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Weight Management
Imran Waheed
Applied Nutrition Unit-III
• Discuss the concept of appropriate body weight
• Discuss the relationship of excess body weight to the
development of chronic disease
• Explain the concept of energy balance
• Calculate body mass index (BMI)
• Discuss the role of diet in weight management
• Identify factors in Pakistani diet that are conducive
to weight gain
• Explain the role of exercise in weight management
• Explain the role of behavior modification techniques
in weight management
• Council a patient regarding weight management
4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 2
Concept Of Body Weight
• The mass or quantity of heaviness of an
individual. It is expressed by units of pounds
or kilograms.
• Body weight appropriate for body height.
• Weight that is maximally healthful for a
person, based on height but modified by
factors such as gender, age, build.
4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 3
Excess Body Weight And Diseases
• Maintenance of a healthy body weight has
health benefits and is important for
maintaining both physical and emotional well-
being and disease prevention.
• Excess weight, body fat, and obesity have
been associated with an increased risk for
numerous health conditions.
4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 4
• Risk of numerous diseases and clinical disorders
with excess body weight includes:
• Coronary Artery disease
• Cerebrovascular diseases
• Various cancers,
• Type 2 diabetes mellitus,
• Hypertension,
• Liver disease,
• Asthma, etc.
• Osteoarthritis,
• Sleep apnea
4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 5
Excess Weight Causes Many
Health Problem
4/20/2020 6
Energy Balance Concept
• Energy balance simply describes the balance
between the calories you eat (energy in) and the
calories you use through daily living and activities
(energy out).
• This relationship, which is defined by the laws of
thermodynamics, dictates whether weight is lost,
gained, or remains the same.
• Energy is never really created and it’s never really
destroyed. Rather, energy is transferred between
4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 7
• We convert potential energy that’s stored
within our food (measured in Calories or kcals)
into three major “destinations”: work, heat
and storage.
• Negative energy balance occurs when caloric
intake is lower than energy expenditure.
• Positive energy balance occurs when caloric
intake exceeds energy expenditure.
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4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 9
Negative Energy Balance
A severe negative energy balance can lead to :
 A decline in metabolism,
 Decreases in bone mass,
 Reductions in thyroid hormones,
 Reductions in testosterone levels,
 An inability to concentrate,
 And a reduction in physical performance.
 Weight loss.
4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 10
Positive Energy Balance
• Overfeeding (and/or under exercising) has its
own consequences not only in terms of weight
gain but in terms of health and cellular fitness.
• Plaques can build up in arteries
• The blood pressure and cholesterol in our body
can increase
• We can become insulin resistant and suffer from
• We can increase our risk for certain cancers, and
so on.
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Energy Balance Meter
4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 12
• In order to maintain your weight (i.e. stay the
same as you are now) the scales need to be level
so that the number of calories you take in
matches the number of calories you use.
If on the other hand you want to lose weight you
need to tip the scales in favor of energy out -- so
you burn more calories than you consume.
4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 13
Body Mass Index
• The body mass index (BMI) is a measurement
of a human body shape based on an
individual's mass and height.
• It is actually a value derived from the mass
(weight) and height of a person.
4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 14
BMI Categories (WHO)
Category BMI range – kg/m2
Very severely underweight Less than 15
Severely underweight From 15 to 16
Underweight From 17 to 18
Normal (healthy weight) From 18.5 to 25
Overweight From 25 to 30
Obese Class I (Moderately obese) From 30 to 35
Obese Class II (Severely obese) From 35 to 40
Obese Class III (Very severely obese) Over 40
4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 15
Balanced Diet
• A balanced diet is one that provides all the
nutrients in required amounts and proper
• A balanced diet should provide around 50 -60%
of total calories from carbohydrates.
• It should provide around 10 -15% of total
calories from Proteins.
• It should provide around 20 -30% of total
calories from visible and invisible fats.
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Basic Five
4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 17
Balanced diet can be easily achieved through a
blend of the five basic food groups.
