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LE QUY VINH (1258095)
Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam
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Figure 5: Why does a salad cost more than a big Mac ?Error: Reference source not
1.1 Research background
Overview of livestock industry.
Livestock sector is not an act major role in the national economy, said general, but
breeding has a role in agriculture, and social life.
a. For the national economy.
The value of livestock products accounting for 1.4% of gross domestic product (Gross
Domestic Product - GDP) of the world (2005). Annual growth rate of world's livestock
sector (1995 - 2005) is 2.2%.
b. For agriculture.
The value of livestock products accounted for 40% of the total value of agricultural
products. In industrialized countries, the value of the livestock sector accounts for 50-
60% of value of agricultural products. Products of livestock sector contributed 17% of the
value of exports of the agricultural sector. The livestock sector has provided fertilizers for
c. For the life.
• The livestock sector has provided the kind of animal products have high
nutritional value for humans.
• The livestock sector provides 17% of the demand human power (477 Kcal /
person / day).
• The livestock sector provides 33% of the demand protein for men
• Science of Animal Husbandry Association of Vietnam.
• The livestock sector is a source of additional nutrients for the 944 million people
with impaired nutrition.
d. For society .
The livestock sector employers of 1.3 billion people (the traditional livestock sector
does not require farmers skilled high art). The livestock sector has secured life
for 987 million poor people (this means 30% of the world's poor. Worldwide there are
about 2735 million poor, earning less than 3 U.S. $ / day). As the demand for livestock
products on a increase and a change in taste, it is projected guess: Production of meat in
the world will increase from 229 million tons (1991/2001) to 465 million ton (2050)
and milk production worldwide will increase from 580 million tons (1991/2001) to 1043
million ton (2050).
( According to the Journal of Animal Husbandry No. 4 – 2010 Digitized by LRC - Thai Nguyen University,
1.2 Rationale for the study:
• But we have the last published findings from the United Nations in 2006 and new
researchings told us that the livestock industry causes greenhouse gas emissions
more than all the world’s transportation sectors combined —airplanes, trains,
cars, motorcycles, etc., altogether. Updated calculations tell us that the livestock
industry is responsible for at least 50% of global warming.
“Our analysis shows that livestock and their by production actually account
for at least 32,564-million tons of CO2 per year, or 51 percent of annual
worldwide GHG emissions.” 4
—World Watch Institute
• The livestock industry causes a large part of the world’s soil erosion. It is a
leading driver of desertification, biodiversity loss, and water waste, and water
pollution, despite water becoming scarcer each day due to global warming.
Moreover, the livestock sector inefficiently drains our fossil-fuel and food-grain
resources. In short, we throw away 12 times more grain, at least 10 times more
water and eight times more fossil-fuel energy to produce a portion of beef
compared to a nutritionally similar or even greater amount of vegan food.
• Henning Steinfeld, chairman of the Division of Policy Document Livestock and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Food said that :
• "Livestock are one of the most significant contributions to cause problems serious
environmental problems today. urgent action is needed to remedy this situation. "
1.3 Research question:
Is developping of the livestock industry direct ratio to the damage of environment ?
Is developing of the livestock industry an unethical thing basically ? why ?
2.1 Data collections:
By using seconding data about developing of livestock industry and its influence with
environment , connection between developing of livestock industry and people's needs
about eating meat in prestigious reports , we want to find out the answer for the research
2.1.1 Developing of livestock industry and its influence with environment.
“Livestock are one of the most significant contributors to today’s most serious
environmental problems. Urgent action is required to remedy the situation.”
—Dr. Henning Steinfeld, Chief of Livestock Information and Policy Branch, FAO, UN.
“Livestock is the main driver of deforestation.
Livestock is the largest single source of water pollution.
Livestock produces more greenhouse gases than all
worldwide transportation combined.”
—Livestock’s Long Shadow .
2.1.2 people need to eat meat
-Eating meat is natural. Most of us believe that eating meat is natural because humans
have hunted and consumed animals for thousands of years. Factually, we used to eat meat
as part of a complex diet for at least 2 million years.
- American livestock industry killed about 10 billion animals each year, and that's not to
mention 10 billion fish and other marine animals are killed every year. About 19.011
animals each minute, or 317 animals per second. While you read these lines, nearly 60.00
the animals are killed.
"Why we love dogs, eat pigs, and wear cows”
Melanie Joy,Ph.D.
Eating meat is essential. We can not survive without meat. Although we know that we
can live without eating meat. Another myth that meat is necessary for our health, even
when there is ample evidence to prove the opposite. The study recommends that eating
meat is bad for health, meat consumption related to the development of a number of
major diseases in the modern industrial world so the livestock industry is developing
more and more irrespective of its unethiccal and illogical thing .
2.2 Research modal :
3.1 Environment factor.
3.1.1 Natural resources.
The EARTH is a beautiful planet with plentiful natural resources as fertility land , water ,
pure air…these condition is good for producing the five cereals , vegetables as food for
human but we use environment resources to produce grain to provide for livestock
industry and the result that we are got is meat , respond to eating meat of human but we
have hunger in some where in the world and meat isn't sure good for human's
health, according to some trust worthy reports are we short of food ? How many people
in the world are hungry ? 1.02 billion people in every five seconds, a child dies of
hungry. Grain currently fed to livestock is enough to feed nearly two - billion people
—Julie Gellatley and Tony Hardle
Ninety percent all of soy, 80% all of corn and 70% all of grain grown in AMERICA
are fed to fatten livestock, while this could feed at least 800-million hungry people. We
have hungry people; we have children dying every few seconds because we use too much
land, too much water, too much food for livestock instead of on humans.
