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Explaining Cooperation and Conflict
   Theoretical Foundations
       Major theoretical paradigms
       From premises to theory
   Major theories relevant to
    U.S. foreign policy
       Rationalist explanations for war
       Security dilemma and
        offense-defense theory
       Alliances and polarity
       Societal-level theories
       Theories of decision-making
                   Realism                    Liberalism               Constructivism
Core concepts &                               cooperation, interdep ideals, ideology, lang
                   power, conflict
beliefs                                       endence                   uage
Key actors /                                  states, institutions,
                   states                                               states, IGOs, NGOs
organizations                                 IGOs
                   military power,            int’l institutions & law,
Main tools                                                               ideas, values
                   diplomacy                  commerce
Reality            largely objective          largely objective        largely subjective
                   zero-sum                   non-zero-sum             non-zero-sum
International                                 largely anarchic,        anarchic insofar as
system                                        growing order            assumed to be
Main cause of      state pursuit of self-     lack of processes to      assumptions of
conflict           interest                   regulate competition     conflict and hostility
Main approach to                              interdependence,         communication and
                   balance of power
peace                                         cooperation, int’l law   cooperation
                                                                       shape ideas + norms
Policy                                         cooperate for mutual
                   pursue self-interest                             to promote desired
prescriptions                                 interests
                                                                       transnational networks,
Explanatory        state aggression,          globalization,
                                                                       cultural conflict,
power              weakness of institutions   democracy-promotion
Realist theories                               Theories of rivalry and territory         Decision-making theories
•   Spiral Models                              •  International Rivalries (Diehl/Goertz; •   Individual Level
•   Offensive /Defensive Realism                   Thompson/Rasler/Colaresi)                        •    Popular Beliefs and Images
•   Offensive/Defensive Balance                •   Territory and War                                •    Images of the Enemy
•   Balance of Power Theories                  •   “Steps to War” Model (Vasquez)                   •    Misperception and War
                                                                                                          •   Threat perception and strategic failure
     •   Balancing vs. Bandwagoning                                                                 •    Learning and War
     •   Soft Balancing                        Society-level theories
                                                                                                    •    Risk theory –
     •   Regional balancing                    •   Democratic Peace Theories                              •   Prospect theory
     •   Game-Theoretic Models of BoP               •   Quantitative Empirical Studies                    •   Poliheuristic Theory (Mintz)
     •   Theories of polarity & capability          •   Informational Model (Schultz)               •    Crisis Decision-making theories
         distribution                          •   Theories of Regime Type                          •    Psychoanalytic Approaches
•   Alliances and War                               •   Dictatorial Peace?                      •   Organizational Level
     •   Lateral Pressure Theory (Choucri &         •   Domestic institutions & political           •    Bureaucratic Politics / Organizational
         North)                                         survival                                         Processes
•   Theories of Hegemony /                     •   Diversionary War                                 •    Military Doctrine and Innovation
    Hegemonic theories                         •   Democracy and war outcome                        •    Civil-Military Relations
                                                                                                    •    Militarism & strategic culture
     •   Power Transition Theory               •   Democratization & regime change
         (Organski/Kugler)                                                                      •   Small Group Level
                                               •   Social Identity Theory                           •    Arms races and war
     •   Hegemonic Transition Theory
         (Gilpin)                                                                                   •    Richardson model
                                               Economic Theories                           •             Theories of crisis-escalation
     •   Shifting Power and Preventive War
     •   Long Cycle Theory (Thompson, et al)   •   Gen. Marxist-Leninist Theories               • Entrapment models
                                               •   interdependence and trade                    • Audience costs and domestic politics
                                                                                                • Loss of control and inadvertent war
Institutionalist Theories                      •   Globalization & militarized conflict
•    Institutions and Peace                    •   Militarization & commercial rivalry Other / General
•    Theories of Collective Security &         •   Coalitional politics models          • Theories of civil war and “new wars”
     Security Regimes                                                                               •    Ethno-nationalism and War
•    Regional Security Systems                 Ideational and Cultural Theories                     •    Intervention in Civil Wars
                                               •   Ideological sources of conflict and              •    Termination and Settlement of Civil Wars