1) Cereals and Millets
2) Pulses and Legumes
3) Vegetables and Fruits
4) Milk and Milk Products ,Egg ,Meat And Fish
5) Oils and Fats, Nuts and Oil Seeds
Cereal Grains & Products
Pulses and Legumes
Milk & Meat Products
Fruits & Vegetables
Fat & Sugars
4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 18
The Role of Diet in Weight
• Body weight is regulated by several mechanisms
including genetic, physiologic, and behavioral
• Our body weight is determined by the amount of
energy that we take in as food and the amount of
energy we expend in the activities of our day.
• Major contributing factors to the increase of obesity
worldwide is the inappropriate dietary intake and
energy density of the diet, together with lower
physical activity levels.
4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 19
• If your weight remains constant, this is likely a sign
that you are taking in the same amount of calories
that you burn daily.
• If you're slowly gaining weight over time, it is likely
that your caloric intake is greater than the number
of calories you burn through your daily activities.
• Lifestyle and work habits partially determine how
many calories we need to eat each day.
• Heavy physical laborers will burn more calories in a
day than those who sits at a desk most of the day.
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• Fats:
• Fat is a very dense source of energy. It has
more than twice the calories per gram than
protein or carbohydrate.
• Cutting back on fat is the best way to reduce
the total number of calories in your diet.
• Animal foods such as meats and dairy
products can be a source of hidden fats.
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• Carbohydrates:
• It is easy to get too many calories by eating or
drinking too much sugar or simple CHO.
• Try to limit sweets, soda, and fruit drinks. They
give few nutrients and no fiber.
• Choose complex carbohydrates instead. They
give you lots of nutrients and fiber without as
many calories.
• They are found in whole grains, vegetables, and
dried beans.
4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 22
• Even though fruits are a simple carbohydrate
food, they are good for you because they also
have lots of fiber and nutrients.
• Proteins:
• Some high-protein diets severely restrict
carbohydrates and can result in nutritional
deficiencies and a lack of fiber, which can lead
to constipation.
• A high-protein diet can lead to bad breath.
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• A high protein diet worsens kidney function in
people with kidney disease.
• A high protein diet may increase blood sugar.
The body converts excess protein to glucose to
be used for energy.
• People with diabetes may find a high-protein
diet can raise their blood sugar levels.
4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 24
• Remember diets alone rarely help sometimes
but not always.
• They may help you lose a few pounds quickly.
But following a strict diet for a long time is too
hard for most people.
• If you stop dieting and exercising, the weight
comes back.
• You can fall into an unhealthy cycle of losing
and gaining weight.
4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 25
• The best way to manage your weight is through
healthy eating and being physically active.
• Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables and
choosing lean meats, nonfat and low-fat dairy
products, and whole grains.
• Limiting sweet liquids, such as soda, fruit drinks,
and sport drinks.
• Eating less fat, sugar, and highly processed foods.
4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 26
Strategies to Overcome Diet
Barriers to Healthy Weight
• Rather than focusing too much on weight loss,
focus on getting healthy.
• A lifestyle of healthy eating and regular exercise
will improve your health and quality of life, no
matter what you weigh.
Set goals you can reach.
• Set small goals that you can change if you need
• When you reach one goal, set another.
4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 27
Think about your relationship with food.
• Do you overeat? If so, what causes you to
• Are you bored, stressed, or sad?
• Do you use food as a reward?
• Pay attention to your feelings of hunger and
• Do not skip meals.
• Skipping meals may make you so hungry that you
overeat during the next meal.
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Keep track of how you eat.
• Keep a food diary of everything you eat and
• Pay attention to serving sizes. Check to see if
you are eating a variety of foods.
• You might find that making a few small
changes will help you eat a healthy, balanced
4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 29
Take time to eat healthy food.
• Do you rely on fast foods or convenience
foods because you do not know how to cook
or do not have time?
• You can find cookbooks at the library or
bookstore that can help you make quick and
healthy meals.
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Slowly change your eating habits.
• Try filling half your plate with vegetables.
