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Effects of Agriculture on the Environment Essay
Effects of Agriculture on the Environment
Introduction: Agriculture has changed dramatically, especially since the end of World War II. Food and fibre productivity rose due to new
technologies, mechanization, increased chemical use, specialization and government policies that favoured maximizing production. These changes
allowed fewer farmers with reduced labour demands to produce the majority of the food and fibre.
Humans, like all other species, exploit their surroundings for the resources they need to survive. Our current exploitation of the world, however, is
greater than those of most species. There are many reasons for this exploitation but we will focus on one and that is our technology, which is used for more content...
It takes up to three hundred years for one inch of agricultural topsoil to form so soil that is lost is essentially irreplaceable. The consequences for
long–term crop yields have not been sufficiently measured. The amount of erosion varies from one field to another. This depends on the type of soil,
the slope of the field, the drainage patterns and the crop management practices. The effects of the erosion vary also. The areas that are better able to
sustain erosion without loss of productivity are areas with deep organic loams. This is more sustainable than the areas where topsoil's are shallower.
Erosion removes the surface soils, containing most of the organic matter, plant nutrients, and fine soil particles, which help to retain water and
nutrients in the root zone where they are available to plants. Thus it affects the productivity of plants. The remaining, the subsoil, tends to be less
fertile, less absorbent and less able to retain pesticides, fertilizers, and other plant nutrients. There are over 17,000 soil types recognized worldwide.
They vary widely in structure, erodibility, fertility, and ability to produce crops. A generalized soil profile for a humid, temperate climate is showed.
When the natural vegetation is cleared for agriculture, soils become exposed to erosion and loss of soil fertility. The removal of the above–ground
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Pros And Cons Of Animal Agriculture
No industry has seen the level of dramatic, exponential growth and change over the past three decades as animal agriculture. The present day global
society and its accompanying hunger for flesh and other animal derived products has forced the production and husbandry of animals to adapt in order
to satisfy this high demand. Modern farming practices are far from the idealized, picturesque image that is frequently portrayed in American media and
advertising. Animal production in the United States has been industrialized, and consequently the adverse effects of large scale production and industry
are taking their toll in new and devastating ways. A nation which was once saturated with small farms and farmers who supplied to the
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Farm Consolidation The most prevalent trend in animal agriculture over the past thirty years is the consolidation of farms. Growing demand for meat
and animal products as well as animal production has steadily been increasing, but the number of farms has decreased (Cole et al., 2000; Donham
et al., 2007; Alvarado, Gibbs, Gandara, Flores, Hurd, & Green, 2012; Braunig, 2005). The result is an overwhelming quantity of animals per
operation. In the 1960's more than 1 million hog producers were in operation. This number fell to a staggering 67,000 by 2005 (Donham et al.,
2007). According to the National Agricultural Statistics Service, as of 2010, 12% of hog operations raised 86% of all hogs raised in the United States
(Himmelberger et al., 2015). Iowa is the nation's top producing state for hogs, and produces just about one–fourth of U.S. pork. Iowa is a prime
example of farm consolidation at work. In the year 1980, 64,000 hog raising farms were in operation. In 2000, only 10,500 hog raising farms
remained. Alarmingly, though the number of farms saw an 84% decrease over that twenty year span of time, the average number of hogs per farm
increased from 250 to 1,430 over this same period (Thorne, 2007). North Carolina in the nation's second top hog producer and follows a similar trend.
In fact, North Carolina was only the fifteenth top hog
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Agriculture : Agriculture And Agriculture Essay
Agriculture plays an important role in India. With an immense amount land, rich soils, and multiple climates agriculture is one of the most important
economies in India. The word agriculture is defined as the science or practice of farming, including cultivation of the soil for the growing of crops and
the rearing of animals to provide food and other products. Agriculture and farming in India are similar to those around the world. They too farm based
off of culture, climate, and seasons. The main types of agriculture in India include shifting agriculture, subsistence agriculture, extensive agriculture,
intensive agriculture, plantation agriculture, mixed farming, and commercial farming. Although agriculture is still in need of growing, it is the largest
economy in India given that majority of households depends on agriculture as principle means of livelihood.
'Jhum kheti', commonly known as slash and burn or shifting agriculture, is the most predominant farming system practiced by the hilly communities of
North East (NE) India (Wangpan, Tonlong, and Sumpam Tangjang). The oldest type of agriculture in this country, shifting agriculture has been
practiced in India by tribal communities and hill people since ancient times. Axes are the classical tool utilized in this type of farming and no
machinery is used. This process is very labor intensive. Typically located in areas with low populations, this process consists of clearing the land to
plant the crop, growing the crop for a
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The Production Of Animal Agriculture Essay
1.0 Introduction
Animal agriculture is defined as the practice of breeding animals for the production of animal product purposes (MacLachlan, 2016). Animal
agriculture is a continuous expanding industry globally. The quest for intensification in livestock farming has thundered ahead with little regard for
sustainability and overall efficiency (Eisler, 2014). Because of this little regard of sustainability; there have been many issues and problems which
have been risen due to the mass production of animal farming locally in Australia and also world–wide. The two major issues that are continuous
problem; is water usage and waste and also deforestation. The agriculture sector is the largest user of fresh water resources. In 2000, animal agriculture
accounted for seventy percent of water use of water use and ninety–three per cent of water depletion worldwide (Kirby M. , 2013). Water is a necessity
resource that needs to be used in farming, from growing grain for feed and for animals to drink. It takes roughly 9084 litres of water to produce one
pound of beef meat (Kirby, 2015). Two acres of rain forest are cleared each minute to raise cattle or the crops to feed them (Simon, 2015). Agriculture
is estimated to be the direct driver for around 80% of deforestation worldwide (Wageningen University and Research Centre, 2014).
2.0 Water Consumption
Water consumption is a major issue in animal agriculture, it is an abused resource in animal farming and needs to be considered as a
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Agriculture Technology Essay examples
Agriculture Technology
People have depended on agriculture for years as the primary source of getting food. We have developed all kinds of ways to manipulate nature so
what we can produce higher yield crops, more nutritious crops, bigger crops, crops that withstand cold, and farming equipment that allows us to
manufacture these crops with relative ease. Why then are there five billion people being malnourished and forty thousand children dying each day from
hunger? It seems as though world hunger is more a result of the lack of distributing the food properly than the lack of quantity. agriculture has turned
into a high profit business and biotech companies like Monsanto are constantly trying to come up with better and more more content...
During the early 1700's a series of discoveries and inventions gave rise to the Agricultural Revolution. This revolution was brought about mainly by
three revolutions. 1. (Improved crop growing methods)– A retired English politician named Charles Townshend started to experiment with crop rotation
and found out that turnips could be used as a fourth crop in a four crop rotation. A four crop rotation consisted of turnips, two grains, and legumes.
