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• Poverty is blessed with a rich, vocabulary in all culture and thought out
history. Nigeria has one of the world highest economic rates, averaging
7.4% (World Bank 2014). Poverty still remains significant at 33.1% in
African biggest economy. The level of poverty has increased in Nigeria
since the implementation of the Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP)
in 1980s UNDP Nigeria 1998,FOS 1999, and world bank 1999.Data from
National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) on Poverty profile in Nigeria (2010)
shows that the incidence of poverty increased from 27.2% in 1980 to
46.3% in 1985 but declined to 42.7% in 1992 and rose again to 65.7%in
1996 and declined to 54.4% in 2004 but rose to 67.1% in 2012 (see table 1
). Poverty is projected to have fallen moderately to 46.8% by 2015 .the
Human Development Index (HDI)of 0.423 rank the country the country
142 out 169 countries in 2010 with estimated GNI per capita of $2156.For
the period 1980 to 2012, the population of poor of poor Nigeria increased
fourfold in absolute terms
.1 Causes of Poverty in Nigeria
• Unemployment: it’s a factor. The living cost row higher while the standards of life go down. There may be
various cause of unemployment in Nigeria. The most common one is the lack of education. However, even the
educated people often cannot find a job. The unemployment rate for the country has reached 4.9% in 2007 and
7.5% in 2015 and Zamfara state being the worst in terms of unemployment.
• Corruption: the term denotes an abuse of power for the private purpose. And it happens very often in Nigeria.
Thus the political system has been destabilized. The country in-come, which is taken mostly from natural
resource revenues, is then distributed among the political office holder and their families. All the rest are left in
poverty. It’s a common case , when political leaders just ignore the necessities and well-being of those ,those
who have voted for them
• Inequality: the income’s inequality among people from rural and urban areas is high in Nigeria most of the
Nigeria populace their income cannot take the home. Those who live in rural areas have the money only from
agriculture, which is not a thriving sector today. Besides ,they cannot invest their money as many people from
the cities do
• Absence of the economy diversification: The country used to be based on the agriculture sector. However the
oil sector rose to 97% by 1984, since that time it becomes the major one (it has never fallen below 90%). Any
other income source been ignored by the authorities, which has made Nigeria very dependable on oil export.
Thus great amount of people has got impoverished, as their products have become irrelevant. Moreover, Nigeria
oil revenue reduced after the world oil price crash in 2014 and this made the external debt increased.
• Political instability: Social and political program are not capable of fighting domestic and international unrest.
Investment are being withdrawn .job insecure, the citizen fed economic precipice
• Laziness: Even if people want to live better, many of them are not ready to work for it. It is often happens that
the family budget is supported by one member who works really hard. And when the y die or become very ill
the family become poor
• Under –utilization of labor resources: Plenty of the poor farmers are not capable of farming on a scale that will
match their labor resources. Besides, there is storage of working capital. It limit the productiveness of farming in
• Education system: education is necessary for development, many of the poor one are uneducated. Many N
Review of 2009/2010 absolute poverty rates across
• 1. Absolute poverty approach
• 2. Relative poverty approach
• 3. Dollar per day
• In presenting absolute poverty measures, the cost of the basic needs approach to measuring poverty is used with three key steps
• Food basic minimum need required to satisfy daily needs. This calories threshold is set at 3000 calories per person per day
• Non food needs
• Aggregation of food and non to derive the absolute poor line
• Absolute poverty is preferred internally because it is the easier to compare poverty rate across countries.
• Relative poverty measurement on the other hand is based household expenditures. Per capita expenditure that are less than two –third of the
poverty are considered to be poor. While those above are non poor. Relative measure has been the NBS official poverty measures, so we can compare
Nigeria poverty rate with other country.
• Finally Dollar per day set poverty at $2 a day or less and extreme poverty at #1.25.
• Absolute poverty measurement can be measurement can be calculated using two approaches
• Per capita approach
• Adult equivalent approach
• The per capita approach assigns 3000 calories to every Nigeria as minimum daily calories requirement. Adult equivalent approach takes several
factors such as sex, ages, pregnancy into consideration when calculating for an individual’s daily calories requirements. Adult equivalent poverty
numbers therefore will always be much lower than per capita poverty numbers. He NBS currently reports poverty using the per capita approach.
