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Education Accountability
     and Authority
         Chapter 5

                                 Lisa Smith
                             Sophia Kypreos
                              Amy Sarkesian

             Chapman University College
                            EDUU 607
Education Accountability
              and Authority

“Accountability is a loaded term within the school
   improvement and reform movements of several
   countries, including the US. Efforts to introduce
   educational standards, to enact school choice, and to
   require more rigorous forms of teacher preparation
   are attributable largely to the popular impression that
   teachers and schools should become more
   answerable to their publics.” -p.167
•   Education reform, in the eye of the public, holds
    heavy weight on teacher and school accountability
•   A variety of complex social factors that affect
    accountability are often overlooked by the public
•   Public scrutiny due to search for accountability of
    public schools and teachers may have negative
    affects on the education system
•   A major challenge to the increasingly public
    awareness to teacher and school accountability is
    the doing so in a way that crosses the line into a
    teacher’s authority
Accountability and Authority

•   Society members expect teachers, being public
    figures, to accept and expect public scrutiny that
    comes with accountability
•   Accountability, which is open to the public and
    politicized, often portrays teachers’ involvement in
    the debate as “defensive and self-serving” rather
    than driven by pedagogy and student needs
•   Educators participating in public discourse may point
    out to the public that education depends and relies
    on many parties- not the teachers alone
     – This is not to be perceived as an unwillingness to
       accept roles and responsibilities of teachers
Accountability Hazards
          in Education Reform
Based on the assumption that accountability is a “principle which serves a
   purpose”, the following hazards have been associated with accountability
   being used as a tool for education reform:
•  Accountability becomes instrumentalized and causes teachers’ performance
   and work to be further judged and observed
•  Accountability as a reflection of performance on routine assessment allows
   for schools, teachers, and education to be evaluated and judged by entities
   outside of the schools themselves, thus viewed as “something done to the
   schools and teachers” rather than “done by the teachers in any meaningful
   way” p.168
•  Accountability in education should extend to all members of society as a
   social norm and shouldn’t be viewed as a simple view of practice
Philosophical Insights on

What teachers do…
• Teacher effectiveness is dependent on decisiveness
  and a sense of purpose and certainty
• Teachers’ purpose is to convey knowledge to their
• Teachers who are successful are aware of student
  strengths and search for opportunities that arise in
  daily instruction, and recognize and are prepared to
  respond to problems and challenges in the
• Teachers’ talents entail a broad range of skills within
  multiple domains
KEY: The above responsibilities are not aligned with
  societal expectations of teachers
Determinate vs. Indeterminate
       Determinate                      Indeterminate
•   Easily measured                •   Not easily measured
•   Focus of most educational      •   Measure competencies that
    reform and can result in           are not easily defined and
    paradoxical results                include teachers’
•   Negative results include the       expectations to nurture
    focus on tasks that are easy       students beyond curriculum
    to validate, compare, and          standards
    interpret- don’t include       •   Not comparable to
    indeterminate tasks/duties         determinate measures
Accountability and Democracy

Education is under the watch of the citizens of society and
   benefits from a widespread participation- including
   teachers, parents, and society members. The shared
   responsibility allows for teachers’ performance to be under
   public scrutiny not often found in other professions.
Education, under democratic principles, is a right and a
   responsibility which is overlooked by the government.
   Teachers’ role is to exercise their professional judgment in
   implementing curriculum and meeting needs of students.
Accountability, from a democratic standpoint, allows for society
   members to take part in the education system.
Accountability and Democracy:
     Public Involvement
Seven forms of stakeholder accountability:
2.  Political
3.  Professional
4.  Financial
5.  Managerial
6.  Contractual
7.  Legal
8.  Personal
Accountability as Instrumentalized
        Education Reform:
  England’s Education Reform Act
The ERA of 1988 enacted four sets of changes in
  England’s educational system:
• A restructuring of school governance roles and duties
• A call for parental choice in determining their
  children’s schools
• The adoption of a national curriculum
• The establishment of national student assessment
Restructuring Prior to ERA