Each one would either add or absorb necessary nutrients in order to constantly be able to use the soil. 2. (Advances in livestock breeding)– Farmers
now started to figure out that animals with desired traits could be bread together to have offspring with desired traits. Now they could make a sheep
that was both good for the wool and the meat. 3. (The invention of new farm equipment)– They also started to develop more equipment which made
farming much more efficient and easy. This included seed drills, cotton gin, harvesting machines, and steel plows. The next big thing that happened in
agriculture was in the mid 1800's when Gregor Mendel discovered the principles of heredity which made it possible to breed plants and animals
scientifically. this gave rise to hybrid corn that produced much higher yields. More recently in the 1960's scientists introduced new varieties of wheat,
corn, and rice that gave extremely high yields. They made these high yield crops in an effort to help poor nations such
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Persuasive Essay On Agriculture
When you think of the word agriculture farming is probably the first thought that comes to mind. At its most basic element, agriculture is the way in
which we produce food, the most basic human need. There is an untold amount of differing opinions on the topic of how we should grow food; smaller
family farms being pitted against commercial operations, conventional agriculture against organic practices, and much of the public does not know
what "side" to pick. Agriculture has developed into a highly controversial issue, with each view point claiming that it is the only correct way to farm;
despite this, it is imperative that we lay aside our differences in opinion and come together if we are going to create a sustainable food system
responsible for feeding 9 billion hungry mouths.
By the year 2050, estimates show that over 9 billion people will inhabit Earth, and it is imperative that agriculture finds a way to feed them all. That
is about 1.5 billion more people than there are today. One of the biggest dilemmas that agriculture faces is that relatively little more land can be
converted into land used for agriculture production, without causing irreparable, detrimental effects to the environment. The damage that this would
cause is the subject for another essay, but the bottom line is that it is necessary we produce this food using the land we already have. The only way
we can accomplish this is to combine the best practices of organic, or small farms, with those of
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Agriculture Business and Management Essay example
The career that I want to major in is Agriculture Business and management. The reason why I want to major in Agriculture Business is because
agriculture is an important aspect of every society for its social, economic, and environmental growth. I first heard of this career from my agriculture
advisors, at Westminster High School's farm, when I was being shown a list of jobs and careers that involved agriculture. I was interested in this career
because I have a general interest in agriculture and farming, which is a fundamental part of human life, and to be able to get into a career that is
involved in agriculture is an amazing opportunity. The responsibilities of an Agricultural Business Manager is, "to ensure that the production
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"Agricultural managers direct the activities of one of the world's largest and most productive agricultural sectors. They produce enough food and fiber
to meet the needs of the United States and for export" (student scholarships 1). High school required classes to take in order to reach the career
requirements are intro to agriculture, intro to agriculture economics, and computer science. The classes that Westminster High School has that are
considered requirements are: intro to agriculture, computer science, agriculture mechanics, veterinary science, intro to business, economics, leadership.
And FFA (club/organization). All the post high school courses needed are: "Ag. Economics, agribusinessmanagement, accounting I and II,
environmental law and economic policy, agricultural marketing, financial management, human resource management, microeconomics, economics and
business statistics, U.S. Ag. Policy, intro to agribusiness, applied ecology, managerial accounting or cost accounting, intro to computer applications,
composition, critical reading and thinking, human relations, business math, Spanish communications I, and technical writing and communication,. For
an elective the options are given to either take general psychology, political science, or sociology I" (DelawareTech 2). The colleges with the career
major are CSU Fresno and Oregon State University. For on–going
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Agriculture as a whole has been good for human society. It has allowed technology to advance to the level that we are currently at. There are many
advantages to agriculture, but there are also equal disadvantages to agriculture being adapted into human culture. The most helpful of these advantages
are feeding a growing population and increasing a woman's birth rate. The disadvantages of agriculture are higher risks of infection, increasing the
demand for the environment, changing our dental formula, and skeletal structure has changed. Though agriculture has good qualities it has caused
more bad than good. Humans had started to move away from the traditional hunting and gathering to the more efficient farming and agriculture. The
change in how they produced food came with a growing population. The population was growing faster than before, thus needing some more efficient
way of feeding the mass amounts of people. Agriculture was adopted because of this need to feed. With the introduction of agriculture, humans were
able to feed the growing population and settle down in the same area. Farms need constant planting and tending, this allowed for humans to settle and
live in smaller groups. By living in these settlements, the birth rate in women increased. This increase in the birth rate played into the ever–growing
population and the ever growing need to farm. Thomas Malthus showed in his own work that "population is ever growing and the food rate will
always be behind trying to catch up" (class notes). This is a constant rate and agriculture seemed like the best option to address and fix the
problem.Throughout history, agriculture has been a staple of producing food for a large population. Donald N. Duvick, the author of the book Feeding
the Ten Billion: Plants and Population Growth, points out that although agriculture has had a negative effect on humans, the introduction of it into 18th
and 19th centuries "helped bring Europe out of poverty and food shortages" (Dunvick). He continues to show that agriculture over time has been
beneficial to developing countries as well with the most efficient way of feeding the ever–growing population. With the growing population, humans
began to see the effects it caused
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Zambia's agriculture has the potential of enhancing economic growth and reducing poverty. Good agricultural policies and a well performing
agricultural sector translates into significant improvements in the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP), employment generation, and broadens the
country's tax base since the livelihoods of the majority of Zambians depend on agricultural–related activities such as farming. The sector, if well
developed, should contribute significantly to welfare improvement. In the colonial period, the government paid particular attention to provinces which
were accessible by railways and also to large estate farmers within these provinces. After independence, attempts were made to redress the imbalance more content...
In other words, even if the exchange rate had not been controlled, domestic price controls still rose the terms of trade heavily against farmers.
Another policy consideration which was introduced by government was to encourage the establishment of cooperatives at the village level and to form
an umbrella organization of the cooperatives at the national level.
According to Tadora (2006:470), another policy that the government considered was the emergency of the rural society based on peasant mass
participation. The basic viable input in Africa is agriculture farming and village labour. This is due to the importance of subsistence farming in the
village community, the existence of some land in excess of immediate requirements, which permits a general practice of shifting cultivation and
reduces the value of land ownership as an instrument of economic and political power, and the rights of each family (both nuclear and extended) in a
village to have access to land and water in the immediate territory vicinity, excluding from such access use by families that do not belong to the
community even though they may be of the same tribe.