Rational Choice Theories                           cooperation                                  •   Alternative theories of causation
•   Prisoners' Dilemma Models                       •   Ideas and norms (Schroeder)             •   Strategic theories
                                               •   Cultural differences and war                     •    Nuclear weapons and conflict
•   Single-Play and Iterated Games                                                                  •    War duration and termination
                                                    •   “Clash of Civilizations” (Huntington)
•   Bargaining Model of War                                                                     •   Consequences of war: Winners &
                                               •   Strategic Culture
•   Expected-Utility Models                                                                         losers, economic costs, diffusion of war
                                               •   Attitudinal theories
•   Commitment Strategies                                                                       •   New Conceptions of Security
                                               •   Religion and War                                      Environmental Scarcity & Conflict
•   Selectorate theory (Bueno de                                                                    •
    Mesquita, et al. )
                                               •   Feminist theories of peace and war               •    Demography, Security, &Conflict
                                                                                                    •    Refugees and Conflict
From premises to theory:
Realist framework
  Anarchic system
  State as primary unit /“unitary rational actors”

  Interest defined as power

    Problems
      Concern for relative gains
      Collective action problems
From premises to theory:
Realist framework
  Anarchic system
  State as primary unit /“unitary rational actors”

        Decisions based on rational, strategic analysis
            Cost/benefit analysis, preference-maximizing
            Policy driven by national interest
    Interest defined as power

    Is war ever RATIONAL?
Rationalist explanations (Fearon)
   Is it ever rational to go to war?
       Observations
           states often have incentives to compete.
           certain modes of competition (e.g., war) are more costly
            than other methods (negotiation, bargaining).
       Why don’t states reach prewar bargains that would
        avoid the costs and risks of fighting?

   “war is costly and risky, so rational states should have
    incentives to locate negotiated settlements that all
    would prefer to the gamble of war.”
Rationalist explanations (Fearon)
   Why don’t states reach prewar bargains that would
    avoid the costs and risks of fighting?
     Possible explanations

         Anarchy (“there’s nothing to stop it”)
         expected benefits exceed expected costs
         rational preventive war
         miscalculation due to lack of information
         miscalculation or disagreement about relative power
Rationalist explanations (Fearon)
   Why don’t states reach prewar bargains that would
    avoid the costs and risks of fighting?
     Plausible explanations

           miscalculation due to lack of information
           miscalculation or disagreement about relative power

   Key factors
     Bluffing and information asymmetries
     Commitment problems

     Issue indivisibility
Security Dilemma and
Offense-Defense Theory (Robert Jervis)
   “Security dilemma”: An increase in one state’s security results
    in relative decrease in security of others

   Offense-defense theory (two variants)
       Threat variant: the greater security threat states face, the
        more aggressive they become.
           "States seek security, and clash because their efforts to secure
            themselves threaten others' security."
               States fear conquest and violence against their citizens and will
                aggress to avert them.
       Opportunity variant: The more easily states can conquer, the
        more aggressive they become.
           Capacity and imperial cycles
Theories of Alliances:

    Alliance
        In/formal arrangement for cooperation between 2+ states
        Mutual commitment and exchange of benefits
        Costs for defection / failing to honor agreement

    Questions
        When and why do alliances form?
        How do leaders choose among potential states or threats
         when seeking external support?
        How do great powers choose which states to protect?
        How do weak powers decide whose protection to accept?
Theories of Alliances:
Balance of Power (Waltz; Walt)
    Description of existing power distribution
    Conscious policy to achieve BoP and stability
            States will balance threat, rather than power
            Distance, interdependence and ideology are important
            Balancing: External (alliances); internal (increase capacity)

    System characteristics determine behavior
        System is anarchic, self-help
        States = unitary actors that seek@ minimum, self-
         preservation; @ maximum: world domination
        Seek goals through balancing (internal + external)
Theories of Alliances:
Balance of Power (Waltz; Walt)
    Description of existing power distribution
    Conscious policy to achieve BoP and stability
    System characteristics determine behavior
        System is anarchic, self-help
        States seek goals through balancing (internal + external)

