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JRN 572 - Researching & Writing
the News Documentary
Rich Hanley, Associate Professor
Lecture Five
JRN 572 - News Documentary
• The opening sentence of Chapter 8
in Bernard’s text captures the
essence of documentary writing,
• “Good documentary storytelling, with
few exceptions, depends on good
research,” she wrote.
JRN 572 - News Documentary
• That said, it should be noted – and
Bernard stresses this on p. 119 of
her text (Kindle edition) – that not all
documentaries require research.
• Many are simply shot and assembled
as a story.
• But most do, and that’s our focus.
JRN 572 - News Documentary
• We launch an exploration of what
research is, what it means, why it’s
important and how to conduct it this
• These research techniques will be
discussed as applied to narration,
voice-of-god-style films for clarity.
JRN 572 - News Documentary
• Please read the assigned chapter in
Bernard as it contains information
that may not be presented in the
• We do not use the lecture to restate
material published in the book, so
please do not think of this as a
substitute to the required reading.
JRN 572 - News Documentary
• First a review.
• We have learned the history of
documentaries to provide a footing in
the role of factual films in society.
• We have identified presentation
modes to show various narrative
JRN 572 - News Documentary
• We have explored the structural
architecture of documentaries to
illuminate the process of making the
work coherent to the audience
regardless of subject and story
• We have described the role of the
narrative voice-over.
JRN 572 - News Documentary
• In each case, we have watched a
number of documentaries featuring
different approaches.
• The documentaries were curated to
give everyone a chance to internalize
approaches, structures and forms of
narrative, factual filmmaking across
an array of subjects.
JRN 572 - News Documentary
Understanding Story:
• And now that brings us to a task
described by Bernard as the process
on which “good documentary
storytelling” rests: research.
JRN 572 - News Documentary
Understanding Story:
• First, let’s add some terms to our
vocabulary that will help understand
and drive the research process.
• These terms will be deployed in this
• The terms are:
JRN 572 - News Documentary
Understanding Story:
• B-roll.
• Cover.
• Story development.
• Visual assets.
JRN 572 - News Documentary
Understanding Story:
• B-roll: This is the term used for the
extra footage captured for artistic
enrichment of a film and to provide
the visual elements when editing to
cover expository and other
informational sequences that cannot
be carried by interviews or archival
footage and still images.
JRN 572 - News Documentary
Understanding Story:
• Cover: As noted in the explanation of
b-roll, cover is the visual element that
appears when not showing a talking
• This is used to “cover” expository
material and to “cover” edited talking-
head interviews, among other things.
JRN 572 - News Documentary
Understanding Story:
• Story development: This is the
exercise that will validate a story idea
through research that identifies
character(s), conflict(s) and change,
all broadly conceived.
JRN 572 - News Documentary
Understanding Story:
• This material informs the scriptwriting
process, too, providing the
expository details and narrative
trajectory of the piece.
• It also reveals whether a story is
beyond budgetary and technical
JRN 572 - News Documentary
Understanding Story:
• Visual assets: This means the
material that will appear on the
screen, including archival images,
footage and other elements along
with b-roll directed to be shot within
the script to cover story elements or
for artistic story enrichment.
JRN 572 - News Documentary
Understanding Story:
• We are operating here with the
concept that the writer is also the
producer and director.
• That’s generally the structure when
filmmakers launch careers, so it is
useful for our purposes.
JRN 572 - News Documentary
Understanding Story:
• Among the curated films required for
viewing this week is Joan of Arc by
the BBC and Dr. Helen Castor.
• That film takes us into the archives
as Castor explores the main
character, showing us the material
from which shows are made.
JRN 572 - News Documentary
Understanding Story:
• To be sure, Castor wrote the voice-
over from her book on the subject.
• But she, too, required the same
development and visual assets we all
need to tell stories through the genre
of the documentary.
JRN 572 - News Documentary
Understanding Story:
• And she couldn’t rely on stills or
footage. She used artworks,
reenactments and other assets to
visually represent the story in a
creative way.
• Her work shows how to compose a
film through creative visualization of
points raised in the scripts.
JRN 572 - News Documentary
Understanding Story:
• The lessons here are that it is
possible to tell a vivid story through
creative use of elements found
during research even if our budget is
a fraction of what Castor has to work
• Like her, we need to spend time in
JRN 572 - News Documentary
Understanding Story:
• Please note that we are not covering
the type of research conducted for
ESPN 30 For 30 or for other series
that have unique, unfettered access
to miles of footage that ordinary
documentary film
producers/writers/directors don’t
have the funds to license.