However, even with introduction of peasant masses, the rural areas of Zambia continue to be poverty–stricken, and food production on a larger scale
faces severe constraints, which includes lack of production assets and inputs, limited irrigation infrastructure and missing governmental extension
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Agriculture and Population Growth Essay
Agriculture and Population Growth
The earth is increasing its population by 90 million people per year, and yet we still have 5.9 billion people left to feed and to give shelter (Mitchell,
1998). Along with the increase in the population, there are also more people on Earth who are living longer lives. The global population boom has
coincided with the improvement of health, and of productivity, around the world. On average, the human population today lives longer, eats better,
produces more, and consumes more than at any other time period in the past (Eberstadt, 1995). Agriculture feeds people, but will it be able to feed the
expanding global population, especially with its exponential increase?
One way for the population of today more content...
Minimizing agricultural areas through intensification would seem like a great idea for preserving more land.
Technology has been a viable part of higher productivity in agriculture. Innovations such as tractors, seeds, chemicals, irrigation measures, fertilizers,
pesticides, and genetic engineering have played a major part in raising yields without having to clear more fields. But is technology the key to ensuring
sustainable agriculture for a growing population.
Many countries have tripled or even quadrupled the amount of grain they produce. Unfortunately, yields have been decreasing while population
continues to increase. Grain yields per hectare have been slowing since 1990, rising only 3 percent from 1990–1996 or 0.5 percent per year. This does
not keep pace with population growth which is at 1.6 percent per year (Brown, 1997).
Along with population growth, there is a growing demand for a more calorie–filled diet, especially with the unprecedented rise in affluence in Asia.
Meat is becoming the food of choice rather than low calorie wheat or vegetables. Since it takes more grain and water to produce animal protein than
vegetable protein, added pressure is placed on the environment. From 1990 to 1995, China's grain consumption increased by 40 million tons; 33
million tons were consumed as animal feeds (Brown, 1997). As economies
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Organic Agriculture Essay
Organic Agriculture
Organic agriculture is the oldest type of agriculture there is. Many people don't know exactly what has to be done to say that you are farming
organically, these days. Organic Agriculture has been increasing in size over the past few years as more people worry about what they are eating.
Many people donГt know what it exactly means to be farming organically.
The National Organic Standards Boards defines organic agriculture is Г¬an ecological production management system that promotes and enhances
biodiversity, biological cycles and soil biological activity. It is based on minimal use of off–farm inputs and on management practices that restore,
maintain and enhance ecological harmony. The primary goal of more content...
You canГt grow row crops more than four out of five years.
Land that is coming out of CRP works great to be put right into raising organic crops, because you donГt have to wait for three years to change to
organic. If you donГt have land that is coming out of CRP or something like it, then you will have to go through a three year transition period. There
are sometimes markets for these crops, but otherwise they have to be sold like regular crops. Iowa State University says that, Г¬In Iowa, the Natural
Resource Conservation Services offers organic farmers $50/acre during their transition to organic farming.Г® (May 2002)
The biggest problem people have with organic farming is weed control. You canГt use chemicals, so it has do be done mechanically. Farmers use
different tactics to try and control weeds, like delaying planting until the ground is warmer and using the crop rotations helps out tremendously. One
tool that farmers can use is a flamer to get rid of weeds. According to Bowman, Г¬Flames from LP–gas burners kill plants by rupturing cell walls, not
burning plant tissue. Flaming is most effective on broadleaf weeds as small seedlings.Г® (1997)
A rotary hoe is a must when you are organic farming. You need to rotary hoe corn and beans two to three times. After the hoeing two cultivations are
usually needed with a cultivator. Many times the beans also need to be walked, so that weeds can be pulled by hand after
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1. Introduction
Agriculture is one of the vital sectors in terms of economic development and it is globally one of the most sensitive sectors, since the productivity is
comparatively dependence on environment and weather, thereby agricultural product prices are often volatilised; many countries and regions have
historically protected this vulnerable sector by variety supports (Tagermann, 2011: 30; Trumbell, 2007). Indeed, albeit agricultural export is recognised
as the 'economic driving force' for almost 50 developing countries, liberalisation in agriculture has been slow; this sector had been an exemption in
multilateral trade negotiations until Uruguay Round (Apolte and Möller, 2010: 13; Daugbjerg, 2014; European Commission, 2014: 7; Marković
and Marković, 2014: 435). There were issues caused by overproduction and dumping in developing countries in the 1980s (Baldwin and Wyplosz,
2015: 225). This 'supply problem' was a trigger to argue agricultural protection and some countries which has liberalised agriculture, namely Australia,
criticised it (Murray and Zolin, 2012: 190). In spite of the fact that General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade(GATT) administered the framework for
agricultural trade, there were loopholes such as non–tariff barriers (NTBs) encroaching on trade distortion at international level (Swinner et al, 2012:
1099; WTO, 2015). Compared to the past, agricultural sector has been gradually liberalised through international trade to some extent with declining
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Sustainable Agriculture Essay
Sustainable Agriculture
Agriculture has been a fundamental component of human societies for centuries. It is so fundamental in fact that it is often forgotten by those
dependent on its products, but not directly involved in the production. As we enter the 21st century, agriculture is beginning to receive more attention
from the general public as the implications of farming are realized and the problem of potential world wide food shortage is addressed. With the future
in focus, much of agricultural establishment uses words like biotech, and high–tech to describe their goals for U.S. agriculture. With few exceptions,
traditional agriculturalists see a continuing trend of industrial agricultural practices that continue to more content...
Those that oppose the industrial model for the future of agriculture have adopted a different paradigm which falls under the concept of "Sustainable
Agriculture." Like industrial agriculture, sustainable agriculture has many different tools and applications, but is defined by its attempts to make
agricultural decisions which are environmentally sound, economically viable, and socially just for all sectors of society (Hassanein 3). This concept of
Sustainable agriculture, while differing in its application, represents a logical, realistic, and necessary alternative to industrial agriculture given the
reality of limited resources and anticipated food shortages in the 21st century.
Industrial Agriculture: Can the trend continue?
Contributions in the Past
At the start of the 20th century, the gains from industrializing agriculture were undeniable. As an agrarian society, much of the time, money, energy,
and resources of farming went to support the farming community themselves. At the same time, the opportunities of the industrial revolution were
becoming evident. In order to harness such
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Agriculture Scholarship
Whittni Ananin
Department of Agriculture and Nutrition Scholarship Essay
9 January, 2017
I choose to pursue an agriculture degree because I have always felt drawn to the field. I have loved animals and felt a strong desire to care for them
since I was a little girl. Animals mean the world to me and when they're doing well, my heart can rest. I absolutely love farm animals and fully intend
to have my own sort of miniature zoo on a hobby farm. During high school I was in FFA and 4H and thoroughly enjoyed showing chickens and rabbits.