 Balance of Threat
      States will balance threat, rather than power
      Threat as a function of
            Aggregate power or strength
            Geographic proximity
            Offensive capability
            Aggressive intentions
Theories of Alliances:
Ideological Alliances
    Birds of a feather . . .
      Fly together: common ideology → alliance
      Fly apart: common ideology → conflict
Theories of Alliances:
Ideological Alliances
    Birds of a feather . . .
        Fly together: common ideology → alliance
         Ideological solidarity:
            States lacking domestic legitimacy likely to seek ideological alliances
             to increase internal and external support.
            More pronounced between superpowers and regional allies
            More common in bipolar system
            Greater impact of ideology when defensive advantage is clear

        Fly apart: common ideology → conflict
         Ideological division:
            Modest association, but it’s exaggerated as general pattern
                  Less powerful motive than threat balancing
            Certain ideologies can be more source for division than unity
Theories of Alliances:
Ideological Alliances
    Birds of a feather . . .
        Fly together: common ideology → alliance
        Fly apart: common ideology → conflict

    General patterns
        Ideologically-driven alliances most common when
            states are fairly secure
            the ideology does not require sovereignty be sacrificed
            a rival movement creates a powerful threat to legitimacy
        impact of ideology on choice of partners will be exaggerated
        leaders will overestimate degree of ideological agreement
         among both allies and adversaries
Theories of Alliances:
Balancing & Bandwagoning (Waltz; Walt)
   Definitions
       Balancing: states align against prevailing power/threat
       Bandwagoning: states align with stronger powers /threats

   Patterns
       Balancing far more common
           More common: in peacetime; during early stages of war; among
            stronger states
       Bandwagoning more common when:
           Weak state can’t secure protection through balancing
           State cannot find others to ally with
           Join apparent winner to avoid being on losing side
     Number of poles
         Unipolar
         Bipolar
         Multipolar

     Degree of polarization
         Tightness / density
         Discreteness / degree of interaction
         Level of animosity

     Relationship to war
         Unipolar: major war less frequent
         War likely during transitions in balance
Polarity and Balancing
   Bipolar v. multipolar balancing
     Bipolar balancing occurs internally
     Multipolar balancing tends to occur externally
Polarity and Balancing
Multipolar systems                      Bipolar systems
   characterized by complexity,           Internal balancing is easier
    uncertainty                             and more precise
   Making & maintaining                   Unequal burden-sharing
    alliances requires expert               between partners
    strategy, cooperation                  major constraints arise from
   States seek alliance partners           main adversary, not partners
    by adapting to them                    Major powers don’t need to
   Weaker partner determines               make themselves attractive
    policy in moment of crisis              to alliance partners
   Flexibility in alliances leads to      Rigidity of bipolar alliances
    rigidity in strategy                    allows more flexible strategy
   Miscalculation is the greatest         Overreaction is the greatest
    danger.                                 danger
Economic theories
   Marxist & dependency theories
     Primacy of economics – shaping politics + society
     Clash of private interests & economic classes

     Structure as by-product of imperialism

           Capitalist states build empires to secure markets for
            excess production (Luxemburg)
           Capitalist states intervene abroad to protect economic
            interests, corporations (Magdoff)
       Dependency / dependencia theory
           MNCs & banks exercise control over developing countries
Economic theories
   Economic interdependence (variants)
       Liberals: interdependence lowers likelihood of war
        by increasing value of trading over aggression
           “better to trade than invade”
       Realists: interdependence increases probability of
        war by increasing mutual dependence &
           Incentives to initiate war, if only for continued access to
            necessary materials and goods
Societal-level theories
    Diversionary war
        To secure support, leaders make bellicose promises,
         take dangerous FP positions, or seek “rally” effects
         that are difficult to abandon later (Beschloss)

    Democratic Peace
        Democracies seldom fight each other
            consolidated democracies have never fought one another
        Explanations
            prudent diplomacy, similar social structures, regional
             attributes, historical alliances.
            democratic self-interest
Societal-level theories:
Democratic Peace (Kant, Doyle)
 Why don’t liberal-democracies fight one another?
       Doyle: four basic institutions / constitutional features
         citizens are all equal and enjoy equal rights
         representative government
         private property rights
         economics governed by supply and demand.

