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Kiwi Forest Birds
Before pests were introduced into New Zealand, it was home to thousands of birds – and these all
evolved without the threat of predatory land mammals. Except for two species of bat, there were no
land mammals in New Zealand before humans arrived. Because of this, plants and animals did not
evolve defence mechanisms or any way to protect themselves from the predators. For instance, the
leaves of plants do not contain poisons to deter browsing mammals, while many birds and insects
have lost their ability to fly. Possums, rats, stoats, ferrets and feral cats all kill adult birds, their
chicks and raid their nests for eggs. They are also major competitors for – sometimes wiping out
entirely – critical food sources such as supplies of fruits, ... Show more content on
In Tongariro Forest, the survival of kiwi chicks increased by 57% after a dramatic reduction in pest
numbers following the 2006 aerial 1080 drop. This increase in native bird population helps to
stabilise the functioning of the ecosystem as a whole. However, some aerial 1080 drops may
negatively impact the population of local birds if not carried out with enough care. There have been
individuals found dead after aerial 1080 drops from 19 species of native birds, although this mainly
occurred in the 1970s. 7 of the 38 tagged kea in Ōkārito Forest in August 2011 were killed during an
aerial possum control 1080 drop – kea are particularly susceptible to 1080 poison baits because of
their omnivorous and inquisitive nature.
1080 is biodegradable and breaks down in the environment quickly because it dissolves readily in
water and is diluted quickly. Micro–organisms also usually help to degrade it quickly, meaning it is
unlikely the environment will have any long–term contamination. Any trace 1080 will usually have
disappeared from baits and soil by 1–4 weeks in mild conditions, although it may take up to several
months to disappear under cold or dry conditions. Once in water, 1080 is biodegraded into non–
toxic by–products within two to six days, although the breakdown rate is slower in colder
conditions. 1080 is diluted quickly to very low concentrations in water. 1080 can also be taken up by
plants from the soil through
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Advantages Of Birds
Birds are warm–blooded vertebrate creatures that have wings, quills, a snout, no teeth a skeleton in
which numerous bones are combined or are missing, and a to a great degree proficient, one–way
breathing framework (Padian &Chiappe, 1998). Flying winged animals have solid, empty bones and
effective flight muscles. Most winged animals can fly. Birds have an extremely solid heart and an
effective method for breathing – these are vital for flying creatures to fly (Serono & Rao, 1992).
Winged animals additionally utilize a great deal of vitality while flying and need to eat a ton of
nourishment to control their flight. The capacity to fly has grown autonomously commonly all
through the historical backdrop of the Earth (Padian &Chiappe, 1998). Birds ... Show more content
on ...
and Puerta, P.F., 1997. New evidence concerning avian origins from the Late Cretaceous of
Patagonia. Nature, 387(6631), pp.390–392. Ostrom, J.H., 1976. Archaeopteryx and the origin of
birds. Biological Journal of the linnean Society, 8(2), pp.91–182.
Padian, K. and Chiappe, L.M., 1998. The origin and early evolution of birds. Biological Reviews of
the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 73(01), pp.1–42.
Paul, G.S., 2002. Dinosaurs of the air: the evolution and loss of flight in dinosaurs and birds. JHU
Qiang, J., Currie, P.J., Norell, M.A. and Shu–An, J., 1998. Two feathered dinosaurs from
northeastern China. Nature, 393(6687), pp.753–761.
Sereno, P.C. and Rao, C., 1992. Early evolution of avian flight and perching: new evidence from the
Lower Cretaceous of China. Science, 255(5046), p.845. Wellnhofer, P., 1994. New data on the origin
and early evolution of birds. Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences. Série 2. Sciences de la
terre et des planètes, 319(3), pp.299–308.
Zhou, Z., 2004. The origin and early evolution of birds: discoveries, disputes, and perspectives from
fossil evidence. Naturwissenschaften, 91(10),
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Use Of Birds In Poetry
The use of nature in poetry and stories has a long history in Ireland going back to the early use of
bird song to describe divine messages. (Melia, 1999). The natural world gives writers the ability to
communicate expression through the use as symbols and Celtic traditions describe how animals and
birds were important parts of society. The use of natural world subjects give a poet such as Oscar
Wilde the inspiration for some of his best works in poetry and short story. Oscar Wilde's use of birds
and how they are used throughout his writings show great examples of the use of the natural world.
The connection to nature in Irish literature can be shown by examining some of Oscar Wilde's most
important works such as The Nightingale and the Rose and The Happy Prince as well as poems such
as Magdalen Walks. Oscar Wilde was an Irish poet who was born in Dublin Ireland and lived from
1854–1900. throughout his life Oscar Wilde wrote many poems and short stories. Some of his most
endearing short stories were fairytales for young children and were told using birds, animals and
nature. Oscar Wilde's descriptive writing style was very beautiful and in the Nightingale and the
Rose describe a bird that ultimately chooses ... Show more content on ...
Both birds play hero types that ultimately sacrifice everything. (EastoftheWeb, 2015). The swallow
in the Happy Prince is normally a migrating bird but stays with the happy prince in order to make
others happy throughout the city. The swallow does this through sacrifices to jewels in the prince's
statue ending in his eyes. The swallow continues to take the gold plates of the happy prince and acts
as his eyes until ultimately winter kills the bird and the heart of the happy prince and the bird are the
only thing left. The moral is do what is right to your fellow people and you will be recognized by
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Modern Birds : The Neornithes
Our modern birds, the Neornithes, has been divided into two "super–orders," the Palaeognathae
(ratites and tinamous) and the Neognathae (other bird orders). Palaeognathae itself is divided into
two orders, the Strathioniformes and Tinamiformes. There are five extant species and two extinct
species in the Strathioniformes, or the ratites. In total, there are at least 30 species within the ratites
family. 16 of these species are now extinct. The rest of the extant species make up only 0.1% of the
total bird species in the world.
Ratites are generally a group of large, flightless birds. Even though they have lost the ability to fly,
ratites have gained powerful legs that are able to carry them away quickly from predators. Ratites
has usually undergone a reduction in wing bones, either in the size and development of the wings, or
alterations to the number of actual bones. The exception to this is the African ostrich, who do have
prominent wings, which are only used in the act of courtship or to distract predators. Here in New
Zealand, we have one extant family of ratites, the Apterygidae, or more commonly known as the
Kiwi. Unfortunately, the other family member of ratites in New Zealand, the Dinornithiformes or
the Moa, are all extinct.
There are five species of Kiwi in New Zealand. They are all native and, unfortunately, all
endangered. The five species are; the Little Spotted Kiwi (Apteryx owenii), the Great Spotted Kiwi
(A. haastii), the Brown Kiwi (A.mantelli), the Rowi
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The Importance Of Threats In Birds
While in modern birds, CML originates on the pygostyle if present, since it had been either absent or
reduced among most birds. Hemal arches were observed in Sapeornis, but not in Confuciusornis.
The formation of the pygostyle alone is to enough to cause abrupt reduction of CML in
Confuciusornis and in living birds. Researchers believed the complex functional repertoire of extant
bird tails was most likely a result of decoupling of the tail from the hindlimbs, with further
adaptations within the tail involving flight. Next, researchers performed a developmental analysis on
the tail structures. During tail extension, the retinoic acid (RA) gradient is opposed by posterior
Wnt3a/Fgf8 gradient. Wnts and FgF proteins are secreted from the ... Show more content on ...
Rashid, et al. 2014). The study also shown Hoxb13 also was able to inhibit neuronal proliferation,
this ensures the lack of spinal ganglia at the end of the tail. Another ability of Hoxb13 was
intersecting the Wnt/Fgf/RA gradient by decreasing concentrations of Cyp26a1, this also leads to
tail termination. Researchers also believed that there should be one or more mutations involve in the
transition of bird tails from long theropod tails to short avian tails with distal pygostyle. Changes in
cis regulatory regions (CREs) were most likely responsible for this phenotypic change. Despite the
lack of dinosaur DNA, researchers were still able to examine gene pathways that generated dinosaur
traits through an evolutionary developmental biology, also known as the 'evo–devo' approach. In
order to narrow down the list of genes that may have been modulated by mutation, they looked at
the genetic analysis of the mouse, because mouse has the greatest accumulated data on mutations
among all other vertebrate. From the MGI Jackson Laboratories database, only two mutants, the
Hoxb13 and Slx4 knockout mice, among the 159 mutants with affected tails have a modest
increased in the numbers of caudal vertebrae. The study suggests that the early decoupling of the tail
from hind limb may have facilitated tail shortening through a process of relaxed purifying selection
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Film Analysis Of The Birds
Alfred Hitchcock's 1963 thriller, The Birds, is known as an apocalyptic masterpiece. Advertising
campaigns screamed, "The Birds is Coming" to entice the people into watching the movie. The
reason for birds all of species flocking together to kill and to cause chaos still goes unknown today.
Tippi Hedren and Rod Taylor star in this disastrous horror film that throws the viewer for a loop at
the end of all the slaughtering and disorder in a small ordinary town in California. Through choosing
a specific setting and dynamic characterization, Alfred Hitchcock shows that nature cannot be
controlled and can lead to your own demise.
This movie is centered in Bodega Bay; however, it begins in San Francisco at a bird shop on a
Friday. Melanie ... Show more content on ...
The clerk tells Melanie the Brenner's address and that Annie Hayworth, the school teacher, would
know the little Brenner girl's name. Melanie order a boat so that Mitch will not see her come up to
the house and goes to Ms. Hayworth's house first. Annie reveals that the little girl's name is Cathy
and that everyone meets Mitch in San Francisco. Melanie goes down to the dock to board her boat.
She turns off the engine as she gets close to the Brenner house and sneaks in while Mitch is outside.
The lovebird and a note to Cathy is left in the living room. The camera shows Melanie crouched
down in the boat as Mitch goes into the house. He is then shown running back outside looking
through binoculars searching for the person who left the gift. Mitch sees Melanie, begins waving,
and jumps into his truck to meet her back at the dock. Melanie is almost at the dock when a gull
deliberately swoops down and pecks her on the head. This first attacks sets off a chain reaction that
progresses and worsens through the rest of the movie.
The setting, Bodega Bay, California, is a small city north of San Francisco, where mostly everyone
knows each other. In 1963, the town was somewhat remote which made for a perfect reason to use.
Hitchcock knew that it would take a while for the word to spread that birds were attacking the
residents adding to the horror. Being that the town is a beach town, it gave an open sky view and flat
land for the
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The Problems With Birds Migrating Birds
There are many issues with aircrafts interacting with wild birds. The birds can get sucked into the
plane engines and harm the plane causing it to lose power and crash. Solutions are very limited due
to birds migrating, you can put stuff in order to keep local birds away, but you can 't with migrating
birds. There is research to be done to figure out the best solution to this problem. There is two ways
of looking at this when birds hit planes causing damage to the plane or even bringing the plane
down. Much like, the canadian goose that hit the plane and brought it down into the Hudson River.
This is a big wildlife conservation what we can do to stop this from happening. There has been
multiple studies done to see if lights will help the birds see the planes coming so they will move out
off the way of the oncoming planes. The other way of looking at it is the planes harming the way the
birds are living. A lot of airports are by where the birds will nest. Also, the noise of the plane
interferes and hurts the roosting and feeding of the birds. This is a big wildlife management if these
birds are being bothered and put out of the way of where the birds are supposed to live, then there
are solutions for new airports being built in different, bird–free, areas. The top priority is to keep the
wild birds safe and to keep them in their way of life and not to alter the way the birds live.
A plane was downed over New York when a bird was sucked into the jet engine. Flight 1459 just
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Birds Are Very Successful Essay
Birds are a group of animal which consist of many species, all of which play various roles in several
ecological niches. Birds are considered 'biologically successful' due in fact to the number of species
present. Currently, there are approximately 10,000 species of birds, which is almost double the
amount of species of mammals or amphibians. The differences which separate birds from mammals
and make them more successful are the presence of large yolked eggs, which support the offspring
until birth, and the absence of lactation which allows for greater energy usage and efficiency. Birds
have developed these adaptations over the course of thousands of years. Additionally, birds are
considered 'biologically successful' due to the fact that they are found on almost every continent on
Earth. Examples include several species of birds in the forests of North and South America and Asia,
several species of birds in the cities of Europe, and the flocks of the presence of ostriches and
various other birds in the planes of Africa and Australia, and very notably, the existence of penguins
in ... Show more content on ...
These include body shape, presence of feathers, structure of the skeleton, structure of the limbs,
make–up of the respiratory system, and high metabolism. Birds have small, light, and condensed
body forms when compared to other animals. Their anatomical mapping of their organs and
muscles, show that these are located nearest to the center of gravity, which provides better balance
during flight. Also, the presence and scheme of their feathers, which are contour, allow for the body
to be covered tightly. This makes it streamline and somewhat reduces the effect experienced by
drag. Primary feathers are on the wings help in flight and also provide wing shape, while Down
feathers are soft and act as insulation. Tail feathers stretch sideways so that tail can be used by the
bird to turn and
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Wild Birds In A Mocking Bird
Mimicry is the superficial resemblance between two or more organisms which are not taxonomically
related. This resemblance may be in appearance, behavior, sound, scent and even location. Some
sort of vocalization is produced by most of the birds. Almost every species of bird produces some
sort of vocalization. Mockingbirds are those birds that mimic the call of other birds. Australia's
amazing Lyrebird is the world's greatest mimic which is capable of mimic natural and artificial
sounds from their environment. They imitate other bird calls, as well as human sounds such as car
alarms and camera shutters. cuckoos fool other birds – they also mimic hawks. Parrots are renowned
for their deafening calls that can be heard for miles. Parrots ... Show more content on ...