I started out as a biology major at Dixie State but did not find satisfaction because there were no animal science courses available, but I was unable to
leave my family and live elsewhere so I remained unhappy.
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The Importance Of Writing In Agriculture
The word writing in the business of Agriculture is a little bit unusual. Writing might be found more in the diary part of agriculture, but writing isn't
found very much in my major. My major is Ag Business with a focus on plant science. I am trying to become a seed rep and also run my dad's farm
after I graduate. Aseed rep has to treat seed, advertise seed varieties, sell seed, etc. In being a seed rep, the most important thing is that the seed rep
has to be able to communicate with the farmers. The only time you would really have to write something down would be like feedback to a
company or a farmer. In the old days, the man that sold seed would mail a letter letting the farmer know what he thinks about the certain variety of
the seed and ways to grow a better crop with the seeds that he is planting, but now all you have to do is call or text the farmer or even type and send
out an email. Since all of this new technology has come out there really hasn't been any form of writing because all the receipts and reports are printed
out and the talks between the seed rep and the farmer are normally either on the phone or sitting together at the office drinking coffee.
Writing is not included in the qualifications for being or becoming a seed rep. Communication is the key to my major. Even being a farmer, writing is
still rare. Being raised on the farm and always have helped my dad farm I have a knowledge of it. Farming is an everyday process of actual hard work
in the heat or
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Career Essay: My Dream Career In Agriculture
In our country there are many different career. Most of career interest include doctors, nurses, teachers, etc. But there is another career that is important
to a country that is a career in agriculture. Also known as farmer. Agriculture is the cultivation of animals, plants and fungi for food, fiber, biofuel,
medicinal plants and other products used to sustain and enhance human life. Agriculture is divided into four categories: Agriculture, livestock, fisheries
and forestry.
Thailand's diversity terrain is relatively high. the cropping and animal farming such as fish farming, shrimp farming, livestock and cropping to suit
each region. In a changing world, then this. Farmers have to adapt and survive, not less. People who have other occupations Turned farmers and lots
more. It found that a solid career over. Earning better, a self–produced food, power to do it themselves, are independent, not against any organization or
boss. There are study and research to find ways of growing crops or livestock, to be improved in the future. So I set a goal in life was to develop an
integrated farm under the sufficiency economy to be able to feed myself and my more content...
At present I have a crush on shrimp is so much like the studies on species of shrimp species. In the future I want to open my own shrimp farms. The
shrimp aquaculture various varieties and sold to interested people. Because now people are interested in shrimp beautiful such as Crayfish etc. It is
also a personal preference chose to shrimp farming. In shrimp farming, it does not require much space as before. Today, just around the house, it
could have been shrimp farming. If there is more land was able to do much more. We can sell shrimp from the embryonic stage until the completion
sensitivity. But the shrimp to the size and weight requirements, it is not easy as well. If it is bad management, lack of care, it will cause a lot of
damage, so be diligent in
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Imagine a world without food. Without restaurants, grocery stores, or convenience stores. Imagine children lying in the middle of the streets because
they've gone days, even weeks without eating anything. Imagine waking up every morning and going out to scavenge for food, because it isn't
available anywhere commercially. Imagine living without your morning coffee or your after school snack. I'd bet this is very hard for you to imagine.
Almost everything that we eat or consume is all thanks to agriculture. First, we will set the table and look at the history of agriculture. Then we will dig
in to the importance of agriculture. Finally, we will clean our plates and look towards agriculture's future. We will start by setting more
The introduction of machinery during the industrial revolution brought with it the tractor, the combine, and many other types of farming machinery.
These new tools allowed farmers to produce and harvest crops at a rate previously thought impossible. The development of railroads and other
types of long distance travel have also aided the agricultural revolution in its massive growth. Now that we have looked back at the history of
agriculture, we will now examine the role agriculture plays in our society, and its importance. What do you think of when you picture agriculture?
Do you imagine a farmer in denim coveralls holding a pitchfork, or an old guy in a tractor going through fields? This misconception of agriculture
has greatly affected its reputation in today's society. The FFA creed begins with the words "I believe in the future of farming with a faith born of not
words but deeds." Agriculture is important because our farmers actually get things done. Agriculture is one of the oldest activities known to
humankind. Without today's farmers, we wouldn't have food. Without agriculture, we would all be forced to scavenge for food, rather than buying it
from the grocery store. But even more than food, agriculture also provides us with clothing and shelter. Wool is spun for sweaters, trees are chopped
down for lumber, plants
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Advantages of Modern Agriculture
Advantages of modern agriculture
During the latter half of the twentieth century, what is known today as modern agriculture was very successful in meeting a growing demand for
food by the world's population. Yields of primary crops such as rice and wheat increased dramatically, the price of food declined, the rate of increase
in crop yields generally kept pace with population growth, and the number of people who consistently go hungry was slightly reduced. This boost in
food production has been due mainly to scientific advances and new technologies, including the development of new crop varieties, the use of
pesticides and fertilizers, and the construction of large irrigation systems.
Basic Practices of Modern Agricultural Systems more content...
But for almost every benefit of modern agriculture, there are usually problems. Excessive tillage led to soil degradation, the loss of organic matter,
soil erosion by water and wind, and soil compaction. Large monocultures are especially prone to devastating pest outbreaks that often occur when
pests encounter a large, uniform area of one crop species, requiring the continued and excessive use of chemical sprays. When used excessively,
chemical fertilizers can be easily leached out of the soil into nearby streams and lakes, or even down into underground water supplies. Farmers can
become dependent on chemical pest and weed control. Modern farm systems lack the natural control agents needed for biological pest management,
andlarger amounts of sprays must be used as pests rapidly evolve resistance. People also worry about chemical pollution of the environment by
sprays and fertilizers, and the possible contamination of food supplies. Modern agriculture has become such a large user of water resources that
overuse, depletion, saltwater contamination, salt buildup in soil, fertilizer leaching, and soil erosion have become all too common. Agricultural water
users compete with urban and industrial use, and wildlife as well. Hybrid seed has contributed greatly to the loss of genetic diversity and increased risk
of massive crop failure, as well as an
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Agriculture Persuasive Essay
If you are debating whether or not to attend agriculture, come!
As an experienced agriculture pupil I know that it is something to look into.