•   UK being the first industrial power whose history lies in
    commerce and empire
•   In 1970’s, the global oil crisis led to insufficient funding in
    British public schools
•   Liberals hoped to achieve a more egalitarian state rather
    than the elitist past
•   Due to low reading and writing standards, the
    Conservatives and media placed blame on teachers and
    held them responsible for the moral and economic decline
    of the nation

The above historical ideologies, social factors, and state of
   economy led to the need for a restructuring plan and reform
   in education
Tools as the Critical Evaluation of
       Educational Reform

• Theoretical adequacy
• Policy effectiveness
• Empirical validity
Theoretical Adequacy of the ERA

•   Results of the ERA were more political than
•   Reform was to reverse England’s economic decline,
    maximize human resource, and stimulate social
•   Based on theoretical foundation of human capital
•   Assumption that national economic improvement is
    connected with education improvement
Two guiding assertions of the ERA

•   Accountability
     – Clearer management roles
     – Administration of prescribed curriculum
     – Regular assessments
     – Holds educators and educational leaders responsible
•   Parental choice and localized control
     – Parents allowed to choose schools
     – School funding tied to enrollment
     – Schools must raise standard to attract students
     – Faced school closure with inadequate enrollment
     – Reduced teacher autonomy by increasing interest in
       parent preferences and aligning instructional practice
Broad ERA Goals

•   Address lack of standards
     – Government adopted a highly detailed national
     – Expectations that schools will “bring 80 to 90 percent of
       all pupils at least to the level of pupils of average ability
       in individual subjects”
•   Make available the educational rigor long available to the
    English elite extended to society
     – Potential to promote greater homogeneity in schools
       throughout the system
     – Policy reinforced differences from school to school
       rather than a standard educational experience
Flaws of the ERA

•   Proponents philosophy is the policy would help empower the parents
    of British schoolchildren, however, ERA’s move to curricular standards
    and assessments allowed little parent input
•   Funding latitude to certain schools but not to others
     – Educational variation within the school system
•   Freedom of parent choice is illusionary
     – Parents were free to chose which school to teach the centralized
•   Relationship of the reform’s measures to its promised outcome
     – Meaningful factor for assessing accomplishment is the equitability
         of educational financing and distribution
     – England’s reformed schools are potentially elitists
•   Diagnoses of the educational system’s problems received little
•   Failed to directly attack underlying causes of ineffective schooling
Theoretical Adequacy Questions
(Teachers can apply these questions in thinking about plans for
            change that they encounter in school)

 •   Is there a theoretical foundation for the proposed reform?

 •   What is the hypothesized relationship of the reform to its
     stated outcome?

 •   Are the claims being made in favor of the reform
     theoretically sound? Plausible?

 •   What other factors might theoretically account for the
     observed outcomes?

 •   Is the reform program taking those factors into
Policy Effectiveness of the ERA
•   Appeal of choice school enlisted the support of the English citizenry for
•   Furthered the interests of the business and industry sectors
    sympathetic to conservative ideologies
•   Problem of serving the minority populations continued to grow
•   Teachers objected to the national curriculum because of its emphasis
    on factual learning and had little input in its development
•   Major expenses in developing and implementing its standard
    curriculum and national tests, and constant adjustments
      – Similar to NCLB
•   No teacher flexibility in curriculum
      – Expected to adhere to instructional directives
      – Impeded teachers from applying professional judgments;
         accommodations, unexpected situations, and ability levels
•   Popular schools were crowded
•   Due to constant revisions, teachers had insufficient time and resources
    to do their job properly
Policy Effectiveness Questions
(Teachers can apply these questions in thinking about plans for
            change that they encounter in school)

 •   Is there support for this reform (e.g., public, governmental)?

 •   Will there be threatened interest groups that will attempt to
     sabotage it?

 •   What are the resource allocation, teacher training, and cost
     requirements of the reform?