JRN 572 - News Documentary
Understanding Story:
• We are focusing on what you are
likely to confront as independent
producers/writers/directors operating
in the world of constrained budgets.
• In short, we are keeping it real here.
JRN 572 - News Documentary
Understanding Story:
• That means we will explore serving
as our own researcher into both story
development and visual assets.
• The funding piece comes later.
JRN 572 - News Documentary
Understanding Story:
• First, develop an idea and validate it
to see if the idea has been realized
already in documentary form.
• It’s okay if it has; but the execution
must be entirely different in terms of
JRN 572 - News Documentary
Understanding Story:
• And your approach must reveal new
details in order for it to be fresh to
the audience.
• Validate the idea with an online
search for the subject via film
JRN 572 - News Documentary
Understanding Story:
• Now, it’s time for story development
• The basic question: what’s the story?
• That’s the first of many questions in
the process, and research ought to
reveal the answer.
JRN 572 - News Documentary
Understanding Story:
• Let’s take an example of research I
am pursuing for a documentary on a
community whose centerpiece is a
ski jump.
• It works for us because the subject
rests at the intersection of sports and
JRN 572 - News Documentary
Understanding Story:
• The idea emerged from a story I read
in The New York Times about how
the community funded the
construction of a new jump to
replace one that had existed for
JRN 572 - News Documentary
Understanding Story:
• That seemed like a good story: A
town whose social life revolves
around a winter sport works to save
the sport and reinvigorates the
community in the process.
JRN 572 - News Documentary
Understanding Story:
• The story promised good visuals –
ski jumping – and the potential for a
clean three-act arc along the lines of
rise, fall and redemption.
• All of this emerged from that single
JRN 572 - News Documentary
Understanding Story:
• Let’s aside the funding piece for a
moment, as few works receive
funding without much of the research
already in place.
• The next step: talk to people.
JRN 572 - News Documentary
Understanding Story:
• This follows the path of traditional
journalism: who, what, when, where,
how and why.
• I contacted the organization that runs
the jump and scheduled a meeting
with key leaders.
JRN 572 - News Documentary
Understanding Story:
• Over several days of conversations, I
identified the following:
1. Key characters
2. Photo collections
3. Film collections
JRN 572 - News Documentary
Understanding Story:
• Most of all, I identified the key
character who would drive the story
from beginning to middle to end: a
local man who competed in the
Olympic ski jump in 1956 after
recovering from polio.
• That’s the telling detail Bernard
JRN 572 - News Documentary
Understanding Story:
• Still, I needed to do much more
research to fill the story’s
background and give it depth.
• What was the history of the jump
before living memory?
• Why here?
JRN 572 - News Documentary
Understanding Story:
• It is at this point that the research
process truly begins.
• Living memories are one thing, but it
is necessary to established a
documented chronology to embed
sidewalls on the film.
JRN 572 - News Documentary
Understanding Story:
• First, it was important to established
the history of the town to launch the
• Town libraries or historical societies
generally hold research works about
the town, and that turned out to be
the case here
JRN 572 - News Documentary
Understanding Story:
• The library also held a file cabinet full
of newspaper articles and other
scrapbook-style material on the
• There, I learned that ski jumping was
brought to the town by immigrants
from Norway.
JRN 572 - News Documentary
Understanding Story:
• That, in turn, meant that I needed to
conduct research on immigrants from
Norway to the town.
• I had a name of the person – Satre –
who started the ski jump but was
murky on background.
JRN 572 - News Documentary
Understanding Story:
• I researched immigration data to get
a sense of when immigrants from
Norway first came to the United
States and in what number.
• That provided a data point for the
chronology and context for the story.
JRN 572 - News Documentary
Understanding Story:
• holds collections of
specific U.S. Census Bureau
records, including the name, place of
birth, immigration status, occupation
and other details on people who
arrived in the U.S. prior to 1940.
JRN 572 - News Documentary
Understanding Story:
• From that source, I learned that he
came to town from Norway and that
he worked for a family as what was
known as handyman.
• I also learned that he had been killed
in a car crash.
JRN 572 - News Documentary
Understanding Story:
• The chronology took off from there.
• I researched the family in public
records, examined land records for
the site of the jump and even went to
the state library in Hartford to view
aerial photographs taken in the
1930s and 1950s as I was familiar
JRN 572 - News Documentary
Understanding Story:
• I then conducted parallel research
into the story and the visual assets
(footage and stills) to make sure
information I uncovered would have
b-roll to cover voice-over sequences.