Some can even mimic the sounds of other wild birds. *Most known for this behavior are myna
birds, the Australian Lyrebird, and the mockingbird. *A bird's ability to understand or speak another
bird's language can be very valuable in the wild. But what about those birds who learn to mimic
human speech? *A single species may change its mimicry depending on the context. When
confronted with a taxidermy owl placed on the ground, brown thorn bills mimic the alarm calls that
other bird species make in response to predators on the ground. *Although mimicry may have
survival benefits in the wild, in the safety and shelter of our homes, a pet bird learns to mimic our
voice primarily because the sound is interesting to him – and it gets attention. Mimic birds – *There
are a variety of birds mimic different songs and sounds. *Mimicking is widely found in a large
number of birds, including the corvids, parrots, bowerbirds and
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Dramatic Irony In The Birds
The Birds – Formative "Birds bring beauty into the world," Mrs, Bundy tells a distraught Melanie
Daniels. But do they? In the film,"The Birds," directed by Albert Hitchcock, Melanie Daniels
chase's lawyer Mitch Brenner to the small town of Bodega Bay, gifting him a pair of lovebirds for
his sister. Melanie however, gets caught up in the rampant bird problem that plagues the town when
she arrives. Hitchcock creates suspense in the movie by using the element of dramatic irony, in order
to instill a sense of helplessness into the audience as they watch disaster unfold before the characters
of the picture. Dramatic irony was a major element used for implementing suspense in to the film. A
representation of irony shown in the movie that showcases
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The Bird And The Happiest Bird
The Crow and the Peacock
Once there was a crow, who lived a happy and satisfied life in his village. One day the crow was
flying along when he saw a beautiful white swan. Seeing the swan he thought, "This swan is so
bright and I am so dark. He must be the happiest bird in the world" When the crow said this to the
swan, the swan said, "I used to think that I was the happiest bird too until I saw a parrot. The parrot
has 2 colors while I just have one. So he must be the happiest bird." Taking the swan's advice the
crow went and started looking for a parrot. After a few days of looking the crow finally found him.
The crow told the parrot about what the swan had told him. The parrot responded by saying, "I used
to think that I was the happiest bird in the world as well until I saw a peacock. I just have 2 colors,
whereas, the peacock has multiple colors, so it must be the happiest bird." As a result of listening to
the swan's and the parrot's thoughts the crow decided to find out if the peacock was truly the
happiest bird. Immediately the crow set of to find a peacock. He searched for days and nights
looking for the peacock. There were huge crowds gathering around the peacock's cage. At first the
crow thought that the crowds would go away, but the longer waited he realized that the crowds
would never end. The crow tried getting through the crowd but it was too thick. Finnally, the crowd
died down and the crow could go up to the peacock and told him what the parrot and the swan
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Metaphors In Domestic Birds
Another animal commonly kept as a pet is the bird. Common species of domestic birds include the
muniya canary and the parakeet. Like the previous pet names analyzed, these bird metaphors also
concentrate the senses of small size, youth, domesticity and entertainment. In Hindi Urdu, the very
word bird is defined as a girl or a young woman (Webster). The metaphor is usually charged with
affective connotations, being commonly used as a term of endearment. This positive evaluation
appears to have its roots in the amorous disposition of the animal as well as in the folk tradition that
associates birds with symbols of love (cf Talebinejad & Dastejerdi, 2005). In fact, the state of being
in love of a couple is metaphorically instantiated by ... Show more content on ...
The repertoire of metaphors designating women as pets reveals a clear imbalance in favor of terms
of abuse. Indeed, with the exception of pet, bird and in certain contexts billi (kitten), all the
aforementioned metaphors analyzed convey negative evaluations. Moreover, interestingly, even
within the favorable animal terms, only kitten/gatita is restricted to females, since bird and pet are
ambisexual in nature.
In the conceptualization of women as pets, youth and small size appear to play a determinant role in
the encoding of the metaphor, implying immaturity (the lack of age involves inexperience) and
helplessness (unlike other animals, pets need to be looked after by people). Furthermore, the
physical surroundings of pets, whose whole life spins around the house, might imply the idea of
domesticity. This confinement to the domestic arena is particularly remarkable in the case of bird
names, since birds are kept in
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Majestic Bird Monologue
Once upon a time, in a beautiful forest, there was a little bird that want it to know learn how to fly.
His name was Steve and he was passionate about the blue sky. However, little Steve was still very
young and the feathers in his wings were still to short to be able to fly. One day, little Steve was
admiring the blue sky when suddenly his eyes caught something impressive. A majestic bird that he
has never seen was flying near by his nest. The majestic bird realized that little Steve was admiring
him and in a friendly mood, flew near by Steve's nest.
"Hello little fellow?" the majestic bird asked.
Little Steve was a little bit confuse if he should reply that beautiful but strange bird. However, what
would be the odds that this ... Show more content on ...
Little Steve explained them that he didn't know how to fly and that he needed to asked his parents if
he could go. Then the eagle added – " you should come with me today little bird, fly is not difficult
you just have to open your wings, feel the wind, hold your breath and jump three times. After that,
just get out from your nest and move your wings up and down. You will be fine. I mean, I'm sure a
majestic bird like you is able to fly really easy. You look like an smart bird and I think, you will
learn quickly."
Little Steve hesitated about it for a moment. It was very dangerous that try to fly without his parents
permission. In addition, he had no idea who that eagle was and why he wanted him to be out of his
next. However, that majestic eagle looked really reliable and his parents would be really proud of
him if he showed them he had learnt how to fly.
So, as a young and smart adventurous bird, little Steve decided to open his wings , feel the wind,
hold his breath and jump three times. When he had finished, he ran at the edge of his next and
opening his wings he jumped. In less than a second the eagle flew towards him and held him
between his claws. Then, the eagle devoured
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Summary Of ' The Bird Lady '
Joshua Samuel 7/31/14
The Bird Lady.
Old stuff aren 't just said to be old, it 's the new stuff that makes it old. Even to a girl in an orphanage
seeing new things make me feel young and happy. A white lotus might bring a smile on a poor man
's face and the world will seem to be in order. However, the main focus is on something that is old.
Never did I have an interest in something like this but because of an old lady, I do now.
The sun shined bright when I was walking on a sidewalk to a park. My normal routine and activities
laid aside as I held my half eaten sandwich and walked up the steps to the abandoned park. There
was a plastic playground and a sandbox that was full of sand as if not used. I shivered as the wind
blew and I saw a really big acorn tree. The grass was turning yellow and I looked past the tree to see
the pond. The pond was clear as I stood and saw my reflection. I crouched down and as usual, I took
my sandwich out and tore a piece and threw it in the water. In five minutes time, ducks started to
appear and eventually I ran out of food to give them. As I brushed my hands and stood up, I looked
behind me and there was a little boy behind me. At first the boy scared me because I thought it was
an oversized duck that didn 't get his share of the sandwich but I felt nogalstic when he said
"What are you doing?" he asked innocently. I replied to him smiling, "Feeding the ducks." He
looked at me again and said, "Why?"
Something felt
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The Birds By Alfred Hitchcock
During times of disorder, it is natural to feel a sense of fear and loneliness that requires you to
search for control in your life. These emotions send you to the point of having to isolate yourself, as
you believe if you do so, you have control over your life. In Alfred Hitchcock's 1963 psychodrama
film "The Birds", Melanie is a young woman who travels to Bodega Bay to reunite herself with a
stranger by the name of Mitch. Melanie uncovers that he had a romantic relationship with Annie, the
woman she claims to have come to town for. Annie advises Melanie that her relationship with him
did not last due to Lydia, his mother, fearing that he will leave her now that her husband has passed
away. As Melanie and Mitch's relationship begins to develop, birds within the town being to attack
them along with everyone else who lives in Bodega Bay. Melanie, Mitch, and the town's people
begin to question why the birds are attacking them. Annie's body is discovered outside her house as
a result from her being killed by birds. By the end of the film, Melanie and Lydia have a close
relationship leave the bird infested town with Mitch and his sister Cathy. Alfred Hitchcock uses the
these three women to remind us that chaos will always enter our lives no matter what actions we
take to keep order, but deep relationships will help overcome the feelings of fear and loneliness. A
commonality that these three women share is that they have all lost or have been abandoned by
someone in their
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Curricular Birds Response
How does feeing behavior change in the instance a threating noise is made, such as the call of a
predatory bird? Will the feeding birds habituate to a predator's call over time? What about woodland
birds vs. more urban birds?
Dependent Variable: (two measured variables) Duration of time birds stay away from nest (how long
does it take for the first bird to come back) and how many birds left and ran after the presentation of
the sound, how many birds come to feed after: 1 min, 2 min,
If the birds are presented with a potentially alarming stimulus such as the call of a predatory bird or
the sound of a loud bell, they will initially fly away and take shelter. Overtime, birds will start to
habituate to this sound, and will be less likely to fly ... Show more content on ...
Once all birds have been counted I will play the sound and note the actions of the birds (freeze or
flee) along with noting the number of birds that have left and the number that stayed at the feeder. I
will then measure the number of birds feeding over a 10 minute period (how many birds are feeding
at 1 min mark, 2 min mark, 3 min mark...etc.). At the end of the 10 minute period, I will replay the
sound and repeat the process 5 more times. In addition to tallying the number of birds present I will
measure how long it took for the first bird to come back to the feeder.
I will do each condition for a total of 3–5 times (occurring once every other day), over a one hour
per day. Each trial will be 10 minutes long, with the next occurring immediately at the end of the
previous one. A total of 6 trials will be conducted per day. I will leave at least one week in–between
conditions (bell vs predator call) to account for any habituation.
I will compare all trails with one another to see if there are any differences. I will also compare the
responses of birds in a natural woodland setting to that of birds in a more urban setting. Then I will
use both conditions to see if the birds were responding to just the presentation of a loud sound, or
were responding to the threating call, giving me the ability to determine if the birds can make a
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Elephant Bird Evolution
In the article, "Ancient DNA Reveals Elephant Birds and Kiwi are Sister Taxa and Clarifies Ratite
Bird Evolution", the researchers discuss the relatedness of the certain ratites. Ratites are flightless
birds that includes the two birds in focus, the elephant bird and the kiwi. The kiwi is a small bird
that is about a foot and a half tall, while the elephant bird can be 6–10 feet tall. Topics they discuss
about the relatedness of these two species ranges from previous theories, the dispersion of their
common ancestor, and the evolution.
For a period of time, species of similar characteristics and location were considered to be related
taxonomically. This manner of classification was used on both, the kiwi and the elephant bird. Older
studies ... Show more content on ...
It is suspected that this study has not been conducted for the fact that there is a great distance
between the two taxa and the elephant bird was one of the largest birds while the kiwi is extremely
small compared to it. The discovery that these two taxa are related provides evidence that similar
types of species evolving together does not make them the closest relatives. The next thought was
that allopatric speciation cause the two birds to be separated by such a distance. This was disproven,
or at least considered less likely, due to the fact that Madagascar and New Zealand were not
connected to each other they were linked by other land masses. Another key point in disproving this
is that the molecular biology states that the two taxa branched off after the land masses were
separated. It is thought that the common ancestor between the kiwi and the elephant bird was able to
fly. The ability to fly would allow this common ancestor to spread great distances, which could
explain the distribution of kiwis and the elephant birds. It can also be inferred that the other ratites
had an ancestor that was flight capable, which shows how the other ratites were possibly distributed
around the world. This also shows that since they were
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Exotic Bird Ranch Essay
Among all the things I looked up and research to find things to do in Dunn. In my research looking
for something exciting that my daughter and I have time to spend together. As well, for Sarah is to
give a chance to explore. Finally, I have decided to take a trail walk on Duffy's Exotic Bird Ranch.
In the city limits in Dunn on Bryan Mclamb Ln. Opening 9 am closing at 5 pm. A wonderful time
exercise, and enjoying seeing over 100 varieties of birds.
Luckily, we made it there after parking, walking in, finding the price was not that bad, but it was a
shock. Cages holding each species of birds in, with beading surround the floor of each. Everything
that the bird's needs are in the cage with them. Providing feeding, water, and warmth. Just as ...
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I explained we are just out and looking around to give us something to do besides wasting time
away on the worst thing that happen to children known as the web. As I explained how it would be
nice to have a bird to take home, yet she explained they are comfortable prices for bird's. Even
though I already have an idea what bird I want, but she was eager to talk about each bird that lived
on the ranch. Walking to each birdcage after the other, yet I felt an hour has passed, and she has
finally arrived at the last cage. I thank her for the knowledge of each bird and explain at the moment
to have to come back and expand my family by a certain
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Human Relationships In The Birds
After watching Alfred Hitchcock's The birds, maybe you'll start to get frightened by birds. The
crying and whistling sound of millions of birds, disgusting dead bodies will might make you feel
strongly detestable. However, the messages of human drama and environmental issue behind this
movie, 1960s unique lifestyle, acting and beautiful sceneries appeared in the movie will remain in
your heart clearly.