       Kant: three key factors
           states must be republics
           states will gradually establish a “pacific union”
           all states must respect "cosmopolitan law“
Democratic peace (Doyle, Kant)
Why don’t liberal-democracies fight one another?
     Combining Doyle & Kant
       Constitutional law & democratic self interest
              Democratic-republican structures reinforce caution about
               high costs of war
         International law – and mutual respect – for other states
              Complements constitutional guarantee of caution, helps
               engender future cooperation
         States respect “cosmopolitan law” & “spirit of commerce”
              Adds material incentives to moral commitments

     Together, these conditions create foundation for the
      establishment and expansion of a “pacific union”
Democratic peace (Doyle, Kant)
Why don’t liberal-democracies fight one another?
       “pacific union” formed by
         Constitutional law & democratic self interest
         International law – and mutual respect – for other states
         States respect “cosmopolitan law” & “spirit of commerce”

   Why do they fight other states?
   Why not push for world-wide democratization?
Neoliberal Institutionalism (Keohane)
    Institution
        “general pattern or categorization of activity” – or –
         “particular human-constructed arrangement”
        “involve persistent and connected sets of rules (formal and
         informal) that prescribe behavioral roles, constrain activity,
         and shape expectations”

    How/why do institutions form?
Neoliberal Institutionalism (Keohane)
    Puzzle of formation
        rational choice predicts cooperation & institutions
            prisoner's dilemma not applicable: iterated and multi-
             issue PD encourages cooperation
            collective action problems less severe when relatively
             small number of parties
            selective incentives

        “rational anticipation” and functionalism
            Actors form institutions based on functions they expect
             the institution to serve
                 Property rights & legal liability
                 Reducing transaction costs
                 Reducing uncertainty & providing information
                 Adverse selection effects
Neoliberal Institutionalism (Keohane)
 Puzzle of compliance
    Why comply if regimes can't enforce their rules?
      Continuity and formation costs

            States value institution enough to cooperate even when
             they prefer not to (in a single instance) in order to maintain
             the institution.
        "Networks of issues and regimes"
            states know that failure to comply may result in tit-for-tat
            states involved in iterated interactions worry about
             reputation and affects on future cooperation.
Other major theories
   Nationalism (Hayes, Snyder)
       Nationalism complicates imperial rule & support

   Collective action (Hardin, Olson)
       "tragedy of the commons“ & "free rider" problems
       Collective goods are under-provided; collective costs are

   Gender theories
       Foreign policy & state behavior reflects male attributes
        found in leaders

   Domino theory
       Conquest of a given state will ease subsequent conquest of
        nearby states
Theories of decision-making:
Cognitive theories (Jervis)
    Attribution theory: states attribute own behavior to
     circumstances; attribute others' behavior to character
        Behavioral corollary: states tend to ascribe others' good
         behavior to their own efforts; blame others' bad conduct on
         the other's innate character.

    Belief perseverance: states are slow to absorb new facts
     and realities that clash with existing beliefs

    Common misperceptions:
        States will exaggerate shared character of information, often
         unaware when others‘ perceptions diverge from their own
        States tend to exaggerate the centralized, disciplined, and
         coordinated character of others' behavior.