Poverty Alleviation Programmes in Nigeria
• Operation Feed the Nation (OPN)
• The Agriculture Development Programmes (ADP)
• Land Reform Measures (land and use Decree)
• The Directorate of Foods, Roads and Rural Infrastructure (DFRRI)
• The National Agricultural and Land Development Authority (NALDA)
• Better Life Programme (BLP)
• National Directorate of Employment (NDE)
Zamfara State Poverty Alleviation Scheme
. Zamfara State integrated Development Program (ZASIDEP)
• ZAMFARA Comprehensive Agricultural Revolution Program (ZACAREP)
• Poverty Alleviation and Youth Employment Program( PAYEP )
Donors Agency’s Collaboration with Nigeria Government
to Alleviate Poverty
• United National Development Program (UNDP)
• Department for International Development (DFID)
• United State Agency International Development (USAID)
• International Fund For Agriculture Development (IFAD)
• United Nations Educational ,Scientific and Culture Organization (UNESCO)
• the World Bank (WB)
• World Health Organization (WHO)
Poverty Alleviation Program Implementation
• A multi- agency implementation structure with coordination, monitoring
and evaluation organs was introduced in order to ensure cost effective
delivery target with optimal social benefit. In Nigeria, many poverty
alleviation programs have being implemented. But the questions that rise
from the implementation of this program are
• Is the poverty alleviation program in Talata Mafara local government
actually reached the target group?
• Is poverty alleviated?
• Has poverty alleviation program bath rural and urban credit schemes
reduced poverty.
• Has poverty alleviation program especially better life rural women better
their life or the family support program supported the family
• What influence does the donor agencies and have on poverty alleviation
program that are being implemented in the country Nigeria.
• To examine the concept of poverty alleviation as to know the extent
to which Nigeria understand it.
• To identify the implementation of poverty alleviation in relation with
the target group
• To identified the poverty alleviation program applied by Nigeria
government to reduce poverty in the country
• To identify and evaluate poverty alleviation program being
implemented by donor agencies and to what extend is their adequacy
among the Nigeria populace.
• To appraise the impact of the poverty alleviation program Nigeria
government implement and their effect on the citizen
Research Design
• For the purpose of the research the researcher sourced data by using
both the primary source and secondary source of data collection. The
primary data was sourced through the use of questionnaire and
interview or group discussion with some respondent more especially
those who can either read or write.200 (two hundred) questionnaire
were distributed in Talata Mafara local government area of Zamfara
state some face to face interview was administered with some official
of the state and local government. Two method of questionnaire
were applied, that is open ended and also the close end
questionnaire. The secondary data involve the use of existing
literature such text book, journal, government publication,
magazines, internet, newspapers. These materials are useful and
helpful as well as cost and time saving. The research techniques and
sampling method used are research instructments and sampling
Research Instructment
• For the purpose of this research the instructment used are
questionnaire, unstructured interviews , internet ,discussion group
as the instructment for data collection. In order to assess class
difference in the perception of the impact of poverty alleviation
program on the beneficiaries, fused group discussion were held with
youth and women
• Interview were held with policy makers on poverty alleviation at the
local government and state level .the target population for the study
was the core poor women and men from Talata Mafara local
government area who collected loan for the purpose of alleviating
• The target population area is the core poor men and women of Talata
Mafara . Data were collected from 200 respondents. Out of the 200
respondents the researcher administered 175questionnaires and 25
structured and unstructured interviews were conducted.
• The researcher intends to present the collected and give analysis. The
total of 200 hundred was distributed randomly among the staff of
Talata Mafara local government council. But only 175 questionnaires
were returned. The analysis will be based on the 175 respondents.
The researcher intends to use descriptive statistical analyzes of data
obtained by using simple percentages. The total of 175 was used for
the analysis of the study. The questionnaire is divided into two parts.
