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Introduction to Linux
o Open source Operating System
o Developed by Linus Torvalds
o Architecture of Linux operating system
Linux Basic Commands:
System & Hardware Information:-
o uname –a #Display Linux system information
Linux aa34faf8af0b 3.10.0514.26.2.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Jul 4 15:04:05 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
o uname –r #Dispaly kernel release information
o uptime #for how long system has been running
11:56:15 up 14 days, 21:18, 0 users, load average: 23.14, 24.23, 24.68
o hostname #gives hostname of the system
o hostname –I #gives IP address of the Host
o last reboot #to check when the system has been last rebooted
wtmp begins Sat Sep 9 10:24:23 2017
o date #display the date and time
Mon Jan 01 2018 17:17:33 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)
o cal #display current month calendar
o free #Display the free and used memory (-h for human readable, -m for MB, -g for GB)
total used free shared buff/cache available
Mem: 263861664 11205028 205258364 1867876 47398272 233338992
Swap: 4194300 1756284 2438016
User Information and Management:-
o w #show who is logged in and what they are doing.
12:07:00 up 14 days, 21:29, 0 users, load average: 21.66, 24.14, 24.30
o who #who is logged into the system
o whoami #who are you logged in as
[2018-01-01 17:41.43] ~
[SAGAR.workgroup] ➤ whoami
o id #display the current user id and group id
[2018-01-01 17:41.49] ~
[SAGAR.workgroup] ➤ id
uid=1001(SAGAR) gid=513(UsersGrp) groups=1002(HomeUsers),1004(ORA_DBA),559(Performance Log Users),545(Users)
o last #who logged in last
Files and Directories Commands:
o ls –al #lists all file in long listed format
o ll #actually aliased to `ls -l'
o pwd #shows present working directory
o mkdir directory_name #creates a new directory
o rmdir directory_name #deletes an empty directory
o rm –r directory_name #deletes the directory and its contents
o rm filename #deletes a file
o cp file1 file2 #copy one file to another
o mv file1 file2 #move a file/ rename a file
o touch filename #create a new file
o cat filename #displays the file contents
File Permissions:
• There are 3 types of users
1. User(u) 2. Group(g) 3. Others/ World(o)
• Below are the permissions types
• Read= r
• Write= w
• Execute = x
• No access = -
• Commands to change the permissions of the file:- chmod
example:- chmod 755 filename
1/0 1/0 1/0
r = - - -
w = - - -
x = - - -
Example: rwx rwx rwx chmod 777 filename
Archives (Tar files):
o tar -cf archive.tar directory # Create tar named archive.tar containing directory.
o tar -xf archive.tar # Extract the contents from archive.tar.
o tar -czf archive.tar.gz directory # Create a gzip compressed tar file name archive.tar.gz.
o tar -xzf archive.tar.gz # Extract a gzip compressed tar file.
Directory Navigation:
o cd .. # To go up one level of the directory tree. (Change into the parent directory.)
o cd # Go to the $HOME directory
o cd /etc # Change to the /etc directory
o cd - # go back to previous directory (last accessed dir)
Process Management:
o ps #your currently running processes
o ps –ef #all the currently running processes on the system
o ps- -ef |grep processname #process information for process name
o kill pid #kill a process
o top #display and manage the top processes
o killall processname #kill all processes named there
o program & #start program in the background
o bg #display stopped or background processes
o fg #bring the most recent backgroungd job to foreground
o ifconfig #Displays network interface and ip address
o ping #to check given address is alive or not
o dig domain_name #display DNS information for domain
o dig –x IP_Address #Reverse lookup of IP_Address
o host domain #display DNS IP address for domain
o hostname #display the hostname
[2018-01-01 19:06.49] ~
[SAGAR.workgroup] ➤ hostname
o netstat #Display listening tcp and udp ports and corresponding programs
[2018-01-01 19:11.20] ~
[SAGAR.workgroup] ➤ netstat
Active Connections
Proto Local Address Foreign Address State
TCP hk2sch130022025:https ESTABLISHED
TCP sb-in-f188:5228 ESTABLISHED
TCP static:https ESTABLISHED
TCP static:https ESTABLISHED
o grep pattern file # Search for pattern in file
o grep -r pattern directory # Search recursively for pattern in directory
o locate name # Find files and directories by name
o find /home/Dir -name 'prefix*’ # Find files in /home/Dir that start with "prefix".
o find /home -size +100M # Find files larger than 100MB in /home
File Transfer:
o scp file.txt server:/tmp # Secure copy file.txt to the /tmp folder on server
o scp server:/var/www/*.html /tmp # Copy *.html files from server to the local /tmp folder.
o scp -r server:/var/www /tmp # Copy all files and directories recursively from server
to the current system's /tmp folder.