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Lecture notes week_3

  • 1. February 5 & 7| Explaining Cooperation and Conflict  Theoretical Foundations  Major theoretical paradigms  From premises to theory  Major theories relevant to U.S. foreign policy  Rationalist explanations for war  Security dilemma and offense-defense theory  Alliances and polarity  Societal-level theories  Theories of decision-making
  • 2. Othe Realism Liberalism Constructivism r Core concepts & cooperation, interdep ideals, ideology, lang power, conflict beliefs endence uage Key actors / states, institutions, states states, IGOs, NGOs organizations IGOs military power, int’l institutions & law, Main tools ideas, values diplomacy commerce Reality largely objective largely objective largely subjective Bargaining zero-sum non-zero-sum non-zero-sum context International largely anarchic, anarchic insofar as anarchic system growing order assumed to be Main cause of state pursuit of self- lack of processes to assumptions of conflict interest regulate competition conflict and hostility Main approach to interdependence, communication and balance of power peace cooperation, int’l law cooperation shape ideas + norms Policy cooperate for mutual pursue self-interest to promote desired prescriptions interests outcome transnational networks, Explanatory state aggression, globalization, cultural conflict, power weakness of institutions democracy-promotion terrorism
  • 3. Realist theories Theories of rivalry and territory Decision-making theories • Spiral Models • International Rivalries (Diehl/Goertz; • Individual Level • Offensive /Defensive Realism Thompson/Rasler/Colaresi) • Popular Beliefs and Images • Offensive/Defensive Balance • Territory and War • Images of the Enemy • Balance of Power Theories • “Steps to War” Model (Vasquez) • Misperception and War • Threat perception and strategic failure • Balancing vs. Bandwagoning • Learning and War • Soft Balancing Society-level theories • Risk theory – • Regional balancing • Democratic Peace Theories • Prospect theory • Game-Theoretic Models of BoP • Quantitative Empirical Studies • Poliheuristic Theory (Mintz) • Theories of polarity & capability • Informational Model (Schultz) • Crisis Decision-making theories distribution • Theories of Regime Type • Psychoanalytic Approaches • Alliances and War • Dictatorial Peace? • Organizational Level • Lateral Pressure Theory (Choucri & • Domestic institutions & political • Bureaucratic Politics / Organizational North) survival Processes • Theories of Hegemony / • Diversionary War • Military Doctrine and Innovation Hegemonic theories • Democracy and war outcome • Civil-Military Relations • Militarism & strategic culture • Power Transition Theory • Democratization & regime change (Organski/Kugler) • Small Group Level • Social Identity Theory • Arms races and war • Hegemonic Transition Theory (Gilpin) • Richardson model Economic Theories • Theories of crisis-escalation • Shifting Power and Preventive War • Long Cycle Theory (Thompson, et al) • Gen. Marxist-Leninist Theories • Entrapment models • interdependence and trade • Audience costs and domestic politics • Loss of control and inadvertent war Institutionalist Theories • Globalization & militarized conflict • Institutions and Peace • Militarization & commercial rivalry Other / General • Theories of Collective Security & • Coalitional politics models • Theories of civil war and “new wars” Security Regimes • Ethno-nationalism and War • Regional Security Systems Ideational and Cultural Theories • Intervention in Civil Wars • Ideological sources of conflict and • Termination and Settlement of Civil Wars Rational Choice Theories cooperation • Alternative theories of causation • Prisoners' Dilemma Models • Ideas and norms (Schroeder) • Strategic theories • Cultural differences and war • Nuclear weapons and conflict • Single-Play and Iterated Games • War duration and termination • “Clash of Civilizations” (Huntington) • Bargaining Model of War • Consequences of war: Winners & • Strategic Culture • Expected-Utility Models losers, economic costs, diffusion of war • Attitudinal theories • Commitment Strategies • New Conceptions of Security • Religion and War Environmental Scarcity & Conflict • Selectorate theory (Bueno de • Mesquita, et al. ) • Feminist theories of peace and war • Demography, Security, &Conflict • Refugees and Conflict
  • 4. From premises to theory: Realist framework  Anarchic system  State as primary unit /“unitary rational actors”  Interest defined as power  Problems  Concern for relative gains  Collective action problems
  • 5. From premises to theory: Realist framework  Anarchic system  State as primary unit /“unitary rational actors”  Decisions based on rational, strategic analysis  Cost/benefit analysis, preference-maximizing  Policy driven by national interest  Interest defined as power  Is war ever RATIONAL?
  • 6. Rationalist explanations (Fearon)  Is it ever rational to go to war?  Observations  states often have incentives to compete.  certain modes of competition (e.g., war) are more costly than other methods (negotiation, bargaining).  Why don’t states reach prewar bargains that would avoid the costs and risks of fighting?  “war is costly and risky, so rational states should have incentives to locate negotiated settlements that all would prefer to the gamble of war.”
