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Listening to

Improving communicati
with your child
your child
                                                                         Children can’t always put
“Spend time with                                                         their feelings into words, so
whenever you can.
                     you will make                                       listening to them includes
time together with
                    d let him                                            paying attention to their
 him feel special an
                      t to you.”
 know he’s importan                                                      actions and behaviour.
 Dr Richard C. W                                                         Listening is about two-way
  child psychologi                                                       communication between you
                                                                         and your child, with each of
                                                                         you valuing and respecting
                                                                         the views of the other.
                                                                         Children who are listened to are
                                                                         usually well adjusted and self-confident, while
                                                                         those whose needs are ignored may be withdrawn or difficult and suffer
                                                                         from low self-esteem.

                                                                         Parents who cannot communicate well with their children are more likely to resort
                                                                         to smacking and hitting in moments of frustration. Communicating with your child
                                                                         is also vital in preventing child abuse, including providing your child with information
                                                                         on keeping safe, and being there to offer help and protection.

                                                                                                                          We’ve collected the best advice
                                                                                                                          from professionals, as well as some
                                                                                                                          top tips from parents, to help you
                                                                                                                           communicate with your child,
                                                                                                                           whatever their age.

                                                                                                                           To make for easier reading, this
                                        “Before I tuck the                                                                 booklet refers to children as he or
                                                           children                                                        him, and she or her in alternating
                                       into bed, we have
                                                           a 10-minute                                                      sections. All the information applies
                                       ‘worry time’ chat.                                                                   equally to boys and girls.
                                                           They look
                                      forward to telling
                                                         me all about
                                      their day, including
                                                           the good
                                     bits as well as any
                                     Jo, mum of Chloe
                                                                                                                                  For more ad g to
                                                           , 9,
                                     and Bethany, 6
                                                                                                                                     ...on listen
                                                                                                                                      your child, v
Listening to your baby
                                                                                                                               Did you know?
                                                                                                                               Your baby can recognise you and
                                                                                                                               your partner’s voice soon after
                                                                                                                               birth. This is because, while in
                                                                                                                               the womb, your baby will have
                                                                                                                               heard you talking and so your
You can start listening to your
baby from the very beginning.
                                                                                    Tips to help you                           voices will be familiar as soon as
                                                                                                                               she is born.
Smiling, stroking, cuddling,                                                        cope with crying                           If you run out of patience, remember
talking to your baby and                                                            • Rock your baby in a pram or              that being angry with your baby will
                                                                                                                               only make the crying worse. You don’t
making eye contact are all                                                            cradle or try going on a car ride,
                                                                                                                               need to be ashamed of your feelings
                                                                                      as these can often work like magic.
ways of communicating.                                                                                                         – most parents feel angry with their
                                                                                    • Walk up and down with him or try         children at some time. Go off and
From the very first day after birth, your                                             carrying him close to you in a sling.    cool down, or take your anger out
baby will be listening to you and in a few                                          • Sing or talk gently to him, or try       on the cushions or have a good cry
weeks you will be rewarded by smiles                                                  playing a tape of womb sounds or         yourself. Go back and deal with your
and those first cooing sounds                                                         gentle music as this can sometimes       baby once you feel calm again.
– your baby is talking to you.                                                        help very young babies.                  If your baby cries persistently, ask
                                                                                                                               your health visitor for advice or ring
                                             “I’ve read to my baby since he         • Some babies find the sound of
Of course, crying is a very important                                                                                          a helpline like Cry-sis.
part of your baby’s language too. If your
                                             was a few months old. He loves           white noise, such as a vacuum
baby still cries after you have done all     listening to me doing different          cleaner or washing machine, soothing.
the obvious checks – for hunger and          voices, actions and songs, and         • Try swaddling – wrapping your baby
thirst, wind, changing nappies, not being    he tries to turn the pages! My           very firmly inside a light shawl. This
too hot or too cold, or even just bored                                               gives some babies the secure feeling
with their own company – you might           six-year-old is brilliant at reading
                                                                                      of being back in the womb.
begin to feel desperate.                     but still loves us to read to him.”
                                                                                    • Don’t be too quick to put your baby
                                             Sonia, mum of Louis, 6, and Frankie,
                                                                                      back in his cot if he begins to
 Remember                                    13 months                                calm down.
 •	 Crying	is	perfectly	normal	behaviour	                                           • If your baby is very keen on sucking
    for a new baby. In the first few                                                  and you’re sure he’s not hungry or

                                              Find out more
    months of life, a baby spends on                                                  thirsty, you may want to try a
    average at least two hours in every                                               dummy, but make sure it’s clean,
    24-hour period crying.                                                            and never dip it into anything sweet.
 •	 Crying	is	meant	to	be	a	sound	that
                                               Cry-sis                              • Cuddling your baby is usually the
    parents find difficult to ignore. This
                                               Provides support and advice            best tip of all. If you can relax and
    is nature’s way of ensuring that your
                                               regarding excessively crying           don’t feel too tense, you are the
    baby’s needs are met.
                                               or sleepless babies.                   best comfort your baby can have.
 •	 Crying	is	neither	your	fault	nor	your	
    baby’s, and things will get better
    later on.                                  08451 228 669
right. It is a great confidence-booster     make opportunities for conversation,
                                                                                 and praise works better than                preferably when your child is not
                                                                                 criticism!” Shobha, mum of Rafi, 3          overtired from a long day at school.