File Editing:
o Most common editor in Linux -- vi editor
o Commands for editing files in vi editor
o vi filename # to open file in editor (Command mode)
o Press “i” # to go in INSERT mode
o double esc # moving to command mode
o :w #to save changes
o :q #to exit
o :q! #force exit
o :wq #save changes and exit
o Commands for movement inside a file
o h, j, k ,l #left, down, up
o $ #to end of a line
o ^ #to the beginning of a line
o G #end of a file
o :1 #to the beginning of a file
o :47 #to the given line (here on 47th line)
Editing file in vi editor
o dd #remove a line
o 5dd #remove 5 lines
o u #undo last action
o :s/string #searching a string in file
o :s/string/replace #search and replace a string in current line
o :%s/string/replace #search and replace a string in whole file
o :%s/string/replace/i #search and replace a string in whole file(Case Insensitive)
Introduction to PERL:
o PERL : Practical Extraction and Report Language
o Developed by Larry Wall in 1987
o It is a interpreted language
o Code written in Perl is called Perl Script
o Most recent version of Perl -Perl 5.24.3 released on 22-09-2017
Basic Syntax:
o Statements ends with semicolon (;)
o Comments starts with #
o Variables:
o You don’t have to declare a variable type
o Identifiers:
o A variable name
o Case Sensitive
o Example of perl Script :
#perl 5.22.1 ----------------- Perl version in comment
use strict; ----------------- Compiler flag for writing perl in strict way
use warnings; ----------------- Compiler flag for runtime warnings
print "Hello, World";-------------- Print statement for displaying output
 Save this file with .pl extention (say –
 Execution of the Script : (on LINUX platform)
1. perl / perl –w Hello.perl
2. Make the perl file executable
chmod 700
Execute with the following command:
Data types in Perl:
Perl language is a loosely typed language, the Perl interpreter itself chooses the data type
There are basically three data types in Perl
1. Scalars : Perl scalars are a single data item. A scalar can be a
number, a reference (address of a variable) or a string.
Scalars are preceded by ‘$’ sign.
Eg:- $name = “Sagar”;
$age = 24;
2. Arrays : Arrays are an ordered list of scalars.
They are preceded by ‘@’ sign.
Eg:- @arr = (1, 2, 3);
@arr_str = (“happy”, “new”, “year”);
3. Hashes : Hashes are an unordered collection of key-value pairs.
They are preceded by ‘%’ sign.
Eg:- %hashName = (
“Ram" => 24;
“Raman” => 26; );
User input in Perl Programming:
o For user input : <STDIN> or <>
Example :
#perl 5.22.1
use strict;
use warnings;
print "Enter your Name:n";
my $name = <STDIN>;
say "Welcome $name";
Execution: perl (Enter)
Output: Enter your Name:
Welcome Sagar
String Operation Arithmetic
lt less than <
gt greater than >
eq equal to ==
le less than or equal to <=
ge greater than or equal to >=
ne not equal to !=
cmp compare, return 1, 0, -1 <=>
Comparison Operators:
Operator Operation
||, or logical or
&&, and logical and
!, not logical not
xor logical xor
Logical Operators
Operator Operation
. string concatenation
x string repetition
.= concatenation and assignment
$string1 = “Hello";
$string2 = “World";
$newstring = $string1 . $string2; #“HelloWorld"
$newerstring = $string1 x 2; #“Hello"
$string1 .= $string2; #“HelloWorld"
String Operators
Functions in Perl:
o Functions in Perl are known as Subroutines
o Subroutines are created with sub keyword
# Function definition
sub Hello {
print "Hello, World!n";
# Function call
Predefined subroutines for Arrays:
Sr.No. Types & Description
1 push @ARRAY, LIST
Pushes the values of the list onto the end of the array.
2 pop @ARRAY
Pops off and returns the last value of the array.
3 shift @ARRAY
Shifts the first value of the array off and returns it, shortening the
array by 1 and moving everything down.
4 unshift @ARRAY, LIST
Prepends list to the front of the array, and returns the number of
elements in the new array.