—Gary L. Francione, Professor of Law, Rutgers University Law School, USA,Vegan
3.1.2 Wasting water to provide for livestock
Livestock industry is the Greatest Water Guzzler ,
“We must reconsider our agricultural practices and how we manage our water
resources, with agriculture and livestock raising accounting for 70% of fresh water use
and up to 80% of deforestation.”
—Ban Ki-moon
While 1.1-billion people lack access to safe drinking water, we waste 3.8 trillion tons
of precious clean water each year for livestock production. We have [over] six-billion
people in this world and the sources of groundwater for wells, which supports half of our
world population, are dying, drying up. And the top ten global river systems are drying or
ebbing away. And three-billion people are short of water.
Dead zones are a serious threat to the ocean’s ecosystems , are caused primarily by
fertilizer runoff from agriculture that is mainly used for animal feed.
Figure 1
Data Source: Marcia Kreith, Water Inputs in California Food Production,
Water Education Foundation, September, 1991 (chart E3 p28)
3.1.3 Wasting land for livestock industry
We have only 30% of land that covers the Earth. Of that precious 30%, one-third of it is
used, not for our true survival, but for livestock pasture or growing tons of grain for
animal feed—all to produce a few pieces of meat. The clearing of land for livestock has
created instability and serious soil degradation.
Eighty percent of cleared Amazon forest is designated as a cattle grazing area to prepare
the animals for slaughter, and the remainder is planted as soy crops used also largely for
animal feed.
Every year, we cut down forests as big as England just to raise animals. That’s why our
planet’s heating up and then many places are having problems with floods and drought.
A rainforest area the size of a football field is destroyed every second to produce just 250
hamburgers.( john robbins ,
3.1.4 Energy :
The Energy Cost of livestock industry
Livestock industry use energy excessively.To produce one kilogram of beef consumes
169 mega joules (169-million watts) of energy, or enough energy to drive an average
European car for 250 kilometers! One six-ounce beef steak costs 16 times as much fossil
fuel energy as one vegan meal containing three kinds of vegetables and rice.This thing
will exhaust fossil fuel energy of the world .
Figure 2
Data Source: Gidon Eshel and Pamela A. Martin,
“Diet, Energy, and Global Warming”, Earth Interaction, Vol 10 (2006), paper No. 9.
3.1.5 Pollution air
Livestock industry is the greatest methane emitter , discharge greenhouse gases, and other
toxic gases as
Livestock has been recalculated as to generate possibly more than 50% of total global
emissions —more than 50% is from the livestock industry. It is more than the world's
transportation sectors combined
Greenhouse Gases and Global Warming Potentials – Table 1
Greenhouse gases CO 2
(carbon dioxide)
CH 4
N 2 O
(nitrous oxide)
Global Warming Potentials (GWP) * 1 25* 298*
Pre-industrial atmospheric concentration 280 ppm 0.715 ppm 0.270 ppm
Atmospheric concentration in 2005 379 ppm 1.774 ppm 0.319 ppm
Percentile contribution from livestock industry ** 9% 37% 65%
“ Averaged over 100 years, methane and nitrous oxide are 25 and 298 times
respectively more potent than carbon dioxide in global warming potentials.
Averaged over 20 years, methane is 72 times more potent. (One part per
million (ppm) denotes one part per 1,000,000 parts.) (IPCC, Fourth Assessment
Report )”
3.1.6 Interaction between environment and livestock industry
Livestock industry developing is based on advantaged environment .
we use land , water , energy resources to serve for livestock industry
We have meat for human from developing of livestock industry but the cost we have to pay is so
• Wasting grain make hungers on some where in the world
• Wasting energy exhausting fossil fuel
• Wasting and polluting water , land
• Discharge methane ,greenhouse gases, and other toxic gases , make global
warming with occurrences .
Arctic and Antarctic Ice Melts ( Figure 3 )
Credit: National Snow and Ice Data center, arcticseaicenews/index.html
Sea-Level Rise Projections ( Figure 4 )
Credit: IPCC, Fourth Assessment Report, 111, figure 1.
Making Sinking Land and Climate Refugees
A report from the International Organization for Migration stated that there may be
200-million, or even up to one-billion people who will be climate refugees by 2050,
or within our lifetime. These are people who must leave their island or coastal homes
due to rising sea levels or permafrost melts that cause entire communities or nations
to sink and collapse. Weather Conditions become extreme Frequency of Natural
Disasters are increased.we have to face with serious results from developing
livestock industry , with a dangerous future
3.2 People
This aim of this part was discussing about effecting of people to the Livestock Industry
lead to its unethical behaviours.
. For a long time ago , people understood that meat was very important for healthy so
they needed to eat meat during the living . However , people did not compare between
benefits and harms that effected straight to their life day by day .
. Moreover , needed of people having a job and investing of government to Livestock
Industry that promotes Livestock Industry developed quickly.
These findings gave us the general view of Livestock Industry its unethical behaviours
by its effecting to environment such as water pollution , damaging land, and air pollution
by CO2 and CH4 .
3.2.1 Amount of meat that people needed.
According to Suzanne Robin, Demand Media : “Most people need around 0.8 grams
of protein per day per 2.2 pounds of body weight, according to registered dietitian Reed
Mangels. Consuming around 46 grams of protein per day if you're female and 56 grams
per day if you're male will meet your protein needs, whether you get your protein from
meat or from plant sources. A 3-ounce portion of meat contains 21 to 24 grams of
protein. Three 3-ounce meat servings per day would supply all your protein needs, but
this much meat could include a large amount of saturated fat, which could increase your
risk of heart disease.”
