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Leadership Style and Traits

Captain D Michael Abrashoff was one of the graduates from US Naval Academy and he was

also an assistant of military as a former secretary of defense. Though in 2001 he left his

profession of navy and turned to a founder of grassroots leadership. (Barr, Frumi, 2002)

After leaving that, he wrote a book on his management styles that he followed up throughout in

his entire profession. This research paper is all about leadership styles and traits followed by

Captain Michael Abrashoff during his naval services and the principles he used in changing the

direction of ship and motivation of sailors.

At the time when he took a charge over the ship, it was like a business that has all the related

equipments and machineries but only the productivity is lacking so in order to get that

productivity he took some initiatives and actions and get the achievements of which he proud of

like turning the troubled ship and team into efficiently working team and best damn ship.

However, in the end he has got the slogan of “it’s your ship” and recognized as a role model for

the naval efficiency.As an author in his book he shares all his secrets towards the success and

how he becomes a benchmark for all.
Leadership Style and Traits

       It’s your ship by captain D. Michael Abrashoff is a story that emphasizes on his

leadership skills completing the journey from the Navy’s underperforming war vessels to one of

the best damn ship. The story is all about the captain and USS Benfold which was considered as

the advanced and updated ship having all the machines used in fighting while sailing in high sea

shores, but the morale of the crew deeply low and also the performance scores are much lower

than the expectations of the Navy.

From the day first captain tried to keep the competence level and morale level below/above of

his new crew. He also enhanced and upgrades the lifestyle on vessel by improving training

system. He retained the pride level which was disappeared sometime long before. In fact he cut

down or decreases down the cost of maintenance through replacement with products that were

more durable by mediocre equipment.

Abrashoff doesn’t worried for his status as the Benfold’s new commander has, but he truly cares

for maintaining his trust dignity and respect in the eyes of others which has been lost by his

predecessor, for keeping his good record he does some efforts like sending the chiefs of ship to

school for proper training, in order to protect the vessel from rusty stains he order for steel that

are highly resists from the rust.

Captain did an effort to maintain the fruitful communication between every crewmember through

maintaining formal and informal interviews both. As he really want to put his efforts fruitful he

started to read the existing interviews of the ones who had left or wanted to left the profession of

navy. Finally he found the results and among them most reasons he find out seems unnecessary.

Some of the reasons he got like members were not receiving desired respect, they were really not
Leadership Style and Traits
being rewarded they feel like cannot give best to the organization. In a nut shell all the points

reflects that they were highly demotivated. Getting all these results he stood up on working with

changing the perception of his crew members and start making them understand that their

existence means a lot to the crew and that they are highly important for the organization. He also

realized them that he would listen to them and will respect their ideas (Dinsmore,Ben 2011)

Soon it has been realized by captain to improve his ship’s productivity and need to improve his

own leadership skills. As according to research it has been resulted that most of the people

resigned their jobs due to their manager’s leadership. While following the best leader style not

only helps in achieving the organization’s goal but also the maximum productivity and

confidence of employees who are considering as the assets of a company.

He had followed some principles and traits in order to lead and attain goals for those who seem

impossible to attain and to reach them.

Building trust among members, enhance the quality of communication, gave meaning to the

purposes, lead by example, take risks those are calculative, create unity among people, gave

importance in enhancing the lifestyle of his people, go beyond the means not the ends, following

up the procedures that are to be followed (Hunter, Peter)

He believes on giving the rewards to the risk takers so that their level of motivation keep rising

up even if the people fall down , he believes in giving promotions and allocation rewards to

them so that the organization always remain in a growing and moving in a upward direction

Leadership Style and Traits
He believes in doing the right thing that may never lead towards wrong path.

Captain Abrashoff has provided some insights and methods that how to motivate people and

make them more competent. Also bring up the inborn talent which has been rusted due to

mishandling and improper guidance.

His smartly utilizing of leadership skills has become the reason for his achievement that he

becomes profound well known Captain.

The principles and traits that he gone through were, lead through example, communicate the

purpose and meaning, build a environment of trust, take calculated risks, create confidence

among people and build up, work or look for the outcomes instead of salutes, generate the

concept of collectivism and enhance the quality of people’s life

                                  PRINCIPLES AND TRAITS

Following are the summarize points of traits and principles that Captain Abrashoff followed up

during his leadership.