Example for Arrays subroutines:
#perl 5.22.1
use strict;
use warnings;
my @arr;
print "Enter the number of element you want to enter n"; #Enter Size
my $n = <STDIN>;
print "n Enter the elements n"; # Enter Elements
for (my $i= 0; $i<$n; $i++){
my $ele = <STDIN>;
print "Entered Elements are : --- n"; #print Elements
for (my $i= 0; $i<$n; $i++){
print $arr[$i];
print "Size of the array is : - ".scalar @arr."n"; # get Size
print "Your sorted array is : -n";
my @sorted_arr = sort(@arr); #sort Array
print @sorted_arr;
print "After Element pushingn";
push(@sorted_arr, "99n"); #add one Element at the end of array
print @sorted_arr;
print "New size of the array is :---".scalar @sorted_arr."n";
print "After unshifting ---- Adding element at begining n";
unshift (@sorted_arr,"555n"); #add element at the begining of the array
print @sorted_arr;
print "After poping ------ removing element from end n";
print @sorted_arr;
print "After shifting ------ removing element from beginning n";
print @sorted_arr;
Size of the array is : - 3
Your sorted array is : -
After Element pushing
New size of the array is :---4
After unshifting ---- Adding element at begining
After poping ------ removing element from end
After shifting ------ removing element from beginning
o File Handling :
#perl 5.22.1
open(DATA, "<file.txt") or die "Couldn't open file file.txt, $!";
while(<DATA>) { print "$_"; }
o File opening modes:
Sr.No. Entities & Definition
1 < or r
Read Only Access
2 > or w
Creates, Writes, and Truncates
3 >> or a
Writes, Appends, and Creates
4 +< or r+
Reads and Writes
5 +> or w+
Reads, Writes, Creates, and Truncates
6 +>> or a+
Reads, Writes, Appends, and Creates
Regular Expression in Perl:
o There are three regular expression operator in Perl
1. Match Regular Expression - m//
2. Substitute Regular Expression - s///
3. Transliterate Regular Expression - tr///
Example: my $str = “Hello, World! Happy New Year ”;
Match operator : $str =~ m/Happy/ #true
Substitute operator: $str =~ s/World/India/; #will replace World with India(only first occurrence)
Translator operator: $str = ~tr/World/India/;#will replace all occurrence of World to India
Thank You

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GlobusWorld 2024 Opening Keynote sessionGlobusWorld 2024 Opening Keynote session
GlobusWorld 2024 Opening Keynote session
Explore Modern SharePoint Templates for 2024
Explore Modern SharePoint Templates for 2024Explore Modern SharePoint Templates for 2024
Explore Modern SharePoint Templates for 2024

Linux And perl

  • 2. Introduction to Linux o Open source Operating System o Developed by Linus Torvalds o Architecture of Linux operating system
  • 4. System & Hardware Information:- o uname –a #Display Linux system information Linux aa34faf8af0b 3.10.0514.26.2.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Jul 4 15:04:05 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux o uname –r #Dispaly kernel release information 3.10.0-514.26.2.el7.x86_64 o uptime #for how long system has been running 11:56:15 up 14 days, 21:18, 0 users, load average: 23.14, 24.23, 24.68 o hostname #gives hostname of the system o hostname –I #gives IP address of the Host o last reboot #to check when the system has been last rebooted wtmp begins Sat Sep 9 10:24:23 2017 o date #display the date and time Mon Jan 01 2018 17:17:33 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time) o cal #display current month calendar o free #Display the free and used memory (-h for human readable, -m for MB, -g for GB) total used free shared buff/cache available Mem: 263861664 11205028 205258364 1867876 47398272 233338992 Swap: 4194300 1756284 2438016
  • 5. User Information and Management:- o w #show who is logged in and what they are doing. 12:07:00 up 14 days, 21:29, 0 users, load average: 21.66, 24.14, 24.30 USER TTY LOGIN@ IDLE JCPU PCPU WHAT o who #who is logged into the system o whoami #who are you logged in as [2018-01-01 17:41.43] ~ [SAGAR.workgroup] ➤ whoami SAGAR o id #display the current user id and group id [2018-01-01 17:41.49] ~ [SAGAR.workgroup] ➤ id uid=1001(SAGAR) gid=513(UsersGrp) groups=1002(HomeUsers),1004(ORA_DBA),559(Performance Log Users),545(Users) o last #who logged in last
  • 6. Files and Directories Commands: o ls –al #lists all file in long listed format o ll #actually aliased to `ls -l' o pwd #shows present working directory o mkdir directory_name #creates a new directory o rmdir directory_name #deletes an empty directory o rm –r directory_name #deletes the directory and its contents o rm filename #deletes a file o cp file1 file2 #copy one file to another o mv file1 file2 #move a file/ rename a file o touch filename #create a new file o cat filename #displays the file contents