On the one hand, the main idea of the movie is complexity of human relationship represented by
bird attack, illustrating the hurtful feelings. Because, there is actually a love rectangular including
the main character Mitch (Rod Taylor), newly attracted Melanie (Tippi Hedren), his ex–girlfriend
Annie who still loves him, and Mitch's frightful eyes jealous mother is silently breaking everybody's
heart. ... Show more content on ...
In the movie itself, the reason for the bird attack did not revealed. But from the story, we can assume
that their strange characteristics are from starvation and cold weather which also relates to climate
change. Additionally, there's a hypothesis that the flocks were poisoned by stupid human actions
against nature. Furthermore, the wheeling and diving angry birds symbolized terrible bombs from
plane during the wartime and it may has shown the suffering of war.
The movie also reflected the human behavior toward the disastrous alert realting to environmental
issues. People had various kind of reaction toward the bird attack, but most of them didn't want to
belive that it was true. Then, after the catastrophe, people do regret. The another human behavior
was shown when Lydia (Mitch's mother) said "I wish I was stringer person" after she saw eyeless
corpse of farmer and people couldn't believe her. When someone is stronger, people are likely to
hear his/her voice and believe it
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Dinosaurs And Birds Essay
Dinosaurs and Birds
Are birds really dinosaurs or are they simply related? That is a question that has gained new life in
recent years due to the overwhelming facts the are pouring in from newly found fossils and studies
from fossils that have been found in the past. Two groups have formed in the study of this question:
those who believe birds are a direct result of dinosaurs and those who feel dinosaurs and birds must
have had a common ancestor. Determining which view is correct is a matter of opinion based on
fact. The main problem involves the use of cladistics or phylogenetic systematics to group
organisms according to characteristics they share. When one looks at dinosaur fossils, he or she may
feel that certain ... Show more content on ...
Also, support is gaining that Archaeopteryx was not in fact the first bird, but instead a descendent of
an earlier bird ancestor that had developed along a different pathway and actually represents an
evolutionary dead end.
Two opponents of the "birds are dinosaurs theory" are Alan Feduccia of the University of North
Carolina and Larry Martin of the University of Kansas. They believe that birds evolved from some
unknown reptile from a time before dinosaurs came to be. One point they make is that flight must
have begun from tree climbing or an arboreal ancestor but that all the proposed dinosaurian
ancestors were ground dwellers or cursorial On the other side, supporters for the "birds are
dinosaurs theory" feel there is an unknown dinosaur bird that was arboreal, or simply that birds
evolved flight from the ground by chasing after insects.
In recent years other fossil finds have stirred the argument even more. One of these is the fossil
named Sinosauroptyrex found in China. It appears to be an important link between birds and
dinosaurs. Sinosauropteryx appears to be a feathered dinosaur having a mane of feathers along its
neck, back, and tail–a feature until then seen only in birds. Sinosauroptyrex appears before
Archaeopteryx and gives a substantial link between the theropods and birds. One opponent of this
find is Martin who feels the
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Bird Flies Monologue
A bird flies wildly about, twisting and diving. It is panicked, trying to escape the boy on the ground
below, who hurls small, painful missiles at it from a slingshot. The creature of the air is a splendid
sight; the wings are as if covered in jade paint and the tips dipped in a ferocious scarlet. The breast is
a majestic solid blue, its throat a sulphur yellow. And the head and the tail both are a livid, dark
purple: beautiful. Why shoot such a magnificent creature? This winged animal that soars like we
long to, high above Earth and its human troubles. Jealousy. The boy cannot fly, he is not amazingly
coloured with a rainbow of striking hues. No, he is bound to Earth, with his pale skin and drab, dirty
clothing. He will shoot down this creature of the air because he can never be what it is, and he will
take it home and brag about how he grounded something that soars high above, unobtainable. ...
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They will praise the thief for what he has stolen. They will praise him because he has brought this
creature down from its high perch and brought its status down to what theirs is. Grey, Earth–bound,
humans, we want to be the greatest. Something is greater than us, and we kill it, for being beautiful
and free. We want the beauty for ourselves, so we take it. We thieve what is not ours, what we can
never possibly have. We take from nature, and we slaughter it into something unrecognizable, so
that we may stand the tallest, the brightest–so that we may rule the
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The Biology Of Bird Flight
1.3: The Biology of Bird Flight
Bird Anatomy
How do the wings work?
Birds have beautiful feathers and lovely songs that bring joy and wonder to us humans. And flight is
the feature that probably captures the human imagination more than anything else. For millennia,
people have watched birds in the sky and wished we could fly, too.
There are almost as many ways of flying as there are kinds of birds. Albatrosses glide and soar with
long narrow wings stretched out, sometimes staying aloft for hours without a single wing beat.
Hummingbirds, on the other hand, can 't rest their wings for even a second in flight. Woodpeckers
have a swooping flight, crows fly in a straight line, and swallows dart and weave every which way.
A bird 's breastbone, or sternum, is shaped like a keel to attach the powerful wing muscles. The
bones of a bird 's wings are surprisingly small compared to the size of the wing. All the bones and
muscles of the wing are in the front and covered with feathers that protect and streamline the wing.
The actual flight feathers are attached to the wing within little pits in the bones.
Body Features:
1– Lack of nose and teeth: these parts are heavy and too forward.To grind their food, their stomachs
have a gizzard near their center of gravity. They use their mouth and the nostrils located on the top
of their lightweight beak to breathe.
2–Their tail and wing bones are very short: attached to sometimes long (but
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Use Of Suspense In The Birds
To quote irish playwright, novelist, essayist, and poet Oscar Wilde, "This suspense is terrible. I hope
it will last." This is the attitude necessary for a viewer or reader to have while being trapped in a
story like "The Birds". Alfred Hitchcock's film "The Birds" better utilizes and creates suspense when
compared to Daphne du Maurier's short story "The Birds" because it uses slow movements in
scenes, short shots of strange bird activity, and an increase of sound in suspenseful situations.
One way Hitchcock uses suspense in his film "The Birds" is by making the characters partake in
very slow movements. For instance, in the scene where Melanie Daniels is slowly walking up the
stairs because she hears strange noises, she moves very slowly up the stairs, and takes a very long
time opening the door. This gives the viewer ... Show more content on ...
For example, in the scene when the birds begin to attack the gas station in town, Hitchcock focuses
greatly on the sound of birds cawing and flapping wings. This technique shows the viewer that the
birds are the most important and dominant element of the scene, as well as making the viewer feel
like they are partaking in the scene. The loud cries of birds and people make you feel anxious and
apprehensive about the result of the scene and how the characters will be after the scene.
Additionally, when the birds are about to break into the Brenner's home through the chimney, the
sounds of banging and thudding progressively gets louder. This increases the viewer's anxiety about
what the sounds are, why they are getting louder, and what is going to happen later through the plot.
As you can see, Hitchcock's film adaptation of Daphne du Maurier's "The Birds" better uses and
creates suspense by increasing sound to create a feeling of anxiety and apprehension in the
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Secretive Beach Birds
Article Summery This article focuses on a group of secretive wetland birds known as secretive
marsh birds. These birds are extremely difficult to observe due to their quiet nature, natural
camouflage and shy behavior. However, although these birds are looked over most of the time they
still play a role in the wetland ecosystem especially within Missouri. These birds are migratory in
nature and tend to move through Missouri through during the fall and spring, visiting various
Missouri wetlands as they pass through. It has been found that the presence of these illusive birds
can serve as an indicator of the health of a wetland's ecosystem with these birds preferring to stop in
wetlands that feature shallow water and denser vegetation. Therefore, ... Show more content on ...
The secretive marsh birds that the article refers to are almost impossible to find without high tech
portable tools and even then that only works during the mating season of these birds were they are
the most vocal. However, even those these birds are typically neither heard nor seen by humans they
interact with their environment acting as the consumers of the dense vegetation that is plentiful in
the wetland environment. They also act as the prey for their predators becoming a food source for
these animals that without these birds would have a more limited source of food during the fall and
spring seasons. Due to the fact that these birds do have an impact on the wetlands of Missouri it is
important that we promote conservation efforts within these ecosystems in order to ensure that all of
the species that live in and utilize the wetland have the resources they need to survive in the future.
These conservation efforts can help promote the health of the ecosystem as a whole and ensure that
the environment continues to possess the dense vegetation it needs in order to support the secretive
wetland birds. This may help prevent these birds from being unable to find a satisfactory habitat in
Missouri to support their current migratory patterns allowing them to remain a part of Missouri's
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What Is The Theme In The Conference Of The Birds
This essay will attempt to delve into the meaning and thus, deliver a commentary on one of the
greatest Sufi poems of all times, "The Conference of the Birds (Manteq at–Tair) written by the
"great Persian Sufi poet Farid ud–Din Attar, who was born during the twelfth century in Neishapour
in north–west Iran and spent his childhood being educated at the theological school attached to the
shrine of Imam Reza at Mashhad." (Darbandi & Davis 1). The poem written by Attar can be seen as
an "allegory of a spiritual pilgrimage, like that of Dante's Divine Comedy and Chaucer's Canterbury
Tales." (Davis et al. 401).
However, before moving forward, it is imperative to clarify that since the poem is composed of
4500 lines, only a stanza has ... Show more content on ...
The Conference of the Birds is an epic Sufi poem, owing to it long length and the narrative that it
attempts to knit together. One of the rhetorical devices used frequently by the poet Attar in his works
is that of "anaphora, which is the repetition of a certain word or phrase over and over again within
an extended paragraph or few lines." (Darbandi & Davis 9). Moreover, "Attar also uses the common
masnavi metre of Persian narrative poetry; where the rhymes occur within the line and each line has
a different rhyme thereby, rendering it almost identical to the English heroic couplet." (Darbandi &
Davis 9). Not only that, "he also makes use of Persian metaphors in his work which are quite
different from that of the metaphors found in the English poetry, as the former juxtapose words in
such a way so as to deepen the meanings implied by the passage." (Darbandi & Davis
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Response To 'Essay' For The Birds
Should we be feeding the birds? It should not be done because it makes the birds lazy unhealthy and
easier prey for predators. In the passage "For the Birds" the author claims that bird feeders will bring
wildlife to your backyard. They also state that having feeders attracts the birds to your yard so if you
have trees, bushes, flowers or any thing like that, it can provide a safe haven away from predators.
This is great for bird watchers because you can watch them as they eat, and if you want to attract a
particular species of bird to watch then you can put out a particular seed.
In the passage "Stop Feeding Wild Birds," the author agrees with my opinion and stated that you
shouldn't feed wild birds. They say that having these artificial
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Birds In Kate Chopin's The Awakening
Birds are a common sight in most places people tend to be. These winged creatures are seen in
bustling places like the pigeons that are in urban and suburban areas, the woodpeckers in rural
regions, the crows on farms, and even in cages within buildings. In fact, these elegant creatures are
so common a sight in society that they are often overlooked and underappreciated. This is similar to
how women were and sometimes still are treated within society; they are given little appreciation
when they are present and doing as they are told, but when they do not do as they are told they
become a problem. This parallel that can be drawn between women and birds is used throughout
Kate Chopin's novel, The Awakening, in which its main character Edna Pontellier is often likened to
and symbolized by a bird. Throughout the novel, the bird acts as a theme and symbol of both Edna
and women in general. To start, many comparisons can be drawn between Edna and an imprisoned
bird. The first lines of the novel describe "[a] green and yellow parrot, which hung in a cage outside
the door" (Chopin 5). Starting at the bird's physical description, the brightly colored feathers of this
creature strongly represent the power and ... Show more content on ...
Though the main character was unable to survive her flight, many other women both in the novel
and in reality were able to embark and finish theirs. And the interesting thing about it is that these
fictional and nonfictional females inspired each other to go forth and attempt their metaphorical and
literal journeys even if there is a chance they are unable to succeed. It is because of these brave birds
that women's roles in society have changed so greatly within the last century. In no other time in
history has there been such an expansion in women's rights and roles and it is all due to women both
real and fictional who went against societal
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Bird Watching
The Study of Birds and Bird Watching Information
In this research paper about birds and bird watching it includes the learning of what exactly bird
watching is, the best places to bird watch in the world, where to find birds for bird watching, the
greatest time of year (seasons), as well as the worst time to consider bird watching, the many diverse
species of birds that you might see at the various different bird watching locations in the world, and
even the supplies needed while bird watching.
The Study of Birds and Bird Watching Information Bird watching, some call it birding, is a hobby
where you stare and observe birds in the wild in their natural, home ... Show more content on ...
A pair of binoculars or a telescope makes the bird seem closer to you, making you able to see the
close up details of the bird. While on a bird watching trip, many people bring a pair of binoculars or
a telescope, sometimes even a bird guide. These bird guides will help you to spot and know what
certain bird species are. Although the majority of bird watchers are pretty well–informed, a guide
confirm identification of birds spotted, and helps birders who may be traveling in land they haven't
explored before. Many bird watchers have a "bird watching life list", which is a paper that they carry
around that helps them to keep up with the birds they have seen and the birds they haven't seen yet.