Part A is the personal data of the respondent while part B is about the
subject matter of the study
• It indicated that 76.9% of the junior respondent is male while 23.1%
are female. For the senior respondents 90.9% are male while only
9.1% are female. It show that in Talata Mafara local majority of the
workers are male
• Shows that 37.1% out of the total of 175 respondents are junior
workers while 62.9% are senior workers. The researcher decided to
administered the more of the questionnaire to the senior workers
because most of are educated unlike the junior worker who’s highest
qualification is SSCE
• None of junior respondent has Degree/HND while 63.6 % of the
senior respondent have Degree/HND. 30.8% of the junior staff has
ND/NCE as their qualification and 36.4% of the senior have ND/NCE
as their educational qualification. Majority of junior staff have SSCE
which make 46.2% of the junior workers. 23.0% have primary
certificate. While in the none of senior staff has either SSCE or
primary certificate as their educational qualification. It can be seen
that in Talata Mafara local area highest number of the junior staff
have SSCE.
• the age of the response; in the junior cadre 61.5% of the respondents
are within the age brackets of 18-25 while the senior staff has only
0.9 % within that age bracket.
• 23.1 % and 76.3% of the junior and senior respondent are within the
age range between 26-33 .none of the junior staff are within the age
bracket of 42 and above and only 15 of the senior respondent are
within that range
• For the junior cadre the age bracket of 18-25 has the highest number
of respondent and in the senior cadre the highest number of them
falls within the age group of 26-33. These means that TML have
young, strong and emerging staff as the bracket of 18-25 account for
61.5% of the junior staff and for the age bracket of 26-33 account for
76.3% 0f the senior staff.
• Only 7.7% of the junior respondent benefited from any poverty alleviation scheme
while 62.7% of the senior respondents benefited and only 37.3 are of the opinion
that they did not benefited but even then the scheme is meant for the less
privilege but those that are support get the scheme do not even know about the
• 93.3% of the junior respondents that TML has being characterized by urban
poverty as while only 6.9% are of the opinion of the opinion that TML are not
characterized by urban poverty. In the senior category 63.6% are of the opinion
that TML is affected by urban and 22.7 % see TML as a town that is characterized
by urban poverty. And 14.7 said that they do not know. Putting the two tables
together it shows that about 130 numbers of the TML said that the local
government area is seriously hit by urban poverty.
• Shows that the76.9% and 72.7% of the respondents indicated that TML is
extremely poor. And only very of the people believed that TML is on average when
it come poverty matters and non of both the junior and senior staff are of the
opinion that they do not know from the above analysis therefore it can being
agreed that TML level of poverty is on the high side as about 130 number of the
respondent are of the opinion that the poverty level is high.
• the general question what are the causes of poverty in Talata Mafara local area. it
can being seen from the above table only 1.5 % and 18,2% of the junior and
senior respondents are of opinion that lack of land for agric.production
respectively constitute only a little problem to poverty . For unequal distribution of
social and economic infrastructure, 20% of junior respondent is one of factor that
cause poverty and 9.1% are also of the same opinion .laziness, unemployment
recorded 13.4% each. Lack of education accounted for highest among the junior
staff. In senior staff 9.1%, 27.2 %, and 6.4% % respectively for unequal distribution
of infrastructure, laziness and lack of education. Unemployment is the highest
cause of poverty according to senior respondent.
• the general question what are the causes of poverty in Talata Mafara local area. it
can being seen from the above table only 1.5 % and 18,2% of the junior and senior
respondents respectively are of opinion that lack of land for agric.production
constitute only a little problem to poverty . For unequal distribution of social and
economic infrastructure, 20% of junior respondent is one of factor that cause
poverty and 9.1% are also of the same opinion .laziness, unemployment recorded
13.4% each. Lack of education accounted for highest among the junior staff. In
senior staff 9.1%, 27.2 %, and 6.4% % respectively for unequal distribution of
infrastructure, laziness and lack of education. Unemployment is the highest cause
of poverty according to senior respondent.
• that corruption as it was shown by the junior respondent is one of
the reason why poverty alleviation cannot success in TML poor
funding recorded 4.6% , lack of supervision ,monitoring and
evaluation 10.8%,lack of awareness 3.1% . But majority of the junior
respondent are of the opinion that all the reason mentioned above
are reasons for poverty alleviation program could not success in TML.
In the senior cadre 9.0% of the total respondent accounted for
corruption, 6.7% for unqualified personnel, 11.8% as for poor
funding, and in the side of the senior staff majority of them are also
of the opinion that all the reasons listed are responsible for poverty
alleviation could not eliminate poverty completely in TML, Zamfara
and Nigeria as whole.