In today’sworld the most important thing from the organization’s point of view is to attract and

retain their employees, and keep their motivation level high by keep rewarding them in order to

get their passionate efforts full of enthusiasm and energy.Therefore, he follows the same.

According to Abrashoff the essential to him is to be trusted, respected and effective for all.

It has been assumed that paying low salary is the major reason for employees to leave any job,

but here the results proved this assumption wrong. And the main reason for leaving the job is not
Leadership Style and Traits
being treated them with respect and dignity. In today’s era leaders need to attract and retain their

best employees

The first principle according to him as being a successful skipper IS TO LOOK AT THE


Only this way one can find what really goes wrong or right.

The second principle or assumption that he may implement those processes that may helps

people enjoying carrying through.

He also realized that alone he cannot make decisions for all even not only he himself but anyone

alone cannot be capable of doing this, for that he decided to train his people to create judgments

and to think for their own self.


Empowering means to provide people a criteria or parameters on which they have been allowed

to operate in free and relaxedenvironmentand enabling people to utilize their all of the skills and

resources fully unleashed. And he rightly followed that by giving his people the guidelines.


He followed the another characteristic of being a real leader by swallowing up his temper at the

time of getting situations worse off by asking questions with his own self like whether he

provided desired training to his employees? Or whether he clearly provided the guidelines or

ample time to articulate the visional goals or enough resources to achieve the desired tasks and

desired outcomes.
Leadership Style and Traits
He discovered some traits regarding to lead by examples

       Not to forget the effect of yours on people: it says leader should understand how they

       need to create his impact on people and how they need to keep the tone to set the spirit of

       people surrounds them. If a leader is showing his enthusiasm, his workforce will

       definitely feels the same or vice versa.

       Not to fail the test of Washington post: According to him he always carefully avoids

       ethical shortcuts. And make self judgments whether to run or stop for obvious reasons

       and its after effects. Make self test for what he will do would result in good terms that

       could made him proud or embarrass. He focuses on doing the things right for not

       worrying of getting involved in any ruffling out someone’s feather.

       Obey even when you disagree: rarely has it been found that the chain of sub ordinates

       often disagree with the policies, it’s important not to underestimate the superiors. This

       could only be possible if people in an organization truly understand that their superiors

       are supportive for their chain of command. If one is freelancing, people would not

       supportive if they disagree for the implemented policies.

According to Abrashoff when he was given a task for which he does not agree he simply ask for

a good alternative to reach the goals from his people. And for this he would be appreciated for

his honesty and being listened by the people, and finally got appreciation for the good

Leadership Style and Traits

He says that he wants his people to look from the crews eyes and to believe that benfold is the

best ship among all in Navy. He made their people understand to believe in their own self and

believes this strategy works best.


Abrashoff believes, leading or managing the ship depends on communicating efficiently with his

people so that they may work collectively with full of hard work. He believes in givingthe clear

vision to his employees.

       He focuses on communicating information that actually contains meaningful reason.

       He made improvements through opening himself towards criticism, so that people feel

       free to open themselves also and start owning the organization with putting theirefforts

       sincerely and giving their devotion to the work

       Make people understand that they can do well so that better results must be achieved


Creating a trustworthy environment:

Abrashoff believes in giving his employees an environment of confidence andsit back and let

their employees handle the situation. For him trust is a key strength for employees sustaining.

More he says trust could only be earned by giving back.

It has been said by him that if organization wins, it means that all wins who are working for the

Leadership Style and Traits
The one more thing according to Abrashoff that need to be understand that if there they find any

bad situation and one can solve it then no need to keep your boss’s attention over it. But in

situation which is uncontrollable, make it aware of the boss


A good leader must protect his employees from the bad situation and from the ones, who are

intolerable, as Abrashoff find this as a little bit crucial.

Always be the best in handling any responsibility that has been given.


 Provide crews an atmosphere in which they feel free to raise any questions, suggestions or

solutions. If this way is to be followed leaders are always be on top of their people if this strategy

is not to be followed by the managers then the situation will not give productive outcomes and

once the leader got the impression he never get out of it.