  • 7. Rationalist explanations (Fearon)  Why don’t states reach prewar bargains that would avoid the costs and risks of fighting?  Possible explanations  Anarchy (“there’s nothing to stop it”)  expected benefits exceed expected costs  rational preventive war  miscalculation due to lack of information  miscalculation or disagreement about relative power
  • 8. Rationalist explanations (Fearon)  Why don’t states reach prewar bargains that would avoid the costs and risks of fighting?  Plausible explanations  miscalculation due to lack of information  miscalculation or disagreement about relative power  Key factors  Bluffing and information asymmetries  Commitment problems  Issue indivisibility
  • 9. Security Dilemma and Offense-Defense Theory (Robert Jervis)  “Security dilemma”: An increase in one state’s security results in relative decrease in security of others  Offense-defense theory (two variants)  Threat variant: the greater security threat states face, the more aggressive they become.  "States seek security, and clash because their efforts to secure themselves threaten others' security."  States fear conquest and violence against their citizens and will aggress to avert them.  Opportunity variant: The more easily states can conquer, the more aggressive they become.  Capacity and imperial cycles
  • 10. Theories of Alliances:  Alliance  In/formal arrangement for cooperation between 2+ states  Mutual commitment and exchange of benefits  Costs for defection / failing to honor agreement  Questions  When and why do alliances form?  How do leaders choose among potential states or threats when seeking external support?  How do great powers choose which states to protect?  How do weak powers decide whose protection to accept?
  • 11. Theories of Alliances: Balance of Power (Waltz; Walt)  Description of existing power distribution  Conscious policy to achieve BoP and stability  States will balance threat, rather than power  Distance, interdependence and ideology are important  Balancing: External (alliances); internal (increase capacity)  System characteristics determine behavior  System is anarchic, self-help  States = unitary actors that seek@ minimum, self- preservation; @ maximum: world domination  Seek goals through balancing (internal + external)
  • 12. Theories of Alliances: Balance of Power (Waltz; Walt)  Description of existing power distribution  Conscious policy to achieve BoP and stability  System characteristics determine behavior  System is anarchic, self-help  States seek goals through balancing (internal + external) Balance of Threat  States will balance threat, rather than power  Threat as a function of  Aggregate power or strength  Geographic proximity  Offensive capability  Aggressive intentions
  • 13. Theories of Alliances: Ideological Alliances  Birds of a feather . . .  Fly together: common ideology → alliance  Fly apart: common ideology → conflict
  • 14. Theories of Alliances: Ideological Alliances  Birds of a feather . . .  Fly together: common ideology → alliance Ideological solidarity:  States lacking domestic legitimacy likely to seek ideological alliances to increase internal and external support.  More pronounced between superpowers and regional allies  More common in bipolar system  Greater impact of ideology when defensive advantage is clear  Fly apart: common ideology → conflict Ideological division:  Modest association, but it’s exaggerated as general pattern  Less powerful motive than threat balancing  Certain ideologies can be more source for division than unity
  • 15. Theories of Alliances: Ideological Alliances  Birds of a feather . . .  Fly together: common ideology → alliance  Fly apart: common ideology → conflict  General patterns  Ideologically-driven alliances most common when  states are fairly secure  the ideology does not require sovereignty be sacrificed  a rival movement creates a powerful threat to legitimacy  impact of ideology on choice of partners will be exaggerated  leaders will overestimate degree of ideological agreement among both allies and adversaries
  • 16. Theories of Alliances: Balancing & Bandwagoning (Waltz; Walt)  Definitions  Balancing: states align against prevailing power/threat  Bandwagoning: states align with stronger powers /threats  Patterns  Balancing far more common  More common: in peacetime; during early stages of war; among stronger states  Bandwagoning more common when:  Weak state can’t secure protection through balancing  State cannot find others to ally with  Join apparent winner to avoid being on losing side
  • 17. Polarity  Number of poles  Unipolar  Bipolar  Multipolar  Degree of polarization  Tightness / density  Discreteness / degree of interaction  Level of animosity  Relationship to war  Unipolar: major war less frequent  War likely during transitions in balance
  • 18. Polarity and Balancing  Bipolar v. multipolar balancing  Bipolar balancing occurs internally  Multipolar balancing tends to occur externally
  • 19. Polarity and Balancing Multipolar systems Bipolar systems  characterized by complexity,  Internal balancing is easier uncertainty and more precise  Making & maintaining  Unequal burden-sharing alliances requires expert between partners strategy, cooperation  major constraints arise from  States seek alliance partners main adversary, not partners by adapting to them  Major powers don’t need to  Weaker partner determines make themselves attractive policy in moment of crisis to alliance partners  Flexibility in alliances leads to  Rigidity of bipolar alliances rigidity in strategy allows more flexible strategy  Miscalculation is the greatest  Overreaction is the greatest danger. danger
