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Let’s Get Engaged!                 The MarketingSavant Group
     Social Media + Trade Shows

The MarketingSavant Group                             888.989.7771
Download the Social Media for Trade
  Shows Playbook following the webinar!

The MarketingSavant Group                            888.989.7771
The Social Trade Show Works!
      •    31% of respondents have incorporated social media into their exhibit marketing
           efforts, along with 24 percent of respondents who have used social media as part
           of their company’s B2B and/or B2C corporate events.
      •    57% have used social media for more general marketing and branding purposes,
           excluding exhibits and events.
      •    One-third of respondents who have used social media as an exhibit-marketing tool
           set measurable objectives prior to implementing their social-media campaigns.
      •    90% of those respondents indicated their social-media efforts met or exceeded
           their preshow objectives.
      •    32% of respondents believe social media has “limitless” potential in the context of
           exhibit and event marketing. 58% believe it has “moderate” potential.
      •    22% percent of companies that have not used social media as part of their
           marketing efforts cite “lack of time to dedicate to social media” as the primary
      •    75% of respondents expect the value and importance of social media as a
           marketing tool to increase “strongly” or “somewhat” in the coming year.
                                                                        According to a report by Exhibitor Media Group
The MarketingSavant Group                                                                           888.989.7771
What to Expect

The MarketingSavant Group              888.989.7771
What are some unique
                      ways to drive qualified
                      booth traffic?

The MarketingSavant Group                                  888.989.7771
Plan the
Perfect Show
Get a Baseline Measurement

              Source: Oliver Blanchard
              “The Basics of Social Media ROI”

The MarketingSavant Group                                   888.989.7771
Set Your Show Goals

             – Pre-show buzz
             – Integrate social media into your show plan
             – Sales, current customers
             – Lead gathering & nurturing
             – New product launches, thought leader interviews
             – Sponsored guest speakers
             – In-show giveaways & buzz generators
             – Post-show – continuing the conversation

The MarketingSavant Group                                         888.989.7771
Don’t Commit Random Acts of
      Social Media Marketing!

The MarketingSavant Group                      888.989.7771
Pre-Show   At-Show   Post-Show

Build Your Dream Team

The MarketingSavant Group                888.989.7771
Get Social BEFORE the Show
      •    Begin releasing some of your social media plans for the show a few weeks before
                    “It is absolutely crucial to engage in social media before, during
           the show. Social is still buzz worth and you want your special efforts to go noticed.
                    and after the trade show - it's essentially a futile effort if it's not
      •    Converse regularly with the trade media and registered attendees (by responding
                    done this way.” -Upasna Gautam, Magic Logix
           to tweets and re-tweeting and commenting on blogs).
      •    Release pre-show videos of product and interviews to encourage attendees to ‘get
           to know your show personalities).
      •    Schedule Facebook and Twitter posts highlighting your new products, prominent
           speakers and in-show events such as parties and demos.
      •    Use social media channels to announce your contests, incentives, special offers
           and deals and other promotions that you will be running during the event.
      •    Tell interesting stories about people, products, history or anything else that gets
           you away from selling and into sharing value.
      •    Introduce your show staff – let attendees know a bit more about who they’re
           going to meet at the event and build up a bit of anticipation, especially if you have
           a thought leader on your staff or are sponsoring an industry celebrity at the show.
      •    Integrated seamlessly into your marketing efforts including things like hotel door
           hangers, ads, public relations and events.
The MarketingSavant Group                                                                      888.989.7771
Get Your Plan Together
                                   Blog               Twitter              Facebook             LinkedIn              YouTube
                4 Weeks to      Social media        1 Tweet /day        Post sneak          Post show            Company
                Go               announceme           about show,          peak photos of       highlights in         thought leader
                                 nt                   using show           upcoming             relevant              interview
                                Guest blog           hashtag              show                 industry group        introducing
                                 from                Tweet out blog                                                  show theme
                                 sponsored            posts and
                                 speaker              Facebook
                3 Weeks to      Post a list of      Listen to the       Photo post on       Answer               Post video of
                Go               the most             show                 years past           questions             product teaser
                                 important            conversation         developments         about show,
                                 development          and create a        Post question        product
                                 s in the             list of show-        or survey on
                                 industry this        related people       upcoming
                                 year                 on twitter           show plans
                2 Weeks to      Thought             Post updates        Post links to       Sales team           Post a short
                Go               leader blog          about parties        social and           invites key           ‘webinar’ or
                                 post from            and show             media                contacts for at       slide deck
                                 product              events               coverage             show meetings         screen cast
                                 manager             Post relevant                                                   product
                                                     info about the                                                  overview
                                                      venue city
                1 Week to       Blog post           5 – 20x daily       Post links to       Sales and            Live video
                Go               mention of           tweets,              relevant venue       marketing post        leading up to
                                 early industry       interacting          top                  on profiles and       the show
                                 press                with                 restaurants          in groups             touching on
                                                      attendees,                                about show            the most
                                                      media,                                                          important
                                                      vendors                                                         topics