                                                                                • Try to answer all of your                 • Spend some time reading
                                                                                  child’s questions                           with your child
                                                                                 As your child listens to you and looks      This helps improve both her listening
                                                                                 to you, they build up a picture of          and her language skills, and will give
                                                                                 themselves. “I used to tell my son ‘not     you both a starting point to talk about
                                                                                 now’ or ‘go away’ when I was too tired      your child’s thoughts and feelings.
                                                                                 to answer his questions, then I realised
                                                                                 that I wasn’t helping him to learn.        • Set aside some special
              choices to                                                                                                      listening time
Give children
                                                                                 Reminding myself of this now makes
              el listened                                                        it easier to cope and my son remembers      “If you’re busy or too tired, it can be
help them fe                                                                     all of my answers!” Nicola, mum of
               want to                                                                                                       hard to make time to listen to your
  to: “Do you                                                                    Kieron, 8                                   child. You might find it easier to set
               e or pink
  wear the blu                                                                  • Look out for warning signs
                                                                                                                             aside a special part of the day, such
      socks today                                                                If your child seems unhappy or
                                                                                                                             as just before your child goes to
                                                                                                                             bed. You need to be flexible though.
                                                                                 reluctant to talk, it might be a sign

  Listening as
                                                                                                                             Sometimes small children just can’t
                                                                                 that something is wrong. It might be        wait to talk about something that is
                                                                                 that she feels you are not interested       important to them.”
                                                                                 in what she is saying, or wants             Eileen Hayes,
                                                                                 to tell you something that she finds        NSPCC parenting advisor

  your child grows up
                                                                                 difficult to explain. Ensure that you

                                                                                                                                     Visit your local library
                                                                                                                                     Reading out aloud is great
                                                                                                                                     for your relationship with
                                                                                                                                     your child. Why not try
  Children learn to talk by listening   • Fit listening easily into your                                                             visiting your local library
  to adults speaking directly to          daily routine                                                                              and choosing some books
                                         Talk about the things you see when
  them. By the time your child is        you are on the bus, walking to the                                                          that you and your child
  three or four and has mastered         shops, at the supermarket or during                                                         can read together?
  quite a lot of language, she will      bath time. You could sing or recite
                                         a nursery rhyme to your baby when
  want to practise it as much as         changing her nappy, or read a
  possible, and will use it to learn     book together.
  about the rest of her world. This     • Give plenty of encouragement
  may mean endless chattering            When your child is learning to talk,
  and “why?” questions. Try to           they will probably use funny words
                                         of their own and are bound to get
  listen and answer as patiently         some words mixed up. “I shower Rafi
  as you can.                            with praise whenever he gets words
Listening to
                                                                                           • Get help if you need it
                                                                                            If you are worried that your child has
                                                                                            a particular problem – for example
                                                                                            problems at school or with friends,

older children
                                                                                            such as bullying, relationships, being
                                                                                            the victim of racist attitudes, or a
                                                                                            problem with drugs or alcohol – you
                                                                                            may need to get professional advice.
                                                                                            Some of the organisations listed in
                                                                                            the section on special difficulties in
                                                                                            this booklet might be able to help.
Most of the tips about listening
to younger children apply to
older children too, but older
children also have their own
different needs.                             their parents, but they still need you.
                                             However independent your children
Being a parent to teenagers can be a         seem, let them know that you’ll
challenging, worrying and sometimes          always be there to offer comfort
distressing time. While your teenager is     and support.
pushing for independence, you can feel
rejected, criticised and confused. Here     • Remember what it’s like
are some tips to help you through.            to be a teenager
                                             The teen years can be a trying time,
• Make it clear that you want
                                             both for parents and for children.
  to be involved                             Teenagers may behave like an adult
  If you find that your child never          one minute and like a toddler the next.
  wants to talk to you about anything,
  you may need to work really hard at       • Respect your child’s privacy
  it. A good start is to make it clear       Older children particularly need
  that you are interested in them and        privacy. They need their own space,
  in what they do.                           time to themselves, and the right not
                                             to communicate about certain areas
• Respect your child’s views                 of their lives, for example their
  Don’t expect him to like everything        personal relationships. If you respect
  you like or agree with everything you      their privacy, they are more likely to
  say. The teenage years are a time          confide in you.
  of testing out opinions and people,
  including parents. Your teenage child     • Don’t impose your ideas
  is more likely to respect your views if    It is fine to state that you have different
  you respect his views too.                 views, and your teenager still needs you
                                                                                                                                                  to when
• Let your child know you’re
                                             to be clear about acceptable limits to
                                                                                                                                     “Think back
                                                                                                                                     you were a te ou
                                             their behaviour. However, imposing all
  there for them                             your attitudes, or trying to force him to                                                              lp y
  Older children need to learn how to        agree with your point of view, will only                                                  That can he
                                                                                                                                                   d’s point
  live without the constant support of       make things worse.                                                                       see your chil
                                                                                                                                            of view.”
Parents ta lk about listening
 Top NSPCC parenting advisor
 Eileen Hayes responds with advice
 for three parents talking about
 communicating with their children.