• shows that the76.9% and 72.7% of the respondents indicated that
TML is extremely poor. And only very of the people believed that TML
is on average when it come poverty matters and non of both the
junior and senior staff are of the opinion that they do not know from
the above analysis therefore it can being agreed that TML level of
poverty is on the high side as about 130 number of the respondent
are of the opinion that the poverty level is high.
• During the research work the following were discovered that in
Zamfara have some poverty scheme but the scheme could not solve
the problems of poverty.
• The almajiri , the disable and even the elderly people could not
benefit from the program
• The almajiri , the disable and even the elderly people could not
benefit from the program
• And also there is no monitoring, no supervision and evaluation to see
whether the program introduced have meet the goals and objectives
of such poverty alleviation scheme
5. Conclusion Summary and recommendation
• In conclusion the researcher was able to agree that poverty
alleviation was not able eliminate poverty in the local government
and most of the respondent in TML was not satisfied with level of the
standard of living of the less privilege in the local. And also if only the
government want poverty to reduced or completed eradicate from
the society some of the reasons for causes o poverty should be
• The researcher recommends that all poverty alleviation programs should be
designed in such a way that should be able to reach the target group.
• Both the local state and federal government come out the ways on how monitor,
supervise and also evaluate each poverty alleviation program so to achieve the
purpose of such program.
• Government should remove politics from poverty alleviation program and all it to
reach those that are meant for if only they want eradicate poverty in the country.
• Fund should be provided to these capable of doing business and have the able to
carry the business
• The awareness of the poverty alleviation program should reach the populace
• The government should try solving the issue of corruption, infrastructure,
unemployment and a people should be committed to whatever they do.
• And finally they should continuity in poverty alleviation program .and it should be
mint to solve the problems of the poor and the elites
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Khaltumi mustapha

  • 2. INTRIDUCTION • Poverty is blessed with a rich, vocabulary in all culture and thought out history. Nigeria has one of the world highest economic rates, averaging 7.4% (World Bank 2014). Poverty still remains significant at 33.1% in African biggest economy. The level of poverty has increased in Nigeria since the implementation of the Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP) in 1980s UNDP Nigeria 1998,FOS 1999, and world bank 1999.Data from National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) on Poverty profile in Nigeria (2010) shows that the incidence of poverty increased from 27.2% in 1980 to 46.3% in 1985 but declined to 42.7% in 1992 and rose again to 65.7%in 1996 and declined to 54.4% in 2004 but rose to 67.1% in 2012 (see table 1 ). Poverty is projected to have fallen moderately to 46.8% by 2015 .the Human Development Index (HDI)of 0.423 rank the country the country 142 out 169 countries in 2010 with estimated GNI per capita of $2156.For the period 1980 to 2012, the population of poor of poor Nigeria increased fourfold in absolute terms
  • 3. .1 Causes of Poverty in Nigeria • Unemployment: it’s a factor. The living cost row higher while the standards of life go down. There may be various cause of unemployment in Nigeria. The most common one is the lack of education. However, even the educated people often cannot find a job. The unemployment rate for the country has reached 4.9% in 2007 and 7.5% in 2015 and Zamfara state being the worst in terms of unemployment. • Corruption: the term denotes an abuse of power for the private purpose. And it happens very often in Nigeria. Thus the political system has been destabilized. The country in-come, which is taken mostly from natural resource revenues, is then distributed among the political office holder and their families. All the rest are left in poverty. It’s a common case , when political leaders just ignore the necessities and well-being of those ,those who have voted for them • Inequality: the income’s inequality among people from rural and urban areas is high in Nigeria most of the Nigeria populace their income cannot take the home. Those who live in rural areas have the money only from agriculture, which is not a thriving sector today. Besides ,they cannot invest their money as many people from the cities do • Absence of the economy diversification: The country used to be based on the agriculture sector. However the oil sector rose to 97% by 1984, since that time it becomes the major one (it has never fallen below 90%). Any other income source been ignored by the authorities, which has made Nigeria very dependable on oil export. Thus great amount of people has got impoverished, as their products have become irrelevant. Moreover, Nigeria oil revenue reduced after the world oil price crash in 2014 and this made the external debt increased. • Political instability: Social and political program are not capable of fighting domestic and international unrest. Investment are being withdrawn .job insecure, the citizen fed economic precipice • Laziness: Even if people want to live better, many of them are not ready to work for it. It is often happens that the family budget is supported by one member who works really hard. And when the y die or become very ill the family become poor • Under –utilization of labor resources: Plenty of the poor farmers are not capable of farming on a scale that will match their labor resources. Besides, there is storage of working capital. It limit the productiveness of farming in general • Education system: education is necessary for development, many of the poor one are uneducated. Many N