The MarketingSavant Group                                                                                                               888.989.7771
The At-Show Plan
      • Launch a promotional Facebook or Twitter giveaway to
        grow traffic and fans (iPads?)
      • Use Facebook and Twitter as a real-time news feed to reach
        out to the show audience by delivering up-to-the-second
        content, photos and videos
      • Schedule tweets to augment your minute-by-minute
      • Secure back-office support to ensure your ability to keep up
        with the pace of the show
      • Capture footage, photos, interviews and other media only
        available at the show
      • Live stream sponsored presentations and keynotes for your
        sales force and non-attending customers

The MarketingSavant Group                                             888.989.7771
Post-Show Deliverables

      • Follow up with contest winners – make them
      • Continue the conversation
      • Connect sales with social
      • Leverage awards, experiences, show photos,
        videos and other captured content

The MarketingSavant Group                               888.989.7771
What is the best way to
                            connect with clients in
                            such a short meeting?
The MarketingSavant Group                                        888.989.7771
How to Be the Most
Engaging Brand on
 the Show Floor!
Incent Social Sharing & Interaction
      • ING Cafe in Chicago offered a free cup
        of coffee to people who checked in
        somewhere nearby their venue.
      • This got customers in their door who
        may not have known about ING Cafe
        or simply hadn’t planned to go there.
      • Kraft’s new MiO product, a water
        enhancer, gave away free full-sized
        samples from their Facebook page.
      • Chipotle gave away a free burrito to
        people in return for watching a
        promotional video.
      • Simply put, offering consumer freebies
        has been wildly successful in recent
        social campaigns.

The MarketingSavant Group                                   888.989.7771
Social Promotions

The MarketingSavant Group              888.989.7771
Celebrate Your Customers

The MarketingSavant Group                   888.989.7771
Use Fan Generating Apps

The MarketingSavant Group                  888.989.7771
Tweet With the Tags

      • Create or follow the
        event hashtag (#CES)
      • Tag every post as part
        of the conversation
      • Interact with the Twitter

The MarketingSavant Group                      888.989.7771
The MarketingSavant Group              888.989.7771
Take People Behind the Scenes
                            Ann Handley suggests in her book Content
                            Rules to use video to show behind the scenes at
                            your company. “Businesses can show what goes
                            on in their day-to-day world that people don’t see
                            but might be interested in. What about showing,
                            for example, how a popular product goes from
                            concept to rolling off the assembly line? Something
                            that seems completely everyday to you could be
                            exciting and fresh to your fans.”

The MarketingSavant Group                                               888.989.7771
Turn Your Thinkers Into
      Thought Leaders

The MarketingSavant Group                  888.989.7771
Have a LinkedIn Action Plan
      • Linkedin 250 contacts                    • Searching in LinkedIn – Who do
             – Professional contacts from your     you want to find?
               address book                      • Save searches
             – Every satisfied customer
                                                 • Look at the network connections
             – Anyone you meet                     of the individuals with whom you
             – Professional personal brand         have a first degree connection.
                                                   They might know of the ideal
      • Personal headline                          candidate.
      • Beef up your profile. (use the           • LinkedIn Groups – finding the
        checklist)                                 right ones
      • Get to 100% complete profile                 – Subscribing
      • Search for prospects                         – Participating
      • Find profiles of 5 competitors           • Posting opportunities in
      • Seek 5 recommendations from                appropriate groups
        satisfied clients                        • Answer questions, ask questions,
      • Recommend 5 clients or peers               participate