Even when parents are ready to talk and
listen to their children, there can still be problems. It’s not
always easy to understand what children are trying to tell us.

Interruptions                                Whining
“My daughter always interrupts when          “I don’t feel I have any choice about
I’m talking to her dad. What can I do?”      listening. My son whines all the time.
Liz, mum of Rebecca, 5                       I just want to switch off.” Dai, dad of
                                             Owen, 7
Eileen “Her interruptions may be a
way of trying to get your attention.         Eileen “Perhaps you need to make
However, if you do make a time to listen     time to sit quietly with him and respond
to her, explain that you also need time      carefully to what he is saying. Once he
to discuss things together as parents.       realises there are special times when he
Young children often demand immediate        has all your positive attention, perhaps

                                                                                         Find out more
attention and will interrupt. As they        he won’t need to whine. Try to avoid
grow older they will realise that they can   getting into the habit of only responding
remember to say things later and will        when he whines loudly. This negative
interrupt less often.”                       attention will only make things worse.”
                                                                                         Parents Advice Centre             Gotateenager
                                                                                         (Northern Ireland)      
Pressure to deliver                                                            
                                                                                         0808 8010 722
                                                                                                                           (Provided by Parentline Plus)

“I try to listen to my son’s needs, but I can’t always be expected to meet them.”                                          ParentsCentre online
Raymond, dad of Adam, 3                                                                  Parentline Plus         
                                                                                                                           Your Family
Eileen “Listening is not the same as always giving in. For example, if your toddler      0808 800 2222
                                                                                                                           Positive parenting tips
is always asking for sweets, which you say he can’t have, you can still let him know     (including ParentLine Scotland)
                                                                                                                           brought to you by the NSPCC
you’ve listened by saying something like ‘I know you’re cross that you can’t have                                
any sweets’.”
Some talking and
                                                                                      It’s important to listen to
                                                                                      yourself and how you are
                                                                                      feeling. Watch out for early

listening tips
                                                                                       warning signs of stress, such
                                                                                       as headaches or tiredness,
                                                                                       and take steps to improve
                                                                                       things if you need to.

Once you’ve got into the habit • Involve your children in
of making time to talk and       family discussions
                                 Depending on their age, allow your
listen to your children, you     children opportunities to have a say,
might find these tips useful.    such as on changes to routines and
                                              where to go for holidays.
•	Give your full attention                                                            • Don’t be too critical                       talk about this but explain that it isn’t
 If your child wants to tell you             •	Respect your child                       Try not to put your child off talking       their fault. Don’t expect them to offer
 something, try to stop what you’re           Remember that your child’s idea           to you, for example by saying things        you emotional support.
 doing so that you can listen carefully.      of what is important may be very          like “That was stupid,” “Why can’t
 If that’s not practical, explain that you    different from yours. Try to remember     you be more sensible,” or “Grow up.”       •	Don’t brush problems aside
 need to finish what you’re doing, and        this when they want to tell you           Hurtful words can damage                    If you encourage your children to talk,
 then you’ll be able to listen properly.      something urgently, even if you           self-esteem. Try to make positive           you are bound to hear things that
                                              are busy.                                 remarks instead.                            might disappoint or upset you.
•	Let them speak first                                                                                                              Don’t brush problems aside. Find
 Look directly at your child while she                                                •	Don’t shout or nag                          ways of coping with them, and get
 is talking. For small children this                                                    Children soon learn to ignore nagging.      help if necessary.
 means getting down to their level.                                                     Only shout if you need to warn your
 Don’t rush to respond. Otherwise you                                                   child urgently. Then it will have the       If you have more than one child, it
 won’t really hear what is being said.                                                  right effect.                               can be especially hard to give your
                                                                                                                                    children the listening time they need.
• Practise reflective listening                                                       • Reassure your child’s worries               Try to work out a way of giving
  with small children                                                                   If your children seem worried or upset      each child some special time. But
 This means checking that you have                                                      by your problems, such as money or          remember to set aside some time
 understood what your child has said,                                                   relationship difficulties, it is best to    for yourself too.
 by using phrases like “So do you
 mean that…?” in order to clarify things.
                                                                                        “The hardest thing is giving each child enough attention. After school
• Let your child know that you                                                          each boy is eager to talk about their day and I make a conscious effort
  understand how he feels                                                               to listen to everybody. They get quality time from each other too,
 Sometimes it helps to say something                                                    making camps, creating imaginary worlds… Occasionally someone
 like “I know you’re feeling sad,” or
 “You must be feeling very angry to
                                                                                        says, ‘Four children – are you mad?’, but a big family is so much fun.
 say something like that.” Never                                                        Their social skills are great and there’s always someone to play with.”
 dismiss your child’s feelings.                                                         James, dad of Jack, 10, Scott, 8, Will, 5, and Henry, 2.
Some s pecial difficulties                                                           Death                                     Teasing and bullying
                                                                                     If someone you and your child love        Let your child know that you
There can be many reasons                                                            has died, let him talk about it and       understand how she feels. Talk about
why parents and children find                                                        be sad. Don’t hide the fact that you      what happens, and together try to find
it hard to communicate. These                                                        are grieving too. This will help him to   ways of coping. Help her to learn how
                                                                                     learn that it’s OK to cry and feel sad    to show bullies that she won’t put up
pages give some examples of                                                          when someone close to you dies,           with it. If the problem occurs at school
difficult areas and suggestions                                                      but that sooner or later, life goes on.   and is serious, you must involve a
                                                                                     You may need to prepare yourself to       teacher. Never ignore bullying or hope
for dealing with them, along with                                                    answer questions about the nature         it will just go away.
details of other organisations                                                       of death.
that may be able to help.                                                            Cruse Bereavement Care                    Provides information on bullying and
                                                                                      keeping children safe.
                                                                                     0844 477 9400                   
 Children with serious illness            Relationship difficulties
                                                                                     Young person’s helpline                   020 7730 3300
 or disability                            If you have serious problems in your
                                          relationship with your partner, your       0808 808 1677                             YoungMinds
 If your child has a serious illness or
 a disability, communication              children may well suffer, and you          Cruse Bereavement Care Scotland           Promotes the mental health of
 may be more difficult. You may           probably won’t have the time or                    children and young people.
 need to consider other ways of           energy to listen to them. If you become    01738 444178                    
 communicating with her and enabling      separated or divorced, reassure your                                                 0800 018 2138
 her to communicate with others, such     child that it is not her fault that your
 as through learning sign language if     relationship with your partner failed,
 she is deaf or hard-of-hearing.          and that you both love her as much
                                          as ever.
 Contact a Family
 Provides advice and support to           One Parent Families/Gingerbread
 parents of disabled children.  
                                          0800 018 5026
 0808 808 3555                            Relate
                                          A confidential counselling service for
 Capability Scotland
                                          relationship problems of any kind.
 Provides ASCS
 (Advice Service Capability Scotland),
 a national disability advice and         0300 100 1234
 information service.                     Relationships Scotland           Relationship counselling, mediation
 0131 313 5510                            and family support across Scotland.                                                                          is different.
                                                                                                                                          “Every child
 Textphone 0131 346 2529                                                                                       e special
                                          0845 119 2020                                                                                    Appreciate th child”
                                                                                                                                           qualities of y
If your children tell you that other
                                                                                         Additional resources
children or adults are being racist to
them, explain that racism is totally                                                        Use these handy resources with your child:
unfair, and is based on ignorance and
insecurity. If the problem persists and
occurs at school, you will need to                                                                   In the know
involve a teacher.                                                                                   Aimed at children aged eight to 11, this booklet helps
                                                                                                     children to understand the problems faced by those who
If your child expresses racist views,                                                                are abused and advises them how to keep safe.
you should explain why such attitudes                                                                Download from
are unacceptable, and why there
are differences between people.
Remember that children will copy                                                                      Worried? Need to talk?
you, so be careful not to show them                                                                   Aimed at young people aged 11 to 18,
unfair prejudices.                                                                                    this booklet provides information about