According to the researching above , 50,1 grams is the average meat that person
needs to eat per day . It means that person needs to eat about 18.286 grams per year .
Additionally ,“ World population grew to 7.06 billion in mid-2012 after having passed
the 7 billion mark in 2011. Developing countries accounted for 97 percent of this growth
because of the dual effects of high birth rates and young populations. Conversely, in the
developed countries the annual number of births barely exceeds deaths because of low
birth rates and much older populations. By 2025, it is likely that deaths will exceed births
in the developed countries, the first time this will have happened in history” by Carl
Haub. Therefore , we can count the amount of meat is 127.800.000.000 kilograms that
people need to use per year . There are a large amount of meat that needs for using of
people so livestock industries have to develop more and more to provide enough meat for
using of people .
3.2.2 Needed having a job and investing of government.
People needed having a job .
There were a lot of reasons for people needed having a job . Some main reasons for
having a job: First , because of their living . They have to earn money to take care of their
children such as paying tuition for their children , purchasing a lot of things that they
need to buy. Another reason is that people would like to get experiences from work or get
funs when they are working . Second , people would like to be rich so they would like to
do business to get more money . They can buy a big house , nice car , and a lot of
beautiful things . However , when they do business they don’t think about what they do
carefully . Livestock industry is one of several problems that are unethical behavior .
Investing of government.
Table 2
From table 2- US . direct investment in Brazil . We can see a large of amount investing
money that increases from 1984 to 1996. This shows for us know livestock industries will
be developed more and more in the future. That means livestock industries need more
and more resources from environment such as water , land, and air that will be
destroyed .While people also need water , land , and air to live so people are wasting
resources but they probably don’t know. The challenge for environment and life are to
increase the productivity of major livestock species to address the food needs of the
world. Traditional livestock systems will continue to evolve towards more intensive
integrated farming modes that improve efficiency. Because of investing of government
that promotes the livestock industries are developping . They are killing living of people
To sum up , investing of government to livestock industries is unethical activity.
4.1 Discussion:
Development of the livestock industry bring harm too big to people, it is the need to take
measures to minimize its effects, but human culture has long been accustomed to eating
meat. Therefore, the solution will meet the consensus or no consensus huge.
4.2 Recommendation
4.2.1 Land Improvement and Environmental
If everyone, all farmers and all land on our planet are switching to organic farming, then
immediately 40% of carbon dioxide will be absorbed.
Switch to organic farming will restore fertility to the soil has been degraded by
conventional farming methods. Topsoil will be retained and better tolerance to flooding.
Wildlife species and ecosystem are also benefits. In most large-scale studies on methods
about organic farming is done in the UK, organic farms have more than 85% of plant
species compared with conventional farms. In which 71% of the trees are taller and
bigger, allowing many native animals in residence easily.
Moreover, organic vegan farming will prevent chemical fertilizer wastewater stream
infection which is the cause of creating huge dead zones.
4.2.2 Stop killing of animals
The government has issued a number of regulations and to remind people to live good,
moral life and in accordance with the law of love, such as do not kill, eat or do anything
detrimental to the animals and the environment.
In order to cease all acts of murder, abuse of animals or humans. All acts of deforestation,
environmental damage, cut trees must stop. The leaders should be put into law the
benefits of peace for all, and, if possible, include more whole spiritual things, such as the
protection of genuine religious organizations, associations only benefit without harm.
Please share benefits together: Full Distribution clothes, food for the poor and animals.
Construction areas safe for both humans and animals - to protect all life: reforestation,
cleaning and protection of rivers, lakes and seas. We should reward for any associations
which do animal care and environmental protection meanwhile we also boycott alcohol,
drugs, meat and other animal products. End cruel tests on animals. Close the farm; Give
more bachelor or military prisoners to help people, planting vegetables or increasing
production. Encourage and support the cultivation of organic vegetables. Subsidize for
education and health.
If we don’t eat meat, we will use the agriculture products, cereals, to feed humans instead
of feeding more bred animals in the future. So we don’t have hunger anymore, and there
will be no more war because of hunger. The effect is immense.
4.2.3 The government should do for the livestock industry
Livestock sector should promote the propagation and dissemination of legal education on
environmental protection in the field of animal husbandry in order to raise awareness of
environmental protection for organizations and individuals. We should also urgently
complete system of state environmental management in the livestock sector, strengthen
inspection and supervision; complete system of legal documents on environmental
management school. The specific is responsible for compensation, shall restore the
environment in the case of livestock units polluting and damaging to the environment is
also important. This helps to definitely handle livestock facilities, slaughter and
processing of livestock and poultry environmental pollution.
The leaders should also have specific policies to encourage the application of pollution
prevention measures and the use of clean technologies in livestock as support building
infrastructure for livestock waste handling farms and industrial slaughterhouses. We
should also continue to promote the national target program on biogas development
together with the credit policy support for household, livestock unit construction of
biogas. Livestock waste treatment model has many advantages is the use of biogas
technology biogas and bio-EM should also be replicated. This form is called "green
farming" in order to reduce soil and water pollution, minimize the impact on greenhouse
gas emissions, reduce the use of fossil fuels.
Exemption or reduction of taxes, fees for the production of clean energy, renewable
energy from biogas and organizations and individuals to borrow money from the fund
environmental protection ... Besides, the need to accelerate the planned breeding areas,
slaughter in association with environmental protection.
We see environmental challenges for the development of animal husbandry as well as
common challenges for all countries around the world. Thus, solving the problem of
environmental pollution for livestock operations is the path to the livestock industry,
"green", sustainable development in our country.