        Abrashoff has been determined to put the ship like an institution ofcontinuouslearning.

        So that got a perfect and systematic analysis for what need to be done and what not.


Risk taking seems to be a step that need to taken very carefully by proper measuring it and for a

strong and growing organization praising risk takers are productive, no matter if ones fail for the

once in a couple of time. Here Abrashoff says let him know anyone who grows successfully

without commencing any mistake.

        “He believes if the rule never gives some sense, let it be break”
Leadership Style and Traits

Abrashoff believes in thinking realistically and imaginatively and get prepare for what comes

ahead. And go forward to find out the new procedures to face or manage the old tasks and unique

ways for unique problems.

       Get prepare for meeting the challenging situations, that would rather make more

       confident for unforeseen scenarios

       Abrashoff practices working smarter rather than working harder

       Focuses on the first priorities that need to be considered. And also made his sailors

       focuses on the important priorities that need to be deal first


Here Abrashoff says and rely on building ones self-esteem making others feel pleased about

their work and jobs. This directly improves the outcome and ones morale. Always tried to show

concerns in trusting them and believe in them that simply is the art of doing things well. He

believes in a principle of never tearing their bosses let down but helps them to grow lastly and

strongly. As he says “if you want to achieve anything bureaucratically get under the bosses head”

it clearly means to let the boss feel that their problems have been solved by their employees.


As more people Abrashoff meet he provides him a more supportive and friendly environment to

talk and sailors feel motivated and as he thanked them for their efforts, in return they put more

efforts for the future.Here he convinced for positive reinforcement that leads to an outstanding

leadership. While it has been observed some of the various leaders are skipping this strategy.

Leaders tend to discontinue in maintaining personal connectivity while they only follow this rule
Leadership Style and Traits
being connected through electronic media. As the perception goes on that, being connected

electronically is more effective than personally. However,it’s not true, even the perception is

totally wrong. As being connected electronically is just like being lost over the world. And it’s a

biggest mistake they occur.

           Trust in your people that may risen up their confidence and also challenges boost

           their inside competency

           New arrivals should be treated well: he focuses on giving the prestige to the new

           arrivals, so that their blood runs more fast till from the starts.

           Act like a rising tide so that may lift the boats: organizations success depends on

           working when collectively and leaders should always act upon, when jealousy factors

           generates among people. Itparalyzes the whole environment and subordinates


           Building up the boss. Abrashoff aims and believed to act as a player who must be a

           consummate team member. And got to anticipate the ones need before they

           themselves realized.

           Always expect something god from the crew: he teaches to behave people in a way

           that everyone must be talented and having a more something best that they are

           performing. In this way they would perform well and then stop treating them in a

           manner if the one is stupid.

           Building up the people: by one’s self grooming or training sessions it improves the

           overall group level intelligence and skills and in the long run good for the

           organization too. In some organizations it believes that grooming or building up the

           people is an investment of their assets.
Leadership Style and Traits

Counseling employees on yearly basis and giving them a continuous feedback is a key of being

good leader. Achance of shedding the bad performers is only good when one has received the

chance to get improved.


The good leader is one only who put his efforts in keeping their members unite, and make them

realized that working collectively is best for the organization in a long term. Here Abrashoff has

find out that the staff who works collectively and believe in unity always give better results.

Unity was the important purpose for his model of leadership.

            Abrashoff believes that everyone has some weaknesses no one is there who were not

            having any weakness. All are having some weaknesses and strengths, so he respect

            everyone’s dignity

            Training that focuses on unity teaches giving value to all instead of devaluing


            He wants his people to know about two things on his ship. The one is being punished

            for things doing wrong and secondly for they have a chance to retrieve it, in other

            words it simply deals by punishment with strictness but fairly.
Leadership Style and Traits

Give people access to improve the quality of their life. Like

            Create an environment in which more friendly atmosphere is to be provided and

            bonuses were given.

            Better food to be provided as Abrashoff’s top priorities is to get a good meal, good

            training sessions and more promotions.

            He encourages his sailors when he shows off his ship, in this way employees

            consider their jobs not as a miserable territory.

            The reason behind good work is the better they play at



Simply the leadership is an art of doing and handling complex things smartly, as a common

person one cannot handle or manage everything clearly. Sometime the easier things would

become a tougher for ones. As different leadership styles has been thought like autocratic,

bureaucratic and laissez faire.