Also, a sound recorder would be helpful. Since it can be hard to identify some types of birds, you
could record what you hear and play it back later for identification by an expert. Extra gear that a
bird watcher may find to need include heavy weight boots for different land they aren't used to and
layered clothes to help deal with the changing weather. As for Florida, it's thought of as "a
birdwatcher's paradise." The perfectly mild weather, location and diverse surroundings attract over
470 different species of birds. Many experienced bird watchers suggest getting a field guide for the
area where you would want to go birding. A field guide is a booklet with images of the birds and
guidelines for classifying them. After you
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Symbolism In The Birds
The 1962 film The Birds, directed by Alfred Hitchcock, is a symbolic film that reverses the roles of
humans and birds. The film begins with a scene that sparks the relationship between the two main
characters, Melanie Daniels and Mitch Brenner play a game of cat and mouse as Melanie pretend to
work at a pet store and not knowing that Mitch is aware of her true identity. Mitch comes into the
pet store seeking a pair of lovebirds as a gift for his sister, which is directly foreshadowing the fact
that Mitch and Melanie are soon to spark a romantic relationship. After Mitch leaves the pet store,
Melanie decides to track him down and give him the lovebirds that he was looking for. When
confronted, Melanie creates a façade for being in the town that
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Comparing Doerr's Obsession With Birds
Both Anthony Doerr's All the Light We Cannot See and Emily Dickinson's "'Hope is the the thing
with feathers" make use of bird imagery. Doerr's novel follows the parallel lives of a blind French
girl and a young German boy, as their lives intertwine as World War Two unfolds around them.
Frederick, a character in All the Light We Cannot See, exhibits an obsession with birds, which
reflects his desire for freedom. His desire is never satisfied, as his character meets a restricting,
dismal future. The speaker in "Hope is the the thing with feathers" describes the bird's attributes,
which are parallel to that of hope. Doerr and Dickinson both utilize birds as symbols, but each for
dissimilar concepts. Doerr idealizes birds as the ultimate representation ... Show more content on ...
"Hope is the thing with feathers" describes birds and their songs as the ultimate source of hope,
imperturbable in the face of adversity. "[S]ore must be the storm / That could abash the little Bird",
meaning it can withstand any situation of any difficulty level ("Hope" 6–7). For the speaker, "
[they've] heard [the bird] in the chillest land... / Yet, never, in Extremity / It asked a crumb – of
[them]" ("Hope" 8, 10–11). Birds are always a trustworthy, altruistic producer of dreams and
aspirations, through thick and thin. They provide hope out of selflessness. Hope is always present,
but needs to be wholeheartedly accepted by those who need it. Another purpose that birds serve in
relation to hope, is constantly being present within people. Birds "[perch] in the soul... / And never
[stop] at all" ("Hope" 1,4). They are constant providers of unlimited optimism, existing inside all
beings. Birds resting in the soul and never asking of anything, symbolizes hope being a part of
people. Birds singing through extreme weather represents hope being prevalent during any
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Native Birds Nz
Observations Of New Zealand Native And Non–Native Birds In Relation To Vegetation Type.
Abstract New Zealand's landscape has changed extensively since the arrival of humans. Now, native
and non–native species of both flora and fauna co–exist. People enjoy having wildlife around them
and in recent years there has been a great deal of interest in urban wildlife. This study explores the
concept of whether native vegetation fosters the presence of native birds and/or non–native
vegetation fosters the presence of non–native birds. My working hypothesis is: "there is no
difference in the percentage of native and non–native birds between "gardens" having native or non–
native vegetation." Note: the word "garden" for the purposes of ... Show more content on ...
Study area and vegetation structure selection: Two distinctly different types of habitats were selected
native vegetation – comprising predominantly of native flora species non–native vegetation –
comprising predominantly of introduced flora species to determine differences (if any) in densities
of native and non–native birds relative to the type of vegetation present. Two native vegetation areas
and two non–native vegetation areas were studied (i.e. four areas in total). AREA 1: Native
Vegetation Area – Gray's Bush Scenic Reserve (NAT 1) Gray's Bush Scenic Reserve is a
Department of Conservation managed 12 ha remnant of a podocarp–broadleaf forest. It is located on
the north eastern side on the Gisborne flood plains approximately 10 km from the city centre of
Gisborne. Gray's Bush Scenic Reserve is unique in that it is the last surviving stand of the
kahikatea/puriri forest type in the Gisborne region (DOC 'Gray's Bush. n.d). The prominent canopy
trees are kahikatea and puriri with and understory comprised of nikau, kawakawa, pukatea, mahoe
and tawa. The reserve is surrounded by highly modified landscapes dominated by intensive
agricultural and horticultural land use. Common land use for surrounding areas include the growing
of cereal crops, grapes and citrus (DOC Gray's Bush. n.d). The area within the reserve where the
observations were completed was at the southern end which has walking tracks, leaving the northern
end as undisturbed as
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The Mystery Of The Jewel Birds
The Jewel Birds
Once there was a princess named Princess Ella. As she was walking in her palace gardens, she saw a
sign made out of gold and silver. It read, "This way to Gold and Silver Orchard." Princess Ella
followed the arrow on the sign.
A little ways along the path, she came to another sign. It read, "Keep following this path to get to
Gold and Silver Forest."
The princess wondered which path to take. "What should I do?" Princess Ella muttered to herself.
She decided to stay in the smaller Gold and Silver Orchard, and explore and enjoy herself while she
was there. Suddenly Princess Ella found that she was very tired, and she lay down to take a nap
under a shady tree. She slept for days!
When she finally woke up, she saw a big bird flying above her. She said to the bird, "What a
beautiful bird. What is your name? What kind of bird are you? I've never seen a bird like you here
The bird replied to her, "Oh, my name is SilverBird. My name comes from what I am made of. I am
made entirely from silver."
"Oh what a beautiful name," said Princess Ella. "My name is Princess Ella."
Princess Ella had a very lovely and very kind little sister called Princess Olivia. She missed her
sister since she had been in Gold and Silver Orchard for days. So Princess Ella took out her cell
phone, thinking Princess Olivia would very much love to see this beautiful place. She called her
little sister, and asked her to come.
On her way, Princess Olivia saw the same signs about
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Bird Feeding Lab
In our bird feeding lab, we observed two feeding stations that was an open feeder surrounded with a
fall season, setting and a shelter feeder with a shrub environment. We observed each feeding station
where several birds flew and used up in the feeding tray like the white throat sparrow or the blue jay.
However, my group solely focused on the white throat sparrow and we hypothesized that there is no
relationship between looks and pecks within the feeding apparatus and the alternative hypothesis is
that there is a relationship between looks and pecks within the feeding apparatus. After watching,
recording and graphing and making out a statistical test, we came to the end that the two tailed p–
values for open and closed feeders are less than
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Effect Of Glass On Birds
The reading passage argues that glasses in the buildings has alarming impacts on the population of
the birds and offers three solutions to manage this issue. However, the professor claims that these
solutions are ineffective and repudiates all three of them. At first, the reading passage posits that
one–way glass is a solid solution to hinder birds' injuries on the ground that the outer surface of it
would act as a mirror. Conversely, the lecturer refutes this ratiocination by explaining that birds are
unable to understand the mirrors and these solutions would have catastrophic effects on birds.
According to the professor, mirrors reflect the things in the environment and birds cannot
distinguish them from real ones and consequently, they
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Examples Of Bird Symbolism In Macbeth
Samantha Xing pd 1
Ms Dwyer
Bird, Bird, Bird, Bird is the Word
Birds such as pigeons may be insignificant to New Yorkers, but other species are symbolic in
cultures elsewhere. They are often used in literature metaphorically to represent someone or
something. A prominent example of bird symbolism is in the famous play, Romeo and Juliet by
Shakespeare where Juliet is associated with the dove to represent her purity and innocence.
Shakespeare also utilizes bird symbolism in another play, Macbeth, to emphasize how Macbeth
changes throughout the play and to foreshadow Duncan's death.
Shakespeare uses bird symbolism to highlight how Macbeth changes throughout the play. In the
beginning of the play, Shakespeare depicts Macbeth with positive attributes. ... Show more content
on ...
Lady Macbeth foreshadows the death of Duncan by saying, "The raven himself is hoarse / That
croaks the fatal entrance of Duncan / Under my battlements" (1.5.45–47). Here, Lady Macbeth
compares the messenger to a "raven", saying that his voice is "hoarse". In some cultures, the raven is
believed to smell death before the occurrence of death. In deeper context, Lady Macbeth is saying
that the voice of the raven is hoarse as a result of mimicking the same words over and over again
that imply Duncan's death. Because the raven has the ability to smell death, a conclusion can be
made that Duncan's death is inevitable. Another example of foreshadowing through the use of birds
is in the conversation between Ross and an old man. The old man says, "On Tuesday last / A falcon,
towering in her pride of place, / Was by a mousing owl hawk'd at and kill'd" (2.4.14–16). This
means that last Tuesday, a falcon was flying around a place where she thought was safe but an
unexpected owl killed her. The falcon represents Duncan who sees Macbeth as his loyal subject and
makes an assumption that Macbeth's home is safe. However, Macbeth, represented by the owl,
murders him and takes away his power and throne, or metaphorically, the falcon's "pride of place"
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Bird By Bird In Tim O Brien's The Things They Carried
Bird by Bird, authored by Anne Lamott, gives advice on writing from the experience of a longtime
writer, advice that is supported by ideas in the book The Things They Carried, by Tim O'Brien. Bird
by Bird is primarily a self–help book on starting, continuing and succeeding in the field of writing.
With the ideas provided in Anne Lamott's book you can find similar thoughts mentioned in The
Things They Carried. Getting started on writing, morals in life and the power of letters are some of
these fundamental tips. Whether expanding on the ideas of Lamott or proving her point Tim
O'Brien's writing aids the reader in understanding Bird by Bird. It all starts with the writing process.
For Lamott, it is sitting down at a certain time and staring at a blank page for a while and slowly
beginning to freak out, as you doubt one's right to live. And as one ... Show more content on ...
She was saying that a writer's job is to convey truths and to do it well you need a viewpoint on life.
An author needs opinions on life in order to make a realistic writing. From what can be gathered
from Tim O'Brien is that he believes there are no morals. With each story that he tells he has
Mitchell Sanders giving concise summaries of why what happened happened and these morals don't
explain the story whatsoever. Perhaps the moral from Mitchell Sanders is just different from the
moral that other people gather from the events. Perhaps because Sanders has seen so much more
grief and destruction than others that he sees things as more brutal in nature. In Bird by Bird Lamott
describes a moral as being more than a lesson or message and more of being a inborn caring inspired
by oneself. Mitchell Sanders sees a point in cutting off dead people's thumbs whereas a majority of
the human population sees that as sick and demented. But nothing is wrong with that, as it is just an
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Bird Comparison Experiment
In this experiment of a bird pecking a button, the bird tends to peck the button more times because it
is aware of the fact that every time it pecks, food is provided. The bird ensures that it pecks the
button because doing so results to provision of food. To maintain the availability of food therefore,
the bird has to peck the button continuously. The graph during the first half of the experiment is a bit
steep showing that the reinforcer, in this case, provision of food, tends to make the bird increase the
rate of pecking the button.
However, during the second half of the experiment, the bird tends to make less pecks per unit time
because the reinforce has been withdrawn. The graph is gradual as compared to the steep one during
the first
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Persuasive Essay On The Birds
Before the birds had all their wonderful colors they had nothing but black and brown feathers. They
all felt unsatisfied with their feathers and wanted to have their own feathers that were different. All
the birds wanted to stand out from each other and not be the same. So they wondered what could
they do to change their feathers. Jaybird always saw the forget–me–nots that were on the outskirts of
the forest and desired their colors. "Oh how I wish for their wonderful blue!" she exclaimed. So, she
formed a plan, she was going roll on the flowers early in the morning when the dew was still on the
petals. The next day came and Jaybird gently lowered herself onto the ground beside the forget–me–
nots. Everything was covered in a lite dew and as the sun started to rise everything had a slight shine
to it. Her breath was taken away from the beauty of it all. "Focus," she told herself as she turned
back to the the flowers. She hopped closer to the flowers and examined them. They all had similar
shades of a soft blue on the petals and the center a yellow bud. She laid on her back and tucked her
wings to her side, then she rolled back and forth, over and over again. Once she felt that it was long
enough she flew to a nearby pond that everyone gathered at to have some water. She looked down
into her reflection but alas, the color didn't stay on her feathers. All that had happened is that she got
pollen on herself. Jaybird, sad and distraught, flew back to her nest and wept
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Lady Bird
To begin, according to Rudin, S. (Producer), O'Neill, E. (Producer), Bush, E. (Producers) & Gerwig,
G. (Director). (2017). Lady Bird [Motion picture]. The United States, the editing style in the film
Lady Bird seemed to be more slow pace, but clear. Throughout the film, it shows Lady Bird's life
throughout high school and at home. It shows how like some seniors in high school, she is having a
hard time getting in college. For example, during the car ride scene with Lady Bird and her mom, it
showed their relationship was not the best. In later scenes like when they are shopping for a dress
for Lady Bird to wear at Danny's grandmother or when Lady Bird's mother tells her father lost his
job, but Lady Bird does not care because she only cares about herself, it proves the point further.