 •   How long will it take to implement it, and is it enough time
     being given to adequately assess it?
Empirical Validity of ERA
•   Polls and survey results concluded that a relatively high level of
    support existed among both parents and teachers just after the reform
    was put into place
•   Others refuted those claims using detailed anecdotal information
•   Parents had mixed feelings about the new system
      – Perception was the schools and curriculum were vulnerable to
          political manipulation
      – Parents identified themselves and consumers and schooling as a
•   Little evidence existed on the validity the reform supplied what the
    parents needed
•   Research prior to the reform suggested that parents cared more about
    student happiness, extra-curricular offerings, and school location than
    instructional excellence
•   Government ensured that parents would receive an annual report
    identifying their school’s standing on a number of counts
      – Did not address broader interests among the parents such as
          general student contentment
•   Early research showed that some empirical justification existed about
    the system’s potential to provide equitable opportunity
Empirical Validity Questions
(Teachers can apply these questions in thinking about plans for
            change that they encounter in school)

 •   Is there any empirical evidence regarding the reform?

 •   Is research available elsewhere regarding the successes of
     similar programs?

 •   If research was conducted, how satisfactory was the
     research design?

 •   What kind of claims and interpretations are being made of
     the research findings?

 •   Are the research findings unequivocal or ambiguous? What
     might account for these findings?
Conclusions Regarding ERA
•   Similarities between Britain and the United States are
     – Calls for educational change have been enthusiastic
        and relentless
     – Critics encouraging change identified educational
        reform as a key to national economic progress,
        especially to the forces of globalization
•   Differences between Britain and the United States are
     – England has enacted reform more quickly
     – British model had limitations in terms of its potential to
        demonstrate that choice and competition can drive
        successful change
     – The British plan was self-contradictory
Sociopolitical Factors Shaping
    Education in England and Germany
•    England                           •   Germany
•    Factor                            •   Factor
       – England has retained               – Enormous war penalties
          strong links to its                  on the Germans
          aristocratic past                    contributed to a near loss
•    Response                                  of confidence on the
       – Mid 19th century “public              German economy
          schools” were privately           – Hyperinflation was so
          endowed schools as a                 pronounced during the
          charity for poorer                   early 1920s, a U.S. dollar
          members of society                   was worth several trillion
       – Wealthier members were                marks
          educated with tutors         •   Response
•    Educational Implications               – Adolf Hitler rose to power
•    Growth of middle class and the    •   Educational Implications
     Industrial Revolution brought a        – Schools were one of
     demand for a secondary school             Hitler's’ most important
     that might exclude the working            mouthpiece for
     class                                     propaganda
•    Public schools were reformed           – Contemporary German
     to provide an alternative to              school system reflects
     exclude the poor                          safeguards against
Education and New Challenges in
      Post-Reunification Germany

•   No similar popular input or normal policy formulation
    process existed

•   Integration of the former German Democratic Republic
    (GDR) into the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG)
    resulted in the overturning of East Germany’s patterns of
    social commitment

•   East Germany was authoritarian in its control of education

•   Directed the country’s teaching and learning with a level of
    manipulation that matched the country’s economy
Two Germanies: Historical and
  Ideological Perspectives
• Germany was divided following WWII as a result of
  ideological differences among the Allies
   – Soviet Union embraced socialist beliefs
   – Western Allies supported capitalism
The Context of Reform: Schooling in
         the Former GDR

•   Three overarching functions of the country’s school system
•   Guarantee society’s economic development
•   Dismantle class structures and establish a classless society
•   Ensure allegiance to the ideals of communist SED
    (Socialist Unity Party) party and the active engagement of
    East German citizens in securing the party’s objectives
Polytechnical Upper Schools
•   Unified the tandem aims of academic and vocational education
•   10-year institutions
•   Attended 6 to 16 years of age
•   Emphasis on science and math
•   Near universal mode of education for East German youths
•   Embodied the principle of a classless society
•   All students attended the polytechnical school together
•   Aimed to produce well-rounded and versatile citizens and become
    contributing members of the working class
      – Polytechnical education was “not any special subject of
         instruction”, but rather, was intended to “penetrate all
         subjects,” linking them with practical activity, especially with
         manual skills”
•   In the Marxist conception, their contributions in the workforce
    would create an “unprecedented expansion of productivity” that
    would render class distinctions meaningless
Polytechnical Upper Schools