Figure 5
Data Source: Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, “Health vs. Pork: Congress
Debates the Farm Bill, ”Good Medicine, Vol. XVI, 4 (Autumn
4.2.4 Measures and opinions of people for the livestock industry
The report concludes with a look at the different options to introduce more sustainable
environmental and social practices for livestock systems.
‘’We want to protect the people on the sidelines who depend on a small number of
livestock for their livelihood," Mooney said. "On the other side, we want people to
participate in the livestock industry to closely review the report and determine what
improvements they can make."
One solution is for countries to adopt policies to provide incentives for better
management practices focus on land conservation and more efficient water and fertilizer
use, he said.
However, calculating the true cost of meat production is a difficult task, Mooney said.
Consider the piece of ham on your breakfast plate, and where it came from before landing
on your grocery shelf. First, take into account the amount of land used to feed pigs. Then
factor in all the water, soil and fertilizer used to grow rice and pig-related pollution
Finally, consider that while the ham may have come from Denmark, where the pigs twice
the grain to feed the animals have the ability to develop in Brazil, where the tropical
forests continue to be cleared to grow soybeans, a major source of pigs.
"So many problems come down to individual consumers," said co-editor Fritz Schneider
of the College of Agriculture (SHL) Switzerland. "People will not stop eating meat, but I
always hope that people learn more, they alter their behavior. If they are informed that
they do not have the choice to help build a more equitable and sustainable world, they
can make better choices. "
Livestock in a changing landscape is a collaboration of the Woods FAO, SHL, Institute
of Environment, International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), the Committee on
Scientific Problems of the Environment (SCOPE), the Middle Agricultural Research
Centre for International Development (CIRAD), and the Initiative for Livestock,
Environment and Development (LEAD).
Other editors of the report is Laurie E. Neville (Stanford University), Pierre Gerber
(FAO), Jeroen Dijkman (FAO), Shirley Tarawali (ILRI) and Cees de Haan (World
Bank). Initial funding for the project was to provide in 2004 and environmental benefits
of joint venture project from the Institute Woods.
4.3 Conclusion
Really need to bring the issue of industrial development to weigh livestock, and select the
most appropriate solution for each country, for the future of humanity.
Meat is the main product of human. People should also take meat to provide some
nutritive substance. However, it also caused harm to the environment and human. Don’t
eat meat help people to avoid some diseases such as cancer and heart disease. We have
many different reasons for fasting depending on ethnicity and culture and the vegetarian
for ethical problems because they did not want to cause suffering to animals, or the
struggle for animal rights. In addition, health problems is also a motivation for
vegetarians, some are feel an aversion to the taste of the meat. There are also a number of
vegetarian organizations to protect the ecosystem because they believe that livestock
production in the farms harm the environment. They also suggest that reducing meat
consumption will significantly improve the situation of the global food but now, due to
researching of scientists, fasting not only to protect the animals, but also to protect the
humans. For by fasting that people escape to toxins from the body meats.
The fact that we can’t deny is that since humans appeared on the ground, people only eat
vegetables to nourish the body and to produce more descendants. Thanks vegetables
fostered many fishing knives from ancient proverb handed down to this day: "Poverty
and vegetables, pain medication", "Also pond spinach as same pot", "Do I miss home the,
remember son bitter melon, tomato pot tamarind ".
The folk in question proved humans appeared on earth is eating only vegetables
(vegetable) until the fire appeared, people learned to use fire to cook meat to eat to
appetite. However, the main food of the meal remains vegetables, especially those living
in the countryside. Thanks vegetables nourish the body has helped humans for
reproductive health and longevity.
Vietnamese private, non-permanent oil vegetarian but most of all meals, food is still
vegetables. In Vietnam before 1975 people employed by low-income workers have little
chance to eat meat, so that workers are less ill. After 1975, the number of Vietnamese
refugees to the United States due to high income, increase nutritional quality of meat. It is
the cause of high blood pressure, heart disease and cancer. An old American doctor
working in Fountain Valley Hospital has remarked: "When the Vietnamese arrived settle
in Orange is only about 1 or 2 percent cholesterol, but only 10 years later, the number of
cholesterol was up to nearly 10%. If you want to reduce cholesterol should eat more
vegetables ".
4.4 Limitation and future research
You see, one small step from everyone in the right direction can result in a big leap in our
evolution as a human race. And that small step is very simple. It’s just: no killing.
Abiding by the principle of “Live and let live,” adhering to the universal law where we
grant life to beget life. Because like attracts like; that we all know. This, of course,
includes adopting a vegan diet.
Humans are naturally more generous and peaceful in their heart; it’s just that we all have
been misinformed, misunderstood for a long, long, long time. We thought meat was good
for us, we thought dairy was good for us, we thought fish was good for us, we thought
eggs were good for us. It’s all wrong. It’s all the opposite. It all has been proven that
these things that we have been told that are good for us—like meat, fish, dairy, eggs,
whatever animal products are “good for us”—is all wrong. It’s the opposite of what is
good. It has been bringing us suffering, sickness and tremendous loss of finances from
tax payers for curing disease and related business.
So, we have been misled, for a long, long time. Now, we have to do research. We have to
listen to the wise doctors and scientists. We have to see the result of their research: that
meat and animal products are really, really poisonous for us. We have to stop now,
especially stop for our children’s sake. We can’t keep poisoning our children anymore;
they are helpless. The poor children, they rely on us, they think we know better, but it’s
not our fault either. We just need to turn around.
We are hopeful in the future, when you become more compassionate, changes outlook to
animals, changing awareness about keeping the environment. We will take measures to
more effectively.