The MarketingSavant Group                                                           888.989.7771
Host a Tweetup for Your:

The MarketingSavant Group                                 888.989.7771

       How (not) To Use It
       • Don’t talk down other companies or
       • Don’t share detailed personal information
       • Don’t use profanity
       • Don’t post a large string of tweets in a short
         amount of time

The MarketingSavant Group                                    888.989.7771
Twitter – Twitter Terminology
      •    Tweet - When you post or write your 140 characters on twitter and hit send it’s called a
           tweet or tweeting
      •    Handle – that’s your twitter name @danavan – balance short with descriptive and no matter
           what your business handle is get your personal name if you can even if you don’t plan to use
           it right now.
      •    Follow – this is simply the act of adding someone to your list of people you are following –
           this makes their tweets show up on your homepage.
      •    Replies – this is what it is called when someone writes a tweet directly at your handle -
           @danavan cool post today blah blah – this is often an invite to engage with a follower.
      •    Retweet – this is a tactic of republishing someone else’s tweet – the original tweet along with
           author stays intact – many people find this a great way to add content and acknowledge good
           stuff from the folks they follow
      •    DM – this is a message that is sent directly to another user. They must be following you for
           you to DM them
      •    Hashtag – this is a way people categorize tweets so that others might use the same tag and
           effectively create a way for people to view related tweets – it will something like #marketing

The MarketingSavant Group                                                                              888.989.7771
Is there a way to target a
                            specific groups that will
                            attend the show?
The MarketingSavant Group                                 888.989.7771
Getting the Most
Mileage From the
Social Trade Show
Listen, Listen, Listen

The MarketingSavant Group                 888.989.7771
Create Compelling Content

The MarketingSavant Group                    888.989.7771
Publish on Schedule – “60-1-7-30-4-2-1”

      •    60 = Hourly
      •    1 = Daily
      •    7 = Weekly
      •    30 = Monthly
      •    4 = Quarterly
      •    2 = Bi-Annual
      •    1 = Annual

                            Source: FusionSpark Media                                                                   
The MarketingSavant Group              888.989.7771
Map Out the Publishing Process

The MarketingSavant Group                         888.989.7771
Integrate Social Media

The MarketingSavant Group                 888.989.7771
Develop Business
      Through Twitter

The MarketingSavant Group              888.989.7771
Launch New Products on Facebook

The MarketingSavant Group                          888.989.7771
Use a Social CRM Tool

The MarketingSavant Group                888.989.7771
How do I engage sales
                            when their colleagues’
                            leads are showing up, not
The MarketingSavant Group                                888.989.7771
Who’s Getting Great
                            •   Social media strategy is discussed at launch
                                meeting for show and fine-tuned through the
                                planning process (about six months in
                                advance of show)
                            •   Two weeks prior to the event marketing
                                sends a social media recap email to events
                                teams and attendees with appropriate
                                hashtags, event social media opportunities
                                (Event social media sites, Tweetups, etc.)
                            •   Team members on Twitter are encouraged to
                                start tweeting and event is introduced on
                            •   Appropriate team members get engaged
                                with any pre-show discussions on LinkedIn
                                groups or Event sites
                            •   The team is encouraged to not only tweet
                                booth # and promotions but also engage
                                with attendees and colleagues
                            •   Typically we have some kind of blog post
                                kick-off for major events but most "at the
                                show/behind the scenes at the show" pics
                                get shared on Facebook

The MarketingSavant Group                                                888.989.7771
                            •   At CES, we used a Tweet2Win promotion
                                that was pretty successful in driving traffic
                                and engaging attendees. There was a
                                retweet option for those not attending,
                                and we used signage in our partner
                                booths and our own that drew people in.
                            •   We've also done in-booth promotions,
                                with social media driving traffic and we
                                used it to help grow our account followers
                                and presence.
                            •   Overall, we've discovered we are
                                significantly ahead of our competition in
                                our social media usage. We are helping
                                promote our partners as well as our own
                                presence so that has been great for
                                channel relationships.
                            •   Overall, social media has helped
                                personalize our brand to both our
                                partners, and end users.