Three things I will go over is, opportunities in agriculture, things 6 & 7 graders will make, and new skills. First thing is the opportunities you can have
in agriculture. If you are responsible and enjoy agriculture you may become an officer. Being an officer is something like sports it takes time and
commitment. If being an officer is not for you then we still have other opportunities. For example there is stockmans, forestry, and small animal
judging. Sometimes when you compete you can get out of school for the day. Next getting to make something in agriculture is
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Effects Of Agriculture On The Environment Essay

  • 1. Effects of Agriculture on the Environment Essay Effects of Agriculture on the Environment Introduction: Agriculture has changed dramatically, especially since the end of World War II. Food and fibre productivity rose due to new technologies, mechanization, increased chemical use, specialization and government policies that favoured maximizing production. These changes allowed fewer farmers with reduced labour demands to produce the majority of the food and fibre. Humans, like all other species, exploit their surroundings for the resources they need to survive. Our current exploitation of the world, however, is greater than those of most species. There are many reasons for this exploitation but we will focus on one and that is our technology, which is used for more content... It takes up to three hundred years for one inch of agricultural topsoil to form so soil that is lost is essentially irreplaceable. The consequences for long–term crop yields have not been sufficiently measured. The amount of erosion varies from one field to another. This depends on the type of soil, the slope of the field, the drainage patterns and the crop management practices. The effects of the erosion vary also. The areas that are better able to sustain erosion without loss of productivity are areas with deep organic loams. This is more sustainable than the areas where topsoil's are shallower. Erosion removes the surface soils, containing most of the organic matter, plant nutrients, and fine soil particles, which help to retain water and nutrients in the root zone where they are available to plants. Thus it affects the productivity of plants. The remaining, the subsoil, tends to be less fertile, less absorbent and less able to retain pesticides, fertilizers, and other plant nutrients. There are over 17,000 soil types recognized worldwide. They vary widely in structure, erodibility, fertility, and ability to produce crops. A generalized soil profile for a humid, temperate climate is showed. When the natural vegetation is cleared for agriculture, soils become exposed to erosion and loss of soil fertility. The removal of the above–ground natural Get more content on
  • 2. Pros And Cons Of Animal Agriculture No industry has seen the level of dramatic, exponential growth and change over the past three decades as animal agriculture. The present day global society and its accompanying hunger for flesh and other animal derived products has forced the production and husbandry of animals to adapt in order to satisfy this high demand. Modern farming practices are far from the idealized, picturesque image that is frequently portrayed in American media and advertising. Animal production in the United States has been industrialized, and consequently the adverse effects of large scale production and industry are taking their toll in new and devastating ways. A nation which was once saturated with small farms and farmers who supplied to the more content... Farm Consolidation The most prevalent trend in animal agriculture over the past thirty years is the consolidation of farms. Growing demand for meat and animal products as well as animal production has steadily been increasing, but the number of farms has decreased (Cole et al., 2000; Donham et al., 2007; Alvarado, Gibbs, Gandara, Flores, Hurd, & Green, 2012; Braunig, 2005). The result is an overwhelming quantity of animals per operation. In the 1960's more than 1 million hog producers were in operation. This number fell to a staggering 67,000 by 2005 (Donham et al., 2007). According to the National Agricultural Statistics Service, as of 2010, 12% of hog operations raised 86% of all hogs raised in the United States (Himmelberger et al., 2015). Iowa is the nation's top producing state for hogs, and produces just about one–fourth of U.S. pork. Iowa is a prime example of farm consolidation at work. In the year 1980, 64,000 hog raising farms were in operation. In 2000, only 10,500 hog raising farms remained. Alarmingly, though the number of farms saw an 84% decrease over that twenty year span of time, the average number of hogs per farm increased from 250 to 1,430 over this same period (Thorne, 2007). North Carolina in the nation's second top hog producer and follows a similar trend. In fact, North Carolina was only the fifteenth top hog Get more content on
  • 3. Agriculture : Agriculture And Agriculture Essay Agriculture plays an important role in India. With an immense amount land, rich soils, and multiple climates agriculture is one of the most important economies in India. The word agriculture is defined as the science or practice of farming, including cultivation of the soil for the growing of crops and the rearing of animals to provide food and other products. Agriculture and farming in India are similar to those around the world. They too farm based off of culture, climate, and seasons. The main types of agriculture in India include shifting agriculture, subsistence agriculture, extensive agriculture, intensive agriculture, plantation agriculture, mixed farming, and commercial farming. Although agriculture is still in need of growing, it is the largest economy in India given that majority of households depends on agriculture as principle means of livelihood. 'Jhum kheti', commonly known as slash and burn or shifting agriculture, is the most predominant farming system practiced by the hilly communities of North East (NE) India (Wangpan, Tonlong, and Sumpam Tangjang). The oldest type of agriculture in this country, shifting agriculture has been practiced in India by tribal communities and hill people since ancient times. Axes are the classical tool utilized in this type of farming and no machinery is used. This process is very labor intensive. Typically located in areas with low populations, this process consists of clearing the land to plant the crop, growing the crop for a Get more content on
  • 4. The Production Of Animal Agriculture Essay 1.0 Introduction Animal agriculture is defined as the practice of breeding animals for the production of animal product purposes (MacLachlan, 2016). Animal agriculture is a continuous expanding industry globally. The quest for intensification in livestock farming has thundered ahead with little regard for sustainability and overall efficiency (Eisler, 2014). Because of this little regard of sustainability; there have been many issues and problems which have been risen due to the mass production of animal farming locally in Australia and also world–wide. The two major issues that are continuous problem; is water usage and waste and also deforestation. The agriculture sector is the largest user of fresh water resources. In 2000, animal agriculture accounted for seventy percent of water use of water use and ninety–three per cent of water depletion worldwide (Kirby M. , 2013). Water is a necessity resource that needs to be used in farming, from growing grain for feed and for animals to drink. It takes roughly 9084 litres of water to produce one pound of beef meat (Kirby, 2015). Two acres of rain forest are cleared each minute to raise cattle or the crops to feed them (Simon, 2015). Agriculture is estimated to be the direct driver for around 80% of deforestation worldwide (Wageningen University and Research Centre, 2014). 2.0 Water Consumption Water consumption is a major issue in animal agriculture, it is an abused resource in animal farming and needs to be considered as a Get more content on