The reason why it felt slow pace, but clear, is due to the fact it felt more like a document than an
actual movie. ... Show more content on ...
For example, after Lady Bird's father loses his job he later goes for an interview at a different
company but does not get because he was too old. Instead, the job goes to his son, who has nowhere
near enough experience as his father. Another example is, when Lady Bird is applying for college
she applies to a couple of expensive and top colleges on the East Coast. She, unfortunately, does not
get accepted into these colleges. Her mother and father make her apply to the University of
California, Davis and she gets accepted, but she is upset about it because it is too close to home. She
finally applies to a New York college but is placed on a waitlist, that costs money. Lady Bird has to
figure out how her scholarships, job, and grades can let her go to this college. She also does not tell
her mother, because she is afraid of her
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Kiwi Forest Birds

  • 1. Kiwi Forest Birds Before pests were introduced into New Zealand, it was home to thousands of birds – and these all evolved without the threat of predatory land mammals. Except for two species of bat, there were no land mammals in New Zealand before humans arrived. Because of this, plants and animals did not evolve defence mechanisms or any way to protect themselves from the predators. For instance, the leaves of plants do not contain poisons to deter browsing mammals, while many birds and insects have lost their ability to fly. Possums, rats, stoats, ferrets and feral cats all kill adult birds, their chicks and raid their nests for eggs. They are also major competitors for – sometimes wiping out entirely – critical food sources such as supplies of fruits, ... Show more content on ... In Tongariro Forest, the survival of kiwi chicks increased by 57% after a dramatic reduction in pest numbers following the 2006 aerial 1080 drop. This increase in native bird population helps to stabilise the functioning of the ecosystem as a whole. However, some aerial 1080 drops may negatively impact the population of local birds if not carried out with enough care. There have been individuals found dead after aerial 1080 drops from 19 species of native birds, although this mainly occurred in the 1970s. 7 of the 38 tagged kea in Ōkārito Forest in August 2011 were killed during an aerial possum control 1080 drop – kea are particularly susceptible to 1080 poison baits because of their omnivorous and inquisitive nature. 1080 is biodegradable and breaks down in the environment quickly because it dissolves readily in water and is diluted quickly. Micro–organisms also usually help to degrade it quickly, meaning it is unlikely the environment will have any long–term contamination. Any trace 1080 will usually have disappeared from baits and soil by 1–4 weeks in mild conditions, although it may take up to several months to disappear under cold or dry conditions. Once in water, 1080 is biodegraded into non– toxic by–products within two to six days, although the breakdown rate is slower in colder conditions. 1080 is diluted quickly to very low concentrations in water. 1080 can also be taken up by plants from the soil through ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Advantages Of Birds Birds are warm–blooded vertebrate creatures that have wings, quills, a snout, no teeth a skeleton in which numerous bones are combined or are missing, and a to a great degree proficient, one–way breathing framework (Padian &Chiappe, 1998). Flying winged animals have solid, empty bones and effective flight muscles. Most winged animals can fly. Birds have an extremely solid heart and an effective method for breathing – these are vital for flying creatures to fly (Serono & Rao, 1992). Winged animals additionally utilize a great deal of vitality while flying and need to eat a ton of nourishment to control their flight. The capacity to fly has grown autonomously commonly all through the historical backdrop of the Earth (Padian &Chiappe, 1998). Birds ... Show more content on ... and Puerta, P.F., 1997. New evidence concerning avian origins from the Late Cretaceous of Patagonia. Nature, 387(6631), pp.390–392. Ostrom, J.H., 1976. Archaeopteryx and the origin of birds. Biological Journal of the linnean Society, 8(2), pp.91–182. Padian, K. and Chiappe, L.M., 1998. The origin and early evolution of birds. Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 73(01), pp.1–42. Paul, G.S., 2002. Dinosaurs of the air: the evolution and loss of flight in dinosaurs and birds. JHU Press. Qiang, J., Currie, P.J., Norell, M.A. and Shu–An, J., 1998. Two feathered dinosaurs from northeastern China. Nature, 393(6687), pp.753–761. Sereno, P.C. and Rao, C., 1992. Early evolution of avian flight and perching: new evidence from the Lower Cretaceous of China. Science, 255(5046), p.845. Wellnhofer, P., 1994. New data on the origin and early evolution of birds. Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences. Série 2. Sciences de la terre et des planètes, 319(3), pp.299–308. Zhou, Z., 2004. The origin and early evolution of birds: discoveries, disputes, and perspectives from fossil evidence. Naturwissenschaften, 91(10), ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Use Of Birds In Poetry The use of nature in poetry and stories has a long history in Ireland going back to the early use of bird song to describe divine messages. (Melia, 1999). The natural world gives writers the ability to communicate expression through the use as symbols and Celtic traditions describe how animals and birds were important parts of society. The use of natural world subjects give a poet such as Oscar Wilde the inspiration for some of his best works in poetry and short story. Oscar Wilde's use of birds and how they are used throughout his writings show great examples of the use of the natural world. The connection to nature in Irish literature can be shown by examining some of Oscar Wilde's most important works such as The Nightingale and the Rose and The Happy Prince as well as poems such as Magdalen Walks. Oscar Wilde was an Irish poet who was born in Dublin Ireland and lived from 1854–1900. throughout his life Oscar Wilde wrote many poems and short stories. Some of his most endearing short stories were fairytales for young children and were told using birds, animals and nature. Oscar Wilde's descriptive writing style was very beautiful and in the Nightingale and the Rose describe a bird that ultimately chooses ... Show more content on ... Both birds play hero types that ultimately sacrifice everything. (EastoftheWeb, 2015). The swallow in the Happy Prince is normally a migrating bird but stays with the happy prince in order to make others happy throughout the city. The swallow does this through sacrifices to jewels in the prince's statue ending in his eyes. The swallow continues to take the gold plates of the happy prince and acts as his eyes until ultimately winter kills the bird and the heart of the happy prince and the bird are the only thing left. The moral is do what is right to your fellow people and you will be recognized by ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Modern Birds : The Neornithes Our modern birds, the Neornithes, has been divided into two "super–orders," the Palaeognathae (ratites and tinamous) and the Neognathae (other bird orders). Palaeognathae itself is divided into two orders, the Strathioniformes and Tinamiformes. There are five extant species and two extinct species in the Strathioniformes, or the ratites. In total, there are at least 30 species within the ratites family. 16 of these species are now extinct. The rest of the extant species make up only 0.1% of the total bird species in the world. Ratites are generally a group of large, flightless birds. Even though they have lost the ability to fly, ratites have gained powerful legs that are able to carry them away quickly from predators. Ratites has usually undergone a reduction in wing bones, either in the size and development of the wings, or alterations to the number of actual bones. The exception to this is the African ostrich, who do have prominent wings, which are only used in the act of courtship or to distract predators. Here in New Zealand, we have one extant family of ratites, the Apterygidae, or more commonly known as the Kiwi. Unfortunately, the other family member of ratites in New Zealand, the Dinornithiformes or the Moa, are all extinct. There are five species of Kiwi in New Zealand. They are all native and, unfortunately, all endangered. The five species are; the Little Spotted Kiwi (Apteryx owenii), the Great Spotted Kiwi (A. haastii), the Brown Kiwi (A.mantelli), the Rowi ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. The Importance Of Threats In Birds While in modern birds, CML originates on the pygostyle if present, since it had been either absent or reduced among most birds. Hemal arches were observed in Sapeornis, but not in Confuciusornis. The formation of the pygostyle alone is to enough to cause abrupt reduction of CML in Confuciusornis and in living birds. Researchers believed the complex functional repertoire of extant bird tails was most likely a result of decoupling of the tail from the hindlimbs, with further adaptations within the tail involving flight. Next, researchers performed a developmental analysis on the tail structures. During tail extension, the retinoic acid (RA) gradient is opposed by posterior Wnt3a/Fgf8 gradient. Wnts and FgF proteins are secreted from the ... Show more content on ... Rashid, et al. 2014). The study also shown Hoxb13 also was able to inhibit neuronal proliferation, this ensures the lack of spinal ganglia at the end of the tail. Another ability of Hoxb13 was intersecting the Wnt/Fgf/RA gradient by decreasing concentrations of Cyp26a1, this also leads to tail termination. Researchers also believed that there should be one or more mutations involve in the transition of bird tails from long theropod tails to short avian tails with distal pygostyle. Changes in cis regulatory regions (CREs) were most likely responsible for this phenotypic change. Despite the lack of dinosaur DNA, researchers were still able to examine gene pathways that generated dinosaur traits through an evolutionary developmental biology, also known as the 'evo–devo' approach. In order to narrow down the list of genes that may have been modulated by mutation, they looked at the genetic analysis of the mouse, because mouse has the greatest accumulated data on mutations among all other vertebrate. From the MGI Jackson Laboratories database, only two mutants, the Hoxb13 and Slx4 knockout mice, among the 159 mutants with affected tails have a modest increased in the numbers of caudal vertebrae. The study suggests that the early decoupling of the tail from hind limb may have facilitated tail shortening through a process of relaxed purifying selection ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Film Analysis Of The Birds Alfred Hitchcock's 1963 thriller, The Birds, is known as an apocalyptic masterpiece. Advertising campaigns screamed, "The Birds is Coming" to entice the people into watching the movie. The reason for birds all of species flocking together to kill and to cause chaos still goes unknown today. Tippi Hedren and Rod Taylor star in this disastrous horror film that throws the viewer for a loop at the end of all the slaughtering and disorder in a small ordinary town in California. Through choosing a specific setting and dynamic characterization, Alfred Hitchcock shows that nature cannot be controlled and can lead to your own demise. This movie is centered in Bodega Bay; however, it begins in San Francisco at a bird shop on a Friday. Melanie ... Show more content on ... The clerk tells Melanie the Brenner's address and that Annie Hayworth, the school teacher, would know the little Brenner girl's name. Melanie order a boat so that Mitch will not see her come up to the house and goes to Ms. Hayworth's house first. Annie reveals that the little girl's name is Cathy and that everyone meets Mitch in San Francisco. Melanie goes down to the dock to board her boat. She turns off the engine as she gets close to the Brenner house and sneaks in while Mitch is outside. The lovebird and a note to Cathy is left in the living room. The camera shows Melanie crouched down in the boat as Mitch goes into the house. He is then shown running back outside looking through binoculars searching for the person who left the gift. Mitch sees Melanie, begins waving, and jumps into his truck to meet her back at the dock. Melanie is almost at the dock when a gull deliberately swoops down and pecks her on the head. This first attacks sets off a chain reaction that progresses and worsens through the rest of the movie. The setting, Bodega Bay, California, is a small city north of San Francisco, where mostly everyone knows each other. In 1963, the town was somewhat remote which made for a perfect reason to use. Hitchcock knew that it would take a while for the word to spread that birds were attacking the residents adding to the horror. Being that the town is a beach town, it gave an open sky view and flat land for the ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. The Problems With Birds Migrating Birds There are many issues with aircrafts interacting with wild birds. The birds can get sucked into the plane engines and harm the plane causing it to lose power and crash. Solutions are very limited due to birds migrating, you can put stuff in order to keep local birds away, but you can 't with migrating birds. There is research to be done to figure out the best solution to this problem. There is two ways of looking at this when birds hit planes causing damage to the plane or even bringing the plane down. Much like, the canadian goose that hit the plane and brought it down into the Hudson River. This is a big wildlife conservation what we can do to stop this from happening. There has been multiple studies done to see if lights will help the birds see the planes coming so they will move out off the way of the oncoming planes. The other way of looking at it is the planes harming the way the birds are living. A lot of airports are by where the birds will nest. Also, the noise of the plane interferes and hurts the roosting and feeding of the birds. This is a big wildlife management if these birds are being bothered and put out of the way of where the birds are supposed to live, then there are solutions for new airports being built in different, bird–free, areas. The top priority is to keep the wild birds safe and to keep them in their way of life and not to alter the way the birds live. A plane was downed over New York when a bird was sucked into the jet engine. Flight 1459 just ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Birds Are Very Successful Essay Birds are a group of animal which consist of many species, all of which play various roles in several ecological niches. Birds are considered 'biologically successful' due in fact to the number of species present. Currently, there are approximately 10,000 species of birds, which is almost double the amount of species of mammals or amphibians. The differences which separate birds from mammals and make them more successful are the presence of large yolked eggs, which support the offspring until birth, and the absence of lactation which allows for greater energy usage and efficiency. Birds have developed these adaptations over the course of thousands of years. Additionally, birds are considered 'biologically successful' due to the fact that they are found on almost every continent on Earth. Examples include several species of birds in the forests of North and South America and Asia, several species of birds in the cities of Europe, and the flocks of the presence of ostriches and various other birds in the planes of Africa and Australia, and very notably, the existence of penguins in ... Show more content on ... These include body shape, presence of feathers, structure of the skeleton, structure of the limbs, make–up of the respiratory system, and high metabolism. Birds have small, light, and condensed body forms when compared to other animals. Their anatomical mapping of their organs and muscles, show that these are located nearest to the center of gravity, which provides better balance during flight. Also, the presence and scheme of their feathers, which are contour, allow for the body to be covered tightly. This makes it streamline and somewhat reduces the effect experienced by drag. Primary feathers are on the wings help in flight and also provide wing shape, while Down feathers are soft and act as insulation. Tail feathers stretch sideways so that tail can be used by the bird to turn and ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Wild Birds In A Mocking Bird D MIMICRY Mimicry is the superficial resemblance between two or more organisms which are not taxonomically related. This resemblance may be in appearance, behavior, sound, scent and even location. Some sort of vocalization is produced by most of the birds. Almost every species of bird produces some sort of vocalization. Mockingbirds are those birds that mimic the call of other birds. Australia's amazing Lyrebird is the world's greatest mimic which is capable of mimic natural and artificial sounds from their environment. They imitate other bird calls, as well as human sounds such as car alarms and camera shutters. cuckoos fool other birds – they also mimic hawks. Parrots are renowned for their deafening calls that can be heard for miles. Parrots ... Show more content on ... Some can even mimic the sounds of other wild birds. *Most known for this behavior are myna birds, the Australian