•   Youth’s allegiance to communist ideals were pursued in a
    number of ways
•   A focus in civic class influence political values in students
•   Membership in the Free German Youth organization was
    necessary for East German youths to secure their
    prospects for advancement
•   Premilitary training was in the curriculum
•   Teacher monitored student activities noting progress
    toward outcomes that were ideologically favorably and
    interceding sometime heavy-handedly when students
    behaved unfavorably
The Prevailing System
                        FRG vs. GDR
    (Federal Republic of Germany vs. German Democratic Republic)

•    In the FDR, the cultural and societal changes that took
     place were significant as far as education goes;
       – Government officials recognized the central role that
         education plays in shaping the country’s culture.
       – Teachers were given great opportunities to teach, rather than
         simply instruct; “this suggests a form of teacher expert
         authority that contrasts sharply with the sometimes less
         democratically sensitive and more coercive forms of authority
         exercised by teachers in the former GDR.” p. 191
       – Parents and students were free to choose the type of
         educational path they wanted to go down, all of which adhered
         to the principle of “equality and opportunity”
Three-Part Secondary School

    • Hauptschule – A shorter, less difficult way
      towards completion of compulsory full-time
      attendance school.
    • Gymnasium – University-bound students only.
    • Realschule – A middle group of students that
      pursue various educational and career
“The modern-day German system has historical and philosophical
     underpinnings in the philosophy of new humanism, of which
         Wilhelm von Humboldt was a leading exemplar.” p. 192
Eastern Reintegration

•   FRG dominated in the unification process because the
    government in East Germany was weak and contained no
    political legitimacy.
•   Time was also a big factor. Once negotiations were made
    to unify, an average 2,000 people a day flocked through the
    Australian frontier, causing the GDR to dissolve rapidly.
•   Educators from the west had to adjust their teaching styles,
    structures, institutional and instructional practices, and
    curricular imperatives accordingly, in order to align with the
•   Focus was on practicality and knowledge application.
•   The eastern residents became ambiguous and often tinged
    with feelings of loss, due to the immense cultural
    differences which were both political and ideological.
Wilhelm von Humboldt
       •Great contributor to new Europe’s educational
       •Greatest accomplishment: Vision of the vital
       university, which stressed academic freedom and
       was incarnated with his founding of the University
       of Berlin.
       •Influenced and revolutionized the American
       educational system.
             John Hopkins University establishment as

             America’s first “pure” university.
              Harvard’s transformation from a liberal
             arts college to university.
       •He worked to ensure individual freedoms and to
       instill responsibility, values, self-reliance.
Critiquing Educational Reforms of
          German Reintegration

•   Theoretical adequacy: The German Educational
    Reform was theory driven in the conventional sense.
•   Policy-effectiveness: Was very effective for shaping
    the “individual” person, however in turn limited the
    East Germans as to school choice and educational
•   Empirical Validity: Not much empirical data since
    East Germany was a closed society. However,
    several case studies that have been conducted have
    concluded that the policy of the reform has assumed
    a “sink-or-swim” mentality in providing change. p.
Critiquing Educational Reforms of
  German Reintegration…cont.
•   After the reintegration, Russian teachers had to learn
    ways to teach English to students, especially in the
    secondary settings – this made it difficult to find
    qualified teachers.
•   The existing teachers and schools were unfamiliar
    with the tasks associated with adapting to the
    tracked, differentiated secondary structure.
•   Teachers with current GDR credentials were not
    granted the same qualifications under the FRG,
    which caused a major problem in the credentialing
Ethical Lessons Learned
      English and German Reforms