  • 5. Agriculture Technology Essay examples Agriculture Technology People have depended on agriculture for years as the primary source of getting food. We have developed all kinds of ways to manipulate nature so what we can produce higher yield crops, more nutritious crops, bigger crops, crops that withstand cold, and farming equipment that allows us to manufacture these crops with relative ease. Why then are there five billion people being malnourished and forty thousand children dying each day from hunger? It seems as though world hunger is more a result of the lack of distributing the food properly than the lack of quantity. agriculture has turned into a high profit business and biotech companies like Monsanto are constantly trying to come up with better and more more content... During the early 1700's a series of discoveries and inventions gave rise to the Agricultural Revolution. This revolution was brought about mainly by three revolutions. 1. (Improved crop growing methods)– A retired English politician named Charles Townshend started to experiment with crop rotation and found out that turnips could be used as a fourth crop in a four crop rotation. A four crop rotation consisted of turnips, two grains, and legumes. Each one would either add or absorb necessary nutrients in order to constantly be able to use the soil. 2. (Advances in livestock breeding)– Farmers now started to figure out that animals with desired traits could be bread together to have offspring with desired traits. Now they could make a sheep that was both good for the wool and the meat. 3. (The invention of new farm equipment)– They also started to develop more equipment which made farming much more efficient and easy. This included seed drills, cotton gin, harvesting machines, and steel plows. The next big thing that happened in agriculture was in the mid 1800's when Gregor Mendel discovered the principles of heredity which made it possible to breed plants and animals scientifically. this gave rise to hybrid corn that produced much higher yields. More recently in the 1960's scientists introduced new varieties of wheat, corn, and rice that gave extremely high yields. They made these high yield crops in an effort to help poor nations such Get more content on
  • 6. Persuasive Essay On Agriculture When you think of the word agriculture farming is probably the first thought that comes to mind. At its most basic element, agriculture is the way in which we produce food, the most basic human need. There is an untold amount of differing opinions on the topic of how we should grow food; smaller family farms being pitted against commercial operations, conventional agriculture against organic practices, and much of the public does not know what "side" to pick. Agriculture has developed into a highly controversial issue, with each view point claiming that it is the only correct way to farm; despite this, it is imperative that we lay aside our differences in opinion and come together if we are going to create a sustainable food system responsible for feeding 9 billion hungry mouths. By the year 2050, estimates show that over 9 billion people will inhabit Earth, and it is imperative that agriculture finds a way to feed them all. That is about 1.5 billion more people than there are today. One of the biggest dilemmas that agriculture faces is that relatively little more land can be converted into land used for agriculture production, without causing irreparable, detrimental effects to the environment. The damage that this would cause is the subject for another essay, but the bottom line is that it is necessary we produce this food using the land we already have. The only way we can accomplish this is to combine the best practices of organic, or small farms, with those of Get more content on
  • 7. Agriculture Business and Management Essay example The career that I want to major in is Agriculture Business and management. The reason why I want to major in Agriculture Business is because agriculture is an important aspect of every society for its social, economic, and environmental growth. I first heard of this career from my agriculture advisors, at Westminster High School's farm, when I was being shown a list of jobs and careers that involved agriculture. I was interested in this career because I have a general interest in agriculture and farming, which is a fundamental part of human life, and to be able to get into a career that is involved in agriculture is an amazing opportunity. The responsibilities of an Agricultural Business Manager is, "to ensure that the production more content... "Agricultural managers direct the activities of one of the world's largest and most productive agricultural sectors. They produce enough food and fiber to meet the needs of the United States and for export" (student scholarships 1). High school required classes to take in order to reach the career requirements are intro to agriculture, intro to agriculture economics, and computer science. The classes that Westminster High School has that are considered requirements are: intro to agriculture, computer science, agriculture mechanics, veterinary science, intro to business, economics, leadership. And FFA (club/organization). All the post high school courses needed are: "Ag. Economics, agribusinessmanagement, accounting I and II, environmental law and economic policy, agricultural marketing, financial management, human resource management, microeconomics, economics and business statistics, U.S. Ag. Policy, intro to agribusiness, applied ecology, managerial accounting or cost accounting, intro to computer applications, composition, critical reading and thinking, human relations, business math, Spanish communications I, and technical writing and communication,. For an elective the options are given to either take general psychology, political science, or sociology I" (DelawareTech 2). The colleges with the career major are CSU Fresno and Oregon State University. For on–going Get more content on
  • 8. Agriculture as a whole has been good for human society. It has allowed technology to advance to the level that we are currently at. There are many advantages to agriculture, but there are also equal disadvantages to agriculture being adapted into human culture. The most helpful of these advantages are feeding a growing population and increasing a woman's birth rate. The disadvantages of agriculture are higher risks of infection, increasing the demand for the environment, changing our dental formula, and skeletal structure has changed. Though agriculture has good qualities it has caused more bad than good. Humans had started to move away from the traditional hunting and gathering to the more efficient farming and agriculture. The change in how they produced food came with a growing population. The population was growing faster than before, thus needing some more efficient way of feeding the mass amounts of people. Agriculture was adopted because of this need to feed. With the introduction of agriculture, humans were able to feed the growing population and settle down in the same area. Farms need constant planting and tending, this allowed for humans to settle and live in smaller groups. By living in these settlements, the birth rate in women increased. This increase in the birth rate played into the ever–growing population and the ever growing need to farm. Thomas Malthus showed in his own work that "population is ever growing and the food rate will always be behind trying to catch up" (class notes). This is a constant rate and agriculture seemed like the best option to address and fix the problem.Throughout history, agriculture has been a staple of producing food for a large population. Donald N. Duvick, the author of the book Feeding the Ten Billion: Plants and Population Growth, points out that although agriculture has had a negative effect on humans, the introduction of it into 18th and 19th centuries "helped bring Europe out of poverty and food shortages" (Dunvick). He continues to show that agriculture over time has been beneficial to developing countries as well with the most efficient way of feeding the ever–growing population. With the growing population, humans began to see the effects it caused Get more content on
  • 9. Agriculture Zambia's agriculture has the potential of enhancing economic growth and reducing poverty. Good agricultural policies and a well performing agricultural sector translates into significant improvements in the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP), employment generation, and broadens the country's tax base since the livelihoods of the majority of Zambians depend on agricultural–related activities such as farming. The sector, if well developed, should contribute significantly to welfare improvement. In the colonial period, the government paid particular attention to provinces which were accessible by railways and also to large estate farmers within these provinces. After independence, attempts were made to redress the imbalance more content... In other words, even if the exchange rate had not been controlled, domestic price controls still rose the terms of trade heavily against farmers. Another policy consideration which was introduced by government was to encourage the establishment of cooperatives at the village level and to form an umbrella organization of the cooperatives at the national level. According to Tadora (2006:470), another policy that the government considered was the emergency of the rural society based on peasant mass participation. The basic viable input in Africa is agriculture farming and village labour. This is due to the importance of subsistence farming in the village community, the existence of some land in excess of immediate requirements, which permits a general practice of shifting cultivation and reduces the value of land ownership as an instrument of economic and political power, and the rights of each family (both nuclear and extended) in a village to have access to land and water in the immediate territory vicinity, excluding from such access use by families that do not belong to the community even though they may be of the same tribe. However, even with introduction of peasant masses, the rural areas of Zambia continue to be poverty–stricken, and food production on a larger scale faces severe constraints, which includes lack of production assets and inputs, limited irrigation infrastructure and missing governmental extension Get more content on