The MarketingSavant Group                                                 888.989.7771
McCann’s Guest Blog
      • McCann’s blog covering
        the Mobile World
      • Maintain thought
        leadership position
      • Increase followership,
        SEO and social
      • Archived content for
        customers & team
      • Go-to social hub for show

The MarketingSavant Group                      888.989.7771
Wired & AMD – Make a Scene
                            • Asked for attendees to
                              ‘Make a Scene.’
                            • Booth, armed with powerful
                              computers and tech
                              experts, and its ‘Make a
                              Scene’ initiatives provided a
                              plethora of opportunities
                              for visitors to create content
                              and easily share it across
                              their social networks.
                            • Help attendees create and
                              share social objects
                            • Yield peer influence and

The MarketingSavant Group                                    888.989.7771
Kodak + Geo + QR Codes

      • Offer dedicated
        touchdown space for
      • Get them to participate
        in a SCVNGR game with
        QR codes and social
      • Win prizes based on

The MarketingSavant Group                    888.989.7771
Good Advice From Around
      the Shows
      1.      Deals matter most to your online community, and this is what gets shared more
              often than anything else. Offer exclusive contests, deals and/or freebies to those
              who attend the trade show and stop by your booth.
      2.      Tag everything. This is where search engine optimization (SEO) comes into play.
              Using your strongest keywords, tag all of your content with them including blog
              posts, photo captions, press releases, directory listings and all company pages on
              Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube.
      3.      “Vlog” your event to reach those who are unable to attend, and broadcast video
              updates during the event on your YouTube channel. Next to Google, YouTube is
              the second largest search engine. You can even add the YouTube channel to your
              Facebook page to syndicate content.
      4.      Encourage visitors to share content by adding the “Like” button on your event’s
              website. Also add this to session descriptions, speaker profiles, blog posts,
              videos, pictures, etc.
      5.      Recruit other exhibitors, sponsors and attendees by adding your event to
              LinkedIn Events, and be sure to use keyword-rich content. This will enable your
              event to rank high in Google’s search results for your event name and its

The MarketingSavant Group                                                                      888.989.7771
Good Advice From Around
      the Shows
      6.  Search for and answer industry-related LinkedIn questions that you and/or
          members of your company can accurately answer. You can also set up an RSS
          feed for specific categories to go to Google Reader. When responding, be sure to
          include a link back to your website.
      7. Create a unique event hashtag for Twitter. This is an instrumental tool in building
          your audience before, during and after the event. Use the hashtag every time
          you tweet to help other attendees and exhibitors find you.
      8. Keep your tweets short so they can easily be re-tweeted. This will allow followers
          to add hashtags and short comments without exceeding the 140-character limit.
          For the same reason, be sure to keep your Twitter name short, too.
      9. Improve the attendee experience at your show by tweeting unplanned schedule
          changes, reminders and notifications.
      10. Add QR codes to marketing material (or virtually any material you want). These
          can be linked to online information to engage Smartphone users. The sky’s the
          limit with the level of creativity you can use with this new medium.

The MarketingSavant Group                                                                  888.989.7771
The MarketingSavant Group              888.989.7771
The Next Level

      • Inviting Influencers In: Instead of trying to
        grab influencers’ attention as they walk by
        booths on the trade show floor, brands have
        begun inviting influencers to set-up shop
        broadcasting within their exhibits.

The MarketingSavant Group                                  888.989.7771
How do I get more people
                            to our in-booth events?

The MarketingSavant Group                                888.989.7771
Many Happy Returns
Social Media Meets or Exceeds…

      • 93.3% of respondents in the Exhibitor Media Group survey
        stating that they felt their social media marketing campaigns
        are meeting or exceeding their event-related objectives

The MarketingSavant Group                                                888.989.7771
Results & ROI: Relationships are the ‘Return’!
Getting Started in Social Media

      1. Setup your social profiles
      2. Tap in to the industry conversation
      3. Build your show platform
            1. Ideas, contests, tweets, posts, photos, personelle
      4. Build pre-show buzz
            1. Watch the show #hashtags for activity
      5. Converse with your audience, competitors and
         the show promoters
      6. Establish a ‘during show’ presence

The MarketingSavant Group                                              888.989.7771
Getting Started in Social Media

      7. Keep up the conversation during the show
         with multiple forms of media
      8. Invite the social media mavens into your
      9. Follow up with attendees as the show ends
      10.Keep up on the conversation…until next year!