•   Is it ethical for the government to endorse a system that will
    arguably produce and sustain lower-quality institutions side
    by side with high-quality institutions, as seen in England’s
•   The ERA reforms were very unethical in unloading so much
    work and responsibilities onto the teachers, which caused
    deprofessionalizing effects.
•   East German teachers had a hard time adjusting to the
    reformations; they had a hard time accepting the fact that
    the state can do anything to them, and they cannot do
    anything to the kids, as they once could.
Sustaining Reflection
•   Think of examples in your own country in which steps
    are taken to ensure that all participants have the
    same educational experience and treatment. Think of
    examples of differentiated instruction. What are the
    implications of these contrasting circumstances in
    terms of teacher roles and accountability?
•   List several determinate and indeterminate tasks you
    have observed recently.
•   A British office circulated a statement that read,
    “parents know best the needs of their children –
    certainly better than most educational theorists or
    administrators, better even than our mostly excellent
    teachers”. What can you conclude about the vision of
    authority behind this statement?
• The End

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Jigsaw Eduu 607

  • 1. Education Accountability and Authority Chapter 5 Lisa Smith Sophia Kypreos Amy Sarkesian Chapman University College EDUU 607
  • 2. Education Accountability and Authority “Accountability is a loaded term within the school improvement and reform movements of several countries, including the US. Efforts to introduce educational standards, to enact school choice, and to require more rigorous forms of teacher preparation are attributable largely to the popular impression that teachers and schools should become more answerable to their publics.” -p.167
  • 3. Introduction • Education reform, in the eye of the public, holds heavy weight on teacher and school accountability • A variety of complex social factors that affect accountability are often overlooked by the public • Public scrutiny due to search for accountability of public schools and teachers may have negative affects on the education system • A major challenge to the increasingly public awareness to teacher and school accountability is the doing so in a way that crosses the line into a teacher’s authority
  • 4. Accountability and Authority • Society members expect teachers, being public figures, to accept and expect public scrutiny that comes with accountability • Accountability, which is open to the public and politicized, often portrays teachers’ involvement in the debate as “defensive and self-serving” rather than driven by pedagogy and student needs • Educators participating in public discourse may point out to the public that education depends and relies on many parties- not the teachers alone – This is not to be perceived as an unwillingness to accept roles and responsibilities of teachers
  • 5. Accountability Hazards in Education Reform Based on the assumption that accountability is a “principle which serves a purpose”, the following hazards have been associated with accountability being used as a tool for education reform: • Accountability becomes instrumentalized and causes teachers’ performance and work to be further judged and observed • Accountability as a reflection of performance on routine assessment allows for schools, teachers, and education to be evaluated and judged by entities outside of the schools themselves, thus viewed as “something done to the schools and teachers” rather than “done by the teachers in any meaningful way” p.168 • Accountability in education should extend to all members of society as a social norm and shouldn’t be viewed as a simple view of practice
  • 6. Philosophical Insights on Accountability What teachers do… • Teacher effectiveness is dependent on decisiveness and a sense of purpose and certainty • Teachers’ purpose is to convey knowledge to their students • Teachers who are successful are aware of student strengths and search for opportunities that arise in daily instruction, and recognize and are prepared to respond to problems and challenges in the classroom • Teachers’ talents entail a broad range of skills within multiple domains KEY: The above responsibilities are not aligned with societal expectations of teachers
  • 7. Determinate vs. Indeterminate Tasks Determinate Indeterminate • Easily measured • Not easily measured • Focus of most educational • Measure competencies that reform and can result in are not easily defined and paradoxical results include teachers’ • Negative results include the expectations to nurture focus on tasks that are easy students beyond curriculum to validate, compare, and standards interpret- don’t include • Not comparable to indeterminate tasks/duties determinate measures
  • 8. Accountability and Democracy Education is under the watch of the citizens of society and benefits from a widespread participation- including teachers, parents, and society members. The shared responsibility allows for teachers’ performance to be under public scrutiny not often found in other professions. Education, under democratic principles, is a right and a responsibility which is overlooked by the government. Teachers’ role is to exercise their professional judgment in implementing curriculum and meeting needs of students. Accountability, from a democratic standpoint, allows for society members to take part in the education system.