Among them the most effective and productive leadership is known to be participative in which

leaders always encourage their team members and allow members to give their inputs in the

same way the Abrashoff did, so that contributions and participation level of team members

automatically risen up with the passage of time.
Leadership Style and Traits
In this way group members or team members engage themselves in the work and produce more

creative results, which overall give positive results to the organization. Not only get this but

leaders’ also get motivated if the outcomes bring positive results.

This is the style that has been followed by the captain Michael Abrashoff in his profession under


Captain Abrashoff focuses on building and putting up the self esteem of his people. He says his

job is to turn new ones into gown ups so that they make gratified to Edward Benfold.

He understand and perceives that most of the sailors are incapable of giving outputs is due to

having some sort of insecurities in their child hood and as they got filled with some past insults.

He believes that he may help his people by making the load of his people lighter sohe worked for

making them realized that he trusted them a lot.

He perceives as make the bosses grow strong, so no one can ignore the point of praise. Just take

over the situation which the boss wants his employee to get in before the time he asked to do so.

Solve out the boss problems as they are mine and made him believe that one is more responsible

and worried for him. In this way the things get easier and can make the good impression in the

eyes of boss.

As captain Abrashoff soon after getting hired in the ship and taking over all the charges his other

commanders had started to visit the ship and finding out how captain had take over the charges

and made other sailors to put on work.

The next thing he did for getting his people’s trust and made the working environment more

polite he ordered some greeting cards and started to sending them to their sailors and
Leadership Style and Traits
teammembers spouses and with that add some messages in order to inform that their men are

doing good and great job, in this way he maintained a kind and good relationship with his sailors.

Soon after this in order to reach at the top of the edge he started to create a supportive climate.

And started to write some letters to the parents of sailors in which he praise his sailors’

performance. And soon he successfully creates a bond of trust among his team members and

their family too.

This proves that little and small things make big and never lasting successes.

The other belief of Captain Abrashoff is that he says rewards are the most important thing to

make others realize of their lost self esteem. In organizations rewards are awarded to those who

did some extreme efforts, but he says that rewards should given to those also, who when leave

their jobs as they wanted to tell those people that their efforts would praised everlasting even

after when they will not be there.


This paper was began with the reflection of US naval captain D Michael abrashoff to a ship

named as USS Benfold ,he had written a book of journey he completed with the Benfold.

Captain had realized in order to get the best achievement for the USS benfold he could make his

crew achieve the best. For that he had to make a climate on which everyone can performs better

more of their competencies, and inspite all of this he did so and made everyone proud of all they

did. And simply make those principles as a best phenomenon for leading a ship.

From his leading principles the message he gave is to think big and not to make new and

innovative things experimentally, because that can only create misperceptions, animosity and
Leadership Style and Traits
jealousy. Think smartly, handle the situations by considering them from others eyes, whereas

realize things like your success depends on others success. This realization is really important

and takes one at the top of the edge he expects.

In every kind of businesses and organizations, leadership roles and managerial skills play a very

important role. In today’s era managers should know and understandsthese skills in order to keep

this in their practices.

Well this research paper is also a guideline to people that how to lead in a good manner.

This story is for the leaders of any position, level, status, profession or of any job or

organization. The bottom line of this whole story is:

                    It’s your ship so make it the best. (Tomlimson, Gary,2005)
Leadership Style and Traits


      Abrashoff, (2012).“It’s Your Ship” by Captain D. Michael Abrashoff. Retrieved April,




      Ben, Dinsmore, (2011).“It’s Your Ship” by Captain D. Michael Abrashoff.Retrieved

      April, 23rd, 2012 from


      Barr Rachel Fruimi, (2002). “It’s Your Ship” by Captain D. Michael Abrashoff,

      Retrieved April, 23rd, 2012 from,

      Cherry, Kendra (2011). “It’s Your Ship” by Captain D. Michael Abrashoff, Retrieved

      April, 23rd2012 from, guide

      Hunter A Peter, “It’s Your Ship” by Captain D. Michael Abrashoff, Retrieved April,

      23rd2012 from,

      Tomlinson, Gary (2005). “It’s Your Ship” by Captain D. Michael Abrashoff, Retrieved