Lyrebird, and the mockingbird. *A bird's ability to understand or speak another bird's language can be very valuable in the wild. But what about those birds who learn to mimic human speech? *A single species may change its mimicry depending on the context. When confronted with a taxidermy owl placed on the ground, brown thorn bills mimic the alarm calls that other bird species make in response to predators on the ground. *Although mimicry may have survival benefits in the wild, in the safety and shelter of our homes, a pet bird learns to mimic our voice primarily because the sound is interesting to him – and it gets attention. Mimic birds – *There are a variety of birds mimic different songs and sounds. *Mimicking is widely found in a large number of birds, including the corvids, parrots, bowerbirds and ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. Dramatic Irony In The Birds The Birds – Formative "Birds bring beauty into the world," Mrs, Bundy tells a distraught Melanie Daniels. But do they? In the film,"The Birds," directed by Albert Hitchcock, Melanie Daniels chase's lawyer Mitch Brenner to the small town of Bodega Bay, gifting him a pair of lovebirds for his sister. Melanie however, gets caught up in the rampant bird problem that plagues the town when she arrives. Hitchcock creates suspense in the movie by using the element of dramatic irony, in order to instill a sense of helplessness into the audience as they watch disaster unfold before the characters of the picture. Dramatic irony was a major element used for implementing suspense in to the film. A representation of irony shown in the movie that showcases ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. The Bird And The Happiest Bird The Crow and the Peacock Once there was a crow, who lived a happy and satisfied life in his village. One day the crow was flying along when he saw a beautiful white swan. Seeing the swan he thought, "This swan is so bright and I am so dark. He must be the happiest bird in the world" When the crow said this to the swan, the swan said, "I used to think that I was the happiest bird too until I saw a parrot. The parrot has 2 colors while I just have one. So he must be the happiest bird." Taking the swan's advice the crow went and started looking for a parrot. After a few days of looking the crow finally found him. The crow told the parrot about what the swan had told him. The parrot responded by saying, "I used to think that I was the happiest bird in the world as well until I saw a peacock. I just have 2 colors, whereas, the peacock has multiple colors, so it must be the happiest bird." As a result of listening to the swan's and the parrot's thoughts the crow decided to find out if the peacock was truly the happiest bird. Immediately the crow set of to find a peacock. He searched for days and nights looking for the peacock. There were huge crowds gathering around the peacock's cage. At first the crow thought that the crowds would go away, but the longer waited he realized that the crowds would never end. The crow tried getting through the crowd but it was too thick. Finnally, the crowd died down and the crow could go up to the peacock and told him what the parrot and the swan ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Metaphors In Domestic Birds Another animal commonly kept as a pet is the bird. Common species of domestic birds include the muniya canary and the parakeet. Like the previous pet names analyzed, these bird metaphors also concentrate the senses of small size, youth, domesticity and entertainment. In Hindi Urdu, the very word bird is defined as a girl or a young woman (Webster). The metaphor is usually charged with affective connotations, being commonly used as a term of endearment. This positive evaluation appears to have its roots in the amorous disposition of the animal as well as in the folk tradition that associates birds with symbols of love (cf Talebinejad & Dastejerdi, 2005). In fact, the state of being in love of a couple is metaphorically instantiated by ... Show more content on ... The repertoire of metaphors designating women as pets reveals a clear imbalance in favor of terms of abuse. Indeed, with the exception of pet, bird and in certain contexts billi (kitten), all the aforementioned metaphors analyzed convey negative evaluations. Moreover, interestingly, even within the favorable animal terms, only kitten/gatita is restricted to females, since bird and pet are ambisexual in nature. In the conceptualization of women as pets, youth and small size appear to play a determinant role in the encoding of the metaphor, implying immaturity (the lack of age involves inexperience) and helplessness (unlike other animals, pets need to be looked after by people). Furthermore, the physical surroundings of pets, whose whole life spins around the house, might imply the idea of domesticity. This confinement to the domestic arena is particularly remarkable in the case of bird names, since birds are kept in ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Majestic Bird Monologue Once upon a time, in a beautiful forest, there was a little bird that want it to know learn how to fly. His name was Steve and he was passionate about the blue sky. However, little Steve was still very young and the feathers in his wings were still to short to be able to fly. One day, little Steve was admiring the blue sky when suddenly his eyes caught something impressive. A majestic bird that he has never seen was flying near by his nest. The majestic bird realized that little Steve was admiring him and in a friendly mood, flew near by Steve's nest. "Hello little fellow?" the majestic bird asked. Little Steve was a little bit confuse if he should reply that beautiful but strange bird. However, what would be the odds that this ... Show more content on ... Little Steve explained them that he didn't know how to fly and that he needed to asked his parents if he could go. Then the eagle added – " you should come with me today little bird, fly is not difficult you just have to open your wings, feel the wind, hold your breath and jump three times. After that, just get out from your nest and move your wings up and down. You will be fine. I mean, I'm sure a majestic bird like you is able to fly really easy. You look like an smart bird and I think, you will learn quickly." Little Steve hesitated about it for a moment. It was very dangerous that try to fly without his parents permission. In addition, he had no idea who that eagle was and why he wanted him to be out of his next. However, that majestic eagle looked really reliable and his parents would be really proud of him if he showed them he had learnt how to fly. So, as a young and smart adventurous bird, little Steve decided to open his wings , feel the wind, hold his breath and jump three times. When he had finished, he ran at the edge of his next and opening his wings he jumped. In less than a second the eagle flew towards him and held him between his claws. Then, the eagle devoured ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Summary Of ' The Bird Lady ' Joshua Samuel 7/31/14 The Bird Lady. Old stuff aren 't just said to be old, it 's the new stuff that makes it old. Even to a girl in an orphanage seeing new things make me feel young and happy. A white lotus might bring a smile on a poor man 's face and the world will seem to be in order. However, the main focus is on something that is old. Never did I have an interest in something like this but because of an old lady, I do now. The sun shined bright when I was walking on a sidewalk to a park. My normal routine and activities laid aside as I held my half eaten sandwich and walked up the steps to the abandoned park. There was a plastic playground and a sandbox that was full of sand as if not used. I shivered as the wind blew and I saw a really big acorn tree. The grass was turning yellow and I looked past the tree to see the pond. The pond was clear as I stood and saw my reflection. I crouched down and as usual, I took my sandwich out and tore a piece and threw it in the water. In five minutes time, ducks started to appear and eventually I ran out of food to give them. As I brushed my hands and stood up, I looked behind me and there was a little boy behind me. At first the boy scared me because I thought it was an oversized duck that didn 't get his share of the sandwich but I felt nogalstic when he said something. "What are you doing?" he asked innocently. I replied to him smiling, "Feeding the ducks." He looked at me again and said, "Why?" Something felt ... Get more on ...
  • 28.
  • 29. The Birds By Alfred Hitchcock During times of disorder, it is natural to feel a sense of fear and loneliness that requires you to search for control in your life. These emotions send you to the point of having to isolate yourself, as you believe if you do so, you have control over your life. In Alfred Hitchcock's 1963 psychodrama film "The Birds", Melanie is a young woman who travels to Bodega Bay to reunite herself with a stranger by the name of Mitch. Melanie uncovers that he had a romantic relationship with Annie, the woman she claims to have come to town for. Annie advises Melanie that her relationship with him did not last due to Lydia, his mother, fearing that he will leave her now that her husband has passed away. As Melanie and Mitch's relationship begins to develop, birds within the town being to attack them along with everyone else who lives in Bodega Bay. Melanie, Mitch, and the town's people begin to question why the birds are attacking them. Annie's body is discovered outside her house as a result from her being killed by birds. By the end of the film, Melanie and Lydia have a close relationship leave the bird infested town with Mitch and his sister Cathy. Alfred Hitchcock uses the these three women to remind us that chaos will always enter our lives no matter what actions we take to keep order, but deep relationships will help overcome the feelings of fear and loneliness. A commonality that these three women share is that they have all lost or have been abandoned by someone in their ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Curricular Birds Response How does feeing behavior change in the instance a threating noise is made, such as the call of a predatory bird? Will the feeding birds habituate to a predator's call over time? What about woodland birds vs. more urban birds? Dependent Variable: (two measured variables) Duration of time birds stay away from nest (how long does it take for the first bird to come back) and how many birds left and ran after the presentation of the sound, how many birds come to feed after: 1 min, 2 min, If the birds are presented with a potentially alarming stimulus such as the call of a predatory bird or the sound of a loud bell, they will initially fly away and take shelter. Overtime, birds will start to habituate to this sound, and will be less likely to fly ... Show more content on ... Once all birds have been counted I will play the sound and note the actions of the birds (freeze or flee) along with noting the number of birds that have left and the number that stayed at the feeder. I will then measure the number of birds feeding over a 10 minute period (how many birds are feeding at 1 min mark, 2 min mark, 3 min mark...etc.). At the end of the 10 minute period, I will replay the sound and repeat the process 5 more times. In addition to tallying the number of birds present I will measure how long it took for the first bird to come back to the feeder. I will do each condition for a total of 3–5 times (occurring once every other day), over a one hour per day. Each trial will be 10 minutes long, with the next occurring immediately at the end of the previous one. A total of 6 trials will be conducted per day. I will leave at least one week in–between conditions (bell vs predator call) to account for any habituation. I will compare all trails with one another to see if there are any differences. I will also compare the responses of birds in a natural woodland setting to that of birds in a more urban setting. Then I will use both conditions to see if the birds were responding to just the presentation of a loud sound, or were responding to the threating call, giving me the ability to determine if the birds can make a ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Elephant Bird Evolution In the article, "Ancient DNA Reveals Elephant Birds and Kiwi are Sister Taxa and Clarifies Ratite Bird Evolution", the researchers discuss the relatedness of the certain ratites. Ratites are flightless birds that includes the two birds in focus, the elephant bird and the kiwi. The kiwi is a small bird that is about a foot and a half tall, while the elephant bird can be 6–10 feet tall. Topics they discuss about the relatedness of these two species ranges from previous theories, the dispersion of their common ancestor, and the evolution. For a period of time, species of similar characteristics and location were considered to be related taxonomically. This manner of classification was used on both, the kiwi and the elephant bird. Older studies ... Show more content on ... It is suspected that this study has not been conducted for the fact that there is a great distance between the two taxa and the elephant bird was one of the largest birds while the kiwi is extremely small compared to it. The discovery that these two taxa are related provides evidence that similar types of species evolving together does not make them the closest relatives. The next thought was that allopatric speciation cause the two birds to be separated by such a distance. This was disproven, or at least considered less likely, due to the fact that Madagascar and New Zealand were not connected to each other they were linked by other land masses. Another key point in disproving this is that the molecular biology states that the two taxa branched off after the land masses were separated. It is thought that the common ancestor between the kiwi and the elephant bird was able to fly. The ability to fly would allow this common ancestor to spread great distances, which could explain the distribution of kiwis and the elephant birds. It can also be inferred that the other ratites had an ancestor that was flight capable, which shows how the other ratites were possibly distributed around the world. This also shows that since they were ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Exotic Bird Ranch Essay Among all the things I looked up and research to find things to do in Dunn. In my research looking for something exciting that my daughter and I have time to spend together. As well, for Sarah is to give a chance to explore. Finally, I have decided to take a trail walk on Duffy's Exotic Bird Ranch. In the city limits in Dunn on Bryan Mclamb Ln. Opening 9 am closing at 5 pm. A wonderful time exercise, and enjoying seeing over 100 varieties of birds. Luckily, we made it there after parking, walking in, finding the price was not that bad, but it was a shock. Cages holding each species of birds in, with beading surround the floor of each. Everything that the bird's needs are in the cage with them. Providing feeding, water, and warmth. Just as ... Show more content on ... I explained we are just out and looking around to give us something to do besides wasting time away on the worst thing that happen to children known as the web. As I explained how it would be nice to have a bird to take home, yet she explained they are comfortable prices for bird's. Even though I already have an idea what bird I want, but she was eager to talk about each bird that lived on the ranch. Walking to each birdcage after the other, yet I felt an hour has passed, and she has finally arrived at the last cage. I thank her for the knowledge of each bird and explain at the moment to have to come back and expand my family by a certain ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Human Relationships In The Birds After watching Alfred Hitchcock's The birds, maybe you'll start to get frightened by birds. The crying and whistling sound of millions of birds, disgusting dead bodies will might make you feel strongly detestable. However, the messages of human drama and environmental issue behind this movie, 1960s unique lifestyle, acting and beautiful sceneries appeared in the movie will remain in your heart clearly. On the one hand, the main idea of the movie is complexity of human relationship represented by bird attack, illustrating the hurtful feelings. Because, there is actually a love rectangular including the main character Mitch (Rod Taylor), newly attracted Melanie (Tippi Hedren), his ex–girlfriend Annie who still loves him, and Mitch's frightful eyes jealous mother is silently breaking everybody's heart. ... Show more content on ... In the movie itself, the reason for the bird attack did not revealed. But from the story, we can assume that their strange characteristics are from starvation and cold weather which also relates to climate change. Additionally, there's a hypothesis that the flocks were poisoned by stupid human actions against nature. Furthermore, the wheeling and diving angry birds symbolized terrible bombs from plane during the wartime and it may has shown the suffering of war. The movie also reflected the human behavior toward the disastrous alert realting to environmental issues. People had various kind of reaction toward the bird attack, but most of them didn't want to belive that it was true. Then, after the catastrophe, people do regret. The another human behavior was shown when Lydia (Mitch's mother) said "I wish I was stringer person" after she saw eyeless corpse of farmer and people couldn't believe her. When someone is stronger, people are likely to hear his/her voice and believe it ... Get more on ...
