cloud, mobile, or social roadmaps. business cases. Just one snapshot: construction and The IT team opted to build an API So the next question is, Who needs to engineering company Bechtel has an A case in point: Accenture is carefully layer that would make available the be responsible for API management? API strategy that provides relevant managing APIs as a key step to enable various data and business functions Currently, the only people who know information to its global teams from cloud and mobile strategies across for general use and standardize or care about APIs are found on the the data generated and stored as it our global workforce of more than access across users. The APIs could development teams. But there’s a executes its projects, thereby enabling 250,000 people. With as-a-service then be used to help implement new need for a centralized function that the teams to be more agile and better and mobile-device models playing services and to provide new user brings some order and discipline equipped to make informed decisions.ii larger roles in Accenture’s delivery experiences on mobile devices such as to today’s random and informal of functionality for activities such as tablets and smartphones. interactions between business users Finally, API management makes it time entry, hotel reservations, and and IT staff. Does the buck stop on possible to measure the value of business travel, Accenture’s internal If API management sounds a lot like the CIO’s desk? Or is this part of the APIs. Imagine a scenario that involves IT team realized that integration service-oriented architecture (SOA)— purview of a newly minted chief explicit governance of APIs; you have with disparate systems was going an influential technology concept a data officer? In either case, the API visibility and control into who is to become challenging. And with a decade ago—that’s because it is. It management role must be defined. 31
  • 32. Trend 1. Relationships at scale Accenture Technology Vision 2013 Data Velocity Matching the speed of decision to the speed of action 32
  • 33. Trend 3. Data Velocity Accenture Technology Vision 2013 Data Velocity Business leaders have been bombarded with statistics about the soaring volumes of data that they can mine for precious insights. They have been deluged with articles describing the incredible variety of “external” data hidden in everything from tweets and blogs to sensor outputs and GPS data from mobile phones. But the next perspective on data that deserves attention is data velocity—the pace at which data can be gathered, sorted, and analyzed in order to produce insights that managers can act on quickly. As expectations of near-instant responses become the norm, business leaders will rely heavily on higher data velocities to gain a competitive edge. It’s become an article of faith data from platforms like Twitter, among business leaders that Facebook, and Pinterest to second- their data contains a treasury of guess consumer behavior, increasing powerful insights that can help their sales conversion rates by 10 to 15 organizations make money. They’re percent in the process.i also getting used to the idea that “data” can mean what’s gleaned But there’s another aspect that from Facebook postings or remotely business leaders have yet to fully located machines just as much as grasp: data velocity. That concept what’s in corporate data centers. Just by itself is not new; together with ask Walmart, which deployed a “variety” and “volume,” it has been new search engine last fall on part of the “three Vs” construct for that relies on talking about data—a construct 33
  • 34. Trend 3. Data Velocity Accenture Technology Vision 2013 developed in 2001, long before “big after it has been collected. Passerini data” became such an overused term.ii And at the most fundamental level, there is nothing novel about the “ Today, it’s of the organization’s actions to the speed increasingly important to match explained that he’s not seeking new types of data; what he wants is to get everything from point-of-sale ” idea of faster flows of data helping the speed of its opportunities. data to statistics on inventories and organizations get more done in shipments more frequently and far less time. faster, in more granular form than ever.iv But the notion of velocity has been to generate actionable insights, the largely eclipsed by the many recent organization will start losing out to decision makers do business.iii The In all of these discussions about advances in technologies that have more responsive competitors. More old model, he said, would mean data velocity, note that we’re not unlocked significant increases both worrisome, if the business hasn’t that analysts would get back with talking about striving for some in available volume (zettabyte upon begun using data-driven insight to answers in two weeks. “You need real-time nirvana. What’s crucial petabyte) and in variety (spanning detect and evaluate opportunities to be able to answer that question is an improving rate of response, unstructured data such as pins in the first place, it runs even immediately,” he told the magazine. regardless of the rising volumes of on Pinterest as well as structured greater risks of falling behind. data to be accessed and analyzed records of supply logistics and Consumer-goods giant Procter & P&G is investing in virtual, “instant and irrespective of their proliferating customers’ purchase histories). Gamble is acutely aware of what’s on” war rooms where professionals sources. Going forward, it will no at stake: CIO Filippo Passerini told meet in person or over video around longer be about the size of your Today, it’s increasingly important InformationWeek that if P&G can continuous streams of fresh and data—it will be about matching the to match the speed of the eliminate the “what” discussions and relevant data, inviting the right velocity of your data to how fast organization’s actions to the speed some of the “why”, and decision- experts as soon as a problem your business processes need to of its opportunities. If too much makers can jump right to how surfaces. P&G’s objective is to give act on it. time elapses between acquisition of to solve a problem, that radically these decision-making forums data and the ability to use the data increases the pace at which the access to data as soon as possible 34
  • 35. Trend 3. Data Velocity Accenture Technology Vision 2013 When fast still isn’t and openness on our desktops, TVs, insights about customers, products, Concurrently, the user base for fast enough and even our car dashboards. Not work orders, and more. data is exploding. Business users to mention that the next generation are becoming more technical at Irritated that the Web page on of consumers is growing up with Instant, mobile access to data is only the same time that analytics skills your smartphone is downloading expectations of instant responses as one way that expectations about and techniques are becoming more so slowly? Remember a time before a way of life. data velocity are changing. We’re accessible to technical users, further smartphones? That’s just one tiny starting to ask new things of our increasing the demands on available reflection of the time-starved age Enterprises have realized that enterprise systems, too, thanks to data. Within living memory, data we live in, and a clear indication of smartphones and tablets are perfect the continuing consumerization of was the province of the guys in how much expectations have risen. vehicles for making informed IT. Long accustomed to being able to white coats in the air-conditioned decisions anywhere and anytime, track our orders via the mainframe room. Today, everybody Increasing expectations are a based on targeted, personalized online services of FedEx or the U.S. who wants to be a data pro can be a primary factor pushing businesses— information. Hence the fact that Postal Service, we now wonder why data pro. all of us, actually—to ask for and act SAP and others offer business we can’t as easily do the same with on data more quickly. Mobility as intelligence software that provides our company’s inbound Yes, for years now almost every a new channel for information has the mobile workforce with the supply chain. business function has had its “power catapulted those expectations far capability to stay up to date with users” of technology, but today, forward; it’s addictive to have easy leading companies expect their fingertip access to large amounts “regular” business users not only of data. The more data we have, the to consume data but also to seek, more we want—and app developers acquire, evaluate, analyze, and share are happy to oblige us. The Web is it. Those organizations consider literally in hand, wherever we go and serious data savvy and analytical skills whenever we want it, goading us to be requirements for many more of to expect the same responsiveness their employees than ever before. 35