      April, 23rd, 2012 from
Leadership Style and Traits
      The Daily Blog.(2006), “it’s Your Ship” by Captain D. Michael Abrashoff, Retrieved

      April, 23rd, 2012 from


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Leadership styles

  • 2. 1 Leadership Style and Traits Abstract Captain D Michael Abrashoff was one of the graduates from US Naval Academy and he was also an assistant of military as a former secretary of defense. Though in 2001 he left his profession of navy and turned to a founder of grassroots leadership. (Barr, Frumi, 2002) After leaving that, he wrote a book on his management styles that he followed up throughout in his entire profession. This research paper is all about leadership styles and traits followed by Captain Michael Abrashoff during his naval services and the principles he used in changing the direction of ship and motivation of sailors. At the time when he took a charge over the ship, it was like a business that has all the related equipments and machineries but only the productivity is lacking so in order to get that productivity he took some initiatives and actions and get the achievements of which he proud of like turning the troubled ship and team into efficiently working team and best damn ship. However, in the end he has got the slogan of “it’s your ship” and recognized as a role model for the naval efficiency.As an author in his book he shares all his secrets towards the success and how he becomes a benchmark for all.
  • 3. 2 Leadership Style and Traits Introduction It’s your ship by captain D. Michael Abrashoff is a story that emphasizes on his leadership skills completing the journey from the Navy’s underperforming war vessels to one of the best damn ship. The story is all about the captain and USS Benfold which was considered as the advanced and updated ship having all the machines used in fighting while sailing in high sea shores, but the morale of the crew deeply low and also the performance scores are much lower than the expectations of the Navy. From the day first captain tried to keep the competence level and morale level below/above of his new crew. He also enhanced and upgrades the lifestyle on vessel by improving training system. He retained the pride level which was disappeared sometime long before. In fact he cut down or decreases down the cost of maintenance through replacement with products that were more durable by mediocre equipment. Abrashoff doesn’t worried for his status as the Benfold’s new commander has, but he truly cares for maintaining his trust dignity and respect in the eyes of others which has been lost by his predecessor, for keeping his good record he does some efforts like sending the chiefs of ship to school for proper training, in order to protect the vessel from rusty stains he order for steel that are highly resists from the rust. Captain did an effort to maintain the fruitful communication between every crewmember through maintaining formal and informal interviews both. As he really want to put his efforts fruitful he started to read the existing interviews of the ones who had left or wanted to left the profession of navy. Finally he found the results and among them most reasons he find out seems unnecessary. Some of the reasons he got like members were not receiving desired respect, they were really not
  • 4. 3 Leadership Style and Traits being rewarded they feel like cannot give best to the organization. In a nut shell all the points reflects that they were highly demotivated. Getting all these results he stood up on working with changing the perception of his crew members and start making them understand that their existence means a lot to the crew and that they are highly important for the organization. He also realized them that he would listen to them and will respect their ideas (Dinsmore,Ben 2011) Soon it has been realized by captain to improve his ship’s productivity and need to improve his own leadership skills. As according to research it has been resulted that most of the people resigned their jobs due to their manager’s leadership. While following the best leader style not only helps in achieving the organization’s goal but also the maximum productivity and confidence of employees who are considering as the assets of a company. He had followed some principles and traits in order to lead and attain goals for those who seem impossible to attain and to reach them. Building trust among members, enhance the quality of communication, gave meaning to the purposes, lead by example, take risks those are calculative, create unity among people, gave importance in enhancing the lifestyle of his people, go beyond the means not the ends, following up the procedures that are to be followed (Hunter, Peter) He believes on giving the rewards to the risk takers so that their level of motivation keep rising up even if the people fall down , he believes in giving promotions and allocation rewards to them so that the organization always remain in a growing and moving in a upward direction pattern.