• Fill one-fourth of the plate with lean meat or
chicken, and one-fourth with whole grains.
• Or, set a goal of eating at least 5 servings of
fruits and vegetables a day.
• If you make small, reasonable changes, rather
than depriving yourself of everything you love,
you will have more success.
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The Role of Exercise in Weight
• Combining exercise with a healthy diet is a more
effective way to lose weight than depending on
calorie restriction alone.
• Exercise can prevent or even reverse the effects of
certain diseases.
• Exercise lowers blood pressure and cholesterol,
which may prevent a heart attack.
• Exercise lowers the risk of developing certain types
of cancers such as colon and breast cancer.
4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 32
• Exercise plays an important role in maintaining a
healthy body.
• It makes you lose your weight without starving
your body.
• It increases the proportion of muscle and
decreases fats.
• Muscle is a metabolically active tissue, the more
muscular you are the higher your metabolism will
be and ultimately you will burn more calories
even at rest.
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• Exercise is also known to help and contribute
to a sense of confidence and well-being, thus
possibly lowering rates of anxiety and
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Factors in Pakistani Diet that are
Conducive to Weight Gain
• Pakistan is a country where the concept of
healthy diet among the general public is totally
• Pakistani diet is usually “energy-dense” with
higher proportion of saturated fats, trans-fatty
acids and free sugar contributing to high caloric
• Use of “desi ghee”
• High intake of meat
4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 35
• Excess salt intake in foods
• Excessive use of sweets in celebrating
important events of life
• In addition over eating are common dietary
practices in Pakistan.
• Use of industrial processed foods, fast foods,
junk food and sugared fizzy drinks is getting
very popular in younger generation.
4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 36
• Rapid urbanization and modernization is also
leading to the use of high fat diet instead of
traditional low fat diets.
• Lack of appropriate policies and non-enforcement
of food safety regulations have multiplied the
number of street food vendors who sell low
quality foods in schools, markets, canteens and
other public places, increasing the prevalence of
food borne diseases, malnutrition and mortality.
4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 37
• In Pakistan, fast foods may be defined ready to
eat food available in public places, food
streets, food corners and restaurants.
• They may include burgers, shami kababs,
pizzas , sandwiches, chat, cholay, samosas,
pakoras , haleem, french fries, ice creams,
doughnuts and all other traditional and non-
traditional foods that are dispensed quickly.
4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 38
• They are classified as energy dense foods
because they provides:
• High amounts of sodium, sugar, cholesterol
and fat but are low in vitamins and minerals
and dietary fibre content.
• Despite of their low nutritional value, fast
foods have become a symbol of modern
culture and their taste appeal more to
children and youth.
4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 39
• Traditional foods are slowly losing their appeal, as
fast foods are alluring to the population due to
their convenience and easy availability.
• Home cooking hours have been comparatively
minimized and people prefer eating outside in
food streets and fast food restaurants.
• Along with Pakistani foods, Chinese, Western,
Italian and Continental cuisines have also gained
a lot of liking and are becoming a part of the
Pakistani menu.
4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 40
• The impact of fast foods on health is quite
staggering when consumed on a regular basis.
• By replacing fresh wholesome food with
processed additive-laden food, it has been
noted that blood pressure rises, cholesterol
level increases, metabolic rate altered and the
immune system is weakened.
4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 41
Behavior Modification and
Weight Management
• Weight management involves adopting a healthy
lifestyle that includes a knowledge of nutrition
and exercise, a positive attitude and motivation.
• Internal motives such as better health, self-
esteem and personal control increase your
chances of lifelong weight management success.
4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 42
• Eat only while sitting down. Do not eat while
reading, cooking, talking on the phone, working on
the computer or watching television.
• Take small bites and chew your food well..
• During your breaks, go for a walk instead of eating.
• If you get hungry between meals, plan healthy
• Do not skip meal as it may result in overeating at
the next meal.
4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 43
• Use smaller plates, bowls and glasses.
• Wait 20 minutes before eating something you are
• Eat on empty stomach.
• Drink a large glass of water before eating.