• In short, the story research permitted
me to visualize the story as it
JRN 572 - News Documentary
Understanding Story:
• Among the places I searched was
the National Archives.
• The archives holds the Universal
Newsreel archives from 1927 to
themed 1960s. That footage is in the
public domain and documents lots of
JRN 572 - News Documentary
Understanding Story:
• A search of the National Archives
collection revealed three newsreel
stories on the ski jump from the early
• That’s gold for two reasons: one, it is
license-fee; and two, the footage
would be surprising to the audience.
JRN 572 - News Documentary
Understanding Story:
• I also needed footage to cover the
narrative voice-over (yet to be written
but it was clear it would be needed)
about immigration from Norway.
• I needed to show Norway’s
landscape, and I found it in the
JRN 572 - News Documentary
Understanding Story:
• While conducting research into the
story development, I learned that the
town had sent several jumpers to the
Winter Games in 1932 and 1936.
• A standard search for 1936 footage
in the archives revealed nothing.
JRN 572 - News Documentary
Understanding Story:
• And this is where experience in
research and knowledge of history
enters the picture.
• The archives held images seized
from Nazi Germany at the end of
World War II. I searched there.
JRN 572 - News Documentary
Understanding Story:
• I found about 20 images of the
opening ceremony, including shots of
the U.S. team marching in front of
Hitler and shots of the ski jump.
• These was in the public domain and
could be scanned without charge.
JRN 572 - News Documentary
Understanding Story:
• Other archives checked for this film
were the Library of Congress Prints
and Photographs Division and the
Associated Press.
JRN 572 - News Documentary
Understanding Story:
• Interestingly, once word of a
documentary production starts to
circulate, people who hear about it
and who have material will offer it.
• That’s what happened here, as I was
granted access to a number of
private collections of photos and
JRN 572 - News Documentary
Understanding Story:
• When information on the chronology
of the story was collected, I added it
or inserted it into a timeline.
• Bernard covers the formatting for this
(pp 126-129).
JRN 572 - News Documentary
Understanding Story:
• The chronology helps to organize the
story and creates a visual sense of
the story.
• It’s best to include a column on
whether footage exists to cover a
segment. If not, b-roll comes into
play as part of the process.
JRN 572 - News Documentary
Understanding Story:
• In the chronology of the ski jump, it
became clear I would need b-roll of
the structure itself, both day and
night, to establish mood in addition to
• That meant I knew what was
necessary to shoot.
JRN 572 - News Documentary
Understanding Story:
• The chronology, in short, served as a
proto shooting script because it
revealed segments that needed to be
JRN 572 - News Documentary
Understanding Story:
• One of the areas revealed in story
development that needed either b-
roll of some sort of visual asset was
the period when the key character
contracted polio.
JRN 572 - News Documentary
Understanding Story:
• During a pre-production interview
with the subject, I learned he was
hospitalized at a place that no longer
existed in Hartford.
• That eliminated the chance for
contemporary b-roll of the place. I
needed archival stills or film.
JRN 572 - News Documentary
Understanding Story:
• I emailed an archivist at the Hartford
Public Library for help, and she
answered: yes, the library had a
single exterior photo from the 1950s
and a single photo of a patient room
from the same period.
• Covered.
JRN 572 - News Documentary
Understanding Story:
• In summary, think of all the places
the research into an idea drawn from
a single newspaper article took me.
• And this is just for the first phase of
story development and acquisition of
b-roll and visual assets.
JRN 572 - News Documentary
Understanding Story:
• Town library
• U.S. Census Bureau
• Connecticut State Library
• National Archives
• Hartford Public Library
JRN 572 - News Documentary
Understanding Story:
• Please note that all of the research
into the visual assets occurred in the
realm of public domain, meaning the
production would not have to license
any footage.
• That saves an expense that can add
some $30 per second to a film.
JRN 572 - News Documentary
Understanding Story:
• The lesson to be drawn is that
research is a task that must be
methodically pursued and ruthlessly
JRN 572 - News Documentary
Understanding Story:
• Here is a site that lists sources for
archival footage:
• The National Archives is the most
useful source for historical footage.