  • 5. 4 Leadership Style and Traits He believes in doing the right thing that may never lead towards wrong path. Captain Abrashoff has provided some insights and methods that how to motivate people and make them more competent. Also bring up the inborn talent which has been rusted due to mishandling and improper guidance. His smartly utilizing of leadership skills has become the reason for his achievement that he becomes profound well known Captain. The principles and traits that he gone through were, lead through example, communicate the purpose and meaning, build a environment of trust, take calculated risks, create confidence among people and build up, work or look for the outcomes instead of salutes, generate the concept of collectivism and enhance the quality of people’s life PRINCIPLES AND TRAITS Following are the summarize points of traits and principles that Captain Abrashoff followed up during his leadership.  RETAINING EMPLOYEES In today’sworld the most important thing from the organization’s point of view is to attract and retain their employees, and keep their motivation level high by keep rewarding them in order to get their passionate efforts full of enthusiasm and energy.Therefore, he follows the same. According to Abrashoff the essential to him is to be trusted, respected and effective for all. It has been assumed that paying low salary is the major reason for employees to leave any job, but here the results proved this assumption wrong. And the main reason for leaving the job is not
  • 6. 5 Leadership Style and Traits being treated them with respect and dignity. In today’s era leaders need to attract and retain their best employees The first principle according to him as being a successful skipper IS TO LOOK AT THE SHIP FROM THE CREW’S EYES. Only this way one can find what really goes wrong or right. The second principle or assumption that he may implement those processes that may helps people enjoying carrying through. He also realized that alone he cannot make decisions for all even not only he himself but anyone alone cannot be capable of doing this, for that he decided to train his people to create judgments and to think for their own self.  EMPOWERING PEOPLE Empowering means to provide people a criteria or parameters on which they have been allowed to operate in free and relaxedenvironmentand enabling people to utilize their all of the skills and resources fully unleashed. And he rightly followed that by giving his people the guidelines.  LEAD BY EXAMPLE He followed the another characteristic of being a real leader by swallowing up his temper at the time of getting situations worse off by asking questions with his own self like whether he provided desired training to his employees? Or whether he clearly provided the guidelines or ample time to articulate the visional goals or enough resources to achieve the desired tasks and desired outcomes.
  • 7. 6 Leadership Style and Traits He discovered some traits regarding to lead by examples Not to forget the effect of yours on people: it says leader should understand how they need to create his impact on people and how they need to keep the tone to set the spirit of people surrounds them. If a leader is showing his enthusiasm, his workforce will definitely feels the same or vice versa. Not to fail the test of Washington post: According to him he always carefully avoids ethical shortcuts. And make self judgments whether to run or stop for obvious reasons and its after effects. Make self test for what he will do would result in good terms that could made him proud or embarrass. He focuses on doing the things right for not worrying of getting involved in any ruffling out someone’s feather. Obey even when you disagree: rarely has it been found that the chain of sub ordinates often disagree with the policies, it’s important not to underestimate the superiors. This could only be possible if people in an organization truly understand that their superiors are supportive for their chain of command. If one is freelancing, people would not supportive if they disagree for the implemented policies. According to Abrashoff when he was given a task for which he does not agree he simply ask for a good alternative to reach the goals from his people. And for this he would be appreciated for his honesty and being listened by the people, and finally got appreciation for the good accomplishment.
  • 8. 7 Leadership Style and Traits  LISTEN CAREFULLY : He says that he wants his people to look from the crews eyes and to believe that benfold is the best ship among all in Navy. He made their people understand to believe in their own self and believes this strategy works best.  COMMUNICATION MUST BE MEANINGFUL: Abrashoff believes, leading or managing the ship depends on communicating efficiently with his people so that they may work collectively with full of hard work. He believes in givingthe clear vision to his employees. He focuses on communicating information that actually contains meaningful reason. He made improvements through opening himself towards criticism, so that people feel free to open themselves also and start owning the organization with putting theirefforts sincerely and giving their devotion to the work Make people understand that they can do well so that better results must be achieved collectively. Creating a trustworthy environment: Abrashoff believes in giving his employees an environment of confidence andsit back and let their employees handle the situation. For him trust is a key strength for employees sustaining. More he says trust could only be earned by giving back. It has been said by him that if organization wins, it means that all wins who are working for the organization.