• Eat slowly. Remember it takes about 20 minutes for
your stomach to send a message to your brain that it
is full.
• Don't let fake hunger make you think you need more.
• Make your healthy weight management priority.
• Think long term while developing new healthy
4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 44
Counseling a Patient for Weight
• Motivate the patients to manage their weight
through multiple approaches.
• Effective counseling begins with patient education
on several topics, including the effectiveness of
popular diets.
• Compared with people at a healthy weight, those
carrying extra pounds have a harder time walking a
quarter-mile, lifting 10 pounds, and rising from an
armless chair.
4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 45
• Counseling should address unrealistic patient
• Excess weight plays a role in so many common
and deadly diseases.
• Some patients may be puzzled by the fact that
they are eating less, but are not losing weight.
• This occurs when the brain senses reduced
intake and attempts to compensate by
decreasing energy expenditure.
4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 46
• Emphasize that even a small weight loss can
have significant results; a 5% weight loss, for
example, reduces type 2 diabetes risk by 60%.
• Overweight and obesity may shorten your life
• The overall goal in weight loss counseling is to
help patients consume fewer calories and eat
more healthfully.
4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 47
5As for Obesity Management
4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 48
• W. P. T. James, “ epidemiology of obesity: the size of the problem,”
Journal of Internal Medicine, vol. 263, no. 4, pp. 336–352, 2008.
• Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Body mass index. Accessed April 15,
• Linda P. Case MS, ... Melody Foess Raasch DVM, in Canine and
Feline Nutrition (Third Edition), 2011
• Samir N, Mahmud S, Khuwaja A. Prevalence of physical inactivity
and barriers to physical activity among obese attendants at a
community health-care center in Karachi, Pakistan. BMC Research
Notes2011; 4(1): 174.
4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 49
4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 50
Fall Down Seven
Times, Stand Up

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Lect-4. Weight Management unit-III .pdf

  • 2. Objectives • Discuss the concept of appropriate body weight • Discuss the relationship of excess body weight to the development of chronic disease • Explain the concept of energy balance • Calculate body mass index (BMI) • Discuss the role of diet in weight management • Identify factors in Pakistani diet that are conducive to weight gain • Explain the role of exercise in weight management • Explain the role of behavior modification techniques in weight management • Council a patient regarding weight management 4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 2
  • 3. Concept Of Body Weight Definition: • The mass or quantity of heaviness of an individual. It is expressed by units of pounds or kilograms. • Body weight appropriate for body height. • Weight that is maximally healthful for a person, based on height but modified by factors such as gender, age, build. 4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 3
  • 4. Excess Body Weight And Diseases • Maintenance of a healthy body weight has health benefits and is important for maintaining both physical and emotional well- being and disease prevention. • Excess weight, body fat, and obesity have been associated with an increased risk for numerous health conditions. 4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 4
  • 5. Conti… • Risk of numerous diseases and clinical disorders with excess body weight includes: • Coronary Artery disease • Cerebrovascular diseases • Various cancers, • Type 2 diabetes mellitus, • Hypertension, • Liver disease, • Asthma, etc. • Osteoarthritis, • Sleep apnea 4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 5
  • 6. Excess Weight Causes Many Health Problem 4/20/2020 6
  • 7. Energy Balance Concept • Energy balance simply describes the balance between the calories you eat (energy in) and the calories you use through daily living and activities (energy out). • This relationship, which is defined by the laws of thermodynamics, dictates whether weight is lost, gained, or remains the same. • Energy is never really created and it’s never really destroyed. Rather, energy is transferred between entities. 4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 7
  • 8. Conti… • We convert potential energy that’s stored within our food (measured in Calories or kcals) into three major “destinations”: work, heat and storage. • Negative energy balance occurs when caloric intake is lower than energy expenditure. • Positive energy balance occurs when caloric intake exceeds energy expenditure. 4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 8
  • 10. Negative Energy Balance A severe negative energy balance can lead to :  A decline in metabolism,  Decreases in bone mass,  Reductions in thyroid hormones,  Reductions in testosterone levels,  An inability to concentrate,  And a reduction in physical performance.  Weight loss. 4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 10