  • 9. Accountability and Democracy: Public Involvement Seven forms of stakeholder accountability: 2. Political 3. Professional 4. Financial 5. Managerial 6. Contractual 7. Legal 8. Personal
  • 10. Accountability as Instrumentalized Education Reform: England’s Education Reform Act The ERA of 1988 enacted four sets of changes in England’s educational system: • A restructuring of school governance roles and duties • A call for parental choice in determining their children’s schools • The adoption of a national curriculum • The establishment of national student assessment guidelines
  • 11. Restructuring Prior to ERA • UK being the first industrial power whose history lies in commerce and empire • In 1970’s, the global oil crisis led to insufficient funding in British public schools • Liberals hoped to achieve a more egalitarian state rather than the elitist past • Due to low reading and writing standards, the Conservatives and media placed blame on teachers and held them responsible for the moral and economic decline of the nation The above historical ideologies, social factors, and state of economy led to the need for a restructuring plan and reform in education
  • 12. Tools as the Critical Evaluation of Educational Reform • Theoretical adequacy • Policy effectiveness • Empirical validity
  • 13. Theoretical Adequacy of the ERA • Results of the ERA were more political than pedagogical • Reform was to reverse England’s economic decline, maximize human resource, and stimulate social progress • Based on theoretical foundation of human capital formation • Assumption that national economic improvement is connected with education improvement
  • 14. Two guiding assertions of the ERA • Accountability – Clearer management roles – Administration of prescribed curriculum – Regular assessments – Holds educators and educational leaders responsible • Parental choice and localized control – Parents allowed to choose schools – School funding tied to enrollment – Schools must raise standard to attract students – Faced school closure with inadequate enrollment – Reduced teacher autonomy by increasing interest in parent preferences and aligning instructional practice accordingly
  • 15. Broad ERA Goals • Address lack of standards – Government adopted a highly detailed national curriculum – Expectations that schools will “bring 80 to 90 percent of all pupils at least to the level of pupils of average ability in individual subjects” • Make available the educational rigor long available to the English elite extended to society – Potential to promote greater homogeneity in schools throughout the system – Policy reinforced differences from school to school rather than a standard educational experience
  • 16. Flaws of the ERA • Proponents philosophy is the policy would help empower the parents of British schoolchildren, however, ERA’s move to curricular standards and assessments allowed little parent input • Funding latitude to certain schools but not to others – Educational variation within the school system • Freedom of parent choice is illusionary – Parents were free to chose which school to teach the centralized curriculum • Relationship of the reform’s measures to its promised outcome – Meaningful factor for assessing accomplishment is the equitability of educational financing and distribution – England’s reformed schools are potentially elitists • Diagnoses of the educational system’s problems received little attention • Failed to directly attack underlying causes of ineffective schooling
  • 17. Theoretical Adequacy Questions (Teachers can apply these questions in thinking about plans for change that they encounter in school) • Is there a theoretical foundation for the proposed reform? • What is the hypothesized relationship of the reform to its stated outcome? • Are the claims being made in favor of the reform theoretically sound? Plausible? • What other factors might theoretically account for the observed outcomes? • Is the reform program taking those factors into consideration?
  • 18. Policy Effectiveness of the ERA • Appeal of choice school enlisted the support of the English citizenry for changes • Furthered the interests of the business and industry sectors sympathetic to conservative ideologies • Problem of serving the minority populations continued to grow • Teachers objected to the national curriculum because of its emphasis on factual learning and had little input in its development • Major expenses in developing and implementing its standard curriculum and national tests, and constant adjustments – Similar to NCLB • No teacher flexibility in curriculum – Expected to adhere to instructional directives – Impeded teachers from applying professional judgments; accommodations, unexpected situations, and ability levels • Popular schools were crowded • Due to constant revisions, teachers had insufficient time and resources to do their job properly
  • 19. Policy Effectiveness Questions (Teachers can apply these questions in thinking about plans for change that they encounter in school) • Is there support for this reform (e.g., public, governmental)? • Will there be threatened interest groups that will attempt to sabotage it? • What are the resource allocation, teacher training, and cost requirements of the reform? • How long will it take to implement it, and is it enough time being given to adequately assess it?