The MarketingSavant Group                                888.989.7771
Smile if you liked it!

                              The MarketingSavant Group

The MarketingSavant Group                   888.989.7771
Download the Social Media for Trade
  Shows Playbook following the webinar!

The MarketingSavant Group                            888.989.7771
Let’s Get Engaged!                 The MarketingSavant Group
     Social Media + Trade Shows

The MarketingSavant Group                             888.989.7771

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Leveraging the Power of Social Media for Trade Shows

  • 1. Let’s Get Engaged! The MarketingSavant Group 888.989.7771 Social Media + Trade Shows The MarketingSavant Group 888.989.7771
  • 2. Download the Social Media for Trade Shows Playbook following the webinar! The MarketingSavant Group 888.989.7771
  • 3. The Social Trade Show Works! • 31% of respondents have incorporated social media into their exhibit marketing efforts, along with 24 percent of respondents who have used social media as part of their company’s B2B and/or B2C corporate events. • 57% have used social media for more general marketing and branding purposes, excluding exhibits and events. • One-third of respondents who have used social media as an exhibit-marketing tool set measurable objectives prior to implementing their social-media campaigns. • 90% of those respondents indicated their social-media efforts met or exceeded their preshow objectives. • 32% of respondents believe social media has “limitless” potential in the context of exhibit and event marketing. 58% believe it has “moderate” potential. • 22% percent of companies that have not used social media as part of their marketing efforts cite “lack of time to dedicate to social media” as the primary reason. • 75% of respondents expect the value and importance of social media as a marketing tool to increase “strongly” or “somewhat” in the coming year. According to a report by Exhibitor Media Group The MarketingSavant Group 888.989.7771
  • 4. What to Expect The MarketingSavant Group 888.989.7771
  • 5. What are some unique ways to drive qualified booth traffic? The MarketingSavant Group 888.989.7771
  • 7. Get a Baseline Measurement SOCIAL MEDIA IMPACT Source: Oliver Blanchard “The Basics of Social Media ROI” The MarketingSavant Group 888.989.7771
  • 8. Set Your Show Goals – Pre-show buzz – Integrate social media into your show plan – Sales, current customers – Lead gathering & nurturing – New product launches, thought leader interviews – Sponsored guest speakers – In-show giveaways & buzz generators – Post-show – continuing the conversation The MarketingSavant Group 888.989.7771
  • 9. Don’t Commit Random Acts of Social Media Marketing! The MarketingSavant Group 888.989.7771
  • 10. Pre-Show At-Show Post-Show /
  • 11. Build Your Dream Team The MarketingSavant Group 888.989.7771
  • 12. Get Social BEFORE the Show • Begin releasing some of your social media plans for the show a few weeks before “It is absolutely crucial to engage in social media before, during the show. Social is still buzz worth and you want your special efforts to go noticed. and after the trade show - it's essentially a futile effort if it's not • Converse regularly with the trade media and registered attendees (by responding done this way.” -Upasna Gautam, Magic Logix to tweets and re-tweeting and commenting on blogs). • Release pre-show videos of product and interviews to encourage attendees to ‘get to know your show personalities). • Schedule Facebook and Twitter posts highlighting your new products, prominent speakers and in-show events such as parties and demos. • Use social media channels to announce your contests, incentives, special offers and deals and other promotions that you will be running during the event. • Tell interesting stories about people, products, history or anything else that gets you away from selling and into sharing value. • Introduce your show staff – let attendees know a bit more about who they’re going to meet at the event and build up a bit of anticipation, especially if you have a thought leader on your staff or are sponsoring an industry celebrity at the show. • Integrated seamlessly into your marketing efforts including things like hotel door hangers, ads, public relations and events. The MarketingSavant Group 888.989.7771