  • 4. Review of 2009/2010 absolute poverty rates across Nigeria • 1. Absolute poverty approach • 2. Relative poverty approach • 3. Dollar per day • In presenting absolute poverty measures, the cost of the basic needs approach to measuring poverty is used with three key steps • Food basic minimum need required to satisfy daily needs. This calories threshold is set at 3000 calories per person per day • Non food needs • Aggregation of food and non to derive the absolute poor line • Absolute poverty is preferred internally because it is the easier to compare poverty rate across countries. • Relative poverty measurement on the other hand is based household expenditures. Per capita expenditure that are less than two –third of the poverty are considered to be poor. While those above are non poor. Relative measure has been the NBS official poverty measures, so we can compare Nigeria poverty rate with other country. • Finally Dollar per day set poverty at $2 a day or less and extreme poverty at #1.25. • Absolute poverty measurement can be measurement can be calculated using two approaches • Per capita approach • Adult equivalent approach • The per capita approach assigns 3000 calories to every Nigeria as minimum daily calories requirement. Adult equivalent approach takes several factors such as sex, ages, pregnancy into consideration when calculating for an individual’s daily calories requirements. Adult equivalent poverty numbers therefore will always be much lower than per capita poverty numbers. He NBS currently reports poverty using the per capita approach.
  • 5. Poverty Alleviation Programmes in Nigeria • Operation Feed the Nation (OPN) • The Agriculture Development Programmes (ADP) • Land Reform Measures (land and use Decree) • The Directorate of Foods, Roads and Rural Infrastructure (DFRRI) • The National Agricultural and Land Development Authority (NALDA) • Better Life Programme (BLP) • National Directorate of Employment (NDE)
  • 6. Zamfara State Poverty Alleviation Scheme . Zamfara State integrated Development Program (ZASIDEP) • ZAMFARA Comprehensive Agricultural Revolution Program (ZACAREP) • Poverty Alleviation and Youth Employment Program( PAYEP )
  • 7. Donors Agency’s Collaboration with Nigeria Government to Alleviate Poverty • United National Development Program (UNDP) • Department for International Development (DFID) • United State Agency International Development (USAID) • International Fund For Agriculture Development (IFAD) • United Nations Educational ,Scientific and Culture Organization (UNESCO) • the World Bank (WB) • World Health Organization (WHO)
  • 8. Poverty Alleviation Program Implementation • A multi- agency implementation structure with coordination, monitoring and evaluation organs was introduced in order to ensure cost effective delivery target with optimal social benefit. In Nigeria, many poverty alleviation programs have being implemented. But the questions that rise from the implementation of this program are • Is the poverty alleviation program in Talata Mafara local government actually reached the target group? • Is poverty alleviated? • Has poverty alleviation program bath rural and urban credit schemes reduced poverty. • Has poverty alleviation program especially better life rural women better their life or the family support program supported the family • What influence does the donor agencies and have on poverty alleviation program that are being implemented in the country Nigeria.
  • 9. OBJECTIVES • To examine the concept of poverty alleviation as to know the extent to which Nigeria understand it. • To identify the implementation of poverty alleviation in relation with the target group • To identified the poverty alleviation program applied by Nigeria government to reduce poverty in the country • To identify and evaluate poverty alleviation program being implemented by donor agencies and to what extend is their adequacy among the Nigeria populace. • To appraise the impact of the poverty alleviation program Nigeria government implement and their effect on the citizen
  • 10. Research Design • For the purpose of the research the researcher sourced data by using both the primary source and secondary source of data collection. The primary data was sourced through the use of questionnaire and interview or group discussion with some respondent more especially those who can either read or write.200 (two hundred) questionnaire were distributed in Talata Mafara local government area of Zamfara state some face to face interview was administered with some official of the state and local government. Two method of questionnaire were applied, that is open ended and also the close end questionnaire. The secondary data involve the use of existing literature such text book, journal, government publication, magazines, internet, newspapers. These materials are useful and helpful as well as cost and time saving. The research techniques and sampling method used are research instructments and sampling procedure.