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Livestock industry and its unethical

  • 2. TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES............................................................................................................2 LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES Figure 5: Why does a salad cost more than a big Mac ?Error: Reference source not found0 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Research background Overview of livestock industry. Livestock sector is not an act major role in the national economy, said general, but breeding has a role in agriculture, and social life. a. For the national economy.
  • 3. The value of livestock products accounting for 1.4% of gross domestic product (Gross Domestic Product - GDP) of the world (2005). Annual growth rate of world's livestock sector (1995 - 2005) is 2.2%. b. For agriculture. The value of livestock products accounted for 40% of the total value of agricultural products. In industrialized countries, the value of the livestock sector accounts for 50- 60% of value of agricultural products. Products of livestock sector contributed 17% of the value of exports of the agricultural sector. The livestock sector has provided fertilizers for cultivation. c. For the life. • The livestock sector has provided the kind of animal products have high nutritional value for humans. 1 • The livestock sector provides 17% of the demand human power (477 Kcal / person / day). • The livestock sector provides 33% of the demand protein for men (25g/person/day). • Science of Animal Husbandry Association of Vietnam. • The livestock sector is a source of additional nutrients for the 944 million people with impaired nutrition. d. For society .
  • 4. The livestock sector employers of 1.3 billion people (the traditional livestock sector does not require farmers skilled high art). The livestock sector has secured life for 987 million poor people (this means 30% of the world's poor. Worldwide there are about 2735 million poor, earning less than 3 U.S. $ / day). As the demand for livestock products on a increase and a change in taste, it is projected guess: Production of meat in the world will increase from 229 million tons (1991/2001) to 465 million ton (2050) and milk production worldwide will increase from 580 million tons (1991/2001) to 1043 million ton (2050). ( According to the Journal of Animal Husbandry No. 4 – 2010 Digitized by LRC - Thai Nguyen University, 2 1.2 Rationale for the study: • But we have the last published findings from the United Nations in 2006 and new researchings told us that the livestock industry causes greenhouse gas emissions more than all the world’s transportation sectors combined —airplanes, trains, cars, motorcycles, etc., altogether. Updated calculations tell us that the livestock industry is responsible for at least 50% of global warming.
  • 5. “Our analysis shows that livestock and their by production actually account for at least 32,564-million tons of CO2 per year, or 51 percent of annual worldwide GHG emissions.” 4 —World Watch Institute • The livestock industry causes a large part of the world’s soil erosion. It is a leading driver of desertification, biodiversity loss, and water waste, and water pollution, despite water becoming scarcer each day due to global warming. Moreover, the livestock sector inefficiently drains our fossil-fuel and food-grain resources. In short, we throw away 12 times more grain, at least 10 times more water and eight times more fossil-fuel energy to produce a portion of beef compared to a nutritionally similar or even greater amount of vegan food. 3 • Henning Steinfeld, chairman of the Division of Policy Document Livestock and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Food said that : • "Livestock are one of the most significant contributions to cause problems serious environmental problems today. urgent action is needed to remedy this situation. " 1.3 Research question: Is developping of the livestock industry direct ratio to the damage of environment ?
  • 6. Is developing of the livestock industry an unethical thing basically ? why ? CHAPTER 2 METHODOLOGY 2.1 Data collections: By using seconding data about developing of livestock industry and its influence with environment , connection between developing of livestock industry and people's needs about eating meat in prestigious reports , we want to find out the answer for the research question. 2.1.1 Developing of livestock industry and its influence with environment. “Livestock are one of the most significant contributors to today’s most serious environmental problems. Urgent action is required to remedy the situation.” —Dr. Henning Steinfeld, Chief of Livestock Information and Policy Branch, FAO, UN. “Livestock is the main driver of deforestation. Livestock is the largest single source of water pollution. 4 Livestock produces more greenhouse gases than all worldwide transportation combined.” —Livestock’s Long Shadow . 2.1.2 people need to eat meat
  • 7. -Eating meat is natural. Most of us believe that eating meat is natural because humans have hunted and consumed animals for thousands of years. Factually, we used to eat meat as part of a complex diet for at least 2 million years. - American livestock industry killed about 10 billion animals each year, and that's not to mention 10 billion fish and other marine animals are killed every year. About 19.011 animals each minute, or 317 animals per second. While you read these lines, nearly 60.00 the animals are killed. "Why we love dogs, eat pigs, and wear cows” Melanie Joy,Ph.D. Eating meat is essential. We can not survive without meat. Although we know that we can live without eating meat. Another myth that meat is necessary for our health, even when there is ample evidence to prove the opposite. The study recommends that eating meat is bad for health, meat consumption related to the development of a number of major diseases in the modern industrial world so the livestock industry is developing more and more irrespective of its unethiccal and illogical thing . 5 2.2 Research modal :