  • 13. Get Your Plan Together Show Blog Twitter Facebook LinkedIn YouTube Countdown 4 Weeks to  Social media  1 Tweet /day  Post sneak  Post show  Company Go announceme about show, peak photos of highlights in thought leader nt using show upcoming relevant interview  Guest blog hashtag show industry group introducing from  Tweet out blog show theme sponsored posts and speaker Facebook posts 3 Weeks to  Post a list of  Listen to the  Photo post on  Answer  Post video of Go the most show years past questions product teaser important conversation developments about show, development and create a  Post question product s in the list of show- or survey on industry this related people upcoming year on twitter show plans 2 Weeks to  Thought  Post updates  Post links to  Sales team  Post a short Go leader blog about parties social and invites key ‘webinar’ or post from and show media contacts for at slide deck product events coverage show meetings screen cast manager  Post relevant product  info about the overview venue city 1 Week to  Blog post  5 – 20x daily  Post links to  Sales and  Live video Go mention of tweets, relevant venue marketing post leading up to early industry interacting top on profiles and the show press with restaurants in groups touching on attendees, about show the most media, important vendors topics The MarketingSavant Group 888.989.7771
  • 14. The At-Show Plan • Launch a promotional Facebook or Twitter giveaway to grow traffic and fans (iPads?) • Use Facebook and Twitter as a real-time news feed to reach out to the show audience by delivering up-to-the-second content, photos and videos • Schedule tweets to augment your minute-by-minute interaction • Secure back-office support to ensure your ability to keep up with the pace of the show • Capture footage, photos, interviews and other media only available at the show • Live stream sponsored presentations and keynotes for your sales force and non-attending customers The MarketingSavant Group 888.989.7771
  • 15. Post-Show Deliverables • Follow up with contest winners – make them famous! • Continue the conversation • Connect sales with social • Leverage awards, experiences, show photos, videos and other captured content The MarketingSavant Group 888.989.7771
  • 16. What is the best way to connect with clients in such a short meeting? The MarketingSavant Group 888.989.7771
  • 17. How to Be the Most Engaging Brand on the Show Floor!
  • 18. Incent Social Sharing & Interaction • ING Cafe in Chicago offered a free cup of coffee to people who checked in somewhere nearby their venue. • This got customers in their door who may not have known about ING Cafe or simply hadn’t planned to go there. • Kraft’s new MiO product, a water enhancer, gave away free full-sized samples from their Facebook page. • Chipotle gave away a free burrito to people in return for watching a promotional video. • Simply put, offering consumer freebies has been wildly successful in recent social campaigns. The MarketingSavant Group 888.989.7771
  • 19. Social Promotions The MarketingSavant Group 888.989.7771
  • 20. Celebrate Your Customers The MarketingSavant Group 888.989.7771
  • 21. Use Fan Generating Apps The MarketingSavant Group 888.989.7771
  • 22. Tweet With the Tags • Create or follow the event hashtag (#CES) • Tag every post as part of the conversation • Interact with the Twitter community The MarketingSavant Group 888.989.7771
  • 24. Take People Behind the Scenes Ann Handley suggests in her book Content Rules to use video to show behind the scenes at your company. “Businesses can show what goes on in their day-to-day world that people don’t see but might be interested in. What about showing, for example, how a popular product goes from concept to rolling off the assembly line? Something that seems completely everyday to you could be exciting and fresh to your fans.” The MarketingSavant Group 888.989.7771
  • 25. Turn Your Thinkers Into Thought Leaders The MarketingSavant Group 888.989.7771
  • 26. Have a LinkedIn Action Plan • Linkedin 250 contacts • Searching in LinkedIn – Who do – Professional contacts from your you want to find? address book • Save searches – Every satisfied customer • Look at the network connections – Anyone you meet of the individuals with whom you – Professional personal brand have a first degree connection. description They might know of the ideal • Personal headline candidate. • Beef up your profile. (use the • LinkedIn Groups – finding the checklist) right ones • Get to 100% complete profile – Subscribing • Search for prospects – Participating • Find profiles of 5 competitors • Posting opportunities in • Seek 5 recommendations from appropriate groups satisfied clients • Answer questions, ask questions, • Recommend 5 clients or peers participate The MarketingSavant Group 888.989.7771
  • 27. Host a Tweetup for Your: Company/Customers/Industries/Community/Groupies The MarketingSavant Group 888.989.7771