  • 11. Positive Energy Balance • Overfeeding (and/or under exercising) has its own consequences not only in terms of weight gain but in terms of health and cellular fitness. • Plaques can build up in arteries • The blood pressure and cholesterol in our body can increase • We can become insulin resistant and suffer from diabetes • We can increase our risk for certain cancers, and so on. 4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 11
  • 13. Cont… • In order to maintain your weight (i.e. stay the same as you are now) the scales need to be level so that the number of calories you take in matches the number of calories you use. If on the other hand you want to lose weight you need to tip the scales in favor of energy out -- so you burn more calories than you consume. 4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 13
  • 14. Body Mass Index • The body mass index (BMI) is a measurement of a human body shape based on an individual's mass and height. • It is actually a value derived from the mass (weight) and height of a person. 4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 14
  • 15. BMI Categories (WHO) Category BMI range – kg/m2 Very severely underweight Less than 15 Severely underweight From 15 to 16 Underweight From 17 to 18 Normal (healthy weight) From 18.5 to 25 Overweight From 25 to 30 Obese Class I (Moderately obese) From 30 to 35 Obese Class II (Severely obese) From 35 to 40 Obese Class III (Very severely obese) Over 40 4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 15
  • 16. Balanced Diet • A balanced diet is one that provides all the nutrients in required amounts and proper proportions. • A balanced diet should provide around 50 -60% of total calories from carbohydrates. • It should provide around 10 -15% of total calories from Proteins. • It should provide around 20 -30% of total calories from visible and invisible fats. 4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 16
  • 17. Basic Five 4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 17 Balanced diet can be easily achieved through a blend of the five basic food groups. 1) Cereals and Millets 2) Pulses and Legumes 3) Vegetables and Fruits 4) Milk and Milk Products ,Egg ,Meat And Fish 5) Oils and Fats, Nuts and Oil Seeds
  • 18. Cereal Grains & Products Pulses and Legumes Milk & Meat Products Fruits & Vegetables Fat & Sugars 4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 18
  • 19. The Role of Diet in Weight Management • Body weight is regulated by several mechanisms including genetic, physiologic, and behavioral factors. • Our body weight is determined by the amount of energy that we take in as food and the amount of energy we expend in the activities of our day. • Major contributing factors to the increase of obesity worldwide is the inappropriate dietary intake and energy density of the diet, together with lower physical activity levels. 4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 19
  • 20. Conti… • If your weight remains constant, this is likely a sign that you are taking in the same amount of calories that you burn daily. • If you're slowly gaining weight over time, it is likely that your caloric intake is greater than the number of calories you burn through your daily activities. • Lifestyle and work habits partially determine how many calories we need to eat each day. • Heavy physical laborers will burn more calories in a day than those who sits at a desk most of the day. 4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 20
  • 21. Conti… • Fats: • Fat is a very dense source of energy. It has more than twice the calories per gram than protein or carbohydrate. • Cutting back on fat is the best way to reduce the total number of calories in your diet. • Animal foods such as meats and dairy products can be a source of hidden fats. 4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 21
  • 22. Conti… • Carbohydrates: • It is easy to get too many calories by eating or drinking too much sugar or simple CHO. • Try to limit sweets, soda, and fruit drinks. They give few nutrients and no fiber. • Choose complex carbohydrates instead. They give you lots of nutrients and fiber without as many calories. • They are found in whole grains, vegetables, and dried beans. 4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 22
  • 23. Conti… • Even though fruits are a simple carbohydrate food, they are good for you because they also have lots of fiber and nutrients. • Proteins: • Some high-protein diets severely restrict carbohydrates and can result in nutritional deficiencies and a lack of fiber, which can lead to constipation. • A high-protein diet can lead to bad breath. 4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 23
  • 24. Conti… • A high protein diet worsens kidney function in people with kidney disease. • A high protein diet may increase blood sugar. The body converts excess protein to glucose to be used for energy. • People with diabetes may find a high-protein diet can raise their blood sugar levels. 4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 24