  • 20. Economic theories  Marxist & dependency theories  Primacy of economics – shaping politics + society  Clash of private interests & economic classes  Structure as by-product of imperialism  Capitalist states build empires to secure markets for excess production (Luxemburg)  Capitalist states intervene abroad to protect economic interests, corporations (Magdoff)  Dependency / dependencia theory  MNCs & banks exercise control over developing countries
  • 21. Economic theories  Economic interdependence (variants)  Liberals: interdependence lowers likelihood of war by increasing value of trading over aggression  “better to trade than invade”  Realists: interdependence increases probability of war by increasing mutual dependence & vulnerability  Incentives to initiate war, if only for continued access to necessary materials and goods
  • 22. Societal-level theories  Diversionary war  To secure support, leaders make bellicose promises, take dangerous FP positions, or seek “rally” effects that are difficult to abandon later (Beschloss)  Democratic Peace  Democracies seldom fight each other  consolidated democracies have never fought one another  Explanations  prudent diplomacy, similar social structures, regional attributes, historical alliances.  democratic self-interest
  • 23. Societal-level theories: Democratic Peace (Kant, Doyle) Why don’t liberal-democracies fight one another?  Doyle: four basic institutions / constitutional features  citizens are all equal and enjoy equal rights  representative government  private property rights  economics governed by supply and demand.  Kant: three key factors  states must be republics  states will gradually establish a “pacific union”  all states must respect "cosmopolitan law“
  • 24. Democratic peace (Doyle, Kant) Why don’t liberal-democracies fight one another?  Combining Doyle & Kant  Constitutional law & democratic self interest  Democratic-republican structures reinforce caution about high costs of war  International law – and mutual respect – for other states  Complements constitutional guarantee of caution, helps engender future cooperation  States respect “cosmopolitan law” & “spirit of commerce”  Adds material incentives to moral commitments  Together, these conditions create foundation for the establishment and expansion of a “pacific union”
  • 25. Democratic peace (Doyle, Kant) Why don’t liberal-democracies fight one another?  “pacific union” formed by  Constitutional law & democratic self interest  International law – and mutual respect – for other states  States respect “cosmopolitan law” & “spirit of commerce”  Why do they fight other states?  Why not push for world-wide democratization?
  • 26. Neoliberal Institutionalism (Keohane)  Institution  “general pattern or categorization of activity” – or – “particular human-constructed arrangement”  “involve persistent and connected sets of rules (formal and informal) that prescribe behavioral roles, constrain activity, and shape expectations”  How/why do institutions form?
  • 27. Neoliberal Institutionalism (Keohane)  Puzzle of formation  rational choice predicts cooperation & institutions  prisoner's dilemma not applicable: iterated and multi- issue PD encourages cooperation  collective action problems less severe when relatively small number of parties  selective incentives  “rational anticipation” and functionalism  Actors form institutions based on functions they expect the institution to serve  Property rights & legal liability  Reducing transaction costs  Reducing uncertainty & providing information  Adverse selection effects
  • 28. Neoliberal Institutionalism (Keohane) Puzzle of compliance  Why comply if regimes can't enforce their rules?  Continuity and formation costs  States value institution enough to cooperate even when they prefer not to (in a single instance) in order to maintain the institution.  "Networks of issues and regimes"  states know that failure to comply may result in tit-for-tat retaliation.  states involved in iterated interactions worry about reputation and affects on future cooperation.
  • 29. Other major theories  Nationalism (Hayes, Snyder)  Nationalism complicates imperial rule & support  Collective action (Hardin, Olson)  "tragedy of the commons“ & "free rider" problems  Collective goods are under-provided; collective costs are over-provided.  Gender theories  Foreign policy & state behavior reflects male attributes found in leaders  Domino theory  Conquest of a given state will ease subsequent conquest of nearby states
  • 30. Theories of decision-making: Cognitive theories (Jervis)  Attribution theory: states attribute own behavior to circumstances; attribute others' behavior to character  Behavioral corollary: states tend to ascribe others' good behavior to their own efforts; blame others' bad conduct on the other's innate character.  Belief perseverance: states are slow to absorb new facts and realities that clash with existing beliefs  Common misperceptions:  States will exaggerate shared character of information, often unaware when others‘ perceptions diverge from their own  States tend to exaggerate the centralized, disciplined, and coordinated character of others' behavior.