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JRN 362 - Lecture Twenty-Three (Epilogue)
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JRN 572DE - Lecture Five

  • 1. JRN 572 - Researching & Writing the News Documentary Rich Hanley, Associate Professor Lecture Five
  • 2. JRN 572 - News Documentary Overview: • The opening sentence of Chapter 8 in Bernard’s text captures the essence of documentary writing, • “Good documentary storytelling, with few exceptions, depends on good research,” she wrote.
  • 3. JRN 572 - News Documentary Overview: • That said, it should be noted – and Bernard stresses this on p. 119 of her text (Kindle edition) – that not all documentaries require research. • Many are simply shot and assembled as a story. • But most do, and that’s our focus.
  • 4. JRN 572 - News Documentary Overview: • We launch an exploration of what research is, what it means, why it’s important and how to conduct it this week. • These research techniques will be discussed as applied to narration, voice-of-god-style films for clarity.
  • 5. JRN 572 - News Documentary Overview: • Please read the assigned chapter in Bernard as it contains information that may not be presented in the lecture. • We do not use the lecture to restate material published in the book, so please do not think of this as a substitute to the required reading.
  • 6. JRN 572 - News Documentary Review: • First a review. • We have learned the history of documentaries to provide a footing in the role of factual films in society. • We have identified presentation modes to show various narrative approaches.
  • 7. JRN 572 - News Documentary Review: • We have explored the structural architecture of documentaries to illuminate the process of making the work coherent to the audience regardless of subject and story complexity. • We have described the role of the narrative voice-over.
  • 8. JRN 572 - News Documentary Review: • In each case, we have watched a number of documentaries featuring different approaches. • The documentaries were curated to give everyone a chance to internalize approaches, structures and forms of narrative, factual filmmaking across an array of subjects.
  • 9. JRN 572 - News Documentary Understanding Story: Research • And now that brings us to a task described by Bernard as the process on which “good documentary storytelling” rests: research.
  • 10. JRN 572 - News Documentary Understanding Story: Research • First, let’s add some terms to our vocabulary that will help understand and drive the research process. • These terms will be deployed in this lecture. • The terms are:
  • 11. JRN 572 - News Documentary Understanding Story: Research • B-roll. • Cover. • Story development. • Visual assets.
  • 12. JRN 572 - News Documentary Understanding Story: Research • B-roll: This is the term used for the extra footage captured for artistic enrichment of a film and to provide the visual elements when editing to cover expository and other informational sequences that cannot be carried by interviews or archival footage and still images.
  • 13. JRN 572 - News Documentary Understanding Story: Research • Cover: As noted in the explanation of b-roll, cover is the visual element that appears when not showing a talking head. • This is used to “cover” expository material and to “cover” edited talking- head interviews, among other things.
  • 14. JRN 572 - News Documentary Understanding Story: Research • Story development: This is the exercise that will validate a story idea through research that identifies character(s), conflict(s) and change, all broadly conceived.
  • 15. JRN 572 - News Documentary Understanding Story: Research • This material informs the scriptwriting process, too, providing the expository details and narrative trajectory of the piece. • It also reveals whether a story is beyond budgetary and technical reach.
  • 16. JRN 572 - News Documentary Understanding Story: Research • Visual assets: This means the material that will appear on the screen, including archival images, footage and other elements along with b-roll directed to be shot within the script to cover story elements or for artistic story enrichment.
  • 17. JRN 572 - News Documentary Understanding Story: Research • We are operating here with the concept that the writer is also the producer and director. • That’s generally the structure when filmmakers launch careers, so it is useful for our purposes.
  • 18. JRN 572 - News Documentary Understanding Story: Research • Among the curated films required for viewing this week is Joan of Arc by the BBC and Dr. Helen Castor. • That film takes us into the archives as Castor explores the main character, showing us the material from which shows are made.
  • 19. JRN 572 - News Documentary Understanding Story: Research • To be sure, Castor wrote the voice- over from her book on the subject. • But she, too, required the same development and visual assets we all need to tell stories through the genre of the documentary.
  • 20. JRN 572 - News Documentary Understanding Story: Research • And she couldn’t rely on stills or footage. She used artworks, reenactments and other assets to visually represent the story in a creative way. • Her work shows how to compose a film through creative visualization of points raised in the scripts.
  • 21. JRN 572 - News Documentary Understanding Story: Research • The lessons here are that it is possible to tell a vivid story through creative use of elements found during research even if our budget is a fraction of what Castor has to work with. • Like her, we need to spend time in
  • 22. JRN 572 - News Documentary Understanding Story: Research • Please note that we are not covering the type of research conducted for ESPN 30 For 30 or for other series that have unique, unfettered access to miles of footage that ordinary documentary film producers/writers/directors don’t have the funds to license.