  • 8. CHAPTER III FINDING AND RESULT 3.1 Environment factor. 3.1.1 Natural resources. The EARTH is a beautiful planet with plentiful natural resources as fertility land , water , pure air…these condition is good for producing the five cereals , vegetables as food for human but we use environment resources to produce grain to provide for livestock industry and the result that we are got is meat , respond to eating meat of human but we have hunger in some where in the world and meat isn't sure good for human's 6 health, according to some trust worthy reports are we short of food ? How many people in the world are hungry ? 1.02 billion people in every five seconds, a child dies of hungry. Grain currently fed to livestock is enough to feed nearly two - billion people
  • 9. —Julie Gellatley and Tony Hardle Ninety percent all of soy, 80% all of corn and 70% all of grain grown in AMERICA are fed to fatten livestock, while this could feed at least 800-million hungry people. We have hungry people; we have children dying every few seconds because we use too much land, too much water, too much food for livestock instead of on humans. —Gary L. Francione, Professor of Law, Rutgers University Law School, USA,Vegan 3.1.2 Wasting water to provide for livestock Livestock industry is the Greatest Water Guzzler , “We must reconsider our agricultural practices and how we manage our water resources, with agriculture and livestock raising accounting for 70% of fresh water use and up to 80% of deforestation.” —Ban Ki-moon While 1.1-billion people lack access to safe drinking water, we waste 3.8 trillion tons of precious clean water each year for livestock production. We have [over] six-billion people in this world and the sources of groundwater for wells, which supports half of our world population, are dying, drying up. And the top ten global river systems are drying or ebbing away. And three-billion people are short of water. Dead zones are a serious threat to the ocean’s ecosystems , are caused primarily by fertilizer runoff from agriculture that is mainly used for animal feed. 7 Figure 1
  • 10. Data Source: Marcia Kreith, Water Inputs in California Food Production, Water Education Foundation, September, 1991 (chart E3 p28) 3.1.3 Wasting land for livestock industry We have only 30% of land that covers the Earth. Of that precious 30%, one-third of it is used, not for our true survival, but for livestock pasture or growing tons of grain for animal feed—all to produce a few pieces of meat. The clearing of land for livestock has created instability and serious soil degradation. Eighty percent of cleared Amazon forest is designated as a cattle grazing area to prepare the animals for slaughter, and the remainder is planted as soy crops used also largely for animal feed. 8
  • 11. Every year, we cut down forests as big as England just to raise animals. That’s why our planet’s heating up and then many places are having problems with floods and drought. A rainforest area the size of a football field is destroyed every second to produce just 250 hamburgers.( john robbins , 3.1.4 Energy : The Energy Cost of livestock industry Livestock industry use energy excessively.To produce one kilogram of beef consumes 169 mega joules (169-million watts) of energy, or enough energy to drive an average European car for 250 kilometers! One six-ounce beef steak costs 16 times as much fossil fuel energy as one vegan meal containing three kinds of vegetables and rice.This thing will exhaust fossil fuel energy of the world . 9
  • 12. Figure 2 Data Source: Gidon Eshel and Pamela A. Martin, “Diet, Energy, and Global Warming”, Earth Interaction, Vol 10 (2006), paper No. 9. 3.1.5 Pollution air Livestock industry is the greatest methane emitter , discharge greenhouse gases, and other toxic gases as Livestock has been recalculated as to generate possibly more than 50% of total global emissions —more than 50% is from the livestock industry. It is more than the world's transportation sectors combined 10
  • 13. Greenhouse Gases and Global Warming Potentials – Table 1 Greenhouse gases CO 2 (carbon dioxide) CH 4 (methane) N 2 O (nitrous oxide) Global Warming Potentials (GWP) * 1 25* 298* Pre-industrial atmospheric concentration 280 ppm 0.715 ppm 0.270 ppm Atmospheric concentration in 2005 379 ppm 1.774 ppm 0.319 ppm Percentile contribution from livestock industry ** 9% 37% 65% “ Averaged over 100 years, methane and nitrous oxide are 25 and 298 times respectively more potent than carbon dioxide in global warming potentials. Averaged over 20 years, methane is 72 times more potent. (One part per million (ppm) denotes one part per 1,000,000 parts.) (IPCC, Fourth Assessment Report )” 3.1.6 Interaction between environment and livestock industry Livestock industry developing is based on advantaged environment . we use land , water , energy resources to serve for livestock industry We have meat for human from developing of livestock industry but the cost we have to pay is so expensive • Wasting grain make hungers on some where in the world • Wasting energy exhausting fossil fuel • Wasting and polluting water , land • Discharge methane ,greenhouse gases, and other toxic gases , make global warming with occurrences . 11
  • 14. Arctic and Antarctic Ice Melts ( Figure 3 ) Credit: National Snow and Ice Data center, arcticseaicenews/index.html Sea-Level Rise Projections ( Figure 4 )
  • 15. Credit: IPCC, Fourth Assessment Report, 111, figure 1. 12 Making Sinking Land and Climate Refugees A report from the International Organization for Migration stated that there may be 200-million, or even up to one-billion people who will be climate refugees by 2050, or within our lifetime. These are people who must leave their island or coastal homes due to rising sea levels or permafrost melts that cause entire communities or nations to sink and collapse. Weather Conditions become extreme Frequency of Natural Disasters are increased.we have to face with serious results from developing livestock industry , with a dangerous future 3.2 People This aim of this part was discussing about effecting of people to the Livestock Industry lead to its unethical behaviours.
  • 16. . For a long time ago , people understood that meat was very important for healthy so they needed to eat meat during the living . However , people did not compare between benefits and harms that effected straight to their life day by day . . Moreover , needed of people having a job and investing of government to Livestock Industry that promotes Livestock Industry developed quickly. These findings gave us the general view of Livestock Industry its unethical behaviours by its effecting to environment such as water pollution , damaging land, and air pollution by CO2 and CH4 . 13 3.2.1 Amount of meat that people needed.
