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Gavin Heaton
   Community and
     Social Media

People of earth …
A powerful global
conversation has begun.   3
Through the Internet,
people are discovering …   4
and inventing new ways to
share relevant knowledge    5
… with blinding speed.

As a direct result, markets
are getting smarter …         7
and getting smarter faster
than most companies.         8
1. Markets are conversations.

2. Markets consist of human
beings, not demographic

12. There are no secrets.   11
20. Companies need
to realize their
markets are often
laughing. At them.

26. Public Relations does not
relate to the public.

29. Elvis said it best: "We
can't go on together with
suspicious minds."

36. Companies must ask
themselves where their
corporate cultures end.   15
52. Paranoia kills

60. Markets want to talk to
67. As markets, as workers,
we wonder why you're not
listening …

You seem to be speaking a
different language.         19
68. The inflated self-important
jargon you sling around …
what's that got to do with us?

69. Maybe you're impressing
your investors. Maybe you're
impressing Wall Street …       21
You're not impressing us.

71. Your tired notions of "the
market" make our eyes glaze over.
72. We like this new marketplace
much better. In fact, we are creating

73. You're invited, but it's
our world. Take your
shoes off at the door.     25
75. If you want us to talk to you, tell
us something. Make it something
interesting for a change.            26
78. You want us to pay?

… We want you to pay attention.

82. Your product broke. Why?
84. We know some people
from your company. They're
pretty cool online …
Do you have any more like
that you're hiding? Can they
come out and play?
87. We'd like it if you got
what's going on here.
That'd be real nice.
89. We have real power and
we know it.

95. We are waking up and linking to
each other. We are watching. But
we are not waiting.              34
Ten years on the Cluetrain still
sounds radical …

There was no context in
                 which the Cluetrain could be
                   brought within existing
                     business practices
Things have changed
Building leads, making connections

     What works
     How to sustain it
     What to expect

     The new B2C
     Frameworks for social communication
     The Auchterlonie Effect
     Continuous Digital Strategy
     Fat value

Variety of platforms, technologies and devices
These are all available to people like you
                 and me
What do these people look like?

Where do they play?

And what do they do?

But are you local?
So what do YOU do online?

Why is this important?
Five Impacts of Social Media

  Experts coming under
pressure from new voices
who are early adopters of
     new technology

New organisations emerging
to deal with the social, cultural
     and political changes

There is a struggle to revise
the social and legal norms --
   especially in relation to
     intellectual property

The concepts of identity and
community are transformed

New forms of language come
        into being
Educators are pressured to
prepare their students for the
   newly emerging world
Elizabeth Eisenstein on the
invention of the printing press
This goes beyond the question of
   whether your company or brand
 "should have a website" or a "blog",
 but whether it is important for you to
be part of the web of signification that
  creates the worlds that we live in.

Social networking sites
now more popular than
porn sites.
Time, October 31, 2007

Increasingly networked
but also individualised.

Individualism   Community
                 Independence      Relationships
                Commercialism      Authenticity

Disconnect between how we
“express ourselves” and what we

ABC, the third commercial network
in the USA began broadcasting in

3 Networks x 60 years x 365 days
           x 24 hours
 1.5 million hours programming

More than 1.5 million hours were
uploaded to YouTube in the last 6

Over 9000 hours per day
200,000 3 minute videos
 For an audience <100
   88% new/original

“Dunbar Number”'s_number

Only 18% of TV ad campaigns
    generate positive ROI
    -- Ad Age/Accenture

Why choose “social” as part of your strategy?

                   User                    User                       User
                 generated              generated                  generated
                  content                filtering                distribution

                             User generated context

              78% of respondents said they trusted - either completely or
              somewhat – the recommendation of other consumers
              - Nielsen, Trust in Advertising, 2007

The Auchterlonie Effect

Branding gets personal

                                    The Auchterlonie Effect is the impetus that
                                    drives the ongoing story of YOUR personal
                                    engagement with the initial event – and it is,
                                    essentially, being able to bask in the reflected
                                    credibility of another.
Social capital

      Simon                 Stan

                 Gavin                 Kate

       Trent                 Ian

Social judgement
                  Liz                                                   Jye

      Simon                 Stan                                 Mark           Leila

                 Gavin                 Kate      Annik   Steve          Sally           Kate

       Trent                 Ian                                 Zac            Katie

                 David                                                  Nick
As David Ogilvy says …

                         We sell – or else.