  • 23. JRN 572 - News Documentary Understanding Story: Research • We are focusing on what you are likely to confront as independent producers/writers/directors operating in the world of constrained budgets. • In short, we are keeping it real here.
  • 24. JRN 572 - News Documentary Understanding Story: Research • That means we will explore serving as our own researcher into both story development and visual assets. • The funding piece comes later.
  • 25. JRN 572 - News Documentary Understanding Story: Research • First, develop an idea and validate it to see if the idea has been realized already in documentary form. • It’s okay if it has; but the execution must be entirely different in terms of approach.
  • 26. JRN 572 - News Documentary Understanding Story: Research • And your approach must reveal new details in order for it to be fresh to the audience. • Validate the idea with an online search for the subject via film databases.
  • 27. JRN 572 - News Documentary Understanding Story: Research • Now, it’s time for story development research. • The basic question: what’s the story? • That’s the first of many questions in the process, and research ought to reveal the answer.
  • 28. JRN 572 - News Documentary Understanding Story: Research • Let’s take an example of research I am pursuing for a documentary on a community whose centerpiece is a ski jump. • It works for us because the subject rests at the intersection of sports and culture.
  • 29. JRN 572 - News Documentary Understanding Story: Research • The idea emerged from a story I read in The New York Times about how the community funded the construction of a new jump to replace one that had existed for decades.
  • 30. JRN 572 - News Documentary Understanding Story: Research • That seemed like a good story: A town whose social life revolves around a winter sport works to save the sport and reinvigorates the community in the process.
  • 31. JRN 572 - News Documentary Understanding Story: Research • The story promised good visuals – ski jumping – and the potential for a clean three-act arc along the lines of rise, fall and redemption. • All of this emerged from that single article.
  • 32. JRN 572 - News Documentary Understanding Story: Research • Let’s aside the funding piece for a moment, as few works receive funding without much of the research already in place. • The next step: talk to people.
  • 33. JRN 572 - News Documentary Understanding Story: Research • This follows the path of traditional journalism: who, what, when, where, how and why. • I contacted the organization that runs the jump and scheduled a meeting with key leaders.
  • 34. JRN 572 - News Documentary Understanding Story: Research • Over several days of conversations, I identified the following: 1. Key characters 2. Photo collections 3. Film collections
  • 35. JRN 572 - News Documentary Understanding Story: Research • Most of all, I identified the key character who would drive the story from beginning to middle to end: a local man who competed in the Olympic ski jump in 1956 after recovering from polio. • That’s the telling detail Bernard
  • 36. JRN 572 - News Documentary Understanding Story: Research • Still, I needed to do much more research to fill the story’s background and give it depth. • What was the history of the jump before living memory? • Why here?
  • 37. JRN 572 - News Documentary Understanding Story: Research • It is at this point that the research process truly begins. • Living memories are one thing, but it is necessary to established a documented chronology to embed sidewalls on the film.
  • 38. JRN 572 - News Documentary Understanding Story: Research • First, it was important to established the history of the town to launch the chronology. • Town libraries or historical societies generally hold research works about the town, and that turned out to be the case here
  • 39. JRN 572 - News Documentary Understanding Story: Research • The library also held a file cabinet full of newspaper articles and other scrapbook-style material on the jump. • There, I learned that ski jumping was brought to the town by immigrants from Norway.
  • 40. JRN 572 - News Documentary Understanding Story: Research • That, in turn, meant that I needed to conduct research on immigrants from Norway to the town. • I had a name of the person – Satre – who started the ski jump but was murky on background.
  • 41. JRN 572 - News Documentary Understanding Story: Research • I researched immigration data to get a sense of when immigrants from Norway first came to the United States and in what number. • That provided a data point for the chronology and context for the story.
  • 42. JRN 572 - News Documentary Understanding Story: Research • holds collections of specific U.S. Census Bureau records, including the name, place of birth, immigration status, occupation and other details on people who arrived in the U.S. prior to 1940.
  • 43. JRN 572 - News Documentary Understanding Story: Research • From that source, I learned that he came to town from Norway and that he worked for a family as what was known as handyman. • I also learned that he had been killed in a car crash.