  • 20. Empirical Validity of ERA • Polls and survey results concluded that a relatively high level of support existed among both parents and teachers just after the reform was put into place • Others refuted those claims using detailed anecdotal information • Parents had mixed feelings about the new system – Perception was the schools and curriculum were vulnerable to political manipulation – Parents identified themselves and consumers and schooling as a product • Little evidence existed on the validity the reform supplied what the parents needed • Research prior to the reform suggested that parents cared more about student happiness, extra-curricular offerings, and school location than instructional excellence • Government ensured that parents would receive an annual report identifying their school’s standing on a number of counts – Did not address broader interests among the parents such as general student contentment • Early research showed that some empirical justification existed about the system’s potential to provide equitable opportunity
  • 21. Empirical Validity Questions (Teachers can apply these questions in thinking about plans for change that they encounter in school) • Is there any empirical evidence regarding the reform? • Is research available elsewhere regarding the successes of similar programs? • If research was conducted, how satisfactory was the research design? • What kind of claims and interpretations are being made of the research findings? • Are the research findings unequivocal or ambiguous? What might account for these findings?
  • 22. Conclusions Regarding ERA • Similarities between Britain and the United States are obvious – Calls for educational change have been enthusiastic and relentless – Critics encouraging change identified educational reform as a key to national economic progress, especially to the forces of globalization • Differences between Britain and the United States are obvious – England has enacted reform more quickly – British model had limitations in terms of its potential to demonstrate that choice and competition can drive successful change – The British plan was self-contradictory
  • 23. Sociopolitical Factors Shaping Education in England and Germany • England • Germany • Factor • Factor – England has retained – Enormous war penalties strong links to its on the Germans aristocratic past contributed to a near loss • Response of confidence on the – Mid 19th century “public German economy schools” were privately – Hyperinflation was so endowed schools as a pronounced during the charity for poorer early 1920s, a U.S. dollar members of society was worth several trillion – Wealthier members were marks educated with tutors • Response • Educational Implications – Adolf Hitler rose to power • Growth of middle class and the • Educational Implications Industrial Revolution brought a – Schools were one of demand for a secondary school Hitler's’ most important that might exclude the working mouthpiece for class propaganda • Public schools were reformed – Contemporary German to provide an alternative to school system reflects exclude the poor safeguards against manipulation
  • 24. Education and New Challenges in Post-Reunification Germany • No similar popular input or normal policy formulation process existed • Integration of the former German Democratic Republic (GDR) into the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) resulted in the overturning of East Germany’s patterns of social commitment • East Germany was authoritarian in its control of education • Directed the country’s teaching and learning with a level of manipulation that matched the country’s economy
  • 25. Two Germanies: Historical and Ideological Perspectives • Germany was divided following WWII as a result of ideological differences among the Allies – Soviet Union embraced socialist beliefs – Western Allies supported capitalism
  • 26. The Context of Reform: Schooling in the Former GDR • Three overarching functions of the country’s school system • Guarantee society’s economic development • Dismantle class structures and establish a classless society • Ensure allegiance to the ideals of communist SED (Socialist Unity Party) party and the active engagement of East German citizens in securing the party’s objectives
  • 27. Polytechnical Upper Schools • Unified the tandem aims of academic and vocational education • 10-year institutions • Attended 6 to 16 years of age • Emphasis on science and math • Near universal mode of education for East German youths • Embodied the principle of a classless society • All students attended the polytechnical school together • Aimed to produce well-rounded and versatile citizens and become contributing members of the working class – Polytechnical education was “not any special subject of instruction”, but rather, was intended to “penetrate all subjects,” linking them with practical activity, especially with manual skills” • In the Marxist conception, their contributions in the workforce would create an “unprecedented expansion of productivity” that would render class distinctions meaningless