                                                                                In B2B the value of what you
                                                                                have to offer has few customers
                                                                                BUT they are willing to pay a
                  Value and Effectiveness


                                            Complexity                                      Volume

                                                 Enterprise               SME       Consumer

                                              The value of what you have to
                                              offer has many customers BUT
                                              the margins are incremental .
                  Value and Effectiveness

                                                                                    Mass prod /

                                            Complexity                                                   Volume

                                                 Enterprise                   SME                 Consumer

Enterprise 1.0 Sales

                                                                       Enterprise 1.0 firms are
                                                                    designed to service these two
                                                                    markets but they leave a gap in
                  Value and Effectiveness

                                                               Custom                          Mass prod /
                                                              Solutions                         volume

                                            Complexity                                                              Volume

                                                 Enterprise                      SME                         Consumer

Convergence is Not About Technology

The Convergence of Markets

                                                                   Knowledge Workers are no
                                                                 longer happy to leave their rich
                                                                   web experiences at home.
                  Value and Effectiveness

                                                               B2B                                  B2C

                                            Complexity                                                           Volume

                                                 Enterprise                   SME                         Consumer

The Convergence of Markets

                                                          The NEW B2C …
                                                   Brand-to-Community extends
                                                     from the consumer space
                                                       through the enterprise
Value and Effectiveness

                                             B2B           Br2Comm              B2C

                          Complexity                                                         Volume

                               Enterprise                     SME                     Consumer

Self aggregating and self identifying

Social vs Professional collision

This is putting conversation at the heart of
   communications (public and private)
Because you are what you Google
Because everyone has a voice, sometimes the brand
    message that’s heard doesn’t belong to you
Does this mean that messaging is
It means that
             messaging has to be
                more robust
It also means that you have to plan strategically for good and bad scenarios
It means continuously defining and refining your strategy


                  Measurement                                 Audience

              Commitment                                           Footprint

                            Converse                Content



                                                             Measurement                                     Audience

Your insight process will have delivered you a
challenge, and out of that you or your client            Commitment                                               Footprint

will have laid out some objectives which need
to be met. They may be “fluffy” objectives like                            Converse                Content

“awareness” or “reach” or they may be harder
– like “increasing sales 20%” or “200 new


           What do they want? What do they expect?
           What do they aspire to? What is unmet? What
           do they look, smell and taste like? It’s time to
           get up close and personal with the folks who
           pay your bills!


                                            Measurement                                     Audience

                                        Commitment                                               Footprint

                                                          Converse                Content



… if you’re engaging with the intent to                                                 Measurement                                     Audience

hear and the intent to consider what
those folks are telling you. That builds
trust. It lets people know you’re paying                                            Commitment                                               Footprint

attention and that you value their
voice. It’s not a promise of action, but                                                              Converse                Content

it’s a demonstration of awareness.
- Amber Naslund
                                   Creating a Listening Post

           Key personnel



                                           Measurement                                     Audience

                                       Commitment                                               Footprint

                                                         Converse                Content


                   Creating a Listening Post


                           Measurement                                     Audience

                       Commitment                                               Footprint

                                         Converse                Content


                   Creating a Listening Post


                           Measurement                                     Audience

                       Commitment                                               Footprint

                                         Converse                Content


                   Creating a Listening Post


                           Measurement                                     Audience

                       Commitment                                               Footprint

                                         Converse                Content


                   Creating a Listening Post


                           Measurement                                     Audience

                       Commitment                                               Footprint

                                         Converse                Content


                   Creating a Listening Post


                           Measurement                                     Audience

                       Commitment                                               Footprint

                                         Converse                Content


                                                  Search                           Listening with your Google ears
                      Blog Search


              Google                             Google                 LinkedIn             Measurement                                     Audience