  • 44. JRN 572 - News Documentary Understanding Story: Research • The chronology took off from there. • I researched the family in public records, examined land records for the site of the jump and even went to the state library in Hartford to view aerial photographs taken in the 1930s and 1950s as I was familiar
  • 45. JRN 572 - News Documentary Understanding Story: Research • I then conducted parallel research into the story and the visual assets (footage and stills) to make sure information I uncovered would have b-roll to cover voice-over sequences. • In short, the story research permitted me to visualize the story as it
  • 46. JRN 572 - News Documentary Understanding Story: Research • Among the places I searched was the National Archives. • The archives holds the Universal Newsreel archives from 1927 to themed 1960s. That footage is in the public domain and documents lots of stories.
  • 47. JRN 572 - News Documentary Understanding Story: Research • A search of the National Archives collection revealed three newsreel stories on the ski jump from the early 1950s. • That’s gold for two reasons: one, it is license-fee; and two, the footage would be surprising to the audience.
  • 48. JRN 572 - News Documentary Understanding Story: Research • I also needed footage to cover the narrative voice-over (yet to be written but it was clear it would be needed) about immigration from Norway. • I needed to show Norway’s landscape, and I found it in the archives.
  • 49. JRN 572 - News Documentary Understanding Story: Research • While conducting research into the story development, I learned that the town had sent several jumpers to the Winter Games in 1932 and 1936. • A standard search for 1936 footage in the archives revealed nothing.
  • 50. JRN 572 - News Documentary Understanding Story: Research • And this is where experience in research and knowledge of history enters the picture. • The archives held images seized from Nazi Germany at the end of World War II. I searched there.
  • 51. JRN 572 - News Documentary Understanding Story: Research • I found about 20 images of the opening ceremony, including shots of the U.S. team marching in front of Hitler and shots of the ski jump. • These was in the public domain and could be scanned without charge.
  • 52. JRN 572 - News Documentary Understanding Story: Research • Other archives checked for this film were the Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division and the Associated Press.
  • 53. JRN 572 - News Documentary Understanding Story: Research • Interestingly, once word of a documentary production starts to circulate, people who hear about it and who have material will offer it. • That’s what happened here, as I was granted access to a number of private collections of photos and
  • 54. JRN 572 - News Documentary Understanding Story: Research • When information on the chronology of the story was collected, I added it or inserted it into a timeline. • Bernard covers the formatting for this (pp 126-129).
  • 55. JRN 572 - News Documentary Understanding Story: Research • The chronology helps to organize the story and creates a visual sense of the story. • It’s best to include a column on whether footage exists to cover a segment. If not, b-roll comes into play as part of the process.
  • 56. JRN 572 - News Documentary Understanding Story: Research • In the chronology of the ski jump, it became clear I would need b-roll of the structure itself, both day and night, to establish mood in addition to coverage. • That meant I knew what was necessary to shoot.
  • 57. JRN 572 - News Documentary Understanding Story: Research • The chronology, in short, served as a proto shooting script because it revealed segments that needed to be covered.
  • 58. JRN 572 - News Documentary Understanding Story: Research • One of the areas revealed in story development that needed either b- roll of some sort of visual asset was the period when the key character contracted polio.
  • 59. JRN 572 - News Documentary Understanding Story: Research • During a pre-production interview with the subject, I learned he was hospitalized at a place that no longer existed in Hartford. • That eliminated the chance for contemporary b-roll of the place. I needed archival stills or film.
  • 60. JRN 572 - News Documentary Understanding Story: Research • I emailed an archivist at the Hartford Public Library for help, and she answered: yes, the library had a single exterior photo from the 1950s and a single photo of a patient room from the same period. • Covered.
  • 61. JRN 572 - News Documentary Understanding Story: Research • In summary, think of all the places the research into an idea drawn from a single newspaper article took me. • And this is just for the first phase of story development and acquisition of b-roll and visual assets.
  • 62. JRN 572 - News Documentary Understanding Story: Research • Town library • U.S. Census Bureau • • Connecticut State Library • National Archives • Hartford Public Library
  • 63. JRN 572 - News Documentary Understanding Story: Research • Please note that all of the research into the visual assets occurred in the realm of public domain, meaning the production would not have to license any footage. • That saves an expense that can add some $30 per second to a film.
  • 64. JRN 572 - News Documentary Understanding Story: Research • The lesson to be drawn is that research is a task that must be methodically pursued and ruthlessly organized.
  • 65. JRN 572 - News Documentary Understanding Story: Research • Here is a site that lists sources for archival footage: • search/guide/132 • The National Archives is the most useful source for historical footage.