  • 38.
  • 39. Dinosaurs And Birds Essay Dinosaurs and Birds Are birds really dinosaurs or are they simply related? That is a question that has gained new life in recent years due to the overwhelming facts the are pouring in from newly found fossils and studies from fossils that have been found in the past. Two groups have formed in the study of this question: those who believe birds are a direct result of dinosaurs and those who feel dinosaurs and birds must have had a common ancestor. Determining which view is correct is a matter of opinion based on fact. The main problem involves the use of cladistics or phylogenetic systematics to group organisms according to characteristics they share. When one looks at dinosaur fossils, he or she may feel that certain ... Show more content on ... Also, support is gaining that Archaeopteryx was not in fact the first bird, but instead a descendent of an earlier bird ancestor that had developed along a different pathway and actually represents an evolutionary dead end. Two opponents of the "birds are dinosaurs theory" are Alan Feduccia of the University of North Carolina and Larry Martin of the University of Kansas. They believe that birds evolved from some unknown reptile from a time before dinosaurs came to be. One point they make is that flight must have begun from tree climbing or an arboreal ancestor but that all the proposed dinosaurian ancestors were ground dwellers or cursorial On the other side, supporters for the "birds are dinosaurs theory" feel there is an unknown dinosaur bird that was arboreal, or simply that birds evolved flight from the ground by chasing after insects. In recent years other fossil finds have stirred the argument even more. One of these is the fossil named Sinosauroptyrex found in China. It appears to be an important link between birds and dinosaurs. Sinosauropteryx appears to be a feathered dinosaur having a mane of feathers along its neck, back, and tail–a feature until then seen only in birds. Sinosauroptyrex appears before Archaeopteryx and gives a substantial link between the theropods and birds. One opponent of this find is Martin who feels the ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Bird Flies Monologue A bird flies wildly about, twisting and diving. It is panicked, trying to escape the boy on the ground below, who hurls small, painful missiles at it from a slingshot. The creature of the air is a splendid sight; the wings are as if covered in jade paint and the tips dipped in a ferocious scarlet. The breast is a majestic solid blue, its throat a sulphur yellow. And the head and the tail both are a livid, dark purple: beautiful. Why shoot such a magnificent creature? This winged animal that soars like we long to, high above Earth and its human troubles. Jealousy. The boy cannot fly, he is not amazingly coloured with a rainbow of striking hues. No, he is bound to Earth, with his pale skin and drab, dirty clothing. He will shoot down this creature of the air because he can never be what it is, and he will take it home and brag about how he grounded something that soars high above, unobtainable. ... Show more content on ... They will praise the thief for what he has stolen. They will praise him because he has brought this creature down from its high perch and brought its status down to what theirs is. Grey, Earth–bound, humans, we want to be the greatest. Something is greater than us, and we kill it, for being beautiful and free. We want the beauty for ourselves, so we take it. We thieve what is not ours, what we can never possibly have. We take from nature, and we slaughter it into something unrecognizable, so that we may stand the tallest, the brightest–so that we may rule the ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. The Biology Of Bird Flight 1.3: The Biology of Bird Flight Bird Anatomy How do the wings work? Intro: Birds have beautiful feathers and lovely songs that bring joy and wonder to us humans. And flight is the feature that probably captures the human imagination more than anything else. For millennia, people have watched birds in the sky and wished we could fly, too. There are almost as many ways of flying as there are kinds of birds. Albatrosses glide and soar with long narrow wings stretched out, sometimes staying aloft for hours without a single wing beat. Hummingbirds, on the other hand, can 't rest their wings for even a second in flight. Woodpeckers have a swooping flight, crows fly in a straight line, and swallows dart and weave every which way. A bird 's breastbone, or sternum, is shaped like a keel to attach the powerful wing muscles. The bones of a bird 's wings are surprisingly small compared to the size of the wing. All the bones and muscles of the wing are in the front and covered with feathers that protect and streamline the wing. The actual flight feathers are attached to the wing within little pits in the bones. Body Features: 1– Lack of nose and teeth: these parts are heavy and too forward.To grind their food, their stomachs have a gizzard near their center of gravity. They use their mouth and the nostrils located on the top of their lightweight beak to breathe. 2–Their tail and wing bones are very short: attached to sometimes long (but ... Get more on ...
  • 44.
  • 45. Use Of Suspense In The Birds To quote irish playwright, novelist, essayist, and poet Oscar Wilde, "This suspense is terrible. I hope it will last." This is the attitude necessary for a viewer or reader to have while being trapped in a story like "The Birds". Alfred Hitchcock's film "The Birds" better utilizes and creates suspense when compared to Daphne du Maurier's short story "The Birds" because it uses slow movements in scenes, short shots of strange bird activity, and an increase of sound in suspenseful situations. One way Hitchcock uses suspense in his film "The Birds" is by making the characters partake in very slow movements. For instance, in the scene where Melanie Daniels is slowly walking up the stairs because she hears strange noises, she moves very slowly up the stairs, and takes a very long time opening the door. This gives the viewer ... Show more content on ... For example, in the scene when the birds begin to attack the gas station in town, Hitchcock focuses greatly on the sound of birds cawing and flapping wings. This technique shows the viewer that the birds are the most important and dominant element of the scene, as well as making the viewer feel like they are partaking in the scene. The loud cries of birds and people make you feel anxious and apprehensive about the result of the scene and how the characters will be after the scene. Additionally, when the birds are about to break into the Brenner's home through the chimney, the sounds of banging and thudding progressively gets louder. This increases the viewer's anxiety about what the sounds are, why they are getting louder, and what is going to happen later through the plot. As you can see, Hitchcock's film adaptation of Daphne du Maurier's "The Birds" better uses and creates suspense by increasing sound to create a feeling of anxiety and apprehension in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Secretive Beach Birds Article Summery This article focuses on a group of secretive wetland birds known as secretive marsh birds. These birds are extremely difficult to observe due to their quiet nature, natural camouflage and shy behavior. However, although these birds are looked over most of the time they still play a role in the wetland ecosystem especially within Missouri. These birds are migratory in nature and tend to move through Missouri through during the fall and spring, visiting various Missouri wetlands as they pass through. It has been found that the presence of these illusive birds can serve as an indicator of the health of a wetland's ecosystem with these birds preferring to stop in wetlands that feature shallow water and denser vegetation. Therefore, ... Show more content on ... The secretive marsh birds that the article refers to are almost impossible to find without high tech portable tools and even then that only works during the mating season of these birds were they are the most vocal. However, even those these birds are typically neither heard nor seen by humans they interact with their environment acting as the consumers of the dense vegetation that is plentiful in the wetland environment. They also act as the prey for their predators becoming a food source for these animals that without these birds would have a more limited source of food during the fall and spring seasons. Due to the fact that these birds do have an impact on the wetlands of Missouri it is important that we promote conservation efforts within these ecosystems in order to ensure that all of the species that live in and utilize the wetland have the resources they need to survive in the future. These conservation efforts can help promote the health of the ecosystem as a whole and ensure that the environment continues to possess the dense vegetation it needs in order to support the secretive wetland birds. This may help prevent these birds from being unable to find a satisfactory habitat in Missouri to support their current migratory patterns allowing them to remain a part of Missouri's Wetland ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. What Is The Theme In The Conference Of The Birds Introduction This essay will attempt to delve into the meaning and thus, deliver a commentary on one of the greatest Sufi poems of all times, "The Conference of the Birds (Manteq at–Tair) written by the "great Persian Sufi poet Farid ud–Din Attar, who was born during the twelfth century in Neishapour in north–west Iran and spent his childhood being educated at the theological school attached to the shrine of Imam Reza at Mashhad." (Darbandi & Davis 1). The poem written by Attar can be seen as an "allegory of a spiritual pilgrimage, like that of Dante's Divine Comedy and Chaucer's Canterbury Tales." (Davis et al. 401). However, before moving forward, it is imperative to clarify that since the poem is composed of 4500 lines, only a stanza has ... Show more content on ... The Conference of the Birds is an epic Sufi poem, owing to it long length and the narrative that it attempts to knit together. One of the rhetorical devices used frequently by the poet Attar in his works is that of "anaphora, which is the repetition of a certain word or phrase over and over again within an extended paragraph or few lines." (Darbandi & Davis 9). Moreover, "Attar also uses the common masnavi metre of Persian narrative poetry; where the rhymes occur within the line and each line has a different rhyme thereby, rendering it almost identical to the English heroic couplet." (Darbandi & Davis 9). Not only that, "he also makes use of Persian metaphors in his work which are quite different from that of the metaphors found in the English poetry, as the former juxtapose words in such a way so as to deepen the meanings implied by the passage." (Darbandi & Davis ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Response To 'Essay' For The Birds Should we be feeding the birds? It should not be done because it makes the birds lazy unhealthy and easier prey for predators. In the passage "For the Birds" the author claims that bird feeders will bring wildlife to your backyard. They also state that having feeders attracts the birds to your yard so if you have trees, bushes, flowers or any thing like that, it can provide a safe haven away from predators. This is great for bird watchers because you can watch them as they eat, and if you want to attract a particular species of bird to watch then you can put out a particular seed. In the passage "Stop Feeding Wild Birds," the author agrees with my opinion and stated that you shouldn't feed wild birds. They say that having these artificial ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Birds In Kate Chopin's The Awakening Birds are a common sight in most places people tend to be. These winged creatures are seen in bustling places like the pigeons that are in urban and suburban areas, the woodpeckers in rural regions, the crows on farms, and even in cages within buildings. In fact, these elegant creatures are so common a sight in society that they are often overlooked and underappreciated. This is similar to how women were and sometimes still are treated within society; they are given little appreciation when they are present and doing as they are told, but when they do not do as they are told they become a problem. This parallel that can be drawn between women and birds is used throughout Kate Chopin's novel, The Awakening, in which its main character Edna Pontellier is often likened to and symbolized by a bird. Throughout the novel, the bird acts as a theme and symbol of both Edna and women in general. To start, many comparisons can be drawn between Edna and an imprisoned bird. The first lines of the novel describe "[a] green and yellow parrot, which hung in a cage outside the door" (Chopin 5). Starting at the bird's physical description, the brightly colored feathers of this creature strongly represent the power and ... Show more content on ... Though the main character was unable to survive her flight, many other women both in the novel and in reality were able to embark and finish theirs. And the interesting thing about it is that these fictional and nonfictional females inspired each other to go forth and attempt their metaphorical and literal journeys even if there is a chance they are unable to succeed. It is because of these brave birds that women's roles in society have changed so greatly within the last century. In no other time in history has there been such an expansion in women's rights and roles and it is all due to women both real and fictional who went against societal ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Bird Watching The Study of Birds and Bird Watching Information Running Head: BIRDS AND BIRD WATCHING Abstract In this research paper about birds and bird watching it includes the learning of what exactly bird watching is, the best places to bird watch in the world, where to find birds for bird watching, the greatest time of year (seasons), as well as the worst time to consider bird watching, the many diverse species of birds that you might see at the various different bird watching locations in the world, and even the supplies needed while bird watching. The Study of Birds and Bird Watching Information Bird watching, some call it birding, is a hobby where you stare and observe birds in the wild in their natural, home ... Show more content on ... A pair of binoculars or a telescope makes the bird seem closer to you, making you able to see the close up details of the bird. While on a bird watching trip, many people bring a pair of binoculars or a telescope, sometimes even a bird guide. These bird guides will help you to spot and know what certain bird species are. Although the majority of bird watchers are pretty well–informed, a guide confirm identification of birds spotted, and helps birders who may be traveling in land they haven't explored before. Many bird watchers have a "bird watching life list", which is a paper that they carry around that helps them to keep up with the birds they have seen and the birds they haven't seen yet. Also, a sound recorder would be helpful. Since it can be hard to identify some types of birds, you could record what you hear and play it back later for identification by an expert. Extra gear that a bird watcher may find to need include heavy weight boots for different land they aren't used to and layered clothes to help deal with the changing weather. As for Florida, it's thought of as "a birdwatcher's paradise." The perfectly mild weather, location and diverse surroundings attract over 470 different species of birds. Many experienced bird watchers suggest getting a field guide for the area where you would want to go birding. A field guide is a booklet with images of the birds and guidelines for classifying them. After you ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Symbolism In The Birds The 1962 film The Birds, directed by Alfred Hitchcock, is a symbolic film that reverses the roles of humans and birds. The film begins with a scene that sparks the relationship between the two main