  • 17. According to Suzanne Robin, Demand Media : “Most people need around 0.8 grams of protein per day per 2.2 pounds of body weight, according to registered dietitian Reed Mangels. Consuming around 46 grams of protein per day if you're female and 56 grams per day if you're male will meet your protein needs, whether you get your protein from meat or from plant sources. A 3-ounce portion of meat contains 21 to 24 grams of protein. Three 3-ounce meat servings per day would supply all your protein needs, but this much meat could include a large amount of saturated fat, which could increase your risk of heart disease.” According to the researching above , 50,1 grams is the average meat that person needs to eat per day . It means that person needs to eat about 18.286 grams per year . Additionally ,“ World population grew to 7.06 billion in mid-2012 after having passed 14 the 7 billion mark in 2011. Developing countries accounted for 97 percent of this growth because of the dual effects of high birth rates and young populations. Conversely, in the developed countries the annual number of births barely exceeds deaths because of low birth rates and much older populations. By 2025, it is likely that deaths will exceed births in the developed countries, the first time this will have happened in history” by Carl Haub. Therefore , we can count the amount of meat is 127.800.000.000 kilograms that people need to use per year . There are a large amount of meat that needs for using of people so livestock industries have to develop more and more to provide enough meat for using of people . 3.2.2 Needed having a job and investing of government.
  • 18. People needed having a job . There were a lot of reasons for people needed having a job . Some main reasons for having a job: First , because of their living . They have to earn money to take care of their children such as paying tuition for their children , purchasing a lot of things that they need to buy. Another reason is that people would like to get experiences from work or get funs when they are working . Second , people would like to be rich so they would like to do business to get more money . They can buy a big house , nice car , and a lot of beautiful things . However , when they do business they don’t think about what they do carefully . Livestock industry is one of several problems that are unethical behavior . 15 Investing of government. Table 2
  • 19. From table 2- US . direct investment in Brazil . We can see a large of amount investing money that increases from 1984 to 1996. This shows for us know livestock industries will be developed more and more in the future. That means livestock industries need more and more resources from environment such as water , land, and air that will be destroyed .While people also need water , land , and air to live so people are wasting resources but they probably don’t know. The challenge for environment and life are to increase the productivity of major livestock species to address the food needs of the world. Traditional livestock systems will continue to evolve towards more intensive integrated farming modes that improve efficiency. Because of investing of government that promotes the livestock industries are developping . They are killing living of people indirectly. To sum up , investing of government to livestock industries is unethical activity. 16 CHAPTER 4 DISCUSSION, RECOMMENDATION, CONCLUSION AND LIMITATION 4.1 Discussion: Development of the livestock industry bring harm too big to people, it is the need to take measures to minimize its effects, but human culture has long been accustomed to eating meat. Therefore, the solution will meet the consensus or no consensus huge. 4.2 Recommendation 4.2.1 Land Improvement and Environmental
  • 20. If everyone, all farmers and all land on our planet are switching to organic farming, then immediately 40% of carbon dioxide will be absorbed. Switch to organic farming will restore fertility to the soil has been degraded by conventional farming methods. Topsoil will be retained and better tolerance to flooding. Wildlife species and ecosystem are also benefits. In most large-scale studies on methods about organic farming is done in the UK, organic farms have more than 85% of plant species compared with conventional farms. In which 71% of the trees are taller and bigger, allowing many native animals in residence easily. Moreover, organic vegan farming will prevent chemical fertilizer wastewater stream infection which is the cause of creating huge dead zones. 4.2.2 Stop killing of animals The government has issued a number of regulations and to remind people to live good, moral life and in accordance with the law of love, such as do not kill, eat or do anything 17 detrimental to the animals and the environment. In order to cease all acts of murder, abuse of animals or humans. All acts of deforestation, environmental damage, cut trees must stop. The leaders should be put into law the benefits of peace for all, and, if possible, include more whole spiritual things, such as the protection of genuine religious organizations, associations only benefit without harm. Please share benefits together: Full Distribution clothes, food for the poor and animals. Construction areas safe for both humans and animals - to protect all life: reforestation, cleaning and protection of rivers, lakes and seas. We should reward for any associations
  • 21. which do animal care and environmental protection meanwhile we also boycott alcohol, drugs, meat and other animal products. End cruel tests on animals. Close the farm; Give more bachelor or military prisoners to help people, planting vegetables or increasing production. Encourage and support the cultivation of organic vegetables. Subsidize for education and health. If we don’t eat meat, we will use the agriculture products, cereals, to feed humans instead of feeding more bred animals in the future. So we don’t have hunger anymore, and there will be no more war because of hunger. The effect is immense. 4.2.3 The government should do for the livestock industry Livestock sector should promote the propagation and dissemination of legal education on environmental protection in the field of animal husbandry in order to raise awareness of environmental protection for organizations and individuals. We should also urgently 18 complete system of state environmental management in the livestock sector, strengthen inspection and supervision; complete system of legal documents on environmental management school. The specific is responsible for compensation, shall restore the environment in the case of livestock units polluting and damaging to the environment is also important. This helps to definitely handle livestock facilities, slaughter and processing of livestock and poultry environmental pollution. The leaders should also have specific policies to encourage the application of pollution prevention measures and the use of clean technologies in livestock as support building
  • 22. infrastructure for livestock waste handling farms and industrial slaughterhouses. We should also continue to promote the national target program on biogas development together with the credit policy support for household, livestock unit construction of biogas. Livestock waste treatment model has many advantages is the use of biogas technology biogas and bio-EM should also be replicated. This form is called "green farming" in order to reduce soil and water pollution, minimize the impact on greenhouse gas emissions, reduce the use of fossil fuels. Exemption or reduction of taxes, fees for the production of clean energy, renewable energy from biogas and organizations and individuals to borrow money from the fund environmental protection ... Besides, the need to accelerate the planned breeding areas, slaughter in association with environmental protection. We see environmental challenges for the development of animal husbandry as well as 19 common challenges for all countries around the world. Thus, solving the problem of environmental pollution for livestock operations is the path to the livestock industry, "green", sustainable development in our country. Figure 5
  • 23. Data Source: Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, “Health vs. Pork: Congress Debates the Farm Bill, ”Good Medicine, Vol. XVI, 4 (Autumn 2007) 4.2.4 Measures and opinions of people for the livestock industry The report concludes with a look at the different options to introduce more sustainable 20 environmental and social practices for livestock systems. ‘’We want to protect the people on the sidelines who depend on a small number of livestock for their livelihood," Mooney said. "On the other side, we want people to participate in the livestock industry to closely review the report and determine what improvements they can make."