Equality and Human Rights
                                             Alcohol and drugs                                        ChildLine and other services that are
                                                                                                      there to help. Download from
Commission                                   If you suspect your teenager is
                                                                                                              drinking heavily, think why it may be
Helpline for England: 0845 604 6610          happening, and encourage them to
Helpline for Wales: 0845 604 8810            think about it too.                                Beat exam stress
Helpline for Scotland: 0845 604 5510         If your child has been experimenting               This booklet for children and young people
                                             with drugs, let her know that you are              provides guidance on coping with exams and
Northern Ireland Human Rights                                                                   the stress they can cause, plus tips on how
Commission                                   confident that she can stop, and
                                             that you will offer her any support                to get support. Download from	•	028	9024	3987                                                         
                                             you can.
                                             Drinkline Scotland
                                                                                                      Feel safe at home
Sexism                                       A 24-hour helpline providing support
                                             and advice on any alcohol concerns.                      Aimed at children aged seven to 12, this
Don’t stereotype your child by                                                                        booklet uses straightforward language
expecting boys and girls to behave in        0800 7314 314                                            to explain what domestic violence is,
certain ways and enjoy certain things.       FRANK                                                    how it can make children feel, and how
Encourage them to do what they               Provides advice to anyone affected                       and where they can get help.
want, regardless of what others think,       by drugs.                                                Download from
and make sure they know that their                                                          
choice of subjects, jobs and hobbies
                                             0800 776600
does not depend on their sex.
                                                                                                                SAFE: personal safety skills for deaf children
                                                                                                                Designed for group work use, this DVD-Rom
                                                                                                                helps give deaf children and young people
Talking about difficult subjects                                                                                the knowledge, awareness and language they
Some parents find it difficult to discuss certain topics, such as sex. It is important                          need to stay safe and make better informed
to give your child clear, honest answers to his questions. Obviously, the answers                               life choices. For further information and to
will depend on the age of your child and your own values and beliefs. Keep                                      purchase, visit
answers simple for very young children.
Children and young people
                                                                                                               when something’s
                                                                                            “I tell my parents
                                                                                                                 it out of my
                                                                                            up with me, to get
                                                                                                                  e hopefully
                                                                                            system and becaus

talk about listening
                                                                                                                ’ll understand.
                                                                                             whatever it is they
                                                                                                                 tion, or for
                                                                                             I don’t need a solu
                                                                                                                   ure out what’s
                                                                                             someone else to fig
                                                                                                                  a passive
                                                                                              bothering me, just
           (I’d like)“…not to be                                                              listener.” Maaike,
                                  interrupted or
           my parents to just
                                assume what
          I’m talking about an
                                 d butt in. Or
          for them to say th
                              ey know what
         I’m going through
                               and come up
         with a solution – so
                                metimes I just
        want to get it out,
                              not solve it like
        I’m a problem.” A
                             le, 16
                                                   “I like my mum and dad to say
                                                   they’re listening, and then actually
                                                   listen to me and not start doing
                                                   something else, or start talking to
                                                   someone else because when they
                                                   do that, it makes you feel invisible.”
                                                   Joss, 13