  • 28. Polytechnical Upper Schools …continued • Youth’s allegiance to communist ideals were pursued in a number of ways • A focus in civic class influence political values in students • Membership in the Free German Youth organization was necessary for East German youths to secure their prospects for advancement • Premilitary training was in the curriculum • Teacher monitored student activities noting progress toward outcomes that were ideologically favorably and interceding sometime heavy-handedly when students behaved unfavorably
  • 29. The Prevailing System FRG vs. GDR (Federal Republic of Germany vs. German Democratic Republic) • In the FDR, the cultural and societal changes that took place were significant as far as education goes; – Government officials recognized the central role that education plays in shaping the country’s culture. – Teachers were given great opportunities to teach, rather than simply instruct; “this suggests a form of teacher expert authority that contrasts sharply with the sometimes less democratically sensitive and more coercive forms of authority exercised by teachers in the former GDR.” p. 191 – Parents and students were free to choose the type of educational path they wanted to go down, all of which adhered to the principle of “equality and opportunity”
  • 30. Three-Part Secondary School (anti-egalitarian) • Hauptschule – A shorter, less difficult way towards completion of compulsory full-time attendance school. • Gymnasium – University-bound students only. • Realschule – A middle group of students that pursue various educational and career options. “The modern-day German system has historical and philosophical underpinnings in the philosophy of new humanism, of which Wilhelm von Humboldt was a leading exemplar.” p. 192
  • 31. Eastern Reintegration • FRG dominated in the unification process because the government in East Germany was weak and contained no political legitimacy. • Time was also a big factor. Once negotiations were made to unify, an average 2,000 people a day flocked through the Australian frontier, causing the GDR to dissolve rapidly. • Educators from the west had to adjust their teaching styles, structures, institutional and instructional practices, and curricular imperatives accordingly, in order to align with the east. • Focus was on practicality and knowledge application. • The eastern residents became ambiguous and often tinged with feelings of loss, due to the immense cultural differences which were both political and ideological.
  • 32. Wilhelm von Humboldt (1767-1835) •Great contributor to new Europe’s educational system. •Greatest accomplishment: Vision of the vital university, which stressed academic freedom and was incarnated with his founding of the University of Berlin. •Influenced and revolutionized the American educational system. John Hopkins University establishment as ● America’s first “pure” university. ● Harvard’s transformation from a liberal arts college to university. •He worked to ensure individual freedoms and to instill responsibility, values, self-reliance.
  • 33. Critiquing Educational Reforms of German Reintegration • Theoretical adequacy: The German Educational Reform was theory driven in the conventional sense. • Policy-effectiveness: Was very effective for shaping the “individual” person, however in turn limited the East Germans as to school choice and educational practices. • Empirical Validity: Not much empirical data since East Germany was a closed society. However, several case studies that have been conducted have concluded that the policy of the reform has assumed a “sink-or-swim” mentality in providing change. p. 197
  • 34. Critiquing Educational Reforms of German Reintegration…cont. • After the reintegration, Russian teachers had to learn ways to teach English to students, especially in the secondary settings – this made it difficult to find qualified teachers. • The existing teachers and schools were unfamiliar with the tasks associated with adapting to the tracked, differentiated secondary structure. • Teachers with current GDR credentials were not granted the same qualifications under the FRG, which caused a major problem in the credentialing process.
  • 35. Ethical Lessons Learned English and German Reforms • Is it ethical for the government to endorse a system that will arguably produce and sustain lower-quality institutions side by side with high-quality institutions, as seen in England’s ERA? • The ERA reforms were very unethical in unloading so much work and responsibilities onto the teachers, which caused deprofessionalizing effects. • East German teachers had a hard time adjusting to the reformations; they had a hard time accepting the fact that the state can do anything to them, and they cannot do anything to the kids, as they once could.
  • 36. Sustaining Reflection • Think of examples in your own country in which steps are taken to ensure that all participants have the same educational experience and treatment. Think of examples of differentiated instruction. What are the implications of these contrasting circumstances in terms of teacher roles and accountability? • List several determinate and indeterminate tasks you have observed recently. • A British office circulated a statement that read, “parents know best the needs of their children – certainly better than most educational theorists or administrators, better even than our mostly excellent teachers”. What can you conclude about the vision of authority behind this statement?