              Alerts                             Reader                 Answers

                                                                                         Commitment                                               Footprint

                                                                                                           Converse                Content

                                   PageFlakes             Feedly

                   Creating a Listening Post


                           Measurement                                     Audience

                       Commitment                                               Footprint

                                         Converse                Content


                   Creating a Listening Post


                           Measurement                                     Audience

                       Commitment                                               Footprint

                                         Converse                Content


                   Creating a Listening Post


                           Measurement                                     Audience

                       Commitment                                               Footprint

                                         Converse                Content


                               Needs                Behaviours

                                                                          Measurement                                     Audience

                                          Attitudes                   Commitment                                               Footprint

                                                                                        Converse                Content

                                                        Risk averse

                   Creating a Listening Post


                           Measurement                                     Audience

                       Commitment                                               Footprint

                                         Converse                Content

Audience                                                                                   “Snoop”
                                                                                     by Sam Gosling

         Neuroticism                                                                 Objectives

      “Another major finding from our research was          Measurement                                     Audience

      that Web sites are extraordinarily good places
      to learn about people – perhaps the best of all
                                                        Commitment                                               Footprint

      places. Our site snooping yielded information
      that was at least as accurate as what we
      learned from the bedrooms, offices and music                        Converse                Content

      collections we studied …”

                                                                 Who are your customers like?

                                                 “The easiest and most profitable growth will be
                                                 achieved by adding additional customers very much
                                                 like your current and most valuable customer.”
                                                 - Robert H Bloom, former CEO Publicis
Now that you know your audiences
                                                  in their pungent granularity, you
                                                  now need to understand their
Footprint                                         behaviour.

            Where do they go? What do they do?
            Where to they spend time and why?


                                                                            Measurement                                     Audience

 This is about walking a mile or two in their shoes.
                                                                        Commitment                                               Footprint

 But it also a chance to match the footprints of your
 brands/products. What overlaps? What doesn’t?
 Where are the opportunities. And where are the                                           Converse                Content

 touchpoints that will become valuable as your
 project grows. You need to map out and
 understand the nuances of these as they will
 become launchpads for your conversations.

Use Your Listening Post to direct
             your approach to connection


                        Measurement                                     Audience

                    Commitment                                               Footprint

                                      Converse                Content
Who, What and Where


            What is being said,
            how is it connected                                                      Objectives

            and what is the

            velocity behind it?

                                                        Commitment                                               Footprint

                                                                          Converse                Content
Opportunities Present Themselves!



                                Measurement                                     Audience

                            Commitment                                               Footprint

                                              Converse                Content
Here you start to look at the structures of
storytelling that will bridge the gaps you have
identified in the earlier steps. What can you do
to emotionally engage and entertain?


                           Measurement                                     Audience

                       Commitment                                               Footprint

                                         Converse                Content
How can you use P-L-A-Y to activate, surprise
       and delight your audiences?                                                                      Content

     P -- for Power
     Demanding of attention
     Testing limits (boundaries around behaviour,
     responsibility etc)
     Controlling the controllable
     L -- for learning and curiosity                                             Objectives

     Skills development                                 Measurement                                     Audience

     A -- for adventure
     Exploring an ever changing world               Commitment                                               Footprint

     Actively making the world a better place
     Y -- the yelp of surprise and delight                            Converse                Content

     Recognition and reward
     Self expression
Capturing the joy - JK Wedding Dance



    Measurement                                     Audience

Commitment                                               Footprint

                  Converse                Content

This is where your strategy becomes one of amplification rather than
Converse   shouting. In the two-way or polyphonic space of the web, your
           strategy needs to help you turn great content that YOU produce into
           great stories that others TELL on your behalf.


                                                         Measurement                                     Audience

                                                     Commitment                                               Footprint

                                                                       Converse                Content

                                                                          Airforce Guide


                                                                 Measurement                                     Audience

                                                             Commitment                                               Footprint

                                                                               Converse                Content

Once we begin conversing – between the people behind the
                                                    brand and those who consume it, a whole lot of human
                                                    strangeness steps in. What happens if we like these people
Commitment                                          “over there” (on either side)? What are the rules of
                                                    engagement? How do we get serious about progressing our
                                                    relationship – moving from transactions to experience – and
                                                    what does that take on both our parts to come to a mutual


                                                                                  Measurement                                     Audience

                                                                              Commitment                                               Footprint

                                                                                                Converse                Content                                          


  More than 6.8 million
  student reviews of 1
  million professors

Commitment           Over 11 million views @
                     4:29 per view, 23 million
                     Google references


   For example, which audiences are
   important (or are influential) for your
   brand/product? Measure it. How much
   time do they spend on the web and on
   which sites? Measure it. Which pieces of
   content will drive engagement (and which
   pieces need to change and evolve as your
   project grows)? Measure it. How far do
   your conversations echo across the web?
   Measure it. What are the intangibles –
   and what can be substantiated via
   research? Measure it.
But wait! This sounds like
 traditional marketing!