                              mum comes
           “I like it when my
                                at school to
           into my classroom
                                 d talk to my
           look at my work an
                                 s who my
            teachers. She know
                                ll her what
            friends are and I te
                                 ” Scarlett, 6
             I’ve done each day.
More advice from
            NSPCC Helpline                            the NSPCC and Your family
                                                      Our parenting pack
            Don’t talk yourself                       If you’ve found this leaflet useful, you
                                                      might like to try some of the other titles
            out of it. Talk to us.                    in our parenting pack. They include
                                                      plenty of advice on practical, positive
                                                      parenting, and cover subjects like
            The NSPCC Helpline                        managing stress, encouraging better
            If you’re finding it hard to cope as      behaviour and keeping your child safe

                                                                                                                                                                  Registered charity numbers 216401 and SC037717. Photography by Jon Challicom, posed by models. Stores code: NS729.
            a parent and want to talk, or you’re      when they’re either at home or out alone.
            worried about a child who is at risk of
            abuse or in need of help, the NSPCC       To request a pack, please send an
            Helpline is here to help 24 hours a       A4 SAE (with £2 in stamps), mentioning
            day, seven days a week.                   the parenting pack, to the address
                                                      below or download copies from
            Call 0808 800 5000 to speak to a
            helpline advisor. For help by email
            If you are hard of hearing, you can

                                                                                                                              code: NS279.
            contact us Monday to Friday from
                                                                                                                           . Stores
            9am to 5pm by:
                                                                                                                       by models
                                                                                                                  m, posed
                                                                                                            Jon Challico

            •	textphone	0808 056 0566
                                                                                                       raphy by
                                                                                                    17. Photog

            •	British	Sign	Language	interpreters
                                                                                          and SC0377
                                                                                     rs 216401

              on videophone 020 8463 1148
                                                                              charity numbe

            •	British	Sign	Language	interpreters	
              on IP videophone or webcam –
                                                                                                                                        dd 9

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                                                       Out_Alone.indd 1

                                                       Weston House, 42 Curtain Road,
                                                       London EC2A 3NH
    “Don’t just                                        020 7825 2500
   worries to                                
       Talk to us”