  • 25. Conti… • Remember diets alone rarely help sometimes but not always. • They may help you lose a few pounds quickly. But following a strict diet for a long time is too hard for most people. • If you stop dieting and exercising, the weight comes back. • You can fall into an unhealthy cycle of losing and gaining weight. 4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 25
  • 26. Conti… • The best way to manage your weight is through healthy eating and being physically active. • Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables and choosing lean meats, nonfat and low-fat dairy products, and whole grains. • Limiting sweet liquids, such as soda, fruit drinks, and sport drinks. • Eating less fat, sugar, and highly processed foods. 4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 26
  • 27. Strategies to Overcome Diet Barriers to Healthy Weight • Rather than focusing too much on weight loss, focus on getting healthy. • A lifestyle of healthy eating and regular exercise will improve your health and quality of life, no matter what you weigh. Set goals you can reach. • Set small goals that you can change if you need to. • When you reach one goal, set another. 4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 27
  • 28. Conti… Think about your relationship with food. • Do you overeat? If so, what causes you to overeat? • Are you bored, stressed, or sad? • Do you use food as a reward? • Pay attention to your feelings of hunger and fullness. • Do not skip meals. • Skipping meals may make you so hungry that you overeat during the next meal. 4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 28
  • 29. Conti… Keep track of how you eat. • Keep a food diary of everything you eat and drink. • Pay attention to serving sizes. Check to see if you are eating a variety of foods. • You might find that making a few small changes will help you eat a healthy, balanced diet. 4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 29
  • 30. Conti… Take time to eat healthy food. • Do you rely on fast foods or convenience foods because you do not know how to cook or do not have time? • You can find cookbooks at the library or bookstore that can help you make quick and healthy meals. 4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 30
  • 31. Conti… Slowly change your eating habits. • Try filling half your plate with vegetables. • Fill one-fourth of the plate with lean meat or chicken, and one-fourth with whole grains. • Or, set a goal of eating at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. • If you make small, reasonable changes, rather than depriving yourself of everything you love, you will have more success. 4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 31
  • 32. The Role of Exercise in Weight Management • Combining exercise with a healthy diet is a more effective way to lose weight than depending on calorie restriction alone. • Exercise can prevent or even reverse the effects of certain diseases. • Exercise lowers blood pressure and cholesterol, which may prevent a heart attack. • Exercise lowers the risk of developing certain types of cancers such as colon and breast cancer. 4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 32
  • 33. Conti… • Exercise plays an important role in maintaining a healthy body. • It makes you lose your weight without starving your body. • It increases the proportion of muscle and decreases fats. • Muscle is a metabolically active tissue, the more muscular you are the higher your metabolism will be and ultimately you will burn more calories even at rest. 4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 33
  • 34. Conti… • Exercise is also known to help and contribute to a sense of confidence and well-being, thus possibly lowering rates of anxiety and depression. 4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 34
  • 35. Factors in Pakistani Diet that are Conducive to Weight Gain • Pakistan is a country where the concept of healthy diet among the general public is totally changed. • Pakistani diet is usually “energy-dense” with higher proportion of saturated fats, trans-fatty acids and free sugar contributing to high caloric intake. • Use of “desi ghee” • High intake of meat 4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 35
  • 36. Conti… • Excess salt intake in foods • Excessive use of sweets in celebrating important events of life • In addition over eating are common dietary practices in Pakistan. • Use of industrial processed foods, fast foods, junk food and sugared fizzy drinks is getting very popular in younger generation. 4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 36
  • 37. Conti… • Rapid urbanization and modernization is also leading to the use of high fat diet instead of traditional low fat diets. • Lack of appropriate policies and non-enforcement of food safety regulations have multiplied the number of street food vendors who sell low quality foods in schools, markets, canteens and other public places, increasing the prevalence of food borne diseases, malnutrition and mortality. 4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 37