  • 24. One solution is for countries to adopt policies to provide incentives for better management practices focus on land conservation and more efficient water and fertilizer use, he said. However, calculating the true cost of meat production is a difficult task, Mooney said. Consider the piece of ham on your breakfast plate, and where it came from before landing on your grocery shelf. First, take into account the amount of land used to feed pigs. Then factor in all the water, soil and fertilizer used to grow rice and pig-related pollution results. Finally, consider that while the ham may have come from Denmark, where the pigs twice the grain to feed the animals have the ability to develop in Brazil, where the tropical forests continue to be cleared to grow soybeans, a major source of pigs. "So many problems come down to individual consumers," said co-editor Fritz Schneider of the College of Agriculture (SHL) Switzerland. "People will not stop eating meat, but I always hope that people learn more, they alter their behavior. If they are informed that they do not have the choice to help build a more equitable and sustainable world, they can make better choices. " 21 Livestock in a changing landscape is a collaboration of the Woods FAO, SHL, Institute of Environment, International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), the Committee on Scientific Problems of the Environment (SCOPE), the Middle Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD), and the Initiative for Livestock, Environment and Development (LEAD).
  • 25. Other editors of the report is Laurie E. Neville (Stanford University), Pierre Gerber (FAO), Jeroen Dijkman (FAO), Shirley Tarawali (ILRI) and Cees de Haan (World Bank). Initial funding for the project was to provide in 2004 and environmental benefits of joint venture project from the Institute Woods. 4.3 Conclusion Really need to bring the issue of industrial development to weigh livestock, and select the most appropriate solution for each country, for the future of humanity. Meat is the main product of human. People should also take meat to provide some nutritive substance. However, it also caused harm to the environment and human. Don’t eat meat help people to avoid some diseases such as cancer and heart disease. We have many different reasons for fasting depending on ethnicity and culture and the vegetarian for ethical problems because they did not want to cause suffering to animals, or the struggle for animal rights. In addition, health problems is also a motivation for vegetarians, some are feel an aversion to the taste of the meat. There are also a number of vegetarian organizations to protect the ecosystem because they believe that livestock production in the farms harm the environment. They also suggest that reducing meat 22 consumption will significantly improve the situation of the global food but now, due to researching of scientists, fasting not only to protect the animals, but also to protect the humans. For by fasting that people escape to toxins from the body meats. The fact that we can’t deny is that since humans appeared on the ground, people only eat vegetables to nourish the body and to produce more descendants. Thanks vegetables
  • 26. fostered many fishing knives from ancient proverb handed down to this day: "Poverty and vegetables, pain medication", "Also pond spinach as same pot", "Do I miss home the, remember son bitter melon, tomato pot tamarind ". The folk in question proved humans appeared on earth is eating only vegetables (vegetable) until the fire appeared, people learned to use fire to cook meat to eat to appetite. However, the main food of the meal remains vegetables, especially those living in the countryside. Thanks vegetables nourish the body has helped humans for reproductive health and longevity. Vietnamese private, non-permanent oil vegetarian but most of all meals, food is still vegetables. In Vietnam before 1975 people employed by low-income workers have little chance to eat meat, so that workers are less ill. After 1975, the number of Vietnamese refugees to the United States due to high income, increase nutritional quality of meat. It is the cause of high blood pressure, heart disease and cancer. An old American doctor working in Fountain Valley Hospital has remarked: "When the Vietnamese arrived settle in Orange is only about 1 or 2 percent cholesterol, but only 10 years later, the number of 23 cholesterol was up to nearly 10%. If you want to reduce cholesterol should eat more vegetables ". 4.4 Limitation and future research You see, one small step from everyone in the right direction can result in a big leap in our evolution as a human race. And that small step is very simple. It’s just: no killing.
  • 27. Abiding by the principle of “Live and let live,” adhering to the universal law where we grant life to beget life. Because like attracts like; that we all know. This, of course, includes adopting a vegan diet. Humans are naturally more generous and peaceful in their heart; it’s just that we all have been misinformed, misunderstood for a long, long, long time. We thought meat was good for us, we thought dairy was good for us, we thought fish was good for us, we thought eggs were good for us. It’s all wrong. It’s all the opposite. It all has been proven that these things that we have been told that are good for us—like meat, fish, dairy, eggs, whatever animal products are “good for us”—is all wrong. It’s the opposite of what is good. It has been bringing us suffering, sickness and tremendous loss of finances from tax payers for curing disease and related business. So, we have been misled, for a long, long time. Now, we have to do research. We have to listen to the wise doctors and scientists. We have to see the result of their research: that meat and animal products are really, really poisonous for us. We have to stop now, especially stop for our children’s sake. We can’t keep poisoning our children anymore; they are helpless. The poor children, they rely on us, they think we know better, but it’s 24 not our fault either. We just need to turn around. We are hopeful in the future, when you become more compassionate, changes outlook to animals, changing awareness about keeping the environment. We will take measures to more effectively.
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