        In association with

        Your family

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Listening to Children

  • 1. Listening to children on Improving communicati with your child
  • 2. your child Children can’t always put “Spend time with their feelings into words, so One-to-one whenever you can. you will make listening to them includes time together with d let him paying attention to their him feel special an t to you.” know he’s importan actions and behaviour. oolfson, Dr Richard C. W Listening is about two-way st child psychologi communication between you and your child, with each of you valuing and respecting the views of the other. Children who are listened to are usually well adjusted and self-confident, while those whose needs are ignored may be withdrawn or difficult and suffer from low self-esteem. Parents who cannot communicate well with their children are more likely to resort to smacking and hitting in moments of frustration. Communicating with your child is also vital in preventing child abuse, including providing your child with information on keeping safe, and being there to offer help and protection. We’ve collected the best advice from professionals, as well as some top tips from parents, to help you communicate with your child, whatever their age. To make for easier reading, this “Before I tuck the booklet refers to children as he or children him, and she or her in alternating into bed, we have a 10-minute sections. All the information applies ‘worry time’ chat. equally to boys and girls. They look forward to telling me all about their day, including the good bits as well as any problems.” Jo, mum of Chloe vice... For more ad g to , 9, and Bethany, 6 in ...on listen isit your child, v www.yourfa
  • 3. Listening to your baby Did you know? Your baby can recognise you and your partner’s voice soon after birth. This is because, while in the womb, your baby will have heard you talking and so your You can start listening to your baby from the very beginning. Tips to help you voices will be familiar as soon as she is born. Smiling, stroking, cuddling, cope with crying If you run out of patience, remember talking to your baby and • Rock your baby in a pram or that being angry with your baby will only make the crying worse. You don’t making eye contact are all cradle or try going on a car ride, need to be ashamed of your feelings as these can often work like magic. ways of communicating. – most parents feel angry with their • Walk up and down with him or try children at some time. Go off and From the very first day after birth, your carrying him close to you in a sling. cool down, or take your anger out baby will be listening to you and in a few • Sing or talk gently to him, or try on the cushions or have a good cry weeks you will be rewarded by smiles playing a tape of womb sounds or yourself. Go back and deal with your and those first cooing sounds gentle music as this can sometimes baby once you feel calm again. – your baby is talking to you. help very young babies. If your baby cries persistently, ask your health visitor for advice or ring “I’ve read to my baby since he • Some babies find the sound of Of course, crying is a very important a helpline like Cry-sis. part of your baby’s language too. If your was a few months old. He loves white noise, such as a vacuum baby still cries after you have done all listening to me doing different cleaner or washing machine, soothing. the obvious checks – for hunger and voices, actions and songs, and • Try swaddling – wrapping your baby thirst, wind, changing nappies, not being he tries to turn the pages! My very firmly inside a light shawl. This too hot or too cold, or even just bored gives some babies the secure feeling with their own company – you might six-year-old is brilliant at reading of being back in the womb. begin to feel desperate. but still loves us to read to him.” • Don’t be too quick to put your baby Sonia, mum of Louis, 6, and Frankie, back in his cot if he begins to Remember 13 months calm down. • Crying is perfectly normal behaviour • If your baby is very keen on sucking for a new baby. In the first few and you’re sure he’s not hungry or Find out more months of life, a baby spends on thirsty, you may want to try a average at least two hours in every dummy, but make sure it’s clean, 24-hour period crying. and never dip it into anything sweet. • Crying is meant to be a sound that Cry-sis • Cuddling your baby is usually the parents find difficult to ignore. This Provides support and advice best tip of all. If you can relax and is nature’s way of ensuring that your regarding excessively crying don’t feel too tense, you are the baby’s needs are met. or sleepless babies. best comfort your baby can have. • Crying is neither your fault nor your baby’s, and things will get better later on. 08451 228 669
  • 4. right. It is a great confidence-booster make opportunities for conversation, and praise works better than preferably when your child is not criticism!” Shobha, mum of Rafi, 3 overtired from a long day at school. • Try to answer all of your • Spend some time reading child’s questions with your child As your child listens to you and looks This helps improve both her listening to you, they build up a picture of and her language skills, and will give themselves. “I used to tell my son ‘not you both a starting point to talk about now’ or ‘go away’ when I was too tired your child’s thoughts and feelings. to answer his questions, then I realised that I wasn’t helping him to learn. • Set aside some special choices to listening time Give children Reminding myself of this now makes el listened it easier to cope and my son remembers “If you’re busy or too tired, it can be help them fe all of my answers!” Nicola, mum of want to hard to make time to listen to your to: “Do you Kieron, 8 child. You might find it easier to set e or pink wear the blu • Look out for warning signs aside a special part of the day, such ?” socks today If your child seems unhappy or as just before your child goes to bed. You need to be flexible though. reluctant to talk, it might be a sign Listening as Sometimes small children just can’t that something is wrong. It might be wait to talk about something that is that she feels you are not interested important to them.” in what she is saying, or wants Eileen Hayes, to tell you something that she finds NSPCC parenting advisor your child grows up difficult to explain. Ensure that you Visit your local library Reading out aloud is great for your relationship with your child. Why not try Children learn to talk by listening • Fit listening easily into your visiting your local library to adults speaking directly to daily routine and choosing some books Talk about the things you see when them. By the time your child is you are on the bus, walking to the that you and your child three or four and has mastered shops, at the supermarket or during can read together? quite a lot of language, she will bath time. You could sing or recite a nursery rhyme to your baby when want to practise it as much as changing her nappy, or read a possible, and will use it to learn book together. about the rest of her world. This • Give plenty of encouragement may mean endless chattering When your child is learning to talk, and “why?” questions. Try to they will probably use funny words of their own and are bound to get listen and answer as patiently some words mixed up. “I shower Rafi as you can. with praise whenever he gets words