  • 9. 8 Leadership Style and Traits The one more thing according to Abrashoff that need to be understand that if there they find any bad situation and one can solve it then no need to keep your boss’s attention over it. But in situation which is uncontrollable, make it aware of the boss  SHIELDING YOUR TEAM FROM ARROGANT BOSES: A good leader must protect his employees from the bad situation and from the ones, who are intolerable, as Abrashoff find this as a little bit crucial. Always be the best in handling any responsibility that has been given.  WORK FOR ENDS NOT SALUTES: Provide crews an atmosphere in which they feel free to raise any questions, suggestions or solutions. If this way is to be followed leaders are always be on top of their people if this strategy is not to be followed by the managers then the situation will not give productive outcomes and once the leader got the impression he never get out of it. Abrashoff has been determined to put the ship like an institution ofcontinuouslearning. So that got a perfect and systematic analysis for what need to be done and what not.  FOLLOW RISKS THAT ARE CALCULATED Risk taking seems to be a step that need to taken very carefully by proper measuring it and for a strong and growing organization praising risk takers are productive, no matter if ones fail for the once in a couple of time. Here Abrashoff says let him know anyone who grows successfully without commencing any mistake. “He believes if the rule never gives some sense, let it be break”
  • 10. 9 Leadership Style and Traits  LET S GET BEFORE THE STANDARDIZED PROCEDURE Abrashoff believes in thinking realistically and imaginatively and get prepare for what comes ahead. And go forward to find out the new procedures to face or manage the old tasks and unique ways for unique problems. Get prepare for meeting the challenging situations, that would rather make more confident for unforeseen scenarios Abrashoff practices working smarter rather than working harder Focuses on the first priorities that need to be considered. And also made his sailors focuses on the important priorities that need to be deal first  BUILDING UP THE TEAM: Here Abrashoff says and rely on building ones self-esteem making others feel pleased about their work and jobs. This directly improves the outcome and ones morale. Always tried to show concerns in trusting them and believe in them that simply is the art of doing things well. He believes in a principle of never tearing their bosses let down but helps them to grow lastly and strongly. As he says “if you want to achieve anything bureaucratically get under the bosses head” it clearly means to let the boss feel that their problems have been solved by their employees.  SMALL THINGS MOVE YOU TOWARDS ENORMOUS SUCCESS: As more people Abrashoff meet he provides him a more supportive and friendly environment to talk and sailors feel motivated and as he thanked them for their efforts, in return they put more efforts for the future.Here he convinced for positive reinforcement that leads to an outstanding leadership. While it has been observed some of the various leaders are skipping this strategy. Leaders tend to discontinue in maintaining personal connectivity while they only follow this rule
  • 11. 10 Leadership Style and Traits being connected through electronic media. As the perception goes on that, being connected electronically is more effective than personally. However,it’s not true, even the perception is totally wrong. As being connected electronically is just like being lost over the world. And it’s a biggest mistake they occur. Trust in your people that may risen up their confidence and also challenges boost their inside competency New arrivals should be treated well: he focuses on giving the prestige to the new arrivals, so that their blood runs more fast till from the starts. Act like a rising tide so that may lift the boats: organizations success depends on working when collectively and leaders should always act upon, when jealousy factors generates among people. Itparalyzes the whole environment and subordinates relationships. Building up the boss. Abrashoff aims and believed to act as a player who must be a consummate team member. And got to anticipate the ones need before they themselves realized. Always expect something god from the crew: he teaches to behave people in a way that everyone must be talented and having a more something best that they are performing. In this way they would perform well and then stop treating them in a manner if the one is stupid. Building up the people: by one’s self grooming or training sessions it improves the overall group level intelligence and skills and in the long run good for the organization too. In some organizations it believes that grooming or building up the people is an investment of their assets.
  • 12. 11 Leadership Style and Traits  COUNSELLING EMPLOYEES: Counseling employees on yearly basis and giving them a continuous feedback is a key of being good leader. Achance of shedding the bad performers is only good when one has received the chance to get improved.  BUILD UNITY AMONG TEAM MEMBERS: The good leader is one only who put his efforts in keeping their members unite, and make them realized that working collectively is best for the organization in a long term. Here Abrashoff has find out that the staff who works collectively and believe in unity always give better results. Unity was the important purpose for his model of leadership. Abrashoff believes that everyone has some weaknesses no one is there who were not having any weakness. All are having some weaknesses and strengths, so he respect everyone’s dignity Training that focuses on unity teaches giving value to all instead of devaluing anyone. He wants his people to know about two things on his ship. The one is being punished for things doing wrong and secondly for they have a chance to retrieve it, in other words it simply deals by punishment with strictness but fairly.