characters, Melanie Daniels and Mitch Brenner play a game of cat and mouse as Melanie pretend to work at a pet store and not knowing that Mitch is aware of her true identity. Mitch comes into the pet store seeking a pair of lovebirds as a gift for his sister, which is directly foreshadowing the fact that Mitch and Melanie are soon to spark a romantic relationship. After Mitch leaves the pet store, Melanie decides to track him down and give him the lovebirds that he was looking for. When confronted, Melanie creates a façade for being in the town that ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Comparing Doerr's Obsession With Birds Both Anthony Doerr's All the Light We Cannot See and Emily Dickinson's "'Hope is the the thing with feathers" make use of bird imagery. Doerr's novel follows the parallel lives of a blind French girl and a young German boy, as their lives intertwine as World War Two unfolds around them. Frederick, a character in All the Light We Cannot See, exhibits an obsession with birds, which reflects his desire for freedom. His desire is never satisfied, as his character meets a restricting, dismal future. The speaker in "Hope is the the thing with feathers" describes the bird's attributes, which are parallel to that of hope. Doerr and Dickinson both utilize birds as symbols, but each for dissimilar concepts. Doerr idealizes birds as the ultimate representation ... Show more content on ... "Hope is the thing with feathers" describes birds and their songs as the ultimate source of hope, imperturbable in the face of adversity. "[S]ore must be the storm / That could abash the little Bird", meaning it can withstand any situation of any difficulty level ("Hope" 6–7). For the speaker, " [they've] heard [the bird] in the chillest land... / Yet, never, in Extremity / It asked a crumb – of [them]" ("Hope" 8, 10–11). Birds are always a trustworthy, altruistic producer of dreams and aspirations, through thick and thin. They provide hope out of selflessness. Hope is always present, but needs to be wholeheartedly accepted by those who need it. Another purpose that birds serve in relation to hope, is constantly being present within people. Birds "[perch] in the soul... / And never [stop] at all" ("Hope" 1,4). They are constant providers of unlimited optimism, existing inside all beings. Birds resting in the soul and never asking of anything, symbolizes hope being a part of people. Birds singing through extreme weather represents hope being prevalent during any ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Native Birds Nz Observations Of New Zealand Native And Non–Native Birds In Relation To Vegetation Type. Abstract New Zealand's landscape has changed extensively since the arrival of humans. Now, native and non–native species of both flora and fauna co–exist. People enjoy having wildlife around them and in recent years there has been a great deal of interest in urban wildlife. This study explores the concept of whether native vegetation fosters the presence of native birds and/or non–native vegetation fosters the presence of non–native birds. My working hypothesis is: "there is no difference in the percentage of native and non–native birds between "gardens" having native or non– native vegetation." Note: the word "garden" for the purposes of ... Show more content on ... Study area and vegetation structure selection: Two distinctly different types of habitats were selected native vegetation – comprising predominantly of native flora species non–native vegetation – comprising predominantly of introduced flora species to determine differences (if any) in densities of native and non–native birds relative to the type of vegetation present. Two native vegetation areas and two non–native vegetation areas were studied (i.e. four areas in total). AREA 1: Native Vegetation Area – Gray's Bush Scenic Reserve (NAT 1) Gray's Bush Scenic Reserve is a Department of Conservation managed 12 ha remnant of a podocarp–broadleaf forest. It is located on the north eastern side on the Gisborne flood plains approximately 10 km from the city centre of Gisborne. Gray's Bush Scenic Reserve is unique in that it is the last surviving stand of the kahikatea/puriri forest type in the Gisborne region (DOC 'Gray's Bush. n.d). The prominent canopy trees are kahikatea and puriri with and understory comprised of nikau, kawakawa, pukatea, mahoe and tawa. The reserve is surrounded by highly modified landscapes dominated by intensive agricultural and horticultural land use. Common land use for surrounding areas include the growing of cereal crops, grapes and citrus (DOC Gray's Bush. n.d). The area within the reserve where the observations were completed was at the southern end which has walking tracks, leaving the northern end as undisturbed as ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. The Mystery Of The Jewel Birds The Jewel Birds Once there was a princess named Princess Ella. As she was walking in her palace gardens, she saw a sign made out of gold and silver. It read, "This way to Gold and Silver Orchard." Princess Ella followed the arrow on the sign. A little ways along the path, she came to another sign. It read, "Keep following this path to get to Gold and Silver Forest." The princess wondered which path to take. "What should I do?" Princess Ella muttered to herself. She decided to stay in the smaller Gold and Silver Orchard, and explore and enjoy herself while she was there. Suddenly Princess Ella found that she was very tired, and she lay down to take a nap under a shady tree. She slept for days! When she finally woke up, she saw a big bird flying above her. She said to the bird, "What a beautiful bird. What is your name? What kind of bird are you? I've never seen a bird like you here before." The bird replied to her, "Oh, my name is SilverBird. My name comes from what I am made of. I am made entirely from silver." "Oh what a beautiful name," said Princess Ella. "My name is Princess Ella." Princess Ella had a very lovely and very kind little sister called Princess Olivia. She missed her sister since she had been in Gold and Silver Orchard for days. So Princess Ella took out her cell phone, thinking Princess Olivia would very much love to see this beautiful place. She called her little sister, and asked her to come. On her way, Princess Olivia saw the same signs about ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Bird Feeding Lab In our bird feeding lab, we observed two feeding stations that was an open feeder surrounded with a fall season, setting and a shelter feeder with a shrub environment. We observed each feeding station where several birds flew and used up in the feeding tray like the white throat sparrow or the blue jay. However, my group solely focused on the white throat sparrow and we hypothesized that there is no relationship between looks and pecks within the feeding apparatus and the alternative hypothesis is that there is a relationship between looks and pecks within the feeding apparatus. After watching, recording and graphing and making out a statistical test, we came to the end that the two tailed p– values for open and closed feeders are less than ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Effect Of Glass On Birds The reading passage argues that glasses in the buildings has alarming impacts on the population of the birds and offers three solutions to manage this issue. However, the professor claims that these solutions are ineffective and repudiates all three of them. At first, the reading passage posits that one–way glass is a solid solution to hinder birds' injuries on the ground that the outer surface of it would act as a mirror. Conversely, the lecturer refutes this ratiocination by explaining that birds are unable to understand the mirrors and these solutions would have catastrophic effects on birds. According to the professor, mirrors reflect the things in the environment and birds cannot distinguish them from real ones and consequently, they ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Examples Of Bird Symbolism In Macbeth Samantha Xing pd 1 Ms Dwyer Bird, Bird, Bird, Bird is the Word Birds such as pigeons may be insignificant to New Yorkers, but other species are symbolic in cultures elsewhere. They are often used in literature metaphorically to represent someone or something. A prominent example of bird symbolism is in the famous play, Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare where Juliet is associated with the dove to represent her purity and innocence. Shakespeare also utilizes bird symbolism in another play, Macbeth, to emphasize how Macbeth changes throughout the play and to foreshadow Duncan's death. Shakespeare uses bird symbolism to highlight how Macbeth changes throughout the play. In the beginning of the play, Shakespeare depicts Macbeth with positive attributes. ... Show more content on ... Lady Macbeth foreshadows the death of Duncan by saying, "The raven himself is hoarse / That croaks the fatal entrance of Duncan / Under my battlements" (1.5.45–47). Here, Lady Macbeth compares the messenger to a "raven", saying that his voice is "hoarse". In some cultures, the raven is believed to smell death before the occurrence of death. In deeper context, Lady Macbeth is saying that the voice of the raven is hoarse as a result of mimicking the same words over and over again that imply Duncan's death. Because the raven has the ability to smell death, a conclusion can be made that Duncan's death is inevitable. Another example of foreshadowing through the use of birds is in the conversation between Ross and an old man. The old man says, "On Tuesday last / A falcon, towering in her pride of place, / Was by a mousing owl hawk'd at and kill'd" (2.4.14–16). This means that last Tuesday, a falcon was flying around a place where she thought was safe but an unexpected owl killed her. The falcon represents Duncan who sees Macbeth as his loyal subject and makes an assumption that Macbeth's home is safe. However, Macbeth, represented by the owl, murders him and takes away his power and throne, or metaphorically, the falcon's "pride of place" ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Bird By Bird In Tim O Brien's The Things They Carried Bird by Bird, authored by Anne Lamott, gives advice on writing from the experience of a longtime writer, advice that is supported by ideas in the book The Things They Carried, by Tim O'Brien. Bird by Bird is primarily a self–help book on starting, continuing and succeeding in the field of writing. With the ideas provided in Anne Lamott's book you can find similar thoughts mentioned in The Things They Carried. Getting started on writing, morals in life and the power of letters are some of these fundamental tips. Whether expanding on the ideas of Lamott or proving her point Tim O'Brien's writing aids the reader in understanding Bird by Bird. It all starts with the writing process. For Lamott, it is sitting down at a certain time and staring at a blank page for a while and slowly beginning to freak out, as you doubt one's right to live. And as one ... Show more content on ... She was saying that a writer's job is to convey truths and to do it well you need a viewpoint on life. An author needs opinions on life in order to make a realistic writing. From what can be gathered from Tim O'Brien is that he believes there are no morals. With each story that he tells he has Mitchell Sanders giving concise summaries of why what happened happened and these morals don't explain the story whatsoever. Perhaps the moral from Mitchell Sanders is just different from the moral that other people gather from the events. Perhaps because Sanders has seen so much more grief and destruction than others that he sees things as more brutal in nature. In Bird by Bird Lamott describes a moral as being more than a lesson or message and more of being a inborn caring inspired by oneself. Mitchell Sanders sees a point in cutting off dead people's thumbs whereas a majority of the human population sees that as sick and demented. But nothing is wrong with that, as it is just an ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Bird Comparison Experiment In this experiment of a bird pecking a button, the bird tends to peck the button more times because it is aware of the fact that every time it pecks, food is provided. The bird ensures that it pecks the button because doing so results to provision of food. To maintain the availability of food therefore, the bird has to peck the button continuously. The graph during the first half of the experiment is a bit steep showing that the reinforcer, in this case, provision of food, tends to make the bird increase the rate of pecking the button. However, during the second half of the experiment, the bird tends to make less pecks per unit time because the reinforce has been withdrawn. The graph is gradual as compared to the steep one during the first ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Persuasive Essay On The Birds Before the birds had all their wonderful colors they had nothing but black and brown feathers. They all felt unsatisfied with their feathers and wanted to have their own feathers that were different. All the birds wanted to stand out from each other and not be the same. So they wondered what could they do to change their feathers. Jaybird always saw the forget–me–nots that were on the outskirts of the forest and desired their colors. "Oh how I wish for their wonderful blue!" she exclaimed. So, she formed a plan, she was going roll on the flowers early in the morning when the dew was still on the petals. The next day came and Jaybird gently lowered herself onto the ground beside the forget–me– nots. Everything was covered in a lite dew and as the sun started to rise everything had a slight shine to it. Her breath was taken away from the beauty of it all. "Focus," she told herself as she turned back to the the flowers. She hopped closer to the flowers and examined them. They all had similar shades of a soft blue on the petals and the center a yellow bud. She laid on her back and tucked her wings to her side, then she rolled back and forth, over and over again. Once she felt that it was long enough she flew to a nearby pond that everyone gathered at to have some water. She looked down into her reflection but alas, the color didn't stay on her feathers. All that had happened is that she got pollen on herself. Jaybird, sad and distraught, flew back to her nest and wept ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Lady Bird To begin, according to Rudin, S. (Producer), O'Neill, E. (Producer), Bush, E. (Producers) & Gerwig, G. (Director). (2017). Lady Bird [Motion picture]. The United States, the editing style in the film Lady Bird seemed to be more slow pace, but clear. Throughout the film, it shows Lady Bird's life throughout high school and at home. It shows how like some seniors in high school, she is having a hard time getting in college. For example, during the car ride scene with Lady Bird and her mom, it showed their relationship was not the best. In later scenes like when they are shopping for a dress for Lady Bird to wear at Danny's grandmother or when Lady Bird's mother tells her father lost his job, but Lady Bird does not care because she only cares about herself, it proves the point further. The reason why it felt slow pace, but clear, is due to the fact it felt more like a document than an actual movie. ... Show more content on ... For example, after Lady Bird's father loses his job he later goes for an interview at a different company but does not get because he was too old. Instead, the job goes to his son, who has nowhere near enough experience as his father. Another example is, when Lady Bird is applying for college she applies to a couple of expensive and top colleges on the East Coast. She, unfortunately, does not get accepted into these colleges. Her mother and father make her apply to the University of California, Davis and she gets accepted, but she is upset about it because it is too close to home. She finally applies to a New York college but is placed on a waitlist, that costs money. Lady Bird has to figure out how her scholarships, job, and grades can let her go to this college. She also does not tell her mother, because she is afraid of her ... Get more on ...