  • 5. Listening to • Get help if you need it If you are worried that your child has a particular problem – for example problems at school or with friends, older children such as bullying, relationships, being the victim of racist attitudes, or a problem with drugs or alcohol – you may need to get professional advice. Some of the organisations listed in the section on special difficulties in this booklet might be able to help. Most of the tips about listening to younger children apply to older children too, but older children also have their own different needs. their parents, but they still need you. However independent your children Being a parent to teenagers can be a seem, let them know that you’ll challenging, worrying and sometimes always be there to offer comfort distressing time. While your teenager is and support. pushing for independence, you can feel rejected, criticised and confused. Here • Remember what it’s like are some tips to help you through. to be a teenager The teen years can be a trying time, • Make it clear that you want both for parents and for children. to be involved Teenagers may behave like an adult If you find that your child never one minute and like a toddler the next. wants to talk to you about anything, you may need to work really hard at • Respect your child’s privacy it. A good start is to make it clear Older children particularly need that you are interested in them and privacy. They need their own space, in what they do. time to themselves, and the right not to communicate about certain areas • Respect your child’s views of their lives, for example their Don’t expect him to like everything personal relationships. If you respect you like or agree with everything you their privacy, they are more likely to say. The teenage years are a time confide in you. of testing out opinions and people, including parents. Your teenage child • Don’t impose your ideas is more likely to respect your views if It is fine to state that you have different you respect his views too. views, and your teenager still needs you to when • Let your child know you’re to be clear about acceptable limits to “Think back enager. you were a te ou their behaviour. However, imposing all there for them your attitudes, or trying to force him to lp y Older children need to learn how to agree with your point of view, will only That can he d’s point live without the constant support of make things worse. see your chil of view.”
  • 6. Parents ta lk about listening Top NSPCC parenting advisor Eileen Hayes responds with advice for three parents talking about communicating with their children. Even when parents are ready to talk and listen to their children, there can still be problems. It’s not always easy to understand what children are trying to tell us. Interruptions Whining “My daughter always interrupts when “I don’t feel I have any choice about I’m talking to her dad. What can I do?” listening. My son whines all the time. Liz, mum of Rebecca, 5 I just want to switch off.” Dai, dad of Owen, 7 Eileen “Her interruptions may be a way of trying to get your attention. Eileen “Perhaps you need to make However, if you do make a time to listen time to sit quietly with him and respond to her, explain that you also need time carefully to what he is saying. Once he to discuss things together as parents. realises there are special times when he Young children often demand immediate has all your positive attention, perhaps Find out more attention and will interrupt. As they he won’t need to whine. Try to avoid grow older they will realise that they can getting into the habit of only responding remember to say things later and will when he whines loudly. This negative interrupt less often.” attention will only make things worse.” Parents Advice Centre Gotateenager (Northern Ireland) Pressure to deliver 0808 8010 722 (Provided by Parentline Plus) “I try to listen to my son’s needs, but I can’t always be expected to meet them.” ParentsCentre online Raymond, dad of Adam, 3 Parentline Plus Your Family Eileen “Listening is not the same as always giving in. For example, if your toddler 0808 800 2222 Positive parenting tips is always asking for sweets, which you say he can’t have, you can still let him know (including ParentLine Scotland) brought to you by the NSPCC you’ve listened by saying something like ‘I know you’re cross that you can’t have any sweets’.”
  • 7. Some talking and Remember It’s important to listen to yourself and how you are feeling. Watch out for early listening tips warning signs of stress, such as headaches or tiredness, and take steps to improve things if you need to. Once you’ve got into the habit • Involve your children in of making time to talk and family discussions Depending on their age, allow your listen to your children, you children opportunities to have a say, might find these tips useful. such as on changes to routines and where to go for holidays. • Give your full attention • Don’t be too critical talk about this but explain that it isn’t If your child wants to tell you • Respect your child Try not to put your child off talking their fault. Don’t expect them to offer something, try to stop what you’re Remember that your child’s idea to you, for example by saying things you emotional support. doing so that you can listen carefully. of what is important may be very like “That was stupid,” “Why can’t If that’s not practical, explain that you different from yours. Try to remember you be more sensible,” or “Grow up.” • Don’t brush problems aside need to finish what you’re doing, and this when they want to tell you Hurtful words can damage If you encourage your children to talk, then you’ll be able to listen properly. something urgently, even if you self-esteem. Try to make positive you are bound to hear things that are busy. remarks instead. might disappoint or upset you. • Let them speak first Don’t brush problems aside. Find Look directly at your child while she • Don’t shout or nag ways of coping with them, and get is talking. For small children this Children soon learn to ignore nagging. help if necessary. means getting down to their level. Only shout if you need to warn your Don’t rush to respond. Otherwise you child urgently. Then it will have the If you have more than one child, it won’t really hear what is being said. right effect. can be especially hard to give your children the listening time they need. • Practise reflective listening • Reassure your child’s worries Try to work out a way of giving with small children If your children seem worried or upset each child some special time. But This means checking that you have by your problems, such as money or remember to set aside some time understood what your child has said, relationship difficulties, it is best to for yourself too. by using phrases like “So do you mean that…?” in order to clarify things. “The hardest thing is giving each child enough attention. After school • Let your child know that you each boy is eager to talk about their day and I make a conscious effort understand how he feels to listen to everybody. They get quality time from each other too, Sometimes it helps to say something making camps, creating imaginary worlds… Occasionally someone like “I know you’re feeling sad,” or “You must be feeling very angry to says, ‘Four children – are you mad?’, but a big family is so much fun. say something like that.” Never Their social skills are great and there’s always someone to play with.” dismiss your child’s feelings. James, dad of Jack, 10, Scott, 8, Will, 5, and Henry, 2.