                     Measurement                                 Audience

                 Commitment                                           Footprint

                               Converse                Content

It’s how we deal with this
By understanding social judgement

                  Liz                                                   Jye

      Simon                 Stan                                 Mark           Leila

                 Gavin                 Kate      Annik   Steve          Sally           Kate

       Trent                 Ian                                 Zac            Katie

                 David                                                  Nick
F*ck Influencers

          Why do people share links or
          retweet on platforms like Twitter?
          What types of things do people
          share and for what benefit?
          How does how people see their
          networks affect their decisions on
          what to share?

          - Sean Howard, Craphammer

It’s not about influence it’s about trust

                       Every time we forward on a link, retweet a
                       message read on Twitter or any other type of
                       social network interaction, we are CHOOSING
                       to act. We are not just using our network of
                       connections to FILTER the noise, we are using
                       it to SHAPE our experience. It is a choice. And
                       understanding this distinction places us in a
                       context where STORYTELLING emerges as
                       vitally important?

Influence and clusters

                         When Stanford’s Eric Sun’s data was
                         clustered by activity it was shown that
                         almost 75% of Fans of a particular Fan
                         page sit within an initial grouping – that
                         they are already connected. Importantly,
                         the instigators account for about 15% of
                         this cluster. That is, contagion starts not
                         with one, but with multiple points of
                         connection – indicating again that
                         “influence” is more closely related to
                         action – with “doing” or “participation”
                         than “telling” and dispersion.

This means that contagion is not about
influence but about PARTICIPATION and
        therefore about TRUST
As you begin to execute on your strategy,
                                                     you create multiple points of conversation
                                                    across your business ecosystem – what can
                                                     best be called your “digital footprint”. The
                                                    more points of interaction that occur across
                                                    your ecosystem create points of connection
                                                      and exchanges of value. And as these are
                                                    personal networks (not broadcast), there is
                                                    a weighting – with one-to-one relationships
                                                    the exchange involves trust and reputation.
                                                                  This is FAT VALUE.
Ecosystem Touchpoints


    Measurement                                  Audience

                         Share the
                          own the
                         destination                  Footprint

              Converse                 Content

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Lead Generation, Community and Social Media