  • 28. Twitter How (not) To Use It • Don’t talk down other companies or individuals • Don’t share detailed personal information • Don’t use profanity • Don’t post a large string of tweets in a short amount of time The MarketingSavant Group 888.989.7771
  • 29. Twitter – Twitter Terminology • Tweet - When you post or write your 140 characters on twitter and hit send it’s called a tweet or tweeting • Handle – that’s your twitter name @danavan – balance short with descriptive and no matter what your business handle is get your personal name if you can even if you don’t plan to use it right now. • Follow – this is simply the act of adding someone to your list of people you are following – this makes their tweets show up on your homepage. • Replies – this is what it is called when someone writes a tweet directly at your handle - @danavan cool post today blah blah – this is often an invite to engage with a follower. • Retweet – this is a tactic of republishing someone else’s tweet – the original tweet along with author stays intact – many people find this a great way to add content and acknowledge good stuff from the folks they follow • DM – this is a message that is sent directly to another user. They must be following you for you to DM them • Hashtag – this is a way people categorize tweets so that others might use the same tag and effectively create a way for people to view related tweets – it will something like #marketing The MarketingSavant Group 888.989.7771
  • 30. Is there a way to target a specific groups that will attend the show? The MarketingSavant Group 888.989.7771
  • 31. Getting the Most Mileage From the Social Trade Show
  • 32. Listen, Listen, Listen The MarketingSavant Group 888.989.7771
  • 33. Create Compelling Content The MarketingSavant Group 888.989.7771
  • 34. Publish on Schedule – “60-1-7-30-4-2-1” • 60 = Hourly • 1 = Daily • 7 = Weekly • 30 = Monthly • 4 = Quarterly • 2 = Bi-Annual • 1 = Annual Source: FusionSpark Media The MarketingSavant Group 888.989.7771
  • 35. Map Out the Publishing Process The MarketingSavant Group 888.989.7771
  • 36. Integrate Social Media The MarketingSavant Group 888.989.7771
  • 37. Develop Business Through Twitter The MarketingSavant Group 888.989.7771
  • 38. Launch New Products on Facebook The MarketingSavant Group 888.989.7771
  • 39. Use a Social CRM Tool The MarketingSavant Group 888.989.7771
  • 40. How do I engage sales when their colleagues’ leads are showing up, not theirs? The MarketingSavant Group 888.989.7771
  • 42. Ergotron • Social media strategy is discussed at launch meeting for show and fine-tuned through the planning process (about six months in advance of show) • Two weeks prior to the event marketing sends a social media recap email to events teams and attendees with appropriate hashtags, event social media opportunities (Event social media sites, Tweetups, etc.) • Team members on Twitter are encouraged to start tweeting and event is introduced on Facebook • Appropriate team members get engaged with any pre-show discussions on LinkedIn groups or Event sites • The team is encouraged to not only tweet booth # and promotions but also engage with attendees and colleagues • Typically we have some kind of blog post kick-off for major events but most "at the show/behind the scenes at the show" pics get shared on Facebook The MarketingSavant Group 888.989.7771
  • 43. Ergotron • At CES, we used a Tweet2Win promotion that was pretty successful in driving traffic and engaging attendees. There was a retweet option for those not attending, and we used signage in our partner booths and our own that drew people in. • We've also done in-booth promotions, with social media driving traffic and we used it to help grow our account followers and presence. • Overall, we've discovered we are significantly ahead of our competition in our social media usage. We are helping promote our partners as well as our own presence so that has been great for channel relationships. • Overall, social media has helped personalize our brand to both our partners, and end users. The MarketingSavant Group 888.989.7771
  • 44. McCann’s Guest Blog • McCann’s blog covering the Mobile World Congress • Maintain thought leadership position • Increase followership, SEO and social conversations • Archived content for customers & team • Go-to social hub for show attendees The MarketingSavant Group 888.989.7771