  • 8. Some s pecial difficulties Death Teasing and bullying If someone you and your child love Let your child know that you There can be many reasons has died, let him talk about it and understand how she feels. Talk about why parents and children find be sad. Don’t hide the fact that you what happens, and together try to find it hard to communicate. These are grieving too. This will help him to ways of coping. Help her to learn how learn that it’s OK to cry and feel sad to show bullies that she won’t put up pages give some examples of when someone close to you dies, with it. If the problem occurs at school difficult areas and suggestions but that sooner or later, life goes on. and is serious, you must involve a You may need to prepare yourself to teacher. Never ignore bullying or hope for dealing with them, along with answer questions about the nature it will just go away. details of other organisations of death. Kidscape that may be able to help. Cruse Bereavement Care Provides information on bullying and keeping children safe. 0844 477 9400 Children with serious illness Relationship difficulties Young person’s helpline 020 7730 3300 or disability If you have serious problems in your relationship with your partner, your 0808 808 1677 YoungMinds If your child has a serious illness or a disability, communication children may well suffer, and you Cruse Bereavement Care Scotland Promotes the mental health of may be more difficult. You may probably won’t have the time or children and young people. need to consider other ways of energy to listen to them. If you become 01738 444178 communicating with her and enabling separated or divorced, reassure your 0800 018 2138 her to communicate with others, such child that it is not her fault that your as through learning sign language if relationship with your partner failed, she is deaf or hard-of-hearing. and that you both love her as much as ever. Contact a Family Provides advice and support to One Parent Families/Gingerbread parents of disabled children. 0800 018 5026 0808 808 3555 Relate A confidential counselling service for Capability Scotland relationship problems of any kind. Provides ASCS (Advice Service Capability Scotland), a national disability advice and 0300 100 1234 information service. Relationships Scotland Relationship counselling, mediation 0131 313 5510 and family support across Scotland. is different. “Every child Textphone 0131 346 2529 e special 0845 119 2020 Appreciate th child” our qualities of y
  • 9. Racism If your children tell you that other Additional resources children or adults are being racist to them, explain that racism is totally Use these handy resources with your child: unfair, and is based on ignorance and insecurity. If the problem persists and occurs at school, you will need to In the know involve a teacher. Aimed at children aged eight to 11, this booklet helps children to understand the problems faced by those who If your child expresses racist views, are abused and advises them how to keep safe. you should explain why such attitudes Download from are unacceptable, and why there are differences between people. Remember that children will copy Worried? Need to talk? you, so be careful not to show them Aimed at young people aged 11 to 18, unfair prejudices. this booklet provides information about Equality and Human Rights Alcohol and drugs ChildLine and other services that are there to help. Download from Commission If you suspect your teenager is drinking heavily, think why it may be Helpline for England: 0845 604 6610 happening, and encourage them to Helpline for Wales: 0845 604 8810 think about it too. Beat exam stress Helpline for Scotland: 0845 604 5510 If your child has been experimenting This booklet for children and young people with drugs, let her know that you are provides guidance on coping with exams and Northern Ireland Human Rights the stress they can cause, plus tips on how Commission confident that she can stop, and that you will offer her any support to get support. Download from • 028 9024 3987 you can. Drinkline Scotland Feel safe at home Sexism A 24-hour helpline providing support and advice on any alcohol concerns. Aimed at children aged seven to 12, this Don’t stereotype your child by booklet uses straightforward language expecting boys and girls to behave in 0800 7314 314 to explain what domestic violence is, certain ways and enjoy certain things. FRANK how it can make children feel, and how Encourage them to do what they Provides advice to anyone affected and where they can get help. want, regardless of what others think, by drugs. Download from and make sure they know that their choice of subjects, jobs and hobbies 0800 776600 does not depend on their sex. SAFE: personal safety skills for deaf children Designed for group work use, this DVD-Rom helps give deaf children and young people Talking about difficult subjects the knowledge, awareness and language they Some parents find it difficult to discuss certain topics, such as sex. It is important need to stay safe and make better informed to give your child clear, honest answers to his questions. Obviously, the answers life choices. For further information and to will depend on the age of your child and your own values and beliefs. Keep purchase, visit answers simple for very young children.
  • 10. Children and young people when something’s “I tell my parents it out of my up with me, to get e hopefully system and becaus talk about listening ’ll understand. whatever it is they tion, or for I don’t need a solu ure out what’s someone else to fig a passive bothering me, just 16 (I’d like)“…not to be listener.” Maaike, interrupted or my parents to just assume what I’m talking about an d butt in. Or for them to say th ey know what I’m going through and come up with a solution – so metimes I just want to get it out, not solve it like I’m a problem.” A le, 16 “I like my mum and dad to say they’re listening, and then actually listen to me and not start doing something else, or start talking to someone else because when they do that, it makes you feel invisible.” Joss, 13 mum comes “I like it when my at school to into my classroom d talk to my look at my work an s who my teachers. She know ll her what friends are and I te ” Scarlett, 6 I’ve done each day.
  • 11. More advice from NSPCC Helpline the NSPCC and Your family Our parenting pack Don’t talk yourself If you’ve found this leaflet useful, you might like to try some of the other titles out of it. Talk to us. in our parenting pack. They include plenty of advice on practical, positive parenting, and cover subjects like The NSPCC Helpline managing stress, encouraging better If you’re finding it hard to cope as behaviour and keeping your child safe Registered charity numbers 216401 and SC037717. Photography by Jon Challicom, posed by models. Stores code: NS729. a parent and want to talk, or you’re when they’re either at home or out alone. worried about a child who is at risk of abuse or in need of help, the NSPCC To request a pack, please send an Helpline is here to help 24 hours a A4 SAE (with £2 in stamps), mentioning day, seven days a week. the parenting pack, to the address below or download copies from Call 0808 800 5000 to speak to a helpline advisor. For help by email If you are hard of hearing, you can code: NS279. contact us Monday to Friday from . Stores 9am to 5pm by: by models m, posed Jon Challico • textphone 0808 056 0566 raphy by 17. Photog • British Sign Language interpreters and SC0377 rs 216401 on videophone 020 8463 1148 charity numbe Registered • British Sign Language interpreters on IP videophone or webcam – dd 9 8/7/09 12:05:1 2 26/5/09 13:57:00 Out_Alone.indd 1 NSPCC Weston House, 42 Curtain Road, London EC2A 3NH keep “Don’t just 020 7825 2500 yourself. worries to Talk to us” In association with Your family DJ4646/09