  • 38. Conti… • In Pakistan, fast foods may be defined ready to eat food available in public places, food streets, food corners and restaurants. • They may include burgers, shami kababs, pizzas , sandwiches, chat, cholay, samosas, pakoras , haleem, french fries, ice creams, doughnuts and all other traditional and non- traditional foods that are dispensed quickly. 4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 38
  • 39. Conti… • They are classified as energy dense foods because they provides: • High amounts of sodium, sugar, cholesterol and fat but are low in vitamins and minerals and dietary fibre content. • Despite of their low nutritional value, fast foods have become a symbol of modern culture and their taste appeal more to children and youth. 4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 39
  • 40. Conti… • Traditional foods are slowly losing their appeal, as fast foods are alluring to the population due to their convenience and easy availability. • Home cooking hours have been comparatively minimized and people prefer eating outside in food streets and fast food restaurants. • Along with Pakistani foods, Chinese, Western, Italian and Continental cuisines have also gained a lot of liking and are becoming a part of the Pakistani menu. 4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 40
  • 41. Conti… • The impact of fast foods on health is quite staggering when consumed on a regular basis. • By replacing fresh wholesome food with processed additive-laden food, it has been noted that blood pressure rises, cholesterol level increases, metabolic rate altered and the immune system is weakened. 4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 41
  • 42. Behavior Modification and Weight Management • Weight management involves adopting a healthy lifestyle that includes a knowledge of nutrition and exercise, a positive attitude and motivation. • Internal motives such as better health, self- esteem and personal control increase your chances of lifelong weight management success. 4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 42
  • 43. Cont… • Eat only while sitting down. Do not eat while reading, cooking, talking on the phone, working on the computer or watching television. • Take small bites and chew your food well.. • During your breaks, go for a walk instead of eating. • If you get hungry between meals, plan healthy snacks. • Do not skip meal as it may result in overeating at the next meal. 4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 43
  • 44. Cont…. • Use smaller plates, bowls and glasses. • Wait 20 minutes before eating something you are craving. • Eat on empty stomach. • Drink a large glass of water before eating. • Eat slowly. Remember it takes about 20 minutes for your stomach to send a message to your brain that it is full. • Don't let fake hunger make you think you need more. • Make your healthy weight management priority. • Think long term while developing new healthy behaviors. 4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 44
  • 45. Counseling a Patient for Weight Management • Motivate the patients to manage their weight through multiple approaches. • Effective counseling begins with patient education on several topics, including the effectiveness of popular diets. • Compared with people at a healthy weight, those carrying extra pounds have a harder time walking a quarter-mile, lifting 10 pounds, and rising from an armless chair. 4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 45
  • 46. Conti… • Counseling should address unrealistic patient expectations. • Excess weight plays a role in so many common and deadly diseases. • Some patients may be puzzled by the fact that they are eating less, but are not losing weight. • This occurs when the brain senses reduced intake and attempts to compensate by decreasing energy expenditure. 4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 46
  • 47. Conti… • Emphasize that even a small weight loss can have significant results; a 5% weight loss, for example, reduces type 2 diabetes risk by 60%. • Overweight and obesity may shorten your life span. • The overall goal in weight loss counseling is to help patients consume fewer calories and eat more healthfully. 4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 47
  • 48. 5As for Obesity Management 4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 48
  • 49. References • W. P. T. James, “ epidemiology of obesity: the size of the problem,” Journal of Internal Medicine, vol. 263, no. 4, pp. 336–352, 2008. • lreqtips.pdf • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Body mass index. Accessed April 15, 2020. • Linda P. Case MS, ... Melody Foess Raasch DVM, in Canine and Feline Nutrition (Third Edition), 2011 • Samir N, Mahmud S, Khuwaja A. Prevalence of physical inactivity and barriers to physical activity among obese attendants at a community health-care center in Karachi, Pakistan. BMC Research Notes2011; 4(1): 174. 4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 49
  • 50. 4/20/2020 Imran Waheed 50 Fall Down Seven Times, Stand Up Eight.