  • 13. 12 Leadership Style and Traits  LIFE’S QUALITY NEED TO BE IMPROVED OF PEOPLE: Give people access to improve the quality of their life. Like Create an environment in which more friendly atmosphere is to be provided and bonuses were given. Better food to be provided as Abrashoff’s top priorities is to get a good meal, good training sessions and more promotions. He encourages his sailors when he shows off his ship, in this way employees consider their jobs not as a miserable territory. The reason behind good work is the better they play at USSBenfold(Tomlinson,Garry,2005) ABRASHOFF LEADERSHIP STYLE Simply the leadership is an art of doing and handling complex things smartly, as a common person one cannot handle or manage everything clearly. Sometime the easier things would become a tougher for ones. As different leadership styles has been thought like autocratic, bureaucratic and laissez faire. Among them the most effective and productive leadership is known to be participative in which leaders always encourage their team members and allow members to give their inputs in the same way the Abrashoff did, so that contributions and participation level of team members automatically risen up with the passage of time.
  • 14. 13 Leadership Style and Traits In this way group members or team members engage themselves in the work and produce more creative results, which overall give positive results to the organization. Not only get this but leaders’ also get motivated if the outcomes bring positive results. This is the style that has been followed by the captain Michael Abrashoff in his profession under Navy. Captain Abrashoff focuses on building and putting up the self esteem of his people. He says his job is to turn new ones into gown ups so that they make gratified to Edward Benfold. He understand and perceives that most of the sailors are incapable of giving outputs is due to having some sort of insecurities in their child hood and as they got filled with some past insults. He believes that he may help his people by making the load of his people lighter sohe worked for making them realized that he trusted them a lot. He perceives as make the bosses grow strong, so no one can ignore the point of praise. Just take over the situation which the boss wants his employee to get in before the time he asked to do so. Solve out the boss problems as they are mine and made him believe that one is more responsible and worried for him. In this way the things get easier and can make the good impression in the eyes of boss. As captain Abrashoff soon after getting hired in the ship and taking over all the charges his other commanders had started to visit the ship and finding out how captain had take over the charges and made other sailors to put on work. The next thing he did for getting his people’s trust and made the working environment more polite he ordered some greeting cards and started to sending them to their sailors and
  • 15. 14 Leadership Style and Traits teammembers spouses and with that add some messages in order to inform that their men are doing good and great job, in this way he maintained a kind and good relationship with his sailors. Soon after this in order to reach at the top of the edge he started to create a supportive climate. And started to write some letters to the parents of sailors in which he praise his sailors’ performance. And soon he successfully creates a bond of trust among his team members and their family too. This proves that little and small things make big and never lasting successes. The other belief of Captain Abrashoff is that he says rewards are the most important thing to make others realize of their lost self esteem. In organizations rewards are awarded to those who did some extreme efforts, but he says that rewards should given to those also, who when leave their jobs as they wanted to tell those people that their efforts would praised everlasting even after when they will not be there. CONCLUSION This paper was began with the reflection of US naval captain D Michael abrashoff to a ship named as USS Benfold ,he had written a book of journey he completed with the Benfold. Captain had realized in order to get the best achievement for the USS benfold he could make his crew achieve the best. For that he had to make a climate on which everyone can performs better more of their competencies, and inspite all of this he did so and made everyone proud of all they did. And simply make those principles as a best phenomenon for leading a ship. From his leading principles the message he gave is to think big and not to make new and innovative things experimentally, because that can only create misperceptions, animosity and
  • 16. 15 Leadership Style and Traits jealousy. Think smartly, handle the situations by considering them from others eyes, whereas realize things like your success depends on others success. This realization is really important and takes one at the top of the edge he expects. In every kind of businesses and organizations, leadership roles and managerial skills play a very important role. In today’s era managers should know and understandsthese skills in order to keep this in their practices. Well this research paper is also a guideline to people that how to lead in a good manner. This story is for the leaders of any position, level, status, profession or of any job or organization. The bottom line of this whole story is: It’s your ship so make it the best. (Tomlimson, Gary,2005)
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