  • 7. File Permissions: • There are 3 types of users 1. User(u) 2. Group(g) 3. Others/ World(o) • Below are the permissions types • Read= r • Write= w • Execute = x • No access = - • Commands to change the permissions of the file:- chmod example:- chmod 755 filename 1/0 1/0 1/0 r = - - - w = - - - x = - - - Example: rwx rwx rwx chmod 777 filename
  • 8. Archives (Tar files): o tar -cf archive.tar directory # Create tar named archive.tar containing directory. o tar -xf archive.tar # Extract the contents from archive.tar. o tar -czf archive.tar.gz directory # Create a gzip compressed tar file name archive.tar.gz. o tar -xzf archive.tar.gz # Extract a gzip compressed tar file. Directory Navigation: o cd .. # To go up one level of the directory tree. (Change into the parent directory.) o cd # Go to the $HOME directory o cd /etc # Change to the /etc directory o cd - # go back to previous directory (last accessed dir)
  • 9. Process Management: o ps #your currently running processes o ps –ef #all the currently running processes on the system o ps- -ef |grep processname #process information for process name o kill pid #kill a process o top #display and manage the top processes o killall processname #kill all processes named there o program & #start program in the background o bg #display stopped or background processes o fg #bring the most recent backgroungd job to foreground
  • 10. Networking: o ifconfig #Displays network interface and ip address o ping #to check given address is alive or not o dig domain_name #display DNS information for domain o dig –x IP_Address #Reverse lookup of IP_Address o host domain #display DNS IP address for domain o hostname #display the hostname [2018-01-01 19:06.49] ~ [SAGAR.workgroup] ➤ hostname workgroup o netstat #Display listening tcp and udp ports and corresponding programs [2018-01-01 19:11.20] ~ [SAGAR.workgroup] ➤ netstat Active Connections Proto Local Address Foreign Address State TCP hk2sch130022025:https ESTABLISHED TCP sb-in-f188:5228 ESTABLISHED TCP static:https ESTABLISHED TCP static:https ESTABLISHED TCP TIME_WAIT
  • 11. SEARCH: o grep pattern file # Search for pattern in file o grep -r pattern directory # Search recursively for pattern in directory o locate name # Find files and directories by name o find /home/Dir -name 'prefix*’ # Find files in /home/Dir that start with "prefix". o find /home -size +100M # Find files larger than 100MB in /home File Transfer: o scp file.txt server:/tmp # Secure copy file.txt to the /tmp folder on server o scp server:/var/www/*.html /tmp # Copy *.html files from server to the local /tmp folder. o scp -r server:/var/www /tmp # Copy all files and directories recursively from server to the current system's /tmp folder.
  • 12. File Editing: o Most common editor in Linux -- vi editor o Commands for editing files in vi editor o vi filename # to open file in editor (Command mode) o Press “i” # to go in INSERT mode o double esc # moving to command mode o :w #to save changes o :q #to exit o :q! #force exit o :wq #save changes and exit o Commands for movement inside a file o h, j, k ,l #left, down, up o $ #to end of a line o ^ #to the beginning of a line o G #end of a file o :1 #to the beginning of a file o :47 #to the given line (here on 47th line)
  • 13. Editing file in vi editor o dd #remove a line o 5dd #remove 5 lines o u #undo last action o :s/string #searching a string in file o :s/string/replace #search and replace a string in current line o :%s/string/replace #search and replace a string in whole file o :%s/string/replace/i #search and replace a string in whole file(Case Insensitive)
  • 14. Introduction to PERL: o PERL : Practical Extraction and Report Language o Developed by Larry Wall in 1987 o It is a interpreted language o Code written in Perl is called Perl Script o Most recent version of Perl -Perl 5.24.3 released on 22-09-2017
  • 15. Basic Syntax: o Statements ends with semicolon (;) o Comments starts with # o Variables: o You don’t have to declare a variable type o Identifiers: o A variable name o Case Sensitive
  • 16. o Example of perl Script : #perl 5.22.1 ----------------- Perl version in comment use strict; ----------------- Compiler flag for writing perl in strict way use warnings; ----------------- Compiler flag for runtime warnings print "Hello, World";-------------- Print statement for displaying output  Save this file with .pl extention (say –  Execution of the Script : (on LINUX platform) 1. perl / perl –w Hello.perl or 2. Make the perl file executable chmod 700 Execute with the following command: ./