  • 10. Agriculture and Population Growth Essay Agriculture and Population Growth The earth is increasing its population by 90 million people per year, and yet we still have 5.9 billion people left to feed and to give shelter (Mitchell, 1998). Along with the increase in the population, there are also more people on Earth who are living longer lives. The global population boom has coincided with the improvement of health, and of productivity, around the world. On average, the human population today lives longer, eats better, produces more, and consumes more than at any other time period in the past (Eberstadt, 1995). Agriculture feeds people, but will it be able to feed the expanding global population, especially with its exponential increase? One way for the population of today more content... Minimizing agricultural areas through intensification would seem like a great idea for preserving more land. Technology has been a viable part of higher productivity in agriculture. Innovations such as tractors, seeds, chemicals, irrigation measures, fertilizers, pesticides, and genetic engineering have played a major part in raising yields without having to clear more fields. But is technology the key to ensuring sustainable agriculture for a growing population. Many countries have tripled or even quadrupled the amount of grain they produce. Unfortunately, yields have been decreasing while population continues to increase. Grain yields per hectare have been slowing since 1990, rising only 3 percent from 1990–1996 or 0.5 percent per year. This does not keep pace with population growth which is at 1.6 percent per year (Brown, 1997). Along with population growth, there is a growing demand for a more calorie–filled diet, especially with the unprecedented rise in affluence in Asia. Meat is becoming the food of choice rather than low calorie wheat or vegetables. Since it takes more grain and water to produce animal protein than vegetable protein, added pressure is placed on the environment. From 1990 to 1995, China's grain consumption increased by 40 million tons; 33 million tons were consumed as animal feeds (Brown, 1997). As economies Get more content on
  • 11. Organic Agriculture Essay Organic Agriculture Organic agriculture is the oldest type of agriculture there is. Many people don't know exactly what has to be done to say that you are farming organically, these days. Organic Agriculture has been increasing in size over the past few years as more people worry about what they are eating. Many people donГt know what it exactly means to be farming organically. The National Organic Standards Boards defines organic agriculture is Г¬an ecological production management system that promotes and enhances biodiversity, biological cycles and soil biological activity. It is based on minimal use of off–farm inputs and on management practices that restore, maintain and enhance ecological harmony. The primary goal of more content... You canГt grow row crops more than four out of five years. Land that is coming out of CRP works great to be put right into raising organic crops, because you donГt have to wait for three years to change to organic. If you donГt have land that is coming out of CRP or something like it, then you will have to go through a three year transition period. There are sometimes markets for these crops, but otherwise they have to be sold like regular crops. Iowa State University says that, Г¬In Iowa, the Natural Resource Conservation Services offers organic farmers $50/acre during their transition to organic farming.Г® (May 2002) The biggest problem people have with organic farming is weed control. You canГt use chemicals, so it has do be done mechanically. Farmers use different tactics to try and control weeds, like delaying planting until the ground is warmer and using the crop rotations helps out tremendously. One tool that farmers can use is a flamer to get rid of weeds. According to Bowman, Г¬Flames from LP–gas burners kill plants by rupturing cell walls, not burning plant tissue. Flaming is most effective on broadleaf weeds as small seedlings.Г® (1997) A rotary hoe is a must when you are organic farming. You need to rotary hoe corn and beans two to three times. After the hoeing two cultivations are usually needed with a cultivator. Many times the beans also need to be walked, so that weeds can be pulled by hand after
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  • 13. 1. Introduction Agriculture is one of the vital sectors in terms of economic development and it is globally one of the most sensitive sectors, since the productivity is comparatively dependence on environment and weather, thereby agricultural product prices are often volatilised; many countries and regions have historically protected this vulnerable sector by variety supports (Tagermann, 2011: 30; Trumbell, 2007). Indeed, albeit agricultural export is recognised as the 'economic driving force' for almost 50 developing countries, liberalisation in agriculture has been slow; this sector had been an exemption in multilateral trade negotiations until Uruguay Round (Apolte and MГ¶ller, 2010: 13; Daugbjerg, 2014; European Commission, 2014: 7; MarkoviД‡ and MarkoviД‡, 2014: 435). There were issues caused by overproduction and dumping in developing countries in the 1980s (Baldwin and Wyplosz, 2015: 225). This 'supply problem' was a trigger to argue agricultural protection and some countries which has liberalised agriculture, namely Australia, criticised it (Murray and Zolin, 2012: 190). In spite of the fact that General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade(GATT) administered the framework for agricultural trade, there were loopholes such as non–tariff barriers (NTBs) encroaching on trade distortion at international level (Swinner et al, 2012: 1099; WTO, 2015). Compared to the past, agricultural sector has been gradually liberalised through international trade to some extent with declining Get more content on
  • 14. Sustainable Agriculture Essay Sustainable Agriculture Agriculture has been a fundamental component of human societies for centuries. It is so fundamental in fact that it is often forgotten by those dependent on its products, but not directly involved in the production. As we enter the 21st century, agriculture is beginning to receive more attention from the general public as the implications of farming are realized and the problem of potential world wide food shortage is addressed. With the future in focus, much of agricultural establishment uses words like biotech, and high–tech to describe their goals for U.S. agriculture. With few exceptions, traditional agriculturalists see a continuing trend of industrial agricultural practices that continue to more content... Those that oppose the industrial model for the future of agriculture have adopted a different paradigm which falls under the concept of "Sustainable Agriculture." Like industrial agriculture, sustainable agriculture has many different tools and applications, but is defined by its attempts to make agricultural decisions which are environmentally sound, economically viable, and socially just for all sectors of society (Hassanein 3). This concept of Sustainable agriculture, while differing in its application, represents a logical, realistic, and necessary alternative to industrial agriculture given the reality of limited resources and anticipated food shortages in the 21st century. Industrial Agriculture: Can the trend continue? Contributions in the Past At the start of the 20th century, the gains from industrializing agriculture were undeniable. As an agrarian society, much of the time, money, energy, and resources of farming went to support the farming community themselves. At the same time, the opportunities of the industrial revolution were becoming evident. In order to harness such Get more content on
  • 15. Agriculture Scholarship Whittni Ananin Department of Agriculture and Nutrition Scholarship Essay 9 January, 2017 I choose to pursue an agriculture degree because I have always felt drawn to the field. I have loved animals and felt a strong desire to care for them since I was a little girl. Animals mean the world to me and when they're doing well, my heart can rest. I absolutely love farm animals and fully intend to have my own sort of miniature zoo on a hobby farm. During high school I was in FFA and 4H and thoroughly enjoyed showing chickens and rabbits. I started out as a biology major at Dixie State but did not find satisfaction because there were no animal science courses available, but I was unable to leave my family and live elsewhere so I remained unhappy. Get more content on