  • 11. Research Instructment • For the purpose of this research the instructment used are questionnaire, unstructured interviews , internet ,discussion group as the instructment for data collection. In order to assess class difference in the perception of the impact of poverty alleviation program on the beneficiaries, fused group discussion were held with youth and women • Interview were held with policy makers on poverty alleviation at the local government and state level .the target population for the study was the core poor women and men from Talata Mafara local government area who collected loan for the purpose of alleviating poverty. • The target population area is the core poor men and women of Talata Mafara . Data were collected from 200 respondents. Out of the 200 respondents the researcher administered 175questionnaires and 25 structured and unstructured interviews were conducted.
  • 12. DATA PRESENTATION AND ANAYSIS • The researcher intends to present the collected and give analysis. The total of 200 hundred was distributed randomly among the staff of Talata Mafara local government council. But only 175 questionnaires were returned. The analysis will be based on the 175 respondents. The researcher intends to use descriptive statistical analyzes of data obtained by using simple percentages. The total of 175 was used for the analysis of the study. The questionnaire is divided into two parts. Part A is the personal data of the respondent while part B is about the subject matter of the study
  • 13. • It indicated that 76.9% of the junior respondent is male while 23.1% are female. For the senior respondents 90.9% are male while only 9.1% are female. It show that in Talata Mafara local majority of the workers are male • Shows that 37.1% out of the total of 175 respondents are junior workers while 62.9% are senior workers. The researcher decided to administered the more of the questionnaire to the senior workers because most of are educated unlike the junior worker who’s highest qualification is SSCE • None of junior respondent has Degree/HND while 63.6 % of the senior respondent have Degree/HND. 30.8% of the junior staff has ND/NCE as their qualification and 36.4% of the senior have ND/NCE as their educational qualification. Majority of junior staff have SSCE which make 46.2% of the junior workers. 23.0% have primary certificate. While in the none of senior staff has either SSCE or primary certificate as their educational qualification. It can be seen that in Talata Mafara local area highest number of the junior staff have SSCE.
  • 14. Data ANALYSIS CONTINIOUS • the age of the response; in the junior cadre 61.5% of the respondents are within the age brackets of 18-25 while the senior staff has only 0.9 % within that age bracket. • 23.1 % and 76.3% of the junior and senior respondent are within the age range between 26-33 .none of the junior staff are within the age bracket of 42 and above and only 15 of the senior respondent are within that range • For the junior cadre the age bracket of 18-25 has the highest number of respondent and in the senior cadre the highest number of them falls within the age group of 26-33. These means that TML have young, strong and emerging staff as the bracket of 18-25 account for 61.5% of the junior staff and for the age bracket of 26-33 account for 76.3% 0f the senior staff.
  • 15. DATA ANYSIS CONTINIOUS • Only 7.7% of the junior respondent benefited from any poverty alleviation scheme while 62.7% of the senior respondents benefited and only 37.3 are of the opinion that they did not benefited but even then the scheme is meant for the less privilege but those that are support get the scheme do not even know about the scheme • 93.3% of the junior respondents that TML has being characterized by urban poverty as while only 6.9% are of the opinion of the opinion that TML are not characterized by urban poverty. In the senior category 63.6% are of the opinion that TML is affected by urban and 22.7 % see TML as a town that is characterized by urban poverty. And 14.7 said that they do not know. Putting the two tables together it shows that about 130 numbers of the TML said that the local government area is seriously hit by urban poverty. • Shows that the76.9% and 72.7% of the respondents indicated that TML is extremely poor. And only very of the people believed that TML is on average when it come poverty matters and non of both the junior and senior staff are of the opinion that they do not know from the above analysis therefore it can being agreed that TML level of poverty is on the high side as about 130 number of the respondent are of the opinion that the poverty level is high.