  • 17. Data types in Perl: Perl language is a loosely typed language, the Perl interpreter itself chooses the data type There are basically three data types in Perl 1. Scalars : Perl scalars are a single data item. A scalar can be a number, a reference (address of a variable) or a string. Scalars are preceded by ‘$’ sign. Eg:- $name = “Sagar”; $age = 24; 2. Arrays : Arrays are an ordered list of scalars. They are preceded by ‘@’ sign. Eg:- @arr = (1, 2, 3); @arr_str = (“happy”, “new”, “year”); 3. Hashes : Hashes are an unordered collection of key-value pairs. They are preceded by ‘%’ sign. Eg:- %hashName = ( “Ram" => 24; “Raman” => 26; );
  • 18. User input in Perl Programming: o For user input : <STDIN> or <> Example : #perl 5.22.1 use strict; use warnings; print "Enter your Name:n"; my $name = <STDIN>; say "Welcome $name"; Execution: perl (Enter) Output: Enter your Name: Sagar Welcome Sagar
  • 19. String Operation Arithmetic lt less than < gt greater than > eq equal to == le less than or equal to <= ge greater than or equal to >= ne not equal to != cmp compare, return 1, 0, -1 <=> Comparison Operators:
  • 20. Operator Operation ||, or logical or &&, and logical and !, not logical not xor logical xor Logical Operators Operator Operation . string concatenation x string repetition .= concatenation and assignment $string1 = “Hello"; $string2 = “World"; $newstring = $string1 . $string2; #“HelloWorld" $newerstring = $string1 x 2; #“Hello" $string1 .= $string2; #“HelloWorld" String Operators
  • 21. Functions in Perl: o Functions in Perl are known as Subroutines o Subroutines are created with sub keyword Example: #!/usr/bin/perl # Function definition sub Hello { print "Hello, World!n"; } # Function call Hello();
  • 22. Predefined subroutines for Arrays: Sr.No. Types & Description 1 push @ARRAY, LIST Pushes the values of the list onto the end of the array. 2 pop @ARRAY Pops off and returns the last value of the array. 3 shift @ARRAY Shifts the first value of the array off and returns it, shortening the array by 1 and moving everything down. 4 unshift @ARRAY, LIST Prepends list to the front of the array, and returns the number of elements in the new array.
  • 23. Example for Arrays subroutines: #perl 5.22.1 use strict; use warnings; my @arr; print "Enter the number of element you want to enter n"; #Enter Size my $n = <STDIN>; print "n Enter the elements n"; # Enter Elements for (my $i= 0; $i<$n; $i++){ my $ele = <STDIN>; $arr[$i]=$ele; } print "Entered Elements are : --- n"; #print Elements for (my $i= 0; $i<$n; $i++){ print $arr[$i]; } print "Size of the array is : - ".scalar @arr."n"; # get Size print "Your sorted array is : -n"; my @sorted_arr = sort(@arr); #sort Array print @sorted_arr; print "After Element pushingn"; push(@sorted_arr, "99n"); #add one Element at the end of array print @sorted_arr; print "New size of the array is :---".scalar @sorted_arr."n"; print "After unshifting ---- Adding element at begining n"; unshift (@sorted_arr,"555n"); #add element at the begining of the array print @sorted_arr; print "After poping ------ removing element from end n"; pop(@sorted_arr); print @sorted_arr; print "After shifting ------ removing element from beginning n"; shift(@sorted_arr); print @sorted_arr; OUTPUT: Size of the array is : - 3 Your sorted array is : - 3 7 9 After Element pushing 3 7 9 99 New size of the array is :---4 After unshifting ---- Adding element at begining 555 3 7 9 99 After poping ------ removing element from end 555 3 7 9 After shifting ------ removing element from beginning 3 7 9
  • 24. o File Handling : Eg: #perl 5.22.1 open(DATA, "<file.txt") or die "Couldn't open file file.txt, $!"; while(<DATA>) { print "$_"; } o File opening modes: Sr.No. Entities & Definition 1 < or r Read Only Access 2 > or w Creates, Writes, and Truncates 3 >> or a Writes, Appends, and Creates 4 +< or r+ Reads and Writes 5 +> or w+ Reads, Writes, Creates, and Truncates 6 +>> or a+ Reads, Writes, Appends, and Creates
  • 25. Regular Expression in Perl: o There are three regular expression operator in Perl 1. Match Regular Expression - m// 2. Substitute Regular Expression - s/// 3. Transliterate Regular Expression - tr/// Example: my $str = “Hello, World! Happy New Year ”; Match operator : $str =~ m/Happy/ #true Substitute operator: $str =~ s/World/India/; #will replace World with India(only first occurrence) Translator operator: $str = ~tr/World/India/;#will replace all occurrence of World to India