  • 1. Gavin Heaton Leads, Community and Social Media @servantofchaos
  • 4. Through the Internet, people are discovering … 4
  • 5. and inventing new ways to share relevant knowledge 5
  • 6. … with blinding speed. 6
  • 7. As a direct result, markets are getting smarter … 7
  • 8. and getting smarter faster than most companies. 8
  • 9. 1. Markets are conversations. 9
  • 10. 2. Markets consist of human beings, not demographic sectors. 10
  • 11. 12. There are no secrets. 11
  • 12. 20. Companies need to realize their markets are often laughing. At them. 12
  • 13. 26. Public Relations does not relate to the public. 13
  • 14. 29. Elvis said it best: "We can't go on together with suspicious minds." 14
  • 15. 36. Companies must ask themselves where their corporate cultures end. 15
  • 17. 60. Markets want to talk to companies 17
  • 18. 67. As markets, as workers, we wonder why you're not listening … 18
  • 19. You seem to be speaking a different language. 19
  • 20. 68. The inflated self-important jargon you sling around … what's that got to do with us? 20
  • 21. 69. Maybe you're impressing your investors. Maybe you're impressing Wall Street … 21
  • 23. 71. Your tired notions of "the market" make our eyes glaze over. 23
  • 24. 72. We like this new marketplace much better. In fact, we are creating it. 24
  • 25. 73. You're invited, but it's our world. Take your shoes off at the door. 25
  • 26. 75. If you want us to talk to you, tell us something. Make it something interesting for a change. 26
  • 27. 78. You want us to pay? 27
  • 28. … We want you to pay attention. 28
  • 29. 82. Your product broke. Why? 29
  • 30. 84. We know some people from your company. They're pretty cool online … 30
  • 31. Do you have any more like that you're hiding? Can they come out and play? 31
  • 32. 87. We'd like it if you got what's going on here. That'd be real nice. 32
  • 33. 89. We have real power and we know it. 33
  • 34. 95. We are waking up and linking to each other. We are watching. But we are not waiting. 34
  • 35. Ten years on the Cluetrain still sounds radical …
  • 36. There was no context in which the Cluetrain could be brought within existing business practices
  • 38.
  • 39. Building leads, making connections What works How to sustain it What to expect The new B2C Frameworks for social communication The Auchterlonie Effect Continuous Digital Strategy Storytelling Influence Fat value
  • 40. Variety of platforms, technologies and devices
  • 41. These are all available to people like you and me
  • 42. What do these people look like?
  • 43. Where do they play?
  • 44. And what do they do?
  • 45. But are you local?
  • 46. So what do YOU do online?
  • 47. Why is this important?
  • 48. Five Impacts of Social Media Experts coming under pressure from new voices who are early adopters of new technology 48
  • 49. New organisations emerging to deal with the social, cultural and political changes 49
  • 50. There is a struggle to revise the social and legal norms -- especially in relation to intellectual property 50
  • 51. The concepts of identity and community are transformed
  • 52. New forms of language come into being
  • 53. Educators are pressured to prepare their students for the newly emerging world
  • 54.
  • 55. Elizabeth Eisenstein on the invention of the printing press
  • 56. This goes beyond the question of whether your company or brand "should have a website" or a "blog", but whether it is important for you to be part of the web of signification that creates the worlds that we live in.
  • 57. Social networking sites now more popular than porn sites. Time, October 31, 2007 57
  • 58. Increasingly networked but also individualised. 58
  • 59. Individualism Community Independence Relationships Commercialism Authenticity Disconnect between how we “express ourselves” and what we “value” 59
  • 60. ABC, the third commercial network in the USA began broadcasting in 1948 60
  • 61. 3 Networks x 60 years x 365 days x 24 hours = 1.5 million hours programming 61
  • 62. More than 1.5 million hours were uploaded to YouTube in the last 6 months 62
  • 63. Over 9000 hours per day 200,000 3 minute videos For an audience <100 88% new/original 63
  • 65. Only 18% of TV ad campaigns generate positive ROI -- Ad Age/Accenture 65
  • 66. Why choose “social” as part of your strategy? User User User generated generated generated content filtering distribution User generated context 78% of respondents said they trusted - either completely or somewhat – the recommendation of other consumers - Nielsen, Trust in Advertising, 2007
  • 67. The Auchterlonie Effect
  • 68. Branding gets personal The Auchterlonie Effect is the impetus that drives the ongoing story of YOUR personal engagement with the initial event – and it is, essentially, being able to bask in the reflected credibility of another.
  • 69. Social capital Liz Simon Stan Gavin Kate Trent Ian David
  • 70. Social judgement Liz Jye Simon Stan Mark Leila Gavin Kate Annik Steve Sally Kate Trent Ian Zac Katie David Nick
  • 71. As David Ogilvy says … We sell – or else.
  • 72. Business-to-Business In B2B the value of what you have to offer has few customers BUT they are willing to pay a premium. Value and Effectiveness Custom Solutions Complexity Volume Enterprise SME Consumer