  • 45. Wired & AMD – Make a Scene • Asked for attendees to ‘Make a Scene.’ • Booth, armed with powerful computers and tech experts, and its ‘Make a Scene’ initiatives provided a plethora of opportunities for visitors to create content and easily share it across their social networks. • Help attendees create and share social objects • Yield peer influence and impressions The MarketingSavant Group 888.989.7771
  • 46. Kodak + Geo + QR Codes • Offer dedicated touchdown space for socialites • Get them to participate in a SCVNGR game with QR codes and social interactions • Win prizes based on participation The MarketingSavant Group 888.989.7771
  • 47. Good Advice From Around the Shows 1. Deals matter most to your online community, and this is what gets shared more often than anything else. Offer exclusive contests, deals and/or freebies to those who attend the trade show and stop by your booth. 2. Tag everything. This is where search engine optimization (SEO) comes into play. Using your strongest keywords, tag all of your content with them including blog posts, photo captions, press releases, directory listings and all company pages on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube. 3. “Vlog” your event to reach those who are unable to attend, and broadcast video updates during the event on your YouTube channel. Next to Google, YouTube is the second largest search engine. You can even add the YouTube channel to your Facebook page to syndicate content. 4. Encourage visitors to share content by adding the “Like” button on your event’s website. Also add this to session descriptions, speaker profiles, blog posts, videos, pictures, etc. 5. Recruit other exhibitors, sponsors and attendees by adding your event to LinkedIn Events, and be sure to use keyword-rich content. This will enable your event to rank high in Google’s search results for your event name and its keywords. The MarketingSavant Group 888.989.7771
  • 48. Good Advice From Around the Shows 6. Search for and answer industry-related LinkedIn questions that you and/or members of your company can accurately answer. You can also set up an RSS feed for specific categories to go to Google Reader. When responding, be sure to include a link back to your website. 7. Create a unique event hashtag for Twitter. This is an instrumental tool in building your audience before, during and after the event. Use the hashtag every time you tweet to help other attendees and exhibitors find you. 8. Keep your tweets short so they can easily be re-tweeted. This will allow followers to add hashtags and short comments without exceeding the 140-character limit. For the same reason, be sure to keep your Twitter name short, too. 9. Improve the attendee experience at your show by tweeting unplanned schedule changes, reminders and notifications. 10. Add QR codes to marketing material (or virtually any material you want). These can be linked to online information to engage Smartphone users. The sky’s the limit with the level of creativity you can use with this new medium. The MarketingSavant Group 888.989.7771
  • 50. The Next Level • Inviting Influencers In: Instead of trying to grab influencers’ attention as they walk by booths on the trade show floor, brands have begun inviting influencers to set-up shop broadcasting within their exhibits. The MarketingSavant Group 888.989.7771
  • 51. How do I get more people to our in-booth events? The MarketingSavant Group 888.989.7771
  • 53. Social Media Meets or Exceeds… • 93.3% of respondents in the Exhibitor Media Group survey stating that they felt their social media marketing campaigns are meeting or exceeding their event-related objectives The MarketingSavant Group 888.989.7771
  • 54. Results & ROI: Relationships are the ‘Return’!
  • 55. Getting Started in Social Media 1. Setup your social profiles 2. Tap in to the industry conversation 3. Build your show platform 1. Ideas, contests, tweets, posts, photos, personelle 4. Build pre-show buzz 1. Watch the show #hashtags for activity 5. Converse with your audience, competitors and the show promoters 6. Establish a ‘during show’ presence The MarketingSavant Group 888.989.7771
  • 56. Getting Started in Social Media 7. Keep up the conversation during the show with multiple forms of media 8. Invite the social media mavens into your booth/showroom 9. Follow up with attendees as the show ends 10.Keep up on the conversation…until next year! The MarketingSavant Group 888.989.7771
  • 57. Smile if you liked it! The MarketingSavant Group 888.989.7771 The MarketingSavant Group 888.989.7771
  • 58. Download the Social Media for Trade Shows Playbook following the webinar! The MarketingSavant Group 888.989.7771
  • 59. Let’s Get Engaged! The MarketingSavant Group 888.989.7771 Social Media + Trade Shows The MarketingSavant Group 888.989.7771