  • 16. The Importance Of Writing In Agriculture The word writing in the business of Agriculture is a little bit unusual. Writing might be found more in the diary part of agriculture, but writing isn't found very much in my major. My major is Ag Business with a focus on plant science. I am trying to become a seed rep and also run my dad's farm after I graduate. Aseed rep has to treat seed, advertise seed varieties, sell seed, etc. In being a seed rep, the most important thing is that the seed rep has to be able to communicate with the farmers. The only time you would really have to write something down would be like feedback to a company or a farmer. In the old days, the man that sold seed would mail a letter letting the farmer know what he thinks about the certain variety of the seed and ways to grow a better crop with the seeds that he is planting, but now all you have to do is call or text the farmer or even type and send out an email. Since all of this new technology has come out there really hasn't been any form of writing because all the receipts and reports are printed out and the talks between the seed rep and the farmer are normally either on the phone or sitting together at the office drinking coffee. Writing is not included in the qualifications for being or becoming a seed rep. Communication is the key to my major. Even being a farmer, writing is still rare. Being raised on the farm and always have helped my dad farm I have a knowledge of it. Farming is an everyday process of actual hard work in the heat or Get more content on
  • 17. Career Essay: My Dream Career In Agriculture In our country there are many different career. Most of career interest include doctors, nurses, teachers, etc. But there is another career that is important to a country that is a career in agriculture. Also known as farmer. Agriculture is the cultivation of animals, plants and fungi for food, fiber, biofuel, medicinal plants and other products used to sustain and enhance human life. Agriculture is divided into four categories: Agriculture, livestock, fisheries and forestry. Thailand's diversity terrain is relatively high. the cropping and animal farming such as fish farming, shrimp farming, livestock and cropping to suit each region. In a changing world, then this. Farmers have to adapt and survive, not less. People who have other occupations Turned farmers and lots more. It found that a solid career over. Earning better, a self–produced food, power to do it themselves, are independent, not against any organization or boss. There are study and research to find ways of growing crops or livestock, to be improved in the future. So I set a goal in life was to develop an integrated farm under the sufficiency economy to be able to feed myself and my more content... At present I have a crush on shrimp is so much like the studies on species of shrimp species. In the future I want to open my own shrimp farms. The shrimp aquaculture various varieties and sold to interested people. Because now people are interested in shrimp beautiful such as Crayfish etc. It is also a personal preference chose to shrimp farming. In shrimp farming, it does not require much space as before. Today, just around the house, it could have been shrimp farming. If there is more land was able to do much more. We can sell shrimp from the embryonic stage until the completion sensitivity. But the shrimp to the size and weight requirements, it is not easy as well. If it is bad management, lack of care, it will cause a lot of damage, so be diligent in Get more content on
  • 18. Imagine a world without food. Without restaurants, grocery stores, or convenience stores. Imagine children lying in the middle of the streets because they've gone days, even weeks without eating anything. Imagine waking up every morning and going out to scavenge for food, because it isn't available anywhere commercially. Imagine living without your morning coffee or your after school snack. I'd bet this is very hard for you to imagine. Almost everything that we eat or consume is all thanks to agriculture. First, we will set the table and look at the history of agriculture. Then we will dig in to the importance of agriculture. Finally, we will clean our plates and look towards agriculture's future. We will start by setting more content... The introduction of machinery during the industrial revolution brought with it the tractor, the combine, and many other types of farming machinery. These new tools allowed farmers to produce and harvest crops at a rate previously thought impossible. The development of railroads and other types of long distance travel have also aided the agricultural revolution in its massive growth. Now that we have looked back at the history of agriculture, we will now examine the role agriculture plays in our society, and its importance. What do you think of when you picture agriculture? Do you imagine a farmer in denim coveralls holding a pitchfork, or an old guy in a tractor going through fields? This misconception of agriculture has greatly affected its reputation in today's society. The FFA creed begins with the words "I believe in the future of farming with a faith born of not words but deeds." Agriculture is important because our farmers actually get things done. Agriculture is one of the oldest activities known to humankind. Without today's farmers, we wouldn't have food. Without agriculture, we would all be forced to scavenge for food, rather than buying it from the grocery store. But even more than food, agriculture also provides us with clothing and shelter. Wool is spun for sweaters, trees are chopped down for lumber, plants Get more content on
  • 19. Advantages of Modern Agriculture Advantages of modern agriculture During the latter half of the twentieth century, what is known today as modern agriculture was very successful in meeting a growing demand for food by the world's population. Yields of primary crops such as rice and wheat increased dramatically, the price of food declined, the rate of increase in crop yields generally kept pace with population growth, and the number of people who consistently go hungry was slightly reduced. This boost in food production has been due mainly to scientific advances and new technologies, including the development of new crop varieties, the use of pesticides and fertilizers, and the construction of large irrigation systems. Basic Practices of Modern Agricultural Systems more content... But for almost every benefit of modern agriculture, there are usually problems. Excessive tillage led to soil degradation, the loss of organic matter, soil erosion by water and wind, and soil compaction. Large monocultures are especially prone to devastating pest outbreaks that often occur when pests encounter a large, uniform area of one crop species, requiring the continued and excessive use of chemical sprays. When used excessively, chemical fertilizers can be easily leached out of the soil into nearby streams and lakes, or even down into underground water supplies. Farmers can become dependent on chemical pest and weed control. Modern farm systems lack the natural control agents needed for biological pest management, andlarger amounts of sprays must be used as pests rapidly evolve resistance. People also worry about chemical pollution of the environment by sprays and fertilizers, and the possible contamination of food supplies. Modern agriculture has become such a large user of water resources that overuse, depletion, saltwater contamination, salt buildup in soil, fertilizer leaching, and soil erosion have become all too common. Agricultural water users compete with urban and industrial use, and wildlife as well. Hybrid seed has contributed greatly to the loss of genetic diversity and increased risk of massive crop failure, as well as an Get more content on
  • 20. Agriculture Persuasive Essay B2895 If you are debating whether or not to attend agriculture, come! As an experienced agriculture pupil I know that it is something to look into. Three things I will go over is, opportunities in agriculture, things 6 & 7 graders will make, and new skills. First thing is the opportunities you can have in agriculture. If you are responsible and enjoy agriculture you may become an officer. Being an officer is something like sports it takes time and commitment. If being an officer is not for you then we still have other opportunities. For example there is stockmans, forestry, and small animal judging. Sometimes when you compete you can get out of school for the day. Next getting to make something in agriculture is Get more content on