  • 73. Business-to-Consumer The value of what you have to offer has many customers BUT the margins are incremental . Value and Effectiveness Mass prod / volume Complexity Volume Enterprise SME Consumer 73
  • 74. Enterprise 1.0 Sales Enterprise 1.0 firms are designed to service these two markets but they leave a gap in between. Value and Effectiveness Custom Mass prod / Solutions volume Complexity Volume Enterprise SME Consumer 74
  • 75. Convergence is Not About Technology 75
  • 76. The Convergence of Markets Knowledge Workers are no longer happy to leave their rich web experiences at home. Value and Effectiveness B2B B2C Complexity Volume Enterprise SME Consumer 76
  • 77. The Convergence of Markets The NEW B2C … Brand-to-Community extends from the consumer space through the enterprise Value and Effectiveness B2B Br2Comm B2C Complexity Volume Enterprise SME Consumer 77
  • 78. Self aggregating and self identifying
  • 79. Social vs Professional collision
  • 80. This is putting conversation at the heart of communications (public and private)
  • 81. Because you are what you Google
  • 82. Because everyone has a voice, sometimes the brand message that’s heard doesn’t belong to you
  • 83. Does this mean that messaging is dead?
  • 84. It means that messaging has to be more robust
  • 85. It also means that you have to plan strategically for good and bad scenarios
  • 86. It means continuously defining and refining your strategy
  • 87. CONTINUOUS DIGITAL STRATEGY Objectives Measurement Audience Commitment Footprint Converse Content
  • 88. Objectives Objectives Measurement Audience Your insight process will have delivered you a challenge, and out of that you or your client Commitment Footprint will have laid out some objectives which need to be met. They may be “fluffy” objectives like Converse Content “awareness” or “reach” or they may be harder – like “increasing sales 20%” or “200 new customers”.
  • 89. Audience What do they want? What do they expect? What do they aspire to? What is unmet? What do they look, smell and taste like? It’s time to get up close and personal with the folks who pay your bills! Objectives Measurement Audience Commitment Footprint Converse Content
  • 90. Audience Objectives … if you’re engaging with the intent to Measurement Audience hear and the intent to consider what those folks are telling you. That builds trust. It lets people know you’re paying Commitment Footprint attention and that you value their voice. It’s not a promise of action, but Converse Content it’s a demonstration of awareness. - Amber Naslund
  • 91. Brand Audience Product Creating a Listening Post Industry Key personnel Intent Objectives Measurement Audience Commitment Footprint Converse Content
  • 92. Audience Creating a Listening Post Objectives Measurement Audience Commitment Footprint Converse Content
  • 93. Audience Creating a Listening Post Objectives Measurement Audience Commitment Footprint Converse Content
  • 94. Audience Creating a Listening Post Objectives Measurement Audience Commitment Footprint Converse Content
  • 95. Audience Creating a Listening Post Objectives Measurement Audience Commitment Footprint Converse Content
  • 96. Audience Creating a Listening Post Objectives Measurement Audience Commitment Footprint Converse Content
  • 97. Audience Technorati Search Listening with your Google ears Twitter Blog Search Search Objectives Google Google LinkedIn Measurement Audience Alerts Reader Answers Commitment Footprint Converse Content PageFlakes Feedly
  • 98. Audience Creating a Listening Post Objectives Measurement Audience Commitment Footprint Converse Content
  • 99. Audience Creating a Listening Post Objectives Measurement Audience Commitment Footprint Converse Content
  • 100. Audience Creating a Listening Post Objectives Measurement Audience Commitment Footprint Converse Content
  • 101. Personas Audience Needs Behaviours Objectives Measurement Audience Attitudes Commitment Footprint Converse Content Risk averse
  • 102. Audience Creating a Listening Post Objectives Measurement Audience Commitment Footprint Converse Content
  • 103. Audience “Snoop” by Sam Gosling Openness Conscientiousness Extraversion Agreeableness Neuroticism Objectives “Another major finding from our research was Measurement Audience that Web sites are extraordinarily good places to learn about people – perhaps the best of all Commitment Footprint places. Our site snooping yielded information that was at least as accurate as what we learned from the bedrooms, offices and music Converse Content collections we studied …”
  • 104. Audience Who are your customers like? “The easiest and most profitable growth will be achieved by adding additional customers very much like your current and most valuable customer.” - Robert H Bloom, former CEO Publicis
  • 105. Now that you know your audiences in their pungent granularity, you now need to understand their Footprint behaviour. Where do they go? What do they do? Where to they spend time and why? Objectives Measurement Audience This is about walking a mile or two in their shoes. Commitment Footprint But it also a chance to match the footprints of your brands/products. What overlaps? What doesn’t? Where are the opportunities. And where are the Converse Content touchpoints that will become valuable as your project grows. You need to map out and understand the nuances of these as they will become launchpads for your conversations.