  • 16. DATA ANAYSIS CONTINIOUS • the general question what are the causes of poverty in Talata Mafara local area. it can being seen from the above table only 1.5 % and 18,2% of the junior and senior respondents are of opinion that lack of land for agric.production respectively constitute only a little problem to poverty . For unequal distribution of social and economic infrastructure, 20% of junior respondent is one of factor that cause poverty and 9.1% are also of the same opinion .laziness, unemployment recorded 13.4% each. Lack of education accounted for highest among the junior staff. In senior staff 9.1%, 27.2 %, and 6.4% % respectively for unequal distribution of infrastructure, laziness and lack of education. Unemployment is the highest cause of poverty according to senior respondent. • the general question what are the causes of poverty in Talata Mafara local area. it can being seen from the above table only 1.5 % and 18,2% of the junior and senior respondents respectively are of opinion that lack of land for agric.production constitute only a little problem to poverty . For unequal distribution of social and economic infrastructure, 20% of junior respondent is one of factor that cause poverty and 9.1% are also of the same opinion .laziness, unemployment recorded 13.4% each. Lack of education accounted for highest among the junior staff. In senior staff 9.1%, 27.2 %, and 6.4% % respectively for unequal distribution of infrastructure, laziness and lack of education. Unemployment is the highest cause of poverty according to senior respondent.
  • 17. DATA ANALYSIS CONTINIOUS • that corruption as it was shown by the junior respondent is one of the reason why poverty alleviation cannot success in TML poor funding recorded 4.6% , lack of supervision ,monitoring and evaluation 10.8%,lack of awareness 3.1% . But majority of the junior respondent are of the opinion that all the reason mentioned above are reasons for poverty alleviation program could not success in TML. In the senior cadre 9.0% of the total respondent accounted for corruption, 6.7% for unqualified personnel, 11.8% as for poor funding, and in the side of the senior staff majority of them are also of the opinion that all the reasons listed are responsible for poverty alleviation could not eliminate poverty completely in TML, Zamfara and Nigeria as whole.
  • 18. DATA ANAYSIS CONTINIOUS • shows that the76.9% and 72.7% of the respondents indicated that TML is extremely poor. And only very of the people believed that TML is on average when it come poverty matters and non of both the junior and senior staff are of the opinion that they do not know from the above analysis therefore it can being agreed that TML level of poverty is on the high side as about 130 number of the respondent are of the opinion that the poverty level is high.
  • 19. Findings • During the research work the following were discovered that in Zamfara have some poverty scheme but the scheme could not solve the problems of poverty. • The almajiri , the disable and even the elderly people could not benefit from the program • The almajiri , the disable and even the elderly people could not benefit from the program • And also there is no monitoring, no supervision and evaluation to see whether the program introduced have meet the goals and objectives of such poverty alleviation scheme
  • 20. 5. Conclusion Summary and recommendation • In conclusion the researcher was able to agree that poverty alleviation was not able eliminate poverty in the local government and most of the respondent in TML was not satisfied with level of the standard of living of the less privilege in the local. And also if only the government want poverty to reduced or completed eradicate from the society some of the reasons for causes o poverty should be address.
  • 21. Recommendation • The researcher recommends that all poverty alleviation programs should be designed in such a way that should be able to reach the target group. • Both the local state and federal government come out the ways on how monitor, supervise and also evaluate each poverty alleviation program so to achieve the purpose of such program. • Government should remove politics from poverty alleviation program and all it to reach those that are meant for if only they want eradicate poverty in the country. • Fund should be provided to these capable of doing business and have the able to carry the business • The awareness of the poverty alleviation program should reach the populace • The government should try solving the issue of corruption, infrastructure, unemployment and a people should be committed to whatever they do. • And finally they should continuity in poverty alleviation program .and it should be mint to solve the problems of the poor and the elites
  • 22. References • Adda Gana Bukar et al. 2014 pp 8-26. “An Evaluation of Poverty Alleviation Program in Maiduguri” .Journal of Humanities and Social Science Intention, volume 3 Issue 4 • Aminu Isah. et al 2014. “Policy Implementation and The Challenge of Poverty Alleviation in Nigerian” Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary study vol.3. No 4 • Anger B.2000.”Poverty Eradication Millemium Development Goal and Sustainable Development in Nigeria”. Journal of sustainable Development. Vol.3. no. 4 • CBN/World Bank. 1999, Study on Poverty Assessment and Alleviation. • CBN .2013. Annual Report
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