  • 106. Use Your Listening Post to direct your approach to connection Footprint Objectives Measurement Audience Commitment Footprint Converse Content
  • 107. Who, What and Where Footprint What is being said, how is it connected Objectives and what is the Measurement velocity behind it? Audience Commitment Footprint Converse Content
  • 108. Opportunities Present Themselves! Footprint Objectives Measurement Audience Commitment Footprint Converse Content
  • 109. Content Here you start to look at the structures of storytelling that will bridge the gaps you have identified in the earlier steps. What can you do to emotionally engage and entertain? Objectives Measurement Audience Commitment Footprint Converse Content
  • 110. How can you use P-L-A-Y to activate, surprise and delight your audiences? Content P -- for Power Demanding of attention Testing limits (boundaries around behaviour, responsibility etc) Controlling the controllable Belonging L -- for learning and curiosity Objectives Skills development Measurement Audience Negotiation A -- for adventure Exploring an ever changing world Commitment Footprint Actively making the world a better place Y -- the yelp of surprise and delight Converse Content Recognition and reward Self expression
  • 111. Capturing the joy - JK Wedding Dance
  • 112. Content Objectives Measurement Audience Commitment Footprint Converse Content
  • 113. This is where your strategy becomes one of amplification rather than Converse shouting. In the two-way or polyphonic space of the web, your strategy needs to help you turn great content that YOU produce into great stories that others TELL on your behalf. Objectives Measurement Audience Commitment Footprint Converse Content
  • 114. Converse Airforce Guide Objectives Measurement Audience Commitment Footprint Converse Content
  • 115. Once we begin conversing – between the people behind the brand and those who consume it, a whole lot of human strangeness steps in. What happens if we like these people Commitment “over there” (on either side)? What are the rules of engagement? How do we get serious about progressing our relationship – moving from transactions to experience – and what does that take on both our parts to come to a mutual understanding? Objectives Measurement Audience Commitment Footprint Converse Content
  • 116. Commitment 08/07/where-the-hell.html More than 6.8 million student reviews of 1 million professors
  • 117. Commitment Over 11 million views @ 4:29 per view, 23 million Google references
  • 118. Measurement For example, which audiences are important (or are influential) for your brand/product? Measure it. How much time do they spend on the web and on which sites? Measure it. Which pieces of content will drive engagement (and which pieces need to change and evolve as your project grows)? Measure it. How far do your conversations echo across the web? Measure it. What are the intangibles – and what can be substantiated via research? Measure it.
  • 119. But wait! This sounds like traditional marketing! Objectives Measurement Audience Commitment Footprint Converse Content
  • 120. It’s how we deal with this
  • 121. By understanding social judgement Liz Jye Simon Stan Mark Leila Gavin Kate Annik Steve Sally Kate Trent Ian Zac Katie David Nick
  • 122. F*ck Influencers Why do people share links or retweet on platforms like Twitter? What types of things do people share and for what benefit? How does how people see their networks affect their decisions on what to share? - Sean Howard, Craphammer
  • 123. It’s not about influence it’s about trust Every time we forward on a link, retweet a message read on Twitter or any other type of social network interaction, we are CHOOSING to act. We are not just using our network of connections to FILTER the noise, we are using it to SHAPE our experience. It is a choice. And understanding this distinction places us in a context where STORYTELLING emerges as vitally important?
  • 124. Influence and clusters When Stanford’s Eric Sun’s data was clustered by activity it was shown that almost 75% of Fans of a particular Fan page sit within an initial grouping – that they are already connected. Importantly, the instigators account for about 15% of this cluster. That is, contagion starts not with one, but with multiple points of connection – indicating again that “influence” is more closely related to action – with “doing” or “participation” than “telling” and dispersion.
  • 125. This means that contagion is not about influence but about PARTICIPATION and therefore about TRUST
  • 126. As you begin to execute on your strategy, you create multiple points of conversation across your business ecosystem – what can best be called your “digital footprint”. The more points of interaction that occur across your ecosystem create points of connection and exchanges of value. And as these are personal networks (not broadcast), there is a weighting – with one-to-one relationships the exchange involves trust and reputation. This is FAT VALUE.
  • 128. Objectives Measurement Audience Share the message, own the Commitment destination Footprint Converse Content